Georgia messenger. (Ft. Hawkins, Ga.) 1823-1847, July 30, 1831, Image 1

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15V S. ROSE & CO. I TERMS , Src. ■ |F i< published weekly ■ I ... Oo'hirs, it’ paid within tha I . ‘r, U; ■ )ll:tr* if not paid till ■ {‘VxpiP- mi of the year. ■ . lV ,,u-nsKti::vi's not excelling a ■ irliVS) will he inserted for the first insertion, and fifty ■ ; IS ‘for .toll oo iti.malice, \dvertise ■ , ,i, n it h nited when handed in will ■"fjV'erte 1 till forbid. ■ lies rI, rMil liv Executors, Ad -81 | iStr ,(„;■< iind (iuardians are required ■ ‘'i ‘ v advertised in a public Oa ■ { -Sixty days previous to tlieday of ■ ‘l'le sale of Negroes and Personal ■ (r) . r tv min be advertised inlikeman- H.. r ! Forty days. H V ■■> to Debtors and Creditors of an ■ „„,st lie published Forty days. H\'ntice that application “ill be made Court of Ordinary for leave to sell V | m ., s t be published weekly for four H IjT’.ttkas on business must be I DKV <*OOB)S. ■ctiRIWG AND SUMMER I CLOTHING. I Wiliam H. Burdsall, just commenced receiving his stock jV 0 f Spring tint! Sumner Clothing, j SI which lie will sell on the most reasona- ) ■ hie terms. Hvinon,; the articles already received, | V ° are the following: I black Rmnliazine Cos its, | do Merino Cloth ti t | do Lasting do I do Woven Cassimere do I do do Frock do I do .81 irk Bombazine Pai t iloons I do Lasting do Hirotvn French, Kuglish, a id Irish ILil- I ling do HiV'liite do B lungeable Silk Vests, a splendid ar ■ tide, London Marsailles, do HlVhite do do tin Hbitf .and White Valentin, do fee. &c. I I Macon, March 12 I I joilv n. wick ||T \S just received a large assort -111 meat of Goods, suited to the sea- Hson. among which are [ CALICOES AND DOMESTIC GOODS. ■f/c/,V.s Leghorn S,- Straw’ Bonnets, Hals, Hoots on it Shoes, Saddles and Bri | I ill's. Hardwire, Cutlery, Costitigs \ Iron and Steel , and a general assort ment of GROSEB.IES, I trhirh he will sell low. I Den I I 10 COOKE <& COWLES ■Have received large additions to their j STOCK OK STAPI.F. ASH Ir.j.vcr nnv hooees, i ■ i Mich makes their assortment complete, la ad consists in part of the following urti- : Ira's: FIINT Black and Blue Broad Clol’i-, j Rouen .‘iml Merino C-ismmere, IMuin : ■a i l rw.lletl Linen Drilling Silesia ulicc- ] ■ J l,, T*s Irish Linens, 0-1 TaLle Unmask, | ■ Lawns, Gsinibrir I* ’ *l*, French Muslins, English Ginsf- ! new style, .Vlrinrmple *l° Cnlieoivs liibw ?i!vl lian<ismnc p atterns, I I’ Swiss Muslin fnsertinsr, Thread j and LiU*.Now 6lylr Crnpe 111 uni .. iviiitds, Guuxe, do. Ponyre, llnn- H'liinii i, and Flaif .Silk do. Leghorn, Dun ■ fctublc and open Straw Bonnets, Palm I ■h< if Hats, &o. THEY HAVE ALSO RECEIVER B& jfc Font CAFFS Fashionable kj Bluek and Drab hats • k'gint Mnhoganv Solas. Fancy Clinim, ‘latlnsscn, Feathers, Bagging, Omia- Ihipits, Porter t*hwlinu, Suckinx, &c. I'hov will receive in u lew large ami splendid stock ot’ irntn- ii M rockery, tilass, I'hiii't-Wnre ami Groer r"“-. which, with the above named G<mmlm, “ill he sold at their usual low price*. •V It. Constantly on hand, White Lead, Linseed Oil, Glass and Putty of the best quality, Macon, May 21 11 THE SUBSCRIBE M AS just received an ex eniive as . Mirtment of Ready Clothing* And now oilers for sale, Igh/|| lilne Dress Coats 75 do Frock do 43 do Green do 25 do Steel ntixscl do IhU blue 6c steel mixed Sattinett do Son Sminelt and Fustian Hound