Georgia messenger. (Ft. Hawkins, Ga.) 1823-1847, August 06, 1831, Image 4

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Tax Collector's Sale. WILL be sold, n! the Court House in Clinton, Jones county, on the first Tuesday in October next. \\ ithin the us ual hours of sale, the following property, or so much thereof us will Satisfy the Taxes and costs, of the several individu als returning- the same, for their taxes for the year 1833. 400 Acres of LAND No. 101, in the 3d district ol Rubun county, levied on to satisfy tin- tnx of James Peddy for the year 1830. Tax due $1 15cts. fun. 202 1-2 Acres of LAND No 7, in the 13th district of DeKalb county, al so, 400 acres of LANII in Wilkes county, on Beaverdam creek, levied ou to satisfy the tax of .Martha Foster, for the yeur 1830. Tax due $3 30cts. Ora. 202 1-2 Acres of LAND, No. 217, in the 7th district of Carroll county, le vied on to satisfy the tax of Samuel Gam mon, for the yeur 1830. Tax due 70ets. 7ni. 2U2 1-2 Acres of Land, No. 221), in the slh district of Muscogee county, levied on to satisfy- the tax of Henry Pa trick, for tlic year 1830. Tax due $ 1 48cts. B m . 490 Acres of Land, No. 44, in the 6th district of Irwin county, levied on to satisfy (lie tax of Timothy Ledbetter, for the year If 3th Tax dm- $1 15ots. 6m. 202 1-2 Acres of Land, No. 288, in the 16th district of Pulaski county, levied on lo satisfy the tax ofßohert t'un ningham, for the year 1830. Tax due $1 62cts. 3m. 202 1-2 Acres of Land, No. IG, in the 2.<lh district of Lee county, levied on to satisfy the tax of Lewis Simmons, for the year 1830. Tax due 7Qcts. 7m. 202 1-2 Acres of Laud, No. 137, in the Ist district of Lee county, and No. 56, in the 17th district of Ileeutur coun ty, levied on to satisfy the tax of Joshua Fowler, for the year 1830. Tax due tjjtl lOols. Om. 202 1-2 Acres of Land, No. 148, in the 10th district of Harris county, and No. 183, in the 17th (list. oiTulhot county, levied on to satisfy the tax of Charles Harrison, for the vear 1830. Tux due 83 97cts. 2m. THOMAS GATES, T. C. July 30 1831. 21-tds ADMINISTRATOR'S SALES. Wll.l. be sold at the court-house in Campbell county on the firot Tues day in October next, lot No. 114 in the third district of Carroll now Campbell county, containing 2021 2 Acres, belong ing to the e tale of Josinli Froeinnn de ceased. Terms made known nt the lime of sale. A. a. FREEMAN Adm’r. July fin, tr-31. 21 GVAj&EXAIff’S SAI2. WILL DC SOLD on the first Tues day in September next, at the Court-House, in the town of Knoxville, Crawford county, the following property, to wit:— One third part of Lot No. 220, in the Ist district of Crawtbrd county.— Sold for the benefit of Jane Belcher, mi nor and orphan of Allen Belcher, deceas ed. Terms made known on the day. LITTLETON BELCHER, Guardian. June 30, 1831 17 NOTICE. WILL bo sold in the town of Ber rien, Dooly county, on Satur day, the lOtli day of September next, the following lot of Land, No. I#s, for the purpose of paying the tax of John H. Campbell, the drawer of said Land. KENJ. 11. SWEARINGEN, t-c. July 7, 1831 1U F NOTICE. OCR months atler date, application will be made to the Justices of the Inferior Court, of Monroe county, while sitting tor ordinary purposes, lor leave to sell one lot of Land, belonging to the es tate of Joseph Cotton, deceased, known hy No. 68, lying in theitth district. Troup county, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of snid estate. MARY GOTTEN, Adrn’x. May 27 12 FOUR month* after date, applica tion will be made to the honora ble Inferior Court of said county, while sitting as a court of ordinary for leave to sell part of the real estate of Absalom Scott, dee. to wit: one lot of land lay ing in 14th district of Henry county. No. 80. and one lot of land laying in Irwin county, known by lot No. 171 in the 9th district o( said county for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. . J AMES PONDER, Adm'r. March 19 ® GEORGIA, Upson County. WHEREAS James Walker applies to me lor letters of dismission from the estate of Lucy Cook of lhitnnm county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and udinnn