Georgia messenger. (Ft. Hawkins, Ga.) 1823-1847, December 24, 1846, Image 1

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BY 8. KOMI?. TERMS. The MKSSKNGKH i* published weekly, on Thurcd) nitriiinOi ** Three l)ullr<, if piiil within the )ear, Mid Fur ,1 ,tl irs, i not iol till ill.* expiration ot the year. I lj-rtisrm ‘utr not twelve line*, will |* inserted f>. • i> llr tli# first insertion, ami Fifty Cents tor rue h eon* ti'i'imei*. Vdveftisewenu not limited when handed m will lie inserted till forbid. Sales *f Land and V**groes *y Executors, Administrators ami Guardians,are required by law ta In- advtrust'd in a i,ii'lic gazette, sixty day* previous to the day of sale. The sales of IVrsoiial Property must be advertised in like mi*u ner days. Votice to Debtors and Creditors of an estate must be pub lished forty days. Notice that application will he made to the Court ofOrdma ryfor leave to sell Laud ami Negroes, must be published week |y for four months. Monthly Advertisements, One Dollar persquare, for each ; insertion. Advertising as Candidates,Three Dollars. C.T LK f I'KKS on business most he post paid. it. k. Ac J. it. him:* Wll.l. PR t< TISK IN Tilt SUP hlt toil COURTS OF nilHI. DKOATUK, JONKS. IIVKUK, II AI.DVVIX, I.KK, TWKiIiS, .MACON. I‘UI.AHKI, Clt AVV I'OI!0, 1)001. V, MONROE, AND IIOCSTfN. Tlif V will allPinl ilm* Stiprpmp Cotitt nl MiUt-iltrt-villp, lliiwkiusvillr mm .Suvmmuli; Aiiiericii. uiiil TiiHiotlun. I)emtur mnl Mar. Aim, tii Circuil Court of ilip liiilril Sluic*. (LC Okfick nvor Wright’s llut Srurc. Muron, Aue till. 184f>. (Im2B “By Until’ Muil.s y<> slittil know I lio in.” rrlllK Ili'llti.l ufflep of 1.0 \l HAR I) Ik Pt’TNAM i< again | open (over Strung Wood's store,) for the accoianiodu tioii of their friends and the public gnu rally. As their style of operating Ims In* n tested by the citizens of M eon for nearly a year, ami acknowledged by the hem ! odges as inferior to none, it is hoped that their continued iicress may depend upon I*Kit MANENT and valuableop* - atioiis. Miicoii. Oct 7. 1846. 34 s. ta v i.ok ai, m . aUKK, .Sltorneys X Counsel lor a at /.ir, NACOUDOCIIE.S, TEXAS. Reference**: Hon. T. J. Rusk, Y lion. W. R. Ocmiltrkk, > Xacogdoehes , Texas. I>r. J. I). Sr * kk, } lion. ll\i.ik Pkyton, ) , Mram. Wnight A Ooopkr, $ Ae ” Col. EDMUND BI.AUh, Macon, GcO. Sept 23.1846. 6m32 1,000 SACKS SALT ! F)K sale, apply at the Washington Hall, to Sept U _ JJtf T. C. DEMPSEY. Null*# Iron ••<! Hollow Ware. ri( || \ Kegs Cut Nail*, fllM’ l. r tons Iron, a * sorted I to 10 inches, ‘2.000 lbs. Sheet Iron, 10,000 ilia. Hollow Wore, ‘2.000 lies. Cant Steel, 1,000 German and Blister Steel, 2,000 Hoop ami Ruud Iron, 50 do/.. 11 ties, j 100 pairs Trace Chaim;, Received and for sale by E. 11. WEED. Deo 17 41_ WOOD 6l BRADLEY, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN cabinet m:\m iti:, Mulberry-street, opposite the Washington llall , Macon, WAT ERE they keep constantly on band, IT T| vT n general assortment. Thefollow- ItlCHl ing comprise a pari: \laboguny and Black Walnut Dressing Bureaus, ms Jwl ■ Sideboards, Centre Tables and Wash * \ ™ Stamh, with and without Marble Tops, Gard, Side ami> Work Tables, Mahogany. Itluck Walnut uiui Cherry Dicing and Pea Tables, Work Boxes, Portable Desks, Piano Stools, Sofas, Divan*, Ottomans, Qnarllello ‘Tables, Looking Glasses, Looking Glass Phffefi, dfcC. Are. CH AIRS, of more Ilian *2O different pattefdrt, Mahog any, Block Walnut, Curl Maple, besides u variety