Georgia messenger. (Ft. Hawkins, Ga.) 1823-1847, July 02, 1846, Image 1

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61V S. !IOSE. TERMS. The MKSNKNOR'X i puhli.hid eckly, ®n Ttinmlv * irni*C< ’ 1 kn * Drllvr,, if j>id • j*r, m! fvr A !! ft il Uhl p.iJ till lte expiration of the >rr. * ilo'rtin’i'ot’ urn eacredim lorirr line.,will he inamed o.’ ) itlxr lliu :irht insertion, and Fifty Out* furracii eon ui ioi-. I 1 1- Tiix*’ ni-nts not limited alien handed in, will h • uiierted till forbid. - .f ,x nl ind Vi-troe* by Kxeeutora, Admimatratora .’i iinrllan, ire n-q Hired In law to b- adrrrliaed in a * i ilie ‘a* -tte, liaty days previona to the day of aale. F fae ,f • ramial Property inuat be adrertiaed in like fly’. l t!(! , - f t’> t > hlora and Credltoraof an eatate muat be pub- will be made to the Court nfOrdina ryfir I■•aeeioaell band and Nr,roe., mint be publiaheil week ‘f;>, r |^ > r “ ‘u aiietaenu, One Dollar peraquare, for eorli “‘aVe'rnainr i CanditUtea,Tbee Dollara. g-p I.K r I'ERS on bu'ineia muat be pttt pnid. * MRS. F. DESSAU AND SISTER, HWK openeil at thoir Miliiberv and Drens-niaUine ’, on Mill limy atrcet. oyer J. 1.. ■ v (Vs Store, nn invoice of new and faahinnnbln Soring and Snitimbr MU.I IN ARY, ronaitine of all the varieties of I,aili. s llonneta, Cape. Embroic'eiiea, Rib i,„na Miintillas. Gloves, I’arn-ola and Sun-ahatles, fcc. . j | |,o niorl tueliionubla Trimmings lor Ladies , riianUfol for past favors, tliey solicit a continuance of the imlrouage of the Ladies. _ H Runnels ami llressea made to order; also, waists out and fitted, ns usual. Mason, April 16, 1046. J 3ln -> >, \„ they nrr prepared not to he outdone, they nfr-r their finml's, which on rompbriaon will lie found as good if not better than any bruught to tins market, at | verv low prieea. rjj- Three or four Seatnstiessos wnnted. Appren ticra wnnted. j IWsiilk. Ivon :nl Hollow Ware. pr/bfb kegs Cm .Nulls, . £)Ulr 1 5 tons Iron, assorted l to 10 tncara, Omill Hie. ‘lieet Iron, 10,000 Ilia. Hollow Ware, 2.11U0 lbs. Caal .-‘t-el, ] ,Olil iier.nnn and Blister Steel, 2|0(lfl ‘l.inp and Band Iron, •VI dor- lines, illfl pairs Trace Chains, Receil ed and for sale by E- B- “ [ ‘ Deo 17 OROC£aiE3. CHT Crmx Porto Itico, Muicuvadn ft New Orleans Suears, S ‘tVVdia-y U WooUcy 'a best utam refined Loaf and Lru.ta- H.l Cuba, St Domingo, Java and Mocha Coffee, Hyson, voting Hyson and ouiipuwder Urevu leaf, and Delong, brat Mack, K**w Or can” and cut India Molssxcs, #)t .rrf, U'ijuy * Cos., and Sijjurtc • Brandy, itpit Holland and Swmi Gin, Choice old Port, Madeira and Champagne Wiaca, Ornuinr old Havana aud Principe Cigara, s-irrin Caudle., Starch, Soap, Powder ana Shot, Mat-on, l>ec 15, 1545. Theatric'il Saloon, MACON, GA. THIS commodious und well arranged building is “it uutr.l In the most central port nt the city, and mts been thnrmiglilv repaired and put Hi complete order It is well adapted to thentrienl, for cnncerla, retitrea, or soieutifi.-exhibitions ofonv description. It will be rented for purposes of tile kimi. on rnaaonkble tarms, by applying to H'.RDINAND H K.NL. The building i? subject to a city tax.which has been pnid bv the proprietor, all performances 10 it are there fore exempt from any additional tax* Oct 29,1845. *’ SHEETING. JUST received a lot of 6-1 and 19-1 Bleached and Brown Sheeting of a superior quality. Also brood assortment of of Ladies and Gentleman a K.clf.doves, best quality. Gb °- W ‘ 1 Keli 11, ± llnrnrss and Sol* I.failicr. JTST received a superior article, lor Feb 20 2 f.LO. W. I’RILS. Nt*w Orleans Stisar sd Tlolaases. 1 /4 Hliris. prime new crop New Orleans Sugar, U> 15 bids. do. do. ?J 0 - COTTON*’ _ Forsaleby REA * COTTON. r|A RAVELLING Tritnke, Carpel Bags, Bonnet Cases J and Valices, for aalp by hs,ti R|JHV March 18 5 J. AE. gAULSBURY-_ eii HHDS. new crop Cuba Molasses, in store and 51) f.i sale by SCO TT, CAIUIAR T 4. CO. April I - BBLS. llvdraulic Omeni, for sale bv ,>1 SCOTT, CARIIART & CO. April 1 L. SHIRTS. T)!.AIN and Striped Linen Shirts, April's recaiv Bdl8 dl> y j. 4 E. 3AULSBURY. gllhs, RfrnePA. INlnslins, filnglmm*. rfg HE Undersigned have just received and are now JL opening everv variety and sty la of the above goods |,rf n m BCJ ° od n McKinnon 4 ca_ Cincinnati bacon —10 hhds. choice sides, for sale bv KEA 4 COTTON. April 15 • CAB..tAOESa 2 LEATHER Top BUggie*; 4 Trolling Baggies, I Denham Csriiage, and , S Jersey Wagons, for sale lnw by FREEMAN 4 ROBERTS. Also Harness, Saddles, Carriage and Saddlary Hard ware, Carriage Trimmings, Leather, 4c. No. 20 b 40 ANOTBB& ARRIVAL. Tfc F,. SAUI.SBURY continue to receive daily • accessions to their Muck of Spring hiiu Stammer Cluthiug and Piece Goode. and ere now orr.wiwo Satin, Csehmere and Marseille Wale, Lilian Drilling, Casbmcrefte end Drop A Ete I ante, , L'aahmerette, Crotori. Drup d'El LiM* touU, AI.SO, Bnper Black French Clotha. “ Fancy * Ctisauuera, 11 Black Drap d’Kla,. l.inen Drillings, fit. 4tc. April 8 JL CIiOTHS. SUPERFINE and common Black, and Blue-black j Clnthv ami Caisimers—just recetve.l by April‘2B II N. McKINNON A. CO. I UMBRELLAS PARASOLS and SI N-SII\DF,S, a good asirortuieut juel received “td for sale at the j lowe-t prices. N. McKINNON it CO Aprit 28 _________ _ THE higheat prices in CmH paid lor nil kinds ot 1 Furs,by DIBBLE it BRAI I Cotton Avenue,nearly oppoiite WailiingMo* 11*11. | Dec 8 NOTICE IS hereby given to all p.itiea interested, that after the j ■ espiration of thirty days, application will be made tit the Mayor anil Board of Aldermen of the city of Ma con, for on exchange fur one ecre or lesi, of land lying 1 the aoulh-en* side, nnd adjoining the upper Depot, let of the Mel on and Western Rail Road, and between ‘ •ud Lot nnd the Colomhue road,—the same <o lie taken 1 in lien of the same quantify of ground heretofore grant* ed them bv the acid Board of Alderman. * DANIEL TYLER. Prnn’t. Macon A Western Roil Macon, June 34 1846. 