Georgia messenger. (Ft. Hawkins, Ga.) 1823-1847, February 11, 1841, Image 1

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25 V &. 5208 E. TEK ‘IS. The Mrssf.vof.h is published weekly, on Thursday Homin'?, at Three Dollars, if paid w ithin tho yfcur and Fuor i)oUarsf\\'not paid till tlir expiration ofthe year. Vuvßarisß^tcvrs not exceeding twelve lines, will he Insert.; I at One Dollar the first insertion, and fiiv cents for ‘i;h • o iti’.ri in *.e.— V lvertisements not limited when iiaudod in will he inserted till forhid. Svlks of Land and Executor*, Adminis tratora an 1 G lardians, are required by law, to he other tised in a public Gazette, sixty days previous to the day ol sale. The sales of Persona! property must be advertisudin like manner, forty day*. Notice to Debtors and Creditors ofan estate must he published forty days. Notice that application will he made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell Land and Negroes, must he published weekly for four months. M mthlv Advertisement*,One Dollar per square, for hitch insertion. Advertisin?: as Candidates,three dollars. K3* Letters on business must he i'ost-p\m. ISlA'ii CJIKCKS.’ OS ALL TUB BANKS IN MACON. Hills of Exrhing*. Hills of Lading, Blanks of all kinds, Quarto and Memorkndara Bosks, Dill Books, Blink Note's bound. Notary’s Blanks, &e. For sale ‘ MESSENGER OFF CE. August , 1339 *7_ Every variety of Jo:> Printing 17,11 bi* neatly exrentfd at the Mr.isrngrr o[f i ". We little S latrlv I‘eeeive.t a considerable addition to our Job ‘l’ype, oftl.r 1 latest patterns, wliielt makes our assortttrem as extensive as 1 any in the State. Printing in Inks of various colors, or bronze. Oet l 33 LAW HOTICE. f1 7 [IK undersigned has located in Starkville. l County, Ga. and will attend the Courts of the South-western Circuit, viz: Randolph, Early, Decatur, Bukor,, Doolv, Mac, n ini’ Sumter. J.Nu. I’ATTEftSON SMITH. Jan 13 y 47 MJLCOIVT di MATT. ATTOKXfcYS AT LIW. KNoxvii.i.e, ■*A7"iI,I, attend the Courts of ihe Flint and Soutli- TANARUS western Ciicuita. J vs. A. H. Macon, Ww. R. May. Jnn 11. Kill. yAT KOBIHtr F. TKIFFE VXTII-I. practice law in the f i t Circuit. IQ* Of -7 V fine. Forav lit, Monroe County,Georgia. ’ - ewTI RICS! V £3> si NaiACKElai OICU. ATTORNEV AT LAW, l.ttiiicr, Jincon County. January 23, 1841. 6m49 i)fs§olV s *>. fTN'IIS Jay bv mutual eons, nl Ihe firm of AVM. It. K; A. A. | ROBINSON, Attornejs, anil partners in flte practice of J,a*, at Lanier, Mae>u county, C.a. WM. H. ROBINSON. Jan 20, 1341. A. A. ROBINSON. The u nettled business of the firm will be at Icmlnl to by Win. H. Robinson, to whom in future, all letter* in relation to the name, will be nil tin tied, and who is duly autlunizedto reprrfc'eut the < vitl firm in all eases pending, and instituted in it* name, ami to settle up all the said busim m. WM. H. ROBINSON, l Jan 8 5w49 A. A. ROBINSON. WILLIAM . SMCIWC3, ATI’tHMEV AT !. UV, tT'IT'ILI. practice Law in the Court* of the Flint Circuit; ff and in the counties of Jonea, fwiggs and Talbot. It.-firrence* —Cl. Iv Hamilton, Fort, Sc Clopton, Ira K. Fort ?■>. Cos., W. A. Rom, Solomon, Griffin Sc Land, and .1. J. Gresh ain. F.sq , Macon : Farrar *• Have*, Charleston ; Wimberly *t.c, ?, Savannah ; Barnard Bill, Esq I albotton. Office iir< r White ?k Cater’* store, Cotton Avenue. Macon, Dec 2.1, 1840. J 44 P W 3.5? ■& F2t \ :<S SX<XKT£ MW OI IKK, OVER COMMERCIAL BANK. Macn.t, Oct 7, tru'd. 33 If CXiIPT o’ NfB.BUUKE. ATTOHiVJfiV AT UW. Knoxtiilk, Crawford Cos. Getv Dsr. 1. 1840 41 Htti'ixif*. Tvii am! Soil. o‘>f> POfllS It, dip Hnlv Rope, r 00 1” ‘*• * Dundee Ragging, r OOO busht’i* Salt, fir sale hr May 11 I FORT fc CLOPTON. j Vis TifcuUnK Tnhiicco. pa % F.SSRS. WINN Jk SHAN NGN, of Macon, are prepared ls'“| to simply the com* timers of thi* luxury with a choice ar {\c\r. which 1 hope and expect will sustain a reputation, of which l am proud AUG. LKI rWICH. July ‘ __ i nanmwii v r yTj | IsOJICE. C. Bruno & J. A. A S. S. Virgin p H WK funned a connection in the Music Business, mult r [j | the name and style of BRUNO fc VIRGINS, import ers of Mifsiral Instruments, which they will constantly keep An hand ; among which it re {.iiiit.irS’ Violins. Flutes, FI;ij?ool(tls, Clarionet-, Kent Hugh**, Trumpets, Trombone*, Cymbal*, Drum*, Fife*, ike. A* we import the above Instruments, we can sell them as low a* they can be bought in New \uvk. Oct 9 *£_ liVNNS & CLARICE'S PIANO-1 OKTKS. ajiti’N'O Jk VIRGINS sole Agent*, lwg leave to inform the B § eiti/A'UH of Macon and vicinity, that they have on hand a gtMul assortment of the alxjve Instruments, and will he con stantly receiving to answer all demands, Pianos manufactured expressly for this climate, of various patterns, Rosewood and Mahogany, witn grand action harp stop, met a lie plates, ike. flee, containing the latest fashion or fuViißure, with tablet and follow comic al fixmts, veneered legs and (r, cinn sciolU. A ‘Vritten guaranty entitles the p rson to exchange the in*tru rtient in olie year, (if iiidiqured'.) Also cohxtantly reciaving new and fashionable Music, In structioit BorK, fkc. N. It.—Mr. C. Bruno will give his attention to tuning Tianos, ‘ in I those sold by us will be kept ill tune 12 months, Oct 9 33 BRUNO fk VIIU.INS riA'j\rO-FORTE3. suh’u 1 ribers are now receiving the most splendid Pi ■ anus ever ottered in this part of the country, w hich they vPiTI sell ophß tin* nmst liberal terms for Cash or approved enrd- A, at their KuVeiHOv Store, opposite the Washington Hall, on Cot win Avenue. They also have on hand and are manufacturing and receiving FivniUure ami f’lisiirs* df the very best quality anil every variety of pd which tin* public are invited to call and examine before purchasing” else where. as their terms will always be such as to suit purchase^*. J AS. 1. BRADLEY Ik CO. Macon, March It 3 | bg |(io<! PI nos: FUST r *cnved and for sale, four elegant Piano-Portes, man ufactured expressly for the Southern climate, and are war ranted. Ihe public arc invited to call and examine them. Jan ; 4JtT THwf \n wood. NSW BOOT ANB SHOE STORE. FOTIIK subscribers would r‘Hpectfilly in Ku form the citizens of Macon and snr- rounding country, that they have taken tfr K store formerly occupied by CIIANDLF.H ” SMITH *k CO. as a Clothing Store, on 2d stmt, four door* south of the Washington Hall, where the) have just opened a general assortment of (B > lltl( l Mll'll , | Bools Mini Klim'S, ofaß kinds, BOYS BOOKS’ AND SHOES. Al.n, Ladies’. Misses. V I'liildion's Shoes, of all kind* mid qiinlitit s, which they will sell a* low a* any now off. reel in Market. A* the subscribers manufacture their own Goods, feel safe in warranting them tube of superior workmanship and materials, s those who may give them a call will see on examination. And ns they are determined to ml! ns low as possible, those wishing to puf(sha*e tor cavil, would do well to call In fore purchasing. UFL VIKING of nil kinds dune at the shortest notice. WHIUNG’fk MIX. Macon, Nov 3, 1843. TO UtlllM IOIIS. ALL person* having demand* against the estate of Abner Johnson, late of South C nrolirn, decanted, are untitled to prent thorn regularly authenticated within the time presenb he law. ISAAC JOHNSON, Adm’r. Macau, •. .Lminry 13 4w4T WASHIMGTOiW JIAIiI,, MAC OX, OA. arjlllF. mhsciibcr having lately taken anew g lease on tin* above House, and having im proved the same, by building n convenient Dining Room, with genera) repair*, thankful for past favors, he respectfully renews the ten der of his sn vice* to the travelling public, and teels confident that all will he made comfortable who ilia) fa vor him with their company. C 7* Tile Office of the Momoe Rail Road Lille, and Savnn* na!i Stage Line, will be kept at the Washington Hall. MAW u, ST. LANIER, CENTRAL HOTEL, MACON GEORGIA. JP—— FTpIIIK subscriber having taken that well H known establishment for a term of yean, aErSSf |] f * ift’iioNt respectfully tenders Ins services to the nK IK public us an Inn Keeper. He declines any new spa per details or fair proiiii jus of what he NffiEWintends to do tor those who may callon him, but sunnl) adds,that his constant efforts will Ik used to render all comfort a hie that may favor him with their coin pan v. PI ase call and try. FREDERICK SIMS. Aug 29 27 (in, WliisUcy, Ktisii X HoSasses, hoiiß Mis Liquors I .Tfi His. India Point Al Hock Siiriug G in, I *}\t 60 Blj*. Rye Whiskey, GO doN. E. Rum, flj pipe* domestic Brandy, 3f Dills Cuba Molasses, 10 Ids pure peach brandy, In tor and for sale bv SiCOTT CARD ART. t. 3d, 1310. 20 3VIAC ori CLOTHING STORE, i.. v ii. m in, Mulberry St. nearly fronting Cotton Ax'enue. f H VVE on hand, and are’receiving, a good stock ofgoodiin 9 1 their line, madt- in the best manner, of the best inuiei ials; all of w hich they will sell cheap for Ctuh— their stock consists of 300 Dress and Frock Coats, various colors and qualities. 100 (’outers and Hunting Coats, various kinds. 75 Cloth, Pilot Clath, and Blanket Over-Coats. sfe>o Vests making a large assortment of all kinds. 400 pairs Pantaloons, making a large assortment of all kinds. Gentletnni’s Cloth,Goat Hair, and English Camblet Cloaks. Ladies* Cloth, Figured Merino, Summer Cloth and common Circassian Cloak*. 200 Linen, Cotton, Linen Bosom, Gingham & Calico Shirts. 200 pairs Plain and Twilled Cotton Drawer*. Merino, Lamb's Wool, Buckskin, Cotton Nett Shirt* and Dfawcrs t Cloth and Satinet Round Jackets; red and white Flannel Shirts; Satin and Linen Bosoms; Collars; 30 dozen Stocks; a great variety of Suspenders; Hosiery and Gloves ; Pocket lld kls ; Russian Belts ; Money Belts and Purses ; black and white Cravats; Silk and Cotton Umbrellas ; Fur, Hair, Seal and Cloth Caps; 10 doz. Wool Hats Tarpolenn H t m ; 20 cases Fur and Silk Hats, very cheap—some at h ?s than New York cost. A large stock of cheap .xtiano clotuivg. L. V H. FITCH keep constantly on hand, nt their estab lishment in New Haven, a large assortment of best CLOTHS Kt TiIIMMINGS, and have in their employ the best workmen. Gentlemen wishing their Clothes made at tin* North, will, by leaving their nanu s with us, have them made in the best tuan nfand most fashionable style, and warranted to please*. They arc thankful for past patronage. Deal 8 43 _ NOTICE. 1-9 c,* Y A’VVm wBl au n* lav \: nt Jr.rii ‘r in’ nl*- 4 irncvf CHARLES S. THOMAS. Mi* .ill, .lan. SOlh, 1841. Chiclici'iiig & Jlackiiy’s HANO-PCStSSS, Cotton Avenue, Jir tt floor JFcst of J H }<c IF. S. EM*. /~i K. HURLBUT would respectfully inform his friend* * H * anil the public, that lie has ju-t n < i\ ed a spU'ini'.d as sortment of PI \ NO-I'ORTES, from the Manufactory of M ss. Chickering K. Mackay ; among which are some of Chick* r ing’S late improved Patent Iron-framed Instruments, which for brilliancy and sweetness of tone, cannot be surpassed. I lie character of these instruments are too well known, both in Europe and the United States, to need further comment. Those who wish to purchase are invited to call and examine for themselves. All Instruments sold H. are war ranted, and will keep in tune one year without charge. Also for salt*, an assortment of French Piano Covers, Music StooK, and Piano-Forte Music at N. Y.prices. Piano-Forte* and othiT Instni oents tuned and repaired at short notice, Both in town and country. MaCOH, Nov 24, 1840 40 ; MEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! THE subscribers are now receiving a general assortment of staple and fancy DRY-GOODS, of the latest style and patterns, which they offer for sale at fair prices, in brick build ing one door from Washington Hall. Sept 19 30 GEORGE W. PRICE & CO. , l:i!f and Limns; SUins. ?UST received a lat of superior quality. GEORGE W. FRICK & CO. A pri 1 r l NAILS, . KEGS Nails assorted sizes for sale by $ f REA & COTTON. April 30th, 1840. n__ ‘S’ v Cream oC Ballios, IX )R the embellishment and growth of the Hair, and by i*s use, gradually changing the color from Red, Grey nr Light Hair, to dark. Cream of Lillies is purely vegetable, nourishing whilst it darkens the Hair. Prepared by J. W\ tli, Perfumer, and for sale by J. H. W. S. ELLIS, June 3 15 Cotton Avenue. NEW GOODS. R R. GRAV IES have ju>t received, JJ • ‘Jtt Bales Sheeting and Shining, 10 ilo Cotton Osnaburgs, ‘2 do ‘ricking*, 300 pieces french Prints. 60 do/.. Lading Pnlm Leaf Ilooda, 50 pieces Georgia Nankeens, 200 doz. Tucking Combs, 200 do Side do 200 Handkerchiefs^ 5 doz. Harrison 30 cases fresh Shoe®, / Together with a general assortment of Dry Gooda which lliev will sell low at wholesale or retail. July 2,1840. 