Georgia messenger. (Ft. Hawkins, Ga.) 1823-1847, August 13, 1831, Image 1

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HY N. ROSE & CO- TERMS, cSv. Thk Mkssknokr is published weekly „t Three Dollars, if paid within lha vear; or Four Dollars if not paid till ,l,e expiration of the year, Vdvertisk hents not exceding a iare , (or 17 lines) will be inserted for cents the first insertion, and fifty vents for each continuance. Advertise ments not limited when handed in will • ce inserted till forbid. ,(7 Sales of Land by Executors, Ad ministrators andGuardians are required luv to be advertised in a public Ga zette Sixty days previous to the day of >de- I The sale of Negroes and Personal Birnpeity must be advertised in like man lier Forty days, I Notice to Debtors and Creditors of an I Istate must be published Forty days. | Notice that application will be made In the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell Kiel must be published weekly for four ftionths. ■ Letters oh business must be Kjnst-paid. DRY GOODS. kraxnro and summer CLOTHING. [ William K. Burdsall, commenced receiving his stock I 0/ Spring and Summer Clothing , I which he will seit on. the most rcasona- I ble terms. Among the articles already received, are the following: Aj ■jUPER black Bombazine Coats, do Merino Cloth do do Lasting do do Woven Cussiiuere do do do Frock (In do Black Bombazine l'aitdoons do Lasting do ■i.nvn French, English, a id Irish Dril- I ling do ■Hide do Changeable SiU Vests, a splendid ar ticle, ■ignred London Marsailles, do ■ bite do do do Hull’ and White Valentia, do &.c. &c. I Macon, March 1 2 1 JOHN B. WK’K IAS just received a large assort ment of Goods, suited to the seu- Hn. among which are ■ CALICOES and domestic GOODS, HndifS Leghorn &f Straw lionncls , Hats, ■ Hoots and Shoes, Saddles and Bri ■ til a, Hardware, Cutlery, Castings- Mlron and Steel, and a general assort- I nlent of GROCERIES* ■i'll he will sell low, ■4leo 11 40 I COOKS k COWLES ive received large additions to their STOCK OF ST'.PI.K ANII .I.Vfl’ WK i* GOO US, % iiiat# I .* ilieir assortment oompletd*, 4 J<* oasis lb ijt part ot the following arti r *: Black :*rT4 Blue iroad Cloths, H. Rouen ami Merino Cassimere, Plain Bil Twilled Linen Drillings, Silesia slice* Linens, 6-4 Table Damask, ■"~ Lawns, Linen Cambric Ilandker i • els, French Muslins, English Ging- new style, Adrianople do. Calicoes ■” •'"’ I handsome patterns, Cheinizetts, Swiss Muslin Inserting, Thread I ~ es and Edgings, New Style Crape | Hi iidkerehiels, Gauze, do. Pongee, Ran and Flag Silk do. is-gliorn, l)un- B l '!.'’ nnd open Straw Bonnets, Palm Hats, dec. I they HAVE ALSO received S FOUR CASES Fashionable | B JMF3> Black and llruh ifSBEAVER HATS, I Miiirant Mahogany Solas, Fancy Chairs, ■ttrasses, Feathers, Bagging, Osna- I W Porter Sheetings, Sacking, &c. [ They will receive in a lew days a large i-splcndid stoek of //.##?