Georgia messenger. (Ft. Hawkins, Ga.) 1823-1847, July 30, 1846, Image 1

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itv s. icoKij. T K K n s. Tin* MKSSF.NfiKH i* publish! <1 werkljr, on Tbur-dv m iriiiUK, ul Threi- l>.ll*r% if pail wHltin Ho year, asol I • ,1 ,;/,/•*, limit paid till fin expiration ul tin* 1 not exceeding welvr I. In*",* ill In* internal 0.1 •I) illiii* tin* lirit insertion, mid Filly <*m* tereach “n ----\i|v *i*f is iiifiiiH not limited wlu'it hnmhu in, vull Im inH(*rli'il till lor Hid. , . . ,f (.art* and S.fiw <>>’ (m, Adni,mtra(.>v „ia r.-.,.i,nd hy lw (■>■ ... hiililk* £a/.cile,*txt y d:i)* previous to *H* dax ot sil . 1 J ul’p ra’ Prii|ii-rtjf >"" sl •** <lvi-rtlfil ill Ilk.- I.Nn^’u I!)*'!*.* 1 !)*'!*.*- and Creditor* of an Wllen.u.t • l".'- ‘'NaM-.'hilaiM'.iira.'.,,.. *,ll|H-n,.d.'.0.hern,.r.,,r0r,1,..a ----rv r„r I avc (•*.•11 l.and and Nt*r..f.,lu.l Ik |.uUlulicd w <l 'M'.'.nlMy’ Ad"yrt'„u, One Dollar per.quar,-, lor each i Ad‘v. i r"'ain K < Candida.. , Tl,me n.dl.ra C r I.KT TF.lts hii bit-.ine-# must In* post paid. MRS, F. DESSAU AND SISTER, n \VK opened at their Millinery arid Dress-.m.kinif on .Mnll.eiry alreel. over J. la. I,mes & (Vs Store,.... invoice id now nd Snrii..'mid Summer Mlt.l IN AHV, consialii.p ol nil ibc varieties of l.ndies I’.onnets, Caps,, lul.- 1,0.1.*, Mantillas, (ilnves, fnrnsols nml Si.n-sliudee, *e. „i„l of tits most faaltionublo Trimming* lor l.a.ltos I Il'PKSCft* . Thankful for past favor*, they solicit a continuance j of the patronage of the LndieH. . I IL Bonnet* and Dresses made to order, also, I waists cut and fitted, ns usual. Mneon, April Hi, lHtti. . \ ; l> j- tlftoy are prepared.not to ho outdone, tliev oflVi their (ioods, which on comparison will le found as -zood it not better than any brought to this market, at verv low prices. , . [J )’ Three or four Seamstresses wanted. Appren ic es wanted. _ . ! IVitils, Iron :nul Hollow Wait* 500 1,-Milne Iron, assorted Ito 10 inches, o.tlllll Ilia. Sheet Iron, 10,000 ll.s. Hollow Ware, 2.(1110 Ilia. Cast Steel, 1 .(Hill ( und 151 inter Steel, 2,(100 Hoop and Liuuit Iron, 50 dov;. Hues, -11)0 pairs Trane Chains, Received and for sale hy E- W1.1.f ■ iL GrRpCERIES. /-'< v rraii Pnrtiv Kico, Muscovado Kc New Orleans Sugars, Hy H „.,U. y ft Waolse) • best steam r. lined l.oat and Crush- Ylufc’ul.., St. Domingo, Java and Moylia C.iflVe, Hyson,young Hyson Gunpowder Unta leas, P.mel.o.ig and Os-long, best l.laek, \.-sv flrleausand West India Molass.s, Mturd, !>>s |iit v N. Cos., ...ul S.gncte s It randy, ties. Holland and Swan Gin, rl„,i. I- old port- Madeira and Champagne Wines, Candles, S.anll, soup Powder Shot, id stM U. Haisin. ... Imaesand hall bos. s. In li, M .i-kerel. Cod Fisk, Chewing and Smoking, i. .. Clove*. Nutmegs, Cassia, K.e. l |,P 2 Ik PAITKN Ik TAYLOR. ’.lt rccMVca by 44 Macon, IK*c 1 1815 j B Theatrical Saloon , MACON, GA. . . 1 f I.RIS commodious and well arranged building is v.t ----r din the must central part of the c,tv, and In,- a,,,,thorougiltv repaired and pul in complete order. It s well adapted to llinatrieal eilnhilu.iis, lor rot,certs, I lc,Hires or scientific ekhihilinns of any deseriptnm. I , 1 H im'Vented for purposes of the kind, on reasonahle ,e .s EEKIMNANI. ll)ltNK. The building is subject to a city lax, has been ..aid hr tin- proprietor, all performances in it are tl.erc *„re exempt from any adWtlmuai tax. Oct 49, 4845. J T UST r.-edhei all* of-4 <rud 12-4 Bleached and ; J Brown Sheeting of su|mrior iinality. A so a good assortment of V HUes end ISendlemma's K.d Glove., Ijesi qtuilkv. * * r ., KebH> llavnw ami Solo Loailior. JTST rru cived a eupeixsT article, for sa l le I” * - f-oboo 2 t.l-.0. W. I Kl< b. Deu- o. i, :,!> Siisiitr anil Tlolasxrs. I <; ’j' s - pjr B 7 o crop * h ”do! rlea moK ID F^Wy a T’.f.A A- COTTON mRAVKI.I.ING Trunks, Carpet Bags, Bonnet Cases 1 and Valices, for sale by HAITI RRIiIIV March It f J. 1.. SAI 1.51. t ~b_ tllin'i new crop Cuba Molasses,in store and .50 ffi! by ”cort, CARHA.iI- .V CO April I ( April 1 SHIRTS. “■"JI.AIN anil Strip*cl I.iftnn Shins, April *8 t,y 1- fc E. SAUI.SBGRV.__ MilUu. Borasos. muslins. 4lii{iliams, , r 14 III', undersigned have Just received and mi* I opening every variety and style el the above good Mc.KINNoN &• ca_ I (CINCINNATI BACON—HI hlida. el.niee Shh-s,fcr J sale hr EE A & COI ION. April 15 . CARHIAGES. t.) U:\Tm.ll Top Buggies, I Trotting Buggies, 1 Dunham Gan .age, and .2 Jersey Wagons, lor sale low, h* Also Harness, Saddles, Curringe and Suddlery Hard ware, Carriage Trimmings, Leather, otc. Nov 20 another arrival. TANARUS). |- HAM.SKIIIIY continue to receive daily . accessions to their stock of Spring and Summer . Clulltii.g and Piece liooils, and are IN4>\V 4H’I/!NIIN4 Satin, Cashmere and Marseilles Vests, Line,, Drilling, Cusluneretle and Drat, and I ants, Caaliniurette, Croton. Drap d’Lte and l.iuvu Coals,, Super Black French Clothe, “ Fancy “ Cassimera, “ Black Orap d’Ela, Lilian Drillings, c. April 0 - CLOTHS. n , ~ , SUPERFINE nnd 4‘n.nmon 111 nek, and iHUO-black j Cloths nod Cassimera—just MUTived hy April 2# II S. McKINNON *■ CO. I TMBUKI.LAS, I’ARASOI.S and SUN-HIIADIiS, IJ u good assort incut juat received and or saio at the lowest prices. W. McKINNON Ac. • April 23 ri4IIF, t.igliest prices in Cash paid for nil kinds ol J. Furs, by DIBBLE A- BIIA\ Cotton Avenue, nearly opposite Washington Hull. Icc 3 4 2_ NOTICE IS Harel.y given to all parties interested, niter the I expiration of thirty iluys, application will_ he made to the Mayor nod Board of Aldermen of the city id Ma con, for an exchange for one acre or less, of load lying ‘ on the south-east side, and adjoining the upper Depot! lot of the Macon and Western ilnii Road, and between I said Lot nnd the Columbus toad, —the same to he taken in lieu of ihe same ipianlilv of ground heretofore granl t.l them bv lire said Board of Alderman. DANIEL TYLER, Pres’t. Macon &. Western Rail Rond. Mncon,June2l 1846. OwPJ I Alt Ik. 500 lbs. prime Leaf I.aril, for sale l.y I 4 WHEELER HAIIUOLIt- June 24 10 I'l/4kl'H- —2000 ll.s. mw Flour of lupe- J I rt*r qualify, from l.arv’s in.II. lor sale by jt i:i WIIFFI.FR 4 IIAIIKOI.D. DISSOLUTION. 