Jacket* Fine bine and Drab Pant* 325 pair Sattinett do 273 do Cold do 500 pair coarse Negro do 75 dark Valencia Vest* 75 light do do 75 Idack .Silk do 430 Swanxdown do do gentlemen's Plaid and Camblct Clonks Also, an assortment nf Youth’s Clothing Fine l.incn and Muslin Sheets Twilled Muslin Codon Flannel Flannel Drawers and Shirts, Ate. The above work having been done un der thi inspection of first rate workmen, will be wairanted by the subscriber to be good. A. BHOTW KLL. Dec .3 30 . GEORGE VICtAL ia a candidate for Receiver of Tax Returns for the “” 1,1 B*bb. Julv ir,. ti ll HF Henry It. Hill Esq. Hr?.’ , '."n"! , !‘'' ,,,r iverof Tax He -01 U|M * Eimnty at the ensuing elec- July 20. Crfinruin C’.T'A? STOX. j. illiam 81, Btir*Kall, H F VS taken r Slur,! on VI ill aerrv st. v If 1 few (lours below Washington Hall and diroctlv opposite M < ssrs. Day & Butts, where he is now receiving .and opening a general assortment of !DR.Y CrOODS. CLOTIIIVO, HATS. SHOES, See which he will sell at w holesale and re tail at the lowest prices, and invites pur chasers to an examination thereof. Among the. articles received, are the fol lowing, viz : Extra fine SaxonyiNankin do blue, black & col. Linen Cambrics Cloths Jlll’k Genoa Velvet Blue, black and col. Black Cambrics Cassitneres. colored do Dark blue Satinett Osnaburghs Bluemixt do Porters Sheetings, Steel do do Canvass Padding Cadet do do Red do Lavender do do Brown Buckram Brawn dodo White do Negro Clo.lis Black do lied Fiamicls Black Selisias White do colored do Do Saxony Gauze Mosquito Netting Green do Black Lasting Yellow do Thread Lace Canton do jßobinct do Green Bock. Baize, C'-'ton do do Floor Cloth Pillerines Dntlle Blankets Scarfs Point do Gauze Ribbons Rose do Gros dc Naples do 4- luown Sheeting Cap do 5- do Belt do 7-C do Blk Si. col'd Plaid 3- do Blk and col. Braids 7-8 negro Shirting Silk Umbrellas 4- do i do Parasols Bleach'd Muslins of Cotton Umbrellas all qualities. jlM’k Tabby Velvets .0-4 Domestic Plaids’ colored do and Stripes {Ladies Gloves 4-4 do Mens do 3- Apron Checks, Colton, Silk and 4- do worst’d Hosiery 4-1 furniture do Lamb Wool Beil Ticks India Flagg lldkfs. Bleached cottonDi- Bandanna do apers, Spiitlcfield do Brown do White Jaconet do Bleached Jeans Linen Cambric Brown do White Jac. Cravats Fustians do Swiss do Striped Limeys Fancy col'd do Binis-eye Diapers Wellington do Russia do BTk Canton do Table do Blk. Italian do Scotch do colored do Fine lin. SheetingsiM idrass do Russia do Turkey Red lldkfs. Irish Linens Brittania do Long Lawns {Buttons of all des- Brown Hollands criptinns Cambric Muslins {Bonnet Wire Cordes (lit {Stocks, Collars, Checked do Bosoms Plain and Figured Cravat Stiffeners Jaconet do Pocket Books do Book do Wallets do Swiss do Purses do Moll do |Ctton Balls Naitsnok do Spool Cotton Foundation do I do Floss Vestings Wire do Ginghams Patent Thread Calicoes Tapes, Pobbius. Painted Muslins Ferrets. Ilisltop 1/twiis Quality Rinding’ Men no Cloths Suspenders do Circassian 11 at Reeds Indigo It I tie Cam Shell Combs hlets Brazillian do Tartan PI lids Fine do lilk and col’d Bom-jPocknt do b:./.eits ‘Dressing do do Circassian t-lnili itrushes Printed do Hair do Leghorn llat* Tooth do Merino Shawls Shaving do Cashmer do jSlme do Valeutia do Fancy Soap Cassimere do ‘Lavender Water Piussian do Cologne do Chintz do Ladies Cloaks Fancy sillflldkfs. Mens and Youths Blank lace Veils Clothing of all While do do descriptions made Green Gauze do iiqflie best manner Hl'k Itnl. Lustring, Men's and A’outlis Black Sioehew* fur Hats of all Sarcenet qualities, do Florence, Blk and Drab Wool Gros de Naples, Hats. Black do Berlin Fur Cap* Colored Florences II air do Blank Bombazines, Leather do Bl k Ital. Crapes Mens Women* and colored do Childrens Shoes. Canton do Oct. 1. 