Georgia messenger. (Ft. Hawkins, Ga.) 1823-1847, June 25, 1846, Image 1

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11 V S. ItOSE. TKR M S . The vfRSSKMORH is published weekly, on Thurslly m rnmg, at Three D.'llnw, if ptoA wl9*i ih# >ear, anil for AU*n, it* not paid till the expiration of the >eir. 4 Iv-ttitc H-’ ttr not exceeding twelve line*,will he inserted Oi: > iliar the tlrxt insertion, and PiDy Owl* for each con mice. V l vrt i*-<neat* not limited when handed in, will k, inserted till forbid. flirt f bail mJ by Rxeentora, Administrator* \ laArdians, are required hi law t## he advertised in a 0 n vlae gazette. *isty day* previous tr. the day of le. Y r:r sales in’ Tiiinal Property roast be advertised in like 1 miner forty day*. . . i tiV tice to Jbiors and Creditor* of an estate mutt he pub-] hshed forty day*. qtiiue th it application will he made to the Court ofOrdina* I ryfir 1 -ire to sell Land and Negroes, must be published week ] | for four months. „ „ . . vs . ithlv Advertisements, One Dollar per square, for each as Candidates, Three Dollar*. g7* LR T f ERS on business must be post paid. ~ MRS. F. DESSAU AND SISTER. HAVE npriiril at their Milliner* ami l)r*M-nmkin£ Katahlishnient, on Mulberry street, over J. L. June* ii Cn’a Storr, an Invnicr of “new and faehioonhle Siirim nnd Summer MILI IN ARY. rnnrirtin, us all the varieties of l.adiea Bnnneta, Capa, Kinlirwi'rricr, Rib- j bone, Mantillas, Gloves, Para-ols and Sun-shades, iic. I and of ilia most fashionable Trimming. tor Ladies | Oresaes. Thankful for past favors, ihey solicit a continuance ; of the patrotiafe of the Ladies. N B. Bonnets and Orreats made to orJer; also, waists rut slid filled as usual. Macon, April 16, IWfi a '"* p —A* they arc prepared no! to re outdone, thev offer their Goods, whieh on eoaspariaon will lie found a. pood if not belter than any brought to tins market, at verv lo* prieos. (CT Three or four Senmst-esses wnnted. Aoprea tices wanted. Patten A Ta ,lor n\VK lost a* iced and ar now o—ui"C well (elected ...orimcnt of DiY wmrhara jr.ucy a id Furniture Print., Fancy and dark Gingham.. Caih.nerei, Ca.Uioere d’Ecoiif, M ui retain tie Lai nr.. Plaid, Striped a id Fancy Silk, Hlack Gro dc S*i>, and Sinchetv, Black Satin iprous v r> rich, A flue aMOrtiacnt us Shawu, Fancy Hautlker est ad Sctrf., Bonnet. Cap and Neck Ribbon., Piattt rafllia Ritibons, „ L-idies an l Onus’nest French hid and H. 8 Gloves, La lies* hi ick a and white Silk i.lovrs mid Mitts, B>ack, wiite and colored Silk, and Wool Hose, Black', white and fancy Silk Gird Ira. Thread, Lisle, Victoria and Huhinrt Laces, Jacmetand Sw.m xfusiia Edgiegs niid Iwseruags, fteviur, H •m-autched and Bordered L C. Handkerchiefs, Ltce and French Worked Collars, Cheiwis. ftes. Grass Cloth and Corded Skirts, Frrnrb Skirts, Bilk Worsted and v'otMu Fringes, Oeuts’ Blacu. and Fancy Italian Cravats, Fine Irish Linens and Lawns, Swiss, Jaconet, and Mull Muslins, Lace striped and crass-barred Muslins, Cambrics, Bishop Laww, Gimps, Fine Linen Table Diaper. Fine Linen Bird-e>e Diaper, Fine Linen Towels, Crash, Black Silk au.l Twbby Velvets, Oents’ Merino and Cotton Shirts and Drawers, Plain and figured Bomba ins and Albaeeas, Superior Black Dran d'Kte, 2 ph vr Worsted, all colors. White and colored Flannels, Brown and bleached Canton Flannels, Hr twn and bl-ached Skirtings ami Sheetings, Apron Checks, • irking*. Drilling*, Plain and fancy Cassimeres. Satinets. Linseys, Kerseys, Plain*, Kentucky leans, Duffll and Hose Blank* ts, SiC. he. Maenn, Dee K. i*4~. J N(-.tils, lion and Hollow Ware. frill 1 ke- Cut Nuilj, DDi F IA toil” Iron, nssorlcd 1 to 10 inchei, 2.000 lb*, and licet Iron, 10,000 Hi.. Hollow \Var, > 2.000 Ib-t. Cant Steel. 1.000 German nnd Blitter Sltel* 2,000 Hoop and Band Iron, 50 doc. Ibar, 400 pair* Trace Chains, |, Received and for eala bv E. B. HEEIY i i>eo i7 4< ; o&ocsaxEs. C!l T. rrmt Porto Hieo, Muscovado t* New Orleans Surer*, A’ i AicjH Wool*e)‘s est steam reftoed Lat and Cru h- St noiaiitjo. Java anri Mocha CfT r, 1 Hyson, young Hyson and Gain powder Green 1 a*, Pouehong and <>Clong. best black, W-w Orleans and est India Molasses, Gtant. Du,uy h Cos., and Signet* s Brandy, Best Holland ad Swan Oih. Choice old Port, Madeira and < h tmpagne Wines, Geuuin old iavana and Cigars S „-r;u Candles, Starch, Soap. Powderaisd Slmt, Best M K. Kaisitwiu b*xeaand halt twae*. fn*l, M ickerel. Cod Fsk, Chewing and Smoking I obacco, Macon, live I*, l< 1L Theatrie it S itoon, MACON, GA. FIVIIS (tominndiouv nnd weil arratiFed buildine in Mt- J, uatad iu lilt* moat centra! part of the ■it *, hi and lina bom thfrourhly retired tin*] put in c*mpieln order. It l. wti! .dauted to t!i..trical exhibition., lor concert., lecturoa, ora iontifi* exhibitions of .my defleription. tt will be rente ! for puritose. of the kind, on reaminabia rarmahvappUiorio K Kit 1)1 NAN It 111 lIt.NE. , The huildiiiT i •objoct to a city us.which has been paid hy the proprietor, all perlormances in it arc there- | fore axciopt front any addittouai tax, Oct 29, 1345. ~ sit K r.T I NO. JUST wived a lot of6-1 and 12-4 Bleached and Brown Sheeting of a .uperi.uqualitv ; Al.oarood of of Ladiea and Geiuieo.e.i a Kid Uovea, boat ouajitv. OEO. W. mICE. 1 el. 11, lliarii<‘H < . n*l *•<* LniihtT. JTH r raceited a ai.porior arl.ete. lor vale Itiw. Feb 20 2 GLO- W. I RICE. New Oile.vns Snxitr and Uol;im. 1 1} tIHO-*. print* new crop New Orleun. Suyar, IDlibblx. do. do. do. For eala hy REA * CO NON. fI'RWF.I.I.ING Tiunke,Carpet Ba;e, Bonnet Caaea J and Valicee, (oi tale ny March 13 5 J fe E. BAULBBURY. -11 HllltS. now crop Cuba Molaa.ea, in etore and Oil foranlabv SCO TT, CAB II AR 1 At- fO- April I O! 1 BBL3. Hvdraolic Cement, forea> hv >iP SCOTI'. OARH Alir S CO. | April 1 7 i iiBXETS. pI.AIN an<l Striped l.iuen Bhrn, j, ,y E. SAUL*BURY. ] fillkx, RrrnitM. Slii*llis. Cilnghnm*. TllEunderi|tned hoe Joel received nod ara now opening every variety and atyla of the above coed* euiied to ilia prevent eceaou. April 2S II N- McKUfNItN i CO_ | CINCINNATI BACON—IO hhda. ehoi. n Sidee, for j eah, by RA a COTTON. April II CARRTACES. 