Georgia messenger. (Ft. Hawkins, Ga.) 1823-1847, October 19, 1837, Image 3

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iflßSsaTTcsssre, TkWMllf* Oct. I#. Ifc37. COTTON IUAIIKET. oTTO ., begins to come ill, in considerable quantities, „„d sells, generally fromO to 9} cts. TUB ELECTIONS. Wc can now with wifely announce (lint the election I terminated, eo fur ns the text question of Governor is nieerned, sucrsssfully for the Anti-Van ISttren party -1,, t |,e |,egi?lutnre,the Van Buren party will have a ma • -i,v, hut a diminished one; hut it is the vote nl Guv ! rnor, a con esl in which all the strength of the party, •| tin’ interest of office holders, office expectants, their tVicml-, toadies and dependants were identified, that wc regard as the part!) triumph j| ()W ,tinny arc there in the county of Baldwin! for example, that would not have made this compromise f T ike the Legislature, hut give us the Governor. llow oiioiv are therein the county of Bibb! who voted the Auti-Van Bun n tickrtfor the Legislature, from feelings of personal preferences, w ho gave a vote against S. lilev, , i),ei were thereby exprer ing a decided opposi te die administration of l’resident Van Buren! Van llmei. ,1 is defunct in Georgiu. Schley’s majority in 1i;35, wap 2560. In HW, (timer’s mujority is, say IG(M*. We have then, gained in two years, near four thousand vot e„. In onr Ow n county, in the same time, we have guined 152 votes. The Treasury Editor nt Milledgcville, announces the result ill a most dolorous, but still not inappropriate .train. “ The die is east,” says the author Os “ the Book,” and truly for one who has staked his hazard upon the. die, and who thus stoically announces the pros nation of nil Ilia hopes, his philosophy would be a sub ject of admiration, were his character for patriotism ns contrasted with his private interest, less known. But lie lias one consolation —lie stands not ulone. There will be others of much more consequence than himself, llios.* who handle the purse, who dole out the public money, who tend the public crib and feed upon it too, that are infinitely more disappoint’d tlmtoiir state house Editors possibly can lie. The. ejection of the Central Bank officers—is a death stroke; better fur, had every tiling been lost, than the privation of office, the loss of (sinortunity to accommodate friends, the hopes pros trated, the expectations defeated, the discoveries that are (•bemade. The loss of the Central Bank is a defeat — a Waterloo defeat! I ELECTION IN NEW JKBSF.Y. By a slip from li• New York Herald, we have returns from the New Jersey Eleelion, by which it appears that the Van Borenites have met with nitW'l. signal overthrow. That paper says, “ the Whigs have swept the field of almost nil opposj xdon—nll we have to do is to record the kill, and nod wounded There does not seem to be much of the administration trli.” J.nst year the Senate was o tie between the two parties. This year it stands Whigs 10. Van Bo ren 0. In the House it stood Whigs 20 V'. B, 30. Tiiisyear tVVigsS">, Von Unrein lex 16. ELECTION IN MARYLAND. We have seen eoenpMe return* in the Nation. 1 liifcHigvficer, showing that there is not a single Van Bnrenite in the Senate, and but 35 in the li-on-e of Represent a liven. THE NEW BAKERY. Among the ninny Improvements that the enterprise of our citizens are daily developing, we know of none iiairc deserviug of commendation, and of public patron age, than the Bakery, recently established by Air. C. A. Ihggiiis Breed being the staff of life, w briber gvod or had, Isis to be used, but good bread is a luxury of which snly those who have had to endure the privation >■;* appreciate the value. Mr. Higgins’ Bakery is con ducted on a large scale; bis Raker is conversant w ith bis business ; the ingredients which compose his bread are good, and wliut is every thing, they are cleanly and wi ll concocted. The Bakery is u valuable acquisition, and we trust live enterprising proprietor will be com* tucnsurately rewarded. MACON THEATRICALS. How I lie city cognoscenti, together with the city lonf, r, would lough at the idea ofllie hack*woods man of Georgia presuming to discriminate upon £L]QC.TZOr7 XtETVZINS. Fleet to a of 1885. Flection of 18!l7. Counties, schl.y’s I bodchehtv's I'* j gii.hir’s senators. representatives. Mtj's. I MAj's I Mu's I M tj’.S ‘poling, f>3 Hi Hull, Smith, llil'li, 1 tli 97 McDonald, *ll G Lamar, J B Latuar, lriltlwin, ih! 9! -Hairis. Kctmn, Haitimontl Hutts, 1 (il 134 McDaniel, Weaver, U.MMlmmi, Htirkc, 009 361 “Lawson, “(irijiil.s, *l > utlerson, “Hurst, Unksr, 150 Holmes, Collcv, Brvnti, 13 9 “Smith, ‘ Maxwell, ffiillnck, 337 S!7O Cone, Wilkinson, Camden 35 75 Atkinson, (’lark, (’one, • ainpliell, 310 ‘-!sf> Cochran, Green, Camp, “” Carroll, k'97 218 Hnvnes, Cold., Awtrv, Chatliain, 19! lti! McAllister, Myres, Goodwin,Sliaifer • ass, 70 130 M vers, Burnett, Chenikoe, 31 2!ti Kiiig, Ford, C.tbh, gog 030 (/[less. Mavs, Clark, 248 177 *Miteliell, , 'Slr(md ( ‘More, “Burnett, Colmnhin, 1!0 152 “Avery, “Kohcrtson, “Guinhy, “Stapler, Coweta, 237 105 Kehols, Grier, Dyer, • raw ford, 12<J 19!) Kifig, Carr, Colhert, Decatur, SO C3 “Curry, “Cliester, “Brooten, pelialb, 311 164 Wilson, Sitlnnons, Evans, “Calhoun, Dooley, 184 168 Key, Bowen. Elbeit, 700 811 “Beck, “ Gihbs, “Christain, “Crafts, Knrly, 2|o 136 I’ntterson, Ward, F.tfinghain, 36 30 “Morgan, “Kulum, F.uiannel, 110 99 “Mc(iarr, Drew, jsyette, 2611 150 “Stell, Whiliuker, Lnndrutn, Floyd, 83 75 Wells, Lanthetli, I'orsyth, 115 170 Stricklin, Snnsdown, Franklin, 390 236 Cleveland, Neil, Milrliell, Jonc, , ‘ P", COD 730 “Janes, “.Moselv, “Csne, King, Dwir.nctt, 73 25 “Gannnnv, “Wlon, “I’ittiiiun, Shipp, Reid, 81 1 11 Conner, (>fice, I' 1 “in, 37 39 *T B King, “Hazard, Scarlett, jlancotk, 79 174 “Engrain, “Culvers, “Hudson, “Smith, 307 85 Dunngeif, Clark, Paine, Harilagr, “Whelchel, [jalirrdiain, 421 319 “Traininel, “Clevelund, Carr.Sunford, ;J Cllrv , 275 133 Varner, Johnson, Ooker.Cnmp, Hrtn-is, 22J 323 “Mnrphey, “Jones, “Alumne, • lonnl, 179 118 Brown, Dohson, ■ (oMston, i:;n 40 Lawson, Kelly. Joiner, Hunter. 