114IIF eo-pnrtoersl.ip o! WAT'lk* 4. MOI LION is I this day dissolved. All uneettlad husinosa will be attended to by either of us. 1 W. B. WATTS, T. J. MOULTON. Macon, June 17, IBlfi. .’w!3 tor rent7~ 1.4I .41HJR ROOMS over tiro si.hserilrer’a store, 1 far offices. ELII’IIALET E. BROWN. Jane 2 16 Ik l<:o>. Ilia. I ioul4an ■ • nml Hams,for snlc bv Jane 24 HI WHEF.I.F.R 4 IIAKROI.D. if. i. c.iiff'i'MC k <v. C'outiai<4Mi4kii Jlci-clirmlw, No. 15, Si. 4 li:irl<>s Ninml, NEW ORLEANS. If. KV.VDAI.I. I-All t till, ) DAM Kt, I'UA l I , j July .! I, Is 11 <0 SHKHWOOD Kt. IMT T Kit SON, tin iii t-of S44M>ti sml Oiik S*rc?4-U, won til inform (lie public lliul (In > an |n jiuritJ (o cxi*ciile J louse, Sign find Ornamental Painting, 44 K A I IN I IN 44 . I mitalioii of Wood uiul Marble, (ila/.iiig inul I apt*r Pic lure Pruiui-s nuulc tuul CiiUUrtl, OLE CHAIRS Uc'boitomed, Pa'iDlttl and (lildul; Furuitarc Viubi and und Puli"lii'it. l!rll-ll;itiging tioni* in the bext manner, ruatcriul* furni’.hcd ami wurran(<*<l. In • •Ic* if a net* and di‘4|>a(cli, it in their dcUTiuliiatiun nm in Ike Hiir|>a<in‘(l by any i-NiuliliKhmi'iit in (lit* South. I**rmm in waul of any ol ihi almvc work, will pli-ua** a .il, ttiui examine ipeeiincus In fore engaging i.-Ui-wlinx* A pri I I, I K id, }7 I KISH LINEN nnd Damask Linen Table Clovers, Kirds-eyo, lluckuhuek and Diaper, juat re* [ceivcdat * THE TEOKLE’S STOKE. I April 16 !> IJ AK ASOLS, Parnssolcttc'rt iSt Sun-Hliade, prohnhlv the bent and cheapest hit lobe found in ihe April 16 0 THE PEOrLG'S STOKE. nLEACHEPasd BROWN BHEETINCL I l. •: i, I P nnd l‘i-1, direct from the manufuctory, just receive ed on M nlherrv street, at April 16 9 THE PEOPLED ST< i\4‘4V t<()l)(N ! I\ITNV Footiv! rBl 11 E subscriber has just received a large lot of FINE I MUSLINS, Muslin nnd Earlston (Jiuuhnms ; Blue* I Pink and KnfTL'liock (linahamn; Ladies’ ‘l'wisted Silk nnd I'illct Mitts; Misses black und vvliile Mitts; Scarfs; Krum i loth Skirts* of extra qualities; Hoarse Hook Muslin und White Linen for lining dresses ; all of which tire now open and offered at reasonable prices. < ’ustomers arc solicited to pive me a call. if 18 E. WQ )DK l LL Tin Plnle and Win* ;)HH BOXES Tin Phite, FI J J,OtHI lbs. Iron Wire, assorted Nos. 6 to Isl. Received and for gale by E. 15. WEED. Dee 17,1315 4t_ AXES. D()7i. Collins* Axes, *}* F JO and 2. Hand and Kroad Axes, Received and for salts by E. H. WEED. Dec 17 Ji (iin Saws, just received and for sale by Pet 17 |4 L. B. WEED. Choire Wine* and Sirandt/ For salt 1 on iimifciiuKly low terms. * A RAKE CHANCE! \L. AUDOUIN respecifully informs the citizens of Macon, that in cootemplation of a removal, and change of business, he proposes to sell out for cash, at rates that must be satisfactory, his choice stock of \\ inns and Brandv, comprising CHOICE MADEIRA,very old. OLD l*( >RT, a superior article. of his own importation, r HAM I’ACiNE, of the most approved brands. BRANDY, best quality, pure and unadulterated. His liquors lie can confidently recoin mend to connois seurs, and for family use. Nov 90,1845. ’ 40 Fsiliioii:ihlc Spring Roods. til HE subscriber is now receiving a large and jrenernl .1 stock of Sprinjr and Summer Goods, nnd invites his customers and the public to call anil examine, as he is confident Ins Goods are as handsome, and prices ns reasonahle as at any other establishment in the. <• i t v April 15 9 GEO. W PRICE. French Drilling and Fassimcrs. ■PUST received an assortment of the above—Also handsome Marseilles Vestings. April 15 _9 GEO. W. PRICE. Lace >ln*k|in Sli:iwl<* \LOT of the uhovc—a uew anil beautiful article — large size. GEO. W. PRICE. April 15 ‘d Parasols and Sun S!i;tl<‘*. •PUST received n large assortment ol tlic above —some very rich and bandsoiue. April 15 9 GEO. W. PRICE. Old Port Wine, VFEW boxes Port Wine, imported hy John \V. Long:, 15sq. Suvanuah,a very superior article, for sale lv REA ifc COT'PON. April 15 9 SUGAR A- COFFEE—B lilids. N. Orleans Sugar, tilt hags Rio Coffee, for sale bv April 15 9 REA & COTTON. Hastilles de B’aris, TJIOR the alleviation and radical *ure of llronckitiM, and other diseaftes of the throat, which have been used and found eminently efficacious, and arc hi“hly recommended hy numbers of the most eminent <Jmlors of the day. References of the highest respect ability ran he given from gentlemen who ilo not wish their names to appear in print before the public. N. 15.—These Pastilles give instant relief to hoarse ness, and also cold in the head. Also—Cumphor and Peppermint LOZENGES, for sale hv GEORGE PAYNE, June 24 12w19 Druggist and Apothecary. VINEVILLE ACADEMY. rilllF second term of this Institution w ill open on the I first Monday in July next, under the charge of Dr. P. Me l.