19 AUCTION A\D COMMISSION STORE, THE, suhaeriht-r having removed to the Prick Store adjoin ing Messrs. Story & Pratt, on Cotton Avenue, will con tinue bis AUCTION AND COMMISSION BUSINESS du ring the coming season. From and tifu r tin ]stli Ociobt r,sales will he carried on day and night (w. utb r permitting) tbrough the season. Planters and country Merchants arc r apt etfuUy invited tc give me a call, a? I shall be furnished with fresh (ioods f monthly) during the winter, from tin* North. Person* wishing to raise the wind on Goods vm/ /--nty ean do < by ap plying to H. R. WARNER. Auctioneer. \. R. Return sales fir Goods gold, can at all limes be had by giving twenty minutes no:ie<. ‘!..• I .tidies shall be informed by a card through the papers, of every fresh arrival of FANCY GOODS at my Auction Stove/ Macon, July 23 22tf B R W. ■ VOH ESTICS.- | W 1 case Calico Piiuts. A. R. McLAI Kails. llo3*s ami Trace-Cliaiiiiii. Olitl KV.OS Cut Nails, M * 100 <loz. Hoe?. 20(1 pair Trncc-Clmin*, 20 doz. Collin?’ A xe*. 50 Boxes Tin I’htle, 4000 lbs. Mainlla Rope, 0000 lb*. Sheet, Hoop and Band Inn, 2000 Sheet Steel,rrceixed nnd for sale bv April 1 6 K. B. EED. Beal l. Hi. fcKIHEAB 117 ILL run during the Imating season from Purlin in's *1 Bbitf, Twiggs county, to Darien, and will deliver or receive Merclmmli/•* or Cotton, at any ot the interim duite landings ; and will also run to Macon if freight can b. obtain di’ Bein ‘* well acquainted on the river, particular attention i'll .■ tnven t., lh,- tii’li.t'i) ofCJood. a, til ,li< n, lam U.g. YohnVs.m”: Ac*et,t*~HOl,MJ’< S .V SINCLAIR, Savannah. \. MARVIN, Damn. Dec 33 ?144 City ‘B'i**asiu*<*i*’s Office. ? ‘i\l Jiintl/tr f/, urn. s r. City A .3,l*lol**l, llook. fur,lit 1 rm'ittioaol lax llf- I turn, for tilt- vt ar IX4I, ill lx opt ni and ,'lt llif llrt tlaj nf y'rf.inx, 1 ’ ix-xt, ami ftmtinm 1 until tin 1 lirxt day of .4P'4 l th. n - 11 tl„ v li,.<itiv. l; will 111 tUixi tl, ami *H ili ruiiltrrs tliMibly tuxt-H. l*t rsom maLiiiß rt luni. of ival . Matt 1 , nix- to rs In mitilti and tl.n, oil n turii w ill In- r. 14 iv. H nlf tin mtiulH r ~',.1 ..liiitrt of inch lot i parlirtilarl) tli|fn.' ,1 m 4 , JF.SSK 1.. OWKN, Cit) Af,„r. I.OST, A T llir I, tuxo of Mr. Julm Kmt 1 .in l'at-Murnn. a yew Inrjrc 3501.0 I’KNCtI. eASIi, of fiiir w*rk ip*. Saitl IVncil Cnxe nmy have liren lomitl. oi dfi.lPii, liv n prirnul. Anv inlbrmntion of the uim. I>y j whit h Heart ho racoven U. or for it* return, n thorul to yvnrt! will lio'pttiil. ISAIH.I.I.A Cl.Al.lx. 1.1 1 Uncoil, j o’ 11 1 ; 1! ■>” ■* At 4 * IOX AX if GOniHIIIIOR WARE-HOtrSB COTTON AVf’.NPE. M ACON. fISHK ttlerit>rr hnvin* 11 ” *V * n ” i l "’ P r ! I of tn.,i.fii„* ‘I” Ann,-nt „m 1 C, on u iulrr ,liriri rir>- to thr-tr fn* n,l nml tin 1 !>uhl>c. IVroitx lon.tKoiltlf Oo<„l * *! ,lmir 1n,.in,., will lx- .omluiud nx tin) n"” j P w’r^nTl.o';'™no rnnkr lita-rel mlvnno,, w in n n, r. <- Sour., m"4 L regnbU 1 ’of < ■ - or ‘itlirr liravy (> o,i. t n.l J( (;AVAN i,)HX H. OI.DFRSIUW. 49 / Jnn 5% 1i,41. M.tCOX, THURSDAY, FI Kl tliV 11, 18 11. watclles, ji;wi: \m\, &<•. rnflF, Suhacrihera are now I. receiving a winter 5: spring supply ol’Gootlfi, wliii h contti* f/f'’ lutes n stock in theirline auperi or to any ever before offered in HRegSj thin market, and inferior to none if \ * or oo,^neHß <f quality, an peri iSi n** workmanship or variety of style in tlte United States. Their stock consists of Undies and Gentlemen’s Gold Patent Lever Watches ofthe appro, ed maker’s M. I. Tobias Ac Cos. ltoht. Roa keß, Jos. Johnson, John Moneaa and Uitherlaml Davi U\>. (iold English Anchor etchapement Watches, were made to order and adjusted to suit the outh- climate. Gold and Uepine Watches, Silver patent LeverLenino, English Cvltnderond Verge Watches; La dies Curn, Guard, Basket and cable Chains; Wateli Hooks; Seals and Keys; Swivels; Linger Kings; liar Kilims; Bn. tehee and ‘Children*!* Knob*anil Wires; Gcn t lemon’s Guard, Curb, and Linked Chains ; Seals; Keys; •Swivels;Bosom Buttons; Sleeve and Collar Buttons; Breast-pins and Fineer-rlngs; Medal ions, pearl atttl jet Crosses ; Gold and Silver Buckles , G old, Silver & Pea [J Hniiir Boxes ; Gobi and Silverever pointed Pencil Case!* •Miniature Casas; Bracelets; Gilt, Silver, Plated, and •Shell Conibs ; Gold ami Silver Thimbles ; Gold,Silver &. eteel templed Spectacles with glasses to suit every age or near sight; need Coral; huge Coral; Cora! Neckla ces; bead Bags, do Chains, do. Purses; a variety of! Beads,Spy Glasses: Quizzing Glasses; Microscopes | Spar Grotto; Tea Caddies: Pocket Books; Indellihlej Ink; Emory Cushions; ll..ales; Whistles Teething! Rings; Corset Rings; :Siecl Busks; portable Ink-stands; Portable Writing desks; Curd and Cigar Cases; visiting Cards; imitation Fruit; Lucifer Matches ; Fire Machines Battle Doors and Shuttle Coeks, Graces Fencing Foils,’ Masks and Gloves, Rogers Ac Foil’s Razors; pen and j pocket Knives; C. Emerson’s Razor Straps; Scissors, Dirks; Glazier’s Diamonds: seal Stamps, Chess-men; I Backgammon Boards, Dice, Dominoes, Steel Pens, Fif e I Fenders, And I rones, Shovel and Tongs, sheet Brass,! Brass Wire,Scales and Weights, Surveyors Compasses, i Mathematical Instruments. Vstrel Lamp- 1 ,1 urge suspend-! ing Lamps, Lamp Glasnes, Candle Shades, Looking ; Glas.qes, Plates,Thermometers, walking Canes, Guns, Pistols, Pistol Belts, Powder Flasks. Shot Pouokes, game Bags, Gold and Silver Leaf, Dental Instruments, Gold and Tin Foil, Wigs,Toupctts.Bradesof Hair, Rolls j and Curia, t )tto of Hoses, Cologne, Lavender,nnd Flori- j da Water; Musical Instruments.consisting of firiss and! Kettle Drums,Fifes, Flutes, Flageletts, Clarotietts, Ac cordians,(a new Instrument,) Shell Music Boxes, and M time Boxes to nlav 12tunes; Birmingham and Sheffield Silver plated Castors, Liquor Stands, (handle Sticks, Branches, Waiters,Tea Travs, Fruit Baskets, Snuffers and Snuffer Trays, Silver Cups. Pitcher* l . Table Tea Desert Salt, Mustard nnd Cream Spoons, Soup Ladles Sugar Tongs. Butter Knives, pjemc Knives and Forks, Sugar Scouns and Fish Knives. Man'll? and Mahogany eight dav (’locks. A good stock of Militury ;im! Mililury Ti'innnings, of new style,such as is now coming in use with the army tinder a recent regulation. I i'srirh *i ft brrs Tools ft net If at f rials :esiles sundry otherarticles; all of which teey will sell vey low, for Cush or approved paper. They invite eiti zens and persons generally vi*■■•ting on reify, io oall at hi Store and examine his Stock, where he is ever ready and happy to attend to those who mav favor him with their rails. wm. b. Johnston & co. N. B. Particular attention paid to Watch repairing.