217 216 Slone, Young, Jasper. 47 116 “Hill, “I’rice, “Newton, Pohertson, Jackson, |(sl 67 Burns. I’enlieost, Chandler, “Horton, 76 1 Hutchens, Day, Gray, Renfroe, Jefferson, 291 <Ol “Smith, “Caswell, “Boyd, ‘•aureus, 40J 4,9 “Wright, “Allen, “Hampton, J'lliertv, n “Hines, “Spencer, “(itinrlmnnilr j'™'"',", Cl 104 “Lamar, “Slnthan, “Lockhart, •-owti.leS’ 13 54 “Knight, “Kemp, Pf ..7 48 “F.awson, Greene, Vi a* 219 356 (rßnrr, Crane, IJkmeon, 33 GO Polk, Strieklnml, “Duniel, , 64 ICO “Bond, “Green, J, nwethor. I2 107 Burks, Beeves. Ph ilips, ■ GiUrali, 73 77 Powell, McDonald, King, 36 19 Chapman, “Gaar, Dunn, Turner, Parker, 41 “'Wtnerr, 156 137 • I -I"*, 205 115 “Floyd, “Ogleshv, “Peoples, Stallings, o***, 30 171 “Colqtietl, Watson, Cuutpbell, 110 Brown, Carroll. (Wi? 1 ’ 285 379 “Williamson, “Harris,’Henderson, Mtleon, -teihorpe, 303 460 “Hnr.lenmn, “Winn, “Hill, “McKinley, p,,',. 195 104 Prvor, “McDowell, F.ppingar, p, ““ k, < 133 119 Hoisted, Jelks, Collier, _ P 396 3.50 “Hudson, “Meriwether, *r.ralilan), “Steel ‘uJOWIMg. 36 69 Adair, Pollard. , , •etnnond, fr> 378 • .Miller, “Jenkins, “W J Rhodes, “Crawford, | tn „'J n ,’ , 276 210 Moselv, Kellv, Wellborn, onnlnlph, 158 119 Convers. Move, I Sisu," 1 ’ 40 46 “Blark, “I’rese.ot, Conner, S u ,„* r '’ 151 43 Kitchens, Hall, Tmnn ’ 39 106 “Cowart, “MoCrary, T.i'v 66!> 745 “Haralson, “Bull, “Dotigherty, !',!>403 380 “Gresham, “Stevens, “Durden, ! I'ai-, ‘ 101 38 Powell,Cox, Dukes, The,,,’ ICO 58 “Surrener, “Sharpe, Tai..,’ 211 208 “Heynolds, “Blae.kshonr, “Seward, Trifair’ I Tt 83 Pier- nn, Solomon, Fitzpatrick, lji„ m ’ 61 46 Rogers, Frier, 1 nion ’ 20 171 “Oil.son, “nioimt, “Meadows, Wttrrsn 201 314 Butts, Wellhorn, „ „ \V,. 123 77 “IsMtkhnrt. “Durden, ‘Rogers, Vranklin WuuZ*' 0n ’ M 37 “Curry. “Flout, “Jones, “Wartfien, ” ilkill. ‘-’r> nna l>hols, Rrvnot, Stroud,Moore, “’ilke. ‘’ 312 172 8.-nll, Hatcher, Rivera, \Vi,, n .’ I!’ 31 Smvth, Brown, “Toombs, Bolton, ■„ ’ 37 129 Sheffield, Stafford, w.iu iro 92 130 Farris, M'Furluod, - .tali Von Bunn. Ihe point* of n Tiny, or to pn* judgment upon the merit* of ‘* player folks.” But, by way of npologv for any such assumption on our part, we deem it not tingermaoe to *ny, thnt because we are now here, it doos not follow that we have never been elsewhere. We have Ihe good fortune to live upon Ihe road, to take the paper*, and to hove seen sights, and, moreover, to Ifnve lots of friends who have seen and know more than we have, or ever hope to, and who arc always willing to give us their opinions for Ihe mere asking. I run, onr own judgement and from what we e'en gather from our aforesaid friends, we have no lies- Rollon in nn\ ing thnt Mr. A Ad Jams is av, ry clev er actor. We like him because he has ihe intel lect to conceive Ihe meaning of his author, the ability to rend him rightly, and to eiutneiiite what he rends the physical power to “ suit the notion to the word/’ and the good taste not to overstep the ir.odrftty olnnliiio. He does not crack his voice with the ring, and his speech is passionate, he neither mouths what he lias to sav, nor tears ihe passions to pieces; lie is (what we con ceive to he. his chief merit,) natural in his delineation of chnraeter. His charming wife, the Into Miss Duff, is deserving of all praise; whatever she does, is done well. Mr. Hart, for the acquisition he has obtained, is deserving of pat ronage. To night Hamlet will be performed,and it will he performed well. F or the Messenger, A CARD. A* Ihe rrndpr* of the Messengeranliricate are ply to the follncioti**, malignant charges preferred in Ihe hi*-1 Telegraph again*! my Anti Abolition Pamphlet and the opponents of Abolition Petitions 1 beg leave to inform (In fit that I shall avail m\- self of llie right of iVpf'llint? the charges through tin* medium from whence they have been publish ed. The Editor* of the Messenger have too much respect for their column* to insert an article so ex treme!) niirgurdly n* Hint which the “ UNION” Representative ot Houston ha* been pleased to publMi, and as in all controversies, the partie contending should he heard in their owi peculiai phraseology. Justice requires that mv defence should appear in the column* of the Teleffraph The demand will he made jri due time, and if in the bosom nl the Editor there is a sentiment of moral approbation for the oPposksts of A bullion Schemes and Petitions who have been calumnia ted in lii* paper, he will not refuse a right l>ns and upon ilie-liue ly of the I ress mid the demands of justice. With regard to the personal reflections of the honored correspondent of the Telegraph, I rec ive them as a compliment. In