Newspaper Page Text
Vo\. E
IS published WEEKLY RY
u three dollars a year, in advance,
r four dollars if not paid within tile
will be inserted at
sF.vENTV-rivE jenis per square , f.r
ilic first insertion, and fifty cents
, nrea di continuance. Advertisements
not limited when banded in, will be
inserted till forbid.
V n Notice of sales of land .and negroes by
Administrators. Executors, or Cuardinns, are
wuuired bv law, to he advertH.-.l in a nub .c
;• .Vette sittv dev previous to the day of sale.
Notice of the sale of personal property must
bt ,\ iv,.i in like manner forty days previous to
tlie iluv of sale.
Notice to the debtors and < - ditors of an es
tate must be published/art.y davs.
Notice that application will be madi to the
■Court of Ordinary o r leave to sell land, must
published nine months.
|r|N)lE subscribers have opened a
I Btore in Macon, Bibb county, di
rectly on the blurt - , near the ferry, in
the store of Dr. Ingersoll, where they
alfer for sale, low for Cash the follow
ing articles, —viz
2000 lbs Iron, 1000 lbs prime Bacon
400 hush. L. P. Salt,
lObbls prime Pork, 10 do Whiskey
3do Din, 0 hogsheads Whiskey
5 hhds N. O. Sugar, 2 do Molasses
2 bbls Jamaica Sugar
1 do loaf do, 10 bags Coflee
2 chests ’fea, 2 kegs l). P. Powder
20 bags shot, 6 boxes Candles
4 boxgs Soap, 4 kegs Tobacco
2 casks London Porter
7 do Nails, assorted
Plough Moulds
Madeira,Teneriflfe Sc Claret Wines
Jamaica and Northern Hum
Cogipic Brandy, Holland Gin
Pepper, Spice, Copperas, Saltpetre
liar Lead, Plow Lines, Bed Cords
Trace Chains, Brade’s patent Hues
Pad, stock, and closet Locks
Cotton Cards, Curry Combs
Crockery Ware, assorted
Korn, tortoise, bone and ivory Combs
assorted, Pins and Needles do
Pearl, mould and metal Buttons do
?fn, pocket, ai.d Spanish Knives and
Forks, assorted
Ladies morocco, leather, and prunella
Shoes, do, Cent's Shoes & Bootees
leases gentlemen's beaver, imitation,
and merino Hats, assorted
Hose Blankets, Blue Booking
(been Baize, Cassimcres, Ozngburgs
Flannels, assented
Cotton and linen Shirting do
Irish, Russia, and cotton Sheeting do
Long Lawns, Domestic Plaids
Apron Checks, Bed Ticking
Russia Duck and Drill
Ladies and gent's Hose, assorted
1 hildrens do, Ribbons, assorted
Linen, cotton, and Oznaurg Thread
labes, cotton Cord, Bobbin
Ladies and gent's Gloves, assorted
Linen and cotton Cambric do
Calicoes and and Ginghams, do
SteFsuckers and printed V islins
Fufniture Calicoes and Chintz
Cambric Dimity
Mull,book, and jackonet muslins
■Merino, Valencia and silk Shalls
Button and C asm mere assorted do
Valencia Scarfs, Inserting ’Trimmings
Wuslin Dresses, Tamb’d Muslins
B inline and imitation Plaids
•ombazettes, Union Stripes, French,
■ Nankin, and Yellow do. assorted
■'‘j;k Sinchews,
■prjet ami green Florentine
■'inkin and Canton Crapes
Barcelona Handk'fs
J'lk Umbrella#
■“ngunly and Turkov Red Shalls
■ alencia, 1 til*t & Marseills Vestings
••emlemca’s Cravats
| together with a number of other ur
■u es , numerous to mention.
■ A liberal price will be given for Cow
■‘■MB, &, C .
1 J. & A. BF.NNLTT.
r sa ß* hv the subscriber,
■; folio's, lug tracts Y LAND.
IM, oth I)i„t. Houston 202i acr.
