Georgia messenger. (Ft. Hawkins, Ga.) 1823-1847, August 06, 1846, Image 1

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BV 8. BOSE. T £ RMS. rt,e MKSSRNGKR in publi.lied on Tliiiridy _ Three DMI.r., if ) within ilu y. r, .ml her j.iltrt! if not paid till the espir.tion ot ilie year. tla lilw'rttirmtntii not exceeding twelve luu nw ill In* mierted 0,.,i Dollar the fir.llnwrtioii, mid Fifty Cent* torearli eon u'c*. Advertisements not limited when handed ih, will kj inserted till forbid. Ulrt *f hand and N *groes by Executors, Ad.n.u*trtor* Guardian*, are required by law tn be wlvirtiaed a a -nblie gaxette.aixty day* previous tc. the day ot sale, fbe sulci ofPersoual Property must be advertised in like miner forty days. . . , u>l ,,tice td Debtors and Creditorsof an estate must be pub ''s'ottcr'that^ap plication will he made to the Court of Or.lin.- ry ror leave to.ell Land and Megroe., mu.t Ik publi.lied w.ek Adverti.ement., One Dollar per.qu.rt>, for encU ‘“ildVertiaingn* Cnndidatea,Three Dollnra. 07* LETTERS u busiiiC'H must be post paid. ’ MRS. F. DESSAU AND SISTER, HAVE opened til tiieir Millinery flint Dree.-imikinj EatflMiahiiienl, on Mnlberiy Ktreel. over J. 1.. Jonefl & Cm’s Store, on invoice of new nnd fio-nioiiiih.e Serine and Slimmer Ml I,I.INARV, eonei.iine ol nil toe I arietta* of l.ndieH Itonnel*, Cepe, Embroideries, IM>- i,one, Mnntillne, Glove*, Pnrn.ol* nnd Stui-elmdcfl. &r. „nd of the most fttiliiuiiuble Trimming* lor I.ndies Presses. . ... Thankful for pom fuvora, they solicit a continuance of ihe patronage ol the l-adien. [hj_ |J_Hnnneis and Drcsnea made to order; awo, wnilfl cut mid fitted, na usual. Macon, April 16, 1846. 3| " 9 l> they ore prepared not to be outdone, they offer their Goods, which on comparison will be found „„ fond if not better than any brought to (hit market, al very low price*. (j’j* Three or four Seamstresses wauled. Appren- Jces wanted. vt*i'. Iron anti Hollow Hare. n\> k kegs Cut Nails, 111 15tons Iron, assorted 1 to 10 incites, 0,000 lbs. Sheet Iron, 10, liilO lbs. Hollow W nre, 2.(100 lbs. Cast Steel, 1,000 German and Blister Steel, 2,000 Hoop and Baud Iron, ’ 50 doit. Hoes, 400 pairs Tmca Chains, ___ Received and for sale by *>■ * 5 - “ Deo 17 21- GROCERIES* ST. Croix, Porto Itiro, Muscovado Sr N. w Orleans Sugars, Wool.ey 8t Wool.ey *s best .team refilled f.oal ana l i <J S Kui* Cuba, St. Doming*, Java and Moeha Coßjc, Hyson, vouug Hy*on and Gunpowder Green leas, Pouchone and Or long, best lilatk, N’ew Orleans and West India Molasses, (tard, Du pay Ik Cos., and Signete’i Drandy, Hast Holland and Swan Gill, Choice old Port, Madeira ami ( liainpagm \t me., Genuine old Havana and Principe Cigars, Saerm Candles, Starch, Soap, Pood, i sod Shot, lies! VI It Itaisilis ill boxes and half box’s, lit b. Mackerel, Cod Kish, Chewing and Smoking lobacco, Jmt r.w’vwf by ’ ClUVe *’ ""’ “i’a’ttEN’& TAYLOtG Macon. Dl, IM. -■ —i Theatrical Saloon, MACON, GA. fINHIS commodious nnd well arranged building is flit- I unted in llie most central part ot the city, nnd lias been thoroughly repaired and put in complete order. It iswdTl adapted to theatrical exhibitions, for conoert*, lectures, or scientific exhibitions of nnv description. It will be rented for piirpoMia of the kind, on reasonaide terms, hv applying to I ERIMNAM) 11 KNE. The buildine is subject to a city tax,which has been paid by the proprietor, all performances iu it are there-1 lore exempt from any additional tax. Oct 29, | ” SHEETING. i TUST received e lot ofC-4 sod 12-4 Bleached and ,1 Brown Sheeting of a superior quality. Also a good assortment of of Ladies and Gentleman sKidfHoves., best quality. * * r. EehU, IlnHit'Sh nnil Nolo Loathor. JTHT received a superior article, lor ■ Feb 20 2 GEttW.nPC*- !\. w Till —TpT (MU siiitl Molasses. j 1(I !V!! ls’ P d.r “T rUP N ” do. ,rle “ n Mol-e r ; I I! UVa!cbv L REA At COTTON^ mRAVKI.IJNG Trunhs, Carpel Bags, Bonnet fuses i I and Valices, tor Sale by e.IUSBURY March 18 5 J. Ac B. *** “ -—— ! 50 srr,r “Sfefft assn* rsr j _April I ______ —i 3(V BBLB - HydraU SCOTl’, n CARHARr &CO , April 1 j SHIRTS. PI.AtN and Striped Linen Shirts, „„r,lB reCCIV B d J- & E. SAULSBUR_Y._ | NilkA. MiHlinSi CUnghmiis, raw up undersigned have just received nnd are now r opemogTve f rv vn.iclv and style of the above goods s „Me,l,toil,e present fc rn. Cincinnati baCon-w to ’ sale by REA & CO I I ON. April 13 _ CARRIAGES. 2 LEATHER Top Buggies, 4 Trotting Bugsies, 1 Dunham Carl Inge, and S Jersey Uhigoos, for rale , Also Harness, Saddles, Carriage and Saddlery Har - ware, Carriage Trimming** Leather, xc. ANOTHER ARRIVAL. T x, E WALLS BURY cunfhiuc to receive dudy al . accessions to their stock of Spring and Suiumtr Clothing and Piece Goods, and nre NOW OPENING Batin, Cashmere flntl Marseilles Vests, Lilieu Drilling, Cashincrclte nnd Irat. .1 Et PmD, Cnahnierctie, Croton. Drap d’Ltn nod Lin. ■ Conls, ALSO, Super Black French Clolhs, “ Fancy * Ca*imef, lllac'k Drap d’Ela, Linen Ufllling*, it.. 3tc. g April 8 -i CLOTHS. SUPERFINE and eo.nmrin Black, and Ulun-bUeK Cloth* nnd Cnnimra—jiil received by April M N. McKINNON tc CO. | TMURELI AW, IMRASOI.S nnd SIIN SIIAHEW, 1J a good assortment just received ■u<llor""le , rlt.