publishing my work, 1 expected the Abolitionists and the advocates of their Treasonable Petitions to u*snil mv motives and sentiments ; ii. this I have not been disappoin ted ; I therefore beg leave to assure the honored gentleman, that the reproachful epithets of the Ab litionists and such patriots as James M. Kelly ot llm.stoii, are regarded as the highest encomium that could possibly lie eonlerred on the humble author o! the Anti-Abolition Pumphet. G. CAPERS. BOAT NEWS. Departed on the 14tii Steam Boat Excel, for Da rien; nl*n Macon S. IL Company tow boat No. 8 with 350 bale* of Cotton for Darien, J. Goddard ii Cos. Agents. In Savannah, on the sth instant, bv the Rev. Stephen A. EDWARD J. VUHSE. of this city, so Miss ANN MARGARET ANDERSON, of Sn vannali. DIED, In This citv, on the 9th instant, Mr. HARDY HAR RELL, aged tt> yeats. In Philadelphia,on ihe 21st ultimo, Mr. CII ACKLEY B. COLLINS, in the 29th year of his age. He was a unlive of iVuasvlviuua, and tor several years past a resident of this eit v. In his .nty on theotli in*L Maj. J. Loving, aged (Hi years, a native of Virginia, and a resident of Macon, since tt.* earliest settle incut In llii* city on the 9ih iusL Mr. Ixcius Arms. aged 49 years—a native of Massachusetts, hut lor several year* p:f a resident of thi* place. The disastrous falatttily of the loss of the Steam Boat Home, with 90 passengers lias just reached us by Express Mail. Among the names given, we recognize many valued acquaintances we trust that among the fen* saved they may he iicliided. From the Charleston Merrurv, F.xtrn, Get. Iff. Copy of a letter received in this City this morning, da ted Newborn, N. C. Oct. 12, 1837. Messrs. L. M. Wiley, &l Cos. Clvilemlit —On Saturday last I led New York in the steam packet lEiuk, ffr your oily, with Ft) or 90 pasengeis (30 to 35 Indie*) and a Crew 0f43. in all about one hundred and twenty to one hun dred nml thirty, the wind uml weather flue until Sunday night, when it commenced blowing n gale and continued ; Monday nllernoon, steamer com menced to leak, the gale very severe, nil h.tnd* went to the pumps, hut water gained on us when I lie man in command concluded to rein tier ashore, nnd did won Monday night, between 10 and 31 o'clock. 0 or 7 miles from Oe••acock Light House, and in about 20 minutes die on<l gone alt to pieces, and lost about 80 or 90 drowned and 38 or 40 saved among llie letter was Mr. Lovegreen nnd myself- Mr. L. wo* the only man saved wifi*whom i was nequain'ed. Mr. If. Tileslon, of Spoflbrd, l!o*td l ine Jfc Cos. is lost. Yours, most respectfully, 11. VANDERZER. The following i* n list of the passengers which left New York in the Home, copied from a New York paper of lasi Monday : Messrs. C. C. Cady, I. Root, M. Tileston. J. Johnson. Jr.. T. Smith, Jamen M. Roll, T. Ander son, Janies, H A, Coin**, Vanderfcer. J. I>. Roland, ‘V. 8. Read, Captain Hill nnd Lady, W. Kennedy, C. Drayton. Walker, Fuller. J. Cohen, Benedict, P. Cohen. A. Lovegreen, J. Homes, J. Boyd, Pal mer. 11. C. Bangs, \N. W hiting, Rev. (L Cowles, B. B I u sy and lady, C. William, 11. B. Croom and lady. Master Cromtu, Miss Croom, Miss !VI. Croom, 11. Anderson, Wiley, Weld. O. 11. Prince and servant, 1 lock, Mrs. Cowles, Mrs. Levy. Miss F. Levy. Miss O, Levy, Mrs. Cntnocc, Mrs. Whit ney. Miss Sleir, Miss Robert Mrs. Priice, Mr* Rojd. Mr*. Flynn, Mrs. Faugh, two Misses Flynn, Mrs* Miller. Sehroeder, Bnmlo, Riviere. Laeoste, Mr Desahye, lady and seivaut*, M. De-nh\e. ('apt. Salters, Prof Nott and lady, child nnd ser vant, F. Dommigus, Labadic, Walton, Hazard ‘'aruthers, Finn. Selling oil* at Cost! WL II order to close his business ” as soon as possible, is selling oft bis entire stock, consisting of a good assortment of St:jl>le ami Fancy Dry Goods, Ready IHade Ciotliiikg. IBusitiid Shoes, ut cost for Cush. His stock being large and well assorted purchasers rail be supplied in a manat r altogether satisfactory to themselves. Included in bis stock are the following seasonable articles: 250 Broad Cloth Dress Coats tlo Frock Coats and Coatees 60 do Over Coats 24 Petersham and Pilot cloth overcoats 12 fine cloth and catnblet Cloaks 125 pair broad cloth and Cassittiere pants. 500 pair satinet pantaloons 550 Vests, assorted qualities 75 satinet & Kentucky Jean round jackets 100 satinet coatees and frock coats 55 youths coats 70 pair youth’s pantaloons 70 suits lion-skin Negro Clothing Shirts, Drawers, Stocks, &c. oot 19 34 WARE-HOUSE AtiO CCMimsSIOiV BUSIICESS. ~ , riHIE subscriber begs leave to infirm , r a * hi- friends and the public genera!- ly, lliat be lias relumed from the North, MUatet&ady ami Ims [aken ibe well known stand liinnerly occupied by Lippilt i Hig gins as a Ware House The bouse is large, nnd safe from lire ns any ware bouse in the citv, and for close storage it excels any house in the city, also for safety nml convenience. A shore of public patronage is respect fully solicited. C. !.. HOWLAND. N. B.