Georgia messenger. (Ft. Hawkins, Ga.) 1823-1847, January 14, 1841, Image 1

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... s* v 12. 1 .ili 1 Tuic \|*cs3vvokk is tmblMn'il weekly, on Thiir-u!n v iiuPiin?, iti Three Dollars, if paid *vithiti the year and Star >)dlirs, it i it Mi-liillihe oltlie year. V/ :ir 1 1 •; *i *.’ i v ait ■ lla: twelve lines, will he insMtel it Lit ’) !lar the rirst iimertinn, nnd fify v far •i •’ :• i* iiia • YI. • *ti- ’ >i ’ its not limited when hii’i le I in will he till furl) id, Svl *'.< ol’l. in I til Nnrroeshv Exfirutorn, Admnis HMt rs i’* l • cird'uins ure required bv law, to he imver li+e l i ta , i die i u ?tte,sis.fy days jm-vioua tot lie day of sale. Phi sale-of l* , rs'Mi>tl property must he tidvertiaedin lik* a ■inner, lorty davt*. \ti •*to ’ >eh - tud /re liters ofan entitle mast In* pnh’is!|'d fort V dll vs. Notice that no Hiration will he mudetnthe Court of Orlin irs lor leave to ‘*•*ll Lon I and Negroes, must he puMislr*. I weekly foi’foiir months. Miithlv tuts, Oac Dollar per square, for in* otion. A I v ‘rtisiu* as Oindidntes,three dollars, y/* Lr.i i kks on husinessmust lit post-paid. imsi <rsi3-:rsis. O.V ALL THK HANKS IN MACON. Hillj. iif Exchange. Dill, of I. i lliii, Ula;i!u of oil kind.., a i.irtii mid Mo iur.o lutli Books, Bill IS io‘ s, Bl ink N'otos Imuivl, \oury's ISliok-; See. For hdr at thi MESSENGER OfV <’E. Au ? .r Pllil. Every variety oi Jo!) l’mling AT ill h- n e\ cutvit at tin* .V .t vender Ofii . We have Ini. I> ivc-m-d a con-ulcrahU-addition t .mr lun l yj.. oi'il..- lain [i.iti* r.*. wlnch nu*a s *•.• uit :-* * xtmsive as jmvioiUv .tui . I*nati;gii L.iio of vur on* colors, rbr nze. 6<*< i ]2__ i • .•% l> *1 • rso a:*, c vkv Mae \ OX VV. a* <t th-men .v. sus Attorney *and Conn* llor* ( at Law !*'• \ Hi*! iUf*-itl f. uhfn liy to aii* en trust* il t>i tie ir ear. . .s• l!i coma sot t p*on, Pih> ,or hhj ot the all Vi mi 4’ muni i* >. One of • iii'in may jbsvhm be tumid at , ihc-4* OJR.. 11l TliOii.aitUil. -nd tl* r oflie* o. Z. bllloii. I fIOVIAS W GOODE. . IOH V .1. CARY, DAN’L. A ALL LX, Jr. November 10, 1840. _ 9 " 40 j wvt-x.TAiyx . . r^nvis, A'3"3’ols'. •.V i 1’ law, jir i<* in* Las in tit- Court* i*f tin Flint Circuit;; amt in Hi- c hn'i> h<* .luin s, i and 1 alln t. \i tert tees-v vi!. K Ha niU-.m, i •at S: Clopton, Ira F. Fort j Vo .W. Itiß', ShLuiuii, .ridin Lmml. and LJ. Gr* ah um, F.m| , Macon ; Farrar Hu>-h, Chari <u.u. ; Wuubcrly Jones Savannah : Htirnard HnL Kmj. ailiotton. (Hii.ot.v, I- W I. !•• ‘v CaiA /-•* store, Cotiun Avenue. Mricoo, Hi c 184 C. > 44 •r. V 7 :n\ 5&. * * \ XIZLTU’ 3 I,AW OVVIt'K, OVER COMMEUCIAL BANK. I Moron, Oct 7. I Re. cßlf i CZ £P rO • • 33. L£.2i&. aT l'O’! ‘r.VATi. Aw . Knji. illk, Crawford Cos. Oeo- L;r. 1 . 1810 41_ Twice junl Salt. f A ••<>! I.N <■■■< J ir • II |U- C“: atiUilv.- Ha*'giifr, ‘:ooo ieiN'i i- Sait, f*r sale l>y M: t) u l- ko ! it fc ci.ovrov, ; Fine Fiiesv i thr.c. r* VirsSkL V-I Y % *n. >H A N vOiif >1 icon, hiv ptvpared t*a *lv tin* imiimiia rs of this iuMiry wall u choice ar >l*;, hlieu I liOju aiaii w*i| sustain a ivpatatnin, of , vr il eh 1 am proua. ALe. LEt I WiCli. Jut; .v* ‘J! 3 1 r- .\ t&gt va.:.;-„si'.\.S. -eV --■ a re! IV O TZCT,. C. rn:no & J- A. & S. S. Virgin f R v\*fC 1 aci ..,: eti.'U in th Mieic Itu*i • >•*. u.i.U r +i J ii.i,.* ia i oyU* a ii’U T \M kc VIRGIN'S, 1 Irof Ii i ti>it*ii.;i lit , which * ! y will cimsi.u.l!) k-- }> ; on hrnl.l ; uiimag svliu h are iijii 55—. ‘ j iliM • Fl* t ••;. PlngcowUs. | Cltrina t - , ’v.-ut Trauifiets, Troiuboins, Cymbals, . Drum*, -‘.i >, Vc*. A* v , ii.mri ii a > ‘vr l .tra’u nts, we can sell the. 1 :; as law ita tH->- U; irMi it >tt N- York. S Oe ‘ i ...... - . i 4V i>a .■+* Ci * -•* -J *.w’ t. ks J j ..J Y il<S* , 'i Oiii JE'. -*!• ? > if SO >: V'l'uli'S .oh- \g.-iS b. g h-av. to intorm the ; F ; v* , -,x< ... i. • . : ..o nf, t-iat ih * n.iV- tm han l a ./,ti •• ... ..11 ..v • . .•- * iu*.Vw.;e et, and be **.••- 4tiV r . v . ...... . ~ t-s n . ut-, eiauos in inufaeti.r and ,v i.-.siii ior ih.s cUaian . ui vri(<os ui* r> ■, ilo > ‘ net aud : t i-i fi.’if, V'tu grand ACium Uarp -a, lane p. e--s, ‘tf. C.* CO mil gik Uli.Si *.ilur> ,•* Mil ...Oil I and lu.ihf sv.iC -t Va-ts, V--.. • iv-1 i >l.l Gr *vr.L*. A -u gnir ii y .Mute s in. , -.*. L<# - : meat in one y- >r, (it oniujuivd.) .... , .. . . \Uo fii.K.iiklly r. cei..g n. .v a..a t.a.uoiiaolt Music, la itrucii iu Hook*, cc. \ H __ vt.. C. It,•him wifi give It is Attention totalling I unu.-, a:i I tltiiAv m, 1l) in will at tinMo ’i numti.* Oct Q 33 9 HRU.VO H VIRGIXS. r i a r-*:o-r otsshs. rjldF. subs. ri.). *•! or now r - tin i>.e-t *|h ‘did !*:- I an *.v r <nfci\-il in ihn* part ot ‘• *. c aia?r>, vvliich t wifi sell UiMOlhc st liberal t rm* tor Cash or aji;n-uve;i e.eii it, at their r'arailuiv be-i*-, opposite tiic A* itali, on Colton A \ eiiuc. , The) also have on hand and are immuluetuniig and i\ teivmg l’ triiiliii'O an 1 A’sisiii'xu of the verv 11. *t qualit) and ever) variety of putu rn, which the na me are invited to call and examine before pureliasmig * isv as their terms will ahva)s Ik-sueli< to suit purcha>. rs. JAb. I’. UK YDLLY &. CO. Marnn, March 12 | Pi PI IKOIS ¥ US r received and for *ale, four - J* gam I*iano-Port* , loau #| oi t a red *\p res.slj fr the Southern climate, :md an- war ranted. The pu ilic arc invited to cull ami examine ilient. Jan I 45tf THOMAS WOOD. NEW 23C0 T* AND &HO>'; STORE. - fJAI IK subscribers won Id r sptetfuM) in Ru JL form tin- eitiz. nsot Macon and sur rounding count, y, that tin ) have ttiU. n ilu r; #w -.n ‘ °ri- form. H) occupi* and b> * II ANDI.I .H fid h SMITH J<c CO. a* a Clothing Sim--, on 2d >- Sti'e* t, tour duol's south ul till W ash Ifc-i’Urn Jli.ll, w In re tin) have just opentd a g. in rul aortiiu nt oi <>!>.iCioueii's Bools mid hStoi-s, of all kinds HOYS HOOTS ANI) SHOKS. Also, laid ns', viissvs. & riiildrcu’s *'li<-s. all kina* and qualities wlnch ill. > will st II a-* low us any j*\v nM’ r. din M ir*et. A* the sumcrili. rs inain.l'ictur. t.n ir own Gooii't, feel safe in warranting th. m to l >* f ••uu* nor xvorWmms'.iip ami unit* runs, s tho-c w!u> i>m) g ve them .i nil w ill sr nsi i xammution. Ami as ih y tire il t riniii. dto *.,11 as low nt thon wishii.g to purchase lor cash, would ilo wa II to call h t r pureUasii.g. UKKAIKING of all Uinds done at tin “hurt. *t none*. Will UNO c* MIX. Macon, Nov 3, 18<0. 