ish nil nml singular, the kindred and cred itors of aaid deceased, to be and appear nt my office Within the time prescribed hy law, to shew cause, if any they have why Mill letters should not’ be grnnted! Given under my htuid and seal, this the 89th day of March, 1831. THUS. V. BETHEL, e. c. o April 2, 1831 * 4 GEORGI Bibb County . Will’. RE, AS Archibald Spear and Henry Spear apply to me I'or letter* of dismission from Mie Executor *hip of the estate of Henry Sapp. de ceased. Thi* i* to cite and admoniih all and singular, the kindred and creditor* of •aid deceased, to tile their objection* in my office, if any they have, within the time prescribed hy law, otherwise said petition will be granted. M. SIMMONS, c. c.o. btncoa, March 18, 1891 mi„ bl.OßtilA. Hibb county, UKHI.AS A. It. I‘ renmnn ap- W ¥ plies to me lor letter* of dia m.ssmn iron, the cute of Josiah man, deceased. 1 hesa are therefore to cite and ad monish all and sinzular. the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at ~,y office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if iinv they have, why said letter* should not be printed. Given under my hand and teal of office, this 90th day of July, 1831 . M. SIMMONS, c. c. o July 90 tI JOB raziTTINO fKAfit nrccvTiD ATTiiaorrici. FOUR months after date, applica tion will be made to the Inferior Court of Houston County, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell lot of Land number two hundred and three, in the fifteenth district of Hous ton county, the real estate of James G. Parks, deceased, late of said county, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased, and also at the same ] time, application will he made, for leave i to sell the negroes of said deceased, of which all persons interested are desired to take notice JOHN FLETCHER. Adm'r. On the estate of J. (J. Parks, dec'd. March 12, 1831 4 m—l GEORGIA —Jones County. WHEREAS Win. Williams and I.ecy Deloach apply to me for letters of dismission from the Adminis tration of the estate of Joseph Deloach, deceased, This is lo oite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to file their objections in i my office if any they have, within the time prescribed by law, otherwise said petition will be granted. c. McCarthy, c. c. o. ! May 111, 1830. 11-mOm | GEORGIA, Upson County. WHEREAS Levi Johnson applies lo me for letters of Administration j on the estate of David Johnson, deceased. Those are. therefore to cite and admon ish all and singular; (he kindred and cred : itors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed | by law, to shew cause, ifany they have, why snid letters should not be granted. | Given under my baud und seal, this ’ 29th day of June, 1831. TIIOM. V. BETHEL, Clk. c. o. j July 16 NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the estate of David Carroll, late of Bibb county, deceased, are notified to come forward mid settle llicir accounts without delay. Also, all persons having demands against said estate, to present them fi>r settle ment, duly attested, within the time pre scribed by law. GEORGE VIGAL, Adm’r. Macon. July 15. 1881 19-0 w . ~ NOTICD. A LI, persons indebted to the estate of JIL James M. Rust, late of Bibb county deceased, are notified, to come forward and settle their accounts without delay, nnd those having demands against said estate, lo present them for settlement du ly attested, within the time prescribed by law. MARTIN SIMMONS, Adm’r. July 16. 1831 19-6 w , stolen! ~~ the Subscriber, on the night of the sth inst. n GREY HORSE about 14 or 15 hands high, the bind part of the right fore toot broken off, the hair rubbed otf the left hip. which is a little sore, and is 7or 8 years old. A reward of Twenty Dollars will be paid for the thief, or Ten Dollars for the Horse. GEORGE MILLEN. \\ nynesboro, July 7, 1831. 