Georgia messenger. (Ft. Hawkins, Ga.) 1823-1847, March 12, 1846, Image 1

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IKV S. ROSE. TEIIMS. Th MCSSF.MOKH in published weekly, on Thur*d y in ‘inline, at Three Dollars, If paid within tlu* year, and Fo r limn paid the expiration of the year. A Ivertiscm-nts not exceeding twelve line*,will he inserted One Dollar the firstinsertion, and Fiftv Gents fhreach eon itAuee. Advertisement* not limited when handed in, will b- inserted till forbid. Sites f Land anJ Negroes by Executors* Administrators •ml Guardians,are required by law t lie advrti*ed in a uiiblic gaaette. sixty days previous to the day of salr. r fbe sale* of Personal Properly must be advertised in like m mnrrfxrt) dity.. V lice to Debtors and Creditor* of an estate must he pub* lished forty day*. Votice that application will be made to the Court of Ortlina* ryfor leave tosell hand and Negroes, must be published week* |y for four months. ninthly Advertisements, One Dollar per square, for each insertion. Advertising as Candidate*, Three Dollnrs. 07* I.K T rttRS on business must be fast paid. fatten 4’ Taylor HIVR just .Tceived and ar now opening a well selected assortment of DItY GOOD!*, among which arc Fancy an I Furniture Prints, Fancy and dark Ginghams, Cashmeres, Cashmere d’Fcosse, Mouselattl de Laines, Plaid, fit Piped and Fancy Silk, lilack Gro de Swiss, Lustring and Sinchew, It lack Satin \prons, Very rich, A fine assortment of Shawls, Fancy Handkorefs awd Sc rfs. Bonnet. Cap mil Neck Ribbons, Plain l'aflita Rihlmtis, L elies and Gents* nest French Kid and 11. S Gloves, Ladies * black ami white Silk Gloves and Mitts, Duck, w ; ic and colored Silk, Cotton and Wool Hose, HUck, white and fancy Silk Girdles, Thread, l.ide, Victoria and Hobinet I.aces, .lac m *t and Swiss Muslin Edging* and Inserting*, *R;vier, Hem-stitehed and Bordered L. C. Hand kerchieft,<* and French Worked Collars, Cheims. ttrs, frrass Cloth and Corded Skirts, French Skirts, Silk Worsted and Cotton Fringe*, Gents’ lllack and Fancy Italian Cravat*, Fine Irish Linen* and Lawns, Swiss, Jaconet, and Mull Muslins, Lace striped and er-ass-barred Muslin*, Cambrics, Bishop Lawn, Gimp*, Fine Line.i Table Diaper, Fine Linen Bird-eye Diaper, Fine Linen Towel*, Crash, Black Silk and Tabby Velvets, Gents’ Merino and Cotton Short* and Drawers, plain and figured Bombane* and Albaecas, Superior Hlaek Drap d'K.te, Zephyr Worsted, all color*, White and colored Flannels, Brown and bleached Canton Flannel*, Brown and bleached Shitting* and Sheeting*, Apron Cluck*, licking*, Drilling*, Plain and fancy Ca**imeres, Satinets, Limeys, K rseys, Plains, Kentucky .leans, Du Mi I and Hose Blankets, &c. fcc. Maeon, Dec 15, IM’i. Slicin’. Molasses und Coffee. HIIOS. Miilu-s.a, 6(1 lilt I*. New (Means Molasses, 1 “ Sugar-homo iln 511 “ St. Oioix, P. R.,nml N. O. Sugar*, 10 boxea llnvann, Sugars, II) hhls crushed and pulverized Sugar, 5 “ l.onf Sugar, bust* It in mill Java Coffee, 90 half Idde. Shut. 50 bill*, and half olds. Mackerel, 100 buxe. Raisins. N „ v 1-1 39 GRWF.S, WOOD &m. Oils). Olios faints. Ac. • Jfkft GALLS. l.inseed Oil, v)L/i” 100 “ Sperm Oil. 200 “ bleached Oi(. 75 brixe- 10 bv 12, 12 lit- !(!, 12 75 kees While Lfcat), 2 Idil*. Pally, . 5 bills. Tfaio Oil. \n *- ill alore and far sale cheap by \„ v 12 CRAVES, WOOD A CO. | _ NnilS Iron amt Hollow Wait. kegs Cal Nails, vjl/t ’ 15 tans Iron, assorted I tu 10 ineliei, 2.000 li)S. Sheet Iran) 10,000 ll,s. Ilollaw Ware, 2.000 11m. Cast Steel, 1,000 German and Itlisier Steel, 2,000 Hnap and Rand Iran, 50 ,la-/,., 100 pairs Trace Chains, > Received and far aula bv I’” H. \V EEI). I),-a 17 j FleOtTK. *! f A nnt.S. Canal Flaur, jiial received. l)'J Dec 10,1110. <3 J. H. OBKAR. Frost* tlnl ittii Fruit. 1 se A it aUK an,l quarter Bal l Kama*. r< erivrd to-flay. J Ili-v: a, 1843 4i J. H. OBKAR. ( Criinbi'nii'B. & FF.W hhli. received llealSy. \ DrrQ, 18. 41 J H. OIIF.AH. GROCERIES. CJT. Crmi, Porto Kica, Miuiov*.l.i fc New •jrlesoi Sn-nr-, \r ! Htl*t t M vVuol-ci *• In si tti uiu refund Luiif and C ed Sugars, ‘ M in, t.’ nta, Si Domingo, Java am! Mwlia C'lfiVr, Hyson, young Upon und <Hi n powder Grim l ias, Poiicliong and Oilong, b, si hhtclt, Nw Orleans Slid iSI India M.ilasssf, Otird, l)i||Hiy St Cos., and Signin'. B faulty. Host Holland and Ssan Gin, Chum old Port, Madeira and Chain phone Winea, Genuine old llarana and Principe Ciyin, Sural Camilla, Starch, Snap, Puadt rand Shot, Hist M. H. Haitilis in bnaisand liall bnua, fnsh. Mackerel, Co'd Kish, Chvwinif and Sum Ping l übacco. Pepper, Spin , Claris, Nturner*, Cassia,'Stc. Jn.triciiv.sihy PAI IKN &t I'AJLOH. Macon, l)cc IS, ISO. 44 J. .V. SJSI^iOt'K WOUIsD inform his cuMomrr* tliut he will keep a large ami hill assortment of GK.OCEHIES throughout the pennon, which *li.ill he sold nt os low