Georgia messenger. (Ft. Hawkins, Ga.) 1823-1847, April 30, 1846, Image 1

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Bt S. ROME’ T E R >IS. xfF.SSF.VGK 9 i* published weekly, on Thurfdy ] m iranv?, at Three Dollars, if paid viihn* tin jmr, ai.t Jo r ; il)It ii'*t 11 not paid till the kx |>mtlion of the j t ar. • iis , notenci'ediuK twelve lim inierted , O.i • Djllav tUe ft r*t insertion, and Fifty Cent* foreaeli ton tric j . Vd v •i*ti*fmi. , ius not limited whcu Itndcd in,Mill! b# inerted lit* forbid. V ; Vi if l.Aii-1 A'lJ Wcfro*** by Kxecutor*, A dmmiHtntfor- i j (iuAi'diaii*, are required by law t* be arivtrtnied in a I u>tlie .janHie, ixty days previous to the lay of Hale. *’ |j u . sil .-h of Personal Property must be advertised in like mannef forty dy. V ,iice to Dcbiora and Creditors of an estate must be pub- ; lished forty du\h. N'oLvce that appiiratioti will We made to the Court of Ordina- i ry'for l-*ive tosrll Laud and Veg.roes,mutt be published week 1 I. nrfont hj"tiiis. J vt .othly Advertisements, One Dollar perxquare, for each I * J VB'rVoni* m Candidates* Three Hollars. \T LK 1* I'rcHS on Wu-*i:ie*ii must be post paid. ; patten & Tat/lor HVVR just received and av now opening a well selected J ass.oiUic,it of Dit Y ‘iOOUS, among which are /nr . at. I Furniture Prims, Kaocy aod and irk Ginghams, C:i>b n ‘res, Cashmere dT.cosse, M mselam de Lainc*, Plaid, Striped and Fancy Silks, HliU’k Gro de aud Sinclitw, jtiuk • ff rich, A flue aHortu*-ut ol Shawls, Fancy Handkerefs ami Sc sefa, Bonn* i. Cup and Neck Ribbons, plain Talfll* Ribbons, L-tdies an l lieuts’of-t French Kid and H. S Gloves, | Ladies’black and white Silk Gloves and Mills, Black, wiiite a.ul colored Silk, Colton and Wool Hose, Black* white and fancy Silk Girdles, Thread Li<le, Victoria and llobinel I.aces, Icouch'> l i*“< l<<>• ‘"MI . , Hcvi'-r, Il ‘ui-siitc'ieil and Bordered L C. Handkerchiefs, I ace and French Worked Col ars, Chemisette.*, Grass Cloth and Corded Skins, French Skirt*, Silk Worsted and Cotton Fringes, Gents’ Black and Fancy Italian Cravats, Fine Irish Linens and Lawns, Swiss, Jaconet, and Mull Muslins, # Lace striped and c. uss-harr* and Muslins, Cambrics, Bishop Lawn, Gimps, Lnic.i IV.U- Draper, Fine Linen Bird-t ye Diaper, Fuie Linen ToweU, Crash, Black Silk an i Tubby Velvets, (, •nfs’ \lerno and Cotton Shirts and Drawers, Plain and floured Bomba lies and Albaccus, Superior Black Drop and Kte, 2 pliyr Worsted, all colors. While and colond F Lionels, Brown and bleached Camon FI innels. Brawn and bl ached Shilling* and Sheetings, Apron Clicks, lickings, Drillings, Plain and fancy C *-Lucres, Satinets, fdnseys. Kerseys, Plains, Kentucky B uns, Dulfil and Hose Blankets, he. he. Macon, Dec 15, IK4'’. j Snails*. Molasses and I’olTcc. IIUDS. Uolu-srs, (id li!i Irf. Now Orleans, 1 “ and n jar-i">U'*n ilfl 23 “ Si. Cioi*, P. lt.,nad N. O. Sugars, ID Imxim llavanna Snpiirn, • 13 Mils cruslie.t anJ pulvariaed Sugar, 5 “ l.nafSueHr, 330 l.aei Kin and Java Coffee, 20 half bills. .SliaJ. 01 libU. arnl lull'bills. Mackerel, 1110 bsxns Kaisine. Njv in 33 OR WES, WOOD k CO, Oils, Csi:iS<. Puillll &c. QD'l (iAI.I.S. l.inseeJ Oil, O Ji/ 4'K) “ Sperm Oil. 200 “ bli-a. beil Oil, 75 boxes ID by 12, 12 bv 16, 12 by 13 Glass, 75 ke. s While Lend, 2 Mils. Putty, 5 hills. Train Oil. Now in store anil for sale ebesn hv N„v 12 (iHAVES, WOOD CO. , “satis, ar:s :iml Hollow Ware. \ kens Cut ISnifo, f) v/i “1 r> tnn.H Iron, assorted lto 10 inches, 2.000 Ills, “‘•licet Iron, JO,O(0 lbs. If.t'l iw \N are, 2.0*0 IU-*. Cast >t- el. 1,000 ileruim and Hlfotcr Steel, 2,000 Hoop ‘Mill Bund Iron, ,*>) do*/.. Hoe®, 400 pairs Truce ('bahlS, Tlecei'fd uud for aule by E. B. EED. I >eo 17 IL- S3. Sr. Croix, Porto Hico, Muscovailo N: New Orbaii” Smrari, VVonUey iSc WooUey ‘ best steam refined Loaf and Crush ed Sugars, , , _ Bio, Cuba, St Domingo, Java and tlucna Coffee, Hymn,youug Hyvon and Gunpowder Green leas, Poucboiig and Oclong, befit black, N“w (*cleans and n-eat India Molasses, • card, Du ouy ki C>., and Sigm te*s Brandy, Best Holland and Swan Gin, Choice old Port, Madeira and Champagne \\ mt, Gt-noin old Havana aud Principe Cigars, S erm Caudles, Starch, Soap, Puwdirantl Shot, Best M. R. in Uox'sand half boxes, tins h, M sckcrrl. Cod Fish, Chew mg and Smoking Tobacco, Pep pi r, Spice., Cloves, Nutmegs, Cassia, fee. Ju t received by PATTEN & 1 AYLOR. Macon, Dec 13, 1845. Theatrical Saloon , MACON, GA. fIITIIS commodious and well arranged building is *it- I noted in the most central part of the city, and has lnen thoroughly repaired and put in comp! te order, it is well adapted to exhibition-, lor concerts, lectures, or s.-ientitic exiiihitious of any description. It will he rent’ and for purposes of the kind, on reasonable terms, by npplving to FBiLHINA.NI) IHMtNK. Th building i•* subject to a cit.v tax,which lias been paid by the proprietor, all perloruiuncefi in it uro therc fore excinpi from tuy udditiuual lax* Oct 29,1815. 