- h\ire, jK’kery, (ilass, China-Ware and Grooc n*1 ‘- “'hieh, with the above named Gdods, ■’ he sold at their usual low prices. A. 11. Constantly on hand, White Lead, •seed Oil, Glass nn ‘ Putty of the best <iß ity, ■ a <'n, May 21 11 ’ J THU SUBSCRIBER II VS just received an ex ensive as ■-t sortment of Ready Made Clothing, Bd now oilers for sale, I blue Dress Coats 75 do Frock do I 45 do Green do I *5 do Steel mix 3d do BJdO blue & teel mixed Sattinett do ■ 3 00 Sattinett and Fustian Round Jackets Fine blue and Drab Pant* ■ 325 pair Sattinett do ■ 275 do Cord do B 500 pair coarse Negro do I 75 dark Valencia Vests 175 light do do I 75 black Silk do ■ 850 Swunsdown do I a 0 gentlemen's Plaid and Camblet Cloaks 80, an assortment of Youth’s Clothing I Fine Linen and Muslin Sheets Twilled Muslin Cotion Flannel B Flannel Drawers and Shirts, Ac. ■'he above work having been done (in s’ til a inspection of first rate workmen, ■I be warranted by the subscriber to be Hod. A. 8 HOT WELL. J' 1 • ‘• ___ MO Ifyg&a GEORGE VKJAI, is I \W_r~\J a eandidatc for Receiver • 1 of Tax Returns for the Bmity of Bibb, July ), IRBU. B GOOD TWO HOUSE WAGON rnr Sale. Inquire of B A HIIOTWELL A J. S. SMITH. ■ ‘•aeon, July 23,1831 20 jwjt m jjta?♦ CHEAP STORE. William 11. fllurdMall, HAS taken a Store on Mulberry si. a few doors below Washington Mall and directlv opposite Messrs. T)ay & B tiTTS, where he is now receiving and opening a general assortment of DRY GOODS. CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES, &c which he will sell at wholesale and re* tail at the lowest prices, and invites pur chasers to an examination thereof. Among the articles received, are the fol lowing, viz: > Nankin do . Linen Cambrics Bl’k Genoa Velvet - Black Cambrics colored do Osnaburghs Porters Sheetings, Canvass Padding I Red do [Brown Buckram [White do [Black do Black Salisias colored do Vlusqnito Netting Black Lasting Thread Lace Extra fine Saxony blue, black & col. Cloths Blue, black and col. Cassimeres. Dark blue Satinett 1 Blue mixt do I Steel do do 1 Cadet do do Lavender do do [I Brown do do Negro Clo.lis jl Red Flannels I White do < Do Saxony Gauze Green do I Yellow do 1 ‘Bobinct do , C<**ton do Pillerines |Scarfs Gauze Ribbons Gros de Naples do ’ Cap do Belt do Blk & col’d Plaid 151 k and col. Braids Silk Umbrellas i do Parasols r Cotton Umbrellas |BTk Tabby Velvets i 1 colored do [Ladies Gloves Mens do Colton, Sdk and worst’*! Hosiery [Lamb Wool | India Flagg Hditia. Bandanna do Spiitlcfield do White Jaconet do Linen Cambric White Jac. Cravats do Swiss do Fancy col’d do Canton do Green Bock. Baize, do Floor Cloth Dnfile Blankets Point do Rose do 4- brown Sheeting 5- do 7-6 do 3- do 7-8 negro Shirting ,! 4- do Bleach’d Muslins of all qualities. 3- Domestic Plaids 1 and Stripes | J—l do o-4 Apron Cliec!;?, 4- do 4- 4 furniture do Bed Ticks I Bleached cotton Di- I apers, ! Brown do Bleached Jeans Brown Uo Fustians Siriped Linseys Wellington do lli’k Canton do lllk. Italian do ‘colored do Madrass do Turkey Red Hdkfs. Brittania do Buttons of all des criptions Bonnet Wire Stocks, Collars, Bosoms Cravat Stiffeners I’ocket Books Wallets Purses Colton P>alls, Spool Cotton do Floss Wire do [Patent Thread Tapes, Bobbins. Ferrets. Itirds-cye Diapers Russia do Table and Scotch , do Fine fin. Sheetings Russia do Irish Linens Long Lawns Brown Hollands Cambric Muslins Cordes do Checked do Plain and Figured Jaconet do do Book do do Swiss do do Mull do Nansook do Foundation do Vestings Ginghams Calicoes • ,■ Painted Muslins Quality Binding Suspenders Hat Reeds Shell Combs Brazilian do Fine do Pocket do Dressing do IClotli Brushes Hair do ITootlt do [Shaving do Shoe do Fancy Soap Lavender Water Cologne do I.adies Cloaks Mens and Youths Clothing of all Bishop Lawns Merino Cloths do Circassian Indigo Blue Cam blets Tartan Plaids