1 I i A rißltrßS KICK, choice article, 111 250 casks I'honi .ston leme, 40 bills*. M nha l n Pish, 1 i boxes choice Tobacco,in store and for san by A r nl • KKV H CO I I ON. n ARD'WAH . fffllin itubsc.riiier *nr?ra liir sale mi ucfommoHatitie 8 term a lull .-Hnrt ipMit of I liinlwun , impm-tod di rect Iron tin’ iinusjf n loi'i.’i* in l!iiiruje and lao .Nortii, ennsixting in pari l ihft lodowiug : HO ) <lo4 Carolina If.i ’s, nil ni/.o^, J.'jii do/.. “ Hr idcrt Cos.” I look, cuslfciU^cl, 30 .South’* Vice*, hlnck, 120 do do bright, 120 do do Colfr Key, ‘ls Fo.Jti’r’H Vlmi*obob’ AnviD, 00 Annitagp h Jo 150 If-hi I -nil Sledge If itmnier*, bright faced, 20 Screvvplitiort >iK<ort*d 5-Ito 1 I-3 20 beat Stock* and Dies, *JS pair Smith's Dellowg, 100 IjOi? Chuin, 50 Fifth Clmiiirt, 300 [i lir Tracfl Chain*, 200 cast IMoitgha, IV) set W'dgon K. n. WCCD. Nov 21 W >iMt--r fl MUDS, prune St. Crmx Snear, I ij 10 do. T’urtu uieo d*. I do. tine Mutch-vado do *0 haf< Ou’ju cuaws, i M WU. Rt “k- Md u a. u,. nu;,au**ll;s CENTRAL HOTEL, 31 ICON GBO". IA. r__n rritlK subscriber having taken thnt wt*'l known stH'ilishiieent fur a term (and \ Iy Sj A n.“t respect fully nadirs his services to tli I; If caiw inbilic as tm luu K . per. M !cm * any • ‘f'i.r-’ uYSwfel ‘ w spaperd.tails or fair p xniiis- s uf\\) he int.-nib to do fortlmv. who nny c II u him, hut simply add ~ that his roust.e t elfurts u ill In* us. dto render . all cimluriahh* that mu) favor him with tin r enmpaev PI *a e cull and try. FItICDKKICK SIMS Aug 29 2*7 sain. TV I. isk.'y, llii-'i .V Xlolusnos. noiiu—tir L;qru.r. I .Tl V B's. luillh Point v llock Sjri'ij Gin, 3 •>< / (i! UN. live WhNkey, GO do \. K. \l hoi, P>| ti|i-*s llmndy, 0i liltd* Cuba Mnbissps, 11 Id-* pnrp pencil brandy, Iu store and for sale bv SCOTT Jt CAUfIAKT. ,3d 18 Jit. f’B_ asAsazv o&otbzvii store. Bj. a Vi. I ITTII. Mulberry v/. nuirly f • on/inf ('oilm Avenue. S¥AV Km iia..l, ami ar • receiving, a go** I stock ut’ ou.liin i3 t.iiruie, m.ulein tli -best .tia.i *r, X th.* .mt runs; , *ii • *i* wie.-'i ti. y w ill sell eh. up far Ca*h— thi-ir stock cu.ixists ul’ I 30 i ‘.sail i'ra.rU ats, variouse l i*s hn l qualities, - too <* 1 i. i.l Hunting foots, various kinds. 75 Clot l- P.loi Ciath. ind Mhmkt t Ov. i-Coats. 500 Ve“ - a* vi ng a large assart .unit of all kind*. 400 p -ir* Patita 1 >ait“. ;n living a large assort men I ofall kinds. ft -utl Cloth,Goat Hair, and K iglidi Caniolet Cuuiks. Ladies* Cloth, t-hguml Merino, Summer Cloth mid common Circassian Cloaks. 200 Linen, Cotton, Li \< n Romu, tiugham Jk Calico Shirts. 200 pairs Plam ;>u ‘ Fwilled Cotton Drawers. Merino, t.a nh's Wool, Buckskin, Cotton Nett Sliirt** and D>*aw. rs; Ctmh and Satin* t Hound Jackets; red and white Flannel Shi *t*>; Satin and Liu. n Hnsoms ; Collars; 0 do/ n St./cks; a great vari tv of Susp-mdi rs ; llnsiiry and * ; I*o I lld.v M ; Russian Hells ; loney Hells and. Purses; black and white Cravats; Sdk and Cotton Umbrellas; Fur, Hair, S itl and Cloth Caps; 10 do*. Wool Hats; Tar point n Hits; 20 cA“. s Fur and Silk Hats, v ry cheap—oome at less than Xt*w York cost. A Urge stock of cheap * wno croTitii G. L. ‘k H. ki I’CH keep constantly on hand, at their esiah hslnn-lit hi \ w Haven, a I a.assortment of best CLOTHS vxc I KIM MINGS, and have in th. ir . inploy tin In st workmen. Gentle'ii n wishing th.-ir Clothes made at the North, will, by leaving tluir iiaiu s with us, have thein mail All the iKStiuaii ueran.i ia.*t fhs!imahl- si* t*, ami warranted to please. They arc thankful for past patronage. Die IH 41 -Jew Carsing-c IloposiUry. On Second Street, n fete floors below Mulberry find next below If*Nr*. IVriflry Sf Hari. IK subscriber*, t\i ing vmttful tor the lih.ral share of j i,ii r.iuage b‘.stowed ui th. in, tk pl asure ill inf inning ih ir friends ami the public, that tiny are now r.Mung a complete ossortiueiil of Cavsi.iyes. BTronchPS, Bntrgifs. si!s44*y. Also WAGON’S, suitable f-r HcdU-rs or nlantations. On. of the tirm will give his whole attention to inatuif cnir ing and ordering work . xpr* **ly fur this market, on which no ];. ns or i xpt ns* shall he spared, to make it as good tin In M e ver off r.d in this city. That thei -.*ll at reinarkab'y low prices, ample * vuleitc* has l.i-en and will continue to be given ail who may give .h m a 1 call. \Do, Carriage, Haroucb *, Ruggy, Gig, and Sulky HAH- N KSS, at tin* low* st cash prim s. \ |i.— Repairing in th. almve line, executed in the but manner, ami on the most reasonable t rot*. e 0l e 0 j.j 5L HITBRKLL *t BABCOCK. oooos! itfiw ooon*s rilH Ksubscribers atv now receiving a g m-ral assortment of 9 staple and fancr DRY-GOODS, of tf.-lab st st*. I i patterns, which th-yutfer fir sale at lair prices, in bock .mid i mg one door from \Vu*hington Hall. ; sept 19 30 GEORGE W. PRICK CO ( all niul Lftiin% r JUST received a lot of sup rior quality. GLOKGK W. PRICE Ik CO. SAILS. I KEGS Sail.aiwi-ud :i* fi* aleliy ft | KKA & COTTON. ’E‘ c Cs*:sm of embellishment and growth of the Hair, and by j 4 us•fr.i lu. illy changing tot* tuior fi’uni R.d, Givy or j Light Hair, ; • darn. Cream of Lilli* - is pi.relv v g * .l >*!•-, nmiri-hing whilst it darken* tin Hair. Prepm-d by J. AX ) • l), 1 IVmim-r, ami for sale by J. 11. ik W . S. ELLIS, June3 15 Cuin.ii Av ■mu-, 3STW 00031. * n <fc It It. (i!t \ VE> hove i i-t received, ;'j, 2 i Hhl *- Slneliii2 and Shining, 10 l* Cottnii Orttmlmrgi*, 2 tin Fit*’ ills!.-, 300 pirn*. - noiH'li ILints. 50 lb:/., i.mliex I’nlm l.Fhl 50 ••iecos lirorgin Niankeeiirt, 200 Jo/.. Tucking Comb*, 200 tl Sitla uu LOO Huiulkoirbi fs, 5 doz. Huriinii I'lugs. 30 t*n(*s fresh Shoes, Together with n ?euernl nsportment of Orv (iocnl.s wliieli t!‘*v “ill sell low ul wholesale or retail. July 2, 1840. _ _ t 9„ ABCTiON’ ASi i> 4;O.TJSI!SiO.X S i’UiL ■ IK siib.scri! r having remuvtd to tin Hrick Sier. adjoin- I ie.g M ssrs. Sr\ on Cui Ul \v. nil- . uClcte.- ; (i*m bis \UCTION’ AND COMMISSION HI SI \ ESN i ni r the cuimng s asun. Frum ami aft* r tin 15ih Octdit r,ml s w ill he earn* and on day and night (Aveatli r jm nuitiing)ilntmgli the season. Piant- rs ami eoimin Ma reliant* r. uspectfuliy iuviu-tl iu •'•v * a call, as 1-h 11 t. furnish* tl miil IVv-Ii f , IM I* uite.nhly) during Hu-%vini r. frtuu the \**rth. iM’stn.s utshiug to rami, the wind on tloud* t udtleuUj can tit* so n\ ap- U K WARNER, ~in*. r N. >i. Return >ai* fu* G<ads sold, can .it all turns be hud be giving ix’ nty ininui* * notice. v , ji. s shall be informed by a card thrt t!e papers, of. vt re fi‘- s* arrival* f l-'AN'C \ GOODS at m) \u -tiun .