Georgia messenger. (Ft. Hawkins, Ga.) 1823-1847, November 02, 1837, Image 1

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BY S. ROSE. “* TEItMS. ~ , Hbssv.vgeh i” imliliahctl weekly, on Tliurwln* ~ Dollar", if pititl within the your; nr ‘"ih'/urs, if not pai.l till t lie expiration of the year. ’ v> .' ltrlS K'tKV i ■ not oxeontUna! ttvalva linen, will he • .toiul <>- ‘ Doll'"’ the fir"t iiiaerlion, mnl lil.v cent” i11■ i.tiie.t. —A.lverlDomeiit” not limited w hen I “ |, |will I. ■ imort.'il till forlihl. “-tii ■of mi I.N ‘4roc- hy Kxot'Mnr*, Adminis t un i Guardians, are required by law, to be mlvcr • V l ii, a public Gazette, sixty day# previous to tho day ,r agfele. • Tl„! Vilen of I’cnonnl property must be anvertuedin li’ tn'iaii'*r, forty tiny". 1 “\.itiee to I-bt’ors and Creditors of ail catnte must he inildislied forty days. Niit l,.,. ,i, ,t application will he iiuule to the t ourt ol Oolliiary so. leave lo sell l.aiiil mid Negroes, must he ihiisli vl weekly for lour months, t | ,-i i i-iii rns * “iindidiilc.s, throe dollars. /• hurt'll* oil business mast ho I'ost-puii. = CRAFT &, oEWIS, (COT ION AVKNUK.) li„te on hand, and si” be constant!? reuitUg, Urge block of FILL nI.YD SJ •I.YTER GOODS, ** INCI.UItINO lllttilliets of every description, from $ 1 oO to $lO per pair, li,-liners nail Cireassinns.of every color and ipm.ny. itroiid-t'loths mid Cassiinerct.,assorted. _ 1 I nini’ls some very superior, worth $ I <•> per yard, pi, id Merino for I.allies dresses, (anew article.) . j. M Merino, ami rich silk Tassels for window curtains. |>'irk I’reneh |iritlls, nail rich silks for I.allies dresses. Tiihle Toilett and I’in<> cover*,some very rich. Hosiery of cvcy description. .1 r cry large anil general Block of aasAusW* Mode expressly for us and in first rule style, including I ,i,. s mid (ientlemeussuperfine ‘ CIiOWII CJiOAH3, \larc supply of Brussels, ingrained mid straw ©’asiphtp c car c Uo oil Carl letting from and to Id feet wide. Venetian Itlinils—Paper hangings. Amlironsand tall lire fenders. . (.'rockerv-Ware assorted —including china dining setts K worth SIOO each. Smldles Bridles and I'lated Harness. •>VI pieces Cotton Bazirine, some very heavy. \ few line Piano also .applv of Carr i ages and itnrimvues —all ol which ill 1„- sulilon iiccoimmiduting terms. Macon, September Bth, 1837. NOTKE. rltllF. copartnership existing helween the undersigned 3 under the firm of Rowi.ani,Crank and .Sh.vikki.- i oiui, will he disolvcd on the fust rlcjitomherensuing, hv innlnal eaiiseiit. ‘J'lie unsettled business of the firm will l„- Htlended to hv eiilier ol the partner a, wlio is privileged ,-outinae to use the iiume and style of the firm, on the ‘iieUlit'iitofunv hnsiaess in wliieii it may he interested. JOHN T. ROW’I.A N I) 11. A V Kill I. CRANE, ER ANDES K. SHACKELFORD. Darien, Alig. 2'.’, 1837. 3in29 Commission ltiisim’SS. rjlllE snhseriher will continue the cciiiiiiiseion bui- I in-.--of die former house of Rowi.anu Chase and Sii vcKi.i.t onn, on this iiidividmil account; and from manv years experience in the business, having every fa cility, hopes to continue his share of the patronage of its former friends. I'nrlicuhir attention will be paid to for warding ineieliiuidiseand produce. If. A. CRANE. Darien. Ang. 21, 1837. dm .’*) ciAyvm yg. VFFAV fine cloth suits for children. , A large assortment ol youths’ clothing, from 8 to ( 14 years of age. i I .tidies super Cloth Cloaks. I.allies and (jcntlenien's Buckskin Jackets. (ientleineii’s dress and troek Coats, l’ilot Cloth Sur teiit-. and fine < ‘loth Over t ’outs, Ac. This dav received anil for sale. CRAFT A LEWIS. I let 24 , CALF SKINS OF superior tmulilv, fiir sale hv “UEO. W. PRICE. ‘ Sept 13 20 _ HOU3S P3U SALE. e_A k COM PORTABLE two story dwelling t /V nil anted on the public: square, near ( I****'t# the sciteofthe old market house. It will . ; 111 he sold ntn low price for cash. Apply to r r J„|i„ Marpltey (the owner) in Hamilton, or to the subscriber in MaeoU. fc*- iIOSK. Sept. I I. I” ‘-”- 1 FDK SALE. , , n . riAHENew Brick Dwcllingon the lull on * ihc corner ol Poplar mid New Slreels. loliFi* The lot is neatly arranged, with a tailing 1 ‘till .i3f garden, all necessary out Imildiugs mid a £-„„d we |l. This house contains 7 rooms, b -ides passages, closets,cellaro, Ae.^ Also the hriek house w here 1 now live. Two Bank Vaults, iron doors, one of them ofa superi or quality. All Oil a credit fur good notes, Ml, 1)00 good brick. It. K. E\ ANS. Sept. 14 11 s.W~ r<>!£ SALE. WZ&Sk . DWEId.INCi House with fourteen SjaSjjgi i*v acres lifl.und,in the neighborhood of XWfW* Macon, an llie federal road, and about a mile and a quartet from the court house. Tim Iluuse is a very neat commodious imiac Im'dtliiigj with four spacious rooms, with a good garden and cou i . uiciit oat-houses uttaelied; iipoa the lot is an excellent will of water. For terms and further particulars, apply at this office. Wanted to Rent — A commodious Dwelling Ilcusc— Apple at the Messenger Office. Aug 1) >f 24 Wood l.nls! Wood Lots for Sitli', 9 N the vicinity of Macon, on this side ot the river. 3 Apply to ‘ E. A. A J. A. NISBETi Oel'gj ViwTT ( liet nlice Lauds lor Sale. A ’a. Dint, Sec. An. Hist. Sec I hi II 1 474 I'd 2 130 “ “ y-w.l 19 3 224 “ 3.VJ 3 1 93(1 “ •> 3.VJ 13 (south) 1 23 21 3 1352 H 1 42 “ l5B 12 2 Til “ “ 5: ifi 18 3 • r ‘2s “ “ 184 7 2 977 If, o 39 5 3 109 5 or,| 2 4 219 20 2 214 6 1 191 fi 1 I'nrehasers of Cherokee lands would do well to call “'i dm sahs, rile r, if any of the at ove h)|g should suit - , ’ ivy can he had upon accommodating terms. C. T. YEI.vr.RTON. . Tn/ewell, Marion eo.Aug 19 if 2<i .. SIOETSTON LANES. , , I^9' )li, milt* in livi milos of Horry, 000 tu.*r<*s <n oak omi ” Idekiirv lan lin a liody. Is'iwecn a ttlird and hull ■ “pen, mostly ficsli, and under good fencing, with gin ■ hiusc and other requisite buildings. E >. ll.