37 mm mu VI, 4ftCir, supply of the above for sule, in large or small <ju*ntiiioß, fro in owe paper lo a thousand, ni wholesule or retail -prices. I have proved most of these seeds by actual experiment, anJ find them good. Country dealers are requested to call Fob 19, 1 J. M. HQ A ROMAN. ai:.v s i; i sis: ALL fresh and genuine. We cun warrant them with confidence, n* we never offer the Seeds left of the previous year for sale, besides we do not, and will not purchase of seed mm who tske hack the seeds alter the season lias passed, (hs Rontt do) and who it is believed return them next season as fresh. Purchaser* should know this. SIIOTWELL & GILBERT. Mucon, Feb 11, IB4li. ‘ t ~ SHEETINO. ■JUST reeived lot offi-J nnd l£-l Bleached and .5 Hrown .Shading of a .uparior quality. Also a torn! assortment of of Ludies and l*enilem#ii s Kid tjjoves, best quality* liLO. W. l*tvlLK. Erl, 11, j i Window Shades. il sh ( \ Moll Kuf tliair • ulendid transparent Window H I Shade., jtt.t rmmi amt'•* Vh a m VV’* 1 ot niylei. WU'tl) a HnAUi.r. i. Di'crmlw 2. __ (truss Andirons, Shovel and Toiiks. A COMPLETE as.nrlment of Brno Andiron*, Shov el nod Tongs. Received and for sale bv I>ec|l7 II E. It. WF.F.II. RECEIVED tlii* day nd for sule, 15 libda. I’orto Rico Sugar, und -0 Vue” Jar’ Coffee. March 4 3 SCOTT. CARII ART 4 CO. Whitkry and Codec. bbls. Whiskey, OW 80 bag. Coffee, for sale l)V March 3,4816 - REA fc COTTON. C I.BS. lion, nHuiltli from I I to 12 iuch. WwWWW Hound, -himire, llitnd 4 llonpdo. Cast, tieruiau, and American Steel, 151) kegs Nail. 150 bag. Rio and Java Coffee, 20 hhds. St,Croix aad New Orleans Sugar, 20 “ Molasses 30 hbls. New Orleans Molasses, 100 Uhls. Plit'lp*’, limber’* and Jence’s Gin, 100 “ Whiskey, 50 “ N. E. Rum, In store and for sale bv March 4 3 RUSSELL 4 KIMBERLY. New Orleans Siiirur and Molasses. It • HHDS. prime new crop New Orleans Sugar, lx) 15 tibia, do. do. do., For sale hr RKA It COTTON. rj’RAVELLING Trunks,Carpet Bags, Bonnot Cases X and Valices, for sale by March IB _5 J. &E. FAULSBURY Klk UIIOS. new crop Cuba Molasses, in store sntl •M t for sale by SCOI’T, CARHART 4 CO. April I 7 *>lk BBLS. Hydraulic Cement, for sale bv *)U SCOTr.CARII AUV 4-CO. April 1 7 1 Mt. i£EJ%*S9,S I.Z. C.iKTEn Sf Cos. 4"<>iiiiiii<.*ioii llci'Cliiuits, IXo. 13, St. Charles Street, ZVX3W OBXSAIJS. It. KKN'BALL CAHTtCR.) UAMKL PKATT, 5 July *1,18.4 40 fit.4SS(TIV aV FIIE.TOS7 COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SAVANIVAU, OLIO. J. \V. RABUN, ) R L. FULTON. J July 23, 1844. 23tf CJHF.RWOOD Kt PATTF.RSOVj corner of Seeon and Oak S r reeu, would inform the public that they arc prepared to execute House, Sign and Ornamental Painting, OKAIUNG, Imitation of Wood and Marble,Glazing and Pn|KrHlpnfi Picture Frames made and Gilded. OLE CHAINS ltc-boi turned, Painted and Gilded ; Furniture Varnished * and Polished. Bell-ll:ireiltg done in the best naamu-r, materials furnished and win ranted. ; Inelegance and despatch, it m their determination not to be surpHohtd by any esiablisbnirnt in the Houih. Persons in want of any of the above work, will please give as a call, and examine specimens before engaging elsewhere April I, 18 i(>. y 7 BKI.SII LINEN and Damask Linen Table Cover*, Birds-eye, liuckubnck und KiiK-iu. Diaper, just re ceived at TIIE PEOPLE’S STOKE. April lfi 9 P ARASOLS, I’arna 1 Snn-tdiades probably the be.-t aud cheap*"* lot to b? found in the city, at April 10 9 THE PEOPLE’S STORE. Bleached and brown sheeting 4-4,T-i, un i 12-4, direct from the tmtnufuciory, just receiv-l cd on Mulherxv street, at April 16 <* THE PEOPLE’S STORE. Mew Spa’injj 4nools. IT!HE subscriber would respectfully inform hi* ens a lomers, tlmt lie has received Lis slock of Spring and Slaple and Fancy l)rv Hoods, to which i he invites the attention of those w ishing i purchase good (jo ills at fair prices. E. WOODRUFF. April 15 9 WISTAE’S CELEBRATED ftsifsiiin of IS'j/U Cherry, \ FURSII and gennine nni ‘lf. Jnnt ri.caived and fur sale hv SHOT WELL .V GILBERT. April I I, 1310 4w9 Ctficr Vinoffar. RBLS. vrrv supfrior, Ur ?ule hv U Dm 17 44 THOMAS TAYLOR. ‘s'ii rtnto sstid Wire. ODD l!nXKfi l*l"le. —>l “If 4,030 lb*. Iron Wire, nsvaited \ T us. 6to 10. Received and lor sale by E. B..WRKD. Dec 17* 1315 44 X ES. .*;ri DOZ. Collins’ *JU 10 iluz. Ilimd un i Broad Axes, Received and for sale by E. fi. WEED. Dec 17 44^ StIEET sTEE 1.-3,000 lbs. Sheet Slecl for Gin Saws, just received and for sale by Dec 17 44 E. li. WEED, j ( ommtssion .Votive. FWNHF. MibcnlK-r has taken tli** large and commodious 5 store un Cotton A venue, m-xt Wutbhip fe Pope, where , lie s licit-* consignment* from bit. friends and the public gen erally, promising Ins most industrious attend >n to the inter est of those who may favor him with busiiwHs. Promptitude in every thing may be relied upon. a. K. McLaughlin, Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, j ROBERT W. 11UGG, at same store, offers for sale & gen-1 era I assortment of Groceries and Staple I>ry Goods* ! 