Georgia messenger. (Ft. Hawkins, Ga.) 1823-1847, January 21, 1841, Image 2

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WAIS f :5 OU* 1< AND oonsrsissiojw business. I, |~i1 r undersigned limvc taken Che A K Ware House o' Colton Avenue, I oy and un.arily tiu.ij i.J b/ M irs. M)*rtek, L v j* Kapur y < Ki.iiuitii/nnd mor r*cni* ly by Furl S<. Ciuptun, mitt intend car l*V iJ* if on the above business, tftudwf fee name of VV. &. L E. FORT & CO. The* ts hotit planters untl merchants is solicited. A general *dok of GROCERIES will Ur kept constantly u haul, vU : l*-7 T ; ’ * , IJu*ipug Twine, Bale Rope, Suit tun, Sugar, Colfi-e. s* Sts Also Blankets, Kerseys, and aadiritj .iwuiwet:* iv-u 4 W. FORT, I. K. TOUT. M K. CLOPTON, A W E. L. YO RT. WAKE IIOL.SE A NO COMMISSION BUSINESS .* nndersigned have forintd * j to the no> .aisimss in the st> o 1 6? I Maton, under the name af Jjs V n. UA MILTON Kc HARDEMAN. They will occupy the Vaiv Home formerly occupied by Hardeman, Gray hi it fe Cos. win re tiny .vtii in tu attend to any bu*m * coiiftiltd toilietii, I lie) solicit ih< patronage of the tViuuui of Hardeman, Gr.iybill K Cu. uiu< ot tAs public griusTklly. k* MAMIi. ION, .... * THOMAj HARDEMAN. Macon, July 24 ii_ Factorage aid Commission Business, CHARLESTON, S. C. fTITIS subin ib-rv continue basin ■■■■♦ at the old stand, Hove* I iSc Co.’s wharf, Charleston, and will b- prepared to make Uoeral advance* on Coit<>n sent to tin m, or g*vc proper atten tion to *uy business worn nulled to their ear*. ..... COLLINS & CLEVELAND %fI,X 0 3lui'J OCMULGEE STEAM BOAT COM BAN V. IXGOIII’oHXTLU MV Til B I (HSLATCIt.. OF OKUKGIA, I t JilOU3 ii..X HUXUREU AND TUIUTr*FITK, Ft* the ti’fi’.r* ’ *it ion and / < <uraucc of Me ‘tandise and l‘t o- U '. , -rs. . v;.-'. . nil and Darien, ruid Darien aid Mama, t+m n? . iU . id the pi tm ipai Landings ” ygq.llS Company will run their TM -_ jj Steaiti-buHU a-> high as Macon a* A „ |, IJt ;•... the slate ot the Itivi r wtl! ad pjwrr. r--7y.urO- , ~]t n 4 mil, and fur low -uage* ol the waters they have provtdd. and are now run* ; nm - POLE-BOA l h of such light. draft of wuter as will admit rli *m to mu atau> state of tin.* nv- , r, whi.i. aie ua and up by i!i ir St. am-boats twu-thsrd ol the eUnuuae, !i rehy g:* aiiy * \p • liting the trailipurtatiou of Mer ihtti; lurinj lit ;Su;n n ran l Fall seasons* ami their Steam er* will • i.i < i.ii i .t ■ repair, aid r* ad) for boaineca, * eat um th< r.rc* will i- Unit. Thai*- lion Is arc St •ain-loat COME V, Captain Brantly, Stentu-h-ra ALATAMA HA, Captain i aylor, Steam boat OCMi. T L(iEE, Captain Hlfeuknnthip. Am! a Ur- numh.-r of L OW-BOA IS, which will he in com* p'.wie r ‘uir. Vov further particulars apply to •iE A CO 1 I ON. Maeon, J. VV. LA Mi ROP, II IV. •ii.uviiiu, IH* 11. YOUNG E N. SON, Darien, VV and. PVI r Ell SON’ Sc CO., Sav.nmah, M HDWEI.!., SHANNON tc CO , Charleatoi., VMH’ SIIAP rlid Sc MOARELL, New York, sgent*. Am 2. ■jy A It 13-'SC O'JUll CONI'SSSSION BIISIXES.- f fll lE umlersigued to t m to abot'i b:Ni..a at their old stand, / mar Cotton A\ m.e and the corn* r oi f U •’ ‘ Ch.-rry aed First Streets, very convenient s'.Vi:N N . • to tht husimss part of tin n-wn. and also -va ■> y . r y M ( fVoiii the risk t f fir Tli'v will and -vote their he*t individual and undivided atteii* tioil t(> i> • husi:n . t!.-. .o y • rontiiU ito tin > r , turd ‘• i!i l*e pr■•* pared to make Idi.ral advances on Cotton s l< r J with ih ni. l it. ) will also aft. ml smctly to the **ah* of n> Cotton roi'sigtn and ti their cm , ami \\ ill in all cast . me their 10-st * f fo.-ts t .Citaiii the best market priet. J It. ) w ill :r.aln- the best a.-ruag aients p<#-sillfor procuring tin-. /:.• st mtelligMiice t:• > a fin* *ig i murk is, and wiil always ehet-rjiiily impart any n ..,vs that tiie) may thus ••beam, to tlntr plauni tr ami nuTcau t.Se fr ea-ls l'li ui ! rsi -.u and lit ia-* plant. rs tln*nrlv s, will f. | i ~-n- iiit •r• t in* parable id untied \titl tin (darning in ti-ru-t. In • i iclttsiou. the un.krsigiu and would only l rtluradd, x:. it v |ii luvpar. dtoattmlto .v< r\ hrnm 1 of..iisinew maii.ct'il with the Ware-House uml Contniisaioii flusinen* — *ucli as r. reivimr Cotton on storage. fr sale, or to ship to ati) other .nark i— r c iv.ig and forw tiling of Cl'mds foreoiiutr) m-rchauf*, tilling orders, Xfi\—to nil of which they promise tU u ibe'.r best attention shall he git en, to proHiott the interest ulthose tin itia’ patronize tlntn. \\ 11.1.1 AM H \MI I/I OX. WILLIAM H. HKYNOI.DS, Ma *oi Spt 94, 1 10. B lAC DGf <SI ISEWLBTT, Acictioai && Ckusiißastssiiosi .U E 2 E; t ES A Ai T S, 3/.4C0.V, GUO. Oct , i?4O ySJ Foi'warttiiiK A t'oksitisissioii Rasim s DARIEN, GEORGIA. rin he Rtibscrilirr ofTer.s his services in tlie nhove line.: 3 ami auks tt himr of litiaitiCAß. Paftirulnr regard will lie had to despatch and economy in all biieinaa** rou fidod lo him. A. MAItVIN. (Vt 5 >tn >3 ’ biXsTai sTiaipii;:i:vs COSSaSXSSKKJ ‘GENT. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Referonccs: WKLLWfiTUN it Foster, llosinn, l\ Wetsiohe, Renkhut & Cos. A cn-York. RDiHEßrono it Hi ii ri itT, Haftimorc, Md, RoHEnr Cdli.i.ns, Clmrltsten, H. C. J. (i. Moore, A K. & T. N. Ur,All., • ,Wri rn, Gao. I. G. Seymour. ) Savannah, An-. SI 4m27 ~JKivKTT A Rl-Ir-PST WAR7I-SIOUS3 rn Jfeya Coimniiision ifJorchanfs, ! T*MK' r oIJLD take this opporiunkty M t* nib r to tin ir limner- ; V Y otts tV'u ;i'l> and putrouf. th ir thank- for the liberal; l'l'.rom.ji’ tin) have n c i'ed at their liutul.s the pa-t season, t i *y nLo w uid respectfully remind tin in that tin y will con- i ti.iU’ - to transact the IViu't Ihutt and Cunttnissioit Butin€ss,m j their old and well known stand, corner of Second and Chrry ! Street-, where all business entrusted to their cart*, will bt faith- J fully and pivtuntD atunded to. * c;*.ORGE JFAVKTT, MDIITON N. UUKCU. Macon, A utr -J AND commission rgllll. imdersigned would ? jgf .5 Iv iu'.inn ilioir frietida mid nc* iLp, c|uuinutn< cs.and tlu public cenerallv, r ilfiSini i•“! iht'v will eontimie Cos iniiiKict (In \\ nre-lami Comn>isnioti lluhi noss ut their old stand on ('ltem sheet, near (\>ltori Av enue. Tin v are now prepared lor the reo ot Cot ton and other produce, uml for the receiving end lor wurding of till mcivlutudiz • which may l;o cm misled to their care. r lT*cy Bid iv it the patronn.:# of their friend.-’ and the public. K. cV. T. N. BCALL. Macon, mmm wn mm mm , IK. undersigned t< si R tram act a general Contmiwion P^>wra%t Business, and is now prv par* and to <t - r .t ito Ills f*'• lids and the pulilic, all the usual facilities hi the v.aj of cash advan -es and ai ccptaiices. 10 tuose who may wish to make ronsigom‘lit’ (having ctnuinodious fireproof stores an le. liars; h< p. .. ni- >to mak<-all eiiurr s light and reas inble, and logo- diligent a lintion to their inter* sts. II * also and. sir. s to call tin alt. ntion of the public to the lin** of S IE A M-HOATS, which will nm as tbllows : 1 n* Steamer 11011 l\ ( OLLIN'S, CapL WiHoox, will run during tin -ea-im, dir ct tu Savannah. 1 lie Steam r BLACK HAWK, Cupt. Powell, will run with vix good pole boat* to Damn ft :h Buts will b - maniud by comnvteiit hand.