Georgia messenger. (Ft. Hawkins, Ga.) 1823-1847, December 29, 1824, Image 1

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GEORGIA MESSENGER. Vo\. U. the messenger, “is published weekly by jSE & UORtiRT*OX, \ three dollars a year, in advance, •jar dollars if not paid within the jvertisements will be inserted at pvty-fivb OEMS per SqUlirt, fr first insertion, and fifty cem s ! each continuance. Advertisements limited when handed in, will be if ted till forbid. I> \„tico of sates of land and negroes by liaistVators, Executors, or Guardians, are ; I !i law, to lie advertised in a public | tc si rtf ‘1 sys previous to the day of sale, j ice if ihe sale of persona! property must ~ Pi like manner forlj days previous to n't’ ()} h^lo. c ,. to the debtors and creditors of an cs fnast be tcldisbeil fuel)/ Havs V ■ . v ppricado!i will be mad ‘to (be tt f irJinnrv for leave to sell land, must i, ‘ >il vine meei/i*. “just RECEIVED, 77y the Boat America* Eagle, )0 0 BUSII E LS S .\J ,1 r • Jllso —an assortment of ilch will be sold low for Cash. A. BENNKTT. r.eon, Dee. 1, 1824. and, cuvuey & i'vu.w'.n R AVE just opened a Store in this ft place, and otter for side a gene li.sstii tnient of CROCKERY, HATS, SHOES, MKDICfjXES, I! a variety of other articles; all of Ich will be sold low for cash or un wed paper. Wee. 22. 3 w4O |v.\y CAHU STORY.. ! PHE sbbscr b‘T has just received I from Baltimore and Charleston, lis now opening in Ids store, one It west of l)r. IngersoFs dwelling |se, on 15ridge-street, an extensive fcrtnient of I IKON, CASTINGS, IaKDWARE, CU I I.ERY, I: OC KER Y, GLASS WAR E, iuiPENTER’S TOOLS, &c. ■ich he offers for sale low for cash ftotton. lie is also daily cxpect la huge assortment of |y GOODS, IIATS, SHOES, &c. ■able for the present and approach ■season. J. BENNETT, j ftcon, Dec. 8. 88 ■ >'H >),.;*• Sip YltVSvnt V'iP ■ vW'A Tied. 4 -C* si % W JICIL I.\ T T. ULOR, ft ETC UN S his thanks to Ids cus ft turners, for the liberal patronage ■as received since his residence in ■ |>!ace, anil will be grateful for its ftinuance. ft/'He would also inform all those ftbted to him by Book or Note, that ■ must call and pay him on or he ft the 25th of this month, as lie is ftjle to give them any longer imlul ftc. Slacon, Dec. 22, 1324. 9.w40 S'! A A \'t Ifc'iji u [ OF COPARTNERSHIP. ■ME copartnership heretofore I existing between the suhscri ft>, under the firm of I J- & A. BENNETT, ■is dav dissolved by mutual con ft- Ail Persons indebted or B'ng any demands again t the V firm, are rccptesterl to call up- B'h/n/.s'u Bvnnett,\\ ho is authorised ftcttle up its concerns. J. BENNKTT, . A. BENNETT. ■con, Nov. 10, 1824. ■he subscriber will continue in ■ness at the stand formerly uc ■edbyJ. Jk A. Bennett,and has ■ uul the stock of Goods former ■donging to said firm and has ■ receive by waggons ■ barrels Brown SUGAR, |OTTON BAGGING, ■ general assortment of GeiUle ■ mens nnd Ladies SHOES, ■lens an cl Bovs merino HATS, ■ expects shortlv a general ns- J'bent of Cw'Svrr/e.v ami Winter ■ ‘V, which will he sold low lor ■J nr Cotton. AM ASA BENNETT. AUCO.Y, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 29. IS2C ADDISON MANOELL, •\UorncN at V/.vw, nAVING located himself in this - place, is prepared to attend to any calls in the line of his profession, or to any agency business in which his services may be required. He w ill at present practice in the counties of Bibb, Monroe, Pike, Newton, De- Kalb; Henry, Houston, Crawford, Fayette, Baldwin, Jones, Twiggs, Pu laski, Laurens and Washington—and in other counties where professional duties may call him. He trusts his ex perience in business,and fidelity to the interests of his clients, will secure a share of public patronage. Macon, June 23, 1824. If!4 A AomueNVtv.wt C\u\\v .Ma ker a\u\ Turner wanted. \ MAN wlio can come well recom J-Ajir.ended in tlie above business may find steady employ, by applying to the subscriber in Macon. ALEX. D. BROWN. Dec. 22, 1824. 