Georgia messenger. (Ft. Hawkins, Ga.) 1823-1847, May 14, 1846, Image 1

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H l’ K. T K R ‘IS. ....Eimt Ii miMi.h.d vceUj-, on j Tim “” ’ Thr ,. r 11,, |lr', if |>*><l ilii vi nr, and 1o r “•"‘ l ')• ,h nftlii- ym, ‘•, iui eMcedniff twrl.r line.,will b. inwrtetl 1 ,iiir (hr Imux-rtion, and Kiflv Cent. ton -ol‘\l ‘\.V Ir ru*<’ n -nt* not limited when handed in, will Verted till forbid. . hn' ri | lUl | >j-gi*v* ay Executors, A'lm'mstrators < ' ilCt * diiiK are require*! m liw t* h idvertised in a - ‘*.rette,ixty day* lrevinu * lh< * oi “*!*'• . ... t |,,C "l •* off Property must be advertised in like •V'^/ta and Creditor* of an estate muit be pub- J r '|‘ > .‘ ,^!r l( -ation will V made to the Court ofOrdius r ’T-UCtoiill and Megroes, muit be published week “Id"' .TliwMnU, One Dollar pernuare, for tacli > Tkrw tlol’ort. i r rBRS on ku.iim* inu.t lit />•! pain. Tin: nini PEsr mii.msehv | y <;oor>s sx macon. -hvi’S A. II A MOI'R li 4 Juat iTre;rd a now norl if I of the above goods, consisting of Ribbons. , ” ‘-iik* Miiolini. (i jugliumv. Iliinmta of ilie f..'- ; clontripli' l '"*: ‘l"*™ ~f o>l'*. , '] r T. nt ' r 1 ‘ ‘ I’ ,lih nii'l Freurli Straw.,Chinn, I', nrl. (- imp r Hiril-Kve; nlno, 8 dn/to IhWil mi Ip Silk Ron ill mndrbv chip I.f Ihf firm hour** in New York, px ’ “ I, r„ li -r orticr. norlmenl of r.ll mlitr SSd Cdllv up. in lb''l l.nt-nliith illl poPi.ively le iIJ clipppp. ili"” Ifonßhl lolhixmarket, iUoiu MBS, F. DESSAU AND SISTER, H\VE opened at their Millinery utul Dress -making Establishment, on Mmherry etrcei. over J. L. fnnrp & Co’s Store, an invoice of new and fm-hinneh - end Summer MILI IN ARY consisting of all the ;‘iot>aof Ladies Bonnets, Capa, t mbioi.'ri ies, Rib- I- Mantillas, Gloves, Pnra ols a in! Sort-shades, Ac. (if the moot fashionable Trimming* lor l.mlies 1 ’ l l'jnkful fnr pil favors, they solicit a continuance , f the patronafe of the l.aclie*. ■v li.—linnnPH and Dre.aea made lo order; also, ,'ut and lilted, “” “ual. Macon, April 16, 1846. , , S'" 3 l fj —they ate prepared not to he outdone, they ~fkir ih'rir Cooifa, whirh on comparion will be found a.* roc! if no. btner tlmn any brought In tins market, at rrv lo ,v prieeil - Three or four Seamslreaspa wanted. Approo ticti wanted. fatten A Taylor HWF iut r-cc ived and ar now opening* well selected assortment of I>.<Y ‘iOODS, among wU.di are /ancyan l Furmiure Prints, Fhucy and d.*rk (iinffbams. CsaHiii r s, CaMlim; ur d’KcuSie, M iiiielain dr Laincs, Plaid, Striped and Faney Silk, HUclt Gru dr Swiss, Luairnig aad Siiifhew, Rln~k Sitili \ iiroli*. Very rich, A tine nurtmenl ot Shawls, Fancy Handkrr est *d Scirf>, Houii’ i. Cap nnd Keck Ribbons, }M.iiii ralli.H Ribbons, Li lies an I Gents’ iv-t French Knt and H. S. Glorrs, Ladies’ black and white Silk ( and Mitts, puck, while and colored Silk, Cotton and Wool Heie, lllackl white nd fancy Silk Girdle*, Tiirratl bi'lr, Vic'oriu and Hobinet l aces, Jacmet’aml Swiss vt.isliH Edgiugs and lnsrrtm*S Rrvier ll m-siitched and Bor.lertd L C. Handkerchiefs, I act* and French Worked Collars, Chemisettes, Grass Cl th and Corded Skirts, French Skirts, Silk \V..rted and Cotton Fringes, (Iritis’ lllack and Fancy Italian Cravats, Fine Irish Linens and Lawns, Swis, Jaconet, and Mull Muslins, Lace strip'd and crass-barred Muslins, Cambrics, Bishop Lawn, Gimps, Fine ut ne i T Oiaper, Fine Linen Bird-eye Diaper, Fine Linen Tow.-Is, Crn'h, Black Silk sml Tabby Velvets, Gents’ ‘l and Cotton Shirts and Drawers, Pimn and Hsfured R.nnban* sand Albaccas, Superior Black Drap cTfite, Z. phyr Worsted, all colors, Wiiite and colored Flaunt Is, Briwn and bleached Canmn Flannels, Br.wu a ul Ilf ached Sbinings and Sheetings, Ap*on Checks, : ivkinga, Drillings, Plain and fancy Caasimeres, S idncts. Linseys, Kerseys, Plains, Kentucky leans, Du til .in i Hose Blank, ts, &c. fcc. Micn, Dec if, 184 5 -. ! Wa ls I’n and Hollow Ware. \ ke,ZK Cut Nai,M oU<* 15 tons Iron, RaAorlrd 1 to 10 inches, 2 UrtU lla. “*heet lion, JO,OOO Ilia. Hollow Ware, 2.000 lbs. Coat Steel, 1,000 (ißrtnnn nnl Blister Steel, 2,000 Hoop and Rand Iron, 50 do*. Hues, 400 pairs Trace Chains, Received and for sale by E. B. EEH. Deo 17 IL- Sr. Croi*, Porto Rico, Muscovado New Orleans Sugars, A’ooUey it Woolsey’s best steatn refined Loaf and Lrush- Km* Cuba, St Domingo, Java and Mocha C .ffiw, Hyson, young Hymn and Gunpowder Green Itas, J’ union* and Delong, b> st black, N-w Oneuiis and est India Molasses, ftt .nl, Dnjuiy Ik Cos., and Sigueic** Brandy, Hen Holland and Swan Gin, Choice old Port, Madeiru and Champagne Wines, Genuine old lavaua and Hnncipc Cigars, Sprrm Cand es, Starch Soap. Powder and Snot, Best M. R. Raisinsin non sand half boxes, fresh, Mickerel, Cod F*to, Chewing and Smoking 1 obacco, Pcpjv r. Spice,,Clores, Nuim* . vt Ju*i received by PATIEN & 1 AY LOR. Macon, Dec 15, * 4 _ Theatric. 