2 LEATHER Top Itu.giee, 4 Trotting Bog*iea, 1 Dunham t'ariinae, and * Jeraov Wagon., for aale law. bv FREEMAN * ROBERTS. Ale# Harnett,Saddle., Carriage and Saddlery Hard wart, Carriage Trimmings, Leather, Okc. Nov 20 40 ANOTHER ARRIVAL. JA E. HAUI.SBURY coulimie In receive daily a acceean.n. to tlieir atnek of Spring and Sumuicr Clothing nntl I’i*‘ce Goode, aid are NOW OFF.MNO Katin, Cashmere and Marxelllea V..te, Linen Drilling. Caehmeteti# and Hrap d'Ftel’nnta, t aehuierette, I'rot n, lirnp d'Ete and Linen Coate, | a Leo. Super Black French Clothe, “ Fancy “ Cnaaimera, ” Black Hrap d'F.ta, l.inan Drilling*, At- **■ April > 8 I CLOTHf. SUPERFINE and common Blaeh, and Blua-bloch ! Clothe and *atahnera—iuat received hy April si ii N. McKinnon a co. f TMURF.LLAB, P4RASOI.S and HI'N-SHUH.-, ” J a good aaaorimant juat received and for aele at the lnw,,i pricaa. P- M iKINNON a Cf). April 28 O THE higheat priaea In Cah paid for nil kietde ot. K ore, hy CM BULK a RUAI Carttea Avenue, nearly on poena Wnahincmn Hall. ‘ Doc I (jUrffiiygHiiy jWJE&gwy|nfr 11. KE.VH.ff./, C.tRTVII if Cos. <'ommi*ion .Merchants, No. 1.5, SI. ClinrlFS Nlr*e’t, NEW ORLEANS. M. KK.NOALL CAHTKR, > UANIKLPRATT, 5 July tl, 1R44 40 SHF.RWOOD ft IMTTI HHON . coriiErofSucon and Oak S'rm*, Wtfubl iufuria Ui* public that ibt > ar*- |*r* jiurMl I to **x**cutr House, Sign anil Ornamental Painting, UIIAININU. Imitation of Wood anti Marble, Glaring ami V*p€t Haoganf Pictuir Frames made and Gilded. OLD CHAIRS Hc-boitomrd, Panned and Gilded ; I uruiture V*iuuk* 1 ami Polished. uonr in the brat manner, materials furnished and warranted. Inelegance and despatch, it is tbeii-deti-nmnatioia lint to be surpassed by any establishment in the South. Persons iu i want of any of ihr above work, will please give sis ali 9 and j examine *>>ec-imens before engaging Use*here April 1, 1846. j 7 IRISH LINEN and Damask Linen Table Covers, Hirda-eye, Huckabm k and ftus-ia Diaper, juat re ceived ut Tllli I’COI'Lt’S STORK. April 16 9 PVRASOI.S, Parataoletfea Sc S in-shade**, prrhablv the beet and cheapest lot li he found in the city at April 16 9 THE PEOPLE’* STORE. B I.FARMED and RROWN SfIKETLNO, 4-4. 6-4 an l L 2-4. direct from the iuAnu f aetorv, just recefv • ! ed on Mulberrv stieet,at April 16 9 THE PEOPLE’S STORE. \ow (etioiN ! Teiv Goodvi! TH E •u , criler linn just received a Inrpe lot of LI \R Ml S .INS, Muslin and Earlaton (jinghauia; Rlu*>, 1 Pink and Buff ('heck Oinchama; Ladies’ I'wtMed Silk and Fillet Mifta; Misses black mid white Miita; I cat la; (irilNS I'llllll Skills, ol extra qunliucs; ; Cnari*- Book Muslin and While Linen for lining ilresae- ; allot which are now open and oIK-red at reasonable prices. Cuaton ers ore solicited to gi’ eme a cnM. Juue 17 18 E. WO tDRUFF Till Plnlp nnd Wire. onil Box - s ‘Pill Plate, ” 4,000 lbs Iron Wire, assorted Nos. 6 to 18. Received and lor sale by E. IL WEED. Dee 17,1345 41 axesT TD DOZ Collins’ Axee, ♦J* “ 10 di*z. Hand and Broad Axes, Received and for sale ly E. B. WEED. Dec 17 44 SIIKKT AT EEL.--3.000 lbs. Sheet Steel for (iin Suwfl.just received and for sale hy Dec 17 44 E. li. WEED. Ch /ice ll*# /f c s an ft It i tin if 7 For ;ilc on iiiin<.iiiilly loiv trims. A RARE CHANCE! AI.. AUOOUIN rv.pccifully the citixena of Macuri, that in conteinpliitioti of a removal, and change of biiaiiieas, he propose** to sell out for cash, ut rates that must be satisfactory, liis choice stock of W inert and Hraitdv, comprirtiug CHOICE M \DEIKA, terv old. OLD P< RT, a superior article. CLARE TANARUS, of his own importation. CHAMPAIsNE, ol the most approved brands. BR.WDV, best quality. pure and una<lulterated. Hi** liquors he cau coa6dntlv recomuieud toconnom •eurs, and for family use* Nov ao, 1845. 40 F;i:ii4unbh* |n |tic Goodi. f¥AHE suhscrilieris now receiving a large and general I f*t<M-k f Spring and So miner Hoods, and invites hn* Cttatomers and the public to cull and examine, ns he is confident hen Hoods Hre a* I> • n<l ome, and pi ices as reasonable as ut unv other erttahlishnieut in the city April 15 9 CEO. W PRICE. I rriirli Drilling :m<l I'asßiinerft- received an assortment of the above—Ateo handsome Marseilles Vestings. A pul I S 9 UKO W. PIHCE. IdICC Alukllh hli:i\th. \LOT of Ihe alxive—a new and beauViftll nrtirle— large site. GEO. W. PRICE. April 15 9 Pdr:isoN nuct Sim Min do JITS P received a large assortmci.t ol the übn e—some ! ierv ri*-l and hutui^orae. April 15 9 GEO. W. PRICE. Old Fort IVliif. \FEW hmuN Fort XVine, litiport.A bv John \V. Long, Lea. tSuvunnab, u vary superior artirl- , for tuli l.v REA &. COTTON. April 15 l SUGAR A COFFEE—B lilide. N. PrUan* Sugar, fill lines Riu Cofif.-e, fur eali- bv April 15 9 I! KA &. COTTON. Look at thi! tnv Cooilsl A. H. IIKTTMAN & BROTHER U AVE just received a I uge and spl udid asaortniewt of fancy Spring nnd Suiu.ner I)iy Good*. Among j then stock will lie found 50 pieces printed Lawns and Muslins, letext style. 