— Having in employ approved and experlehced workmen, and being prepared to manufacture all the pirts of movement of a Watch, they will warrant every piece thev make a perfect as the original nnd their Watches to perform well. W. B J. Cos. Macon. Jan. I 1330. _____ _ 49_ arvOroiFS. rjIHE suhscrlhers have r ceivcd per steamer Sam 5 and other boats, 60,000 lbs. Sweeds Iron, Bar Steel, Cast, German and English. Nail Rods, Band and Hoop Iron, ]OO keg? cur Nails assorted, 50 hljds. Sugar, St. Croix and Porto Rico, 12 boxes Loaf and Lump Sugar, 250 huge Coffee, Cuba, Rio and Java, 3 pipes Cogniac Brandy, 4 do Holland Gin, Jamaica Hum, Irish Whiskey, Madeira, Sherry, Port and Mala ga Wine, 50 bids. Rye ritn, 50 bbls. Rye Whiskey, 40 bbls. N. E. Rum. Povv df-r, Shot, noil White l.enil. Sperm, Lineeer! hihl Tanner’s Oil, Ami all other articles generally found in the grocery i line. Also 5n coils Isnle Hope, on consignment. IS), 18 31! SC <JTT fc ll.’ RH HT. Ktiftir, CotTeCt NslnMCit Ac. HMDS. St. Croix, Portc Rioo, and X. O. Sugar, ‘O 300 bag 1 * Cuba and Rio Coffee, 41 tierce* Molasses, 19, boxt-s t obacco, for salt* bv Jane 3 15 REA k COTTON. C otton &<*. 1 A?iA PIECES 42 amt 44 inch flagging, weighing 1| J ?• J* r to 2 r yard,’ 150 pieces Rope, 3OCX) lb*. Bagging Twine, for iftle on libernl terms, by June 3 15 REA & COT ION. ISo’.vandN Tonie UlixliirtN A CERTAIN anl lasting cure for the Fever ami Ague. Just received a fresh supply. CEO. \V. PRICE Kc CO. Agent*. June 6 15 One door from Washington Hall. BLACK3M ITU’S BELLOWS, Anvils, Vices, llanf inen and Screw Phites. Also a general assortment of Birmingham and Shef field (soods, received and for sale by April t f> E. B. WEED si as: i.uii oks. CJUPKRIOR Irish Whiskey, Cognac Brandy, vintage of 1805. Old St. Croix Hum, Good old Mndcria Wine, Do. do. Sherry do. X < ask Champagne Brandv, for *a!f ht n.r 2 3 44 UI.LOCK, HAttKOI.D tVOOTI. I I IKIK'KS IttCR, choice article, f ‘i y 250 ea*k* Ilium i*ieu Lime, 40 bbl*. Menhaden Fish, 12 boXi4i thoic tobacco, in .tori anil for iic by April li , REA. St CO HO*. BAX9WA&3. fIIUE subscriber offer? Tor h;\I” on accommodating ; I term, m lull assortment of ILmlware, iniporttfil di- j rect from the inir.’ufwctorie? ill Europe ai:<l lli€ Noith, consisting in part of the following : 300 do/. ‘Carolina Hoe?, all sizes, |SO doz. “Brides Cos.” Iloee, cast steel, 30 Smith’s Vices, him k, 20 do do bright, 20 do do Colter Key, 35 Foster’s Mousehole Anvils, 20 Armitage do do 150 Hand and Sledge Hammers, bright faced, 20 Screwphiics assorted 5-3 to I 1-3, 20 best Stocks nnd Dies, 25 pair Smith’s Bellows, 100 Log Chain", 50 Fifth Chains, 301) pair Trace Chains, 200 cast Ploughs, 150 set Wagon Boxes, E. B. WEED. Nov 21 49 Siitfnr :i*i4l Fclloo. HIIDS prime St. Croix Sugar, t p 10 do. Porto Uh*o do. 5 do. tine Xlu*4*!vndo do. 20 hags green Cuba Coffee, 10 do. Uto do. Oct j* 35 a. h. McLaughlin. | Itiillorli, llari’oid A Wood. H AVE just received nfixsh supply of GROCERIES and PROVISIONS, ettnsisting *f N*w Crop Cub.) Coffee Cho-rr St Croix Sugftr, Old Government Java Cofllc, Double Heftiwd I.oaf Sugar, 5 bug* Mtmif/n Coffif, Domestic Gin nm! Rum, Cognac and Champagne Brandy, 50 pieces Bugging, I 30 box*** Sperm Candles, A good Hssn*tim*nt of Iron and Nails, Fresh Mackerel, No. 1,2, mid 3, in barrel, and half barrels, 10 half barrels Pickled Shad, ! 3 half barrel, pickled Salmon, 3 hrkin* Goshen Rutter, Ike. Ike. Fb i:a jsot .- t g. 9 / U \ PIECF.S heavy n inch Ragging, weighing S 11h. I % Fl f per yard. 100 pieces good 42 in Ragging, 50 do. and >. Oct 22 35 a. u. McLaughlin. DON'T PROCRASTINATE ! ■ RETURN my grateful thanks to those who have patron* I i/.fd nu* since I have been in thi* city, and w ill now inform all persons that mv stay w ill la* short* r than I at first antici pated. All those Who wish their BEDS DRESSED, had lat ter avail themselves of the present apportunity, a* theymaj not have another. I deem it unnecessary to say anything more a* th‘‘ utility atid comfort resulting from the process of Feather ftrnovuting, a* the Machine has proved satisfactory to all who have tried it. My price lor renovating and * nlivning Feather lied* (gross) i? rev.en cents—a* monej i* scarce, 1 will niak.’ a reasonable deduction to those who have lour or more It,ds, provided they will hare all tlieir Red* dr.*** and. Call at ♦he old Mansion House, where h- Machine i* in operation. WM. H. SPECK. Macon, Mi. 1, 1* 11. 50 Itl 1.1.0 t li. IIAISKOI.O A WOOD, nAVK just received, and offer lowJhr Cash, at their store corner of Cherry ami Third Strict*, the follow mg article* fi casks London Porter, 1 pipe best Holland (tin, 1 do Cogniac Brandy, 10 baskets superior Champagne Win, 1 half pipe best Madeira Wine, 1 quarter cask best Port Wine, 1 bbl. Irish Whiskey, Ido Jamaica Rom, 1 bhl. St. Croix Ruin, 5 quarter casks common Madeira Wine, 3 do do Malaga Wine, 5 boxes common Tobacco, 45 reams Wrapping Paper, 2 boxes each or Gun powder, Imperial and Hyson Tea, 3 hills, crUfied, 2 do white powdared Sugar, 25 boxes Sperm Candles, 20 do. “ Hull 8c Suns” patent mould Fallow Camll*, 20 bag. Shut, 20 No. 1 Soap, 40 boxes Window Glass, 30 keg* White Lend, 30 Demijohn*, 2 bales Bagging Twine, 2 do Twilitd Sacking, 3r,0 pieces Hemp Ragging, 42, 43 ui*d 44 inch, 100 coil* best Buie Rope, Also Loaf ami Lump Sugar; n good assortment of Iron nml Nails, and a u rj iii>ct*ior ussortincnVof Cigars. Bt j.t 22 liOOK AT THIS ! Watclios, Jewelry, Silver &c. J. A. & S S. VIRGIN, inform tlieir friends anti the public tint v ▼ they still eontlntic at their stand on Cotton Ave 1 title, and have just received u fresh supply of gooda J consisting in part ofthe following articles, gentlemen and ladies’Gold Lever, Anchor Escapement, Independ ent Second, Lepinenml Vertical Watches; Silver