Newspaper Page Text
I Augusta Chronicle & Georgia Gazette.
si : ;j
_. .JP» : ■ —* -11 ■. ■>■■■•■ ■■ : =*=
I rvOL S6l 5“ The evil, that Hen do, lives after them: } r „
■ L • J S '' a? ’ c“ The good is oft interred with their boiies.”s ovemTict S 9, 1821. [Now teevieg-.Vo. 14.]
J wicvt* C 0..:
Upper Wing Ci’g /Intel,
tnvi; ueceiYEu from n. york,
Staple Fancy
jj|ppEß, common and low priced, Mark,
, blue aid mixed cloths R Cassimeres,
Super and Common Valencia, Toilanette,
Swansdownand Marseilles Veatings,
joinbazrtts and B .mbazines,
Satinnetts, Flannels and Oil Cloths,
jjir.gin and Canton Crapes, all colors,
J ulian do. white, blsck and Green,
Super light and dark prints and chintz
Silk and cotton flag handkerchiefs,
Dnbric cravats, white, spotted, figured
and checkered,
i.j & 64 cambrics, and cambric and com*
moa dimoties,
J Cases 4-4 Irish I-incns,
i do, Super brown do.
Turkey red, blue, Madrasa and Folycat
linen and imitation cambrica and cambric
bonf Lawna, Itussia and Irish Diapers,
Pojrskin, UuCksin, and Beaver Gloves,
Jjdics dressed and undressed kid do.
Scarlet embrodered morines,
Marseilles quilt counterplnsA 4 square,
kiting silks, black, white, green, blue
and assorted colors,
Cotton cords, balls and threads,
linen tapes, threads and bobbins,
Darning anO floss cotton.
Willow flats and millinetts,
Suspenders, children’s socks,
Cais'mere, merino and silk shawls,
Muitvl & Imitation Tucking &. side combs,
Peirl, Ivory and Horn Pocket ditto.
Ilibbons —an extensive assortment of all
Plaids, Striped, figured and plain,
Plain and pearl edged Tafiety floni No 1
to 2?,
Silks, Levantines, Florences, Satins, Sin
shews and Sarsenctts, plain & figured
of various colours,
Bilk Lace, plain ami figured,
Silk lace edging, black and white.
Silk hose, Gentlemens’ and Ladies’ black
and white, plain and figured,
Silk and Tabby Velvets, various colors,
Silk lace shawls, veils and handkerchiefs,
llcgunt needlework muslin robca and
' walking dresses, from 12 to 30 dol
lars, very rich,
lw priced needle-work, lambored and
embroidered do
Jiconet, mull and book muslin Flounces
and Inserting Trimmings,
W'ovked muslin Bands or Colaretts,
Thread Laces, a good assortment, cheap,
Jet Eardrops, Snaps, Clasps, Hooks and
Eyes and Necklaces,
Gilt Neclaces,Clasps and Snips,
Pearl, ivory, silk and thread, shirt, sus
penders and vest buttons,
Wallace’s extra gilt and coronation coat
and vest buttons,
Super. Scissors and Chains for do-
Magnum liomim and common Razors nnd
Saortamen’s packet nnd Pen Knives,
I’liiying Cards and Dressing Combs.
Durable ink and Osnaburg Thread,
Ihnestic Plaids, Stripes, Checks, Shirt
ings and Sheatings,
Dindboxes, by the dozen or package,
Wluttemore’s No 10 Cotton Cards, Sic.
Straw Bonnets.
29 cases of very superior Straw P,ou
tlets, Binds, and Trimmings, of various
patterns, such as bell crowns, donlil
rapes, round fronts, cottage shape, &.c
--kc,—cheap for the quality.