>u\. -j , .1 ii I y -.1 j ■>*’ H. K YV. tirofcry iuitl <;oui*i*i--U**i BbsibcjS, .IVVANNA-I, <■*•'. r sreiK i. have former! n conm > i tirnt for the B of trunsitciing n <* IttK-iMIY lV (’(> MISSION Ljr.SIMiSS. iii this city, uud i the imine of i\> r,r i r rov & MAfrOvr, Mini have taken u st.*re oil H >v ,-fi ***r. Uh -i of IL Wilt bereher’** Citv’ Hotel. W 11.1.1 vM I* OK I, MAUTIN K. Ll.Oi’i t)N. iu \ v . rou'i\ CHARLES J. MALONE. Savannah, Sept 24, IG4O *vl TA CT f heavy 44 inch flagging, wughing 2 lb*. | * f 4 W per van!. L O pieces guud 4-ill Hugging, 50 du. d'. A. R. Me LA r.HIIN. EUNK <uvvi u r ron ACC J , 30 1)0X1 Av* best Tobacco for retailing. Oct > it A. H. Mcl.AL T GHI.t ■ nO'IKSTICS.- •*•)-“ K a 9 1 ca-e Calico lb inis. ,k, -l 35 A. R. McT.UJOm.IV. iSullock, lltirrold A Wood, n AY'F iusl r c iv..l il ■imp )of CKOCI.KIJ.S PROVISIONS, consisting • f \* *\ < ('uliu Cu.Ti r CltH’ce St Cro.x Sugar, O;.1 ;ov n.inen, L*\a Cofice, Double ltilij* and boat Sugar, 5 bags Coiftt*, Dm stir (tin am Run*, Cuguacand Champagne Brandy, 50 piece* Buggiug, 30 box* s Sperm Cantin s, A good us— irtin ut of Iron and Nails, Kr* *b Mackenl. No. I, 2. and 3, in barrvli and half barrel#, 10 half burr* It* PicLh l Shad, 3 half *arr. I- pickh and Salmon, 3 firkins Gosluu Uuitt r, 2kc. ts c. Ki b -IA _J_ I Xs*i joes :*;! Trace-i'liiitus. an) * KKOS t'm \<nl, ivl F “ r |PO il*/.. H (•♦“, 200 pair Tnn e-l’lmiiirt, 20 do/., ('ollin-’ Axea. 50 boxen Tin IMute, 4000 lb*. Munilbi Rupp, 0000 lb* Slier,, Hoop and Ram? Iran. 2000 Sheet Steel.received and for sale bv April I G r:. IL WELD ‘ ut* t,'. roftt'lS I\’lil. At. A IfIIDM. Porto Ho n Sugar 19 St. Croix do. ICK) keg- Nad* U“*or,t and, 403 nil c- - Hemp Hugging 42 and 43 inch, tro hog* CutKe, 150 coil* Hale Rope, for sale by I J4t>v 18 39 UK A Ik COTTON. i rollon o**:lii*‘trs s** l '! ‘S ob cc. | I'.) lIAI.EA linuvy Cmiim Uziialungn, hkull .■sli.hilh I w Viivtory. . .... , 40 lioxi-H choice Tobariin, lust rereivml ■ Hi lur mile |,v \V. & I. L. lOUT & CO. Nov 18 39 Central Hall lluad A Banking Company of Geo SAVANNAH, iJlh Nov. 1140. rT:ir nnnno) -lection for iiio.-Dir. (.or. m mHioiio iho f* ■ loir, of ilii* Jn-ilitiili.m, will Ih- to-1.l til th. ill this city on I lie flmt in Jnnuarj in xi. Into, .-n U.. boo,. Os ,o A.M HOU 2, I‘. M. cirns ounhstk ctiSL 11A COX, THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1841. WATCIIKS, JI.WKLUY, &c. 71 f 1 1E Snbmril*nr *tre now I iMcniving winter -V •*priii2 **'. mtpplv o,'’• Mot|s, \v) 11 .1 1 consti / ¥ Wjl) tutois 11 slock iii thoirlim* -uperi* V ■ ‘ \ or to any ever ho fora citferet! in V tlii.a market, and inferiorJo nm .4 .. \f 1 for goodnes* of ijualitv* superi 1 ? ... • • Y.O or vvnrkitiun-diip or variety ol % ® style in the I niled .Staten. I 1 heir <toek consists of L 1 lie,-* mid Gentlcincri’rt (iold Patent Lever YVut> lien j oltlie approved inuker’n Al. I. Tobian aV Cos. Kobt. Ron keil,Jos. Johnson. Joiin Motiena and Litherland Cos. Gold ihigliHii Anchor e ichapeinent NY'utelien. lll;l wdre maJe 1 >or I *r mid ailj 11 ted to suit the outli 'K’n climate. (<old and Lepine Watches, Silver patent Lever Gcpine, English Cylinder and \>r*r YVatchen; l.a <li*s Curb, Guard. Hasket and cable Chains; VVntch i Hooks; Seals and Iveys; Swivel*; Finger Rintrn ; Far ILngs; |r,. telies and C’litldren’s Knobs and Wire a; len lle.rien’n Hoard, Curb, and !,inked Chains; Seals; Keys; Swiv*is ; Bosom Muttons; Sleeve anti Collar Huttons: Mre-mi-piun and Fin jer-rinps; Modulio-ns,pearl and jet I ( ro-*es ; Hold iud Silver Mnekles , (*dd,Silver *v Pea|.t I S'lri* iYoxes; fiobl an I Silver ever pointed Pencil (Ousels j AVinrthire fyan,*n; Mraceletn; (*ilt, Silver, Pbitetl, and! She 11 Combs ; f iobl and Silver Tliiinbh J 4; * o!d. Silver \ * •*tep| templed with'jlusses to suit every nsre | or near night; Seed Coral; bit go Coral; Corn* Xeckin-| 1 en; bead Mugs, do Chains, do. Purnea ;,1 variety of; Heads,Spv (Jbisses; Ifui/./.iiig Classes; 1 Spar (irotto; Tea Cuddi ‘s: Pocket Hooks; IndePilde Ink: Emory Cunliioin; K.. t tles; Whistles Teething Iviug's; (Dorset flitigs; dteel Hu-ks; a irtulde Ink-Elands, Portable Writiti? d*-ks; third mid CaJ-nr Ca-t■?: Curds; i uilution ’•’ruit; letcil’e.i Mulches *. Fir* Machines Hattie Doors and Sliottb* r c . t Traces P.*n<*inr Foils, •Masks and Cloves. itoucr* v. Son's Ku/,orn; pen ana i pocket vnives;C. P.iu**i son’s Kn/.or Strnj a: Sciaqq^s, Dirks; Clazier’- ’liatminds . seal Stamps, Chcss-mmi; j duek jaui'iion Hoard-, >ice, Dominoes. Steel Pens, Fire !siii.lers, \nd lror-s, Slliovel and Pon?s, aheet Drass,. Hruss Wire,Scales and ‘•Veighrs. surveyor** Comp isses, Matlie iinticH! Instruments. Ystrel L imps, suspend iii'X La;nis, Laiiio Classes, Cundle shades. Looking KJ-ites, T*,*i*.||o'neters, walking Canes, Cans, Pistols. Pistol Melts, Powder Flasks. Shot Ponckes, g'lMie Ma , . r **. Cob! and Silver Leaf. Dental Instruments, Col l m l Tin Foil. \Vi<rs,Toupettß,Mradesoftfnir,Rolls and Curls, >t,o of Roses. Cologne, Lavender, and Flori da Water; MuieaJ Instruments.consisting 1 of Muss and Kettle Drains, Fifes, Flutes, I’btgeletfs, (-bironetts, Ae cordians,(a new ‘tistrument.) Shell Music Moxes, and ‘lusie H*xes ,0 play 12tunes ; Minninarhamand Shefhefi! *C!ve* olnted t-astors, Idquor Stands, Caudle Sticks, llranehe-*. ‘A’aiters,Tea Tnivs, Fruit Musket®. Snuffers and diiuTer Trays, Silver Cans. ! > itehers, ‘i’uhle Tea Desert Salt, A!nrard and Crenni Snoons, Soup Li.dlep Sugar Tongs.Bu,t*‘r Knives, Pic..* Knives and Forks, S*iirar Scouok and Fish Knives. Ylun le and .Mahogany fcjgrbt dnv Clocks. A rood stock of try 1 riiti'riimjiii, of new -*r vie,such as is now coming iu uc with the army under a recent ream la 1 ion. ?• .*.?• vrs 7V>oC o ml esid *s son other articles; ail of which ,eev will sell v-y |v, for Cash or approved paper. They ’’mite citi- Z"*ns -uri o ’.rsons r‘ii a all v i-'t imr our-*i, v, to **ull >it his xtoia- .if • xs.nine‘it® stock, wlive lie is -ver re.adv and !iaor*v 1 o attend to those who *ii,iv tuvnr iiim witli rheir -nils. YVM. P*. I HI\ST >\ Cti. \. ’L Purtie'i!-.*r (ftention paid t<< Vaieli epairio:r.— ‘lavin ‘in nplov V);>i(ived slid *xjcrienced -'orktnen. uid •'iin *’ >r‘ us dto ‘nanufaeture nil rlie pivts >1 :novcj!-ietf of a sY’nteh,th'V will warrant ever-, nice tlivv make as o-'rfect us tin’ *riiinal .and tlieir U'afche t** o*r*oru v'elL \V. B J. A Cos. ‘!a-o:i. Jan. I 1 Sd{). 