> lowest price*. N. Mr.KINNON fc CO. April 28 fflllF. highest price* in Cnh |iaid fnr nil kinds nl 1 Furs,hv DIBBLE At BRAN Cotton Avenue,nearly oppotite W ashington 11*11. Oec 3 ** NOTICE TS hereby given to nil parnhs interested, that niter lint Jl expiration of thirty dove, application wHt be made to the Maynr and Board of AMdcrmeti of llie city ot Ma con, for an exchange for one acre or le.s, of land lying ■ .in the •outli-cnst side, and adjoining the upper Depot lot of (he Macon end Western Rail Rond, nnd between said Lot and the Columbus reud, —the same to lie taken in lieu of the same qnintil,’ of ground heretofore grant ed them bv the aid Board of Alderman. DANIEL TYLER, I’res’t. Macon A Western Rail Road. Macon, Jane 21 IBM. I A IMk.—flOU lbs. nriine Leaf Lard, lor rale bv AKI. WHEELER At. lIAKUOLD- June U 1 1 TVI'W FLOU R.— yflOO lli*. nvw Floor of mpe li rir quality,from l.aty’s mill, lor sale bv June 24 lit WHEELER tc lIAHROLD. mskOLITION. filin’ rn-psrtneraliip ol WATTS ,V MOULTON t* I this dav dissolved. All unsettled buaiunsa will br • UtMidcd la hv rilhrr of u. VV. 11. watts, T. J MOULtON. Macon, June 17,1846. _____ 3w, 18 TOR RENT. IJNOIJIt RfIOMS over the sub.i ribsr'a store, suitable 1 fnr offices. KLIHHALET E. BROW N. June 2 16 ONI. Ml,ooo lb 9i,|e. Should,a sad llama, for gale bv June 24 19 W HEELER dt HAHROLD. mi. /if;.v/i./u. c.uitku .v Cos. j CoiHiiiittaiion Merchant*, No. 15, St. Cliiu W s Street, NEW ORLEANS. I It. KENDALL f A It l Ell, ) UAMKL I'H/ft r, j i July 53,18*4 *0 MTOm ’ ’ SIIEHWOOD fc PATTERSON, corner of Seeon and Oak S'l'cctN, would infonn the ]ublic that they are prepared to execute House, Sign and Ornamental Painting, GRAINING, Imitation of Wood amt Marhie, (• la/.ing nml I’uper Picture Frames made and Gilded. OLD CHAIRS Ue-hottomed, Painted and Gilded; luraitare V*rnsht and and Polished. Itell-lltiiiitiiiß done in the heat maimer, material* famiHhed and warranted. In elegance and den pa tch. it i* their not so j he Burpatmed by any cßtabliMinieiit in the South. Pemuim in want of any of the above work, will p!ta*e i-ive nan call, and examine xpeciiueiis before t t*Ue here April i, ib4fl. y 7 IRISH LINEN and iMmask Lilian Table Birds-eye, Hucknhurk and Ruaaia Dinner, just re ceived at THE r£ol'LE'B STORE. April 16 0 J JAR A SOLS, !*Hraßßoh'tteß & Sun-Bhadex, prnhnblv the beat and cheapest lot lobe found in the city, at I April 16 9 THE PEOPLE’S Si TORI Bleached and brown sheeting m, €-4 and 12-4, direct from the manufaclory,just receiv ed on Mulberry street. ;tl April 16 : TIIE PEOPLED STORE. \ v w Good*! Itcw (noods! Till IE Ntilißcriber lias jiiHt received a larije lot of LI \E I Ml-SI.INS, IMualin and Harlston Ginirliams; Blm*, Link and liufTCheolt and Lillet Mitt*; Miswea black and white Mitts; Berage j •Scarfs ; 4>t:iws ritilli Skills, of extra qualities;. Coarse Book Muslin ami While Linen for lining dresses ; all of which are now open und offered at rcasouubltr prices. Cuslomers are solicited to give tne a call. June 17 IH lv WOODRUFF. B in Plate :biml H ire. 4)AH BOXES Tin riaie, fW* * 4,0(10 lbs. Iron W ire, assorted Nos. f* to IH. Received and lor sale by E. B. WEED. Dec 17, 1845 44 AXCS. PT/A OOZ. Collins’ Axrh, •P® “ 10 do/.. Hand and Broad Axes, Received und for sale by E. B. WEED. Dec 17 _ 44 SIKI LT STEFL-3,000 lbs. Sheet Steel for Din Saws, just received und for&ale by Dec 17 44 E. B. WEED. Choice Wines and MS randy For sale on unusually low terms. A RARE CHANCE! \L. AUDOUIN rcpecifully informs the citizens * of Macon, (hat in contemplation of a removal, and change of he proposes to sell out for cash, at rates that must be satisfactory, his choice stock of Wines and Brandv, comprising CHOICE MADEIRA, very old. < )LD I*()RT, a superior article. CLARET, of his own importation. C HAM FACiNE, of t lie most approved brands. BRANDY, best quality, pure and unadulterated. His liquors be cun confidently recommend to connois seurs, and for family use. i. ‘ 49 Fashionable Spring Goods. FT! HE subscriber is now receiving a large and reneral I stock of Spring and Summer Goods, and invites bis customers and the public to call and examine, as he is confideiii his Goods are as liniid'orne, und prices as reasonable ns at any oilier establishment in I lie city April 15 9 __ GEO. W. I'RK E. Fmicli IPi'illl sind < :issiiii4 i-n*. OUST received an assortment of the above—Also handsome Marseilles Vestings. April 15 <;i:o. \V. PRICE. Ltiro >1 iiw|m Shawls. A LOT of the above—a new and beautiful article— large size. GEO. W. BRICE. April 15 9 ParsisoU and Sim JUST received a large assortment of the above—some verv rich and handsome. April 15 9 GEO. W. I*RICE._ Old Port H ino, 4 FEW boxes Port Wine, imported bv John \V. Im. Long. Esq. Savannah,a verv superior article,for sale by REA & COTTON. April 15 9 SUGAR A COFFEE—H hbds. N. Orleans Sugar, 6tt bags Rio Coffee, for sale bv Aprij 15 9 REA & COTTON. fasrillcs de I*aris, TJNOR the alleviation and radical cure of Bronchitis, and other diseases of the throat, which have been used and found eminently efficacious, and are highly recommended by numbers ol the most eminent Orators of the day. Reference* of the highest respectability can be given from gentlemen who do not wish their names to appear in print he fire the public. N. B.