Georgia messenger. (Ft. Hawkins, Ga.) 1823-1847, September 01, 1824, Image 1

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Vo\. U. THE messenger, ‘ IS PUBLISH ED WEEKLY BY. ROBERTSON, \t three. dollars a year, in advance, or four dollars if not paid within the Mrertisemevts will be nsorted at ’vkn rY-i’ivK, cents per square, fr the first insertion, and fifty cents f#r each continuance. Advertisements not limited when handed in, will be inserted till forbid. y r> Notice of sales of land and negroes by Aiimiaisttators, Executors, or Guardians, aw "ireJ bv law, to be advertised m a public Gazette mfy days previous to the day ot sale. Notice of the sale of personal property must be* ji veti iu like manner forty days previous to liie day of sale. x .tier to the debtors and creditors ot an es tate must be pubi-hr \ forty days. Notice that application wnfo-e made to the f iart of Ordinal for leave to sell land, must bp published ‘ ■ months. •o arjr iiavn formed a connection in W the PRACTICE OF LAW and expect to attend all the Superior Courts iu the Flint, and those most, convenient in theOcmulgee and South rn Circuits. OLIVER H. PRINCE. EDWARD I). TRACY. Macon, June 16. ts 13 ADDISON MANDELL, AtUnv\e\ Law, HAVING located himself in this place, is prepared to attend to any calls in the line of his profession, or to any agency business in which fiis services may be required. He will at present practice in the counties of llibb, Momoe, Pike, Newton, De- Ka'b: Henry, Houston, Crawford, Fayette, Baldwin, Jones, Twiggs, Pu laski, Lawrens and Washington—and in other counties where professional duties may call him. lie trusts his ex perience in business, and fidelity to the intere'ts of his clients, will secure a share of public patronage. Macon, June 23, 1824. tt 14 C \insto\iV\ev V>. Strong, WILL PRACTICE LAW IN the Superior Court of Bibb County in future. 13 Aiigs 1824. tf22 L XS\) &XXS MILLS. ON tlie first Tuesday in September next, the subscriber w ill sell to the highest bidder in the town ot Ma-1 ton, Ali. that body of Land where he sow lives,adjoining the reserve around Macon, containing about seventeen hundred acres, situate partly in Jones, *nd partly in Bibb counties. There are three Saw Mills and one Grist Mill, alt at different seats, beside a •omfortabledwelling house, ami other improvements on the land; and it will he divided to suit purchasers. Ihe Grist Mill and one Saw Mill will be told with that parcel where the dwell ing house stands. Asa situation for health and com t>rt, it is excelled by but few in the state, and its proximity to the town ol Macon, where so much building is con stantly going on renders the Mills im nensely valuable. A small part of the purchase money aill be required in cash —the remain der will be divided into different pay ments, the last of which will be due at Hie end of four years from tbe sale. The terms will be mure particularly made known on the day of sale—-or the shove mentioned lands, or any parcel them may be had at private sale any tune previous to that Gate by applica tion to SOLOMON GROCE. June 2, 1824. tdsl 1 V*osl\hi\uh\ Stiie. A GREK ABLE to an order of the 7 L Honorable, the Inferior Court of county of Jefferson, w hen sitting Ordinary purposes, will he sold, in fl'e town of Forsyth,’ Monroe county, 6>i the first. Tuesday in October ne.vt, . thie Lot of land, known by No. 128, ’n the sth dist. of mi id county. Sold W the benefit of W illiani H. Connel a minor. Littleberry llostick, Guardian. July 14, 1824. tdsl 7 NINE months afterdate applica tion w ill be made to tin* Ilonora the Inferior Court Bibb county, ” n sitting for Ordinary purposes for J v * to sell one negro man, belonging 1 the estate of \\ dliarn Pace, late ol “u county, deceased, for the benefit *1 heirs and creditors of said de fused. James Fi.k.wellin, Jidtur. , Martha Pace, .Idm’rx. rulr *, 1824, m9m GEORGIA. MESSENGER. MACON, (GV.ORGIA,') WEDNESDAY, SEVVEAUVEU \, IS2A. J. & A. BENNETT HAVE just received by the Boats Bachelor and Rebeoca in addi tion to their former stock a fresh sup ply ol Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard ware and Crockery,making a complete and general assortment, which they offer low lor cash : Among which are the following articles : 300 bushels L. P. Salt, 300 Lisbon do 2000 lbs Iron, 1000 lbs Castings, asstd. 