Georgia messenger. (Ft. Hawkins, Ga.) 1823-1847, January 07, 1824, Image 1

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|*o\. L THE MESSENGER, IS pcnLTSHKD WBF.KI.Y BY I SE& ROBERTS ON, W th re dollars a year, in advance, ■ur dollar if not paid within the wil! be ,nscrtod ~a t ■sty-five CF.NTV per square, W Bjrst insertion, and fifty cents ■ch continuance. Advertisements limited Wheti handed in, Will be ■ted till forbid. Mr Notice of sales of land ami negroes by ■ . ‘ . ... F,editors, or Guardians, are yfL to be advertised in a public ■ti- e r/i/davs previous to the day ot sale. BLofthe sale of personal property must K,n in like manner forty days previous to Kv of sale. r Klee to the debtors and creditors of an es iiust be published forty cjpvs. ■lire that application Will be made to toe ■of Ordinary for leave to sell land, must fciished nine months. vr ©.'©©Too ‘ II IP subscribers liave opened a gtore in Macon, Bibb county, di v on the bluff, near the terry, in tore of Dr. Ingersoll, where they for sale, low for Cash the follow rticles, —viz — |0 lbs Iron, 1000 lbs prime Bacon I) bush. L.P. Salt, I bbls prime Pork, 10 do Whiskey fc do Gin, 6 hogsheads Whiskey K hhds N. 0. Sugar, 2 do Molasses K bids l Jamaica Sugar h do loaf do, 10 bags Coffee fe chests rest, 2 kegs D. I*. Powder I) bag* shot, 6 boxes Candles 14 boxes Soap, 4 kegs Tobacco 12 casks London Porter r do Nails, assorted logli Moulds peira,Teneriffe & Claret Mines Lira ami Northern Bum [nac Brandy, Holland Gin bper, Spice, Copperas, Saltpetre [ Lead, Plow Lines, Bed Cords [ce Chains, Brade’a patent lloes I, stock, and closet Locks [ton Cards, Curry Combs wkery Ware, assorted rn, tortoise, bone and ivory Combs [ssorted, Pins and Needles do id,mould and metal Buttons do i, pocket, and Spanish Knives and forks, assorted lies morocco, leather, and prunella [hoes, do, Gent’s Shoes it Bootees Ues gentlemen’s beaver, imitation, im! merino Hats, assorted ie Blankets, Blue Booking ten Baize, Cassimeres, Ozuaburgs nnels, assmted ttonand linen Shirting do ill, Russia, and cotton Sheeting do tig Lawns, Domestic Plaids rc.a Checks, Bed Ticking ssia Duck and Drill dies and gent's Hose, assorted Bildrens do, Ribbons, assorted ten, cotton, and Oznaurg Thread ■pcs, cotton Cord, Bobbin ■dies and gent’s Gloves, assorted linen and cotton Cambric do ■licoes and and Ginghams, do Bersuckers and printed Muslins Brniture Calicoes and Chintz Cambric. Dimity Bull,book, and jackonet muslins Berino, Valencia and silk Shalls Btton and Cassimere assorted do B’.encia Scarfs, Inserting Trimmings Buslin Dresses, Tamb’d Muslins Broline and imitation Plaids ■imbazettes, Union Stripes, French, ■ Nankin, and Yellow do. assorted Black Sinchews, Barlet and green Florentine Bankin and Canton .Crapes ■lag and Barcelona HandkTs aibrellas ly and Turkov Red Shalls lia, Toil’t & Marseills Vestings men’s Cravats dlier with a number of other ar too numerous to mention. >eral price v\ ill be given for Cow i &.c. &c. J. & A. BKNNKTT. o —For sale by the subscriber, lowing tracts of LAND. L fdh 1 list. Houston 202’, acr. 4 5 “ Dooly 202,5 ’6 1 “ “ 2024 >2 6 “ Henry 202$ T2O Kaily 250 second hand COACIIKK, liar mi IIORSK, which w ill be sold Cash. JOSKPII BKNNKTT. ust 4. s in2o SMtl K reruns, AT THIS OFFICE. GEORGIA MESSENGER. MACON, NVEn.YESDAY, JANUARY “, 1841. l le.isant M.ninV ,\cat\em\ [S now often for the reception of pu pits, in which will be taught, Or thography, Reading, Writing, English Grammar, Arithmetic, Geography, Book-keeping, Geometry, &c. &c.~ It is situated near the junction of the roads leading from Fort Hawkins and Stone*Creek meeting-house to Marion, Twiggs county. The situation is high and pleasant, with a never-failing spring of water. Good board can be had in respectable families in the im mediate neighbourhood, on reasonable terms. Terms of tuition moderate. W M. JOHNSON, Teacher. Dec. 17. S'Jtf. NO V\CE ‘'VJ INE months after date applica -I.M tion will he made to the honorable court of Ordinary oi Warren County, for leave to sell One tract ccmtauimg 250 acres of land, being lot no. 166 in the sixth district of Early County— One other tract, containing 450 acres in Warren county, adjoin ing lands of Little Bryant and