\tyiik, formerly well known in this vicinity, as | the Rector of the iiibli county Academy in the city of I Mneon. Rates and terms as customary, viz; 11. ...ling. Orthography, Writing, am! > . 10pcrlernl . oral ArithmetM-, > v 1 Written Arithmetic, Geography, Eng.) „ „ and Elements of History, s *’ Latin and Greek, Mathematics nml the Y Elements of Nuturu) Philosophy. / $lO u 44 Cheu.istry, Botany Bel ls Let tics,) Composition and Declamation alternately each week. Charge from date of entry to the end ol the ti:riii (22 weeks) —closing about Ist December. J tine ‘SI, 1 8 M. L* £• 4 i sil Slioi‘. JUST received a large supply of Ladies* 50 rent Shoes. A largo assortment of Gent’s fine Button Gaiters, A largo assortment nfGent’s tine Goat Gaiters, A large assortment o* t isnt*s fine French Call Boots, A large assortment of Calf Lining and Itinding Hkius, nil of w hich w ill he sold us cheap us the sumo article can he hnturht in the Btuto, hv April 15* 9 WHITING fit MIX. Bluiim 1 Foul*. nItONVN Linen and Mcriniock Blouse Conti, lust received !v April 8 8 J. A E. BAI LSIU R\ . mus l’ recsivi i| and lor sii|c, *JOyMWI Kegnlut Uigur*, oi extra brands, ttCOTT, CAKIIAIiT CO. M U USOIIS. ffYHK innb*rigiu il sin* y * in iug Mini op4‘iiiiig tk ir Spring I unit Suiniid r >4iiu|ilr if FANCY auii blAt'I.K DHY (i (>ODS, MINMIIg will I li Will hr full lift ull tin lirw ll> t< 14.1 the M'MMiti i all 4if Nvhirh will hr wild at the lowest prict . I*ur cbiM*r arc invitut to cult unit examine the atoch. \,.nl | • f N. McKtNKON fc CO taofkil* for 4':isli! fIIHE suhscrihers wishing to elosc their present stork, M offer their Goods at COST FOR CASH, und re quest purchasers to call and examine before supplying tlieninelves, IL & W. Ohi\N. Macon, May 19. II I‘rujn rh/ on the Hail Hoad rOR SALS LOW. \TWO story DWELLING with out-buildings 10. . rated within a few sleps of the depot in Forsyth, surrounded toy a grovi> and garden of about three acres, Ike longing to Key. C. F. Sturgis. A great bargain will he offered if application is made immediately to WILLIAM S. NORMAN. I ’ ‘ tb. ‘I n PL I Miff mI I I its: iits: nil. IVAN’S V.'g.'lMlilr Kxlrnct, n.i infilllibln rftnr dyli.r l/|.il..ptic Fit. nr Fulling tSickn**.,l'oiivul -1 rioit*, lu\ AN.. Iv.n’* Vegrt.lile A.ui-Bilioux Bill., fnr rp.nnving nil innrbiil nml humor., nml puri fyini* thnl.lmxl. lor ;,nlo at Mon It |l 1 BRUNO t VIRGINS’. t! ICON, TII(U!S|)AV, .Ithl ;to. IMO. FIRE PROOF WARE-HOUSE. q i iiiidri-irmil, grateful for f A pt favor-. ink* - this nu sh M o*l of informim* l:?s patrons, 00l 1110-O \v||o Hill V f*il<* I! iI It thei| “’**■* huniiu ‘ , that he has (for the bet ter seeming their intiro.sts) obtained the beautiful and well uiranged fire Proof It ’are-House, on (-otton A venue, formerly occupied byj. ('owi.Fs, I lor the purpose of storing ( ‘otton and at! Linds of Conn, try Croduee. lie will, us lieretolose, give his personal attention to the AVarc-Hon.-e, and pledges himself to use every exertion to promote the inlurrsi of those who mav confide business to his churge. Mucoti) Juno 91, lU4h. N. OUSI.FY. jo.Y&s A’ ndt/r, +jf WAHE-KCUSE iwKSfrl A! "> ( o.nnissiox mrnni tvrs, | TAVK taken the Ware-lloufo on Colton Avenue v * formerly oeeupii and l>\ Moui.trik *V (*a. Their best efforts will lie employed to promote the in tereat of their patrons. JOHN JONLS, \VM. HOLT. Macon, June 21,1040. ID WAIUJ-EOUKB “ Com iii iss ion IS usi it css. C.IUVKS, HOOD ,v < o. riHKK tliis mclliod of informing i-and others,thnt k in addition lo their whoh'iiiilt-nod n iaii Dry Goods rand (irocoiy Bti^inpss, they will continue to traiisnc’ a general AVA R K-MOI'SE COMMISSION 111 TSINK.SR, Ht Ibe old stand, (long know n a# j frraves* Corner,) on the eorm rof s coiul sn* * t and Com- I irterce Row, anil would resp* it fully renew tm i. ml* r of tin ir ! services i their planting friends, and others, will, the assu rance, that those who may |>.<traui/.e ns in lhis line of busi ness, shall have our best i mh-avors i,t do them jiisti* and pro- ! mote til* ir interest. Our Ware Houseis conveniently simat-{ ed ; and Cotton Mton*d with iis,shall Im*w*ll taken care of, ami protected from the \v* aih* r. We will also assist wiili > pleasure, our friend* in selling their cotton and without ( charge; ami wr arc at ::tl liiu* s pr* ; pareil to make advance* on the same in Cash or Merclutndi/.*-. We respectfully solii-it a portion of ihe patronage of the j public. GRAY ES, WOOD & CO. | F.tiwm Graves, Y Thomas Wood, > J. iM. Kiriok, ) Macon, A tig 22, 1844. 37 izHJ OJ II ’are House and Commission fSttsimss. WINN & SF.YMOIJR will continue the shove lm siuess at the same stand, and solicit from the planters a share of tludr patronage. Macon, June 10,]84(. 17 JEWELRY, &c. Ac. OQ S. I!. D.IV would inform InsfViends j nnd tin- public that lie has bought the , Stock formerly belonging to C. (i. St. WBt* JAI John, decras.-d, consisting of golu a:o! di- ; SjV* sL ver Watches, (iold Kol and (inaril (Miains, (lold, Silver and Steel Spectacles, (Jolit u K Bracelets,Clasps, (.old Snaps, (iold amt SilverTliimblen, Ladies* Broaches, (ient’s I*iiis, Knives, Scisors, Itasors, Hasor Strops, Tootli and Hair Brushes, l*is- f sols, and many more things, too numerous to niention He will liat-r new stock constantly coiiiiiir, and will goods at the request of those who may wish any thing in his line. | REPAIRING. Watches and Clock* Cleaned ami Repaired nt the shortest notice, and done in the bc*t possible manner, and warrant* and to keep gOod time, ami done at tin* cheapest price. Rings, Pins,Bracelet* repair* din the beat possible- mauiier. Kagmv* iug al*o neatly executed. , Person* would do well tb call ami see w hat he will do, and then* is no doubt but they will be pi* a*ed. Macon, Jan. 28,1840. 