— These Pastille* give instant relief to hoarse ness, ami also cold in the head. Also—Camphor and Peppermint LOZENGES, for sub* by GEORGE PAYNE, June 24 12w19 Druggist and Apnthecurv. VINEVILLE ACADEMY. fllllF arcond term of tlm Institution will open on the Jl lire! Monday in July next, under the charge of Dr. I*. Mclntyre, formerly well known in thin vicinity, the Rector of the Bibb c ounty Academy in the city of Macon. Rate* and terms ns customary, vi*: Reading, Orthography, Writing, ami; io per term. oral Arithmetic, S g Written Arithmetic, Geography, Kng. > 4I „ and Clement* of IliMory, S * Latin Mint Greek, Mal'lieinati*’* and the ) Llement* of Natural f'hiloiiuphy, J if 18 41 41 Chemistry, BotanV K Belles Lettrc*,) Compbaition nnd Declamation alternate] v each w*ek. Charge from dale of cntrv to the end of the term {'22 week*)— cloning about let Iteteinbcr. June 13 1846. AO Cecil Short*. SLST received a large supply of Ladies’ oO cent Slide*. A large n*ortmenl of GantN fine Button (inters, A InVge a**oitnent of Cent** flue Coat Gaiter*, A large asHortment o* Gent'* fine French Calf Hoot*, A lar:;e assortment of ('all Lining and Binding aikiii*, all of which wiil ha Hold hk cheap <t the Hinr article can he bought in tkv Slut**, by A pr'ii Ift * WHi riMO A MIX. IKloiim* f oiiU. nROW N Linen and Mcrunack Blouse Coats. I uat received by . April 8 8 J. kE. HAIII.SBURt. received and for al •,lte;ulm t'lfarx, u( extra hrnuda. WCOTT, CAIUIAKT At < *>• June l, llllfi >t M W ttQODS. fIAHV. audor.nrniil ar r> .•■mar iul up. gih< <r Spring I .nd Hammer .Mpplie. us FANC Y .ad STAPI.K WHY OOODH.amuag almli will •• fuaiid all I lie n.w •lyU.oltlir •ra.iiui *ll III’ which will be aolil al Ilia pn.v. Pur rlia.i rt.n iiinteiltu call and thetlarli A,, r i| a I N. MeMNNON & ro._ tiooiK for Caihl r | AIIK Milmcriliar. wishing tor low ihtir picacni Mark, I alter llu-irGood* ut Cl IST KOU UASII.und re ' purcWcra lo call uud examine lielore anpplvmg tnemaelvga. I>. Ai W. <i(NN. Macon, May 19. 14 1* roper ly on the Hah Hoad rOR SALS LOW. \TWO alary l)W KLI.INU will, out-buildinga to . enieil within a few etap. of llte depot in FoWylh, .urrnunded by grove nntl garden of about three noree, belonging m ile*. C. F. Kturgie. A great will be offered if application i* inmle immeiliaielv to WILI.IAM S. NORMAN. Fnw.ll>. M.y 19,1848. fall I its: tits: IVAN’S Vcgeiiibln Ejflraet, an infallible reutp. clv f<■ r Epileptic Kitaor Exiling rtieknraa.Cdnvtll ainn.,&c Alan Ivan'a Vegetable Aoti-llilioue Fill*, for removing all morbid ond rorrupl iimnora, and puri f, me (he blood, tor .ale it March |i 4 BRUNO A VIRGINS'. n\CO\, TB( ICI>A Y, KT , (SIR. FIRE PROOF WARE-HOUSE. undersigned, grateful for { a a fc put favors, takes this nielli yy M oil of informing hi* patrons, and those who tuny’ give him their business, lli'it lie has (for llie bet ter seeming tiieir interests) obtained the hmiuliful and well arranged Mivc M*roof Ware-MMonse , on Cotton Avenue, formerly occupied bv J., for the purpose of Stormt* I'oiion and all hinds of i.onu iry Produce, lie will, ns heretofore, give bis personal attention to the Ware-House, and pledges himself to use i very exertion to promote the interest of those who may confide business to his charge. Mm ni), June 94,1846* N. Ol SI.F.Y. JO.VMIS .V MMOLM', WAR23-HOUSB < 0,11.11 ISSIOX MKIK HANTS, V I AVE taken the Ware-House on Cotton Avenue, | I I formerly occupied by IMoi/ltmf vV Camprm.i. Their be.*t efforts will be employed to promote the in 1 terest of tlioir patrons. JOHN JONES, WM. *S. HOLT. Mneon, June 24,1846. 19 jra Ware S&onsc and Commission MSusiness. W INN A’. SEYMOUR, will continue the above bn sinens at the same stand, and solicit horn the planters a share of their patronage. Macon, June 10,1846. 17 j WATCHES, JEWKLRY, &c. &c. a, S. 11. DAY would inform In* friends I and llie putiliv that lo ha* bought the Stock formerly belonging t<* ( . (i. St. cajP* j Juliu, ileei-;i*< <l, (-oiiHihting of gohl dimlml |Hjr, ver Watehe*, Gold Fob mid (iioril Chaim*, (iold, Silvt-r and Stci-I Speetacb**, (.old Jli*4eeietv,Ciaiipß, (JoW Snaps, (iold and Silver Thimble*. LaditV Broache*, Gent’* Pin*, Knives, Seiaor*, liasurs y llanoi- Strops, Tooth ami Hair ItruiJie*, pin tol*, and many more tiling*, too nuirn rou* to mention He will have new stock eoiiNlantly eoiitiug, und will order good* at the request of those who ma> wish any thing in Ins line. REPAIRING. Watehe* and Clock* Chawed aml Repaired at the shortest notict , an<l done in the beat possible manner, and w arranted to keep good time, and done at the cheapest price. Kings, Pin*, Bracelet* repaired in the best possible manner. Engrav ing also neatly executed. Persons would do well to call and set* what be will do, and there i* no doubt but they will be pit used. Macon, Jan. 28, 134*. 50 WAKE-HOUSE ANI! Comm ission Business. _ II7K shall continue the Ware House TANARUS” j J and ('<>••.mis-ioii Business at our f old stand, on the comer of S< court and JnUBmRMRnV Cherry street*, (with the assistance of Mr. William T. W ilson, who w ill be happy to ntteiul to any Inisine** confided to his care by bis old customer*, and such other* as may patronise him,) togetln r with ourselves. D. &. W. GUNK. I have been informed by some of my friends, that I would not attend to any busmen* iu thin city, the next ensuing cot ton season, for the purpose of injuring me in my business, as it is entirely false, and w ilhout any foundation whatt ver. W. 1. WII.SOX, Macon, July 96th, 1946, 634 WARE-HOUSE Vommission MSusiness. GRAVES. WOOD aV: 4 0. TAKF. this method of informing planters and other*, that in addition to their wholesale and retail Dry Goods and Grocery Rioinots, they will continue to transact a general WARE HOUSE. & COM MISSION B USIN fr'.SS, at the old stand, (long known a* Graves’ Corner,) on the corner of second street anti Com merce Row, and wtnild respectfully renew tuc tender of their service* to their planting friends, and others, with tin assu rance, that those who may patronize us in this line of busi ness, shall have our he-t endeavor* to do them justice and pro mote their interest. Our Ware House is conveniently situat ed ; and Cotton stored with u*, shall Ik* well taken care of, and protected from the weather. We will also as*it with pleasure, our friend* in Helling their cotton and without charge; and we art* at all time* prepared to make advance* on the game in Cash or Merchandize. We respectfully solicits portion of the patronage of the public. GRAVES, WOOD & CO. Edwin Graves, Y Thomas Wood, > J. M. Kirref., ) Macon, July 29, 1846. 