Blk and col’d Boni bazeits do Circassian Printed do Leghorn Hats Merino Shawls Cashmer do Valentia do Cassimere do Prussian do Chintz do Fancy silk Hdkfs. Black lace Veils descriptions made in the best manner Men’s and Youths fur Hats of all qualities. Blk and Drab Wool Hats. Fur Caps Hair do Leather do Mens Womens and Childrens Shoes. SO-ls White do do Green Gauze do Bl’k 1 1 aI. Lustring, Black Sinchews Sarcanet do Florence, Gros de Naples, Black do Berlin Colored Florences Black Bombazines, Bl’k Ital. Crapes colored do Canton do Oct. 1. Thomas* Taylor, HAS just received from New-Vork, a large and splendid assortment of New and Fashionable SFRi.YG goors, among which may be ibund a choice se lection of rieli limey Dry Goods, suited to the aenson, all of which are new style and beautiful, und will render his stock more than usually attractive. Likewise, Lniliea Dunstable, Leghorn und Straw Ilonpcts, Shell Comb., Para sols und Sun Umbrellas—u variety of Slocks, and a fresh supply of Ready made dothins;. A lew eases super Black and Drab RLA* VER HATS, and a large stoek of lIOOTH ANI SHOES, Os every description—Hard Ware— Cutlery, Saddlery, llnllow-wnrr, Chinn, Glass and Earthen-ware, Complete will Smith's Tools, Setts of Brass And-iron*. Shovels and Tonga, Carolina lloes, Scythes, Window Gluss, Putty, Am-. Ac. together with nn extensive stock of t'lioire fiJrocrrie*, which are offered with ninny other arti cles, at wholesale or retail, on aeeonimo dating terms, and at such prices ns can not tail to please those who may favour hint with a call. May 13 10 JOB FAINTING MRaTLY RJCZCPTED AT THIS Office. MACOX; SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 1831. Factorage A’ font mission BUSINESS. THE Subscriber, have formed a co partnership under the firm of iilalone A Stature, lor the transaction of a General Commis sion Business, in Savannah, nnd will be prepared to make advances on Produce consigned to them lor sale. They will also pay particular attention to the re ceiving and forwarding Goods to the in terior. R. MALONE, H. SISTARE, Savannah, June, 20, 1631. OTP The undersigned takes this meth od to return his thanks to liis friends for the liberal patronage adbrded him since bis residence in Savannah; and solicits lor the above firm a continuance of the same support ; their best exertions will be used for the interest of those who may luvor them with consignments. June 20, 17-8 t K. MALONE. REMOVAL. THE subscriber lias removed to his NEW BUILDING, one door above the old stand, where he continues the SADDLE if HARSESS MA KING BUSINESS in all it various branches. Grateful for the past favors, he hopes by a faithful and imremitted at tention to business, to merit and receive a continuance of public patronage. He keeps constantly on hand, a gen eral assortment of Hardware and SaddlevN. •i Coach Lace, and Trimmings of every description. A great variety of WHIPS, COPAL VARNISH, Ladies and gentlemen’s plain and quilted SADDLES, of various kinds Silver mounted Gig HARNESSES do. do. Coach do. Plain Japaned do do do do Coach do do do Jersey Waggon do Bridles, of all kinds and qualities. Martingales, Saddle Bags, Valices Housings and Saddle Cloths of various patterns. Travelling TRUNKS, of a superior quality. Collars, of all kinds, &.c. &.c. AI.SO, LADIES, GENTLEMEN'S YOUTH’S & CHILDRENS’ BOOTS & SHOES. LEATHER FINDINGS, Qc Jfc. All of which are offered for sale at the lowest Cash prices, or approved paper. OLIVER SAGE. Feb. 20. 