Georgia messenger. (Ft. Hawkins, Ga.) 1823-1847, March 26, 1846, Image 1

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Ell S. kOSE. . TERMS. i umMOKR i published weekly, mi Tbitrady ~ . ,e *at Three Dollars, if paid within tin year, and ho r ,t paid tilt the expiration of the year. ‘l“'!' iFrtlsrmrnU not exceeding twelve lines,* iH lie inserted 1 i),liar the tirst insertion, nnd Fifty Cents fereneb con- Advertisement. not limited when handed in, will ft ‘i net. r In il bi in<' r 4 . l aUf j dll j \ •p-mr* by .Executors, Administrator* aw rt*qaired by law !• hr advfrtwd in a •"ili'e eawMe, sixty dm * previous to the day of sale. ’’"flte sales of Personal Property tatist he advertised in like 01 s"tire*"t <* 1 Debt.*r's and Creditors of on estate must be puli listie'l *’ r l ’ J, ( ’, 1 ’ ;' tr ation will be made to the Court nfOrdina p,"r leave tosell hand and Negroes, must be published weel. “Advertisements, One Dollar peraquare, for each ‘"‘"'irtliinr as Candidates, Three Dollars. ‘/• IKI’ f ERS n business must be /tost pmd. fatten & Tat/lor Hivf inst received and ar now opening ft well selected assortment of DRY TODDS,among which are ;,ney and Furniture Prints, Fancy and dark. Ginghams, Cashmeres, Cashmere d’h.aosse, jq'uiisrlninde l.ninea. Plaid, Striped and Fanrv Silk., it irk Oro de Swiss, Lustring and Sincliew, S|* k Satin Aprons, very rieh, A ine assortment of Shawls, Fancy Handker ass aid nu.n'e'h Cap and Keek Ribbons, p ralß'-ft Kibhuii*, f jcjtMiu’uem French Kid and H. S Gloves, i black ft‘d white Silk Gloves and Mitt*, , k W |,,if and colored Silk, Cotton and Wool Hw, Hl iek’. White and fancy Silk Girdles, ... *1 i.Gle, Victoria and Robinet Lace*, lipiim t’iad Sw'm Muslin Edgmer* nnd Inserting*, V n*r H-*n-titched and Bordered L. C. Handkerchiefs, , c ,. and French Worked Collars, Chrmis;-ttes, ,i,. H ds Cloth and Coni and Skirt*, French Skirts, Silk Worsted and Coltoi* Fringe*, frents’ lllack and Fancy Italian Cravats, FI in.* Irish Linens and Lawns, Swi ‘i, Jaconet, and Mull Muslin*, 1 a-estriped ami e.a*-l*arr. and Muslins, Cambrics, Bishop Lawn, Gimps, F,,, |.ine,i Fable Hi i;er. Fine Linen Bird-eve Diaper, Vine Linen Towel*, Cra*h, Black SilU an l Tabby Velv*t, rient*’ M rino and Cotton Shirt* and Drawers, Pit in and tit'll red Bomba m*s and Alouecus, Superior Black Drop d'Fi**, Z- *iyr Worsted, all colors, ■White and colored Flannel*, Brown and bleach- > Canton Flannels, Brow i 4 tel bl -ached Shu u ne* and Sheeting*, Ap-mCh ck*, irking*. Drilling*, plain and fancy Cs*i n ri “, Satinet*. Lin*ey*, Kcr*ey*, Plain*, Kentucky lean*, DutHl and Bo*e Blank, u, Bcc. &c. Macon, Dec 15, 1843. SiKlTir. iloltissos uiitl toffee. HMDS. MnlahC, (il hills. New Orleans Molasses, 1 “ St,gar-house *1“ 20 “ St. Otnix, P. P..,and N. O. Sugars, in linxes Havanna Sugars, 10 hhls crtisheil anti pulverized Sugar, 5 “ l.oaf Sugar, 30(1 ha", liio nad Java Codes, 20 half bids. Shad. r,!| 1,1,15. and Inlf bills. Mackerel, 1f)0 boxes Raisins. N ,O 3!) GUWES, noon A TO, oils, !•*. Paints. Ac. natk G YLLS. I.inssed Oil, tjtjl; 400 “ Sperm Oil. 200 “ bleached Oil, 25 foxes il) by 12, 12 by lfi, 12 ly 10 Glass, 75 ks"s Wltilfl Lead, 2 hills. Cutty, 5 bills. Train Oil, Now in store and lor sale ctes-n by Nnv | o GRAVES, wood & CO. [liijtls, lion iiitil Slollow Ware. V ke 2 s Cot Nails, Lr* r 15 tans Iron, assorted 1 to 10 incites, 2.1100 llts. Sheet Iron, 10.000 lbs. Hollow Ware, 2.01K.1 lbs. Cast Steel. l.lltlO Gcrirtan tin I Blister Steel, 2,000 Hoop and Hand Iron, 5U tin/,. H ies, •100 pairs Trace Hiatus, rvt-rn lleeeivcd and for sale bv C. I>. A btu. lie,. I7 ‘ 44 _ FIsOCR. X (A HOLS. Canal Flour, just received. *};/ Dec 10, 1845. 43 J. H. OBKAH. Fresh Ufal ign Fruit. t ee (N HALF ami tj i.irti-r lloru Huiiin., r. cvivctt to-Uy. 1,) Dvv 9, 18-15 A t J. H. OIiKAU, Cfonlioiries. A rr/V HM*. received to day. A Petr 9, 1844. 43 J. H. OBEAR. GrwOCESIIES. CIT. Croix. Porto Hico, Muscovado Kx New Or Iran* Sugars, \V.rd*. y& \V oolse) ’* best steam refined Loaf and Ciuh- Be .'.Cuba, St Domingo, Java and Vochn C-iff-r, Jiyq.), A kii'ig Hyson tod • lunpowder Green 1 iu*, Pidlt'iOiH nod Melon;*, b* *t lii.iek, N-w Orleans and • t si India Mol****, ©urd-D i;ny Cos., and signete’s Hirtiidy, Best Holland and Swan (iin, Ch lice old Port, M id- ira and Clnmpngne Wine*, C.t inline old Havana and Principe Cigar*, S i-rin Candles, Starch, Soap, Powder anil Slier, li st M. It. Kaiin* in sand half lov, fn *h, M ickin i. Cod Fi-h, Chewing and Smoking l üboceo, Pepp. r, Spic , Clove*, NUtineg*, (Skmsh he. .last rvcv.veil hv 1-A lIKN 6t lAALOO. ’ Mi con, Dec 15, 1845. _ JS. .V. SXIMItfVR \\r ; UJI.n inform hi* customers that lie will keep* v ▼ 1 rge nml la SI assortment of saocsaiss throughout the t*aon, \vhi**h slull be sold at ns tow rate* a* thev can lie obtained in Macon. Kept If., i845 • ; Theatric nf Saloon, M \(X>N, GA. mi?!