*; and I take pl .MS'ireh* asurinj{ the pairati** of tlie line, that every pains will be taken to insure and -spatch. Agent* ut Sava.tdah for the Itoh. Collins, Mcnsi*'. F.. nii Cos. for tht IliucU Hawk, Mr. Chs. Hart tide. A. 11. McLACG HLIN. I Macon, Oct.? 2 OJUce 53 a roc ZZ\il Itoad, ? A/a cun, June 25 th, 1840. ON ami after th lt July next, the freight and passenger train* will lea**- th Macuti Depot, at 6 o'tlofk, A. M. r turaing leave Forsyth at o'clock, P. ‘I. eunnecting with tin bivj in i!i, .August‘t. a.ul (ii\. os'.xiru Stag**, and Macon—and allowing povseng r* one night’s rest. At Ku.*yth, th * follow mg stage* run tn connection with this rial. A daily lin • tit!i lot an Spring-, (except Sundays) th-nee trt-wes kl) to Diwatnr, C’asiville, Chattanooga, and on foKnoxvilh , Teuiii-ssje. A daily two horse stag toMtirm s vill •, w h .r -it con t ci* with the Columbus and Greensboro li*ie t th *nt ekly t i Wetuuipkit and Montgomery, Ala AfiiT l j ! Ane-i't ne\t, a tri-wvekly two horse ag’ to the City of GriMu L. N. Wifi I 1 T.K., July 1 Ut**ideal F.iigtiu*r. RAKaWAY _ ufl BSKOM tnc subscriber residing infrar*- fJZ M’ ford Count),is mites south t>f Knox* ville, about 28th of October last, a N*gro Wo man iumol BECKY, about thirtj-f.v ytars •Ll,f%f\ tod. bright **oinplctd,toh ruhjy stout, so/n^- Lj tiling “or* r t!.*- ordir.ury size < f women, Lad .tm *• lien *lu’ tefi, b copperas hc in*- -sjiunfru/.L— to*,k wi.h U r a variety of r.ocb intf. If. ek'-y was biyog!* w tb>* State by hi mm* Nicho *of Juo**Cysmiy. A re&scmahle.rewurrl witlbegiYfuf r theajw said Hkjp <l W) that I gat her. and fell r. astmablt paid. /HHUR CMwfurd Counfj, Det 2J Kl SIVA.tIUH (G.) HACK#. FTTViE Hacesover the OgU-tltorpc Course (one mile and > I half from the city,) will commence on *1 uesday, the 19.1i ofjanunry, 1 41. The port** are at follow* : First Day— Purse SIOO, two mile In at*. Second hay— Pur**. $ 00, three mile heath Tnird Dny— Purse 8 1 0, four mile heat*. Fourth D'iy—\* i >OO, tor all loosing horses of tbsr pre rious J iv. two mile heat*. Fft/i Day Purs* 9 00, mile htanti, three Im ft m fire. The stable* arte all law uud vxoellci.t, uml will be furnished gratis. fin* proprietors hare * pared no pnins nor c-xpense to make the t nek < tptal to am, th soil and localit) h* ing *vell adapt* and to that purpose. PICKARD v c LOVELL. rropha *. The fallowing Sweepstake* will corns off the day pr vjous to tli • above : \ • pßake* for 3 yr olds, sab each, half so. fi it, three or more to make u race, to name and cloht the lit of Jan. next. Mile heats. Sums Day—Sweepstake*, sub. 8200 cnch. half forfeit, three sr a to make a race, to inline and close the Ist Jan, next. Iwo mile heat*. PiCSw.,4 wishing to ini* rin cither of th* a* tive stake*, will add.-, a* Y. S. PICKARD, I)*c 15 6w41 Savannah, Geo. ZtSV BABI3RT. *ub*cr. bet* respectfully informs the citizen* of Mo won j and vicinity, that In* hit - open* *1 a MAKING IvSTAttI.ISHUrNiT. opposite tlie Central Hotel, three doors Ik-low the store lately occupied by YViii. B. Parker, Esq. on MiiHh rry st. It* resptet full) Aolicitßa share of public patronage. Jtcinga proli ssn.nal Bak* l* himself, he conful*lit I y ii*sur* * those who may patron ize him, that Ins manufacture will be of sup* riot* quality. He will •on.stuntiy keep on hand, Br. ad, Boston, Butt* r and Water Cracker*, a vari* ty of 1T u Cakes,and hot Bti'k oviry day ut 4, P. M. Pastry will he kept on hand, or made too *h r, at short notice. Also Cake or otlur article* for parties. Any of the above article* will be nwpplird lu luinilie* uiincttntllv at 4 o’clock, P. M. W M. H. CLARK. Nov id 3* F HAN KLIN SB A LL. |Y||R5. ANN S. WVCIiE having taken t| the above House, com* rof 1 irst and Sr*N*3 •’ j Fop ar si iv* u, near <ot ton Avenue, formerly ZmlJI Hil occupied by Mrs. Curd- un*l l ut.riy by N. EnU, n prepared to uccominodatc Boarders Travel.r*. Good stabling will Ih* provid ed for Horses. She solioils the patronage of h*. r fri* nds and the public Oct 21 ts 35 Book ISixedcry. ("I A. ELLS Imving purchased ‘ln* Bidcry hercto ’ • fine curried on hv S. Kosk ‘V Cos. mid removed it t<i hia Hook Stor*, will continue the business, and do every kind of work usual in such mu esMublishmenl. He lma a good aßorlment of Paper, Aic. for Record untl nil other Blank Books. The old customers of the bind ery, and all other* are respectfully invited lucull. IW 13 38 PALL 6l wixffTSSL FASHIOrJ GEO. A. KIMBERLY puldic, loculi uud exutnine hisusortuient of LLVI’S AND CAPS, I ernhracing even style and quality to be found in any j other Hut Store. Among tHe many new style* ol lint now on hand, the | Moleskin Beaver flat are particularly ivcoininendwcl— ! they unite all the quulilie> ol the most costly, uud are offered at one half the money. A/so on hand and in process of manufacture , ‘45 do/, fashionable Black Beaver Hats euj*r quality i£ doct. Broad Brim do. do do. “ “ ?5 dtiz. do. tic. smooth fur Russia Beaver Huts superior quality. 20 doz. Medium Brim Russia Beaver Hats, 40 dor., fa *i bio liable Russia Beaver flats. 10 doz. fashionable .Satin Beaver Hals. 15 doz. black smooth Fur Hats for hoys. 10 doz. black napned Fur Huts for boy a. 100 do/., black and drab Wool Hals of superior quality. 75 doz men’s aud boys’ Hair Seal (’ape. 12 doz. men’s ami boys’ Sealelte Travelling Capa. 15 dez. gent’s super black Cloth Travelling Caps new style. 5 do. bt*vs’ super black Cloth Travelling Caps new style. For Youths and Infants. 6 doz. Idaliu Cloth Chi is for youths, new pattern. •f doz. Frioge Tassel Caps do i4 44 4 doz. patent Welting Cups, do 44 44 6 doz. French Leaf do. for infants, 44 44 6 doz. Velvet uud Silk, for infants, 44 44 a 50 Gent’s super Sea Otter Caps, new style. 50 do do Shetland Seul Caps, 44 44 150 do Fur Seal do 14 41 100 do do 44 Nutria do 44 44 200 do do .Muskrat do 44 ” 200 do do Coney do 44 44 300 Seal. Nutria, .Muskrat and Coney Fur Cana for Bovs. Country I tatters will find a good assortment of Hat Trimmings: also Alcohol, Shellac, extrat t of Logwood, Verdigris, Machine Hat Bodies, Bow Strings ami nil other articles usually wanted by them—all of which will be sold very low for cash. WANTED, Beaver, Otter, Mink, .Muskrat, Fox, Wild Cut and Raccoon Skins, for which the cash will he paid, at the sign of the Big Hut, .Mulberry St. Macon, Ga. Oct 1 ’ 32 “to cot.els. AM CEL J. RAY *V CO. Have received by recent nrrivuU, amongst either articles, the following m u sonahle Dry Goods, viz: Extra mi per Blue, Black, Brown und Invisible Green West of England Cloths. American Do. and C.tdvt Mixed, Black and fancy CnssimereH, London Tweeds and Saxony do. Mosaic Satin und Velvet V* stingY, Satinets, Kentucky nud ankee Jean*, Highland, W akefield and Hanover keiscyx, Brown and Bleached Sliming* and sheeting*, Tickings, Check* and Stripes, Liinm*. Hinpers ami Towelling*, British, French and American Flint*, English, French and American 1 lannelff, Ready made Linens, Stocks and Collar*. Fongt-c, SpitalficM, India Kora and Bandanna Ndkfs. Super Black, Italian and and Fancy Cravat*, Super Silk aud Cotton Hosiery, Glove* & Suspcnderr, Super plain und printed Mouse'line de Lane*, Shnllys, Satin l.uxirs, &c. Super Verita Italian, tiros de Heine, r.nd Gro* de Af ric Silks. India uml French Satin*. Super Jaconet, Swiss and \nnsuke Muslin*, Super Swiss and SachHiilhi Cumfaic, ‘f'hrmid Laces and Edging*, und euper Thread and Muslin Inserting* and Edging*. L well and Virginia Ozualmrg*, London Foint, Duffel, Whitney and Mackinaw Blan kets, Arc. Alc. October 1. 1840. 