—The AUCTION business will be kept up nt the alxn-e stand, which is one of the best houses for the above Imsine. Strict attention will be paid to tbe sale of any good- that tbe public may see proper to confer upon him. Very respectfully, C. L. HOWLAND. Oct 19 M , Will. P. KOIVL I \rf. w, JET ? V tenders bis services to bis friends r’kp’- -■: ‘W? ‘ n , * le purchase and sule of Cotton on Oct. 19. tf34 NEW riXUMZ. G 1 EORGE P. WAfiNON having taken Mr. CLAI’ I BOR M \ YUGIIAN nto co-partnership, wiihJ view of conducting n general Mereaniile business under • the name and stile of A. Viiugbllll. Tltey are now receiving * general assortment ot DRY- ; GOODS, together with a line assortment of GROCER- i IKS—-all of which tltey intend selling low for cash. GEORGE P. WAG,NON, ! CLAI BORN VAUGHAN. P. S. The highest price paid for Cotton, at all times. Store No. 3, Commercial Row, between Levi Eckley’s and Smith, Rogers Si Co.’s. net 19 34 Stovall, nimvaoxus &. co. WOULD inform the public, that in addition to the Ftre Prrxd Hare-House which they have for years occuppied, they liava taken the Fire Proof H Virc- Ilouse recently in the occupancy of Messrs. J. W. & J. T. Heard, hut a short distance above, on Broad-street— and respectfully invite an iucrease of patronage, us they are now prepared M Store, with safety nml conveuu nee, a large amount of Cotton. Tiiev pledge their accua .omed devotion to the interest of tlieir friends, in all bus iness confided to them. Augusta, Oct. fi, 1K37. 3w34 NOTICE. fin HE public are informed thnt the firm heretofore I existing under the name of Virgins Sy Atringfel low is ibis day, by mutual consent,dissolved. All debts due hv die concern will be settled by J. A. Si S. S. \ ir gin ; also, those thnt are indebted, either by note or ac count, are requested to make immediate par ment. J. A. VIRGIN, S. S. VIRGIN; B. L. STRINGFELLOW. J. A. A S. S. Virgin. in view us closing up their present business, will sell their stock ut nil need j prices for cash. oct 19 34 LOOK AT THIS! W atclirs. J. ucli v. Silver H aro, Ac. .1. A. A S S. VIRGIN, Uroui.l) inform their friends und the public that | they still continue ut their stand oil Cotton Ave nue, and have just received afresh supply of goods, ! consisting in part of the following articles, gentlemen and Indies’Gold Lever, Anchor Escapement. Imlepcnd cut Second, Lepiuc nnd Vertical W at. lies; Silver Lever, plain and extra jewelled l.epine and Vcrtirnl do. nil of wliiuh were selwted will; choice, to smt this market, nml 1 will he warranted to perforin well; ladies’ gald Neck Chains, gentlemen’* gold and silver Gtiftrd and Fob i Chains, gold nnd Silver Guard nod Fob Kets.Enr Knobs and Drops, Breast Pins and Finger Rings of oil kinds, I gold, silver, gill and pearl Belt 11,i,-kies uml Slides, | Bracelets and Head Bells, gold nnd silver Everpointed ! Pencils, Steel Pens of the best qualities, gold, silver and i steel Spectacles, Quizzing Glasses, silver Table,Tea, Dessert, Salt and Mustard Spoons, Soup and Cream Ladles, Sugar Tonga, Butter and Fruit Knives, silver Cups, Thimbles, Cumois, Oafidlesfioku, silver, brass and bronzed, rural, stilt nnd glass lirjids, Indies’ Work Bags ofthe latest fashions, Purse* nml Pocket-Books, ('lurio- Uelts, Flugeoletts, Flutes, Fifes, Accordions, Music 1 Boxes, large and small, Drums, Organa uml Violins, Walking Sticks of vuiiuiis kinds, silver gilt, shell, bora and ivory Combs. Tea uml Coffee Pots, Bread Baskets, silver oddjnpatl ed, fine painted Waiters, Knives. Bazin Saunders’ cel ebrated Razor Straps vvilli mljlcfs. Pistols of various kinds, Dentist’* Fifes, Cold Plate,’ Wire, Foil, Ac, Toy Watches, Rattle* and Whistles fin children, Snuffßoxc* Percussion Cap* Pipes. Sugar Tube*, Pocket Com passes, Mathematical Instruments, Ac. Hililtivy Good*. ■Swords, Belts, Epuulett*, Plumes, Sashes, Buttons, Lace, Stars and nrnn m uts too numerous to mention, w hich w ill be sold cheap for cash, or approved citv at * ecptances. N. B.—We have a choice selection of materials for repairing Watches, and ure prepared to make anv new part, which we will warrant to perform us well as the ’ original. J. A. A. S. S Virgin feel grateful for past favors,and i wouldsfitt solicit a share ofthe public patronage, hoping 1 to give satisfaction tu till who may favor them hi their I litre, Oct 18, 1837. .14 | I t'Tilt* tVltl'ileilv .'Mill Veslrv Church are requested to attend a meeting nt the Church j on Saturday evening, st 3 o’clock, on business ofitnpor- , tunce. A. R. MeLAUGHLIN, Tr. Scc’v. Oel 18 Sv_ lU* A meeting of the Macon Debating Society will bo held this evening at the Academy, at 7 o’clock. The members are requested to lie present at the hour. <), tIK H. C. FREEMAN S’ec’y. •ALT. I Q 44(111 81-SHELLS Salt, Ity.lHll* 309 Sacks ,so. forsdehv REA vY CO I TON. August 3. ‘-3 THEATRE. ‘TftlS EVENING , October 19, Will be perlunmcl (tor tlie lir*l Iniit*) SlialHj)(*areV Trntfeily ot’ H4ML ET, PRINCE OF DDNMA Pv K ! IIAMLET MR. ADDA MS, OPHELIA, . . . MRS. ADDA MS. To conclude with Ihe Farce of flic RENDEZVOUS. SOPHIA, .... MRS. HART. Monrttt! Kiiil Koiiri A IttiiiKmu Cos. Mneon October 12.3H?37. IN obedience to a resolution of the Convention of the ptocklioldcritofthi* Institution held on 21t August last, it wa* “ ordered that an iiiMtulment ot five percent on t)ie whole capital stock tie paid on the firm day of De cember next —nnd a further instalment offivn per cent on thfljlntda) of Feb. next.” Publiahod b\ ordur ol ths Board. Oct. 12 33 PLTLK SOLOMON,ca^Ii. , 2MOTICS, FJHIE Srrrßioß Court of the county of Jones is B adjourned toait on the second Monday in December next. Jurors. Witnesses, FarticH and Persons interest ed, are notified of the same that they nmy attend aceord iffkl.v* JOHN J. BEASLEY, (3k. Oct 18 3w34 lilt* now