800 TS, SHOES, he. he. which will be sold *< low as to ‘ make it an induce•m,*nt for all classes of buyers to call and sec.amt (o ee will inducepurebasev. Macon, Oct 15 11. .V J. CO IPIvI S, HAYINd removed to the new’ Fire Proof Ware House, ar# now receiving a general assortment of OKOCEIIISS, which they offer for sole at a small advance, consisting of Rio and Java Coffee, Old Government Java Coffee, St. Croix and New Orleans Sugar, Loaf Sugar, New Orleans Molasses, Fine Cbe&ne, Sperm Candles, Soap. Raisin'*. Kentucky Lagging, Rope and Twine, Kentucky Magging very heavy—a new article, l ine < Maid Brandy, Fine Holland Gin, Scotch anil liisli Whiskey, Thorn Champagne aud Port Wine. The above liquors areol the finest quality. Ma<*n, Nov 3, 1845. Cli tice Wines aud Jiranfty For salc on unusually low terms. A RARE CHANCE! \| AUDOUIN iv|iecifullv informs the cuixeiiß of Macon, that in contemplation of removal.anil cliange of buainera, lie propose,, to Hell out foreneh, Ht rules that must be .otisfactory, his choice slock of \\ mes ami Rrandv, coinjnising CHOICE MADEIRA, very old. OI.I> FORT, a superior article. CLARET, of Ins own importation. CIIA M PAGNE, ot the most approved brands. BRANDY, b*t quality, pure and unadulterated. _ | His liquors lie cun eonfnleutly r.cumineud to connois seurs, and for fumily use, Nov 80,1845. *0 BOYS’ CLOTHING. JUST received a fresh supply of liovs’ Clothing, at Nov 20 40 J. 4 E. SAULSULKV’S. (CANTON Flannel Drawers. J Shaker und Mnfino do. Shaker and Marino Shirts, for sale bv Nov 20 40 J. 4- E. SAULSRURY. Tamil}’ Flour, Oik BBLS. extra suporfine,just received bv *)U THOMAS TAYLOR Dec 17 On ('onsUiinit , iif, LBS. Georgia Baeon. SCO FT, CARHART & CO. Vach4 8 Great ttmrgaime* \RF. to he futiiid in every description of Dry Gostls, nohh as-Muslins, Luwn*, Balxarines,Ginghams, Calicoes* Ate. Also a tine .*ortmcnt of Cicntlotnen * wear, na L***i mr, Linen Drill*, (iumbroons. fine Veatingi. Srarle, Cravat*, 4kc. Also laaliionable Bonnet*; Panama, Florida and Leghorn Hat*; Infant*’ and Youth*'Leg horn*, with n variety of new Spring Goods, for smlf very I low at the new c heap store in “ Jern*alein Row, opp© ite the Hint*- Ihmk. JOHN H. LKK. Macon, April 1,1846. . FaKlilannble Spring Cioort*. I fTrtlE stth-criher is now reeeiviug a large and general 1 slock of Spring and Summer Goods, and invites his customers and the public to call sml examine, ns he I is confident h,s Goods are ns handsome, and prices as reasonable ms at anv other establishment in Ihnrily April IS !! GI’.O. \v • I KILL. Front’ll DrlllliiK nnd Fn*lmrr. JUriT received an assortment of the above—Also handsome Marseilles Vastiof s. Lnc* Muiblln Slinwl*. A LOT oftha above —anew “”l h \7,' , 'pu u'l- ~ large size. GEO. W. PRICE. | April 15_ Taraxolv anti Sun Miatlf*. JUST received s large assortment of the übove-some very rich and handsome. „„ lnr April 15 9 c.EO. \V. TRICE. Old Port Wine. ... A FEW boxen Port Wine, imported by John y Long, E*q. Savannah,* v*ry *uperor Hrticle, lor sale bv REA * COFI ON. April IS 9 IIICOI, TIU KSIIAV, APRIL SO, 1840. iri.v.v *r se who r?\ WARE-HOUSL AKI> COMMISSION MEKCHA TS, / O rp mil B uudersiipned hsvinif fnemed . | and pamiership i„ the shove h.;, s, r TgTw UotJ hl their friends ami tin puMi . flint they will be prepard for ib rc chtir n of Cotton early in the coining scatoii. Our VVare-H uc is conveniently situaudon Poplar und Sccuiul Street*, near John M. Field** Wure-lluuse. Our best exertions will be used in the sale of Cottou for our friends, to oWijiii the highest market prices. All orders from our eustumers will meet with prompt at tention Advance* will be made on C otton in store, at eu. tmuary rates. We hope by our exertions, to give entire satis fftetiun toull who may favor us with their tH*ine*r. JOHN 1) WINN, Maeon, Aug ft, ISIS. JOSEPH N. SEYMOUR. HARDEMAN & HAMILTON, WARS ZiOUSS Comashsiots *ll crchanfs , ItIAFOIX, GEO. Cl ONTINUE bu*iiicf*g at their old Htand on tb river, which inconvenient to I lie Hhippiitg of Cotton ither j hy River or Kfiil iload,un<l iauaerure location from fire, j The interest of our patrons will he closely attended i* in person by Mr. Thomas Hardeman, either in the sell ing of Cotton, fiiling of orders for goods, or in shipping I Cotton to Hamilton, liurdeumu & Cos. Suvunnah, or to tiny other market. Aug. 28, 1845 v2B WARE-HOUSE Commission Business, GIUVES. WOO ) & CO. TIKE this method of informing pKnterflnnd other*, that in addition to their wholesale und retail Dry Gnntlti :itt<l Urocery Ilttxini'sv,. they will continue to transact a mineral WARE-HOUSE Ik COMMISSION BUSIN ESS, at t lit old stand, (long known as Graves* Corner, ) oil the corner of second stri ct and Com merce Bow, and would respectfully renew tuc tender of tln-ir services to their planting mends, and others with tin-assu rance, that those ulin may patronize ns in this line .f busi ness, shall have our be-st endeavors to do them justice and pro mote their interest. Our Ware House is conveniently siuat- and ; abd Colton stored with us,shall be wi