Georgia messenger. (Ft. Hawkins, Ga.) 1823-1847, January 28, 1841, Image 4

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’ WARBMIOU*!: AND DX73XBJES3. . - jn r flllfr undersigned hare taken flic a b Wart Hoim on Coton Av nms / \X jjfl f i ir.t-r!) occupied by Messrs. Myrick, L * Najiit < Fro-man, m*<i more n-Cfiu* K ‘ey Jo it s Cinpiou, and intend car & ‘ |-\,,,g Gii the above bii’UM* under lie name of \V. St ?. K. FORT St CO. The patronage of htfii planter* and merchants ii solicited. A general tnck f GROCERIES will be k* pi constantly Tt hand, viz: Bagging, Bugging 1 vne*, Hale R*pc, Salt, rou, Sugnr, ColKv, Kcu. < v te Aho Blanket*, Kerseys, amt ndiii{(kiiiKitiii r<io.)>. W. I OKI, I. F. FORT, M. K. CLOP I ON, Auj 11 2J _ E. L. FORT, w.tiii: hoi si: COMMISSION BUSINESS V 3M K mult . sign - <1 hn ve formed a ‘; ,rm r_lJ 7 ITir ~ % ;•■)-pa it To i and will attend , to the ii dvf business in tIM city of m I Macon, under the name of V K. fc H ARDEMAN. Th.T ,U .•,., il. War M,.— f..r.m-r! y rpil by Mr..,-; Hardr.l an, ‘ i.'.ybil *. Cm. I. ■••■ t 1,.) ,ll be to attend to any buMih-si conf.drJ to them. Iht y *olicil the patronage of tm* irtenda of Harl>man, Gnybill Nt Cos. and of ibe pubiie friiiraMy. tjIOm'aViIAH.'dEMAN. Mon, Julyli 21 Factorage and Commission Business, CHARI.ESTOX, S. C. THF. .übicriber. ernitiime bnin<-. at ibr ‘•<! n "! c '’ Ca wlrarf, C’liarlftfml. a 11’ t will b • |n*t pintl t” niaki librral <Wan< >. ot. Ci.ib.ii nt to tb.m, or Rive |>ru|>t r alb o tiou to any bu-inost cotuniitt. il in tin ir rare. CuLMNS Sc CLF.Y ELAMI <to|>t a 3111311 OCMULtiEE STEAM BOAT COMPANY. iXCORPOfIITUn HV Til K LUG 1 M.ATIXK* OF OF.OROIA, IN KIGHTEF.N HCN DEED AN I TIIIKTT"FIT K. Frfithe tranxbnrtation and Insurance ofMer r handisr and Pro •luce, between Sn ■: tl nay aiul Dai fro, an‘l Day tan unit Mai alt, t-uchiatai Haukiatvil/r, amlthefn inrigml Lantfmge. IflMl'i Comjt.ny ‘ll! run their | m B S t am-bulU. at hii;h at Macon a. >t ill*- l* State of the HiviT will .li ft 1 I>■ ■ J 11.anil l‘or low -'.to*. of the water. . j- f i.—they have provided, and are now run- niiiir |tOI.E-hOVI' of ueb lilflitj draft of water a. will admit Hr-in to niu at ant Mate of the riv er, which are t iw. and up by their Steam-lmais two-tllirda MJ Ibc th.tancr, tit, rebf ? r atl. eyp the tran-porlatiott.iil Mer chandise during tin Sii'n :i ‘l am! i ail aeaaont, and their Steam er. will be ,11 complete repair, and ready fur bn.inra., a. early aa the riverwill aiimit. Thei’ r,nat* arr steam-tvoil COtfK f, 1 aptal i Urmlly, Steniii-im.t ALATAM AHA, Captain I aylor, Sieam-.nmt OCMCUiKE, Captain lllankinahip. And a larit numb -r of I OW-RO A I S, u Inch will lx in com plete repair. Kor forth r particular! apply to RE V A: CO f I OX, Macon, J. W. I.ATHKOI*, Havvkuiaville, PH- It YOUN ;s Jk SOS, Oarirn, WM. PATTEKSOX k CO., Savannah, McDOWEI.I., SiIWXOX St Cos , Charle.toi,, SCO I TANARUS, SH VP PEIt St MORRELL, New York, Auk. 2. 33 WATaB-iZOU A VII COMnUSIO.K BUSINESS rfflHFa undtrsipned continue to .ranmet I the alxive busiiie** ut their old tml, / near Cnllon Avenue ami thr corner of te~\’*** || Cherry acd First Streets, very convenient to the busintNis part of the town, ami also CVJftwltifc-afr J • Yvr y itecure from the risk of fire. They will devote their best individual and undivided atten tion t* any business that may b‘-confided to their care, and wil l a. pivnarinl to make liberal advances on Cotton stored with rlitm. They will also attend strictly to the sale of any Cotton consigned to their care ; ami will in all cases use their best ef forts to-obtam the best market price. They will make the best | possible, for procuring the earliest intelligence Iron foreign markets, ami will always cheerfully impart any news that they may thus obtain, to their planting; and mercan tile friends. The undersigned being; planters themselves, will | fr| their interest insepamlily identified with the planting in tv rest. In conclusion, the undersigned would only furtht r add, tliat they will he prepared to attend to every branch of business connected with the Ware-House and Commission Business— such as receiving Cotton on storage, for sale, or to ship to any other market—receiving and forwarding ofGoods for country m-rchants, filling orders, }kc.—to all of which they promise! that their beit atteution shall le given, to promote the interest ofthose v* ho innv patroni/.e thin. W 11.1.1 AM HAMILTON, WILLI \M H. REYNOLDS. Macon, Sept. 24, 114 k JACISSOIN & HKWIETT, AucJaosa & .t3 Eb E£ C S3 A ATS, MACON, GEO. Oet. 23, IS4O VW l oi'witi'iliiiK tV t'omiuission Bnsim-AS DAIUKN, GF.ORGIA. IfflllE siiliscribpr niT-ru his si-rviren in thn ahnve linn, I nmi asks a t-hnn- of hnsincss. Porlicular regard will be had lo despatch and economy in aii Inisin-asa con fided to him. A. MARVIN. Or! 5 _ 3nvU Vtt E 1.8.1 tn feli:.HPlliri£YS, r aaNT, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Rrf^r.’ncr: Wullihgtow Si Foster, Rotten, Mane. VVftmohf., Bf.nkihct A: Cos. A 'nr-York. Kui hkhfohi) Si Hunt tight, Baltimore, Md. Korkrt Collins, Chart atom, N. C. (*. Moork, ) iV. T. N. lirti.r, / Mmeon, Geo. I. (i. Skvmoom. ) Savannah, An?* %1 4m^7 JEWETT Ac 111 85! 13, _ rnt *” HPH BrswfJ ;gSS TEAS. Merchants, ■wmroULn take this opportunity ro tender to tlu-ir numer ous friends ami patrons, thtur thanks for the liberal TrTonagv the} have rccmved at iheir hands the past season, I j y also would respectfully iviunid them that they will con- , ti.iue totnnsMCt the H'uvc House nuti Commission business, at ( their old and w. 11 known stand, corner of Second and Cherry ! Streets, where all hit* mess entrusted to tht ir care, will be fa tilt fully od promptly to. , Rw MoHION N. HUHCrt. Macon, Aug -1 WARE-EIOTSii A Ml CO3£3XZSSIOI!f 3U3IHSS3. f BIN E un hu-signed would rpapectftil- J dh M ] y * n^or,n frigid* uml nc nuainna *e.*. and the public generally, tVi tit they vsill continue to trnns.trt the • \\ urc'M'OiHC mid Coniniiasion Rnsi* i ness at their old stund on ('heny street-, nenr < ’niton Av enue. They nrr now prepared lor the reception of Cot- i too out! other produce, rind for the receiving and for warding of all iiierch tndizn which may be entrusted to . their care. Thev ssoli< it tHe pntroniice of their friends and the public. E. T. N. JiEALL. Macon, Aug 26, 1340. _ 2< fOlillSSlirt l\l) nOATIMi BLSLVESS. ssucugx r j undersigned continues to i s 1 _ ’ Ir 'll 5 transact a general Commission w>■ u^^.~~T’ Vi Fnsiness, and is now prrpnred to ot t.-r t his’iVi. nds anil tin public, nil tioiTthe usiiil facilities in tht- way of cash advau'-es and acceptances. I'o those who may well to make consignments of good*, , having commodious tire proof, stores and cellar*) he pmmi-i' to make all charges light and reasonable, and to give diligci ts trillion to their interest*. He also desir- s t • pull th H Coition of the public to the line of S l'K \M-lIUATS. wlnch will run as fhllowa : The Steamer ROOT. COLLIN’S, ( apt. Willcox, will run ritirin ‘ the season, direct to Savannah. The Steam r BLACK HAWK, Capt. Pows-Tl, will run with si a good pole boats to Dari* n Bouts will lie manned hr competent hand* ; and I take pleasure in admiring the patrons of die line, that every paiiim wiM lie taken to insure d.-* patch. Ag.