—Persons wishing to purehnsc will cull ttport HDnrhiiin llmven, upon the premises,or nddiess the sub* ■ •eijlieriitt ulumhuil, O#. AUCi. llD\\ ABD. ‘I Aug? tl 24 I For Sale or Kent, O FOUR acre l.ot, with dwelling house | pfnQ wit and oat buildings, situated in V ine- I ’"Sh ‘ille. a, ■ A four aero l.ot with dwelling House ■ and out liaihlings, .itnated on College ■ .. W. MF.I.ROSE. I’ I , UF.O. LOU AN is ntv neeut in ahsenee. ■ July 20 0 ,|-y| VOK SAMI, ■ c W a d;< V ‘Vliolnand hulflihls. Mackerel, Nos. 2 A. 3, ■ ..I, I,HM, pi n ees best Hemp Bagging, i j j| l ,'"'y ! ' viv ' ll “< Iron,assorted. ■ Julyao tf9| w. MELROSE. t . JAMES TAYLOR., V UpliolstriTr ‘ J* l' n piM'lor respectfully iuforinii ihe cili/.cim t>f Hj.i. n ' !,r, > | i mill n i*i uit \ thuilio ban on liuml a laryc ami ■ 1 *worta\em of ■ tJABISET FIIUNITUItF. iW/S with mid without nmrtdc toil-*, ■ V ‘Miinisr r.ddcs, simile do.yCurd Tiblp<i, Tea Ta ■ TitUli ,Ct‘Ulre ‘J’uWle.s vnhli Hi s “r’H 1 n,l, l'lc lps,SoluH latest funliioosy Hrereta- Brovcl \i ,M,k IbtrcuMP, HiuttoH oftlic mot op- H. j *jbuiuf ll( .|u and tlm oeweai Muatc, Piano B „i'v ’’ i' 1 "?" 1 ’ Manle and Poplar IlrdHtnuU,double as b, Curled Hair and Momm Alut ■.-V’rJfr 1, ** l ‘ , * r< tlit’ host qiialitv,rt asHort- I , ‘ Maple nml I'ancy Clmirs: I 1 \\\7 k "}X ofevery deiteription. , ,0M '“ve articles me of tlm latest Ht>les, and vvUL ■ ‘ ‘funteil to fitatid tho climntc. Thf HitfsrriTer irr ■ , , ‘ l"ddie to cull and view for tlm illative*, lit liia K ]| ‘ m! t Second street, next duor to Wailiiujtoii I l '-'* l7 vwl I 4 It U I riKOBS ‘ I 7\ f io do heavy grass ~o Kiiitubia for square J.irt Liijiiini f ‘otl'ee in small bugs, o!) do Cuba CoJTec, 10 Now Orleans do prime St. Croix Sn?ar, 7 Idds Su,jar a prime article, 5 tierces lump sugar 10 do Cin, anchor brand 2 pipes Holland (Jin. minis Whiskey, I > bids No and Mackerel, 10 lillcU Molasses, u prime article, 12< r j ts do do 10 bids pickled pork, 8 quarter casks sweet Malnpa Wine, 3 boxes brown Hnvannub Sugar, 100 super line Hour, odo liist quality Linseed Oil, ‘J do Spirit# Turpentine, 2,- r >oo Y\ lilting, for sale ou third street, a few door# south ofthe Central Hotel, ly 11KA aV CO TTON. July 12 j -j AT TOS'l\ have di'tcrmined on clotting bits! * ■ ness, and arc now olVerins their Stork. ‘f inuiut yT I Iu K’ nerai assortment of ST A FLU A FANCV D!IY WOODS, U:tts,Sho‘s, S:ultllory,lliU'<l\varo,&c. It 111 net- cent, mi New Ymk anil Bouton cost, at retail lor Cash, and •> per cent, at whoiesale for Cash or £ood paper, payable Ist Janifnrv next, with interest. We res peetlully invite our friends and the public to civ© u# a ‘'"j l ; . WILLIAM EOR'I’ A CO. j riiuse imlehteci to u, would do w ell to make immediate I l ll| y' l '"i. Macon, Feb. 8 50 \ TtfEW 3>'.XY OOODS. ’ riAlt ; snli-erilicr Im-I received n large addition to his I stoekofDry (Inode, which, with his previous stock < makes his assortment extensive and complete. JOHN ].. JONES. Oct 11 33 DR. ItIrOOXALD—DENTIST. LSPLt'TPt LLV informs the riti/.ens of Macon ■ that he has returned home, ami is amply provided with the best of materials for dental purposes. He would also inform the public that lie inserts artificial Pal ates in the mouth. Office ou the N. TL corner of second and Mulberry sts. frtopt no IH2NTIST RV. 2)H. STRINGF23LLOW, LII thanklul to the ladies anil gentlemen of Macon J for the very kind patronage which ho has received during; his residence ninoner them, respectfully announces ■ bis return from Philadelphia, with a splendid case ol in- i strtimeats and .Ml,ooo best Premium Ineorruplable i Teeth. I)r. S. will, on tlieotb of September resume bis professional tluties with Ins usual care, trusting that his experience will render his services still more acceptable to those requiring bis professional aid. Always on I bund an extensive assortment of every article used by j Dentists. Instruments of every description furnished to order. Dentists throughout tin* country would do well to notice tho above. All articles will be furnished at moderate prices. All orders will be attended to with promptness A tienst ‘23 % LOOK AT THIS! Wsitclies. Jewelry, Silver M are. Ac. J. A. A S S. \ LI) inform their friends and the public that v T they still continue at their stand on Cotton Ave nue, and have just received afresh supply of poods, consisting in part of the following articles; gentlemen and ladies’Hold Lever, Anchor Kscnpcim nt, Independ ent Second, Lepine and Vertical Watches; Silver Lever, plain and extra jewelled Lepine and Vertical do. all of which were selected with choice, to suit this market, and j will be warranted to perform well; ladies* gahl Neck Chains, gentlemen’s gold and silver Hoard and Fob Chains, gold and silver Guord and Fob Keys, Far Knobs and Drops, Breast Pins and Finger Kings of all kinds, 1 trold, silver, gilt and pearl Belt Buckles and Slides, Bracelets nml Head Belts, gold and silver Everpoiotcd 1 Pencils, Steel Pens of the best qualities, gold, silver and steel Spectacles, oixzing Classes, silver Table,Tea, Dessert, Salt and Musiard Spoons, Soup and Cream Ladles, Sugar Tonga, Butter and Fruit Knives, siivei Cups, Thimbles, (hi.- tors,Candlesticks, silver, brass and bronzed, coral, gilt and glass Beads, Indies* Work Bags of the latest fashions, Purses and Pocket-Books, Clario* netts, Flagcoletts, Flutes, Fifes, Accordions, Music Boxes, large and small, Drums, Organs and V iolins, \\ (OKing -|tckh ui vujiuus Mims, snver gin, soon, aorii and ivory Combs. ‘Tea and Collet* Pots, Bread Baskets, silver and japan ed, line pointed Waiters, Knives, Kazcr*, Saunders* cel ebrated Razor Straps with tablets. Pistols of various I kinds. Dentist’s Files, Hold Plato, Wire, Foil, &.c. Toy Watches, Rattles and Whistles for children. Snuff Boxes Percussion Caps Pipes, Segar Tubes, Pocket Coin passes, Mathematical Instruments, &c. ,13iaiHiry Goods. Swords, Belts, Kpuulctts, Plumes, Sashes, Buttons, Lace, Stars and ornament* too niuneu u lo mention, which w ill he sold cheap lor cash, or aj pr ved city ac centances. S'. B.—We have a choice selection of materials for ! repairing Watches, and are prepared to make any new part, which wo will warrant to perform as well us the original. J. A. &. S. S. Virgin feel grateful for past favors,and would still solicit a share of tho public patronage, hoping to give satisfaction to oil who may fu\or them in then line. Oct Ift 1837. 