rules ns tliev can be obluiYied in’ Mac oh. Sept 10, 1845 Thenlricul S/iloon, MACON, GAV coTn‘nio<lions and well arranged building is it i. uated in the most central part of the city, and has been thoroughly repaired snd put in complete order. It is well adapted to the tiricnl exhibitions, for concerts, lectures, or scienfith: exhibitions of any,description. It will 5* rented for purposes of the kind, on rcqsrNfuible terms, by applying to FKRIMN A.VI) I(ORM*i. The building is subject to a city tax .which has been priil by the proprietor, all performances in it are there- | fore exempt from aITV additional tax. j Oct tt, 1845. ” 3“ mm sills. A LARGE supply of the above for sftle x in large oY small quantities, from one paper to a thousand, nt 1 wholesale or retail prices. I Slave already proved most of then© seeds by actual ; PXfieriinent, ami find them good. Country dealers uie requested to call Feb 19, 1 J. M. BOARDM AN. GJtßiitiJY SI M M**! ALL fresli mid genuine. We can warrant them with cwufidauce, as we never offer the Seeds left of the ! previous year for sale, beside* we do not, and will not purchase of seedmeii who take back the seeds after the season has passed, (its some do) and who it is believed return them next season a* 4 fresh. Purchasers should know this. 81IOTWELL Al GILBERT. Macon, heb 11, IB4tt. 52 Olaid. Uitpny At ( o’s, ItcimlV. riIHK. miul 4 rsigned ff r for.hle HmmlytH Pipes ant-half I Pipes, of superior quality, full* |,.„ r ,h proof, a huh they have nc*nt l> received from Otarit, lliiimi) S* < o ofCognar, (Fram-e ) Th if importations are alw M>a made direct fium that House. Prscet moderate. Apply to . ..... „ O’bMWCOUL c CO. Savannah, Frb 1,1146. 6*gl SIIKETING. JUST tMaitnl lot of6-4 and 12-4 Blanched ami Brown Sheeiinj of ft superior qualilv. Also n goud assortment of of Ladies anil Geinlemon’s Kid Clove, beat quality, GKO. W. PRICE. Feb 11, 62 Cotton Osnaburg a. ■)A BALES from the Thomiwlon Vlnniif.clnriny ‘v” Company, ei’rn heuvv, jual reoaived mid for aule hy A. J. WHITE. Dec 24,1846 45 O’ A constnnt supply of the abore good, will he krpi on hnnd. They are the heavieat good* of the kind no- in the Stale. Window Shades. MORK of thoae splendid transparent Window &YF\w Shades,just received and for sale, a great variety “■‘l'tn. WOOD 6l HUADLKY. . Oveemhev 4 .jif ItrnNM Andirons, Shovel und Tours. A COMPLETE assortment of liras* Andirone, Shin - l and Tonga. Received und for sale, bv *"• * r 41 E. B. WEED. if. is. r.’.TfiMi.s, FACTOR AND COIvnVrXSSXON MBKCHANT, SIVAN.WII, NO. ITS. Bay.’ Rrfcrencett: Cnfß Day Si Cos., Maeon. D’AnTKJHac.At Evans, Aufutla. E. PAOFt.FOKD J) Cos., Savannah Oct 10,1814. t> H. JifE\V/>.fEE C.tICTEK It Cu. Commission .Tic re hauls, No. 15, St. diaries Street, NEW ORLEANS. H. KP.WDALI. CARTER,) DANIEL PRATT, $ Nov 20, 1844 40 RABUN Ac FULTON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, GEO. J. W. RABUN, > K. L. FULTON, J July 23, 1844. 23tf Iron, Nails. CnMincft. 4kr* “LI hi hI h( I LBS. Sweeties lion, assorted, from 1) to tJUM Fill I 10 inches, 150 kegs Nails, 6000 lit*. Casting*, 50 doz. Hoe*, assorted quulmei, 1 200 pair* Trace Chain*, 515 dor.. Axes, Band and lloop Iron, Cast, German and Blistered Steel, In store nud for sale hv ■lan 14 48 RUSSEI I. A KIMIIERLV n /ktl URLS Whisker, i HIP 75 do. fliV, 50 hhls. Knm. Cognise Brandy, Holland Gin, St. Croix Rum, Madeira, Port and Maine* Wine, Cinnamon, Rose and Peppermint Cordials. For sale hv RUSSELL Sl KIM BURLY, j Jan H, 1816. 48 I Off HMDS. Sugar, 150 baps Coffee, 20 hhdfl. Molasses, Linseed, Sperm and Train Oil, Sperm, Adamantine and Tallow Candle*, 150 boxes Tobacco, 25060 Secars, for sale bv Jan 14 48 RUS SELL &■ KIM RF.RI.Y. lOTTRB. IC\ KEGS prime Northern lluttrr, on consignment. £ Dee b, 43 J. H. OBF.AR. Cosier Vinciiar. W* RBLS. verv si perior, ftr sale bv O Dec 17 44 THOMAS TAYLOR. S|>rrui Fnmlles. DU Dtc 9, 1843. U J. H. OBKAR. Tin Plolp and Wire. OAft BOXES Tin Piute, ‘i I 4,000 Ilia Iron Wire, nsa.rted Nun. C In 1(1. Received and for .ale by E. B. WEED. Dec 17,1815 ‘ 44 AXSS. a° z - Collins’ Axes, Air 10 di.7.. Hand and Broad Axes, Received and for sale by E. B. WEED. Dec 17 44 SHEET STEEI,—XOOO lbs. Sheet Steel for Gin Saws, just received and for sale by Dee 17 44 E. IS. WEED. Commission .Votire. THF. *ub*criht*r has taken the large and commodious store on Cotton Avenue, next Wutahin Kt Pope, where lie licit* consignment* from hi* friend* and the public gen erally, promising H\* mo*t induatnou* attention to the inter est of those who may favor him with business. Promptitude in every thing m.) be relied up.... r^^ UGH 4.4 N, Auctioneer and Commission Merchant. ROBERT 41UGG, at same *tore, offers for sale a gen eral assortment f Groceries and Staple Dry Goods, BOOTS, SHOF.S, XiC Bee. which will be sold m low-as to make it ... imlncrm. t