Georgia messenger. (Ft. Hawkins, Ga.) 1823-1847, October 27, 1824, Image 1

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\\A. U. the messenger, IS PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY l0 SB&- UOBKRTSON, U three dollars a year, in advance, four dollar* if not paid within the Advertisements will be inserted at vtsTY-FivE ’ENTS per square, f-.r . first insertion, and fifty cents’ Vach continuance. Advertisements j t limited when handed ini will be till forbid. of of land andi'proe=l>y Lwmtors, Executors, or Guardians, are “. ed |, v law, to be advertised in u public s i ,li/ davs previous to the day of sale, oft lie sale of personal property must jivra in like matinee, forty days previous to dav af sale. iotice to the debtors and creditors of an es , m(is t he published/orb/ davs. jotice that application will be made to the , rt of Ordinary for leave to sell land, must published nine months. \rp i imve formed a connection in the PRACTICE OF LAW Kl expect to attend all the Superior | u rts in the Flint, ;il those most, Rmiientin theOcmulgeeand South |, Circuits. ■ OLIVER H. PRINCE. I EDWARD D. rUACY. fcUcon, June IG. ts 13 ETTi hson maM )~k i 17 I .\Wov\roN ;\1 V /aw, ■TAVINO located himself in this ■1 place, is prepared to attend to Bv calls in the line of his profession, ■to any agency business in which ■ services may be required. He |l at present practice in the counties ■ liibb, Monroe, Pike, Newton, l)e- Bltr, Henry, Houston, Crawford, B\ette, Baldwin, Jones, Twiggs, Pu- Bkt, Lawrens and \\ ashington—and Bmher counties where professional ■ties may call nim. He trusts his ex igence in business, and fidelity to the ■ rests of his clients, will secure a ■re of public patronage. |lfacon, June 23, 1824. tfl4 I ~ I f,yn / /.v rn am t v Hub subscribers will receive sealed ■ poals at Milledgev'ille, on Monday the HNovember next for supplying Rations du- Htlie IVeaty to be held with the Creek In ■.at Broken Arrow', near Fort Mitchel, BbeCliatahoochie, to commence on the Ist Hf December: The rations to consist of Hor sifted corn meal, fresh beef pickled or bacon and salt in such weight and as are usually issued to the armies ol ■United States; the proposals to specify ■nice of each component part of the ration ■rate l .v—2o,ooo rations will be required to ■eady'at the place on the Ist of December, ■the contractor must be prepared to supply ■ additional quantity that may be necessn- I It is presumed that from two to live thou- Hnduius may attend, but for this the nn- will not be responsible An mi ke equal to the price of 20,000 rations ■ce made if required. , Bond and security ■performance will be required of the con ■tor— the securities to be named in the pro ■als, D. G. CAMPBELL } Com ’rs B JAMES MERIWETHER ] co ‘ n I ViXDevxtov's Sa\o. ■l7 ILL be sold, on the eighth day ■ T of January next, at the late re- Bence of Elijah Curry, deceased, in ■unroe county, Tiro Negroes, viz— ■eman and one woman: also one Bgjun,one liorse, one still, some cat ■ ami hogs, plantation tools,and tna ■ other articles. Terms made known ■ the day of sale. B LEONARD SIMS, Exr, ■Oct 13, 1824. SO H AAmuustvaVov’s S\W. ■\ ILL be sold at the plantation ■ whereon Littleberry Lucas for* ■fdy resided, in Jones county, on Sa* ■ r day the 27th of November next, all ■* personal estate of James Lucas, Be of said county, deceased, consist -80l Household and Kitchen Furni ■rt\ an old Gig, and other articles. Brins made known on the day ol sale. ■ WM. VV. BROWN, Mmr. ■Oct. 13, 1824. td*So 1 GEORGlA —Jefferson Countij. ■\niERE.