32 SEGA 1C AM) TOBACCO STOKE. nJ’W, FV PK UH j l ** l opened a store in tlii* line if business, wln-re la* intends to ktcp a full uumbtrii lit of Segars of every description, and particularly ihoM oi'iht bt st finalities, where lit- ho ju s to ne able to avcuniuiu* l ult every cus t( nn r who may rail, to Ins liking. lie will uU* keep a general assortment ofTOBACCO. and hopes that all persons wUhing articles in I<is line, will give him a mil. He also continues to carry oh the TAILORING JUSINJtSS. Am! w ill execute all orders in that line with d* spatch, and in the b*t and mo*i fashionable sty le. Hi* stand is on Mulberry street, next door to Jackson U. Hewlett's Auction room. fTT Repairing dona Willi uuatnoss und despatch. Os- it v 35 ROWAWD’S TONIC MIXTURE, Or Vegetable Vebriingo, A rpeeife and lasting cure fur Fever and Ague. ‘STUS worthy remedy earnestly repels the slur of being a D quack medicine, it having Is. n tin result of many years study, ex|H*ricnce, and labor, in the medical practice and ob servation of FEVER AND AGUK, It is composed of such 10-dieiwal principles as were coniideretl moat ht tan store the harmony of action letweeii tit* Stomach, hirer, uwd tin otln r important functions of the system, the loss of which harmony is evidently the immediate cause of the disease. It speed) I y promotes a regular and healthy appetite, which is gent rally entirely destroyed or rendered vers precarious; bv which if. feet, vigour and strength is soon afforded to the wlnde system. It in us t b.- appatvnt to all, that u medicine possessing th sc peculiar virtues, is useful in a gr. at variety of complaints. My renewing tin* h althyr action of the digestive organs, it has moved itself of remarkable benefit in Dyspepsia, Depravtd \ppetit**, ll.ari-burn, \Vat r Brash, Flatulence, Jaundice, Vitht Sweats, Dysentery, Bowel Complaints, and many other iff*-c< ions of similar origin. Hut it is in the ttvntnu nt of Fe vers, and especially in FKVKR AND AQUR, or Intiriuitent K-er,that its powers have b*eu principally tested, and with those who have seen its usefulness, it is pronounced iov< reign to all remedies h*retofurv diaeovtnd far those diseases. It las ahobecu used a* a preventive, hyniany who were *ohject to a p* nodical recuinnee of the Chills and K*v* r, and it has al ways ward'd o.Tthe apprehended attack. For fun h* r accounts of its great usefulness, ny pamphlet-’ accompanying each but* tie. For sale by J. IJ. & W. S. EI.MS, Ftbli 3 1 Cotton Avenue. Checks on VEW-YCHK, CHAHLES -4 TOY, aud AL*t>UBTA, irt aight. ord days sißbf. ° y. b, 9jo\\ Pkt IT id fa—i— i The itliicon sica*n-lio:st Company. ! 4 OFFERS the following iteain bomt f*>r -Mle,vix:J. Si I ON F , q / dilLi iA*>, J. GODDARD, o!*1 sUFFHIOH I he J. Stone i* a*ulewhe.l bout, lov\ pniiuri- *ngim*at.< tori. - 750 bah -♦ cotton. The Chit ft am i* u tide wind boat, high utvtsuiv * ngmcti, ami c<m. soCO hulev cotton, ‘llu J Goddaol is a st. m wheel Iwat, liijjli pr* satire tugine*, mm it arly iuw. the Sup.rioriia m* in w In* I, withlugb pr.-44ure * agin*4. All the above bouts arc now in coiapkt* order, oi>d r afiv fur no.lung. \i*o I’ EN FOLIC 110 VIA, eight of which ure now in order fur running, and w*ll curry 000 i*an§ cuytou each, two Light rs, an • a pair of Sl um Kiigin* *.|u -t from ProviU* live, C>l ind’ r sby 10|, togeflu r with .stimii y bunt !•*e. The I Sion, and ChilUin aiv now lying at Savannah, the ’ aalaiice ut Macon. Theabov Boat* arc now off nd at private flair,‘mu it not sold b t'oiv, ib. y .ail lie th* post dos at public salt—tile i. Stone and Clu ftmii on I'n .. s 1 a. sday .n JHlUlEry, v *\t, i.t Smvmii oati.aiiil li * ‘i.Ui.c a tli *d I i.ctduy in JAN L’ ARY next, at .Mucv.ii. t'or i rnis ;ij)ly to L. It v L VV IX, Sa* it i r silt, AU.:: \M/KK Mi iCHLI.L, Dhrim. Or to the nubflcritxr in Macon. J. i.UUDARD, Dec 23 : iviAcorr CARRIAGE DEPOSITORY, On Second , near Mul'trny Street, (opposite corner to Wash iiifi ton tin //. I f|MIF. 4ihfcriber*, grtiteful for pn*t fuvoi*, would te l I *p?ctftillv solicit n contiiiiiunce of tht sume, n* they feel conlidcnt lb t they will be always ready to supply tlm most tasteful customers in everv variety of Cari iay:* JlatlllßtHory. We invite the citi zens ofMacon, the public generally, to call and exam ine the work,quality, price*, &c. a* we feel assured that till who wish to purchase, would find it lo tlioir interest to deal with us Some of our V ehicles are very light, and vet strong, being made of the best matcriul*, and of su perior workmanship. They were manufactured express ly for this market,uml vve believe them equal, if not su perior, to any everofiered in thiscitv. Inasmuch ns all j who have purchased from us, and after trial, have found the work equal to our representation*, we feel confident ; ni recommending it, and believe that those who examine will be induced lo purchase. From the exten*.vesale* j vve have made, w e have been encouraged to have every i pains bestowed on our work, und offer it at a reduction from former prices. The subscribers hnv inc made arrangement* wi*h some of the most extensive Carriage Manufnctorie* in the Northern Cities, will have on hand, and lie continually receiving, tin* coming season, nn extensive assortment of CARRIAGES, BAROUCHES, BUGGY'S, ami vehicles ofnil descriptions; which w ill be ofthe best workmanship and materials, and which will be sold on as good terms as can be purchased in any city in the Southern country. They have also a number of first | rate northern vvmkmeii constantly employed, making anti repairing Carriages in a superior style. (ITOrders for CTll’l’iSlST* will be promptly at ;etided to. \VRIGLEY At HAIIT. j TIIRV AI.SO HAVE OV HAND, X LAKCK ASSOKTMKVT OF SABIII.KRV-WAISt, ,X IMKXKSS, Os ;rir v iicturitftioti: j Host hollies >.!i.f.ntlmm'ii’a Saddles,S|) Colum i bio,Travellers, (■'iinrv (|uifted,t>.’ large mid extra | xitee —Aleoßneea'id boy’s Saddles, Eitelish liridles, j Maiintuiss, Whips cil all kinds, Hard Leather I'ruaks, | Carpel fines, Real und linll'alo Skills,&.C. Allof wiiieli 1 will he sold as low as they can he lion-lit in this city or j any pari of the southern country. j Jj* Bs>j:sis'* of all kinds ofthe above business i done in a superior a. le .1 workmanship, j Nml.UW'd C.r, NEW CARRIAGE REPOSITO. Y At ItlC JllllCliOH f Cotton Avctlllt! aiisl Second Slreel. fin HE SuhstriU ,• is now opening an . \t- nsiv* assiirttn* tit ,f | Carnages, Harrouches, Doggies ami Hanass of*\. r\ ,|.. •cnpt.oii, warrant*(l not infi rior citln rni mat* rial* or a*rk ! mansliip, to a; y in the market, ami will Ik sold on a* r.a4*na j ble terms at) can be had at any other place. Call and see. | Macon Jan. 9th 1839. p. liLRR. e }^j~—- TH, SIIEEUIiIH AxiTcOI’I'EI! WAiiE MANI FACTORY. r „ rJIAKR this ui thud of informing tie citizens ofMacon and 9 surrounding country, that tin > will continiit the husiiuss at th • old staml, on the * ast sil*’ >TMnlherrx sir** t, three doors alaive ihe Darien Hank, where they w ill furnish ail kinds of lin War.-by* nr r* tail, at mod* rate prices and in ev er* van* ty usually f mod in a similar sta'dishm* lit. A go al assartnu-nt of Franklin Stovisfor parlours. Cooking Stov* sand other Stoves of various pnc*s and putt* n.son hand. A continuance of fiinn r patronage aoliciud. , Alfor.l r* p anptly ait. tided to. Macon, April 23, IH4O 11 DBeUS, 3IESISCE.YES, Ac. 1 - -J ----i ‘* \ I ; Lj; j I * *■ 4 * * • ■ . —~-t —r. rCNHr. .mhflcrihcT having h.xn rc- stahlih*d at tlieoid Stand, a cu.