11 Saloon, MACON, GA. fI'HIS cnmimiilinua nnil wll arranj-'il buildingi* sil- I uiilhd in tile mo.t c’-ntrnl |>trt of the < ilv, and h hmn tllomngtllv rapairad ant! (tut in aomplata ttrdar. It is well adapted tn tli .Irical cxliihitiull- 4 , lr concert#, lectures, or auieniifit. exiiibiliona of any deacri|)tmn. If will be rented fur purposes ot the kind, on terms, hv applying to FKItDINAND HORNE. The building i* fobject to a city tux .which ha been pniil by the proprietor, nil performances in it are there fore esempt front any additional tux. Oct 29,1815. ’ kftiing. TT’ST received lot of 6-4 and 12-4 Blearhed and •P Brown Sheeting of a superior quality. Alts®® good assortment of of Ladies end Gentleumn’a Kid Gloves, best quality. GLO. VV I‘itlCE. Feb 11, 5 - Window Shades. MO H K r.r tho.e np1.i1..l tmn.p.renl Window 1/1 * alt.rlei, j u.t received mid for ..1,, s great yarirly •ImjlmT WOOD &. URADLKY. 0 c-itihoT ?4 Olf Blast AiKiirniia, Sliovel and Tongs. A COMPLETE assortment of Brass Andiron*, Shov el ami Tons* Received nnd for pale by Il<-cjl7 44 __ E. • WEED. RECEIVED thin day and for stile, 15 hhda. Porto ’ Rico Sugar, and 20 h ip. Java (.offer*. March 4 3 BCOTT. CARIIART Sl CO. Whiskey and Coflce. BBLS. Whiskey, ®w SO hues C offee, for sole by March 3,1848 3 REA A: TOTTON. USA AS /S MLS. lion, assorted from U to 12 inch. *V<JW Round, Square, Hand & Hoop do. Cast, Harman, English and American Steel, 150 kegs Nail. 150 tuns Km and Java Coffee, 20 Idida. Si.Croia anil New Orloana Sugar, 20 “ Molasses, 30 libls. New Orleans Molasses. 100 bblg. Phelps', Barber’s and Jcnee's Gin, 100 “ Whiskey, WU“ N. E. Rum. In sum and for aale hv March 4 :i RUSSELL & KIMBERLY, Ve\v Ovlemis Sneiir and Molnasro. I fj IIIIDS. prime new crop New Orleans Sugar, 111 15 hide. do. do. do. Molasses, For sale by REA 6t COTTON. TRAVELLING Trunks, Carpel Rags, Bonnet Caaea and Valiera, for aale by March IB 5 J At E. SAULSBURY. HMDS. now crop Cuba Molnaaes, in store and ‘”1 for ante by SCOTT, CARIIART dr CO. A pril I 7 ‘III MILS. Ilvdraalic Cement, for sale hv UU .SCOT!', CARIIART &: CO. April 1 7_ SHIRTS. jpI.AIN and Striped Linen Shins, J nst received by April 8 8 J. Ae E. SAULSBURY. **'Rs, Bcrnges. Mnalini, Ulnßlifims, TAHE nnderiigned have just received and ore now # opening every variety and style of the above coods *'***d In the present scaaon. April 28 |i N. M*K.lN.NOyi At CO. U. KE.VD.ILI. C,mTEit Sf Cos. 4'oniiiiiKion No. 15, M. Cliai'los Slicfl, NEW OKX.BAIVS. 11. KKVOALL C AK'I'KK, 7 11AMKL PUATT, i July at, ir,4 1 40 ~~ ipjirajßimcEu CIHF.HWOOD Kt P ATT F.R SO v, corner of St con and Oak . 1 S*ri-**ts, would inform ike jmblic tbit ihey are prepared to execute House, Sign nnd Ornamental Painting, OK AIMING. Imitation of Wood and Marble, Glazing mid Paper Hanging* Picture Frames niadt- and Gilded. OLD CHAIRS Rf-bottomril, Painted and Gilded; Furuitujc Varnished and Polished. Rp|!-!l*ni£iii£ done in the best manner, materials furnish'-d and warranted. Inelegance and despatch, it is their determination nt to be surpassed hi any esi a bit aliment in the S. Jiuh. Persons in want of any of the above work, will please eive as a *j 11, sad examine specimens before engaging elsea h* re April I, 18-46. >7 IRISH LINEN and Linen Table Covers,, Hutkabtirk and Diaper, juat re ceived at THE i*EOi'Lb\S STOKE. April IC 9 PARASOLS, I’nrnMoli’tte* At Sun-shades, prcbably the best ami cheapest lot to be found in ilie city, at April 16 9 THE PEOPLE’S STORE. Bleached nnd brown sheeting. 4 4, 6-4 nn 1 12-4, direct from the mnr.u'actorv, just rccciv ed *>n V| uJbcrrv Mi'get, at _ April 16 H THE PEOPLE’S STORE. Jew Spring Goods. riAHE suliscriher wotild ir,f"rm bis cn- B turners, that he lias received I i-t stock of Spring nnd Summer Staple nnd Enncv Drv Goods, to which lie invites the attention of those wishing to pmchtiiO good Goods at f.iir prices. E. WOODRUFF. April 15 9 Cilor Vineanr. pj RBLS. verv superior, fer sale bv L> Dec 17 44 THOVIAB TAYLOR. ‘Fin and Wire. Chnfh BOXES Tin Plnte, ** “ 4,000 Ilia Iron Wire, assorted Nos. G to 18. Received and for sale by E. B. WEED. Dec 17, 1845 41 AXES 7 DOZ- Collins’ Axes, tli “10 dug. 11 iind un i Broad Axes, Received and for sule by E. B. WEED. Dec 17 44 SBIETT STn:i.—3,ooo lbs. Sheet Steel for Gin Suws.jusf received and for sale by Dec 17 44 E. B. WEED. Commission .Xotire. THF. subscriber has taken tlie laigc and commodinu* •tore on Cotton Avenue, next Wmshiji Ik Pope, where he licit* consignment* from hit friends and the public gen erally, promising his most industrious attention t the inter est of those w lie inn y favor him with business. Promptitude in every thing may be relied upon. a. r McLaughlin, Auctioneer and Coramiion Merchant. RORFRT W. HUGO, at same store,offers for sale a gen eral assortment of Groceries and Staple Dry Goods, ROOTS, SHOES, Jkc. Ike. wlich will be sold to lowa* f< make it an inducement for all la *es of buyers to call and see.and to see will induce pur*.buses. Mat-on, Oct If 9t H. A ,1. COUNTS, HAVING removed to tl. new Fire Proof \Vp* ‘louse, are now receiving a general assortment ol GPOCERIES, which they offer fur sole Ht a small advance, consisting of Rio and Jmvh Coffee, Old Government Jnvu Coffee, St Croix and New Orleans Sugar, Loaf Sugar, New Orleans Ulolapsrs, Fine Cheese, Sperm Candles, Soap, Raiaina, Kentucky Bagging, Rope and Twine, Kentucky Bugging very heavy—a new article, Fine, t Hard Brandy, Fine Holland Gin, Scotch and liisli Whiskey, Thorn Champagne and Port Wine. The abovt* liquors are of the finest quulity. Macan, Nov 3, 1815. 