30-ts Thomas Taylor, H AFjuet received from New-Fork, a large and Mplemlid Mwortnient of New nml Faehlonnble SFM.XG noons, among whieh mny he Ibiiml a choice *<•- loctioii of rieli limey Dry Goods, sidled lo the aenson, nil of which nre new style and beautiful, and will render hi* stock more Ilian imuully attractive. I.ikewiac, Liulies Dun* table, Leghorn and Straw IhinnctM, Shell Unnab*, I’iirn nolm and Sun Umbrella*—n variety of Stock*, and a fresh Miipply of Ilia tiff math’ doth in#. A few cn*c* Niiper Black nml Drub BEA VBR HATS, and a lurife *ti*'k of IIOOTH AND MHO KM. iOf every description—-Hard W nre— I Cutlery, Saddlery, Hollow-ware, China. | tiln** nod Earthen-war* 1 . Complete well* Smith's Tool*, Sett* of Krona And-iron*, Shovel* nml Tonir*, Carolina Him*, Scythe*. Window Gin**, Putty, Ac. Ac, together with an extensive stock of Clioiff I*rarerir, which are altered with ninny other nrti ele*. at whnlennleor retail, on neeommo •Inl iiitr term*, anil at nuch priii's a* can not liul to pleu*e tlio*c who may favour him with ii call. May 13 10 JOB PRINTING 1 heatlt MtrcUTr.t) ATTimnrnr*. MAC OX ? SATURDAY, .JUL Y 30, 1831* Factorage *V t ommissioa BUSINESS. ffIUE Subscribers have formed a co il partnership under the firm of ill a lorn* A SiMtai'e, for the transaction ofu General Commis sion Business, in Savannah, and will be | prepared to make advances on Produce consigned to them for side. They will also pay particular attention to the rc ociving and forwarding’ Goods to the in terior. R. MALONE, 11. SISTARE, S.'ivaunali, June, 20, 1831. DT The undersigned takes this meth od to return his thanks to his friends tor the liberal patronage afforded him since his residence in Savannah , and solicits tor the above firm a continuance of the same support; their best exertions will be used for the interest of those who maj favor them with consignments. June 20. 17-81 ‘ R. MALONE: subscriber lias removed to his JL NEW BUILDING, one door above the old stand, where he continues the SADDLE if HARNESS MA I KING BUSINESS in all it various branches. Grateful for the past favors, he hopes by a faithful and unremitted at tention to business, to merit and receive a continuance of public patronage. He keeps constantly on hand, a gen eral assortment of H'Avdwave avu\ Sadd\cv\. Coach Lace, and Trimmings of every description. A great variety of WHIPS, COTAL VARNISH. Ladies and gentlemen’s plain and quilted SADDLES, of various kinds Silver mounted Gig HARNESSES do. do. Coach do. Plain Japaned do do do do Coach do do do Jersey Waggon do Bridles, of all kinds and qualities. Martingales, Saddle Bags, Valices Housings and Saddle Cloths of various patterns. Travelling TRUNKS, of a superior quality, Collars, ol all kinds, &c. Sc c. Also, LADLES, GENTLEMEN'S YOUTH’S Sc CHILDRENS’ BOOTS & SHOES. LEATHER FINDINGS , S;c Jfc. All of which are offered for sale at the lowest Cash prices, or approved paper. OLIVER SAGE. Feb. 20. 1830. 