50 Hugging, Hone, Twine. subscribers are now receiving tln ir I*ll supplies of (iROCKRIKS, which they iH\ r t theirold in. nils and the public generally,at omiMiul low price*. \V i have now hi store,ami receiving—- 300 pieces heavy C.tmny Bagging, 200 pii cesheavy Kentucky do. ISO coil* Kentucky Rope, 50 do. Manilla do. 100 lbs. Tv ine, 2,000 sucks Salt, in,oo) Mis. Sweedeslron, J,()00 lbs. Band, Hoop and Rod Iron, 20 hhd*. St. Croix and Porto Uieo Sugars, Loaf, Crushed and Powdered do. 100 hags Rio and Java Coffee, 50 boxc* Tobacco, 100 kegs Kail, 1,0 i0 Ihx. ('.l'**, (iemrm and Bliste r Steel. A Iso PA 1 NTS AND OILS orevery deaeriptron. . K. HON D. Macon, Jan 1,184d. 4n wiirriixo a mix 1 TAVK this dty received Gouts’ I’ Rl Fine Fri ncli Call Bools and —VJ Brogans, ” Ladies, Misses and Children’s Gui- J tor Hants, Ladies and Misses’ Half Gaiter Buskins, Do. “ th). Kid Slip* and Tics, Do. While Kid Slippers, with h large assortment ol Ladies, Misses nnd Cliil dren’s low priced Shoes. All ol the above will lie sold ns low ns the Fame qualities can he bought in the city or Slate. Miteon, March 111, UWn * r > ! HATS : HAT : HATS ! JUST RECEIVED AND FOR. SAI.F. lIY STRONG St WOOD, a *!r N .ATr;K fn Ls ling of Gents. ’ ol fine Nutria nnd French CfVW Moleskin, wide and narrow brim Black Nutria, Russia & IVurl Cups, Alt, Are .which they will offer at the very lowest price* to all that will favor them with a call.— Also have on hand nnd are constantly receiving n gen eral assortment of BOOTS ami SHUKS,of ull quali ties and prices. T }’At the New Brick Store, opposite Geo. M. Lo* pan At Cos., next door to Rushull & Kimberly. Macon, April H, lo4h. 0 COTTON TRESSES. fTIIfE nnhscriher In now i*ngagcd nt Ida FOUNDRY I in MAUON, in tnanulai*luriiig Biillmk’a Patent] Progressive Power Cotton Prttoaea, w hicli for convi n j loner, durability and expedition,are unsiirpassi dhv any thing of the kind ever offered to the public. To those wishing to pimdiaae,n trial and puaranter will he given heloro payment i>* rw|uired. All in want of a firht rate t ‘iirton Press will please make earl v application to e.v hcK, or to Messrs. Hamilton Hardctnon, when price j and ternm will he made known; also on hand nml made to onler, Mill Iron* and Fastings of every description, on rnodarale und accommodating terms. ROBERT FINDLAY. M ,< mi, J MM) 17,11. \ I < Jit a con Iron V liras* foundry, AM) TIACIHNI'. KII4IP. f| A 11 1; snhsciihfr having recently tuiidr large and im- I portnnt additions to his former list of patterns for Overshot Breast, nml Tub Mill Gearing, is now prepar ed to execute order* for Flour Mill*, Got ton Factories, Horse power Mills for plantation grinding, Arc.i also Fotlou Presses, Gin Gear, Plates and Balls, ami Mill Irons of every description • ull of which will be made of the verv beat matci iul and workmanship, on reasonable nnd accoinmedttting terius. ROBERT FINDLAY. M aeon, J tine 71,1840. ylB wi - l received and foi HAUON SUMS. SCOTT, FA Ull.A KT A <<>. June 17 Id ■pUHT received and for *ale, aJ f0 bids. No. and Muc kcrcl, 50 “ 14 4 J do. y.i lilfbbli. No. 1 do. 05 “ “ *• U ilo. .1 ;MI |7 | ; sfMTT, CAR 11 \KT k CO. •fUSr received nnd for sale, % 20 hlda. Wooltny A Woolsey** Crushed Sugar, op * do. do. Powdered ilo. 20 boxes do. do. Louf do, 10 “ IlvMint Brown do. , .... i7 | ; SCOTT, FARII ART A I ÜBT received and for sale, 500 kegs Nails. June 17 18 SCOTT, C LAKII ART Sl CO. WIJST reeeiveil and for Stole, 60 boats of T©bnr< o, of a] different brand* und qualities. June 10 D SCOTT, CARD ART ACO ChOTHma o\i: oil) am., t\ki; Aorin: f 1111 AT new Hiiil l i lmmahlo ( Id ) I’IIING, for the I full and winter li ml* , (of their own iitaniilncliirin?) and mailt* in the In st manner, has just been received, anti cnii ho seen ut the store of net, Tiiir/ro.Y sr t o. on Fecund street, next door to K. Woodruff’s Dry Good’ Store, nnd throw doors from Washington llnll. The stock cone is la ,l Gentlemen's garments of every kind, (h it will tuuke them e.omfortHhle and genteel. All of the said gnrmentA will he offered at the lowest cash pri- es.— PI-i c give us a coll. Nov 5,1*145. .Yew Store and .Yew Moods! YAi K. WGNTWOIE'I'II, V% !tl* !t .Tinker and .lewellor. J J \S removed to the new brick bloek, east side of ! ■ e Mulberry,street, (immediately opposite Ids old * stand,) nnd is now opening it new and fine stork ol goods i in Ins line, consisting in purl of line Gold and Silver Lever, l!ori/.mit:il, Patent mid Yeriicul Fscapciucnt 1 Wutclies: Gold Guard, Foil nnd Vest (Minins: P,resist j Pins, Finger Pings, Mur Kings: Gold Chniii nnd 11 air ) Brneeleix: Gold, .Silver rtfld Steel Spentncles and Kvc Piotcetorn: Gold and Silver Pem ils, (iold Pens, Gold ; nnd Silver Watch Ke\s, Gold and Silver Thimbles, Sil j ver Coml-s, Silver and Pearl Brit Slides, Gold Sleeve i nnd Collar Huttons, Gold Studes and Chain Slides, Gold Lockets, Hearts and Crosses: Curd (’uses, Steel, Silver and Gilt Beads; Head Ornaments, Jet Combs, Ladies’ and (ienilcineifS Purses, Snpriior Pen and Pocket Kuivos,Scissors, Razors and Ka/.oi Strops: Tooth, Lather and Nail Brushes, Shaving (’ream, Real (iViman (-olognn. Fine {Nlvcr IMnted Oatms, Cake Boskets, Candle Sticks, Waiter*, Cup*. Snuffers hu<l ‘l’ravs: Dixon's Fine Ware in sett*. Al*o Coffee nnd Tea Dots; Silver Si its of Knife,Fork and Spoon; Spooim, Watch Stands. Fans, Perfumery, Funcy Goods, <Y<\ Are. Watchf* of every description repaired in the best manner. All Wulchos sold or repaired will Ih war l runted to keep gootl time, or the cash refunded. Watch j es sent from any part of the country, will receive the j same attention ami le repaired on us reasonable terms ! an though the owner treev present. All kinds ol (told and Silver work neatly repaired nt j the shortest notice. | Spectacle G|ufso adapted to all njrea. ALSO F<) 1 1 SAL K—< hie of ('h ickering's Snorri or Piano-FokTks, in rose-wood ease, /'w// tenglith iron frame , and warranted as ine an instrument in every re* i sped, as cun he found in Georgia. 