fur .11 ela.eof buyer, tu call and see.and to see will ittduuepurchase*. Macon, Oct 15 Hew Goods! Hew Goods! Cheap as the cheapest , and as tcond as the best. THF. suhserilier would respectfully inform his piia tomera and all wiahing to purchase Dry Goode, llui( i he haa just received a fine assortment of l.lack satin .trine Silk, black watered with Batin stripe Silk, light an.l .lark fancy cnhiVAdo. senile! Florence do. for lin ing ; Silk Velvet Kit.l.on of uTI colors, for trimming dresses ; Culicjiea,some entirely new |.atlci o“, and ver y handsome; 12-4 bleached ami brown Sheetings - btack, white and elate colored Hose; Green Itnir.ef black Cord nn,| Tns.ils, mnfuiir anil light blue Kid Gloves. fine [,a.houi INmPet*. Tfie above article., together with tl;e” large stock lie had before on hand, arc now offered 1 at a small advance. N, |5. 100 pieces Mntislin de I.nines and Cashmeres, i some verv fine and prcltv, at cost; also a lot of VVintif Dress (foods, from 12( til 16 cenls per yard; also 200 9-4 Blankets, at anv price to suit the purchaser. 1 lie above goods were purchased on advantageous terms, ! atV.I mnt he sold. All who wish to get the value of tli.-ir money, w ill do well to call before purchasing elre where. nt the second door from Washington Hall, on I Second Street. K. WOODRUFF. Dec 3,1845. 4J OX COSfSIGNMEJIT. A Rtire Clismrp. M A CtSF.S Boots nod Shoes of nil kinds, will he yy offered verv low .hiring ihe present week, at pri vutTsalc. A. K. McUAUGHLIN . .Auctioneer, Cotton Avenue. Abso.o Bales Negro Blankets, 8-4,9-1,10-4, Orl 30.1845. ff. A’ J. CO WIsES, HAVING removed to the new Fire Proof Ware House, are now receiving a general assortment of oboceries. which they offer for sole nt a small advance, consisting or Rio.and Java Coffee, f)\d Government JnV* ColT**e, Croix and Sevt Orleans Sugar, Loaf Sugar, New Orleans MoluwHi Fine Cheese, Sperm Candles, Soap. Rmsin, Kentucky Rope and Twme, . Buggmg very heavy—a new article, Fine Os aid Brandy, Fine Holland Gin, Scotch and liieli Whiskey, Tlibrrt''Chiimpagne and Foil Wme, The above liquors arc of the finest quality. Mars.., Nov 3, 1845. (twice Witte* and Hrnndy For stvlo on HHUsmilly low icrms. A RARE CHANCE! \L. AUDOUIN rcs(iecifullv inlnrins the citizens of Macon, that in contemplaliun of a removal, and l chance of b'lainesa, lie propomta to sell out tor ca.H, at ! rates that mußt he aaliafactory, his choice stock of Winea and, comprising CHOICE MADEIRA,very old. oi.D PORT, a superior article. CLARET, of his own importation. CH A MP \(.NK, of the m.iatapproved hrttnds. BRANDY, best quality, pore and unadulterated. His liquors he can confidently recommend to connois seurs, and for family use. Nov 20, 1845. 40 HOYS’ CLOTH I SC. f UST received a fresh supply of Qov’ Otothinc.,s. si No* 20 40 AE. MAULWBURY .S. CANTON Flannel Drawers. Shaker and Mnrind a nd Marino Shirts, for sale hr Nov 20 40 •A E- SAUI-SBI’RA . _ POTATOES. Os? Bttt.S. Pouteea. Dec 0, (SSI. .1 J. H. DBF.Att. Fnmiljr Flour, Q4k BRLS. extra superfine, jus; received bv THOMAS TAYLOR. Dec 17 41 O. C. HOBOSIigs, 4.tiu-sMiilli. lTliitoAiuitli. I.ocli isinilli mid K*>ll lliinger, MANUFAf’TURER nf Dental ITiatrumcnt., Trusses, Leg Irons,t'ntt.m (ihnhleta. Ac. All kindu of re pairing, Blocking, turning and grinding done ut the aherteal notice, oppoaite the Post office. Dec 17 44 WACOIV, THU lIS DAY, itlAltCil 14, 1840. H’l.lVV * SC I*, tut t is. WA ‘B-HO'TSE AND to il .UISMIOS I*l EItCII A >T&, . w> Itlacoii. Geo. L 4 7 JY 1 1 I''. u mti r, i c Hiil l.{.ri..y farmed . eo* | partnership in tlie above buainess, infbrin their friends nud the public, that they will be pre/lard for the reception of Cotton early in the coming season. Our Ware-House is conveniently “itnated on Poplar and Second Streets, near John M. Field's Ware-House. Our best exertions will be used in the sale of Cotton for our friends, to obtain the highest market prices. All order* from our customers will imetwith prompt at tention. Advances will be made on Cotton in store, at cus tomary rate*. We hope by our exertions, to give entire satis faction to all who may favor us w ith their Imsine-s. JOHN D WINN, Macon, Aug 6,1815. JOSEPH N. SEYMOUR. IIARDEMAN & HAMILTON, WASH HOUSE CmLj AN “ US Commission • Iterchants , BACON, GEO. CONTINUE bti*ine**al their old Stand on the river, which inconvenient to the shipping of Cotton either bv River or Rail Rond,and is a secure location from fire. Th* mtere*t of our patrons will be closely attended is in person by Mr. Thomas,either in the fell ing pf Cotton, filling of order* for good*, or in shipping Colton to Hamilton, Hardeinau & Cos. Savannah, or to anv other mnrket. Aug. 28, 1845 v2B WAKS-HOUSE Commission If ns incss. GHAVES, WOOD * CO. TAKE this method of informing planter* and other*, that in addition to their wholesale