50— COOKE & COWLES, HAVE received a laige and gene tal -upplv of DR2T GOODS, Carpeting and Rugs, Flour Mats, Leghorn, Dunstable and Open Straw Bonnets, Colton and Wool Cards, a ge neral supply of HARD-WARE, Ri'di Plated Castors, Candle Sticks Snuffers and ‘frays, Broad Bordered Waiters, lira's Andirons, Shovel acd • Tongs, Shot Guns, Hollow-ware, Nails, and Nail Rods. Flat, Round and Square Iron and Floel A full supply ot Sad dles, Bridles, Martingals, Whips and Leather Trunks. —A general stock of ;BOCEISIE,Sq Powder and Shot—a constant supply of Best Spanish Cigars, Almondsand Rai sins. White Lead, Spanish Brown, Lin seed Oil, Window Glass and Putty, Co pal Varnish, Glue, Spanish Indigo, Al !it in acd Saltpetre.—A large supply of Bool* nud Shoe*, OF KVFRY DESCRIPTION. Writing and Wrapping Paper, School Books, laige Family Bibles, in rich and elegant binding. Splendid China Tea Setts and Crockery of entirely new style and pattern, Cedar Ware am! Live Geese Feathers. All of the above Good* are offered on the most accommodating terms. Macon, January 8, 1881 41 FOR SALE. THAT valuable plantation at Cul lodenxville. in Monroe county, formerly in the occupancy of Muj, Hen ry E. Williams, is now for sale. The land is strong and well improved, with a fine two itory building newly painted At just finished. It it situated in the cen tre of * desirable neighbor hood ; the soil nound is rich and the country healthy. Any person wishing to purchase would Ho well to view the premise*. Term* of payment will be made ea*v and liberal. M. CHISHOLM. Dec 11 40tf W’e arc requested to nn nounc* Harmon ll.llow nrd a candidate for Shcr iff of Bibli county. February 14, 1831 49 SPENCER RILEY, is a candidate for Sheriff of Bibb county, at the ensuing election. May 12 11 SUBSCRIBER oiler* him*elf u* n candid v ) „t,. fj,r the Sheriffalty ot Hilil county, at the cumiing election.— lie pledges himself to hi* triends that hr i* induced to do no, more from no earnest de*ire to receive the emolument* ariing from the t MHee, tlmo (Venn the reason u*- .itrnetl by most candidate*, to wit I The iniiiortumli/ of fr Until. YOUNG JOHNSTON. June 1, IKH 13 FITCH & WOI{DIN, 2VXEB.CIXANT TAILORS, Are now opening at the Macon Clothing Store, a hand some assortment of Spring & Summer Goods, AMI CLOTHING, C ((INSISTING (If Superfine Boniba / zincs, .Merino Cassimere, French Cuinbric, French, English and Russian Brown Drilling, white do. granite do. line India Xnnkiiis, quilted, white and bull’ Marseilles (a first rate article.) buff Cnssimere, Velvet Florentine and Valen tin Vesting, silk net Suspenders, Web do. Muslin Stocks, Silk do. shirt Collars and Bosoms, nnd Fancy Cravals, Silk Hose, Linen and Cotton do. Horse nud Buckskin Gloves, Silk do. Silk Umbrel las, i’lilmlenC and Drub Hats, Superfine Blue, Dluek, Brown, Green anil Mulberry coloured Cloths, Cassitneres, &c. All op which will benmdeup in the latest style READY MADE CLOTHING. Fine bombazine Coatees and Coats, Russian Nankin Coatees and Coats—Me rino cassimere do. do. Lasting and Circassian do do—Goats hair Camhlct do. do. Fine Bombazine, Merino Cassimere, nan kin, silk, drilling, brown, English and French lasting, Circassian, be veret and Cord Pantaloons, Duck Trowsers nnd brown shirts, Fine bombazine, Marseilles, velvet, Flo rentine and Valencia vests. Brown Linen, Buts and Stripe Short Jackets Tom and Jerry Short Jackets Fine I-inen and Cotton Shirts, with al most every article in the Clothing Line—All of which will be sold low foreash. April 