Georgia messenger. (Ft. Hawkins, Ga.) 1823-1847, July 09, 1846, Image 1

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bv s. itosi:. T t'. RMS. Th MRSW'JORH it published wprkly, on ‘lbt.redy m >runp, at Three I>e.l) a r*, if paid will-in ilf j•ar,ai and I*. r | til *>'s% it’ wot paid till the expiration of the t r nr. .i loertitc n*ntt not exceeding twelve line",a ill he inserted O - the first iii*eruait, and Fifty Ceuta for each cou rt vice. V lv.*rti*mi -nta wot ItofitteA when handed ill, wiTt b> tniiPfcd till forbid. Siltt *f Land and Negroes hy T'.xecutors, Administrator* ft iJ t Jr.iar.liana, are required by law t* be advertised in a; public gftxett*, sixty day* nreviouf If. the dayof sale. v fbo sale* of IV re ntal Propartjr tuuat be advertised in like nunet* forty days, IjV *t’ c to flobt.ira and Crcditoriof an estate must be pub- > Via bed fluty days. I V nice that application will be made to the Court of Ordina* ryfor > uve to sell Laud and Jvcgroea, must be published week | |y for four months. ’ | i itHly Advertisftnacnli, On Dollar per square, for each insertion. V \ \* ‘reiving *x Candidates, Thees- Dollar". I,R f fftRS on business must be post paid. M.IS. F. 3ES3AU AND SISTER, HAVE opened at iheir Millinery and Dreaa-mnking i F>tal'lit*luin*nt, on Mnibeiry ulrt'Cl. over J. L. j Jnnea & Co’a Store, no invoire of new und fnrhinttah’e Spring Mild Summer MILI IN A KY, rnnaiefing of all the varieties of Ladh * Bonnots, Caps, FmhroiiVries, Rib bon*, Malitilhin, Gloves, Riua-ola and Sun-shades, &c. and of the moat Inaliiouable Tnmmiug* lor Ludics Dr*-ifif*s. Thankful for past favors, they solicit a continuance ♦ of the patronage of the Ladies. IN. B.—Bonnets anti Droeaes niude to order; also, waists rut und fitted. usual. Mucou, April 16, 1846. *ni9 p. S.—Ah they me prepared not to he ontihltie. fhev offer their floods, which on rompnriaon will he found pood if not bettor than any brought to tins market, ut . verv low pi ices. [£7* Three or four Seametreasea wonted. Appren jices wanted. Sails, Ivon and Hollow Ware. grfif I kegs Cut Nails, Olri* Ifi tons Iron, Assorted l to 10 inches, 5.00(1 |f>. Sheet Iron, 10,000 lbs. Hollow Ware, 2.000 lbs. (fast Steel. 1,000 German and Blister Steel, 2,000 Hoop'Hid Baad Iron, 50 do/,. Hoes, 400 pairs Trace Chains, Received and for aale by E. 13. W EEIL Deo 17 i l _ j faB.OCiiXi.IES. ST. Croix. Porto Hioo, Muscovado Ik New Orleans Sugars, Wvl*ey 6c Wooliey'* best ut any refined Loaf And Crush fU St Domingo, Tav* and Mocha PofTee, Hvson. v mug Hyson and t*ti n powder Gret n leu", p,• uc iong amt Ocloiif, bx*t bkek, N xv Orlfiins ami tst India Molasse**. Ot ir< L Dujhiv & Cos., and Siguete’a Brandy, Best Holland and Swan Gin, Cl,.lice ol I Pori, Madeira and Champagne W iMC*, Ocwuiw old’larawii and Principe Cigars, S >P r,n Cand h, Starch, Soap, Ponder and Shot, Pest ‘I. K. It ai sins m b-x “and half box**., fresh, Mackeri I Cod Fish, Ch wing and Smoking Tobacco, j ®rf^’£rATLn. Mlcon, Hie I', IMJ. Tneatrienl Saloon, MACON, C* A. riIHIS crnnmndiotiA and well irr.ngpH tmiMing Ij sil | | j,) the mo*t central pxrt of tile eitv, nu h tn fieen thoiv I’lilv repaired nm! j>nt in complete order If j. well .idoptedtn theatrical exhibition-, Inr concert-, lecture- or ten,,ntifo exhibition- ot ;tnv tlesci't|itltno It wi ihe rented for purpose-of the kind, on rea-onhhle “r'n'Vbv applvins.o FRK IMN ANIHMjR.Xfi. -pi,,, linildinz -tihjeet to city tax.which In- been rnxd by the proprietor. “II perfnrmttnee* in it sro there fare exempt front anv additional tax. Oct 29,1345. •“ i ” siiKTrixo. ITUST rer ivetl a lot of 6-1 and 12-4 Bleached and .3 Brown Shcctinyofn -nperior qoalitv. A'-oacood ax.orttn.nt of of Ladies amKJenti.-o.W- K'd • jloves, best quality- (,LU ’ W ’ P,<lL Keh It, llttrnesx ttntl Sole l.cmln'i'- JTST received * superior article tor -le Feb 20 2 OLO. IV. PRICE. Xexv Orloiins .Uolaswrs, K. HHnS. prime new crop New Orleun- f-ttenr, I 151,1.1-. vlo. do. For sola by ERA * CaTTOW. ffIRAVEI.UNU Trunks,Carpet Bags, Bdnttet Ct.xes \ *"hlV liCC 5 ,{ar “' ,k 5 *• HV>-|.SP.I KV. April 1 ‘ — SI3Sr.TS. ■fjLAIN nn.l Striped Linen Shins, received by A- r. _s vr: ;;b-t v._ MUvs. Berriges. MusUn*. liinßliatns rrXilC nndersigned have jut received nml arc now T opening every rnri. tv an i at> le of the above (Mil. ,l April os'” • Mr Tl ~t W ""V McKTXN’ON & Cd._ | EA 1 * cm ToU*' for April IS . 5 ~~^CABIEIIAGIaS. a T.E VTriER Top Btiggiv “, 4 Trmting Bnggi?"* 1 Hunhum GarimSP, Itnd Jersey SVag.n-.for^a'elo^hv^ Also ITarncs-.S, Can tags and Saddlery Hard ware, Can logo Trimming*, Leather, Nov 20 ... AWOTJIEIX ABaiVAlt. J& r ts XIJI.SBIIIIY contioito lo receive Sally . accession- to their stock of Sprnig and slimmer Clothing and Piece floods, nod are HOIV OPEHINO Batin, Cashmere am! Mar-eilles Veri-. Linen Dt illing. Ca-hmrrrPe sod Pray ■.£* P ; ■ CMhmerettr, Croton. I trap d’F.t* anil LiMO Cools, ALSO, Supnr Rlne.k French Cloths, • p H „,.y ** C:i9sunfr#, •• Black Prap xFfcla, Linen Drillirtg!*, &-• April 8 - CTiOrHS. SUPERFINE und common Block, and Blttt'hlnek Cloths and CMimor,-jntt received hv At.vil-drl II .N. MvMNN'LN vV f <). TTMIIIIELI \S PARASOLS and SUN-SbXDRS, April 33 rriHK higher price* in fln-h pi< X Fur*.iv nimu.r. A r.KA\ Cotton Avenue, nearly Opposite Washing'''* ■ • Her 3 wotich IS hereby given to nil patties interested. that alter the j ft expirntiou of ihiitv iluyf, application “ill l-r vo th Mayor unH honrd ot AldtTinrn of the *i* v of iMh ron, for an ©xchaugn for one acre or U'hs, of lauil lying on the *oulb-eut *<U\ nml niijumnpr the* upper Depot i lot of the Mncon nod Western Hail Itoari, nd between j OHid Lot end th Cotumhun rond,—the Fume ♦© be taken j hi lieu of the tame quantity of pnmnd ln r< toforo grant* J ed them hv (lie Mid Uonrd of AhUuiiian. DAM El. TYI.IaR, Prei’r. Macon Ac. \Vc*trn Roll Rond. Macon, June 24 LA Wll.