ll taken care of, and protected from tin- weather. We will also assist with pleasure, our friends in selling their cotton and without charge ; and wr arc at all times prepared to make advances on the same in Cash or Merchandize. We respectfully solicit & portion of the patronngc of the public. GRAVES, WOOD Ik CO. ].i*\vin Graves, Y Thomas Wood, £ J. M. Kibbke, J Macon, Aug 22, 1344. .17 B. il. .lift VI, Tig Iff], f WAItE-MOBSE ■•’ - \vs co2vim;issiosi sm:ee.cszakt, *TMCOJ%\ rgTHE subscriber will continue the Ware-Honse ami Com* | mission Business at the old stand of Muultrie h Camp bell, near the lower end of Cotton A venue. He will make lib eral advances on Cotton stored with him, and afford ever) fa i iiit) to the plan ter in disposing of it; and will also attend to 1 all * rdt r for Goods -hipping of Cotton, &c. that may be ne ci ssary for the convenir nee of his customers, lit splu-it* the continuance of the patronage of the customers of the old con cern, and the public generally. AgU,lfi4f. S6 B. H. MOULTRIE. .Veit Fire Proof tWirc-house, MACON, Geo. _ K undersigned having erected S'” 7 ~M~ B H Tire I’rsof IVarr House, situ- I A Sated at the bead of Cotton Avenue. L M tenders his services to Ins friend* and tV>,*3 5 ** r -~wv l l , "‘ public gt nt nillt, for the storage J ***MiM*a *vs of COTTON and MERCHANDIZE, I and the transaction of CCZViraiSSIGN BUSINESS : n all its branches, pledging himself t use every exertion to promote the interest of, and render satisfaction to, those who may confide business to his charge. I he storage and snle of Cotton will he under the direction and control of Mr. JOHN JONES, who lias long been known in the ware-house business,ami will give particular atten tion to the sale of Cotton, and the filling of orders for Goods. LIBERAL ADVANCF.S will be made on Cotton in store or to be shipped. Hope ami TniiiCt together with any other article, will be furnished cu-tomers at the lowest market price. Storage and Commission at the lowest market price June 25,1845. J. COWLES. Hamilton , Hardeman A’ Cos. SAVANNAH. GKO. ,■-| Y.\ r 1! 1 continue tli Facto / a i V f rage an* Commission / M Ki>ini ss in this citv, and w ill as *1 beietofore, give their best alien lion to the sale of Cotton, the fill ing of orders, and the receiving and forwarding Merch andise. F.VLRARI) HAMILTON, ) THOMAS HARDEMAN, >Cpartners. CHARLES F. HAMILTON. ) Savannah, July 2,1844. 22 U IM.MII T. WILSO.V, V7AHE-JIOU3E AND Comtnisiion tiSerchan F, IHACON oi;o. £— ■ undersigned huving ren- A 1 I ted the Waie-Ilotine recent V M ly occupied hv J. B. BOSS, (near ‘~v>'-.vJf'~v>'-.vJf ly opposite fir. J. M. I if.i.d’s Ware House,) is prepat •<1 i<* re edive Cotton in Store. His personal attention will he devoted to the bu*ine*B. All order* prompt! v attended to. Advances will he made *n Cotton in He so lids the patronage ol his friend* nnd tlie public. Very Respectfully, W. T. WILSOX. If soon, (in. Jni % 1,1845. “~’o WATCHES, JEWELRY, Ae. Ac. S. B. DAY would inform hit friends nnd tin’ putrlic that he has bought the Stock forinertjr belonging to C. (!. Si. yifi j John, decent*d, consisting of'gole andsiUj (5. J f v* r Watches, Ciohl Ftb and Gourd Chains, | <iold, Silver and Ste* | Spectacles, Gold lirdft-lets,Clasps, Gold SiMtps, trithl and | Silver Thimbles, Liutiev’ Hr*>aeht, (inn's I’rni, Knives, | Scistirs, Itasors, Hiisor Strops, Tooth and Hair Hrush, . Pis- t tola, and many mare things, too numerous t mention He will have new stock constantly coianig, and Mill order goods ‘ at the rt qatstof those who nu> wish any thing ill his lute. uurAXitirro. Watchc. and Clock, Cloned ami Hrpaircd ot the ahortol notice, and dime in the lie,l poiblc re.imrr, ami warranted to keep good lime, and done at the etieayc-t price. King,, Pin., Bracelet, repair, din (hebot poMihle manner. Kngrav itiK alao neatly executed. , I Ppixinn. would do well to call and cee what bo willdo, and there i noduuht but they will be pleased. Mucon, Jan. 28, 1840. 19 FAT KMT I.EATIIKH, 4c. Ac. rrqtlE snlmrrihars, Agenis for I) B. Ckockktt 4 M Cos., Manufacturers, Newark, New Jersey, have just received, ami will keep constantly on Imud, Hcnvv Patent l.ealherfor dashes, collars, 4c. Light l'alenf Leather Calf Skin., for hoots und shoes. Japanned Muslins lor curiums, 5-4 and 6-4. Jupanned Fustians. JspatHM'd Hats ami Caps. Ileavv Floor Oil Cloth.. Oil Silks, 4e . The manufacturers have availed themselves of nil the recent improvemnats in lh reding tip of these gonds, w hieh will be sold by the piece *t u very slighi advance frtim factory prices. FATTEN 4 ‘TAILOR. Msrch 23 _ bugtir> Iron. Stall. Ac. •I 1 HHDS. New < Means, and St. Croix Sugars, £ I 20 tuns Iron, assorted si ‘es, 100 htmdles Uooad Iron, I4 to 7-8, 1(1 boxes Twhaeee. lu baskets *;iienifgne 400 sacks 35011 hu-hels .