The above goods are ottered at who’e
sale and retail for cash, or on lime for ap
proved paper- Uegular supplies will be
received from onr partner in New York,
vliich will enable us to have constantly on
band a general assortment of fresh season
able Goods; and from the patronage tvr
Imve received the year past, we are in
tiuced to believe we have sold, nnd shall
continue to sell at least as cheap as otu
N-ivemher ft if
■I HE Co-partnership heretofore existing
Under the firm of .WLur.s H Bolt, is tins
tiny dissolve-1 by limitation. The unset
tled business of the concern, will be at
tended to bj Mr John S. Holt, who wl
found generally at the Compting Hoorn
n Ware Mouse of the late firm.
We return our sincere thanks to our
kii nds and the public for The liberal sup
port they have given us, and hope then
•accessor, Mr. J. S. Holt, will continue 1
enjoy an equal share of public palionage,
in the
Commission B isiir ss.
It is desirable to have the affairs of tb
wte firm settled without delay, aid
•here‘ore solicit time who are indebte
I'j make payment; and those who ha\ •
4ny demand against the lute concern, *
present them for settlement.
James M‘Laws,
John S. Holt.
.November 8 gi.
final Notice.
£»Lt persons indebted to the firm
CiiAni/rox, by note or open s>
totmt, »re- informed that they will b
‘see mure waited on, and if an immetlfu "
•vttlement is not made, suit wu 1 be i
usntly commenced.
Kean & Charlton.
M k lvenx\e £5 Ucmvoc\\
Have received, by the ships Oglethorpe
and Emily, from Liverpool, and late
arrivals from the north, an extensive
supply of
British, Frcnrh. India & Do
Which they offer to country merchants
on ’hemost reasonable terms
November 12—— w2m
•i IIF. Co-partnership heretofore exist- 1
ing under the firm of F. C. Taylor & Co. '
was by mutual consent, dissolved on the I
18th clay of August last.
F. (I. Taylor,
Dexter C'lapiiv .
N, B, Business hereafter will be contin
ue d by
F. C Taylor. \
November 12——-f
Cotton, Stock,
Exchange Broker.
THE subscriber lias taken an office in
the building lately occupied by
Messrs Stewart & Hargraves, ou the north
side of Broad-street, opposite to the Post-
Ottice—where he oft'eis his services in
the above business, and hopes, by strict '
personal attention, to obtain the patron- • of his friends and the public. *
T he great facilities afforded by brokers
in commercial operations generally, render
it remarkable that the merchants of Au
gusta and the planters have long sustain
ed the inconvenience of having none, and ,
particularly a Cotton Broker. In almost t
every other cotton mart the business is a
principally done by brokers ; and hertce j
the ease, certainty and dispatch with
which it is executed. The same system
is perfectly practicable here. The mer
chant, by applying at the office of the sub
scriber, may hereafter save himself the
trouble of sampling his cotton and looking
up « purchaser;—the planter need be no
longer involved in doubt and difficulty to
ascertain the true slate of the market,
nor subject himself to the caprice of the
wary speculator—and the purchaser will
at all times know where to resort for cot
ton at the market price.
Office Regulations relative to
I otton.
Ist- In order to give time for sampling,
citizens offering cotton are requested to
leave the ware-hpuse receipts by eight
o'clock, a. m.—ls left later than nine, sales
cannot be realized till the succcding day.
If more convenient, the receipts may be
enclosed in a letter of instructions, and
dropped in the letter box the night pre
2d. Cotton will be sample ! nnd receiv
ed from wagons till ten o’clock, a. m.—
if tittered after that hour, sales cannot be
realized till next day.
3d. Warehouse expenses will invariably
be deducted from the account sales.
4th. Sales will commence at ten o’clock
and close at twelve, a m.
-sth. Persons choosing to limit and lim
ning higher than the market, will have
'heir receipts returned them on paying
(i$ emits fora bag entry and sampling.
<3th. Commissions on sales, 25 cents a
Orders from the country, en
closing the wa-ehouse receipts, will be
promptly executed.