Lever, pi a inn nd extra jewelled Lcpine ami Vertical do. all of which were selected with choice, to suit lliifi market,arid will be warranted to perform well; Indies’ gold Neck Chains, gentlemen!? gold nnd silver Guard and Fob Chains,gold and silver Guurdnnd Fob Keys,Ear Knobs and Drops, Breast Bins and Finger Rings of ail kinds, gold, silver, gilt nnd pearl Belt Buckles ami Slides, Bracelets nml Head Belts, gold and silver Everpointed I’cncils, Steel Pens of flic heft qualities, gold, silver and steel Spectacles, Quizzing Glasses, silver Table,Ten Dessert, Stilt ami Mustard Spoons, Soup and Cream Ladles, Sugar Tongs, Butter anti Fruit Knives, silver Cups,Thimbles, Captors*,Candlcnticks, silver, brass and bronzed, coral, gilt and glass Beads, ladies’ Work Bags ofthe latest fashions, I’urses and Fockct-Books, Clario netts, Flngeoletts, Flutes, Fifes, Accordions, Music Boxes, large and small, Drums, Organs and Violins. Walking Sticks of various kind*, silver gilt, shell, horn and ivory Combs. Tea and Coffee Pots, Bread Baskets, silver nnujnpan ed, fine painted Waiters, Kjiive*, Razor*, Saunders’ cel ebrated Razor Straps with tablets. Pistols of various kinds, Dentist’s Files. Gold Plate, Wife, Foil,&c. Toy Watches, Rattles, Whistle*, for children, Snuff Boxes Percussion Caps, Pipes, Segar Tube*,’ Packet Com passes, Mathematical I n?tnunent?,&c AfiHilary RoodN. Swords,Belts, Epaulefts, Plume*, Se.shVs, Button*. Lace, Stars ami ormi nents too numerous to mention, which will be sold cheap for cash, or approved city ac ceptances. N. B.—We have a choice selection of material? for repairing Watches, and are prepared to make any new part, which we will warrant to perform a? well a* the original. .1. A. A S. S Virgin fee]frrateful for past favors,and would still solicit a share ofthe public patronage, hoping to give satisfaction to all who may favor them in their line. . Oet 13. 1?, 37. 34 C. a. ST. JOHN, Wateli 111 ker nml Jeweler. I JE.SPEC PFLJLLV inform I his friends and the public . generally, that lie has taken the f \storcon Mulberry street recently occupied by Mr. B. W. Mutt, V where lie is now opening r. new v 5 a,, d splendid assortment of Walclurs Jk Jowr-lry, ofthe best quality andlatea. fash ion?, consisting in part of tlte following articles-, viz : ladies and gentlemen's Gold Duplex, Patent Love , An chor Escapement and Lepine Watches: Silver j atent Lever, Lepine and Plain Watches; ludies’ fine Gold Curb,Guard, Basket nnd Cable Chain?; Watch Hooks, Sealsank Keys: SwivoU.Finger Rings, Ear Rings nnd children’?* Ear n.m,\,o ~„.i . Pntlc nien’aCurb and f.inkej Guard and Fob Chain?, Key*. Swivels, Sleeve Links, Bosom and Collar Buttons, Breast Pins, Finger Rings, Guard Seal* ami Keys, .Me ddlions, Gold and Gilt Buckles, Silver and Scotch Snuff Boxes, Gold and Silver Ever-pointed Pencils, Silver and Gilt Bracelets, Gilt, Silver and Shell Combs, Gold and Silver Thimbles, Gold, Silverand Steel Spectacles with glasses to suit* very eye: Seed ('oral. Large Coral, Co ral Necklaces,Bead Bags, Chains and Purses,a variety of cut and plain Beads. Spy Glasses, Quizing Glasses, Pocket Book?,Einorv Cushions,Cnrd and Cigar Cases, Imitation Fruit. Lucifer Matches, Fire Machines. Rogers Ac Sons’,and Wade Ac Butcher’s Ra- >rs,P. n ami Pocket Knives,Emerson’s Razor Straps, Sciss. r, Dirks,Chess Men and Boards. Backgammon Boards, Dice, Dominoes Steel Pen?, Walking Canes, Pistols, Powder Flasks, Shot Pouches, Game Bags,()otto of Roses, Cologne, Lnvendernnd Florida Water, Fancy Soap, Lip Salve, Pearl and Tooth Powder, Flutes, Flageolet!*, Accordi ons, Shell Music Boxes, Large Music Boxes, to play from 3 to 12 tunes, Fiddles and Fiddle Strings, Gentle men’s Dressing f!u*es, Hair and Tnoth Brushes, Bir minghnm and Sheffield Siver plated Castors, Linuo Stands,Candle Sticks, Branches, Fruit Baskets. Snuffer* nnd Snuffer Travs, Tea ‘Trays,Silver Table, Tea, Des sert. Salt, Mustard and Cream Spoon?, Soup Ladles. 1 Sugar Tong? and Butter Knives. Marble, Ebony and Alabaster Mantle Clock? to run eighteen days without winding. .11 Hi far 2/ r. ;# rs JtSiti far?/ 7'ri mi # fr s and a variety of other article? usually krnt in bi**lir , all of which he will sell nt the lowest casli p ice?, i e respectfully invite? citizen? nnd person* generally visit ing our city to call at ni? tore and examine his stork, where, he i* ever ready and happy to attend to those who may favor him with their call*. IV. B.—Particular attention paid to Watch repairing. Having selected the h *?t of materials for repairing Wntche he is now prepared to manufacture any part of n Watch.and will warrant every piece ne make? n? perfect n?theoriginul,and his Watches to perform well. Macon, Off 2 33 HE undersigned respectfully in ffmn* the citiirns o I Macon and the public generally, that their OysHw att(l Coircc 11 on-jo, ? now open for the reception of visiter*. They will in ddition toov?ters, ulwnv? keep on bund whatever other elicacies the market will afford. Meal? will bo nerved ]> at all hour* of the dav. N. B.—FRESH AND PICKLED OYSTERS kept constantly on hand for sale by the quart, gallon or Also most kind? of Northern Produce and West India Fruit, for sale by the quantity or nt retail, FOR CASH ONLY. Orders from tlw* country thankfully received and attended to. ECDINGTON Ac THOMPSON. Oct 21 35if pf CHI SIS FRESH TEAS, eJ 10 lkixes Pi.le Apple Cheese. 2 tioxrs prim* ua. 2ft, poo 11)1 Baeon side*. 2000 lbs Lard, itjO lbs Live Gcc*e Fiatliers, 20 birxi s Tolicc*, Pepper,Ginger, Madder, Indigo, ('opperat, Shl F.ratis, he Ju-t n eeivtd by E. & P. R. GRAVES. Aug 12 25 A! V.*IIIC*! 031 < 3111011, r | VIK. flihi.iili* r,, 1 11 ..1,41114* on Cut,on ‘'in fi . iiTiic.l to In. (Yi.-mW in Savuiiitah, Cht*l.‘,to,i umlStw > ork. Jho 1/ 47 J. 11. S I OW. 17^ XCH VXSi ■’ on NKW TOBK,SAVANNAH INO ‘j CII 3 Hl!'