*> Wr.alel.y Oci ‘*4 * rrxTTON, llnineas nml Nolo Lrnlher. JTS F received a superior article, for sale low. Fell 20 _2 OKU. U . FRICE. rwiHF. hirhesl priees in Cash paid far nil Iticads of T Furs.hv DIBBLE 4 BRA A (’ottou Avcnae.ncarly opposite Wa.hingtu* Hall. Dee 3 4 * I CLOTHING. ONE AIM) ALL, , TAKE ftOTICti nsw Hitil fashionable CLOTHING, for the a fall and winter Irn le, (of th*ir own mnnu'fnc luting) nn-l made iu the hr t n finer, ha just buen received, and can be ev i at the store of w i. -tnfyroA* sr Cos. > *ee md <r eei. next 1 to E. WoodruffV Dry Goods SDur, nil threfi iloors i Hall. ihe -1.,, k,• .•rsi-;is f i ntV nen’s garments ofeverv kind, that w ill make t'n ni -omtorluhle and genteel. All of the fifiid garment* will be offered at the lowest tush prices.—l'lense give us a cull. Nov 5, 1845. 3q AS? PS.ItTA.TE SALE. BBv A. IS. Jlel,;inuhlici, tyn BHI.S.Iow Prirpii Sugar, 1,1 tiercox NewOrlcnn. Molni>,e(, 280 sacks Liverpool ground Salt. R- vv-lirno, At srine store,orters at retail price, St.'lroi, Sueur, Cuba und New Orleans Molasses, I orto Rico Molanse*, Rio Coffee, Bagsing und Twine Pot Ware, Iron and Nail*. An R**oi'Jtiicnt of Rootw anl Sltocs, Spidera, Shove]*, t'ollin*’ Axes, Together with an of Dry Good*, for country uho. Call aud &eo. Macon, Nov 12 33 .Vne Store anti .VVir Good*! e- iu*\ve.vrvv.mTn, AVtitcii Maker and Jnvpller. HAS removed to. the new brick block, east aide of Mulberry street, (immediately opposite his old Mand,) und i* now opening anew and fine stock of goods in hi* line, consisting in purl of fine Gold and Silver Lever, Horizontal, Latent and Vertical Escapement Watches: Gold Guard, Fob and Vest Chains: Breast Bins, Finger Rings, Ear Rings: Gold Chain and Hair Bracelets: Gold, Silver and Steel Spectacles and Eve Protectors: Gold and Silver Pencils, Gold Pen*, Gold and Silver Watch Key f, Gold and Silver Thimbles, Sil ver Combs, Silver and IVarl Bell Slides, Gold Sleeve and Collar Buttons. Gold Studes and Chain Slide*, Gold Lockets, Hearts and Crosses: Curd Case*, Steel, Silver and Gilt Beads; Head Ornaments, Jet Comb*, Ladies’ and Gentlemen’* Purses, Supeiior Pen and ‘Pocket Knives, Scissors, Razor* and K&zoi Strops: Tooh, Lather und Nail Brutdic*, Shaving Cream, Real j German Cologne. Fine Silver Pi tted Castois. Cake Baskets, Candle ; Slicks, Waiters, Cup*. Snuffers aud ‘Trays: Dixon** Fine Ware in setts. Also Coffee and Tea Pols ; Silver : Setts of Knife, Fork and Spoon; Spoon*, Watch Stands, Fan*. Perfumery, Fancy Goods, &c. <&r. Watches of every description repaired in the best manner. All Watches sold or repaired will he war ranted to keep *ood time , or the cash refunded. Watch es sent from any part of the country, will receive the same attention nna be repaired on as reasonable terms as though the owner teere present. All kind* of Gold and Silver work neatly repotted at the shortest notice. Spectacle Glasses adapted to all ages. ALSO FOR SALE—One of Chicherinp's Superior Piano-Fortes, in rose-wood case, full tenghth iron frame , and warranted hs fine an instrument in every re spect, us cun be found in Georgia. C. K. WENTWORTH, Watch Maker and Jeweller, Macon, Nov 5, 1545 East side Mulberry Street. WATCHES, JEWELRY. &.C. .1. A. A- S. S. YIEIGIX, At their old st tttd on Cotton Avenue, opposite Washington Halt, \%7 ( HU) inform their friends ami ▼ v the public, that they have now EHfo jaV on hand a good assortment of Gold and jUraV* ‘“’•Ber Watches of the various makers, JMKz -and of different kinds; also a good as sortment of Gold Chain*, Scul* and Keys, and a variety of other articles, consisting in part of the following : Spoons of pure Silver; Gold mid Sil ver Pencils; Gold Pen*; Gold Foil and Wire tor Den . fists; fashionable Jewelry, Breast Pins, Finger Rings, . Ear King*’ of latest patterns; superior Pen and Pocket Knives; Razor* mid 55fiops; Scissors; Bead Bugs and Purses with ?rp| ornaments: Head Ornaments do.; Steel Pen* of Gilloft’s make; Pistols and Guns; ‘Ther mometer*; Tooth, Nail and Shaving Brushes; Twe ; zers; no assortment of Toys for Children, wnh a vnrie tv or other articles, which will he sold very cheap for cah S. S. V. would take tins opportunity to sny, that lie has a good assortment of watch materials carefully se lected by himself: these, with the superior set of tools hr has to work with, as well ns other advantages, he thinks tie ip prepared to execute W'ork as well as work gets to he done, it w ill be his aim to give entire satisfac tion to ail. Dec 17,1845. 44 Firs: First DR. IVAN’S Vegetable Extract, nn infallible reme dy for Epileptic Fits or Falling Sickness, Convul sions, Ate. Also Ivan’s Vegetable Anti-Bilious Pill*, for removing all morbid and corrupt humors, aud puri ; fvmg the blood. For sale at March \l 4 BRUNO At VIRGINS’. CORN !! f giA/k ni'su F.LS prune Western Corn In f\7;kß, J eaW*y jut eeceivoH anil for nale l,y Marou, March 4,1846. 3 A. J. WHITE. Sprit j; and Summer t to lling. ■’I MIR sobs'-riber* have cnmmenrd receiving their a *tock of Spring and Summer t'lothinfr, which they ure prepared io sell at very low pri es lor rash. Mure. 18 [5 J. cV E. SAULS BURY. Y4H TliV LMH itm.. ('(HATS, Pun I* nnd Vest*, adapted lo summer wear, f ju**t received by J. L. bAl'bSfitKV. March 13 !