-uts Ht.bavaud.ih for tin Rob Collins, Messrs. R. Bliss & Cos. For the Black Hawk, Mr. Clis. Hnrtride. A. H. McLACOHLIV. Msean, Oct. St I® O.'iiltc .n 0111*01* It'III ItoSUl, l Macon, June 2bth t 1840. $ OV and after the Ist July next, the freight and passenger ♦rums w ill leave the Macon Depot, at o*clork,A. M. re turning I *iv. th at no clock* P. M. contacting with the H'fv.imiiib, Augusta, and Or*-.Mishowi Stages, and Mucon—and allowing passenger* one night’s nst. At Forsyth, the following stag** run in connection with this mad. A daily line to the Indian Springs, (except SumUys) throe* tri-wewkly to Decatur, Cast in tie, Chattanooga, and on to Knoxville, IVsmetwee. A d.iily two home stage to Itarnes ville, w'h re if connects'*u!i the Columbus nml Greensboro line, tVui-e tri-wiwkiy to Wetumpka and Montgomery, Ain. After Ist \u r t | # t next ,’a tri-wn kly two home at age to the City of Griffin. “ b *• Will T 1 IF., •Inly 1 Resident F.ngnieer. EAirAWAir f t ITHOM the subscriber residing in Craw- Bn ford C.K.nty, **ix miles south of Knox- Jkj Tl suite, about .’Nth of October Insist Negro Wo* *‘Jj\**+ minnimH BECKY, about thirty -five gears MM* old, bright coitplccted, tolerably stout, some w .aT.~ j tlung or. r the ordinary size.f women, had AfTy on when she left, a striped copperas homo frock—tmU with In r a variety >f cloth was brought to this State by Simon Nichols of lo,i * COILUIV.. A retwiwblr r-wartl will br *iTMi for thr.p „Jrh ,\,inn ofHH. J S.%ro ,o ih it l get hrr, n.l *J HP .0 puli _ JF.SUK MTMAK. Cmwf .rd Cnnnr H-r J “. NEW 33AI£ERY. T!IF. subscriber r<*s peer fully informs the (ititrni of Moron and vicinity, that lie has opened a ICAKINO EMTABI.ISUMENT. opposite the Central Motel, three doors below the -tore lately occupied by Win. H. Parker, Esq. on Mulberry <t. I!• respect fully solieits a share of imblic patmnage. Reiuga prof* ssmnal linker himself, He confidently assnns those who may patron ize hint, that his manufacture will be of superior quality. !k win constantly k**s*p on hand. Bread, Boston. Butter and Wafer Crackers, a variets of Tea Cakes, and hot Husk overy da> at 4, F. M. Fasti ) will be kept on hand, or made to order, at short notice. \lo Cake or turn r aitieh-H for parties. Any of the altovr art it U will Ikt supplied to families piinctually at 4 o'clock, F. M. WM. H. CI.ARK. Nov U 3H FItANKI.IN SIAM.. lIIRS. ANN S. WYCHE haring taken A-.afck yg the above House, corner of First and w4|lk S Ha Poplar streets, near Cotton Avenue, formerly jjjtajj j; i* j!Loccupied by Mrs. Curd, and Isttirly by N. zSHngAMS KelU, i< pre pun and to aceoiutnHlate Boarders tlvwami Travch is (iood stabling will Ik* provid ed for Horst s. SUc solicits the patronage oflivr friend? and the puli.ll- On 31 tf3f Book Bliudcry. A. KLI.S hnvinc purehaaetl the Bidcry herefo- J • fore carried on f*v S. Rctsf. \ Cos. and removed ii to his Honk Store, will contintie the htiaineaa, and do every kind of work u**tml in such tin establishment. He has a good assortuieut of Paper, Ae. for Record r.nd nil other Blank Hooks. The old customers of t!e bind ery, and all others arc respcctfull v invited to coll. Nov 13 ’ 33 au wuissil raimoi. GEO. A KIMBI2RLY inviies bis customers and the ; public, to call and examine his assortment of HATS AND CAPS, embracing every style and quality to he found in any j other lint .Store. Among the many new etyUs of Hut now on hand, the j Moleskin Beaver Hut are particularly recommended— j thev unite all the qtialrl es of the most costly, and are otTered ut one half the money. A/so on hand ami in process of manufacture, 05 duz. fttidtioriHhle Black Beaver Hals sup’r quality I*o do/.. Broad Briin do. ‘do do. “ “ 25 do/.. do. do. smooth fur Rassia Heaver Hats superior quality. 20 doz. Medium Brim itussia Heaver Hats, 20 doz. fashionable Russia Heaver Hats. 10 doz. fashionable Sotin Beaver Hals. 15 doz. Idjck smooth Fur Hats for hoys. 10 do/., black napped Fur Hats for boys. 100 doz. black and dial) Wool Hals of superior quality. 75 (luz men’s and hoys’ Hair Seal Caps. 12 doz. men’s and boys* Sealetta Travelling Capa. j 15 doz. gent’s super black Cloth Travelling Caps new style. 5 doz. boys’ super black Cloth Travelling Caps 1 new style. For Youths and Infants. 6 doz. Idulia Cloth Caps for youths, nevvpnttem. 4 doz. Fringe Tassel Caps do “ 11 4 doz. patent Welting Caps, do 11 tt 0 doz. French Lent do. for infants, “ 14 6 doz. Telvet and Silk, foi infantH, 44 * A LSO 50 Cent’s super Sen fitter Caps, new sfvle. 50 do do Shetland Seal Csps, “ “ 150 do Fur Seal do 44 44 100 do do “ Nutria do 44 44 200 do do Muskrat do 4 ‘ 44 200 do do Coney do 44 44 300 Seal, Nutria, Muskrat nnd Coney Fur Caps for Boys. Country Hatters will find a good assortment of Hat Trimmings: also Alcohol, Shellac, extract of Logwood, Verdigris, .Machine Hat Bodies, Bow Strings and all other articles usually wanted by the nr—till of which will be sold very low for cash. WANTED, Reaver, Otter, Mink, Muskrat, Fox, Wild Cat and Raccoon Skins, for which the cash w ill be paid, at the sign of dm Big- Hat, Mulberry St. Macon, Gn. Oet J 3*? i NEW GOODST SAMI FT. J. RAY A r CO. Have received bv recent arrivals, amongst other articles, the following sea sonable Dry Goods, viz: Extra super Blue, Black, Brown and Invisible Green West of Fngland Cloths. American Do. ami Cadet Mixed Black and fancy Cassimercs. London Tweeds and Saxony do. Mosaic Satin nnd Velvet Vestings, Satinets, Kentucky and Y ankee Jeans, Highland, Wakefield and Hanover Kerseys, Brown and Bleached Shirtings ami Sheetings, Tit kings. Checks end Stripes, Linens, Diapers nnd Towellings, British, French and American Prints, English, French and American Flannels, Ready made Linen*, Stocks ami Collars. Pongee, Spitalfield, India Kora and Bandanna Hdkfs. Super Black, Indian and and Fancy Cravats, Super Silk and Cotton Hosiery, Gloves & Suspenders. Super plain nnd printed Mouseline de Lanes, Shallvs, Satin l.uxirs, A c. i SopKi Verita Italian, (*ro de Reine, nnd Gros de Af- I ric Silks. India nnd French Safins, Super Jaconet, Swiss ami Nnnsnke Muslins, Super Swiss nnd Sachanlla Cambric, J Thread Laces ami Edgings, and super Thread sad Muslin Inserting.® and Edgings. Lowell and Virginia Oznaburgs, London Point, Duffel, W hitney and Mackinaw Blan ket®, Sir. S:c. j October 1. 1840. 3 2 SI'.GAlt \\E lOUAK O STOKE. l\av. fv FF hr* Just opened a store in this line of j V otisine**, wht re he intend* to keep a full nt of Segar* of every description, and particularly those of the best qualifies, w here he hope* to able to accommodate every cus tomer w In* may call, to hi* liking. He will also keep a general assortment ofTOBACCO, and hope* that all person* wishing article* in hi* line, will give, him n call. lie a/so continues to carry on the TAILORING BUSINESS, And will i xccute all order* tn that line with despatch, and in the het and most fashionable sty le. Hi* stand i* on Mulberry strees, n* xt door to lackson .Si HcwUtl's Auction room. i’/ 3 Repairing done with neatness and deanatch. Oct 21 35 j ROWAIJD'S SONIC MIXTURE, Or V<‘}f*i!J>lo V*l>ii£ng:r, A specific nnd lading cure for Fever and Ague. THIS worthy remedy earnestly repel* the slur of being a quack medicine, it baring been the result of many years study, experience, and labor, in the medical practice and ob servation of FEVER AND AGUE. It i* composed of such nH'disitml principles a* were considored most fit t restore the harmony of act ion between th - Stomach, Liver, and the other important functions of the system, the loss of which harmony i* evidently the immediate cause ofthe disease. It