1830. 50— . COOKE & COWLES, HAVE received a large and gen e ial supply of DRY GOODS, Carpeting and Rugs, Floor Mats, Leghorn, Dunstable and Open Straw Bonnets, Colton and Wool Cards, a ge neral supply of HARD-WARE, Rich Plated Castors, Candle Sticks Snuffers and Trays, Broad Bordered Waiters. Brass Andirons, Shovel and Tongs, Shot-Guns, ILdlow-ware, Nails, and Nail Rods, Flat, Round and Square Iron and Steel—A full supply oi Sad dles, Bridies, Marlingals, Whips and Leather Trunks.—A general stock of GROCERIES, Powder and Shot—a constant supply of Best Spanish Cigars, Almonds and Rai sins. White Lead, Spanish Brown, I,in seed Oil, Window Glass and Putty, Co pal Varnish, Glue, Spanish Indigo, Al ium and Saltpetre.—A large supply of Hoot* and Nhoc*, OK EVERY DESCRIPTION. Writing and Wrapping Paper, School Rooks, large Family Bibles, in rich and elegant binding. Splendid China Tea Setts and Crockery of entirely new style and pattern, Cedar Ware and Live Geese Feathers. All of the above Goods are offered on the most accommodating terms. Macon, January 8, 1831 44 FOR BALB. THAT valuable plantation at Cul- Indensville, in Monroe county, formerly in the occupancy of Maj. Hen ry E. Williams, it now for sale. The land it strong and well improved, with a fine two story building newly painted A just finished. It is situated in the cen tre of a desirable neighborhood; the soil aiottnd is rich and the country healthy. Any person wishing to purchase would do well to view the premises. Terms of payment will be made easy and liberal. M. CHISHOLM. Dec It 40tf are requested to ail- BrsSy nounce Harmon 11. How ard candidate lot Sher ill’ of Bibb county. February 12, 1831 49 SPENCER RILEY, i-JWP is a candidate for Sheriff of Bibb county, at the ensuing election. May 12 11 SUBSCRIBER -£'~l BrvSy oilers himself us u cundid ate 4<>r the Shcrirtulty ol liilib county, at the ensuing election.— lie pledges himself to his friends that he is induced to do so, more from nn enrnoat desire so re.-rive the emoluments arising from the Office, than from the reason as signed by most candidate*, to wit : The im/wrlitn'ity of fritmh. YOUNG JOHNSTON. June 4, 1831 13 , FITCH & WORDIN, 3VE ERCBANT TAILORS, Are now opening at the Macon Clothing Store, a handsome assortment of Spring & Summer Goods, AND CLOTHING, CONSISTING OF Superfine Bomba zines, Merino Cassimere, French Cambric, French, English and Russian Brown Drilling, white do. granite do. tine India Nankins, quilted, white and bud* Marseilles (a first rate article,) buff Cassimere, Velvet Florentine and Valen tin Vesting, silk net Suspenders, Web do. Muslin Stocks, Silk do. shirt Collars and Bosoms, and Fancy Cravats, Silk Hose, I.incn and Cotton do. Horse nnd Buckskin Gloves, Silk do. Silk Umbrel las, Palrnleaf and Drab Hats, Superfine Blue, Black, Brown, (ireenand Mulberry coloured Cloths, Cassimeres, Ac. All of which will be made up in the latest style READY MADE CLOTHING. Fine bombazine Coatees and Coats, Russian Nankin Coatees and Coats—Me rino cassimere do. do. Lasting nnd Circassian do do—Goats hair Camblet do. do. Fine Bombazine, Merino Cassimere, nan kin, silk, drilling, brown, English and French lasting, Circassia!, be veret and Cord Puntuloons. Duck Trowsers and brown shirts, Fine