*? commodious and well arranged building is if i- listed in the wo®t central part of tlic-citv, and lias been thoroughly repaired nnd put in complete order. It is well adopted to t'le itrieal exhibition ß , for conceits, lectures, or s- i-ntifu exhibitions of anv description. It will he rented for purposes of the kind, on reasonable terms, bv epp! vine to FERI >IN A .N1) 1 1 f)IINE. The bnihlin? is subject to a city tax.which lias been paid by the proprietor, nil performances in it are there fore exempt from anv additional tax. Oct?.), 1845. \l, \ RfSR siipplv of the above for sab*, in large or • -mall quantities, from one paper to a thousand, at wholesale or retail prices. * I have already proved most of seeds bv actujl ‘ experiment, and foul them pood. Gauntry dealers aic requested to ml! i 1 •, I J. ,M. HO A RDM AN. . is:Sf s:,v se:e: ns: Vl.l. fre-li and genuine. We can w arrant them with confidence, ns we never offer the Sends left of the j previous year for sale, besides we do not, and will not , purchase of seed men who tike back the seeds after the ■eason has passed, (ns soino do) and who it is believed icturn them next sea.-m as fresh. Puichasers should know this. HIIOTWELL A. GILBERT. Macon. Feb 11, 14>1G. .Vi Oianl, Dup'iy 4k Co’i. Brandr. nillK undersigned offer fur sale Rramly in Pipes and half 4 Pipe*, of superior quality, fully fourth proof, which they have r< ceutly received Iron* Ota id, bnptiy K* Cos. of Cognac, ‘ (Frame) *1 h< ir importations are nlwajs made direct l'loin that Hou*e. Prices moilcraie. Apply to O'DWIBCOLL Ik CO. Savannah, Feh ?, IS4O. Owsi SfIKETISO. XI’.ST rrci'lvril n I.*t nfG-l nml 13-4 Elt-nelic-d and ** Urown Sliwiinp of .ti|M*rinr i|imlily. Also a (iiihl HMni imi-.nt of of L&ilve. uml liemli-mon'* Kid (ilovt-., bast nualitv. GKO. W. I'KICE. feh 11, 51 Window Siinilcs. Ofkfk MORK aplruiliil iruit.p.n nt Window odfll Shad -,jil-l rru.ivcd and far-l. , a gn-ai Mart) af.., |~, WOOD Al BKADLKY. J 1 'i , i‘rnH n r M H’(_ Urasw Andirona. Hliofel mul Tons. A COMPI.KTE aa.oiimpnt of ilrnaa Andirons,fclliov nl nml Ton**. Kerrued anil for *!<■ hv _ la.-117 41 K. I’. wr.F.n. RECEIVED thin ilny and for anlr*. 15 lilid*. Porto Hir’d StiTnr.and 20 haa. Java CotTeo. 1 " 1 h I 3 HCOTT. CARHART ft CO. „ „ W'linkry :ml Cnfloo. DUES. Wliinkry, V f!0 hasr* I'riir.’o, for aaln hv •Morrhn, law 4 ‘REA At COTTON. ir. n. r. nk jTACTOa AWD COIVIIVIESSIOrj P/IERCSIArrT, S IVAMVAII, IVo. 170. Ray. Reference*: r , n\RF.s Day & Cos., AJacnri. D’Antihnac At Kyans, Aus/nttn. E. Padelford &i> Cos., Savannah Oct IG, 1844. _ It. ICE A'BABB C.t St Ti: U ts it. fouHiiixhioii iTlcrchants, Mo. 1.5, St. Clinrieh Street, NEW ORLEANS. H. KF.NDALT. CAHTKHjI ItAMF.L PHATT, 5 J'ly*y,t*4 <o ”UA Bun & FULfOW, GOMMISSIOX MERCIIAXTS, SAVANNAH, GUO. J. W. P AT\t T M, ■> H L. FULTON. 5 July 13, 1844. 23tf iron, Nails. Cnstinsts V LRB. Swrrdc* Iron, ossorted, from 1 J to ji M m M I 10 inches, 150 hogs Noils, C°*oft lb*. Cnsiing*, 50 doz. Hoop, HRsort(il qualitiep, 1)00 pairs Truce Chains, 125 tj11 7,. Axes, Hand and Hoop lion. Cast, (ierman and Dlistered Steel, In store and for snle hv Jnn 11 48 _ RU3SEt I. .V KIMBERLY* loOrW 50 Idds. Ruin, Cogniac Pmndy, Holland Gin, St. Croix Rum, Madeira, Pori and Malaga Wine, Cinnamon, Rose an.l Peppermint Cordial*. For sole hv IiUSSELL &- KIMREREY. I Jan | ~ IHIDS. Sugar, r 150 hags Coffee, 20 hlids. Molasses, Linseed. Sperm nnd Train Oil, Sperm, Adamantine and Tallow Candles, 150 boxes Tohaeco, 25080 Secars, for sole hv Jnn M 48 KUSfIEU, A: KIMBERLY. RUTTER. ■g KF.OS prime Nortlicrn Butter, on consignment. I ,& Dec 9, 43 .1. H. OBEAR. Cider Vinegar. r* PiPLS.verv superior, fer sale hv Dec 17 14 THOMAS TAYLOR. SM*rm Cjuidios. Ch BOXPS S|.“r I. Candle*,on cuasignment. Dec 9,1345. 41 J. M._OEKAR. ” iti s*!;y:t* mud Wire. t)AA P.nXI-IM Tin Pl its, *Hh 4,001) lbw. Iron Wire, as=9rti-il Nnv.Otolfl. Itrrpivi-H nnd for sate by E- B. WEED. Dec 17, 1545 ‘ _4l_ TC\ DOZ. CoPins’ Axes, • r 10 dnz. Hand and llrond Axes, Jteeeived and fur sal* by E. FL V\ ECD. Dec 17 44 CJJJnfIT STES’ 1,-3,000 lbs. Sheet Sieel for Gin Shivs. iuM received and Ibrsale bv Dec 17 41 E. 1!. WEED. Com m ission ,To f ire. g*pHF. subscriber ha* taken the large mid commodious ? More on Cotton Avriiue, next Win*Sip Rope,.where he * licit* consignment* from hi* friends and th- public gen erally, promising hi* most industrious attention to Hie inter est of those who may favor him with business. Promptitude in every Hung may be relit and upmu M| . T-Arolll , lN< Auctioneer and Commission Merchant. nOBF.BT W. 11UGG, at **mestore, offers for sale a gen eral assortment of Groceries nml Single f>ry Goods, BOOTS, SHOES, Ft*. Kte. which will V s "'*l '■ low as to liiskvil mi indue. 