31 Paper \ LARGE assortment for sale hv CEO. W\ PRICE & CO. Sept 13 20_ Scorgia- llonroc County. The honorable the Inferior Court of soul county, sitting for ordinary purposes —Sept. L PRESEN T tlietr Honors John Powell, Thomas \\ r . Om ul, Williani L. Fuiubrough, Decker F. W alker and Josinh G. Jordan. Upon the application ofLittleton Jonston, Guardian of j Hiram G. Joliiiston, stating that he has bad a final set tlement with his ward, and prays letters of dismission from his guardianship. It is ordered by the Court that this rule be published in the Georgia .Messenger foity days, and at the next regular term of the court after the expiration ol said term, letters of dismission will be grunted to Littictofi Johnston, guardian as aforesaid, unless cause to the con trary be. shown. Upon the application of Purffv Tingle, guardian of Letilia mid Arrington lx. ‘Tingle, stating that he has had a final settlement w ith bis ward, and prays letters of dis mission from bis guardianship. It is ordered by thecmirt that this rule be published in the Georgia Messenger forty days, ami at the expiration of said time letters of dismission will he granted to Puri fy Tingle, guardian a* aforesaid, unlein cause iJ the con trary be sliewH. A true extract from the minutes of said court. E. G. CAUAMSS. c. r. o. j Sii,t l ioaM Blue TAX-FOL LECTOR'S SALE. Willin’ t-ilil oiill"’ lir.-t T>iclrty in Ni/tfm'tcr next, tin- tiillovxinz properly,or ro “litefi Hit n. will sali.'ly tin! Texet tuitl eiislt. ttl sttid (lektnllriH, D;tt f>u A. Joiner “ I'ri'se anti Ini i” Mja-oit, corner ol Wnlnut “nil lo'irflt street" —tax tine $lO 72 el".^ .Ittitn Oliver’” liinise i""l lot in Mttrtm—tine $3 18; Mason Cltaiifo’” Ittti.l, 209 J acres in Hcitrv eOHiity, I Itli diet. No. 139—in llouaton, 202 J uercs, . r ;tlt diet. No. 02—tax 73c I! mills. Joseph Sii'tlslitirt ’s limtse and lot i.i Macon —tax 310 c. Thomas M Hanii’s house and lot in Hast Mueoa— tax $92. . iVlartio I, llurtlioh la il i” ltihh, Ida acres—DixSl > I. Richtifd 1/ Bill’s lii uercs in Cherokee, 3d ilist. N’i. 17 ? Ist sec—lax 91 (13. Win AMi’s li'il acres land in Cherokee, 13th (list, No, 212,3d .section—lax 37cls7ni. Junics N I! Clark’s two 4(1 acre lots iii Cherokee, and house Hlld lot ill Macon—tax it 2 59. Samuel Jones’ lot in Fhernkoe, 11 til dist. 3d sec. No, 309,1 id) urn’s, —10 acres 3d .list. No. 2119.4 th rcc-tnxfi tc. llritoil Nicholson’s land 2.5(1 .eres in I'.itrly, l.lfhttisf’ No. 40—tin 2( 2} acres, 2i:th (list. No. 127—Muscogee, 902} ueivo—lax ?l 15. JAMES GATES, T. C. Kept 0 (pF \V nro atillierisetl la hontHlßee HEN MV (i. IE4 ISS :is a enntli.luU’ lor re-elrriien It> the f.leth “hip of the Superior Eniirt of Bibb C"""tv. [) ;■ We are authorized to annotinoo 15EN J (MIN R WARNER, “ J a caiulitlute for ('lnk ol the Superior Court of this eounly. June 14 John Si’itiNot.n, 1 a eaiulidate for Sherill of llibh Coiintv. [| JOSKI'II J. IIOI.I.EMAN i” a enndiduto for re-eleel -on a* Clerk ul the Inferior Court of llibb county. May 15 ‘’ |1 , WRItiHT NEF.l.i* n randiJate for Clerk of the Inferior < ‘ourt of Jlibli Cnmity. 25 (r r We are nnlhiiri.e.l 10 nmmiinoe DANIEL WADSWORTH It” It candidal.’ (or Tax Collector of Bibb Comity. •• *y >*-• _ j 8 We are nnthorbrd to immanye (JFflßtiK W. E 1.1.15. it” u euiidiih.le IttrClcik ol if"’ Siiprrior l ourt of Bildi County, ut I lie cnauiiig election 11 “ Wo are authorised noutiee THOMAS M SELF n a civi Vdat. for.Mur>hnl. O. t 5 J'J (FT We are utit’inri'.ed lo nnri'iiinee rL * ‘ IS tl. 1 TAPLF.V im a cimdiJntc for Tux Rc.-voer oillihbl County. u *•’ ‘ MACON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, I Ai: W E 5 ASi s<: 18 Y . riHIE citizens are rcspertfully informed that the BAR a ERY i* now in full operation, and the suiiscribor -olirits that it may he tried, to prove that by patronising if, there will be found to he kcdnomy to every bouse kcejicr. ‘J'lia articles ma nil fact it red shall always lie of the very best materials,und uconstant endeavor to pious* both the rye and nutate. F.RESII BRL Yl) every morning, at f> o'clock, trhivh trill be sent to the customers , when requested , by tearing ! their names at the Hake-house, i , E , ‘**h Rl SK, BISCI IT, ami n great variety of TEA ■ CAKE, every evening at f> o’clock, at the Bake-house. I LAKES of every description or quantity made to J order. QjT Parties or Families supplied ut short notice. C. A. HIGGINS. ! N. B.—Persons wishing to bo supplied daily with j bread, are requested to coll ut the Bake-house, (In rear i of the Central Hotel,) and leave their names, and obtain Tickets , to obviate the difficulty of making change. Oct 1 * 2 w 38 f ( \ IIHDS. 8t Croix Sugar, 8 V “ Id bids Cordials, *■- *ji ca.-dvs M aluga Wine, 4 pipe t ug. Brandy, *1 qr “ Madeira do. |do < ‘bain. do. 2 pipes Hol’d Gin, 12 bids Mononguhelu. Whiskey, fid bids No. 3 Mackerel, 3 do prints Pork, 3ti boxes Raisins, 30 do sup Balt. Flour, 10 Starch, 25 bags Cuba Coffee, 25 bags Java Coffee, 5000 Castings, 15000 lbs. Iron, j 150 pieces heavy Hemp Bagging, 42 inches, For sale on consignment, by J. GODDARD & CO. I Oct 4 FOR. SALE. fj|3IIE small House on Cotton Avenue, nt present oe ■ cupied by C. (J. St. John as n jewelry store. Also tor sale, an experienced Cook Woman. Apply to <>ct 11 33 JAMES A. NISI;ET, I WWW €A9H IVORS, fIMIFi subscribers having entered into copartnership, EL their business will be conducted at that well . known stand corner Cherry and second ts. under the name und style of WIIVIV A SHANNON. They will be receiving from the North a well selected | and general assortment of Di’y-Gonds, Hardware. Groceries Ac which, in iuhlition to their present sto<*k, will make ii complete, ‘They flatter themselves that tl.ev will be i able to sell on us good terms as can be afforded in ibis market, JNO. I). WINN. C. J. SHANNON. Oct 3 32 McI>OWAItI„hIIAXXOX .V CO. ACTHI.S and COMMISSION MerchnnU, Boyce Sl Co’*, wharf Clinrlc*lon H. (fornlina. WINN & SH ANNON ) Agents 51 a cun Ga. Oct. 5. 