Newspaper Page Text
auA UaxeUe.
Monday $ Thursday.
jt five dollars run armvm, datable id
Land Lottery Register, No. 4.
Emanuel —James Chason, Wm Durden,
Thos Kent, Ileinrick II Meek, Collin Mer
cer, Abner Serman, Henry Stephens
f lHrrt —Thos Bell, sen Bruges Cheek,
Den) Fleming, Duke W Hulin, Johnson S
Pledger, Peter Ray, Evan Ragland, Sle
phen Hull', Morris Skinner, Aaron Vicke
ry, sen Evan Prtrthro
Franklin —John T C AUerway, Mary
Anthony, widow, Peltr C Balengcr, Na
thaniel Brunihlet, Richard R Doles, Ro
bert It Cox, Balam Dobbs, Bartlett Jones,
Asa Langston, John Mujfield, sen Saxon’s
orphans, Wm Thompson
Greene— Kunals Autry, Wm Akins,
Hardy Bridges, Nancy Durban', widow,
Mary Dier, widow, Irhane Leonard, Tay
lor Nelson, Geo Phillips, Thos Riley,
John Kcdclin, John W Stepherson, Jas
1. Winfield, June Wallace, Henry L Wil
Cxuinnett —Gilbert Bowman, jr Ezekiel
Curboe, James Earner, John II Skinner,
orphan, Reuben Lee, Wm B Tate, Wm Y
Gobr-r, Jos Firmor, Jus White (Territory)
Uli/nn— -Elizabeth Harris, widow
Hull —Henry McNeil, Phillip M Byrd,
John Lawless, Richard Davis, John Dun
nngun, Leroy Glittery, Jacob Eberbart
Ihuttnn —Benj Mackinney
Hancock —lolui W Hansom, Andrews
Bfitilc, Martha Craufu-d, widow, James
Gray. ji John Asky, Jeptba Jernigam Wm
A El lie, Edwin Drewty, Ephraim Whit
tingt ui, Win n«nnet, Rickard Galdtng,
fi. fir y Barksdale
Haber than* —Al ten V. Marlin, Mary
Stiellmi, widow, Isaac Alexander,Micclo’s
orplia is, Lucrctia Alien, widow, Susan
naii Winfield, widow, Villis Gilley
Irwin— I hos Griffin’s orphans, Arclii
bald McNUs
Jvuea— Joel Horn, Robert Rcdmon, Lu
cy Owens. Samuel F. Ni why John Baker,
Willie Dorman, John Farley, Robert
Brooks, Silas Gammon, Robert Dickey,
James Griffin, Charlotte Dunn, widow,
Thomas Hail, Peter Kolb, Luke Roberts,
Stephen Morgan, Jsmrs Robison, orphan,
Thos J. Brooks, Mary Burton, widow,
Albert C Horton, John B Russel, Jacob
B IveV
JvffertonTt Littleberry Warnuck, Adam
McGlohonj Calli Gutman, widow, Randal
Irbv, Mathew Lamb, ThomasiDarley, El
leu* Boyd, widow, Hirkett D Thompson.
Nan- mel Edwards, Roger I. Gamble,
yvr !u,,'ram’s orphans, James F’ost, Bo
ber’ Beaty, Wm Goodin, Wm C Sellers
Jo£-l»o)i«;lsaac Brown, Joel F Cash,
John lln chersuti, Powell’s orphans. Eli-
Jlub’.th itariusM, widow, John Burton, John
Widiaiiisoii, sen John Jones, Robert Hen
derson, sen Elias Henderson, Nancy Ni
cholson, orphan Elizabeth York, widow,
John \V B Allen, bun’s otphs. Benj Had
ey, Asa Kent
Ji/»/ei*sGreene D Brantly, John T
Goo!'• -Edwind Walthall, Clayton Coo
dy .1 et Wise, Alexander McKay lames
Ore n aevi John Morris, Wm Foster,
John James, James Kami, John Dunn, jr
Thos Helolier, ( Bartlelt Sims, Juim Smith,
Sally Westley, widow, SarauelThompson,
lsaa< Morris, Mary Whaley, widow, Jesse
Bowder, Jotin Brnilh, Surah Smith, wid
'i'hos Garret, Susannah Milton, orp. Jas
Gunnels, Alexander Johnson
Laurent —Thorns* Oliver, Weigh’ R
Coleman, Wm Kyall, Perry Hill, Deen’a
orphs, Wa.acrgrave Clopton, Levi Ohii-.,
ir Ji el Darssy, Martin Forest, Daniel Me
laniel, Reuben Manning
Libert y—Jeremiah Mill
d/i«co/«~Elizal»ctti Landers, John H
Srlict, John McDermaut, Daniol Hester,
Job’ l Killgore
-Tifii</ijoM*Bei)j Hendrick, Moses Pey
ton, Argams bandtrs, John Winn, jr Ea
ton) Bond
Afo-ynwrrJames II Kirkpatrick, Thot
Bov. i i,ii. Richard Garni r, Nancy Hamby
wid Wm F’-ster John Wore, Eiizahctl
Pnidi|’«, wid Ephraim Hughey, Joshut
Etkl s Mm E<: ward*, Moses Grier, Har
dy PlnTpsEu amici 3 smith, JostmajOri w
Jca uii Gresham, Burwell Job son, John
Pascliull, Andiew Barkl y, Danitl Bell
-t , /i.tosA“3nrah Os’cen, wid Robert
O’ .mt. namucl J Joac-s, I’homa. R Town-
Se’.u, toil-t H«rrcn, orp G urge Dyall,
lie • <e- 1 ’d
,\fo ■i'fO)i'ry~Non'(li Roberts orpha
Jest- \V Pham*, liuncan McCrimmon
Oy.erMiMAf—-William Ray (idi t) Fran
Cis Vi Hr«(l!y,AViUbrd Holtxclsw, I. gen’s
oipii Tn ’* Reese, Samuel McCau c-.s
Bcn vu-C.* ter, Joseph P Manley, Josepl;
m edso, , T iosS Cook,Benj Kimbeh, Alex
Stsrett, EtWiti Huhbord, Wm Chap,am,
Geo P Sorrow, Nathaniel II Parish, Geu
V, J ohnson, Wm Huckuby, John Center,
Coleman smith, Wm N Lee, Surah Bus
bin, mid Davi I Meriwether, James Story
J'ulatk'i —Jus Holland, son ol Ephraim,
JBenj Until 1, Kirksey’s orphs Edwaul
Coffi sen Arthur Boyett, Judeth Biouni
Aid It nj Johnson, Susannah Mayo, Janie*
l.ambtrt, F.nza
be i ./ones,wm Jno j or. •», Ephraim