111-I'l f-vsll elmse. ur buyers to call ami see. and to see will induce purchase*. Macon, Oct 15 N*cw Goods! T ew Goods! C h rap US Ihe cheapest, aed as “end ns the best. T34HE subscriber would r-spwtfolly inform 111. ens -8 turner, and all wisliinj to jiuirltasa Drv Good., Ilint lie lia* jo-t received n fme H-soriinem of block i-alin strioe Silk. Mick watered with aatin trije Silk, liglit mol dork fonev colored do. ocoiiet I'lorence do. 1. r Im j,i. • siiu \>|vct Ribbon of ull colors, for trimming dreoHCr • Caliette-,some entirely new pnticttt, olid vet v liandrome; 12-4 iilenched ami brown Slteemi;:; Irlo.-k. white anil slate colored Hone; Green Hoir.e; black Cord nnd Tax-odx, may.ari te nnd blrtP Kiri tilmes.lrne l.erhottt Runneta. Tlie above article*, together ‘villi the iur-c -lock lie had before on.hand, are now offered at a noral! advance. |[ (nil piece* Mnttflin de Lames anil Lasletieres, sol. re vet V line and I'rcttv, at rosi; also a lot of W injer Dress Goods, from 121 to Hi cents per yard : also ."h 2-i lllankeis. nl anv price In sail the pimdi.r-er. ihe above eonds were ptirchaseil on advanfareons terms, ■mil must t-e soM. All who tvislt to ep! Ilia value ol their money, will do well lo call before porchasmgelse- W here, at ihe second door from V. •ahmslon Hall, on Second Street. K. WOO DR Lit 1. Deed, 1845. 3 - OX CO.XNIOXJIEXT. .4 SS:o’ Chance. r r \SF.S Hoot, and Slmns of nil kinds, nil! ho nlTarrd verv low ditnns lli” pros.-m work, ut |iri ,Tt„ rale. ‘ A. R. Mr I.Af CJIII.IN A uctionc r. Cotton \\ entic. A r so. o Rnlc® Negro IJlunkcte, 8-4,9-4, UM. Oct 30.1845. 2 If. St J. COWLES* UAVING reoiovrd to tlio now Kirn I’mof Warp House, are now leceivio? a eoneral assuiiuier.t ol ©"CCEK.ISS. which they offer for sole at n small ailvaneo, consislin” of Kio and Juvft Coffee, Old Govermnent Java Coflee, St Croix nnd New Orleans Sugar, Loaf Sugar, New Orle tits Molasses, Fine Clicos**, Sperm Candles, Soap. Raisins, Kentucky lias -in*, Hope ami I wine, Kentucky IS.-igging very heavy—a r.ew article, Fine t >taid Hrumlv, Fine Hull ni<! Gin. Scotch and liisli Whiskey, Thorn rh impngm* and Fori \v ine. ’l’he above liquors arcol the finest quality. Mm an, Nov 3, 1845. ‘ Choice Wine* and Brandy For Site on unusually low mini. A RARE niANCE! t I ACDOriN rt’Hpneifiillv inform* the eiiiv.ens A. of rtUcnn, that in eontemplalion of am, oval and chan bnainea*. he propoae* In well mil lor mod., ut that inuet he antiafaetory, itl* choice etuck ol Wines mid Uramly, comprising CHOICE MADEIRA, very old. OKI) PORT, a superior article. Cl. VKF. r, of hi own importation. Oil VMFAGNK, of the most approved brand*, ini \ \|iy, host qiiulilv, pure and iMiidultcmted. > Ilia lii|nora ho mm ronfidently rocginm.nd locmmoi*- .(•ora, n<! for fumtly urc. .j. Nov-JO, 1315. BOYS’ € LOT Ml JiO. Cy \NTON Klannrl Drawers. Marino do. Slinker nnd Marino Shut, for .nlv uv Nov JO 40 _ mAULSR’ KY. POTATOES. nnT.S. Potatoes. rtll . t , ,) i>i . “, i„(, ,t. n. on rtimily Flour. BfVLS. extra auperfiun, ills! received hv >* ) i'lfOMAri TATEOR. Dec 17 ’I On Coniluiiineiit, i.HS. G oorgia Bnenn. JwWwV SCO IT, CARHART & CO. ■Manrli 4 r BCEIVK > this ilhv amt for sale, htl Ithl*. Canal V Floor. StXiTT, OAUIIAIH' k iNi C<>- I March I, •* NACOS, TIIUKSDAY, U ISM EH , IF4G. Cl ‘SAW’ A’ SC I*. TSO I K, ■WA’SE-HOUSB AI7D COM HI IHSIO.V HI E BCIIA a TS, a. Hlacon, Geo. i 4* f SNHF. uuilersigned having furmed a to’ f"y- * ■ . 5 parinerslii j> in the above btiainesa, fcpV-. y'-. r ,y‘ would inform tlivir friends and ihe |iiihlic, > fhai they will be prepard fir the reception of Cot*on early in the coming m ason. Our Ware-llou* ‘is coiiv. niently situated on Poplar and Second Street*, near Join* M. Field’s Wait*-House Our bfst exertion* will be used in the sale of Colton for our friend* m obtain the highest market price*. All order* from our customer* will meet with prompt at tention Advance* will he made on Cotton in store, at cus tomary rate*. We hope hy nur exertions, to give entire satis faction to all who may lUvor us w ith their hiiiue<n. JOHV II WINN, Macon, Aug i, 1815. JOSEPH N. SEYMOUR. HARDEMAN & HAMILTON, HOUSE | I2j j 4ND fllll Venus:issis:: JKeye/tanfs , IWACOX, GEO. CONTINUE biisin*** nl flieir old Stat'd “ii the rivrr, . which inconvenient to the Kliippitig of (Nifton eiflter 1 ly River or Rnil Road, and is a are lire location from lire. The interest of our patron* will he cloael v attended t<* in person by Mr. Thomas I!