and retail Dry Good* and Grocery Business, they w ill continue so transact a general WARE-HOUSE & COM MISSION Ht’Sl \ ESS, at the old stand, (long known a* Graves’ Corner,) on the corner of second street and Com merce How, anil would respectfully renew tue tender of their services to their planting friend*, und other*, with the assu rance, that those wbo may patronize us in this line of ttu*i ness, shall have our b**'t endeavor* to do them jutice and pro tnote their interest. Our Ware House is conveniently situat ed ; and Cotton stored with ns, shall In* well taken care of, and protected from the weather. We will also assist with pleasure, our friends in selling their cotton and without charge; and we are at all times pr pared to make advances on the same in Cash or Merchandize. We respectfully solicits portion of the patrenage of the public. GRAVES, WOOD L CO. F.DWIN CraVF.S, Thomas Wood, > J. M. Kibble, ) Maeon, Aug 22, 1844. 37 r. IS. . 110 UEi Tit ME y WARE-HOUSE CODXftXXSSXON nXEXtCHATCT. jtmcojtr. THE subscriber will continue the War*-Hnti*e and Com mission Business at the old stand of Moultrie Ik Camp , near the lower end of Cotton Avenue. He w ill make lib eral advances 011 Cotton stored with him, ami afford e\ery fa cility to the planter in disposfng ofit; anil will also attend te all orders for Goods shipping of Cotton, fcc. that may In- ne cessary for the conveni* nee of his customers. He solicits the continuance of the patronage of the ciiMoaicr* of the old con cern, and the public gf*nrrJlly. Aug 13, 1845. 26 B. H. MOULTRIE. Ve*c Fire I*mof ll\tre-liouse , JUACON, Geo. -,F¥IH • undersigned having erected TANARUS” ~ M .1 a lire Proof 11 ‘are House, situ s A ■ ati and at the head of Cotton Avenue. I V JM ti nders his services to hi* friend* anil the public generally, for (lie storage of CO’l'l ON and MER CHASbIfK, and tle transaction of COMMISSION BUSINESS in all it* branches, pledging himself to use every exertion to promote the interest of, and render satisfaction to, those who may confide biuiness to Ins charge. I he storage and sale of Cotton will be under the direction and control of Mr. JOHN JONES, who has long hern known in the ware-house bust ness, and will give particular atten tion to the *ale of Cotton, and the filling of orders fi>r Goods. LIBER AL ADVANCES will be made on Cotton in store or to Ik* shipped. ItiiKSins: Ropr nnd Twine, together with any other article, will be furnish* and customers at the lowest market price. Storage and Commission at the lowest market price. June 23, 1845. J. COWLES. Hamilton , Harefeman A’ Cos. SAVANNAH. GEO. r a v v raok aNn Commission w m in this city, and will as heret.ifure gi.e their best atten lion to the sale of Colton, the fill ing of orders,lytul the receiving nod forwarding Merch andise. KYEUARD Hamilton, ) THOMAS HARDEMAN, >Copartners. CHARLES F. HAMILTON. ) Savannah, July 2,1844. 22 _ HH.i.IAM T.WII.SOV, WAEE-IIOUSE AND Contnfisitdn . flrt'chnnt , nACOA 44 1.0. u ‘—* 1 g*i unilcrignc<f haying r*n f A S ■ VVtti-Hnti§e rer*nt- V M lv occupied hyJ. B.l(OSB,(ner ---ly apposite Plr. J. A|. Fihi.d’s Ware* House,) in prepared io re- Cotton in Store. Ji<* perVotTNi attemidh will be devoted to the hupmeap. All order a promptly attended to. A nvA*CKB will be made on Cotton iu store, lie no licts the patrunage oi bis friends and the public. Vtrv RiilkclYullv, , W. T. WILSON. Macon, Ga. July 1, 1845. 20 Cotton F|AHF. ttnilervirned keep on hand dt their afore in rnntnn. | and at COWI.KS. NICOI.I. Ki CO’S. Macon, ami •lindry other plauea, a auperior article akanutucu-d frten Cot- 1 ten. Havnnnah, January Ch, During the aummer and fall, we hud ocea*ion to receive ( and hatidU a quantity of V4itii>n which had lueii expoxt and to . all kiudH nf weather on open lMat fin near i< ven mtiiulm, .••ml ‘ we MiMlilmt pu tii|i packed in Magging, in better j order than that whieli m pneked in llenin Mui'gmg, and we In-lieve that the t 'often Mrggiiig will not uteoiiipowe an quick ! aw heiiin. when rxHoard io wet weather. . , J. I). CAHHAuT h SCOTT. (COPY.) 11l owing DagfVnp pvade from Cotton, by W. Ik f. Pope Ik Cos. I Hint it to lie . good article, and c ii re’eommentLit to the planting community ,on account of ita treugth and weight. January H4<. jFI fcKLIKti W. SMI IH. ‘ (COI‘Y.) The Bagging that I have made owe of the past year, in ‘ packing my crop of Cotton, i* manufaetuied Inm Cotton, h\ W. HO. Pope Cos., weighing from 1| to 2 pounds the yard, ! and ftitd it equal to trunny in wtrength, and have no doubt it j Avill auwwt r the purpose of (tint kina ** bagging. January, 1146. ISAAC N. JOII.CSON. (COHY.) Thl* i to eertify that I have made uwe of W. Ik G. Pope Rt Co*a. Bagging ot Cotton, in parking my crop, and Amt it to be aw good an article for this purnowe, aw 1 hate ever enwed. Januar), I4A. TAYLOR