Georgia messenger. (Ft. Hawkins, Ga.) 1823-1847, July 16, 1846, Image 1

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in s. rose. T B 11 >i s. The MESSKNOF.U i* published Meekly, on Thuridy marning, at Three Dollars if paid within tin >’ ar, ai.d For i if n<*t paid till the* expiration of the ye:*r. ‘ 4 toertnc,n ntt not exceeding twelve tines,M ill be inserted (l,j. i)ilUr the im insertion, and Fifty Cents foreaeh ton* ,inc>*. \ I **"ruse ueiiix not limited when handed in, will inserted till forbid. Viit’J *f .*•* Util Vr*grfK* by Executors, Adnintstrators . Guardi to*, are required by law to l* advertised in a no die gaaette, sixty days previous to the day nf sale. p 1 he sales f: rsoiml Property must be advertised in like no tier forty days. _ . . , t ic c . t„ ) btors and Creditorsof an estate must be pub* that application will he made to the Court ofOrdina* ryfar I *ave to *-II Laud and Negroes,must be published week tv for four months. Ni nthly Advertisements, One Dollar per square, fur each as Candidates, Three Dollars. 03* I.E I I F.RS on business must be post pnid. _JHU_ I ■ Sil —II i 111 1 MW in ■~i ~—- *~ *~* >"<■ MRS. F. DESSAU AND SISTER, HAVE opened ill I heir Millinery end Uresa-making , Establishment, oil Mulberry sired. over J 1.. I Jmieß st CVa Store, mi invoice ol new nrnl fMshinnnhV ■Spring mid Summer Mil.l IN ARY, consisting of nil the varieties of l.adica Iloniieu, Cups, Embroideries, Rdi honn, Mantillas, Gloves, I’nrn-ols and Sun-shades, &c. nnd of llie most fashionable Trimmings lor l.adics Dtesaes. , , . Thankful for pant favors, they solicit a continuance of the patronage of the I.tidies. Jj. IS.—Ronneis and Dresses made to order; alao, watete ami fitted, uaual. Macon, April 16,1840. 3 " 1 |> An they are prepared not to lie outdone, tlrev offer their Goods, which oil compai ion will he found us good if not better than any brought to this market, at verv low prices. [JJ* Three or four Seamstresses wanted. Appren jcea wanted. Nails, lion sirnl Hollow Ware. kegs Cut Nails, ,)V*’ * 15 tons Iron, assorted 1 to 10 inches, 2.000 Ills. Sheet Iron, 10,000 11)8. Hollow Ware, 2.000 lbs. Cast Steel, l .000 German and Itlistcr Steel, o’ooo Hoop nnd llasd Iron, ’ 50 dog. Hoes, 100 pairs Trace Chains, ~r „ „n Received and fur sale by E. 15. M El'-T • Deo 17 11- gkocexiies. r rrniv Porto Rico, Muscovado & New Orleans Sugar*, S Wool.'; Be Woolsey'* best steam relied Loaf and Crush ” Rm. Cuba, St. Domingo, Java and Mocha Coff.-e,, young It; son and Uiinpowdcr Green Was, rouchoag amt Octong, best black, N-w (IrleMi. and e., st India Motassee, Otard, Dopin’ tk Cos., and Signete’s brandy, licit Holland and Sw an Gin, Choice old Port, Madeira and Champagne W iae.. Genuine old Havana and Principe Cigars, Soerm Candle, Starch, Soap, ’osvderaßd Stmt llT.t M. H tlaisin. in buxesand halt laea, fee.h, Mackerel, Coil fish, Chewing amt Smoking 1 übacco, j Pepper. S^ee-., Cloves, N t“nwf S, AYLOn . , .T received uy 44 Macon, H, . j Theatrical Saloon, MACON, GA. riIHIS commodious and well arranged building tl | uated in the most central part of tbe city, and has been thorou-hTv repaired and pill in completo nr,h r. It The buil'ling is subjeet to a city tax.which has been paid bv the proprietor, 1,11 performances in it aie there fore exempt from any additional tax. Oct39, 1845. __ ~ SIIKF/riNO. -WIiST received a lot ofG-l and 12-4 Bleached and J Brown Wheeling of a superior quality. Also a good assortment of of Ladies and Gentleman a jKidfjlovea, best quality. * * %•> Feh 11. n lltirnPAk :inl Solo Lteailirr. J7 c [ B,,pCrior “"tio. W BUICE. New Orleans Sugar mid illolasse*. 1 f* HUMS, prime new crop New Oileahs >ucar, 1(> 15 bids do. do. ‘ lo - COTTON'"’ For Bale by REA fc CUIITJPI. 7T4RAVELLING Ttnnk., Carpet Bags, Bonnet Cases 1 nnd Valices, for sale by atm sntlllY March 18 5 _J Af. E. SALLSBUui • mins new crop Cuba Mulaasea, in store ami 50 “mtobj H P COrT. CAR..AIM’ .V CO. April I - BBLS - H,drau scox’frcA ßHA ßr & CO. April 1 SHIRTS. PUAIN finfl Striped Linen Sliirta, jn rtCei y’ b . y J. .V E. SAULS BCR V. sTlksTßor.-igcs. Iluslins. Oinglianis. rrtHE undersigned have just received and are now T opening every variety and style of the above goods * U Ap d ,i!°M’ e ‘T ~n. McKinnon & co. _ April 1 o CARRIAGES. H) LEATHER Top Buggies, £ 1 Tinning lisgilies, 1 Dunham Carnage, and 2 Jersey Wagons, fr.le RT3 _ Alas Harness, Saddles, Carriage and Saddlery Hard ware, Carriage Trimmings, Leuther, ate. No“ 20 anotkeh. ARRIVAL. J& E SAUI.SBUU.Y continue lo receive tinilv . ,eceeei..n In ilteir of Spring ud Summer Clothing iuiH Piece Goml*. unit n* 6 OPENINO Sntin. Onehmere nn.l Vle-.eill. s Vesi., Lim-i, I),tiling. C.eliutcrel.e jn.l Ofxp <1 Lie rente. . C.shtnerctie, Croton, Ump tl Ete od Ltueo Eole, Also, Super m#ck Fn-ncii Cloth", •I Fancy ** (•assimers, “ Black Drap d’F.ta, Linen Drillings, fc* April 8 -—i r CLOTHS. , ni | SUPERFINE an ß common Black, and Blue-lilack I Cloth* hnd C„Biin e r-jttiu received hy April 28 II S; MeKINMON fc CQ. “I T.M HRF.I,I, \S, r ABA SOI,S nnd SCN-Slj At)r.>. ” J a good assortment ,uxt rece.trcd J)' n ’^ hc lotveM prices. Pi- MnMNNON & CO. April 28 __ j ffUIK highest prices in Ch peid for “U kinds of .1 Ettrs.hv IUIRLE & B |lA f’otton Avenue,nerl> opposite \\ iishtngt“*i lull, j Oec 3 _ il. NOTICE IS hereby given to all patties interested, tnnl niter tbe expiration of thirty days, application tvill be made lo tho Mayor and Board of Aldermen ol the city of Mm- , con, fur nu exchange for one acre or less, of land lying i ob the south-east aide, and adjoining the upper Depot 16t of tilt) Mncon nnd Western Kail Road, and between anid Lot end the Columbus rond, —tha same to be taken in li**u of tbe same quantity of ground heretofore grant ed them bv the said Board of Alderman. DANIEL TYLER. Tres’t. Macon fc Western Rail Rom 1 . Mncon, June 24 1846. swl‘J IA If I).