\ in the Hell ing of Cotton. Ailing ol order* for goods, or in shipping Cotton to Hamilton, Hardeman A:. Cos. aSavannuh, or t any other market. A tig. 28,1845 t2B WAftS-BOVSS Vos:: ist iss ion ISscsincss. GKAVEH, WOOD & CO. TA K F. this method of informing planter* and others, that in addition to their wholesale and retail Dry Goods :iml Grocery Itns£iios. they will continue to transact a general WAHK-HOI'SF, & COM 31ISSION BUSJ N F.SS, at the old stand, (long known as Grave*’ Corner,) on the corner of second street and Com merce How, and would respectfully renew toe tender of thmr services to their planting friends, and others, with the assu rance, that those who may patronize us in thi* line of tnisi ne**, shall have our be-t end*avors to do them justice and pro mote t heir interest. Our Ware House is convenient ly situat ed ; and Cotton stored sgith ns, shall be well taken care of, and protected from the weather. We willaho assist with pleasure, our friends in selling their cotton and without charge ; and wrarr at all ihues prepared to make advances on the same in or Merchandize. We respectfully solicit a portion of the patronage of the public. GRAVES, WOOD &. CO. Edwin Gravf.s, Thomas Wood, / J. Nl. Kipbff. ) Macon, Aug 22, 1844. 37 ££. 11. JUOVMMtE, f WARt>ssoirsE coavimissioi- .T/.ftfJV. subscriber will continue the Ware-House nnd Com -1 mission Business at 1 lie old stand of ntf'ic K: Cutup bel\ near the lower end of Cotton Av noe. He wHI make lib eral advances on Cotton stored with him, and afford every fa cility to thepiauter in dispoMng of’it; and will also alien'd to all order* for Goods -hipping of Cotton, &c. that may he nr- . cessary for the convenience of his customers. He solicit* the continuance of the patronage of the customer* of the old con cern, and the public generally. Aug 13, 1845. 26 B. H. MOULTRIE. .Teic IFire I*roof 13 \trc-hozsse, HIACON, Goo. j f ■ undersigned having erected - g a lire Proof IVare House, *itu- A 3 iii'd at the head of Cotton Avenue, \r S tender* hi*-service* to hisfriends and the public g neraliy, fr ihe storage **of COI 10N and MV.IiCH ANDIZK, and the transaction of coivrrf2issroi;r Errsxicrss in all it* branches, pledging himself t use every ex* rtion to promote tin- interest of, and render satisfaction to, those who may confide business to his charge. The storage and sale of Cotton will he under the direction and control of Mr. JOHN JONF.S, who ha* long been know n in the ware-koufle business, ami will give particular atten tion to the sale of Cotton, and the filling of order* for Goods. I.IRKKAL ADVANCES will be made on Cotton in store or to be shipped. B;!k r k , ins: Rope nml Twine, together w ith an> other article, will be furnished customer* at the lowest market price. Storage and Commission at the lowest market price. .111 tie 25, 1845. J. COWLES. ISamiStott. WBartletnan & % Cos. SAVANNAH. GEO. 1 -1 rl! 1 continue the Fatto- A Ff RAGF. AND COMMISSION / v in this city, nnd will ns heretofore, give their beat alien lion to the sale of Cotton, the fill ing of order*, and the receiving and forwarding Merch andise. EVERAKU HAMILTON, > THOMAS HARDEMAN, > Copartners. CHARLES F.JIAMILTON. ) Snvonuuh,July 2,1844. 22 WIEJtIIT! T. WIIADA, WAXLS-IXOV AND Comm isi ion . Tier chant, HIACON GEO. - .1 undersigned having ren / A 3 * ted the Wore-1 louse recent I v 9 ly occupied hvJ. IL ROSS,(near* •'* Opposite fir. J. At. I- fFiji’s are- House.) is prepnred to re rdive Cotton in Store. Hi* personal utteniion will he devoted to the business. All orders promptly an ended to. Advances will he made ti Cotton in store. He so lids the patronage o 1 his friends and the public. Very Respectful! v, W. T. WILSON. Macon,Ga. July 1,1545. 20 Cotton Slagging. rjflHr. umli‘rigin ff kp < n hiincl at tt ir*ior in Clinton, g mol nt COWI.KS, Ml'OU. Nt Cos s Kart Macon, rho umiulij other places, n *up norsiTick* insi>ui**iud troiu Cot ton. Savannsh. January oh, j During the mmmer nnd fall, \o Imd -rH-ion to nt-iivc Mini lisi,dlw s quantity of cotton s hich lihil Ikhi <X|imt du> nil kimU of wvsthei’oii opt o Im*mi fi>i msr v n inomli-,; oil we f mod that po. tit>n pack* and io Cotton Ragging, in better ; order than that which w* packed m He ini Hugging, sod we lielievi* that the on lugging w ill not decompose a* quick us hemp, u hen exposed to wit w • ailn r. J. 1). CAM HART Ik S'OTT. (COPY.) In using nsrrtjing made (Venn i eittoo, by W h O. Pope Ik Cos. | lincl it to bv u good nrnicle, uod er* to ’lie planting cornmunity,ol* Account of it* strength uod weight. January 9, 1846. 8 4'KK LING W. SMI lit. | (COPY ) The nagging that I have made me of ihc past year, in packing mv crop ofCotton, i 4 * manufactu,ed Irmn Cotton, by \V. (i. Pope vNe Cos., weighing from l| to if pound* ihe yard, i and liiid it equal to Gunny in strength, and have no doubt it will auswi r the purpose of that kind of bagging. January, 1846. ISAAC N. JOHNSON. (COPY.) This i” to certify that T have made ue of W. Ik O. Pone ft j C-.V Ragging made ol Colton, in paeking my <• roi•, ai*d find | it tu hr a* good hii article fort hi* purpose, a* 1 have ever i eased, jauuary, IB4A. TAYLOK f*. GIBSON. | (COPY.) I have made nr otVf. Pc <.. Pop. ft CoV H.