16 6 DBAS EE AVER HATS. MM JUST RECEIVED, n few caxes Gentlemen’s firstquali- ty DRAB BEAVER H ATS And For Sale by WM. 11. BURDSALL. Macon. IMarch 12 1 NEW ESTABLISHMENT MACON IJnol Shoe Man us actor if |P] FT! HE subscribers re- V-’ H speetfullv inform the ladies & gentlemen of Macon, and the Public generally, that they have permanently located themselves in Macon, and have taken the West half of the store-house lately occupied by Thomas P. Bond, in Cherrv’street, near the corner of second street, and adjoining Messrs. Kimberly & Chisholm, where they intend prose cuting the above line of business in all its various branches. They have on have on hand and will be constantly manu facturing Ladies and Gentlemens’, boys and Misses Boots and Shoes of all de scriptions, Childrens’ fancy colored cloth and Morocco Bootees and Slip pers, and a general assortment of'Negro Shoes, suited to the season. Also, sole and Upper Leather, Kip, Calf, Lining and binding Skins, Findings, Slc. All of which they will sell for cash at the lowest market prices. A case o f Mtns’ and Boys’ Cloth find Morocco Caps , low for cash. N. B. Boots and Shoes made to or der with neatness and punctuality. Re pairing of all kinds done at (lie shortest notice. A share of the public patronage is respectfully solicited. R. E. CHURCH &c CO. Nov. 18. 37 FANCY CHAIRS. 20 DOZEN, Cane and Rush seat Fancy Chairs, a few of them Rocking Chairs, received this <lav and for sale by COOKE & COWLES. February 2G 51 1 OT'W'O.Y AffCWMW. THE SiritSCIIIBEKS AUE RECEIVINO 20OD PIKCF.S IIF.MP. FLAX, nml TOW BAGGING, which they oiler for side at very low prices, and on an ex tensive credit for approved paper. DAY & BUTTS. June 18, 1831 15 THE SIAMESE TWINS . BY THK AUTHOR OF Pelham, Paul Cliffwd , Sfc. Received bv i:LLIB, SIIOTWF.LL & Cos. May 13 10 GENERAL INVITATION. f|ViU subscriber* beg leave to pre -1 sent tiieir compliments to all tlvose who are indebted to (hem either bv note or open account, and request them to come forward a* early as prac ticable and settle tire same, as the one thing needful would be quite acceptable. T. L. A J. P. SMITH. Macon. Jan. 24, 1831 40 if TIN-WADE MANUFACTORY. (marly opposite Chapman's Corner) 1111 subscriber has on hand anil I win, keep a constant supply of TIN WARE which he will sell whole sale or retail at Savannah or Augusta prices. W. 8> ELLIB< Orders sent to Ellis, Sholwcll Sc Cos. will receive prompt attention. June 19. 1830 15-Y NOTICE. rjl HOSE indebted to E. IF. Pntioraon ■ ,Y Cos. nre notified that their notes anil scrollnt* have been left with V|e**r*. Campbell nod Seymour tor collection; t hir ntlornie* are intrieted to *ue the Mime in the event of their not lieiiig at tended lo E. 11. PATTI.RBON A Cos. June 24, IWI 16 NOTICS. f >IIIU Coparliiernhip heretoli>re exist- R in ir under the lirm of IBAAC W. Up Ivß A; UO. i* this day di**olved.— Tlume indebted to the firm will make pay ment to I. W. Mirk*, and lliime having dematids will apply to him tor payment. ISAAC W. HICKS, N. CHILDERS. Newlmpe, Monroe county (in. ) July 4ftd, 1831. ‘JO-Sw (j GROCERIES, Ac. FOR SME , mRP BAGS Green nnd Jnvn CofTee, 30 llhds St. Croix & N. O. Ho gars. 3(1 Bills. N. O. Molassas, 101) Bids. Runt, Gin nnd Whiskev, 510 “ A 11I >l,* Brandy, 15 Bhls. Loaf and Lump Sugnr, 100 Kegs Nails nnd Brads 10 (’asks Porter and Ale, 200 Pieces Hemp and Tow Bagging 20 Tons Swedes Iron, 4000 I.hs. Castings, 4000 