. St OS, at Sight, nml at Bitr ami Ninotv tiny*. I J. 11. STOW. Jan 12 3VOTICB. fVqilF, copurtnersfiip hem iuforo conducted nndt r tto* name 3 WINN , SHANNON Xt CO. s this day dissolved by mu tual consent. The name ofthe firm will In* only used in hid ing up i( busim**?. John I). Winn is uuthonzed to settle up it*, - iit-bt** and receive payment of all due* to the concern. J. I). WINN C. A. SHANNON, Macon, Fib 1,1*41. G. A. MINN. Cj* All person* indebted to the late firms of WINN tk SH ANNON, amt WINN, SHANNON Ik CO , are Hereby rqr quested to in ike iiunv duite payment to tin* subscriber, ns tur tlu-r induigi iu*e <*annot be extended, and trust (but all inter* rated will feel the miessity of prompt attention to this cull, and not put him to the trouble of repeating it. Feb 1 50 J- D. WINN. PLANTEB’S HOTiL j y. THl*'. sulwcrib* r lias op nd the above HOI Sl*. —A-s.sV Ol* ENTERTAINMENT, in the town of (fiyiNJ 5 j jcJ Pen v, Houston eouutv, aim wolicits a portion | I IH6® 8 n Public favor liis Tu'ttc shall Ik* furnished i with the lu st, and bis Stable with abundance, <* acvSß and the attention of an experienced and care- i lul hostler. TERMS. Hoard per year, $l5O 00 Board per month, 13 00 Mhii ami Horae per day, 2 25 Man and Horse per night, l 50 For a single meal, JO WILLIAM L). WHITEHEAD. February 1,1841. m4mso C/* lh Macon Telegraph, Savannah Republican ami Georgian, villgiv’ th-* above an insertion once a month for ofur months, atin forward me their accounts. W. 1). W 8B DRUGS, medicines, a,-. A Iresh aninilyjust rerrirml h* J J. 13. A \V . S. LM.IS, MASOKIC HAI L, COTTON AVENIR. Comprising a larga and complett assortment—together with a great variety of miscellaneous articles. Among which are the following ; Sulphate Oi’jiiur.iErereh) itfig tate Morphine,lodine Acetate Acid, Citric Acid ‘’russie Acid, TaHuiic Acid, Arinon Snl.. Antituoitiuls Pulv., Verntrine, .■srtvclmine, F.mntiiio, lllitibarhine, Crolot) ‘J'igiilim, Se* Cule t'o mill ooi, Oil Siimpi tie, Oil Can tlm rid inc, I’vrilv p neoua Acid, llydiiotiilc I'oiasbn. I'epcrinn, Oil Id 1 itek I'eppei, Iriah Moss, Mnek, Ciiloride Soda,Chloride i.inie. Ciliated Kali, Mustard in pnt.s,Opium Deinircotierd, Cy an nre I I*o tassiuni, Fiiinp Ton ic E\l reel, (i amt pee n Ere par’d,Comp Ext Spigelk,i!l ue .MneH.Precip Extract Itarl, Peruvian Kn.-k.Cslisa.vs Bnrk.Toxa Bark, lied Bark, Cninoniil* Flower?, .Sentin, I wiCrsi, Uorclioiind, Sape Uric.a Cayenne, Bayberi v Bark Plilv., Blood Boot,Col chlciim Pulv, tiolden Seal.Slipciy Elm powdered,Qua* aia, Gentian Powdered. Oort Aram powdered, Eolielia and Seed. Hemlock, Ski.nk Gnbliacc,Squills, Glohnge, Mezeriam, Hope, Alkannrt Hoot,Con Ciiacurilla, Sas safras Seed, Ladies Slipper,Golden Thread, Safron, Cin namon Bark,PulvGinper itae*’ (iinper, Cnrcumn, Mus | tard Seed Alb. Since, Cloves, Nutmeg*, Carawnv Seed (JoTlander Seed, Annisee.’, An is Knot Aquri’ Fortis IfciflmniTs Anodyne, Borax, lilnck Lend, V.riinstom Blue Stone, Jumper Berris, Clinch*, Oxide Bismntn BecsWax Uurgunday E'teh, Balsam Copi**, Balsam i Tolu, Balsam Peru, Black Drop, Cantharidea, Cobalt, Co] ii'V at h, Court Plaster, I or ulus I ndiftctis, Corosivc Sublimate, fresh Castor Oil, do SweeJiJil, Charcoal Pulv. Corks Velvet,Calomel, Antiuionv, Aloes. Itlieiibarh, Ja lap, Digitalis, Opium, Prepared Chafk, Aeitnte I,end, Aeilute Citnri, Acitute Zinc. Arsenate potaesae. j’lios oluite S iolh, Ether Sul|ihnriciin., Ether Nitric, Nitrate Silver, Nitrate Polassne, Phosphate Iron, Sulphate Irby Sulphate I'otash, sulphate Soda, Sulphate Magnesia, Borate Soda, Phosphorus. Manna Elnke,Ointment Hyde Potasea,Ointment lodvrie,Ointment Veiatrine.Ointmei'i Itch,OxydoMercun,Ext Julati. do Butternut, do Hyos evntnus, do Gentian, do Bclladonnn. do Tnraxiei, do RliiiLarh. Nuxromira.dn Klin train, do Cietitu.rln Glycy rrhi/.n.Gum Ataoic.ot) Camphur,do .Scamonv,do M \ rid do Assafietidn,Giliac, Pearl Bariev, llnncy,Otin Rosoi LuciferMatehea,Magnesia Cnled.d<lCarh,lsinplasa,({uie Silver, Seidlit/ Powders. Saratoga Powders, Soda cio Sponge, Tamarinds, Wafers, Nm sapnrilla, Bed Precipi tute, White do. Blaek do. Penrlnsh, .Span. Float Imliec Logwood, Annntto,Fustic.Copperas, .Span. Brown, V; tielinn Red. Madder, Fie Blue. Nntgalls, Alum. Coclil oral. Spts Turpentine,Venire do. Aiarch,.tailsTsrt,al moma, Glue, Rosin, Jiijolie Paste. PATENT MEDICINES. Lees Pills,Opodeldoc,Chapman's Anti-DiapepticPill* Peters do do., Hunters Pills. Hooper’s Pills Anderson’s 1 ill*. British Oil, Bateman’s Drops Thompson’s Eve Wafer, Godfrey's Cordial, .Salta Lemon, Worm Tea, Butler’s A pern nt, Botanical Drops, tSwaim’s Panacea, Indian’s Panacea, Ess. Iceland Moss, Cough Mixture, Plaid Ext .Sarsaparilla, Comp .Sarsaparilla, Cohelis and Copavi. Syrup Liverwort, comp fluid ext i’inkroot, Di hv’e Carminative, Bleaching Liquid. Mead's Pills, Issue Pluisters,Elixir Life,Ginger Beer Powders,Medicated Oil •Sdk, Digestive Elixir, Pile Remedy, Chlorine Tooth w ssh. Bay Rum, Balsam llonev, Cough Lozenges, Ext Coffee, Cullen’* Liquid Magnesia, Putter’s Catlmlicou, Rowand’s Tonic Mixture, RelTs Vegetable Oil Worinseed, Saratoga Bunders.Ext Boueset,Tonic- Extract. Perftuncry, Bt-tiftlirfi Ac. Him Powder,Pearl i’owder. Rungs, Milk Roses,Cold Cream, Cream Unmade, Honda Weter, Cologne Water Lavender Water, Rose Water, Bears Oil, Ward's Hail Oil,Marrow Pomatum,Orange Flower Water, .Macassar Oil. Spirit ol Rose, Camphor .S'oap, Enmlicn! >'oap Windsor do.. Windsor Brown do., Wash Bulls, Curling I ’luid, Antique Oil, Lip Salve (Persian Otto Rose, Tooth Powder (superior,) Erosive Powder. Ext Bergamot, ext. Rose, da. Musk, Honey Water, Naples comp Shaving Tablet, Shaving Cakes, Almond Paste, Grooving l'nini Brushes, Nu vh do Oval \ a rnisli dirCamals Hai I do, Badg ers hairdo Graining do. Elesh brushes assorted, M.iVae do Hairdo. Naildo. Comb do. Tooth brushes, do A'ilver W ire do., Clothes brushes, .SVruh do. N'hoc do, Pnlent Feather Brooms, do do Dusters, do do Brushes, Fitch Tools, Counter Brushes, Hat do. Crumb do. N'linving do. .Shaving Boxes, N'having Oil, Powdei Puffs and Boxes Preston Salt*. N'lnall Bottles,Tapers, Dutch Cologne, Atkinson’s Depilatory. I. I NT IS VME NTS. *B. A mputnting Casas.Dissecting Instruments. Trepann mg Instruments, Pocket t lor,; j £ uv# '. Thumb Laneets, Dent isle's Cast -s, Teeth Key s pal. Nc - 1 rifieators,Abscess I .aneets,Tourniquets,l’uppfngGlasses, do do Air Pumps,Oitmelastic Catchetera, Ailterdo. *’ur- i □ eons Needles, Tooth Clews. Gum Lancets. Medical Spoons, .Seales and Weights, Teeth Filea. The subscribers intend keeping on hand a foil assort- j memos Drugs,Medicines, Paints, Oils, l)\e .StnTs, N’hnp j Furniture, Ac. &c. consisting of all articles, in their line necessary for the supply ol Physicians,Plantersor Fam ilies. Thp.v will receive constant supplies of the best that can lie selected in (he Philadelphia and New Volk markets. Orders from Merchants,Pnysiciatiaand other* will receive prompt attention. J. 11. 