—soo prime I eof Lnrtl, for ol<* hv WHEELER &: lIAKROLP J unejl 10 NKAV none —BO W) lbs. new Finite of .vpe nmiliiv.Cruui I.Biy’. 1 ’ ,n ill, for attic by Junegd 19 WIIEELER -v. ita t. bold. niMAM'TIONi rMIE co.perln.rehip el WATTS & MOULTON l i. ihm i!v di*-ohi'd. All prettied l.utiumvvdl be tt'.oudcd 19 by either of ue. w Tru T. J. MOULTON. , Macon. June 17,1 840. ___ ‘•>'" l3 roxi nswT, ITSOIHI ROOMS over the rnhsifriber'a er -r -. son dtle ’ for oga*. LI.IFH AI.ET E. lIKOWN. June 2 1(1 ■ffcACjOSl.—Sn,(!W> llte. Baron—-Side*. Shoulder. ■B and Ham", for sale hv Jura 24 1 WHKEI.FR Jr. HAKKOUL 11. KE.YJO.KLL COMTEK X Cos. <'iniuiMoii Ho’clidnlA, ISo, *-, St. Flinrlrs Ntrrot, WEW PRdfIANS, H. KKJXXALt. CAHT£II, 7 UANIKI. FHATT, i Tilly It, 18,4 49 SHF.RWOOD ?k P VTTFUSOV, corner of S. con and Ofck S’rcct", wouhi inform the public Him they are prepared j to execute House, Sign nnd Ornamental Puintirg, !£ .41X1 IX <;. * Irnltaiion of Wood am! Marble, Glaring and Paper HangiDf; Picture Frames made and Gilded. OLD CHAIRS Hr-bottumed, Painted and Gilded , Furniture and Polished. Bel 1*11(1 n Ring none in the best manner, materials furnished and warranted. ; I In c|eg;tnce and despatch, it is thei. det< rmitutfion not to ( he surpassed by any establishment in iheHouib. Persons in I want of any of the above work, will please t*ive as a call, and 1 examine specimens before engaging eiscaln rc April I,IH y 7 ! ; I KISH LINEN *nd Damnak Linen Table Covers, i I iiirxlo-eye, H wckulxrn.k anil Kiuhii Dispsifiait re ceive.l at THE PEOPLE’S STOKE. April 10 9 J I JARABOLS, I'nroesoloftea \r Sun-'-iindes. prrhahlv l!ie boe-l and clieupext lot to fie found in ilo city, fit April 16 9 THK PEOPLE’S STOKE. Bleached ami brown sheeting, j nnd 12-4, direct from the mariufactory, just receiv ‘ ed on VluHicrrv street, nt April 16 ?) THE PF-OPLF-’S STORE. IX'cw (iooflk! lien Goods! THF. Jubrrriher hn= jut received a lorgp lot of FINE MI S .INS, Mulin nnrl Earl-ton Ginghams ; Bloc, Pink and BufTChrck Ginghairs; Ladies’ I'w ited Silk and Fillet Mitts; Misses hlnck nml white Mitts; Borage Scarfs; (Jraxs ( lolh ol extra qualities; t (N>nra Rook M uslin anti White I men for lining dresses ; 1 nil[ of which arc now ojm and ofi ued at reasonable 1 prices. Custon ers are roliciicd to £iie me a call. June 17 18 E. WO >DRUFF ! ’S’ss* E*2:iSx? Giiil Wire. OA(\ P.nXEH Tin Pi uc, FI F 4,800 lbs. *ro. Wire, assorted Nos. 0 to 18. Received and for sale by E. B. WEED. Dec 17,1346 41 A2 ES rrn noz. rnnir.q* Axes, F L) doz. Hand ?n-1 Broad Axes. Received and for aale by E. £?. VA’EED. pec li 44 ST Ft 1.-3,000 Ihs. Sheet Steel for t ’ Gin received and lor * :'e hx* Dec 17 4t E. B. WEED. CUaifc #1 tin s (tiul SSrandtj l*or s.tlp o:i iimiHKilly lor* terais. A RARE CHANCE! \L. AUDOHIN rcepecifnMy informs the c’tizens of .Macon, that in conteiflplation of a rert|val. nnd change of business, be proposes to cll out foreu*h, nt rates that must be sat set .'. lory, lua choice ?tock of Wines and Bmodv, comprising CHOICE M \DEIttA, xerv oil. OLD I >f >RT, a superior article. CL 4RET, of Ins n,vn importstim. C HA.MPAIiNE, of tl>e most approved brand*. BRANDY, !>esi qnulitv. pure and unadulterated. His liquors lie can confidently recommend tocounoir’- senr?, anl for f: niily u?c. Nov 20, 1345. ‘ 40 Fasliioualile Nprlnff Gochl EWIHE Hilecriher is now receiviiig a lm?.e and general ft stfck >f-Spring Mid Summer Goods, nnd invites his eustoinei 3 and the public to cnll and examine, ns hn is Confident his (inods me 0- h.ind-ome, and prices as reusDimble ns at anv other establishment in tl** city 1 _ April 15 9 GEO. W, PRICE. French Drilling :mi! ('nssimers* *UST received an nssortment of the above —Also handsome Marseilles Vesting*. April 15 9 GEO W, PRICE. Lncc Muslin Sh:i\vK. 4 LOT of the übovo—a new nnd beautiful article— /a large pize. GEO. \V. PRICE. April 15 9 I*arasols land Suai Mi.'idps. ■FITS'!’ received a large naeortment of the übove —some 4* verv rich and handsome. April 15 D GEO. \V. PRICK. Old Port Wine* VFEW boxes Port Wine, imported by John W. Long, Een. Savannah,a very superior article,for suir bv REA 6c CO I 1 ON. April 15 • 0 LJIJGAR .V COFFEE—B hh!s. N. Orleans Swgnr, 6-1 Hugs Rio CoflVc, for sale bv Aprij 15 0 REA Jfc COTTON. Pastilles de .Paris, F7l v R the alleviation and rnd ‘•] cure of Cronehitis, nn.l other disensea of die thfont, whlt*h hnie been urd and found eminently efficacious, and are hichlv recommended by uumbers ol the most eminent Orator* of the day. Reference* r.f the highest rentiertflbility can be r.*vrn from gentlemen who do not wi*n their names to appear in prim h**fr the puhiic. N. JL—'l’heen P .oillec give instant relief to lioarse- Uc.xs, or.ii alvo mid in tnt* lira)'. AI o— Camphor nnd Peppermint LOZFNGF.B, for. tt-dehv ‘ GEORGE PAYNE. June 04 12w19 Druggist nnd Apotliernry*. vMvifLE ACADEMY. fIIHE second term of this Institution will open on the 1 first Monday in Jul v next, under the charge of l)r. P. Wclntvrk formerly well known in this vicinity, as lie Rector of the Bibb county Academy in the city of Macon. Rates and terms ns customary, viz ; llendinf. Orlf)ocrphy, Writing, amt; *|o nertorm. orl Arithmetic, S * 1 Written Arithmetic, Geography, Eng.? c ,j (( and F.lrmentu ai Hiatory, S v I.Htii :‘ - .d <ire* k, and the ‘i Element* of Natural Philosophy.? s*B 41 “ fThen i*try ,Botanv Ac Belles Lettre*, 7 Contpoxitton nnd I)eclatnaliou alternately each week. Charge iron date ol entry 10 tlio end ol tbo term (2*4 weeks)— closing about l*t Dccrmbor. June 23,1846. ™ 3© ftnl Shoes. Ft'ST received u Urge supply of Ladies’ 50 cent Shore. A large arfment of Gent's fine Button Gaiter?, A large ussoi tment of Gent'? fine Goat Goiter?, A largo as.ortmcnl o’ Gent’- fine Fieitrh Onlf Boot, A Urge assortment of (’till Lining nml Bniding Shin", oil of which ill ho Mold tut chonp as the “am* article can he bought in the Stale, by April 15 9 WHITING & MIX. Blouse foals. BROWN Linen and Alrrimuclt Blouse Coat*. liter received l*y April n J. * F,. SAFI.SBURY. 