F. CIMSOK. (COPY.) I have made ue4>f W. Jk (i. Pope Ik Co*#, Magging, manu factured from Cotton, in packing my entire crop, and And it to be the he*t article 1 have ever used lor ibis purpose., Jan uary, 8, 1X46. JOSEPH CHILKS. I hare used in parking my cotton of the crop of la*t year, W. Ik Ci Pope’s Magging, made of Cotton, and find it to be a* rhod, if not (lie best urticle Idr the pur|oi- I have ever Hard. January, 1846. JAM KS GREEN. The perwonw whose names are affixed to the certificates above, have been planters for many years, and are well ac quainted with the different kinds of Mugging. We coubf procure an additional number of names, if it were necessary,but presume that this will be sufficient to establish its quality beyond dispute. W. & O. POPK Ik CO. Clinton, Jan 20, 1846. 6m49 COUNTY SCRIP. IjERSON.S holding the above, no! rrpUtrred, will I please present ihe same forthwith in the under signed, who were unpointed by tlut Inferior Court, to bunt up all the evidence* of debt ngnini*l the County, and report it* financhtl rondilion to the next meeting nf ’ the Court, which take* pluee the Hd Monday in thia month. J.L.JONF^, 11. C. FRICK MAX, March 4 3 ~ T “""***. CLOTHING. ONE ANI> ALL, TAKE NOTICE npIIAT nrrr nnd fliionhle CLOTHING, for ill. 1 full ami winter trade, (of their own innmtfacturinc) and made in the best nnginer, ha. ju( been received, aud can be seen at the store qf U.i.IUFTO.V Jt Cos. on .ccond street,next dnof to K. Woodruff’* Drv Good. Store, and three doors from Washington Hall. 1 he stock consists of Gentlemen’s garment, ofeverv kind, that will make them comfortable ami genteel. Ail of the said garment, will he offered at the lowe.t cash prices.—Flense give r.s a 6all. Nov 5, 1845, 33 AT PRIVATE SALE. By A. IS. McLaughlin, BIJLS. low priced Sugar, ” W 10 tierces New Orleans Molasses, 200 sacks Liverpool ground .Salt. R. W. BURG, At snme store,orter* ut retail price, St. Croix Sugar, Cuba and Now Orleans Molasses, Porto Rico Molasses, Rio Codes, Ragsing and Twine Pot Ware, Iron and Nail*, Ar assortment of Hoot* ami Shoes, Spiders, Shove]*, Collins’ Axes, Together with an assortment of Drv Good*, for country use. Call and see. Maeon, Nov 12 33 FLOYD HOUSE, MACON, GA. *nb*criber, in nnnotinring to hi* *- friend* nud the public, by whom he IMHBHw has been so liberullv pHtrouize*!, hi* con- Jlj tinutince of the above establialnnent, begs leave to >i**urethem of hi* deierminalion , to nufttain the well establialied reputation of hie house. Instead of n fullingoff. there shall he a progressive itn ! provement; nnd if a liberal outlay, a well futni*hed lu ble, with evervdelicacy this and other market* can sup ply, clean beds, comfortable, attentive servants, nnd the w ill to please nd accommodate, will merit pa tronage, he expects to obtain it. B. S. NEWCOMB. Oct. 9, 1845. ff. 34 PaCHAMTS’ HOTBIiT” (SIGN OF THE BUCK,) Comer of King: ami Society Streets, CHARLESTON. S. C. By - - - JAMES DIVVGR. IU Tliisccilral rstsililiMlimeiit, now conducted on true Temperance principles, ofl*rs every desirable comfort utij convenienca to the Travelling ; community. RATES: ! Transient Boarder., ... $1 00 por .lav. Permanent, 600 “ week. j Fel. M, 11146. 9w51 i .AV.r Store nttil .V( ir iioott.: I Watcli maker aitd !<?<velfclv nAS removed to the new brick block, east side of Mulberry street, (immediately opposite bis old stand,) nml is .ow opening anew and fine stock of gnnils in Ins line, consisting in part of tine Hold nnd Silver i Lever, Horizontal, Latent ami Vertical Escapement Watches: Hold Huarri, Fob and Vest Chains: iireust Pins, Finger Kings, Ear Rings: (Sold Chain and llnir Braeeleta: Gobi, Silver and Steel Spectacle* and Eve Protectors: Gold and Silver Pencils, Gold Pens, Gold and Silver Watcli Keys, Gold and Silver Thimbles,Sil , ver Combs, Silver and IVarl Roll Slides, Gold Sleeve nnd Collar Duttons. Gold Studes ami Chain Slnlcs, <old Lockets, Hearts nnd Crosses: Card Cases, Ste-L Silver and Gilt Beads; 11Ornament*. Jet Combs, Ladies* and Gentlemen’s Purses, Supeiior Pen and Pocket Knives,Scissors, Razors and Kazoi Strops: Tooth, Luther nnd Nail Brushes, Shaving Cream, Real German Cologne. Fine Silver Plated Castoi*. Cake flaskets, Cnn lle Sticks, Waiters, Cups. Snuffers and ‘Frays: Dixon’s Fine Ware in sens. Also Coffee and Tea Pots ; Silver Setts of Knife, Fork and Spoon; Spoons, Watch Stands, Fan®, Perfumery, Fancy Goods, tVe. &<•. Watches of every description repaired in the best wanner. All Watches sold or repaired wilt he tear '■ ranted to keep “ood time, or the cash refunded. Wnrch ’ es sent from any part of the country, will receive the same attention and be repaired on as Reasonable terms as though fheotcHrr tcerc present. All kiniis of Gold and Silver work neatly repaired at the shortest notice Spectacle Glasses adapted ta all