|firinr. manri factiired from Cotton, hi paeking my entire crop, - odlimlit to l>. tin l>e*t article 1 have ever u-cd lor tln purpose. Jan uary, H, 1845. _ JOSKPII CHII.KS. I have uo and in packing my cotton of the crop of la-t rear, W. ft <. Pope'* Ragging, made of Cotton, and find it tone a* eood if not the best article for the purpose I have ever ns* and. January, 1846. JAMh.S GKLK.N. The person* whose name* are affixed to the eertifivatt* above hail been pluntvrs for many y*ars, and are well at <i limit ted with the different kind* ol Bagging. We eould procure an additional mini In r of nainri, if it were n.-!an,lMi pv. ’<"’■ il" Will l •"Hivviit to<*<*hhb it. quality la yonvl >h"uv. W.tLli. POPK Ik < >. Cumuli, Ja 20, IJviA. “i"” KTOTICE. fIYIIF anh.crib.ra limn fumncl u *'upMlnnrahip for I lwrHrp..*-of.-Hmin 6 ,„.ll. C VUKIAUE HU in all ita Innm li. under thn l.itmo nml atvlo Ol OF I.oVcHE A WII-eoXSON. ol Or. OUAC j ))( , ; i.oACHE, l L. U. WILCOXSON. .Mneon, March C, 1 BIG. 3*3 CLOTHING. O.lißi AYtt .* E,tL, TAKE NOTICE 1 1A I! AT new and fashionable fR/ITFIHfO, for the 1 fall and winter trade, (of their own manufacturing) and mad** in the best manner, has just been received, and can he eo n at the store of U. I. fill. TOJY A’ Cos. on second -treet, next door to K. Woodruff'* Dry Good* Stme. and three doors from Washington Hall. Tur* -tuck consist* i.f Gentlemen’s garments ofeverv kind, that w ill make them comfortable and genteel. All j of the said garments will he offered at the lowest cash prices.— Flense give us a cull. Nov 5, I 45. fla AT 3?ItIVATB SATC.T2. ESy A. I*. ilEcLnujihliai, BiiES. Imv pricpil S)[r, to tierce* New Orleans Molasses, 2WO hicks Liverpool ground Salt. 15- W. IHIGG, At same store,offers nt retail price, St. ‘*roix Sugar, Ctiba nnd Slew Oilcan* Molaases. J’orto Itico Molasses, Rio Coffee, Hngsing nnd I’w ine Fot Wure, Iron und Nails, An assortment of Hoots and Shoes, Spider*, Shovels, Colons’ Axes, Together with an assortment of Drv Goods, for Country Cull and see. Macon, Nov 12 3$ FLOII) HOUSE, MACON, GA. fINME subscriber, in announcing to Iris V‘ s 8. friend* nnd the public, by whom he • >I • has been so liberally patronized, his con i/j 11**1 ihiuanccof the above establislimenf, begs leave to assure them of hi* determination j so su*l3in the well established reputation of hi* house. 1 liMteiul of h fulling off. there shall he ft progressive im provement; and if a liberal outlay, a well fuinished ta ble, with everv delicacy this and other markets can sup ply, dean beds, comfortable rooms, attentive servants, and the will to please ml accommodate,will merit pa tronage, he expects to obluiu it. IL S. NEWCOMB. Oct. 0.1515. if. 34 ERCKASJTS’ QOIZL, (SIGN OF TUF. BFCK.) Corner o< nnd Society Streets, CHARLESTON. S. C. By - - - JANES DIVVER. C This cei?rnl Establishment, now I'ondnrled on trim Temperance priiicijiicc, ofTors every desirable comfort an J convenience to tlie Travelling community. rates! Tranvi-nl Ronrdere, ... $1 00 per day. Permanent, ...... 600 “ week. Feb il, 1846. !>wsl .Vttp Store and JYetc Goods: c. K. WENTWORTH, Watch linker and Jeweller. HAS removed to the new brick block, east side of Mulberry street, (immediately opposite his obi stand,) and is now opening anew and line stock of goods in Ins line, consisting in part of fine Gold and Silver Lever, Horizontal, Parent and Vertical Escapement Watches: Gold CJifsrd, Fob and Vest Chains! Breast ■ Fins, Finger Kings, I.ur Kings: Gold Chain anti Hair Bracelets: Gold, Silver nnd Steel pec facies and Evr Protectors: Gold nnd Silver Pencils, Gold Pens, Gold and Silver Watch Keys, Gold and Silver Thimbles, Sil ver Gnmbs, Silver and Pearl Belt Slides, Gold Sleeve and Collar Buttons. Gold Stmics nnd Chain Slides, Gold Lockets, Hearts and Crosses: Card Cases, Steel, Silver und Gilt Beads; Head Ornaments, Jet Combs, Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Purses, Superior Pen and Pocket Knives,Scissors, Razor* and Rhzoi Strops: Tooh, Lather ami Nail Brushes, Shaving Cream, Real German Cologne. Fine Silver Plated Castoi*. Cake Baskets, Candle Sticks, Waiters, Cup*. Snuflera and Tray a: Dixon’s Fine Ware in sett*. Also Coffee and Tea Pot*; Silver of Knife, Fork nnd Spoonr Spoons, Watch Stands. Fan*, Perfutnerv, Fancy Goods, &c. Arc. Watches of evert/ description repaired in the Jest manner. All Watches sold or repaired will be rear ranted to keep *ood'time, or the rash refunded. Watch es sent from any part of the country, will receive the same attention and be rep-tired on as reasonable terms as though the turner trere present.. All kinds of Gold und Silver work neatly repaired nt the shortest notice Spectacle Glasses adapted to all ngc*. j ALSO FOR SALE—Otic of Chiekerinp's Superior Pi \ vo-Fort f.s. in rose-wood ease, full lentfhtk iron frame , and warranted a* line an instrument in every rt l specl, as can be iound in Georgia. C. K. WENTWORTH, Wutch Maker and Jeweller, Macon, Nov 5,1245 East side Mulberry Stieet. WATCHES, -TZ'JJiZFFC L~. £iC. .1. A. & S. S. VIRGIX, At their old utin/i on Cotton Arrntie, opponite Washington Unit, Cos W OU l'l) i Mfonn *he!r frientfa nnd v v tin* public, t!