■ Til 5 “ Dooly £O2 *
■ Lt 7 £O9 i
a -b 1 i << £l)2t
I r “ Henry Vo2^
I K 2O “ Rally 2^o
I?"* •ecoml hand C()A CHFT, ll:u-
HL P** 1 ’ HORSK, which wilt he sold
llAn'r ash * BF.NNF.TT.
dm 20
PW6 tmflt #
■ J^puutrtJ,
A 1 Oils OFFIC)', J
r E MI K Legislature of this State Imv-
I ing enacted that the house of John
Keeitpr shall he the place of holding
Superior and Inferior courts, and oth
er public business for Bibb county, un
til the Justices of the Inferior Court
shall have selected a place for that pur
pose,and given public notice thereof—
And believing that the building now
on the lot in the town of Macon, de
signed fora court-house, &.c. will be
sufficient to accommodate said courts :
It is therefore
ORDERED, that from and after the
tenth day of December next the before
mentioned lot in the town of Macon
shall be the place of holding Superior
and Inferior courts, and doing other
public lousiness, and that the same be
published in one of the public Gazetts
of this State.
C. W. RAINKS, J. /. C.
Novembers, 1823.
v* INK months after date applica
i_N tion vx ill be made to the honorable
court of Ordinary of Warren County,
for leave to sell
One ‘viv V containing
acres of land, being lot no. 16G in the
sixth district of Karlv County—
One other ira* A. e ontainin^
450 acres in Warren county, adjoin
ing lands of Little Bryant and others.
Owe other trad, in Warrev
county adjoining the beforementioned
Two Negroes, Viz. .Marga
ret, a woman, and Anthony a man—all
being the real estate of Samuel Allen
late of said county dcc’d. and to be
sold for the benefit of the heirs and
creditors of said dec’d.
S. ALLEJV.Jdm’r.
March 20th 1823. mSm
V oUee.
NINE months after date, applica
tion will be made to the honorable
luferioi Court of i w iggs county
when sitting for ordinary purposes
lor leave to sell one tract of land con
taining two hundred and eleven acres,
more or less, lying in the county of
/Fasbington, near Sandersville ; being
the property of Josiali Yasser, deceas
ed, late of Twiggs county.
de bonis non.
July 7, 1823 1 Gin9m
.Administrators Sale.
AGREEABLE to an order of the
Honorable the Inferior Court of
Jefferson county, will be sold, on the
First Tuesday in January next,
One NEGRO BOY about 17 years
old, being the property oi John Pat
ridge, deceased.
Terms made known on the day of
Pet. 19th, 1828. tds£9
Nf INK months after date, applica
j tion w ill he made to the honora
ble court of Ordinary of Jefferson
county for leave to sell
owe tract of \vvnd containing
2024 acres being known by lot No.
209, in the 15tn (list. (Old) Wilkinson
county, it being the real estate ot John
Patridge, late of Jefferson county,
Feb. 21st 1825. . mOm.
.dduumstvatovs Sale.
y \ “ILL be solilon Tuesday the 13tli
TV day of January next, nt the late
residence of William Pace, deceased,
late of Bibb county,
T\us PovlshalAo VropcvtN
of said deceased, consisting of Corn,
Fodder, Horses, Cattle, Hogs, House
hold and Kitchen Furniture, Planta
tion Utensils, &c.—The Sale will con
tinue from dav today until all is sold.
‘Terms made known on the day of
Sale. James Fj.ewj.lun , Jldm'r.
Martha Pace. Jid\rr\v.
PeconluT 3d, 1 823. Ids.),
Ivo \ \e\k.
\TINK months afterdate applica
. N tion will be made to the Honora
ble the Inferior Court of Jefferson
countv m heu sitting lor Ordinaty put
poses for leave to sell the real estate
of John Whigham, late of said county,
deceased, for the benefit of the heirs
and creditors of said dec and.
Nov. !0, 1625. 35^m9m.
iA*. TO LET,
*■ A convenient S TORE*
Apply at this Cilice.
Nov. 19. 35
Uolwvtsow & V.vunben-x,
HAV ING removed their stock of
Goods from New Town, request
all those indebted to the firm to make
immediate payment to S. Rqse, at this
Office, who is authorised to receive
the same.
Nov. 19. 35
Sheriffs Sale.
ON the first Tuesday in January
next, will be sold on the court
house square in the town of Macon,
Bibb county—between the usual hours
of sale, the follow ing property, viz.
330 acres of'and, more or less,well
improved, with a Saw and Grist Mill,
now in complete operation, whereon
Leonard Suns now lives, adjoining
lands of Zachariah Lamar,Hardy llar
rel, and others, No. unknown—lying
in, formerly Tw iggs, now Bibb county.