n!?cs. ALSO FOR SALE—One of Chickeritig's Superior Pi a ro-Fortbs, in rose-wood case, full lenghui iron frame , anil warranted ns fine an instrument in every re spect, as can be tound in Genre in. C. K. WENTWORTH, Watch Vlaker and Jeweller, Macon, Nov 5,1C45 East side Mulberry Street. WATCHES* JEWELRY, AC. J. A. A S.. VIRGIN, At their old utnnd on Cotton Avenue, oppotite 11 nth it, ft tv n Ilnlt, Wf OL’LI) inform their frioml* and * * public, that they have now gjp f*Sk on n C‘*ml a**ortment of Gold and to*, Silver Wutche* of the vnrioua maker*, and of different kind*; nli*o a good a*- aortment of Gold Chain*, Seals ami Key*, nnd a variety of other articles, consisting in part of the following: Spoon* of pure Silver; Gold nnd Sil ver Pencil*; Gold Pen*; Gold Foil and Wire for Den lists; fashionable Jewelry, Breast l*ins. Finder Rings, Far King* of latest pattern*; superior ren nnd Pocket Knive*; Razors mui) Stiopa; Scissor*; Head Bags ami Purses w illi *lee| ornament*; Head Ornaments do. ; Steel Pens ofGillott’s make; Pistol* und (inns; Tlier numirten*; ‘Pooih. JSail und .Shoving. Brushes; Twe r.ers; nn assortment'of Toy* for Children, with a varie ty of other articles, which will he sold very cheap for cash. S. S. V. would t.ike tin* opportunity to sny, that lU has a good assortment of w.ofcli material* carefully se lected by hi pare If: these, with tlie superior set of tools he ha* to work with, ns well as other advantages, he thinks lie is prepared to execute work u* well os work gets to be done, it will be hi* aim to give entire satisfac tion to all. Dec 17, 1845. % 44 THK above mentioned r.AHDF.N SF.l'lns, are warranted Break—-the grow th of 1845. They consist of a large vari ety of Mean*. Peu, Lettuce, Turnips, Kadi dies, l ahhagt s, Uert, Sqwashes,Cur uniht rs, Onions, M lime, Carrots,Okra, Parsley, kt, Ike. Also Clover Snd. For sale at the atom of J. H. Ik W. S. KLI.IS, Cotton Avenue. Maron,Dee 10,1C4J. 41 IttiKtfini;. Flniir und Clcmm*. 1(1(1 •’IK’ K'T52 incli licuvy KrmucKy Biipjtinir, | Ulf 2000 His. prims n*w Cliasr in loxch ,s* cusiiß, 3000 Biiperiur Country Flour, ju.t received and for bblb Ire A. J. WHITE. l)cr 24, 184I& 45_ Bili.m of FXCIIANOC on SAVANNAH, CHARLESTON. RICHMOND. BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK. PROVIDENCE, BOSTON, Purchased by CHARLES DAY At. CO. (J*j- Fasti Adv;nc4*s Uin<ir on Khipnirnts cf Cotton. Jan 22,1946. 49^ 2VIIX.Ii IRONS. MILL Crank Snimllea, Rnllsand Diivera. Piimon’a and Steaup’a Raj; Irons nnd Gndcenns, Reeeivee and fiir sale bv F B< WEED. Den 17 44 ALBERT G. BETTS, W A It E-lIOUNE nnd / $ I co.r/.msstojr MERCHANT, MACON, GEORGIA, Macon, Sept 3, 1845. 9 I BBLS * CANAL FLOUR* A-CeV/ 1-4 and I-8 hhls. fresh Buck wheal Flour, Rutter, B;da and Lemon Crackers, 10 kegs choice Goshen Rutter, 20 casks. Cheese, 50 boxes Cheese, 4000 lbs choice Georgia cured Bacon Sides, 1006 lb*, do. do. do. de. Haul*. 1000 lbs. do. Lard, 10 hhls. Irish Potatoes, 20 hhls. and half bbl*. Nos. 1,2 and 3 Mackerel, In store and for sale bv Oct29 37 RUSSELL & KIMBERLY. Grates, Wood Ac ( •. RESPECTFULLY invite the attention at Merchant* and others, to their stock of seasonable Dry Goods now in store. Aiiilitions will be made weekly, through the season, of desirable styles of goods, vili 10 bales OsnuburgH, 5 u Rrojvn Drilling?, 5 “ Tickings, 15 ** 4-4 Brow 11 Sheetings, 15 “ 3-4 ‘• Shirtings, 5 •* fine unbleached Shirtings 5 ** Blankets, 5 cases 3-4,4-4, 5-4, 10-4 bleached Momespeos, 3 bales Canton Flannels. 3 “ Checks aud Plniils, 2() case? Prints, assorted, 2 “ extra rich Prints, 1 “ rich rttminiing Piiuts, 2 “ rich Gingham*. 25 pieces blue, black and olfre Broadcloths, 30 “ American und French Cussiiners. 50 “ Y’estings, | 150 “ Kentucky and Cassimcr Jeans, 100 “ heavy Einsey? and Kerseys, 100 “ red, yellow, while and green Flannels, 15 “ black silk warp Alpaccas, 20 “ colored Alpaccus, 20 4 Alpacca Serges, 5 44 Bombazines, 100 44 Muslin de Laine*, 20 44 ('ashmere de Lathes, 20 44 Mourning de Laines and Berage% 100 *• colored Cambrics, 75 44 Pongee Silk Handkerchiefs, 10 44 English Nilk Hdkfs. 300 doz. head und dag Hdkfs. 75 41 Berkley and Madronq Cravats, 10 piece? black qnd fancy Srilc do. 3 44 green Barrage, 25 doz. gents’ and ladies Gloves, assorted, 300 44 Hosiery, nssoited, 75 44 Day’s skilled Suspenders, 75 - low priced iuit. do. 50 boxes Ribbons, assorted, 25 44 Artificial*, 12 cases Florence, Straw and Fancy Boenat 5000 Shawls, more or less, 40 pieces Irish Linens, 25 44 Linen Biida-eve Dinner, 20 44 Russia Diaper, JO 44 Cotton do. 5 44 12-4 ami 13 4 Linen Sheetings, Linen Table-* lot he and Napkins, 5 pieces su,er Flunuela 4 4, 50 44 Jaconets. 50 44 checked Cambrics, 50 44 Swiss, Book, and MoR Muslins, 50 44 black and white Lace Gooffs, 3-4 At 4-4, 1000 44 Lace Edgings 1-2 to 2 1-2 inch, wide, 20 doz. Muslin Collars, 20 44 Nett Cop. 20 piece? Bishop Lawn, 20 doz. Lawn IJtlkls. 