Bushels SALT. Cog. Brandy, Holland Gin, Jam aica Hum , Malaga, , Teneritle, I Port, nnd i Clininpaigne J Superior old .MADEIRA WINE, “How ard, .March & Co.’’ with a general as sortment of OBOOEBIBS, Dry (roods, Hats, Shoes, Hardware, Saddlery-, and Crockery- BV *are. On accommodating terms by L. NEWCOMB, Cherry-Street. May 13, 1831. i THOMAS TAYLOR, HAS renroved from his old stand to the new range in COTTON A VENUE, a few doors west of Wash ington Hall, and nearly opposite J. T. Rowland’s Cotton Scjlcs, where he of fers at wholesale and tetail on very rea sonable terms, a general assortment of SEASONABLE DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, HARDWARE BAGGING, CROCKERY BALK ROPE, SADDLERY THINE. CA STINGS, HA U SERS, fr) HOOTS Ist s hobi, BLACKSMITH TOOLS Iron, German and Cast Steel, Feath ers, Cotton and Wool Cards, Carolina Hoes. Plough Moulds, Shovels and Spades, Trace Chains, Steelyards,Spa nish Sesars, Paper, Quills, &.C. Ladies Dunstable, and Bolivar, Lpg horns, Plain and open Straw Bonnets and Gent’s Taper crown Beaver Hats, (latest fashions.) Purchasers are respectfully invited to rail and examine for themselves. Oct. SO. IP3O. 34tf •S*O r FICE TIIE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore existing under the firm of G. Champlain & Cos. was mutually dissolved on the 6th inst. G. Champlain is fully authorised to set tle the utfuirs of the concern. J NO. T. ROWLAND. LITTLETC N A I K ISON, G. CHAMPLAIN. Macon, June 6.1831 14 The Subscriber will continue the business. G. CHAMPLAIN. Just Received from Stir York, at the Macon FAIYIIIiY GROCERY A.ND Confectionary Store, A LAItGU Assortment of the following V ARTICLES: Holland Gin, St. Croix fc Jamaica Rum B-st Madeira t Chain pnigtia / U P feneriffe \ WINE. Muscatel l Port and Clare) ) PORTER and ALF., Temperance Peldct Love A Life of Man J Rose f Cherry ) CORDIAL* Pepperminl ( Anuiseed V C.lov'fts nod Cinnamon Stoughtou's Biller* Goayaba Jelly Catsup Quince do Eokllsli and French Currant do Pickles Cranberries Superior Spanish Lemons Cigars Lillies German Toy* Muatard Raisins Ground Clove* Prune* Cinnamon Almond* Allspice Filberts Black nod Cuyene Madeira NutJ Pepper Braail do F.. India Cracker* Currant* Fire Works ot dis- Olive* anil Caper* lerent kind* J alile Salt Romai. Caudle* W. India Preierve* Snuff Pine Apple* Cut Tobacco, Nectarine* Best chewing do Quince Preierve* Luffs Cracker* Ginger Match light*, tapers The nliove articles all warranted fresh, and of the best quality. LEVI F.CKLEY- December W—ttm NEW GOODS* ÜBT RECEIVED, n general assort moot of neuMoonhlu DRV GOODS, nml for stle at reduced priuea, by W.M. H. BURDSAI.I. Aprd R Live fierse Feathers, UOlinLK A.xp SI SULK HAIR MATRASSES. Just Received and for tale by COOKE At COWLES. March . wmu. CASES CLARET WINE, 45 do Medoc Claret (Pirns) 25 White Loupic Win*, OS CONSIGNMENT, And For Sale low by L. NEWCOMB. July 16 l (dSpib Drug's, jpß|r jl Medicine, j lure, THE subscribers have received a supply of the above articles, to- I'ther with almost everv article con nected with the Drug business, which th’y will sell to Physicians, Merchants, Planters and others, on reasonable terns. ELLIS, SHOTVVELL & Cos. “lav 29, 1830. 