0. K. WFNTWOUTII, Watch Maker nnd J vveller, Mae on, Nnv . r , IFI 15 Fast side Mulberry Street. WATCHES, JEWELRY. 6IC. j. a. .v s. s. viuoir. At their old stand on Cotton Atenuc, opposite 11 dxllington llnll, CT> XX/OL'LI) inform their friends and T T the public, t :at they have now jftyT / on hand a pood nss* itinent of Gold and **‘^ ver VVnlches oftie various makers, * tcl> different kind*; nl>o a pood ah sorlment of Gold Chains, Seals and Keys, and a variety of other articles, cousislinp in part ■ ol the following: Spoons of pure Silver; Gold and Sj|- ! ver Pencils; (iold Pens J Gold Foil and Wire for Deu i fists; fashionable Jewelry, Breast Pins, Finger Kings, Far Rings of latest patterns ; superior Pm and Pocket Knives; Rar.ors and Strops; Scissors; Head Haps and Purses with steel ornaments- Head Ornaments do.; i Steel Pens of (*iUo|Vs make; Pistols and (iiiiih; Ther ’ monietcr*; Tooth, Nail nnd Sliming Hrtishrs; Twe nrs ; on ilSsarf meat ms ‘)*nrs for *’llTtftVi’TTrwlrtl a VRrte : t v of other articles, which will he sold very cheap lor |cash. S. S. V. would take tins opportunity to snv, that lie lias a pood assortment of watch materials carefully se lected by himself: these, with the superior set of tools he has to work with, ns well ns other advantages, liq thinks he is prepared to execute work as well as work pots to he done, it will be his uiui to give entire satisfac tion to all. Dec 17, 1P, 45. 44_ j .Yew Store and .Yew Moods. I subscriber* would r*-spetfully inform their friend* sand ilie public, that ilicy have taken tin store on the corner of first and Poplar itmU, known as Hyson & Ricli ordson** corner, when* tin y arc now receiving, and willctn* i nine to receive from New York anil Boston,a large and hand some assortment of Fancy anil Staple I>ry Gooils, togs*tlier with Shin s, Hats, Bonnets, Heady-mad*- Clothing; al*i, Crockery and (Hass Wart, Nails, Hardware, Hollow Ware, Paint*, Oils, Window (ilass, Medicines, Ike. The above stock has been select,d w ith great care, ami is I well adapted to the city and country irade. Persons wishing I to buy goods at unutuatltj tow prim for rmh % will plea** (sii i and examine our stock It* -ft, re purchasing eb, where. Allor d< rs from the country w ill be tbunkftilly received and fjiili* I fully executed upon the lowest possible terms. KENDRICK Ik CI.ABK. Macon, April 27,184A. btnll Spring amt Summer nothing. FlllfF suhu*rihera bnvc commenced receiving their I stock of Sprini,'an I Summer duelling, which they are prepared to nctlal very low price* for rush. March 18 5 J. Ac K. SALISBURY. YOUTHS’ CLOTIIIAG. (NOATS, Punts ami Actota, adapted to summer wear, J just reeeiveil hy J. &, E. SAUESJBURY. March 18 5 Ol’lMXi THIS DAY, TYLACK French Cloths, XJO Fancy French C'assimera, Bluck ami Fancy Cashmcretts, Black Fren( Il Doo Skills, Linen Drills, dtc. kt. Also a fine assortment of Scarfs, Cravats, Gloves, fcr. March 18_ 5 I. <k E. SAULSBURV. fly* Still they Come. f Ills day reeeiveil and for sale,another lot of Trims* I p irent WINDOW Sll AIM'S, new patterns, most splendid, und verv cheap. Fall and wtit. J use 17 4wlß WOOD & BRADLEY. | Pelegrapli copy four times.] MATS, CAES, &C7~ rpilK suhseriher ha* now open,and will lc constant ■ Iv receiving, a rhoii-e slock of Hat* l , Cnps, \c. k Vc. nt th l * store recently nor opted by G. A. Kimberly & Fo. wlie li will lie sold forcnsii, at prices to suit Mn* limes. i 15 F. K. WRIGHT. NOTICE. H AVING tliis day sold my stock of DRY GOODS him! GKOt ’EKIES to inv brother, J * vim Snr moor, I would respectfully reeotrunend him to my liiemisarid pntrtins, and la g for him u eootiliuatiou of the liberal pAtroiiuge licrstolbre hi’stowcil upon mvsclf. JOSEPH N. SEYMOFIL Macon, June 1,1846. 16 N. B. All thoato who are indebted to me by noto or account, will cooler a favor hy Ketiliiig i lie name. IN order to enable me to supply my numerous friend* and cuntoineiH, (and especially those liom the coun ties of Jones, Baldwin, ami Twiggs.) I have taken the -tore lately occupied by Messrs. RUSSELL k KEd- BEREY, corner of Cherry and Second Sirt.eis, where I intend keeping constantly an hand a general asaortuient ol Mitph* iimil Fancy Dry Goods, Hard ware, f’rockerv, Sugar, Cnffee, !Mo|.i mss, Itice, Muek erel, Bacon, Idquorsot every dOßcriptiun, together with every article usually kept m a geurral Dry Gooiis amt Grocery Store. A call from tny friends mid the public gene rally is respectfully solicited. For the patronage that lias been so liberally bestowed upon mv establishment at the head of Cotton Avenue, tor the last si* yers, my customers have my lincsrt and heart v tiiuftk*. w ith the assurance that in my new concern no imtus will he apurml.or means left uutried lo give general satisfaction, and until a continuance of the -sine. In fact, I intend it shall lie generally understood tliut ut lt<*lltOll’ is the place to get Hsim;iiiiw, AMDS BENTON. I*. flß—My establishment at the head of the Avenue will be continued fort|e present,under the superintend nice of Mr. NAM. IL JOR DEN, who tit duly authoris ed to receipt for, sad seftlx all account* due me at that establishment. Person* having running accounts are eaniHstlv requested to call and scitlo the sumo, either with cash or notes, previous to the first of October next, as | contemplate making different arrangements with thnf business, which will make il necessary to bring the hooks to a rinse before that time. Macon, Juno 9, 1316 17 Or nml gee Iron I'onndry and •’finchine Shop. (m\.