5w19 ¥ A HD.— SOO Iba. prime Leaf Laid, for .air hv li WHEELER to HARROLD- June H 19 NflW FLO UK —2OOO lh. nr* Flour of type rior qualilr,from l.ary's mill, At’ sale by Juneß4 19 WHEELER ft HARROLD. DISSOLUTION. THE en-ptrtnersliip of WATTS it MOI I.TON i this day dissolved. All unsettled busmen, will be attended to by either of oe. W. n. WATTS, TANARUS, J. MOULTON. - Maraa. June IT, 1846.. 3wlß TOIL RBNT. liAOUII ROOMS over the auhacriher’a More.mutable * for offices. ELIPHALET E. BROWN. June 3 1C l)AUllftl.—3A.900 lire. Bacon—Sides. Shoulders I and Hams,for sale bv J.oa 94 1, WHEELER A HARROLD. if. K£ v.ttiTi: it tr r. Vomiuiaiiion niTTliaiiti, No. 15) SI. ClinrU's Rlrrcl, 3WTTW OAISASS. H. KENDALL CAK T jtK, > DANIKL PHAI l, j Julvtl, 1544 <e SHERWOOD h PATTF.KSOV, corner ofSi-con *nd Osk S'rtru, wttahi iitform the public that they ••*• |irrpard to t-secute House, Sign and Ornnmentul Painting, GRAINING, Imitation of Wood and Marble, Glazing and rapes Picture Fraiu* made and Gilded. OLD CHAIRS Re-bottomed, Painted and Gilded; Furmtarr V^rnuhed and Poll died. Bcll-ll:i n (fins: done in the bey manner, material, f.irm.hed and warranted. In elegance anti -Itfipateii, it i. their detenninafinn not tv be turpM..ed bv any ciabli.limiuit in thefit-utb. Fr r-on■ in want of any t,f the above work, will please give asm call, and examine .penmen, before engaging clsewkera Aprt] 1, ltd. _ 7 IRISH LINEN end Damask Linen Tabla Covers, Uirds-eye, Huckaback and Russia Diaper, just re-1 ceive.i at ‘ THE REOPLL'S STOKE. April 16 9 PARASOLS. Parassojettes 4 Sun-shades, probably the best and cheapest lot to be found in the rity, at April 16 9 THE PEOPLE’S STORE. Bleached and brown sheeting. 4-4, 6.4 and 12-4, direct from the mar,ufuctory,juat receiv ed on Mulberry street, at April 16 ‘ 9 THE PEOPLE’S STORE. Itfw Goods! i\ew Ooods! THF. Pubiicrih#rhn jart received i\ Inrge lot of FINE. Ml SI.INS, Muslin and Earlpton Cfinplinui*; Rlu*\ Pink and Btifi’Check Gingham* ; l.ndi<V TwiptH Silk and Fillet Mitt*; .Mis*e Idark nnd white Mitt#; Scarf*; Coarse Book and White Linen for lining dre*ae* ; all of which are now open and offered nt reasonable price. Custom*rs are roliciied to pive m** a call. June 17 18 K. WOJDRUFF Tin Plnlo nnd Wire. OrtM BOXKB Tin Plate, w* Fir 4,<K)O llm Iron Wire, asserted Nos. 6 to 18. Kccrived and for aule by C. B. WEEf>. Dec 17, 1845 44 AtSS. r(\ DOZ. Cnllins’ Axes, Received and fir sale by E C. WEED* Dec 17 4i_ SIIETT STEEL-3,000 !!>•. Sheet Steel fo (■in Saws, just received and for sale by Dec 17 4> K. Bv WEED. t h ticc IVines anti lirantlij For sale 0:1 iiiiii<oi:My low tertus. A RARE CHANCE! AL. AUDOUIN respeeifully informs the citizens of .Vfacon, that in contemplation of a removal, and change of business, he proposes to sell out tor ca*h, at rates that be satisfactory, ius choice slock of Wines and Brandy, comprising CHOK-E MADEIRA, verv old. OLD PORT, n superior article. CLARET, of his own importation. (- H A MI’ACiNK, ol the most approved hrnnds. BRANDY, best quality, pure and unadulterated. His liquors he can confidently recommend to connois seurs, and for family use. Nov 20, 1845. 40 Fnliionnble Spring Goode. THE subscriberi* now receiving n large and g-enernl stock of Sprinr and Summer (inode, snd invites bis cuslomeis nnd the public to call and examine, ns he is confident his Goods are as hnnd-oroe, and prices as j reasonable ks ut anv other establishment in the city Arril 15 9 GEO. W PRICE. I rciicli Drilling :ml I’asftimfifi. JUST received an assortment of the above—Also handsome Marseille* Vesting-*. April 15 9 GEO W. PRICE. Lftre Muslin Shfiwls. A LOT of the above—a new and beautiful article— large size. GEO. W. PRICE. April 15 9 Pnraftoh nnd Hun Shade*. received a large assortment ol the übove—some verv rich and handsome. April 15 9 GEO. W. PRICE. Olil Port Wine, A FEW boxes Port Wine, imported by John W. Long, fc>q. baVulinah, a very superior article, for sale bv REA 6l COTTON. April 15 9 SUGAR At COFFEE—B hhds. N Orleans Sugar, 60 bags Rio Coffee, for eale bv Apri| 15 9 REA & COTTON. Pastilles tie Paris, FOR the alleviation nnd radical elite of Bronchitit, and other diseases of the throat, whir l, have been used and found eminentlv efficacious, and are bifblv recommended by numbers of the inoat eminent ih-uiorg of the day. Releiencea >f the bishest respectability can be given from gentlemen who do not wish their names to appear in print before the public IS. B.—These Pastilles give instant relief to hoaise ncip*, and *l>o cold in the bead. . Also—Camphor and Peppermint LOZFNOFS, for sale by GEORGE PA VIVE. June 94 12w19 Druggist and Apothecary. VINE.VILLE ACADEMY. rpilE second term of thin Institution will open on the I first Mondsy in July next, uinfer the chsrre of !>r. P. Me Int if kx. formerly well known in this ricinily, a* ] the Rector of the Bibb county Academy in the city of Mhcoii. Kate* And terms as customary, viz . < Rending, Orthography, Writing, and ) *lO per term. or*l Arithmetic, N * \\ ritten Arithmetic, Geography, Eng. P „ u and Element* of History, > Latin and Greek,Mathematics the) Element* of ftftturul Philosophy.? $lB u u ('hen Dtrv, Botany k Relief* Let tree, y Composition and Declamation alternately each week. ‘ i'harge liom date of entry to the end of the teroi (22 weeks)— closing about lit December. June 23,1846. 