12-ts WILLIAM WARD, fP Ha* Just Received at kii W Drug Store, B Cherry-street, n general ns ■ sortment of DRUGS, MEDZCZNSIS, PAINTS^ Oils, Dye-Stuffs, &c. &c. Prescriptions will be prepared by Dr. Woodson, who will superintend the sale of all Medicines. DRUGS 4XI, MF.niCINF.S: Allum llippo Antimony Hiera Piers Annatto Spanish Isinglass do Com Ivory Black Aloes Jalnp Alcohol Laudanum Arrow Root bermuda Liquorice Ext and Assaibctida refined Anise Seed Mace Antltnonial Wine Magnesia Cnlo’d. • I.tlier do Lump Borax refined Medicinal Herbs do Crude Manna Brimstone Roll Mustard Fng. Balsnm Copniva Nux Vomica Barley Oil Peppermint Hark Peruvian 44 Her^aniot Cloves “ Lemon Cream Tartar •* Wormseed Castile Soap Opium Cnslor Oil, Ist and Paregoric 2d quality Pearl Ash Congress \\ ater Quicksilver Corrosive Sublimate Quinine Calomel Rhubarb Camphor ){ed PreeipiUt* Camomile flowers Roehell Salts Caraway seed Halt Peter Cantharidcs Sarsaparilla Cinnamon Sugar Lead Cochineal Sup. Curb Soda Cubebß Senna Alex Essences of ali kinds do Eng. Epsom Salts Sponge Fine Extracts different do Common kinds Spirits Turpentine Emery “ Niter Dul Fennel Seed “ Lavender Comp Flour Sulpher “ Hartshome Ginger Sweet Oil Glauber Salts Stoughtons Bitters Glue Tamarinds Gamboge Tartar Emetic Honey Tartaric Acid. PATE.VT MFIIICINFS I Lees Pills Godfrey’s Cordial Anderson's do Balsam Honey Hooper’s do Thompson's Eye vvn- Sandiord's Bark ter Salts Lemon Durable Ink Sodn Powders Henry's Magnolia Seidlitz do Swaims Panacea Opodeldoc Potters Cntholicon Ess. Peppermint Croton Oil British ()il Ess. Mustard Harleim do Dalby’s Carminative Turlingtons Balsam James’ Powder* Bateman’s Drops PAI.NTS AND OILS. White Lead, lat i Bmnll* nil colours 2d qualify Camels Hair Pencils Red Lend Terre de Sienna Spanish Brown Umber Turkey Venetian Red Vermillion Yellow Ocher Gold Leaf Rose Pink Stone Oeher Litharge Patent Yellow Black Lead Rosin Lamp Black Logwood Stick VV luting do pure ground Ivory Black Paint brushes of all Rotten Stone kind* Verdigris Spirits Turpentine Pumice Stone Linseed Oil Prussian Blue Train Oil Chrome Yellow Nents loot do Chalk White Lamp Oil Ist and 2d “ Red quality Mineral Green Window Glass all Copal Varnish sizea. Japan “ Putty Leutlier “ or* ituff*: Alium Spanish Indig's Cochineal Madder Copperas Turmeric Nut Gull* Oil Vitriol Logwood Stick Aqun Portia do pure ground Muriatic Acid. Annul to April 19 (1 ‘■NHL Mituiuriber* having purchased M. the Mill formerly owned by Flijah Cotton, and known a* Cotton’s Mill, ait listed on Rocky creek about six mile* from Macon, will be ready in a tesv day* to otter at tlu ir Lumber Vurd corner of Cherry and Third street*, every descrip tion urid almost any quantity of lumber that n.ay be wanted—they have already on Itnnd 15,<Ht0 feet seasoned inch plank. 10,000 do do rriling. 10,000 do do rough-edge. 10,000 do 3-4 4-0 scantling. All of whieh they will *ell at tair pri *•**• RALSTON Jc JUNKS. July 9 1831. 13 SPRING GOODS. JUST RECEIVED, an assortment of Spring Goods of almost every description. A. HIIOTWELL. Macon, March 5 34 50 KITS CHOICE MACKF. RE 1., put up for family use—ju*i ra ccived by L. NEWCOMB. Juno <4, 1391 16 VOLUME 9#-“XOs 21. LIST Or &BVTS&S REMAINING in the Post Office at Zebulon, Pike county, on ths 30th June, 1831. Jonathan Adams, Isaac W. King, Hugh Boyd. H. Lawrence, P. M. By ram, James Lee, Isaiah Burton, Moses Mulky, John Bat field, James Mimtns, Jonathan Baker, Howel Myrick, Elkanali Brooks, Israel Martin, Robqrt Bell, Richard Myrick, A. (i. Beckham, WillisD. Mathews; Joseph Calahatn, 2 Ephraim Nelson, Geo. W. Cannon 3 Matthew Orr, John Carswell