5w40 EA.XD VOII SAL\k~ THE Subscriber offers I **lfor sale- a lot of excellent ■C *-V*vA. Oak and Hickory Laud, lying in Bibb county, five miles from .Macon, and half a mile north of the Federal Road, on Rocky Creek—ls or 20 acres of which is under cultiva tion. The above lot has comfortable buildings on it. CHARLES INGRAM, Jr. Dec. 22. Sw-10 nousvrou AT AUCTION. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in January next, J-rjilfM. at tlie Court house in the town of Macon, tlie House owned by Dr. Evans, adjoining the Carriage Ma ker’s shop, on the east side of the ri ver. The lot on which said building stands, i-. leased ; which lease expires in about four years. Terms of sale, Cash. Dec. 22. 40 \LL persons are hereby cautioned _ against trading for a note given bv the subscriber to Obadiah Mistier, of Lawrence District, South Carolina, dated about the Ist February last, payable one year from the time o! drawing, for the sum of One Hundred and Twenty Dollars, as the value fer whioh said note was given has nevor been received, and 1 shall not pay the same. SETH WARD. Macon, Dec. 2?, 1824. 5w40 LOST, ON T hursday the 9th inst. in For syth or between theic and Stal lings store a small pocket booK con taining two five dollar bills, one two dollar bill and two one dollar bills, and soo.e small change ; a receipt for tax es for tlie year 1323, and a receipt of five dollars from Mrs. Margaret Nich ols, of Clinton, and a plat of lot No. 74,3d dist. Henry county, together with some papers not recollected. The finder shall be liberally rewarded bv leaving it with Mr. Daily, in hor sytli, or ut tins office. J H. G. ROSS. Macon. Dec. 22, 1824. *\:> UVWAttD. STRAYED on the 3d of July last, from the plum tat ion known as Samuel W ilhams* about 4 miles from Macon, a small dark brown Horse,both hind feet w hile -—had when strayed, a large sore on his wethers, occasioned by the saddle, Ih about 13 years old, and had the heaves, or thumps. NN hoover will ic tnin saul horse to me, shall receive the above reward. J. BKNNKIL Macon, Dec. 8, 1824 aiv '^ Wvv'wTl ‘AYU\ WciiltUg. T 7T7” 1 LL be hired at the late resi- V deuce of Win. Pace, dec’d in Bibb county, on Monday the 10th day of January next, Five Negroes, viz. two fellows, one woman, one girl and one boy, until llu 25th of December following. \| h0 —'l he plantation on which the deceased liteJ will be rented to the h ighest bidder. Twelve month* cre dit will be given. Small notes with approved security will be required. Janies Etenudlin, Aduir. Martha I'ace, Admx. Dec. 22, 1824. - 20 SYievvffs S;v\cs. sold at the Court-house county, on the first Tuesday in Jan-i uary next, One lot of land containing 202$ acres, more or less, lying in the 7th dist. of; (formerly Monroe, now) Pike county, 1 known in tlie plan of said district by the No. 99—levied on as the property of Simon Pottee, to satisfy a fi fa in fa vor of W illiatn & Felix Gilbert, vs. said Pettee, —property pointed out by YVm. G. Gilbert. 