34 WAB.ZI- T 7.OVSZ: AM) COMMISSION !5f T SI\l>S. f | F. siibtcfiber would not respeotful- T ~ ~ “lm I ly inform hi- friends and the public L ♦ generally,that Ita* taken that larg*-and commodious Ware-house form cl y kept by Elia* lb all K. Cos., but more revenly jjj. ousley N: Jewett, anil offer* lii* mtvici * as a Ware House and Commission M< r< hant. Any business cm trusted to Ins care will meet with prompt attention, and he would iiiohi respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. Liberal advances made on Cotton iu store with him WII.LIAM M. ROBERTS. Macon, July 99,1846. >24 WHITING xV 11IX I IAVE this day received Genie’ II Fine French Calf Boots and yhd Brogans, wi Ladies, .Mitacs and Children's Gai tor Boots, Ladies and Misses’ Half Gaiter Bur-kins, Do. “ do. Kid Slips and Ties, Do. White Kid Slippers, with a large assortment ol Ladies, Misses nnd Chil dren’s low priced Shoes. All of the above will he sold ns low aa the same qualities can he bought in the city <m Btatn. Macon, Marah 1 8 1846 5 HATS ! HAT : HATS | JCST RECEIVED AND FOR SAI.E BY ST HOAG A WOOD, IB ~ A FINE n ‘mrtment apn IS $ AOf HATS. CoriM*. v of Gents. I'auaina, Aj Leghorn, latest si vie ol fine Nutria and French Mnlnkin wide and narrow brim Bl o k Nutria, Russia A Bear! Cape, \r. Ac . which they will offer nt the very lowest prices to nH that will favor them with u call Also have on hand and are constant!v receiving n gen- j rrul assortment of llOOl'd and SHOES of ull quali ties and prices. 1/ >* At the New Brick Store, opposite Geo. M. Lo- ‘ gan Ad’s , next door to Russell Kimberly. Macon, April 14, 1840. 9 COTTON PRESSES. rilf/E snhsenher ia now engaged at hi* F(M NDRY I in MACON, in manufacturing Bull<h k'a Butent Brogressive Bovver ('oilon Btrases, which for conven ience, durability and expedition,are iinaurpai* and hv any j thin:.* of the kind ever offered to the public. To wishing to pun base, a trial and guarantee wii) hogitnn j before payment is required. All iu wunt of a first rate Cotton Bresswill please make early Application to my self, or* to Messrs. Hamilton At Hardeman, when price and term* will he made knowri; also on Innd and made to order, Mill Irons and Castings of every description, on tiiodefate and accommodatin'* terms. HUBERT FINDLAY. Macon, June 17,184<>. yIG . JMetcou iron *V Brass. M'onnetry, AIXO JTIACIIINi: SHOP. rflllG subscriber having recently ttiftda large nnd im- I portnnt additions to his former list of patterns lor Overshot Breast, and Tub Mill Geeriug, is now prepar ed so execute orders for Flour Mills, Cotton Factories, Horse power Mills for plantation gi Hiding, .Ye.; aNo Cotton Brasses, Gin Gear, Blates and Balls, and Mill Irons of every description : all of which will he made of the very le*t innteriul nnd workmanship, on rcuaouahle and actoumiwiluting terms. ROBERT FINDLAY. Macon, June 71.1846. y!U a*UBT received oad for sale, 30.0D0pounds BACON * HIDES. SCOTT, t'ARIIAKT A CM. June 17 _ _JIL. ■■UST received and for salt, 50 “ “ ‘J do. 25 hlfbhls.No. 1 do. 95 •* •• •* 9 do. June 17 18 BUOTT, CARUART * €O. CLOTHING. .\K Al\l> ALL, tiki: notiff rpilAT n**r nnd fashionable CLOTHING, for the I full und winter trade, (of their own munuhirtunnir) and made in the best, bus just been received, and can be seen at the store of /1.1.W1/t /’O.V .V Cos. on second street, next door lo E. Woodruff's Dry Goods Store, nnd three doors from Washington Hall. | The slock consols of Gentlemen's garincuts of every kind, that will make them comfortable and genteel. All ut the said garments will he offered at the loweat cash prices.— IMmtse give us a call. Nov 5, 1H46. 33 .17 ic Store a net .Yen’ Hoods ! liJ & \ 4% U. WENTIVOH'I 11, Witlcli maker and Jeweller. fT AS removed to the new brick block, east side ol 1 .1 1 Mulberry el reel, (immediately opposite bin old st a ml,) and is now opening anew and fine, stock of good* in Ins line, consisting in part of fine Gold and Silver | Lever, Ilorizonrnl, Latent and Vertical Escapement Watc hes: (odd Guard, Fob nnd Vest Chains: Breust Bins, Finger Rings, Ear Rings: Gold Chain and Hair Bracelets: Gold, Silver nnd Steel Spectacles and E\ i Brotei tors : (Lddand Rtncils, Gold Bens, Gold i and Silver \N oteh Rev s, Gold and {Silver Thimbles, Sil ver Combs, Silver and IVarl Belt Slides, Gold Sleeve and Collar Buttons, (iold Stiiden and Chain Slides, i Gold Lockets, Hearts and Crosses: Card Cases, Steel, •Silver anti Gill Bends; Head Ornaments, Jet Combs, Ladies’ und Gentlemen's Burses, Supeiior Pen uml Pocket Knives,Scissors, Razors and Ka/.oi Strops: Tooh, Luther and Nail Brushes, Shaving Cream, Real German Cologne. Eine Silver Plated Cafitois, Cake Candle Sticks, Waiters, Cups, Snuffers