19 •JO Cent Shoes. Jf T ST received a large supply of Ladies* 60 cent Shoes. • A lurir nneorfmrnt of Gent's fine Button Gsitere, A large assortment offlent’s fine Goal Gaiters, A large assortment o’ Gent’s fine French Call Boots, A large assortment of Calf Lining and Binding Skins, all of which will he sold as creeps* the sume article can be bougHt in the State, by April 15 9 . WHITING & MIX. Blouse Toni*. JIIIOH'N l.iucn and Mcrimack Blouse Coate. JLS Inal received hv Aprils S J- to E. SA.IJLSr.URV. WST received and fur sals, ‘2W,'ltHl Kecalia Cigar*, of. fj extra brands. SCUT I', CARIIAKT it till, j gjtine 10, 1846 I? j i\i;w fFNHF. oii4cr.ignctl arc deriving and opening th. tr Spring I and Suntimv .uppll.” of k ANt V aud SI'AHI.K liMt 1 OnOUS.anfnng ehirli will hr found all th. new stvl. • t the ■caw,a ; all of which will he sold at the h.wcrt price. I’ur are invilt it to call and examine thr .loch. April S K. McKINNON K. CO^ Goods for Cnsh! THE aoltaeriberk wishing to close thrir present stock, oiler their Goods at COST FOR CASH, anil re quest tturchaaera to call and examine lielore eut>, dying themeelvea. ‘ 1). A W. GUNN. M ucon, May 19. ’ . • li. Property on the Hail Hoad ron. sals low. A TWO storv DWELLING with eut-bniMlnge lo cated wiiiiin a few steps of the depot in Forsvih, surrounded by * grove and gnrilen of about three acres, helniKing to Rev. C. F. Sturgis. A great bargain wilt be offered iTapplicntiottia made immediately to WILLIAM 8. NORMAN. Forsvtlr. Mae 19,‘lR4ft ’’ Rwl4 JFM TS.’ fi TS! DR. IVAN’.* Vegetable Extrert, en infallible reme dy for F.pilepiie Fils or Falling Sickness, Convul sions,xc. Also Ivsn’e Vegetable Anti-Uilioua Pills, for removing nil morbid and corrupt humors, nod puri fying the Mood. For sale at March jl 4 BRUNO At VIRGINS’. n ICOi, TittllKDAV, JDIT 2, IM6. :.i FIRE PROOF WARE-HOUSE. f |AIIE undersigned, grateful for ( a jT I past favors,takes this mefb* / \y m nd nf informing l;b patrons, and fflfflliTl ’y him their buaineSH that he has (foi the tet* ter seeming their interests) obtain* and the beautiful m.d well arranged Pi re Proof W *areMionse, on Cotton Avenue, formerly occupied bv J. Cowl.*s for the purpose of St/risf t otton nnd all kind* of i '#- try Produce. He will, as heretofose, give his persumil attention to the Ware-House, and pledgea himself to use everv exertion to promote the intcreat of those who iiiav confide business to bis charge. Macon, June 24, 1846. N. OUHLEV. JO.VPS tr HOLT, WARE-HOUSE rom.nissioN merchants, H AVE taken the Wnte-Hnusc r>n (.'otton Avenue, formerly occupied by Moci.TKIK At Cammiki.l.* : Their best efforts will be employed to promote the in- j terest of (heir patrons. JOHN JOINED, \\ jH. S. HOLT. Macon, June 24,1846. 19 WARE-HOUSE Commission Haziness. GRAVES, WOOD & CO. TAKE thi method of informing pßnters aud utheri, that in addition to their m holt-anU and retail Dry (Rinds mill Grocery RiiNin4>4. they will continue totram-aca general AVARE-HOUBE 8r COM MISSION HI M N KhS, at thr old stand, (longknown a* Grave*’ Corner,) on the corner of second xtrett and Com merce ltw, and vrouhl revpectfilllf fenew tin Vender of th-ir service* to their planting friends, end others, with tiic assu rance, that those who may patronize us in this tine of Imsi ness, shall have our br-t tndeavors to do them justice and pro mote t ieir Our Waif Haute is conveniently situat ed ; and Cotton store,! with ua, shall be well taken care of, and proLct>d from the “ecther. We will nlso ussist with measure, our friend* in selling thir cotton and without Charge; and we arc at all times prepared to make advances on the same in Cash or Merchandize. We respectfully solicit a portion of he parcp*ge of the , public. GRAVES, WOOD CO. EirWllf (iP.WEi, ) Thomas Wood, > J. M. Kibbkf., ) Macon, Aug 23, 1844. 37 Ware House and Commission . MSusiness. ViriNN 4 SEYMOUR will* the above hn ▼ v sines* t the natne stand, and aulicit from the planters n share of iheii patronage. Macon, June 10,1846. 17 WATCHES, JEWELRY, Ac. Ac. S. 11. DAY would inform h.x friend* Vft and the ptimic that he has teuight the Stock formerly belonging to C. G. St. jjrjl'* j \i| John, deceased, consisting of golo and ail jHfjr ver Watches, G*ld Fol ind Go rd Cnains, Gold, Silver and Steel Sptciacles, Gold Br.tccletit,Claps, Gold Snaps, Gold and Silver Thimbles, Ladies* Hmache*, (icrt*a Pins, Knives, Scisors, Ra*4irs, Kasor Strop*, Tooth and Han- Brush* a Pis tols, uritl man v mre things, too nuimreua to mention He will have new stock constantly coming, and will ord* r goods at tht r quest of those who may wish any thing in bis line. REPAIUKO. Watclirs and Clocks Cleaned and Hepaired at the shortest notice, and d*ne in the best possible manner, and warranted to keep good nine, and done at the cheapest price. Ring 4, Pins, Bracelet* repaired in the best possible manaer. Engrav ing also neatly executed. Persons would do well to call and see w hat he will dn, and there is nodoiibt but they w ill be pleased. Macon, Jan. 28, 1846. 40 ttnzsinc, Hone, Twine, rfIHK siihscriher# ay now receiving their fall supplies of GROC EHIES, Which they offer tothirold triends and thT public geneTail}, at unusual low pricaa. Vrt have now in store, and receiving— -309 pieces heavy Gunny Raggiag, 200 pieces heavy Keiituck) do. 150 coils Kciituck) Hope, #0 do. Manilla ilo. 100 lbs. Twine, 2,000 K.icks Salt. 1.1,00 .’ Ihs Sweedjr* Tron, 1,000 los Rand. Hop and Ro*l Irnn, 10 hhds. St Cr. is a* and Purto Rico Str’ r* # Loaf, Crushed and Powdered do. 100 hags Rio ami Java Cult, e, 50 boxes Ii hat co, 100 keg* Kail, 1,0 © lb*. Cast, Germ n and Plister S-rrt Also PAINTS AND oft%tr>dva i a* n r.. BCKP. Macon, Jan 1, IR4fi. WiIITIMJ A MIS m IfAVE till- aIV f r..d an'|- Ir j 11 Fine 1 tenth Calf Roots ad BrogbiiN, f.adies, Miaacs and Cbildreu’a Gai Larltoh and Misava* Half titer Bukin*, Do. “ do. Kid Slip* nnd Tie*, Do. White Kid with a large assortment us Ladies, nnd Chil* , dten’ll low priced Slincn. All of the above ill be S(*ld as low an the same qualities can be bought in the rity Ur State, Macon, March 18.1K46 5 BATi ! HAT! HAT-3 ! JUST RECEIVED AXD FOR SALE BY strong x wood, A PINE assortment -i iSrJw oi H AT.-*. CotisD* ‘f SSt-ia tine of Gents. Panama, l,F(horn, hl**Ft etvle of fine Nutria nnd French iMh Moleskin, wiUnndnarrow brim hlark Nutria, i.ti-nn At l*carl Ca|a, &c. &lc . winch thay will ofler at tha very ( loa'CHf prices to all that *i!l favor them with a call.— , Alao hHveon Hand nnd are ennatantlv rercivinf a grn ernl assortment of BOOTS ami SHOES, of all quuli- I lien anil pricaa. o*Ati!ie Near Briek Store, n|ipouiie Geb. Al. Lo gan <fct'n , next dour t” Ruaatll X Ki.iibcrly. Macon. April 14, 1846. 9 COTTON PRESSES* THE subscriber is now engaged a! hi* FOUNDRY in MACON, in manufacturing Rollmk’s Patent Progressive Power Cotton Pmesee, which for eonven ienre, ilurabililv anil ripedilio.,are iinettrpessrvi by ny j thine of the kind ever offeied in the public. To those ( wishing to pnrcltaee, s trial nnd guarantee will lip given ! beiore payment is required. All in want nf u first rite ! Culton Press will please makernTlv application to my- 1 sell, or to Messrs. Hamilton to llnrdcin ‘n. when price | nnd terms will he made known; alan on lined mill innile , tn order. Mill Irons and Ca.iiugs of every description, I on moderate and nccommodatiag terms. ROBERT FINDLAY. Macnn, June 17,1R46. *lB Jflacon iron 4* lira** l aundry, AND IHACaiNE SHOP. riAHF. subscriber having recently made tsrgeand im I portent additions to his lormer lie! nf psttern* tor | Oveisliot Brea*l. and Tub Mill (leering, ia now prepar- i ed to exeeute orders for Flour Villa, fixing Factories, Horse power Mills fur plantation grinding, tor.: al-n Cotton Presses, Gin Gear, Plate, and Hull., anil Mill Irons of everv deaeription : all of which will b made of | 111. verv heat material and workmanship, on reasonable and c> Onmiodating term*. ROBERT FINDLAY. Maenn, June 71. 1846. ylB ■MUST recni.ed and lor mile, .lll.utlh pwunds BACON *T -811 IF, 3. SCUTT, CARD ART it CO. J one 17 1_ JUST regeived and for ante, 50 libla. No. 8 Mackerel, SO ’’ “ 2 do. 25 hlfbMa. No. 1 do. 25 ilo. June 17 18 BCOTT, CARHART to CO. JUST received nnd fnr wile. 20 bids. Wonlsey 4t VVooleef’a Crushed Sugar, u ,jn, do. Powdered do. * 20 boxer. ’ .do. do. Loaf <l>. 10 “ Hsvanns Brown do. June 17 18 SCOT TANARUS, CARWAKT A- CO. • IST received and for sale. 500 l-ri>s NhUb. J June 17 13 SCOTT, CARUARI’ to CQ. JUST received and for cal*. ‘2OO keys While Lend, ’ - CARHART * CO^ ’ must rectified and for sale. 59 boxen of Tohaeco,of ffij different braoda nnd quajuiea. Jua* 10 17 UCvjTT, CARHART to CO. CLOTHING. ONE AN I* A 1.1/, TIKK NOTICT TH AT nw anil ra.hiannhla CLfH'HINO, for th. fall anil wintar Irmle. (nf th-ir own iiiaiinlartilrinr) an.! Mi’iili* t 1 (ho fiat maim-', haa j'jal liran rrcfivfti, i anti can lie *n at ilic -lore of ff.f. ItMLTOJY f Cos. on arcond nrxl dnoi to E. WondrufT'a Dry Hooda I Sinro, and ihrao door* frmn Wa-hi-flnn Hull. Tiic -lock ronai-la i.f Unnllrnien', carnirni- nfa.-rv kind, that will tn .ke lliam cninforlaliU and r-nircl. All of Ilia -ai.l zaniiaiila will ha nffercti at the lone.t caah pricaa.—Plaaaa Rive ua a call. Nov 5, |f!4s. 3g .Veil? Store and .Yew Goods! C. K. W ENT WORTH, Watch linker aud Jeweller* HA. ‘•I removed to me new brick block, enst side of Mulberry hired, (ini media tel v opposite his old stum!,) nnd is now opening n new and fine stock of goods in h*s line, consisting in purl of fine (old nnd Silver I.ever, Hnrieontal, Patent and Vertical Esc ope me nr Winches: Gold Guard, Fob and Vest Chains: Breast Pins, Finger Rings, Rings: Gold Chsiu and llair Bmcelets: Gold, Silver .and Steel Spectacles and Lye Protectors: Gold nnd Silver Pencils, Gold Pens, Gold and Silver Watch Keys,Gold and {Silver Thimbles. Sil ver Combs, Silver hik! Pearl Belt Slides, (sold Sleeve ■nd Collar Buttons, Gold Snides and Chain Slides, (■old Lockets, Henris and Crosses: Card ('aaes, Steel, Silver nnd Gilt Beads; Head Ornaments. Jet Combs, Ladies’ nnd Gentlemen’s Purses, Supeiior Pen un*l Pocket Knives,Scissors, Ruzorn und Hnzoi Strop*: Tooth, Lather nnd Brushes, Shaving Cream, Real German Cologne. Fine Silver Pluted Castots. Cake Baskets, Can He Sticks, Waiters, Cups. Snuffers aud Troys: Dixon's Fine Ware in setts. Also Coffee and Te.i Pots; Silver Setts of Knife, Fork ond Spoon; Spoons, Watch Stands, Fens, Perfumery, Fnncv Good**. Ate &•. Watches of every description repaired in the lent j manner. All Watches sold or repaired will be irar • i ranted to keep ~ood time, or the rash refunded. Wak-h ----i es sent from any part of the mnntrv, will receive the I same attention ami be repaired on a* reasonable term* OS though theoiener trerr present. All kinds of (sold and Silver work neatly repaired at the shortest notice Spectacle Glares adapted to ull ages. ALSO FdR, SALK— I One .f Chickerinp's Superior Piaro-Fortss, in rose wood case, full fenphtn iron from e, nnd warranted a* fine an instrument in txtry re spect, as can be found in Genre is. C. ti. WENTWORTH, Watch Maker nn*l Jeweller, Maco, Nov 5,1845 Last side Mulberry Street. WATCHES. JEWELS.IT, dtC. J. A. * S. S. VIRGIN. At their old stand on Cotton A reave, opposite Washington Haft, exj \&7OULD inform their friends and v ▼ the public, that they have now on hand a good assortment of Gold and jF Silver Watches *f the various makers, j JBLt . tAr and of different kind-; aDo n paid o-- sortioent of Gold Chsitis, and Keys, and a variety of other articles, ronsi-titifr in part f the following : Spoons of p? c Silver; Gold ami sil ver Pencils; Gold Pens; Gold Foil and \\ ir- lor Den tist.