\S Willmm Rountree applies to me for letters of admiuUtratiou oil the H'* , rof Johii Ingram,lute of said coontv.Herd. ■ ihese are therefore, to cite am Bmonish all, and singular the kin ■rC(l and creditors of said dcceaset an<l appear at tny office, with- Btlic time prescribed by law, to ■ ICVV cause, if any why said letters Bould not be granted. ■ J ' v en under my hand this 15th B v of October 1824. B John G. Bostick, and. c.c. o. ■ *(iw3l B ‘U VPV'f” ■ OF RVBRY DKSCIMPTION, I Uns o\V\ct*. GEORGIA MESSENGER. MACON, (GU.OUGLV) XVF.D.’YILSYWVY, OCTOBER 21, V 824. J. vN A. BENNETT HAVE just received by the Boats Bachelor and Rebecca in addi tion to their former stock a fresh sup ply of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard ware and Crockery,making a complete 1 and general assortment, which they offer low for cash: Among which are the following articles: 300 bushels £.. F. Flail, 300 Ldaboii do 2000 lbs Iron, 1000 lbs Castings, asstd. 10 bbls rye Gin, 15 do do \\ iiiskey 15 do Sugar, 1 hhd. do. 3 do linseed Oil 12 half bbls mackerel 16 bags coffee, 3 kegs tobacco 5 boxes candles, sdo soap 12 kegs nails, 15 bags shot 5 bbls Irish potatoes, 2casks cheese 25 doz. Blade's patent hoes Sheet iron, grindstones Pilot-bread and crackers Window glass, powder, lead London porter, Holland gin Madeira and currant wines, cordial Molasseg, pepper, allspice Tea, loaf-sugar, ginger, Shaving soap and boxes, lassets Segars, basket-salt Plow lines, trace chains Curry-combs, neil corns Cloth, hair, tooth, paint, hearth,boot white-wash, scrubbing and horse Brushes Pad, stock, closet, and knob locks Stationary, cotton cards Horn, tortoise, bone & ivory combs Pearl, mould, thread and metallic buttons, assorted Pen, pocket, Spanish and Jack knives. Knives and fol ks Carving, butcher and shoe knives Patent coffee mills, butts & hinges Iron, teutania and brittannia, table and tea Spoons Scissors, curtain pins, house bells Bellows, fish hooks and lines Drawing-knives, sickles Carpenter’s adze’s and hammers Carpenter’s and shingling hatchets SKoouiuLct ‘*> ****** nippers Compasses and iron squares Brass, cut and wrought tacks Box rules, sad irons Sifters, club axes, Fiiles and chissels Gimblets and tap-borers Candle-sticks, snutters Door-knockers, lamps Plated stirrup-irons and spurs Pins and needles, assorted Gridirons, sauce pans Ladies morocco prunella and leath er shoes Gentlemen’s boots,shoes & shoetecs Children’s do Two cases straw, leghorn and silk bonnets * 2 cases gentlemen’s fine beaver hats 4 do wool do Rose and dufile blankets Flannels, plains, sattinetts,assorted Osnaburgs, cotton and linen shirting Russia and cotton sheeting Russia duck and drill, hmglawn Bedtick and domestic plaid. Apron checks, brown sheeting Brown and bleached shirting Dowlas, platidas, brown Holland Ladies bose, assorted Ladies and gentleman a gloves do Linen, cotton and osnaburg thread Ribbons and tape Linen and cotton cambrick Calicoes and ginghams # Furniture calico, chintz, dimity Cambrick dimity Mull and jackonet muslins Merino, Valencia, cassimere and silk shawls Muslin dresses, inserting trimmings Plain and figured cambricks Seersuckers, printed muslins Caroline and imitation plaids, union stripes Yellow nankin, French do Black sinchews and sarcenets Changeable and satin silk Black silk vesting Nankin and Canton ctape Norwich and Italian do Flag and Barcelona handkerchiefs Silk parasols and umbrellas Valencia, Marseilles and toihnett vesting Ladies indispensable* Cravats, silk and cotton suspenders Birds-eye diaper Lion skin and Bath coating jjlm a vei v handsome assortment of STONE WARE, and agreatvari etv of other articles. For sale, Lot No. 79, in the Sd dist. of Houston county. Macon, Feb. 18-^ ,M.T.\Slo.\* HORSE. subscriber respectfully in -L forms his friends and the public in general, that lie has taken that new and commodious building, in the town of Macon, belonging to Capt. Charles Bullock, fronting the public square, where lie will entertain Travellers and others with every thins that can be uttered in tl.