speedily promote* a regular and healthy appetite, which is generally entirely destroyed or rendered verr precarious; by which ef fect, vigour an I strength is soon affhrdi and to the w hole system. It must be apparent to all, that a medicine possessing these peculiar virtues, is useful in agr at variety of complaint*. By renewing the healthy notion of the digestive organs, it has proved itself of remarkable benefit in Dyspepsia, Depraved Appetite, Heart-burn, Water Brash, Flatulency, Jaundice, Night Sweats, Dysentery , Bowel Complaints, and many other affections of similar origiu. But it is in the treatment of Fe vers, and especially ill FEVF.R AND AGUE, or Internment Fever, that its pow er* have been principally tested, and with those who have seen it* usefulness, it i* pronounced sovereign to all remedies heretofore discovered (hr those diseases. It ha* also heel) usctl as a preventive, by many w ho were subject to a periodical recurrwnce ofthe Chills amt Fever, ami it ha* al ways ward'd offthe apprehended attack. For furtlur accounts of its gnat usefulness, see pamphlets accompanying each bot tle. For sale by J. 11. & W. S.* ELLIS, Feb 12 31 Cotton Avenue. S/MIIA.MiL Checks on Nl YORK, CHARLES I'On, anil AubUSTA, at sight, and 60 day* sight. For sale by J. ii. STOW, Dec 17 43 j PUISMC NALG Os 1-5 Negroes, and nct'tral settlement* ts Land, j W’KTILI. be sold in the City of Macon, Georgia, on the first 1 deadlyffn March next, our hundred and tw*i nty-five lik ly NEGRO SLAVES, belonging to the estate of the lato Jcff-i-om .1. Lamar, dec'd. on a credit until the .'sih Dcenibcr next. Notes given f>r said propt rty to lie satisfactorily secur ed, Sale to commence at 10 oxluck, A. M. and to continue from day today until the salt i* complet'd. Also, tl e umi. iNigned, Executors of >.ml estate,offer for sale on accommodating terms, the fol owing settlements of land, viz : flie I'.itaula settlement in the county of Stewart, contain ing twenty-one hundred and twenty-six acres, more or U*r, v* it Ii twelve hundred acre* cleared, fresh, and iu a lugh state of cu'tivanoii, with \ gin house, screw, a valuable * t of miils sud necessary out building*. Also the Cravy settlement on the waters of ihe Hannaliatcliee, m said county, containing six hinidreti and seven and one-fourth ucres, more oi l< with ninety acr* cleared. Also four hundred ami live acres on th<- Columbu* mad, three miles from the town of J.umpktn, in said county. All the above are valuable oak and hickory lumls—to which may be added os also for sale on accommodating terms, two hit ltd red and two and a half acres of pine land, airjoining the town of Lumpkin hi said county. One ftoro housi and lot adjoining the store house and lot lately occupied by Mcßuller Ke Perry 111 said town. One lot in said tow n, w ith ac nvciii* nt blacksmith simp thereon, and the dwelling and adjoining lots and ground* in said tow n, whereon thedi ceased resided, con* , sisting of a spacious and \v II constructed mansion and supe rior offices, out bouse* and improvements, w ith all thr house- ( held furniture beloning to said i*t*bli*hnu nt. I IIOMA3 11. LAMAR, ABNER MchEMLE, January 13 td47 Executors. AiiviikCi nivl C'nliimbus Fundu, XXfAVTKDby .1. B. MOW. I f y J.n 12 4T f’iotlitiitf and Tailoring I?tidiness. jb*criber has located himvelf in the nV>ve htiim* 4 | in M*con, at the •land n criitly ocfiijiieil by Chindlo Smith Jk Cos between the Washington Hull ami M n. ng r Os fice, where he will constantly keep on hand, a full assortment of CZOTHIIiC. united to the various aion? ; and aNna geiHTal assortment of ( loth.. Vestings. f S riinnHnss. and every article usually kept ia >is line. Hr also carries on die llti’inv-s at the ?emc p -rc, where tb** fishioits will constantly be received. All orders for work will be promptly executed in tin- bt t ruanni r. lie is connected in hu*iri< *s with NAI HAN THOMAS, who saperintemls the mamifaciure of (In ir w ork at the North, and thr business will Ih- conducted under the fn in of C S. THOM AS & CO. in this City. CllS. S. THOMAS. Macon, Dec 22, 1840. 44 OH CONSIUItnENT, VXD expected daily per s*. m r Conquerer, from Charles-J ton. 270 bbli. fresh I homastoii Lwne, 100 tit rc- s New Orleans Molasses, 10 bhd®. prime Cuba Molasses, 100 boxes M It. Ituuinr, 40 bbls. prune Porto Rico Sugar, 15000 fine Spanish Si gars, fancy brands, Will be sold low by Die 25 44 A. U. McLAVOHLIX. r/iACorr CARRIAGE DEPOSITORY, j On Second, near Mulberi y Street, (opposite corner to Washington Unit. rjIIIE subscribers, gratPlul for past favors, would rr -1 sprctfully solicit a continuance of the sttine, n* they fed confident tit • t they will be always ready to supply the most tasteful customers in everv variety of Parriilge Alsiliul dt'lory. We in\ ii the citi zens of.Macon, Si the public generally . to call nnd exam ine rlie work,quality, prices, Arc. a* we feel assur*tl that till who wish to purchase, would find it to their interest to deal w ith us. Some of our Vehicles arc very light, and yet strong, being made of the best matoriula, and of su perior workmanship. They were manufactured express ly forthis market,and we believe them equal, if not su perior, to any ever offered in this city. Inasmuch as all who have purchased from ns, and after trial, have found tlie work equal to our representations, we feel confident in recommending it, and believe that those who examine w ill be induced to purchase. From the extensive sales I we have made, weliave been encouraged to have every 1 pains bestowed on our work, and offer it at a reduction from former prices. The subscribers having made arrangements wi*h some of the most extensive ‘Carrinze Manufactories in if)*’ Northern Cities, will have on hand, nnd he continually receiving, the coming season, an extensive assortment of CARRIAGES, BAROUCHES, BUGGY'S, and vehicles ofnll descriptions; which will be of the best workmanship and materials, nnd w hich w ill he sold on as good term* as can he purchased in any city in the Southern country. They have also n number of first rate northern woikmen consrantlv employed, nmkiug and repnii ins Carriages in a superior style. O’ Orders for will he promptly at :ended to. VVUIGLEY & IIART. TIIEr ALSO HAVE OV HAND, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF sadbli;bv-wa!ls: ass arxkss,’ Os every descrigtiiatt: Best Ladies and Gentlemen’s Saddles, Spanish, Colum hia,Travellers, Fancy, Quilted,of large and extra large sizes—Also Kace and boy’s Saddles, English Bridles, Mountings, Whips of all kinds, Hard Leather Trunks, Carpet Bags, Bear and Buffalo Skins, &c. AII of w hich will he sold as low as they can he bought in this city or any part of the southern country. ij7 I£r|&:iivs *f all kinds of the above business done in a superior stvle f workmanship. Nov t, 1838 __ 3'n NEW CARRIAGE REPOSITORY At I lie Junction of Cotton Avenue nmi Second Street. 11HF. Subscriber opening nu extensive assortment of Carriages, Harrottches, Buggies ami Harness of exery ile "eription, warrant, tl not inferior eillterin materials or wnrk ntanstnp, to any in the market, ami will hesoltl on as rt asona ble can be bad at any ollnr place. C all ami see. Macon Jan. 9th 183 U. p BCRTt. j s--p| I TIV, SIIEET-IROX AM) ToPPER WARE MANUFACTORY. Jircixop a tvs> PAP.sorra this nirthod of informing the citizens of Mu con and § surrounding country, that tin y w ill continue the business nt the old stand, on the t ast side of Si ulherrv street, three doors above the Darien Hank, where they w ill furnish nil kinds <H’ I'in Wan-by wholesale or retail, at mod. rate prices and it) ev en variety usually found in a similar establishment. A good assortin'ut of Franklin Stove* for parlours, Cooking Stoves and other Stove* of various price* and patterns on hand. A continuance of former patronage ia solicited. All order* promptly attended to. Macon, April 23, 1840. 