*; fß*hionabU Jewelry, Breast Pins, Finger Rings, Fsr Bing* l of latest nultern*; superior Pen ond Pocket Knives; Razors nnd Stt op*; Scissor*; Bend Bugs and Purses kili AtM*|iinuii>'. ileAtl Ofnameots do.; Siee! Pen* ofGilhdtV moke; Pistols and Guns; Ther mometers; Tooth, Nail end Shaving Brushes; Twe ’ mers: an assortment of Toy s for ( hiidivu, wih h varie ty of other articles, which will be sold very cheap for cash S. S. V. would take tins opportunity to sot, thnt he j has a good assortment of wat< |i material* enrefniiy re- J jtn ted by himself: th se, with the superior set of tools ! he Hut to work with, a* well :i* other ndvHr.tase*, he I thinks he is prepared to execute work as well a* work gets to be done, it will be Ilia uint to give entire sxtisfuc -1 turn to all. JVc 17.1845. 44 .Yew Store and .Yew Goods. fIIMK subscribers would r***pei tfully infirm thrrr flriits!s ” and the puh if, that they have t-ikcii th* *t*en the enm-r nf first and Puplar **rrcts. knov mi |)wm Rich ordson’s c ruer. where sH*^are now receiving, and tii u t i receive from New lorkand iKst u.a large tu.d haml •OEii’ loong.rnt t r hict iir'l sinpli- Dry Go ale. ; r with Shoes. Hxts, Ronnets. Ready-iride Clothing; , CrtcKrrjr anu Glass Wart, Nails, Hullw* ’ V.Pei ft. Oil*, Window (ihu. MulmiHt, kc. -n •v* atiK-k has h-Hiirl'-rii and with j*rt at tare, arH i* vte I adapt* dto th*- c t •! c <trv irsde. IN i-son* wi-h ig tu buy at unusually low prices fir ‘nth, wil tail i a ltd examine our stock In frt pur* busing Im h re All'r ; dera from the country si I lie thankful!) r*ccvd andf<i'h i fully executed noon the lowest possible t rius. kevdhick u ct art:. I Macon, April 27, 114*. tiu'n Spring and Summer < to lling. rilHB miha**rilM*ra have rercirmg iHeii I Muck of Spring mi I €T|-tiiin( which tUcy are prepared to al verv low pri e-v for rah. March 8 5 * J - At E. 4 tULSBUfIV. YOUTHS’ 4 UOT lIINO. Pants nnd Veata, adaptnl to utminfr wear. J jtM received by J- At E SAULfijBURV. March 18 6 OPENING THIS PAY, CLACK IVem h Chrilt", Fancv French Omaim^ra, Blai k and Fancy CaNlnuerettf, B 1 ck Frticli Doe Skin", l.inFii Drill*. Ate. Air. A N<v a fiitM aaaorttneni of Scntfe, f?ratat* Glr've-, Atr. March 18 5 1. X E .S AIJLSBU UV. Cy* Sfiit f/ufi Come. vQ H 1 ■'t (Inv received and for -ale, • noth?r lot ot Prana* J. prtrent WIM>OW SNAHES. hew pattern*, mont •p lend id, am! ve*v cheap. Call atH *e *. June 17 4w IS WOOD At BRADLEY. [ IVlefraph ropy four liitira.] HATS,“CAPS, &C. r|ll|F RuliM'ribfr hit nnw open, end 111 he r<ivttant* I ly rrueivinjCv* rhoi e Mock • f lint*, C'npa, Ac. Ac. at the store recently orciipicd hy (• A. Kimherlv X t o. which will ho aold far curb, at pri'-e” to “uii the time". Maron. June 2,1846. l< r F- K. RIGHT, sroTzer. HAVING thi” dav “Old niv etork of DRY GOODS and GROCERIES to inv brother, Jamks Srv moor, I would respectfully recotrmend him to my Irioatl* and patrons, and hep for him a continuation of the litierai tuirounee heretofore ••cstawed uimmi myself. I JOSEPH ft, SEYMOUR Maron, June 1, 1846. I'* N. H.—Alt those who ar indebted to me hv note or account,will roofers favor by settling the same. IN order to enable metosupplv my numerous frirndv nnd euelotners. (and rspeeiully those I root the conn* ties of Jones, Baldwin, ami Twi*g.) I have taken the inre l-itely occupied |,y Messrs. lUiASKIJi X KIM BERLY, corner of Cherry end riecond Stncts, where I intend keeping on hand h general itseoitornt uMkinplf nnd Fiinfy Hry floodti. Ilard* t were, Ororkerv, Httgar, ?4-flve, Moisesss, Km •*, Mai U* erel. Bacon, of everv description, together with everv article ueuslli kept in t general Dry Good* ad Grocery Store. A call troin my friend* and the public jrencrallv is reepectlnllv solicited. For the patronaie that has le**i o li’-eradv lrstowed „pon mV establishment at th” head ol C'otion Avenue, r or tlie last fix years, tnv net oners lieve my eimere i,nf heartv thanks, with the assurance that in my new concern no p*os drill be s|mired, or means left untried to eive general sati-fsctii-n, nod merit a eontirtnsrwe of the same. In fset, I iut nd it r-hsll le i(nerHllv understood that at w -he place |u y.‘l IliirU'llMh. gj,_Mv e.(nhlishmni at th* head nf -lie Avenue will he i-niiliriurd for ihe ur--M-nl, under the supeiinten.l enrenf Mr. VV M. H. JOHDEN, who is duly nmlhirl*- ed to r-ceiitt for. snl settle all nrcounls due me nt that estnlilie unent P'faone bavin, running enroll Me ere e.rh—llv reqite-tetf to rail ami -ertle the .ame, either with en.h .x ttmea. previous to the first of th-tnber n, as I rtmiemphtte tnakinf diffrient arraug- nieiils wnli ’ that business, which will make it aecuaMf to Utnj llto book* tn a r'.tiee bafora tbal lima- UmiSHt, Ocmulgee Iron Foundry and .Machine Shop. (VIA CON OEOJ ’pnE auhai’rihara haainy r*p(R a nrw Ctabliah- I niant, nn nlfar to thr public, inilnrainanta that il - ha. n-i*r bail before in that line nf buaineM.— ‘litl \Vri*lita, <4in Maker. 