38 Choice ll 'tins and Strandy For s:ile on low terms. A RARE CHANCE! \L. AUDOUIN respec.ifullv informs the citir,en of Macon, that in contemplation of u removal,and change of business, he proposes to sell out for cash, t rates that must be satisfactory, his choice stock of Wines and Brandy, comprising CHOICE M A DEI KA, very old. OLD P< >RT, a superior article. CLARET, of his own importation. Clf A MP AGNE, of the most approved brands. BRANDY, best quality, pure and unadulterated. His liquors he cun confidently recommend to connois seurs, and for family use# Nov 20, 1815. 40 HOYS’ CLOTH I SO. J UST received a freah supplv of Bovs* Clothing. a. Nov 20 40 J. A F, SAULSBCRV'S. CANTON Flannel Drawers. Shaker and Marino do. Shaker and Marino Shirts, for rale bv Nov 20 40 J. & E. SAUL3BCRV. I-iimily riour, Qf\ BBLS. extra superfine,jus: received bv THOMAS TAYLOR. Dec 17 41 On Consignment, LBS. Georgia Bacon. jWUwU SCOTT, carhart & CO. .March 4 3 Fnkliinntiblr Spring Goods rpHE #ub#criber i# now receiving a lure** nnd general 1 Ptock of Spring and Summer Good#, and invite# hi# cuptomcr* nnd the public to cnll nnd examine, a# lie in confident h.s Good# are as band-omr, nnd pri cs a# reasonable as at any oilier e#tiihli#lment in the city April 15 _d GEO. W. PRICE. Fmirli Drilling: nnd rassimors. JUST received an assortment of the above—Also handsome Marseilles Vesting#. April 15 9 GEO W. PIIICF. E:ico Nlisiwls. A EOT of lhe above—a new and beautiful article— . larp* size. GEO. \V. PRICE. April 15 ? r;n :is(K ant! Nun Miatlos. WIJ3T received a large nano it me lit of the above—some M verv rifli nnd handsome. April |5 GEO. W. PRICK* Old Port Wine, \FEW boxes Port Wine, imported by John W. Long, Esq. .Savannah, a very superior article, for sale hv REA At CO I I ON. <r April 15 9 FOR SALE. A FIRST rate on-horse WAGON, with *"<><l Harnett anil other Hxturis, very Un /*• cash. Apply to Macon, April 22 10 J. KATZ h HROTHf.H. Sale antl MAetru Stable. ll f *IM E undcraipneil respectfully inform airmrfc I their friends and the public, l‘ nt Ksff* w- ]^T^tl | cy linve opened a STABLE m Macon, for the purf one of doing n SALK AM> I IVF.RY BUSINKSB, nnd leepeilfully NolicitH#nnre of public patronage. Tlmir Stable# are connected with the FLOYD HOUSE, and every atten tion will be paid to customer# in order to give general satisfaction. Their Stables are large, new and commodious, with fin* Lots and everv convenience. Persons would do well .ogive u.. call. ■M AWM^. Macon, April9B, 1R46. >Uf rOK SALE. AriUVO certain and Lois in the I city of Macon, one known aa the Ellis House, on Waluui street, anil the other ss the Long Brick House, near tile court house, formerly occupied by Dr. Huger., and later by H. V. I Ippitt. Foi term. anJ particulars, apply Mr Foe ft Nisbci J. S. BMITH. ilaovn, April 29, 1848 iwll WICOK, TIIt/KSDAI , JTBAY I I, 1846. ipi.v.v a sr.wnouit, WAUE-KOtT3E AND commission othkcna\ts, lUncon. Geo. ♦ AM FIJAHft undfrti(fiii*d tii.inp f.H-mrrt . r,i - I partnership in the above h*i*iness, woulu inform ih< ir friends and the puhlir, ILL Jl that they will be |nvpurd for ih* reception of Cotton early in the coming season. Our Ware-Housv is conveniently situated on Poplar and Second Street*, near John M. Field’s Ware-House Oiii* b st exertion* will be used in the alr of Cotton for our friends, to obtain the highest market prices. AH orders from onr customers will meet with prompt at tention Advances will be made on f otton in store, at cus tomary rate*. We hope hy our exertions, to give entire satis ikctioti to all who iua> favor us with their i>usineN. JOHV !> WINK, Macon, Aug 6, 18 If. JOSEPH N. SKYMOUR. HARDEMAN & HAMILTON, WAT\ZI £XOir£>£ Com titss ion *7lerch an /, MACON, GEO. CONTINUE business n! their old Stand on the river, I which iscnnvenient lo the shipping of Cotton either i by River or Rail Rond,an lis a secure location from fire. ( The interest of our patrons will be closely attended to in person by Mr. Thomas Hardemah,either in the sell ing of Cotton, filling of orders for goods, or in shipping Cotton to Hamilton, ilardeimtu & Co- Suvaun&ii, or to any other market. Aug. 88, 1845 v2fl 1 Comm in si on Hi us i u ess, GHAVKK. WISH) * < o. ffIIAKE this method of infi*nnng planters and others, that {! in addition t> their wholes* 1 and retail Dry Goods m;<l Grocery Dwsinrss. they will <* ntit'tn tntrausacta general WARk-HOUSE ft COM ItSslON HUSI ‘• ELSS, at ilie old stand, (long known as Graves* Corner,) on the corner of second street and Com merce Row, and would resnectftill) renew tue tend* r of their services to their planting friends, nnd others, with the asm ranee, that tho who may p.u ronize us in this line of busi ness, *lisl! liavt our be*t * ndi avors t> do th< ni justic* and pro* nititetieiri re* Our M',ire Hotisei* convenit ntly situat ed . a:id Cos on ‘or witli us. shall be well taken care of, and protect'd from .lie weather. We willalso assist with pleasure, our fri d* ii. selling their cotton and without charge ; and w r at -j na*s pnpareu to make ad* an we* on the suin< m Cad’ or ‘ i<-rchandi7.e. We respectful.’ - >licit a portion of the patronage of the public. UKAVfcS, WOOD b CO. EIiWIY fI R \ VF.S, } Thomas ‘-Vood, > J. M. Kibbff., ) Macon, Aug 22, 1844. 87 ms si. .T/o r x Tit si:, ~ XVABE-HOUSE COMIMISSIOn MERCHAKT, JTI.HOJV. THF. *tibcriber w ill continue the Wan-House nnd Com mission Rusiues* at the old stand of Moultrie b Camp oeic near the lower end of Cotton Avenue. He wi II make lib era I advances on Cotton s*.ort and w ith him, and afford * very fa- , ci lity to the planter in disposing of it; and will a l*o attend to ail order* tor Goods hipping of Cotton, Kic. that max be ne cessary for the convene nee of hi* customers. He solicit# the continuance of the patronage ot the cuntoim is of the old con cern, and the public generally. Aig 13,1141. 2' 8. H. MOULTRIE, .Yeip Fire Proof Ware-house, MACON, <le. f BY'I • undersign* and navi ng erected O' 1 ’ ** J a ftre Proof It are House, **tu / A ■ aied at the head of Cotton Avenu., V a tender* In* services tt his friends and tlie public g<nerall*, tor he storage of COT 1 O.N and MERCHANDIZE, and the transaction of COXUnKCISSXGtff BUSINESS in all ita branches, pledging himself to use every exertion to promote the interest of, and render Satisfaction to, those who may confide business to hi* charge. • Ihe storage ands ite of Cotton will lie under the direction and control of Mr. JOHN JONES, who has long been known in the ware-house hiisnie**, and will give particular attrn- j lion to the tale of Cotu n. and the filling of orders for Goods, j V.IKF.KAL ADVANCES will be made on Cotton in store ! or to be shipped. Bagging Hope nnil Twine. together with any other article, will be furnished customers ‘at the lowest market price. Storage and Commission at the lowest market price. June 25, 1845. J. COWLES. ( liumilfon. Hardeman *V Cos. SAVANNAH. CEO. , n \\ 7 1 * 1 <>ftntin,> * the Facto- J A V ? KAOE AND COMMISSION A M Rl'siness in thij city, and will us heretofore give their best alien lion to the sale of Cotton, the fill ing of orders, nnd the receiving and forwarding Merch andise. EVERARD HAMILTON, > THOMAS HARDEMAN, > Copartners. CHARLES F. HAMILTON. ) Savannah, July 2,1814. 22_ u iM.i.ia t. H iLsan, WAES-EOUSE AND Commisiion • IBerrhanf. MACON GKO. ■ — ll H F. undersigned having ren a SI ted the Ware-llouse recent V M lv occupied by J. B. ROSS, (near lv opposite Mr. J. M. Field’s Ware House.) i# prepared to re edive Cotton in Store. Hi# personal attention will he devoted to ihe busmen#. All orders promptly attended to. Advancks will be made on Cotton in store. lleso licia the patroaage of hi# ft ietids and the public. Very Respectfully, W. T. WILSON. Macon, Ga. July 1,1545. 20 WATCHES, JEWELRY, fcc. Acc. m s. n. DAY would inform hi# frieodi and the pu'Uic that he ha# bought the QjvjTNV Stock formerly hrlongu g to C. Ci. St. j John, deceased, consisting of golo and I ver Wateliea; Ciald Fob and Guard Chains, ‘AjygSJ # (void, Silver and S-#-l Spictach s, C'.tild Bracelets.Cllispa, Gold Snaps, (void and Silver Thimbles, Ladies* Broaches, Gent's Him, Knives, Scisor#, Kators, Hasor Strop#, Tooth and lluir Briibhes. Pie tols, and many more things, too nutmTons to mention lie will have new to-k constantly comma, and will order g.*4>U* at the Ft quest of thorn- who may *ih any thing in his line. REFAIKirt Cr. W.tckc. and Clock. Clcapfill .nil Hcpaiicd t the .hortnt notier, .lid dum-iutlic bfi.l powible m.ini.r, anil w.rranted to keep aoml lime, and tlonr .t tlir eltvape t pner. Ilnig., Pin., lir.erlci. rt'p.irrd in the br.t pouiblr mamier. K.iigia,- ing also neatly executed. Prr.on. would il.i ell to oil what he will do, and there i no doubt they will be plraird. Macon, Jan i, IMS. ** PA I'KN r KKATIIKH, Ac. Ac. fINHE subscribers, Agenls fur I) B. Crockeit At I Cos , Manufacturers, Newark, New Jersey, have ju#t received, nnd will keep ronaiantly on band, Hr-nvT Patent Leather for dnebea, collate, Ac. Light* Patent Leather Calf Skin#, for boot# nnd shoes. Japanned Mualin# for curtains, 5-4 and 6-4. Japanned FtiHtinn# Japanned Hat# and Capa. |le:iv\ Floor Oil Clotitß. (til Silk#, &tv. The menufn Hirer# have availed themd-Ive# of nil the recent improvement# in tip* terUing up of she-e tronda, whieli will be sold hv the piece mi n very elicht advance from fact or v price#. PATTEN aV I Al 1 OK. Macon. March 23 ir.iuu ss itiul Nolo Leailirr. fTST received u antterior article, for #:ile low. Feb gQ ± GEO. W. PRICE. C CINCINNATI BACON—IO bbde. cb<ii e Hides,for j REA vV COTTON. April 13 ?_ RAIVINS— Hunch box Raisins, fur sals lip Aprilg: 10 C A F. 1.1.9. PIOTICD. ■ S lirrebv given. that after lb- pjpirnlinn ol Thirty 1 Ray., npnlic.tion will i>. hv the stshsoriher l ,hs Mayor and Courcil ol tWOltv of Alarm, fur “ -ass for n term .ffysars, fur a csrla.n piss*’ “t “ *W* hill lot, adjoining lot. 7 .md 8, m squar. 