Id ‘ > Ellis, Martin Johnson, Win Williams
( K itonton) Par i rson V;-al,Chas R Waiter,
Nathan l‘oin,ui«o ~ B.itton Adums, Win
Bus-in, \V. . Moore, Augustus Anderson,
Joseph C Pr iue, Owen Dickey, Archi
bald U under wood, Elisha llearfi, Robert
-on, Tli is Edmondson, sen Wm
O F.beneter Mitchell
Htchn*nd —l iulet un Colli fit, Joseph S
Car., Dareaa Ev*n», wid Win Cooue.jr
J *; ,itr E ‘y.‘ -nun, J»m-» Winters, jawta
Mo, pan, m;« rathe l Mali, wid John W
O dg.-,’d B Glasci ok, Jacob Abra
hams .1 aim s AtwtiU Mildred J Meals, wid
Ha' • p.iansj Galwret L C’l.m'snel
'eu » " i tv Wiltiamso’i. M.ikcsNcw
to .10. jija W P vlcUali, Jas Hutsons, Sa
muel F Suurdvis, Gordon Stewait, Peter
i.ed lick, Jrlin Atkins
T,ii(r.jy—lcycc J arte-n, Vinson Strick
land. Jot.o McLeod
Telfair— ’N, il Latlie, Nedl McUsy, La
j,'*’ iCaillcbetTy, Ric*ia>d Davis
1 —w n o Huts d,Reuben Moore’s
Sinn 1 -irps John i ov, ell, Nancy I’ar-
Avr, win cna PbaUips,iuturd Penny, Jesse
Vickers, Jas Ware, Tshmacl GraJmni, Sa
muel Duncan, Levi IliChristepher
Walttn — Jtf Fondren, Thomas House,
Isaac Treadwell, jr Farr II Trammell, Ni
cholas Sessions, David Cannedy, John
Butler, Solomon Lee, Elijah Bankston,
Charles tt Kelley
IFurren—Samuel Neal, orphan, A-bcrt
G Huntley, A’arah Morris, wid Kinchin
Harrison, John G McDonald, Samuel Da
vis, Jonathan Doistcr, McDowell’s o-phans
Elijah Worthan, Jr Thomas Jackson
Washington —VVm Jordan. Joshua Col
lins, W'aher Newman, John Morrison,
sen John Murcuson, Sa r ah Brooks, Tiros
Thomble, Thos Robison, Elijah Cutts, jr
Unilcy’s orps Jobs Daniel, jr John Bar
wick, Eirunud Itimvn, Hllley Haynes,
Joseph D Brown, Mice Price, \Vm Moore,
‘Gardner Murphy, Wm Keen
IVoyne —Trncy Oneal, widow, Wright
Ammons, Jonathan Knight; Mier’s ophs
John Mcllmiia; Jas Shannon
Wilkes —Stinan Callaway, wid Wm Well
born, Jas Oglelree, Wm Aldrege, John M
Hanson, Amos Chun, Miller’s urphn Wm
linden, Hancock’s orpins John Spralli:!,
Kobe it Dawson, Aron A Cleveland, An
drew Wolf, sen Ilenly Flurry, jr Geo Mar
ler, Mary M Dent, wid Sterling Jinkins
Gilbert Anderson, Thos W M Steed
Wilkinson —John Grantham, Henry W
Shows Amos Barnes, Margaret Guery.wid
Jas Burns, Thos Garrison’s orps Nathan
Jackson Richard Sherrer, Arnos Kings,
Jas Baggett’s orps Samuel Sanders. Jas
Mckay, Geo Bhinholster, Smith’s orphans
No. 6.
.Ippiing —Samson Altman, Lewis Tray
hat (twin —Thacker B Howard, Spencer
Mooie, Jane Hudgins, wid Eggleston
Gholson, Eliza A Granllan, wid Win Hut
chinson, Mariah Royes, Cannon Jones
Burke —Langston Bolton, Murdica Jl/ul
ky, Jona Drake’s orps James .Mathews
Joseph Bush, Abraham,‘Boyt,Turner Duke
Isaac Coleman, Noah Adams, Beverly
Bandolph, Vinson Barefield, Amos Crane
Wm Royal’s orph Robert Skinner
Bryan —Macksill Butler, A’ichard Har
vey, Jr.
Bulloch —Wm Green
Clark— Mary Hicks, wid Edwin F
Smith, Owen Spullock, Jonas Hall, Harris
Thurmond, Win Moore, Jas Sansoni, Wm
Leard, Judith llarvie, wid Nolly Wor
tham’s orps Ann Hull, wid Evey Nixon,
wid David C Anderson, Samuel Collins,
Geo Whitehead, sen
Co I inub in- Roda Foy, widow Jesse l.ot
,la» Lavendei, Win Mulling, Fliz Is. Knel
land, wid David Burnside, Sara’. Blanch
aid, wid|Gabriel Jones, Charles Barham’s
orps John Pettit’s orps
Camden— Jas Ennis, Jesse Carlise, John
M Prevail, Robert Burnett, orp Jas \
Clubb, Zacharnh Beasley
Chatham —Charles Hartrbtge, Jacob
Bnckhultec, Win C Daniel, Wm Oliver,
Win W Baker, Geo Norris, Wm Rj»c- ,
David II I bompson, Isabella JMcL od
wid Susannah Porter, wid Roger G Shaw,
John Mingledorf, Wm W Gordon, Ji hn
Costen, Robert .1/ifchell, Dems. y Gridin,
Jas U Wayne, IP Uyjßowson, wid .Uarg.i
ret C Fish, wid Lewis Mills, ./as Kenyon,
Frederick S Fell
Effingham —Rachel McCrary, wid Jacob
Pickets. Ann Knight, wid
Emanuel —Reddick (iany, Edmund Ca
ny, Edward Douglass, John Musgrove,
l.eneai Braddy
Elbert —lVm Cheek, David Hicks, Mary
Rich, wid John Manner, sen Jas Alston,
Wm Burns, Wm Slone, Thos Pledgor,
jr Thos Sanders, .Messer Spears, William
Franklin —Win Jean, Henry Johnson,
Elijah Davis, John D Holbrook, Samuel
Bi >wn, Joseph Payne, Win Boswell, Eli
zabeth Hix. Nathaniel Bond, Leonard
Trapp, Stephen J Westbrook, Joseph
Greene —Frederick G Colbert, Frede
rick II Williams, Andrew Kennady, Ro
bert Kendrick, Jilin Moody, Win G Grimes
/as A Wooten, Isaac Oslin, Geo t* Nichol
ssn, Thos Terrell, sen Isaac Finiy; John
Foster’s orps W'm F Jarrel, Thos Hart.