bombazine, Marseilles, velvet, Flo rentine and Valencia vests. Brown Linen, Bull’ nnd Stripe Short Jackets Tom and Jerry Short Jackets Fine Linen anil Cotton Shirts, with nl most every article in the Clothing Line—All of which will be sold low for cash. April 16 6 DRAB BEAVER BATS. MM JUST RECEIVED, a few cases Gentlemen’s first quali- ty DRAB BEAVER HATS And For Sale by WM. H. BURDSALL. Macon. March 1* 1 NEW ESTABLISHMENT MACONT Boot tip Shoe Manufactory pH PBN HE subscribers re lj ■ speetfully inform the ladies &c gentlemen of Macon, and the Public generally, that thev have permanently located themselves in Macon, and have taken *.he \\ est half of I lie store-house lately occupied by Thomas P. Bond, in Cherryfstreet, near the corner of second street, and adjoining Messrs. Kimberly & Chisholm, where they intend prose cuting the above line of business in all its various branches. They have on have on hand and will be constantly manu facturing I.adies and Gentlemens’, hoys and Misses Boots and Shoes of all de scriptions,—Childrens’ fancy colored cloth and Morocco Bootees and Slip pers, and a general assortment of Negro Shoes, suited to the season. Also, sole and Upper Leather, Kip. Calf, Lining and binding Skins, Findings, See. All of which they will sell for cash at the lowest market prices. A case of Mens’ and Boys' 1 Cloth and Morocco Cays, low for cash. N. B. Boots and Shoes made to or der with neatness and punctuality. Re pairing of all kinds done at the shortest notice. A share of the public patronage is respectfully solicited. R. E. CHURCH At CO. Nov. 18. 87 FANCY CHAIRS. 30 DOZEN, Cane and Rush seat Fancy Chairs, a few of them Rocking Chairs, received this day and for sale by COOKE & COWLES. February 26 51 COTTONY .KD7.V. THE SUBSCRIBERS ARE RECEIVING 2000 PIECES HEMP, FLAX, and TOW BAGGING, which they oilier tor sale at very low prices, nnd ou an ex tensive credit for approved paper DAY &. BUTTB. June 18, 1831 15 THB SIAMESE TWINS. BY THE AUTHOR OF Pelham, Paul Clifford, fyc. Received by ELLLS, SIIOTWELL & Cos. May 13 10 GENERAL INVITATION. PBIHF. subscribers beg leave to pre- B sent their compliments to all those who are indebted to them either by note or open account, and request them to come forward as early as prac ticable and settle the same, as the one thing needful would be quite acceptable. T. L. A J. I*. SMITH. Maeon, Jan. (t, 1881 48 if TIN-WARE MANUFACTORY. (nearly opposite Chapman's Comer) raiilK subscriber has on hand and 1 will keep a consign supply of TIN WARK which he will sell whole sale or retail at Savannah or Augusta prices. W. S. ELLIS. Orders sentto F.llis, Shot well & Cos. will receive prompt attention. June 18. 1880 15-Y NOTICB. FBIHOSF. indebted to E. H. Pntterson ■ &, Cos. are notified that their notes and accounts have been lett with Messrs. Campbell and Seymour lor collection; Our attornies are instructed to sue the same in the event of their not being at tended to F.. H. PATTERSON A Cos. June 24, IH3I 16 NOTZOB. FEY HE Copartnership heretofore exist- M ing under the firm of ISAAC W. HICKS A CO. !■ this day dissolved.— ‘Those indebted to the firm will make pay nn nt In I. W. Hicks, and those having drinnuda will apply to him for payment. ISAAC W. HICKS, N. CHILDERS. Newhnpe, Monroe county Gn. ) July 22d, 1831. 