5 cases Umbrella?, j 20 pieces three idv tug rain and Cotton Carpeting, j Macon, Nov 12. 1845. ’ 39 j STRONG A WOOD -vA 1 |AVr. received by rtcvnt arrivals from Phi la iWP M 1 ticlphta, in addition to llirir former Hock of Wflg Boots and Shoes. Gents’ fine Calf Wat* r Proof Boots, Gents* fine French Calf l.ight Boot*, Ladies’fine Hrou/.e Gaiter Boots, Ladies’ fine Bronze Half Gaiter Boots, Ladies* fine black and colored Gaiter Boots, Ladies*fine Kid Slippers ami Walking Shoes, Mias ’ fine MuroeOo and Seal Lace Boots, thick soles. Misses’ fine Morocco ami Seal Lace Huoklns, thick soles, Children’s fine Morocco and & Seal Lace Boots, thick sol* a. .Children's black and colored Morocco and Cloth foxed Boo}*, thin soles. . Alio, varioiMpthef ftin'ri* nf Boots and Shoes, made express ly for retail: all of which they after at very moderate prices, and invite all who wish to purchase,to give them a ei.fl, sign of the Big Boot, on Second street, opposite Geo. M. Logan & Cos. __ Dec 10, B4i 43 rh: \<l a VIRGINS. , AGENTS for Shcrwood’a unrivalled Rotary and Vi brating Magnetic Machine; also the Magnetic or Compound Bitumen Blaster,and Magnetized Cold Bills. We also keep a full aiipply of the Homeopathic Med icines, with llie hooks on practice. Macon and Columbus, Oct 29,1845 37 i sto i*j; s, fi .nin n\iKJE , CUTLERY, Woodrn ami Willnw-wiirc, Britannia and Tin-ware, WITH A SPRINKLING OF YANKEE NOTIONS, DIItRLE Ik IliS A V, HAVK on hand, ind are eonstanjly receiving larg* aiidiliona to llieir stock of I lie above. art idea, which make their assortment tolerublv complete, ond as well selected ns can be found in the State, Ctnsixfinc in part of r Cookin, ‘asserted, sizes) Burpnir, /tir-riglit arid Box Stores, wiiii furniture comple. Knives and Forks, table and dessert, with ivory, self tip, cocoa,buck,bone, borne and wood handles; Carvers and Steels; Butcher, Shoe mn! Kitchen Knives; tine IVn and Pocket Knives; Slufars, Scissors and Razors ol the best quality. Brass floods,Curtain Pins,Custers, Butts, Rose ban die Knobs. Fine ‘Pea Tr*y*, Waiters; Silver, German Silver, Plated, Britannia and lifted iron Table und ‘l’ea Spoons ; Britannia, Brass. Iron and ‘Pin Candlesticks; Biilannia, Class, Tm and l.aril Lamps; Copper and Iron Tea Krt lies; Sutvte Pans. Pry Pans, Coal Hods, Mortars und Peal lea. Patent Scales and Steel-y ard*, Hand Bellows, Broshes, Brass Anrii’one, Brass Shovel and Toni;*, Steel do. (verv fine,) Iron do., Grid Irons, Coffee Mills, Sad Irons, Tailor’s Irons, Bros* Kettles, Brass Stair Rods, Brass Mas kin Kettles, and Brass Pails. Files and Hasps, flat, square and round. Chisels and Goure, Plane Irons, Locks and Latches; Butts, Hinge., Bolts, .Screws, Brick Trowels, Bruce and Bills, and extra Hitts; dinner, ten and cow Bells; Glass Curtain pins.. Mill, Cro-H-cut. Hand and Wood Saws. Patent and common Hoes; Chains, t>rond nud nar row Axes; hand and shingling Hatchets; Draw Knivea, Ring and Nest Weighers ; sledge, hand and nail Ham mers; Foot Scrapers; Waffle and Wafer Irons; Patent .Screw and Bc-f Wrenches, Screw Drivers; Mincing Knives, Steel Squares, Sheen Shears, brass and iron Pulleys, bruit* and iron Cost Pins, Cork Screws, l’uste Jiggers, brass and pewter Cock*. Molasses Gates, Cur ry Combs, Bird Csgeg, Bed Cords and Plough Lines, Safe Wire-cloth, Shovels and Spades, Tacks, Spriggs and Sparable*. Fine Pcrcustioe and Flint Double and Single Shot Guns.. • , Fine Percussion and Flint Rifles. Six barrel rifle and smooth bore Pi<*twts; Percussion Caps, Shot Pouches, Powder Flasks, Pocket Flasks, Leather Cups. Britannia Coffee and Tea Pols; Spittoons, Water Pitchers,Sugar Bowls,Cream Pota, Molasses Cups and AlnfS. Planished Tin, Aiblaze and Hash Dishes, Dish Cov ers, Coffee Biggins, and u large assortment of Jelly Mould*. Woodsn-warf, a large assortment. Willow-ware and French Baskets, a great variety. Plain and Japan Tin-ware, a great variety ; and every article in die hue made to order, at the shortest notice, and in the best manner. A large stock of Yankee Noiums. ‘Pile above article* will he sold at the lowest price*, either at wholesale or retail. House-keepers aw par ticularly invited to give us a call. Macon, Nov 9ft, 1855 New Orleans fliigar mid IHoliiMe. R* IIHIM. prime new crop New Orleans Sugar, ) lAhhls. da. do. do. Molasses,] For sale by REA Si COTTON. VOLUME JXIV.-\0,4. Washington Ifall, a H MACON, GfeO. AVING become sole of this ? ’ know, “ HOTEL, repaired and ini {’"’'JJ “I ,M ‘ , r ' or rrii||feiiirm, secured ihr 7 *'i f “ determined •Ia in to given. it ray own personal and undi vided attention, the puMie mav nil ZftXtiSß. “° )M •***"-. TON HA*I.