19 FOUR months alter date, npplieatio” will be made to the Court ol'Ordin’ ary of Monroe county, for leave (o sell the real estate of James Rowland de ceased, late of said county. JA.MES STEVENS, Adm’r May 6, 1831 , Mm FOUR months after date, applica tion will he made to the honora ble the Inferior Court of Twiggs coun ty, when sitting for ordinary purposes for leave to sell all the Real Estate of William Jacobs deceased, also One Negro Woman belonging to said estate, sold for the benefit of°ihe heir* and creditors of said deceased FREEDOM WHITE, Adm’r. June 30th 1831. m j m MONTHS AFTER DATE application will Im made to the In! ferior Court of Upson county, when sit ting for ordinary purposes, for leave to se"2°2 1-2 acres of Laud, lying in the 41U district of Bibb comity, number 180 unjoining Bullock nnd others. Sold for the benefit of the heirs of Benjamin Bo trie 1, deceased. .. THOBIF. BETHEL. Guardian. May 13, 1831 jq P Notice. “ Ol R months after date applica tion w ill be made to the honorable the Inferior Court ol Monroe county when siting as a court of ordinary for leave to sell the negroes and real estate of Norman Shaw deceased, for the benefits of the heirs of said estate ELIAS BEALL Adm'r. 1 REACY SIIAW Adm'rx. July l> 1831 20. .4m •S2O REWARD. a II ANA WAY from the igW Brick-Yard of Mr. David _Jf*7 * ‘ Wileon, near Macon on / _ *he 34th of May la„t, w Ne gro boy named COOK, about 16 year. old, five fimt 3 or 4 inches. “iff* 1 * ~nrk complexion; it ia probable he svil try to get to Savannah, or that neigh borhood, or to Mr. Archer’a living in Pcrtven county, f>o mile* Savannah. Ihe above reward will be paid lor hia apprehension ,m.l delivery to me, living in Mnoon, or for hia confinement in unv Jud, no that I get him. 3 JOHN HOLLINGSWORTH June 11, 1831 14 llj’ The Savannah Georgian will give the above two weekly inner!iona, and for war.l the account to tliia oflieo. Postponed Sale. W l, j , ‘ ~l: Public sale nt the Ith.if Hull I), strict on the 17(1, ,l„v of Sep tember n-xt by ten o’clock A. M. * All the Cattle which can he found he hmgugf o the ealatr of William Jacob. 3;~l. lc notice. THE MJHscriUEK haa thi. day -•.mnecled him.elfin buaioea. with j b. Miami. The hunt ties, will hereal ter he conducted under the firm A Hhotwcll * J. ft. Smith. °‘ A ’ ALEXANDER SHOTWELI, Maron, 3!>th March, 1831 4 ‘ ,n ey will “ Hl low price. principally fi.r r n h. p 1 MIJHICAL INSTRUMENTS, Hooks. Jtlusic. *W . Ellis, Shotwell, 6t Cos. ARE now receiving and opening at i their store, a number of Piano I'ortes, Os n rich description, and a variety ol other Musical Instruments, with instrue- | lion Books, and Music adapted to the same —a large collection of BTEW MUSIC Eor tiie I’iano, embracing all the Music of the celebrated Cindcrallu Opera, and a variety of engravings, caricatures, prints, &x\—Also, a large assortment of BpCTKS^ CONSISTING OF 1 .">OO VOLUMES, A Catalogue embracing n considerable portion of which, is published in the Christian Repertory. A great variety of STATIONARY and Miscellaneous articles. A large as sortment of PAPER HANGINGS, bor dering, fire prints, &c. &c, They respectfully invite the attention of the public to the above, and request them to call and examine. may 27, 1831. 12 Select A’ M’opular I Works. JUST RECEIVED Aml For Sale by Elli*, Shot well iV Cos. V OTTNG LADIES BOOK, Shakspeare, 1 vol. complete, London Ed. diamond print, silk paper, gilt, Falstull’s (London) Comic Annual, 1831. Common-place Book of Parley, 1831 Poetical Works of Rogers, Campbell, Montgomery, Lamb and White, 1 vol. complete—Cowper &• Thompson, kd. Willards History, U. S. revised Elements of Criticism, Pollyglott Bible, London Edition, diamond print, silk paper, gilt, Musical Dictionary, Rhyming, do. Grammar of Elocution, English Synopsis Croley’s life of George IV. A Lexicon of useful knowledge Complete editions in Library form of •’ope’s Works, Byrons do Moore's do K. White’s do 11. -Moore's do Arabian Knights, Goldsmith's Works, Burns do Sterne’s do Chalmer’s do Robertson’s do 3 vots. Franklin’s do 6 x-ols. Moore’s Byron 2 vols. Irvins Columbus 3 vols. Bcotts Napoleon 3 vols June 24 16 JUVENILE BOOHS. S. Rose &. Cos. MAVK Just Received the following BOOKS lor young readers, which can be highly recommended, as contain ing much Geographical, Historical, As tronomical, nnd other useful knowledge. They nre calculated both to instruct and nmuse ; and their style pleasing and pe