8b ol April 30, IMG. * CLOTHING. OYE AND ALL, TAKE NOTICE rpftlT n**ir nnd fashionnhle CLOTHING, for the ■ fall and winter trade, (of llvir own inniiufm Hiring) and made in the heat manner, has just been received, ami can be eee i at the store of Si.t.fliS.TO.Y A Cos. nn ..rnnd stre.t. next H'ini to K. Woodruff's Drv Goods Store, nnd three doors from Washington Hall. Tiie .look ofOontlntneo's earmeirts ofeverv kind.that -ill them comforluble and eenieel. All of Hie said camienia will be . ffjred at t!ie lowest oaeli prices.—|’lej(*e give us a call. Nov 6, lk<-5. 38 •V< tr store and .IVir Goods: ‘ | It. \r I \ l (i ,i:i 11. Wntcli HlakiT smd Jeweller* I YAS removed to the new brick block, east side of B I Mulberry street, (immediately opposite his old stand,) and is now opening anew and fine slock of good* iu bis line, consisting in pari ol line Gold and {Silver Lever, llortfconiul, Futem and Vertical Escapement Watches: Gobi Guard, Fob and Vest ('bains: Breast Pins, Finger Rings, Ear Rings: Gold Chain and Hair Bracelets: Guld, Silver nnd Steel Spectacles and Eve Protectors: Gold and >ilver Pencils, Gold Pens, Gold and Silver Watch Keys,Gold and Silver Thimbles. Sil ver Combs, Silver and Pearl Bell Slides, Gold Sleeve and Collar Boltons. Gold Stnde* and Chain Slides, Gold Lockets, Hearts nnd Crosses: Card ('aws, Slivl, Silver and Gill Beads; Head Ornaments, Jet Combs, Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Purses, Supeiior Pen Hnd Pocket Knives,Sciesors, Razors and fnzoi .Strops: Tooh, Lather and Nail Brushes, Shaving Cream. Real German Cologne* Fine Silver Plated Catot* Cake Baskets, Candle Sticks, Waiters, Cups. Snuffers ami Trtvs: Dixon’s Fine Ware in setts. Also Coff-e mid Tea Potaj Silver thefts of Knife Fork and Spoon; Spoons, Watch Stands, run*. Perfumery, Fancy Goods. fcc Sec. Watches of every description repaired in the best manner. All Watches sold or repaired will be war ranted to keep good time, or the cash refunded. Watch es sent from any part of the country, will receive the same attention nnd be repaired on as reasonable terms ax though the owner were present All kinds of Gold and .Silver work neatly repaired at the shortest notice Spectacle Glasses adapted o all apes. ALSO Ft HI SALE—One of Chickering's Superior Piano-Fortes, in rose-wood case, full fenghtn iron frame, nnd warranted as fine nn instrument in every re- j sped, us cun be found in Genre in. C. K. WENTWORTH, Watch Makar and Jeweiler, Macon, Nov 5,1545 Last side Mulberry Street. WATCHES, JSWBLRY, AC. J. A. A S. J*. VIRGII, At their old stand on Cotton Avenue, opposite Washington Half “YM7 OUI.D inform their friends and public, that they have now on hand a good assortment ol Gold and ?,} Silver Watches if the various maker*, and of different kit).!'; also o g “and u*- sortment of Gold Chains, Scuba and Keva, and a variety of other articles, consisting in part of the following : Spoons of pme Silver; Gold and Sil ver Pencils; Gold Pens; Gold Foil ami Wire for Den tists; fashionable Jewelry, Breast Pins, Finger Ring*, Far Ring* of latest patterns; superior Pen and Pocket Knives; Razors ami Sfiop*; Scissors; Bend Bags and Purses with steel ornaments: Head Ornaments do.; Steel Pens of Gillott’s make; Pistols and Gun*; Ther mometers; Tooth, Nail and Shaving Brushes; Twe zers; nn assortment of Toys for Children, with a vririe ty of other articles, which will be cold very cheap for ca?h 8. S. Y. would take this opportunity to snv, that lie bus a good assortment of watch material* crfully se lected by himself: these, with the superior *et of tool* hr his to work with, ns well as other advantages, be thinks be is prepared to execute work ns well ms work gets to be done, it w ill be Jiis aim to give entire satisfac tion to all. Dec 17, 1845. 41 .Yeir Store and .TVir Goods. riIHK su'*S' , rib-rt wouhl r*-pe< tfully inform their trie ml* sand the pubic, that ih*y luve taken tht -store on ihe corner of first and Poplar streets, know n a* Dyson Ik Uicti ordson't comer, where they arc now receiving, and willcon tiuur to receive from New York and Boston,* large and hand some assortment of F:isi-y anil Slaiil*’ Dry Ronfls. together with Shoes, Hats, Bonnets, Heady-mrde Clothing; alo, Crockery nnd <:la* Wart, Nails, Hardware, Hollow Ware, Paints, Oil*, Window Glass, Medicines, be. The aliov • stock has been select and with great rare, and is well adapt’ dto thectv and country lrndt*. Persons wishing to buy coeds at unusually ftnv prices fir enoh, will picas* call and examine our stork before purchasing elsewhere. AMor ders from the country will he thankfully received andfiiih fully executed upon the lowest possible it rins. KENDRICK b CLARK. Macon, April 27, 184*. * *mill fits: FiTs: DR. IVAN’S Vegetable F*xtmct, n infallible reme dy for Epileptic Fits or Falling Siekncas, Convul sion*, &tc. Also Ivan’s Vegetable Anti Bili m* Pills, for removing all morbid ami corrupt humors, nod puri fying the blood. For sale et % March il 4 BRUNO *fc VIRGINS’. roßif :i $ A RUSH ELS prime Western Corn in parks, ■■WWW iut receii ci! and Ibr Hale |>y .Macon, March 4,1846. 3 A.'