60 do. Calicos*, must beautiful iu pattern <V texture. | 30 do. Jaconet nd .Sw i-s Muslins, upcr6uo Ri-liup Lawn, l.sce Muslin,('amhric Muelin—Ladies* ■ plain, striped und figured Ties uad Cravats—Linen 1 hi- i brie Handkerrhiel’s, Irish Linens—Florene, Iraki and j Leghorn IlonnetH—Ribbons and Flower, Silk und C* t- , ton Purusols mol Bunehadrs l eiihroideiel am! open stlk i Mitts and Gloves, and a g -t many fancy eiticles anil trimmings—(tentlemen’s rendy-made Su inner (-loihiog, Travail, Vests. Arc., nil of which will ba sold either! wholesale or tetail at prices which will ceif iniv ||eue j all who will favor us with a call, next door to the Fluid House. May 19. 1840. 3w 14 PATENT LCATfeIEII. Ac. Ac. fllllK suhscrihrrs, Agents for D R. Chockeit & I Cos., Munutaiturers, Newark, New Jersey, have j just racei*ai. and w ill keep constantly on haiid, H uvv Patent Leathe r for flushes, collars, Ac. Light Patent Leather Cuif Skins, for boots and shoes. Japanned Muslins for curtains, 51 and 6-4. Japanned Fustians. Japanned* and Cspe. Houvy Floor Oil ClolUa (hi Silks, Ac.. The loe.nufaiturerfhive availed themselves of si! the recent improvement* id ll fettinf up of thess goods, which will be sold by tlie piece at u very slight advance from factorv price*. FATTEN it TAYLOR. Macon, March V3 AO ( eat JUST rec.ivej a large itupply us Ladiea’ 50 cent .Shoes. A Urge assortment -f Gent’* fine Button G iifers, A Urge Memtment of Gent’s flue (lost Gaiters, A Urge assortment o* o**nt’ fine French Calf Boots, A large assortment of Call l.tntnc and Binding .Skins, • all of which w ii) he sold k cheap a* the luma article cau l* bought in the 2?t*iie, hy ..... April 15 9 WHITING It MIX. Rlntifte Brown l.m and .u.t MmumW UWum Com*. la.t r.-caiv*.l by _ April H 8 J At E HAUI-fiBURY. u;u uooon. riNH! r . a.ifl. rvign.fl an r. eri.iug .nfl op. i*ig ri'iir Spring I .nil Suuim> l* .upplit.ot’ FANCY and HI II’LK I***l OfVOIIS, among vrl.nli *.ll In fnuml til Ik. nrm ti)ir> wl llir lr|lM i ail f wlm h will hr t.'ld H thr In.rM pair., fur ‘Z,ii T *"•' 111 ‘* • CJ “ r, *T MtklKHi-IK 1 CO. I Goods for Cash! | r.SIIK eutMwrltF-r*iahHir I.irlo.e tlieir prawn! atork, I tier lhairt.norfe.t GOST FOR ‘Afll, .Hi io ; queel purt b.rer. tu ceil mini exemiita In lure *“IT ‘ IU E I themJlv.e. 0. fc W. leONN. | Mxji.n, H* vJ9. J.L. Froperti/ on the Unit Road rOR SALE LOW. A TWO eterv DSVKLLING with ntt-buililin* In . wit Hitt • <** *>f ll> <l*l'’ ‘■ • or *yth, | sutrounded fcv a trove and cuideu idabout lhee serej, helnMiu tn'Rrv. c. K. Htntfie. A rmt har C eir. will b. offrr.J If anpli ‘iltinn ie iml'te inimrilietrlv SJ WILLIAM S. NORMAN. FnratiH. Mnv 19, UOti <>l Jits: fits: DK. IVAN’S Vegetnklr F.xtrart,eu infallible mna dv fur F.pilei'lic Fite or Fulling Hirknrm., Cnnvul -1 .Utlte, L.r.. Ali'ilven’r Vrert.lila Aati-Biliotia Fill*, ! fur -rtetovin- all morbid and corrupt hit more, and pari* i fvi.g th.blood- For eulo at , , Worth.u 4 BRUNO X VIRfJtNS’ IK ICOf, TIILKSOA i , JUJfi SS, 1840. u /.v.v A’ si: win: t /:, WATIE-aO iTSB AND ciMiMiksioN nrjiuiiAiTS, Nliicon. O*o. [ O rg lit K. undi-rkigni and having farmed a eu* • partwerabip in the above bu*inr*, would inform their friend* ami tin- public, Dial they vhll be prepard for ihe irreptlun •f Cation ewrly in the coming season. Our War*-Huusv is cnivi niently miitiiui n l'oplar ami Secoud Suitu, near *o*ii Nl. Fit UP* Wan-llnnst* Our best exertions will lie used in ihr alr of Cotton for our I friend*, to uUimn the high* st mark* i price*. All orders from our cu*t m**ra will ro< et with prompt S teminn Advances will be msdr on ( otion in store, St rut- j tomary rate*. We hope hy our exertions, to give entire satis- [ taction to all who iua; favor us with their busiur s. JOHN D WINN, Macon, *ug6, till. JOSEPH N. SEYMOUR. WARZ-HOUSE CoiHinissioti Business, GRAVES. WOOD A CO. TAKK this method us inft*riN>ng planters and others, that iu addition to their ivhulusli and retnil Dry Goods and Grocery Dnsinoss. they will cnntiiiuv luininxct. e<nrr>l WAHK-HOHE & COM VIISSKIN tetlNKM,*! <ln- uld .t.nri, (lui>,.kn.wn .. Graves’ Corner,) on the corner of s ron| street and Com. merer Row, and would respectfully renew toe tender of th* r services to their planting rriends, and others, with the assu rance, that those who may patronise ns in this line cf host -1 liess, shall have our be t endeavors to do them justice and pro mote their interest Our Ware House is convrniently shunt led ; and Cotton stored with us, shall be well taken rare of, and protected from the weather. We will also ssit wiih j pleasure, our friends in selling their cotton and without i charge; and wc are stall tini.-s pr- pared to make ad* cutes ; on the same in Cash or Merchandize. | We respectful)) solicit a portion of the patronage of the | public. GRAVES, WOOD & CO. | | FeUWlff lH \ VFS, A Thomas VVood, > J. M. Kibdik, ) Macon, Aor 22, 1344. 37 j ll’/#/ e fMouse and Commission Business. riNN & SEYMOUH will continue thf shove hu* ! t T sin#*--tit ill? HBinc rtt tnd, mid solicit frooi the pluntHrs a share of ih- it putronagr. .11 noon, J une 10,18*16 17 WATCIIKS, J KWF.LIt V, Ac. aTcT S. It. DAY would inform his friends and the pu • it that he has bought the Stock form rly belonging to t. <. St. Tpb John, decease and, consisting of gold and si I- y ver Watriies, Gold Fob and Gurd Chains, ■BBL . fold. Silver and Steel Spectacles, Gold “ rr Bracelets,Clasps, Gobi Snaps, Gold and Silver Thimbles, Lidies* Broaches, Gent’s Pins, Knivr-, j Scisurs, Kas-rs, Kasor Strips, Tooth and Hair Brushes pin tols, and many m-ire things, too num rus to mention He J will have new slock constantly commit, and v. ill order goods at the rt quest of those who ioa> wish any thing iu his hue. j* REPAIRING. Watches an<l Clocks Cl* aned and K paired at the shortest notice, and done in the best possible manner, and warranttc! to keep good lime, and done at the cneape t price. Hinge, Pius, Bracelets repaired in the best possible manner. Engrav ing also near I) executed. p. rvons would do well to call and see what he will do, and there is no doubt but they will be pkated. Maeou, Jan. 20, IH4‘>. 