Thos C Sanford, John Houghton, Joel
Boolcr’s orps Edward Harris, Eliza Vel
um, orp
Gwinnett —Wm Brumbelow, Charles
Jordon, Isham Meadlock, Williamson’s
orps Hubert Kennedy, Jas H McEwtus,
Geo Bvogdon, Greenville Pulling, Zucha
tiah Day, WmJ Austin
Glynn— I’hua W’ynn, John B Pritchard,
Martha Manning, wid
Hull —John Ingram, Rachael Carleton;
wid Samuel Dennis, Balaam Dowdy, Win
Grady, Geo Davis, Paul Furr
Hancock—Jm Darby, John Culverbouse
Azariah Bulls, Jas Sea, sen yfarhael
Howell, wid Jas C McGibbony, Mary
Tucker, wid Dixon Hall, Thos W Perry,
Joins McLernorc; Sarali Woodard, wid
Whitfield Sledge
Habersham —Wm L Smith, Milly J7ass,
wid Absalom Stephens, Mathew Alexan
Irvin— Mays Holly
Junes —John Cook, Dullard’s orps Jas
llanup, llenj IVanclnml, Wiliniond Har
ris, Vdmiral Haddock, John Baldwin; Ua
lam Peters, I hits While, Jas J7owanCox,
Pulatur Strother, wid David T Milling,
John Woodall, Win G Knlb; Jas Berry,
Varon Shiuly, Joshua Dikes, .Richard
Gree.ii,’ orplis Lewis Patrick
Jcfferton-r- St» phen Lundy, jus Giimore,
Wm 'ovaii, iJ, .-in Colley , Eli B Brown
ing, Beni Sanford, John T rollick. Jacob
Sheppard, jr Cornelius Lundy, Lev*n
C 'viiigton, Charles S Wright, .Michael
Schley, Turner’* orpns
Jackson —Charlotte Sisson, orp Thur
mond’ orps Henry George, Wiley Georgo
jar rail’s orphns Gcnubeth Winn, Obadiah
Watson, Elijah Rossnn, John M Holliday.
Caleb Sanders, Joseph Groves, John M.i.-
low, Mbs g Mc.Mullen wid
Jasper- Joseph Howard, John Story,
Phedy Down, Wiley W Williams, Jtfdrri
E l l wants, Phillip Jew is, Henry Barron,
jas Graves, Joseph Horsley, .Mbsei Trim
hie. joel Wise, Smartt’s orps JMslhew
Winipe, W Underwood, wid Ge > R.-onsav,
David B Peel, Wm Wilson, John U Hall,
J?- solved Sabin, Ann W hile; wid Elisha
Horton,Andrew Kennedy, Hedy JMFze.wid
J->* Hill, Wm Ashmore, Lemuel Harwell,
Wm Holloway, Benj Smith, Jas Fret
Laurtns— Joseph W Neyland, Stephen
Smith, Lott Warren, Alford Moore, Ellis
Lindsey, orp Francis Tliomss, josiah W
Jones, James Cadwell, W in Thomson, Ma
v, jin M Cu'lets
Lib t ty— Mary Baker, orph j-iseph But
ler. Jivdilti M Fail, wid Smith’s orps Adair.
T Holmes*
Lincoln —Allen Goldin; Isaac Spinks,
W m D. ths, P.ior Arrsnt, Absalom Ea sy,
E vza N Groves, orp Dempsey Hussy, To.
iivtr il Blalock, icrettiali G Walker
David Pricket
XTadls'.n —Wm j’Gee, Stephen Mr.C iT- I
cly, Jacob New, sen Wilhight, Aozel
Burnetts ' 1
Morgan —Lambert Hopkins, orp j *hn <
Worthy, .Reuben Smith ; Duke’s■orphns I
jobn W Nelson: Henry j Mathews; Sila* I
McKinley; Pascal llamas; James Burnett
j icob Tomlin; John F Adair; G2O Malcom;
Mary Hint; wid Wm R Williams; Plea- I
sant Watts; Ebjah Yeates; Elias Swift j
M'lntosh —Thomas E Barber; John
Forbes; Wm Hope; Wm Gordon; John
Montgomery —Charles C Nicols; Wm
Godwin; Elias McElveen; Alexander Me
Oglethorpe —Wm n Weaver, Charles
Smith; sen jdhn McWhorter; jr Mark
Andrews; George Whilst!; Jesse Kent;
Lewis Brown; Lewis W Flamister; James
Broach; Eve Bear; wid John Harris’s orps
Nathan Barnett; Stephen Bostwitk, Isaac
15 Heavours,
Pulaski —Kitksey’s orps Amassa Kellnm
Rebecca Harris; Theophihts .Sutton; Hy
ratn joncs; Roiand Tate; Benj Manning;
sen Geo Little; Willie Sclavnnt
Putnam —George C.ibber'; Moore Ste
phenson, Ebcneztr Smith; Labourn S
Johnson; Pleasant Wright; Rebecca Day;
wid Frances McLcrflon; wid Milton Coo
pci; Wm G Hal); Mark Jackson Won
Benson; .ram. s Hurt; Solomon B.mclts; Ro
heri G Duke; John It Hunt; Joseph C
Perdue; Buckner Williams, Thomas
W Goodj tohn H Clark; Donald McDonald
Chapel Cox; Nathan Bussey, Willis T A
Turner; Slith Daniel; Buckner
Lcvervtt; Robot Malone; Eiias Dejcr
natte; john Garner, Charles Upchurch;
David Holt; Lewist Skinner
liichnvud— John Fudge; Barrett Ames;
Bugg's orps Jacob Crutchfield; Sand Me-
Cullougluosiah Jones Mobley’* orpnsGeo
Turpin; Jesse Thompson’s orps jan es
Nelherlin Benj B Hopkins; Wirtney B.