1 •HIST recelveifnnd for „l •’gl'.'lOfl Kcjnlm Figure, oft V eiira brand#. 80OTT, CARHAHI At t.o, JJimo 10, Itilii 17 \Ft\v (ioon.N. THF amlervigne.l are rcrrlvtug and opening their Spring .lid Stnntmr Mlupliev of t AMI V and St \! J I.K I)HT orvOßS,among which tvPl he found all tin new *')laot the araaon i all of which .v.ll he .old at the 1.,i prieta Tor. pr”i” t‘ MkV>!mO! fc CO. (ioodis for €;ish I f.,(|v riihecriher* wishing t-icln-m tltrir present “tick, 9 ntler their Goode at COST FOR I'ASH.und re- I miri-liHsera r.i call and examine In lore aiipplvmg the,nv"lvee. >• * w - Mn.cnp, Muy ip. , 1* . S M t'v*iPv4?f otl thP Unit Hoad * post. SiILS LOW. ft TWO story I>\\ F.M.ING with ottl-bitihlinge In /\ I alnd witliltt rt few .|e;ia of the depot in Korejlb, i eurntundml tv a grove ami garden ol fthunt tltven nrtev. halnnging to Retr.C. E. Slnegio, A great htuguir. will me uiTeted il antiiicutiati n made imutediatelv to WILLIAM S. NORMAN. rn-ttV. M.IV ’U I Oil- K* I 4 l iTS! Jt-'JTS! DR. IVAN’S V’cgelahle Extract, art infnlfible rrtne dvtnr Epileptic Fit*or Falling Siekae-c. Cuttvul- I aions,dfie. AGo Ivtiti'r V’ogelabln Anti-Biliotta Fill". for remnv ng r.ll morbid un.l corrupt humor", and puri j fving tholdood. For aule at 1 March tl 4 BRUNO & VIRGINS’ Ul€OX, TltfriSME>AY. Jlil.T 9, IS4G. FIRE PROOF WARE-HOUSE. ■ i, 4 t f |j J! 1 E undeiHgneil, ginteftil for I j a Jj 1 past thvors taken this nirfh / 9 oil of informing l.i patrons, and thoe who inav ei\e liim ih*ir J**business that he has (finr the h. t- I ter seeming their intervals) ohiaiutd ibv hcauiitul ui-d f well arranged Fire Proof UViFf..ffj fa . on Cotton A venue, forniei ly *• <'| i dj’ ‘ J. CNtwif.s, : for the purpose of Stn ing < oUou ona a ikind* <J • 11/c try Produce. He w ill. as hcietofc-. , e t lis attention to the Wnre-Hou-e. and pn lgH luiiiee-i t-> use every exertion to promote the inti ic-t ut tbo.-e who wav confide business to lua cliuige Macon, June 24, 1846. N. OUSLEV. j JO.YFS A’ MOL TANARUS, com a is.mon xiekciiants, HAVE taken the Ware-Ho nee on Cotton Avenue.! foimerlv occupied Ivy MoCl.TftlK At CtMPRm. , Tlmir best efihrts wdl be employed to promote the in* i tercet of their patrons. JOHN JONES, W.M. S. HOLT. Macon, June 24, * 846. 19 wars-eousY Comm issi on IS asi ness. OIEAVKS, WOOD * CO. TAKE thi a method of informing plxnter” and other", that in addition to tlx-ir whol Hle and retail Dry Gootls :iul Lrncnry lln,iiip,, they will continue to transact a general WANK-IIOUIF. Il COMMISSION BUSI \ EbS, at the old stand, (tong known as Grave"’ Corner,) on the Corner of accord “treet and Com merce How, and would respectfully renew tne tender of tin ir services to their planting friend", and others, with tlie Asm. 1 ranee, that thoe who may patronise m in this line of Unxi ne*. si.all have our be t endeavors to do them justice and pro- 1 mote their interest. Onr Ware House i conveniently situat ed ; and Cotton stored with ns, shall be well taken rare of, < and protected from the weather. We will also assist with \ pleasure, our friends in selling their cotton and without charge; and we art* at rill urn-spr pared to makeadvaiucs • on the same in Cash or Merchandize. ] We respectfully solicit a portion of he patronage of the public. GRAVES, WOOD & CO. F.iiwin Gravfx, N Thomas Wood, > .1. M. Kibbff, > Macon, Aug 22, 1344.’ 37 ll'urc ESoiitc anti Commission MSnsi ness. fc. SEYMOUR will continue th* abnve by i* sinp-'<4 nt ihr name atand, and solicit from the i Inntera m hnre of their patronage. .Vlacon, June 10,1846. 17 wltc u cs, jr.wifi.nvT&l7&C. c-v, S. B DAY would inform h s friend” 2, “* ( be public that he has bought ttie Stork formerly belonging to V. G. St. j John, deceased, r-onsisting of golr and sil- JL ver Watcher, Gold Fob and Gturd Cnaius, “*C f ’°hL Silver and Steel Spectacles, Gold n r ac lets,Clasps, Gold Snap", Gold and Silver Thimble?, Ladies’ Proaehe*, Gent's Pins, Knives, Sciflor*, Has.trs, Hasfir Strops, Tooth and Hair Uruf-lus. Pis tol*, and many more things. too numerous to mention He will have new stock constantly cording, and will order goods at ike requestor those who may wish any tiling m his ime. eepairinci. ■Watches and Clocks Cleaned and Repaired nt the short eat notice, and done in the best possible mam tr, and warranted to keep good time, and done at the chmpet price. Rings,, Pins, Bracelets repaired in the heat possible manner. Engrav ing also neatly executed. persons would do well to call and see w hat he will do, and there is no doubt but they will be pleased. Macon, .lan. 28, 18-4'<. 50 Magging, BSf/pe, Twine. TRE subscribers are now receiving their full supplies of GROCER IKS, which they offer to their old friends and th* public generally,at unusual low priest. We have now in store,and receiving— -300 pieces heavy Gunny ng, 200 pieces heavy Kentucky do. 150 coils Kentucky Rope, 50 do. Manilla do. 100 lbs. Twine, 2,000 sacks Salt, l.),00) lbs. Sw cedes Iron, 1,000 lbs Hand, Hoop and Pox! Iron, 20 hhds. St Croix and Por> Him Sight, Loaf, Crushed and Powdered do. 100 bags Rio and Java Coffee, 50 box* s I obaeco, JOO kegs Nail, 1,0 0 lbs. Cast, German and Blister Steel. Also PAINTS AND OILS of every description. K. BON’D. Macon, Jan 1, IMS. M VIITI.KO A ItllX rnrs IIA VE thin div received Gems’ I I I Fine French Cull Bdclh ami Bi I .(dies, Misses and Gmi* ter Bods. Ladies and Missen’ Half Gaiter Buskins, Do. “ do. Kid Slips and Tiea, Do. While Slipprip, wiili n lnr?e assortment of Ladies, Misses nnd Chil dreu’s low priced Shoes. All of the above will he sold as low as the same qualities cun be bought in ll*e city nr Slate. MfP'On, Msr- h 18. IH-46. 5 HATS : HAT : HATS ! JUST RECEIVED AXD FOR SALE BY ST HONG iN WOOD, A F!Xi’ n—orlmciit fr-i M /%. 