10 bb!s rye Giu, 15 do do Whiskey 15 do Sugar, 1 hhd. do. 3 do linseed Oil 12 half bbls mnckerel 10 bags coffee, 3 kegs tobacco 5 boxes candles, sdo soap* 12 kegs nails, 15 bags shot 5 bbls Irish potatoes, 2casks cheese 25 doz. Brade’s patent hoes Sheet iron, grindstones Pilot-Hread and crackers Window glass, powder, lead London porter, Holland gin Madeira and currant wines, cordial Mol asses, pepper, allspice Tea, loaf-sugar, ginger, Shaving soap and boxes, fassets Segars, basket-salt Plow lines, trace chains Curry-combs, bed cords Cloth, hair, tooth, point, hearth,boot white-wash, scrabbing and horse Brushes Pad, stock, closet, and knob locks Stationary, cotton cords Horn, tortoise, bone & ivory combs Pearl, mould, thread and metallic buttons, assorted Pen, pocket, Spanish and Jack knives. Knives and forks Carving, butcher and shoe knives Patent cotfee mills, butts 4k, hinges Iron, teatania and brittannia, table and tea Spoons Scissors, curtain pins, house bells Bellows, fish hooks and lines Drawing-knives, sickles Carpenter’s adze’s and hammers Carpenter’s and shingling hatchets Shoemaker's hammers, pincers and nippers Compasses and iron squares Brass, cut and wrought tacks Box rules, sad irons Sifters, club axes, Fiiles and chissels Gimblets and tap-borers Candle-sticks, snuffers Door-knockers, lamps Plated stirrup-irons and spurs Pins and needles, assorted Gridirons, sauce pans Ladies morocco pruuella and leath er shoes Gentlemen’s hoots, shoes 4>c shoetees Children’s do Two cases straw, leghorn and silk bonnets 2 cases gentlemen’s fine beaver hats 4 do wool do Rose and duffle blankets Flannels, plains, sattinetts,assorted Osnaburgs, cotton and linep shirting Russia and cotton sheeting Russia duck and drill, longlawn Bedtick and domestic plaid Apron checks, brown sheeting Brown and bleached shirting Dowlas, platillas, brown holland Ladies hose, assorted Ladies and gentleman’s gloves do Linen, cotton and osnaburg thread Ribbons and tape Linen and cotton cambrick Calicoes and ginghams Furniture calico, chintz, dimity Cambrick dimity Mull nndjackonct muslins Merino, Valencia, caswmere and silk shawls Muslin dresses, inserting trimmings Plain and figured cambricks Seersuckers, printed muslins Caroline and imitation plaids, union stripes Yellow nankin, French do Black sinchews and sarcenets Changeable and satin silk. Black silk vesting Nankin and Canton crape Norwich and Italian do Flag and Barcelona handkerchiefs Silk parasols and umbrellas Valencia, Marseilles and toilinett vesting Ladies indispensables Cravats, silk and cotton suspenders Birds-eye diaper Lion skin and Bath coating —a very handsome assortment of STONE W ARE, and a great vari ety of other articles. ‘lu,r sale, Lot No. 79, in the 3d dist. of Houston county. Macon, Feb. 18. LOST OR STOU-..W the 21st July last, I put a letter in the Post Office in Ma con* addressed to Miss Susan l.e Count, Beaufort, South Carolina, containing the following hank notes: One note of the Hank, State of Georgia, payable at the Bank in Savannah, dated 2d Nov. 1819,let ter E. and No. 415 for SIOO. One ditto, Bank ol Darien, dated Jan. 1, 1820, letter A. No. 1585, for 820. One ditto, Bank of Darien, dated Oct. 2, 1820, letter A, No. 1928, tor S3. 1 his letter had not arrived on the 6th Aug. and a reward of S2O will he paid for the recovery ot the letter. Should auv of the hills described above he offered, it is particularly requested that they be stopped. AM ASA BENNETT. Macon, Aug. 25, 1824. 3t23 Wuuksm Dh’uvg; \>us‘n\ess. ROACH & MARSH ARE carrying on the above bu siness in Monroe County,l3th District, near Stallings’ Store,where they will attend to making Mill irons. Waggon and Gig work, Ax es, Gun-work, and every other kind ot work in their line, in the best manner, and at the lowest rates. CAST STEEL AXES will be made and warranted at $2 50. I hey will in a short time be able to cast Mill Inks, which will be in sured, and do other fountierv work. August 25. 4w23 Lands in Wibh Comitx for •i side “I OT No. 151, Ring above Bul- J lock’s mill and between,4 and 5 miles from Macon. Sixty acres of it is under a good fence. On it are all necessary cabins,and fruit trees of and ifferent kinds ready for planting. Also lot No. 80 which lies on the Federal road, adjoining Manning’s lot ; a good situation ior a public stand, well watered, and is valua ble. It is six miles from Macon— has a good cabin on it, ten aert-s un der fence,and thirty acres ot timber killed. The above lots can he had on reasonable terms by applyingjto the subscriber, living on lot No. 151. LEWIS FOY. Aug. 25. 