4: W. 8. ELLIS. Jan 28. 48 PAINTING Plain and Ornamental, nnd Paper Hanging*, in the city or country. Apply as above. S ? JCtAB. “1 {k !IHDS. Vtw Orleans Sugar of prime quality, 3tJ For ulr by BULLOCK, HAHROt.D It WOOD. St 33. &. R. R. GRAV33, Cornet of Cherry Street ami Commerce /*#/•, U AVR iii .store, ami'to arrive by *rst boats, (Hr moat full and cnmjili- assortment of C#UGC FRIES and STAPLE MOODS, they have rvi'r off*, red in ibis fitj. Pnrchas* and fbr caih, they will be sold at price* iurn spending with the tom*. 400 pieces heavy llemp Uaggging, 100 14 extra do do 2 lbs to yd. s 0 14 India do do do 3 lb* to )d. 200 toils Hemp and Mr.i* Hair K pc,’ 5 bales Bagging Twine, 500 kegs pribu- Hio Coffer, 50 hlius. \. 0., I*. H. ami St. Croix Sugars, 10 boxes Ilavttnna Sugar, 10 44 Loafand Lump Sugar, 20 lihrl* Molasses, 20 boxes Tohatso, 50 M Spanish and American Segars. 20 boxes Spt vin Caudle*, •<> Ik>x< s Sn* p, 10 44 Axes, 8 boxes Cattle Mills, 2o ) kegs While Lead, I clicks Id listed Oil, S tierce* Lamp Oil, Window (Has* and Putty, 10 bbls Apple Vinegar, 40 tons assorted Swecd. Troll, (icrißlU Jk Cast lUcI, Hand and Hoop Iron, Nail Hod*, 30,000 lbs. Castings,(ail kinds,) Cart and Wagon Boxes, ICO pair Trace*, 12 do/.. Ames’ Shovels, 200 casks Nails and brads, 1300 lbs. Bar Lead, 100 bag* Shot Dupont'* Powder, 5000 bushels Salt, 300 sacks Salt, .5 tierces Kice, 90 jlieCea Sucking. 2000 lbs Factory Yarns, 30 bale* k-4 8c 4-4 Dom- *hes, 5 bales Osnaliurgs, 2 do licking, 10 ) pieces Negro C loths, Satinets, Kentucky Jeans, 25 pieces assorted colored Flannel*, 300 pieces Prints, 200 do/. Silk, Hr 4il u*:d Flagg Handkerchief*. Bleached Homespuns, t hecks, Hosiery Cb.ap Shawl*, &c. 20 dox Palm L* nfHood*,- 12 pieces Harrison Silk ildkfii, 40 cases coarse Slkks. Aug 12 25 xv.ttsi -not s:\ C T The Ware House and Commission Business will he con tinu* and at the old stand, corner of .Cherry ; nd Third street*, under the management of Hr. J. M. KIBMI’.K. Every at ten tion will be given to Cotton * orvd with us, and fhcaelliijg,, wJien re|uire*l. Liberal advance* made on Cotton stored, r v tui shipments, at the customary rate*. By strict attention to the interest of planters, we hope to retcivea share of tluir patronage. .llotiroc ICiitl Ko:il A Itankini; Cos. MACON, tt,t;hrr Silt, lK4k>. S I* is ord* red hv ihe Hoard, that the Fourth Installment of Ten Dollars per share on the capital stock of this Compa ny, extension above Forsyth, i* ixqutrett to In- paid on Monday the first day of February next, one half to be appropriated to Ranking purposes, the other half to the continuation of the Hoad above Forsyth. Payment can be made at the principal Bank in this ci.ty. or at either of the Agencies. A true est raft from the minuu*. ( et 28 3f> JKUEMIAH LEAK, Cashier. Viird :md IViirt! Itooin. JAMKS K. WAI.KLH St, us Cliarlr.tnn, S. C having established a branch of their business in Savannah la., at the corners of St. lulntii, Congress and Montgomery streets, fronting the square above tin* market, beg leave to in* formtnctitlietikm ffafaunab, gnd th* public generally, tfeuj they are prepared to execute with neatness and despatch all orders Rir Mantles, Grave Stouts, Brown Stone, Granite hurt Paving. They trust by punctuality and attention to the above business, to h able to give satisfaction, and merit a share of public pat* rtmage Dec 11 3in45 Klci>o\onaa , At the of the Two Globe*. rpilF. subscriber having taken and refitted tin above etah \ lishmeiit, i* prepared for the accoininodatioM of those who may favor him with their patronage. He has good ami attentive ostlers, convenient and dry stables, tilled w ith all kinds of provender, ami associaud with good attention, he hopt * to receive a share of public patronage as no pains will be spared to render those comfortable who may favor him with a call. J. S POKES. McDonough, Jan. 18 24i nourjrr b. Washington win act I V ns my Agent, in thin city. ROBERT COIJ.INS. Macon, 90th January, 1C 41. 4vx4'j voi.m i; xvm.-^.ai. WESTEKN IKSI’RAME A: Till AT ('(- Tn Hl ‘ undersigned are Afcriita. fl.rihe above Coii.pi.nv in il .1 < ity, and w ill take rub* ol Litrs aml ngwinst Five Mb .*iue and Inland Navigation risks, nm! Irfin-Hct lor the Coin*;; tiy, uiiiiiiit’M in tlir various branches of insurance. T)u VVesivin ImuruiHeiu.U ‘1 -uhl Cotii|.m> bci n orirf /.t il wnh Mhj. Mark A. Coopi r, l*rsidt lit, oml Mr. .friim-n li NhMri. r 3* n. inry ; its mpiul is Our Million Dollars <>m- h. ‘ •if wim-Ii !,ui m, n paid in. The stock,is hr!d by caiufaHsi; It' b !* u K h, - “ith. vi. wof pi nrau inly r tMiniiijr it. li will nr (lie inuiNutof (lie C(.mpHti\ to nmiiftK*'il„ wnli prudnicE, ami ilm n wiil therefore opirHU with N M fi u u fhrir tufoiiicrs. c will r* ct ivc npp'.it atioits at thv t ffd- < ■ K. A. N HiM’t, or ol Messrs, J‘oe & Nish. t. . K. A. Kt J A MSItTT Macon, IMh Jun. iß.to 47 ,^ Itßr. PWIcDOW iTTiFi R; I. \\ t k- b . h.SFM il* I I.LV iiifoniiH iim citizens of Mncon B l tljjit lt* k lion totunii’d, mu! will cominne locum iiji\ ni” old “tHTKf, on (he corner cf Scccnt! hnti Kt*iLr*T\ streptN* k. lie a ill keep on hand u g ,od nsrartnient of Mineral * Nmniiil I. cth, Gold Foil, (dd Pirn and \\ j,, ; -j ; , Brusliea- Tooth Pustc and Tooth Washes, nli ol || ; hot quulily, fm I ( ,k own usr.MiH lor #ale. ( b-it'ltcr 1 MW TAILOIUai. imawSM f I II L Suhscjihcr mild ink in. the citizens „i A:< i -I. ami adjoining cuuntiy, llmt lu has cMid li.-hei: |,,u ►elf in the ’Il ailmiiig husim ss, opposite the \\ Brliinsti.> llall, next door tojurms I'fty lot’s : where he will I happy in wait on all who may favor him with (lit n jir.j ronuge. Ilis expeiicnce in llii luif imwineiiis b.i: in siiying that nil julis entrusted 10 him shall give suti. laeiiiui. He will also give nttrniii.ii m i iittii giml n i king Tunic Dresses, (Boys clothes,) in the latest sir I, By close attention to business, lie !.