< line of tils business. WM. BIVINS. Macon Sept. 22, 1824. 3m27 NOTICE 'S hereby given, that the Copartner . ship heretofore existing between Herman Marsh and Elisha Roach, is this day dissolved. All persons in debted to Marsh & Roach, for Black smith work, are earnestly solicited to make immediate payment. HERMAN MARSH. ELISHA ROACH. Stalling’s Store, Monroe county, ) October 8, 1824. X 5w31 Sheriffs S*a\e. ATL7ILL be sold on the first Tues ▼ T div in November **■,. tyourt-Ilouse in the town of Newnan, Pike county, between the usual hours of sale, the following property, viz: 202 t acres of land, more or less, known by lot No. 229 in the Bth (list, (originally Mjinroe, now) Pike coirty —lcyied on as the property of Jolm \ Freeman, to satisfy a fi fa ‘in favor of j tiustavus Hendricks, vs. said Free-j man. Property pointed out by 11. G. Lamar, Esq. 202i| acres of land, more or less, ■ known bv lot No. 230 in the 9th dist.j (originally Monroe, now) Pike county —levied on as the property of Isaac Bedsehto'Satisfy sundry fi fas in favor of Joel Ruslnn, for the use of James Flewellin, vs. said Bedsel. JAMES R. GRAY, n. s. Sept. 22,1824. t<ls27 ponce cv McKenzie, SAVANNAH, OFFER their services to the Mer chants and Planters iti the up counlry, es Factors and Commission .Merchants. Every attention shad be’ given to all produce entrusted to their ! care. They have fiken extensive fire j yroof stores on Johnston’s wharf, ai.d j iorthe b a tttr security of the produce in their bauds, they will keep a consi derable amount insuied against fire, for the benefit of their customers. — Liberal advances will be made wlien required. Reference to Mr. Harrison Smith*and S. M ood, Macon—Foard & Malone, Milledgeville. JIJCfCEA ZIE t y PONCE Continue the Commission and Fac torage business in Augusta —they are now erecting a fire proof building on their Ware-house lot at the corner ol Mclntosh and Bay streets, near the wharf, f >r the storage of goods con signed to them. September 15, 1824. ,t Bw2G SUevWVs Sale. VI7TLL be sold in the Town of vv Newnan, Pike County,on the first Tuesday in December next— -202£ acres land,more or less,known by lot No. 4, in the third district (for merly Monroe, now) Pike county, ta ken as the property of George B. Ha vis, to satisfy one small execution in lav nr of Jorden Compton, vs. said 11a visu—property pointed out by the plain tiff. Levied and returned to me by a constable. BURRKL ORR. Shff. \TINE months after date applica ll t.on will be made to the Honora ble Court of Ordinary of Jones county for leave to sell lot No. 70 in the Uth dist. of Early county, and two tracts ill Jones county, one containing silty acres, adjoining lands of A. Rice ; the other containing 180 acres, adjoining Elizabeth Shu rley. Also — Lot No. 114 in old Wilkin son, now Telfair county. All belong ing to Elizabeth Hendrix, a minor. JOHN SPURLIN* Guardian. March 17, 1824. INK months afterdate applica- J.l tion will be made to the honora ble the court of Ordinary of Jefferson county, for leave to sell one Negro Girl named Mourning, belonging to the estate of Joseph Hall, late ol said county, dcceaset!. Caleb Cooksey, Adm'r. October 15, 1824 m9m 31 Postponed Su\e. ILL be sold at the Court-house ▼ T in the town of Newnan, Pike county, on the first Tuesday in No vember next, 202 j acres of land, more or less, known by lot No. 21G in the Bth dist. (originally Momoe, now) Pike county —levied on as the property of Thomas Brown, to satisfy two fi fas, one in fa vor ot Samuel A. Grier, and the other i favor <>f Miolmcl Wbailey, for tbe use of Abel Camfield, vs. said Brown. Property pointed out by James What ley. JAMES R. GRAY, n. s. Sept. 22, 1824. 