-itt they have now % V 0,1 * * £“otl Haaortmeiit of Gold unl ‘IIa Silver Wiitclies of the various maker-, * • _.y * and nf different kind-; also ft pood na “ sortincnt of Gold Chuins, Sruls nnd Kev 9, and n vnrietv >f other article**, ronsi-ling in part of the k)!luvving : Spoon.-* of pure Silver : Gold nnd ‘-il ver IVtieili; Gdd Fens; Gold Foil nnd Wire for Den ti-ts; fashionable Jeweli v, Rreasl Fins. Finger Kingy, • nr Ring* of latent jtnMernsj snneiior Fen nnl Foekel Knives; flavors nnd Sttops; SeNvnra; Read Rags nnd Fiir*es wifli yfee| ornninenly; llejid Ornaments do.; Steel Fens of GillotiV make; FisfoU and Gnus; Ther mometers; Toodi, Nail nnd Sliftvin? Rrnslos; Twf. 7.ers ; an nssortmenl of Tn\ s for < ’hildreii, with ft \ nrie tv of oilier uiticleti, which will bo sold very cheap for cash S. S. X. would tnl<e tins opportunity so snv, flint he has h good assortment of wnlcli uintt iiaH CHrefnlly se lected !\ himself: these, with the superior set of tools hr Iris to work with, ns well ns other advantages, be thinks |e is prepared so execute work ns well as work pets to be done, it w ill be his aim to give entire I’itisfac tion to all. Dec 17. 1845. 44 SITS! M ‘iTS! D!?. TVAN’S Vegetable Extract, nil infallible reme dy for Epileptic Fits >r FaHitvy Siekness, (Convul sions, Are. Also Ivan’s Vegetable Anti Kilino* Fills, for removinf rill morbid and corrupt humors, and puri fying the blood. Fur sale t Mill • BRUNO A VIRGma . coßitn £ ni SHE*.H prime .Western Corn in *ncka, niT ivW just received and lor sain bv M neon, Mnicb 4. 184fi. \ \ . .1. WHITE. Spring uml Summer (to thing, I f | IIIR subscribers hnve enmmeneed receiving tliejr 1 stock of Spring aii I Summer Glotbing, which they i nre prepared to sell at verv low prices fur f ardi. Muicli 18 5 J .Si E. fiAL’I.aiRL'RV. TOVTUr CI.OTIIINO. CROATS, Flints and Vests, adapted to summer wear, J just received by J. At E. SAULBDGKY. Mirob 18 5 OPfiNINQ THIS Alii FAf’K French Ch*i|ir, J Fancv French Oassimem. Black nnd Fancy *’nsliineretts, Black Frepch Doe Skins,* u Drills. &0. Sic. Also a fme assortment of Scarfs,Cravats, Gloves. Ate. March 10 5 1. At E. SA.UL4BUKV. GAitDEIY SEFDSI rpHK above mentioned OAHUKA SF KI)S, re war ranted I fresh— ih< grow th 0f1545. t hey consist of a larg* vsrt ♦•ty of Heati*, P*a*, Lettuce,Turnlns, Kadr*hcs, Cabbages, Wert*, Squaslies,Cucumbers,Oittans, Melons, Carrots, Okra, Psrslt v. tSt. AJsn Clover Bed. For sale at the store of J. It. Ik W. S. J&L LIS | Cut (Oil Avenue. Mneun,Dc 10,145. 43 ALBERT . nrTTM, ( 4 | co n.vtisauojr m tjnoArti, MACON, GEORGIA, Macon, Sept 3, IS|S. | rrjk URLS. CANAL FLOUR,” L.elr 1-4 nnd 1.8 hhls. Ireslt Flour, Rutter, Soda irtd Lemon Cracker.*, JO kett* eltoi-e Gosben Rutter, 20 rusks Cltease, SO boxes Cheese, torn) Ilia choice Georgia eared Uacon Soles, 11X10 I be. do. do. do. do. Hams RHItl lbs. do. Lard, 10 hbls. lti*h Rotators, 20 hbls. and half bids. Roe. 1, * and 3 Mackerel, Iti store and for sale hv Oct 29 37 RUSSELL <St KIMBERLY. Grave*, Wood A Cos. RESPECTFULLY invite the attention of Men liania and others, to their stack of seasonable Dry (foods now to store. Additions will be made weekly, ihroueh the season, of desirable styles of good., via i 6 10 bulea Oanabufg*, 5 “ Brown Drilling*, 5 44 ‘lickings, 15 “ 4-1 Browi Sheeting*. J 5 “ 5-4 ‘• Shining*, 5 •* fine unbleached Shiitiog*. 5 “ Hlnnkets, 5 comps 3-4,4-4,5-4,10-4 bleached Horueepfwj*, 3 bales f ’union Flannels, 3 “ Checks and Plnide, 2i) casus Prints, assorted, ii “ exlru rich Prints, 1 “ rich mourning Print*, ii “ rich Giiii;li:iiii!*. 25 pieces blue, black and olive Broadcloth*, 30 “ American and FrenchCaeeimer*, 50 “ VesringM, 150 44 Kentucky and Caasimer Jean*, JOO “ heavy Linscys and Kersey*, 100 “ re<l,yellow, while and green Flannel*, 15 “ black silk warp Ahmccas. 20 “ colored ATpaccas, 20 4 Alpacco Serges, 5 44 Bombazines, 100 44 Muslin de Laine*, 20 44 Cashmere <lc Laincp, ‘JO 44 Mourning de Luineeand Beragee, 100 *• colored Cninbrice, 7h 44 Pongee Silk Handkerchiefs, 1 0 44 English Silk lldkfa. 300 do*, head and flag ILlkf*. 7 i “ Berkley and Madras* Cravats, 10 |>i(*ces black and fancy Silk do. 3 44 green Barrage, 2 > doz. gents’ and ladies Gloves, assorted, 300 44 Hosiery, assorted, 75 “ Day’s skined Suspenders, 75 * low priced imt. do. 50 boxes Ribbons, assorted, 25 “ Artiflciuls, U cases Florence, Straw nnd Taney Bonnet 5000 Shawls, more or less, 40 pieces trial, Linens, 25 44 Linen Birds-eve Diaper, 20 44 Russia Diaper, 10 “ Cotton do. 5 “ l'J-4 miJ 13 4 l.inon Sheeting*, Linen Table-cloths nnd Napkins, 5 pieces silver Flannel* 4 4, 50 “ Jaconets. 50 44 checked Cambrics, 50 “ Swiss, Book, Lace, nnd Mill! Mnlins, 50 44 black and white Lace Goods, 3*4 iV. 4-4, 10t)0 44 Lace Edgings 1-‘J to 2 1-2 inch, wide, , 20 doz. Muslin Collars, 20 44 Nett Caps, 20 pieces Bishop Lawn, 20 doz. Lawn Hdkf*. 