-n* rof Mu . rry an t Ihirl Sir. *t <, opp* sit. th*- It rick Iliit* I, oc’ t> to in for tin last six y.ars, during which um !u has nl irg**l th * stanlishtueiil by taking in tin adjoin ing .Lire. Itis stock of Drj,is. medicine*, Faiiils. Oil*, Ac. is now as *\t niiv* as any . stablishnu nt ofthe kind in the St te, and is c i.isiantly r. *• iving fr*su supplies, ha\ ing made m- nts with import, rs an.l iLuUrs m Drags amt Cl*, m ica.s, in X* w \oi*k, Ho'ton, I'hiladelpliia and Haiinaure, to be till a.shed ut all turns with new pi\ parations, ami the most choice and genuine article* known to ih* trade. Tin**- officiiitiAN adiirl. dm rchautsof this city, by our lit* rpn/.ing Steam-Hoat ami Kail-load Comp mi. , m the tr.*u*pii tanon of produce ami merchandize, ciiabh* ill. m to oft* r gr*at in ducein. ut* lo lucrcliauts, plauUrs, and nth* r, tn lay in tin ir supplies at Macou. HAKVLY SHOIVVELL. bept 16 jo MR3. DAMOUR PEGS leave to inform the public, that she has and is receiv ing her rich sunk of Silk*, nslins, and Fancy Goods, ♦he mud* the s* lection In rs* ts, sin-can gv* ftlit that her mock will not be surpass, dhy anv ill this city. He. •ids-* the known staple articles, she has on hand Silks ot ev* ry d* scription, \ iz : Gros de Rhine, Grosde Suisse, Gros de T’aris, Grow de Lyon. 1 Itlaek aud him-(• ms de Naples, Colored do. ! Hlack und blue Satins, Eigor and do. White and Fink Poult dt Soic, Satin and F trip* and Clialli ys, I English and Ft*t nch ‘nuts, Swiss and ScotisH Muslins, Muslin d< l.uiue, Hi-hop l.aine, Sh**i ting-, brown und bleached Shirtings, Furniture Muslins ur.U Diuut , Skirts and Hells, Thija-t Shaw ls, Capes l,adie* aiul Misses’Silk Hats, Eiobit*id r*d Poplins and Cashmt irs, Silk (’ravsts, Silk ami Cotton Handkerchiefs, Cambric do. Lace Veils, Edgings and Inserting*, Fresh Linens, Luk ii Dama'.k, •ilk, Cotton and Linen I hr* nd. Silk and other (.loves. Silk Mitts, Clucks, Homespun ofdiff rt nt widths, Set. Itc. Alsou rich assortment of TOY’S, Leghorn Huts and Hoods, Dasktts of ititf. r* ut sizes. (TT The GROCERY STORK of J. //. honour, next door to the Darien Rank, is providtd with a complete ussortm* nt o Groceries, paniculurly with n rich stock of nsi Spanish Se g.xr*, viz : Cazadort-s, Regalias, Canon* s, T'riucijie, tc. a large assortment of Playing Cartls, Fruits, &e. See. A* soon a* the weather will allow the truii'porti.tion of Fresh OYSTERS, the newly urrang* and tstablishmint will lx op* md f.#r th r ci ption of his friends, Oct 14 li*‘ntticky imil T* nm-ssec I'iited*.. (IMECKS on th. North, rn Haul, of Kentucky, at I . xinr. I j ton. Alio Chuk.uj. NaihmJh, I tUu. to suit I aa. Vqt wla lijr 1, I), STOW. J TO WATCH MAXE i.S. THE undersigned be leave to infuriu the Watch Maker* throughout the country, lh:il they have just tvcv and 1)1 I(e.CT from the manufactories m Europe, a Hplcmiiu assort ill .‘lll ol Tunis :tn! UnUulul*. vhich will be sold at New York prices, FOlt CASH. Thov wishing M purchase, will >lo w. li to mil hiiil examine. A i. some extra (JOL > AND SILVER LKVKi YA I'CHEi, selected b> a (food Watch Maker, at the factor i .l Kir ,! ,an I iiup > ted direct to lh:4 pi.t \, will o sui .it third Trmt prm * for cash. J. A. iW S. S. VlllulN’ Macon Fen 19, U4Q. 5. Splendid Furnuuro nd Oha r 3 < f/i/wMiU I \ as/tiutftoH I lull,on Mulberry Street . grill* r 9 4 HE subscriber respectfully informs his A !' 1 friends and I lie public ifmt bo in e ---coving and uiHiiufuciurmg a more splendid Vp-'wdfcgfr tt**oriuu*m oi tni imure liiuii bus ei or been offered lor sale in this citv, ut the lowest //If 1 price* FOR CA.SIL % * I lie following comprise a part: Side* board* with and without Marble fops, Secretary and Hook Canos, Desk and Hook Cases, Solas of thc*latsf sly lit, Cos He lie*, Set lee* and Eiisy Chairs, Dining Tables in setts and Hindis', Centre Tables w ith and without Mar ble Pops, Pier rubles. Pemhroke Table.-, Work Tables, 1 Toilet, Dressing anti French Bureaus. Muhognnv, Maple, ‘ and Poplar Bedsteads ; Mantle Classes Dressing’ Boxes ! find Glasses, Sociables, Ortomuns, Carpet and Chair I Cushions, Fiono Seals variovs pattern.-, Mahogany, 1 Curled Maple und Fancy < !huirs, Hair and Cotton Mat i trot'ses, Fen liters and Feather lied*. I Hind*. Floor Mat*, | Willow Wagonsuud Cradles,together with ev cry article 1 in 1 1 i * line. j The proprietor is supplied with the best of’workmen,! and well seasoned materials, s< that be is enabled to j j manufacture any article in hi* line,that may he called! I for. Orders from the country *lmll receive striel atten-1 lion. The public are invited to roll and examine tor 1 themselves. THOMAS WuOl). I OetJK 4:1 oiaTp ror% ca E.W IVFMII£ €'M<OTHi*V€i. rl* W. MORRIS ha* removt dto the South videos \ Mulberry -tieef, two door* below the If Cud h*a roinineuced receiving In.* slock ol Ready n tide .’lollimg, < oii-i-ting of line Hi aver, Pilot and Broadcloth Over Posits, Geiitlemeidrt blue and Invisible Green Cloth Cloaks. Gentlemen’* Him*, Hlack trul Green Cainhlel ('leaks, Him*. Black, In’ I*. (irirn Cadet mixed Frock (.'oat.*, Hlue, Black and ln\i*dle (Been Dies.* ('oats. Kentucky J*-an* ami Pilot Cloth Frock and Dress Coats. Blue, Hlack, mixed uud Fum y Cassinieiv, Satinet and Jeuus Pants, ! Figured tied plain Woolen uud Silk Velvet Cloth, Cassimere and Satin Vests, An assortmeal ol low priced Vests, Silk, Buckskin, Woolen und Cutton under Shirts and Drawers, Cotton Shirts, with Linen Bosoms und Collars, 1 Colored Linen ami Kuftle do. Silk, Cotton and Merino half llose, Gloves, Suspender- and lldkfc. Linen Collars and Bosoms, Stacks und Cruvat* of every variety, ’ Superior Fur and Sealetl Caps, Travel,ing Bug*. Trunks, *S.c. Also a large lot ot Negro Clothing. ‘The above stock has been selected and nianufuctutrd with great care, and a* sales will be coufmed to (’ASH, purchasers will iiud PRICES LOW . R. W. M. Macon, Oct *2O, 18 i h _ 35_ ’ IUO\ ANI) NAILS. JUS T Rcceivt and, 20 ion* Sw ed*s Iron assort tl, 100 kegs Cut Nails,assorted. Apple to 1 July 3 :0 WINN, SHANNON It CO. T.I3AT tor Ifi(MillSt and l cononiy. I r■ HIE subscriber having pmcliased the right of the Fe.ither Dresser, invented by Billy &. Todd, so 1 the State of Georgia, would respectfully iiifonu the citizens of vicinity, that In* has one .l said Machines hYSuccessful operation in the old .Mausiou House,Court house Square. The work is entirely done by the operation of STE A M, I no lire coming near the leathers, and no possibility of : scorching or injuring them. By this operaliou t all Moths * j are destroyed and removed, without loss or waste of , 1 feathers: outlie contrary, the bulk is wry much inereas . ed, munv times one hall, nothing lieiug removed hot small particles of dtist, \c. They arc also cleaned and pm 1 tied from all mucous 01 glutinous matter which ; adheres to n*w leathers when plucked from the parent i Goose, and which gives them an offensive unhealthy : smell; they are entirely cleansed, and have the uppear ! ance uud essential qitulitics of new Feathers. He would invite all house-keepers and others, who psefer sleeping on pure soli bed*, who study Economy and if alth, to trv and prove the .Steam Renovator. All persons arc in vited to call and sec the machine and its operation, and he convinced of it* utility. ‘I iie operation of Feather i Renovating is universally approved of, a.