4e„ will find it to their ■drant.ife lo (ire it, a call, wn will (naraiitee all our work to lie emi.l, and at the lowct price—we hare a good atork of Patters* on band. A good Horxe Power lor eale. cuts. P. LEVY 4 CO. Cotton Arenne, near Macoo Is Western R. R. Depot. Alav 6. 1346. 12 ts Tel'efraph, Little Georgian, and Jefierronian, copy till forbid. Oris % cm. Wood Ac ( o. RESPECTFULLY invite the Sttentinnuf kMerrlmnrs and uilterr, lo their stock of seasonable Dry (oods nits in store. Addition* will be made weekly, through die sen son. of desirable styles of foods, via X 10 bale* Osnnhurgs, 5 * Brown Drtllinfi, 5 “ Tickings, 15 M 4-1 arowu Sheetings, 1$ •• 3-4 *• rthirtings, 5 •* fine unbleached SihirtlOfe* 5 “ Blankets, 5 cneeii 3-4.4*4, 5 4,10*4 bleached Homespun a, 3 bales Canton Flannels. 3 •* Cheek* and Pin ids, 2tl cast* Prints, assorted, f *• extra rich Prints, 1 44 rich mourning Piints, •? ** rich Gin .’.hain*. 2S pieces Hue, block and olive Broadcloth*, 30 “ American and FrenchCtaaimera, 50 u Vestii)ts 150 *• Keniuckv and Caasimer Jeana, 100 *• lienvy l.iiisevs nnd Keraeve, 100 “ red, yellow, while and green Flannel*, 15 “ black silk w.trp Alpaccme, 20 • colored Al|accaa, 20 * Alpacca Serges, 5 “ Bmnbnziues, 100 41 de l.aines, 20 44 Cashmere de l.sines, 20 44 Mourning de Lnine* nnd Berafet, 100 4 * colored (Cambrics, 75 44 Pongee Silk Handkerchief*. 10 44 English Silk Hdkfs. 300 doz. liesd and flag IMkfs. 75 44 Berkley and Madras* Cravntg, 10 pieces black and. fancy JSilk do. 3 44 green Barrage, 25 doz. gents’ an ! ladies Glove*, asserted, 300 “ Hosiery, assorted, j 75 44 Huy’s skined Suspender*, 75 44 low priced init. do. 50 boxes Ribbons, assorted, 25 44 Artificial*, 1 ? c**ea Florsnce, Straw and Fancy Bonnet j 50RO Sh.iwls. more or less, 40 pieces Irish Linen*, 25 44 l inen Bird-*ye Diaper, 20 44 Russia Diaper, 10 44 Cotton do. 5 41 12-4 and 13 4 Linen Sheeting*, Linen T*ble--!nth* nnd Napkin*, 5 piece* super FlnnaeU 4-4, 50 44 Jaeonets. 50 “ checked Cambrics, 50 44 Swiflo, Bonk. I .are, and Mull Vn*l!n. 50 44 black nnd white Lace Good*, 3-4 & 4-4, 1000 44 l.ace Edging* 1-2 to 2 1-2 inch, wide, 20 dnz. Muslin Collar*, 20 piece* Bi*bop l awn, 20 do*. Lawn Hdkfa. 5 case* Umbrella*, 20 pieces thro* plytßgtciß and Cotton Carpeting. Macon, Nov 12, 1345. 39 hTO PCS, li.UCi* tWiliE, a £j r Lii Wundfii an<( W.llou-ivnrc, Britannia and Tin-irarr, WITH K SPRINKLING OF YANKEE NOTIONS,’ OlBiBlI.i: Ac lUtAV, ITJJaVKoi* hand, and are constantly receiving large ft ■ addition# tw th'*tr stock of the abovs nrtK-b-s, whn h make their nascmmeni tolerably complete, und a* well aniected a* can be fuuntl in the State, Cohsistine in pa t of Cooking, (assorted sizes) Air-tig hi ond Box Sfotoik, with furniture cmpple. Knives and Forks, table nnd dessert, w it|> irory, seif tip, cocon,buck,bone, home nnd wood handles; Caiveia nnd s>ieei*; Butcher, Shoe end Kitchen Knive*; fine Pen and Pocket Knives; Shears, Scissors aud Razor* ot the best quality. Brant* Guilds,Curtain Pins,Casters, Bulls, Rose han dle Knobs. Fine Tea Troy*, Waiters; Silver, German Silver, Plated, Britannia and lines! iron Table and Tea Spoons ; Britaiinin, Brass, Iron and Tin Candlesticks; Britannia, Gl*s,Tin nnd Lard Lamp*; Copper and Iron Ten K#-i ----tie*; .<nuce Pans. Fry Pan-,Coal Hods, Mortar* and Pestle*. Potent Scale* and Steel -yards, I lurid Bellows, Brushes. Brass Andi-ons, Brass Bbovcl and Tongs, do. (very fine,) Iron do., Grid Iron*, Coffee Mills, Sa l Irons, Tailor's Iron*. Bras* Kettles. Brass JSUir Rods, Bias* .Maslen Kettles, nnd f>ras:4 Pails. | Files end Rasps, flat,.square and round. Chisels and Gouges, Pi na Irons, Lock* and T.ate he*; duns, Hinge’ Rolf*, Screws. Brick Trowel*, Brace and llitt-*,and exra Hitts; dinner, tea aud cow Bells: Ght** Cutain Pins. MSB, Crtws-cut, Hand ami Wood Saws. P-Ntcnt and common Hoe*; Chains; broad aud nor ;mv Axes; i and sbingling Helxdiets; f>rnw Knives, Bing nnd lest Weigher*; rb dge, !i*#n<l and nail llriiii toers; Foot Scrapers; Waffle and \\'alei Irons- Patent s.-rew arul Bed Wrenches, Screw Driver.*; Mincing Knives, >tcel Sounres, Sheep Shears, bras* ami iron Pulleys, bras* and irtn Coet Ph*. Cork Scrow§. Parts Ji-jper*, brass nnd pewter Cocks. Moiasse* Gates, (Tur* rv Cmbs, Bird Cage*. Bed Cords and Plough Lines, Sate \Yire-< loth, Shovel* and Spades, Tacks, Spriggs and Bparohle*. Fine Percuasioc and Flint Double and Bingle Shot Guns. Fine percus*ion and Flint Rifle*. Six barrel rifle and smooth bore Pistol**. Percussion \ IVp*, Sht Pouches, Powder Flask*, Pocket Flasks,! Leather Cups Britannia Coffee tad Tea Pots; Spittoon*, Water ! Pitchers, Sugar L>owls, Cream Puts, Molasses Cups and M MRS. Planished Tin, Alblaze am! Hash Dishes, Dish Cnv- J *r. Coffee Biggins, and a large usaortoicnt oi Jell/ , Mould*. Wooden- ware, a large assortment. Willow•wn re and French Baskets, a great variety. Plain and Japan Tin-ware, a great variety ; tmdevery article in the line made to order, at thu shortest notice, and in the bast mnrnrr. A Urge stock of Yankee Notions. The above articles will be srild nt the lowest prices, either at wholesale or retail. House-keepers er* par ticularly invited to five ua a call. Macon, Not 30, 1355 f^ Important to .Hill Owners. Ilotchkifs’ Premium Vertical Water Wheels, for Sawr or Grist Mills. ERDM tin* comma operation of ncarl) u thousand of these* W her I* mid their spnt-ndMg* s, in dilT; rent mHmiiis r country mu! th* v ri high popularity which th % have a tamed a ith all'hst hate an opportunity ol witn* Ming tk ir *xra*r.!in ry power. th* *ubcriiicr feels justift*-,. in giving iMihlicit) to” the following statement. ‘I h** B* of these wheel*, when pr perl) iiKvudUc* and, marl* doubles •hr value ot'thc Mills, and enable* them to *lo a busint -s whit h far tX rrrtl* thr most tangume of their own rs.n sny, #!’ hm urr i • .tit nirn dt-t .n<ttt*lie*l for tlirir *cn ore and practical skill, and hae aitv-t- dto its truth. 1 he**.- \ hr* la when up plied in Saw Mi lls, an* as ih- apl) construct* and ail e c,min.mi flutter Wheel, and will do double the butin* ss with ales* quantity of water: back watir is no imped inn tit sinn there * a head shove; they can be placed on the shaft of a com mon Flint, r W he* I Mill if in good order, and liu> g upon the lame bi semes if MifllcientSj # rung to sustain the p sir of the h el* ; the Wlir vli b* ing of cast-iron will last an age. They also constitute the r quint** Hy nr bah nee w hr* I, si rtir- ( I ing a M'iif.r n mvnoii in all prt*>f each revolution. Any workman ‘-a*ng the putt*rus, a model and tal*Je iTtktflaj lions, can adapt Mills to any location, with p rfnt su* ee*a. ‘ j Signed, G. HO iCIIKISb. | Thr *nhacribrr having become fullv convinced oftheinp*- 1 I n „ r advantag'S of the above Wh*ls over all other Water Wheels in i*e in thr country, both f.r Saw and Grist Mills ; 1 and tor the purp<s*nf hriuging th* la mis mor g* neral use Ml this S, rtton of the State, hr has become int* rest* u in the ri<ht of *anl Wheels, in the . ouuti* ■ of Htbh, Monroe. Craw fu.d.HoU ton, Macon and Sun.ptcr, mil wills* II individual, or con .tv rights, and alturd t very facility it ct**ry for put- ; ting Mills iiru|i**niim Ol* that S)stem, in those rout.tics,oil ; v. ry aceommo latmg terma. 1 have In ny yn sscaan i. letters und c. riifleates from many uot only highly .-rspeetahh ‘ hut diMi|igti*beil gentlemen in tnla and oth% r sai •>, atl concur ring with the statement* made by Mr. Hotchkiss as to the *tip< rior advantages of ‘hear Wheels, having * mph.y* and thepi ii. theirpwu Jdlli,ur witnessed their operation in the Mil of their fViettds. The*) a Isa fu 11 y concur in ye -vomit* * ding this improvement to lolllawaars geneva I ly, not on lv for its * *rv great improvement ♦’ t!ie speed or capacity of Mills for lhi sines*. |iut tor it” durability, iheaprutst and simplicity of •oiA* ruction. ... Some of the gentlemen whose testimony 1 have on this sub ject stf, gi.f.uv. Fit7.parick, Hon. J O. L. Huey,aid I ol t. ictitison. >:sg of Aa.; W, H.*yre, >%, •fr*, : t*l. J. A. Dove and Hon H. L Gsmbb , AUg'MlB, Ga ,aid liisny other ."cutl*-men in thst vicinity. All roiHmunieatiui *on thia strhject,'direU% to mcnt fennUMd), CntwT*r4Befell** vll be prom,.’., l. * J. A. MIITI.KH . • ir.p.,n.M.r *.'•*. .. J.f (CT Tl- .'■., H.|.ubiicu •< Wmci’ - 111 pM.U.Ii .Ur .a u um. VOLMIi: XX1V.~3V0.20. f Washington Hall, MACON, CEO. aS JAVTXO iKfoine .olr Pn.pri.inr of ,)ii | I wrll known HOTEL, repoi rwi •nd OT . prov<-i it. itnrrinr rrin*oihent, n.rrt tl .rrric „l ■Ueyi... , -rr.nt., .ml drtcmn ■ H *? * •* n *° K l .** to * l ny own personal mix. wiA .... . . ’Sj* *?* “'*, I** PWI m nn,.n too* r. trnunn In thvir wnntioml otimfl it, ,ht k>, h.n • ,-ix.4 ,Vi. r|Wnl.„„ n ir * i Itm :> l,\ n I.KS ri w.-lt nn,l omul. .uonlicl will, *.r,um. on entire unf fh.ihlhl 0.,1.V PP proftr,- Swsl iJUI *h , l bet, attttnr it. lorUr the WASRIhf ■ Et *.V’ ALL * •**** Wore than U ho, I,ten ena init. pale. Jn l tui , . r l ,t ‘' ! ‘’ l ‘ n>ent ha * 00 c ® nn< ‘*'nn w ith thy other Jtoino wilmam a. .wit. The Floyd House, Macon, Geo # . A CAK©,—-The undersigned ten ffpETAk ft “** rfclmow ledgmnua io.o f!,n*s litikßU I,r tr>v^'|, n?r pntiS.c generally, f, r tlx- literal *!“"'* , ’ 1 exund.d tn Ms Hoiisetiii- JtoVWIM r ‘ M f Hie past y t r, ami t.uvtstke Bitfurtlifr I X, “ r ,h '' , P*”'* “5!! be rpnii and to rtnd* r if orr •l'ir tn icm *•••, will itturehiibi continuance u? ! a Wjiiw, a; firmer!*,is tippTj*tf wjjh eerrr luxury and •elicocy wmcU this or th- seaboard tHlirft affird ; hi* 1# r ▼Antf **• trusty and arteutsre, noil his hhhh fn i*m>* tied in thf ntton- r. Hi* respectfiflJy solicits a call from hia Rrxi.d-i Hinl t 1,,. pu ’c pentrall>, j _Aytil TANARUS, >94ft. ?tf D a NFWCOMO I I ’ T0.*411 IICIIISeT^ INDIAN SPUING?. BUTTS CO. ‘ Ani rpHf- subttriber, pi| rhUr of the Indian JrTfO ■ ,?P r * n f Hot tor the last tv o >ra # ItIISHU rtapettftilij i. torn, hit fi*„. B r n HIiJhMV natrons of tliia hute,o S.ut!i i A;* jjAWjgJH b in.,, ami Us vt.mti, a, il nt J u has j.t a pr. rt | expense, ertcfid a apl-mli.; HOT I I. . p the a bore name, lor the ample accommodation o'. Manors du ring the appro ebmg stasun. ‘flii* House will b I’pem-d on the ;ot!i day of Mrr next. The Mclntosh House is in and pth *soicit by 42 \\ i,u—on nins between 70 and 80 large and an y rooms, tn K , th r orh three spacious Drawing Hm n.a n , a*uknd;u iuil Itctio - largr and wide Pia/za* exnrdii gap t,d the Ifenl-fnekn r It what has to long lurn desired at this Spring—one of iargi st and most .•ommodicu* Hnti Is trcrrrcitid at any wa tering p.aee in the South’ rn coniiti v. During the last two s.