—500 Iba. prime Leaf l.ard, for sale hv j WHEELER fc HAKKOLIV Juno 24 Np\y FLOHIt —SOOO lbs. new FI-on? of supe rior quality,from J.nry’s mill, for sale hv June 24 19 WHEELER fc HARROLD. DISSOLIITIOH. 4IAITE co-psrtnershii* of WAT’I’S S MOt ETON t, J thin dv di.solved. All unsettled hlt.iness wdl lie Mtended to by either us us. WATTS T. J MOULTOW. Mncon, June. 17,18 tfl. FOB. RENT. POUR ROOMS over the Mlh.crihcr’. slnre. emtahlc for olTictti. ELIPHALKT E. BRO'VN. June 2 10 1> AVION.— 2n,mn Ihe. Bacon—Side*, Shoulders and Hams, for sole hv Jim? 94 19 WHEELER fc UARROI.D /#. cartek sec. l ommission iTlcrclianls, B. IS, St. diaries Strcf, KEW OREEAttIS. It. KRXDA 1,1. CAHTUH,? OdNTK.f. PKATT, i Jlllj 21, 1544 40 i ~ SHERWOOD k I'ATTKRSOV, cornernfSccoi* *nd o*k S’rvt tt, would intorm iht public liiai the) fttx- jsi. pnuti to execute House, Sign tinti Ormuneiitui Pointing, G f< A I N I B G, Imitation of Wood and Marble, OlnxiiiK and Paper Picture Frame* made unci Otldtd. OLE CHAUS Ue-boltomrd, Painttd ami OiKlcri ; Furniture ami Polished. Brll-lliiiitfiii? done in the best maiim f, irfntcrials furnißhed and warranted. In eh g uice ami despatch, it is theii determination not so be surpaßßcd hv any establishment in ihe St.utl*. Person* in want of any <if the above work, util please give mb a call, and examine specimens before engaging elsewhere April 1, 1846. y 7 IRISH LINEN ami Damask Linen Table Cover.**. Birds-eye, liuckttlxick and Rusnin Diaper.just re-! ceived at THE PEOPLE’S STORE. April Ml 9 PARASOLS, PnrassoUHtes fc Sun-slindes, prrhably the beat and cheapest lot to be found in the c ity, tit April 10 9 THE PEOPLE’S STORE. Bleached ami brown sheeting, 4.4, S1 ami 12-4, direct from the manufactory,just receiv ed tm IMnlberry etreet, at T 6 ’ 0 THE PEOPLE’S STORE. !\-%v tioofk ! \t>n Cnoodsi! FpilE subscriber has just received n large lot of FINE ■ .MUSLINS, Muslin nnd Earlnton Ginpbamß; Blue, 1 Pink and Buff Check Ginghams; Ladies’ Twisted Silk nod Fillet Mitts; Afi?sea bhtek and white Mitts; Berufje Scarfs; (irass Cloth Skills, of extra quaiitiep; Coarse Book Muslin and White Linen for lining dresse* ; all of which nre now open nnd offered at reasonable: prices. Customers arc roliciied to gi\e me n call. June 17 18 E. WOJDUUFF. Till Fiiifp suit! Wire. ;iA(\ BOXES Tin Plate, awl M F 4,000 lbs. Iron Wire, assorted Nos. 6 to 18. Received nnd lor sale by E. B. WEED. Dec 17, 1815 44_ Axes. ff/A DOZ. Collins’ Axes, ♦ “10 doz. H ind nn ! Broad Axes, Received and for sale by E. B. WEED. Dec 17 _ _j 4 tiin Saws, just received und for sale by Dec 17 4< E. B. WEED. i httice IVines anti IStnmt y For sale on unusually low terms. A RARE CHANCE! \L. AUDOUIN respecifully informs tbe citizens of .Macon, that in conteinplatifin of a removal, and change of business, he proposes to sell out forcah, at rales that must bo satisfactory, his choice stock of Wines and Brandv, compiling CHOICE MADEIRA, very old. OLD PORT, a superior article. CLARET, of hi? own importation. CH AMPAGNE, of the most approved brands. BRANDY, best quality, pure nnd unadulterated. His liquors lie can confidently recommend to connois seurs, and for family use. Nov 20, 1815. 40 F;iiliionblc Sprint? Goods. riIHE subscriber is now receiving large nnd crenerr.l l stock ofSpringr and Summer Goods, nnd invites bis customers nnd the public to call and examine, ns he is confident Ins Goods are as Imnd-omc, and pri< C 8 as reasonable hs at any other establishment in the city I Frcurli :ttitl Cnssimers* JUST received mu assortment of the above—Also handsome Marseilles VestitArs. April lb _9 GIT) W. PRICE. _ Lnco Muslin Slinuk. \LOT of the above—a new and beautiful article — large size. GEO. W. PRICE. April 1* 9 Parasols and Sun Shades. W3T received n large assortment of the above—some verv rich and handsome. April 15 9 GEd; W. PRICE. Old Fort Wine, A FEW boxes port Wine, imported by John W. Long, Esq. Savannah, a very superior article, for rale bv REA COTTON. April 15 9 SUGAR & COFFEE -f. !.!ui . N\ Orleans Sugar, 60 bags Rio Coffee, for sale bv April 15 9 REA & COTTON. f* notifies tie Faritt, FOR the alleviation and radical cure of Rronchitini and other diseases of the throat, which have beert used and found eminently efticacious, ami are highly recommended by numbers of the most eminent Orators of the dav. References of the highest respectability can be given from gentlemen who do not wish their namea lo appear in print before the public. N. B.—These Pastilles give instant relief lo hoarse ness, nnd also cold in the head. Also— Cnmphoi and Peppermint LOZENGFB, for s tie by GEORGE PA \ NE. June 94 12w19 Druggist and Apothecary. VINEVILLE ACADEMY. fjhllE second term of tbit Institution w ill open on the I first Monday in July next, under the charge of Dr. I*. Mclnty rk. formerly well known in this vicinity, as the Rector of the Bibb couuty Arndcmy in the city of Macon. Rates and terms as customary, viz : K.a<lmj, Orthography, Wrilinf, nH'> , |0 |fm| . oral Arithmetic, ) Written Arithmetic, Geography, Eng. ( *,.