Georgia messenger. (Ft. Hawkins, Ga.) 1823-1847, November 17, 1824, Image 1

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Vol. U. thk messenger, IS PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY R OStt & ROBERTSON, \t three dollars a year, in advance, tr four dollars if uotpaid within the. te Advertisements will be nsorted a t s f.venty*mve ‘ents per square, f>r the first insertion, and fifty cents for each continuance. Advertisements not limited when handed in, will be inserted till forbid. V R Notice of sales Administrators, Executors, or Guardians, are required *y taw, to he advertised in a public fiazette sixty days previous to the day ol Side. Notice of the sale of personal property must be given in like manner forty days previous to the day of sale. Notice to the debtors and creditors ot an es tate must le publishedjfbrty lays. Notice that application will lie made to ihe Court of Ordinary for leave to sell land, must be published nine months. MANSION MOUSE. TT? ■ M TTIHK aubsi riber respectfully in f forms his friends and the public in general, that he has taken that new and commodious budding, in the town of Macon, belonging to (’apt. Charles Bui lock fronting tin* public <qm. e, w h*re ’ e w il ‘tain J ravellersaml (>• w,i every thing that can be o\ i iin me line of his business. WM. it IV INS. Macon Sept. 22, 1 • ’ J . 35n27 ViivAovi v w.uN t v;\). * UK Subscribers jTfhereby inform their WSH'/mx friends and the pub ic, that they have an excellent new loat, nowon her way from Datien.— she will leave this lor Darien us soon liter the 25th of November as a freight tan be had, so that fanners may* re ceive their returns for part of their :rops before Christinas Every atlen ion shall be given to Cotton sent to heir care. Mr. Holmes is weil ac [uaintecl with boating, and will go on ward himself. Freight fifty cents per lundred to Darien. JAMES HOLMES. M. It. WALLIS. 9 I expect to attend in Savannah for Ihe purpose of selling or storing cot- L, as the owners may wish. 1 will llso take pleasurehn atteding litre) any orders our customers, o r libers may favour us with. M. It. WALLIS. I Macon, Oct. 27, 1824. tf>2 ■ ADDISON MANDELL, .\Uovvu'N at IAVING located himself in this place, is prepared t> attend to Inv calls in the line ofliis profession, lr to unv agency business in which li- services may be required, lie Will at present practice in the counties V fiibb, Monroe, Pike, Newton, De- Kalb; Hetirv, Houston, Crawford, ■ayette, Baldwin, Jones, Twiggs, Pu ■eki, Lawrens and Washington—and E other counties where professional ■uties may call him. He trusts his ex perience in business, and fidelity to the ftterests of his clients, will secure a ■iare of public patronage. I Macon, June 23, 1824. til l lL f: / K have formed a connection in |v‘ the PRACTICE OF LAW vl expect to attend all the Superior lourts in the Flint, and those most, Imvenient in theOcmulgee and South- P Circuits. I OLIVER 11. PRINCE. I EDWARD D. TRACY. K Macon, June 16. tfl3 I vow s;w,v,, I ON ACCOMMODATING TERMS}, BA VERY iikelv and valuable young ■A NEGRO FELLOW, about 18 ■•ai of age ; sold for no fault. Enquire I 1 ROBERT BIRDSONG. ■ Macon Sept. 2, 1824. ts 25 I I’EO RGI A— Jefferson Count*. MKRE Vs \v il lin in Rountree applies to * roe tar letters <4 I'Jtniu'otrHlioo <m tlie of John IngiHin.l ile ot sail comity,deed. these are therefore, to cite and Bdnionish all, and singular the km- B rf d and creditors of said deceased ■’ >c ud appear at my office, with- J lhe time prescribed by law, to B. ew cr *use, it any why said letters ■ houlll n ot be granted. ■ Ln cn under my hand this 15th ■*’ ol October 1824. I John O. Bostick, and. c.c. o. ■ *6.v31 GEORGIA MESSENGER ♦MACON*, { GEORGIA,') WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 18*24. FOR DARIEN. THE new boat Geti. Jackson is now rea dy to receive freight •or Darien, which will be taken on ve ry accommodating terms. Ihe pro prietor, or an interested agent will accompany the boat, and pay every at tention to freight on the way, and to its being disposed ot in Darien. JOHN LOVING. October 27, 1824. 4w32 ponce & McKenzie,’ SAVANNAH, OFFER their services to the Mer chants and Planters in the up country, as Factors and Commission Merchants. Every attention shall be given to all produce entrusted to thei” care. They have taken extensive fire ire oof stores on Johnston’s wharf, ami for the better security of the produce in (heir hands, they will keep a consi jiierable amount insured against fire, for the benefit of their customers.