Stock Exchange and
In their Various Bmuehsa,
Will be attended to at all times during of-
Tce horns, which will he from eight o'-
clock a. m. till two o'clock p. m, and from o’clock 111 five r. m.
John Kinney, jun’r.
gj* Money is sometimes w rlu mure
than at others Persons having it to lo in,
:nav, in the strictest confidence, avail
•hemselves of the advantages of the mar
ket, by applying at (be above office.
November 8.-- -»tf
:. Tie subscriber has taken that well
Jt'known stand.
tlfAKsn Rpnisc*.
LATELY occupied by Major Dnrkee,
-.i mated seven miles above Augusta on
joe Washington road and hopes from
i* attention to business to give general
■atisfaction: #
John Turpin.
November 3 ——-H
303 Barrels Prime New Flour,just
- rceivew and for sal-- In
VVilliiiin H. Egan.
Upprrtnd, South tide oj Broad-street
November 8 st'fl
I 00 lI.UUiFXS superfine Family
) iur for sale —low for cash only,
By I. Thompson.
November 3——lt
(Ur- We arc authorized to
-nmince Capt. IV. BERRY, a candidate
■;,r the Office of Sheriff for Richmond
county at the ensuing elactwtt- , ,
Jscxv NotVv
FhE subscriber respectfully informs
his friends and the public, that he lias re
moved his store t» the Brick Building be
tween the dwelling house of Thomas
Gumming, Esq. and the storcMif Mr, G.
Sellick. four doors above Malone’s corner,
where he is now opening his
Fall Supp of
consisting or tub
Different Qualities and Latest
From the manufactories of Messrs. Tweedy
& Benedict, Ives & White, and other ap
proved New-York Manufactories.
Black and White Wool Hats,
Morocco Caps , Military Hats,
Banhoxes in nests ,
AH of which are offered on reasonable
terms fur cash or ton n acceptances,
George Hannah.
October 25 1m
1.1 WING taken the Warehouse lately
occupied by .1 & W Harper, upper end,
South side of Broad Street, for the recep
tion of
r no duck,
And the transaction of
Commission Business
generally, hopes, that its convenient ac
commodation, and his own unremitting
attention, may ensure him a share of Pub
lic patronage.
September 6 -cawif
Imported Goods
Rcni’ge \V, Coe,
la .now so
An Extensive Assortment of
Suitable for the approaching Season,
White Welch Plains
Blue and mixed do
London Doffil Blankets
Hose and Point do
Heavy Colton Bagging
Black and colored Bombazctts
Fine worsted Hosiery
Merino and lamb’s wool Hose
Snpeifine white Flannel
Blue, red and yellow Flannels
Tartan Plaids
Snpeifine wide Black Bombuzecns
Flag Handkerchiefs
Superfine Cloths and Cassimcres
Pelice Cloths
Brussels and Vcnitian Carpetings
Hearth Hugs
Domestic Plaids and Stripes
Irish and German Linens
Tortoise shell Combs
Plain black Nankin Crapes
Mandarin Crape Drerses
With a variety of other articles, which
are for sale on accommodating terms, a
the corner of Broughton and llarnatm
streets, for cash or approved paper.
October 29 1251>
Administrator’s Sale.
iVcREE ABI.Y to an Oriler of the Court
if Ordinary, of Richmond county, will
he sold on the first Tuesday in January
next, at the Market-House, in the City
of Augusta, the
belonging to the Estate of Major Ferdi
nand Ph'mizy, late of said county, dec’d,
for the benefit of the heirs and creditors
The Sale will continue from day to day,
until all are sold; and Hie terms will be
made known at the time. p ulviv. \\
Acting administrator of the Estate o
F. Phinizy.
October 29, 1821- Ids
-o. wBB(Binr 9
HeSPF.CTFULLY informs his custom
ers and the public generally, that he con
tinues to cany on Ins business inCANTs
i.oc’s Brick Store, in Broad Street, near
y opposite the City Motel. He feels
-hankful for past favors, and solicits a
continuance : be pledges himself that Ins
Work shall hot be exceeded by any don<
n tliis city, and will constantly keep on
CAottvs, C’aas\me.xes aiu\
\ estings,
■Which he will sell, and make up on
moderate term*.