lerisiii will be dedicated on next MpjßSabbath, tiie22d instant, nt 10 o’clock, %/S A. M. s and the Kev. Sami ei. J.Cai sf.i.i.s w ill he installed Pastor of this Chureh on the Ist Sabhaili in next month. The Scats are all free , and will remain so until further notice. The public are res pectfully invited to attend. oct 19 Valuable Lntvls for Sale. LOT No 10, in the 14th District, Lee 11, do 13, do 14, do 21, Ad 141, 13th District, Lee 210, do 07, Ist District, Lee lfi, do lttfi, do 9, 12ih District, Lee 59, 28th. Dist. form. Lee now Sumpter ltd, 17th do do 87, do do 95, 21 District, Dooly 108, 2Gth do Sumpter 114, do 50, Ist do Marion 158, loth do Muscogee 28, Intli do F.arlv now Decatur 301, 14 th do ’ do 877, 4tl do Appling 88, 14th do 4th sec. Cherokee 283, 7th do 8d do 294, do do 243, Ist do do 258, 11 ih do Randolph The above Lauds will be sold on liberal terms, persons wishing to purchase w ill please call on either of the un dersigned, in Macon. JAMES WOODARD, JOHN 8. CHILDERS. oct 19 ts 34 Oeorjjla—-Upson County. BENJAMIN Walker ofthe 561 St company dist. G. M. tolls before Edward Birdsong n justice ofthe pence foi said county, one estray sorrel horse mule sup posed to be twelve or fourteen years old no marks or brands perceivable except that of gear. Appraised by Enoch W. Womble and Edward S. Meadows, to fifty dollars. T. E. BETHEL, clerk I. c. Out. 12. 83 as Negroes. PXECIITOR’S SALE.—WiII ha sold on the n J first Tuesday in January next, in the town of For : sytli, Monroe countv, Thirty-five Negroes belonging to the estate of Cullen Lockett dec’d. Solomon l. chapman, Exv. OetTR 34 i O’ The Southern Recorder ill publish the above six times. nXEUIITOR’S SALE.—WiII be sold on the 18th nnd 19th December, in Monroe county, all the personal property, consisting of household and kitchen j furniture, farming utensils,! a quantity of corn, fod j dor, oats, &.e.—part sold at Cullodens—part ut llie plbnt , ntion o f ‘he deceased, near Cullodens. SOLOMON L. CHAI MAN, Ex’.. I ifotli :v> WOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the estate of Cullen Lo ketl late of Monroe county, deceased, are required to make immediate payment; nnd nil creditors to present their accounts properly attested. SOLOMON L. CHAPM AN, ExV. Oct 13 31 Georgia-Slrury Eoimty, ■VA7HEREAS Richard Trussell and Thotnas \Y. 1 i Harris applies for letters of Administration on the estate of Daniel Trussell, deceased. These arc therefore tv cite and admonish all and sin g///r the kindred and creditors of said deceased to he ami appear at my office within the time prescribed by fair , to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Giien under mv baud,9th October, 1837. CHAS. BAYNE, c. r. o. oer 19 2w34 (leorein-IVenry County. AATHEKEAS Lemuel Ragland applies lor letters of ▼ ▼ dismission, as Executor oil the estate of William Ragland, deceased. These are therefore to rite and admonish all and sin gu/ar the kindred ami creditors of said deceased, so ap pear at my off it e within the time prescribed by taw, to shew rouse, ij any they hate, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand 11th October, 1837. CII AS. BAYNE, c. r. o. oct 19 rntiniß4 41> n IMNTKATOIFS SALE. II ILL be aoldfon Wednesday, the tl <>i [)eo< mb r ▼ . next, in Upson county, at the residence of James White, late of said county, Hie crop f Corn and Fodder, the stock of nil description, hoiiae-hold furniture, planta tion tools, &c. Sale to continue from dav to day till uli be sold : terms on the duv. M. M WHITE, octl9 tu34 months afterdate application w HI be made to the Inferior Court of Monroe County, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate of Jesse dimer, deceased, both of said county. JOHN F. CLOWER, Ex>. MATILDA C!*OWER,Extru’x. oct *9 34 CAUTION* ALL persons nfe requested not to trade for two pro missory notes given by the undersigned to Shad rack Rawls, both dated fome time, it! June Inst ; one payable the first wf January next, formic hundred and tw-elie dollars—the other due Ist January, 1819, for one hundred and fifty dollar* : the consideration having fail ed, I mu determined not to pay them. FRANKLIN M. RAWLS. If awUnwvilte, Oej. 14, 1837. 3w34 rjpo lh Creditors of William l.n, I deceased, late oi Incksuti. OSutK PtUlUly.— You arc hereby notified that Isaac C. Parks savs, fliere is certain property in my hands ►Ob ject to William’a debt?; oct 19 1w34 THdMAB GILPIN. O* The Macon Telegraph and Milledgcville papers will please give the above one insertion. (IT* We are authorised to unmMirce FRANCIS M. TAPLEY as u candidate for Tux Receiver of Bibb County. oetl9 4 lire for Hie Rotvel Coinplatiifs. Dr, 1), Jay nt;'s Carminative Ha Linn , VSAFE nnd effectual remedy for most diseases of the Stomach and Bowels, such ns Diitnhrn or Loosen ss, Dysentciry, Cholera Moihtis, Cfnmp, <-b<Be. Vomiting, Sick or Nervous Headache, Sickne-t* at tl.e Stonnch, vVc. and thnt fii qnent and fatal malady among cliiidren termed Cholera Infantum, or Summer Coni plaint. It ix \erv pleasant to the taste,und will reudilv be taken by children. Itx success lias Ihmui unrivalled, and it is now used in the practice of a great nfimber ol 1 physicians, tunny ol whom lime forwarded certificates di - j tailing cures of great inqiortanec. Hundreds of certifi cates have been received from physicians, clergymen, and families ofthe first/espccinhllltv, who have used it, and have testified to lit great utility, inav be seen ly culling oil any ofthe ngciiv for tbe sale oftlii * medicine. The following from Dr. L. Kn ipp, late pbyMcnn t( the Baltimore Dispensary, ami agent for tlx* Alary land \ lie cine Institution, is deemed sufficient; Haltimore, March 27th, 1833. Dr. Jayne: DearSir—You sk me what proofs I meet with of the e flic no ofyoiir medieiiie. 