32 Wat lies, Jewelry, Silver Ware and PAWCY GOODS, mil ihc lowest prices. G. St. JOHN, Watch * J • Maker and Jeweler, Cotton •yAvenue, opp<site the W’ashing- A ton Hall, respectfully informs his friends ami the public tlmt he i* y now opening u new und spleudid /Svl In iSKS asuorlmeiit oT ivi'Wsitclies A Jewelry, ofthe best quality and latest fash ions, consisting in parr of the following articles, viz: ladies tu.l gentlemen’* Gold Duplex, Patent Lever, Au thor Escapement ami Lepine Watches: Silver I’utcnt ; Lever, Lepine and Blaiu Watches; ladies’ fine Gold Ourli, Guard, Basket and Cable Chain*; Wateh Hooks, Seals auk Kevs; Swivels, Finger Rings, Ear Rings nml Broaches; children’s Ear Knob* and Wires; gentle men's Curb and Linked Guard and Fob Chains, Seals Keys, Swivels, Sleeve Links, Bosom and Collar Buttons, Breast Bins, Finger Kings, Guard Seals and Kevs, Mc dalions, Gold and Gilt Buckles, Silver and Scotch Snuff* Boxes, Gold and Silver Ever-pointed Pencils, Silver and Gilt Bracelets, (Jilt, Silver and Shell Combs, Gold and Silver Thimbles, Gold, Silver and Steel Spectacles with glasses to suit •very eye; Seed Coral, Large Coral, Co ral Necklaces, Bead Bags, Chains and Purse*, a variety | of cut and plain Beads, Spv Glasses, Quizing Glasses, Pocket Books, Emory Cushion*,(.'nrd and Cigar Cases, I fc Sons’, and Wade ifc Butcher’s Razors, Pen and Pocket i Knives,Emerson’s Razor Streps, Scissors, Dirks. Chess Men and Boards, Backgammon Boards, Dice, Dominoes, Steel Pens, Walking Canes, Pistols, Powder Flasks, Shot Pouches, Game Bags, Ootto of Roses, Cologne, Lavender and Florida Wuter, Fancy Soap, Lip Salve, Pearl and ‘Tooth Powder, Flutes, Flage detts, Accordi ons, Shell Music Boxes, Large Music Boxes, to play j from 3 to 12 tunes, Fiddles and Fiddle Strings, Gentle men’s Dressing Cases, Hair and Tooth Brushes, Bir mingham and Sheffield Sivcr plated Castor*, Liquor Stands,Candle Stick*, Branches, Fruit Baskets, Snuffers •and Snuffer Trays,'Ten Trays, Silver Table, Tea, Des j sort, Suit, Mustard and Cream Spoons, Soup Ladle*, ! Sugar Tong* and Butter Knives; Marble, Ehonv nnd Alabaster .Mantle Clocks to run eightccu days without ; winding. .Ililitary mitt .Unitary ’Trimittgs, and a variety of other articles usually kept in his line, all of which he will sell at the lowest cash prices. He respectfully invites citizens and persons generally visit ing our city to cull at hi* store and examine his stock, | where lie is ever ready and happy to attend to those who may favor him with their.calls. N. B.—Particular attention paid to Watch repairing. Having selected the best of materials for repairing ’ Watches, he is now prepared to manufacture any part of a Watch, and will warrant every pici e he makes ns perfect ns the original, and his Watches to perform well. 1 .Macon, Nov 2 x HO j 7IHIF. Subscriber is n.\V re -6 iir A ceiving his fall ami winter ! y supply of Goods, which cousti-| tales a stock in hi* line superi- | I lise's. <i to any ever before offered in L this market, and inferior to none ! \ , for gcfOtlness of quality, superi L 9 or workmanship or variety of j style in the United States. llis stock consists of Ladies and Gentlemen’s Gold Patent Lever Watches ofthe approved maker’s A!. f. ‘Tobias *!k Cos. Robt. Ros- ! kell. Jos. Johnson. John Moncns and Litlierlund Davis 1 Cos. Gold l.nglish Anclior esi 1 Watches, (hutwere nlade to ord r and adj Hied to suit the outh eiii climate. Gold add |<ephtc Watches, SiKer patent Lever Lenine, English and Verge Watches; La dies Curl), Guard, Basket and cable Chains ; Watch Hooks; Souls am! Key* • Swivels; Finger Rings; Ear Kif'gs; Britachc* and Childreb’sKnob*and Wires; Gen tlemen’* Guard, Curb, and Linked Chains ; Seals : Keyfrj Swivels; Bosom Buttons* Sleeve and Collar Buttons; Breast-pin* and Finger-rings; .Medalions, pearl and jet CresiM’n; Silver Buckles, Gold, Silver & Pearl Snnlf Boxes ; Gold and Silverorerperinted Pencil ( ’uses; .Miniature Cases; Bracelets; (iilt, Silver, Plated, und Shell Comb* ;Gold and Silver Thimbles; Gold, Silver & ■ steel templed Spectacles with glasses to suit every age or near sight; Seed Coral; huge ('oral; ('oral Neckla ces ; head lings, do Chain*, do. Purses ; a variety of Beads,Spy Glasses; Quizzing Glasses; Microseopes; Spur Grotto; Tea Caddies; Pocket Books; Indcuihle Ink; Emory Cushions; Rattles; Whistles Teething Rings; Corset Rings; Steel Busks; portable Ink-stands; Portable Writing-desks; Curd mid Cigar ('uses; visiting Curd*; imitation Fruit; Lucifer Mutches ; Fire Machines Battle Doors and Shuttle Cocks, Grace* Fencing Foils, Mask -and Gloves , Rogers At Son’s Razors; pen and pocket Knives; C. Emerson’* Razor Straps'Scissors, I)irkr; Glazier’s Diamonds; seal Stamps, Chess -inftli; Biickgaintnon Boards, Dice, Dominoes, Steel Pros, Fire Fenders, And Iron**, Shovel und Tong*, sheet Brass, Brass Wire, Scales .m l Weight*, Surveyor# Compasses, Mathematical Instruments. Astrel Lamps, large suspend ing Lamps, Lump Glasses, Caudle Shades, Looking Plates, Thermometer*, walking Cane*, (inns, Pistols, Pi; to) Belts, Powder Flasks. Shot Poucke*. game Bags, Gold nnd Silver Leaf, Dental Instrument*, Gold and Tin Foil, Wigs, Toupetts,Bl ades of Hair, Rolls and Curls, <)tto of Roses, Cologne, Lavender, and Flori da Water; Musical Instrument*, consisting of Me.** and ! Kettle Drums, Fifes, Flutes, Flageletts, Claroiictt*, Ac : cord bill's (a now instrument,) Shell Music Boxes, and ■Yfu'sie Boxes to nlny 12 tunes; Birmingham and Sheffield Silver plated ( .istms, Liquor Stand*, (fondle Stick*, Branches, Waiter#,Tea Truvs, Fruit Baskets, Snuffers mid Snuffer ’Truvs, Silver Cups, Pitchers, ‘Table Tea Desert Salt, Mmitardand Cream Spoon*, Soup I.miles, Sugar Tong#, Butler Knives, Pickle Knives nnd Forks, Sugar Seoujvs and Fish Knives, Mantle and Mahogany ci ,r ht da v Clocks. A good stock of ! of now st vie, Milch a* i* now loming rn use with tho army imd.'r n rcff'it rostilutinu. II Vi trniaf.rrs Tonis anti.Uatmats, lic.iiiU'” muiili’ otherHitfilt"*j “11 ufwliicli lie will srll vc |ry low, thrHii’*brnmirovetl I'ltpef. lie invit.-s i It"! pt'l'st",” aoiti'ri'llv, ’ i'il'"tr ° nr eitv, to l ull ut hi” ; Store “I"! oxa'iiiiie lit” Stork, tvhi'ra lie i” t-vor ratuly “till li, i„ attend to tlioiowliomay favor him with their iMlik. \\ M. H. JOHNS TON. N It. Partiiuilar “tie'tiun |>"itl to XViitch ii'|"iiri>ic. — lluviun"’ ■i I'l — ’ “|i|"'Ovotl anil i'<|>erit'"ft'tl worktn.'U, Itit.l l"'i”' r preptt.