01 H ATS. Cnni— r | Sra line nf (Imi-. Pmionin. jfcv Leglmrn, hitest M\le ol fine Nutria nnd French Molaskin, wide and narrow brim lllaek Nutria, hi enfc Pearl C|s, &lu.&c . which they will < ffer at the very j lowest prices to all tint will favor them with i cnll Also have on hand nm! are con**tnnilv rc eitine a gen | erul assortment ot BUOi'S and sllOtJl of nil quali ties nnd prices. O’At the New Brick Pt*e. opprisife Geo M Lo !t Go , ncNt doer t:> Russell fit K imbetlyi .Macon, April 1 1, 1846. cotiow raassE *. ritHE anbKtrilter la now engaged nt hi. Ft >T f ,Ni lift V I in MAGO.N, in manufacturing Bulb” k’a Piiter.t Prctgteaaite Power CoWnli Preeeee, wltirb fur enliven jencr, dural ilitv and expeditinn.arc iinsiirpaseed lit any thing of the kind ever ofl’-'rd in the puhlie. To tlioac wi.hing to puri base. * trial and enaiantee ill hr riven holme “pavment i* required. All in want i.l n firai rale Cmton frees will pic,me maknenilv application o my r !i. nr to Merer". Hamilton Ar. Ilardrm in, when price and lerm” will he made known; also on hand and made to order. Mill Irons and Ca*iinr of every derripiion, on moderate ami ai*rminmid"iinrr term". ROBERT FINDLAY. Macon. Jim. 17,1R-tG. . v *® .Macon Iron A’ Brass loundr;/. ais nAciiiNii sihip. imbwxihfr Imvtng n*c#*nily n nifp nnil in- I portKnt atldtlions in ‘oimcr li.-l of piD#rnn ‘or OvrrulHtt Hren . nml Till* Mill fir.*riue, HOW propnr rJ so rxerute ordrrrt for Flour VilU, Dotson Fiu-iom*>, Horn© powrr Milh for phflfnlUm ein<*iop, tVf ; nho Colton I'resrfM, Ciu CJrnr, I* In ten nml IUID, iul Mill Irons ofrvrry ilcurriptiou: r.|| ot winch will l> ini'de of th* very brM inMtrrinl nml \tokuMiirliip, on rrnsoTiid and accommodating tern,". RO|||rßT m|)l AY . Mneon, June 71, IB4fl. 7ld Jt'ST receircd and for “ale, 30,1:00 iiound” B V ON SIDES. SCOI'T, CARIIART & CO. June 17 55- •t*GST received anil fur artle, fj sn hW. No. A Mackerel, fill •• •• 9 tie. 85 hll bbla. No. 1 dm ns •* .* •• 3 do. June 17 13 SCOTT, C.VRtURT h CO. JUST received nnd for “ie, oq |,lda. W.i'd?.’v At VVonlaoy a Crnahed Sugar, oq .. ,io. fl.v. Powdered do on Pnx-S do. do. Loaf do. in “ Heranna Brown do. 17 \n *c< *n;, caioi \RT a cn. ant'-.TrCccWed and for *ale. 500 k--g NU. .1 me 17 18 SCOTT, CARIIART At CO. npUST receive,l nnd fir Mile, fj n,,n keen While Lend, SCOTT, Fa fill art & CO. ••LI ST received a*,l for ante, 50 bones of Tobacco, of V CO I CLOTHING. OXI! X\ I> AI, ruin notice * TOJ-'T fi-hiomble CLOTHING, for th S f.L - vlvv t,r t.:n!c, (of th-: r ow*o manuftur|iw) -n ■ in-.’- in • Lmt iniiniirr. lma j j.t b.-pn received, and can no seen at the alo e of c * n gJLTO.YJfr Cr. mi 1 .•# -lfix’ 1! ,01 to F.. WomlrnfT’- Pry Good* Stn - mulill ln-,r, fri.m WnshiHgton llnll. T -fifi-,,1-, rOonlVmen'* .-Briii.-nf. nfev-rv ki"d. i . , will m ke liiem eotufirtuhle and centeel. All oi iiifi -.iiU-r . -nt. will bfi off.rej i tbc 10-en ck.l) price-,.—’ ifi-ifi civfi UK R cell. Nqv 5, 1 4V 3S .Yeiv Store anti .Yew Hoods: < 1.” wriirniiitin, Watch illnkiT mud Jeweller. H AS removed to the new brick block, east side of Mulberry street, (immediately opposite his old stnm!,) and is now opening anew and fine stock of goods in Ins line, consisting in part of fine Gold and Silver Lever, Horizontal, Patent nnd Vertical Escapement Watches: Gold Guurd, Fob and Vest Chains: Breast 1 Bins, Finger Kings, Ear Rings: Gold Chain and Hair Bracelets: Gobi, Silver nnd Steel Spectacle* nnd Eve Protectors : Gold un i Silver Pencil-, Gold Ren*, Gold nnd Silver Watch Key*. Gold and Silver Thiinhfc". Sil ver Comlm, Silver and Pearl Belt Slides, Gold Sleeve and Collar Buttons, Gold Studes and Chain Slides, Gold Lockets, Hearts and Crosses: Card Cases, St.*rl, Silver ami Gilt Beads; Head Ornaments, Jet Combs, Ladies’ nnd Gentlemen’s Purses, Supnior Pen and Pocket Knives,Scissors, Razors and <v‘nzot Strop-: Tooh, Lather and Nail Brushes, Shaving Cream, Real German Cologne. Fine Silver Plntecl Cotoi*. Cuke Baskets, Candle Sticks, Waiters, Cup. tfnuflcrs ami Travs: Dixon’s Fine Ware in setts. Also Coffee and Tea Pots; Silver .Setts of Knife, Fork and Spoon; Spoons, Watch Stand*, Fans, Perfumery, Fancy Goods, fitc. &:r. Watches of every description repaired in the hist manner. All Watches sold or repaired will he trur ranted to keep good time, or the crtxb. refunded. Watch • ex sent from any part of the country, will receive the same attention un i be repaired on as reasonable terms as though the owner vere present. All kinds of (void and Silver work neatly repaired at the shortest notice Spectacle Glass** adapted to all ares. i ALSO FOR SALE—One of Chiclotring's Superior Piako-Fortf.s, in tohc wood case, full lenghlh iron frame , and warranted as fine an instrument in every re spect, as can he found in Georein. C. K. WENTWORTH, Watch Maker and Jeweller, Macon, Nov 5,1345 East side Mulberry Street. WATCHES, JEWELRY, CIC. J. A. A- B. S. VIRGIN. At their old stand, on Cotton Avenue, opposite Washington Half, TmroULD inform their friends nnd O/oiVy v the public, that they have now ■ J on hand a good assortment of Gold und jKy*. JrL Silver Watches of the vnrious makers, and of different kinds; also a good as sortment of Gold Chains, Seals nnd Keys, and a variety of other articles, consisting in part of the following : .Spoons of pure Silver; Gold nnd Sil ver Pencils; Gobi Pt*ns ; Gold Foil anti W ire lor Den tists; fashionable Jewelry, Breast Pins. Finger Rings, Far Ring-- of latest pattern ß ; superior Pen nnd Pocket | Knives; Razors anti Stiops; Scissors; Bead Bags nnd ■ Purses with steel ornaments; Head Ornaments do.; ] oirt-\ Tt-us nf Gillon's ninkr ; n<4 lltint j Thn- ‘ monieters; Tooth, !\'i! arid Fhnxing Brushes; Twe zers: an assortment of Toys for Children, with n varie ty of other articlfe, which will be sold very cheap for . cash S. S. V. would take this opportunity to any, that he has a good assortment of ward) materials carefully fc- I lecteo by himself: these, with the superior ‘‘et of tools j he b*is to wf?rk with, ns we ll ns other advantages, he thinks he is prepared to execute work as well as work j gets to he done, it will be his aim to give entire satisfac tion to all. J)ec 17, 1845. 