Sneer); wid Thos Grace; Zephaniah Bluck
stone; Edmond Palmer; jas B Oliver’s
orphs Cl aides C Dunn
Scriven —Stephen P Floyd
f'alln'ill~SA-M Hillard; A'had rick Han
cock; Richard Oglesby; Alexander McCur
ter; John Rogers
J’el/air— Daniel McLenon; Aaml Atone
Joshua Amilh; Blanket bo .Sophia Waltrips
Twiggs —Huinney Powell; Jeremiah
Dickson; Isaac Denmark; Thomas
Player; Wm Edwards; Win Powell; Elisha
M Calav.ay; j hn D Auii’.h, Rick’ orps
John Grtiddy
Walton —. Stephen Vsughn; Jehu Viuing
Nathan Harper; A.; rah Moseley; wid John
Whitaker; Aus'mn J Casey
Warren —Jethro Darden; sen las Mohb’s
orp of jas Wilkerann P Ivy, McCormick
Neal; Uriah Little; jordon G- dsori; Lew
is Garrard; jdinesßicketson; Geo B Wag
gc-icr, jessc Armstrong; Wright Jackson;
Landii Dye; John Carr; Matlhev. Parham
Washington —Thos Osteen; Lewis Grif
fin; Wtn Po'ter, Win Brown; Eleanu
Walls: orp John K ng; Han.
ley; jas Averre; English Amith; Patience
Eckles; Bryant Pace; Nathan Mott; Dai
ry jinkins
Wayne —James Cason, Wm Pendttis;
Ann Quitman; ivid
Wilies —Lewis Lane; Willis Rucker;
Martha j Coats; orp of Wm John Abort
Geo Decker’s orpq josiah M Lyon; Win
nefred Apratlin; wid Benj P Fisher; Jits
Dubervy; Amanda Fcrrington; John opr;
Win Morris; Wm M A Houghton, Charles
Hudson; Barnard Herd, JUsCritnin; .tas
Wcodroft', Drury Jackson; Harden Fes
ter’s orps janob Lester; ,rac b Callaway
Wilkinson —Win Baker; sen jas llowt l,
jas G Davis; Adam Hr nan; Win Lindsey,
John Hancock; Mai tin Voting, Ausannuh
Fountain, wid Mart Passmore; wid Win
lock Pearson; Jolt: R.uliii; Daniel M Hall
No 5.
Appling —Mills Mustek, Fcriby Carter,
wid John Aloe re
Ba'ihvin— James Gamble, Cot-hen I,
Bridges, Samrel Tucker, Hcnj Pt tee’s
orj hs Abigal Madox, wid Elisha Whitney,
Jackson Cone, E F Gulden, John T. Lew
is, Bmj A Sims, Eden Taylor
Burke —John Brinson. Sabin Fryer,
orph Samuel While, Martha Daniel, Den
ms Gleson, Bryant Whitfield, John S.
Royal, Holden Bather, Lewis’ orphs Su
sannah Godby, wid Elizabeth Bargenon,
Charles F Sugar, Elijah Hill, Allen Per
Bryan —John Omones, Harden’s orphs
Arthur J. J. Graham
Bulloch —David Alderman, Alien Jones,
Allen Denmark, Aron Cone, Elizabeth
Peacock, wid Joshua Browing
Clark —Lemuel Swanson, Pleasant liar
degree, Elisha Powell, Malcom Johnston,
Robert Whitlon, Win Meriwether, Wm
Coleman’s orphs Abraham Sitvy, Hum
phrey Hurst, Hiram Hays, Perry G Wil-
Columbia —Higdon Borornn, Henri A
dams, Mark P Davis, Samuel Cartledge,
Ignafus Moore’s orps James Harvel, Ab
ncr Sims’ orphs Culbicalh’s orphs Wm F
Ware, 'l’ho’s J Bowdre, Jas G Hutchin
son. Samuel licks, Isaac Willingham,
Wm Thomas John Hall, Jas Landers,
Critendon’sorphs 11108 II While
Chatham— Abram Hunnott, Stephen I!
Storking, Ann Pitt, orphan Thomas Tab
tnadge, Catharine Fry, wid Matthew M’Al
listcr, John Hodges, Oliver Hillard, John
K; Warner, David G ann, Isaac Williams,
White’s orphans Mary P. Prontin, win
Jane Myers, wid Richard U Cuyler, Geo
G Fat res
Camden —Jas Stafford, Josiah Parrish,
Josiah Winans, Sarah Brown, wid Alhu
Parrish, John Goss
Early —Wm Kelly, Anna Hammock
Effingham —Mary Elkins, vttd Benja
min Morrill, Emanuel Shcarouse, Samuel
Be Ulenbcrk, Wm Wheeler, Ktbecca
Rowell, wid John C Lineberger, Robert
Bayn, Alary Groveoslein, Joseph V. Be
Emanuel— Wm Dregora, Geo Dreakle,
Daniei Neel, Thos Lanier, Elizabeth Rhy.
nor, wid JohnS Kirkland, Mary Drejv,
"id John Thompson
Eiiert—W'm Kirkland’s 01 ps Jennett
Hans era, wid Anderson Craft, Saul Maize,
Hiram Jones, Messer Spears, Jesse Ilsi.
ml, George Owens, John Y Wingfield,
Wtstley thrisller, Moses Hunt, jr Dennis .
Dodd, Jesse Coleman, Harman Lovingood,
Milam Hendrick
Franklin —John Killer, Benj Slayton,
Jacob Jetsor, Jas Wade, Martha Holden
Greene— klurden Parkcrson, James Pat
tiilo, Zachariah Jones, Delaware Blow; .
Jas R Nelms, Finley’s orphs Thos Owen, .