■< i\ r.i:t> j r | N11 r. H incut, now off.’r to Mn* public, iinlucrrm nt* • Lev have in‘vc.l hnl h'Morc in that line of imaiucfs.— iNLII \\ lights. <iin Makt is \t., will find it to 110 ir advantage 10 give us a call, we will poiirnntee till our work to he good, am! nt tic* lowest price—-wo huvu a goml slock of PalteriiHon hand. A good Power for snlc. FII.Aff. P LEA'Y k. CO. Eotton A venue, near Macon k. Wee tern IC. K. Depot. May 6, f46. 12 ts Telegraph, Lillie Georgian, and Jeffersonian, copy till forbid. * Graves. Wood cV Fo. I 6 ESPFJ ’TFUI.I.N’ invite the uticnlioii of Alen hnotn a k and others, lo their stoek of seusobahle Dry Goods now in store. Addirtons will he ni.iih* weekly, through I ho season, of desirable styles of goods, vi*/.: Iff hales Osnuhnrps, 5 * 4 Brown Drillings, 5 44 Tickings, 15 44 4-4 Brown Shortings, 15 44 8-4 ** Shirtings, 5 ‘ 4 fine uahleaehcd Shirtings, 5 44 Blankets, 5 cases 8-4,4-4,5-4,10-4 bleached Home ipuns, il Imloa (’anion Flannels. J 44 <’heeks uml Plaids, 2ff rase Frinfs, tiHsortod, 2 “ extra rich Prints, 1 “ rich mourning Prints, 2 “ rich Ginghams. 25 pieces blue, black and olive P.rtoftilrlofhs, ill) “ Aincricun nml FrenchCassiim is, f>i) 44 Vestings, 150 “ Kciiliiekv nnd (aissitner Joans, luff 44 heavy l.iuaeys nflit Kcraeya, 100 “ rod, yellow, white nnd green Flannels, 15 44 black silk warp Alparcus, 20 44 colored A Ipaceas, 20 4 Alpnrca Serge*, 5 “ Hoinhuzincfl, 100 44 Muslin dc Lames, 20 44 Fashmcre dc Laities, *.'ff “ Mourning do Laities and Borneo*, 100 4 * ctdored (*nudrics, 75 44 Pongee Silk Handkerchiefs, 10 44 English Silk lldUts. Bffo do*, head ami flag lldkf*. 75 “ Berkley ami Madras* Cravats, 10 pieces black and fancy Silk do. if 44 a seen Barrage, 25 dri*. gents’ ami Indies Cloven, assorted, Uffff “ I losiery, assorted, 75 44 Day’s skined Suspender?, 75 44 low priced imt. ilo. 50 boxes Ribbons, assorted, 2.5 44 Artificial*, 12 eases Florence, Straw nnd Fancy Bonnet fitMH) Shawls, more or less, 4ff pieces Irish l inens, 25 “ Linen Birds-eye Diaper, 2ff 44 Russia Diaper, 10 44 Cotton do. 5 44 12-4 and 13 1 Linen Sheetings, Linen Tablo-cloths and Napkins, 5 pieces siifier Flannels 4-4, 50 44 Jaconet*. 50 44 checked Cambrics, 50 44 Swiss, Book, Lace,and Mull MncJins, 50 44 black and w bite Lace Goods, 3-4 A 4-4, 1000 “ l.ace Edgings 1-2 to 2 1-2 inch, wide, 20 do*. Muslin Collars, 20 p4*c*es Bishop l.ttwn, 20 ilo/.. Lawn lldkfs. 5 cases Umbrellas, 20 pieces three plv tngrnin nnd Cotton C.irpcfing. Macon, Nov 12.1845. 39 Huron :iihl WhUkey. | CASKS choice Cincinnati Siih s, •Jl ’ 70 barrels New Orleans AVI iskev, for sale bv J..iv l *jff REA A COTTON. Vro ■!, FOlitT. ilc. J fT PIECES heavy Kentucky Bagging, I 4 3V do. Do rider do. 20 tons Iron assorted sizes, 7ff keg* Nails, CO bags Kin Coffee, 00 boxes Tohari'o. 10 Hrud rs Ofl’d fffrflJUs, for “frlf bv July 1 20 REA & COTTON. Important to .Hill (/tuners. llotclikiss’ Premium Vertical Watku Wiikki.s, for Saw or Orint Mills. 171 HOvt tl. (imst*ni operation of Henri) thi ilitiusandnf 1 thi-sr WtoerU ami tlieirnpix-mhig!, in diffirrut m ctionii | of the eountry, amt (lie very pnpnlarit) v liieti tin y Imvc ) attained with all that tiavean opporiaiiity of wuiM i-xtraoi'diiiary power, tliesutowriiier fi*eU juttiffru in giving puhlieity to the following MatciMint. The iihi* of thie Whwb, wlirti propio'l) iati'Mlu<H il, marly itoobli-N iln-value of I lie Mill*, and I'lisblea tlii-ni to do a n— whiili tar ex *eeil* the im*t ssngtiine ex|ertatioti of tin ir owners, man) of w iioni are gi’iitleinen ili-tinguished for their aciem-e ami practical skill, ami likm aitestcd to 11* truth, J hec Ulnl In i when applied 10 Saw Milk, lire mi cheaply i-oiiMrncterl a*> the l oiiiinon Kiutter WJmel, and will tlo douhlt (hi IniNim n with ales* i|iiantii) of water; hack water 1a no iiupeilunent when th* re i* a heail alxive; they can lx- plan if on the ahali of a coinmnn Kiutter Wliet I Mill if in guod onler, and hung upon the kutne lx a ring* if Nufffneiilly .(rung to aUNtaiu the power of the Wheels ; the Whe4 tx-ing ofraai-iroii w ill lu**i an age. ‘I hey ah* constitute thi’requisite fly or bnlanei- wheel, hi eor- j mg a uniform motion mall parts if eui-li revolution. Any workman having the pattern*,a model and tali le of i* a leu la - van adapt Mill* to any location, with perfect hmcimws. Signed, O. 110 ICHKISS. ‘the auhscriher having become fatly convinced of the sup*- rir advantagea ,f the alxive Wheels over ull ot|it*r Water Wheels m ii-**- in the c-oontry, both fortoaw and (Jrtvt Mill.; and for the purpiSM of bringing them into more general use in tins section of the State, lie has become interested in the right ot aid Wheels, in tin- eon lit its of Ribb, Monroe, Craw find, IIOIIMOII, Macon ami Sumpter, and will self mdividnal or county rights, and afford every facility m ceaxary for put ting Mills in i*pcration on that system, tn those counties, 011 very aerotnimxlating terms. 