41 .Yew Store and .Yew Hoods. riIHE sit **eri b* rs woo Id respectfully inform their fris nds ft and the puh'ie. that th. y hav** taken (Ik “tore uii ihe corner of first sail Poplar sitvtts. known as Dyson tk fiieh -1 ordson's corner, where they arv now receiving, and will con tinue to receiv** from New Yorkuud Boston,a large and hand some assortment of Fancy an.! Staple Dry Gond. together with Shoes, Hats, Bonnets, Heady-made Clothing; also, Crockx-rr and filas-* War*, Nails, INrtiware, Hollow Ware, Paints, Oils, Window Olhss, Meihvines, fc<r. Theabov • stock has been Seltct. and wi(h great care, and Is well adapted to the citv and country irade. P* r*on wi>hmg ;to h'iy goods at unusually toivprices for eaoh 9 will please rail 1u nd examine our stock before purchasing elaev hi re. AM nr- I ders from the country will be thankftill) n*etived andf.iili -1 fullv executed upon ihe lowest possible t( mis. KENDRICK U CLARK. Maeon, April 27,1*4*1. 6mli Spring and. Summer I iot/iing. r alii E stihaerihers have cominenced receiving tliei* S stock f Spring an I Summer C?I tiiing, wldcli they are prt pared to sell ut verv l v p”t tv for rnab. .March !3 5 J .Bl K. H lULSBURY. fOVTIir ( LOTIDXC. \T.S, Plinth and Vgsta, adaptei to *ur?vrer wear. J ju*sf received by J. &. E. SAUISRUKY. March 18 5 OPB YI W THIS OAT* L ACK French Cloth*, JFancy French Onflsunera, Black xnd Fancy Caelini’c fil-ek French Don ‘kiiis, Linen Drill-. Ate. -Ye. Also a fine assortment ol^ 'Scarfs,Cia**h‘tSGlnver. fzc. M-.<vli 18 5 ?. & E. -S \ ULSBUiiY. 07* SUM tin t/ C me. l l d‘v received and for *:V, mother ftt t-t Trans* I parent IN4JOVV SHADES new patierna, moat le: dltJ, aHiI te v cheap. Gail and aa,x. June 17 4w 18 \V)Ol) At BRADLEY’. [Telegraph copy four liinr®.] HATS, CAPS, &T. r H E p*ib°rriber ha* now open, and “ill he I Iv receiving. ti choice stock of Hat",,{* pa. A:c. Ac. at the etnre recent Iv occupied hy G. A. Ivimbcrlv Ai t o. ! which will be Fold forcaali, at price** to suit the lime*. Macon.June2,lß46. 15 F. K. WRIGHT. WOX2CE. nAVING tlii? d*v “old tnr atnek of DRY GOODS and GROCERIES to mv brother, Jamk” Sky muuk, I wuuld rnapeetfully rceoieinend him to my friend” nnd patron., and beg for him n continuation of the liberal pitrunacn herctofiire liefilnwed tiiom tnv"elf. JOSEPH N. SEYMOUR. Muenn, June I, 1C46. 18 N. IL—All those who are indebted to me hv note or accouot, will miller a favor by “ruling the “Mine. IN order to enable me to aupplv my mtnteroua If’anila and rualoinera, (and cape, iellv tnn.r t,,n the cniii. tiee of Jdnee, Baldwin, and Twice- ) I have taken lliu store lately occupied bv “. KIJ.SaEI.I. vV KI M BERLY, corner of Cherry nil I Second Sir'etr, w-lirro I intend keeping coP“tmf!v on hand a general nnmitinent of Mtnnlo tllld Pliny lpy o<>d. Hard ware, ('rockery, Super, Oofiee, Moki""ee K,ee. Wark erel, I’.nenn, Liquor” of every rfbarriptio*. together with everv article usually kepi general D'y Good” and Grocerv Store. A call from on friend” all I the public generally i* reapeetfiillv “iilielteil. Fur Ilia patronage ihM bo# be-o-<> libera I v heatnwril upon mv eatablislniient at the head nt Cotton Avenue, for the but ix mar", inv ruebinicra l;*vo mv .tnccie mid heirtv thanks, with (he aeijiranm that in my new concern no pain* Will be “pared, or meana left untiiod lo eive general aallfnetii.n, and nieiil a eoutiiiiiani-e of the ame. In fart, I intend it ahall Ire generally underlood that at BcnlVU’i the F laco RSS**' :tit*v.. AMOS BENTON. g. S.—Mve.tahli.hmrnl at til* head of the (ven-te will be engtinned for the orevenf,under tire wiiperintand* ence of Mr. WM. H. JORDEN.who iaduly aulhom ,.,j -n receipt for, and aettle all accoiiiila due me ai that eatablialuoenl. Person? bavinff running aceounta are cot rural! v rcqueeled to call and aenle tho same, eitlier with cneh or noire, previous to the first of (lvtoiler ne.*t, aa I contemplate making different arrangeruenta with that businr"., which will make it neceaiorr (o biing llu banks to a c’.uae I cfnro that time. Mncon, J one 9, (846 17 OfMJK/g'fC Iron Foundry anti xliactiiHß Shop. (VIA CON GEO.) THE subscriber. having oracled g new Establiaft mnni, nmv offer to die public, inducement* that Ihev hnv never hud before in that line of busines-. Mill VVrights, Gin Mnkera die., will find it tv their advantage to give it. n cell, we will guarantee all our wm kto he pmnl, and nt the Inwest price—we have a good aleck nf Patterns nn band. A good Horae Power for aale. OH AS r. J.EVT & CO. Cotton Avenue, near Macon b Western R. R. Depot. Vhv 6. 1546. I>3 if Telegraph, Utile Georgian, and Jeffersonian, copy till f.rhiil. Grave*. Wood <& €O. RESPECTFULLY invite th<“ attention of Merelianfn and other**, to their stock of seasonable Dry Goods now in store. Addition* will be mude weekly, through the season, of desirable styles of good 9, ul * It) bales Osnnhurgs, 5 14 Brown Drilling*, 5 *‘ Tickings. 15 11 4-4 Brown Sheetings, 15 “ 3-4 • Shirtings, 5 •* fine unbleached Shirtings. 5 44 Blankets, 5 cm*e- 3-4,4-4, 5*4,10-4 bleached Homespuns, 3 bales Canton Flannels, 3 “ Checks and Plaids, 2n re Prints, assorted, 2 44 rxlra rich Prints, 1 44 rich mourning Prints, 2 “ rich Ginghams. 25 pieces blue, black and olive Broadcloth®, 30 “ A merirnn and French Castnmere, 50 44 Vestincs, 150 44 Kentucky nml Jeans, 100 14 heavy l.msey* and Kerseva, 100 44 red, yellow, white and green Flannels, 15 44 black silk Avarp Alpaccaf, 20 44 colorefl Alpaccus, 20 4 Alpnccn Serges, 5 41 Bombazines, 100 44 Muslin de Laines, 20 •* Cashmere de Lain***, 20 “ Mourning de Laines and Berages, 100 4 * colored Cambrics, 75 44 Pongee Silk Handkerchiefs, 1 0 44 Engli.