- 1 have l erlili caiesm my possession to prove, and 1 , which i respect fully Ici 1 tljc citi/.r-i,-. I eople ho.otic* cointiy can. by bringing their beds m the uri niug, usually hav* them the same day. Any persons w ho will try the. experimet t, may scad a bed or bed* of mi* quality Feather?, lr*un the lu st .• 1 ..; unrest, to the .;/./• at and paun at they have, prov id and they are either hWsr or Dhch Feather*, amt may he assured no charge “ill he made in any case, unless perlecl sat isfaction he given. Persons wishing their bed ticks washed during tin operation, can have an oppm limit v of doing so. t w ould * also request persons wishing to have their bed- renova ted, to send in their names immediately, and they shall be attended to as soon as circiinistum es will allow. Price for renovating, eight cents per lb., gross ; or il . they choose to send them in, it w ill he seven cents pci ,Ib., gross. WJJ 11. SPLXK. December 3, 1840. 41 NOT 1C I' * VLL those indebted to the L-tate of Tarpl v Holt, deceased, are reqitehlel to make immediate pav ; merit, and all having claims against >aid cslute, w ill pre i sent them in terms of the Law, to ABNER l\ HOLT, Executor. Dte. 10,1840. Cw 42 roa SALE. fTIHA 1’ valuabli sctlU num >*f I.A'I) about five lie fi low Macon, on the Ovmulgtt Ktv r, voaiuining Four Huiah\<! nmt ‘1 o Acn-tir-t qua.ity “wniitp Land, I ’ Col. J. li. Lamar, know 1. as fractioto Nuinlxr* 159, in ! . the 7 ili originally Ualdwiii, thin ‘l"ij;gs, now liibb I comity. For particulars, apply to ilie Kt.hscrila-r in Milli dgt villc on ■ the 28th or 2 *ih Uccuabir— afn r that lino ,at Coimnlui#, Ga. ! P. A CLAYTON, I)*C 13 3w4t Kxt cutor of (L o. It. Clayton. j I’Oi l TON F. 1> VDIIiytS I KATO!CS SALS-'.-c.U.■ an 1 u. rot tin- fioiiuru.m Uu lnt r.ot l 1 t.rt i.l ih Cf.iintj ol j I'titwHiu, win n sitting for ordinary purpose*, will U sold at j the court ht.use in Ivi.iomlu, Craw font c(nMv,on the first i TiKSuay in F* bruary n-xt, ! ut of Lam! No. l'A, io tin sixth j district ofonj-ii any i.otision now t'ruwfoid county, laing the I real 1 stall ot I >aac Vtlniaktr, deceas. and, and soltl lor tin I. 1.- ! mt of the In ir. KLMOKK CALLAWAY, AdinV. 1 Die 3, IH4O. ,3 ! KS.IL’U MOVHIS alter flalt, appUcatinu will bt | k made ts lit. tio..f>rai)u tile lntf orif>r (.< t.rt t i’ki conn- 1 ly . wlunsitting fur ordinary pnrp.x for n av* to mli a House • and Lot 111 th. town of lit*ion, ami tin N gi\>cs hi Ittiiginj; to 1 tin estate oftbatnui lL* akf, .an of said countv. ckt a-* tl. GARLINGTON LLAK, L.v citor. D*Cl3 43 I MONTIES after and ate application will j Ikt 1 mule tu the honorable the Inferior (Joint off Dpson county when silling for ordinary purposes, for 1 leuve to sell the real estate of John ('tnpenter, ihc’d. MARY CAR PEN T. R, v . , , PLEA^AN T .SPEAR, \ A4,1,1 r!> * Dec 0 40 .IION l! Sis af er date, application will 1 he tnude. to the Itotioiahlc tue inferior Court til Pike county, when sitting fur ordinal v purposes, for leave to sell all the Land und Negroes belonging to the estate of Ish ini 5. F. Alh*on, laic ot said county dee’d. Aug 26 27 THOMAS C. HUGE, Adm’r. Cl )UR MONTH- iifnr dan , application uiii ht J J made to tin-Juf* rmr Court of .Monriu coui.ty, wln-u sit. ting fur ordinary iiiii'ptm*. for have to si II iht Laud In-loug ing to the cktutc of Alcxamli r Pellamv, and t*i usul, lun of suiti county. ALEX’H BELLAMY, Jr. AilnTr. Sept 9 29 Hyot ft MON I IIS aft. r flute, application will In made to the lnl. rmr Court of Monroe ci uuly w h> n Kitting tor ordinary pnrpoa s, for have to sill tin- Land und N. gr. is IK-longiiig to the email- of Richard F'htcln r, late of Monrot county, Uciavtd. DAVID OGLKTuKK, AdnTr. EFFY FLKTCHEU, Ad.n x. Sept K MONTH •* T ’ ipplicatioii will ht made to the honorable Inferior Court of the county ol I 1 w iggs, while sitting for ordinary purpt st * for leave to atII om-third of Lots Land No 59 and do, lying in flit- county ol Twigg*, belonging to the estate of Itobt. Cumin. 11*, a- ousn!. Also all tin- Lands belonging to said decetM-il out of the conn ty ot Twiggs. li. W. CUMMINS, Kx’rx. Nov 24 4 j hotii i~ \LL persona indebted to the estate of Robert Cole man, late of Hihb county, dec'll, arc hereby noti fied to make immediate payment. Ami all liming de mands against said estate, will render tlifm in duly at tested in terms of the law, to the executors. WM. !M. POPE, ? r JOHN G. COLEMAN, S rH# Nov 11, 1840. td3B A BMIAISTItyiOR S SALE.— WiII he /% sold fill the first Tuesday in Jarinirv next, before the court house door in Lanier, Macon county the fid lowing Lota of Land, with the exception of the widow's flower, Lot No. 238, in the first dial. Macon county : also the east half ol Lot No. I*9. nntl east half of Lot No. •V?, both in the 291 h tlist of Macon county, belonging to the estate of Reuben May, late of Macon count', de ceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and ( r*ditors of said deceased. Terms of sale, one lmlf cu.-h, hikl tlse I balance twelve mouths thereafter. Nov 3 :ir> JOSEPH MOTT, Adm'r. j CIDBW. -| A HAHHK.t.n NEWJOUC ClOl H. ii.-t r.c.i,<l n.d I JV t H. H. PUI.LIAM, \ il o W*jA dom ft Whit* # fxitrt J Chiekcring * M ick-.iy’* riANO-FOr.TES. Cotton Avenue, jh it door IVcit of J li. & W. S. Cilit. H. HUiiLBU r would resp. ctfully inf* rin hit fhend* { ST* ami the public, that In* has ju*i rt ctivrd a splcndiil as s*rfiUv-nt of FIAN'O-FOIiTES, the Manufactory of Mi as. | Ctuckering ftc Mackay ; among which mv some of Chickir iag's iau- ttupioVcd Patent !rvii-ft*am* l liisirumeiits, which for brilliancy ami sweetness of tone, cannot hr surpassed. The character of these iiistruMn nt* aiv too will known, botu in Kit rope ami the Uiund States, to need furihir conunciit. t'liose “iu> wish to purchase inviti l to call and examine for tliems Ivc*. All lustrunients sold by (J. H 11. are war ranted, and will keep in tune 011 c ytar wulioui charge. Al* • for sale, mi a'isortmeiit of Kivuch Piano Cov* rs, Music v tools, anal Piano-Forte Music nt N. Y.prices. I'iauo-F'orti s anti other liconi cuts tuned und repaired ut shun notice, both in town anil country. Macon, Nov 24. I*4o 40 p 2. aw tat . r xsmi. t VALUABLE Plantation lyicg in the ninth tlist. Ilous- ton, containing Fifteen liunihxd Acres, the greater por iTou of w hicii is tiiM-rnte pirn land, and product h about I COO jmiiniN ofi'olton per acre. Thi re are between three and four ’ (in lid red acres open, ami in ciiiiiiation. In addition 11 n two 1 xcellent Saw Mills, one Grist Mill und a Cotton (jin, situated ;il thejuiictiou of three never failing siremn*, -•ix *r m*v t-Ji mill s ! wi st of i\ rry, uml about IwcMt’ -l ight milt s Irom Mucoli. ’ Fm* u misapply to WILLIAM FORT. * Mjicoii, Nov 4 37 rnilF. Store Unuso and Wlnrves lately occupied by I the Macon Steam Bout Uoinpuiiv. until Ist Sept. | next. Apply to D. H HI I'LKU, or JAMES GODDARD. Dec 29 3” 45 j A It’.', daily eH-*-tii.g sum •of tie- 111 -.t astonishing and “oi -1 tlifiil eur.s that li.. < v.rh. n known—in consiqmnci -1 ot winch they have now become u shining murk, against which : all tie arrows of disappointed hope, tiny and uitclniritahh ms.s ‘are levelled without distinction. Tin- town und country arc 1 aiikefilh-fi with iluir praise. Tin* palace and noorlmuse alike echo with their virtues. In all climate*, under all tempera tuiv*, tie y *till retain tht ir wonth rl'nl powi rs, ami txt rt tin m unate 11. It tl by ng< or situation. They are*imple in tin ir pit p t ration, mild in tin ir action, thorough in their operatic*, and unrivalled in tin ir n suits. PF.TKWS* VKG ETA RLE FILLS Arc Anti-Rilious, Ami-Dyspeptic, and Anti-Mercurial, and may justly he cotisitLr and a Univev-tul Medicine — lut th. y are pceiiiiur-y li. nc licial in the following eoinplaint* : Yt llo” and ; Bilious F 1 vers, F\ ver and Ague. Dyspephia, Cr. up, Liver Complaint, Sick ifcaduck , luiiittlici , Asthma, Dropsy, lihiii mutism, inlargt uu nt of 1 lit -Spleen, Fib *, rcinali Ohstruc tions. Ileurihurn, F’urriil longue, Naim a. l)i*tt umoii oft lit StmiiHeh anil Huw\ls, Im-ipi. nt Diarrhwa, F latult nc, Haliit lull Costivei.i ss, Loss of Ap;* tit* , ('holic, ILotchidor Sallow Compli xion, anti in alI cas* s-.f 1 * ryior of tin Bt.w *-fs, win rt a Cathartic or an Aperient is nettled .liny aiv i.xnidiugly mih: in tin ir operation, producing matin r r.uusca, gripping nor debility. Retail price 50 cent* per box. Sold af all the DRUG STORKS IN MACON. June 15 * rtml7 V-'I.IKR’S CELKBBATV’I) IM?';\CII y 1'11.1..