11 DRUGS, RIEpiCINE9,ftC. /A f fy 4 _ f j : (J Ld_: “ _ ‘ t**J~*t ~i • ’i- • ■ •!... J / i r. ’ x r-’ ‘ . ‘ 1 : ■'•! •■, - : Iss ‘ ’ >-’ : ! v./’ “ j ‘ 1 * - ~ —*'• 3 v -7 rjlHßsulmcnb.-r having been ro-r*ablishcd at the old Stand, II corner of Mulberry uu I Third Streets, opposite the Hrick Hotel, occupied b) him for th* last six yt-ar*, during which time he ha* enlarged the establishment by taking in the adjoin ing store. His stock of Dm;;*. Medicines, Paints. Oils, Ac, is now as extensive as any eHtablishiuent of the kind in the State, and is constantly receiving fivsli supplies, having made arraujjp mrnts with im|N)rti*s mid dealers m Drugs and Chem- in New York, Boston, Fhiludi Iplua and Haitiiuoiv, to la* furnished at all times with new preparation*, and the most choice and genuine article* known to the trade. The increase of facilities afforded mcrchanta of this city, by our enterpri/iiig Steam-Boat and Hail-Hoad Companies, in the transportation of protlnce and merchandize, enable* them to otter great in ducement* to merchants, planter*, and other*, to lay m h* ir *uppiie*nt MacoU. HAHVKY SHOrWKLL. Sept IA 30 MIH. DAMOUR IJyr.fiS leave to inform the public, that she has and ia rreriv t> ing her rich *tock of v u *lin*, and Kuncy Quod*. As, *he made tin selection her*t If, *he can g* fihe a*urance that her stock will not be surpassed by any inthi*citv. He sides the known staple articles, ahe ha*’ on hand Silks of\very [ description, viz : l Cro.s de Hlnne, Groi de Suisse, Grot de Paris, Gros de I.yon 1 I-.lark and blue (ini* d* Naples. Colored do. i Black uiul blue Satin*, Figur* u do. I White and Fink Foult de Son-, 1 Satin and Striped ( bailey*, Publish and French Prints, Swiss anti Scotish Muslins, Muslin de Lame, Bishop I.uine, Shet tings, Brown and bl(achel Btiliting", Furniture Muslin* arid Dimit.., \ Skirts ami Belts, ‘I hi bet Shaw Is, Capes, Ladies’and Hats, F nibroid.-red Poplins a mi Cushmeras, Silk t Cravat*, Silk and Colton Handkf rchirf*, Caaibrie (k). Luce Veils, Edgings and Intu rtingn, Fre*h Linens, Linen Damask, Silk, Cotton and Linen I hr. ad. Silk and other Glove*, Silk Mitt*, Checks, Hoinespuu of different width*, Ri*. Ike. A l*o a rich assortment of TOY’S, Leghorn Hats and Hood*, Baskets of ct i ft * rent *izi ►. CT The GROCF.RY STORE of J. //. Demon r, next door to the Darien Rank, I* provided with a complete H*nrtmeiit o Groceries, particularly with a rich stock of rtal Spanish Se gar*, viz : Cazndores, Regalia*, Canunes, Principe,&c. a large assortment of Flaying Cards, Fruit*, Krc. Ke. A* soon a* the weather will allow the transportation of Freih ’ OYSTERS, the newly arranged establishment wall he opened ! for the r e* ption of hi* friends. Oci 14 34 Kentucky nml ‘l'eiincNaec k'uuiisT’ (‘N HECKS on tho Northern Bank of Kentucky, at Lexi nr. J ton. Also Check* on Nashvffic, TANARUS nn. in sunn to suit l purrha*ers. For sale by J, p STOW Dec 17 4 3 HO WATCH XUZAXS'U*. ur.Jinifned t** leave to inform thi* Watch Maker* I throughout ihe country, that they liav just rveuivvil 1)1 lIF.CT from the manufactories in Europe, a splendid assort meat ol Tools iiml iVlntM-i;i|g, wliirh will be sold at New York prices, FOK CASH. Thost wishing to purchase, w ill do well to call and examine. AUo. some extra tine GOLD AND SILVER LEVER ‘VATCHLS, ielecte.l by a goo I Watch Maker, at tin* factor) in Ear •. and imp< t*u direct t-> this place, a liich a ill be soli at Hard Timer prices for cash. J. A. c* S. S. Viliol ‘. Macon, Fen to, 1*540. Ji Splendid Furniture and Cha ri, Opposite Washington Half,on Mulberry Street. tnfusSx f IT H E subscriber respectfully informs his j fa I friends and the public that he i9 re ceiving and nmniifftcturiug a more splendid assortment of furniture ihun has ever been T offered for sale ill this city, at the lowest / / l price* Foil ('ASH. * \ f'l,following compnip n part: Side* boards with and without Marble Tops. Secretary and Hook Cases, l>ek and Book Cases, Sofas ol the latest style, Conches, Settees and Ensy Chairs, Dir,in? Tables in -u’tts and single, Centre Tables with and without Mar ble Tops, Pea Tables, Pembroke Tables, Work Table -. Toilet, I Iressimrwld French Bureaus, Mahogany, Maple, and Poplar Bedsteads ; Mantle Glasses. Dressing Jinxes and Glasses. Sociables, Ottomans, Carpet and Chair (bi-hions, Piono Seats vnriovs patterns, Mahogany, Curled Maple ami Fancy Chairs,Hairnnd Cotton* .Vint* trasses, Featliers and Feather Beds, Blinds, Floor Mats, Willow Wagonsund Cradles,together wrth every article in li* line. ‘The proprietor is supplied with the best of workmen, and well seasoned materials, so that he is enabled to manufacture any article in his line,that may he nailed! for. Orders from the country shall receive strio! atten tion. ‘The public are invited to call and examine, tor themselves. THOMAS WOOD. Ortlß 43 chsa? ron cash. r..m v- a.mi: cß.ornr.vei. \V. MORRIS has removed to the South side of Mulberry street, two doors below the fl Washington 1 //'•. Find has commenced receiving Ins stock ol Ready made ( lothing, consisting of Superfine Heaver, Pilot and Broadcloth Over Coats, (iiiitlemen’s Blue end Invisible Green Cloth Clonks, 1 Jentleni'uTs Blue, Black n r d Green Cnmhlet ('leaks, Blue, Black, Invis. (ircen fc Cadet mixed Frock Coats, Blue, Black ami Invisible (Been Dress Coats. Kenfu< kv J ans and ! > i lot Cloth I’rock and Dress Cents. Bine, Black, mixed and Fancy Cas-umere, Satinet and Jeans Pants, Figured aed plain Woolen and Silk Velvet Cloth, Cassiinere and Satin Vests, An assortment nt low priced Vests, Silk, Buckskin, Woolen and Cotton under Shirt? nr?l I >ra wers. Cotton Shirts, with Linen Bosoms and Collars, Colored Linen and Ruffle do. Silk, ('otton and Merino half lloe, Gloves, Suspenders and fldkfs. Limn Collars and Bosoms, Stocks and Cravats of every variety, Superior Fur and Sealett Caps, Travelling Bags,'Trunk®, &c. Also a large lot ot Negro Clothing. The above stock has been selected and manufactured , with great care, and ns sales will he confined lo ('ASH, 1 purchasers will find PRICES LOW. R. W. M. ! Macon, Oct 20, 1840. 35 J IRON AND AAILS JUST Received, 20 ton® Sweeties Iron assort and, 100 kegs Cut Nnil*,assorted. Apply to July 8 20 WINN, SHANNON 8c CO. mATZEH RTsrjoVAroa, 1 or RraliSi and Ffonomy. subscriber haring purchased the right of the ! 