49 •sA:ia sulsor|S'‘> hav ’ r f *ived j-oj slM.ncr Sun. *, J.l s, an ! oth r bouts, tiVl’ > P>. ‘ *e *! f • vi. M ir <ta.d, • -as,, fier-niu and English, til Reds. P.mid .and Hoop Iron, 100 ke?s cu, Nails assorted, .V hluC. Sn :nr, St. Croix mid Porto Rico, |2 bozes | oaf and Lump Siifnr, 250 ba rs Coffee, Cubsi. |{<o aud Java, *d pipe* CoriiiH* Mrand'. i do IloUnri.l Din, Jumaien Rum, Iri-h ‘A’hiskey, Madeira, Sli.nry, Port and Malu tru YVine, 50 bids. P \ e O• t, 50 bid- \\’hi J k’ v, 40 bid j N. K bum, JLovder. Shot, and Lend, Whir* 1 n ''perm, Lin* rd aid Tanner's Oil, And nil ot i*. 1 tieles g.uieiully loutid iu the grocery line. Muh 50 coil* Habi Rope, on coosiernnent. Nov 18 38 fC -; i & CARIIAH V. ( OP YR 2 N LRAHIP Y L. JONES has ns-ormt* and \ i 1 )i himself iu the *9 • clothing, ('fintdlt r Sini/Ji The husiuess iu future will In* conducted uud*r tli* firm of J. L. Jon*?** <a). at the old stand of J L. Jonas, on Mulberry St \y a. r they i*lr.*r one of the most extensive sttieks of Cle )TI 11 \(i t) be found in the city, ‘i'ii v will be **on stautlv receiving i* f, w end fre-li a D, m.aiiulai'tureil fro.n the nit):*i r*****’iitly iiiipoiteil Cloth*, and iu a style and mannei uusurimssed by any other establishment, icon, Oct i, 1840* 33 Sit.; tr, Loffeo, ‘rolaxxrv. Ac ‘DIt)S. Si. Croix, Porto Hi(*<, ami \. O. Sugar, o w too b.igN Culm and Rio Curtlr, 4 I t ivTrex Mala*.*t *, 10 loxvi 1 übaevo, for sale by Jo m 3 15 ‘ UK A Kt COTTON. < *’S(>:s rjr. <Yc. PlK'.'Ks 12 and 44 inch Bagging, weighing 1J 1 f* y-7 n 2 Ih-. pi r yard, i jii‘C Hop , 1000 > I*4. H 1 wine, for salt-on liberal ttnas, bv Jintr* 3 15 RKA Ik COT I OV. 3- lOCitKHrS xiiil. A HHDS. St. Croix anil I’ Hum* Sugar, t ;3 \ f lOliluis. N** Oru-ans uml NVL -t India M*dasst-, 4.00 i>ag prime Coif 1, tii ri‘. s fr. sh Kiev, 20barrt!* NVw Orleanselaritiid Sugar, 15 huiTi U L-i.if ami Lump Sugar, 30 narrt I- M icW* r I, 20 burr- is Cul* r Vim-gar, 8 rusks London Porn r, 5o hoxe* Sj riu Candks, S>ap ami Starch. 30 boxes R:\isius, 10 ‘07.. assort*-*! ‘‘ickles, 10 elu sts T* a, 6 dox Giugv r Prest rv s, 9n i|o7. t.t-inoii, Ruspbt-iT) :i.u! Pint- \;|lt-Syrup, 300 kegs Whit* Lt-ad. i:v)0 gallons LinscvuOil, 200 gallons wintt-i strained Sp*-rm Oil, 150 ImiXx-s 8 ity lOuild 10 by 1 2 Window Gins-*, !'lO kegs cut Vails, 11-6oib, Horc Shoe NaiU, 20,000 tl;s. Castings, 75,000 S"e den Iron, all sizes, Vail Rod*, Rand, Hoop and Sheet Iron ; Cast, German, Bli-ocr, and Spring Sit el, for sale by May 13 FORT Kc CI.OPTON. KoYV-intl’- ’i’onif Tlixlni-‘, A CF.R LAIN and lasting cure fur t*- I-tvi r and Ague. Jmtl received u fr* Mi -upply. GKO. W. PRICE >k CO. Agents. Jii-eO 15 One door from Washington Hall. * emvDK.t —IOO kegs fr sale on r a<on-ble I ff i rash) WINN, SHANNON Nt CO. July 3 20 I>L ACKSAUTIF - BE I AVd \ |] 9 m*rs and ‘‘crew Plates. Alsou tjeueml tm<*nt of Birmingham nml .Shef field tioods, received and fur wule tiy April I G E. B. WEED. H uiit ’d t tlir *, ri'KN’ able bodied Nr. i'O Mtu, bv the m nt i or \ cr-. H Apply to WILLI A u FORI’. Nov IH ‘ 39 ol'lht* l ily of JltifOli. FCTfIS Company eioitiiua to take iiiarmv and r v r risks on | us favr:ibte t rms san\ ether responsible institution. tl'. li. Parker % y r /), tlander % J. Hex, > Directors, s Min. Forf, J. G Hilda nt, J C F. lira vet, THOMAS LAY!.OH, I'r. •idem. CIIAS- CAMPBELL, Secivtan. ! Macon, Jan 15. 15-10. 47 iftl For Hole* fTBN IE mibscriK r- arc Ag*ntfr the side of xarntyof ar* [ | t*elt - iiiuinifa* tnr<‘d in tin- l'eiuteiitiary of Georgia,-mil | ail >rttl Wagons, two horse, and .lrr*i j Wagon*, llnr-e Carts, j Wlix*|iariMWs. Ham. s. Harm s-, a-snrt. and Kcc. The urtick* are “til mild*, and are fur sale at the lowest fa* tore price*. , H. 1.. COOK k CC . lEa-t-.Uaeoti, April 8 7tf II\C LKtIORS. CTUHERIOR Iri-b Whiskiy. Cognac Brand), vintage of 1303. Old St. Croix M urn, G a I old Maderia Win*, Do. do. Sln-rry do. I ask Champagne* brandy, for sale by D*c 23 44 ULLOCK, HAKKOI.D & WOOD. OTOTX^B. 4 1.1. p-r nee ciiiilumrt! nsiiit trn.lirjfc lorn cer- 1 IJ\ 1 oil |inrrfl of l.noi’ Iviitii ncnr the town ot I’.'rrv, knoivn ~ h (ihit of 1.01 Nn. IH. in llto lUI li district of Hoo-nno, front 101’ Jolm Wi .lt-y Coppjre,n I hold a root-lira'.a n't wi'nl |M'tnni'i‘. to inH.'innify too npainat a i r wlii< li I mo aiTiniti for lii- f.nlior, Lewis C'.p- | . ■ t*, wit** >■ .tv.'tno a Itrtt on I lit* lttrr.l. l.nt |rreviot|s to ‘ lii * .loin J “■>, 1 1 ’ a • rail v. Imsely ami fra <l Inl ntlly nt •in ‘ it ,|i to lii- < hi, Joint YV. (’o n,i o , wlto li 1 ..’ : in t .llfii dial itimiwm Irnni tin-fo'tnty. t Lin • to awtnillo ton bv ajttiinr a vl rial 10 tl r tliis Pnsr title. U JAMWt) ni2WCRAX.D 1 11, >!ai:iuili)& wood. n WE.just r.-t* ivtil, nial uJJ'cr low f>w Cash, at their store v'UU'.t rof Cli rry and Third Sliwtfc, llicfuiiuwiligurticlta , h cu-ki London Porn-r, I pi|ie ht*si Hdlami (tin, 1 do Cogniac Ht*uii*l), • 10 baskets superior Climupugae Wine, 1 , half pipe b. si M-ul’ ira Win**, l ipiuia* r cask Ih -t Port Wine, 1 !>!>. Insli v\ It 1 -Iv*), I do lumaira Ruin, 1 bid St. i'r ox Hum, 1 5 quart* r cask* common Mad* iru YVine, 5 *, do Nlalitga Wine, 5 lio\ s common ‘I o'liieeti, 1 45 ri aiiis Wrapping Pujh r, 2 boxes each of • iiiopoa dvr, lin pi rial and Hyson Tea, 3 lib -. ci-nsfi. *1 l . uger, ‘l do “lute (mwaleml Sugar, • ?5 boxes So. no I‘nmlh s, ‘/o l*. “ Hull Sms” pitteiit mould Tallow Candles, 20 hags Shot .0 box*4 No. I Soup, 40 boxes Window Glu*ft, 30 keys Whin- Lend, 30 D* inyohn*, 2 bales Magging t “im, 2 do Twalnd Sacking, 300 pieces |f t mp Hugging, 12, 43 and 44 inch, 100 coils It 41 Hale I ope, h l-o Loaf and Lump Sugar; a good assort mnt oi Iron and N>uL, and u v* ry mi pi run .*’■* ruin nt of Cigars. Sept a 23 loos .vt vazu i Vetldii's. .lowcli'}', siilv. i- Ware, <Vt . . v. a-- si. viat.ix, \VOULD iiiloriii tln’ii hi n ls uml the ptitdic tlm J tie- i b continue ut ibeir stand mi Colton Ave him*, uui ; i just rcceivctl n tresli .-supply of gooda - enllemen uint holies’* iobl t.ever, Viidioi .a'-cujiemr.nt, lii(Jej>enl -ent Socontt, Lepine uni V’urtical Watches; Silver Lever, plan, m i %*xtr.i jewelled Lepine ami Verticil I *lo. till ot \vmi-Ii were sclecU'il with choice, to Hint this market,and ,"ili be \vmran,ml to perform well; ladies’ trohl Neck | ‘I .