> OPENING TIIIS DATs BLACK French Cloth*, Fancy French Cassimers, Black nnd Fancy Coulmieretts, Bl iek French l)oe Skin*, Linen Drill*. Jcc. die. Aho n fine assortment of Scsrf*,Cravnis, Cloves, Ate. March Id 5 J. *L E. SAULSBCRY. GAUOEN SEEDS. fIIHR above mentioned GARDEN AKEDS,are warranted I freh— tin growth of IMS. They consist of a Urgevari* ety of Hcmim, Pn, l.ettnre, Turnips, l(ndiheo, Cabbsfva, Ueeti*, Squoahe", Cucumbers, Oiiioiik, Melons, Carrots, Okrs, Purslt y. Re. Also Clover St*d. For sale at the more of J. H. P* W. S. ELI.IS, Cotton Avenue. Mnecn,Dec 10, 1145. j <3 JUST received 10 do/.. Stoughton Bitters, HU boxes Lemon Syrup, 15 44 Raspberry do. u Stiuwberi v do. <Wftch4 3 set) rr.^r arhart & co. J list received anti lor salt 4 , tiU\ BBLS. Canal Flour, lIMF 25 do. 44 Garbdt’sexttn Premiqm'* Floor. April I 7 . SCOTT, CARHART A CO. .Inst rwcciv<’l mill lor sale. non KEGS—l—extra and pule Lead, •3 A F t F SU 500 do. Lamp Oil. April! 7 SCOTT, CARHART ft CO. AXVOTXZBB. ARRIVAL. t 4 E. SALLSBURY continue lo receive daily . aoenssionsto their stock of Spring uud Siuormer Glotking and Fiece Good., and ur MOW OTENIKO Ratio* Cashmere and Marseilles Vests, Linen Drilling, Cashmerelie and Drrui d'Ete Pants, L'ashmerette, Croton, Drop d’F.t* arid Lioea Coats, At JO, Super Black French Cloths, •* Fancy 44 Csssituerf, Black Dntpd’RU, Linen Drillings, 4. 4e. April 8 L. IRON 4 NAILS—2S ton. Iron assorted .isca, B 0 kegs Nuiia, far sale by 1 April 15 9 REA & COTTON. Orates, Wood & C. RES PEC 1 FULLY invite the attention nf Merchants and other*, to their stock of seasonable Dry Goods now in store. Additions will b made weekly, through the Benson, of desirable styles of goods, viz : 1U bales Osoahurgs, 5 w Brown Drillings, 5 “ Tickihga, 15 “ 4-4 Browu Sheeting?, 15 “ ij-4 ‘* Shirtings, 5 * 4 fine unbleached Shirtings, 5 “ Blankets, 5 est set 3-4,4-4, 5-4, 10-4 bleached Home.jpuns, 3 bales Canton Flannels, 3 “ Checks and Plaids, 20 cases Prints, assorted, 2 “ extra rich Prints, 1 “ rich mourning Prints, 2 “ rich Ginglimus, pieces blue, black und olive Broadcloths, 30 “ American and FrenchCasitimeis, 50 “ Vestings, 150 “ Kentucky and Cassimer Jeans, 100 “ heavy Linseys and Kerseys, 100 “ red,yellow, w hite and green Flannels, 15 “ black silk warp Alpuccus, ‘*.’o “ colored Alpaccu*, 20 1 AI pace a .Serges, 5 “ Bombazines, 100 “ Muslin de Laines, 20 “ Cashmere de Laines, 20 “ Mourning de Laines and Berages, 100 *• colored Cambrics, 75 “ Pongee Silk Handkerchiefs, 10 44 Ergli.-h Silk ILlkfn. 300 d*z. bead and flag lldkfo. 75 •* Berkley ami >ladru*a Cravats, 10 pieces black and funcy Silk do. 3 44 green Barrage, 25 doz. genta* and ladies Gloves, assorted, 300 44 Hosiery, assorted, 75 “ Day’s shined Suspenders, 75 * 4 low priced imt. do. 50 boxes Ribbons, AHBorted, 25 44 A riilit-in Is, 12 cases Floreuce, Straw and Funcy Bonnet 5000 Shawls, more or Icfs, 40 pieces Irish Linens, 25 44 Linen Biidn-eye Diaper, 29 “ Russia Diaper, 1 0 44 Cotton do. 5 “ 12-4 enJ 13 4 Linen Sheetings, Linen Table-cloths und Napkins, 5 pieces super Flunnels 4-4, 60 “ Jaconets. 50 4fc checked Cambric*, 50 41 Swiss, Book, Lace, and Mull Ma*lina, 50 44 black hihl white Lace Goods, 3-4 At 4-4, 11)00 “ Lore Edgings 1-2 to 2 1-2 inch, wide, 20 doz. Muslin Collars, 20 “ Nett Cap*. ‘2O pieces Bi*hop Lawn, 20 doz. Lawn Mdkfs. 5 cases Umbrellas, 20 piece* three ply ingrain and Cotton Carpeting. Macon. Nov 12, 1845. ’ 39 .Yew Spring A’ Summer Hoods. JCST received h Inrpr Block of ample ard funcy Dry Goods, amongst w hit'll are New style* printed Oigaudies, timber Berages, Satin stupe Dereges, Omber wove snipe Swiss Robes, Graduated and Victoria Robes, French printed Lawns, printed Swi-s Muslins, Colored Tarletan Muslins, French Ginghams, Black satin stripe Berages and Balzannes, Embroidered Berages,Embroidered Muslins, Luce snipe Muslin*, Plain {Swiss do. Jaconet, Book and Mull Muslims, Bishop Lawns, Victoria Lawns, Plaid Cambric und plaid Swipa Muslin*, Bohinet Laces. Black Nett Laces, Polka Laces, Gimnuuaiid ‘Thread Edgings,*} ’Lisle Edging and Inserting. Blond Uuilling, Linen Cambric Handi erebiefs, fine to superfine, Ladies’ j?ilk Cravats, Ladies tdocy trimmed Kid Gloves, White Egyptian Mitts, superfine article, Black do. do. do. do. Bonnet Tabs, Artificials, Bonnet Ribbons, Cuf Ribbons, Batin and Tass do. Silk. Lawu, Straw mid Leghorn Bonnets, all sizes, which will be sold low March 125 0 RUSSELL &. KLMBLRLV. STOVJEB, fUROmiJIC, utle xiir, Woodoßi :iisc! Hillow-warfy Britannia and Tin-ware, WITH \ SPRINKLING OF YANKEE NOTIONS, IHEI3SI.I: & BIMV, HAVE on hand, and are constantly receiving l.irga additions to their stock of the above articles, w hioh make their assortment tolerably complete, und as well selected as can be found in the State, CoiuistiHtr in pa > t of Cooking, (assorted sizes) Parjour, Air-tight and Box Stoves, with furniture complc. Knives and Forks, table and dessert, with ivory, self tip, cocoa, buck, bone, borne and