1 Feather Dresser, invented by Bill v *!t Todd, for the j State ofGeorgia, would respectfully inform the citizens of Macon and vicinity, that he has one of said Machines in successful operation in the old Mansion House,Court house Square. The work is entirely done hv the operation of S TEAM, i no tire coming near tiie feathers, and no possibility of scorching or injuring them. Dv this operation,nil Moths are destroyed and removed, without loss or waste of feathers : on the contrary, the hulk is very much increas ed, many times one half, nothing being removed but small particles of dust, &c. ‘They are also cleaned and pnrified from all mucous or glutinous matter which adheres to new feathers when plucked from the parent i Goose, and which gives them an offensive unhealthy : smell; they are entirely cleansed, and have the appcai [ anee und essential qualities of new Feathers. He would invite all house-keepers and othcis, who prefer sleeping on pure soft beds, who study Economy and Health, to | trv and prove the Steam Renovator. All persons are in- | vited to call and see the machine and it® operation, and l e convinced of its utility. ‘The operation of Feather Renovating is universally approved of, as 1 have certifi cates in my possession to prove, ami to which I respect ; fully refer the citizens, People from the country can, j by bringing their beds in the morning, usually have them the same day. Any persons who will trv the experiment,may send e bed or beds of any quality Feathers, from the ’best anil newest , to the oldest and poorest they have, provid’ and they • are either (loose or Duck Feathers, and may ho assured j ■ o charge will he made in any case, unless perfect sat isfaction he given. Persons wishing their bed ticks washed during the; operation, can have nn opportunity of doing so. I would also request persons wishing to have their beds renovn- j fed, to send in their names immediately, end they shall I be attended to ns soon as circumstances wrll allow. Price for renovating, eight cents per lb., gross ; or if i they choose to send them in, it will he seven cents per lb., gross. WAI. H. SPECK. December 3, 1840. 41 NOTICE* \LL those indebted to the Estate of Tnrpley Holt, deceased, are requested to make immediate pay ment, and all having claims against said estate, will pre sent them in terms of tlie Law, to ABNER F. HOLT, Executor. ‘ Dec. 10,1840. 6w42 j TOIL SALE, r■AH AT valuable settlement of LAND about five miles be- I low Macon, on the Ocmulgee River, containing Four Hundred ami Two Acre? first quality swamp Laud, adjoining J Cot. J. B. Lamar, known as fractions Numb* rs 157 und 159, in the 7th dist. originally Baldwin, then Twiggs, now Bibb 1 county. l or particular®, apply to the subscriber in Millrdgeville on tile 24th or 29th I)ec* ndn-r—after that time, nt Columbus, Ga. P. A. CLAYTON, Dec 15 3w42 Executor of Geo. K. Clayton. POSTPONED \ OMfVISTHATOR'S SAT-E. Under an or £ der of the honorable the Inferior Court of the comity of Puioam, when sitting fi r ordinary iiuipost *, will I>-sold at the court house in Knoxville, Crawford county,on the first! Tuesday in February next, lot of Land No. 192, in the sixth district oforiginally Houston now Crawford county, being thv I real estate of Isaac W hitaker, deceased, ml sold for the hen- 1 efit of the heirs. ELMO KF. CALLAWAY, AtimV. j Dec 3, i:t4o. 43 E*OITR MONTHS after dau. application ai u i>. made to tin honorable the Infi-orior Court of I ike coun ty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a House und Lot in the town of Zebu lon, and the Negroes belonging to the etate ofriuimu I Leake, lan of said county, deceastd. GAULINGTON LEAK, Executor. Dec 15 43 he made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Upson county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate of John Carpenter, dec’ll. MARY CARPENTER, ) . . , I’I.KASANT SI'KAK, \ A,lm Dec 0 42 ITIOFR ItlO.’Vl’llfc after dale, application will he made to the honorable trie Inferior Court of Pike comity, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the Land and Negroes belonging to the , estate of Islmm S. F. Allison, late of said county dec’d. AuffSiff 27 THOM AS C. ‘TRICE, Adm’r. made to the Inferior Court of Monroe county, When sit ting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Lund belong ing to the estate ol Alexander Bellamy, deceased, lute of said county. ALEX’H. BELLAMY, Jr. Adin'r. | Sept 9 29 LX)i;,n months after date, application Hill Ik ft’ made to ill*-I uh rior Court of Momxie count) when sitting Ci ordinary purposes, for leave to s* II the Lund anil Nigroes Ik longing to the estate of Richard Fletcher, late of Monroe couuty, deceased. DAVID OOLETKKK, Adin'r. EKFY FLETCHER, AdnTx. Sept Ift 30 S7UHJK MONTH® after date, ipplisitußi mil be] ” made to the honorable Inferior Court of the county of i v* igg*, while sitting for ordinary purpose* for leave to sell oue-lhird of Lots wf Land No. 59 and ‘*o, lying in the county ol Tv* igg", Im lunging to the estate of Mobt. Cumniins, dec* used. Also all the Lauds Ik longing to said deceased out of the coun ty of Twiggs. R. W. CUMMINS, Kx'rx. Not 24 49 NOTICE. \ LI# persons indebted to the estate of Robert Cole man, late of Bibb county, dec’d. are hereby noti fied so make immediate payment. Anti nil having <l**. mnnd® against an id estate, will render them in duly at tested in terms of the law, to the executors. WM. M. POPE, 7 r , JOHN G. COLEMAN, \ r *’ Nov 11,1840. td3B \nffl\lSTß \TOR S SAI.E.—WiII ht sold on the first Tuesday in January next, before the court house door in Lanier, Macon county, the fid lowing Lota of Land, with the exception of the widow’s dower, Lot No. 238, in the first dist. Macon countv : also the east halfol Lot No. (19, and eust half of I.ot No. 52, both in the 29th dint, of Macon county, belonging to the estate of Reuben May, late of Macon county, de-I ceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and * reditors of said deceased. Terms of sale, one half cash, and the balance twelve months thereafter. Nov 3 36 JOSEPH MOTT, Adm’r, CIDER. f BARRELS NEWARK CIDER, just res. ivrd nnd I V F fur Milr by H. P. I’t’LLl AM, \ D.r 17 43 Vest door to White ( atsr. { Dickering A Wackny’s PIA^IO-FOIITBS. Cotton Avenue,Jlnt door H'eftof J. H. tk J!'. S. F.Wt, R. HURLBUT wultl rtspi ctfblly inform his friend'* 4 ‘Jf # an.l tfie public, thut hr has just iverivttl a splendid us* •nrtnu nt ot t’l A NO-FOICI ES, If m tin* Manufactory of Mess. ChicU M ing Sc Mackay ; among which niv some ot Chick* r ii,gN late improved I’ati-nt Iron-framed Instruments, which for brilliancy and sweetness of tone, cannot he surpass* and. Ihe character of these instruments are too well known, both in ifnrone ami the Uuittd Stutes, to tied ftirthu* eoinment. I’liose who wish to purchase ar.‘ invitee! to call find examine themselves. All Instrument* sold by G. R H are war ranted, and will keep in tune one year Without charge. A's fur sale, an assortment of I r nt h Piano Covers, Music Stools, and Piano-Forte Music nt N. Y.price*. Piano-Forte* and otliet Instru i.ents tuned und repaired nt short notice, ] both in town ami country. Macon, Nov 24, 1840 40 3?2.Atv'TA , i’ oror rca sal and. A VALUABLE Plantatinn lying in the ninth (list. Hous ton, containing Fifteen Humlnd A t ies, the greater por tion of which is first-rate pine land, ami produces about 1000 pounds of Cotton per acre. There are between three and four nun.ired acre* open, and in cultivation. In addition arc two excellent S iw Mills, one Grist Mill and a Cotton Gin, situated nt the junction ofthree nev* r failing streams, ix or seven miles west of Perry, nnd about twenty-eight miles from Macon. For terms apply to WILLIAM FORT. Macon, Nov 4 37 FoiiTßHr/eT f JIIIF. Store lionise and \\ harv lately ncrupi nl by 1 the Macon .Steam Boat Company, until Ist Sept, next. Applv to D. B. BUTLER, nr JAMES GODDARD. Dec 29 3w45_ VK E daily effecting some of the most astonishing and won derful cures that h ive ever b* n known—in consequence nt which they have now Incoin* a sinning mark, against which all the arrows of disappointed hop*-, env v and unclinritaM* ness are levelled without distinction. The town nnd country are alike filled with tin ir praise. The palace and Bootrhoiie alike echo with their virtu, s. In nil climates, under nil timptra tim-*, they still retain their womlerful powers, and . \ rt them unattended by ag.