27 Sheriffs Sa\e. WILL be sold, on the first Tues day in November next, at the Court-House in the town ot Perry, Houston county, One half acre lot in the town of Per ry, well improved, whereon Phineas Oliver now lives, taken as h’S propel tv, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Henry Kendall, vs. Phineas Oliver. Piopcr ty pointed out by defendant. Lot No. 170, 10th dist. of Houston county—levied on as the property of Absalom Hall, to satisfy a fi fa in fa vor of Allen Carr. Levy made by a constable. two iTTjjiues, viz. Ned, a man about 30 years of age, and Chaney a woman 20 years of age—both taken as the property of David W. Mann, to satisfy two fi fas from the Superior court, one in favor of Isaac Ramsey, the other in favor of John Martin, vs. D. W. Mann and John Wimberly, security. Pro p< rty pointed out by defendant. Lot No. 239, 14th district Houston, levied on as the property ol Frederick Marston, to satisfy a fi fa from a Ma gistrate’s court, from the county of Chatham, in favor of A. & E. Wood, vs. said Marston. 202* acres of land, No. 257, 12th dist. of said county, levied on as the property of Jephthath Husky, to satis fy a fi fa in favor of Robert Northcut, from the Superior court of Laurens county. I , rone r fv nninted out bv the plaintiff. * 2.0~2\ acres of land, No. 123, in the sth (list, of said county, lefied on as the property of Thomas M. Bonner to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Nicholas La nier, from the Superior Court of Han cock county. Lot No. 53, 1 Ith (list, said county, taken as the property of Britton Scott, to satisfy ti fas in favor of Roger L Gamble, vs. said Scotland Jesse Price, issuing from a Magistrate's court from the countv of Emanuel. POSTPONED SALE. 202£ acres of oak and hickory land, in the fifteenth District of Houston County, No 170 —Levied on as the property of Fauche Cleveland to satis fy aHi fa in favor of Stoodiy & Kiv len. JOS. M IMS, Shff Yostponed Siv\c. WILL be sold at the Court House in the town of Macon, Bibb county, on the first Tuesday in November next, 2 or 300 bushels of corn, not gath ered, 2 or 3000 pounds of Fodder in stacks, one title gun and shot bug, 2 cows and one calf—levied on as the property of Spencer Riley, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of the state of Georgia. J. A. HUDSON, Shff. voiv ON ACCOMMODATING TERMS, \ VERY likelv and valuable young 1 11. NEGRO FELLOW, about 18 vears of age ;sold for no fault. Enquire of ROBERT BIRDSONG. Macon Sept. 2, 1824. ts 25 X’ INK months after date applica il tion will be made to the honora ble court of Ordinary of Jefferson county for leave to sell 180 acres of land in said county, adjoining Rich ard T. Hudson and others; it being the real estate of David Holloway,late of said county, deceased, and to be sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. David T. Smith, Zi’.r’r. July 22, 1824. m9mlß TV 1 r INK months after date applica- J_v tion will be made to the Honora ble court of Ordinary ol Bibb county for leave to sell the real estate of Alexander Turner late of said county deceased, to be sold lor the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said dec’ll. M \ll<t AUKjT TUR>KK r ‘Fbn’x. March 1,1824. n.9m •j <rjj >tatli? Ertcutttr,, at tmis office, G KORGIA—LAURE N S COUNTY. Superior Court, .May Term, 1824. RIJLK NlSl.