and Trays: Dixon’s Fine Ware, in sells. Also Coffee and Tea Pots; Silver Setts of Knife,Fork and Spoon; Spoons, Watch Stands, Eons, Perfumery, Eancv Goods, &c. 6lc. Watches of description repaired in the best manner. All Watches sold or repaired will be iear ntnlcd to keep good time, or the cash refunded. Watch es sent from any tiart of the country, will receive the Mine .attention and be repaired on as reasonable terms as though the turner irere ]>rcscnt. All kinds of Gold and Silver work neatly repaired at the shortest notice. Spectacle Glasses adapted to all ages. ALSO FOR SALE—One of ('bickering'g Superior Piano-Fortes, in rose-wood ease, full fengkth iron frame , and warranted as fine an instrument in every re ! sped, as can be found in Georgia. C. K. WENTWORTH, Watch Maker and Jeweller, Macon, Nov 5,1845 East side Mulberry Street. WATCHES. JEWELRY. &C. J. A. A S. S. VIU4JIX. At their old stand on Colton Avenue, opposite Washington Halt, VM7OIJLD inform their friends and ’ ▼ the public, that they have now /aI on hand a good assortment of Gobi and jL Silver Watirhea of the various makers, ■®ss!ofdiffurent kinils; also a rend *• sort me nt of G.rld Chains, Seals amt Keys, ami n variety .if other articles, consisting in part of the following? Spoons of pure Silver; Gold and Sil ver Pencils; Gold Pens ; Gold Foil and Wire for Den tists; fashionable Jewelry, Breast Bins, Finger Ring®, Ear Rings of latest pattern'*; superior Pen and Pocket Knives; Razors and Simp*; Scissors; Bead Bags and Burses with steel ornaments; Head Ornament* do.; Steel Pens of Gil loti’s make; Pistol* and Guns; Ther mometer;-; Tooth, Nnil nnd .Shaving Brushes; Twa fers; an assortment of Toys for Children, with a varie ty of other articles, which will be sold very cheap for cash. S. S. V. would take this opportunity to any, that he has a good assortment of watch materials carefully se lected hv himself: these, with the superior set of tools he has to w.irk with, a* w ell as other advantages, he thinks he is prepared lo execute work as well us work gets to be done, it will he his aim to give entire satisfac tion to nil. Dec 17,1845. * 41 .Yeuf Store tend .VV ir iiooeis. FHUIK Mihacribt-rx would respectfully inform their friends I and the public, that they have taken the stare on the corner of first and Poplar streets, know nas Dy son tk Rich ordson’s corner, where they are now receiving,and will con tinue to receive fn* New York and Boston,a large and hand some assortment of Faulty and Slaplc Dry Goods. together with Shoe*, Hat*, Bonnets, Ready-made Clothing; ■ Lo, Crockery and Glas* War., Nails, Hardware, Hollow Ware, Paint**, Oils, Window Glsm, Medicine*, fcr. I h* ahov • slock ha* been select, and with great rare, and i* well adaptrd to the city and country trade. Persons wishing to boy good* at umuueilhi low prices for cash, will please call and examine our stock before purchasing els. win re. All or der* from the country will be thankfully received and faith fully executed upon the lowest possible term* KENDRICK & CLARK. Ma.'ou, April 27, 1 146, ‘mil Spnna einel Summer Clol/ting;. r1 1 fIE suhserihers have commenced receiving their I stock of Spring and .Summer Clothing, which they nre prepare.! to sell at verv low prices for cash. March 18 5 ‘ J. At E. BAULSBI RY. YOl tiiv CLOTHING* (4 OATB, Pants nnd Vests, adapted to summer wear, J just received by J. Sl E. SAULSJU KV. ] March 18 5 OPENING TU| OAT* French Clothe, Fancy French Cassimer*, Black and Fancy Gushmeretts, Black Freni h Doe Skin*. Linen Drill*. JLc. A r Ali-o a fine assortment of Scarf*,Cravats, (Dotes. A c. March 111 f k E. SAIILSBUKY. fly* *♦#.'! mep 4 m* ■ f fAH!*4d ’veil and for sale. m. *th rh. t*t • I * IK)\V HH A Dl>. new pa'aciu.t, . f | ■ >vi . v < heap. Call and m*. Jun* 17 4wt9 WOOD & BRADLEY. [iVlagrrpli ropy four time*.) HATS, ( AES, W< (flllß *iih*rnl***r has n**w open,und will he < on*tanl- I lv receiving, a choice et•* kofH it ('apt. \\ *Vc. nt the store reeeully occupied by G. .A. Kind* rlv Af Cos. which will he s.!d for cadi, *t prices to suit the looea, M i on. luot IM< 15 F K. VV RIGIII . WTOTI^ja. SI WING this day Mild my afoek of DRY GOODS I nod GROCERIES to my brother, J *nr. etiv notp, I would reapecifully re^ou*mend him to my tr id ltd** and patrons, nnd he i for (dm a continuation of the liberal jntruiiaee heretofore bestowed upon mvself, JOSEPH N. sSKYMiH K Miicon, June 1,1U4C. hi Ni. B.—All thoae who nre hob bled so me by note nr account, will conier u favor by aciiliug the Mime. N^4tl r ß’ IB UL'KCrn. IN order to enahlo luc to supply my nutnoroua friends and customer*, (and rape, inlly f(i*-e front the t'oiin* I fie* of Jones, Baldwin, umi Twigg* ) | have taken the I ntor* lately occupied l*v Messrs. R( .HSF.I.L A KI.VI j BERLY, corner of Cherry and riecond, where I intend Weening cnirunttly on hand a general assortment 1 ot hlaplo mid Fiuiry l>>‘> Goods Hard* ‘ware, Crekery, Sugar, oolb*e, Molasses, Rice, Mack crel. Bacon, Liquors of everv description, together with everv article usually kept in a general Dry Good* ami Grocery Store. A call from toy fiicndaaud the public general!* in respectfully solicited. For the patronage that Im- l*e*n so liberally bestowed Hjxin my establishment at the head of Cot ion Avenue, ‘ f<r the last six veors, my i uloittera have my aincera amt heartv tlmuks. with the assuranca that in inv new r (HirerN no pain* 1 will he spared, or means leH untried lo : ive general satisfaction, and merit a ronlinuaiice of the same. In fart, I intend it sliall he generally understood that ui JJriltOir* i* the placa to gel 111 l I U!