1 can safidv say tli it I never prescribed a medicine for trowel complaints tliut bus given me so much ►atisfnciion, and my patients so ppeeffy uml p<*rfees relief as ibis. Whenever intro duced into a familv, it becomes a stnmlmg rcmetly for those aliments, and is called for again and again, which I think n pretty good proof of its usefulness and efficacy. In the Summer clnmptnint of children, it lias frequently appeared to snatch the little victims, ns it were,lron) the grave. 14 It saved tbe life of mv child, and of such and such a child/* I have repeatedly heard said. In dysen teric nffeefiotls of adults, T have time •nd nenin seen it n**t like a charm, and given permanent relief in a lew hour*, f umysm fn a few ndn itos. fn fine, it tr a valu able medicine, and ntifnmtiv should be without it. Respectfully, ‘ M. L. KNAPP, M. P. Sold bv J. IF. vV W. S. ELLIS, \gents. Juno2B CjiUoh Avenue, Macoa. LIBBRT-ST HOTEt, It V. t FT w A THE sn! -’riber bar taken the Above IK Hi. Land intend- f *irtgf |% C f-a ninhM’ tbe n unc, uml put it in m order for the reception of com |v:3 I WiimAp pany. II will provide, it for the , connnoilati<)ii ot nil who may cull n on him in the Iwst manner tbe coun try v ill afford. Horses vv ill be well attended to. WM. B. I*KNEEL. <*t 12 4w34 GEORGIA AWD CAixOI. IlfA ALWAMCS, smleby tlic cross, dozen or riticlo, at GRIFFIN .V PURSE'S Book Store. _Oct 18 34 CIOfBIWa ! Ct.OTHIArG : U,, JOHN I, JONES AS re< ( tved his winter supply •t'Clmhlng. com prisiitc on* of ‘lie most extensive stneks ever hetcre “tiered ill this market. It was ■uiniifnetnre,) the past summer Irotn recontlv imnorlerl Goods, hv one ofthe host Tailors in the citv of New-York ; and for fn m nml workmanship, rnmtot be sttrpnssed. A'till is respect fnllv invited. I’he followinc articles (with many not enumerated,) form in part, his assortment: Hnpor hide, black, London, cohl and hazel brown, violet, Dublin.olive nnd creen Cloth Frock (’oats. Super blue,black, London, eoldimd hazel brown, vio let. dahlia, olive and green Cloth Dress Coats. Super brown, olive, green anil claret mixed Cloth Coatees. Blue, brown, steel-mixed, drab, Mohair, imitation Mo lt or, Kersey and blanket Over-t ‘oats. Soper bloc, black, brown, dahlia, green ami steel-mix ed Cloth Pantaloons. Super plaid, striped nnd cnnled Buckskin Pantaloons. Gentlemen's splendid black and dive C’lotli Cloaks. Do. cninblctnnd prinette Cloaks. Ladies’ Splendid Cloth nml Marino Cloaks. Bine, steel-mixed and lavender Satinet Frock Coats. Do. do. do. Coatees. Do. do. drab, do. Pantaloons. Do. do. Satinet Koim.f Coats. Kentucky lean’ Frock Coats, Dress Coatsdt Coatees. Do. do. Hantimr Conts.Round Coats & Pnnt’ls. English Moleskin and Velvet Hunting Coats. English Moleskin, Velvet nnd Buffalo Cord Pantnl’ns. Cloth, fiz’d Silk Velvet, tabby Velvet, embroidered Silk and Satin, plain satin, tig’d nnd plain silk, plaid and fig’ll Valencia, Persian Marino, black ami purple silk Vel vet nnd Marseilles Vests. Silk, Marino, Cotton, woolen nett, Canton Flannel, Dennitt Flannel, French Gingham, Linen ami Muslin Shirts. Cotton Nett, woolen do. Canton and Dennitt Flannel, Marino and Twilled Jeans Drawers. Linen, French Ginglmin, black satin Drc s Bosoms, Stocks, Suspenders, Gloves, Linen Collars, Pantaloon straps, fee. fee. CliiUlieu and Youths’ A complete nnd verv extensive naaortment. ItcsroN lotliing. A large supply of every description. On 11 30 S yaJVTKD r.Ti.viKnia IX Journeymen Taylors to whom ateadv wotk and first rate wages will be given through the. season. B. IV. PLATT iMaeon, Oct. 12. 33 Central Huil-Itond A nankins Cos, oJ Gcoi’.-in. Savannah, Scpf. 2i), 1837. N Installment of Ten Dollars perFliaroon the Ctqi xit a I vStoek of company—nnc-lialf to be applied to bankinar and tbe other half to the riiiil Rom!— in re quired to be paid in, on or before Monday, the llth day of December next. Stockholder** ul Macon or its vicinity, can make .payment at the Branch Bunk cl this institution, nt thnt place. By order of the Board of Directors. JOHN OLMSI’LAD, Cashier pro tern. sept 27 31 ~7 re moyTT. ‘ DOCTOR If. LOOMIB lias removed Ilia DRUE S I ORE to the store upon Mulberry street, second floor above the Post Office. Kept 27 31 4 TIIO.TIPSONIANr MEDIUNTS. *’ AID FT\ of vegetable Medicine* as in the Thompsonian practice. Formula by J. 11. & W. S. ELLIS. Sept 27 31 C/ttlon Avenue. BECKU 1 i'H’ri PILLS, Brnndretli’* I'ilK Evan’s Camomile Pills, for Heart-burn, Dyapeprin, Toilet Powders, superior Sonpp, Loco-Foc.o, LntuUer nnd Eiiction M a tabes, Black and blue wriiinp Ink. Snuff* various kinds, for sale bv J. H. vV W S. ELLIS, Sept 2fi 31 Cotton Avenue. XJmgs and f/tedicincs, A Jn’*h Axuartment by .1. if. A W. v. ELLIS COTTON AVENUE, MACON. (N AI.OMEL, extra fine, Sulphate (i'liuinr, J London Blue Pill Mass, Superior blenched Sponge for surgeons, Extrn strong Aqua Ammonia, IlydrioJate Polnssa, Krcosntc, Black Drop, Citric Acid, Superior curve Thumb Lancets, Acet. Morphine, Sulphate do. Silver spring LancetPra ket Cases. Pntssic Acid, Oil Cubebs, Oil Copniva, Otto Rose, Alcohol, | Hondeman’s Sarsaparilla, Turkev and Egyptian Opium, fee. Sept ‘*7 ‘ 31 IJVDIAN TAlfAc£a7~ \ FRESH supply just received and far sale hv ii. fe J. SMOI WELL. April 13 7 lIST OF LETTERS remaining in tbe A I*o*l Office nt Knoxville. Craw lord cmhiiilv. lor the quarter ending 30lli Sept. 1887. A—Mr* A A AI kin *on. Je.