50 Bazs;iZi Rope. Ticine. FWIHF. subscrib* cs are now receiving their fall supplies of £ GltOC EKIE 1, which they off rto their old friends and the public generally,at unusual low prices. We have now in store, and ree iving— -300 pieet s heavy Gunny Bagging, 200 ph-c s heavy Kentucky da 150 coHa Kentuek) Hope, 50 do. Manilla do. 100 lbs. Twine, l,i*Co suck* Salt. 1 ),00 > ibs Sweeties Iron, 1/00 lb* Band. Hoop and Rod Iron, 20 hhd*. St Cr ux and Pfirt*) Rico Sug!*^, Loaf. ( rushed and Powdered do. 100 hags Kio and Java Coffee, 50 box. • l e.htkvco, 1 100 kegs Nail, 1,0 0 lbs. Cast, Germ m and Blister Steel. Also PAINTS AND of every destnntion. E. BOND. Macon, .Tan t, HUS. *9 ivnniNG & mix V 1 AV’E tlii-4 dty received Genfs* I ■ Fine French Calf Boots and %-w 11 Bi ogana, La.lie-., Misaaa autl ChiMi'fu*a G*i- , ter lit# t^, Ladies anti Visacf*’ Hulf Halter Buskins, Do. “ di> Ki.! Slip* nd ‘1 iea, l)o. White Kid Mippere, with a large u>sortuient ut I.a.lies. Misses and Chil dren’* low priced Shoes. All of the above v. ill be* sold as low its the same qualities can he bought in the city ! or State. Macon, .Mur *h IK. 1846. -*> j I? /IT3 : II XT 1 KAO73 l JUS 7’ RECEIVED AND FOR SALE BY ST It OAG A: WtlOit, jr, A FIN” aacortmont grjr\ /ft tl HAT-, i’onvnt* r I ting of Gent*. VJ i Leghorn, I itest mile of .***’'* * fine Nutna and French w^ftw Moleskin wide mid uttrrow brim 1-lack Nutria, * 11 ih! Paarl dec.&c . which they will offer nt \\w very j lowest prices tu nil that will favor theili w ith u util Also have on huoil nml Hie coiirtanHv 1# %en il:e a gen- j era I amuirtoo ut of 800 LS und SHOES of all quuli-1 ti* a and prices. O’ At the New Brick Htorft, opposite Oro. M. Lo- i gun St Cos , next door t • Rustdl & K untie tty. Macou. April 14, 1846. 9 COTTON PXIESSE. fit HE enhsoribrr is now engiigcd wt hi-* FOUNDRY i I in MAt l o.\. in mftiinf-votiiDng BuH*H*k’a Patent pMfffssive Power f’i .'on Pre****, w liich for rnnven | ience, dur iLiLty miu! expedition,are unsurpassed by any 1 thing of the kind ever offered to the public. To those I %idling to purchase, s trial and gtiarnntea will he gi en | beinra pavivent is required. All in want til n first rate Cotton Pies* will please make early apptieafion tu my *••11, or to Meaar*. llamiltcin Sc IlarJrin ;n, when price and terms will he made known; also on bond und made t* order. Mill Irons nnd Catinr* of every description, on moderate aud nr.coinmodatiiig terms. ROBERT FINDLAY. Mscon. J one 17, 1K46. ylB ; .tlncon Iron AT Brass # omul rtf, \ ANI) VI .44’ 111 Vi E HHOP. subscriber huvinr rermily made Imre nnd im* I porta nt additions to his ‘ormer list of pntteins or j Oveishot Brea-t. end ‘Pub Mill (Jeering, ia now prepar ed to execute cirders for Flour ‘ ills, t'*tton Factories, Horse power Mills for plantation giindiog, <Vc : a!-<; 1 Cotton Presses. Gin Gear, Plates and Halls, am! Mill | Irons of every description : all of which will hu mnde of the very best muterial m*t workmanship, on reasonable and act onmimlatinc terms. ROBERT FINDLAY Maron, June 71 1816 vlB JUST received aud fur sile. ‘lO. 00 pounds H \Ct).N Mll> S. SCO IT, CAKHAKT fit C‘L June 17 18^ J|IHT tec# *rd and fur aula, 50 bb!. No. 3 .Mackerel, 50 “ •• 2 do. 25 hlf bhla. No. I do. 25 “ •• *• 2 do. June 17 18 BCOTT, CAKHART fit 00. JUST received nnd for sale, 20 hhls. Wo ilsey At. Wnolifj’i Crash and Hilftr, 20 “ do. tlo. Powdered do. 20 boxes do. do. Leaf do. 10 “ llavann* Brown do. | j Hue 17 i8 boot r, Card art §l CP* j • |MT re# ■ ived und f*r aale, 500 krp* Nmls 4 June 17 18 BCOTT, CARHART At CO. •FUST received and for aale, 2"0 kegs W lie Lend, 800 sailn* s Liiim ed Oil. June 17 19 800 IT, CARHART Ac CO. ■i a f<4l* reeeivod and for sale, .50 hhd*. MoUsae*. 4) June 10 17 &COT I', CARII.A KT & CO. Hill 11© LIII6 liom l oiNitli so Hie liMliint Nprluißi. fllllE auhsenhere will run a Uy IffTi jT| ■ daily line of Four llmae {,n< hya from F#*ravtli to the In bun Spring*,leaving Forsvth im iiiHnnin ~| M d| W ielv iAer the arrivnl of ihe Cars, from l"t Jufv the remainder of ike **Ann. They will lw provided with good Teams and rnrolul Dnvers, aud assure travelers that there shall he no delay on thair osrt as they hope ta merit n liberal patronage frntti the aavellinr public. MOTT L HTANFORD .Ma'-en, June 17 4wlß Frwprtefor^ CLOTHING. ONK AND ALL, TV KB NOTICE THAT n-u- snd ULDTHINO, fur ih. fiill ami w'iniPi- tra-to, (of th -ir uw, iiinmifNrtii< inf J an.l mail, in the hr-t munn-r, has jua| iwau received and cun be seen at the more of ##.#. IIILTO.Y AT Cos. on second dom fn F.. Woodruff'* Dry Goods J Sstore, nnd three doors from Wnsbiegton Hail. The stock consists .f (Jcuileuie.ii’g rarnients ofeverv j Kind, that will in ke tlieir. coinfuitable and genteel. All ! f the said garments will be <'Cored at the lowest cash j prk es.—-PlcHse give us a call. Nov 5, 1N45. ‘ 3^ ! ,XV*r Store tin it ,Vcr Gootte! j 0> K< WRNTVOKT H. Watclt illuker stud Jewellrr* HAB r**inAived to the new brick block, rast side of Mulberry street, ( immediately opposite his old stand,) aud us now opening new anu tine stock ol gooUa 111 Ina line, cunaiitliiig in part ol fine Gold and .Silver Lever, Horizontal, Patent and Vertical Escapement Writehei*: Gold Guard, Fob and Vest 4'huinx: llrsHM Pina. Finger Kings, Ear Rings: Gold Chain and Hair Bracelets : Gold. .