1 have in my possession letlt rs mul 4’eriilii-ateN from many not only highly ripper table but distingiiislieil gentlemen in thi* and other Staten, all eonctir ring with the matimi nts mail* hy Mr. Hiitchkiss, as to the VII p* rior advantage sos these \\ hi c|s, having t mployeil lhm 10 their own Mills, or witiieNed thi ir opi raumi in 1111 Mills of their friends. They also fully concur m reroinntending this improvement to millowuers generally, not only for its very great improvement *d the speed or rapacity of Mills for business, hut for its durability, cheapness and simplicity of *oiistrilctioii. Some of the gentlemen whose testimony I have on thi* sub ject are, Kx-(iov. Fitzpatrick, Hon. J.G.L. Huey,and Kobt, li inison, Riq. of Ala. ; W, H. S*yre, Esq., Spnrta,(ia. ; (’ol. .1. A. Hove and Hon K. L. (ismble, Augusta, (ia., and many other gent I* nietiln that vicinity. AII cianmiiairations on tins subji'Ct, directetl to meat op* well, Craw ford comity, will be promptly atieinled to. •* J. A. MILLKH. Hopewell, May iB, 1844. | us Sale and Mr cry Stable. rilllE uodcrHigited respectfully inform I their friendx and the public, thul ‘•VwLl"•Ib’.V have opened a Stari.f. in Mvcon, for the purpose of doing a HALE AM) I IVEKY El HINKHH, ami reaper 1 fit Bv ailit*il n xlmre of publie pulronnge. Tlteir Hf/ifib’* me cotinecteil with ilia FI.ON I) 1101 SE, ami every atten tion will he paid lo customer* in order to givo general MUtisfiietion. Their Stables are large, new and eommodiou*. with fine Lota and every convenience. iVrsons would do well to giv* uh u call. N. II .A WKINS, J. W. IIAURIS. Maroo, April 2B 1846. 11 |f Slitgr I.lttF frotFi l orsytli to (lie Indian spunks. subscrilter* will run a j■ dttilv line of Four llurae in-x from Foray til to tin* In gSMMMMws!!ll9|jsni^n,>> Fornytlt im titedialelv tiller the arrival of the Car*, from lt July the ramainder of the xeatmn. They will he provided with rood Train* and c.ureluf Drivers, auti Hsaure iravclur* Mtat litem shall he no delay on their part, they hope to merit a liberal ptilronago from 1 |,c Unveiling nubile. MOTT At HTANFORD. Macon, June 17 4wlß J'roprielors. M/HI M MTOMUL DR. IVT. BARTLETT f I IAS juxt receivud, tot ilia Drug Store ■ ■ on Mil I (terry xtr*et, a large *ioek of \?L| f I >rug*, (/In'ink ulx, Taint-, Dye Hfuffx, ()i!x, inww CbtsM-wnre. Window (ilaxs, iVrfuiitery, A'*.; in fuct.evi’ry thing tiHiinlly kepi bv Druggista. Having made hi- pureKaaea far Cash , nnd from first hand*, in New York and Boh ton, lie is enabled lo execute order* tit n* low priee* n* fine, fresh and unadulterated nrliele* run be obtained nl artv rvtablishirient in ihc NOUthern country I'bvsieiuns, Alanufaeiun re, IMantrrs, and Denier* are invited to call ami examine id* stock befor* they make their ptirchnar*. Macon, Hep 1 25,1943. 32 ©FF,AT’S ii I: Din> 1: riiu-oiv Ititti-i's A l.ife I'ilf**, ‘'■3lf K high anil * itv oil celebrity wblshthi* Mf**ine lias ■ acquiredfor its invariable fllmy.lii all the 4i*i g iti wnlcli n prof'*** sto core, has die moial aractie* of pottiiiig not only unnecessary, but unworthy ot tketu—tin y are known by their fVuitt; tln-ir g*xxl works testify Air thcoi, and they thrive not hy thi- faith nt the rndwlt>as A fresh sopplji Just rrwivitl hy the Agent, J 4ll 24,2b4. 4*i ohORUL f’AYNK, Druggie. voi,urnk 1 MACON ANl> WESTERN RAIL-ROAD. rpilis lirwij js now npnn fur passengers, Irani Moron ■ to l.rillin, mill Trains will bo run daily iiolil lui tnrr notice, an In!lows, vin ; ~ V H, !T j V' lcnn £ of Griffin ami intermediate stations a< I*4 nock, A. M. Lriiva (iiiibn aIOJ A. M., and arrive at Mnron.ct ?*> mmnic* |hisi | Mi’ ll nmr no the Roo.l shall hr opened to Al liimlu, the Kates ol Kuia will be the entile irsrhnreed |,,m KMKRMON llli.TE, Moron, Julias SShf S, natomtent. JH'INTONII HOUMB. 011 l lN KFKIN4EN. Itl'lT* CO. JRjunJL HlMTil*rr, I'ro|ini ior of the Imlinn f* *’ Muing fr ili* lii*i two van*. ■ 11% ‘no**! rmi ctfally inform hi* fri*i.tfnml ill ■ luMiiiiir of ihii hint*-, of Swiifh ('urnlinii, Ala *'M ViflllllMH, fllilt In lll*** ill U jrp, ;11 • NjM iisc, cnetci| a s,tll iid ill IfOTKI* i*nl* • ,h ‘*, ov, ‘ i”' l "** die ai*|l- acrmiiniuUalioii of vhiitois du mi)’ (In’ m iiM'ii. I liiti llou-u will Ik- *.p< in ( | on thr 20th day of May n< si. Ihe Me| atimli 11..u5, is in il ptli 25 f. . t j.y 42 will*—Von taniM In i w.-i n7O ami unl airy **>..**., r with threr “pti'iou* l>rawii% H.i„,,| 4Hpli 1t..11 Knon. ■ Ia rp mul w.d. I’rtmMUi — n.i.k.i.i it what ban m. h.en m tins S prin g-oiw of Jarjfi Ht hiiil iuohl woiiiiiioiliohr I l.ti Is ivi rt r. iu-il ntany w . t.riug place in the Son tin rn country, During flic last two ff-tputni t h re (iii* he*>n mu.-li rnmphiii.i ;* r '"“i**- Mi e.intt,.Hlalo|iH |.r th* hundred’ thut Hn.-k in Him w.ll known ami justly . • I* hi-Mh *1 wai.-riiii; nlai. I lim there nil <ll he no rean.n of rt.inplpitii l*u want *<"HittolatioiM,©r indeed any thing ronmn. and with ( |., -< :* I*l. 11 uit'i) t. I In- Me in lush rioiMe will ncroinmodatc over four hiin.'r.. p. rso.M ! Neither pain-> nr expi-iM* have In'eii spim-H in f„ n ,. niul fillingop tins lloiisr s,, um to render it truly h lion . |.V all who may favor tiwith their pitiroimge. |h. ftiri.ii.u. , all new Mini of tin muM m* fling kind, having hi. n mail. * u . to order fur ilim t-Niahli-linieni. The I'X-atioii of'tlie Mrlntosh ? lunar i- on the l.row of ihe Mrlntosk llill, un i looking tin Spring, ho- loony tear. i|„ reMilrneenf Ike relehraleil Col. Melnlosk, of llie ( , now, so well known nml ai'.nriau it in Ik.