others. One other tract, in Warren county adjoining the beforementioned tract. ALSO— Two Negroes, \V/.. ♦Marga ret, a woman, and Anthony a man-—all being the real estate of Samuel Allen late of said county dec’d. and to be sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said dec’d. S. ALLEN, Adm'r. March 20th 1823. in9m Notice. NINE months after date, applica tion will be made to the honorable Inferiot Court of Twiggs county when sitting for ordinary purposes tor leave to sell one tract of land con taining two hundred and eleven acres, more or less, lying in the county of W ashington, near Sandersville ; being tbe property of Josiah Yasser, deceas ed, late of Twiggs county. WILLIAM PERRY, Adm’r de bonis non. July 7, 1823 lt>m9m NOTICE. NT INK months after date, applica- I tion will be made to the honora ble court of Ordinary of Jefferson county for leave to sell owe tract ot U\m\ containing 2021 acres lieing known by lot No. 209, in the l.ltndist. (Old) Wilkinson county, it being the real estate of John Patridge, late of Jefferson county, dec'll. JAMES T. HUDSON, Adm’r. Feb. 21 st 1823. ni9m. ♦ \i\m\uist ratov’s Sale. TXT ILL be sold on Tuesday the 13th V V day of January next, at the late residence of William Pace, deceased, late of Bibb county, The V*evishab\e Vvoyievlx of said deceased, consisting ol ( orn, Fodder, Horses, Cattle, Hogs, House hold and Kitchen Furniture, Planta tion Utensils, &c.—The Sale will con tinue from day today until all is sold. Terms made known on the day of Sale. James Fi,ewellin, Adm’r. M ahth \ Pace. Jldmr'.v. Pece fiber 3il, 1923. tds37 AO'i'U.'L jVriNK months afterdate applica tion will be made to the Honora ble the Inferior Court of Jefferson county when sitting for Ordinary pur poses for leave to sell the real estate of John Whigham, late of said county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said dec’d. ROB’T DONALDSON, Kx’r. Nov. 19, 1823. 35*pm9m. NViuMetl, R 0D BUSHELS OF CO UN. Apply at this Office immediately. November sth. 83 tt TiaVTTON. npIIE public are hereby cautioned I against trailing for a Note given by the subscriber io Caleb Hinson, payable on the 24th or 25th of this month, for the sum of 525, the same having been unjustly obtained, 1 ut determined not to pay it unless com pelled by law. T 1 BRNJ. F.LYON. Bibb county, Dec. 24, 1823. [4O3 w Roller! son vN Grawlievvx, HAVING removed their stock of Goods from New Town, request all those indebted to tbe firm to make immediate payment to S. Rose, at this Office, who is authorised to receive the same. Nov. 19. 35 Georgia—Wibli CovuMn . VW7HEREAS Win. W. Brown ap ▼ ▼ plies to me for letters of admin istration on the estate of John Cashan, late of said county deceased.—These are therefore, to cite and admonish all, and singular the kindred and creditors ot said deceased to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this 28th dav of November, 1823. 1). S. BOOTH, r. c. o. 6w— 37 •Adm‘t nstvators Sale. VTHLL be sold at the late resi v T deuce of Alexander Turner, late of Bibb county, dec. on Saturday the 27th December, %W\ Vlie Vevsonal Vro\>ov\\ belonging to said c-tate, consisting of Horses, (T.tlie, Farming Utensils, Household and kitchen Furniture, ike. &c. * —On the same day will be of set ed for hire, a Negro Boy and Girl. Terms made known on day of Sale. M A RGA RET TU RNER, Mm\v. Nov. 12, 1823. Cw 34 Admimslvalov’s Sale. “TS7~ILL be sold, on Saturday the v v 17tb day of January ne-xt, at the town of Louisville, at the late re sidence of Joseph Hall, deceased, AW ibe iYysmval Vvo\ ov\\ of said deceased, consisting of Hors es, Cattle, Hogs, Household and kit chen Furniture, and also a set of Sad dlers Tools. Terms made known on day of sale. CALEB COOKSEY, Jldm'r. Dec. 10, 1823. *tds3B Georgia--'eW'evsou Ctnmlv. WHEREAS Decy Pool apples for letters of administration on the estate of Joseph Pool, late of said county, deceased. These are, there fore, to cite and admonish all and sin guiarthe kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my of fice, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, (if any,) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this 29th day of November, 1823. H. li. Slielman , c. c. o. 39— 6w* Executors Sole. X ‘5 7 ILL be sold on Friday the 16th v v ofJauuary next, at tbe late res idence of David Hollaw ay deceased, in Jefferson county, TWe Versoual Vro\>ert> of said deceased, consisting of a stock of cattle, one Horse, Plantation Tools, Corn and Fodder, &c. ike. ALSO—To he rented and hired on the same day the Plantation and Ne groes belonging to said estate. Terms made known on day of sale. J)AVJI) T. SMI TH, Kx'r. December !id, 1823. Ids- 37 NOTICE. ON Monday, the 19th of January next, an Election will be held at the Court-house in the Town of Macon for a Justice of the Inferior Court, to fill the vacancy of Kinchen Curl, Esq. resigned. JOHN DAVIS, J. I. C. C. VV. RAINES, J. I. C. Dec. 24th, 1823. tde4o 11 UTS WILL be hired at the late resi lience of W illiam Pace, dec’d. in Bibb coanty, on Tuesday the 13th of January next, for the term of one year, the Negroes belonging to the es tate of said deceased, consisting of two Men and Women, and one plough boy.—Also, the land will be rented for the same term. James Flewelliv, Jldm’r. Martha Pace, Jldmr'jc. Dec. 24th, 1823. tdh4o Mi:/{( //./.IT- TAILOR, IVI'K oftlm firm ot Keeney Clarke, con- J tiniies the Tailoring Business in Judge Shorter's building adjoining the I’ost-Ofliee. where all order- will he thnnktuliy received and punctually attended to. £3Thc’I.ATEST FASHIONS are received, mid as none but the work men are employed, the public may rest assur 'd that their work will be done in tin: best manner. He has just received a handsome assort ment of CLOTHS, CASSIM ERE, VESTING, SATI N KTT, SCOTCH PL MO, iV TRIMMJNtJS, suitable for Dress Clothes. Ready made COATS, VESTS, PANTALOONS and Scotch Plaid CLOAKS. All of which will be sold low foi cash. He returns his thanks for the libe ral patronage he has received, and so licits its further continuance. Macon, Dec. 3.3 tn 37 Notice. INE months after date, applica x N tion w ill be made to the honora ble Court of Ordinary of Jefferson county,„for leave to sell lot number one hundred and twenty-eight, in the fifth District oP Monree county, be longing to William H. Connelly, a minor. In the mean time all persons are cautioned against trespassing on said land. Littlkberry Bostick, Guardian. May 22, 1823. m9m. NOTICE. TX, INE months from this date, ap- plication will be made to the honorable court of Ordinary of Bibb county for leave to sell ♦MI U\e veal ©slate of John D. AY illiams, deceased, late of said county. Timothy Matthews, Ad oi. de bonis non. 19th May, 1823. in9mlo Notice. ax 7 HERE AS Anthony R. Cheat- V ham, administrator, ajid f'atlj arine L. Matthews, administratrix of \\ illiant Matthews, late of Jefferson county, deceased, apply tome tor let tors dismissory on said estate. These are therefore to cite and ad monish all and singular, the heirs and creditors of said deceased, to file their objections in terms of the law, in such case made and provided, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this Ist day of July, 1823. John G. Bostick, n.c.c.o. July 1. m6ml9 — 1 ■"”T — Geov^ia—Jefferson Counts. X X'HEREAS Jesse Robinson and v Matilda G. Bostick apply to me for letters of administration on the estate of Don F. Bostick, deceased, late of Jefferson county : These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and credi tors of said deceased, to be and ap pear at my office within the time pre tended by law, to show cause, it any. why said letters should not be granted. Given under tny hand this 2d De cember, 1823. John G. Bostick, and. c. /•. o. . ‘ *Gw_3B ♦Ai\m\iVistvalov's Sale. WILL be sold at the Court -house in Bibb county, on the first Tuesday in February next, OJS E NEGRO FELLOW named Joe, belonging to the estate of Joint I). Williams, deceased: Sold under authority of the Court of Ordinary for B\b\) county, for the benefit of the cre ditors of saiil estate. Timothy Matthews, Jldm’r with the will annexed. Dec.3, 1823. tds37 10 DOLLARS REWARD. Pocket-Book Cost. I GST, between Fort-Hawkins and J Milledgeville, on the 28th inst.a small red Morocco Pocket-Book, con taining 4o dollars in bills on tbe State Bank of South Carolina —also a Note on John Haygood, for 1893 and 93 cts. and several other papers. JOHN BROOM, Jr. |r/7’ The finder is requested to