-Silver nnd Steel alpctacles und Eye : Protectors : Gold and ‘iiv. i Pencil/-, (io and Pens, Gold i bd .Silver Watch Key a, Gobi and Silver I'ltimldf *. Bil j ver Combi, Silver ami IVarl Belt Slides, Gold .Sleeve I ami Collar Buttons, Gold Sanies and i’h iin Slides, I Gold Lockets, Mem Is and Crosses• (’an! Canes, Mte*l, 1 silver and Gilt Beads; Head Ornaments, Jet Comb*, 1 Ladies* and Gentlemen's Purses, feupetinr Pen anl ‘Pocket Knives,Scissors, Itizors and .ntoi Strops: Too*h, Lather mid Nnil Brusbea, Shaving Cream. Real ■ Gcrtrmn Cologne, Fine Silver Plated CbMoir Cake Baskets, Can lie Sticks, Waiteis, Cups. £>uuffers and Trays: Dixon's Fme Ware in setts. Also Coffea and ‘Pea Pots; Silver Setts of Knife, Pork and -Spoon; Spoons. Watch Fan*. Perfumery, Fun< v Goods, Stc See. Wniche* of every description repaired in the best manner. All Watches M/hi or repaired will he Icur ranted to keep pood time, or the ca<h refunded. Winch es sent from any part of the country, will receive the same attention nnd be repaired an a* reasonable terms j as thmiph thr owner were present All kinds of Gold und silver work neatly repaired at the shortest notice Spectacle Gh-*ses adapted to all ages. ALSO FOR SALE—One of Chickerinp's Superior PIANo-poRTCS, in rose-wood rase, full lenphtn it on frame , and warranted ns fine an instrument iu every re spect, aa can be found in Georeii# C. K. WENTWORTH, Watch Maker and Jeweller. Macon. Nov 5,1545 Lust side .Vlulbeny Street. WATcaas, JEWELHY, OIC. J. A. A S. S. VIIIGIS. At their old stand on Cotton Arettue , opposite Washington Halt , g*c> \V/ T GULI) iiifiirm their frienda and ▼ the public, that they hove now j on hand a good &sa<rtincut of liold and TOl* * Jr .Silver Watches of the various maker, , l JBjftt’ 0 yv'wl ftntl of different kind**; ul#*> t\ good •- sortment oi* Gold Chains, Seal* and Ke\*. and a variety of other articles, consisting in part j of the fdlimving : Spoons of pure -Silver ; Gold atnl sil ver Pencils; Gold IVns; Gold F*iil ani! Wire for Den tists; fashionable Jewelry, Breast Pins, Finger Rings, j 1 far Ring” of latest pattern*; MipeiiorPen and Pocket J j Knives; Razors anti Stiops; Seizors; Beud Bagri and _ Purses witli sieel oruunteuls; Heat! Oriiameuis do.; , S>ee! Pens of Gillott’s make; I’iftoli and Guns; Ther | Tnoili, Ntiil khal Snnvinr BiubUfk; Twf. | zers; an aaaortnient of r Poya f*r Children, with a vaiie- I t.v of other articles, which vviii be sold very cheap for cash S. S. V. would t.ike this opportunity to say, that he j hr,* .* good assortment of watch materials rureluilv se lected by himself; these, with the superior set of tools he hua to work with, as well as other advantages, he thinks he is prepared to execute work ns sell as work gets to he done, it will be his aim to give entire sitiffuc turn to all. Dec 17, 1815. 44 ,Ve#r Store and .Vor Roods. F|NI4K suhaertb r* vroubl r- sj*e* ifu’ly iufcrtn tbir frit rid# sand the pubic, that th> y h.<vr Uluru tb- st-r*r U u th* corn.-r f (ivt unit Poplar air* 1 ts. kno” n as Ins-tu h Birh , ordaon's c*>nt r. hlimv tht y are now m-tivlnr. ami will ion* ! tinuc U r*cc#v from New lorkunU Busuu.a baud | sunvu assort mem ->l l'.tiK-y it 11! Nlapi l * Dry fioU. ! t igtiher with Sh,-*. Hjl*, Huuiuts. Hfady-iuade Clothing; al, Crck*ry and Gta# ‘Van, Nails, Hardware, Hollow 1 Ware, Pwiois. Oils, Window Glass. Medieinea, fee. | I hfaauv- stock l- I ** beewsehci and wif hgn ai care, and is |t I ad-iptt *i in thr ctt si..! country radt- !t riia g I to buy good l * at u .usually ls:vpricel fur rnA, w ill pU-N* / all i wit*! rxauiioe uur Uot-li Im f--r pur ‘itMsing Ila - lure. Alter derafi'o n th* coaniry vi I e thaokfull) r teivtc! and f/iib- I fully virtUlG upon the low.-'t |u,a mi i< rins. XKMOHICK Sx Ct.AKK. Mae m, April 27, 6rli Spratg and S:m;mcr 1 foiling. | fililE subscriber* bars c i nmsnced receiving their I 8 sloe kof Spring au i Sa.niOi*r Gl .tiling, winch they I ure prepared to sell at very lo v pri as n>r radi. March 13 5 J. & K. SAULSRURV. Yfil’TllS’ i'IiOTIIIMi. (AOAT.4, P/;nt* aud Veals, adapted to summer wear. J just reeeived hy J. & E lAUL6llbllY. March 18 5 OPENIIG THIS IHY, j OLACK French Ch/ihs, I A -J0 Funev I'rcnch Gasnunefs, Black and Fancy Ca>hmerette, I1 ick French Doe Skin*, Linen Drill-, dec. Ate. A Do a fine assortment of Scmfa,Grttrtts, Glove*. Mur/h 18 5 L At E SAULSBIJRV Still thr ft Come. Fill! LA tiny received and for sale, r.noth# r l##t ol Trans- I par* ut*\N INhnvV SHADES, new patterna, mud r|’leu,lid. nnd ve-y cheap. Call an lis *. June 17 4w!B WOOD Ac BRADLEY. [ I’eDgniph eopy four lunca.) HATS, CAPS, &('. i r pilß •uhsrriber his now #pen,and aßlhe cuo'-fant- I ly receiving,* clioiee stock of list**, f*ops. frc.&c. I at tlia *irw recently occupietl by tJ. A. Kl*nl*erlv Sc < o. which will be mdd forcasii, s’ prices tn suit the limea. Macon. Juue 2,1816. 15 F- K. V.KIGHI, ■■■—- *•— NOTICE. HAVING this day ►old my stock of DRY GODDS and GR KJtiKlK* t. in v brother, J a MCf Stv- , much, I would reapefttnlfy rteoirinend him lo my , friend** ami put run a, and beg for him u 1 #tf(iiuuUi#;i of the liberal pMruuuge hcreloion l*eatnwr#| ujmn invar lf. Jo6El’ll N- riEY MoClt. Maron, June 1,1846. 16 N. B —AI those who am Indebted to *•* ly title or account, will ronfitf a tavor hv aetthog the same. IN order to enable me in aupplv mv ntimeroua friend* and cuatmneia, (mm eepeeially thoae ltout the coon lieu of Jours. Baldwin, uiil l wtgge ) 1 have taken the |tre I itclv o* cll pied hv Messrs. KU6AKI.I. <k KlV|- BERl.Y,corner ofi'herrv nod Second Stnets, where 1 intend keeping cmit*n!lv on hum! gerirrul *.sioit*iieiit Ol llllxl K:ill€-jr Dry <x,)<,l. IJxrl . w.rr. Cr-a nary, Mif.r, 1.