• -I 1” “"""'filft""’ “11 tl"’ |"" ol I inovcituil fj* VV’titcli, bn “ill w.'iriint every p.t't o hr H-.Ues ns perfect the original nnd Ins \\ au hes to ier i form W. n. V’ J Mart'll, Nov .'0 rraw cools. I he subacr.bcr is offering a genciul and well selected stock of Staple ami Fancy nn\* Hints & GBKK JiCFi'S, ON the most liberal terms, ut J. & W. Baldwin’s old stum), corner of Cotton Avenue and Cherry streets. Country merchants, planter*, und others are respectfully solicited to call. Some of the hading ariirhs are, 500 pieces Prints,3oo piece* printed .Muslins, 120 plain and figured Muslins, 3j piece* fancy Silks, 100 pieces English ami French MurinoeslOO Irish Linen, 135col’rd Eicon, 40 piece* Broadcloth, 90piece* milled Cnsimere, *OO suits Summer Clothing, 200 Cloth ami Cnmblct Coats,2so Cloth and Camblet Pants, 200 Satin and .Mar scills \ eats, 200 pieces Mosquito Netting, 50 pieces blue J< uns, 17 pieces Georgia Nauke<fii,so pieces Osnaburgs, 00 pieces do (’otlon, 2000 bleach'd ami brown Domestics, 10 pieces Sail Duck, 10 jriece* Pudding, 40 lb* Sewing Silk, 200 doz. Spool Cotton, 310 doz Cotton Ifdkfs, 10 piece* Bed ‘Tick, 2500 prs Boils and Shoes, 0 doz. Calf ■ mi! Kipp Skins, 100 side* upjyr Lent her, 2000 lbs sole feather, 300 lbs Shoe Th ed.T eati * Hats, 0 boxes gen -1 iciiien s Siiddltif, 1 box ge!it’aKn tr !!*b Shlillp. 2 Ihypj 1 Ladies’ Sadilb'*, 2500 bushel) Suit, 200 bugs Coffee, 40 | libds. Sugar,3C bid* Loaf aid Lump Sugar, 100 pieces 1 Hemp Bugging, 500 lbs Twile, 05 coils bail Rope, 20 j coils cable Rope, 27 doz weeding Hoes, 70 N. E. Rum, 711 hbls \ (Jin, 10 pipe* Holla/id Gin, 10 do Cog. Brandy, • > hlids Jamaica Ruin,2o cask* ('ordiuls, 100 qr casks as sorted Wines, 10 pipes tine Madeira, 5 pipes fine Port, Champagne Wine and Cider in baskets, 4 pipes Peach Braude, lii crates Crocke/y assorted, for the country trade, Chitm, I’ca and dinitrg set*, 10,000 American Ci gars, 100,000 Spanish do, 20,000 Principee do, GO demi iolms Light Dark, Gold, Wierrv, Metlom VV'ines, very su perior, 500 reams (.'up Pqpcr, 125 kegs Nails, 25 English 1 Anvils, Bellow*, Ha in piers, JOO prs Pi.-tols, 25 double barrelled Fowling Pieces, Almonds, Filberts, I Brazil Nuis, Spices, ground Pepper and Ginger, Gun powder, Black, and Ivsnn Ten*. Muny other articles too numerous to paricularize. JOHN J. BENNETT. May 22 J3 ]\’s-:vr r E'4>rß4: or PAIL A ICE WIKTTEP. GGC3S. F HII IE subscriber* hive just received and will be ro ll reiving, n full assortment of nil kinds of Dry Goods suited lo the fal and winter seasons. Also A large stock of GROCERIES. Also Hardware, Siudlery, Hut*, Shoes and Boots of i all kinds, Bagging, SHf, Iron, &c. &c., all of which will ! be sold on the best terns. Planters mid merehwt* from tlie country would do well te call and exainitc their stock. O” The highest nnikct price will he paid for good cotton. HARWELL &, OBEAIL Mneon, Sept 20 Gni3o GROC ERIES Ac. fTT IIE Subscriber* offer* for sale nt O’Cnlingans old 3 stand on Cherry Street, two door* from Cotton Avenue. ‘The following articles. J 1,000 lb*. Casting, 30 Kegs Cut Nail*, TOO lbs. Bar [.end, 150 ns. heavy Hemn Bagging, 40(foil* Bale Rope, 2(mlbs Bagging Twiue, 15 Boxes Starcli, 50 j Boxes Raisins, 10 Bids. Almonds, 10bbls. Eng. Walnuts, 10 Boxes Brown Havatmah Sugar 20 Boxes Sperm Candle*, 20 do Tallow’ Candles, 70 Bid*. N0.3 Mackerel. 50 Bags Rio Coffee, 50 Bags Cuba ('offer, 30 pcs. Blankets, alloi w hich together with a general stock of Dry Goods, ■ Shoes, Hats, Hardware and Crockery will be sold at moderate priccs- MUN9OX &MAULDF.N. Macon July 27 1837. 22tf _ NSW GOODS. fUST received bv the Subscribers, at the stand re- 1 centlv occupied by Messrs. Rea & Cotton, (Cotton Avenue,) large assortment of seasonable (rOODS. comprising Dry (foods, Groceries, Hardware, Ready- | made Clothing, Boots and Shoes—Among! which uic: j Black Silks, Silk Velvets, Spittalfield, Pongee, Flag,Blk. 1 Silk, and Bandanna Handkerchiefs, Linen Cambric and Cambric do., Fancy Handkerchiefs and Shawls, Irish j Linens, Brow n Linens, Linen Sheetings, Frcneli Towels, Birds-cyc Diaper, Cotton do., Calicoes, Circassians, White and colored Cambrics, Camhnc Muslins, Bleach- ; ed Sheetings and Shirtings, Long Cloths (a superior ar ticle,) Brown Sheetings and Shirtings, Brown und Blue Jeans, Bed Tickings, ('hecks, Blue Homespuns, Satti-, netts, White nml Red Flannels, an assortment of Blank- i ets, Gentlemen’s Lambs Wool Half Hose, Brow n Cotton -n ., Trim, Xi>,., Dhu K Wwi.-tv.Ol Hose, White Colton rto., Drown tfo. an., nmulom ao., | Plain colored do., Ribbed do.. Silk and Gingham l in brcllas. Cloth Petersham, SattinetL, Blanket,and Kersey ) Over Coats, Dress ('oats, Round Jackets, \ r csts, Pimrn loons, Red nml White Flannel Under-shirt*, Striped, Gingham, and Calico Shirts, Flannel, und Canton Flan nel Draws, Cravats and Stocks—Also, a large assort ment of Negro ClolUliliy, suitable for Boat hands. St. Croix, Porto Rico ami lVew-()rlcans Sugars, Loaf nml Lump do., Trinidad Molasses, Rio, Cuba, and Java j Coffee, Imperial Gunpowder, Hyson, Anting Hyson and j Blue k Teas. Chocolate, Fresh linisrns. soft shelled Al- * inonds, ('itron, Nutmegs, Cassia, f.ondon Mustard, Ca pers, Olives, Pickles in Jars, Olive Oil, Sperm and Train Oil, Sperm Candles, Brown Soup, Water, Butter, Pack et and Sugar Crackers in Barrels and Kegs, Pilot Bread, 1 Cider, Vinegar, White Wine do.,Champaignc Wine ( An chor Brand.) Cl.nmpaigne Cider,N. E. Rum, Gin, AVhis- i key, Principe and Spanish Cigars—Also, 100 Piece* j Long Hemp Heavy Dundee Bagging, 20coils Bale Rope, | 200 lb. Twine,and 1000 lb.Cheese* all of which will be , sold at low prices for cash, at wholesale or retail. BOARDMAN He COLLINS. Dec. !4 _____ 42 v 3COS BIWBI WGr. finHE suhscrihcrs would iuforfn their friends and eus- B iomer* the Bindery is now in operation, and order* will be received for ruling and making Blank Books of • any description : also printed books rebound with ncat- I ues and despatch. Specimens ot their ruling can l>o seen nt cither of the bunk*. GRIFFIN fc PURSE. i N. B.—All kinds of PRINTING executed as uimve. Oct 4 if 32 PRATT’S NIPPLE SHIBLBS. rjlllF. Medical ('ollegc of Georgia, at Augusta, have I given their opinion of the simerioritv of Dr. Pintt’a 1 Xipple Shield to any tiling else hitherto otiered for the same purpose, w hich opinion can he presented, iffocTes’ > snrv, to p!