.f. WHITE. Spring and Summer 1 to'hing. fllilE pub#'*ribcr have commenced receiving tln*ir I stock of Spring and Summer Clothing, which they are prepared to sell at verv low pri-ea for ca#h. March 18 5 ‘ J. & E. SAULSBURY. YOUTHS’ CLOTHING. (lOATS, Pant# nnd Vests, adapted to summer wear, J ju#t received by J. S i E. SAULSBURY. Muivh lo 5 OPENING THIS DAY, BLACK French Clolhii, Fancy French Cassiiners, Black and Fancy Ca#limerettt, Jllack French Doe Bkin#, Linen Drill#. &c. Arc. Also u fine assortment of Scrf#,Cravat#, Glove#, fee. March 18 5 I. At U. SAULSBURY. L’ST received Dll 10 doJL Stoughton Bitter#, 30 boxes Leinou Syrup, 15 “ Kasjibf rrv do. 15 “ Stiawberi v do. March 4 3 SCOTT, CART! \RT At CO. .1 si**.i received mu! for sale, I fill BBI.S. C.nil Fluiir, 1 l M P 25 <lo. “ Garb .it’s satra Prsmium” Flour. April 1 7 silt >TT, CAItHART .V fO. .■awl received nad for sale, .w AXA X KRUS No.2—l—extra and pure Lead, 5 0 gallons l.msffid Oil, 501) do. Lamp Oil. April 1 7 SCOTT, CASH ART & CO. ANOVHBB. ARRIVAL. Jft E. SAULSBURY continue lo r-cci.e daily • accession, to their stuck of Spring and Summer Clothing anti Piece Goods, aid are NOW OPENING Snt'n. C tebtflPie and Marseilles Vests, Linen Drilling, ra.ltineretic and Dran d’Ete Pants, t ashmerette, Croton, llrap d’El. avd Liaca Costs, A I.SO, Super Rlack French Cloth', Fancy - t'is. Hirer., •i Black Drop rl’, Linen Drillings, it. dec. April 8 ** |R()N & N AILS—2S tons Iron assorted sizes, 1 80 kegs Nail., for sale by April 15 REA c COTTON. CLOTHS. , n , lt t SUPERFINE yd cemriiun BlMpk, and Bluo.ulack Cloths and CuViiuiera—jnai rseeivetl hv April 28 II v MaKIWSON fc <O. UMBRELLAS, I’aßasoi.s end BUN-SHADES, agouti assortment just reesived and frrr sale aiiho lowest price*. N. MrKINNUN & CO. April 28 11 Graves, Wood A Cos. RESPECTFUL! V invite the attention of Merchants and others, lo their stock of seasonable Dry Goods Row in store. Additions will be made weekly, through the season, of desirable styles of goods, viz; 10 bales Osnahurgs, 5 “ Drown Drillings, 5 “ Tiekints 15 “ 4-1 Brown Sheetings, 15 4 ‘ 0-1 *• Shirtings, 5 •* fine niilileuolied Shirtings, 5 44 Blanket*. 5 cases 3-4,4-1, 5-4, 10-4 bleached Homespuns, 3 bales Canton Flannels. 3 41 Checks and Plaids, 20 cases Print.*, assorted, ii 44 extra rich Prints, I 44 rich mourning Prints, 2 44 rich Gin Iriiii*, 2.5 pieces blue, black and olive Broadcloths, 30 “ Ainoticon sod French CaHsiinrrs, 50 44 Vestings, 150 41 Kentucky and Casaimer Jeans, 100 44 heavy Lirisey* and Kerseva, 100 44 red, yellow, white and greeu Flannels, 15 44 black silk warp Alpuccus, 20 44 colored Alpaccas, 20 4 Alpaeca Serges, 5 44 Bombazines. 100 44 M uslin de Lnines, 20 44 Cashmere de Lnines, ‘2O 44 Mourning de Lninesund Borages, 100 im colored Cambric*, 75 44 Pongee Silk Hnndkersliicfs, j 10 “ English Silk IldklW. 300 dot. head and flag lidkfs. 7.5 44 Berkley and Mndrasa Cravats, )() pieces black and fancy Bilk do. 3 44 grewn Barrage, 25 d*>*. gents* anil Indie* Gloves, assorted, 300 44 Hosiery, assorted, 75 44 Day Vakined Suspenders, 75 * 4 low priced imt. do. 50 boxes Ribbons, assorted, j 25 44 Artificials, 12 cnsee Florence, Straw and Fancy Bonnet 5000 >linwl, more or Ices, | 40 pieces Irish Linens, 25 44 I.inert Birds-eye Diaper, 20 44 Russia Dinner, 10 44 Cotton do. 5 44 12-4 nnd 13-4 Linen Sheetings, TableH-lotbs and Napkins, 5 pieces super Flannels 4 4, 50 44 Jaconets. 50 44 checked Cambric*, 50 “ Swiss, Book, Lace, and Mull Mnalina, 50 44 black and white Lace Goods, 3*4 Ar. 4-1, 1000 44 Lace Edgings 1-2 to 2 1-2 inch, wide, 20 doz. Muslin Collar*, 20 44 Nett Caps, 20 pieces Bishop l aw n, 20 doz- I .awn 1 Idkfs. 5 cases Umbrellas, 20 pieces three plytngroin and Cotton Carpeting. Macon,Nov 12,1845. 39 A'eic Spring ft Summer 4*ooils. JUST received o k of ample ar.d fancy Dry (loode, amongst which are l\ew sty ley printed OrgaudTs, Omber Beiugns, Satin stripe Bareges, Oinber wove stripe Swi** Robes, Graduated and Victoria Robes, French primed Lawns, printed Swiss Muslins, Colored Tnrlctan Muslins, French ('inghuius, Black satin stripe Berates and Balrnrinee, Embroidered Lerages, Embroidered Mu*liuh, Luce snipe Muslins, Plain Swias do. Jaconet, Book and Mull Muslins, Bishop Lawns, Victoria Lav\ns, riaid Cambric and plaid Swiss Muslins, Bo‘ inet Laces. Black Nett Laces, Ptdkn Lnoes, Cimnun and ‘1 bread Edging*,l Lisle Lilgiu?; and inserting. Bhmd Uu llmg, Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, fine to tiiperfino, Ladies’ Silk Cravats, Ladies fancy trimmed Kid Gloves, White Egyptian Mitts, superfine article, Black do. do. do. do. Bonnet Tubs, .Artificials, Bonm't Ribbons, c.f fLbbons, >atiu and I afi do. Silk, Lawn Straw and L'ghorn Bonuets, nil sizes, which will be sold low March 25 6 RI SSELL & KI.MBFRLY. sToi'&s. n.sßnn\i£ZE> uti nn?r 9 Wooilen mid Willow-ware, Britannia and Tin-ware, WITH A SPRINKLING OF YANKEE NOTIONS, D3BSE£Ltt & KIJU, HAVE on Land, and are constantly receiving large additions to their stock <d the above articles, w hicli make their ussornrH’iit tolerably complete, and a* well selected an can be found in the State, Consisting in ]>a<t of Cooking, (assorted bizes) I’uqout, Air-tight end Box Sioves, with furniture cowple. Knives and Forks, table and dessert, with ivorv, self tip, cocoa, buek, bone, home and wood