■1f.---. Miil.xw.. Kirr, Mwk* ncl. lUct>n, us rrer* ilem riptmn. liiKi>tlii-r wiili nm nrtirle u.u.llv k/|il In griin>l l>’ v li-iuH. m-d liroc/r Sl-ir#. A tall iroin mv Iririni, aud Urn public c.-nrn!ly in le.pwilullv /.lirW. Kur ill'll |iir.iii.i*rl!ial lm t.en -n 111-r-rn'l* tn-.liuvrcl i„v -stilili.linii-iil th. lien J <>l Outtnti A*r.u, li.rihi. ‘lnl -ix Vi-arn, mv ru.t nii*r h.-fl my aint.f* un ,| li.artv tlmnk. null thr llial in mi i,r ponfPrH no l*in, iviil b*’ mir#d-or l**it uoliitfil 10 Civi- tin-i‘iHi ,ull-fnoli..n t and ini-rlt ‘ imlinn.iii-r nl tin aamc. In fm . I ini* hd it .hill l> und.f.lni,d tlMt Ut Hrlltllli’o i. I'loc/ “• *-• ■" r *‘‘P. AM Wo UL.% lUIV. |. %.—Vy f.iuMi.hin-iit *t th. li/'iil of lh Avnmn will b cmilinuoil for tin- ~r-wn, under tho >HI|-rint.ii.t -nii-nfrir WM. H. JOttUEN, h to duly •nthonx . and m r.‘i*ri|tt fur, nnd arlllw all ao*i'Ouldun inn at llial ..tahli. l *tnnnl. I'nrnnw. ha-m, rouninc iitouuii am nmn-.tlv rrqimuted to rail un-I mt'lr lhi> mi., nllmr with c,-h nr lint.., pr.vinu. In th. fit-, of Oi*tot*#f on it, a. I cvnt.tnnlM. ronkirr iML-mtit .rranp no-ma i ,h,t hit-in.*-. l'ih *iH it owr-nfary to bung Iba book, to • conn hafura that tiuo. gtaruo, Jow 9, U 146 _ 11 Ocmutgee iron Foundry and IM nr It ine Shop. (MACON OKO.) t'JIH 8 Subscribers having erected anew Establish i inent, n#w offer to the public, inducements that tbv have never hnd before in that line of business.— Mill Wrights, Oio linkers Ate., will find it to tlieir silvnntuge to give u* n call, we will guarantee all our work to h*- good, nnd nt the lowest price—we have a good aleck of Patterns on bund. I A good Horse Power for sale. i Cfl P. LEVY At GO. | Cotton A venue, near Mocon fit ffettem R. R. Depot. May 6. 1846. 12 ts f Telegraph, Little Georgian, and Jeffersouian, copy fill foihid. j Graves. Wood & so. RGBPFGTFDLLY invite the attention nfMerchanta and others, tn their stock of seasonable Dry Goods now instore. Ad-litioni# will be made weekly, through the season, of dcairuhle styles of guods, viz : JO bulca OsnabnrgH, 5 M Brown Drillings, 5 “ Tickings, 15 ** 4-4 Brown Sheetings, IS “ 3-4 • Sbirtiugs, 5 ‘* fine unhUuched Shirtings, 5 “ Blaukett, 5 cases 3-4,4-4, 5-4,10-4 bleached Homespuns, 3 bales Canton Flannels. 1 •* Check* and Fluids, 2t ctaes Printi*, assorted, 2 “ extra rich Prints, ] ** rich mourning Prints, 2 “ rich Gingham**. 25 pieces blue, black and olive Broadcloths, j 30 “ Ainencai, and French Caariiner*, 50 11 Vestings, 150 “ Kentucky and Cassimer Jeana, 100 “ hesvv l.itiseys and Keraeva, 100 “ red, vel low, white and creca Flannels, 15 “ black silk warp Alpaccas, 20 ** colored Alpaccus, 20 * Alpacca Surges, 5 *’ B'lmhazines, 100 “ Muslin de Laines, 20 ** 4?nrthmere <le Luines, 20 “ Mourning ile Laities nnd Beragea, 100 *• colored Canihric-, 75 ‘* Pongee Silk Handkerchiefs, 10 “ Eneli-h Bilk lldkfs. 380 di*z. head snd flag Hdkfs. 75 •* Berkley nnd Madras* Cravats, 10 pieces black and fancy rfilk do. 3 “ comn Barrave, 25 d*z g nta* und ladies Gloves, assorted, 300 “ 4fomrv. sssorted, 75 ** Day’s skn**d Suapenders, 75 •* low oi iced imt. do. 50 boxes Ribbon*, Assorted, 2.5 ** Artifieiuli l , • pi eases Flor.nre, Straw and Fancy Bonnet 50fH) >h iwls, more #r leas, 4ff piece* ldab l inena. 25 “ * inen Rirdn-eve Diaper, *>o *• Russia Dinner, 10 “ Cotton d<. 5 * t*?-4 find t3 4 Linen Table-# loth* nnd Nrtpkina, 5 pieces a.,er FlsiiOuli* 4 4, 50 •* Jaconets, Ml “ checke#! Csmhrlca, 50 •• Swiss, Blink. 1 tire, and Mull Muslins, Ml “ black nnd whie I hre Goods, 3-4 At 4-4, 1000 |.s-e l dcins 1-2 to 2 1-2 inch, vwde, i'O doz. Muslin Collars, 20 nieces Ri**bnr> ? hwq, 20 #bz- l *wn Hdkfi*. 5 cHHfi* Umbrellas, 20 piece* thr-e plvtngmin and Colton Carpeting. Macon,No 12.1815. ■ 39 “Ihfocus. si.ißDtr.ißiir c J fijESitv, Wootleii mid IV illow-naiV) Britannia and Ttn-nurt, WITH A M'KJNKUNU i>F YAAKEL NOTIONS, 111 It It m: & IS It AY, H AVE on hand, und are constantly receiving lnrge utiilitions to their stock ol the above articles, w hit h ina Ke their aesortmuut tolerably complete, uud aa well | saicctej as cau be found in the Slate, Conti tin? in pa t of Cooking, (woiled sizes) Burjour, Air-tight end Boi Siovra, with lumitttre complc. Knives ami Forks, tabln und dessert, with ivory, self tip, cocon, buck, bone, borne und wood handles; Carvers and Btcels; Butcher, SSboe nnd Kitcheu Knives; fine Pen and Pocket Knivre; >hears, Scissors uitd RuZors il the best quality. Br taa Goods,Curtain Pins, Casters, Butts, Rose han dle Knobs- Fine Tea Trays, Waiters; Silver, German Silver, Pluted, Britannia and linod iron Table and Tea Suuona; * Britaunin, Brass. Iron Hiid Tin 1-andb‘Stickc; BiitamiiM, Glaes,Tin and Lard Lamps; CopjKr and Iron Tea Ret tier; Sauce Puns. Fry Pans, Coal Hods, Mnrtura Hiid i Perth's. Patent Scale and Hand Bellows, j Brushes, Brass Audi*our, Brass Shovel end Tongs, ; Steel elf. (verv fine,} Ir.