2 Feather beds and furniture, 2 bed steads, I Spinning wheel, 1 cedar wa ter pail, 4 setting chairs, 1 tin colice pot, 3 earthen plates, l dish, 2 cups and saucers, l pot, 1 tin sugar canis ter, 1 sad-iron, 1 coffee mill, 1 funnel, 1 trihbet, 1 pine table, and 1 tea wait er—all * ten as the property of \\ il l's Maugham, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of John Warren,vs. said A ibis .Maug ham. Property pointed out by Mrs Matigham. JAMES R. GRAY, and. s. Dec. 1, 1824. % A 7 ILL be sold, at the com t house i V in the town of Newnan, Pike county, on the first Tuesday in Janu ary next, 202 J acres of land, more or less, ly rigin the iGth dist. (originally llous on,now) Pike county, known by outli er 159. Levied on as the property bfStephen Morgan, to satisfy sundry o fas in favor of Candler ami Butt, and A. Mcßryde. Levied on and re turned to tue by a constable. Proper ty pointed out by Jesse Matthews. ” l l)\V ARi) HOLLOWAY, u. s. Nov. SO, 1824. \l7 ILL be sold, on the first Tues v V day in January next, at the court bouse in the town ol Macon, Bibb county, • One lot of land, known ns No. 70, 4th dist. (originally Houston, now) Bibb county! levied on as tlie proper ty of Seaborn Jones, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Nat. Newsom. Execution issued from a Justices’ court, in \\ d kinson county—levied on by lliomas Jackson, constable. One lot of iand, No. 300, in the 13th dist. (formerly Monroe, now) Bibb county —levied on as the property of Jeremiah Baugh, to satisfy a fi fa in fa vor, of Robert Buiks. Levied on by a constable. Ten negroes, viz: two men, John, aged 40, and Cuttee, 30; girls, Lucy, aged 15, Esther, 15, Mary, 13, Gate, 13, Reauer, I I, Delse, 11 ; and boys, Simon, aged 8, and Green, B—levied on as the property of John Keener, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of the State of Georgia. Halt u dozen Windsor chairs. <}ae rocking chair, 1 pine lutile, 1 caudle stand, I looking! gjass, 4 trunks, 1 chest,l bed, bedstead and fur niture, 1 pitcher, 3 canisters, 1 set castors, t fiair shovel and tongs, 2*spiders, 1 put, 1 Ira kettle, 1 coffee mill, ‘2 tin buckets, 2 water pails, 1 Dutch oven, 2 pair smoothing irons— levied on as tlie property ot Issacliar Bali sand Th .mas Bales,to sail4y atitu iu favor ot John Caldwell. J. A. HUDSON, Shff. ll’/'ILL be sold on the first Tues ii day in January next, at the Court house in tlie townol Macon, Bibb county, One negro man, named Nelson, 21 vears old, levied on as the property of jo m K. Lloyd, to satisfy a ti fa in fa vor of Jonathan Parish —Jonathan Pa rish, vs. John E. Lloyd, and Burrel McLendon, his security. JOHN S. CHILDERS, and. s. “ViriLL sold in the Town of v ▼ Newnan, Pike County,on the first Tuesday in January next One lot of land, known by No. 135, 2d dist. (originally Monroe, now) Pike county—levied on as the property of Ephraim McLain, to satisfy 3 small executions, one in favor ot J. L. Tip ins, and the others in favor of Gadwell Pearce. Levied on and returned to me by a constable. B. DRR, Shff. VIRILL be sold in the town fit New* nan, Pike countv, utt the first Tuesday in January next. One lot of land, lying in the 2d dis tiict (formerly Monroe, now) Pike county, known and distinguished by number 135—levied on as tlie proper ty of Ephraim McClain, to satisfy three small executions, two in favor of Gadwell Pearce, ami one in favor of John L. l ippins. Levied on and re turned to me by a constable. BURWELL ORR, Shff. Nor. 24, J 824, td36 ILL be sold on flic first Tues- x day in February next, in the town ol McDonough, flcnrv county, 202 J acres of land, situate in’the 3d dist. of Henry county, known by tot No. IG4—levied on as the proper ty of James Hyatt, to satisfy a ti fa in favor of John Tredw ell. J ESSE J<)HNSON, Shff. ON the first Tuesday in February next, will be sold at the Court house in Perry, Houston county, 202] acres ot oak and hickory land, tying in the 13th Dist. No. 311, levied on as the property of Hugh G. John son, to satisfy a ii fa in favor of Cal lier &. Dennard. 