*iins, g *atlemen’s gold uml silver (Jmird and Fob j Chains, o|*lami silver ■ nurd tind Foil Key s, Ear Knobs •md Drop-. Breast Fins and Finger Rings ot till kinds, 2old, silver, iriit and pearl Belt Buckles uml Slides, Bracelets and Head Hell - , -told and *ilver Kverpoiuted Pencils, Si eel Pens of rite best | unlitiep, gold, silver sjeel Spectacles, (Ltiz/.in? Classes, sJR er Table,Tea. Dessert, Sal, aud Mustard Spoon-. Soup and Cream Ladles. Sugar Tongs, Mutter uml Fruit Kii'ves, silvei t Nips,Thimbles, Castors,Candlesticks, silver, brass and bronzed,coral, nil* nnd gloss Heads, holies* Work Hags ofthe lutes, fashions, Purses mil i’ocket-ILmks, Clario net, s, Flageolett**, Flutes. Fifes, Accordions, Mu-ie Boxes, large mol small, Drums, Organs and Violins Walking Sticks of various kinds, silver gilt, shell, horn and ivory <’omits. Tea ami Coffee Pots, Bread Baskets, silver am. tapan ed, fine painted Waiters, Kuive-* Razors. Saunders’ cel ebrated Razor Straps with tablets. Pistols of various kinds, Dentist’s Files. Cold Plate, Wire, Foil,vVc. Toy Watches,Rnt,lee, Whistles, forchihlren. Snuff Boxes Percussion Caps. Pipes, Sejrar Tubes, Pocket Com passes, Mutbciuntienl I tistrumeuts,\ c llililary (oods. Swords, Belts, I'uHuletts, Plumes. Sashes, Buttons Lace, Stars and ornaments too numerous to mention, which will he sold cheap for cash, or approved city ac i-eptnneps. \. M.—'Ve have a choice selection of materials for repnirins - Watches, and are prepared to make any new part which we will warrant to perform as well as the rirital. J. Y. V S. S Virgin feel grateful for past favors,nnd would still solicit .* -Iwire ofthe public patronage, hopiugr to .uvo dtttiabiciioi* iw ill ho mo v favor them iu their line. Dc, R p:??. M c. G. ST. jonr^r, V- / ku Did Jcmvcßt. | > L’TFCTFCLL V i ifonn ‘• 5 \ ‘■ < - id * i -I ,h* public ! y ‘ gc;i*t .lily ,! ft ia- !|.i:t llt !i > ‘ v - sJn;v 4 Vg, I ILCOti;!y pP’ \ bC/’tlpied by Mr. H. W. r Inti, i■* u t . ’ wij, IV hi i- u “ o|M'!iiug t. new Y° ami sp-i-mliu iis-YUtu.ent of >.*’ .v ,x ixDYt lrf* ofthe best (juality audlates. lu.-ii- , ions, consisting in part ot the following article•, viz: ladiesand geullemen’s Cold Duplex, 4'atent Levt , An chor E-icapeuieni aud Lepine Watches: Silver mem Lever, Lepine aud Plain Watches; ladies’ tint Cold Curb, ■ u ird, Basket and Cable Chains; Watch Cooks, Sealsank Keys ; Swivels, Fin-xer Rings, Ear Kings and Broach m; *!iil.lren’s Ear Knobs md Wires; gentie humi’s Lir'.i and Linked Cuani and Fob (Minins, Seals Keys, 4 vivels. -leeve Links, Mosomand Collar Buttons, Brens, Pins, Finger Rinsr*,Cunrd Seals and Keys, Me iuiiotig,Cold md Cil, Mnekles. Silver and Scotch Snutl Hoxe*. old am! Silver pointed Pencil--, Silver and Cih Hrncr i*t> iit, and Shell Combs, fiobl and ■vlvei i’'ii'iibl-‘-. Cold, Silver a rid ••tec I Spectacles wih alaesep to a;i >*vf: Seed C*ir:l l.arffe (yoral.f'o- ; ml V-'ckb’ ■ ‘■•- •! I* * . ’: i : ns •nd Pur-*-*-*, a arietv i ••t cut and o •; !<•* rlv. Lix 11-*s ••*-. \ u'/iiiff Cb“*ses. ; •’iH-kp, oo’- io-- ’uslii-oia.Card and * *i?nr faisee, ( Imitation Frui.'.ucifer I itches.‘-'ire ‘l:u*,!iii,e Morer- V Sons’,nnd Wade Ar ! u, tier’s Rm ‘vr l**-n unj Pock**, Knives •v*rs>u’-’ Mazur .Straus. S,.ssor, * ?irks,fdliess Mnn and Board**. MneVran mre 1 • rd-* ‘ )j,*e >o uinons Steel Pens, Walking Pistois. Powder Fla-ks, Shot Pouches, C> ae M-it**. Du,to of Roses, Cologne, I .avender and ‘Mo ill ‘'af*r. Fancy Sunn, l,ip Salve, Pearland Pooth Powder, Flutes, °lareo!e!ls, Accordi ons. Shell Music J? *xes, Lar*. r e Mu<ic Boxes, to play* from 3 to 12 t',ne. Fiddle® and Fiddle Cetttle men’s minfi’ham and Siver plate ! Lipuo , Stnnds.Fnmlle Stick--, Branches. Fruit Rackets. Snuffers and Snuffer Trays,Ten Travs,Silver Table,Tea, Des sert. Salt. Mustard and Cream Spoons, Soup I.adles. ‘•DifferTouts and Butter Knives; Marble. Khnnv nnl \tnbn-ter Mantle Clocks to run eighteen dava without winJir?. JFilit'irfi n%t i .yjitif'irH ‘rriminx* and a ysrietx’ of other articles usually kept in his lir . all of which he will sell nt the lowest cash prices, i e AspectMtvinvites citizens and persons ceuemlly vivit insr onreitx to call at his store anil examine his stock, where liei- everrendv and hn*py to attend to those who •m* v favor him with their calls. N. B. —irri-ulnr ittemion paid to Watch repainntr. Havin? selected the best of materials for repairing Wa,ehe. lie i-* now orepared to manufacture anv part of n Watch, and will varrnnt everv niei e ne makes as nerfec, av the uri rinal,and his Watches to perform well. Mocnn Oct *’ I!3 unsoianio'i. TIE ccv-psrtn* rship In r> tr.f* re * x : ing b< txvrrn sddisfi | Prittand Vlhi-riS Sforv, istldsda) ds*olri dbv inn-: dial cons-lit. The liah lif'n of thi frmih volv- upon j Pratt, *hois h r -wit 11 aiiiho-i/<-d to settle the -am, andtoj close the iii.finish, and business of the i-oparttu i>hip. ADDISON PR A TT. Nov 24, 1840. 40,f ALBERT S SIO .Y. | XV. li ~n:.VNB Wt, A : % X <.! GEXERAL COMIIISSIOX MEHfHAXTS, S VVAW All. <iEO. October 20, 1840. lluj3o j misu lviiisitKV. 4 Y F aiipeiior i|iitilitv. jn-t irroivinl ttnrl for ar.lp lv ” f liULl.OL'iv, II.VRKOLD & WOO,). I Nov 18 HU I BSAOOX4 aBC23 3TO£IY. rpilF. onilart*i , . T nt*il roMpiTi.iilL in friotilm* o B tYltit’o'i nnti lit*’ pitt.ln’ sf'it ‘'i *i 11* i toot tlri’ir Oysn-i- :*tol Ilrtnso, i. now .lin’ii for lir.’ M’t'i’i tli*to of vi.ilcra. They will in ‘ iiifljiion to ovalrra, alwfttv- L-'.-Jt on I- I w lint.wer olltor I < io-* the mark ■( will nll'oril. ftleula will lie aerv. tl ; tip at nil Iron'-, of tiro day. V |t. K.tF.'ll INI) I’lOKI.FI) OYS I’F.RS kept I'on-tantlr on li tinl for file liy tile quart, imllnn or k'-e. I Alan m.i.l Kin.l-i ol Norllioro Prn.lnee uml Went Imlia Fruit, for mile In llie quantity nr lit retail, FOR CASH OXI,V Onlers lioin the trv tlnnkltillr reeeiveil nn.l nit'mlcil to. I.UDINT.TON Ac. THO.'ICSON. Oi l 21 3‘*'f raBXOB* &89V358, On *!*• • im'K-ii lt:iil-!{nal. J \* cntiMi qif ne* of the -horti.* ss of tluirop, tin fr*ight on I Cotton ; 1 1V r the J2d of \*v*idur a ill be r-dticidti One Hollar anft twenty-;five rents per* bine from Hucklu ad (* mih * 1 t ast of Madison) to Augusta, Merchant* ned plantirs ulm j ” ish iln ir UP Fr ighi i* tain dat Buck!u ad for their wagons, j will instriici the Hg'*nt m that nlaec (<i. 11. I liompsoii) to that j t tT ct, >r have tin it* goods murki and “ *-u n ivo/ftm.” Freight on M rehendi/.** f all Uetcriptions trom Augusta to ! liuckiii ad, 40 cts. pi r 11/0 lbs. RICH’D. PETER , Jr. Soperintuitlditl of 1 ruiisportution I Ofiler of IVaiisportation, > Augusta, Nov. 12th, 1340. y 2m“o | .We.—Freight on Cotton from Augusta to Savannah, fVom f>fhj to sevcnty-flve ee>>ts per Iwle. From Augus>at Charles f >n 25 cu. pi i 100 pounds for square, and 35 ct*. for round bales. fT CMKSTS FRESH TEAS, fj 10 Imix s Pine Apple Cluvw, C box*** prime do. 20,000 lbs Bacon md* . 