\ aiiansund others. The opinion of Dr. Baber i am!other jiltysieians in Macon, who lia\e examined the iiistruincni, aceonts w ith that.of I)L Deiveea and the Med- j !if a l College of (icorgiu. ‘J’be instrument is for sale in Macon hv the subscriber only, price $5, with printed rection*. H. LOOM IS, Sign of thf dot den Mortar, .1/ other ry st. CERTIFICATE OF DR. DEWEES. “Dr. Elijah Pratt: Dear Sir—As I feel it a matter of much public importance toposaesfi it jueniis of lessening the terrible sufferings of sore nip pies, 1 have milch pleas ure in be mg able to nay that toe Shield” you offer for ■ the preventing und the cure of this malady, i* better ad I aiited to this purpose than any I have heretofore seen. 1 In the two or three instances! have known them to be used, much satisfaction has been expressed: and I have no hesitation to Indieve it will generally succeed. lam *0 well pcrsuadtid of this ut tlm*. moment, that 1 cannot fori tear to express a wish thatuurcity through the various anothacuries may bo supplied w ith them. I am yours, Ac. Wai. I*. Dlwef.S. Philadelphia, 13th Jan. 1833. i WAIM’S PANACEA, SwnhrT* Vermifuge, Superior Mustard,fresh .Sweet Oil, Fresit Castor Oil, fresh I Lucy, Fresh Jujube Paste, Bath Scouring Brick/ Howell’s ‘TetterOintment. Butler’s Effervescing Magnesia, Saponaceous ('ompoond, Fancy Soaps, Otto of Rose, Sal Aeratus. ‘The above, with n variety o.’articles in the line, just 1 received mid for sale by J. 11. & • s ' LI.LIS, Nov 10 Cotton Avenue. f 1411 E subscriber” liutt’ now lam nearly two veur” re- j l ottalilialii'il ut their old “land,(forint'll;. Ellis, Mint- . well, ,N Cos.) corner .Mulberry anti Third “treel", oppo site the hriek tavern, Macon. Their “t'M'k ol attics .i.-rn .rn.ait t.b rs CaiutS Oil, t.lwss, Ac. which is now very large, will be. com tan fly replenished . to meet the increasing demand. Arrung* nicnt* have been made with importers met dealers in Drug* and Chemicals, in Now-1 ork, Boston, Philadelphia,.>n Lai* timore, tube furnished at all timed with new preparations | and the most choice nnd ten nine articles known to tin’ trade. The increase of facilities afforded merchant# of iiii* city by our onferprizing steam boat companies, iu the transportation of produce nnd merchandise enable# iliein to offer great inducement* so mcivlmnls, planters, and others, to lav in their nuppfrc# at Maeon. April2o *3 11. & J. SHOTW ELL. faints ani Oils. fl 06 KEGS White Lead, 150 gallons Linseed Oil I 30 guls Whale. Oil, 100 do Lamp do 150 do Spirit* Turjrcutinr, Copal Vnrnish, T urniture Varnish. Litharnce, ( hrome Yellow, ('liromo Green, Umber, Ivory Black, Prussian Blue. Vermillion, India Red, Paris Green, Vemigris, Smalt* nil color.'*, white Frosting,\ endian Red, Spanish Itruw a, It. .1 I . i.l, Vt-lltiw Ot ltrc, W hiting, Eluo uml ((..1.1 lenl,jsliecoiiednntl f.uLi"l” hv til U?) ES CAMPBEI.!., Pirr-proof built)in;,cornorol Mulfiviiy tuitl “1r Nov 0 14,1 W-Jifinml lliuiU Doit's. ‘*•’ f Ll# a few thousand dollar* in note* of the Ucntrul Bunk, for which a liberal premium will he paid. Apply to Sept 1 1 23 REA iV. COTTON. B EXCIIAMJME. fi.LS on New \ ork at sight, for sale bv °’ 4 HEA A COTTON 834! iials! Hat*! Rp,.,, IWO. 1 WO. A. KISWCBSKLY t.HI l.t 11’ ULI.V snlit its (lie iittontioiiof purclins "rs to it very Inrgs nssortmont nl'llfils iliul f .iips, tvliicli have Iteen matin l>v him, expresslv for mill are warralltnl to lit; of bettor iiitality tliai, any ever before olTereil in Macon. Aimriie his uisortmcnt tnay be font'll .S'lja-r fasliionnhle hlttckand tlrnlt Ilraver Hals. (10. broad brims do. do. for elderly men. do. sash, and broad brim Satin Beaver, do. do. do do. bl’k .N. drab Russia bearer-. ” <*dinin A: narrow brims,Otter, Nutrio,Muskrat. Ijucijoon and RabSiit Hats of every variety ofshnjie j V outh’* am! children's Beaver and Satin Beave Ilut* | (latest style.) Fur atua Cloili Caps. Super No. I Otter Caps, do. No. 1, Seal, Mink, Muskrat andCloth, do. Men sand Boy*’ full top Broad Cloth. *°* ‘m* do. Robinson do. do. f J°* **>. do. acorn top, Colette do. do. child ten’s fancy silk Cups (new patterns.) Ladies mid Aliases Fur Capes. Super Chinchilla Pelerine*. Capes nnd Muff*. Ermine, Gannett, Sable and Sw'un*down Oupe*,Peler ines, Muf]* and Ruffs. A good assortment of Hat Trimmings. Alcohol and Shellaek. !! T tints ami Caps Made to order at short notice. Oct 35 \Vl\l>OW GUSS, V T }{ by 10, 10by 12, !2hv 18,12 bv Iff. h*o, Putty, W bite 1 .rad, Linseed (til, I .amp Oil, Spirits Turpentine, with various Oil and Water Colors, Brushes, fcc.just received und for snlo by J. 11. .V W. S'. ELLIS. Nov 17 Cotton Avenue. POR. S ATjEJ 0 (RID lbs. B\('()\, 10,000 lb*. Lard* 0! JjX rl rl 7 nhds. St. (’mix Siigaraupcriorquality 50 bags Coffee, 45,0001bs Sweeds Iron, 100 kegs Nails assorted, 2 o hlida. choice Mola**e*, 1.50 whole und half bbls ('anal and Richmond Flour 5 pipe* pure Holland (i in und C. Biand} , w urrunt’d pured and 3year* old, 20 bid*, old Monongabebi Whisky, sth proof, 75 bid*, pure Rum, ami2o do Gin, Together with various other article* suited to the City and country trade, which will bo .sold on ua good term* ua the uiurket will justify. DAVII) RALSTON. April fi. 6 TTTT ’e. b 7 wees> OFFERS for sale 6 tons round and square bar Iron, ft tons English and American Hollow Wares 1 ton hoop Iron, 2000 lbs. German, Blister nnd Cost iSteel, 200 kegs cut Nails, 0000 li>*. w rought spikes, 100 cast Ploughs, 1 ton plough Moulds, 30 sets Blacksmith’s Tool*. 4000 lbs. Hook Hinges, 1000 lb*, sad Irons, 2000 lbs. Manilla Rope, 1000do*/.. Carolina Hoes, GOO pair Ttuce Chains, 10 barrels Plaster, 20 doz. C. Axes. Dee 20 43_ II VE and LET LIVE just received and lor sale by I J GRIFFIN .V PURSE. Sept 18 30 j CIItTiVCII AL STROKcr. A T their old and well known stand XjL sign of the “ Big Boot,” are now receiv ins further supplies of Boot* ami Shoe* which makes their assortment : complete, and to which they respect fully solicit the attention of u!l wishing to make good ■ bargain*. Their aaportinent of Negro Shoe* is much larger than 1 in any former year, nml they feel confident that in quali ty and prices their stock will not suffer iu comparison 1 with any. Planters and others are respectfully requested to call I Pi* 4 ‘ 32 : IXIs >1! \9 V l AL. ~ THE SuliAcrihertf have removed so the brick Building, formerly occupied by Elia* BcullaV Cos., next door from flic Wnshingffon Ifnl'l. GEORGE \Y. PRICE & Cfo- Oef 5 :?‘2 i n(H.L * \ G 4m i!