culiarly adapted to the understanding of Children nnd Youth. Tales of Travels West of the Missis sippi—principally from the Narratives of Lewis and Clarke, nnd John K. Jewett. Tales of Travels in Africa, by Park. Denham, Clapperton, Ac. Parley’s Geography, Tales about the Sun, Moon nnd Stars, Tales about Asia, Tales about Africa. Also—An Essay on the Letters of Junius, by Benj. Waterhouse. June 4, 1831 13 CENTRAL HANK OF GEORGIA, Millf.dgicville, July 20, 1831. PURSUANT to an act of the Gen er t| Assembly, passed on the 13tlt day of December, 1829, the following property on the Indian Spring Reserve, forfeited to the State by the oiiginal purchasers, will be ofl'erea at Public Sale, before the Court-house, in the town of Jackson, Butts county, on Wed nesday, the 28th day of September next, to w it: Lot No. 5. 6. 7. 8, 9, 10, 25 and 52. And in the town of Macon, on Tues day, the 4th day of October, and the following days, until all are sold, the following Lots: L. N. 1, S. 5 L. N. 2, S. 28. L. N. 2, S. 40 1 36 S 46 2 86 4 46 1 8 36 >46 2 4 87 6 46 3 6 2 38 7 46 4 6 8 S3 8 46 5 15 4 59 615 1 60 715 24* 2 60 8 15 5 42 8 60 7 20 6 4J 4 60 1 26 7 44 10 A. Ls. N. 10 West side Octnul. river *0 •• 44 “12 •• •* • .. F. Lots “ 5 55 “ •* • “ “ ** 20 6* “ • .• •• “ 44 30 68 *• •• • tt “ “ “38 69 “ • •• m “ “ “45 107 “ 44 •• .. “ “ “53 144 “ •• •• .. •• “• “35 114 East side “ •• 100 A.Ls 44 10 88 West side 11 41 44 44 44 19 89 44 44 . •* u 4. 44 44 20 111 44 44 44 ,4 44 44 4. J 7 , #7 „ „ „ „ 44 44 4. £[, , S | .. „ „ 4 44 44 “34 135 44 44 44 .1 44 4 4 4. 36 J 3 g „ „ „ „ “ “ “ 37. 78, 93 East side 44 44 1 The right to either of the above Lots may be re-invested in the holder of the ceitificale issued by the late Commis sioners, by settling with the Bank before the 45tii cl;iy of September next, or the officer authorised to sell the same, at any time before the re-sale, the whole amount ol the original purchase money remaining unpaid, with all interest due thereon. The purchaser of any Lot will he re quired to pay one-fifth part of the pur chase money on the day of sale, and the remainder in four equal annual instal ments—and any purchaser failing to pay any inst.lment to the Central Bank of Georgia within sixty days after the same becomes due, shall forfeit the amount paid, and the Lot or Lots so purchased, .lull revert to, and become the property of the Stale. ‘ 1 H v order of the Director!,, HENRY W. MALONE, Cashier. ; J*'!y 83, 1891. ‘JO— ids. I ( BTTMXBR HATS. JKNULMEN-S Matin lleaver .nd for Br,icle j “ ,t receiv( ’ m a™ H burdball. Macon, April 90. • NAILS, IRON, STEEL. Hot lent - If ‘are. A'r. 50,000 LBS. IRON, as-1 sorted, 1 to 3 in. wide 3000 lbs. Blistered, and Cast Steel 5000 lbs. Hoop and Sheet Iron and Nail Rods, 75 Casks Cut Nails and Brads, us'd. 50 Doz. Carolina Hoes, 200 pair wrought Trace Chains, heavy 25,000 Lbs. Hollow-Ware (assorted) 3000 do Plough moulds, 60 Bags Patent Shot, 1000 Lbs. bar Lead. Percussion Caps 20 Doz. Shovels and Spades 15 Boxes Whittimore’a Cotton and Wool Cords 25 Packages Enrtlien-Ware, assort ed for the trade. For Sale low, hv THOMAS TAYLOR, No. 6, Colton Avenue. June 24 16 l*orfer. Cider. Segars. <kC. 6IC. io CASKS LONDON PORTER, “ Hibbut's Brand,” 10 Casks Newark Cider, 10 do Albany Ale, 20 Doz. Lemon Syrup, 25 Boxes Fresh Raisins, 6 do Pine Apple Cheese, 20 Kegs Lull’s ( trackers, 60,000 Havanna and American Cigars, 10 Bids. Almonds and Filberts, Seirilitz A Soria S*owrier* For Sale low, bv THOMAS TAYLOR, No. 6, Cotton Avenue. June 24 16 COTTON BAGGING. •150 PIECES prime Hemp BAG GING, 30 Pieces Sacking, 500 Lbs. Bagging Twine, Coils Bale Rope and Boat Warps. For Sale by THOMAS TAYLOR, No. 6, Colton Avenue. June 24 16 Sugar. Coffee A'Liquors. 