202] acres of pine land, well impro ved, whereon Win. I*. Downman now lives, levied on as his property to sat isfy fi fas in favor of Henry G. Fuqua. Levied on and returned to me bv a constable. JOSEPH MIMS, Shjf. Vob\\nn\cn\ A \U>. W r ILL be sold, on tlie first Tues v Y day in January next, at the Court-House in the town of Macon Bibb county. Five Negroes, viz. 2 men, Simeon nuil An derson : 1 liov, Peter, and tivo women, Amy and Nelly, levied on ns Hie property ot David S. Booth, to satisfy five fi fas. 1 in fi.vor of C. Kelsey Sr Cos. I in fa vor of Wm. IJ. I iide-rv. nod I in favor of A. K. F. \\ nod, 1 in favor of I'er oudel Atkinson Cos. the other in favor ot Mi le.y Thompson, vs. said Booth andDuvcnpoi l Lawson. 2<’‘2 l-'2 acres of land, bein? lot No. 4f) in the dill dist. (formerly Houston, now) ]Ll>h county, levied on os the property cd !!e ih-n lliel.tower to satisfy a fi lain favor of Woodley U liell. 2 Steers and 1 Heifer, levied on as the property of David Adams,to satis fy a li fa in favor of Jesse Y\ illaba.— Property pointed out by den. 2000 feet, inure or less of plank and scantling, well assorted, levied on as the property of Solomon Groce, to sa tisfy a fi fa in favor of Jilin Frost, James Lindsey, and William Frost. JONA. A. HUDSON, Shff. . IdmnustvaUw’s Sv\\o. VLL the land belonging lo tlie es tate of William W, Daw son, de ceased, will be sold at the court house in tlie town of Marion, on the first Tuesday in January next. This land lies a few miles below the Reserve, on theOcmulgec river, and persons wish ing to establish a permanent interest in the town of Macon, would do well to attend the sale*. There are tw r o squares of oak and hickory land, with one hundred and fifty acres cleared— one square of pine land with forty acres cleared, and one square ot Oc inulgec low grounds with forty at res cleared, with a good framed dwelling house and other buildings on the pine tract. All the above tracts are adjoining, and would make a fine settlement. Sold by order of the Court of Ordi nary.—Terms, cash. Charles Bullocic, Adin’r > ilebo- Martha B. Uflir.sOH.Adiii’x 5 ttisnon Ort. 27, 1 824. tds32 .Adniimslvalov‘s Siv\e. VGRKKABLK to an order of the Inferior Court of Jefferson coun tv, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold at the Market-house in the town of L< uisville, on tlie first Tuesday in February next,the follow ing Negroes to wit. Abram, Mathew, Harriet, and Eliza belonging to the estate of Jethro B. Spivy dec’d to be sold for the benefit of the heirs ami creditors of said deceased, ‘lerms Cash. Littleton Spivy, Adm'r. Nov. 10, 1824. tds34 .AcAnumsYvuVor s Sa\c. ILL be sold at the inaiket ▼ v house in the town of Louisville, Jefferson County, a negro woman na med Mourning,belonging to the estate of Joseph Hall, deceased, by order of the Inferior Court of the county afore said, on tlie first Tuesday in February next. CALEB CuOKSEY, Admr. Nov. 10, 1824. tds34 .V\mmistv<\U>v‘s Siv\e. ’I ILL be sold to the highest bid- T Y der, at the court house in Jones county,on the first Tuesday in Janua ry next, all that tiact of land whereon Elizabeth McLendon, dcc’d, formerly lived, containing 20C] acres, adjoining Hawkins ami Catchings, tolerably well improved, between sixty and seventy acres of cleared land. Twelve months credit will be giyen the purchaser,a rid small notes and approved security will be required. Sold by order of the court. DENNIS McLEN DON, Jldmr. Nov. 3, 1824. *td33 •AtVm\nisivutov’s Sa\e ON the 9th dxy of February next, will be sold, on lot No. 49, slh dist. of Houston county, upwards of two hundred head ol Cattle, of every description. Also a small lot of Hogs, one Mare,and Household and Kitchen furniture. All belonging to the es tate of Thomas Mackey, late of Hous ton county, deceased. Terms made known on the dav of sale. AARON DAVIS, .Mmr. Dec. 22, 1824. tds4o .