%’•—Two pipes first qualify Holland Gin, for sale by Sept2G 30 REA & COTTON, | HA(OA, LBS Bacon suitable for family use, consist ingof Hums, shoulder* and side*, for sale by i Oct 4 REA Sc COTTON. * IKON, BACON, Ae. &eT riIHE undersigned have on hand for sale, at wholesale j JL or retail, 00,000 lbs. Swedes Iron assorted sizes, 12,000 lb® choice Georgia cured Bucon, 4.5 bluU* prime Molnsse*, 200 pieces heavy llcmp Bugging, Salt, Sugar, Coffer, Teas, foreign und domestic Liquors, Wines, <fcc. Sa*. Also expected to receive from Boston ad New York lunfew day*, a general assortment of staple Drv Goods, Hardware,Sliocs, Hats, Bonnet*, Saddlerv, vVe Ar. WAI. B. PARKER &. CO. Mneon, Sept 28 31 no n 1 xsox, TVKiuii'r a to, H.4VK just received, ami offer lor sale on moderate terms, 5 iii. S|mnixh < iii'rs, 9 in Piinrroccs dfi. 40 l’nxes Ittooni Raisin., 40 do. Cider, 40 do. Sperm Candles, 1000 Ills, llotdde refined Lonf Snc.*r, 30 Rse:sßio(\(tTee, 30do. l.nßniiH <|n, 10 lids. PnrttirieoSutrttr,s do. St. Croix ite, Alsou splendid assortment of stnplc nml (uiicy I?iy (joods, wltielt will lie eoldut reduced prices. March 29. 5 A Spi’iiiß :ml SmniiK'r C lolliini;. i&.N extensive iissorttncnljnst n'ri'ived mid for sale hv WM. 11. UUUDSAI.I. ‘ May lft I*2 eiAXo-toitas. S'vVKRAI. of 11. Nunns, Clerk vVCo’s. make,just re ceived and for sale bv j |fee 20 43 ‘ WIU.I AM FORT & CO. BOTANIC IL 41IIIUOMN. UAYUKRRV BARK powdered, itenfloek hark powdered, I’rickley Ash, do. tlo. Oolden ScAl (i64vdcfctl, Wild Cherrv do. do. Nervine do. 1 W hite I’tnid I.illev, l*n|ilar Berk do. I,(ili<lm(h .ili) ’ Slippery Elm bark powd’rtl | Indian Titruip, l,helia Seed, Indian Sage, Skunk Cahlutyc, ilalnmny or Uiltcr Rmit, Oiilileii Thrrtid, iium Myrrh, Sitmaek lliivk, Hiller Sweet, Cayt iuio I'e|iper Afrie.n, Just received and for sale hv 11. &J. SIIOTWF.I.I.. | April 20 1 RAUGIKG. f nn.v riF.CES Hemp Uetreintr, for sale bv I Ut Ml HEA Si. COTTON. U_ | OsboruS I’hiloiokt'n nj;t I'emfilc’s I'rii'ii*. I CAN assure the pulilie that the Prill otokfx is com posed of veyelidile matters tint up in a skillful mnn ! nor, nnd eonteins tiothiujr wltielt ean prove detrimental t or injurious to the human system, under any circum -1 stances. Fi-mules, I inn aware, soiTer niuclt nt such j times, in perfect silence, their peculiarly deli rale situation ; hut I am happy tW the fairer tc.c can j liiul in the H'liii.oToKr.'’ a safe anil sure remedy in stieli eases, without the mortifv iue net'essily ol making know u . to their otlrndii'K phv sieiitn their siluation. lam, sir, very respcetfullv,a well-wisher to vour vnl- I nahletiu'dieine. * A. UOCKWKLI., M. B. October, Ki 2. ! For sale hv J. 11. Se W. S. 1,1.1,1S Agents. Sept lii ‘ CUWTIIAL HOTSXr. Tl l E uiidersiened amitiuneea to ‘lie imli- lie that he t'tken the ahovd HOTRI,. JJ“ *t T itjs tiow limlereuin* tl complete and (lor -11 11 kt%f ongh repair, with iinpnrteut alterations; irv sMESEsfI. eonsetpicneo til which, it will not he iu ornate order, for the reception of company, lietorc the | tilth of October: nt wliieli time lie will ho prepared to ‘ ns eiaat aecommodation as call he found if (he Southerneotintrv. N'AHJ’. Mat 611, sept ‘.’7 JSTOTICB. riAIIF. St fill ton Cot tvr of the county of Jones is I ailjiinnietl lo it on tile seeiiml Monday In December next, jurors, U inn se-. Parties and I’ersons interest ed are notified of the htmic thnt lliey mtiv atlein 1 neeord i,,;•. JOHN J. BEASLEY C!h. I Oct ta “"^4 VOIjUUIE XV.—lo. 36. * a |* !lll< * Winter Clolliiii^ 9 At the Macon Clothing Store, one door above Wm. D. Johnston*s Jewelry Store. Till IE ft abac riber i* now receiving hi* Fall an*l Win -■ *er stock of (which him been noihiil'ae tnrinl by I.ewis l itch the past summer,) ami which will lie sold till ns cheap for cash, us ut any other establish ment, consisting i,| *upcr Black, Blue, Brown, Green, Invisible Green mill Claret Dress Coats. Soper Black, Blue, Brown, Green, Invisible dreen, Claretand Mixed Frock Coats. Brown, (*roen, Mixed and Cadet mixed Contees. I ine Blue, Black, (ireon, Brown and Mixed Punt’s. Super ribbed, striped, corded nml plaid Cassimere do. Benverleen, Cord and I.ion Skill Pantaloons, Super Blue, Brown, Green, Mixed and Drab Over Coats. Goal's Hair nnd Germnn Camblet Wrapper do. fientlemeii’s super Blue, Black and Invisible Green Broadcloth Cloak*. Gentlemen's Brown and Blue Goat’s Ilnir Camblet Cloaks, Ladies’ super Olive, Crceti nnu Ciaret Broadcloth Cloaks* I.tidies’ figured Merino, plain do. A Circassian Cloaks. Super Blue nnd Pilot Cloth Over Coots. Drub, Blue nml Olive Dußlc Over Coots; I.ion Skin and (Been Blanket Over Coats; Kentucky Jeans Frock Cunts and Pantaloons; Cloth, Satinet, Petersham and Beaverteen Hunting Coats; Cloth und Satinet Bound Jackets, Black and Bine Cloth, black figured and plaid Velvet plain and figured English Silk, dark Valent in, Toilinct Woolen Velvet, black nnd striped Satin, Bombazine i filmy Velvet, and Satinet Vests. Fine l.inoiinnd Chiton Shirts, plaid and striped Obi 1 ” l"im Shirts, Silk, Ojttrm, Merino patent nnd lamb Wool Shirts, nett cotton nnd w oolen, ifunnel Canton, (latino and twilled cotton Drawers. M 001, Lamb’s Wool, patent Merino and brown Cotton Halt Hose. l'iue Wool, Buck, Horneskin, Beaver, White Kid, I.iennd Berlin, l.i-io thro ail, black, white and colored Silk Gloves. Black and white Silk Half Hose; Russian Belts, Money Bells, nett, worsted nnd Cotton, Bilk end Cum Suspenders; Cravats nrd Cravat Stiltners, Silk and Gingham Unihrellus, Bombazine, Satin- Velvet plain and plcted Stocks, blue, black and white crimped Silk Stocks, Spitulliehl, English Silk, red und yellow Ban danna, white anti red Pongee Silk Pocknt Handkerchiefs, plain and milled Bosoms, Collurs, Purses, Cloth, Fur tttitll In ir Settl Skin ('aps, Wool lints, a large assort meat of Fur Hats, Silk Hate, Boots and Shoes, n good stock ol Negro Clothing; also line blue and black Cloths, Canvass, Padding, gilt and lasting Buttons, Cotton Wad ding, Military Bail Buttons, Cortl, Tassels, Stars, T.aec, Epnblettst&c.&e. HORACE FITCH. Gentlemen wishing their deaths made at the North, will, by leaving their names nie, have them made in the best manner, and must fashionable style. 