300 BAGS prime Green Porto Ri co. Havanna and old Java Coffee, 50 11 lids. St. Croix and Porto Rico Sugars, 20 Boxes Brown Havanna do. 25 Bbls. Loaf and Lump do. 25 1 [lids. Cuba Molasses 150 Bbls. Domestic Liquors 5 Pipes old Cognac Brandy and Holland Gin 25 (lr. Casks, Madeira, Tencriflc and Malaga Wines, 10 Baskets Cbnmpaigne Wines, 20 Casks Annis and mint Cordials 30 Boxes Bar and Shaving Soap, 15 Bags Pepper, Pimento and Ginger, Boxes Hyson and Souchong Teas, 2000 Bushels Liverpool ground SALT. For Sale low, by THOMAS TAYLOR, No. 6, Cotton Avenue, maeon, June 18, 1831 15 KIMBERLY & CHISHOLM, Have just received, per boats Two Bro thers, and Velocity 300 KEGS White Lead, 10 Bids. Linseed Oil, 10 Bbls. Lamp Oil, 5 Bbls. Putty, 8 Bbls. Varnish, 50 Boxes jl by lo Window Glass, 50 Boxes 40 by 12, do. 5 Bbls. S. Turpentine, - 100 Kegs Nails, 20 do Cut Spikes, 25 Tons Iron, 800 Lbs. Cast Steel, 2000 Lbs. German do 700 Lbs. Blistered do 10,000 Lbs. Castings, 150 Pair best Wrought Traces, 50 Dozen Weeding Hoes, 200 Setts Waggon Boxes, 50 Bbls. Poitland Rum, 50 do Northern Gin, 50 do Rye Whiskey, 200 Boxes Table Salt, 20 Kegs Rogers fff. Powder, 100 Bags Patent Shot, 25 Bags Buck do 2000 Lbs. Lead. 5 Bbls. Copperas, 10 11 lids Sugar, 10 do Molasses, 50 Bags Coffee, 5 do Pepper, 5 do Pimento 10 Boxes Segars, .)0 Coils Tarred and hemp Rope, 100 Pieces Cotton Bagging, 12 Boxes Whitteinore’s Colton Cards, 10 Kegs Tobacco. .■scythe Blades, Cutting Knives, Reap Hooks, Steel Corn Mills. Hinges, Chalk, Whiting. Logwood, Indigo, Salt I’etre, Mill. Cross-cut and Whip Saws, hpsom and Glauber Salts, Patent Me dicines, Hoop Iron, Band do. Nail-rod, iSheet Iron ami Sheet Copper. In addition to the above, we have on hand, an extensive assortment of DRY GOODS, Hard-ware, Hats, Shoes, Saddlery and Earthen-ware—which will be sold low for Cash or Colton. Planters and coun try merchants, will please call and ex amine. Macon. January 15, 1831 45 4 .liiml Kect'iveil, Nil forsnle at the Store of A. SHOT’ WELL A J. y. SMITH, a hand some assortment of Spring A'Summer fdootls, AMONG WHICH ARK THU FOLLOWING Pluin and Figured Swiss Muslins 1 me Cambric ,1,, jf"* . • do lNfinaork c j o Printed Jncknnelt do Coloured Bordered Cambric Hd'kfs. Imitation do Uishop nnd Long Lawns, Gallopades, (anew urtiele) Crape de Chine, n'u'T.Vr" 1 "’ Silk n '' 4l Gauze Slmtsls, Mult IwblioriM, fiNMortcri, Ladies White Silk Hose, „do do Cotton, Chitv Furnitures, Silk Umbrella* and Parasols, ‘* riifr Feat liar Fuiim, Painted do THIIKt rilscs FISC Drab Boavor Hats, n.iz.i'rr” -" 1 l s v’l’ini CLOTHING, lor Nile low, A. H. A J. 8. 3. June 4, IKII ,3 The mv on < herrv-Street, at present occn pied by Mr. Keeland Tynor. Apply to J. t. ROWLAND. February If, 1831 11%Eli COACH LEAK. i HE public are informed that the Mail J§ Coach Line from Powetton, in Georgia, to Washington City, is now in complete operation, nnd in such stile throughout ne to present, if is believed, a fair claim to a share of their patronage. This route runs through the upper part of the Southern States, distinguished for variety of scenery, salubrity of climate nnd excellence ot road. It is performed at the rates of 75 miles a day, nnd allows to the traveler from 5 to 8 hours for sleep. Those disposed to patronise this Line, are informed that it departs from Powelton on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays about 7 o’clock, A. M. after the arrival of the stage from Milledgeville. Time from Milledgeville to Washington City eight days—distance from Powelton 620 miles—Fare through 41 dollars. The best drivers, good horses, nnd tiie best Northern Coaches, nre the induce ments offered for (lie public patronage. THE PROPRIETORS. IT The Milledgeville Recorder, Ma eon Messenger, Columbus Enquirer, and Mobile Patriot, are requested to publish the above notice two niontns, and for ward their accounts to the Post Master ut Powelton, (ieo. lor payment. July 16, 1831 19-9 m COMMISSION BUSINESS TBIHE undersigned has taken an cl- SL fice in the brick building occu pied by Messrs. 11. BLAIR & CO. and tenders Iris services as a Commission Merchant. Liberal advances will he made on produce to be shipped to Savannah. W. P. HUNTER. Macon, Nov. 1830. S3 HOWARD INSURANCE COMPANY. NEW YORK. INSURANCE on Cotton hence to Sea Ports, per good Boats or Boxes will be effected at a very low rate. Apply to CHARLES DAY, Agent. Dec. 10, 1030. 