2000 lbs Laid, 1000 lbs Live Gcrta Feather*, 20 boxes Tobacco, !Vpper, Ging- r, Maddir, Indigo, Copperas, Sal Krafts, &,c J t-t i- c*iv and by K- Is H. R- GRAVES. A rg 12 ‘ls SI - ’,500 Hm. Sides nnd Shouldei**. H Oc 22 3J A, . MeLAUQHLIN. K £F VMS- LOOOUar. piiat Uoiu,furfiiiiißy use. Sf TJulSii jL u hcuvuuu* JJKU&S. lfKl>ieiXi;s, Ac. Ym A fresh supply just rccrircd hy\ M : Ji J. it. A tv. a. klus!, •(•Oil 1 iSM HIASOMI Uill., , cot TON AVFNI'F.. Coiii|)ri,ing a Ia rue uml coinplel. 1 Mir 111 1 1 nB Dxnf I'Dtuil—toiieiler with a yifMi “etSD liil’ il Jilb variety of iiii.ct llan-uii. ailiclev .3i'lliiil~>:|L‘ jjjk ! 1 moils aro ilu* following : HnlpliHp* llniniite,! Acetate Morpliine.loditie Acetate Acid,Cilrie An“tu.sie Acid, Tiirlnrii- Acid, A noon Nj>i \ nlinioiiin In |-o Iv., V era trine, Srtvclinine, F.oialine. Rlmhurliinn, Ciolon Tiirulim, Ne mile (an n,i lil .Siiiiipiiin.UilCaiitlnn iilhin, I’t mlty neou* Acid, llvdiioiaie I'otii.wi. Fe|inrine, Oil Ma. k IVppei. Iriidi Ilona. Vlusk.Ciiloriile.Soda. Chloride l.ime Citrnieil Kali,,Milliard ill in.lh. Opium I )einoeoli-f and. Cv aioiret Fulaesiiini.t unip roiiie h.xlraet, tiarratreeii Fie par’d.Coinii KxtSpieelia,llliieMoHs,Fienip F.atraet Hail IVrnvinn li.n k.Cali-nva liaik.Toxu I’.ark. Red liark, Camomile Flowers, Senna, IN a I rxi, Morehonnd, Sure Africa Cayenne, liavlierrv Hark Fnlv., Illood Root,Col elnentii Fnlv, (inl.len Seal.Sliperv Him powdered.(|iihh ma, tleiitian Fowdere.l, Cort Aram powdered, Rol.elia ami Seed. Hemlock. Ski.nk ( Yililiaffe.Sfinille, Candace, Me/.eri nn. Hupa, Alkannet Root,Cort Ciiaenrilla, Sna - alia “Seed, l.adiee Slip])er, Holden Thread, Sal'ron, Cin | namoii Hark. Fnlv (linear line- Hinder, Curcuma, Miih laril Seed AIR. .Mare, Clovea, Nutiiieya, Curaway Scot I Coriand-rSeed. Anniaee.', An it. Mail Aqua Koitie I lollinaii s Anodyne, llorax, lllack l.cad, Hriittatoin ■ line Slone, Jumper lterrie. r, .Re|.- >. v i,l r p;.,,,.,, IW-Wax Hiireiinday l v tch, Ralaam Copita, Halaam r-ol", llalsion Fern. Hlnck Drop. Canlliaridea, Colo,lt, l “ o. V."l|- Court Fluster, Coeulns Indiaeiis, Corosivf -Mihlimaie.lre-li ( astorOil,doSweeiOil,(-|inreonl i'ulv j •'•"■l‘s Velvet,Calomel, Antiumi.v, Aloes, Uheul.arh, Jo lap, Oieitalis, Opium, Frepared Clrnlk. Aeilnie Lend, ‘'eilate Zme. Arsenate I'otnssar, Flio i.hiile Soda, Filler Si,lphoriemi,. Fiber Nitric., Nitrate ‘liver. Nitrate Polnneae, Phosphate Iron,Sulphate Iron J Foliull, anil.hate So,hi. s-„lphn,e .Vlaene-ia', I “>■"'’ N"d a. I hosphorits, Ylnniin Flake, Ointment llvle ! i oiaHsn.Oimiiiemlodyne,Oi,mnrmVeratiine,Oimi„ei'. ; I leh.Oxvde Mercury,F.xt Jalap do llvos ■ vamns. do <■eniian, do ItelKilonnH. do Taraxiei, do iiinharh. Nuxroinien.tlo ttlvev < •rhirn.Oum Ca-pltor.doNeamnuv.dnMini lo (nnae, Fearl llarlev, llenev , Otlo Riue, j •.Meifer'late'ies.YlaenesiaCaled.di.Cnrb.lHinclnssJJuie , -liver, Netdlll* Powders, S'aniloya Powders. Soda do -pans’*. T> Vafers, .Varsnpanlla, lied Pieeiol j rate, ‘ lute do. Hlaek do. Pearlash, lodie. I Vnnattn,Fustic.Copperas, |l ro w i. V ; ■'eiot.i Red. Mnilder, P| S lUne. Nm,jails, *l„„i. (Win aeal. .-pi* I itrpeniin,.,Venice do. .N’lnreh, Aults Fart. .Sal • iioiidi, (rltjp, Rosin, Jtijubn Paniff, I J ATE.\T UEDIfS^ES. I.ftns F , i!l.-,0|)o;! •i.loc.’ ‘;i'tj)in tn’s Auti-Dispeptic Fill* i utersiln rlo. t Hunters Fills. Hoopei's Fills Amh'rson’* J I bis. British Oil, |hi,*MiftuV Droiirt Tiioiupson’s Eve \V liter. Uo. If rev’s Conlinl, Sal ,8 Lemon, Worm Ten, l.iitlef s ‘perietif, lh)tnui*-,l l)roiis t Sw;tiin*H i'anttreo, In ban > Fnuiiceu, f.-s. Ice In ml Jloss, Umigh Mixtuir, i LxtSursupnrilh., Cutup Narsn pari Ilu, Cubehs nnd i Nvt up Liverwort, f-omp fluid ex, Finkrnot, Dnl bv h C trutimitive. BlenchinsLitp,id. !VI *iid’p Fills. Issue IMuisters,Elixir Life,(iinp*i Beer Powders,.’Medicated (il >’ilk, Di-estivo Elixir, Pile Reinedv y (’hlorine Tooth A M-h, Bay Rum, Bul-mm Hunev, Cough Lozenges. Ex, 1 Ctelee, Cullen's Liquid, Poller’s Cathol'ieon Itowand’s Tonic Mixture, Heirs Y Specific I Ol) U’ormaoed. .-’arttopa Powders, Ext Poncset. l'oi.. v ; r.xtract. lPFf>iUhislm-s Ar. , ~H” 1 ow.ler, Pearl Powder, Yj,|k |!„str Cold Cream Cream Yl nontls. Florida Water, (‘olo-ne Wale, ..nven.le. A a Iff. Koe Water, Hears Oil, Ward’s Unit ‘>d. Marrow Pomatum,(lrtinirc Klnuet \Vnier, M tea-ear 1 Od, Nmnl ot Hose, Cmuphor S„„p, F.moliet.t Soap ’ .;’ * r NV in.lsx.i- Drown do., Waal, Halls, ,| " l ’ ■ ‘utiqueOil. Lip .Valve iPersiai, Otto Hose,Tooth Pow.ter (nil itertor.) Frasiv. Powder,Ext Iter cam it,, xI. ’• *; Mit“k. Honey Water. Naples comp .Vl.u’viiif r ‘l>h't. > * , !iiug f ikes, Almond I’.nte, (iroming Faiut Brushes. N.-ishdoOvu! Varni-hdo (Nnnols Hnildn,Badfr ; CIS hair,to C.raininsr do. Flesh hrnshe* assorted. Horse lo Hairdo, \aildo. C omhtlo. Tooth hrnshe*, do Silver Voe ,|o., Clothes hrti“he*. Seroh do. Shoe do, Patent f'eatlier It room*, do do Dusters, do do Hriishes, Pitch Tool*, Coonier Brushes, Hal dn. Crumb do. .Vhuvin ■lo Shaving Boxes, Shavins Oil, Powder Puffs ami Hoxe* Fresron Salts. Small Dottles,Tapera, Dutch Colntrne Yikinsou’s l^pilatorv. ixTiei-HEXTs, Ymptilatinff Cases,His-rcting It,“iniiueme.Trgnatm In Iruuieiits. Foeket Cases, .Vpritie l.aiteels. l-.avn'a I’lliimiH l.aiteels, Heotists’s Ctises,Teeth Kevs pat. S, - •ifieator-.Aliseess I nwefs.Tuurtiiiptere.Cuppiup (iiasses •” ‘i’- Piimpa/nin,elastic Cat, heteis. Silterdo. S,,r eon* Needles, Tooth Claws. Hunt Lancets. .Med,cal Spoons, Seales and Weights, Teeth Files. I'lie“iihserihersintend keeping on hand a full assort neiit ol Drugs, Medicines. Faint*, Oils, live Stulls, Shop Furniture. Axe. \c.eoiisistiite ol till articles, in then line ueeessarv fnrtlie supply ol Fhvsieians, Fl.tniei * ot Fam the*. They will receive cnnslnnt supplias of the best ilo.i can he selected in the Philadelphia and New Yolk “ttn'keis., Orderstrom Merchants,Physieiunsandothers •vjll prompt attention. I J. H. it W. 8. ELLIS. Jan “JB. so *AIVTI\ P!mx end Orimmenlal, and Paper Hangings, ia the | <*i cy or country. Apply uh above. HTraWr* . 