2w23 Tl he sold in the and own ofi * Newnan, Pike County,on the first Tuesday in October next — 202$ acres of Land, more or less, known bv lot No. 111, in the 9th District, originally Monroe, now Pike County, levied on as the pro perty of Daniel Sturges to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Benjamin Chaires — property pointed out hv E. Wood. JAMES R. GRAY and. s. “XX7ILI. lie old at the Court House in tlie V V tow nos Macon, Bibb county, on the first Tuesday in October next. One negro woman, named Esther, about forty years old, levied on as the property of John Calhoun, to satisfy lour fi. fas. in favor of Pope & Dean, levied on bv a constable. JON A. A. HUDSON, Shff. August 25, 1824. Ids 23 Sheriff's Sa\e. Y%7 IIIL he seld on the first Tues ▼ ▼ day in September next, at the Court house in Irwin county, between the usual hours of sale, tit*: following property, to wit. 490 acres of land, No. 120, 4t.fc dis trict of said county, taken as the pro perty of Lccy Adkison, to satisfy an execution in favor ot Saninel Robison; Levied on by Emanuel Knowles, const. One grey Horse, levied ou as the properly of John Joyce, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of John Underwood and others. JAMES ALLEN, SIdff. July H. t'hP Vresent >\a\\ Arrangement OF THK MACON POST OFFICE. rll HE Eastern Mail will be clos- I- ed at 5 o’clock A. M. on 1 kiirs davs, and at 2 o’clock P. M. on Sun - days. The Western Mail will be closed at 6 o’clock P. M. on Tues days and Saturdays. (fij° All those who owe postage will please call and pay it. M. R- WALLIS p. m. Aug. 25 1824, 23 • V v\ mimsl rato v ! sß a\ c. 11.1. be sold at the Market * T House in the town of Louisville, on the first Tuesday in September next, Lot No. 209 in the 15th district (old) Wilkinson county, containing 202$ acres of land ; it being the real estate of John Patridge, late us Jefler son county, deceased, and to he sold (or the benefit of the heirs and credit ors of said dec’d. JAMES T. HUDSON .jJJm'r. June 30, 1820. tdsls iicov^iu—.UAYevsow CoyuUn . WHEREAS James T. Hudson ap plies for letters dismissory on the estate of John Patridge late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and ad monish all, and singular the heirs and creditors of said dechl to file their ob jections in terms of the law, in such case made and provided, if any they have, to shew cause why said lettters should not be granted. Given under my hand this 7th day of April 1824. JOHN G. BOSTICK, and. c. c. o. . 4m6m “jVriNE months after date applica x t'.on will be made to the Honora ble Court of Ordinary of Jones county for leave to seli lot No. 76 in the 11th dist. of Early county, and two tracts in Jones county, one containing fifty acres, ad joining lands of A. Rice ; the jother containing 180 acres, adjoining j Elizabeth Shurley. Also— Lot No. 114 in old Wilkin ! son,now Tel fair comity. All belong ing to Elizabeth Hendrix, a minor. JOHN SPUItLIN, Guardian. March 17, 1824. m9m ‘jVTTNE months after date, applica ±S tion will be made to the honora ble court of Ordinary of /fibb county for leave to sell Lot No. 46 in the 4th dist. of (formerly Houston, but now) Bibb county —it being the real estate of Thomas IJagbey late of said county deceased, and to be sold for the bene fit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. ELIZABETH BAGBKY, Mm\r. March 1, 18-24. m9m ShuvVtVs Sale. ’fc li 7 ILL he sold at the Court-house f ▼ in the town of Newnan, Pike county, on the first Tuesday in Sep tember next, 202$ acres of land, known by lot No. 74, in the 2d district, (formerly Monroe, now) Pike county—taken as the property of Lawder Mims, to sa tisfy two small executions issued from a magistrate’s court in favor of Daniel Nullev, &. Cos. Levied on and returned mi 9 to me by a constable. BURRELL ORR, Shff. Sheriff's Sa\e. ON the first Tuesday in Septem ber next,will he sold, in the town of Macon, 202$ acres of land, being lot No. 205 in the Sd district, formerly Hous ton, now li\ bb county, levied on to sa tisfy a fi fa in favor of the county of Jackson, rs James Hardwick, collec tor of taxes for the year 1820, ami Garland Hardwick, James Tait, and Obadiah Watson, securities. Proper ty pointed out by Allen Lawlioo. 3 Negroes viz. Sippio, a inan about 20 y ears old, Ella a woman about 18 years old, and her child Jack a boy about 18 months old, taken as the pro perty of Thomas Collins to satisfy two fi fas in favor of John L. Anderson. 