-n do., Grid Irons, Coffee Mills, ) Sud Irons, Tailor’s Dona, IlrosH Km let, Lrussi Stair i Rods, B ass .Madea Kettles, uiJ Brns.i ihiila. FiU-a itnd IvHspa, fl it, square aud <ouud. CbiscJrt aud Cion gee, Plane Irons, I oeks and Lafclies; Butt*, Hinges, Bolts, Screws. Brick Trowel#, Bruce and Hitts, and #*xti u BitU; diuuer, tea and cow BciU; t tia* Cm tain Pins. Mill, C'riMv cut. Hand and WooilShw*. Patent and coinmnn H s; 4’hainsj broad and nar ■ inw Axes; bund and Khiitgling Hwtcdwta | Draw Knives, ‘ Ring nnd Nest Wore her*; Hedge, Land and nail Ham mer*; Foot Scrnpei . W nfflu and V\ uiei Iron-* Patent Screw ami Bed Wrenches, lfi#*raw Driver*; Slii riot Knives. Steel Fqiiare*. Sheep Shears, bras* ami iron Pulley#, brii** and iron Coat Pins. Crit Sn# ws, Pa-te J ifgers, bra** and pewter C(H*ks. Molaaaea Gstea, 4-ur* i i v C mbs, Bird Ongea. Bed Cord* i*Ml Plough Lines, .Safe Wir -( loti#, Shovels aud Spades, Tucks, Epiigga ; ind Spa*ablea. fine Pefcussior und Flint Double aud Biugl# Shot Guns. Fine Pr mission nnd Tlim Rifle#. Six barrel rifle and smooth bore Pi-tnls; Percussion Gap*, &UH Pouchas, Powder Flask*, Pocket Flasks, Leather Cup* Britannia Coff *e nd Ten Pofc*; Bpittaon#, Water Pi*-d**rs, Bowla,Cr#am Pots. Molaasc# Cup* and Mug*. Planished Tin. Alb’ar.e nnd Hash Dishes, Dish Gov- , er*. GoiTea Bicgius, und a large aasoitmeDt ol Jelly ‘ Vloulrfa. WrKJ.frn-ware. n large assortment. Wiilow-wiire ami Fruocll Baskets, a great variety, plain and Japan ‘Pin-ware,* goat variety ; and every j article in the ]fm# made tn order, at the tditmeat i ulice, • and in the manner. A large Stork t Yankee Notion*. The uh#!ve article* will t.e sold at the loweat prices, | either at wholeaale or retail. I|ou#o-keepers pur- Uculariv invited to give us a call. Macoft, Nov 20, 1855 f"*u o important to .Util Owners. llotclikisa’ Premiuia Vertical Water Wheklh, <or Saw or t.ri&t MUla. ihe cmtil'i l p*T.itwn ui marl) t*> ik usard rs ■ these W kerb sod tkt irsjM*# niwg* ,in titfifc rent st-ctici ■ in ike country ••<! vr> high iicpularit) *Nbh tk# ) hsve a tamed *#*• all that liavean u|.|*#miiit) and wiiinV#a tin ir j uir irdiu rvpow-r. theruh-niu* r feels giving pu'd.citv is* the followiag siafee*n#t. I • use #l tkr> J Wheel-, v* hen jr •| rl\ i#irtiuu#* and, Mt aI Uuubi# • ike value I ®fth- Mills, and e#*ai#l § ikern tu >a lanmoiwliiilfir iv eti th- most saaguioe • VJI ftati#*n of ti elruun#ra. many ‘ of whom vrr ve.iiluinrii iliuiig##isl* and fheifi# ir send ee aid .r.xiit.l -Uni,'i<* !.■ •l“ V .-!• wh n appin I to Aiw Mills, ar#- ns th. aph constraeV# l as ti e >'WI..-I, <* -111 *• lb. bu.ii*. • i.h , l,„ uu.i.t.i, i.f .*: *wif *• t taiiimpwl*.l ihri-v i. • '-! ih’ V * n.H’ ,l,*** uon in* .n.f’ I El*itl* r Wlm I Mill il lii itr.ltr, xml hu* g up**n th. Ulr b •■*■*• >f ..m...*itl, • ru g lu.wMl.m Ih. |>* .r ufth*- vh* rl * ih- wlm I. I>. in* *i.ifi-ii -111 ln* .11 i*t'. * Tlu-v ,1.- rniKltlul*- th.-r- ftuil*f fly **. b.l.lK**-In- l,r*-ur. - u nfi.rtn in .11 |i.rl. .-f *’- * h r<-iilulnni. Any —wrkui.n I rin ‘•>’ r.., ■ n*l lf .ifltui.-, I, j,,, l. i.i Mill- ■on.)**", wOi wiffft •... 11. 1 hl<nil , t ‘ O. HOICHKIh*. j I h, *uh.rrih* r h,* ini? Incmr lull) coniucl i*rilu -ii|n- ; ..Uanur*. ul r • .h*.f Wfci. I- r >ll *nh. r W.lir W l*>- *. •*■ **•*• in thr ftinnlrj, bth fi*r - ,*‘tl Arm Mill* * • ntl fi.r I It*- .f**i- *-f tin**|*Mt limn into Mi.r. Ktlur.l Mr ■ u lit*. •• * *l"l* of *ht M. *-,h* h, In i}i;r riihi.ruitl ivltet-l.,in thi.onnih.of Biblt, Mnrf. I ru-, j;,,d Hit ton, M.m- and hun.plt r. ■ti l‘l *•’ *.4l>. ! i nr cun nt) ti < h.,.*.d.ll.,rd -fr> j it .*.•.> fur p.*-, Mn|. j,. up* I". •” I 1 ' 0 "’ r "'’’ '<•.<•■’ I r. r, .cr*>mm* *•* <"■"• <•>ln my -•••• “•• an.l t rull .n.lfiu *■•■*> ■' ln*hl) rf.p.nal.l. tul “i'. -Tl,Th. .i-t. nnnt* t.,.d* b, tar.Htatat*ta.. .. **.il*f •uni,ir ail* a in. A* • nfim '• *•* U. hoing . mnlt>). and 11-fit* I , th* ir u-n Mill., or —ttm.H'd lb* Ir db* ration lb ih* tail . nf frirml. Th. y l.olbil*y funenr * r. iumm., d,nx tht. ■li.t.n-imrni <•> (, nmfi fcr • S ri.. I. m. l Ih ...--I -r ..p.f.l) nf ta,11...r ltwt.iM, Iml fur !<• dura hi my, *b*-. pm m and ..mpncil) ol << *£wafdii RMb-nrii nrimlwi I b.*‘ on n-rTarf V 7. >ui. SSSldfiiH,*. i ICI Mmi.lii-d I Vaiantl Km -r AI. W. H •* re, K( pn. O- * j A DiiHUal Hu. H 1.. llatubu. Au/U-1., tl. . “i.ny It*; mill, im nil, that V,fi..i,y. AH “til W a,,,.11.1. dll—lr# in * |Jtaita*i CT, * f j , *r - uiTN )I, nrotwptly atirniled u*. • * i4tf *!*.>•• ‘** ***** Ts iffrapb - 111 ,tibli.ii tb .bu— iu (inn, VOLUME XXIV.~IVo. 19. Washington Hall, aH MACOW, oro. AVTNG bt-eom,* .le Prnpri.,<ir of ,1 i, Vr I ko. HOI KL, r,;uir,.U .-’ i„,. , jlesss: r ul * ••***>• Ids r, an I att.-iuivr 1.,1 u[,\Z'o.ull! •TVll'd wuh i ruven : 411 “ ,, ‘ 1 H,or ‘ : i,. i,. h ” 1,0 c “ nn,xi "” * i,, > *I'V utW Houra : jW)MM viu.ik.n-A on. The Floyd Mouse, Macon, Gco.~ A. AC* AKD*“Thf un.ionig trp. . '* public *u.nll).Hrih. h;, r .l V 1 p ‘ ,,ru ""*’ *l<mild to hi. Hu< . u rug Ilio M .,t Jior. ai.ti iruililLi; auoiai te I ... Ul “’ *** 111 ’■ to in ~. i iboir cuuom. U,urc **"■• curi *""■ ‘•"ui.Mii.t „f d.Uo'.o H J ■* ,u l , l*l' r, l with faorv Injure *oJ IWwity wlncli Niiri or tho seaboard market* afl.rd • raitu atel.tMt)’au I stteiinrr, and 1... romn. ft,i ■„ the g^ 1 r;;yr;;‘ fu " j **■ April 7, intt, 7ir n S. NEWCOMB ! M’INTONH ilOltS!]. i INDIAN SPKI.\(i. BUTTS CO. e-^— * subscriber, Fioj lit tor of the Indian IstTTM J Hou, l lvr I,K *< ><*•, ;ii i rcipt ctfutij n.torru his friends and till! P* 1 ru,i ' t ot l * ll * Mutt*, ot H.tiil IhitiHjh. All M, b,n “*’ u,ia “* ‘ icillltlt M, that hi l.kb MB g*| ’ . . Xin-i.Sa, UMiti! a Um id LOTH. n.rttir the Above num\ tor the ample accuinutuduuuii ut \ :itors du : rui(f tut* ujipru ci.inij, I I. * * “!> “P'' U on • c ' h *'ay of May, Th* Ualntualt ■> ... drptli i Ini i.j .j | ulm lKtwo.ll7oai.U SO largo ai.d air, room., „,m , ~,1. • three apaewu. Draw.,.g H 0.."., a..., . -plod,, i„,| Kk : i if'Jh r * l, ;,‘i. r g ar. ur.d ll„ Hot, I—mi 101 IIT jlt hat ha. w lut.g lu oti ,h -trod tliit. 5|.n,...