-or situation. They are simple in flu ir prep eraiion, mild in their at lion, thorough in tin ir optratiun, and unrivalled in their result*. PETERS’ VEGETABLE PILLS Are Anti-Bilious, Anti-Dyspeptic, and Ant:-Mcrcurial, ami may justly he conoid--red a Vnivmal Medicine— but they are peculiar.y beneficial in the following complaints : Y* How and Bilious Fevers, Fever nnd Ague, Dyspepsia, Croup, Liver Complaint, Sick Hcndaeke, laumlic*, \ thiun, Drops). Hlieu matism, Enlargement of tin- Splttn, Pil. s. Female Obstruc tions. Heartburn, Furivd Tongue, Nausea, Distension of the Ston.neh nnd Bowels, Incipient Diarrhoea, Klatuk-nce, Habit ual Costiven* fs, Lo-*x of Appetite, Cholic, >Uotch*-*l or Sallow Compilation, and in all ens s t s | orjKr *1 the Bowels, when a Cathartic or an Aperient is needed .They are exceedingl) mild in their operation, producing neither nausea, gripping nor debility. Retail p ic*- 50 cents per box. Sold fit all the DRUG STORES IN MACON. June 15 6m 17 V” AM Kir® CKI.Kim ATED FHKNCII V ru.Ls - THJtLi. Hl sriHEi) no!./;/.. The genuine French Pills against ail the RI'ACK nostrums of the ag* —for the cure of a certain disease. The FRENCH PILLS are applicable in aliens * for eitln-r sex, (wniraitd free from mercury,) and do not affect the Im-ath in the least, and are p riVetlv pleasant and agroeal-.h- to the stomach, and have m vi-r fail. <1 to make a speedy and p* nnanent cure, with out t lie least regard to diet or application to business. In long lirotracted, chronic stages of the dist-ase, ohstinute Gluts, ‘lour Alhtts, (Travel, Female Complaints, ora weakness of those organs, they arc beyond a doubt the most effectual reme dy ever discovered, having cured many obstinate cases after every-other medicine had failed. Ihe French Pi ts have been *o universally successful that the proprietor Challenges any one to produce a remedy of equal ct rtaintv under a forfeiture i Three Hundred Dollars- Price Q 2 per box. For sale nt al e DHU<i STOKES IN MACON i IU : oml7 4 DlfiVN IST HA TOR’S SALE.—V HI *■ /B sold on Monday tlio 4th day of January noxt, at fhn plantation *>l John Huhert, dot’d in Monroe county, uii l he. perinliahla property belonging to paid dec’d, con si'ting of Horses, Mules, Hogs, ami Cuttle, ('orti, Fod der, \Vl>eat, Oats, forming ntensils, hotinelinM furiiitnre, and vnrimiß other urticlcn t**o nnmeroux to mention. Term** twelve rnontlis cretin for small notes and approv ed security. Sale to continue from day to clay until all is sold. At the same time and place, the plantation nnd Store House will he rented for ‘he enstiius a ear. WILLIAM HILBERT, Adm’r. Nov 11 88 ADMINISTRATOR’S SAUL between the usual hours of sale, uii the first Tuesday in r ui-uary next, at the court house door in Thomaston, in the county of Upson, three acres of Land iHing part of Lot No. 135 in the 15th (list, ot originally Houston n**w Ip-.on county, and situate around the church on said Lot. Sold by order ot the In fi ri orCouft of Upson county. Terms on the dsv *f sale. Dec 1 41 O. C. GIBSON, Adm'r. /4 D>IINISTH ATOn’S SALF.-w.nbcroidon the first liu-sdaj in 1* ch.uarv next, at the court house inf Macon, by order of the court of ordinary of said county, a Lot of Pine Land containing 11 acres more or less, two miles west o Macon, adjoining Rylander, Balaton, and others. Sold as the property of Adam O. Heath, dee-east <|. Dec 1, >B4O 41 PLEASANT HEATH, Adm'r. PORTFOXED \ imiMSTH VFOirs SALE.— XYk an order of the Interior Court of Upson county, will be solll on the first Tuesday in February next, before the court house door in l'homasioti, betwet n the usual hours of ale, the south halfof Lot of Land No. 153, in the 16th dt. of originally Houston now Upson county. Sold as the property of Caleb Smith, deceased. Terras cash. Dec 1, 140 41 ICHAROD DAVIS, Adm'r. 11 >ll VISTH ATOH’S _ SA I.K. — ‘">■*>ai.u ----£ a ” order of tn*- Inf* rior Court of l p*on e*.onty, will be sold on the first'Fites*lay in February next, before the court house door in the town of Thomaston, Upson county, between thr usual hours of sale, three Negjoes, one Man and two Wo men, the property of Alexander.!. Dunn, late of said count), deceits* *l. Sold for th*’ bent fit of the areditors of said d* c* used. T* rin® on the day of sale. Dec I, 1840 WILLIAM ROBERTSON, Adm'r. 4 DMJMSTR A.TOR’S S A LE.-w,ni,e-*,id *m XHI ‘I"-’ hr*t i'uesday in Frhruai yn- xt, at Lanier, Mat-on county, one Negro Woman belonging to Aimer Johnson nnd Benjamin Johnson, tlec'd. Sold for the bent fit of the ht its of said dc*d. I'crms made known on the dm sal*-. Dec 1 41 ISAAC JOHNSON, Adm'r. \DM IN IST R A TOR-S S K I.E .On the first Tuesday in March next, before the courthouse door in N*-w ton, Baker county, will lie sold between the usual hours of sale, the Houses and ten acres of Land, in Gillionville, belong ing to the estate of the Dr. Thos. F. Higgs, of said county, deceased. Sold by an order ot the court. I. rms *u th* *lm> of sale. A. B. HIGGS, Adm'r. Dec 82 VOniNISTRATOirs SALh. —Aerie- able to nn order of the Inferior (’ouit of Macon county, when Pitting ana court of ordinary, will bo sold on the Jiirst ‘Tuesday in March next, before the court house door in Lanier, one Lot of Land belonging to the estate of W illiam Mitchell, of said county , deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Dec 28 45 JQBIAH ASH! RBT, Adm’r. fIAXEC I TORS” S V grceahle ♦*> an ordtY of I j ih*- Inferior Court of Monroe county, when titling for ur inary purposes, will he sold on the first Tuesday in F bruary next, nt the court house door in Monroe county, throe Negroes belonging to the estate of Charles Hard), die tl. viz: Winny. h woman about 30 tears of age, Harriet about 22 )*urs of age, and Emily about two years old. Sold for the benefit of the creditors of said dece&s* and. WM. W. HARDY, . JAMES J. BANKS, ) K * “■ D1,184. 41 (TLAROIAVS SATiF.. —Will be sold in Perry, JST Houston county, to the luguest hidder, on the first Tues day in March next, the inti r st of the minor heirs of Noah Scarborough, in seven Negroes, to wit: two women and five children ; sold by an order of the Inferior Court of said count), when sitting for ordinary purposes. Terms on the da) ofsale D c2 H 45 ‘ SEABORN C. HRY AK, Guard. MOX ll*)E SI 1 KRI Fs<’ SA I.K —Will Ih* sold on the first Tuesday in Februar) next, before the court house door in the town ol Forsyth, the following nropi rt) : Two houses and lola, in tin* Town of Forsylli, the property of James Anthoncy, lo satisfy two li fit a front Monroe Superior Court, in favor of the Monroe Kail Road *Sc Banking Company, vs said Anthoncy, property poin- I ted out bv Plaint iff** a Atfornev. MORTGAGE SALE FOR FEBRUARV. f) hotiFe and lot in f’ltllodenaville, where Thomas R. Wilkereon now resides, levied on ms his property, to sat isfy a mortgage fi fa from Monroe Superior Court, in j favor of Henry 11. Morgan, vs said Wilkereon. \THOa. W. CHIPMAW, PhiT. (TPSQN SHERIFF SALE.