-. —Tillll. l IlLSlllti-b nvlldl/'< HAI.I.EMII.. ‘lne genuine Fi\ itch Fils .1 gainst all tin ((UACK nortnans of the age—ior the enre of n certain disease. The F’HKNCB FILLS are appiicaltle in all e.vs s fir either s. x, (wainit tul fret front mercury,) and tlo nut arti-ct tin hi\ath in the least, und arc perfectly pleasant and agroiahlc tu the stomach, ami have iiewrfailed to make a speedy and | rmam lit cur*, with out the least regard to dirt or upnlication to business. In lung protracted, chronic stages of the disease, obstinate Gl-its. Flour Alims, Gravel, Female Complaints, ora weakness cl those organs, they an- beyond u tloiiht the most ciU-ctual reme dy ever, having cm\d many obstinuu-cast* uftir eviry th r medicine h .tl faihd. Ihe l'rcnrh Pitt* have been so universally successful that the proprietor Cin;lienori any one to produce aixnudy of equal certainty under a forfiitun I Three ..un.lred Doliaii* Frict $2 pirlmx. Fur sale :tt .1 uthe DRUG SIOUF.S IN MACON utie lA uml7 l DIUIIUSTKATOII’S SALE.-Will be . sold on Momlny 1 lie 4th day of Junuurv next, nt flu* pl.iiitnfioii ol John Hubert, drcM in Monroo comity, till the perishable property helotiuiug to said decM, con sisting of Horses, \lule*., 1 logs, and Cuttle. Coru, Fod der, Wheat, Oats, fanning utensils, linn.'cholii furiiilmc, mill various other artieb's 100 Dtimeroiis to mvution. r rt*rnis twelve months credit for small note* and approv ed security. Sale to continue from day to day until all is sold. At the same time and plnce, the plantation and Store House will he rented for Hie ensuing venr. WILLIAM HILBERT, Adn/r. No* 11 4 DMIXISTKATOIFS SAl^i.- ‘ oetween the usual hours of sale, mi the first I uiSilav lll f-'em nary next, at the court house tluur in ThoinaMon, in t* e county of Upson, three acres of Land h ing part of Lot No. 13a in t ue lota tlist. al originally Houston now Upson county, ai-.d situate aroiinil the churili on saiti Lot. Suhl ly orilt-r of the lu feri orCourt ot* Upson county. Term* uu the day of salt. Die 1 41 *U. C. GIBSON, Ad.n r. 4 DMjmSTR ATO R’S SALK. —Will be s.ld on tat* first Tut >day in FTbi tiui v nt-xt,the court ImU'iiiu Macon, by order ot the court of ordinary of said county, a Lot of Fine Land containing 11 acres mure or It ss. two milt. wt mi i Macon, adjoining l<y land* r, Ralston, ui.d others, bold us tht property of Adam O. Hiuth, diciast and. Pic 1, 1840 41 HEATH, AduTr. POSTPONED * IDIIMSTRATORN S\LE. — Agreeable to an ord. rof the luferio’.- C'tmrt of Up-oii county, will Ik *nld on the first Tu sdai 111 FTbruarj mxt, bi fore tin court iiotis tluur in Thoia.iston, hetwi t-n th.- usual hour* of s.i , tin smith lialfof Lot nt Laud No. 153, in tin F th tli-t. of originally Koiisioii in\v Ups.mcounty, hold a* the property of Caub, th cm amd. 11 rms cash. Dec 1. 140 41 ICHAMOD DAVIS, Atlm’r. V. STIUTOU'S SAI.K.—A K r..!.!,• tu V. a., ord. rot the lid- nor Court of l pson county, will he * >nl 0.1 ih- li .*-.1 I'ii s.lay in February m \t, before the court muse door in the town of l hoinastou, Upson county, betwnji til* hour* of sale, three Nigatus, om Man ami two Wo men, the prop, rty of Alexaiukr .1. Dunn, late of said county, | d.c-t*as<d. Solti for the Ik in fit ol the creditor* id aaid dtCiun and. I erin* 011 thi’ day of sale. Dec 1,1 40 ‘ WILLIAM ROWER I SON, AdmV. \DMIMSTR A TOR'S S \ LK -WilMn mdd.m tin first In. sday in February it xt, at Lanitr, Macon ci.tiuiy. tun- Negro W oman In longing o Abm r Johnson ami Benjamin Johnson, di c'd. Sold lor the ht-n* fit of the In irs of . said dec’ll. Terms made known on tin thiv of sale. D'C 1 41 l .A \l JOHNSON, Atlm'r. VDMIMSTHATDIDS S)LK.-On the first ’ I ue* lay in March next, 1m fore th* court house door in V w ton, Bukt r county, will 1m sold iMwicii the u-ual hours t.f sale, the rlousis and t n acr *of Land, in Gillioin illt. bt loi g ing to the estun of the lull- Dr. ‘I bus. F. 1 liegs, of said conn y, deceased, bold b; an order ol the court. T. rms r.n tht day of sale. A. B. HIGGS, Atlm r. DtC K 2 \e> III \ISTRATO Ii'S S % r.T"~\7^- wble to an order of tht* InlVrior (Joint of Macon county, when niniug us .1 c.tMirt of ordinary, will he suhl on the flirst Tuesday in March next, before the couit house door in Lutiier, one Lot of L tnd h l\ti“iug to (lie estate ot U illium Mil* hell, ol said county, deceased. *Stl 11 for the benefit of the heirs and er dilois. Dec*2B 45 JOSIAII ASIIUKST, AdinV. L^XECITToitS’s VI.K. Agrt table to ail order of Irj tin li.iermr Court of Mmiro--ctitmty, w hi-11 aittiog fi>ror dioary pur posts, will he sold on the firm I mt-thty in Fthniary m xt, at the court hotisi door in Momoe i-ci-iitv, thru Nt jua* Ik longing to the state of Cliurh Hardy, ch c s d. viz : Wimiy. a woman about 30 yt&r* of age. Hurra f about 22 y t ars of age, and Emily about two ytara old. hold for the b*rif;tol the civuitor* oi said deemmd. WM. W. HARDY, ).. . JAMKS J. liANKS, i IS ’ 1 DtC 1, I#4C. .1 t M'.um\vs SALK.— Wi| i ‘*■ “is ■ ivrr . vj iiotiHton county, to th* high* t h.ddtr, mi the first Tu*- tiity in March mxt, the int- r it of the minor htir of Noah Scarborough, in seven Nt geo* >, to wit: two women and five children ; sold by an order of tin* lidt rior 1011 rt of said count v, w h>. 11 sitting fbr ordinarv puri.os s. Teriitp on tSic- t!ay olaalc. Dec B 45 * SEABORN C. HHYAN, Guard. IfOKROE HIIKBIFP SALK-wiUbc Uld Lv a ,; n the first 1 nest.ay in i • liruai y m.xt, before thi court lio ll si door in the tow nol Forsyth, the follow ing propmy ; T"o Ik>u>* h and lnls, in the Town of Forsyth, the , property of Juntos Anthotn y, to Hntisfv two fi fits front ; Monroe Superior Court, in Invorof the* Monroe Rail Road -v Honking CompHity, vs mid Autiioncy, property poin ted our hv I‘lainiitV’H A tfoi nev. MORTGAGE SALE FOR I'EBRI’ARV. O hoitne nud lot in CttlloderiHville, where Tiioiiias B. Wi ki rson inter resides, levied on as hi.* properly,to snt- , • -!> ti iiiertgnge fi fi fioui Monroe Superior Court, in In’ 01* of Henry IL Murpan, vs mid \\ ilkernon. I HOS. M . CHIPMAN, Shift. fl TPSQN SHERIFF HALE-wiii b< i first I iieaday in Fcuruury next, bifuretliv court huum dtJor in riiomantou : , One Lot in the vill isre of Ilnnlensvillc, containing *ix nt-tes more or less, with tin* itnpronetneiit* thereon, lev- 1 i.