26-’jxv ( GROCERIES, Ac. FOII BMJB, I-yWf BAGS Green nnd Java Coffee, •50 Hhds St. Croix St, N. O. Sugars, •>0 Bids. N. O. Molasses, 100 Bids. Hum, Gin and Whiskey, 20 “ Apple Brandy, 15 Bids. I.oal amt Lump Sugar, 100 Kegs Nails mid Briids 10 Cusks Porter and Alp,< 200 Pieces Hemp nnd Tow Bairirinir 20 Tons Swedes Iron, 4000 Lbs. Castings 4000 Bushels SALT. Cog. Brandy, Holland Gin , Jam aica Rum, Mnlntrn, . Tenerifle, I Port, and jAA MAEk. Chnmpnignc * Superior old MADEIRA WINE, “How ard, March & Co.’’ with a general as sortment of @®®@SRsaej, Dry Goods, Hats, Shoes, Hardware, Saddlery, and Crockery - If *are. On accommodating terms by L. NEWCOMB, Clierry-Street. May 13, 1831. jo H THOMAS TAYLOR, AS removed from his old stand to the new range in COTTON A VENUE, a few doors west of Wash ington Hall, and nearly opposite J. T. Rowland’s Cotton Scales, where lie of fers at wholesale and retail on very rea sonable terms, a general assortment of SBASOHTABLZ! DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES. HARDWARE RAGGING, CROCKERY BALE ROPE, SADDLERY TWINE. CA S TIN GS, HA WSERS, m BOOTS SHOHg, BLACKSMITH TOOLS Iron, German and Cast Steel, Feath ers, Cotton and Wool Cards, Carolina Hoes. Plough Moulds, Shovels and Spades, Trace Chains, Steelyards,Spa nish Segars, Paper, Quills, &.c. Ladies Dunstable, and Bolivar, Leg horns, Plain and open Straw Bonnets and Gent’s Taper crown Beaver Hats, (latest fashions.) Purchasers are respectfully invited to call and examine for themselves. Oct. SO, 1830. 34tf JVOTICE. THE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore existing under the firm of <*. Champlain A Cos. was mutually dissolved on the 6th inst. G. Champlain is folly authorised to set tle the nlfairs of the concern. JNO. T. ROWLAND, LITTLETON ATKISON, G. CHAMPLAIN. Macon, June 6,1831 14 The Subscriber will continue the business. G, CHAMPLAIN. 15 11DS. Prime N. O. Sugar 2 do Molasses 12 bags Green Coffee 100 bis. Domestic Liquors For sale by DAY & BUTTS. March 19. 2 30000 LBS. PRIME RAC ON, FOR SALE BY RALSTON & JONES. May 13 10 NEW GOODS* J UST RECEIVED, a general assort ment of seasonable DRY GOODS, and for sale at reduced prices, by WM. 11. BURDSALL April 9 Just Received, 50 RBLS. Summer Slock Ale, 30 Boxes Raisins, 70 j do 70 J do do 82 Kits Mackerel 25 Cases Lupec Wine, 25 do Claret, (pis) 25 do do (qts.) 10 do Muscatel 10 Baskets Champagne Old Madeira in bottles and by the gallon Georgia Madeira and Issabella Claret, Old Poit, 5 Casks Porter, (qts.) 8 do do (pta.) Pickled Tongues, do Salmon, Sperm Candles, 15,000 Best Cigars, English Pickles, assorted, Rest chewing Tobacco, Snuff and Cut Tobacco. Olives, Capers, Mustard and Table Salt, Pilot Bread, Soda, Water and Butler crackers, Tamarinds, Congress Water, Soda and Seidlitz Powders, Preserved Ginger, do Lemons, Limes and Pine Apples, Together with a general assortment of OONrBOTIONAUZI AND e-*®©®® ®a®e LEVI ECKLEY. August 8, 1881 22 TOM. IAUB. a ri.\N<) FORTE ol excellent finish A and first rule tone. Apply to NATH. BARKER. July 16 19-ts ® Drags, Jl Medicine, ggghp^ turf , .N'/i/v; teal | THE subscribers have received a supply of the above articles, to gether with almost every article con nected with the Drug business, which th ;y will sell to Physicians, Merchants, Planters and others, on reasonable terns. . v , ELLIS, SHOTVVELL & Cos, May 29, 1830. 