leave the same at this OJJlce. Dec. 31. *l\v4l PROPOSALS FOR PUBLISHING BY SUBSCRIPTION, ♦Medical Pacts and Inquiries On tlir iiHttire, (•aii-a*. prevention and cure of Fever; more evpresslv in re In tion to tlir Kndi'mii’ l overs of summer nnd autumn in tin* southern slates. To gether with accounts oftlic Bil lions Remitting fever of Ala baina, as it appeared in the summers and autumns of IH2I and By JABF.Z \\ HEUSTIS, M. D. Author of Physical Olwcrviitious and .Medical tracts nnd Researches on the Topography und Diseases of Louisiana. TIT 11 h, Author ot the work ttbovcmcn -I- tinned considers that little need he said in order to set forth its interest and utility to the community at large. It is a subject in which all” are inte rested, as well the planter as the phy sician. Fever is the principal source of mortality in the Southern States, and the annual visitor of our towns, settlements and sea-]M)rts;an acquain tance, therefore with its causes, its na ture, prevention and cure, is among the first lessons of self-preservation. A residence of Severn I years in the. southern states, together with conside rable experience in the diseases of the climate, and the aid of study and re flection have, the writer trusts, ena bled him to treat the subject in such a manner as to be both useful and inte resting. It is nearly ten years since, lie turned his attention to the labor ami execution of the present work ; during which time, the tacts and observations that have fallen within his reach,have been carefully improved. The result he is now about to give to the public. 11 is aim has been to render the work of essential practical utility, and lie lias therefore avoided much of the tech nicality* of medical language, in order to adapt it to the understanding ot all. To those who live at a distance from a physician, and even to others a work of this nature cannot fail to be of im portance. The work will comprise as many as 250 I'ges octavo. Provided a sufi cient number of subscribers are obtain ed, it will be offered to them at two dollars, payable on delivery, a id to non-subscribers at the rate of on# cent per page. Persons who may take an interest in the above named work, for every fix subscribers obtained, will be entitled to one copy gratis. Cahawba‘(Ala*) March 22, 1823. Lxecutlve Department, Geo ) Milledgeville, Nov. 21, 1823. y ORDERED, That the subjoined resolution he published once a month in each ot the gazettes of this state, until the next general election. At test. KLIM IA WOO D, Sec'rij, I.V SKA.ITE, .Vote 12, 1823. YVh, it is desirable to ascer tain the wishes of the citizens qj’ tills state as to the mode of cliosing Elec tors of President and Vice-President of the United States. Be it therefore resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Gcm-giii, in General Assembly met, That it shall tie the duty of the magistrates who shall preside at the several elections to be held in the dif ferent counties of this state for the choice of members of the Legislature, at the next general election therein, to propose to each ami every voter, at the time of receiving his vote, whether lie desires that the choice of said Electors shall be confined to the people or re tained by the Legislature, and to re quest such voter to signify such desire by endorsing on his ticket the word. People or Legislature, according to the truth of the fact; and, on counting out the ballots, to annex to the return of the said election by them so trans mitted to the Executive department, a true statement of the votes so given,to the end that the same may be laid be fore the next Legislature by his excel lency the Governor. And be ibfurther resolved, That his excellency the Governor be and he is hereby requested to cause this resolu j tion to be published without delay in the several gazette of this state, and to continue the said publication once a month until the next general election. Read ami agreed to unanimously. Thomas Stocks, President. In tin House of Representatives, Nov, 14,1823 Read and concurred in Da vid Adams, Speaker. Approved Nov. 18, 1823. G. M. TROUP, Governor. Nov. 25. nit 10—30. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, For sulcal tills Office. No. *42.