• III*. A MOB BENTON. | f (^ # My establishment at the head of the Avenue will be continued for the present, under the superintend ence of Mr WM. 11. JOKDF.N, who is duly aulhorii ed to receipt for. and nettle all account* due me at that establishment. Tersoiis hnvitiff running accounts nre esruestlv re.piested to call and settle the same, cither with cash or tiotea, previous to the first of Oefohcr next, *i I contemplate making different nrranr*’Wienis with tint hu'iness, which will make it neermtry to bring rim I | )r ,oks tn a close liefoie that tone. Macon, JuMA 9, BMC _ 17 Oenmlgee iron t'onmh’i / anil if [n tit in? Shop. (MACON GEO.) HpHR mihfli'iibern having erected anew Establish- I meni, now offer to • lie public, inducements ihov have iievor bnd bH'orn in that line of buainefnt.— Mill Wrights, Gin Makers &c„ will foul it to their advantage to give us a call, we’wili guarantee all our work to lie good, nod nt the lowest price-- we have n good stork of Patterns on hand. A good IlorKr Power for sale. t HAS. P. LEVY & CO. Cotton A venue, near Mac on ti Western R. 11. Ilepot. May H, 1840. I‘2 ts Telegraph, Little Georgian, and Jeffersonian, ropy till forbid. • (irjoex, Wood & Cos. IY ESPKCTFULLY invite the attention of MerHiant* I\ and others, to their stock of reason able Dry Goode now instore. Additions will he made weekly, through l the season, of desirable styles of goods, viz : ]0 bales Oanalmrg*. ft 44 Brown Ditilings, | ft “ Tickings, Ift “ l-t Hrown Sheetings, 15 ** ‘l4 • tthirtinga, ft * k fine onMeacbed Mhirtingn, ft • Blankets, ■ > e-< .1 4,4-4, .>-4, lb-1 bleached Homespuns, ft hal • Cantmi Flannels, ft 44 Chftyly* Plaids, I’d nines Prints, assorted, 2 •* extra rich Prints, 1 ** rich mourning Prints, 2 14 rich Ginghams. ° pieces blue, hlauk ind olive Broadcloths, BO “ American and Frotu li CasA'iinc-ra, r*t| 44 Vesting*, 150 44 Kentucky nnd Cas l -inter Jeans, 100 •* heavy Kinseys and Kornevs, 100 44 red,yellow, while and riflen Flannels, Jft 44 black silk warp Alpaccas, 20 44 colored Alpuccas, 20 4 Alpocca Serges, ft 44 Roiohuzmca, 100 44 Muslin de Guinea, 20 44 Cashmere de Lai tics, 20 44 Mourning de Laines and Rcrnges, 100 4 * colored Candirics, 7ft 44 Pongees Silk 11 and kerchiefs, 10 44 F.iiglinh Silk Hdkfc. 800 doz. bead and Oug lldkfe. 7ft 44 Berkley and Madia ns Cravats, 10 pieces black and fancy Silk do. ft “ green Barrage, 2ft doz. gents’ and ladies Gloves, assorted, 800 44 Hosiery, assorted, 7ft “ Day’s skilled Suspenders, 75 “ low priced hut. do. 50 boxes Ribbons, assorted, 2ft 44 Artificials, 12 cases Florence, Straw and Fancy llonnet 50(H) Shawls, more or less, •10 pieces Irish Linens, 25 44 Linen Rirds-eye Diaper, 20 44 Russia Diaper, 10 “ Cotton do. ft 44 12-4 and 13-4 Linen Sheetings, Linen Table-cloth* and Napkins, ft pieces super Flannels 4-4, ftO 44 Jaconets. 50 44 checked Cambrics, 50 44 Swiss, Rook, Lace, and Mull Muslins, 50 44 black and white Lace Goods, 3-4 A - 1-4, 1000 w l.ace F.dcings 1-2 to 2 1-2 inch, w ide, 20 doz. Muslin Collars, 20 pieces Bishop Lawn, 20 doz. l.nwn lldkfs. ft cases Umbrella*, 20 pieces three ply ingrain and Cotton Carpeting. Macon, Nov 12,184 ft. ‘l9 Unroll mill Whiskey. CASKS choice Cincinnati Sides, tM w7O barrels New Orleana Whiskey, for sale by July I 20 REA *V COTTON. ILik'ging, Iron* ToHVc. Vc. | rr BIKCES heavy Kentucky Bar."mg, J a •/ K’J * do. Dundee do. 20 tons Iron assorted si2e*, 70 kegs Nail*, CO haga Rio Coffee, M 0 boxes Tobacco. 10 boxes Henderson’s Candlea, for sale hv Julv l 9M ki£A a < <nT(>N. Mmnortanl to .Hill Otrners. llotclikiss’ Promitiin Vertictil Water VV iik.i.i.s, (or Saw or <■ rist Mills. I.NROM the i-oiiHtant ;p*rulion *.l in wrl\ vu tlioiiHneA of ’ these Wlie. I* ami their uppt iidugt *, in dift< lent s.*eti(iiiH ot the country uml the very logh popularity which they have attained with all that liavein opportunity ut wititeMingthi ir extraordinary iNiwer. the sub.erttwr feels jmuilie.i in giving publicity to llie following statement. 1 lie use of thce Wheel*, when properly imraduecd, nearly double* ihexalue of ilo* Mill*,and enables them to do a t>u*in>a which far cx h the most sanguine expectation of their owners, many of whom nr** gentlemen for the ir science and practical skill, and have attested to u* truth. These M heels when applied to Saw Mi ll*, are a* cht a ply eonstroeied a* the common flutter Wheel, and will do double (he bunint ** w it h a less quantity of water : back water i* no impedim. tit wli.n there ik a head above; they .an be placid on the shaft of a common Flutti r Wheel Mill it in good older, an.S hung upon the same bearing* if sufficiently airung lu sutnin the power ofthe Wheels; the'Wheels Im ing of cast-iron will last un ng.. , They also eonstitnte the reqaisite Hy nr balance w heel, secnr ing a uniform motion ip til part* of each revolution. Any I workman having the patterns, a model and table of calcula tion*, can adapt Mill* many location, with perfect sucoest. 1 Signed, * ii. HOt CM KISS. The subscriber having become fully convinced ofthe upe rior advantagt* ol the above Wheel* overall oik* r Water Wheels in use in the country, both for Haw and Grist Mill* ; and for the purpose of bringing them into more general uw in tin* section of the Stale, he has become interested in tin right ofsatd Wheel*, in the eoiinties of Hfbh, Monroe, (raw- ! fuid, Houston, Macno au.LKuiopier. and aillsell mdixidutl , or county right*, and afford every facility n*ee**ary fbf put ting Mill* in operation on that aynUctn, i* those counties, on very accommodating terra*. 