Reuben Dawson, Abner Alaguire, Robert 1
Stringfellow, Wm Greer, Joshua Cannon,
Fred rick Cook, Wm Stewart, Harrison 1
Junes, Ann Kendrick, wid Ellis Clements, 1
Creasey Harris, Stewart Anderson, tfre- 1
drick II Williams Jonathan Shockly Jas ]
II Taylor, Tabitha Wright, Wyatt Hester,
. I
Mary Walker, uid Joel W JUftwich 1
Gwinnett —Ann Ramsey, wid John P >
Burgess, Jas Glenn, Zachariali Day, An
drew Camp, IsaaaTowers, James Hi ad I
berry, Wm W Crawford, Levy Beachamp,
Liltfeberry Meeks, Jacob Martin
Glynn —Lewis Miles
Hall— Blackwell’s orphs Austin Strick
land, James Thompson, jr John W Cain,
Nevet II Earley, Amariah Hembree, Win
Wilson, Joseph Holmes, Wm Micrs, loham
Hancock— Jesse Barnes; Jehu Davis,
Susannah Hart, wid Wm 1) Rye, Isaac M
Wales, Lurana Smith, Samuel Harris,
Leonard Gordy; Wm Dunn
Habersham —James Crow, Johnson Do
ver, John O’Bryan
Jones —James W Cotton, Joseph Green,
Wm O’Daniel, Jas.H Jones, Taylor’s orps
James Riley, Sherrod Horn, Wm Buland,
Levin D Sockwell, J I. Biackburn, Eliza
beth Ledbetter, Joseph Burnett, Zacha
riab Robertson, Robert Law, Levi Pitts,
Solomon Pruitt, Samuel F Joncs, Jesse
Reaves, jr John Matter, Samuel Davidson
Jefferson —David Shores, Mtmd Crus-,
jun Catharine Kelly, wid Wm Thompson,
John S Sandefer, Wm M Busby, Wm II
Connelly, orp Henry Brown, E'isha Camp
bell, Avan Jordan, Detnsey Moore, John
B Reid, James Anderson, Alex’r Turner.
Jackson — Wm Segars, John Mobley,
Samuel B McNcal, Pntd Jemmiaon, erp
Peter McMullen, Isade Tilswortb, John
Lyle, Haden Staton, John While, James
Nash, junr Joseph McCune
Jasper —J Simmons, Middleton Hitch
cock, Polly Slaton, wid James Shoit,
Henry Bridges, Wm Riddle, Isaac Fin
cher, Andrew Kennedy, John Belcher,
Jesse II Garratt, John McGtughcy, orp
Thos Hutcheson, Benj Blesset, William
Padget, Wm pain, Jas Fincher, Joseph
Wyatt, Joseph Messer, (Idiot) Lewis
Hand, James Perry, Mabry Ilarrigan,
Ransom Kitchens, Elijah Cal Unit, Bartlett
Towns, John Dean
Im-, uens —Seaborn Moore, Joseph Sike s,
Anu.s A) cock, Martin Hollo, Joint J Un
derwood, J.-sse Cruse, Elizabeth Keen,
.will Wm Moot, Jus Coney
liberty —John AV Gibson, Chas Davis
Lincoln —Jas Crossou, Fanny Barkes
dale, wid Jas Suddelh, David Florence,
Hugo H CToammer, Robert ilaritcsbargcv,
Pete Jarratt
Madison —Jefferson Culbertson, Geo.
Wiley, Mark Afannen, Henry P White,
jr Thomas McCttcn, John Winn, sen Mil
ler’s orphans Demsy Brown, Humphrey
A Bragg, Bilhat Morgan
Morgan —Sion Boon, Alcy Cornup, wid
hiliits Skint,-er, Win Jones, sen Daniel,
Young, Robison Beasley, Smith’s orphs
Silas Cheek, Silvester Criswell, orp Elisha
Strickland, Jams M .-ultima, Enoch Hin
son, Jacob Day, Sarah Doggel, wid Lewis
M Gilbert, Cassey Newsom, wid Bernard
W Raker, Jeremiah Doss, Jonathan \V
Davicc, Edward Stanford
M‘lntosh —Elias Jc Nancy Oeneratte,
orphans Alfred Stanwirk, Robert Young,
babra A Raker, Maty Walla, widow Win
.VicVai! Watts, Townsend’s orphans Na
than Thomas John Harris, jr
Montgomery —John McCranie, Simon
D Hadley
Oglethorpe —Joel Johnson, Berry Ar
nold, Andtew Ha-tsfiel.l, jr Mathew Avo
re. , Joseph Vinson, Martha Dunn, wid
Ulan Eas ; wid Sanders J Scroggins, Hen
ry Britain, Wm England, Coleman Smith,
Mosea Me Who; ter, John Landrum, Wm
Peyton, Benjamin Nortliington, Mildred
Gilmer, wid John E. son, Miles Whelus,
Braciier’s orph.-ms
Pulaski —Het.jamin Howell, Jas John
son, Wmß McGehee, George I.eviston,
orp Juiia Rondvlt’s orps Wm Stepto,
Suttons’s orphans Simon Von, George
Waller, jr
Putnam —John Jones Mathew II Flour
n.)v; He 1 dersou Mize, Thomas S Melton,
Elisha Reid, Benjamin Dumas, John H
Clark, John Hollimcn, Maryann Mitchell,
wid Robison Ralls, Mary Hookn, orpan
Jones Harris, Joseph Crunch, Isaac Whi
taker, Martin Johnson, Wn» Warnum,
Elias Dejanmt
Richmond — James Moore, John Me
Dade, Win W Holt, John Cumming, Geo
Conn, Maria W Ray, orphan Mary Ben
nett, widow Anthony Burroughs, Wm P
Rowiand, Jacob Frederick, 1 homas Phil
lips, junr Benjamin F Lyon, Thomas G
Hall, Charles Tracy, John Ellsworth
Scriven —Samuel P Hammons, Willis
Young, James Damper, Thomas F Lo
vett, sen
fatnall— 'Daniel McDaniel’s orps Jesse
Smith, Benjamin M Coleson, James Tur
Telfair —Archibald Smith, jr John Pou
lan, Mary Nipper, widow
Twiggs —Ajlui Parker, Robert'Fennel,
Ephraim Caudle, Thomas Russell, Gray’s
Davidson, Lewis Powell,
Price Kent, Lewis Etheridge, George
Little, Joseph Parker, Stephen Parker,
James Guerry, sen Nathan Wotnble, Ave
r> AV heeler, Pliineas Oliver, Chailcs Gil
■strap, George AV Parmer, Nancy Wise,
widow David ll.iteman, Joshua Ames’ orps
II niton John 11 Smith, Daniel Strawn’s
orphs -Doses Smith, Robert Lang, Jane
Mat, widow Cyrus D Heflin. John Parker,
Absalom Edgar, John Cates, Wm Waynes,
orps Wm Lemonds, John Sturdivant, Wm
Warren—Jesse M Butt, Adam Ivy, Mil
•cry Langford, Thomas T Buttrcll, Ro
bert Newberry, Eii lia Holliday, Wm F
Devenport, Henry Pool, jr Isaiah Tucker,
Joshua Lazenhcrry
Washington —John I) Turner, Witt ford
Carlisle, Mumfoid Jackson, Daniel Jiu
kins, I.ewullwn JR hermit, Isaac R Young
blood, Abner M Rutherford, John Bar
wick, James Dyer, R -s-inuah Calhoon,
Wm Rowls, Benjamin Warwick, Hugh Gil
mote, Isham S Saffbld, Vibsoii I'uuner,
Jonathan Peacock
II ayne —Richard G Grantham
Wilkes —George Keeling, sen Samuel
Webster Charles B Fallen, John John
son, Adam Wall, Harriet Pullen, widow
Joseph W. Cooper, Caleb Simmons, Jane
Montgomery, wid James Arnold, John C
AA alt on, James Pullen, Win Bowen, Har
riet Pullen, wid Willoby Bankston, Jas
McLaughlin, Jesse -Ifoore, Joshua Davis,
•Michael Andrew's orp Edmond Jackson*
Wilkinson —Bryant Collins, Sally Ma
jors, wid Renney J Smith, Benjamin
Mams, John English.