\ t\ m‘\ms\ v aYov 1 s Su\ e. ON the first Thursday in Februa ry next, will be sold at the plan tation of tlie subscriber, iu Jefferson county, the personal property of John Whiglium, dec. consisting of lloiscs. Cattle, Hogs, Household and Kitchen Furniture, &r. Terms made known on the dav of sale. RUBER I DONALDSON, Mmr. Dec. 22, 1824. tds4o WILL be sold al (lit* Court houi-a iu the town of Louisville, Jolli rson county, on Monday the 17th of .1 an miry uoxt, All the personal property of Thom as Garvin, deceased, consisting of horses, cattle, hogs, sheep, household ami kitchen furniture, plantat ion tools one set of Blacksmith's tools, corn, fod der, cotton. <J(V. ItICH AHD PALMER, Temporaly Mmr. Dae, 4. 18;’ t IbNOCVilfn* s Mm'. VMTILL he sold, on the eighth day v t of January next, at the late re sidence of Elijah Currv, tlornased, in Monroe county, 7’ten .X’egrws, viz— one man and one woman : also one waggon, one horse, one still, some cat tle and hogs, plantation tools, arid ma ny other articles. Terms made known on the day of sale. LEONARD SIMS, Em. Oct 13, 1 :-'24 l :>o VjNv vvMov’s Sa\c. \GRFE ABLY to an order fti the Inferior . court ot Jefferson county, will tic sold at lilt Market house in the tow nos l.oni- . ilie, on the first Tuesdny in Felnunry next, h tiart of land belonging to the estate of John VA hi.-hr.m, deceased, containing thirr* hundred and fifty acres, more or less, lying on Bi® Creek in tins county of Jefferson, being the plantation whereon the deceased formerly lived—to be sold for the benefit of tlie heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on tho day of sale. ROB BUT DONALDSON, Ex’r Nov. 1, 1824. ON the first Tuesday in Febru ary next, will be sold at the Market House in the town of Lou isville, Jefferson county, two Ne groes-, belonging to the estate ot [\ heophilus Powell dec’d—Sold for the benefit of the heirs. Terms made known on the clay of sale. SA M liEI. FLEMIN G, Bx'r Nov. 26, 1824. tds3B KvviWtYuwvs SaW. \ ILL be sold at the Court house Vs in Clinton, Jones county on the 17th February next, Two tracts of land, one containing 50 acres, adjoining lands of A. Rice ; the other containing 180 acres, adjoin ing Elizabeth Shurley. Sold as tlie property of Elizabeth Hendrix, (a mi nor) far the benefit of the heirs of Geo. Hendrix, dec. JOH N SPURLIN, Guardian. Dec. 15, 1824. tds39 ‘Vax-I o\\t*(•amy’s Sa\e WILL be sold at the court-house in the Town of Perry, Houston county, on the first Tuesday in Jan uary next, 202] acres of land, being Lot No. 91 in the 15th district of said county —levied on as the property of Oliver Miller, to satisfy his tax for the year 1823, or so much of said land as will satisfy said tax tax due 31] cents. WM.. CUN YUS, t. c. Nov. 3. 1824. tds33 NOTICE. TITHE subscriber having discovered JL that three of his HOGS have been marked by some person unknown to him, he requests that the person so doing should come forward and claim them within 10 day, (if so disposed.) The markon them is a swallow fork on the left car, and two under-bits iu the right. THOMAS SACRAK. Macon, Dec. 22, 1824. 40 VOR SiWAb, ON ACCOMMODATING TERMS, AVERY likelv and valuable young NEGRO FELLOW, about 18 vears of age ; sold for no fault. Enquire of ROBERT BIRDSONG. Macon Sept. 2, 1824. ft 25 .\‘o. W.