1 have in my possession letter* and ertiffeate*Goiu many not only highly respectable but di*tiugui"ht*rt gentlemen in this nnd other State*,all concur ring with th. Mat count- made hy Mr. Iloirliki**. as to the superior advamage* of th* *e w having • mphiye.l ih. in intheirowu Mill*, or wiiueed their operation in th. >iilU of their friend*. They also fully concur in recomaw ndmg tbi* improvement to mill owner* generally, not only toi iu very great improvement ot the speed >r capacity .if til ill* for !mi*imc, ll tor its durability,<k* spues* itnl sitnpLciiy ot •ronstruetian. , Some of tk gentlemen whose Umlininny I have on thi-sub ject arc, Ex-(o*, Fitapatnek, Non. J. t. L. Hoey,uml Robt. ienusoii. Esq ol A It*. ; W, H. S•> re, F-*| , Kpar*A,G I ( 01. .1 A. Dote uml |lon M. 1.. Gamble, Augu-ta, (.a , and many other geiithtnenin that fisinity. AM commuiiication* on this • iibjeet I'tnrtrd to m* ut op. 11, Crawl'*nl county, w iII be prompt.'t abended to. *• J. A. Mli.J.I It. I Hop. w- TANARUS, May 1, |J46. I Its SSI a M.inry St aide. tradertied respeetlulU inform ■ L 1 lit*'r friends nnd ll#t, that ‘ they Itava opened u ffTtliLC hi Alacoh, for llie pun ose of doing a ALI. AND I I VER i 111 HINEISH and reap. y solicit h shorts ol public fMHrmmt'* Tltei. Btshl * nre ] runnocveA with tbe FI.OYD HOI **L, and evt*ry alien turn will Im paid Iu cuatoruars in order to h '.va gen. rut ! sat:f<4 ti'iti. Tiieir Htaldca ere lnr?*, new titi| rotunodioti*, with fine Lota and every *-oiiv*-ulmi . Bersotii* w.ntid lo well to givu us u call. N. HAWKINS, J. W. HARRIS. Maron, AptilQt r ||if Sli;e* fiOHl I'oihiili (o fill’ Imiimi S|iriußM. f|4lll’. suL-. tilmra will run a I line Ol Four Hot-* ('on. h * frtuii I oraylli tu tin In- Hpriaga, lea. mr FursvlH im imuliuielv after tlm arrival ol ilia j Cura, from lt Julv the remainder <d tin sea Mill. They will Lo provided with pood Tenuis und carelul Dtivrrs, nud assure traveler* that there shall In* no delay tut tiieir part, h* they h*qm lo merit n liberal patronage Irom the travelling pubis**. MOTT a HTANFOKI). M •ton, June 17 4w16 Bioptiethrs. Bit to ST ohm:. DR. TO. BARTLETT / I IAS just received, nf his Drttr Bforr I 1 ou Mttllwrry street, a large stock of u||''Y >’ r’ t lieimeals, Baints, Dyi Hi off ,Oi!v, Wind w a, I*• i\ A .; hi lari,evert thing usually L* tt |*y Dfuggist*. I laving raidl hi* purrhns**.- for Cush, and Irotn first hands, in New A’ork und Bos ton, he is enahled to execute orders ut aa low price* aa ‘fine, fresh and unadulterated articles can he obtained nt anv establishment in the southern conntry Physician*, M a nufa el brere, Plan (era. and Dealers are invited tn call nnd exHiuina In* stock In-lore they make their purchases. Mar on, Hepi 25, 1845. 32 non AT'S WEDICINE P tier nil Hitler. A Lite Pill*. TWK high and lav'd-d ick lwitv whirhthi* MMIIIM ha* aeqwire*! for itsinvariXHle ffl-m *.ln all the disease* ■h it profhNN to varr, Im* reklcnd the u*ual vrst-tiw t puftHng n*t u 1 v tinnect tryr, but unworthy .if them—tfc y are known hy their fVwkat b* .r gsKl work* testify (hr them, nnd th**w thrive not by th* (kith l the en-dulou*. A fresh vuppty j*•♦ ceeeived hy the Ag- nt, lan 4V OKOHOE I'AYSf, Dmfpit, voniitm MACON AND WESTERN RAIL ROAD, T l,W "r* if n .°X v °P* B for P"ewr, from Macau ’ M. to Griffin, and Trains will he run daily umil lur tuer notice, hh follow's, viz : , I ' v r Maconfor Griffin and intermediate elation* at 104 o’clock, A. M. Leave Griffin aiDJ A. M., And arrive at Macon, at 20 tninuiari part I Until Mii-li limi> a. the Road .hall he opened (n A’ lama, the Rate. ut’ Furr will he the aaoi narharced lu„t j , Emerson Foote, I Maeon, July 22 %!*C .-Aujn intend m. M Ift TOSH lIOIISi :. Indian ni’icinuv, butts o. Jkwn/. flpHt •ulweritwr, I’maiitUii wf the Indian c Spring Hotel, Hr the Irst two tears. (SJUfU, “"‘II rtr.prrifullv• i*>rmlii.ft ..) ‘PIIIEk. I‘ r < n. ufiln. state, i,f s.<nh t aiolinaAla ““ d ‘icomtea, ikuilif liit. in ■, hi ~ .v , 1 emit.(l . -|,itnilnl tOTk.r. uml.i ne laove najne, f*r far ample of visitors du nnr the iipproiclnit;? seat on. l lm 14010* w ill W iipvncd on the vtflth lav <4 Mar next I It. itelnlnvh ..„• .. n, Ul . f y 4S J;yu_ ‘ three spa* ioii* Drawing Mount* and ; ’plrndi** ball Boom; ** 4 '* “""wide Piazza* extruding si’ and ihe Holt l-awkiiig !’ ha* ko long been dcsir. and at this Spring-ope of the la eg.‘it at.d inoM tonmiodioii* Hot* Is ever fretted ut any v:<* leriog place m the Sow hern country. During the law iwo teavon* tin ri n a*,been much complumt rr want ot mor- Mu oQimoduiion* fm the humhidi that daily ll'uli to this w II kieiASn and justly celebrated watering i>lar>>. I hi* * jnon there tjnli be no reason of yoinplaiiit “or w ant of acvotntni.dations,ar Indeed any thine connected with tin* establishment. The Mclntoali House will accommodate over faurhundrtd per*ons ! Neither pain* or expense have Ken .-pared in furnishing nnd fitting up tins House mo m* to render it truly house for all who mat favor it with tin ir patronage, ‘l he furniture i* all new and of the most Hterling kind, having been made op to order for this *tabli>.