— Liberal advances will be made when required. Reference to Mr. Harrison Smith and S. Wood, Macon—Foard ■ Malone, Milledgeville. MiCREJSZIE Sf PONCE Gontinue the Commission and Fac torage business in Augusta—they are now erecting a fire proof building on their Ware-house lot at the corner of Mclntosh and Bay streets, near the wharf t r the storage of goods con signee to them. Sept, mber 15, 1824. *Bw26 SYicnffs Sa\e. TAT ILL be sold in the town of New *T nan, Pike county, on the first Tuesday in December next. One lot of land containing 202$ acres, more or less, lying in the 17 th (list, of (formerly Monroe, now) Pike county, known in the plan of said district by the No. 83—levied on to satisfy a fi fa in favor of the administrators of Z. M agruder, vs. Hardy Powell. Levied on and returned to me by a constable. 202,$ acres of land, more or less, ly ing in the 10th (list, (originally Monroe now) Pike county, known in the plan of said district by number 254, to sat isfy an execution in favor of Byrum & Hurt, and others. Levied on and returned to urn by a constable. EDW ARD HOLLOWAY, and. s. Nov. 3, 1824. WILL be sold, on the first Tues day in December next, at the Court-House iu the town ot Macon, Bibb county. Five Negroes, viz. 2 men, Simeon and Anderson : l boy, Peter, and two Women, A.ay and Nelly, levied on as the property of David S. Booth, to sa tisfy five fi fas, one in favor of C. Kel sey & Cos. 1 in favor of Wm. H. Un derwood, 1 in favor of \ & E Wood, 1 in favor of Terondet, Atkison & Cos. (he other in favor oi Wiley I hompson, vs. said Booth and Davenport Lawson. 202$ acres of land, being lot No. 40 in the 4th dist. (formerly Houston, now) Bibb county, levied on as the property of Reuben Hightower, to sa tisfy a *fi la in favor of Woodley & Bell. J. A. HUDSON, Shff. \ LI. persons indebted to the es tate of James Lucas, late of Jones county, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having demands against said estate, are requested to render them in duly attested, to WM. W. BROWN, Mmr. November 3, 1824 f >w m.i GEORGIA—LAURENS COUNTY. Superior Court, •May Perm, 1824. Rt. lX NlSl.—Upon the petition of Bmja ; mirt Hudson, stating that Robert S. Duffy did, on tin’ 10th day of January, 1821, mort gage to said Hudson, a tract of land lying in the county of Laurens, number three hundred and twenty-eight, in seventeenth district, (tor merly Wilkinson, now) Laurens county, tor the hotter securing the payment ot the fortv dollars, on the first dnv of January, 1822 ; und tho said Robert 9. Dully having fulled to imy the same according to the terms of said mortgage, nndtlie said Benjamin Hudson nray tin-foreclosure ot said mortgage, ltianjere torV Ori/ernl , That the said Robert 9. Duffy do imy into the Clerk's office ot this court, the principal ami interfst due on said within twelve mouths from this date, or the Louitv of redemption, in und to tho sunt raort gaged’ premises, will tie, from thenceforth, for ever burred and foreclosed .and that the same In- sold to tmy said debt, interest and costs, In terms of the ‘statute in such case made and provided. Audit is further ordered, that a co ,v of this rule be served ou the mortgager sn !,?„Btlu before the money i to be puid m to Court, or l*e published in one of the Pbl ck ( Jazrttes of this State, once a month tor twelve months, before tnc tune the money •■ to he May, 1824- m, “ m Administrator’s Sate. ALL the land belonging to the es tate of W illiam \Y . Dawson, de ceased, will be sold at the court house in the town of Marion, on the first Tuesday in January next. This land lies a lew miles below the Reserve, on theOcmulgee river, and persons wish ing to establish a permanent interest in the town of Macon, would do well to attend the sale. There are two squares of oak and hickory land, with one hundred and fifty acres cleared— one square of pine land with forty acres cleared, and one square ol Oc mulgee low grounds with forty acres cleared, with a good framed dwelling house and other buildings on ihe pine tract. All the above tracts are adjoining, and would make a fine settlement. Sold by order of the Court of Ordi nary.— Terms, cash. (diaries liiitlock, Adin’r >de bo .Martha B. Dawson, Adm’x \ nis non O. t. 27, IS >4. tds32 ♦AdiiiiuvswsS Sale. VV D*L b* sold at the plantation * * whereon Littleberry Lucas for merly resided, in Jones county, on Sa turday the 27t)i of November next, all the personal estate of James Lucas, late of said county, deceased, consist ing ol Household and Kitchen Furni ture, one sorrel horse, an old Gig, and other articles. Terms made known on the day of sale. WM. W. BROWN, Admr. Oct. 13, 1824. tds3o Executov’s Sa\e. WILL be sold, on the eighth day of January next, at the late re sidence ol Elijah Curry, deceased, in Monroe county, Two Negroes, viz— one man and one woman : also one waggon, one horse, one still, some cat tle and hogs, plantation tools, and ma ny other articles. Terms made known on the dav of sale. LEONARD SIMS, Ejcr. Oct 13, 1824. 