Miss M. Oharra, Harrison Crow James Oharra, William Carter; John or Nancy John Craven, Pointer, Nathan Davis, John Reid, 2 William Daniel, John T. Rucker or John M. Daley Aaron Smith, Isaac Evans, £ T. Robinson, mill x,i win, jonn i*i. liduC.;, John Fulder, Elisha Ilee ves, John Fretwell, Epltraim Sweet 3 Hiram T. Gill, Joseph Scott, Jas. B. Gillispie, Robt. Simmons, Ed. Grisham, Charles Smith, Sami. Gnnimel, William Strother, Wilkins Harper, Wiley Thornton, 11. Harrison, Shent Thompson, James Harper, Moses Taylor, John Harper, Wm. Virden, M. Howard, ]. B. Williamson, John Hill, James Whatley, James Irwin, James Wilson. James Johnson, William Ward, W illiani Jones, Aaron Williams, Simeon Jay, Capt. JL S. Williams Abner Johnson, James Wicker, Russel Kellum, Wm. Youngblood, Elijah 11. Kirk, J. Youngblood, JOHN BUTTRILL, r. n. July 16, 1831 is SSY BOOKS, S. Hose Ol Cos. HAVE JUST RECEIVED THE rOLLOWINU WORKS —Fie .- Saunders on pleading. * valuable work, recently published, Painters and Sculptors, Chivalry and the Crusaders. Romance of History, by Ritchie, Destiny, or the Chiefs Daughter, I he Palaba, or IVlottr of Portugal—by Mrs. Bray, Diary of a Physician. Invalids Oracle, or Directions for In vigorating and prolonging life, Benjamin's Architecture—improved e dition. Millwright* Guide, New American Gardner, Mason sand Hind* Farrierv. Church members Guide, VVythes Music—National Orator, Dialogues for Schools, Campbell, Rogers, Montgomery, Kirk White and Lamb's Poems,"l vol. United States Pharmacolngia Jones’ Church History Dwight’s Theojogy Waits and Rippons Hymns Sunday School Spelling Books , Bible Questions—Methodist Hymns—’ (Fine) Bennett’s Book Keeping. Crablts Synonyms Dutchmans Fireside—by Paulding Infant School primer Websters Dictionary 8 so. Also, a variety of Sta/ufard Works ANO STATIONARY. Quills of a fine quality, Bristol Boards of various sizes, Wide and narrow ruled, Letter and Cap Paper, Fine Crayons, for Drawing, Hair Pencils. Fancy Cards, Leads for Pencil Cases, &c. fee. Red Crayons Large Wafers, for office seals July 7, 1831 id i,, noxjickT A LI, thoae indebted to the firm of A. dm. C. Pannele & Cos. either by note or account, ure requested to come forward, make payment or Um 4 will he placed in the hand* ol'B. Row for collection, before the next Rettirn day. A. C. PARMELE A Cos. June 16,1P3J. 15 XLAXS..JS. rr> Ql ARTF.R ami 75 half boxes Raiaina, just received on consignment, and for sale low. Apply’ to L. NEWCOMB. JsmeSn, inai w TAINTING, GILDING, GLAZING. AC. ELLIS, 8 ROT WELL 6c CO. HAVING in their employ a num’ er of good Painters,with a large stock of material*, will carry on the Fain ting Business iu all its Blanche*. Route, Sign, and other Painting, Plain and Ornamental w ill be execute June 19, 1830. 15—d Twenty Dollars Reward. K ANA WAY from the subscriber about two months since, n negro man, named Willis—about 23 years of age, Willis is a remarkably stout man. about six feet high, bright mulatto, has a fierce malignant look when apoken to, he ia Mimewhat knock-kneed, and has a gun shot wound in his right arm. It is piobuble he has gone to North Caro lina or Virginia—Twenty dollars re ward will be given, if he is lodged In any jail o that the subscriber may get him. EDWARD SWEARINGEN. Monroe co. July 20 20 The Richmond Enquirer will insert the above, three time* and for ward their account. 800 BAGS COFFEE, For Sal* by 1. T. ROWLAND. May 13 W