< p< s to mi rit o sli. ,i I of pnl lic pntronnge. HIRAM SI GEli. Mucoo ‘.’till flee. IHAP. |j 11 1' \t t's’ Nerve sßic<! Eist.e Liitiittcnl rjfllLS article is off. r. it mil,, pabl.c as a w yer failing cur. I tor tlic Hlicumnlism, anil it has fur a miinbi r ul’ v. s"s"o | u ,i it* rcpiitatitui, in,it aicuiuplislu iUim s wbui, ■I, 101 l l lu- power ut every iiitu r iirtice In act, am! rn-i i,’ cases, ll,e rein 1 is invariable, af„ r.u.e er tun u|,pl,iai„u, it,, Liniment, noil in ( brume H m utualism tl„ i- ~i srs numerous. It IS truly a rented)’ 1t,:,! reaches II e Xmrai .lea,, w,, 1, tile ntttst hnppi efll ct. Sold win, 1,.a1e and reiaii by Comstock it Cos. wholesale Drc insu.4 Flctcher-street, N. t.,ai,d the prioeipi.l Druggists ,j tile Uliitin. For sale by the DKL'li GISI SIN MACON Dk ,l - lß ' lo 6mi l'i om the litii'ftm Chronitle , Jwi. to. CT ATe See liy an adveriisem, nt in anoiiitr eoltunn, tin; Messrs Comstock kc 1.0., the Agents for Oldridge’s Haim , • Cultiiabia, have deputies tosell that ailiele in ‘lb,sum a, , elsewhere. We hnow a lady hf this city whose hair was .. m,U gene as to expose cntircl) tier phr, nulutieal do, | w „ menls, which, consiiferiiig tlml they belukcned a most aniial, . ihspustnito, was not >n reality very unfortunate. Nen , ||„ 1.. •lie mutinied the loss ol'loeks thul she had worn, and nth r , >er s fruitless resort to misealled r, storativ, s, pui t ha-n Si, me muntlis ago, a lx,tile or two ofOldridge’s llaho, nod I has now ringlets in riel, profusion, glossy, nod of raven him l - ness. We ore not pulling- male of the cummodiit has hi, o sent to us, uod indeed we do ml want any, for though v.e w, r ob iped t< vvt ar a wijj a year ngfo, we have now, timnigh it* ’ ulur , hair and of a passable quality, of ouv own. daring pnain. ‘f l.e Balm of Colunibia ha* been imitated by a notorious counterfeiter. Let it nevt rhe purchased or used unless it lih\ the name of L. h. COMSTOCK, or the sietiatnre of COM * 1 OCK Si CO. on a splendid wrapper. ‘I his is theoniytx teriml test Uiat will * ( cur, the imbiie from dtceplion. Addrs*s < OMSTOCK It CO. Wholesale Druggists, New-York, 2 Flee t*strert. WHO WILIa iiO liALD. COIONRk SKyNVKR, Posimiister at Batavia, is knowii to tin fact, llmt Dr. Hinghnm, of ('*< nn.T'Siv county, and ev, i 70, and for m re than 17 >ei> vtr\ Uyid, (nis had his liair fulh* restored b\ t liuse of one of thn iialia of Columbia IVgu- COMS I OCK & Cos. For sale by the D it i DiIUCiGISTS IN MACON I.OOJ* OIT!! M Caution ” is the Parent of Safety. \ iinsek of the u Fiirs'’ may be positively yin vented I.V Jm. ('vben iln- pi't inoniiory symptoms are felt; th< c< ebraird HANS’ LINIMKNT. Then are nion thun out bin dnd people in this city, and in the United Stan.* no hninci.- numb, r, who | l>e)oiid endurance l\ this and. aillei womnlaint, who keep tlu mat*lves wholly frte fVem effacks Uv appf>ing tin* I.initm nt w In n the v f. el any symptoms of its li o proach : of this tie re is the most p-rfet nroid*. C r None genuiiu without the ftiUn* or COMSTOCK ik- CO vritteiion the wrapptr?, SOL* M< N HA^S •* v ‘- 2, Fleet-ilrcet, N. Y. Sold by all the Dec 2H m. 43 DItCGCHSTS IN MACON isl • . \CFsNF.UAL apporlmeu. just recti veil from Fan d'Cth’s celebrated eßtubli.mnoi,i in Fliileidelpbia— warmnted fi-esli and genuine. Tbc Idllowii.g are tlit. Icodiucr articlcp of the nPFortmn tt BF*F* I .S—Long lied or IMood, Early Turnip Rooteil French Sugar. BE.A.XS- Six Red Speckled Valentine, Brown Speckled Valentine, China White, with redeye, White Kidnev. Early Yellow. Limn. BKf X ‘C<)LI— (lenna*! Knle or Oreens. BAIIIMGK—EtuIy \ rU (earliest,) Lutubeth’s Largt York. Lurge Druinhcnd, Drnmheud Savoy, (ireen Curl rd S.’jvov, Red Dutch for pi !klinr. C\l 1.1 FLOXVFR—FatIv I l',l,l’.lt\—White Solid. CRESS—Curled. Ol (’I MRER—Long Green. Farit I'raine. EGG PLANT—Large F’nrle. LEEK—Large Fiag Lea\ed. Ll*. I 1 I CK—Eaelv Cabbage, Royal Do. Large Curl* ml India. Brown Dutch. .M El .ON Water Spanish, IVutrnec, Citron. OKRA. ONlON—Silver Skin, Wethersfield (nmut J.) Sfinshiu ? Large Yellow. PARSLEY—CurIed. F \RSNIP—Fine (extra fine.) PEAS—I/Hndreth’s E , 'irn Early, Early Frame, Blue Imperial, Bishop Dwarf Prolific. PEPPER—Large Sweet Bell Shaped. RADISH—Long Sewlet Short l op. White Turnip Red Turnip. Blaek Sfmuiidi, Summer White. R/ MJ B A llß—Esculent for Tarte. SQD.VSII— I •'.aril Rush Wintvr, Limn or Catioantt t- TOM.*TOE*. TiaUNIM-Eiirly Flat Dulvli, U.c Topprti,. Vellow Stveetlisli or Iliita Btign Jan 13 47 LEM ECKLEV. A I.AIIGF. ASSOHTMEST OK OAILOKN SEEDS, Warranted ffTesli and fsenuine, GROWTH OF 1840. FOII SAI.F. BY J. 11. & tV. S. EM,IS. DRUGGISTS Cotton Avifuie, Macun, C.a Dr. 23. 43 £O% m. BARNES, WITIMIKER AM) MPAIHER, HAVING taken the Store one door above .T. H. Kt W. S KHiN, is happy to inform his friends and the public, tlit li*- is in ady to execute all work entrustecl t< his eare. N. IL— Watche*, Clocks, Jewelry, <Atc. repaired a* the short e*t iHitice, ami warranted. Macon, Ni.v 4 37 MI.S 1 I VI.I NS I'HlT'a l<>\. fIK O. O. F. HASKKLL, Organist nt the I*wsbyferine If Chtuuh, and Prof, of Music in Mrs. Napier's School, of fee*, his service* to the citizens of Macon, n* Tiaehtr of tie Piano-Fort • and Sinking. As he iutemU making Macon permitiK lit place of residence, he would respectfully solicit . shari of public patronage. For further particulars, eequirt of (L R. Hurlhut. at. his Piano-Forte and Music Stoiv, Cotton Avenue. Orders left with him will receive prompt aitiiuion Mr. G. O. P. Haskell having been in my employ for six reavi past, a* assistant Teacher of Music in tin Hartford Finiale m minary, I take great pleasure in r commendiug him to the notice of the public as a faithful Gru! coin|M.*tt nt instruetor. Nos 24 40tf O. H. HUHLIIUT. i on N 11.1: on HUNT. a A TWO STOKV DWELLING IIOESt nnd Lot, ailuatpd on College Hill, (part and J.wt No. 10.) PuKFesnion can be given la ALSO, FOR f.VI.K, , A One Acre Lot, hnnd*otnrly Hituated for building ; i: is the South tmlfof No. 10, frmiling on College street, i'orterms, enquire oi C. LEWIS. January 21 3,v |b CoiltT, NafilSt Ac. A mins. Porto llieo fingwr, IV bt. Croix do. ‘ww-jr h‘*g s Nails usHorAed, *‘oo pieces H**mp Ragging 42 and 42 itisli. * 100 bngj Coffee, coils little Bope, for saU by . y Nov 14 JV pEA II CO 1 V ‘