30 Sheriffs Sale. WILL be sold in the T own of Newnan, Pike County,on the ‘ first T uesday in December next — I 202$ acres land,more or less,known I by lot No. 4, in the third distiict (for- j merly M onroe, now) Pike county, ta ken as the property of George B. Da vis, to satisfy one small execution in | iavor of Jonleii Compton, vs. said Da- ] vis—property pointed out ny the plain- 1 ti 112 Levied and returned to me by a ! constable. BURREL ORR, Shff. Sheriffs Sale. VK" : ILL be sold, in the town of ▼ ® Newnan, on the first Tusday in December next, One Lot of land, lying in the 2d dis trict originally Monroe now Pike County, known by lot No. 132; levied on and returned to me by a Consta ble. BURREL ORR, Stiff. Sheriffs Sa\e. WILL be sold on the first Tues day in December next, at the Court house in the town of Macon, Bibb county, Two Steers and one Heifer, levied on as the property of David Adams, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Jesse VV il laba—Property pointed out by Wiley Durden. 2000 feet, more or less of plank and scantling, well assorted, levied on as the property of Solomon Groce, to sa tisfy a fi fa in favor of John Frost, James Lindsey, and William Frost. JONA. A. HUDSON, Shff. Oct. 27, 1824. GEORGIA—BIBB COUNTY. Superior court,September Term, 1824. The Governor on the inf or mu- ) lion of WilliauiMJii Minims, vs. ;SCI. Wr Jeremiah Cromett. ) IT appearing to the court by the re turn of the Sheriff, that the defe - dant i not to be found in said county, on motion, it is ORDERED, That die defendant be and appear at the next Term of this court, and answer to the above scira fa cias—and that this rule be published once a month for three months, in one of the public gazettes of this state. A true ropy from the Minutes. Nicholas VV. Wells, Clerk. Sept. 17, 1824. 27ni3m OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Vov sale al this Office. NINE months after date applica tion will be made to the Honora ble Court of Ordinary of Jones county for leave to sell lot No. 76 in the 1 Itl (list, of Early county, and two tract in Jones county, one containing fifty acres, adjoining lands of A. Rice ; the other containing 180 acres, adjoining Elizabeth ShurFey. Also—Lot No. 114 in old Wilkin son, now Telfair county. All belong ing to Elizabeth Hendrix, a minor. JOHN SPURLIN, Guardian. March 17, 1824. m9m jYi INK months afterdate opplica -Ll tion will be made to the honora ble the court of Ordinary of Jefferson county, for leave to sell one Negio Girl named Mourning, belonging to the estate of Joseph Hall, late of said county, deceased. Caleb Cooksey, JidnCr. October 15, 1824 ni9m3l “TVfINK months after date applica -L x tion will be made to the honora ble court of Ordinary of Jefferson county for leave to sell 180 acres ol land in said county, adjoining Rich ard T. Hudson and others; it being the real estate of David Holloway,late of said county, deceased, and to be sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. David T. Smith, Eac'r. July 22, 1824. m9m!B NINE months after date appli cation will be made to the hon orable, the court of Ordinary of Jefferson county, for leave to sell No. 24, 7th dist. Gwinnett county, being the real estate of John McGill late of Jefferson county, dec’d, for the benefit of the heirs and credit ors of said deceased. JOHN MURPHEY, Mmr. August, 1824. 23ni9m NFNE months after date applica _ tion will be made to the Honora ble the Inferior Court of Bibb countv, w hen sitting for Ordinary purposes for leave to sell one negro man, belonging to the estate of William Pace, late o ! said county, deceased, for the benefit of” the heirs and creditors of said de ceased. James Flewellin, Jdmr. Martha Pace, Jldm’r.v. July 7, 1824, ai9m TYj INE months after date, appl ca -1 5 tion w ill be made to the Honora ble Court of Ordinary of Jefferson county for leave to sell the real estate of Samuel Barber, of said county deed. John McDonald, Mmr. de bo)iis ton. March 31, 1824. ni9m Tax-CoNector’s Sale WILL be sold at the court-house in the Town of Perry. Houston* county, on the first Tuesday in Jan uary next, 202$ acres of land, being Lot No. 91 in the tsth district of said county —levied on as the property of Oliver Miller, to satisfy his tax* for the year 1823, or so much of said land as will satisfy said tax— tax due 31$ cents. WM. CUNYUS, t. c. Nov. 3. 