12-ts WILLIAM WARD, Has Just Received at his Drug Store , Cherry-street, a general as sortinent of BB.UOB, MEDICINES, PAINTS, Oils, Dye-Stuffs, &c. &c. t 4 he sold on accommodating Prescriptions will be prepared by Dr. r vho will superintend th* sale of all Medicines. drugs and mkbicinls: Allum Hippo Antimony Hiera Picra Annattn Spanish Isinglass do Coin Ivory Black Aloes Jalap Alcohol Laudanum Arrow Root bermuda Liquorice Ext and Assafbctidn refined Anise Seed Mace , A (It ii non ial Win* Magnesia Cale’d. .Ether do Lump Borax refined Medicinal Herb* do Crude Manna Brimstone Roll Mustard Eng. Balsam Copaiva Niix Vomica Barley Oil Peppermint Bark Peruvian “ Bergninot Cloves “ Lemon Cream Tartar “ Wormseed Castile Soap Opium Castor Oil, Ist and Paregoric 2d quality Pearl Ash Congress Water Quicksilver Corrosive Sublimate Quinine Calomel Rhubarb Camphor Red Precipitate Camomile flowers Rochell Suits Caraway seed Salt Peter Cantharides Sarsaparilla Cinnamon Sugar Lead Cochineal Sup. Carb Soda Cubebs Senna Alex Esseneesof all kinds do Eng. Epsom Salts Sponge Fine Extracts different do Common n< l ß Spirits Turpentins Emery “ Niter Dul Fennel Seed “ Lavender Comp Flour Sulpher “ Ilartsliorne Ginger Sweet Oil Glauber Salts Stoughtons Bitters i Glue Tamarinds Gamboge Tartar Emetic Honey Tartaric Acid. PATENT MEDICINES: Lees Pills Godfrey’s Cordiul Anderson’s do Balsam Honey Hooper’s do Thompson's Eye wa- Sandford’s Bark ter Salts Lemon Durahlc Ink Soda Powders Henry’s Mngnrlia Seidlitz do Swninis Panacea Opodeldoc Potters Catholicon Ess. Peppermint Croton Oil British Oil Ess. Mustard Harleim do Dnlby’s Carminative Turlington* Balsam James’ Powders Bateman's Drops PAINTS AND Oil.A. White Lend, Ist & Sinults all eolotirs 2d quality Camels Hair Pencils Red Lead Terre de Sienna Spanish Brou n Umber Turkey Venetian Red Vermillion Yellow Ocher Gold Leaf Rose Pink Stone Ocher Litharge Putent Yellow Black Lead Rosin Lamp lllnek Logwood Stick W hiting do pure ground Ivory Black Taint brushes of all Rotten Stone kinds Verdigris Spirits Turpentine Pumice Stone Linseed Oil Prussian Bine Train Oil Chrome Vellow Neats loot do Chalk White Lamp Oil Ist and 2d “ Red quality Mineral Green Window Glass all Copal Varnish sizes. Japan “ Putty Leulher “ dye stuffs : Alluin Spanish Indig. Cochineal Madder Copperas Turmeric Nut Galls Oil Vitriol Logwood Stick AtjVia Fortin do pure ground Muriatic Acid. Annatto April 19 6 LUMBER. THE subscribers having purchased the Mill formerly owned by Elijah Cotton, and known us Cotton’s Mill, sit uated on Rocky creek nbout six miles from Maeon, will be ready in a lew days to offer at their Lumber Yard corner of Cherry and Third streets, every descrip tion and almost any quantity of lumber that inay be wanted—they have already on hand 15,000 feet seasoned inch plank. 10,000 do do ceiling. 10,(MM) do do rough-edge. 10,000 do 3-4 4-6 scantling. All of which they will sell at fair pri ces. RALSTON A JONES. July 9 1831. 18 J SPRING GOODS. UST RECEIVED, an avtortment of Spring Goods of almoat every description. A. SIIOTWELL. Macon, March 5 52 50 KITS CHOICE MACKE KRL, pnt up for family use—jutt re ceived by L. NEWCOMB. June(4, 1891 If VOLUME 9.