York and I‘liiladel ())tla PVISUW.yS,
, ■«.
To the Public in
General. '
s _
* fJIIIF, undersigned with jileasure an
.l n.unices to the public, that he did
s commence on the 2d of July last, to erect
a town named Hamburg, in South Caroli
* na, opposite Augusta, on the Savannah
river, and bus succeeded with the aid and
assistance of his to erect 7H build
ings; among w Inch lhere-4» a ware-h-mse
of 50 by 3uo feel, fiircotton and tobacco-,
alsoa spacious and convenient building 50
by 70 feet, for a public bouse, and a num
ber of «:nicious stores, some of which arc
40 by fiO t.-et, all of winch are calculated
fur ditt'ercnt. Brandies of business. The
stores ami wave-house are ti-om 2 to 3 feet
above the level of the streets in Augusta,
and considered perfectly s ife from all tla
mages of freshes. The vv are-house ranges
up and down the river, within 80 feet of
the rive - bunk—3.o stores are fronting the
ware-house, in the same direction, be
tween which time is a street of 200 feet,
intended so. a market street. By the
construction ot the ware-house there will
no expense of drays,,e. There is a good
and safe boat landing at present, and sub
stantial whatves will ere long be erected
to facilitate the loading and unloading of
boats. he is also considered
free from all danger of fire—and two
mare are now building of the same di
mensions, and in the same direction on the
hank of the river, in which there are de
partments calculated for close storage of
Salt, Groceries, Iron, Sic. There is also
a Post-Office established, out of which
letters can be received earlier than in Au
gusta, and which will be kept open two
hours later than the office there, which
will afford great convenience to merchants,
as they can answer their letters by the
return’mail. There will be also be a sav
ing of sales at Auction of 2 to 3 per cunt,
less than in zliigiista. The rale of storage
of Cotton, Tobacco 8;c. is about half tl.c
rates ns charged in Augusta. In about one
quarter of a mile from the river, the
ground elevates about 69 feet, which at--
fords handsome and healthy situations fbr
summer residence, on which there are a
number of springs of as good water as
tins country affords. 2500 bales of cot
ton have been purchased and stored in
the ware-house from 291 h October to the
23d inst- and goods have been sold in pro
portion. There is also commenced a spa
cious building calculated for a church, to
which a liberal sum has already been sub
As Hamburg will attract the attention
of the citizens of South Carolina, North
Carolina and Tennessee, and nature hav
ing dune much for it; if assisted by art,
the undersigned lias not the smallest
doubt it will become a place of great im
Henry Shultz.
N. B he Editors of all the papers
In South-Carolina, also, those in Augusta
and Savannah, will insert the above three
times and fsi ward their accounts to me
m Hamburgh for payment.
H. S.
N -vembnr 26 - ■ 3t
W. H. Turpin
Has recently received a fresh supply of
•Medicines, Taints, Oii,
Which he assures his friends and the
rmblic he is determined to sell as low as
they can bo procured in the city
November 1 w4t
a®® BAGS prime Green Coffee
10 Hods - - ditto retailing Molasses
For sate low for Cash only.
By I. Thompson.
Novemej-1- 5t
The Subscribers,
r t \VF. removed to the Store next doo
.11. above Mr Kneeland, where they are
receiving and opening an extensive as
sort merit of
Vtuuka £5
Amongst which ate the following NEW
1 WORKS:- Didier’s Letters, Ward’s Let.
* ters, Percy’s Nos. 3andi4,and
. Blackwood’s Magazine, No. 2<Jv
J. $ H. Ely.
October 15. 61
A Card.