-asonri there h.s been mucl* complaint for want ot “ore uC'omnudM'ions f. rih hundreds that dailr nock to this well kn wn and Justly etlehrat* and hiu rit.j; place This sc son shall he i.o reason Ofcomplhini tor want 61 arc mmod.'tious,or uideid any thing com.ecuU with tins establish mi nt. The Mclntosh House will accommodate over fcur hundred pi rons! Neith r pains or expense hav e been spared in furnishing and flittiiic up tli s H<>ise ao h 9 to render it truly r house !.r ali who iwh\ t.i*or it wnh tin lr pHironnge. lin fbrniruie is all new and of the most sterling kind, having betn made up to order f*r this e*rabli l , tn ti. ‘J In* location of the Mclntosh Hon'r is on the bH>w of the Mclntosh HiUj ovii looking the Spring, for many mri the residence of the ct It bra ted Tol HKlitmli, *t the Crtek na tion, an well known and associate and in the Imlian hiatar) of our country. T*>e suHaeribcr, thfr for. flmters him til tliat in ord* comfort, and oxst*matie arrnwgi om t, tlit V.t*h !li.v4 ahatl not ht* atiri> >*i-d ; and hop< - fii.m bis eonunn.d exer tions to phase,tie may wcur a hhnr i> the public patronage. BRYAN W COI.MUt. Indian Spring, May 134*5. J 2 .vos st: r. I HAVE remove;! to. flitl n|.ennl n lute OQ*e ia PKHRV* linnsinn rot:* *y where / dent* uli turn mnnicatiops hr muii u. be directed. March 1% IW4G 4 C. L\ COOEa. & I.U^PKIXT A i rOKNKVs. .\T LAW, Pftiirt Town. Sumpter Ci nnljr, Gcoi pmetice in the etim tipa of Sutritfr, Slcwurl, ▼ ▼ Mn**on. .Maiiuuund Uoiieron. Philir Cos .k. lifc.NHi H LujtrKur, Jr. A!v C, JR 16. 10 Columhna Krquirrr p*ti!i?h three mertlis. DK. CHARLES THOMPSO.V HAS Inken ufliee next tloor to l J aync'.- Drug Store—: i r idem e in Vinevilte. An\ word left at eii'icf plnee (dtiy or night) will lv ‘ fMiiu i;unwind hv l*o\ lor that pn innse. lie hope* hy attention io hurlreae, n<l nti i*xpoiei.ce of fventocu %Chi'> to n'.crit of pa t mini ge. March 11,1816 fT-.L'cr 10!: ropy J Cm 4 am DRS. G. ft .1. D gii'tcfidly acknowt eilge the liberal patronHge xtended to t!tc-ui ff the lunt lew veare by the citif.etta ot Maeoo ami vioinhv, and woii>ri inform th#:n that they have removed their office to thelirick r*nvc north yi*ie ol Mulberry sited, over the Jewelry Store of t . K. Wentworth. They hare no arranged their baflim-s?. n scone nf them to make regular visits to the neighboring villagel and certain portions <•( the country* Macon, Dec. 31, 1 U 4. r , 46 ~ his t o s Foitu* sa. r.i jaiißTimr 3 1* AS jus? received, at hia Drug Ffoiw * J. tin Mulberry sneer, a large atock of ymfr—"fs Di CliPtiji -al.-, Paints, Dye Oils; Dlufis-w ask V uiil. w Class, &ir.\ hi fact, . v,. r y thing usually kept llv Dri.gei-ts. Ilavios made his pnrehupea fur ('tixh, and from tiret hnude, i New A ork unii AJos ton, he \* enabled 4n execute orders at na low pi ices lb finr, fresh and vrrtdutteratcd articles can he obtained at anv cHiubliNlitnerit ir* the southern couture i*hyaicians, Mhiilii irruren*. Planler, .•#? Dealers are invited to call and examine iiia stock brim a they make their purchase*. Macon, Sept 25, t&43. 32 WISTAH’S liai-am of Ciu rrj, fer diHrar n| ibe Lungs, t'ohkl*t, Brc. i.nm Western Indian Panacea. Dr. Tavlur's Kataatn of Linniurt. SwaimS Pans ecu. 1 Mowknd's Took* Mixture, for ‘Fcrrrtnd Ague, lwdinii Yegrtsble Elixir jor H hi uinaiirni, l> c. Whitcheadw V .ssenge 01 Mustard. Jayfn * NidrTunia. •att’s Pill*, tkc. Phoeuirv But* rs. Sand's rein* dy tor halt Kh um, Carp nter‘s Extract nt l*mk Rot, Henry’s Calcined Magnesia. Butter's EllEfevcirg Martr * Indian Ha*r D>c tur comring red or grai hair bucks brv't. j Palm *t Columbia for restoring ilie Hair. llair Eradicatar for removing *uperiluwus Hair, Vinaigrcdc Heufc. j The Magical Pain Extractor. I Murray’s Klant Magin sia. Sffh iii's Head-ache Jteondy, cr. taia ind HRffttsl. Just reecired and fur sale by M. UAH'I LT T 7 ! Noo It 3*2 I i|A KEGS nf White Lrod irrt u.litv, gert f 390 gall*. Lil.serd Oil, !4 *. do yoo gall*. Spirits Tui'p* utn.e, 100 boxes Wiwduw G !.*•*. all sixes, Japan Varniuh, Cuach Vantph. rnysl Vnrhiuti, C aatnr Oil, flweet Oil, ‘I rain Oil, 1 tiny Oil, Chrome Yellow, broxi, PrusMan Htir f And all the colors us*d by puint*v*, iu*t r* c iti i spA f t sale low hy M. JiAItTLf. 1 Nov 1 • , % - J' T ST received r.tul f*ir mt!e, .'fl I*!*lh. S*w , i f, p.* , 3, Junr 10 17 6001 I'.CAUHAHT i. CO. dVic Spring A* Sntnnu r Gocc fa• A#c ojfrrinz in jfrtai bargain* nt TIIK I'KOH IAS STOKE Y ICt! Omher mid shas’ed Bernpcs *• t Bilrorirre aA* A largo etwek of colored, atripcd **uti blituied Yira linn. Bonnotn, PiMinns nr.l Ar’.l’ ritlf, sft/fra, French worked Collars, Ch inireu n, utul L’ndo Sleives, Frent h aril Scot* h G nghitma, verv desirable patter- * v “Citoa do Ta, Frtocl).Ctnsin*of aud f tnry l.iuea t)i •*- ing*. BesiJen a boat of otlier nrti -Nn u*m*!!v kept in a fr** ry and ntrtple drv goods stoie. T** an iti<po* lion of Ii Urge!and beautiful stork now ii more. 1 would reapcc % fullv invito lbe att#u>* *tihe public. Apid 1C r W. CLARK. Sale anti MArtry Stable, fDUF. lii'illtrsitllM respectfully inform I. their tticmU nod the public, tbr.r lotvc npenotl n BtaBLC in War or lor the n<irf,nM •( doing a FALK AM APhVJ4fciVA~ 1 *VI ; UY IH/BINKSB, nrd rvspoctfiillu solicit a shore of ptlh'ic pairmisgs. Th* ir Ftnl.lcs ar*> ’ connected with the FLOYD HOI *E, and every ntteiv tion wi'l l>e paid to cnsiomcia in order to give getitral j satisfaction. Their sitotbtal ere Inrgc, new. grul commodious, w*L fine l.ot* and cverv couvtuicuce. Pehmns would and j Veil to give os a cull. IN- MAWKINS, J. W. IIAKIU9. ftfa**ou. * Hlft. liif • from Fomtli to tlie IliUitiM Unringti* /sm. r eulscrilers will run n as 1 !iTI * tlgilv line of Four Horse r.m* bee trom Hurt)th to the in-* V*in springs,leaving Fimti'. m ---®*iill"*™a** i.ftcr (He arrival of th** will l>e provided w gnu I Truth - si*tl eureful Dtlvtsrs, mid assure traycler - that there si no delay on the;*- part, i*s they hope in merit a |s|*vr*%4 patronage fgnm tl>o travelling onhli*-. MOTI‘ m BTASFI7KD. \ Muooo, Juu if I” 13 riupiiaiura.