*.7""""P • rnakethe WASHING day. J “° r '’ ,h * n “ *i i palm i,Mrn U ' ,li " ,n, ' nt h *’ “° C ° Hnua. Macon, Feb i WILLIAM A. MOTT^ RICHARD F. A J. LYON, •IHonnifs & ('aun*efh*rs at I^ave, j ALBANY, BAKER CO., GA. | IT UE r ne ""v ‘ inton partnership in the 1.1. pm cl tee of will continue the practice in the several Courts of the counties of llukpr, Lee, |{jiii<l<lgt!i. Sumter, Mn co". Dooly, Deeiuur. Irwin. All matter, submitted lu their cure in nny of these counties, will meet with prompt attention, and be brought to n speedy concluston. _ Hey 2f, 191a. lyi s i B oi: JX’isnKT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HI aeon, Geo. I NTF.NOING to devote tliemaelves exclusively to ■ their proles,,on. will regularly atiend the .Superior I .viggs, Honslou, Jones, Bibb,Crawford In •on, Monroe, Bike and Henry. * Nnv 90 J 4Q IP* Telegraph and American Whig will copy 3 times. AA HH n? e ' v Orleans Sugar. SO g ssr-’- sjssss uA^to. D3ITTISTP.Tr *f C,)QNAI D “rntefolly acknotvl r, l Palr|m,,e '’ ’ * tended to them for il l ’? r l,v, ol Macon and vicinity , and 7“T ,ho ’ ,llP >’ llave removed their’ office to the brick range north aide ot Mulberry vtrect over the Jewdrv Store of 0. K. Wentworth. ’ ■I, J*k/ V l*° “ rrn, 'P r <l ibeir business, as for one of tliem to make regular visits to the neighboring village, and certain portion, oftl.e country. ° 8 Macon, D*r. 31, 1845. lumbar dTpctnl 5i7 (OTFIt E ON SECOND STREET, THREE DOOR* ABOVE THF. KARINE AND EIRE INSURANCE 11ANK,) Over Sironi; A Wood s Shoe Store. MACON, GEO. L OPERATIONS W Aft RANT E n _jtA€o*,Jn?y. 1,1846. £ S.‘ I‘ctnam'*’ DH. CHARLES THOMI\SO\ r 1 I V, “rVn Office adjoining George Payne's IW XI More, R'der tne tyyd Hooy. Dwelling Jan 6, lti4(>. 3 n4B JtRKG STOItE, 2>R. IVT SARTISTT IT AS jfnn received, at his Drug Store |)ruV,"rt M “ • , ry1 “'*■ I’ H stock of Vufe 3 ’ Chemicals Paints, live Stuff. Oi's’ tgm Window gU. Perfumery’ @o* t£-1 *? /*. *ery thing tisu.lly L„ $ fir C..f. .te iISSTf. a.iyeat.blil,n,e„| in „ le „JZn, eoVmrV I liysictaiis, Manufacturer*,Planters, and Dealers the!r'pun:hnscj!" and **®" , ' ne ‘ck tefom they make Macon, Sepi ?.5. 1*48.’ W " d C, - rr r.fc r <lw.^,b, Langl, )Great Western Indian Panacea. Dt. lay lor Hm Until of Liverwort. Swann’s I'Htiarva Uiiuaiid*, Tonic Mixture, for Fever and Ague for Rheumatism Xc W'mt.htvid’a Ks-eiwe ol Mualaid. ’ 6 ‘ C ‘ ViS:*£dcH£ r rfm, ' v,ne * u ‘” ‘, The MatHHi ff„ I.n-rActor Murray’s Fluid Magnuia * ■ , 39 100 ‘cr s sisk f | VI "” Vt?' 1 * r ” ‘I u *'"r. *■ and Oil, do do 200 XU". Monti J-urpniiuir ’’j.t*;* 1 v I " w V' w u,a ” •* And .loT Oii Pmaann Hlur iL -*“• u,,d b > j r.oH,..r. ri , for Nor 11 W HdHIUTT. rr,, K °P’ Ttrhtf . •tore,sml Ft ci-ivmg~ p sc Mrciuiw in 300-piece* heavy Gunny Bugging, 200 iiiccrx liciiy Kentucky do. 150 coils Kentucky Hop, fO do. Mmiilla do. 100 ll>. Twine, i,OOO .iek* bait, 1),00) Mia. Swecdo* Iron, 1 c ?® ‘*•; ““"d, Hoop and Hod Iron, 20 “ltd*. St. Croix ami p„ r ,„ Hire Sueur. ‘•""L fru.lw and and Powdered do 100 liHgH M I.) mill Java Coffee B 0 box eg I olihcco, * 100 keg* Nail, . , 1,0 ® * , ?*v£**L (•• rmr'.n and Blister Steel. Also PAINTS AND OILS of every dr.cnjLm Macon, Jui \ % K. BOXl>. ~ ‘ 40 ■i rssT i Calf Skins. .1 lhrb * ,t ns'Kiv. Also Shoo _K*M iiSt *’ GKO - W..ruiCE. * ioViiaicp. P received* •"penormiicl., ftir.ale low. TISI’ rrcmrtl ud lor mV, 0) hfcfc new tm Mo SCOTT, CARHART Sl CO. r|lllK. hirhent prices in Cash mild for .11 kind. oV * rum, hr RIUIfI.K & ItRA \ Lotion Avenue,nearly opposite Washington Hall. _ 42 CUKotf nlt r ti ooos, CHEAP CXOTHIAG. rp UK “'‘Jiacriher is offering hi. .Im-k ol |)R Y GOODS *• nnJ CLOTHING,■ iinu.uullv low price., and in. vile, lb* ntlaniioa of mirrhnasr. of thin <le.eriinion of Ciroils. Store m the buck build,n 2 first ,|„nr from Wash ingtiin llsll. GEORGE W. PRICE. rcb 4.JG16. r j ( f w *Sfrsr. Iron, Knit, *r. v| IiHIrS. New Orleiin., and St. Croirt Sugars, tons Iron, s.norted sizes, Ihfl 1 >u'idle. Round Iron, 1-3 to 7-8, 10 boxes Tobacco, 10 baskets ('luiiupucne, 400 socks Sslt, 3000 bushels do. lor sale bv * ‘>' 34 ‘ UFA &. COTTON. J. .1. COMMISSION DEALER, AT THE MACON CAR. RIAGE DEPOSITORY. WHERE be would lie pleased to sc. Iris old cus toiuers, and sll others disposed tulnvor him with a mil. Persons desirous of ordering Carriares from the North, may rssl sssureA, ot liucinc tlv-m built by the let Mantiltictnrers in Newark, Bridgeport, or New Huven, und on terms to pleas*. Macim, t >ct. v. ‘ . , ctstersT” finn't smack your tips, but comr and see me. r JNHK subirrilicr ha, rc- ,pt in ! lii OYSTEH MOVSE, for 1 the • H*on,un(l u will uHiirillnni grt-Nt pit court* to unit up *m hi tVie>id fthil cnotonit-r*.and wingumtinc* that every thing in die way id j/rr A, fYMand F if/, shall fa ,lnue up brou a. A retiml roam Airiiichtd for partio of gi MtUnu n. Fnhor Pickled Oyaier* by the quart or gallon, in krga or without,and all other luxurtetof the eabcrd. C. A.LL.