—Upon the petition ot Bcnju > min lludion, stating thut Robert S. Duffy did, on the 10th day of January, 1821, mort gage to said Hudson, a tract of land lying in the county of Laurens, number three hundred and twenty-eight, in seventeenth district, (for merly V\ ilkinson, now) Laurens county, for the better securing the payment of the sum of forty dollars, on the first dav of January, 1822; and the said Robert S. Duffy bavin;* tailed to pay the suuie according to the terms of snid mortgage, and the suid Benjamin Hudson pray ing tlie foreclosure ol said mortgage. It is there to ro Ordered, That the said Robert 8. Dully do pay into the Clerk’s office of this court, tlm principal and interest due on snid mortgage within twelve months from this date, or tho Equity of redemption, in and to the said mort gaged premises, will he, from thenceforth, for ever barred and foreclosed ;ad that the same be sold to pay said debt, interest and costs, in terms of the statute in such cusc made and provided. Anri it is further ordered, that a co py of this rule be served on the mortgager sii months before the money is to he paid in to Court, or be published in one of the publick Gazettes of this Stale, once a month for twelve mouths, before the time the money is to he paid into court. True copy from the Minutes NEILL MUNUOE, C. S. C. May, 1821 ml2ni Sheriffs Sa\e. be sold on the first 7’ues ▼ ▼ day in November next, at the Court house in the town of Macon, Bibb county, ov cres ol Fine land, lying on the waters of Swift Creek, adjoining lands of Hardy Harrel and others, levied on as the property of Nathan Brady, jun. to satisfy four fl faa in favor of It. J . Nichol, Wm, Stallings,and Terrondet, Atkinson, & Cos. 202 J acres of land, being lot No. 239 ill the 4th dist. (originally Hous ton, now) Bibb county, to satisfy three fi fas in favor of Abraham Futreli, vs. Ile/ekiah McKinney, Caleb Smith, Joseph McKinney and Redding Rut land.—Levied on and returned to ine by a constable. One Negro woman, named Melin da, and Will iam her child—levied on as the property of David S. Booth, to satisfy three ti fas, in favor of Thomas Oliver, Norris Lyon, and Henry G. linQG JONA. A. HUDSON, Shff. Sept. 22, 1824. Sheriffs S;\\e. VM7ILL be sold, in the town of ▼ ▼ Newnan, on the first Tusday in December next, One Lot of land, lying in the 2d dis trict originally Monroe now Pike County, known by lot No. 132 ; levied on and returned to me by a Consta ble. BURRKL ORR, Shff. Vdst oV Letters Remaining in Post office, at Louisville, Ga. on the Ist Oct. 1824—Letters not called for within three months will be sent to the Gen eral Post Office, as dead letters. Joseph Allen, John H Alexander James Apderson, miss Cath’n Allen Ephraim Bass, George Bass, M N Burch esq. capt John Bouton, Til man Bostick, Jeremiah Bunting, Samuel M Barr, Henry Bracewell, tors Jane Big ham, miss Anne M A Bradley, Eliz abeth Bowman John Cole,John Clementsjun. John Cook, inis. Mary Clements, Sarah Cocks Enos Davis, John JJawson, Robert Dodd Starlen I). Eason Carrol Francis, Charles Fort, Asa Foskey, Daniel Ferguson James Grisom Benjamin Heath, Benjamin L Hal sey, Benjamin Harris James Ingrain, Robert Irwin, John Jordan Esq. 2, William Jones, mrs. Elenor Ingram, mrs. Elizabeth Jordan William Levingston, Win. Little Morris Murphey,Charles Matthews, John M’Bride, Stephen Monroe, Arm stead Murphey, mrs. Elizabeth Mat thews, miss Elizabeth Moxley Amos Nichols Jesse Osteen Ralph Peurow, mrs. Elizabeth Phillips, Miss Catharine Patterson, Mrs. Mary Prior, Jonathan Ross John Shelman, Dennis Sullivan, Al len Sutton, Messrs Scott Sc Baily, Elijah button, Jonas Shiar, Richard fleonyers, Capt. Shoals, (of the steam Boat august.) Justices Inferior Court, Mrs. Mary Spivey, Mrs. Elizabeth Scarborough, Miss Martha Sloan Henry P. 7’urner, Lemuel 7’aylor* John Tingle, Sarah Truluck. Win. 11. Vaugh William Whigltatn, Elias Wiggins* Osbern Walden, Beady Wosden Mrs. Sarah Whighain, Post Master, YVar nersyille 3. ‘ • JOHN HOST WICK r. m .\o. 32.