JIJI-1., rPEneolfully infom. her
friends and the public, that she intends
opening her
on Monday, the 22nd inst in Reynold
Street, directly opposite Mr. James Gard
ner’s where she will attend to all the
Branches of the English Language,
French and Music.
| Mrs. J. has also engaged* Lady, to
J teach Needle Work.
October 18—w Itn
Washington City,
Virgust Ist 1821
Q3* All those Soldiers
and others who have put claims into my
hand* for settlement, arc desired to return
my receipt for atich papers to this place.
1 receive t heir claims settled, or their papers
O. W. Call!,.
5 TllF.suWriScr still continues to keep
a supply «>t the,best London imported
W. Unix
1 Ocfooer 15—fit
t_ .
For Sale,
! A
i»- PAltt of younp well broke HOUS
ES, live and six years old—Also a good
J family HOUSE and GlO—Apply at the
: oq. 22 ts _____
I Savannah
And Augusta Stage.
THE proprietors of the Augusta line of
Stages caution tratellei i from taking
1 seats between the established offices,
; without having their names inserted on
- the way bill. A practice has hitherto ex
, isted of suffering persons to enter the
' stage, to tlie greur inconvenience ©♦'those
1 who have taken regular seats, and which
1 yields no profit to the proprietors. It
cannot be allowed for the future. The
I greatest attention will be paid to the ac-
I comodalion of the regular passengers;
I which consideration doe* not admit of the
i carriage being overcrowded bv inter
• toper*- Nov. 12—ts
1 A GOOD COOK, for which liberal
1 Wages vvill be given.—Apply at this office.
November 12 ts
To Ucnt,
-A. r.Mtr.B .ml comfonibte Dwelling-
House, to wliicb are attached three and an
half acres of Land. This house is in the
lower part of the city, on Ellis-slreel, and
is every way desirable as a residence lor a
private family Immediate possession will
be given.—Apply to Wtllium If, Holt,
Esq. ot to
Nicholas Ware,
ftjrwulor of IVm, Hue on.
November B—if.
l.and for Hide.
ItMLLhe sold a tract of LAND, con*.
▼ » tabling upwards of 400 acts, on Sa
vannah Uivcr, '22 miles above Augusta, in
Columbia county, on the road leading
from the Court House to Edgefield Court
House. If any yerson wishing to por
■ chase can view the premises, and know
, the terms by applying to either of the sub
scribers, on the premises.
VV. & 11. H. Meriwether.
November 8 lawSwpd
1 (Q* The fruhscriher will
\ accninnimLite with liOAltD, a few Chil
dren, should any oiler from the Country
who are desirous of attending school in
Hubert Walker.
October 29 t
To Rent,
fIfHE DWELLING on Ray street nt
' I present occupied by Mrs Sarea, with
a large and commodious garden attached
| thereto Also,
An excellent stand on Center street, fur
the grocery business, at present occupied
■ by Mr. Jones.
' Thomas S. Oliver,
Administrator of D. Oliver.
September 6 ts
i The Subscriber
Offers for wile a psrt of Lot No. 12,
situate on Urosd street, above Springfield,
s and extending from the street to the river.
Further particulars made known on appli
cation to
Nathaniel B. Julian.
October 25——Ct
The Public are Informed,
, |)i
4JLII AT a part of the LAND, situated on
. Broad Street, above Springfield, and ex
tending from ttic Street to the River, as
advertised for sale by Nathaniel B. Juhan,
in the Chronicle of the 251 h inst. belongs
to me.
[ P 11. Cams.
J October 2P -5t
Wants a Situation in a (Gro
cery Store,
A. VO T *NG MAN who is well qualified
fir that business. Satisfactory references
can be given. Apply at this o(ii«a.
Oct 22 ts
Administrators’ Hale.