9 H’TDS. Vt-w Orleans Smrnr of prim/quality, J. fJ ’or -ale by BULLOCK, HAKKOLD Ift'u OOn. fSi XL. B. 03XAVB5, ror nr rof I'herry Street nun t'amuwrcr Kmc, j ** start*, ml to arrive bv ,ir*-t bouts, thr most full K 2 aiai c nuplr Cdsortin* io of GROCERIES and ST A P1.,-'. GOODS, tin y have t-v**r *ff ivd in ibis city. *i,rcha and Kr ; cash, tlx y will la sold at prices iui*r* spondiug viih Fun tirui. •ilo pi* cr heavy ih np liagggujg, 10-') “ extra do do 2 lbs to yd. 50 India dn dn do 3 ih* to'yd. 200 coils Hemp nnd Grass Halt Ko;h*, 5 halt** Bagging Twine, 500 k: e*s prion* Ri. Coff-t*, 5 ) lilitls. v. o,p. R. rnd St. Cro.x Sugars, to bo\t r . IlavniiiiH hit gar, 10 ** Loaf and Lump Sugar, 90 hh.l* Mola*-*’ *>, 20 boars V*-)*arco t M Spanish and \ nn ncan Srgars, 90 boats Sprrm CumUt*, s' Im>x*s c sp, JO 44 A a *, X Inn- * ('oft,* ‘Ll.a, 2‘->0 kr.ra 3Vhnt* land, 5 c.t ks I.ii.**-<•! Oil. 5 li’ Cv.- s Lamp Oil, Wiiuijav Ou*i;*itd Tutti. 10 b’.ils \p|ih* Vim gar, 40 tun* mort<-d Su.a dM Iron, G -rnnaii ia Cast Stea l Hand and liocp I r on. Nun Him!*, 3-J,OOO Ih*. Castings, fall kind*,) Cart and Wagon Hoxt-s, 100 pair Tr;if*, H do i. Aims* Shovel*. 2CO casks Nails and Brads, 1500 Ihs Bur Lead, 100 Hugs Shot Dupont's io*d r, I 5000 bushels Salt, 300 sacks Salt, 15 ti* rc s Hire. 50 pi*-n-s Sucking. 2JOO lb- Factor* Yarns, 30 bait s r-4 8* 4-4 Doim-atiC*. 5 halts Osnaburg*. 2 do ‘licking, 100 pl•■(* s \>-giN, Cloths, Satin, ts, Kentucky Jvai.s, 125 piece* assorted colored Fhmneia, Joo pi.-ctM Prints, 200 do* Silk, Head and Kin a li udkerehiefs. Bleached Homespuns, Check ,Mu ,crj'’ Chuu ShussU, Ut. 20 dox Palm Leaf Hoods, 12 pieces Harrison Silk lldjvfii, 40 casev coarse SUo*.a. i Au S 12 33 ! ~ IVAftr-HOrsr. C/* The Ware House and Cornmi--ion Husinrsis will he con j tin** and at the old stand, corner of Cherry nil Third *i*xts, j limb r iln- management of Mr. >t KIBBF.E. Every atten : tion will h • given io I'oifon s oivd with ns, uml to the si King, j when required. Liberal advances made on t'otton sloted, or on at the emto miry rales. By s'rict attention to I the mt* iv*i of planter*), we hope to receive a share of tin ir . patronage. .Mom oo EL JiC. ck ttlUftiftlßE t'OiGOs MACtA’, Sep tern her sth, lb 40. ts is ordered by the laMirtl, that the third Installment of T* n Ibdltir* per s tare on the Capital Stock of this Company, ex tension above Forsyth, - required so b*- made, on Monday, the 21 st ot Decetnb r next. One half to be apprupnat* and to banking piirpos*-*, th* other lulfto the construction of the Road above Forty ih. Fa ym* mean Ih* made at the Principal Bunk in this city, or at the Agency at Furs) ih. A true Extract from the id mutts. Sept IS tdCO JEREMIAH LEAK, Cashier. Mom-oc ICail Kouil * ttsmkin*; Cos. IMCO.Y O her 22<i, FA N 3T is ordi nd by ihe Board, th 1> util th In taliim nt of Ten Dollars per share on the i stock of this Comps | ny, extension i ‘ o*** 1-''••r*y th, is requ red to he i an I on Monday the first *';• ~uiry mxt, om* half to be appropriat< and to Banking j rp •< -other hatflo the continuation ofthe Road abo* iotwjxit. Payment can lu* ma le ul tin* principal | Bank in tin . ~Of ‘ either ofthe Agencies. I A true extra*. .. v.a the tuinuies. ’ os;t JUl JEREMIAH LEAK, Cashier. Iu s. —31,000 lb*, assorted Sweeds Iron. octal 35 a. it. McLaughlin. I.niul* iM'ai - l!i* < y or riA.'.Y Building Lot* in the vi l u v'ineville, (one mile I fro it the city containing tivm .e to five acres each. AT-o uiu square of well tinAfc r and landfdivichd into lot* *f 10 to 30 acr* s,) containing 202 1 ncr*s, adp ining lands of Wm. H niiiiton aud John Homan, v iiliin If miles of tin city, ’ilu a hole or a part will b* sold on rood U rut* Apply to Macon, ov 18. 30 WILLIAM FORT. I OR SAU; Oats !• f. • i alT’lUl-', Home and Lot know n as the place *• 4 *^ Kt * on which Stephen Menard ha* iv*id*d •< 1 S|HF fi.i- the last f-w years. The lot contain* nine- JJSjRSSHH'/ a*,tva *#f iauud. Foru rins, opuiy to Nuv a’j 2v f A. k j. k VfiUri^T. VOLUME XVlll.—ito. 47. Wi'STEHN INSIT; ANCI. & Til! iT C 0 THE unri'-wigmi! arc Api md'. ril.i #h< vt- Ccrnpui.y iaihi < ity, ami ill fuk ri*k* <>n Live* rrd Kir, Mn rnie and litlam! Nsvigauun risk*, and t:;i-m t fur tiu < *.►**- ny. hutinraa in tTi* varicua biftHcht •ui u.miramc I In - Wmi rn hificn'.nct mid ‘I ri‘i*( ('Hi:]'ni-v hit* fM'< n origin, i/.i <1 with Mai. Murk A. C r.opt r, I*n *idi hi, a; and Mr. Jrima H. Short, r. S. in ir> ; its capita! i- Om i. ! . ! i.i, <■„, halt ol v hit'll hi b* n |'Ui(t to. I in- stoik is held hr cup iiftiists, mlio him- bought., miili tlu \im ol }u rmrii'inh r tumii g-it, fi will hr ihi iimrt*i of ilu-C< inymny to nmegt ili *raffair, with prmli i ct, ai <! tin > will iht r lon i jurct* with *f.ij \a thru- < i*f< n; r* Vi will rc ■vt .| oliatn.ns hi 11.. .{., J K. A. Nisl'Ct, or of Messrs. I or & iNikbvl. F.. A. h i A NIRUF.T. Marnii. lAtb .fan. 47,/ ?XCH ‘. (J OV NKM-YOIU:, iAVANVAII Hi;<l J AUGUSTA, tumult by c. DAY. D.vl7 4 , Sight kxch vxgkon hoston. Silt) mid Nmtl) Du; , Dills on Ntw \t rk, Fur ink-by KF. V k COTTON. | \C!! \ \4(2 ui Idll l mid i.() day*, on N. York. t Alan mi Stitniinuli 111 eisht. 1 2 3w4J SCOTT k CARHAKT. nil. y rnoKAi.a, df.&'i nt. I tF.SI II iI I 1-1 inn 11. s ill. ciitz. r.f* if Ylrrnil E x ilmt In iin 1 c-iutlit-.1, mill w ill ci i>t,i,m n, ~.... j v lii. ulii hi,ml, on lliti comer of Second ami Yin'li r ,\'. sin cih. He will keep cn linn,l ■■ p oil naroifiiipnt „( Mincrnl .V Nil Him 1 Teel , Cold I'oil, < Hid I’lnn nod \i .-f Muddier: T(|.ill I'i.Me- mid ‘i ‘unit) W neliev, i, I j rlie In ft qiitiliiv,lnr niu own nco.ui.d Hn rale. Ociidicr I ;jo noiillii!; jus t Coitiniivstoia Enstixsw I r |MJK rilicr will coniiiiiie Hie routine mid Com” I ■ Hnsmess, mH e „|,| nm.d ol .It., ~,~, A J n. and solicits i, contiminm-p of tin- pnti oimg, heieui lore so lil.ui.lly extended to tlis lute tinn. v . o n J. GODDARD. Sc[ ten.her 30, IC.jfl. tiilj-’ Knr.siiii t r si risiTlisiMi-’ r niHh. -ihcnbi r hit an plantation <>t 5 0 mrtx .r 1 „i„l. 2CO Aof it limit r go, il f. nft mid in ( iiltivsitii nth s .• 11, i, is u hue oreliiu'd consi.iiiii;uf.ll kimlu fV„i,. I if, Imonlono will .ml nll > non. ;it h. „ or, ai.lraj.reVi lo p. llll u-euiiiit , I w(, r than anj jitnc-i 11. Hi, ctm, ,|. tl , k, . >'"• “<lis ... ill, Ji'rd, 1,0,1a ti„ ,p r ,,. K ,no unV. fr..n. the lions*-, l< suits one (unit rui iris on m, .u i kiiiiwhasa 11, v, c taiio.p stream. His sit nut, <! In mi uccll. i i iKiplilHirmiiiU, noil ahm s, „r( nior, U,m, n mil, ,| „ |„,u frumtlu place. AII the impniv, meni- era,d,and an, sDw.ll. ‘‘•K , ‘, l ” *, fiinlioiisc, Cutton Screw, ftt. Call ami s,e ‘aid., tu .nit tin- pur . , . ALSO FOIt SALE, A (borough bred MAKE, wdli n p. c.c n ec.i,,l ly oT l ,hc.i„,„m t. - Ins. picn in Vinri,:.!.. Ml,. 