wood bandies; Carvers and Steels; Hotelier, Shoe nod Kitchen Knives; fine ! Hen and Pocket Knives; Shears, Scissors and Razors j of lfie best quality. Trass Goods,Curtain Pins, Casters, Butte, Rose ban- I die Knobs. Fine ‘Pea Trays* Waiters; Silver, German Silver, Plated, Britannia and lined iron Table and IVh Spoons; Britannia, Brass, Iron and Tin Candlesticks; Britannia, Glass* Tin and Lard Lamps; Copper and Iron Tea Ket tles; Sauce Pans. Fry Pans, Coal Hods, Mortars and Pestles. Patent Scales and Steel-yards, 1 lathi Bellows, ! Brushes, Brass Audiione, Brass Shovel and ‘Pongs, Steel do. (very fine,) Iron do., Grid Irons, Coffee Mills, Sad Irons, Tailor’s Irons, Brass Kettles, Bruts Stair Rods, Brass IMaslen Kettles, and Brass Pails. Files nnd Rasps, flat, square and round. Chisels and Gouges, Plutie Irons, Locks anti Latches; , Butts, Hinges, Bolls, Screws, Brick Trowel*, Bruce and Bittn, and extia Bitts, dinner, tea and cow Bells; Glass Curtain Pius. Mill, Cross-cut, Hand and Wood Saws. Patent and common Hoen; Chains; broad and nar row Axes; lian.l ami shingling Hatchets; Draw Knives, Ring nnd Nest Weighers; sledge, hand and nuil Haiti- ! mere ; Foot Scrapers; Waffle and YVafei Irons- Patent i Screw and Bed Wrenches, Screw Drivers; Mincing Knives, Steel Squares, Sheen Shears, brass and iron Pulleys, brass and iron Coat Pins, Cork Sciews, Paste Jiggers, brass and pewter Cocks. Molasses Gates,Cur ry Combs, Bird Cages, Bed Cords and Plough Lines, Sole Wirc-rloth, Shovels and Spades, Tacks, Spriggs and Spo aides. Fine Percussion and Flint Double and Single Shot Gnus. Fine Percussion and Flint Rifles. Six barrel rifle and smoothbore Pistols, Percussion ('ups. Shot Pouches, Powder Flasks, Pocket Flasks, Leather Cups. Britannia Coffee and Tea Pots; Spittoons, Water Pitchers,Sugar Bowls,Cream Pola,Molubbch Cups and M ngs. Planished Tin, Alblare nnd Hash Dishes, Dish Cov ers, Coffee Biggins, and a large assortment ol Jelly Moulds. Wooden-ware, a large assortment. Willow-ware nnd French Baskets, a great variety. Plain and Japan Tin-w are, a grent variety , and every article in the line made to order, at the. shortest notice, and in the best manner. A large stock of Yankee Notions. The ahovp articles will ho sold nt tha lowest prices, | cither M wholesale nr retail. House-keeper! nrs pur-I ticubirlv invited to give us u call. Macon, Nov 20,1855 oti7o SUGAR A GOITRE- 8 I>lirtf>. N. Orle.n. Sugar, t'.n burn Kio CnfTee, for sale Ijv Aj>ri| 15 9 HE A 5c COTTON. NOTICE IS lierelit giwn, Itmt after lire expirntion of thirty Jays, no application will bo marie by tin* Mrcoii anj Western Rail Komi Company, to tbe Mayor and City Council of tbe (Tit Vol Macon, for a lease for a term ul years, ol about 4 7-10 acre* ol the Soutli Western Com • moil, lying iimiieilmtelp rout It and went of llic Hppei depot lot of the sai I Company. This Ittnl i* requited | an uii extension of, and far Ilia purpose of depot ground for tlio tiae of (lie < ompnny. All persona baring objections to tint leasing of mid Land to (lie Company, are requested to prysent lint an me to tbe Major und Council ou or before the lime ul making suid application. J. G. FORBES, Tr, Mm nit end Western Kail Koud (To. Hated Mncnn. April Bill, I 840. • Tax It (.reiver's Notice, fVOIF. Rooks of llie Receiver of Tax Returns for Bibb I rountv, are now opened at Ilia Tailoring Retain liibtnent of Mr. Mason, u lew doors west of Shotwoll Gilbert's Drug Store. \VM. C. KENNEDV, T. R Macon, April 7,1846. * .Trie Spring Prints. AN assortment of spring flints received tills day’ and fur sale low bv GEO. W. I RICE. Macon, March 4, 1846. 8 VOL 1 IIi: XXIY.-Ko.ll. Washington If all, . MACOW.CUJO. 1 ’.rr-\ Bl AV 'NO ‘ J.rcprlMor of tl.i. .■ T*” k '> HOTEL. r. n. ciiaruct.niKl ihi,„i.i,li.liiuriii ”>'"*< mn> he 11 tol | drMSS * UrP, ‘ rd ‘ ,lh The Floy.? H*nc t IShmh, GM,’ * a A —The undersigned ten- ‘nd ‘'V l" lbK Iplar.ll}, p.rlb. lib. rut .h ir. of patron, ye extend, it to tii, Hou.r ilu- J! ,l b j t ar, ami trusts the assurance ... . 1,141 1,0 pain* w ill be ft flut'd lo render it wor. ‘ ,tCUrAin “ Hu Hou.r, a, formerly, i, <oppli.d a ith rverv loxorv and ‘”r r “•* -Crdtoark. * VSori ; hT.J?,* i > 1 * tte,,l,v e and hn room* ftirnishe.l in the “:::x: Ju,lf Mhtiu a **” * M "” K • M.ivroM*. ti< 3i,i;o F. a J LtOS, “ t-IHormifs sr Coitntellors at JT.git, | ALBANY, BAKER CO., <iA. |T “ E rr<e, '![.v entered mtou partnership in tli. ■ 1. practice of i.ntv, unit i!l I'ontinue the practice in Hie se\ eral C ourt* of the counties of Bilker, Lee, lOtutlolnli, S>:in(pr, /H:i ron. liooly, Orrninr, Irwin. All matter* submitted lo their euro in nnv of tilde. ZrX!'*'” ““, h I’rompt attention, nnd Is brought to n speedy conclusion. Mv 36,1815. lvls M*bx sr A’MSBr, - ATTORNEYS AT LAW, lriacon, Lfo. ■ NTF.NDINO to devote themselves exclusively m I ilieir profession, will rei/tilarly attend tlio Superior j Courts, in Itv i ß e*, Houston, Junes, l’.,bh, Craw to, dI n. I .on, Monroe, Bike and Heart. ’ p i ’ -io IE/* 1 elegraph anil American Whig will copy 3 L.JII* .VOUCH. T ppVtnv rC E°'''' l l - t ” ‘ J °r e 1 l “ , ‘l law Office in M rtllltl, Houston county line I detire nil com. momentum. liv nmil (0 be directed. Mereli 10,11146 4 C. H. STRONG. DR. CHARLES THOMPSON LI lokcn ofii. .