5 cases l inbrelbis, 20 pieces three ply ingrain nnd Cotton Carpeting. Macon,Nov 12,1345. 311 STRONGS & WOO!) B AY'S received by recent arrivalsfrein T\hi!a- H 1 delphia, in ailuitiuii to their former stock of Bots amt Shoes, Gent*’ tint: Calf Water Proof Boots, Gents’ fine French Calf Light Boots, Ladit-s’ ti id- Bronze Gaiter Loots, Ladies’fine Bronze Matt (.mo r Hoot.a, LaJies* tine black anti colon and Guitt r Hoots, Ladies* fine Kid Slipper* und talking Shoes, Misses'fine Morocco and Seal I ace Boots, thic k soles. Misses'fine Morocco and Seal Lace Buskins, thick soles, | C'luldreiPs fine Morocco ami K: Sall.ace Boots.thick soles. Children's black ami colored Morocco and Cloth fwxU Boots, thin sole*. Alto, various other kinds of Boots nnd Shoes, made express- I ly for retail: all of which they offer at very moderate prices, 1 and invite all who wisli to purchase,to give them a ct.ll, sign : ot tin-Big Boot, on Second strett,opposite Geo. M. Logan & Cos. Dec 10, 1445 43 | Btit ■■ VI - ‘ \ GENTS f<>r Sherwood’s unrivalled Rotary and Vi brating Magnetic Machine; iilro the Magnetic or Compound Bitumen Plaster,and Magnetized Gold Pills. M e also keep a full supply of the Homeopathic Med icine*, with tlie honks an practice. Macon and ColutnbiiH, < let *29,1345 STOI'ItS, U.BRS} IIViifJL, C'JTLErri, Wooden mi<l Willow-wares Britannia and Tin-irare, WITH A SPRINKLING OF YANKEE NOTIONS, DSSBLK & RSSAY, HAVE on land, und are constantly receiving lire? 1 additions to their stock of the above articles, * hich make their assortment tolerably complete, and a* well selected us cun he found ill the Stole, ('ontistirtfr in pa*t of Cooking, (esorted siaes) Purpnir, Air-tight and Box Stoves, with lorniture cample. Knives and Forks, table and dessert, with ivory, self tip, cocoa,buck, bone, borne ond wood handles; Carvers mid Steels; Butcher, Shoe and Kitchen Knives; tine Fen and Pocket Knives; Shears, Scissora und Razors ot the best quality. Proas Goods,Curtain Pins,Casters, Butt*, Rose han dle Knobn. Fine Tea Trays, Waiters, Silver, German Silver, 1 Plated, Britannia nod lined iron Table and ‘l ea Spoons ; Britannia, Brass, Iron and Tin Candlesticks; Britannia, Glass, Tin and Lard Lamps; Copper and Iron Tea Ket tles; Sauce Pans. Fry reus,Coal Hods, Mortars and, Pestles. Patent Scales and Steel-yards, Hand Bellows, ; Brushes, Brass Androne, Bra s Shovel and Tong*,* Steel do. (very fine,) Iron do.. Grid Irons, Coffee Mills, I Sad Irons, Tailor’* Irons, Brass Kettles, Brass Stair Rods, Brass Mnslen Kettles,and Brass Pails. Files and Hasp*, flat, square and round. Chisels and Gouge*, Plane Irons, Locks anil Latches; Butts, Hinges, Bolts, Screws. Brick Trowels, Bruce and Bins,and extra Hitts; dinner, tea anJ cow Bella; Glass Curtain I ms. Mill, Crinm-cut, llsnd am] Wood Siiwu. I’wtom ami common line.; Cltfiinn; lirnnd and nar row Axrx; lianil and aliingling Hutilirta; Draw Knivaa, King nml Neat Wvigliora; fli'tlgr, hand and nail Ih, in m. r; Font Srrapera; \V nflle ami W.lri Irona; I’atrnt S.-row and lied Wrenrhe*, Screw Drivrra; Minrinj Knivna, Mccl Stinarra, Slump Shears, hraaa and iron Kulieva, bra*, and iron Coni l ine, Cork Sen iv„, Parle Jigncra, liruaa and pewter C oi'ka. (iaii'a. Our* rv Ci.ntba, llird Cagca, lied Cords an.l Plough l.inea. Sale Wirc-< loth, and .Spado, Tacka, Sprigg. and Spamblee. Kino Percuaaion and Flint Double and Single Shot duns. t fine Pareuaaion and r lint nines. Six barrel rifle and ainunlb bore Pistols: Percuss'.n Cups, Sim! Pouches, Puwdef Flunks, Pocket Flasks, . Lenlber Clip*. , _ _ . I llriinnnin Coffee nnd lea Pota; Spittoons, Water i Pitcher.,Sugar llowla,Cream Pola, Molasses Cups and | M UgSa I’lnniahed Tin, Alblnse and Mash Dishes. Dish Cet era, Coffee Higgins, and a largo a.aoilinaut ol Jelly Moulds. Womlrn-warc, n targe asaomnent. Willllw-ware und I'reneb llaakrls, a p|,,i n nn d Japan Tin-ware, a great t arien ; nnd every nrliele in lire line made to order, at the shorteat notiro, anil in Ibe best manner. A large stock of Yankee Rations. The above arliclea will be sold ot the lowest prices, either nt wholesale or retail. House-keeper, a-epur tirnlarlv invited to trite u a rull. . Macon, Nov ‘JO, IB#ft (Kll ° a DVANCES road, on Colton ahipped to Immll, nr in Warehouse ill ibis idnce. Apply to March 4 3 qCOT', CAHHAHT i CO. VOMIIWK XXIT.-1V0.6. KfoIK, ’ -tiacoiv, geo. M S!js&^fk r z&srjis irv attention to iheir wiimm hiul ,c •** <M">n •■?* ’ vluractf n/i .1 t!,,< <d(ahli'll,n,','nt?’ r ”^ ft * tha ’ ha ’ Ih “ t,ir vr ! dir, unit attentive and l”,‘,hn.’l‘o*uJ’,. 5 , " 1>r ’ l, *' and w "hpr<iven- I AlT w " hm^ha * no , r:* i ; h * T 'y ->- n,„. j 2 ; Richard f.