41-ts INSURANCE. The Ma con insurance Company have commenced business and will Insure cotton shipped on good Boats or Boxes. Also, the Lives of Ne groes engaged in Boating business. Apply to WM. MELROSE, Sec. January 29, 1031 47 O TICE. THE subscribers have united them selves in the practice of Law, un der the firm of McDonald s? franklin. Their Office is kept in the upper story of the eastern end of McDonald’s building One of them may at all times be found at the oftice, unless absent on pro fessional business. Charles j. McDonald. BENJAMIN C. FRANKLIN. Macon, June 10, 1830. 14-if The subscriber has lost the first Vol. of Comyn’s Digest—2d Vol. of Chilly’s pleading, and Clliity \s Blackstone in two vols. 1 Vol. of Humes Essays and one vol. of Stewarts elemenis of the Philo sophy of the human mind. „ C. J. M’DONALD. Practice of Medicine. I Ii I'. Subscribers baveuni ted ill the practice of MEDI CINE. ‘1 heir Shop is next I MsA door to the Repertory Ottiee. AMBROSE BABER. JAMES T. PERSONS. Maeon, May 3, 1831. 9 NOTICE? JoO'v THE Subscriber will rent mil LoneL one of ,lle two Morcs be ii n jags now occupies. It will be made 26 bv 70 feet deep. A. SHOTWELL. Macon, Feb. 12 49 a the subscriber having completed the enlarge ment of one of his Stores— will have the oilier done in the same way, by (lie first day of June next, and will Lease either of them from one to three years—to give possession at or betiire that time. The peculiarly advantageous situation of either store, is •nob, if ever equalled, can never be sur passed by any in the plnee. Being about to leave lor the North, the dwelling over the stores can be rented, and immediate possession given if required. A. SHOTWELL. April 2, 1831 4 FOR SALE or RENT. jfgxgl THE property recently 1 owned by Col. J. Raley. an, l known as the “ Moun tain Spout Retreat,” in Butts bounty. This property is too well known to require description. J. T. ROWLAND. Macon, April 23. p, MTO RENT. THE STORE adjoining Kimberly Sc. Chisholm, on Cherry street, will be rented low, if application is made before the first of June. Possession given on the first of October. MELROSE & KIDD. Macon, May 4, 1831. 9 ron SALXL a THE SUBSCRIBER’S Residence, adjoining town, with twenty acres of Land. The Home is in excellent repair, and furnished with all the out bildings necessary for family use—there is six acres of cleared land on the prem ises, with a well improved Garden, most of which is enclosed with a good plank fenco. ALSO— FOR BALE, The Subscriber’s Furniture, compris ing most of the articles necessary for House-keeping. The above property will he sold on time for approved paper TIIOB. CAMPBELL. July 9, 1831 j n A BAXQAZN I FOR SALE—The Dw’el limiHh ‘'nit houae in which Morti inf>r ‘ W ft ll*** now renidcN ■ together with the lot out! tb ‘-'o'n. n 1 ’ ‘.' 111 I,l< ’ “ ,>u ‘ r improvement* thereupon •itiiatc. The iloa.e ia plena mre nnr d ’ f, '" ,,ti,ur lh *’ Court-1 loos, quart, and i, a very desirable reaidenoc :::: i chruimE •tr/i,, m , <>w. u\iits: nor si: AMO Commission Business. JAMES A. BLANTON and JEREMIAH SMITH, UNDER THE EIRM OF BlaAreTOlV & SMITH RESPECTFULLY tender to their friends and the public, their ser vices in the Ware-House and Commis sion Business, in Macon. They have taken the large new Ware House and Wharf, between second and third street, ; Doth of which are constructed on the most approved plan and are in line con dition. A convenient close store, for the reception of Merchandize will be erected forthwith. ’Pile proximity of the Ware House (o the business part of town, and at the s line time its comparative remoteness from other buildings, together with the advantages of the excellent wharf at tached to it, render it peculiarly conven ient, as well as, measurably exempt from danger by fire. Liberal advances will be made on cotton in store or shipped by them, and every other reasonable accommodations granted. The personal attention of each of the firm will lie given to the busi ness, and their utmost exertions used to promote the interests of their customers. July 18, 1831. 