-o„r „r tU i ®8“ ibuH • omtnodiuiii H* tt s tier t ret;ltd kiunt va { Ici'iug |)'Ooe iii'hr boii In rn count rv. f'ir'Want ol n are acromiiiodanoi.s fwr the inm.irt cts Hiht daily n * c > hnowa aiitl justly ovlebrted w ati rinr place. , Imi at ‘ton th'-re nIiaII Ih- ho rt-aMi ot cotnnlaint fi.r vrt acet.iniiod.iiun,s,or indeed ait) tlnnr and mil* iJ.n cathhlmhint nt. The Mdmoah House w ill accomniotlate over faur htinc’rtd per-oiin | r pains or ex peine have liren -pared in furniahinr and fitting up tins U mu so as to render it truly a fdr a I who may ttvor it wnh th. ir p.tronair.. Ihe furnitui-t is all new and of the must sterling kind, having bctu made up to order fir this esta inlimmi. r The location of the Mclntosh House ia on the brow of the Mcln*osh Hill, oit rhuikiiig the Spring, for many )mr- the residt nc< of fi i ct h brat. <i t 01. Mditoult, es the Cruki.a tto i, i > well known and associuttd in the Indian liistors of our country. The ituoscribrr, therefore, flatter* him*. If that in ore*, r, i Comfort, and s>t* nmtic hriHi g, the Mi li t. sfi Hnes j ahall not be surpassed ; and hopes from Ins cniititin* and e>t r i lmn to pl asc,iu nut niurc ashari o’ the nuhiii i atroiiage. . BHYAN \V Indian Spritig. May and, 146. U £.III* .VOUCH, III \V r R rcrriovi (I :o. ai.<l opei.Ftf nI nw Off,re ia PEKItV, Houplon tou.ity %\hete I cettre ult torn miibiculioMs bv muii to be thu’cicu. March 10,1H46 4 C. B. STRONG. cooiuTuTn pk i \7 ATTOR.N i:VS AT LA IV, Point Town. Suinpu-i’ Coiimy. Geo. VVTII.L prarticu ill thr i-ourtipu of Sumlrr, Sicwurl, v w Macon. Maiiuti and Hotn*tn. I'hilip f\n*i. Ulnky !l Ickpkw, Jr. Mhv (>, 184f>. i j iuil Uiiilmj . Enquirer pnl lirh flire- iuoihlip. DR. CHARLES TIiO.IIFSO.V HAS t'lken ofTict* n*xi tluor i* l‘uyt ip’.-’ Ping STrp— rpxhltMtec in Vuieville. Art y woitl left t;f either place (dtty or uiihtl will be commitnn afi*d I t boys ftr lliat putptiae. He hopes by Bltentioi) It. bu.-ine/r, uinl an experience of seventeen year* to merit u rbuic of patronage. March 11,1816 [Telegraph copy.) 4 < TV?TT p r S V JL.9 u *V kj ui • DR3 (i. &J. Me DONA II) gntelnlly eilge I lie lihcrul palrmmge • xt-'iirted io them for the hint lew tears by the citizen* of Manm at tl vu initi, ari'l wottlrf inform thvn thut they lin\e removed tfcerr otfice to the brick ranee north ai .e ot Mnltiftirv ilicel, cv.*r the Jewelry Store of ( . K. Went worth. i hey have ao arrange <1 th**ir buei •>•■**, it* for one of tliem io make reeulnr visits m tii neighboring village* uni certain pori otie of the courinv. Mnemi, Dec. 31, \H4S. 4G i L 0 Ml!AItI) iP I T.N A-I, a)jßST®asi?r® 9 ■ (arnte on skc.m tii it m iuhiß. apots thi marijk anu ruts innuiiancc Sank,) Over Sirotttj A- WnoiCu Stiov More, MACON, UEO. :C?"A!.L OPERATIONS WA * R ANT EJ#2g£j <\ B. I.UMBVLD, Macok, Jan’y. 1,1346. C. S. PutmaM. JOitt ti Si it nc. a. at 33ART1ETT / RjAS jiM received, itl hi* Drug Store nn A.olberry Hire. I, n huge us Cheioic*!-, BuiutH, li.vagiulit tJile, Mff’jgil Glu-- vr‘ Window Gi.-s, iVilumery, JKju ito.j ui fact, every thine tieurflv l.epi |iy Drngui'te. Ilaviue made hin pueeburefl for ('ask, end fioin hrnt hiin ir, in \ev> 1 ork aid I'us tou, he is enatih and to execute ordi re nt us low pi ice* t M fresh anil ui adulterated uifitifr inn Ie vl Uh.rd bt j anv e(Mbtihmrrit it* t!ie Hoti f !erti <ouii i v I'bysicians, MMiiutitctitieic,l ,? *nter. m and iVuleri-’ are invited to cull tu.U cxauui.e hi* block beiort t!je\ n >At j ih< if I'Urchaser. Mac mi, Sept 25,1815. 39 WISIAU’b HsUanuf Mild Uicrr), bt diiuiu'il lit* Lungs, ruugli*, X c. { Langley’*C.rtai IVvMefii Im’inti P.Mbita. | Dr. iailur'a Utluai us luvitnort. Swain. ’• Fauavc*. H<wami's I'anic Mixture, for T. ver and Afir, ludia*i Vegetable 4.iicr tor Ll><wn.aiitm, Lc. Whitt h< a.l’s t nt cl Mustard. JayweS Hif lonic. Moflatt*a Mil*, hi. PJiutiai* ll.m. rs, Laud's rru.d) fvr >ait itj, ; Carp. lit. ri 1 xir.ct .vI n k lti. t, . H'*ttr) ‘• Calciiit-d .ia, HuthrV Kfl m *cit g Metre*. Ihilisd Hur Dp l<ar lattriiig red r irr balt binikc l.*n I Halm us Culm,ibii r: at • nng tin In ir Hair F.radicatar fur rt mu%ii.4;supitliuoua Hair, Vmaigtrede Hutige. I he Magical Fan. fxtrictur. Murras' I luid Magut cia. Sph iids Headtsche lh sm df. cert a w and 1 fr.'cttisl. Jii-u rciwivrd uud fur sah uy M. J.AFILFTT. mm ti .V I i I K ’ £ \ r" '* 100 I.iiim J Oil, c . t.w !>OO rail*. Spirit* I or pent me, 100 boot * H imlbw <iU>,all Jm |>nit Varnikh, Cumcli Vartihlt. u pi.) Varnih, • aitor Oil, S*n t Oil, I rani Til, 1 amp Oil, Ckroine Y* llw,t hrma* Cirn, | iuaui> M ur. And all (Ui i'uldra uii L) jHi and for al.< low by M. ftAHTLITT. No 12 _____ 3® .It w Spring A’ XwwOM# r Hootix, fretr off'‘rin% in great bargaim at THE PEOPI.F/S STORK ICTI Oniber und eliHdrd Hemp** ibid Hnlroriree, IV A Urge Mt*ck us colored, Mr ml aliuded Mut line. Honnrts, Bibhono irt ArtificioU, /at **/ uty/r, French woikcd Coll tiro, CU loUiM, und Cnder I Striven, Frrwh end Sfidrk (inphame, very pofterao, tJioo Ue To, Fiench uui k ih y Liuen Drill ing* llt'Miteo n hoetcf oilier ♦* wrunllv kepi in n feu 1 cy ami ample <1 • v good* aiere. To on insjnviUn i.| the ’ Urge and h- uutiiul 9Uh k now I non. I would irepecl I full v im ite lle oliwwimo •* he #•Hr. Apni Id * *22+ Ms.. CLARK. _ Sale on a t.inry Stobte. f |*ll E iiiMlereirneii rerprctlulU inform * their fiaemt* *vnt the public, fl a i they hove opened n Starikiii Wiro.t, * <>r port oar of doing u bAI.IvAM) IVFHV 111 rtINF.SJJS. mid M*rj •ilully until H o allure of |t*l ir pniimmfr* Tfti ir JStnl Ir * mo connected with th* Kl.uVll Ht l Sl*. mid evrry alien* tmu w ill be (Mid to euMouxtr* in order to pile gcncrul eatmWtioii. Ttteir Stable* err Inrrr, new tin ? c ommcidintie, w itH* und every cnnviuicuca, iVronno would i'o •rell to riv# u • cell. HAWKINS, J. W. 11 AKKH. Macon, April9B IW4 UU