19] John S. Childers, It. S. Sheriff’s St\\e. WILL be sold on the first Tues day in September next, at the Court house in the town of Newian, Pike county, 202$ acres of land, more or less, known by lot No. 155, 11th dist. (tur merly Monroe, now) Pike county, le vied on as the property of Zacliariah Harlin, to satisfy two fi fas in favoi ol Abner Welborn, vs. said Harlin. Le vied on and returned to me by a con stable. EDWARD HOLLOWAY, d,s August 4, 1824. tds2() ©©IPTDiT IHAVE a number ol Cotton Gins at my shop in this place, already proven to perform well, ol different si ze*, which can be bought at reduced prices, for cash or approved pape s. \Vm. MOORE. June 23,1324. 2amsml4 S\u‘v\Cfs Sn\e. ON the first Tuesday ill Septem ber next, between tlie usual horn sos sale, will be sold at the court house in the town of Knoxville, Craw ; ford County, the following property : 202$ acres of land, more or less, No. 138, in 2d district (originally Houston, now) Crawford county, le vied on us the property of But well Hartly, to satisfy one small ft fa issued from a Justices court in Washington county, in favor of \N illiam Burke,for the use ol Mason McClendon. 19] J. WHITTINGTON, Shff. jY INE months after date applica -Ll tion will bo made to the honora ble the court of Ordinary of Jefferson county, for leave, to sell two hundred acres of land, lying in Jefferson coun ty, on the waters of Chnvers creek, belonging to the estate of Daniel Lon don, late of said county, deceased. Harvey B. Pipkin, Jldnfr. November 26,1823 m9m36p* Sheriffs Sii\e. WILL be sold, on the first Tues day in September next, at the Court-House in the town of Macon, between tlie usual hours of sale, the I oil owing property, viz : One negro girl named Charity, one set Mahogany Dining Tables, 1 set Muho'gany Tea Tables, 1 Mahogany Side Board, levied on as tlie property of William Bivins,'to satisfy an exe cution issuing on the foreclosure of a mortgage in favor ofShadrach Biviita. Te rms of Sa! e— Cash. JON A. A. HUDSON, Shff. June SO, 1823. 15 Sl'ovUVs ON the first Tuesday in September next, will be sold at the Court- House, in the town of Macon, between tlie usual hours of sale, 2 Negroes; Peter* a boy, 1* jears old; 2 girls, Amy aged 16, and Nelly 15 ; levied on as tlie property of David S. Booth, to satisfy an execution in fa vor of 1 liotnas Olivet. 22 Hogs of different sizes, levied on as the pioperty of Burton C W tiita ker, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Mar tha B. Dawson. One lot of land, containing 60 acres, lj-in on the waters of Swift C'ree’t, and adjoining lands of Hardy 1 lurid, and others. L vied on as tlie property of .Natbau Bendy, to sa ity ait execution in favor of Michael M. Helc Le vied on and returned to me by David Flanders constable. 202 1-2 acres of land, known as lot No. 17, -Itlt dist. (formerly Houston, now) Bibb coun ty, levied on usthe property of Jana: v Ben nett, to satisfy an execution in favor of Abra ham Crum, executor of Duvid Crum, dec. Le ■ vied on by a constable. Harriet and her child Essex—Nel ly and her child Hariiet; one jersey waggon, and one gtey mare—levied on us the property of John McMui rin, ,to satisfy a fi fa in favor of William C. Philips. One yoke of Oxen, and one Cart, levied on as the property of ’Thomas Tatoni, to satisfy a ft la in lavor of Malcom Johnson, for the use of James Shefilet. JONA. A. HUDSON, Shff. July 21, 1824. tds2o SUeviU’b Sale. WILL be sold on tlie first Tues’ day in September next, at the Court-House in the town of Newnan, Pike county,between the usual hours of sale, the following property, viz: 202$ acres of land, more or less, known by lot No. 216, Bth dist. (for merly Monroe, now) Pike connty, le vied on as the property of ‘Thomas Brown, to satisfy two ft fas, one in fa vor of .Samuel A.Grier,vs. said Brown, the other in favor of Michael Whatley for the use of Abel Catnfield, vs. said Brown. Property pointed out by James Whatley. 202$ Acres of land, more or less known by lot No. 175 in the 11th District originally Monroe now Pike County levied on as the property of Benjamin A. Young to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Solomon Groce, the legal representative of Jonathan Halsted, vs. Cliarles M agnail, Daniel N Halsted and Benjamin A. Young, property pointed out by James Smith. 202$ acres of Land, more or less, know'n by No. 211, adjoining lots No. 210 and 212, in the Btn dist. (original ly Monroe, nov) Pike county, levied on as the property of William If. Ray, to satisfy an execution in favor of David Willborn, vs. William H. Ray, Barnabas Pace, and M illiam Clark, security on the appeal—proper ty pointed out bv B. Pace. JAMES R. GRAY, n. s. July 14,1824. tdsl9 21.