No. 7.
'Appling —John Turner, (Sweet-Water'.
Jonathan Vick, Mary Hartal, wid Nancy
Asbell, wid Jeremiah Chancey, Anion
Balthoin —Jack Pitts, JV/illy Bivins, wid
AVm Uressic, John Slaughter, Jacob Me
Gee, John Watson, Sh’ft', Patterson Ju
ratt, John Hubbard, Henry Meacbam, jr
Edmunds Womble, Borsdell P Stubb*
JS-jrkt—Benj Dye, Vfcha Trtadwc
ci pis# James ReUfJohn 0- 1
Jom, Jonathan Tipton, AVsi Scoim-rs,
Philip Page; orp Deluly Sapp,David It)
hinson, -1/iddy Lene-ar, James Hollins,
7/hily Hanbcrty, -Dark Ratcliff, Seaborn
Thompson, Drany Duke, jr »
Jiryan —Charnel Wallace, Abraham
Strickland f > s
Hnlioch —Elijah Pitkinson, Milly Arm
strong, wid Joseph Chewning, Isham
Clark- —Win JUttcheli, jr James McCord,
Thomas Hancock, jr Richard Carmikle,
Hope H Signer, Nathaniel Pendigrass,
John W Harper, Augustus C Smith, Ro
derick Hilt, Smith Sudduth
Columbia —Archibald Offutt, I.ctlice
Grillage, wid Zar.haiiah Roberts, Simon
Roberts, Sarah i?oss, wid AVm G Stark,
jr Isaiah C Wright, Alexander M Allison,
Junes Mullin, sen Stephen Dusunherry’s
orps Junes \Vtn«d,junr Janies Wiliis; orps
Scahorn Hixon
Chatham— Henry Johnston, Jas McKay
Maxwell, Eliza Hynes, orphs John It Da
vies, Mary Savary, wid Jilin S Acliord,
Cai.urine Clark, wid George W An In
son, Jeremiah Croifielt, llodeiick AV M‘-
Kinnon, y )Imi Cooper, Win 15lack, An
drew' .McDowell, John Harrison, Catha
rine 'I reaper, nip Win Radford, I hos.
Patterson, orp Cray Taft, Robert Prich
ard, (>to Hinley’s orphs Jilin Harney,
Samuel Philhrick, Jeremiah L Knapp,
■ Catharine Pair, wid Win Lewis, lienj 15
.Morrell, orp
Camden —Wm Reddock, John Gregh
ton, Jolm Osteen, David -A/izeHs,Leonaid
G Jackson
Early —Jolm Olo'td, Starlen Dickson
Effingham —Henry W Cmm, Samuel
Emanuel —John Lindsey's orphs George
Dame, Jordon Hargroves, orp David Davis
Stephen D Lewis, Joseph W Payne, John
Elbert- —Franktiii Cook, Wm Tale, Sai
bourn J Turrrsci, Duke W Huhn, Junes
Mills, Henj.'iimn Winn, Stephen Moon,
Miles T Kiley, James Nash, Drusillcr
Jones, wid Jarriei Jack, wid
Ermklm —Jacob Moulder, Wm Edgcr
ton, lien | I) Pool, Thomas M Tate. Wm
Turk, Willis Roberts, Joshua Woiion,
Joseph Willis, orp
Greene —Win Ansley, Elijah Harrald
son, John Junior, Wm Smith, Robert
Tucker, ./arms Love, John Oliver, Han
nah D 'nie>, wid Reuben llougliton, Jas
U Jinkii.s’ orphs Absalom Janes, Wm
Norrill, sen Jas A Adams, Joseph Duke,
Joshua Cannon, Clement Malone, Ester
Pollard, Thomas A W'atkins, Nancy L
Johnson, orp Janies Dolvin, John Garner,
’ Robert Jones
Gwinnett —Thomas Dennett, George
Herd, jr Robert Drown, jolm Miers, juj
H Holbrooks, Mary Pounds, wid Lorenzo
Terror, Morgan Fields, Ezekiel Curboe,
James A Jett, John P Burgess, Benjamin
Muncurs, Robert D.-joon
Glynn —John Coal, Jacob Moore, Wm
Hall —Ebenezer Calcy, John T Ilardage,
jolm M'Elhanuon, James C Reed, Win
Patterson, Amb’sf- D’ackwell’s orphs Eli
jah Taylor, James Hu dock’s orps
Il'jtic'iekWWty Grigs, orps Jliary San
d< rs, wid James Jackson, James Dlair,
.Martin Johnston, AVm W Grigs, David
Perryman; George Nelson, Thomas W
Dibb, Wm D Garland, Enoch Eihngtou,
Joseph Blown, Wm Dennett, Eiizah -tli
Habersham —Stephen Smitn, Sail'. Rat
iff; Ivizabetl. 1 mnon, wid Felix Arthur,
James U ,'yly, John Fair; John Peanut;
Irwin —Henry jernagin
Jones — James Gregorys orp Joseph j
//ainihon; yl/ises Taylor’s orps Richard
J? 1 .flin; John Argelaer; James Stephens
James Taylor, Wm Carson’s orphs John
Dean; esq Daniel Halstead}Nathan Childs;
Wm’l i 1 lory; Thompson Fondren; orphn
Wtn Harrison; Ire Bishop; Gid -ou Mi.