**e Ayeoelr. B—James E Briee. Mathew Beck, Jes*e Brown Mrs Mary Bail, Samuel Bolton, John S Brooks, Naney Bedell. C—Sr 111 Cuson, Ses*e Cn;on, CricTChever*. D—John VV Davi*, Mrs Trance* Delk, sliss Eli znr Dickson. F—Stnnl Fnekler, MrFnrran, ti—Owen F (jialEord, Peter VV Gifty. JatnesGril tith or Griffin II M'm Mnrprnret A Harrison, Hamilton liar-’ vev, John Ilainrnack. | J— Samuel 11 Jenkins, Alfred Jolmaen, Rrofield ‘ Joiner. K— Joainh Kniurfiforr. L—Jacob Lowe, Lijrlilf*ird, B F Litre. iVI —Allen Marahull, Josepli Mnyo, Sninl Moore, j Benjimin MeKinney. P—LA Phillips, hlepfirn Airs Eliza- In Hi VV Preston. VV il! in in Pitts. R—Sum I Renfroe, Sami Tlios Rimloll I>q. Joel Reuben, I.*k(|. S—James Sleelev, Mr* Adeline Sinitn*, Lewis Smvyrd ‘l’uylor R Scott* Aaron Shin-ley. T—David Perrell, Es]. G Town-bend. V—Mrs Delilitli Ti'*njfe. VV— Arthur Walker. PHILIP J. ECHOLS, P. M Knoxville Oel 1 B\v33 tieoi'k'i:)-’’lonroc County. Inferior Court sitting for ordinary pur post t September Term , 188/. IT ajmcoriti” to the Court upon the information of Richard Simmons and Jshki* M. Callaway, ti e kccii ritieK for W'Hlinm Brown and SnrnhS|ocMey,f*ow Sarah Brantley, administrator nnd adniiui?trotrix of the estate us Joint Shocktpv,that Kftid ndniiuDtrnfor?* are midiiifinafincr *rd ei*t**te. It is on montion ordered,that the s id W illiam Brcivnand Surah Sho<’kloy,now Sarah Bi ;iuilcv,klii*w eaiifsc ut the next trnn.of Ibis c ourt why tin* s.-iiil Kielmrd Simtnoiu* nnd Jesse M (’ullaway *• lion hi not I>* flisebnrtrerl from all further liabilities up sreuritir* for tbe fiithlolnerfoniuinro ofsakl W ill in ni A* Sarah as Mflm’i nnd ml m’x of paid anlatc; and it is fmtlirr ordered tint this rule be entered on the minutes of this Court, and iTint sendee be perfected accordin'! to law. A true copy from the minutes of said court tins 261 h sept. IfiTf. F.LBRIDGE G. CABAM6S,c. co. aept 27 31 SffO IIEVVA EII> 18 N.\\\ AY from the employ ftf J. / I). Moore, near C* lumliti.*, lliitc *8 RxjfV my fiepfro men. viz. Adam and hi* y / hrotlwr WiHinm ofyeliow enmplex- Ljtmu ion. the (lirmcr nued nr 80 year*, the latter about *0 or 22. nl*o Henry ol n c'nrker emrqdc’Xiofr, nhoiii 21 yenrr* ofnsfe. *lotil built. Stiid m onies tire recently from Maryland, anil are probably nide.nvorioii to return. The boy Adtim it i* *.,id enn write, he i* Ihe lalle*l of the ‘hr< e. and nearly *ix Ii et hijxli. I w ill pw\ twenty doihu* n word for the *eenrinjy ofenrh or either ot them, so that 1 enn et them turn in* JOHN WOOL FOR I\. f’liliinihii*, G. Sept. 21 4w82 S2O BKWALD jx ft4im r.v tduntation, u j 1% nerro mail named (4ABE, ohout the MwAgm 10th Juh, dark complexion, 81 nr 32 rears old. thin visage, very sum II toot and L about It’d 11k. supposed to he about Clinton, ok he has a w Ifi i . there, at Mr*, sum It WilliuniK, or ot Macon, ns bis m ife** moth* r nnd brother are there. I\ ill pive fVO for hiaifeMvery at my hou*c in Crawfird cotmty, near Hopewell I > . or tor him to U pcrured iutinv jail, so t’ at I can tret trim* s< pi 27 4v%3i ’ JOHN M. JtkBJUAiN. I Pit OF tn i M VnS n mtiiuinp in the I oil x 4 Olfirent Macon, on ihe Ist ot October, 1887. 4 —A Alexander AlilesGLewia David AI line ii Jo; - ; !i Lee Lucius Arms Ofcw-;e J J.unsfoxl AlhiifvAtlamg and/ A-a Morgan Wm C Allen Mi-s Ann V.f /ini Win Arnold Levi Mullins B—M* Eliza Ann Bivins Joseph L .Moulrri# Paraerßrown Hez.rkinh Melm., Miss Mehetnble Butler Mam -enet .VF ()ukcs 2 V inson T Brown L J M tmjmiz son N B Heard Hrz< ki>di Mi-Kinney Joseph John Boyle Churl* s A Miller Andrew F Horrori? Mi !Ay -K ~i;n Jamas R Bennett James Manning John Brook J. Mora n tireor Bishop John II Murphv Tlios Barker Rev X Viijoiirie J F Brown Win Hent< It. hlin Tito* M Battle Timothy Mathews Leonard i. • tt Pliili, 4 * abu, ftniia tt Jumt - 1* Mays slw* Josephine beard Amiv.uain Moody Mrs C Beall ft’ Murgitii John Brooks Jas R McElrnun • Mr Alrcv Boon Jar A H cr Martini Brown Will,am Ai llenrv Buwcunt J(lm Bay no ftlrs ‘r* Rowland Bivins Ransom J. Bird J-.,- o s ftjo in Camel M , - ’le VV in C Carloss As Nathaniel Carter F -i.e.. . tieorpe Crier vYurMcCli y Lueretia Cua .j k ,han John tVlacdOßeld L A Choturd Geo VV’ ft*ur*or i Ridmrd I)Clinton Br G Miss b'lizaboth Comien C .1 *• . E A B Curt b illeliev John Chance* John iddia.i J vV CnsiciM) Mih Acurgaret .lie,he* Jume* Clowil A ii i. ui^n V I Cotton 2 Geo Mickic'jobu Caleb Coudcn Jo. n o.ak*w Keel in Cook W A Otis David C Coleman J —lmio* Peterson Robt \ Cochsan Elizabctu 1 i .era Ait** Elizabeth Collins Edmund R 4 Lube A K Cherry Luther 11 I’ardcc Green W Liny Joliu H Pickett licnj F Cochran 9 Tlioa Paco Jc’sse Croom Mia* Martha Pinson Jacob Council Alex E Patioon H A Cumphell Mrs t-urah Perry John Champni W ni ;i Pledger .Samuel Caml C ,iot;uvj Fowl John Crolfitrd H —Abner Raleigh P —John I’ Dunn John C Rodgers Hickey 6l V\ illiams Kielmrd B Uittcnburgli Nathaniel 14 Die Key