~ wiII b*wWini. : J first I uesday hi Februury next, before thv leuit house **t)r in ‘Fhuinaston : One Lot in the village of Ilootcnsvillc, containing six acres more or Jess, with the iinpionement® thereon, lev ied on as the property of William W. Battle, to satisfy u fi fit from Upson Superior Court, in favor of John S. Traylor v*. WilliniuW. Buttle and Alfred Smith. Also Lot of Laud No. fifty-five, in the 15th diet, of oti- j ginallv Monroe now Upson county, levied on as the property of Ezekiel A. Brady, to saiisfv n fi fa from Up. | son Superior (‘ourt, in favor of Je®se Partridge vs. E. A. Bradv, nnd Miles® K. Meadows, security on Ftay of ex ecution. Also, all the right, title and interest of James F. Lew- ! is, in and to Lot of Land No. one hundred and twenty- 1 eight, in ihe 15th dint, of originally Monroe now Upson county, levied on hh the property of said Lewis, to Rt isfy Fttmlrv fi fas from a justice’s court, in favor of Sam uel A. Billing, 11. A Caldwell mill otlirrH ... i. t —low nmtle and ralumoil In inn bv a rnnstnbln. ai. ii. Sandwich, pi,it. I.ot nf I.nnil Nn. nno hnniinv! and niaelylhlaa, in ttia 1 fill, dist. originally Hoaatnn now Upson county, laviod on as the property of Murray Reid, Jr. to satisfy a li fi. from Upson Superior Court, in favor of Thomas C. I.nek hurt vs. said Reid. BENJ. GOODE, D. M. Dee ‘Jit 45 Gcorvla—Crawford Comity. TOI.I, BI RD tolled before Gideon Newsome, ore of the Juslieesof the Peace, in ('apt. Bradford's ilist. u small bay Mare, with a star in her forehead; apprais ed by Henry N. Senrlnrrotipli end W illiam 11. Gridin, to Twenty-live Dollars, Dee If3d, IM4O. Dec 98 9 (5 I'll IUP .1 Id IIOI.S, U. J. f. Oco’jfla—<;raxvford Coin'iity. 8 U.tKS HI'RSETT, of V7Jd .listrio, (1. M. u,n t H| luTorr e 9 I*. M. Callmun, a Juitice of ike Peace in aiml eountv, n rrey Mare riiflii year, old, four feet eleven inrhei or live ft et high, appraised try Samuel H. Harris and Nathaniel Hr mold. r.iholderi, to Kitty Dollars. j. echous, c i. r. Hv n :wn n(ieni'L'l;i-.llonii)(> (onnlv. F.NHV DIIhAIID, of the 4'iinli din. M, toll, brftr.’ me, one dark liny llorse. eight or nine years old, Imih moo r .l white ; apprtii.Ml hv ies.. S. Clnrk and William Ilnr rivon to Sisly Dollar., Nirv 27th, 1040. JOHN WOOTON, T P A trueriran Earn theestrar honk. Dr 22 Jw-tt IfARtZVWAY fOI.UF.n Clk 1 I >IRR NIIRHII'F S V I.i:.~Will hr ~Tw 33 on the tir.-t i ucsilayr m Februury neat j„ vj con, the follmving property. ’ 5 ‘ lrr '‘, fl f *•*• No. Id.a ten acre lot on the Mncnn I!o serve, whereon Owin'.’ > ten in Siiw-Mill wiisereeied |.°” iml on ns the property nf Stephen Jleimrd, to sutisk „ V ‘ Execution in favor of John ii. Gnudrv . s an.l Ambrose llaher,property poinltii out tv Atnhrus. Baber. , • urur * l.ots of I.and No. 133 „„.l 131, rnntaininc 3S:, rrp „ more or pi. lying I;; H,.. -id, ~and , t Ho,,^ now tiilih county, levied on us the property of W ,0. , W. Hill to satisfy the following exilnLis! islned I, “ liihh ! superior (ourt, one in favor of Aimw p rm .„ , “ Isaae ,S. Merino,. William M. Hill and Nap..|e„„ |,‘ Heard, and two in favor t,I the Ceiitinl Bank olTieorni, v. Aaron l.esgel, executor ol Snitiuel Pace, J„|i„ V |,“, ertson, Will in in i\l. Hill and John Mitchell. ‘’ V I.ot No- 136 coniiiinlng 20ij acres, moie less in the 4th .list, of originally Houston now iiil,|, ~J.J* levied on ns the jimperly of .McNeill, p, s ni-iv’ fii.r fl Ins issued I,on, ISil.l, Si,pe„„r ( ourl, oi e |, IV of the officers of court vs. Andy M< Neill, one j„ f „ v rd A a rnn I.esse | vs. Meplien R. Ham and Atnlv v,. INctl, one id favor of Nni th, Manning & lluvtv® SnrJ Lanier, Green McDaniel nnd Andy McNeil, aud uuo n lavor ot Aaron l.rssel.ex’r. vs. Andy McN, j|. ‘ 11 One Negro hoy named Nathan.’nliont‘J‘J years nil levied on as the properly of Jane Irwin, n, snt'isi, „ i,"", HiM, Inferior Court, in favor of Ge'iir-e C McNeil vs. Jane Irwin : property pointed out hv n|.,i„’ tilTs attorney J. NPRINGKR |) V ‘"m,. 11:111 V 1 101 of, ' ,n ’ , ’ N '”- ID9.Hiul west half of lot No IH.-, each eontaiinn- HH J times more or less, i„ ,|, H od di-t., one mall y (Illusion now Pihh fotititv, levied ns the prop, fly of S. S. Snclernve, to sntisl'v sundry li fna front* Justices court, in favor of Nathan Ctnler l.evy turtle by Tiltnan M. Borneti, constable. 20 Avrei ot ‘o. H, Macon rem, jo„.in K the City wrst SH e Oc„„il ? ,T river o„e „.-gm man T 0,,,, also an niaff inteu-si in on.- hundred sou pine land, l.imrlsn. federal ro:,<l ami Thomaston road, in Pihh as Ihe property , f Washington I>„. , to S.itisf. tloVe r, i ,,. cm,mis ri im-nohletn Rilih Sop.-rior Conn. i„ s’’ . , 11 “'rh Oat., Madoncm, Po.'ai r 1,,/ I ajlor, one in fa Ur of Alford Clopn.i, vs. H„, |, .! “” I'nylor, anil Winhineioi, Hoe, and our in 16,.,.- ol Ins’ r’ , of Columbus, V 4. Hugh Craft, Curt,. Lewis au.l Wadmigmi. I.ot No. t in square 70 in the City i,r Macon, 1,-vi. ,1 „ n a, ,v,„ prop, rt y of Kit ft is K. Evans, tn 3 il.sf, sundry li f.„ fro,,, Bihh hU|K-riurnm) hit. courts, v. said F.vuns. A part ot ( ‘action, numlx r not known, in the 13th *l-tri* t oi-IBllnilly Monroe now- Itihh, ce,.tni„„ :lr tl , 0.r.. ,„„ ri . ’. less, hviy.l on as the property of r. M. i„,.u,t, satis', sti fa from Bibb Sup* rior Court in favor of r'rrdurick G v* said Taply, nml sundry J*tstic*sfi Ins vh said Ti,‘ ‘ * rhr t- Rcrt- of land, lying imnu diat ly in the forks'of the road leading fronti M.-icon to Forsyth, and th. in.prov.n,* tln-ivnn, occupied h> Spencer Ril.-v, Icvi* don liv T ,p, to satisfy one xeeminn in fhvor *d‘ Wm. s. NnrniKii. adniii.ul trator ho. vs. said ItiK, mid sundry other exctu.i* ns \s il. same, property point* *1 out by I‘o* K N, wbjt. Lola No 4. 3, nnti I, in square 2fi, in the ritv of y n . ran, levied on atiie properly of William Jarvis,oonVaiitl j mg rafJi ortr half nmc, more or less, to smti -lv two fi f it rxrctiii.m® retuirinbln to Bibb Sup,,i„ r romt, one in j vor ol Jr.lm G. Muni-* vm. \\ illini!) Jarvi.s and KirhnrJ . nri " n ’ "<J the other in fin or of C. J. McDonald LxV j Arc:* vs* sai l Jarvis. LotsNo*.3so, and 353 in Hih Di t. nriginnllv Monroe : Bibb,rout.titling f*arli rMI’.U aero®, tooro or Ips®, Ipv ierlonas the property of Luke J. Morgan, to Fati-V> a fi fa in favor of James .Smith Attorney for Benctiit-i k. J Wetrnoie. Lots of lanl 193 and 901 in the 4th Dist. originally Houston now Bikb,2o‘Ji ncrep in one,and 136 acres in flie other, more or les®, levied tin as the property of James to satisfy a fi fa excution in fnvtir of Win. \Y. Ch-tfimin vs. paid Summerlin. B >S PP.JNEi) S M E. i The sonfb half of Lot .No. 12 in East waoon, confain ing half acre, more or h* -. !e\ i,x! on as the property >l Abraham Lawrence,to smi®fy a mortguge ti fu m favor of Koeliind I'vner vs. nid I/e’wrenee. 