*tl cm as tin* property of Willinm \V. Hnttle, to sutisfy u li in from L|<on Sunerior Court, in fuvorol John’S. ‘l'rnvlor vs. William \V. Hutildand Alfred Smith. Al-o Lot of Lund No. fill'-Jive, in tin* Idtli di*t. of ori ciiwtllv Monroe now CpM.ti eounty, ! vital on as the i property td Ezekiel A. Lrudv,to sniisl* u fi id from Up- I mm Superior ( dni i, in favor ol h - t* I’m nidge \s.E. A. I Brndv, uml Miles* U. .Meadows, security on etay ol ex- ! eetilion. Also, nil the ri'ihf, title nud iutere-t of Jamea F. Lew- ‘ i', in mid lo I ni of Land No. one hundred und (won't- 1 eifflit. in tin* 15th di*t of origiiudU .Viuirce* mnv l pi-on j eounty, levied on m- the pmppilv of mill Lewi*, fi. \.t- j isfv sundry fi la* from .1 jo-tire’* eonri, in lavor of Sum- | oel A. Hilliiu, 11. A Caldwell and oilier* vs sit id Lewis —levy made und returned to me |v a eon.-talde. M. 11. SANDWICH, Shft Lot of Land No. one hundred and ninety-llnve, ir. the I fitli di*M. originally Houston now- llp*on coun'v, levietl on n* tlie proneriy of Murray R. id Jr. to sati*ly i fi fn from ( p*on Superior Court, in favor of Thomas C. I.oek hurt's. said Reid. BENJ GOODE, D. S. I >ee 28 45 CSroytfi.T—Ctnwlord ( omKy. f()l I, BURl) lolled before (iideoti Newsome, 01 r of the Jij*tiees of the Pern e, in Capt. landlord’s di*t. a small hay Mare, with a Mar in ln*r forehead; apprais ed l.v Henry N. Searhomugh and William IL Gridin, to ‘l’w♦•nt'-five Dollars, Dee 23d, 1840. Dt i iB Qw4s PHILIP .1 ECHI)LS,C. I. c. Geo frln-Piv wford riiniy. JAMES HURNEI I, of ‘73tl tlist lie , <,. M. lonulbifort I*. M. Calhoun, a .luatic of tin Ftuct in -uid rountv.a grey Mari t ight yt vn old, four feet elt vin iueh. •or fivef.M high, anpruiH* <1 by Samuel H. Harris and NatJianu i Key iiohK rccholdcrs, to Fifty Doilari. PHILIP J. ECHOLS, C I. C. T> * r 13 2w it GcoiKln-tronroc Coiiimv. BIENRY 1)11. LA it D, of ihi 4 <-th ilist. G. M., i,,,|s bt Lon* n me, one dark hay Hurst*, eight or luitt vt ars old, both hind f*et white ; appmiM-d by Clark and William Jlar rison to Sixty Dullur-, NO’ 1840. JOHN WOO JON, J. J\ A ru VI I met ‘.bvwrny bo#,h. | lIAfvOAIVA-y fOLUFA, cik. I 8> I ISIS *{IKRIFF SAKE.—WiII be ~„w li on the first Tuesday iu February uext, in >j Q con tlie following property. 5 ticres tjf Lot. No. 10.n fen acre lot on the Macon Ro se. IV l*. whereon OWilis’ ."team Suw-Mill wnsertctetl, lev ied on a* tlie property oi Stepli 11 Menard, in sati*|\ Mll Execution in favor of Jotm 11. iiamlrv vs suid .Meiinul and Ambrose Baber, property pointed otithy Ambrose Baber. hKf Lot* of Laud No. Id3 and UH, ont nimr &•>•) acres more or le**. lying in tin* 4’li h*t *1 t ii.maliy lioiihi,,,,’ now Hudi comity, levied on u* the propciiv nt \\ ilij :11 , M. Iliil lo satisfy tin* billowing executions. i.-*ue<i D >in Hihb Superior Court, one in favor of Amo* Brown vs. I sum: S. iMerinm. William M. Hill aim) Naptd->n H. H* ard, ami two in favor ol the Central Hank ol Georgia Aaron Lr*sa!,executor ot Samuel Pace, John A* KoL i*it*on, \V 1 1 1 in 1 n M. Hill and John Mitcheil. Lot No* 135 eoniaiuiiig 2021 ut re*, inure o ie.<*. lving iu the ith .list, of originnlly I Imiston now Hihh cotiniv levied tm a* the propetiy of Andy McNeill, to *,.jisi v ’ lour li fa* issued from Hihh Superior < onrt, one iu favor of the oflicer* of court v*. Andy McNeill, one in favor of Aaron Lessel v*. Stephen K. Ham and Andy Mc- Neil, one in favor of North, Manning &. Hoyt vs. Sary I.a 11 ip.r, Green McDaniel and Aud v McNeil, uud one ijj lavor of Aaron Lessel, ex’r. vs. Andy McNeil. Olio Negro hoy named Nathan, about 22 years old, levied on as the property of Jane Irwin, to satisfy u ti (a ssiiiui! from Bibb Inferior Court, in favor of George C\ .McNeill vs. Jane Irwin: property pointed out hv plain lift’'* attorney. J. SPRINGER, I). .'S. East half of lot of land, No, 199,und west hull’ of lot No. 198, each containing 101 J acre* morn or It***, in thu 3d di*t.,originally Houhiou now Hihh county, levied on as the properly of S. S. Snelgrove, to satisly sundry fi fas from h Justices court, in favor ol'Natiiaii Carter. Levy mctlehv Tilnmu M. Harnett, constable. 20 Acre int No. H, Macon rc-crve, joining the City, west mlc Ocmnlgcc rivi-i*. One negro man Toni, also an uiidivitlt and hi ter*-Ft in one huntlrctl ui-rts pine land, I) ii.g hitwt 1 n the Federal road anil Thomastoii ixmd, in Hihh (t.u.ii), hvieilmv .1* the pro port j of Washington Foe, to satisfy iline fi a tx< - entinns n inrnabk to Bibb Sap* nor Court, one in favor of Laird il* Will y vs. Hugh Craft. Washington Poe, and Titos. Tnyhir, out m favor of AI ford Clopton vs. tlugji Craft, lho Tailor, ami Washington IV, amt one in favor ot Ins. Uin.k of t’olum'ui;, is. Hugh Craft, Curtis Lewis aml Washington Foe. Lot No. 1. in square 70 ill the City of Macon, l< vied on as the prop; rt) (l Ruin lx. Evans, to satisfy Humlry li fas from Bibb Superior ami Inf. conn*, iv suitl Kvupa. A part of IV *1 i'., lui.nh i* mil kin:w u, in the 13th district, oi'igiuuily M. im-'m-, nt * Hihb, t-nniit iniug *ixt\ nen s mtirt or ••'*, el Md Ol • h* pi- •’ • ; M laj l •\. to satisfy a fi fit from IL a-Si Irul • 1 ‘in i inf vort.j i.l lit kG. ’ .olbi ri, v- su>*l lit ply, h’i * suiidr . .In-. .s ;• .*.< \s ‘.ud l uplt y. Fhr.t . -* ot o’ e.i.i *nai ■ in tin furks’of the .••Mil fi u*!;ng fr> liKt-i t*< . tli uu ntx • her oil, Ot .'lt pled by Spt In Cl )> 7 e\ 111, U ell RS ills prop; Il J f to satisfy om ximh.l in fan rtf V. in. S. orimm, mlnni-i*- tratttr he. vs naid H sundry ui!-.*t i.xnu ioi.s vx- i],c same, pi'ip t :>uintt il out h) lut F > i 1 Lola Nos 3. ami I, ill squa/e 1 fit* eifv ol Ma coij, lev iei| mi 11* the proper! • of • ilii < : J j|'i--'.t'oi;taiu ng each one lmlf m-re, more o: I lo * ‘i f\ fvv< fi fa execution* returnable lo Bild> Superi ir cumt, tn.<* in r vor of John G. Moui* v*. William J. ivi- n! i.n ar | Mri 1111, and file other in fivur of (’ J. ,c . \\ iSlc* vs* sniJ Jarvis. Lot* N0*.350. uml 358 in 13th Di*f. M<tm< ■ now Hild*,eonfuiniii” each *2O-J. acn**, mere 01 l< *.*, |. i. iedouas llie prooerlv of Luke .1. M*rjrrin. to s.ifi y a fi fn in favor of James Smith Attorney for lJ* u *.;cl Weiumie. Loi* of land 1?3 and 024 ii in:* 4ih Di*l Housion now Bibb , 2024 ucre* in one,and 138 nr re* in the other, more or !♦***, levied on a* Ihe propeitv of Jnme* Smumerlin, to satisfy n fi fa mention iu fuvuf of Wm. W.Chapman v*. *nid Sttnm.-erlin. P)STPONEI) S\LE. The south half ol Lot No. 12in East inieon, con'ain j ing * hall .acre, more or less, levied on a * the jiroperty of ! Ahralmm Lmrence,to vr.iisfy a mortgage fi fa in favor ot Keel und Tvner is. said Lttw tence. Juu 7 ’ JAMES GATE.*?, ShfT. O i the firat Tuesday iu March , One B .v Horse; one Horse,commonly called Davy ; two b.iv Mule*—levied on js ihe property of Claihorn W all, ted satisfy a mortgage ft fa from Hihb inf. Court, in favor of John Wall 1 *. sai i Claihorn Wall. One Negro girl by the name of Juda ahont 11 years | old, levied on by vi tue of a Mortgage h fa, in favor of j Wm. Kelley\f. John A. Robinson, pro; city p< iut i!out \ ill said u ortguge. iMvIKI G iGE SALES FOR FFRRFARY. A woman tinmcd Ann, I. bout h'j years . Id, lev ! ied on as the property of John l‘- Smith, to satisfy a J mortgage fi ta in favor ol Gi o. W . Moore, vs said Sw id . joe a hoy ahuot t> yens <dd, lev i*ai on to safi. ?v a * m rfgag* sis in favo- of Kand.dph L- .Votl, and Jt.fu oM Mstain, v* f ’aiv in L. Howhitul, and I tun is Suili ; .n, ‘I rilFtees of Mory A. IL vvloi.d. The follow ing negmos levied mi nt* the property ol Ra -1 fus K. I’.'nns lo w it: Lavenia a vvciniiiid) ve.ais old, anil j her two children, Rob* il about four rare •!