| „ „ and Elements of History, S Latin and Greek, Mathematics *nd iheS Elements of Natural Philosophy. > $lB “ “ Chemistry .Botany At Belles Lettros, ) Composition and Declamation alternately each week. Charge from date of entry to the end of the term (22 weeks) —closing about lrt December. June 23, 1846. 19 #SO Cent Shoe*. J UST received a lurge supply of Ladies’ 50 cent Shoe#. A large assortment of Gent’s fine Button Gaiters, A largo aseoi tment of Gent’s fine Goat Gaiters, A lurge assortment n* Gent’s fine French Cult* Boots, A large assortment<>f (’all Lining and Binding Skins, all of which will l sold as cheup as the sumo urticle can he bought in the Stain, bv April 15 9 WHITING & MIX. ISlousc ronm. BROWN I.inen and Mcrhnack Blouse Coata. Inst received by April 8 8 J. fc E. SAULSBURV. JUST received and for eu|e,2o,*W)o Regalia Cigar*, of < extra brands. SCOTT, CARHAKT At CO. aflnne 10, 18 1G }J__ \i;w €ioo ns. THF, Undersigned an* receiving Hud opening their Spring utid Hummer stipplien of KAMC Y and SI AIM.K IMtl GOODS, among which will In- found all the new styles of tin <raon ; all of which will hr sold at the lowest prices. Pur chaser* are invited to eall and examine the stock. \ pril 8 * N. McKINNON A. CO^ Goods for C ash! rllflE subscribers wishing to rloe their present stock, I oiler their Goods at COST FOR (’ASH, and re quest purchasers to call and examine Indore supplying themselves. D. At W. GUNN. Mucon,MH V 13. * M* roper Iff on the Ml nil Ituait TOR SALE LOW. \TVVO nfnrv DWKM.INO with nHt-hulMinpii to . ented within a few steps of the depot in Forsyth, Mnrounded toy a grove and garden el about three acres, belonging to Rev. C. F. Sturgis. A great bargain will he offered if application is made immediately to WILLIAM 8. NORM AN. Forsyth. Mnv 19, 1346 FITS! FITS! DU. IVAN’S Vegetable Extract, an infallible rente dv for Epileptic Fits or Falling Sickness, Convul sions, dtc. Also Ivsn’s Vegetable Anti-Bilious Pills, for removing till morbid and corrupt humors, and puri fying the blood For rale st March il 4 BRUNO At VIRGINS’. II iCO.\, JI)!,Y 10, 1810. FIRE PROOF WARE-HOUSE. f t r| an is undri si; lied, grateful for / a ai I puM favors, take* this meth ! / W M nd of informing hie patrons, and K't’Ja’anMtvtxikAwtAigawv w who may give him their -.y* business, that he bus (for the bet i ter secuiing their interests) obtuiuod the beautilul and j well arranged Tire Proof Ware-Mouse, on Cotton Avenue, formerly occupied bv J. Cowlip, for the purpose of Storing t otton and all kinds of Cows* try Produce. He will, ns heretofore, give his personal attention to the Wre-Hou>e, nud pledges himself to use uvery exertion to promote the intereat of those who tuny confide business to his charge. MicoOf t um 24, 1846 N* Ol HI.EY. JOA'AS A’ MOLT, ware-house COIHXISSION MERCHANTS, H AVE taken the Ware-Hmise on Cotton Avenue* formerly occupied by Moti.TßiK At Camcbm.i.. j Their best efforts will be employed to promote the ill* tercst of tiieir putiona. JOHN JONES, W.M. S. HOLT. Macon, June 24,1C4ti* 12 i T* Voiiiin ins ion Sin s incss . GRAVES, WOOD A CO. TAKF. this method of informing planters and others, that in addition to their wholesale and retail Ory Goods nnd Grocery liitrixtoss. they will continue to transact a general WAKh-HOl/SF Rc COM MISSION HUSJ N ESS, at the old stand, (loi)y known a* Graves’ Corner,) on the corner of second street and Com merce Row r , and would respectfully renew tne tender of their services to their planting friends, and others, with tlte assu rance, that those who may patronize iis in this line of busi ness, shall have our be-t endeavors to do them justice and pro mote their interest. Our Ware Hgiise is conveniently situat ed ; and Cotton stored with us, shall he well taken cart* of, and protected from the weather. We will also assist with pleasure, our friends in selling theif Cotton and without charge; and we are at all times prepared to make advahtts on the same in Cash or Merchandize. We respectfully solicit a portion of the patronage of the public. GRAVES, WOOD & CO. Edwin Graves, ‘f Thothas Wood, > J. !M. Kibbff., ) Macon, Aug 23, 1844. 37 Ware Mouse anti Commission Business. WINN it SEYMOUR will continue tbe above hu pine** nt the same stand, ami solicit from tbe planters n share of their patronage. Macon, June 10,1846. 17 WATCHES, JEWELRY* &c. Ac. e-a S. n. DAY would inform his friends jft and the ju:>jl* that h<- has bought tbe Stork formerly h* longing to C G St. mjp* JAI John, dectasiri, consi>ting tis golo end sit- TOftV* rer W'atehcs, Gold Fob nd Gu*rd Ciiains, i . VIVaM Gold, Silver and Ste | Spectacles, Gd'H Bracelets,Clasps, Gold Suapa, Gold and Silver Thimbles, Ladies’ Broaches, Gent’s FT <s. Knive, Scisors, Rasors, Rasar Strops, Tooth atid Hair Hrudit * Pifc tols, and many more things, too numerous t< mention He will have new stock constantly coming, and ill ord r goods at ike request of thus- who may wish any thing in lus line. REPAIRING. Watches and Clock* Cleaned and Repaired at the shortest notice, and done in the brat possible manner, and warranted to keep good time, and done at the cheapest price. Rings, Pius, Bracelets repaired in the best possible manner. Kngi hv ing also neatly executed. Persons would do w ell to call and see w hat he will do, and there is no doubt but they will be pleased. Macon, Jan. 2S, 1846. 