-h Silk Hdkfs. 300 doZ. lieid nnd flag Hdkfs. 75 •* Berkley nml Vladras* Cravats, 10 pieces black nml fancy Silk do. 3 “ green Barrage, 25 doz. gents’ and ladies Gloves, assorted, 300 4 ‘ Hosiery, assorted, 75 “ Day’s skitred Suspender*, 75 * 4 low priced init. do. 50 boxes Ribbons, assorted, ?5 44 Artificials, 12 cases Florence, Straw and Fancy Bonnet 5300 yb iwls, more or lesa, 40 pieces Irish Linens, 25 44 Linen Bird j -eye Dioper, 20 “ Russia Dinner, 10 44 Cotton no. 5 41 12-4 nml 13 4 Linen Sheetings, Linen Tnble-r loths nnd Napkins, 5 pieces super Flannels 4 4, 50 “ Jaconets, 50 “ checked Cambrics, 50 44 Nxvifia, Rook. Lace, and Mull Mn*lin. 50 “ hlnrk and white l.spe Goods, 3-4 Sc 4-4, 1000 •• l.aee Edgings 1-2 to 2 1-2 inch, wide, 20 doz. Mindio Callnn, 20 pieces Bi*hop l awn, 20 do* I.awn Hdkfs. 5 ces T’mhrellafl, 20 piece-* three and Cotton Macon, Nov 12. 1315. ‘ 39 Impot tans to ,t*ill Vwncrs. Hotchkiss’ Premium Vertical Water Wheels, for Saw or Grist Mills. FROM lilt const -I<t operation of nearly two thousand of theft** Wheels nd theirapnendogi s, in diff* rent Irtfions . nt tne country, and the very high popularity which they have | a’tameit with all that hate an opportunity ot *n n *suifr t h ir xtraordin try pow* r, th* subscriber lerts justified in giving publicity to the following: stateneAt. , 1 h*- ***** * *’***-- wlnt-D, when pr-perH iutroducx and, nearly doaplea the value - ol the .Mills, arid enables them to do a busim *• whirl* far ex- I eertls th* most sanguine esp*ftifion of their own* rs, many l of whom are gCMtlemen di-nagmshed for ih ir seii nt e and practical skill, and ha’ c aitcstod to its truth. These Wheel* when applied to S.w Mills, are a? chi npi 3 construct* das th j common Klutter Wheel, and will 4o dottblir thvbusiness with a leas quantity of water: backwater is no ini pedum Ut wln u there is a head above; they can he placed on the shaft us m i eollltm'll Flutter Whet I Mtil it in gmid order, ami hui.g upon the same bearings if sufficiently strong tosustain thep. wor of the Wheels ; the Wheels b* mg of cast-ir,n will last an age. J ’They also constitute the requisite tlv or balance w heel, secur- , inga u-iifonn motion in all parts >f each revolution. Any workm-jn l.aving the patterns, a model andtaiilr of calcula tions, can adapt Mills to any location, with perfect succti-s. Signed, G. HOICHKIbb. The sutocriber having become fully convinced of the supe rior advantage of the above Wheels over all othxr Water Wheels in us* iii the country, both for law and Grist Mills ; and for the purpose of bringing th* to into more general use in tli.s s, eti>ll of the Staie, he has beet,me interested in the right of said Wheels, in the eounties of Hibh, Monrol*. Craw find, Hou-ton, Macon and Sumpter, aid will aril individual or coo..ty rights, and afford every facility necessary for put ting Mills in operation on that system, in those comities, on ve ry Mcmnniodating terms. 1 have in my poisesaton lettir* an*t at s from many not only high ly respectable but dis'liigtiished gciitlelsMi in this and uh*r Mst, all concur ring with the statements made hy Mr. Hotchkiss, as toihe supcriir advantagt sos these vv heels, having employ and tin m i .tlnirown Mills, or witnessed their operation In thcMihs; of their friends. They also full? concur in recommending J tins improvement to mill owner* generally, nototityfbr its ! very great improvement o; th* spe- 1 *>r capacity of Mill” lr | busiii’ •, but for its dtirability, clleapnefts uml simplicity of : *oiir*ie*iim. | Some of the gentlemen wh..*c tretimony l hsvc tj this sttb- | • ret are, Fx-Ciov. Fitzpatrick, Hon. J O. 1.. Hory, and POl.t. Icmisou, *‘fAla.; W. H. 5 re, Fsq , Kpfta, •. j Col. j. t. D .ve *nd Finn H. L. Onnihle, Augusta, jba., and many { oil, r , t,tl, r. <ln that vicinity. AII communications on this • iii*i*et. dir*ettd <0 me at optweH, Craws ul county, “ill be 1 promptly attended to. -- J. A. MILLF-b, . Hopewell, May IS, 1846. Mf j S UKF.T Glt.n,.TlT -1 FFTtTI''N TO F"H F.C I OSF. vs. > MOK'I CAUR, in Bibb blip* n- WIIIfiLKY fcHART.J or Court, Not . asm'll irni,l&-J. WjifH KK WAS Sackrt .ilbert lia * nld hi* petition in this yy ( onrt, prjymg the foreclosure of HCtruin #e*d *;♦ uiongagr, made and executed by r**rdvce Wrigh y ahd I ru in .1. H*n, bearing di'e tie *4th d.iy of January, IM3, to the said Sack* t fiio-n, where by the said Wngle) fc Hurt con vey i o the said S ck* t Gi'brri, among other things in Mud tnurigage deed snecili* and, all 1 hat certain lot or pint-clot lard situate and being In the city of Macro, County and State afire*?**!, fronting on second street, and bung part of Lot number One in square tw* my in th* pijm ot satu ciiy, c. in mem mg at the twenty fret alley running through **i* square an 1 running a tong s cond street to the boildng own* and by the mjnk ul MiiU dg* 1 i)r, and rtmnit-g ta* k to tl stable lot one hundred and Imirhet more or bus. fugetlwr with all the intiitiingN nml ini|inui nu tu thiruui ; and also all that cer tain 1t nr parcel of land situate and being in -aid rill oi Ma con, fronting an Cat ton An 1 he and riitiim r ihrutigli to s. c- 1 ond street, bounded on th- south by a brick htnliHng knna 11 ns h. H. Wid rain's. and on the north by a aooticn l tiiiding call< and Martin*", huh said prop*.rt> vms thto oct upit dby the said V/rigly Hart as a stddl* ry and carriage d< positn ry, to secure the payment nt a ceitmn promisMuy note made by the said Wrigly & Hart to the said Hack* I t.iltn rt, dated •Mih .Jaiiuui*’, I?4J. tmd dye at twelve months an* 1 da***, for th, sum ot MiitHfi n Hundred and* Unilars, with in- , t* rest frool date, a*, tb* rate ot six per cent. p r aipu,ard | with file curtent rate of exchange ip<>n New York when dhe. j And that th*- said Wrtgiey fc Hart having wholly negltcntl • iid refused to pay the said Sachet Gilbe rt the af rseatU |>rtl fipa. iut* feat and exchange in asid promissory note specifi ed, when the Mm* became due ald payable, and still negktl and refuse *o pay ‘he same. It,son mutton ordered, thst the raH WrigirT liart pay Into the Clerk's office of this Court, on or btfure the next f rm of this ( curt, the prim ip il, intere st snd exchange dot by them <m said prominory ttcle, with the cost of this pip reeding ; nr in and fruit there of, th'ir • quite of 1 ed* inpkn in an-l toauid premises he for* v* r barred ami tbrecloiwd; and that the s.ime be “old according to law, and the pruned* thereof, r so much thereof ns may be n cersary, be applied to *h paymrrt of said debt and the cost * f this proves ning. Jt - fu. tier ordered, ‘bat service . f this rule n*i be* perfi ri* and op'.ii -hi Fofdyce Wrigley a• 1 Truman Hart iu turns ol the Stature’ fbrsuCh cast s mn‘e and provided. A irur toys frK-th. luiuuu., Aj< r, > H ‘ o^J i)ss c)uk oronr.lA-llibh County. To ihr Honorable the £ ulterior Cour lof laid County | The peiitlnnof Sark* t f iilt-crt respectfully “liewtth that Ford* re tVrigh) and Truman Hart, bef.rehnt time port ners und* r the name ami style of Wrifley H Hart, did on the ■ ?i,h du> of January, 1H4.% execute under th*ir hands and •nils, and then and there deliver to your petition! r thnrcei- | tin* •nortgag* deed upon tie property (among dh viking* 111 - **d mortgage deed *p cirtcd) hertinaft. r nu nt.omd, 10 se cure tb* ir certain pr mjssory miteloytmr pttirtoner. daud ■ 4t!i imnarr, I*4*, and dt.e at twelve momha atV*r Igedate thereof f*r tne turn of Nineteen Hundred and Siaty-sia dnl hr. ith in* r. 91 on the anme at the rate of six percent, per annum, nd live current rate of i Kihaute pon N* w York until paui, w Inch l. st inrntio <ed note the amd| Ik Hart have who ly tug c t< and and rt fused to pay at th* time it hi came due, and is “till due and • *lng to yonr m titinner When Tore your petitioner now bring a into Ait Coot! the a forvtaid mortvarc l e*l ami m*te of the said Wrigley V Hart, and pravathat an orde r or rule nisi may tu* frtnud to ynt petitioner requiring theanid WYtgh-v- lx Hart to pay imatlu* C'Utrt O'* or before the next term of this Couil, tke princl|*l. hit* f* t and • Xcbangr due upon said liotejwitlf the roar of thi” nroe edinr, or upon their default in the pasm* nt ‘hereof that their* quit* of redemption iu the ralestau In soiumoij rageaet forth anddtsciib*d b. P*r* ver barr* and and flivrb.std, ami that t'iesaid real estate beold, and the proceeds ”*OIOOI h> 'Applied to the paynuutofihedsbt due tffLfgVfc*** ** a(*id A. *l. WllffsrlKnjN ,R,r * AUr.T T-r r. .t.n Apri <*. ‘.*. S - '3T rprriveil.nj f'jr lp, W X^<*o 4 Jana 10 IT UCOTr, CAXBAHr 4. CO. VOlallMr XAIV.-yo. 21 . li M’IM'OSH HOUSE. | MDUSI SPRINGS, Btl'TS (, “ul>riber, Proprietor of tfc Indian Sprier Pr.ul, f o r the l.„ Mm9B| *',’" U mprttnilly inform b,% frigs,!. ani i uii petiou. 01t1,,, aiaic, icuth Carolina, Ala . 1 4*SaS9l **"*’, * ml ‘** vvnuHvr, that l,e 1,., a, Ii ‘,' ,s *‘”, b “Pened on the rcth ,!, „ r M ,v tain, lietwern ?e and so large Rtf air . ,‘ ’ i tlirvr apacioti, brnuii.g K,jf,rn* an,’ a mlmd il fi. u n *‘ b it nm hK so lOHjr livt-r* dtsirrd nt tii ; f . 5 largut and most . i.mmoduma Hi.n I, ever rrrttrd at anv vta tvring place in the s„ut h. r„ vnnntrv. trrr,M<a ** 1,1 *** f ‘Mnt'rfml™. 1 *” “ be* be. n marl, roreplain, tor want of more acroffliiiudallima t r the htimlretli that dmlv , ,hl * well known and jeailf reiehruf it v air, ,nr n!ac/ Ihintinin vli.ill |„. no reason ol i imnlaini for^sani t*wiSlsSl ,, ““’ 0r ‘" d " d *” 5 “"" K *•""“ ‘>b thw , yirat < | Cl ’ U ° lh H ' UIC wi ” faur Hundred I ad!fln^7^ o v’ l " ,W, "” been -pared in famishing SlX *'ZSSi.lE£* ““ vin '' bi ™•* “ Thp location of the Mclnuvsh Hnup } pn the brow of the i Mclntosh Hi)), overlooking-thr Spring. . r mnns vears the Wdntofch. nr ,hl urc*n*r , * n °wnd asaOciatcil 10 the Indian Liator) of aSl&lP'Xa***’ thrrffor * that in order/ ih?l k *l. * >n ” m j tK the Mei.'tfjrh Hinae tinn..l, b l T aM, ' and 8 n,M ‘ h °V fP,,m hi ” ninued PTT tion to please, he may scure a share nt the public- patronage/ Indian Spring, May a. IMS. BKVA! ’ COO li & I,v M P !il N, ATTORNEYS AT LA V, Pont! Town. Sumpter Cnnniy, Geo* WIU. ..racticr in the counties of Sumter, Sietvarl. Macon. Murion and Houston. jS±?; j,. DR. CHARLES THOMPSON ¥1 AS taken office nept door to Payne's Drug Stores re-idenrr in ViMviiie. Anv woid left ut eiiher rioce (dny or night) will he communicated bv bovs for that purpose. lie hopes by aitentu n to Lusinrae, and (in egperieoce of seventeen >,-ata lu nieti: a .hure f pafronx^t*. March 11,1816 copv.] 4 2ZIT~IZ?Z~S. rris. G & J. McfihNAl D P rntef u ll v a ckn owl-- ilTti ,£” ’* ,ih ' r “IP’ 1 P' 1 l'‘;n"gt’ . xtenrted io them for thii lual lew years by the eitisiena of iMaeon and vit inilv, and would tbe-„ thnt they have re their tuber to the bru k range rottli ante of Mulberry Mice!. over the Jewelry Sim e of C. K. Wentworth. rltey have go arranped their buaiiu a, ns for of them in make rrtrolnr vi-ita m the neieibtuin K vibaeeg and certun purl,nn-ul llir touniry. Min im, Dec. 31, lIMA. gg liSii ti , SiOMtB. BXI. H*C BARWI.S27T wriHKsC. If AS ’" M r ™' iv, ‘ , l- “I bis Drug Pfnrt* *■! ft) .tlullierry elret l, n large etnek of Uftf t ' l,c,u! - 1,1 ’ Ibiinta, Dye Muha.Oiia, JXZiqi Glass-ware. U indow Gla.ta, IVrfumerv, * c -; tn hirt.eve,, thing tiaonllv kept by r . ~ , struggins. Havtng ‘m'Hc hia ptiri haaed Jar Lath, nnd from hr>i linmlr, ih New Vorh nnd l?os bin, hen enabled t„ exei „te on at ns lew prices at, Jiite, [rrth and ur.ndullerat'd ai'ieles inn be obtained at anv esi.hltsl.tnem ie the amrihern country rhyaicMnk. Man'ifarrtire'e. Plante,and Dealers rrg invited to call and examine bis atdtk before the, make their purchnspe. Macon, Sept 25, IS 13. 