thews; George iVlrother’s orps W’m Slur
divan 1 ; Samuel W Hearn; Burton Haws’
orphs .dexander W’hittingtcn; llmry
Coursev; Benjamin .Tfirtin; Isaac ./Mills;
Argus M D King, Epi irain Lickings; Alsa
I) an
Wm Sloc.iroh; johu Emerson; Charity
Daily; wid Alfred Nelson
Jefferson —Nath I Piasier; Asa Drown;
Henry Drown; James Ingram; Daniel
Cook; Lot W Hay slip; Robert Irwin; Al
len Causey; Allen A'lilton; Henry Wells
Jackson —Thomas Sockweli; Wm Mar
tin; David justice; Richard Cruse; John
Saylors; John M Keogh; Coition llarri-
Win II /fowls; Wm McNatl’s orphs
W'm Knox
Jasper —james Cowper; Bud Combs;
jolm A'pit rs; Win Parks; 'I honias jack
son, 'Puriier Hunt; sen 'Randy D King: Da
vid Edwards; Rennet Laurence; Sami Os
bern; Isaac DN Martin; W'iley Dullard’s
orphs Wm Lynn; John Norris; D.tuiei W
Pearson; .Tine Watson; wid John AlcSpar
ren; Win. McCoy’s orps Sarah Smith;
wid Eli Turner; Mary Green; wid Le.
Tuggle, Mordica Shackleford; Hn\ a, C v;
Win P Boykin; James Crensli \V; i-'o u
tain Thurman; l.evi AV. bb, jona.hai '
Smith; jr Daniel Joseph 'Paylor;
Mijamin U Trailor; Eaton P Wilson; E
nodi Bragg.
Laurens —jod Conev; Thomas Oliver;
Hardy Wood; W m H Huh eeison; iain»Vj
Graham’s oi-plis //edain 7/,-gisU r; I h s
P .V.niih; David Scott; Pope’
orps Stephen Folsom; Jane Maddux, ah.
Stephen Thompson; Thomas Holm ’
orps John G Petrec; W’m E Deen’s oij
jolm Anderson
Lincoln— Jordan I.evrelt; W'm Jrrau ;
sen Thomas Best; W’m C Stokes, Ei z
Thompson, wid Elijah Swan, Arthur Hu
berts; Stephen Stovall, Christopher 800
lar, Solomon Collins, Asa Paskill
Liberty —Wm Osgood; Rebecca Shep
ard, wid W’m II Pai ker, Samuel Lewis,
John Josey, Thomas B Bacon, Moses Way,
W’m Dowling
Madison —Hillary Hendrick, Jonathan
Sanders, Jacob Strickland, McDon
ald; Henrietta Anderson, orp ?ercraiah
Albright *
Morgan— lsaac Hendrick, s»ames Bar
field, Charles Allen, David Madden, John
C -Wee st; Wm Daniel, Alary Mai dn, wjd
Levin AV Thomas, Francis (Vest; Thomas
Hendon: jr Thomas Alexander, George
Higginbotham; Thomas //ichards; sen
Rachael Hines; wid Bradley Haralson;
George Findley, Bart Phillips'; orp Willis
A Hawkins; Henry Tye’s orps Coats
M'lntosh— Jordan /?vails
Montgomery —Samuel Mider,Benjamin
Baker, Demsy Wood; jr
Oglethorpe—Ju siah Uundervant; jolm
L Wood, Thomas Hartley’s orps Alex’r
Vaughn; Samuel Baldwin; johp Me Laugh
lan; AVm North, Mer Clements; orp John
McKee; Owen F Jackson; Thomas j Co*;
Henry Lanaford; Jfrmw Pye; fiUwbeth
I-eget, wid McrdccaiC Howard; C t r..
A arner; Thomas Mcl.aln : Sarah liurfoi- i.
vd Mathew Phillips; > 1,„ Barns "*
“ulatkt —Lewis Yarbrough, oJin v
nuw Yates: “ r P IV)v ‘! Hun--
«ob t AV, AA.AVyn.ue; M*,y Oduni; v.;i
Reuben Warren; Nathan Ito*l«« ; v JUi ,.
Delamar; wid Alexander Bfoinigtcf li m
V* 1 *» r brough; Ben aid G Thomas, i*
Phelps, john Haddock's; oiphs Henj .mii,
Johnson, John Brad-haw
Putnam —Hiram Garrard; j :iS Jr .
ion; David Aiidress; sen Ntncy t'o-l“>-
wid .Vcymour Catching! Eh Gro. gt; Pn*
ant Dixon; If m Morris; Aimer R.ud-.rd-
Mrchael Stinson; Arduhald Jiurhelo.’;