50 Bagging, Rope, Tu'ine. rfflHF, subscribers are now receiving their fa II supplies of I GROCRH IF;*>, w hich th* v off rto thefroltf frieiuls aud the public* generally,at unusual .ow prices. We have now in store, and receiving -300 pieces heavy Gunny Ragging, 200 pieces heavy Kentucky Cos. 150 coils Kentucky Rope, 50 do. Manilla do. 100 lbs. Twine, 2,000 sacks Salt, ].),00J lbs. Swecdeslron, J,OOO lbs. Band, Hoop and Hod Iron, 20 hhds. St Croix and Porto kico Sugars, Loaf, Crushed and Powdered do. ICO bags Rio and Java Coffee, 50 boxes Tobacco, 100 kegs Naif, 1,0 0 llis. Cast, German and Blister Steel. Alio PAINTS AND OILS of ever) description. k: bond. Macon, Jan 1, 1P46. WHITING A MIX gnw* ■ TAVFi thin thv received Opnls’ I I ■ Fine French Calf Bools and Ladies, .Misses and Children's Gai ter Bo t**, Ladies nnd .Misses’ Half Gaiter Buskins, Do. “ do. Kid Slips and Ties, Do. White Kid Slippers, ] with a large assortment of Lailisi*, Misses end Cbil- dren’s low priced Shoes. All ol the above will be paid 1 as low ns tho same qualities ran be bought in tbe city or State. Mncnti, iMareh 18,1846. Ji SEATS! HIT! SEATS ! JUST RECEIVED ASD FOR SALE BY STItONG A WOOD, A FINF. assortment Ffp £§jf-| m it of IIATS. Consis- F ling of Gents. Fanania. v-. jax Leghorn, lutest t y lo of . 6ne Nutria nnd French Moleskin, wide nnd narrow brim Black Nutrlx, Ru>Hia 6l Pearl Caps, &<*. Ac . which they will offer at the very lowest prices to all that will furor them with a call- Also have on hand und are constantly receiving a ecu- i erui assortment of BOOTS and SHOES, of all quali- J ties nnd prices. (FFAi tbe New Brick Stove, opposite Geo. M. Lo gan *V ('o , next door t” Rnoell &. Kimberly. Macon, April 14, IC-IG. 9 COTTON PRESSES. ffIKK ptihpcriber in now cnfjagcd at his FOUNDRY 1 in IMAC’O.N. in manufacturing Hil!nt*k 9 f Patent Progressive Power Cotton Presses, which for convrn iencc, durability und expedition.arc tinanrpaaaed hv any thing of the kind ever offered lo tbe public. To those wishing to purchase, a trial and guarantee w ill bo given before payment is required. All in want of a first rate ‘ Cotton Preps will please make early application to my self, or to Messrs. Hamilton & llardent in, whfn price nnd terms will be made known; also on hand nnd made to order. Mill Irons and Casting* of every description, on moderute aud accommodating term*. ROBERT FINDLAY. Macon, June 17,1846. ylB ,71 aeon Iron A* Brass S ounflt f/, AND MACHINE MIOP. riIHF. subscriber having recently made large nrd iin- j I. porta nt additions to his ‘rm&r li-t f patterns or ! Overshot Rrfat. and Tub Mill Gecriue, i now prepar ed to execute orders for Flour Villa, Cotton I uetoiiea, j Horse power Mills for plantation giitidiog, Arc.; also <'ofton Presses, (iin Gitar, Plates nnd Balls, suit Mill Irons of every description t all ol wh ‘ll will bo made •! tbe verv best material nrfd workmanship, on reasonable nnd accommodating ferma. ROBERT FINDLAY. Macon, June 71. 1816. >lB ■UST received anti lor sale. 80,l'l)0 pounds BACON qj SIDES. SUOTT, CARD ART A CO. June 17 I**, ■pUST received noil fur sale, 50 hbK No. 3 Muckerel, 50 “ “ 2 do. 25 blf bbls. No. 1 do. 25 “ “ “ 2 tlo. June 17 18 SCOTT, CART!ART & CO. opUST received and for sale, ey 20 bbis. Woolsey & Woolsey’s Crushed Sugar, op •* do. do. Powdered do. 20 boxes do. do. Loaf do. 10 “ Havanna Brown do. j il i SCOTT, CARHIRT \ CO. ■iftsT received nud fiir sale. 500 kee* Nalls. % June 17 13 B<?OTT, CARIIART & CO. ■PUST received nnl for sale, fj QuO keen White Lead, 800 gallon* Linseed Oil. huw \7 19 fIOOTT, CARH ART At CO. ■fIJMT received nnd for sate. 50 boxes of Tobacco, of 4J different brands and qualifies. June 10 17 SCOTT, CARIIART fc CO. CLOTHING. OWE AXI> A EL, TAKE NOTICE 1 npHAT rew and fashionable CLOTHING, for the 8 fnfl and winter trade, (of their own rnanufncttiring) and made in the best manner, bus jus! been received, and can bo ween at the store of Mt. i. mi; mv st to. | on second street, next door to E. Woodruff's Dry Goods , Store, nnd three doors from Washington Hall, i The stock consists of Gentlemen’s garments of every • kind, that will make them comfortable and genteel. All ! of the said garments will be offered at the low cot cash i prices.—Pl**He give us a call. Nov 5, 1845. 3<j JYew Store and .Yew Hoods! c- K wnnTwomii, W:itrli Maker :mH Jtut ilrr HAS removed to the rrew brick block, east side ol Mulberry street, (immediately opposite his old rtand,) and is now opening n new and fine stock of goods in Ins line, consisting in part ol fine Gold nml Sihcr Lever, Horizontal, Patent and Vertical Escapement W itches: Gold Guard, Fob and Vest Clinius: Breast Pins, I*inger Rings, Ear Kings: Gold Chain and Hair . Bracelets: Gold, Silver and Steel Spectacles and Eye Protectors: Gold nnd Silver Pencils, Gold Pens, Gold and Silver Watch Keys, Gold and Silver Thimbles,.Bil* i ver Combs, Silver and Pearl Belt Slides, Gold Sleeve and Collar Bn.tons, Gold Studes nnd Chain Slides, Gold Lockets, Henris and Crosses: Card Cases, Sled, Silver and Gilt Beads; Mead Ornaments, Jet Combs, Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Purses, Supeiior Pen and Pocket ICnives,Scissors, Razors and Knzoi Strops: Tooh. Lather nnd Nail Brushes, Shaving Cream. ReaT German Cologne. Fine Silver Plated Contois. Cake Baskets, Candle Siickr, Waiters, Cup*. Snuff* rs and Travs: Dixon’s Fine Ware in setts. Also Coffee nud Tea Pots; Silver Setts of Knife, Fork nml Spoon; Spoons. Watch Sunils, Fans, Perfumery. Fancy Goods, &e. fcc. Watches of every description repaired in Ihe lest manner. All Watches polo or repaired will be tear- ! runted to keep good time, or the cash