30 .Yetc Spring A’ Sinnmrr Goods Aew ojfrrinz in grrnt bit-grunt at THE PEOPLE'S STOKE g ?IGH Omber and ehailed lieraaea and nnlzoriner ■ A Idrte Mlwirh /*♦’ •!.., - ~ linn. Honnrts, French worked Collar?, Choimnirund Uiuler French and Brol’ F G ngtinm*, rry In pntferre, (iroa dc Ta, French and’ F ,ncy Linen Urili- I lira. llenitlen n hoM of other nrtic£ a * kept in n fan cv and staple di v poods store. |’o an inipeclion ot the and hpnntifu! etoc k now in fiore. I would respect fully invite tl** HMs*Uoa Mtl phii c . Aptii IB • ‘-Sa-v w. CLARK. Isale fitttf M.iriVif Stable. riIHE uodemienetl rerpecifuiiy inform 1. their fiind and the public, that ** IPV have openers n Stable in Macois* rTyJe for the ptirpotteof n &ALE AND wi IVKRY HL’rtli\KSS, nnd rrapcclfttllr aolicii a ahure ol public pnirrnHge. Their Slnhlri ero connected with rile KLOVU HOUSE, and every often” fion wifi be paid tu cuaioineis in order to give geuerat ratisfaHnirt. Their Stnhlr* are large, And commodion, with fine Lota acd every convenience- Peraon* would do wall to give ue u call. N. HAWKINS, ). w. Harris. Macon, AprilW f]jf Si:irc Line iiom Fomth to tl.? kiidiiin hpilitga. fit HE uht*cril>er will run w I daily Hue ol’ Four Hup” f l)n< ” {,,u Foray ih to the Jn tiSEsjESr^p^fiflaSTtß^inn spring*,leaving FomTih fm mrdiufelv offer the uri.vnl of the Cara, from Ixi July the rein* ndcr ol the. gcftaon* Thee will he provided with good T* und careful f)ii; .?r*, end nssiirc traveler- tl.ttl there ho no delay on their part, ha they hope tu merit o lihernl patit rrifc from tho travelling nuhli--. MOTI’ & HTANPOUD. Macon, June IT 4*lß I‘ieprittorn. Ucol’giii-.'i.iroti Conily, inferior Court—February Term , 1f16 % TANARUS the Honor u-jte Court of Ordinary for tnid C ufitn. The pviitiou of Andrew bhealy respectfully slte'/tih lhat John Kti.slui*,wti tin t uril *l.iy of January, * iir’,u* u hundred and forty-thr*-e,ex* cutfc. .1 .. to >om pet;* u > (a copy t wbi.U 10 In ret o am n.\d> b> “ hr bound 111 in self to lulke to your p* tnhnn r g.<ul, *uib* int, “ arrs'di ry and Ire sunt -• ti'lr to !,>f of hand i*u* tl.iriT-fl ve in t.r.r at c* iid dutt'c* oi originally Mucog*r how Macon count*. ; and also to all that part of Lo# n.i.n'rr thir.y si* in “nut distnctam! county,tu •*'. ‘>' s <■ ‘ll* *ulli .'O. ..1 Burk,*,,. Icr < u ">* run or ,r-r k.upoii nur pi-iiiiinu r'j ~,r C. rtain p,u un'ry im.c .prcileil th..coiulit -n. Sr t.oml, A... ly. ur ih' r .hrw.ih that thr uid Jal.n Hu.*i in.h din “... ..(? hurl,,,- ,| ,i, e to „ U|t ‘ u* *’ > >*l ui'l.oui 11.11 k 111 ~ruvi.i<tn b. )|l t„,l thtSh.dru-h II 1 .It n.Juhu p. Uc<. K .nu4 V in, of .Hid urttb. .Inly and r . .-..tnn •’ tlte b.t -ill udlMlinunul tl.r .a John Hii.hiii, h,..’ vnn wii tiun. r furlh. r li. with tbut l.< hd,. fully ).. uud dt. -h.rc o.l till- p*...n..-.r- nutr. dm tin tundiliuii t ~J In.i.d. I li.rcfuro >ouri). .u,..ii*r j.r-v. th,- “cart tod(Act the cvc* ..ton (~r -1. l of t[, t ~..| Jol.ti H to title fi r the iMiide xn*l rxpresti rs iu tb> bonu JUMr pemioner according to the t nor and iflleto J saiU bond, and our pcutiourr v iilrvt r pray, Kc. JNO. M. (jILhS, Attorney for Pctiticacr. (COPt OF BOND.) fSF.OUOIA. > Ksw all iimm byth. se presents, that I Macon County } hdtn t< usfiii, of >*! State and county, aas hiii and hr.u'y fevunrt *• Andrew Slum, in the just and fuli aum of twenty six honjrvd dollars, lor the true payment of which we'J a*id truly to be made, l bind mjs* If, ny lui> and administrators and uv-*tgu jutntly and sev< rallv, flrmly by the ae preaeui*, as aitogssour bauds and seals, this M dy of Jamtitrr,i£ht<n hundred and forty-three. The con dition of (lie aboir obligation is “ucb. that where a 9 the above b-juiid Andrew Sh*aly thta day laade and dtlivm4 the said Jutin.flustiin, hi* three pronnavury notes .sunn ant h*-n ring even date with the*** presents, whereby by tJiefirtsf s:*nl limei by the tint day of March next he promises tu pny thi said John Hushiuor iu arr, one buvdr* and uollsr* t*.r val ue received ; anl by the second of id notes, thesanl Andrew piomin‘l tu pay thi- am*t John Htthin or bear* r, six hundred dollars by the 1 wenty-flfill **ay us l>ce mb* r isext: ai dby the third of said notes, th. said Andrew premises 10 pay th* sasd John or bearer. thr*iunofti hunrtits) mul forty * igbt and i!ara by the twenty-fifth diy of !>e-einher, cightte*t’ hundred amt f*>rt)-lbur. Now‘hotfld the saUI John Hunhin, Im h>.!fs or M"igu",on thesanl Andrew SUealy*” payii g tu l im, Lis heir* or assign*, the amount of ntonry,iit said nroinissory notes specified, according t** the tetisur and * flu'i tlivnof, coil at the day sand tim* s therein speeified for the payment of the “ame, make or cause tube made t* the said 4 luiu'v Aheuly, his heir# or assign” gtM.d ahfUcieut wai ranfry and te* simple title to lot ol l.and Humber tt.irv-tife in the second dfaCrict *.fui iqipsHy Muscogee n w Macon e*un*y I *’ •> also ftHthat pert of lot number thiriy-si” in-aid di*trut and twi ty.aituate, lying being sit ur tv on the south side o* Dtiyk tf*h,at.d ea tendiue to th run of said ercck, then this b* ml to Tit void, else of full force aud virtue. hi* 1 JOHN M IIUSIIIN, (AtaU fn nrcSet*CC of *> mik. YTiu. V. Green#, Cl rk S. C. > Wrw. J-vltun. J t'non h* armg the abevt and lorcgoing petition, it if order ed bv the Court, that notice of ‘bitapp'ieftiicn be piv.n by publication **t cji of tin pf *iie*‘ oud bond, a::d o* thi."of -1 dvr iu one of the public rax* tes of this btatc, and in the pub ► he places of the ci tin') fm at lenst three mutitk” : and that iK- executrrs r* aid will be dmcteii M the t <ui )■ \t h* Ist tt>f th explm o'i of ibethrtt ini*th, to wit ;♦ the temtH.'<■t* , ' , *o efgbt|*n bstndecd and fort*-*-.*. t* t*. •! e petitiunei titUa t the Land 1* ->iu uond spseihtu, agues to the condition tntrifcf „ , „ _ A trae extract fYom thr 4 mlhUt*** of the Court of Macon cauut) , •n.Ou#7ik day of May, Itta:-. Wh. W. VOkdlT, C. C. 0. MsyjU.l W>.