handles; Carvers and Steels; Butcher, fijlure and Kitchen Knives; fine Pen and Pocket Knives; shears, Scissors and Razors ot the best qmilitv. Brass Goods,Curtain Pius, Custers, Butts. Rose han dle Knobs. Fine Tea Travs, Waiters; Silver, German Silver, Plated, Britannia mid lined iron Table aid ‘Pea Spoons; BriiuuniM,•Brass, Lon and Tin Candlesticks; Britannia, Gltiss. Tin ami Lard Lamps; Copper and Iron Ten Krt tle*; Sauce Pans. Fry Puns, Coal Hods. Morb.r* and Pestles. Patent Scales and t el-yard, Hand Bellows, Brushes, Brass Atidi'ons, Brass Shovel and Tongs, Moel do. (verv fine,,) Iron do , Grid Irons, Coffee Mills, Sad Irons, Tailor's Irons, Brass Kettles, I rues Stair Rods, Biuaa Maiden Kettles, and Bras* Bail*. F ilew end I'asps, fl if, square and round. Chisels Mid Gouges, I' Irons, Lock * and Latches; Butts, Hinge*. Bolts, Screw s. Brick Trow < Is, Br ice and Rifts, and extra Bills; dinner, ten and cow Bells; G 1 ss Curtain Pins. Mill, Cro-s-cut, Hand and Wood Saws, Patent and common Hoes; Chains; brood ami nar row Axes; hun t and shinetins Hatchets; fraw KniiPH, King and Nest \V*-ishers; -ledge. hand nod llail Ham mers; Foot Scrapers. W able mid VValei Irons; Patent Screw and Bed Wrenches, Screw Drivers; Mir.c.inj Knives, Steel Squares. Sheep Shears, I rani* and iron Pulleys, brass ami iron Cunt Pins. Cork Screw s, Pata Jiggers, liras-* and pewter Cocks. Molasses G.ites. Gur ry Combs, Bird Cages. Bed Cords ami Plough Lines, Sufe Wim-cloth, Shovels and Spades, Tacka, Spriggs and Sparable*. Fine Percussion and Flint Double and Single Shot Guns. Fine Percussion and Flint Rifles. Six barrel riff** and smooth bore Pistols; Percussion ('rips. Shot Pouches, Powder Flasks, Pocket Flasks, Leather Cups. Britannia CofT-e and Tea Pots; Spittoons, Water Pitchers, Sugar Bowls,Cream Pots, Molasses Cups and Mnes. Planished Tin, Albfnxe cm! Hash Dishes, Dish Cov ers, Coffee Biggins, and a laigs ussmtinent ot Jelly Moulds. large assortment. Willow-war© and French Baskets, n great Variety. Plain and Japan Tin-war*, a great variety ; and every article in the line tnndo to order, at the shortest notice, and in the best manner. A Urge stock of Yankee Notions. ‘l’lte above articles will be sold nt the lowest prires, either at wholesale or retail. House-keepers are par ticularly invite*! to give us a call. Macon, Nov ‘2O, 1855 f*m7o SUGAR Ar COFFEE— 8 bhil*. N. Orleans Sugar, 00 bse* Rio CoflVe, for ftb* bv A|r.| 15 9 It LA At COTTON. NOTXCB IS herrh% gLen, that after the expiration of tlairf y day*, no application will bo made by the Macon and Western Kail Road Company, lo the Mayor and Cit) Council of the City of Mucon, for h lease lor u term of yrarri, of about 4 7*lo acres ol the South VVeater# Com mini, Ivin? iinmediatelp aonth and west of the uppet 1 depot lot of the paid Company. Thi* lanAi* required j an an extension 01, and for llie purpose of Apot ground for the iihc of the Company. S. # j All person* having objection* to tho l&aing of said Land to tin* Company, re the aame to the Mayor and Council on or before the lime of making aaid application. J. <. tORUES, I’r, Macon and Wetter# Rail Hoad Cos. Dated Macon. April 9th, 1846. Tax tieeeiver 1 * JVoUre* npur: Book* of lb Rerrivrr of Tin Kotiiriis for Bil.b I ronnty, nr* now opened nt llie Tailoring E-tub li.limrnt of Mr. Mnnon, n few door* wt-l of Hiotwell & Ullbert’e Uru, S.orr. q KENNED V, T. R. Macon, April 7,1816. B r|i|||’ liirliont price* in C*h pool for nil kind* ol 1 For*,by lIIHHI.K A. BIDW Codon Aronyr,neirly ojipotii. W.aluogion 11*11. Dec 4 VOUJItIK XXIV.—A’o. 13. Washington I¥n!l, ’MCOSI, OKO. P-IAVINO Ixvome wl. Prn m .,„„ of V’ kn "*: n HO [ •’ r-i air.iUnil i- MPM zzxsz K V-3ln”; r H Gi.U'itM “ iih r—- TON* li’.’l l , lu,l Vi"’ “l" 11 < lT.nk lb IVAMIIV.;- ir.iVla". “ , " m ,h "” “ h ” lu '” *" in S- b.lm h*’ 1,0 • anur *}'': w ''h any 0i1,,t Hmi. Maeon. Prb Vi WILLIA : A MOTl^ 1 lie Floyd Clous:', ,Haron, Hco, .1 y. ll.—Tli. un<leri<rned ten u, r * 111, a, kiinn ‘< tfmtn.i 10 hi, fri,i fl.-.nit tilt- iiiv, I ; iii . |i II blit (rn.r.lly, fi r lb, liUra) ■ 1.. -laii ol|..,iit,i, K .- .XI. ml. ill,, In. Hum,-U... JU hi. r '">? ‘no 111,, your, .firt Iru.t, Iho .b? .■ ,h " t "“,l'*>n-illl>e.p.ied io, !hrtr runom ,UU " T “ ,l1 ,ecult hll “* t.utiuu*ncc of Ilia Ilona.-, a, fonnnrly, it .upplirtl wiih every luxury and del ery which ,|„ U rd ma, he., afford ; U.yer i i y attentive, an.l hi, room, fumithi-d in',he f U , ‘u . a';, wl.e,ta a v.ll r. vm hi. Ii retitls mid t lit- pnlilic jj, m raily. Ayril 7tf . •. VXWCOHp. inciiAßu i. *j. i.von; .11 Sum res X Counsel t*rs at I.atc, AI.BANV, BAKER CO., GA. ITAVE recetilly cntoreil into a partnernliip in tint ■ 1. pr.ctie. nl Liny, and will (-.untinue the practice ia the several Courts ol the counties of lluker, Lee, IBiiidulph, Stusiler, con, Bonly, Dcciktaii*, Irivin. All matters submitted to their cure in any.of these counttes, will meet with prompt attention, and ba brought to a speedy conclusion. May 26,11M5. jjs JL*iu* jiroiMCE. J"!’