& j. r.rox •11loructfs S’ CovwwrUnrs at Z,ntr AI.BANV, BAKSIt CO., GA. ff TAVR recently entered „to n pnrlnershio in th. “• ‘"'Xi‘Z-mX rZ:!i^ nue “ ,e ‘" ac,i -- e in Kakt'r, Ler, Randolph, Siimtfr, Ifln* roit. Ilooijr, Drciitiir, Irwin. eounieT'win t° tltcir . nv. in any nf these . ** _*ny as, iso. , „ *‘or: a- JVtstsET, ‘ ATTORNEYS AT LAW, PJacon, Iveo. ■ NTENMNfI to devote themselves exclusively to ■ lueir profession, will regularly attend the Snnerine I ( ou, ;?' in I witrgs, Houston, Jonei, Bibb, Crawford l‘n non, Mrtium>, |'i| v p odd Henry. ’ Nov 2(1 * Hr telegraph and American Whig will cepy 3 limes. nmS*'* Orlonny 8 Ifrnr. Or) l ells 3w5l CIIAUI.ES DAY &. CO. DsimsTsr. rh,;y havnao arranged their business, as for one nf them to make regular visits to the neighboring villages •nd certain pqrtmns ofihe country. 8 ‘‘ Macon, Doc. 31,1845. L 0 M ii A I! jTi PUTNAM, (Orn.E ON SKCONn STREET, THREE DOORS ATIOTE THE MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE RANK,) Over Strony: A Wood's Sl.oo Store, I MACON, GEO. (TT-ai-l operations warranted.^ _M icon. Jnn’y. 1.1846. {■[ £ UK id STOKE. ZJZ. I!Ar,TItETi!7 Is£, s § received, at his Drug Store it ‘ L “"..''“""'rry street, a Imge stork of j[ JJntgs, Chemicals,Paints, Dveflufls oi | s 9 Window. G|,si. Perfumery. A'., in fact,every thing usually kept by r ~ , l , “tian. Having made his purchase'* he is’rn"! | T',” ‘' r "’ l,a " d "'; n > “rk ami line, ton, tie is could. ,1 io exrente orders at ns low mires ns fine, fee, , and unadulterated articles ran be obtained at any estahltshmen, j„ ,|,e souther,, country ‘ and Phvstcians, Manufnrtiireee. Planters, and Dealers see ar;, • * Macon. Sept2s, 18.(5. 3a W'nn^,'SJStfTfc? K’ l.'’ Western India,, Panacea. !?'• I arlor * Raisam of Livirvt't.t Swain. 8 i'aiiHit H. Hawand-, runic Mixture, for Fever and ,e„e r'V’'’ Eh ■’ l '" 1 ' ’ J ‘ atil I,l?*’ , n-a.| s Knienfp 0 j Mi.ftarti tmi’l 1 n“ ,rTo,,lc - Muflntf, Pill, Ike 1 h*e„>x 11, 1 r. rx, Snr.d'sm, tiy fur Sat, It I, tm Carp, titer 1 . Extract Salt h, ''" ra . i yr:,a,*?r. *p< reu Hair, ; The Maj.u al Pain r.xtractor j Murray * Fluid Mum, sia. j Sphon m i:, hi nr,,. Hun# cfy, certain and eMial Nno ls rr, ' r ' Vl '’ t ‘“ > ful , “ ll ’ h >’ M. 11AK1 I.^TT. 100 ‘’ l" 1 b’ tii--t qaality J “’ 1 calls. I n,-e. rt Oil, do , H , 1 f"? S’ ll *- “-'Stt Turpi mine, 100 l.xe. Wl-d .ar r.loi:-. all lit-S, Jat,a„ V srmsh, Ce „!, Varmrb, Varnixl, I hi.iut Yellow, t’ I, none <iiv. n, Pnt,'an Bue safe 10. br’ “ ‘ J ’ ld ‘ ,J J-’ ‘f..rtd’.rd far Not U M. BARTLETT. _ J * flop*. Twine, T'uh h’; Inn” *•••- •> ‘"<■ hif fall .applies of otorc, and t * r-j y w nu no* m 3AO piece* heavy Gtmnv Bsrriur. WOO pit c heavy Kentuck do 1 <0 coil* Kentucky Hope. 50 tit*. Manilla do. 100 Hit. Twine, °, r oo ruik Salt, 1 >,00) tl>* Sweetie*Tyon, l °2f “*"*l Hoop and T* o l Iron. S3 nhil*. St. Cr.nx and Potto Uu-u Sugar* Inn Loaf, Cru-tht t! and Powdered do. * 100 >* Rfo and Java i uffet*. 50 htixea t olidcco, 100 krir* Nail, a end Mister Steel. ,y IS AND OILS of ever) description. Macon, Jan l. Irjrt, ROND. JYfW Spring Frtnt*. \ .. assortment oi spring Prints received this dar, -*■ m, ‘* for sale low bv JEO. IV PRICE “ Mnrnn, Mnreli 4. Ifl.tli. , C:*lf Nltiii*. 1 received a lot of the beat cpinlit*. Also Shoe ,r I hread Sparnl les, Ac. GEO. W PUICF Feh 2fl, l*4t>. 2 ¥ms.l? ,unoSH “ ~ v J received uOl pt?rior article, for sale low. h ™ 20 2 Ii KO. W. PKI CE. Tl I roctivetl mid lor rule. .V) fthd*. new crop Mo Ihmpim. SCOTT, CARHAET At CO. Feh 2> % fflllE higheet prices in C-h purd for all kiasdn of I Furs, hv DIBBLE Bh* A \ Colton A venue, nearly opposite Washington HolL Dec ‘i 42 citE>2&• ir it ra o o os, AM) CHEAP CXOTIIirva. rpilKsubscriber i oHoring his *ttck ol DRY GOODS -l and CLOTHING,at unusually low prices, and in vites the attention of purchasers of this description of eoods. Store in the brick building first door from Wash ington Hall GEORGE W. PRICE. Feh 4, I MIT., silts Miitfiti’’ not’ Ssi %c. HIIDS. New Orleans, nn ; St* Croix Sugar*, ssl VO tons Iron, aaaorted t Era, 100 hundles Round iron, j -3 to 7-8, 10 boxes Tobacco, 10 hnskets Champagne, 400 sacks SaM, 3500 bushels do. foranleby OctU :M REA Sc COTTON. J. JOitfßS. COMMISSION DEAI.FII. AT THK MACON CAIt- KIAUE DEPOSITORY. -*-syHr,nT; he would be pleased to nee hia old etta ! If totner*, ami all other, diapoaed tu lavor him with a nail. Heratma desirous of ordering Carriage* from th. Ni.rtii, nutv rent aaaurnl, ol linving them built by tba I, t Manidactureia in Newark, Bridgeport, or New llnven. nnd nn termn to plearc. Manon, Ovt. 2, 1 Hi.,. _ OTSTSRS. Don't smack your lips , but come and see me. r I'll IK anhscriher hs wpe*ed bi OYSTF.H 80C9K., for I ihe season.snd II will M ttorl Him greac pleasure to wan tiSonhisfriciMkahil enstonu-rs.and willgoarsnte* that every thing ill the wayol lh-*\ ft*h ••! *“•/, shall be done up brown. A retired room flin.idit il for parties of mat len.en. Kresh or Pickled Oysters by the quart or gallon, in fccg* r without,sud all otl*w iuauneseftu* saakaavil^ Qcv*f 3‘K C, A. BLLS.