■ raid . ;.rv ! about two years ohl, i*o >on u n won inn e hoot ’ vr.i.t I old, ta s; ti*ly a mortgage fi li’ tied from IT i 1 111 -■ i lor court in favor of su:mit*l sJ. Viisin ptiurdmn vs U. K. Evans. Ort. 9. 134 ft. JOHN SI* LINGER. D. Si.ft. \/% ACOX t RIFF S *• M fi, sold to jY* o' l firitt lut ‘-tti.y in •'* nru...-\ 1., xt, .il *L* u.uri I door in Lanwr, the follow mg pr pert) : One m*rr I Mare i-lnail nine y ar*, amt h- r eo't <-!•< y. ur • oltl levietl oa • the prop, riy *.f Joan Uml rwuo*i. i* u>i\ u .fi la from the Sap. r.r Court of M..c*m t... •. •, m iUv>m * a /. 1.. Nc It. \. Cr. en va. said L’n i va •-*#•!, u..*i * .* m luwn'ofj, I L. R. A. Given v. S. H. Dwigii*. ami John Ldwl. rwct.ii— prop, riy poiuietl out try i!*fi mlai.t. One Lai of 04k and hickory Land, well iaipruvt t!, No. *t v eniy-lwo in ill.* 15ili tlit. of form ry not* Mactm county, known as John f. Rag. iV pui.iuinn.; l*v.*U on u* th property ofJtsm L. lira*", li, t*. satisf) nfa tVu.i l j -n Inferior Court, iu favor of Miciia* I .1. i * agi.n vs. J. ►-* L Hr..- vvell uud John li. Biotiut; prop, icy point, tl out hv plaiwtitf. Om* co” yt-ariiiig ami two 2. ytar old lo if. i>, I* \ tl on >.s ihe prop* il) of VYil.i tm il. Br<Nik, i- a.*l.>d\ ;* ii fa tn. . 110 Su p. nor Court of vtueoii count), in favn*ofJ. L. 11. A. Omu vs. n.t. l brooks ; poini.doot i> iLf mla>.t. and wo lots in tlie town of Lanier, N*s. 7 N. f?, unilt r hit rG, levi.doa as the propert) of Duncan McQomg, maatiftiv a sis t from a justice* court of said c. umv, in f>\tr of .luliu S'.mtit vant vs. Duncan McQuaig *k Cos., *shi*v S. la gg> it umt .las. M. i>ili* hay, ami om-from th. Inf 1 ior court of *aul m favor of Jo 1.1 B. Ilitbrn vi. sail Duncan MiQutig. also mnuiiy justic* court li fas in favor us Itdm A. Law imtl t.tin r vs. s~,d >1 • lia -—prop riy point* tl out ny Aslifi \ S L- gg. t. On lot ofpme Luntl iiiuiilki’ o lki own, in ilu I'r-i distrirt of fi.r.u. r.y Muscogee now’ M.*con cnimiv, the pi. ct on wlmh AI. xHinh r Fit £ pal rick now li\* s, It vu tl 01. as h.s m to sati>f* smnlrj fi fa* from the Sup. rior Court of said cm.iy, one in favor of John J. B. inn 11. mu m favor of Jam* ►<a l.t.un tor th. use u c on* in fivor of ofiiet rs of coon, ami oth< ad v*. Alexaudcr Fitzpatrick—pn>pt ttv* u tui by jan.*-L. lireen. One lot tf pine Land in tin first din Mu con couit), No 77^ It tied Oi. a. tin- prop. i\\ ofißoh, rt Ce*n, toKuli f\ I rin Macon Sup rior C*nirt,... favur t.f Mo* VYanr* v .i.,l,ii i,r s* would. Or.sham But er, muk rs, mol Hob rl G.x* n, ui*li/iK 1 —pr >p rtv poiuttti out tiv Mo*,* V at. rs. Ta entire interest of Janu * W bb in the t‘tat* ol 1 -at> Law, deceased, levied on to satisfy two ti fins from M. *•,..; M;- p rior Court, one in favor of Bicfiur.l A. Cir.n Vs. Jaiut* Webb, the other in favor of K. A. Given vs. Jo*, ph Gaits principal,nn.l Jam •* Webb, endorser—property p finudout by plu.iitiH M s attorn* y. Lot of L uid x'O 102, an*! owe liundr*tl and fifty : cr- f Lot No. 10J, levied on as th* prop, rtv of Thompson Barfield, t.* satisfy an attuclim* nt li fa nsu -tl from Mat on Superior Court in favor of George W. Ttiwna Vs. ‘1 fiompvon Haiti id ; pu.i.wU out iii suitl aitachuit nt ti fa. Fifty ac.'es ot pine land, more or less, in first tlist. f said county, No. not known, lb* place on which vv illiaiii Harlii hl now lives, well iinpruvtd, to satisf) a li fa from Macon Supiri* tr Court, in f.iVur of G* W. Towns v*. W illiam Builnitl— pointed out by plaintiff's attorney. Lot No. 201 iu the 2d tlist. forne riy Mnsci>g*e now Macon county, levied on a* Ihe proper’) t.f Jesse Barfield, to satisfy a fi f.t from Macon Inferior Court in fk via* of H. ury (~ Lamar t ‘Flionimon Barfield, Levi Barlit hi, VYiltiam Barfield unUJ**c Barfield—property pointed out hv IL (.. Lamar One Negro bay b) the mum of Joe, about 18 ) ears old, Uvied 011 a* ih<- prop, rtv of John A. I aw, t** satisfy u fi lit from Mu con lii'ei iur Court iu favor of Fi. 11 Simmon* v*. Janus Webb and John A. Law ; property pointed out hy nlfi ** attorney. One lot of pine Land, No. not known, in the first district 0 * forne. riy Muscogee i. w Maeoit count', well improved, the plac* w hereon Janie* Foul now liy s, h vied on to .satisfy a fit* from Marion Superior (’onrt, in favor of Nelson Flournoy McDaim l I’up ainl otlitib; property poiiittd out by G. I. Yelv* rton, plff's att'y. One crib of Corn, three hundred bushels more or less, as tlia prop, ri) of Miw Water*, to s.-itisf) u h fa from Mhcoii Sup* - rior Court in favor of Patrick ik. Logan vs. said Water*—pond ed out by defendant. L. D. McMILLAN, Slid. One Lot of Land No. 72, ii; tin* 15th dint, of formerly Houston now Mueam county, well improved, levied ou a* the property ot Jesse 5L Brusweli, lo s.ilisfy suiidry fi lit*, 1 ao ull.u hnieni li lu* from the Superior Court, in fit v 01* us Jo*. R. Cox, UinJ ouo in fuvorol Ou*lcy sV Slnughier: no tax execution und lvv justices eniut ti hi*, on in fin nr of Kline Jordan, 0110 it) favor of Jclm L l . Rodger*, nil v*. J. *S. HittHwcll; property poinled out hv J. Al. Giles uml \V. 11. Robiu*oit, nlll*. utlurnejH. A l*o ih * sou th hull < f Lot No, 2f, in tlie 291 h ili-irn*! offijriueilv lea* liow .Mucoti county, levied tin m* th® propei ty of Jawie* time, Jr. to s.iiird'Y Htiiitlry fi fii* tfsiin the jiii tii e’s lom 1 * f .Mueol eounty, 111 luvur of Oiphtt •Vlas . \ v*. Jus. fioic, Jr. mid Ileury 6winm*y; , rper tv poitilr.d noth.* Nw imiey, lev \ iimdo and ii.lui'iied to me l.v J. S, ICob'-rt-am, cmi'lnhie. Also Lot of Laud No 137, in the 28th (list, of Lee now tlucoii coiitil), levi* don iis the properlv ot Lh* uh Jo.**’*, tn *ul*fy u li f*i from tin* Superior Court ot *ni(l enimly, in lavor ol David J. Hailey vs. Llial Junr* •uni Fdislia Curtis : lobe sold foretold and silver, by ui* dert'l Jituic* 11. Stark, pill’’* atiori ev. Also Lot No. sixteen und the south h of Lot No. *ev enteen, iind 12 head of Sheep, 18 head of (Jnlile, on;: h Jl . v Mare I<i 5 year* ohl, and one dak bay Horse, levied all u* the propfilv of David \\ aid, to satisfy mu* fi la ,ro,l j the Siipeiiur Court in favor of Mile* K. ILiiunm, h(j one iu favor of Leroy Guuiago. from tlio Inl< rmr t unit vs \Yurd, (i. VV. Hunt, S. VV. limit, and amolier h h from the Inferior Court in favor of John \\ indbaiu David Ward, principal, and Josepn W'liigbum, indoprr, land pointed out by Uuiuoti, the noises,cuttle und suerp pointed out hv <J. W. Hunt. . Also Let of Land No. eighty-four, in Hie eighth • of formerly Houston now Mac 011 cam lily, levied on a* * ‘JJ property of Joel (’liaiidlei, tu satisfy one fi 1 1 * * Inferior Con 11 of Hall county, in favor of J. VV,Jn < ‘ r ’ Go. vs. Joel Cliutidler, piiucipul, ami lluvvcll Go!'hi 3t; * ourity; property poimed out by (’old). .00 Als • 150 acre* of Lot No 140, nud fraction No. * • and Lot No. 139, iu tht 28th (list, offormcrlv nU ’ Macon county, levied on a* ilia property oi ICobt to satisfy sundry fi fas from the Superior Couit of eountv. ono in favor of William Butt* vs. Lee, p incipul, rind Itobt Greer, seemity, mul *'IJJ. ’ voi . f vV illi im IL Ihiii e, wV ('••. vs KoU-ri and t'. Greer, undone in favor of Hiram Goy u, and on ’ favor ol IJcniiiilielil lluilhiivk. liolil- I ir l < ’l l . out tiv John M. Oil-H anil Win. a* 1 i plaiuiiflV nnotmuyt. ORKEN UAREOW, I'’