• n. xi dour lo I'uvnc’s D rug Store— ■ 1 residence it, V mev die. An, w0,.1 left nt eiilier | place (.lav or uiclit) win la- commune „ted t.v Imts for that purpose, lie Imp,-. t,y aiieiition lo buMiie.4, und an experience ul sev. uteen years to mem a share of patronage. March 11. 1816 [Telegraph ct>pv ] 4 r3l7 r ’* T £i t ’ , ~ * ?jr ~ waoVnaSca a ¥'kl.> G A I McIiONALD erle/nllv nclcnowl ,ll P : 1 - I ' petn.ri*(re extended in them for lire lam lew vei„. hv ll.e citi z , Macon andxicinitv. and would (hem that thev Ita.e rr moved their otiice to ibebricl. ranee noitl, ride „| Mnll.erry street over Ute Jcwelrv Siore of K. WenlwQ/tli. 7 I bey liuve so arriuis. ii ilieir busincs,, * for one of them io make regular visits to the neighboring village, and certain portions of the country. Macon, Doc. 31, 1845. * .jg 1.0 VIiAItI)A PLT N A Sj. iDSBST®ae®a a (orrut o.v> stiifft, thref hoors aeot* THE MARINE AM) TIKE INSURANCE BANK,) Over Strong a Wnod’i bhoc hlore, MACON, GEO. (t?- AI.L OPEBATIOXI WARRANTED .. , . , C. B. I.OMB4RD. . la< mv. Iqp y | C. s. Put ham. X/Ift iV Si ORE. ‘ DU. IVI SARTZiE^V ~ ,A r s AS )IIM received, St his Drug Store fgaKIMS y 3 ' Mulberry Mrei i, a !ni-e Block ol XS|‘M u A |i > Cliemicsln, I’aiula, I)ye hlnfia. Oils, Glass-ware, Window Glass, IVrfuinery, aC:. ii, ill fact, every tliinj usually keiu bv r Tr , ‘/‘"feists. Ilavilie nmde bis puicbases /or < mn, nnd from l.rst linnds, in New York anil Bos | ion, lie IS enabled m execute ordeis at ns low puce, as fine, Jrmh a/ 1. unadulterated article# tun Le oLtained ut any establishment in the southern country I’bvsicians, Alanufin lurere. I’latiters, ai'id Denier* nr. invit-d la ca|l and erauiine bis slock beloie lliev im k. Ilieir pun liases. Mac mi, Si pt 25, 1815. 35 I A 1< S HaMamof Wild Clierry, fur diwiirt nf the Ff Lungs, Cousin, &e. Langley** Great \Vnluii Indian Panacea. Dr. l ayim ‘i RaUam of Liverwort. Swajni’a Panacea, Hoami’s Tonic Mixture, fl.r Fever and Aeiie. lonian TcfetaMf KHxir for Klu iiniatum &c. W hilt le ad s Kmm iitc ol Mut|trd. Jayi.t ;* H.tir Tonic, Molart'a piju & c . J, h,rmx ?>*"*'* n mi dy.for Sail Rheum, C, i a J xtrart and /’ink lioof, Ift-nr, ’* n.a. Built r* EHi rveac.i g II I IJ .' /"; coloi II z red or RT<4> / lilir bJi4t kor E jVu Balm ol C olniitbia lor it Morin* the Heir. Ilsir Krarficatsr I. r rrmvviug auptalluuu. Ita,r. v miniirr de HoUg< . The Miwrical Pn P.x tractor. Murray ‘x Fluid Mnjri him. Sph 1,, it Panic it. n.eiljr, certain and iffl-rtua!. Jihl received and for salt by M. 1:A!U LETT Koo 11 * Iw 1 KF.OB of Whit* Lead fir*t quality. 1 “ /1/ 00 sj ‘IN. r.iiineed Oil, do no 200 rail*. Spirit* Turpi mi iu*, 100 Itoxi a V. indoW til*.**. all ni/.ea Japan V*uiih, Couch VutnUh, Copal Varnish, r*tor 0,1, Sa eel Oil, ‘| ram Oil, I ah.u Oil, Cln tiu” Yellow, Chrome Green, hnt'iaii Blue, And all tut color* utd toy painters, jm*i neeivtd and ft,a -ale low by JM. BARI LETT. N"’ ;i 3 Bogging, Itope* Ttrine. rfltlK an retailing their fall supnlje. of i. (CHOC Kit 11 ~ v hceh thi J ufli rn. their old tn. nils nU tie public gem city, at ui.iiviiul low prices. Wc have now it. •tore, and receiving-- .100 piece* heavy Gunny Paygiii;*, 200 piece* lii avy Kentucky do. 150 coil* Kentucky Ropc, 50 do. Manilla do. 100 lb. Twine, 2,000 vuek* Sail, 1 i,O0 j lit*. Swet dr* Iron, 1,000 lb*. Pane. Ifnop and Pod Iro** 20 hbd*. St Croix and Porto lii Sw^i.r* 1-oaf, Crmht and un.i Pov. den i do. 100 bag* Rio |id Java full’ 50 In.*. | nl.aecw. 100 keg* Nail, 1,0 0 lb* (‘a •(, Gei m At) ltll ] ntiflirt Steel. Al*a PAIN IS AND OILS nfvtrrydiicripUda. M iron, Jan i. IMA. K. BOMIh _ , f-'nlf Mhins. 1 P, u lot Cl lbs beat quality. Also Sboa ,i :': “ ; s l'rab| l , Ac. GEO. W. PRICE. I- eli Vt. 184 b. ij < if 11 1-eoofa CHEAP CLOTHING. rilllK Piibofrih*r iouffhring hi* stock ofDHY GOODS J hikl CUITHIN I ! ie unuKuallv low pricer', und in -s'iico ih® nttrillion of ol'(hid description >f 1 PQ<'i)o. Btom in the brick huihlinc Urn door from \\ usli* ilipton Hull GEORGE W. PRICE. FVb 4, Mtf .V<e Spring A’ Summer Hoods* Aoit’ vjftrinc in great bargains at THE PEOPLE’S STORE. - UICI! Omber and shaded Herapra and Prlzarinci', A largo Hloek of colored, ntriped und sliaded Alua lina. . Ilonnetfl, Rihbona nnd Artificial*, latent stylet, French woiked Collara, Ghemixeues, and Under SJe-iv***, French nnd Scoleli very deairabl* patiern*, Groa do Ta, French Caaaiiner und Fauc> Liiiun Drill ing*. Rexidfi host of other firtioh a uftutUy kept in nfn cy nnd atnple dry pmda tore, ’l oan inspect,. > r* * a large nnd lieautiini stock now in nt*‘re. I w*ni)ct rospact fullv invito the attention of the , übiic. Apiii 16 9 JOHM VV. CLARK. BJ dY4U BARRELS New Orleans Whiskey-, foi lUU anlo h> REA & COTTON. Apiii I'j 9