! o '"’' 1 ,0 - ‘"•‘ 1 * * w Offer- i„ 1 EKKY. ipunly where 1 desire all coot mnnicatinna iiv mail to be directed. March 10, 1116 1 C. 11. STRONG. co o k & f i nspiu y. attornevs at law, Pond Town, Smupior Bouufy, Geo. \\ U.L prarticeiii the enmities of Su liner, Slaw ail. v v ivlricon. Marion and Houston. il 0 ::*- 11*™* 11. Lcwriin, J r . May 0, 1811). j.) ( clunibiis Enquirer puMish three months. BiL CHARLES THOMPSON fl vs !*; kon office next door to Payne’s Drug Store— ■-1. residence in Vmrvillc. Any word left at either place (day or night) will be comn uni* alec! bv lovs for tliut putpnse. lie hopes by stiejitjuu to bisin**ss, and an experience of seventeen year# to merit ►hure vC patronage. Wwi H U,1816 (Ti l e raph copy.] 4 TSW m T K*v y ‘ W.Wwwe,a ‘TVR'. (. & .1 McOONAI.I). arutmullv nchnnu'l i-e Uie Itlieial pnliihiupe. ex'.lll’ I in iiirui fi r the lasi tew rears by ||„- .-.tir.- us nl Ma. mi am! ii. initv, aul would inf.M r„ rh> I. 111,.1 i.'e 1 bait-removed I heir idlu-e to the brick ranee north rale ol Mol',cry sired over the Jewelry .Store of ( K. Xt’emworth. / 1m y have so Hi'iangml ihi-ir huaioi-ss, ns i,-r nne of the-,, io make recniar visits i„ il,. neuhborii.- ulloxes and Mertniti portions ofihe toumrv. Maron, Dee 31,1845. ‘ 4fi LOil li ARDTpDTNAS, (orr/tE o.v seco.'id tiikke roan, abote THF. MARINE A.tli FINE I>'sL'f!AMCE RANK,) €)vw Strong Sc Ii ood’*i Sftcc More, MACON, GEO. C?'” A!. L OJ-F.RATI rt ,\ 8 tVAItRAN'TEP.^O C. IA. I ovii-nri, Macnir, Jan-y. 1,J£46. C. s. i-utmam. s e via:. DJI. IVI EA2t.TI.E-XT E f** j" s rt-ccived. nt his Drug Pforo B ■ <*n Vltilbi-rrv <rrc t, n large stock of Drugs, Chcinit jls, I'uintP, live .-'tuftp,OiN, hv-f Glusp-w \v uidow Glass, Petfuiucrv, A vVc.; in fact, every thing usually kept by Druggi>ts. UnviMg made, his purchases /or f auh, end limn fir*t baud-, in N-vv Ymk on*! Bof ttn, be *’ eiuibbd t* * execute ordeir at as low prices na f/ir, frrtih nnd unadufU roted articles can be obtained at any* rstnldi-hment in the southern couutrv Physieianw. Manuf:.* finer. , Blunio, and Dealers are nvit*d to c al! and examine lu* stock before they make th'-ir purchases. | *Maeon, S< pi 25, 1815. 32 nTTSTAR’S Hhl-biii <tf \\ iid CJii-rry, fbr diceaiat ct tb Lungs, 1 ougl.a, &c. I.unglt y * circat VV sit rn Indian Panacea. Dr ray Ini* * M.i'smn of I.ivunoi't. Swiiiin'c Panac*H. How and'* Tonic Mixture, for Fever and Afiie. Ibtiliau Vt-getatilt- Elixir lor Hlw uu.uti-a,, ike. V J*t< h’ ad's East ct Me: Uir*t. Jayne’* H ir Tonic. MoHatt’s I*ilU, Sre. rinrn*\ Hint is. Sand’s rtimd} t- r Sail Hhcuin, Carp* liter’s Extract *.t 1 jut, lo* •. Henry’g Calcined M ?.: *u* Ru'-uV F.fTrrvrsc i g Marne* ” * I n ),|’ K I’- I I ■ hail black or bt.-a Halm *? Colu lulu a lor r* ati.riir \ ‘ > I’ sir. Hair Kradieuta* f'r rimov inr *.] . . fmvu*Huir, Vioaofrt *!• Hoiit*t ‘1 tie ‘fnricsl Pam Lxtiaeior. Murray** Floi Ma, •. ih. sj>h"ii*4 Head-rti tie lit m- t h . certain and * HV-en;#], •List u-eeivtcl and fur salt by M. IlAK'l LETT Kuo 12 “ | K KOS of U t it** L? sf first quality, 1 V* 4 00* I.inset Oil. ~o Cu -00 (pttU. s i-irus I urpi iiiiite, too onxi X \\ indiit* i.lmk, all ki/.i s, Ja >:t.i Vanuwli, Cnaih Varui l, Ccpal Vaniish tl r Oil, SavilOil. I r L .) a11.,. Oil, ’ t. - Yvlluw, C 1 n.t (. c. n, I'rur-ian h na ( Anri all vulvri u,ill ii) uaii.ur9.jv-t r, . v., J,pd fc ale low hy M lIA U 1 1.1. IT O 3, Hugging. Rope. Twine, r’ilHK sMoicnb* rs art now rrct ngtkit f..1; suntilh s cf P iIKOCKHI ES, hick tin y off r• their old hit) ate and Th public ge*Mrrall),ut lii u uuj low put* \\ i have new m •tore, a *t*i r*ct iving- JOO piece* Ueary Gunny Biii r g*n.g, goo pieces heavy limtucky lie. 150 coila Kentiick) l(*>pe f 50 Ho. Manilla do. 100 Ih*. Twine, 1,000 liicki Sail, 1 *,oo i iba. Sweede* Iron, 1,000 lb* Hand, Hoop and Rod Iron, 20 Ii lidh. Croix amt Porto Rico Sug^ra, I.oaf. Crashed and powdered do. ICO lng Hio and Java Cofti e, 50 ho\rg I obacco. 100 1-egn Kail, 1,0 o llju t'sst, Gtrm -n and Blister Steel. * A li*<j PAIN ISAM) OILS of ever) description. _Mroa, J.m 1, ISO. *’ BON f 9 ’ Coir Mi turn. JUST received n lot of the best quality. Alsu Shoo Thread. Sparables, &c. G LU. \V. BIUCE. Feb 36 1846. 2 cifc.ip n tz v c o o as, AND niHAP (fitOTIIIM. fWIIIE auliHrriher i-* offering hi# ntock of DRY GOODS I nml HI.OTHING.nt unusually low |>iices,nndin viica dm attention of purcliiM’iJ ol lliia deaeription of good# Stops in tbc b'ick building fir*t door from \\ uU inct.m Ifall GCORGL W. PIUCE. IV!) 4, 1846. 51 ts .Vtic Spring ft Summer 4,'ootts, J\ou’ offprint? in great b ir fains at THF. PEOPLE'S STOUR. TllCll Ombor and shaded Berages nbd Balrarincs, • V \ Urgo stock of colored, stuped nnd shaded Mua tins. Bonnots, Btbhons nr.d Artifirinle, latest styles, French worked Collars, Chemisettes, and I’nder Slea vein, French and Soot l Ginghams, very desirable patterns, (Jro# do Ta,French Cussimer and Fancy Liiicb Drill lngf. , . , ~ , . Besides n hostofoiner articles usually kept in a fan cv and maple by goods store. To an inspection of the Urg** nnd Imiutiful slock now in sin . I would respect In 11 v invite the sCSMtion ol the public. Apn 16 ‘j _ _ JDILN W. CLARK. u BARRELS New Ortfafttf Whiske3*,lbl iUU *.l by REA dt COTTON. Apiw li 9