refunded. Watch- i j ea sent from any part of the country, will receive the same attention and l*e repaired on as reasonable terms as though the owner were present. All kinds of Gold and Silver work neatly repaired at tbe shortest notice Spectacle Glasses adapted to all ages. ALSO FOR SALE—One of Chickerinp's &vverier Piano-Fortes, in rose wood case, full lenghth iron frame, nnd warranted i fine nn instrument in every re spect. as cun be found in GVorcia. C. K. W ENT WORTH, Watch Maker and Jeweller, Macon, Nov 5, 1°45 East side Mulberry Street. WATCH is, JEVyELair, CIC. J. A A S. S. VIRGIN, At their old st tnd on (''otton Avenue, opposite Washington Halt , Clra OULD inform their friands nnd * t’m public, fc th;it they have now ZTw* j on hand *i E*od as i tmeul of Gold and Silver WmR f the vnrinus rnaker-i, and of different kind*; also a good a*- sortment of Gobi Chain*, Sea Id and Ke\ s, nnd a variety of other articles, consiMiug in part of the following : Spoon a of pine Silver ; Gold nnd Sil ver Pencils; Gold Pens; Gold Foil and Wire for Den tists; fashionable Jewelry, Breast Pins, Finger Rings, bar Ring** of latest patterns; superior Pen nnd Pocket Knives; Razors and Stiops; Scissors; Bead Bags nnd Purses with steel ornaments: Head Oiuameiiis do.; Steel Pen# f Gillottb o.akr ; Pistols and Gun*; Ther mometer*; Tonifi, Nail and Shaving Brushes; Twe; nn assortment of Toys for Children, with * varie ty of other articles, which will be sold very cheep for cash •S. S- V. would take this opportunity to say, that be has a good assortment of waft'll rmtferinls carefully se lected bv hinrrelf: these, with (he superior set of tools be Ins to work with, ns well ns other advantages, he thinks he is prepared to execute work as well as work gets to be done, it will be hia aim to give entire satisfac tion to nil. Dec 17,1845. 41 .Yew Store ant! .Yew Howls. subscriber* would respectfully inform their trie ltd* sand the puh!ir, that they have taken th* mot on the corner of first and Poplar street*, known as Dyson fc hich ordson's corner, where they ure now receiving. and witlcun* tiime ro receive from New York and Boston, a large and hand some assortment of Faiir)’ nnd Staplr Dry floods. tngether with Shoes, Hats, Ronnrt*. Wcaily-mnde Clothing; nho. Crockery and tlas* Ware, Nails, Hardware, Hollow Ware, Paints, Oil*. Window Gla*s, Medieim s, kc. The abo v ■ stock ha* been select* and w?ih great ciire, and is weil adapted to the city and emtntry irade. Persons wi*li:ng to nuy k*oiU at unusually low price* f.< tuh 9 will please cult Md examine our stock In fre purchasing elsewhere. AII or ders from the country wit) tie tliankfullv r* -ceived and faith fully execated upon the lowest possible i* rm*. KLNDKICK fit CI.AKK. Maeon, April 27, 6nill Spring anti Summer 4 loiliing. fllllE subacriberx havD commenced receiving their I stock of Spring nnd Sum’nier Cfulhrng, w Inch they are prepared to sell at verv low pri. es for rnsh. March 18 5 J. fc E. *S \UI.SBURY. YOUTHS’ CLOTIIIKG. CI OATS, Pant!* nnd V’tst?, adapted to summer r. rnr, t ju*t received by J. fc E. SaL’I.SBI RY. March 18 5 OPENING THIS DAT, DI.ACK French Cloth*, 1 Fancy French CaHsiir*^}*, Black and Fancy Unslimeretta, Black French Doe Skim*, Linen Drills, fce. w^e. Also a line ussorfmeu* sis Scurfp,Grr.vnt. Glorpa. fce. March I. fc F. SAULSBURY. (t?* S/itl they Coute. fIMIIS day received nnd for snle, another lot ol Tran?- I parent WINDOW SHADES. new patterns, inoel apb'tulid. and very cheap. Call atw* a*- I *. June |7 4wlß WOOD fc BRADLEY. [Telegraph copy four timet.) HATS, CAPS, &(’ qnflE aiibatrnher hat now open,nnd will be ce.nstnnt- S I v receiving, a choice atock of Hat**, Cap 4, fcc. fcc. at the afore recently occupied by G. A. Kimberly fc. Cos. which will he told foreatli, at price* to suit the limca. v i on,Jun< 15 F. R. WRIGHT. nroTXCB. V I AVING this day 01l iny stork of DRY GOODS B 1 nnd GROCERIES to mv brother, Jamks St;Y- I wutild reapertfully rcemrmend bicn to my Irietide and patrons, and beg For him n continuHtmn of t!ie liberal lutronuge heretofore bestowed ffnon mveelf, JOSEPH N. SEYMOUR. Macon, June 1,1846. 16 N. B.—All those who nre indebted to me by note or account, will cooler n favor by settling the same. S N order to enable me to tupplv mv nttmeroua friflndx i and Cuatomera. (and especially th**e fiOm the coun ties of Jones, Baldwin, nnd Twiega.) I have taken the More lately occupied by Messrs. RUSSELL fc KIM BERLY, corner of Cherry and Second Streets, where I intend keeping conMablly on hand a general assortment ol Ntuple and Faulty Hry Hoods. Hard l ware, (Vockery, Sugar, • Joflee, Molasses, Rice, Mack erel, Bacon, Liquors of every description, together w ith every nrtidc usually kept in n general Dry Good* at and (irocerv Store. A calj from mv friends and th* public generally Is respectfully solicited. For the patron *g that baa l*e a n so liberally bestowed upon mv establishment nf the head or (’otton Avenue* for the Inst mx years, tny ruilaniars have my sincere anil hearty thanks, with the assurance that in mv new concern no pnitia will he spared.or menus !■ ft unttied fa give general satisfaction, anil merit a continuance of the • nine. In fact, 1 intend it 4-hall be generally understood tlmtut Hellion'* ts the place to got ||:ir^tllllv*. AMO BEN r<n\. |. S.