ILL be sold on the tenth day of
December next, at the late residence of
Col. John Foster, dec. in Columbia coun
ty, a part of the personal property of said
deceased, consisting of the present crop
of Corn, Fodder and Outs—the stock of
Horse*, Mules, Cattle and Hogs—ithe
household and kitchen furniture, planta
tion tods, on excellent and new pat- nt
running geer of a gin, and a fifty saw -gin
nearly new, together with a number of
articles too tedious to enumerate—and the
rim will be very accommodating to
Elizabeth Foster, Adm’x.
Arthur Foster, \ . , ,
Collier Foster, / Adm "
October 25 - -wtds
2j*lf not disposed of on the above day
he sale will continue from day to until the
wkokiaaold. November 15.
Mr. <Sj* Mrs. Sera,
."RETURN their sincere thanks to the
inhabitants of Augusta ami its vicinitv,
for the liberal enc uragement they have
received In their line of business, and hope
from their strict attention to the same, to
merit a continuation of their past favors,
they uill always he found at their old
residence, on the east side of the Bridge,
Whore Mrs Sera will carry on the MAN.
TAU MAKING BUSINESS, in ail its vs.
nous branches, and Mr. Seta, the I*OIU
TK MT PAINTING, n.s usual.
November 19— ■
Mr. Cohnesnil,
Professor of J)ancing,
Mr A. Santi,
Professor of Music,
ÜBS ENT tbeir test respects to the
ci'izens of Augusta, and informs then*
that they have joined themsclvi s together
for the purpose of giving
Cotillion Parties ,
for this season; and that the music wid be
conducted by Mr Santi, who has neglect*
cd nothing In order to procure something
new for the public. The greatest part'of
the Cotillons and figures which will bo
danced are composed by Mr. S.
Messrs. Culincsnil & Sami, hopes that
(hose Gentlemen who may honor then*
w.lh their patronage, may meet with gen.
cral satisfaction
Subscription lists for the Cotillon Par
ties are left at the Planters* and City Ho.
tcls, and in the hands of several respec
table citizens
November 12. - —it
»50 Reward.
Stolen from a wagon encamped at
the foot of the Hand Hills, on the night oT
the 6th instant, a large bright Sorts!
Horse; no murks or white hairs on hint
recollected. H« is about five yen's old,
has a large bushy tail, and long manei
is about live feet one inch high; shod all
round. The above reward will be p»i<L
for the apprehension of the Chief with
the Horse, or Ten Dollars for the horse
Apply at the Globe Tavern, or to
VV iii. A. Cobb,
Fort Creek, Hancock Countv. Geo.
Nov 22 ts
A Ffcvi ’
Firkins Butter,
Just received snd for sale by
I. Thompson*
November 15 —it
50 Btnkfca IValsinn,
50 do. CoutWea,
Just received and for sale by
I Thompson.
November 15—-ts
Fresh Raisins,
IN Quarter and half boxca juat received
and for sale by.
John Gindrat.
Nov. 12 -3t
Wants a Situation,
As Clerk in a Dry Good or Grocery
Store, a Young Man who believes thn
satisfactory references can be given—Att,
ply at this Office.
November 15—ts
Negro Woman with two Chil.
dren; she can be recommended as a firlt
rale Cook, a good Washer and Ironer.
James Johnson.
Nov. 15 H
(JJ* The undersigned ofc
fers for Bale his JiE.lI. PROPKNT&
upon Washingtou-strect, 'extendinglV® n
Mr. Joseph Danforth's Lot to the enema
upon Ueynold-street.
Robert Raymond Reid^
September 3..— if
- We are authorised to
announce Major -anuivl Lark, vs a Candi
date for the Offices k of the Sup*.
ri ov, and Inf- tior Courts o’ R e'mmnd
„,.un'y. at *h- n pro.chnur 'l.-finn
Wr art authoris'd to state that Cap!
EDMUND BUGG will be a candidate fs*
jut .Collector at Uk ensuing Eltetioor.
,* 1 < • ; i