7 JAMES GATE.S, ShflT. On the first Tuesday in March , One Bav Horse; one Iforse,commonly railed Daw two bay Mule^—levied on as tlie property of ('lni! ora Wall, to’ satisfy h mortgage fi fa from Bihh Inf. Court, • in finer of John W nil v®. said Claihorn Wall, j ftee Negro girl by the name of Jn*!a about 11 years i °kL levied on by vi toe of Mortgage fi so, in favor of i Win. Kelley vs. John A. Kobinson, property pointed out j t n said mortgage. MORTGAGE SALES FOR FF.fRUARY. A negro woman named Ann,liboitt 29 yeatsild. for ied on tis the property of John B* Smith, to satisfy a ; mortgage fi fa in favor ol Geo. W. M* nrr, vs snid Striib. Joe a boy about (> years old, levied on to satisfy n ’ m rtgnge fi fa in favor of Randolph L. 3’ott, nnd John LAI nstnin, v® Calvin L. Ilowland. and Jlennis Suili i van, Trustees f.f Mary A. Ht wlaiid. The following nee roes Ir\ ♦*•*! on the pronerfv of Jin fus K. Evans to wit: Lnvenia a woman V 0 years old, nnd . her two children, Robert about four years *d*l and Maty - about two years old, also Susan a woman about 28 years | old, to satisfy n mortgage fi fa issued from Bibb Inferi or court in favor ot Samuel S. Virgin guardian vs li K. Evans. (for. 9, 1310. JOHN SPRINGER, D. SbfT. \1 A CON siiTlufi SALIL Will Ik- sold or * tl the first ‘luodA) in Kt-hnisi-y next, at the court house I uooi* in Lanier, the following property : i One sorrel Mare about nine y ars old, and hrr colt on* v* ar old levied cm as the property of John Underwood, to satisfy :i . fi so from tin- Superior Court of Macon county, in tstvnr *•! J. J L. 8c K. A. Green v*. said Underwood, and one in favor of J. L. Ik K. A. tiro-en vs. S. H. Dxvight and John l'nder\oou property pointed out hy defendant! One Lot of oak and hickory Land, welt improved. No Ker en ty-t wo in the 13th dist. of formerly Houston now Macon j county, known a* John (’.’ plantation ; h ritd on a j the property of Jesse L. Braswtll, to satisfy a fa from Upson Interior Court, in favor of Michael J. Kagan vs. J*rk. L Bras well and Johti H. Blount ; property point* *1 out hy plaintiff. One cow vearling and two 2 year old Inifer®, I* *n *1 on dr the property of William H. Brooks, to satisf\ a fi fa from the Su perior Court of Macon county, in favor of J. L. i<c R. A. (.ireen , vs. said Brooks ; point* and out by defendant. Two lot* in the town of Lanier, Nos. 7 Nc 8, under letter fl, levied on a® the property of Duncan Mctpiaig, co nat isfy a fi fa from a justice* court of said county, in favorol .iohn Sturdi vant vs. Duncan McQuaig Xt Cos., Ashby S. Leggt tt .".ml .la*. M. Dillehay, and one from tit* Inf* rior court of said county m favor of John B. Bilbro vs. *nid Duncan Mc-Qnaig, also sundry justices court fi fits in favor of John Law and til tiers vs. said M Rnaig— proipcrty pointed out by Ashley S. Leggett. One lot of pine I-tnd niimln r not known, hi ih* first district of formerly Muscogee now Macon county, the place on which Alexander Fitzpatrick now lcvu*| uii as Ins pt*>p ri) to sntisfy sundry fi fas Iroin the Superior Court of said cminty, one in favor of John J. B* nn* tt, om in favor of Jam* *■ (a Iwmi tor the use fkc one in favor of officer* of court nnd oii*> rs. mi vs. Alexander Fitzpatrick—property pointed out by Jnim*L. Gro*cn. One lot *>f pine Land in the first dist Macop conrty. Nn levied on as the property of R>h< rt Gro *n, to sHtify a ti frutti .Macon Sup* rjor Court, in favor of Mos- .s \\ hi* i is j. hn (.rii would. Gresham But ‘.er, maki rs. and Robert (ret n, endors r —property pointed out by Mom s W :.trs. rhe entire interest of Janus Wibb in the estate of Law, deceased, levied on to satisf) two fi fas from Mason Su purior Court, one in favor of Richard A. Gro tn vs. Jamt * Webh, the other in favor of R. A. (ircen vs. Joseph Gate* tirincipai, and James Webb, endors-*r—property pointed out y plaintifT's attorney. Lot ofj.and SO. 10J, nnd one 1 nndred nnd fifty nert* of Lot No. levied on a* th*- proqu rtvof Thompson Barfield, to satisfy an attachment fi so i-**in-d i’roni Macon Superior Court in favor of George W. Tow n* vs. Thompson Barfi* Id ; pointed out in said attachment fi fu. Kilty acre* of pine land, more or I* ss, in first dist. of s id county, No. not known, the place on which W illiam Barfield now lives, well improv* and, to satisfy a fi so from Macon Sup* n or Court, in favor of George W. Towns vs. William Bai field pointed out by plaintiff ‘s attorney. Lot No. 201 in the 2d di*!. formerly Muscog e now Mncnn county, levied on a* tin- props r*jr of Jecs*- Barfield, to satisfy <* ti fit from Macon Inferior Court in ftvor ofH -nry G. Lamar re Thonips.ui Barfield, Levi Barfield, William Barfield and Jesse l'.arfi. Id—properly pointed out b) H. (. I *m:ir On** Negro boy by the name of joe, about 18 year* old, levied *>n a* the property of John A. I aw, to satisfy a fi fa from Ma con Interior (’ourt in favor of E. H Simmons vs. Jam* * Webb and John A. Law ; property pointed out by plff's attorney. One lot ot* pine Land, No. not known, in the first district of forim-rlv Muscogee now Macon count), well improved, the place whereon Janies Poll I now live*, It vied nn to satisf) a ff from Marion Superior Court, in favor of Nelson Flournoy v*. McDaniel Page and others; property point* and out lj G. T. Yelverton, pin"* att'y. Our crib of Corn, three hundred bushel* more or less, ns tho property of Moses Waters, to satisf) a fi fa from Macon Supe rior Court in favor of Patrick tk Logan vs. said Water'—point ed out by defendant. L. 1). McMILLAN, Sliff*. Ono Lot of Land No. 7*2, ir. the Istli dist. of formerly Houston now Macon county, well improved, levied on ns the property of Jo®sc ?S. Braswell, to satisfy sundry ft Ins, two attachment ti fit* from the Superior(youit, on*’ in favor of Jns. H. Cox, and one in favor of Ousley & Slatightorj one tax execution nnd two justices court fi fn*. one in favor of Elias Jordan, one in favor of John U.Rodgers, all vs. J. S. Braswell; property pointed on* hy J. M. Giles nnd \V. 11. Kohinson, ulfis. ttliorney s. Also thr south half of Lot No. 25, in the 99th district’ of formerly Lee now Macon county, levied on as thr property of James Gore, Jr. to satisfy sundry fi fu* from tho justice’s court <f Matron county, in favor of Orphs Massey vs. Jns. (foie, Jr. nnd Henry Swinney; proper* tv pointed out hy Swinney, levy mtulo and relumed me hy J. S. Robertson, coiistubfe. Also Lot of Land No. 137, in the 28tb dist. of formerly Lee noxv Mncon county, levied on nn the proneriv of Elr* t<l> Jones, to satisfy a ft so from the Superior Court of said courtly, in favor of David J. Dailey vs. Elinb Jours and Elisha Curtis: to be sold for gold and silver, by or der of J rum?* 11. Stark, plff's attorney. Also Lot No. sixteen nnd the south half ofl.ot No. *ev enfeen, mid 12 head ot Sheep, IH head of Untile, one hay Mare \ or 5 years old, and one dark hav Horse, leGedofl a* tin’ property of David Ward, to sntisfy one fi lit fn ,nl the Superior Court in favor of Miles K. Hannon, and one in favor of Leroy (iatnaga, from tho Inferior <’ourt vs. Ward, G. W. Hunt, S W. limit, and another fi Is from tho Inferior Court in favor of John Windham *. David Ward, prinripnl, and Josepn Whiglrim, indorser fond pointed out hy llunion, tho horses,cattle and sheep pointed out by <. W. Hunt. Also Lot of l,n*nd No. eighty-four, in the eighth diet, of formerly Houston now Macon county, levied on a* the property of Joel ('handler, to satisfy one fi so front ti ,f * Inferior Court of Hall county, in favor of J. W. Jones 9s Cos. va. Joel Chandler, principal, nnd Howell Cobb* ee rnritv; property pointed out Ity Cobb. Als 15(1 acres ot Lot No IKK nnd fraction No. 1 1 • end Lot No. 139, in tho 28th dist. oflormerlv I*’ ~0H ’ Macon county, levied on as the property of R*>ht Greer, to satisfy sundry ti las from the Superior Court ofssal county, one in favor ot* William Butts vs. Alexander Lee, principal, nnd Roht Greer, seen ritv, and one in so vorof William B. Parker & ('*. vs. Koliori and Williu fT > C. Greer, nnd one iti favor of Hiram Govn, nml one m favor of Benfftgfield fit Marlon vs. Kohl, (ireer; property pointed out hv John M. Giles and Will. If. RoblfiJ m ‘ plaintiffs’ attnrnnv*. GREEN B iRROW, P* • D* r j ‘