1824. tds33 G'ATtf* I HAVE a number of Cotton Gins at my shop in this place, already proven to perform well, of different si zes, w-hicli can be bought at reduced prices, for cash or approved papers. W m. MOORE. June 23, 1824. 2am >ml4 VOU SALtt, LOT No 79, 8 d District Houston county. J. &A. VENNKI. GEORGIA—BIBB COUN I Y. Superior Court, September Term , 1824. The Governor on the informs- i tion of Luke J. Morgan, v*. f ... John Ferrell und Martha J.f Ferrell. 1 IT appearing to the court by the re turn of the Sheriff, that the defen dant is not to be found in said county, on motion it hi ORDERED, That the said defend ant be and appear at the next Term o I this court, and answer to the above scira facias—and that this rule be published once a month for three months in one of the public gazettes of this state. A true copy from the Minutes. Nicholas VV . Wells, Clerk. Sept. 17,1824. 27m 3 m ©It^SWWC'Dif OF COPARTNERSHIP. THE copartnership heretolore existing between the subscri bers, under the firm of J. & A. BENNETT, is this dav dissolved by mutual con sent. All Persons indebted or having any demands against the •aid firm, are requested to call up on Amasa Bennett, who is authorised to settled up its concerns. J. BENNETT, A. BENNErr. Macon, Nov. 10, 1824 The subscriber will continue in business at the stand formerly oc cupied by J. &A. Bennett,and has on hand the stock of Goods former ly belonging to said firm and has just received by waggons 8 Barrels Brown SUGAR, COTTON BAGGING, A general assortment of Gentle mens and Ladies SHOES, Mens and Boys merino HATS, and expects shortly a general as sortment of Groceries and Winter Goods , which will be sold low for ( ash or Cotton. 34] AMASA BENNETT. c;umow \LL persons are hereby fore warned against trading for a certain note given to Robert Bur ton of the county of Bibb, for Si 55, due on the Ist December next, as there has been.! total fa dure of con sideration, and the payment of the same will be resisted by me. JOHN WOODW \RD Dr. irer. •Monroe county, Nov. In, 1b24. 4>v34 • 4 - DxecuWs VGRF.EABf.I to an oriJer of the Inferior court ol Jefferson county, will be sold at (lit Market bouse in the town of Louisville, on the first I'uestlay in February next, a tiact of id belonging to the .state of John Wbijthnm, teccaced, containing three hundred and lifiy acres, more or less, lying on Rig Creek in the ■unty ot Jefferson, beiie, the plantation whereon the deceased formerly lived—to b sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terras made known on the day of sale. ROBERT DONALDSON, Ex’r. Nov. 1, 1824. tds34 Sale. AGREEABLE to an order of the inferior Court of Jefferson coun ty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold at the Market-house in the town of Louisville, on the first Tuesday in February next.the follow ing Negroes to wit. Abram, Mathew, Harriet, and Eliza belonging to the estate of Jethro B. Spivy dec’d to be sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms Cash. Littleton Spivy , Jldm'r. Nov. 10, 1844. tds3 4 Adimnistrator’s Su\e. U ILL be sold at the maiket house in tlie town of Louisville, Jefferson County, a negro woman na med Mourningjbelonging to the estate ol Joseph Hall, deceased, by order of the Inferior Court ol the county afore said, on the first Tuesday in February next. UALKB CUOK.SEY, Muir. Nov. 10, 1824. , td34 Administrator’s Sa\e. A % r ILL be sold to the highest bid- T w tier, at the court house in Jone* county, on the first Tuesday in Janua ry next, all that tract of land whereon • Elizabeth McLendon, dec’d, formerly lived, containing 2(12$ acres, adjoining Hawkins and Latching*, tolerably well improved, between sixty and seventy acres of cleared land. Twelve months credit will begiyen the purchaser.aml small notes and approved security will be required. Sold by order of the court. DENNIS McLKNDON, Mmr. Nov. 3, 1824. *tds33 INK months after date, applsca- tion w ill be made to the Don the Court of Ordinary ot Jefferson County for leave to sell 147 acre* of land, lying on the* in said county :— also Lot No. 264, in 19th district Early county, belonging to the es tate of Thcophilus Powel, dec’d. Samuel Fleming Exec'r. Nov. 3, 1824, m9in (£J* Capt. Spencer Kiley is a Candidate for the office of Receiver of Tax Returns at the ensuing election. Lapt. RobertS. Patton is a Caud. tale tor Receiver ,ii lui Keturns fur this county at the ensuing election. jvo. v,:).