Bcrjamin; C Hargrove; Mathew
Ely Buckner/ Uenjy Dixon; , n .i„
Lacy; John IFadswurth; Edmund Arpm,
Fanier Hendoi ’ S M ‘ l!e * Clo l no, 'i Edward
Hens.(*n; ]r
Jlichmond— M irv R Marbntk; wid Jns
Thompson; David Li.nib; Sarah, Mary v
S U^T, u MK ''i”’ W *'' a "*
yL.ilflo; (I in Tull; Jusildi Junvq Klizulictla
•>av«ge; v i t Thomas CbilHn- Nt oTlium
Daniel, Thomas 1) Pate; Fanny IVicm,
wul • II Jones; .Va.ah -Warns; wid
Sc-ivcn - James .f m !ih; Barnet Newton
Uir. /foundli ee, IF n llanu. r’a erpt. j-ibn
0 C Mrservy, Moses N McCall; R’, s |,.
ington Freeman; /Palter Halker; Edvard
Tatnall— /Fin Fn’rh; sen mps jotin
radge;, sen Geo H M.:El«y
J eHair— Dugald McDuflcc; jasnnHiin
sou; y.iim Pius; sen
r.eiggs—r.v.a, Fills, Tlryan ';
Elijah Ber-y «mitli,-{i,drtw l)„n,
son; Michael Mixs.m; B’cddir.k B-ai-
Kachnriah Cov avd, Ilenj N Kelly; I v v' \{
; L Briggs; Nathan Minshew-, sen lira
// alton— /film Ho.ic.h ; John jinner,; jai
Bonomvh; BriUain .Alford; Joseph Rub
bard; A/Tve! Kelly; Stephen HoweihV.J
, •Vwmriey; Nathan Fowler, James .Si.iiijl
iVolomon Lee I
IFarren— Aicliard Gheasllng, Renryl
Ho.,ner, sen (insane) Henry Bozin-, jl
i jU,is ;py Mr, t, ,i die!
, Intis //'ltd, james 7/ii,, y, .iar.(,b Rojo-; <; a l
leh Undsey, Jas Fears, /Finney /r.'ijte|
wid ,ias ./diiir.n 1
IVushingtun — //Vstley A’insnn, .tip T.unl
•lay; ■Vtunnt'l P Howard, Tiiuetln It Dul
i pree, Guinrod Kill;;, //niter Fennell, 6a|
i mud H ./dams. Cnri'al Francis, jamel
, Kenuady, E 1,171 Dudley, Cornelius Jfmnll
• Nelson 1 .msey, Kdw Cross, Benjsin;i, 7/aJ
, wick, M uilton Pen ock, Hardy /fay,
, seph /Filliams, huac Hay, Elisha(k'wurJ
If ayne— //obc vt Leach I
B i/k« —G« o 7'omlinson; John’l
1 ehi'dren, jolm Sagi,,--; jnlm T Crave J
1 Tims E Combs, Efiza Caco.ton, m-phan <1
, .mroti, James /Fhat'errs, Ifc-njamin // T:iM
1 ver, ,/ibert Hees; John Elliott, 7/obrr A
Gibsoii; A’amuel /filler, /Tin 1) Ogcirel
1 7/urwell Duiiipliant, /Fibs Gum; Ihvil
Ogfetree, jr Alias Aran; J/urvell TUnnl
, Ih- nj Gresham’s orps 7?oheri M Johnsoij
John Aliearer, /Filliuin M /arver, J/I
(Stokes; Andrew Bo If, sen Grtenberfl
T/opkins I
Wilkinson —(Stephen 7/anis, /olm SoM
en, sen Bazdel 7/ell, Joseph f.hmmonj
Wm O 7/askins, jarob *S'hi v>-r, j‘
••/dams, ./bher /F< otlall, jolm M,.rril
Doniel Chi d'trs, .T/ ore ,d\cn, '7'm)iiiH
tiny, ji Charles Porrer; 7?ea-o:i j- kiusH
LegisiwtwTc I
Monday, Xovernier 12. I
Mr Steele—'l a lay off. and form a nra
county, from part of Morgan, .laspel
AA'nlton and Henry, and to organize thl
same. I
Mr Cary—Alore effectually to quiet aal
perfect the possession of personal propel
ty,and to preven lalcliig possession theil
of, by fraud and violence. I
Mr J. Robinson—To divorce Wm, anl
Elvina Cheek. I
HILLS reported. I
1 Mr Wright-—'To authorize dustier a 1
the Inferior court of Jefferson, to levy ■
extra tax. r I
Mr Hates—To extend the time for tall
ing our grants on surveys, made on heal
1 rights and bounty warrants I
Mr murray—To divorce Samuel anl
Ann Bncksteiner. I
Mr Henderson—To divorce Stepbel
0. and Saruli_ Heard I
Mr Daniel—To amend an ad to dil
pose of the lands lately acquired from til
Greek Indians, kc I
Mr R. Jones —To incorporate the Geol
gin Alutnal Insurance Cotiipauy. I
Mr 'Tankei'sly—To alter ami amrnl
• lie fill section of the Ist article of til
constitution of (his slate. I
Mr A’.uing—To alter and amend anal
to regulate and esinblish an uniform pral
tioe in Justices'eo:jri»,l
Mr Murray—Amendatory of the Sunil
■eciion llf li division of the pena code. I
Mr Feafherstoii—To appoint the Jnstl
ees of the Inferior court of Montg-nn I
■ ouniy, commissioners of tlie pubM
uildiugs. I
Mr J. W’. Jackson—To repeal tne
eciion of an act tor the orgiinization 1 fl
■ iiurt of Common Pleas, and 'Rer
Terminer for the City of Savannah, >-c.H
On Motion of Mr Upson. ■
Resolved, that the joint committee
Judiciary, he directed to enquire and tfl
oort whetlier a;iv, & if any, w i.itfrn'n®
meets or alterations are proper and nec*
eiry to he made in the Judiciary act, nafl
■ d 18tb February, 1799, and the seve*
act&amei d.ilory thereof:
Whether a«y, and whit ameidmciH
are necessajy -Ujhe niadvfi r Tie
of this state, regulating an ' dt fm'-'s
poweis and duties of Courts of Orii
and the statutes authorizing
anti Administrators to make titles
AA hcllier any, and what
arc necessary to be made to the
of tins sta’e, relating to attachments*
those relating to the partition of
and the mode of assignment of
&c. and those relating £0 writs of crrtiM
rari, fees of officers on salt s of
under execution ; and the laws of
state relating to the conveyance of
sonal property. H
Whether any statutes are necessary
passed, to prevent more effectnaby J
nlcnt removals of property to evade
payment ofdebtsand to prevent frauo''
attempts to evade, and the aiding
sisting in the evasion of civil process. H
On motion of Mr J. AV Campbell-
Resolved, That the joint Military cj
mittee be directed to ei quire, if ■‘H
what additions should be made I ,J -S
stores nt w in the arsenal. ||