20 STATIONARY. JUST received, tl —sortinent of Sta mmm lionary, c< nsist- I ing io part of IBlank BOOHS, jteSgigigSHra of (lie best quale J—l tv, and of vari r . . f X ous description, VIZ — LBE&SRS, JOURNALS. DA3T-BOCKS, RECORDS, INVOICE, LETTER, CYPHERING, WRITING, QUARTO and BANK BOOKS, MEMORANDUM and POCKET Books, —a great vaiiety Ladies ami gentlemen's WA LLETS, CARD CASES. ALBUMS, with lanscape and other plates. INDEXES LETTER PAPER. Gilt, Silvered, and Perfumed—White, Lemon and Rose coloured. CAP PA I’ E ll —a good assortment plain and ruled. Folio Post, do do Bank Post, Bice Paper Blotting Paper. Pencils, Pen Knives, l ine Glass Inkstands—Pocket do. French Wafers—Visiting Cards. Red and Black Ink. Sand-boxes and Sand. Quills, Arc. S. ROSE & CO. Macon, Ocl. 30, 1880. S3— JTEir WORKS. Jl T ST RECEIVED AND FOB SALK BY S. ROSE 6c CO. The token The Atlantic Souvenir Also a variety of Novels, tpc. moot 0 uhich are of very recent publication. I lie \ estal, or a tale of Pompeii The Denounced, the Barony Clarence, the Di'owncd •Southenan; Paul Cliflbrd The Oxonians, the Musselman The Lost Heir and Prediction Beatrice, Hungarian Tales Walter Colyton, New Forest Lockharts Napoleon, The Unique Spirit of the Annuals, tales o r .1 Grandfather, complete 6v The Kovels of Charles Brockden Brou n , v ' 7 - —W ieland, or the Tiansformatiou Arthur Mervvn, or mernoiisof 1793. Ormond, or the secret witness Edgar Huntley, or memoirs of a sleep walker; and Jane Talbot LIBRARY, valuable work, now publishing, which will be sold entire, or in detached vol umes—the Jolloieing are received : History of the Jews Life of Buonaparte, by Lockhart Life of Nelson, by Southey Life of Alexander the Great Life of lord Byron, by Galt, and History of Insects History of the Bible Demonology and Witchcraft Polar Regions Life of Mohammed Discovery and Adventure in Africa Life of George IV. History of Chivalry, Lives of Painters and Sculptors, MAKUAL OF TUB l IKE, by I hiebant de Remand TEEATfSE on the VISE, bv Win R. Prince Lafayette in America, English Synonomes, !i vings Life of Columbus (abridged) Specimen* of American Poetry Travelling Bachellor, by Irving Anatomy of Drunkenness Goldsmith’s Works 1 vol Byron’s do 1 v. Skakspeare’sdn 1 v. Scott’s poetical works I v. Moore's do. Bennett’s Book keeping Smith and Little’s music hooks Riley’s Narrative, Don Quixote Night Thoughts, Campbell’s Poems Benedicts history of the Baptists Buck's Theological Dictionary Josephus* y : Methodist Discipline Methodist Hymns, by Wesley Gills Commentaries 9v. quarto pillage Hymns, Songs of/ion Mercers Cluster, fine and common Watts Psalms and Hymns Diamond and Family Bibles /ions Songster, Pious Songs. Associate Methodist Hymn hook Dialogues for Schools, National orator Gibson’s surveying, Worcester’s Die. Colburn and Emerson's arithmetics Grimshaw’s South America Chilly’s Blarkstone, Dallas Reports s<l vol. Condensed reports F e w^M?.n ra , r ' iC , e^ H<K,, ’ er ’ ,E!lami "’ Ewell, medical Companion Thatcher’s Dispensatory, Coxes do Buchan . domestic medicine I InladelphU Medical Journal for the _ present year. North American Review for do Mnuskeepers Manual, ***rt Hooks. Wallet, Bill Hooks, Banker's Casts, LADIRN CARD CABFK nnd Pocket Books . Dec. 4. MONTPELIER MONROE COUNTY, Gy. ii'rxy N ) 111. LNDERSIdNPn great 1ab,.,,,. niu | Uil i?< at length enabled ns ” Ihi.s establishment to il “ lllr live of the public. 1,1 Ul * lo in a climate like ours, where t! voting influence of long hp,| , v * < ‘ ntp is experienced by all, invi, operation ot onuses, tending t„ it, duet ion of autumnal disease °i| !’ ,lrn jeet of no trilling import lo the eon'”’ 01 '’ tv to have recourse ton situation h/v’i"",’ the assaults ot disease may lie its violence mitigated, and r, , overv ‘’ dered speedy and ettecliml. S m .|, S l*"’ the undersigned honestly believes ■ ottering in the Montpelier Sprint. ‘ e ‘“ Independent of the advantage,!.,. i Lon of this establishment; K ij, Jllt !. ■ region unqtiestionn'bly health, ; i|, o u* k ical qualities of the. water, nre’ of , neter entitling it to high claims upo ’ T confidence ol tiie community. 1 11 The waters of Saratoga and B a i ls) „ have long since, rendered them pi,?,.: I extensive resort, both by in V „i;,i! nf persons of fii-I,ion. And the elils derived from their use hv verJ ?’ I louring under Chronic disens,•„ P ( C pn"“l’ Iv of the digestive organs) have obS lor them well merited celebrity „ n r * u pretty accurate analysis, by a-.nii’ l" 1 ol competent science, comparing JL ™ suit with Inc analysis of the \\ at ,,J e ; Baratogu and Ballston, ns published i! Vi 1- ’ ; M r ! - ll( : y fllld ,he Montpelier Spring, to possess, will,* fling exception the same chemical q J’ lies. Asa chalybeate eontninim,,! iron than the former and less t|, nn ler, with a large proportion of the m i .’ ales ol soda and lime; (he most being the ab-.nee of uneaJj* ed fixed air, with which the S arnl Z. water abounds. <lf the beneficial w cation ol tins water in disease the n prietor is enabled to hear ample tiafijr In chrome nfiectious of <j le i■ ■ Ppleen, und (heir concomitant f, derangement of the Stomach- | le confidently assert that he has’ sr,,, remedy of equal value. In ( | VM „„ * Hint Hydra of modern times, it ‘is’ valuable remedy, when aided as remedy must be, by the temperate a:wr 1 selected regimen. I„ di s ,. aSM rs the skin, and particularly Tetter ia all variety, it is a certain remedy. In ilron. sies from visi. ral oi.struetions, , rheiimati-m, and that relaxation and uilit v consequent upon a residence inU unhenltliy situations, its value isnni,.. sily estuntiled. Abundant testimonv be produced to cslablish (be truth' n f|U statement, were it necessary; hut ,uiin telligent eoimoiinity w ill make file ex. 1 uncut and decide lor themselves* w with their award the proprietor wille'h,e Fully rest the reputation of the B|. r : IJC “ ’Phe undersigned assures the pubi* that he would notllms re,cmmemltLi!, of the Monlpelicr Mater, but having I,*, extensively engaged in the pr.n ( tierrf medicine in Georgia fin- nearly years, claims (he right to judge of fin* medy lie recommends. This ftaintnin is siluated in one of;, most healthy and best improved situming of Georgia, seventeen niiiea from Kara, near the road leading from that placr Thomuslnn. His building is large, an and comfortable, silualed on ancniinm high and commanding; surrounded k spring. of (lie purest water, and relre4. e,l by an atmosphere pure aud invrn. rating. The proprietor will he aide (o rccora •nodate eomfiirtuhly, one hundred r. gnlat boarders, and as many transient person as may favor h:m w ith their company: and as interest and liberality nre iiisepn rabiy connected in such business, il is las determination to ke.*p as good a hoes, in every sense ol Ihe expression, ns is brpi elsewhere in the up-eonntry. His HAS will he stored with the best; his BTA BLLB well furnished and attend,-il. life Prices will he Ihe same as those ( lisrtrf at the Indian Fprings. ( omfhrtnhfe Tents will he preparalloi (hose who prefer furnishing their nnt hoard. NICIIOLA# CHILDERS. Montpelier, May 28, 1881 12 tCT The A igu.-ta t ‘<>i!s-titiitiiriaii:-t.ond■ Savannah Georgian, will give the abort three weekly insertions. HOOK STORE. ELLIS, SIIOTWELL A CO. HAVE just received a mmibetf packages of new and elegant BOOKS, Among them are many of recentpil* cation—a few of which, are ‘1 he Atlantic Souvenir, and Tot* fur IBSI, elegantly bound, rich and splendid plates, The *!nglish at Home, Clarence, ‘Pile Disowned, Cloudsley, The Oxonians, Paul Clifford, “I Deverc.tux, The Disowned, [• Pelham Novels Faulkhind, Pelham, J W ebster’s quarto, and School D* Family Library, Shakspeare, Diamond edition, gill, elegant, Methodist Hymns, Village do Zion Songsters, Common Prayer, in Red B’wft and Gilt, New Music, Fine cilt Letter paper. Orange do do. Rose do do. Splendid Alliums, Opaque Qu|||, ( Russia do. Rogers’ and Sons, fine Knives, Nov 25. 9K- INEW IVE EDICAL WORSf Just received, at the hooiohtohe EI.LIS, SHOT WEI. L S. IIEKLE’S Practice of Medic* Gross’s Anatomy Tealcon Neuralgic Disease* Ratier’s Formulary Martinctt’s Therapeutics Waite’s Sturgeon-Dentist's W ,l!l ” Lincoln’s Dictionary ol C7liemis< f ? Anew edition of Cox’s Disj)*"**’ lory ALSO, | On Consignment , I A large and beautiful collection I MISCELLAKEOIS f ROOKS, j Embracing a great number of l]> c popular Work* extant—all of I may he had very low. I Her. 9 ** -I