Levied on as the property of Leonard
Sims to satisfy two fi fas in favour of
Charles Bullock, Adm’r. ike. vs. said
Sims—property pointed out by Mrs.
Also —2024 acres of Land known
by No. 103 in the 4th dist. formerly
Houston, but now Bibb county ad
joining Nos. 102 and 104—Levied on
as the property of Edmund Wilkersnn
to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Hancock &,
Davis, vs. said Wilkerson.—Levied
on and teturned to me by Nathan
Brady, jr. Constable.
Terms of Snle — Cash.
December Ist, 1823. tds—37
iieov £\a —-YvV\A> C 1 ou\\ V\
VB/‘ II ERE AS Will. W. Brownap-
T V jilies to me for letters of admin
istration on the estate of John Uashan,
late of said county deceased.— These
are therefore, to cite and admonish all,
and singular the kiudeed and creditors
of said deceased to be and appear irt.
my office, within the time prescribed
by law, to shew cause, if any, why said
letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand this 28th day
of November, 1823.
1). a. BOOTH, c. r. 0.
.\t\m\ms\valor’s Salo.
\iriLL lie sold at the late resi-
TI deuce of Alexander Turner,
late of Bibb county, dec. on Saturday
the 27th December,
%\\l W\e l\'vsov\a\ Pvo^evtN
belonging to said estate, consisting ot
Horses, Cattle, Farming Utensils,!
Household and Kitchen Furniture,
&C. &c.
.dlso —On the same day will he of
f’ered for hire, a Negro Boy and Girl.
Terms made known on clay of Sale.
Nov. 12, 1823. Gw34
i\dnV\mstrator s S;\\e.
ILL be sold in the Town of
f V Macon, on the first ’Tuesday
in January next,
TwevUyono .\egvoes \h
longing to the estate of W llliam M .
Dawson, deceased, consisting of Men,
Women, Bovs, Girls, and Children.—
Sold under the authority of the Court
of Ordinary of Bibb county, for the
benefit of the creditors of said estate.
’Terms made known on the day of
1 s
aMartha If. Dawson, f w>;
NovemherotJi, 1823. tdss3
.AtlnnmslVcUors Stile.
WILI. he sold,! on Saturday the
17th day of January next, at
the town of Louisville, at tbe late re
sidence of Hall, deceased,
,\U \l\e Personal Properly
of said deceased, consisting ol Hors
es, Cattle, Hogs, H (iiisehold and Kit
chen Furniture, and also & set ot Sad
dlers Fools. Terms made known on
dav of sale.
CALEB tC ( EY, Jldm’r.
Dec. 10, 1823. *tds3B
Fov stile aV lliis Office.
IATI> ol the firm of Keeney Clarke, con-
J tinues the Tailoring Business in Jinli;*
Shorter’s building udjoining the Post-Oflire.
when; all orders will be thatikl'uliy received
and punctually attended 10.
ure received, and as none but the best work
men are employed, the public may rest assur
ed that their work will be done in the be*l
He has just received a handsome assort
ment of
TRIMMINGS , suitable for
Dress Clothes.
Ready made COATS, VESTS and
PANTALOONS. All *f which will
be sold low foi cash.
He returns his thanks for the libe
ral patronage he has received, and so
licits its further continuance.
A general assortment of BOOTS
and Ladies, Gentlemen's and chil
dren’s SHOES.
•Macon, Dec. 3. 3m37
fTUIK Boat Red-Bird, will leave
JL Macon for the above place on the
20th December. Freight taken at the
uual rates. Appply to
M aeon, Dec. 3. 2w37
Nolle C.
i INF. rmmths after date, applica
tion will be made to the honora
ble Court ol” Oi4inarv of Jefferson
countv, for leave to sell lot number
one hundred and twenty-eight, in the
fifth District of Monree county, be
longing to William H. Connelly, a
minor. In the mean time all persons
are cautioned against trespassing on
said land.
Littlj Bi’.ttßY Bostick,
May 22, 1823. mUm.
Tk | INF. months from this HnJpi, ap-
plication will be made To the
honorable court of Ordinary of Bibb
county for leave to sell
All llio veal esi ale oV
John D. Williams, deceased, late of
said county.
Timothy Matthews,
.ddtu. de bonis von.
19th May, 1823. m9mlo
V*7 HF.REAS Anthony R. Chent-
T v ham, administrator, and Cath
arine I>. Matthews, administratrix of
William Matthews, late of Jefferson
county, deceased, apply to me for let
ters dismissory on said estate.