Cimrlos Rodgers Sunil Davis linnet Koberts W m Dickson W in N Koberts .iliss Saudi Ann Die kson Albert L ivso C —Charles Eaton lsliuin S Rainey Hiltuplaigli 11 Emmons Miss E C Runic Abram Elcxander Miss Louisa J Roberts Gm on Buddy John Rose C —Dr George \V Fletcher Dunwidder Ray James E Eculkner D Kotmison John M Field T S Raney Mr John FioWera Joseph Rutiiei iord li —Barney Grave* Mary A Reddiug JohnS Goodwin Miss Frances iwinet James Gamble P C Rose A liliuui (iuilaghcr J s iiicinirda J W Gordon s' —Miss Sui uh Ann Sinclair Edmund Gilbert VVui L Southall Mis* Virginia Godfrey VVui J shields .dr Joseph Guiuer itichurd ii Seymour J M Giieluist U m O Smith J H Godfrey Kit Slappcy Stephen Guniner Geo VV ucmborough ii —Miss ft!arm Harvey 11 Su^e Hr Alexander Hawkins Kohl i Smiley M L Hardin Molii.s Secretary Joseph Hubers ham James A Strutton i hos VV Hums Mis Lii/.aoeid Smith Solomon 11 uiupbncs Win it Sharp Joseph Holton Kobt Strmukjr W iiiuinuu C Hill Miss Harrier. Smith Hovvuid Se Pi'ls All< it suqdii’i.’s Francis VV Hilt licui-oetJiookH Juiiii Ilowell .Viilcs .tHevcu* Harmon Howard i lios C SuoUi John ilaiTis \\ iu .Spulia vYtliuiti Hardy Ed win snipper J Ji iiuggui I' —James i hunuun r xSiunl B ii outer Cot 1 odd Joseph Holland Mis* Amanda Thomson Caleb Hargou Etiv dM’ifi Tiiompswri Nuncv llant-v Sury Turner W in ituiid Stejdien J urner Miss Mary E Hall s* m M ’! hompson John Howell (’ol Ii il Tai\er 2 James E Haelood W iiey Thomas Martin Halt Miss AmandaC Thompson , Simmi 11 an it’* Orphan* 8 8 Turney J—K C Jcuniiigs Miss Aheiiu Tharp David Junes Jos A JWiteiiell j Miss Mary Jones L -—Mrs sirrah A Usher j Miss Susan MJt unison 2 Y — Ned Vance I Peter Jeukiiis D Leuj \\ ilhamH Gdwm Jones Mrs 1 ram is V* imbueh ; J li John mi John Woodard Absalom Juwidun Joseph Wilson Jacob Jackson Win vV Wiids Miss Muriuu Jahnso.i Avery \ftoiums Joshua M James Lemuel Uutsoit Elisha Johnson Henry Wood I Tlio* VY Jenkins Wiihlun W*rd I K —Abram Kucli Edward Wi.'uee | C. Kiir.’ Mr: \*r \V...dacn I Christopher Kendrick Miranda VYlflmui.i I James A Knight If'Mirv P WV. tcolt | /-—Jo’.ti J L..1.1-I 3 ;.I.V. and. ~i ; tor. | Mrs Spicy Ami CoVing John E Woodard I Joseph Eeo W m l’ W hf;y ! Jeo I and Jnmes Wakarnan Vs in (i Lowe jTtol W ith rford Sami laster Win 1, V T *i: t i.-on di-s Ergcr Eaiunr Gorham Wallace Joseph i.ewis >—A Young Win B Lambeth F A V ourij Thos Lowry Mis* Louisa M Y des M Land. rs K. TYNER, P. M. | Oct 10 :g 1 hiSNios SAl&gf i BY LIPPHT & HIGGINS, (Ju the first ikt y of’ November. BtEGANI r l4 HE subscriber, offers for sale at A net ion, all his stock I of Furniture constating of Sfdrbtarc's with n.uiblc slabs, Softis, of various puttirtis, Bureau*, Secretaries nnj Book Ca*o* f elegant PtililOsi from llie most ap proved man ii fnct nrrr*. Dressing Bm caus \\ ret -of dining tables, cen tre table?, marble top#, pillar and claw work i les, wri ting inalKig iuv chairs, curb'd ttisplo do. faix-v rau * seal, a . rush, hpnnw-srr.t rocking hnir*. Boston rto. ninho bed-xt'\ids, french -So. mnple and poplar do \vn;di.. *, portable desks, eioffant nmiitke nml pa r ylassop, win iow blind*, curl’d hair Matlressi’s, feather beds, piano ntoois, and u variety of fancy uiticb JOHN If. OLD*!} OIA*V, Oct. 12. 34 on Cos .on A Mi ls. 7BOTICV* t Jf\IIF. customers and piproin of tli> “ New PalteryF 1 ore particularly teqiieslid to call or send to the Bake House und procure Tickets. It is next to*- ■ihle for llie Imv (who crimes round) so make a emreet return of tteronnf*, nird to obviate any n* is take*, l hair Tickets provid'd from fij cts. foofte doftar. Oct 19 2w33 ( ITGQINS. T ACHiSK WAIVTeK take charge of t!v’ A ■nd.'inv sitiintcdat Traveller# I Rest, Dooly county. To n person who can come well leeomim’iidedas to moral character nnd good tjual i:lcnlions u* a ciaarical Tenclirr, libeml wag## ih ; lven. AppiicantK will ph as uddress their IdterMtorho Trustees ot the Heat Academv Doolv county Ga. Oct. 12. ‘ 8w33 IT/* Southern Rreortkw.AugustaC'hi mmsl* Ac ntmel, will jd-asc publish tiro aboveß werks and fbrw rd thtir accounts to tin* Rest Academv• * h A C 4EUI. Mu. c. nmris, roruAir mi miniature PA INTER, hu\inji returned to Macon, reaper (fully niVeraltls pr Jesskitial nervier# tojlio public. A number of Polrtiil Mini Miiiuturr likeursa, painted here last apiimr, bv Mr. C. nmy now he seen (hh specimens offria skill,) ut ins room in the rear of the Durieu Brunch Bank. Oct !2. 3wTl _N. 14. Terms nt.-wlomte, all likeness warranted rorreet. WJMIRAL 130 i HI.. THE undersigned announces to the pnb lie that lie has taken the above HOTEL. 11 1 fij* Lll |4 now itmlarjruinK a complete and Utor jj 111 ough n jurir, with impintaut uiterations; in •Nn&tSuA consequence of which, k will irot Ik in ample order, for the reception of company, hdore the Iffth of October: ut which lime fire will ho prepared to trivc ns good accommodation u* cun ho found in the Southern cotiMrv. IL U. WARD. . Macon, sept 57 31 ¥bw Bfk’ST qoomT /■HIE Ktih.-cribcr Ims received n lurtre mldition to Ida JL stock of Dry Good*, which, w ith hi < previous aleck, makes his assorlim tit extCDtivc am! ronmb'te. Jf4HN L. JOKC9. Octii FOR f SVHE .small House on Cof.mi AVcnue, at pre/tent oc*\ 1 copied bv C. G. Ht. John n.> i jo\voh*y mare, ADo tor *de, an experietieed t ‘ok W oman. Apply tr* Ocl ll A4 MMHf* A* AilirtiST, . <v# v , * / . ‘mf wt ewfm