--NO. 23. J&aY SOOKS, S* Rose & Co* HAVE JU'jT RICF.IVr.I) THE FOLLUWIN* WORKS— Viz • S AUNDERS ON PLEADING, .valuable work, recently published, l amters and Sculptors, Chivalry and the Crusaders. Romance of History, hv Ritchie, Destiny, or the Chief, Daughter’, The Tala ha, or Moor of Portugal by Mrs. Bray, Diary of a Physician. Invalids Oracle, or Directions for in. vigorating nnd prolonging life, Benjamin’s Arciiilectiue-—improved e dirion. Millwrights Guide, New American Gardner, Mason’s and Hinds Farriery. Church members Guide, Wytlies Music—National Orator, Dialogues for Schools, j Campbell, Rogers, Montgomery, Kirk While and Lamb’s Poems, 1 vol. United States Pharmacologia Jones’ Church History* Dwight’, Theology Watts and Rippous Hymns Sunday School Spelling Books Bible Questions—Methodist Hymat— ! (Fine) Bennett’s Book Keeping. Crabhs Synonyms Dutchman, FI reside— by Paulding Infant School primer Webster, Dictionary 8 vo. Also, a uyriety of Standard Works Ari> STATIONARY. Quills of • fine quality, Bristol Boards of various sizes, Wide and narrow ruled, Letter and Cap Paper, „ r Fine Crayons, for Drawing, Hair Pencils, Fancy Caids, Leads for Pencil Case,, See. &c. Red Crayons Large. Wafers, for offic* seals July 7. 1831 AH NOTICE. A l ‘h “ ,ose indebted to the firm of A. * Pariuele A (o. either by note or account, are requested to come forward make payment or they w ifi be placed i.i Ihehandaofß. Row for collection, before the next Return day. A. Vi PARMELE & Cos. Jun* 18, 1831. jg RAISIWS. ARTER nnd 75 half boxes Raising, junt received on consignment, and for cm le low. Apply to i ~ L NEWCOMB. Jim# 30, 1831 |7 Twenty Dollars Reward. RUNAWAY from til* subscriber about two months since, a negro man, nsi.ied Will.s— about 25 years of age, Willis is a remarkably istout man, about six feet high, bright mulatto, lus a fierce malignant look when spoken to, he is somewhat knock-kneed, and lias a gun shot wound in his right arm. It is piobable he has gone to North Caro lina or Virginia—Twenty dollars re ward will he given, if he is lodged in any jail so that the subscriber may get him. EDWARD SWEARINGEN. Monroe co. July 20 20 07“ The Richmond Enquirer will insert the above, three times and for ward their account. IDO BAGS COFFEE, For Sale b - v „ „ J- T. ROWLAND. May 13 10 T NOTZOS. Ilr, connection heretofore exist ing between the Mibscribtrx un der the firm of L. Newcomb, expires this day, by its ow n limitation—all debts due to and from the concern .1 L. Newcomb, will be setlled by L. New comb. L. NEWCOMB, JOHN T. LAMAR, C. A. HIGGINS. Macon. Jnly SO, 1881 21 ]%ail* and Brad. A LARGE SUPPLY, assorted size* For sale by DAY A BUTTS. July 16 jy FAINTING, GILDING, GLAZING, AO. f.llis, 8 Hot well a co. HAVING in their employ a number of good Painters, with a large smek of materials, will carry on the Pain ting Business in all its Branches. . Home, Sign, and other Tainting, Plain and Ornamental will be execute June 19, 1880. 15—d fflawlrr in Equity. IN puraiianoe of an net of the *laat Lew gialatiire of (he Stair of Georgia, cn> titled “an act to appoint a Master in Equity for the rountira of Chatham, Rich mond and Bibb reapcctively,” Maanit Simmons, Eaq. waa at ihe late term ofthe •Superior Court of Bibb eonnty, appointed Ma*ter in Equity for mid county of Bibb. By order of Judge Htuono, HENRY C. ROSS.tTk. a. a Macon, July 93, IS3I 30 ■ • i. Live Geese Feathers, DOUBLE 9IMUM: a SJLZm MATRAtIZIS. Just Received and for anle by M COOKE & COWLES. March j ~T WINES. CASES CLARET WINE, *5 do Medoc Clara* (Pima) 15 VV trite Loupic Wine. ON CONSIGNMENT, And For Sale lo# by L. NEWCOMB. July M >•