—Mv establishment nt the bead of tbe Avenue will be continued for the present, under the superintend ence of Ms. WM. H. JOB DEN, w ho is duly authoriz ed to receipt for, nnd sett lo all accounts duo me m (but establishment. IVreofi* having running accounts ore earnestly requested f> call and settle the same, either with cash or notes, prevloue to th” firU of October nex, ms I contemplate making different arrangements with that bu*inea u , which will make it n*cerary to biiog the t, M „kH to e dose before that time. Mncon. June 9, 1840 17 Mcmulgcc Iron Foundry and JH a chine Shop. (MACON ono.) MM fl F. auhgcrib*r* having erected anew E'tabiiah- I. innt, now offer to ‘be public, inducements that they huv* nevtr h id before in that line of business.— Mill Wrights, Gin Milkers &*., will find it to their advantage to g>*.*i* u* n rail, we wfll cumantAe all our work to he good, end at the lowest price—we hava a ! good Htork of Patterns on i> A good Bower lor *nlo CH vS P. LEVY & CO. Cotton Avenue, near Macon & Western It. R, Depot. May 6, 1346. 10 rs Telegraph, Little Georgian, and Jeffersonian, copy till forbid. Grate*. Wood As 4'o. I>ESPRt-TFI ‘U.Y invite the attention of Merchant* IF and oilier**, to iheir stock of seasonable Dry Goods now rn store. Additions will he mude weekly, through the season, of denirnhle styled of goods, viz: 10 hales Otnnburgs, 5 “ Drown Drillings, 5 “ Tickings, 15 “ 4-4 Brown Sheetings, 15 “ 3-4 ‘ Shirtings, 5 “ fins unbleached Shillings, 5 “ Plnnkets, , 5 cn**es 3*4,4-4, 5*4,10 4 bleached Homeapims, 3 U*dfs Canton FUnncl*. 3 ** f'hecks and DhiiJ.t, VO rase* Print*, assorted, V “ extra rich Prints, 1 “ rich mourning Prints, V “ rich Gins ham?. 25 pieces blue, Mack and olivp Broadcloths, 30 “ American und French Casaimerß, 50 “ Vestings, 150 “ Kentucky and Cassimer Jeans, 100 “ heavy f.hisevs and Kersevs, 100 “ red, yellow, white and green Flannels, 15 “ black silk warp Alptttcas, ‘JO “ colored Alpaccus, 20 ‘ Alpacco Serges, 5 “ Bombazine*, 100 “ Muslin de Lainns, 20 11 C/Rphniere <le I,nhes, 20 “ Mourning de I.nines and Berage#, 100 *• colored On it,hi ics, 75 “ Pongee Silk 11 and kerchiefs, 10 “ Knsli.-h Silk lldkfe. 300 do 2. heid nnil flag Hdkfs. 75 Berkley and Madrn- f’rnvnts, 10 pieces black and fancy Silk do. 3 “ green Bafrage. 25 dcz. e •nTf*’ and ladies Gloves, assorted, 300 “ Hosiery, npsnited, 75 “ Drty’ Suspenderi, 75 u low priced iuit. do. 50 boxes Ribbon®, assorted, 25 “ Artificial®, 1 J cases Florence, Straw and Farcy Bonne! 5500 Shnwls, ninre or Icps, 40 pieces Irish Lineup, 25 “ I inen Birds-rve Diaper, 20 “ BuFsia Dinner, 10 “ Cotton no. 5 “ I’M nnd 13 4 Linen Sheetings, f Table-cloths and Napkins, 5 pif'ces Btipcr Flannels 4 4, 50 “ Jaconets. 50 M checked Cnmhii**s,• 50 “ Siviss, Book. I.nee. and Mull Muslins. 50 “ black mid w bite I.nee Goods, 3-4 dc 4-i, 1000 “ 1 .nee I’.dcines 1-2 to 2 1-2 inch, wide, * ! 20 doz. Muslin Collars, 20 pieces Bishop f awn, 20 dz. Lawn lldkfs. 5 eases Umbrella®, 20 pieces three plytnfruin nad Cotton Carpet'd* 1 Macon, Nov 12,1845. 39 j ffacrti <1 Whiski’D QD CASK> choice Cincinnati Side*, s 70 baric s New Orleans Whiskey, f*<i “nle by . i REA & CO3 ‘lt,'- B U’2it)7. Iron, foffcCi fcc. PM-’ ES heavy Kentucky Begging, t *J 325 do. Dond-e do. 20 ton Iron ussoited aizee, 70 keg? Nail’, 60 h igr* Bin t.'offee, toxpri Tobacco. 10 box*® llenjler on’* for sale i.v July 1 _2O REA fc CO'LLO.N hnpoi taut to .Hill Owners. Hotchkiss’ Premium Vertical Water Wheels, lor Saw or Orist Mills. FltOM the voiiitmt operation es nearly two tliott®sn<F of tlu*i* Wheel* and their appendage*, in diff rent section* oi tne country, and the ver> high popularity which thr> ha ye a*tamed with all that hitvean opportunity ol wiim-Riing ifi ri* ex* raordiii rv powt r, the subnii her feels justifledln giving puhTicity to tne following statement. 1 lie uie f the*.*? Whft b, when pr perl) jotrudoetd, nearly double* the value of the Mills, anti enables them to do a husitn *• whit h far tx cetiHihe most sanguine exp'-ctatioti of their owners, many of whom are gentlemen di-tinguialitd fort loir science and practical •kill, and have attested t> ita truth. ‘J'hesc Wheels when applit and to Saw Mill*, ore ns t*h* Bpl> eonttrurted as the common K.utter Wheel, and will do double the hutineet with a legs quantify tf water: hack wt* ter is no in* pedum nt w h* n there i> a head above; they rail be placed on ih* ►haff es a 1 common Flutter Whe I Mill if in good order, ami hung upon the came b anngsif suffeientJ) siiong to sustuin the power of the W lu-els ; th* Wheels In iug of cast-iron will Inst nn nge. They also con*iitute the requisite fly or ba la nee w heel, secur ing a uniform u**i**n in all pnrtsof each r volution. Any workman having the patterns, a model and table of Calcula tion*, cmii adapt Mills to any location, with perfect Biiccru. Signed, Ci. 110 ICHKISS. j The subscriber having hccornc folly convinced of the supe rior advantage of the above Wheels over all other Water Wheel* in use in the country, both for Saw and Cirist Mill* ; and for the purpoMw >f bringing tin in into inori gtiural use in this section of the State, h** ha* become* interested in the right of said Wheels, in th* counties of Bibb, Monrue. C’rnw foicl, Houston, Macon and Sumpter, aid willstli individual <*r county rii;hf-, eiultlTanl cvci j fucilii) in ccisary fhr put ting Mills in o|n ratio < on that sjstem, in those Counties, on . very accommodating term*. 