These are therefore to cite and ad
monish all and singular, the heirs and
creditors of said decided, to file their
objections in terms of the law, in such
case made and provided, if any they
have, why said letters should not be
granted. Given under my hand this
Ist day of July, 1823.
John G. Bostick, d.c.c.o.
July 1. mGml9
lleov£t*A~ .Jefferson County .
\\ HERF'AS Jesse Robinson and
Matilda G. Bostick apply to
me for letters of administration on
the estate us Don K. Bostick,deceased,
late of Jefferson county : These are
therefore to cite and admonish all
and singular, the kindred and credi
tors of said deceased, to be and ap
pear at my office w ithin the tune pre
scrided by law, to show cause, if any,
w hy said letters should not be granted.
6iven under my band this 2d De
cember, 1823.
John G. Bostick, v. a. c. o.
We are aulßorlscd to an
nounce GEORGE VIGEL a candidate
for the office Receiver ot lax Returns
for this county,
We are authorised to an
m /cce SPENCER RILEY a candi-J
date Sr the office of Receiver of Tax
Returns for this county.
Medical Facts and \m\n\v\es
On the nature, causes, prevention ami euro
of Fever; more expressly in relation to
the Endemic Fevers of summer and
autumn in the southern states. To
gether with accounts of the Bil
llous Remitting Fever of Alu
hpma, as• it appeared in the
summers and autumns of
ISill and IH2*2.
Author of Physical Observations and Medical
Tracts and Researches nn the Topography
and Diseases of Louisiana.
THE Author of the work abovemen*
fumed considers that little need
be said in order to set forth its interest
and utility to the community at large,
ft is a subject ir, which all are inte
rested, as well the planter as
si( ian. Fever is the principal source
of mortality in the Southern States,
and the annual visitor of our towns,
settlements and sea-ports;an acquain
tance, therefore with its causes, its na
ure, prevention and cure, is among
the first lessons of self-preservation.
A residence of several years in the
southern states, together with conside
rable experience in the diseases of the
climate, and the aid of study and re
flection have, the writer trusts, ena
bled him to treat the subject in such a
manner as to be both useful and inte
resting. It is nearly ten years since
he turned his attention to the labor and
execution of tbe present work ; during
w hich time, the facts and observations
that have fallen within his reach,have
been carefully improved. The r suit
he is now about to give to the public.
His aim has been to render the work
of essential practical utility, and he
has therefore avoided much of the tech
nicality of medical language, in order
to adapt it to the understanding of all.
To those who live at a distance from
a physician, and even to others a work
of this nature ca*not fail to be of im
The work will comprise as many a*
250 pages octavo. Provided a suti
cient number of subscribers are obtain -
ed, it will be offered to them at two
dollars, payable on delivery, a >d to
non-subscribers at the rate of one cent
per page.
Persons who may take an interest
in the above named woA, for every six
subscribers obtained, will be entitled
to one copy gratis.
Cahawba, (Ala.) March 22, 8 23.
We ;\ve tuUIuMT. ‘ >. • -k.i
candidate for the office of Sheriff for
this county.
We are authorized to an
nounce Herman. 11. HOWARD a
candidate for the office of Sheriff for
this county.
\v e are authorised to an
nounce Capt. HENRY G. ROSS, a
candidate for the office of Sheriff for
this county.
We are authorised to an
nounce ISAIAH f HAIN, Kq. a can
didate for the offiew of Sheriff for thi9
w e are authorised to
announce JOEL RUSHIN, esq. a can
didate for the office of Slieritt of this
w e are authorised to an
nounce Capt. CHARLES INGRAM,
a candidate for the office of Clerk ol
the Inferior Court for thi3 countv.
______ *
w e are authorised to an
a sandidate for the office of Clerk of
ffie Inferior Court for tfcis county.
w e are authorised to
announce Col. D. S. 800 TH a candi
date for the office of Clerk of the Supe
rior Court of this county.
We are authorised to
candidate for the office of Clerk of the
Superior Court of this county.
\Ve are ‘Authorised to an
candidate fpr the office of Coroner sits
this county.
— - -I, -
We are authorised to an
nounce N. W. WELLS, Esquire, a
candidate for the office of Clerk
the Superior Court for flirs otuntj".
K*. 39