11. F. Nov I ’ ;ti; ’ BiitfoaT MEDKCIIVEB4 Arc. A fresh suppty just rertired bn s.m.ei \\. s. MASONIC Hit,. COTTON AVENUE. Comprising a large and complete .jssnriment—together with a great variety of miscellaneous .Trticlcs. Hi):;Mi Anog which are the following: Sulphate Quinliio, (French) Acetate Morphine,lodine Acctajp Arid, Citri; Arid, Prussic Acid, Tartaric Acid’ AniuiT7iiia,d(). Arinon Spt*. Antimonialal’ulv., V( ratline, j Srtyclmine, Ematine, Rhubarldiie, Cioton Tigulim, Se i cnle ('ornutimi, Oil Sinnpine.OilCamliiuidinc, P) rolyg | neon* Arid, Hydriotate Putasta. Pcperiue. Oil Illnrk | Pepper, Irish Mom, M tisk,Chloride Soda, Chloride Lime, | Citrated Kali, Mustard inpol*,Oj)iuniDenarcotied,Cy* anuret Pol**iuin, Oornp Tniiir Lxtract, Garrageen Pre ’ par’d, Comp Ext Spiirelia, Blue Mu**, Precip Extract Bark, Peruvian Jhuk,Cali*iya Bark,Toxa Ifork. Red Burk, j ('amomile Flower*, Senna, Uva Ursi, Horehoinid, Sapc, Africa Cayenne, Buyherrv B.tik J’ulv., Blood Koot,Col chictftn Pulv, Golden Seal, Slipery Elm powdered, tiua*- sia* Gentian Powdered, Cort Arnut powdered, I -oheJi** and Seed. Hemlock, Skunk Cabbage, Squills, Gamboge, Me/.eri.itn, Hop*. AlUnnnet Hoot,Cort Cupcurilla, Sas safras Seed, Ladies Slipper, Golden Thread, Sulrou, Cin namon Bark, Pulv Ginger Race (linger, Curcuma, Mus tard Seed Alh. Mace, Clover, Nutmeg*, Caraway Seed, Coriander Seed, Auni*rcd, Arrow Root Aqua Fortie, . Hotiiuuu’s Aiuulvtif Ituiiu, I’iiwlt. I nutl, . j lilur, rttoiiT*, Juniper Berries, Cuhehs, Oxide liisnmtn, Ilec* Wax Burjrundav Pilch, Balsam Copiva, Pai*am j Ifoln, Balsam Peru, Black Drop, Cantharidcs, Cohalt, 1 (, ( ourt Plfis'cr, Cocultis Imlincus, Corosivo | Sublimate, fresh (fosfor Oil, do Sweet Oil,Charcoal Pulv. j Cork* Velvet, Calomel, Autituonv, Aloe*, Rheubarh, Ja j lap, Diiritali*, Opium, Prepared Chalk, Aeitatc Lead, Acilate ('unri, A itate Zinc, Arsenate Potassuc, Phos phate S'otbi, Ether Sulpljuricuin, Ether Nitric, Nitrate j Silver, Nitrate Potassae, Phosphate Iron, Sulphate Iron, j Sulphate i'otash, Kulphale S<dn, Sulphate Mag-nosia, j jorute Soda, Phtrsphonis, M*lollll Flake, Oipitmenr IH de ; Pola**a, Ointment lodvne, Ointment Veratriue, Ointua nt itchjOxydeMercury,Ext Jalnn, do Butternut, do Hvo*- cvnmus, do Gentian, do Belladonna, do Tnraxici’ do lihuharh, Nuxvomira,do Rhatauia, do (’icUta, do Glvcv rrhiza,(*um Arabic,uC Camphor,do Fcatnony, do Myrrh, do Assaf rtidn, Guiae, Pearl Barley, Honey, Otto Rose** Lucifer Matches,Mngneam Cu!cd.doCarb,l*inglaß*,(luirk Silver, Neidlitz Powder*, Saratoga Powder*, ,So<la do. Spomr‘, Tamarind*, W alt r*, Sarsaparilla, Red Precipi tate, White do. Bba kdo, Pearlftsh, Bpan. Float Indigo* I.oL'vvood, Anrratto, ImisGc.Copperas, Npau. Brown, Ve netian Red, Madder, I iu: Blue, Alum. Cochi neal, S pts Turpentine,Venice do. Niarcli,SiJu Tart, Sal inotlia, Glue, Rosin, Jujube Paste. PA r r I: \ T IF, I> ICI I¥ KS. T.eos Pills, Opodeldoc,Chapnraii’a Anti-DispepticPilfo Peters do do., Hunt’ r.s Pil!*, Hooper’s Pill* Anderson’* Pills, British Oil, Bateman’s Drops ‘Thompson’s Eve Water, Godfrey’s Cordial, Salt* Lemon, Worm ‘Tea, Butler’* Aperient, Botnnh ul Drop*, Panacea, Li lian’* Panacea, E*s. Iceland Moss, Couch Mixture, Fluid Ext Narsqpariila, Comp Cuhehs nnd Copavi, Kvrup Liverwort, romp fiuid ext Pinkroot, Dal hv’s Carminative, Bleachins Liquid. Mead’s Pills, l**im Plnisters.Elixir Beer Powders,Medicated Oil *Vilk, Dice*tive Elixir, Pile Remedy, Chlorine Tooth Wash, BarKitm, Balsam Honey, Cough Lozenpe*, Ext Coffee, (.'alien’s Liquid Mnjrnesbi, Potter’s Cutholieon, Rownna’i Toftic Mixture, RelPs Vegetable Specific, Oil Wonnscod, Saratoga Powders, Ext Bone set, Tonic Extract. Porfimtory, BruMtrs Ac. Ifair Powder, Pearl Powder. Itoupe, Milk Rose*. Cold Cream, Cream Almoitds, Florida Water, (Ndopne U’ntsr La Vender Water, Rose Whiter, Bears Oil, Ward’s Hair Oil, Murrow Poqiatuin,Orange Flower Water, Macassar Oil, Npirit ot Rose, Camphor jSoan, Emolienf Windsor <lo., Windsor Brown do., Wash Bull*, Cm line Fluid, Antique Oil, Lip Naive (Persian Otto Rose, Tooth Powder (superior,) Eruaive Powder, Ext Bergamot, ext. Rose, do. Musk, Honey Water, Naples cotnp Khaving ‘Tablet, Shaving Cakes, Almond Paste, Grooving Paint Brushes, Nash do Oval Varnish do Camels 11 ail do, Badg ers hairdo Graining do. Flesh brushes assorted, Horse do Hairdo. Nail do. Comb do. ‘Tooth brushes, do Silver Wire do.. Clothes brushes, £crub do. £lioe do, Piuciu Feather Brooms, do do Dusters, do do Brushes, FitlC 1 Tools, Counter Brushes, flat do. Crumb do. Ma\n^ Ido. tS’havinr Boxe*, Nhnvihp Oil, Powder Puffs and 80xe.4 Preston (Salt*,Nmall Bottles, ‘J’ajrers, Dutch Atkinson’s Depilatory. I SIIIt;6(IL MAT Bill !KENV8 f A*. I Amputating Cases, Dis sec ting Instruments. Trepann- I ing Instruments, Pocket Coses, spring Lnneets, Ea\ n’s [ Thumb Lancets, Dentists’s Cases,Teeth Keys pat. Sc - nficator*,Abscess l.ancets,'Tmmii(jucts,Cunj>ing(Busses, do do Air Pumps.Gtimelnstic Cateheters, Nilverdo. iS’ur j geo ns Needles, Tooth Claws. Gum Lancets, Medical ; Npoons, Neale* and Weights, Teeth Files. The subscribers intend keeping on limul a full assort ment of Drugs, Medicine*, Paints, Oils, Dye Ntuff*. Nhop Furniture, Ae. die. consisting of all article*, in liair Hue | necessary for the supply of Physicians, Planters or Fam ilies. They will receive constant supplies of the best that can le selected iu the Philadelphia nnd New \ otk markets. (Irdors from Meichants,Pl\siciuna and Athem will receive prompt uttenffon. J. 11. & W. S. ELLIS. Jnn 23. 43 PIOTOG I’hiin nntl Orn""u i""l. “'"I Pupei’ Hangings, in tho , vitv nr countvy. Apply a” above. Gcrgin-f PMM County. Court n) Ih-iliiriry, September ‘i'erat, 11(97. IT iippctjring lt> the C’unrl upon the “ppliuutltm of Ezekiel llntl'iiglon, of lli.l! coui” v, nntl Stute alore -1 “iti.l, tlmt ho bet nine the pnrvba-i r of a tract or tmreel of l.untl, “itueto and lying in the suiil county of Hull, know n n No. 116, iit tlto 12th diet, of “aid county, etljoiniitg ’ l.'ii'il of Smallwood ant! Flrrytl, which we.” the joint prop* ; ortv id* Juttio” Spier of Up-oa county, anil ol Him iron Smith, Into of Unwell co'inly, Ahihaimi, dect tt"ct!; and that tho “aid llarriK.m Stoi'h died, helorc tho suit) JoniC” Spier as his attornev. ÜBtler a regular power did to eoaltl make a dooil for tho pe tor interest of the “aid and ’eeaseil, to the “nine. On motion, ordered that Unlit. Collier, administrator of the mud Harrison Smith, dec’ll, i make title* agreeably to the said power of attorney, at tl'.e next term ot this court, if no snffleient objection lev tirade thereto during the “aid next term, in terms of lit* ! net of 15th February, 1799. And it is doth, r ordered that at least three months uotieo ho given of ibis appli cation iigTerldy lo law. i A true extract from the minutes of the court this oth dav nt'September, ItviT, , ‘ 1 THOS. F. BETHEL, r. ro, ’ Sept 18 3tn3o