1 have in my posscasion letufß ‘ ana certificate* from many not unlv highly respectable Int distinguished g**tlemcf in this and t*th r Mutes, all cot cur ling with the statements made by Mr. Hotchkiss, as tothc superior advantages of thine VN heels, having ctnplojed them • in their own Mills, nr witnessed their operation in thcMill* of their friends. They also fully concur iu recomm* tiding this improvement to mill ow ners generally, not only for its very great improvement of the speed or capacity of Mills for bust ness, hut tor its durability, cheapness and simplicity of •onstructihn. So nc of the gentleman whose testimony T have cn this sub- ‘ ject an*, Kx-fJov. Fitzpatrick, lion. J (l. 1.. Huy,ar.d Hobt. I cun •••!. K.tq **f Ala ; W. H. S yrc, r*q . Sparta, Oa.; Col. > J. \ . D*ve and Hon R. 1.. Gamble. Augusta, Gt.. and many j other gent U-men in that vicinity. AII froniniunicatioiis on this ! subject, directed to me at op* w< 11, Craws <ui county, w ill be promptly uttei.dtd to. •- J. A. MILLKH. Hopewell, May is, 1845. Hts Sale and l.irery Stable. riTHE iimlcraif ned rcspcctfnflv inform ,i r ■ tkeir frienda and tbe public, tliat ( viA , h <s . v l*< vw openctl aSt a Fir. iti Macon. ! rTYtv for tli* ntiri o** % il doing a J>ALE AND I /idT•'C.A* * * Vl''-R Y BUSINESS, and respectfully i solicit a share of public pntronntre. Their Stables me | connected with {be I LOYD HOFSE, and every arten- j lion wi!| bn [mid to customon* in order to give general 1 Hafmfnctfaun. Their Stable* nre large, new and commotlibne, with fine Lots snd every convenience. I’cihoUs would do well to give ua a call. N. HAWKINS, J. W. HARRIS. Macon, April 28 1846. lltf Niiig<‘ Line from Forsyth to Hu* I mlcsfen springs. fpllE ?nb* riberv will run n \ r rt 7 f . r ii *-■ ■ daily line of Four Horse , hn from Forsyth to the In rogr.leaving For?vib im- ‘ mediatelv after the nr rival of the Par*, from lt July the remainder of the aearon. They will be provided with good Tennis nml enrelul Dtivera, anti assure travelers that there •ball be fit> delay on their part, as tliev hope to merit a liberal natronngo from tbe travelling public. MOTT fc STANFORD. Macon, J noe 17 4wlß Proprietors. MUCH ST one. SA. M. DAHTLrCX y* B IAS just received, af his Drug Store ■ *- on’ Mtilfrerry street, a large stock of ;*• / Drug*, Chemicals, Paints, Dye Stuffs,Oils, Glis-wftre ‘* indow perfumery, fcc.; in fact.e erv thing usually Kent by faßf 3* Drugcirts. Having made his purt'liare? I for ('nth, and from first hand?, in New York nnd Box uni, be is enabled to execute orders st ns low prices ns fine, fresh and ut adulterated articles cun be obtained nl any establishment the southern country Physicians, Manufarftirere,Planters, and Dealer* are invited to rail and examine Ins stock before they make their purchases. Macon, Sept 25, 1815. 32 IKO FFAT’S HIUDICTN F B*ha'Tiv 11it!rr & I.ifo rpilß bigb and envied Celebrity wbielithin Medicine l- I acquired for it*invariable < all tha disea • whirli ii pr()ffe*ea to cure, has rt M den*d the iwual practice o* nut only urneoes*ary, but aiiwui th) >t them—tht) are kn *wn by their fruits; their giw>d works testify fa* tliatii, and they ■ hrive not by the faith ot the credulous. jU ’‘,r” V Gk’oSoeTaTNK, Dn,„. W . VOIiIJJfIK XX'rX.- i\o. M IXTOS1! SiOUSR. INDIAN SI’RINO* BUTTS CO. jjhtit&i* iiihfcribcr, Proprietor of the Xmlian | Spm.< Hon), for the fort two t(in, lM • iiyj*. v <iU ‘ , ‘ *• •’cspn it*t *v ii term hit friend* and alts 3cd*f patrons of thh atutr, of South Carahiia, AU !) m-i Mini itt vicir.itie*, f hat he hi at * great frtvtul ft splendid HOTEL uni • the abiife name, Inf Lite Hippie accommodation of viuioii du | ring tlie appro. rUm,; wasoii. This House tfill bo opened on the 20th day of May ne:;tN J Ihe Mclntosh llntiv- is hi depth .50 ten by m wid*-- ror. tains between7o and HO large and u.ry rooms, toother will three apuaioa* Drawing Houmt amt n ► phiulol fiatt Itnetn Uige and wide Pm/ias exo ndit fraiound the Hotel— making it what has go long been d-sired > t this Spring—one ol'the largest ami moat eouiiumlintu lit n ig ever erected at any vt’ ter mg pla r• ■ in tin bouiin-in eon nun . During tin last iwo there !ta* been much complalr t tr want nt inoreaceominodftiiunu IT, the hundreds that daily ‘ to tins'well kit'iwn ami justly relehrat-d watering plate j Ihu season there shall he no ot complaint fur want of accntnmodittintig, or indeed aii) thing coni.ecud with this establishment. The Mclntosh House will accommodate over feur hundred ’ pir oiu! Neither pains nr expense have be*j spared in furnishing j ®n<l fitting up this H *u-*e go us to renter it trulv a house for nil who may livor it with tin ir patronage. lhe furniture j all new mid of the moat Stirling hind, hating been made ni, I *> ‘*i*U r for ihia cMubli'lnnciit. Tin-location of the Mclntosh House is on the brow of the Mc*rnosh Hill, overlooking the Spring, for many years fie residence of the celebrated Cel. Mclntosh, of the Crtek na tiou, go well known und associated in the Indian historic? cur country. The stfliscrther, therefore, flatter* himselt that in or<t*r,* comfort, ami *)st-imttic arrangement, the*Uli-te*h shall not he aiispaaai-d ; and hopo* fmm his mntiuu.d e*ei tions to phase, lie ma> secuix a share of the public pefromtee , BRYAN VV. COLLILUT Indian Spring, May 6,134 ft. 12 riOYD IIOITSII, ltlucou, l2for((lii k have taken ihnt well * known Hotel, the Fi.otd ITui'-e, nn tinKll nre R<uic'mtcd under the firm of BROWiV Mllc ‘1 At L AN IML •p?.•!=*?