1 . In Mina, ” r . u '‘' 1 11 b ) h:,l ‘ *H‘ i'/, I. Sl„ In,. „ coll I , 1., r i|, l„ e Hi, Impuri.u t.oeliwr, ncli. 1 cm. 1.,- i „ ~1 n v farm .IX m,l, u,■'.in Ferry, ,„d will sbo (be above p,„p, rl V to any who limy think proper w mil. 1 F * Si jit TVM, T WII r O\ Cr U” SiMi.diir.t cf l-imi,,. K.dcrul l mun a.,,1 Sa'v'aiii.iib wul jiubii>h tin above four wetkn, t.'fut-s’ IVi-i'vi- Rone I.iiiiitieiif. r 8 -, '(": ‘■ *’ l! ” I*U-ic a. a , r fadiop tm e J 111 tin Klieunalum, and 11 lias lor a iiiimlurof sear. ‘.“V’ rcpuli.Uou, ami ermiipli a |„, who l. Itaii ’ ~T, ,T Ii - alid rVr,lit I..••• i ... reii. I ~ Hivrr.aSle, ati, r one or iw , f U,. l.imiit- m, ami t lirooie HI, uisau.,m. ih, , as, . af numerous. „,s truly ar. nod; dial reach, Hie AVeafatirf Hour, with tbe most liapj , edict. Sold wboksat, arnl Mali by Cmi.sloek K. Cos. who!, sale Drur- ‘ pi'* l --1 pa I DropuH-m I th, Litiun ‘r a.\iv by the DiU'>ClbTb I.V MACnv h ” *- • “ ,v UMi I _ rcm (Ac /?,.r/ on Chronicle , Jan. ie. | ..S’ fl *s* hy an adver men, in iiumlur colon,n tl,-f IM- s-r, ( oni.loel. „ ■ the Vpcnls for Oldridp, K s |„. „f I Cnlkmbia, have ilej.nt,, , m seH Halt arti.-l. ii. amt ,U, W here. W c know n lady of (hi, , i,, w ho.. 1n,,. „ . nearly pun, a, lH,s, num l> j,, r pkr, m 1n,:,, j, ~,. •*". t'insnienlip lb tHuj l„ i„k, o:, : .|,„ai, , j, w net ill realnv er\ untorttinan-. th, I, s, >!„ n.onrl.ed Hie In-, of luck, tln.'l sl„- lull worn, and lifter U ; )*:<rs fruitless r, sort to miscalled r, slorotiv. ~ pur, 11i 1 : some month, tljfti, u botlk- ortwool Uldridce', Halm, and-be I l,m now npl. I. in i i-li nnuii'iiii,, plossy, ami ol Lie, 1,. 1n.,,. Memvom pn/Hnp-m a,, ~f ,|i( nodit) laslim •.•11(1,1 UI. ami in,l,, dw. do not want ins. n, r ilnmu-h w, wire . tdlped U. w, >r a wip a year apo. w llmichics Virnn , hair il.oupli, ami ofa pa.sablt ora lilv, ufour OM n ! DAIIIXG PRAUIIr i T h‘ ‘’aim of Columbia liu, lieen hnitand l,\ a nottrinuo •uuaterf, der L* idin v, r In* pnrehasi dor U ‘cl mil. s. -i have I Ho 1.1,111, uflo 8. COMSTOCK, ortlw snsiun of tOM I S ‘°V K * , spl. ndiii wrapp r. ‘I 1,,, is Hn oniy cx lernal tst dial will s, core (lie pnlil.r freni d.ceptioi, ‘ Ad,lre,a ( OMSTOCK Xc CO. Wholesale Drnppists, N, w-Yurk, Fie, t-strm, AVIIO H !l,|, i-O BALI). j SF “ h-U. Poitm ft- r at Haiti Via, i, ki.ovipr to the lasi, that l)r. Ulapham, of ii, mi,c eoumv. * 7t). and lor than 17 year, v, r> I„,H, In., had his i,r ,• ,'„p u COMs'f U oV£r£'7J^ ,*f the Desia, Gaels DHUHOISTS IN WACOM. LOOK OtT!! •• Can l on” in the Parent of Softly. VN attaek of the “ Pilot” may be positivrlr p - vent, ,j hr nsiup (when the pr monilorv aymptoma are f. Ii - t!„.f. ehral.d II V 1 V 1.l V I aK X p. ‘I her. .r. mom than ol.e hui.e (Ircd people iii tin, env, and in H, Cnil. <1 Man , an lam,,, muni” r, who have soli r and la ondmaince l.v ibi. and . relijl complaint, who k , p th, ms, |V., who'lv ('• •• f r , m afia.-k, I v apply,up llus Linlmii ‘wln n th, v f,, I any o mpionis ..fits ap proach : of this h re i, il,c most [erf cl ‘l,',f 1 fTi” None pci,uiiic tvi,hoot thenarac of CO'ISTDCK Ik CO wr.ll. nun thewrapp. r. SOI.’ MdV IIAYS bold .11 No. l. Flccl-.uxu, N. Y. Sold hy nil the Dee is oui4s DRUGGISTS IN MACON, WASHHS6TON AC’AOEiHV. “ fjjl.n. I nisi.,, of lit ■ Washinplmi Acad, on . Ilibli cniiurv I * the, that i!„ , have cnp.m, and a cuinjH'triit tutor to con..let lids tend, n.y th. Cinuii.trVar TIPI MS. si- I ..,ruct,"” in It, a,lire ami WclHiip. 3 in ~, r uni , U m. Arif lintnc, (.rammar, Gtnrpralihy, Ike. .0 •• *■ 1 a:iii. ti ml M i Sit ii.atu s, u 1 •*. d-l.tT, Mill e.iiii.iM lie** nil Muiuhtv, lan 1 irjj, /* ” a nd, muoiiih* 1 ** übu ‘“'-'‘ lli - um.’i.s i t l'.lM, rimed, JfcFk'RllfeltA 32ALL A<’A EJS.'S7, * Ta ifjgs L'otnuy. TMF. • ..rein, of this Imtiiuthm -or the t nsiiinp i; nr will c.inmme, on ti, - fr-t Mondiv in .luimarv. i,„,i, r th. .see ~ of Mr Mi 1,,,,, V , ,:, r. win, has ml ,hary; of „, Hie , f r. Mti r ( <!**l ;f *)► t! * f<n- the J|;t 1*11(4. J , Ivaws st tuumn mod,rafl, and h, urd Ten D.dlars per month .’OHN N. I.OVVH Y. s ‘ HtiBF.HT ItlltlfOlin, .a HKNJAMI.V It tt Yt V T (ii p.e„ JAWL-s if Aim Ison, J< •* dwtl < sotf>'§” jtjsfJ T ulot'liii; kit; y£:s-<?;,’ r E^ , ' , ,: r tills loc.tul hiia ifia l!„ abuic 1i,.. k m ‘••<•<.. ihf iai',l r; otcwju.d b, Clndi.r ? 11,1 1 “ ’• tin* Uathincrtoji Hull and Messer."*! r Of ,iCt * L ' rc “* *iU constantly keep on hand, a lull asioruntM ts CTiOTlttEtG, .iiind to the various .tiiMHi. ; ami also a aviurn! assortment o Vs-seoij;*, ‘i'liunniiigs. *"‘ l •rticts* usiially kept in his Him-. II :,|s„ entries on - tii j I Busin ..t tht* same place, wlitre the lattst fcjhtoiii will constantly bor,ecird. .ihonl-rs for work will Ik promp’ly < xccuted in iht b si mamcr. ll* • -cunm etel in l>uim - w iili \ \ | ji \ \ THOM AH vlo niptrinrenils the mnmifaemn of iht ir work at the North’ and th< bus'll, ssui'l cui.d*,tuu undo tin firm of C. S. THOM AS Ul in thi* City, . CHS. b THOMAS. Macon, Dec 22, JR4O. 44 U and niljiiiniiigctiuiilrv, that he has estitllislied liim <'ll in Ilia i'niiuiirig business, opposite tin? U'ltshiiittmii Hall, nn*t door Indiums Tayhii’s: n heir In’ will ho hapiiv lo wait on till n ho may favor him with ilmir pm rnii'ipo. llis experience in iho husiuos*, warrants him in saving that all joins entrust'd to him ahull give satis faction, lie will also give at minion in cutting ~t l(| m „. kmg Tunic Dresses, (Buys clothes,) in till? latest stile, liv close attention to business, ho hopes to merit a share of puhlic patronage. 11 lit AM SEGI'Jt. Macon SMtli Dec. 1810. <).14 A~LAUGiTASSOHtM enTok O A BUI Est SES*:i>S, CViimiuleti FitsSi nts.l Dt titiiur, oaowiua os’ ie*ao. roil SALK LY J. 11. &. W. S. l l/KLHSdisis. cotton Annin, Mac. n, Ca Dsc. 23. 44 Usu bU* Yard and IVituMtiDm. JAMES E. W \!,KKK Broth; r*, (■Snui , lt*fttoY„ S. C’., having fit.ibll*htri! a branch ot then* flrim M it\ Savannah ti? corner, of St. Julian, and /tni-.t; ninn v -tie. is, fronting tin ftpiav. above the mark* t, brp; l*u’ i’ to m for.n tlu* cituciiH of Sovamiuh. and tin* public m rall\, tb.,t linear* pn?|Mivd to execute with uvutin sv aiut (kipai* h all .n't r-t for MantliM, Grave Moiu-*, llrown blunt*, Granite u< and Paving. 1 In*) trust by puncMiaUty and attention toiln ah >. binim**, ml* i bit* to givr natisfacuoii, and merit a share, of public p ,i --- os f VND enpicn and daily jn r n< uim r ( onqut ri r, from Chaika tn, 270 bM*. lW*.v!i ThomuMou Little, 100 tierci New Orleans Molhih*^ U> hints, prime Culm Molaftstft, 100 ln\es >1 H. liauitn*, 40 bbh;. prime Porto Kuo Sugar, 15000 line Spanish S*gHrft fancy brundc, milU iciU ’.w b/ & A 21.