- Indian lii.n.i-y „f our country. 111. subscriber, therefore, slattern hin.o If that in ~,-d, r coni fori, and -yat* uiatia arrangirn.i.t, Ihe M | ~ioL |!uks,* c Ii:iII not hi -iirpa-si and ; ami liop s from hin eniitnuo •( * \* r liniiatoplease,flu may secure a .liar, i.tlhe, palmnap, I “dmnkpnnr. May PLOITja HOUSE, .11 si, *oii, Oeoi'xii*. afllllK out, nritioro hnvn Inkrn that wrtl I kiMiwn I lidol, iln- l-'i >vi> ilnu-oml fc 0 | B \N"| l *i “t u,, ‘* crl * , ° I" UI UKnW N It will 1,0 notitloofl In niniln promisna, o- Olio i,f Ilm firm lino Imon well known ns konpnr of llm Wnslnnaiim Hall, and tin- putil'w n.n :iin,unnitn.l w p|, Ins manner of iloine business The Table nml I’.nr kliiill not bo sm pue.ed by nnv one, anil ihoir Hlnbles nro airy, with firm dirt doors, and not surpassed by any in (ienreio, Cliargeo ore rrnsnmble ns the times will permit. TiIt.MAM A. ItKO*WIN, _ , . MTRRUNU I.AMKIt. IT 7 I lin subscriber oolieiis bis old fiienils und pat rons at llie \\ nshinglon Hall, to give bin. n call nl bis new stand. Mt. I.amkr. IN. 11. I lie ofTiee of the Tallohusone nod Uolnnilm line of .stuge kept at this House. July 11, llilli. oj WASHIUGTOPr HALI. .ttffftv, f..j. !IA Subs, libers have associated in StalsitK’^ lie imnineeniei” nl this long eslabliofied well know n lliinse. Their joint and individual arteiition will 1.0 given ions gpiiernl oiipcrinlenrlohee, mid no elTnit will |,e spared n. snsiiti” its former high el,a,a. ter. We shnlfiiWn w study the e.omlort ol those who f, IV( „ uiu.uwA.MOTT,. “WT**I*AIIKS Ovioti.MeAiiKs. { (rr In liernntmg nssoemred with Mr. William A Mutt in the management nf the W tSlll.Nli I'O.N IMI.i, H„, suhseiilier lags leave to invite the cnsliiiu of the ira'iel ling public, and purtienlarlv of his eotinlrv lii, nds It will give him pleasure at all limes, to minister to the,, comfort, and n *‘> •••♦■in in nnv *vny in Mr pow er in i)i*? trailaaclion of such bu*iuc*ir an umv mil them in Mm-on AT 1 1 ,r .n.p li. BPAKK. Moron, Jnlv 1. r , |P,4fi. *2> Properly for *ialt> or Itrui, IN Vilieville, one mile from the ■nv ■ pleasantly siitiated in view of the Col iimH| l p f e : xml fiir health unsurpassed. Tim Utljßr *•* >* * R II impniyed with fruit and arm mental trees, and shrnbherv, nrid u never luiliiitr ***prri", to which I tvouhi tlirrrt the nlicnti>i) nt the cold water praeliee. The houses are eomminlinita and linill in modern stvle. Tim whole, with the KL K MII -is I*., may Ihj hail. I'nsaession imniediaielv. Alsu, to rent or sell, the Store House on Chilton Ave nun, nei to Masonic Hall. For business slu,ids cun not hr heat, ror term* applv to July!! *4*2l J. 11. OLDKRSIIAW. I'Olt KALE. AVI-.UV |i!piisimtly aituutej OWEI4.INU. lor trrmr imply to C. DAY & CO. Macon, J rilv ls 4w2i! COOK & LUMPKIN, ATTORNEVB AT LAW, INtiul T*wh. NiiHtpliT Ottnly, fieo \V'lLl. nrm tiro in tin* rnuatioa of Sumter, Elcwarl, 1 T Mhi'oii. Marion tm<i ll.m.toii. Phii.ip Cook. llkniiy 11. Lumpkin, Jr. May 6, liJUi. | j DR. CHARLES THOMPSON nAS taken office next door in Payne** Drug Sinre re*idence in Vmovillc. Any X6ril left at r (Hay or night) will be coin mu nitn t'l by boy* lot IliQl purpoM. Hit hope* by attention |o huwimv*, am’ mi experience of aevenlceu yearn lo merit a that a u i patronage. Itarch 11,1846 [Tekffmpk ropy.] Cm I MimsfeT.’ DriS. C. Ad J. M< DONAI.I) gratefully ncknmvl cilpo the liberal patronage nlnulM lo I'.n m I'm llio laal lew yearn by the citixena f Macon aml vieiniu uml would inform them lliul they have removed |b< ~ office lo t lie brick range norlli side ol Mulberry sin c| over llic Jewelry Store ol C. k. Wentworth. J’iiey have H o nr rallied thoir business, n for one ol lliem lo make rcguliir viit* m the neighboring vilb ; and certain portion* ofilic couiurv. Macon, Dr 4, ■fUST received and for sale, Pd keg* While I .end, HOO iMiilnriN Linseed Oil. _June 17 19 SCO IT, CA KMART CO CLEAR THE TRACK! l or (lie IVopIcS Sloi*f. Silks! Silks ffoiiiu: nt nlmoKt nothing I Vir.LXC denimiip of making difl'-reiii arrangement'* in I P lliis department ol trueje, lie Mil. rriber 1 wiilin lo make a grcnl sacrifice in ord r to clove out Ida pno ent Hioek of Hilka, for Ihn next sixtv day*. Those wbo have money lo lav nut lor Silkn, will find it for their ml vantage to call ai the peoplw’* store, and porchuM .tone ol tbu ran* horguin* now offering in Sdk* und ail sty ir of Dry liooda. JOlhN W. CI.AUk, Pjonjiuini JulyH * o| NEW GOODS. fIMIIS morning opening hi the People's Store, 1 Itfuc and I*ink Mustiu Cingtmms, Swi-*n and Jaconet Muslim*, French and Scotch Minghem*, Prints, Honnci Kihloma, Ate. Ac At greatly reduced price* at the people** Store. July 8 ‘I JOHN W. < LA UK rr Jnmr 11. IlardiiWHy i* a enndidnle for Tax Collector ol Uibb couu.y, at ilm onauiug cloc lion in January ncit, Jtdy u Wnninl lo Purchase. \f*OM EDlt'l’ARLE DWEI.LtNN fur . ytnall lam ilr. worth uliout J.'ilrt). Knqtiirw at this ortiro. July 3 .'.l ■I tint iprclvfil nii.l for mills Hill II l:l JA. prime Haoon llama, / |” M “ r,O Jo. i *tr. (''irinl Klour. JnlytK 2:1 HCO'IT, CARHART It CO. LARD. liwwt LRfl. r>ri >tt l.ial Laid, just rectivr J nml It HU t fm aulo bv \VII KELEU & IIARROI.I* Jutv •?!. *3