&•It wih be needless to made promise?; ft? cue of die firm hua been well known as keeper of the Washington Hall, and the public ate acquainted wid* hia manner of doing busino** ‘J be Table and Her shall Hot l,e surpa *t*ed by ony one, and their St.ibleu ute niry, witli firm dirt floors, und not surpassed by any in Georgia. ( burgee me reua nabic r the times will permit. TH )M \S A BRONX; STERLING LANIER. fLT* 1 The swbrii) ar soil.. i; hi-* old fiends nnd pat roiid ul the \\ u J ',iu£ton Hnli, to give him a rail ill his new pin ml. w . Lamm. N. I —The office of ifie Tnlluh,issue and Columbus line of Stage kept at ibis House. July 9, me. f lf f MACON AN !) WESTERN KAIL-HOAD, m--h ?7xi -sdi FW~I HIS Road i* ii• •• op ‘it fir pa avengers, from Macon J (o Griffin, and Tiaius will be run daily ttnlif fur ther notice, ne fob, - •iz ; I.eaie Mueoi; l„j Oribtj nnJ ioferinediate station* at 11 o'clock, A. M l.envp O ifli i c JA . M. mvl r.rrive it Macon, r.t 12J. VJnttl em li lime ns if>e !i.,od 51t.12 be opened to Ai lanin, ihe Rates *>f I are will I <* ilie anin - ns cliurjed lait >r. I.MI'.RSON rooi 1.. Mcon J 1 i rintendenl cook &~i,Wpki X, ATTORNF,VS AT LAW, Ponl Toni. Snnipioi- Cc iiniy, Gro< iLL,prao*ice in fhc eoontigaof rfumler, 5-fewart, ▼ T Alftrot). Marion und n. I’HiriP t ’O'K . Ii KNhf tl. Lcmpki v, Jr. May 0, 1846. 12 DR. CHARLES THOMPSON HAS taken office next dour to Payne’.* Drop Stor^ — residence ; n \ snevifie. Any word luff at cdfier place (day or night) will be >m,Huairaied hylmva lor that pnip'ur. i ? o I topes hy mieutioii to busiruva, end ati experience of spvenfceu yeuj x so n.orit a aburo ol pairoir^M, _Alnrci 11,131 b £ IVlegraph copy.J f./n \ RkferuJ ,]kaf Pr *: <?.•> CU • DRS (J. 5 J . McDonald gmlefidlv ncknowl-- ed*je the liberal p.iiionnee r>.tended to thr u for the Inst few year* hy the eitizene of .Macon mid ticihify und would inform tlie:n that they have removed Iherr otfiep to the !■ ;ek range north side ot Mulberry urecr. over the Jewelry Store of t \ K. Wentworth. They have so nfrungod their busine*e, os for one of them to make rcc ufar to the neighboring villages nnd certain portions oftlie. lottmrv, Mncnn, Dec. ’ll, 1815. . ’ 46 •TV w Sprhtg A‘ xiimnier Ocoits, A air ojfrrinst in great btrgains at 7 in: ri:<>Hj;’s store Ombor end shaded Herngea nod Ralzartnee, * A cluck ol colored, rlripcd J’nd shaded Mnt li ns. Bonnet*, ribbons nr.d il?, latest stylt'a, Eieneh woikcj Collar?, Ch niisett s, end Lrulcr Sleuve*, French and Scotch O ntrhamr, very desirable pntterr*-. firoie d<- Ta,French (‘uHsimer hiio Tvncy Linen Drill ihg^*. licMdea n host of other nrfinl usually kept in a frn cv nnd ample drv pnodv store. 7’o r.n inspect ion of fb large and hmutifui stock row i,<i store. 1 w ould rt-aj c< t filllV invite the hU*liiii *if the public. Aj.iii D > W. CLARK. clsar t:th traokT” Tor tiic PcnjjEr’N Store. Silks’ Silks gfiiajr at almost nothing! HLI NIG desirous ol milking different nrrangemem # this department of liade, the subscriber i* wilh.i til make a preat k rider irl order to close out liii pr* • rut stork of Silk-*, for tha next siatv days. Those a I have money to luv on? for Silkn, will find it for their nr* vantage to mil nt the IVopla's store, und purchase son of the raw bargains now offf-rin* in Silks and nil stvb t of Dry floods. JOil.N \V. CL A UK, Proprietor July 8 si KJSXV GOODS ~ rjwrrs morninr * peiiing at the People's Store .1 Blue und Link ftlnslm Ginghams, SwiiK and Jsronr! Muslins, rre rich and Scoti n (iinghnuis. Prints, R niici R ibhnns, Acc. Arc. A l prcally reduced prices at the rer,n>h July 8 ‘ 81 Joy \ w. CL,ARK. B ; 'or en rop,sit:miicnl, 1 7‘i ! W™ KUNTI'cKV BAGGING, I 10l J..! ilo. MO. Jg of superior qualii *•. -M -I Pl.nt.r, Tr,. i,; V T-,l to call ami era.-, me this stock beti re pure hasing, as our price* slmll Ii maAa b.low co"i *.• of Hi. article laid d0.., ill rlua miirkel I orn ti’e i.i,nnlrctiirer , , SCOTT, CAR!]ART A CO. line M, 1816. gniial'.t dsoxics. \T * I I -VIS h mjr duly aurhoiized Agei.t Jvl during riy ?ih**-nec from tin* city. .. „ DOMINICK f.ARAUCIITV. IN. n.— |'a ftrEt. -My Dwelling on the coiner of l*i lg s nd Whliiui streets—attnrhed Vo it is n good gm cn, ftfiiblas, &c. Apjilv to F. K. L.i.ivu Jd'if 9. |), G. Vitlu jt>2t* Piopniy for Ssileor Knit, a R Vinsville, one mile from the city, B pb*u?Hiitlv fiiuated in view of Hi a C*V le/e, and for lieullh unsurpassed. The ‘l l l l Lot i* well improved with fruit nnd nrna *&“ a kUt9m menial tre.>“, nnd shrubbery, and a never failing Springy to which { would direct the atieniiwu of the cold water practice. The houses are connno ioim and bnili in modern stile. TlitfVholo, with the IX II iNI rt-UK, may be h id. Possession iinmedinfrly. Also, to rei i or sell, the Store House on Cotton A vr mm, next to Masonic Hall. For business can H(,t l.r-Hl 1- ‘mms ojiplv lo j u l y 8 Mv i J. 11. OLDEBSIIAW. rou BAL®; \ CHOICE fsindy id .N'yroos —l say a choice fam ily of Nearer* —in nun,her six ; n woman (with four childtert) about years old, a good sentm-tress, culs .•rid m ikes feu ale clothhur, cooks, wnrhoa.jttid iraus * oldest, a bov in the uoiebborhood of ten years old, well forinad, active, rt mulatto—the next, a girl about six vcaia old, likely and smart for her age, a inn ’ ’flu—the ftiirti about two year? old, lively nnd I luck- the lust, a fuv looking boy. As to the mother of ail, information, respecting hor con be had hereafter. Mv plsfitstion in Monroo county, near Montpelier Sprincajier hundred and Brve.Jy acres, aoveoty ur ev eutv*five woodland. Also HOUSE and LOT inymevilla. Forfuithorin forviatmi), applv t the subscriber. VfiicvillV. July 7 9wl W, C. HILL.