|iment. ‘I In-location of the Melntosh House iff on the brow of the Mclntosh Itill, overlooking the Spring, tor many year* the residencefthe eefehrated Col. Mclntosh, of the C'nck na tion, so well known and associated in the Indian history of our eouniry. The subscriber, therefore, flatters himself that in ord.i , comfort,and systematic arrangement, the Mclntosh Hons* shall not be suriNiß<o and ; ami hopes from his continued exer lions to phase, he nmy secure a share of tne public pairpnage. , lIHYAN W. COLLILH. Indian Spring, Mar and, 184d. 12 PIOYD HOUSE, IHaeoii, Gcorfjin. JL rfUIK Pill. ‘ i'Vri- lihvc liil.n llinl wrll 1 mJft ■ knnw n lloirl, ilic !■ ■ orn llor.r, nn<l *V* l” T' 1 ,lll,l< ' l ,llu tirin us iiiiOWN h will l)p noodloss to made proniiae.. na one of 111. firm tins I con wi ll known u* keenef nl ilib XVarhiiifMon Hall, anil the fmldic nro arqiiaintod witll Ilia manner of iloinj linaiiies* Tho IHo and Hnr nliall not lie aurpnaaeil hv any one, am) iheir Stabloa nro njrv, with firm dirt floor., uud not surpuaaod l.y any iu Gooreia. Charges ore rcasjnakle a* the times will permit. THOMAS A. BROWN, STERLING LANIER.. H T 1 The nulrsfriher solicit, hi. old friend, end pat ron. at Ihc \V u.hingtnn Hull, to give him a cull el his new eland. St. I.asik.b. N. B.—The nflir. of rlie Talhiliassee a.vd Coliimhna line of Stare kept ut thi.i ilonae. July ‘J, 13-IG. o||( WASHINGTON HA&L. JU.ieo.Y; Git. ffif ;\ .A i (IE SuWerile ,- have a. ‘. iated m fUa r i ‘s ihaiiH.eiVn’oi ..I this long re tabhshe.l “ell kmmu llmase. Theirjoinl end - ‘ —-a. tndi. i.loal nfl-niiNit will lip .jin, j,. general .uperinleinhmee, and no effort will he epared to i it. former Ingli eliaraeler. We elmll |w.v. study the eomfort und entertainment ol ihn.e o ho !'„v,ir us wilh a call. MOTT At STARKS. ‘’ it.liam A. Mott, OviuQ.SrAr.Ma. \ ITT In heromrag asaneialed with X| r . William A . Mott ill the inaimgement of the WASHINGTON IIALI.,the subsetiller begs leave In invite the eui-tam of the triurl l‘“! pulilie, and pnrtieularlv of his eottnlrv friend.. It w ill give liina pleasure at all limes, to minister try their eoinlort, and In aid them in any way in hi. |K)Wrr in the lion of such hiisine.r a. mn v rail them to Maeon OVID G. STARKS. Maeon, Jnlv 15. IRAfi. oo to asm. tTTTvwI fIIHK Brick Dwelling House pinpasite Mrs. r A Vslur'.) at Ikre., ut ueeupit and by Dr. Vi| y. | here is a stable, carriage bonne u<l a garden, with a well of g .ud water on the lot. Posses*inn to be given first ot October. A pplv to July W _ 24 __ _ DAVID RKFD. MtaggiHg. Hope", Tirim. fillD- *ub riVri sr now receiving ihtir fall supplies f ■ UIIQCKKfES which they oVr lutheiruM fiends anil tfie public generally, at unusual low prices. We liavv now in store, and receiving— piece* heavy (Hinny nagging, piece* heavy Kentucky da. 1 ‘0 coils Rentncky Mope, AC do. Manilla do. 10n lb*. Twine, 2,iffM) sack* halt, l-,no) lh\. S” cedes Iron, l,r*on Ibff llrnd. Hoop and Mod Iron, JO bliib. .St. Croix and Porto Riru Sug ir t I-••af, ('ru*h< tl and h>vdrn and d*. ion hag* kioanil Java lofln, 5 boles I tihaeco, ItHi keg* No)!, 1,0 o lb Cu- ;, .German and Ulster Steel A IsO P AIN IS AND OJI.S of cv t j 11 p'um . K BOND. Macon, .lan I. 4W PttH xam:. \\ Ll:\ plfii.;.any hiiudU and DU’EM.INQ. For ■ ti'rin. upplv 111 C. DAV & CO. rdamm, July If. COOK Sc 14JMPKIN, ATTOItNEVS AT LAW. I'nini Town. *>iMii|fi>r ( oiiiiir, <.■. \\ r U-l- prut tier iii ihr i nuntirs nf Slimier, Stewart, v v Mnmil, lfnrion ami Houn^fi. I’Hff IP f’oK. lICMvV H. I.rNPICIN, Jr. •! • ■ *'<, I'. !*>. 12 M. CIIARLEB THOMPSON MAS t'lken oflic.. n* tt door to PayiM*a Drug Storr—- rosid nee in Vine villa. Anv word le(t at aiiiicr plii’e (lay or nic lit) will l* coniiniiaicaied l.v liovn hr lhal put pose. He lopes by M<riho|i to buaiueNs, nnd a i experience of aeventeen voaro to merit a share of patronage. id ir< hi I IP [ f||i /ruph <tp . ] Cm 4 *. .Oui mm • nUS G. ti J M l)(i\\l l> gratrlullv scknovl ®dff* tl). lihnral patrimagf t'xt.ndrd to thrin tor th. Ih.i Irw yi'ar. liv thr c-if a-ns of Macon nnd vicimtv, and wimld ml.inn llmm ih.v havr removed nlli’ ciii tie- brick rirngc mirth aul. ut MntHeny aliti i, OVI-I 111 ‘ Jewelry Store til K. Wt alwurlh. I hey hav. to urr.Agrtl liicir l.uaiueat, a. for one nt lli.m iu innkt* raiolnr In lln* rwigliboring villagea und i purlioo. fifth. eouiMry. Ml' l mi, lee. 31, ISO. 4$ WUffT rerrivfd nnd fur vide, 01 lirtr. Wlme |. ,and, 11(10 nniliin. Linared Oil, Jbm tr I'J SCO IT, CAR HART A CO. CLEAII TUB TRACK! I'or the Peopled Store. Silk. 1 Silk* roiiiH at nlnxnt nothing! |Y I’.INCi tleairoua of making different arrangeiiit'iii* in I • ihif* ileparttivrni of trad#, the auhMrifa r is willing In mnUa a grout aiienfice in order to lose itttf hia prea ent alork of Hilka, for the nest sixfv flavs. Those v. hw have money to lav out for iSilka, will find it for their ntl vtintiigfi to eitll ut the People's store, and puichasQ mmin <*• ilia mrr hatgaiiia now offering in Silks and all style* ol Dry Goods. JtlllN W. CI.AKK, Proprietor. J S VI 2tf£W GOODS. morning opening at the I'roplu'a Btora, I Blue and Pink Muslin Gingbama, Swiss ami Ja< onet Mu-dins, French and Heoteh (iiiiKhauts, Prints, Bonnet Kibhona, Kc. A r At greatly reduced prices at the People 4 * Ftnre. July 8 21 JOHN W. UI.ARK XV .'tilled to l*iireli:i*>e. A COMFORTABLE DWELLING lorn nuall lam l v worih about IjOO. Enquire at thia uffiee. July 99 3ttv2ri Jivivl ititlvi iI nnil far *ul<*, >||||| DHLS, prime Kaeon II iota, July?; 23 SCOTT, CAR HART 4CO