of Stained and Painted,both nluin and ornamental. Rock-} mg Chairs, of Mahogany, Walnut, Curl Maple and oth er kinds of *2O different patterns. BEDS LEADS, of Mahogany, Walnut,Cherry, Carl, plain Maple and Poplar. WINDOW SHADES, n large assorimetif consfafftly on hand. FEATHERS —Feather Beds. MATTRESSES, ol Curled Hair. Moss and Cotton. Ladies mid Gentlemen, one and all, are most respect fully irtvited to e?vc us a call Indore purchasing else where, as we shall use our utmost endeavors to please butli in quality and prices. To Manufacturers —For sale, Copal Varnish, Ma hogany and Trimmings. N. B.—Kurhilnre Repaired. Chairs and Sofus re seated with CanealYu Hair Cloth. Oct. 7, 1846. 4m. MORE NEW GOODS, GfKDRGK M. I.O’GAN 6i CO have ju*t received C the line**! and bep*t assorted slock of FAnfy l>ry that they !mvc ever olferOt/ fbV sale iiVihls market. They are determined to sell every article on as reasonable terms as any house in the cifv, and will not he under sold by tinv. Their motto in future shall he. “Quick Sales and Smuli PinAtH,”—- ‘Cheap Goods,” the watch word. Grt Indiicem^iif*•llerf'd for Cash. The following are a few of the many articled r/n bund. Haris embroidered Cashmere Kobe*—very fine, French embroidered Caahmeres, Superplnfcl. and shaded Cashmeres, I'lVdir %friYito. de Laities—all 6<tyort*, New stvle PtlWßohes fur'Evening Dresoes, Kxtrtt fine embroidered .Muslin Kohes, Kanev Dress Silks, rich and splendid. French Worked Capes, Collars and Chemisettes, Ki.l Gloves, Twisted Witts, Silk Hosiery, iVe., Flan nels, Alpaeeas, Figured Dimity, HI nek Hon ihaxi ties, Aljkhdcn I.’sires, liisli Linens, Table Damask, Plaid Gingham*;, etc. etc. Cloth**, m**inif ifs, and Vestings, Fine £a¥hhiere Shawls, Rich limeade, “ , • HI irk emhroideied Thibet Slnwls rind Ham Ik a. Fine embroidered l.lnen Cambric Handk’*, I'urse, TwiM and Steel Heads, Silk. Buttbrtk.nnd Triintningv—of every quality. ALSO, A splendid p/umrtmeut of CARPETING and Kt GS low for CASH Also, a very large and handsome selection of China. Jln*. nntl i’roeheryWifr*. which will le naitf dwell lovUet rtwn ustt*l--n* we are anxious to sellout niiil discontinue the business. Com* and examine these Goode Indore purchasing, and von can obtain GR'LAT BARGAINS* Oct. 7, llMrt. 3f_ _ _ MILLINERY. Mlts. K. PK’ eo^KF.UIU.n H\\ returned from Nets York, and removed t Cmtrth A venae, opposite tin- U alfclngtoii Hall, and mow otters fur talc a etioiec sc lee t in W rtf* MII.MIXEiirV AKTICLEB. ...ii.i.ti,.. m nn **( im.Wiit., Kr, ~. li I .1... r.p., Kr.nch vVnrka.l t’.iltaa. ; V Mr. .ml Hilk llwim-l. ; Str, j r.w.H, Ail. Ui.l.-. Victoria .ml Kk|(Uli P* rl Mn..d Hohihtj | Mi...-.’ Kin I, .inland H.<, Chin. .ml Madonna do. iH> 1 1 r.-. 1 Orn.lwnl. i Hh.-ll * r.l C.i ; Poll.. Hoc.-.; {„),) .ml |vor>- Kluiiryii (iuld .ml Silv. r It* ml. ; I'nra.- Silk; Gimp*. Krill,.-., linn nn.* Zapliyr Wi.i-.ivil Markin, I .!*,...( r.rf ir.tnl I .per > lollin’ Mr.uli; ; Kmbrunl rad Wofk Ha.k.M.kiv. Thr .tonvr .riirlm’ irr.fikrniii.i ntrrl.ii.hli- II) 111 .11*1 l.liil impnr.a .ill hr mill ISir CASH nlllf. Mr. UK. COCKKttII LK will .oHOnna m blr.rh, pm. .ml oltcr .11 kind. I.f ir., 1-vrkorn ami K.m, Uuum n, n . .i.l. nurquall.d in Ihr SlithrVii ruilnir,. OcK lll.r.V'h SYRUS i>C WILD CHERRY— IS For i-oiiph.. roliD, nallimn, liilWii**. whooping Mniitinr of blood, nnd'iill polmon.rv dinwnnfl*. I, ,H fcv’S #AU!.\hAKILLA—For nil ilimm... *• ri.iii, from on impiir, of ll l.looil: mill rhruui. m-mfiih hint'. *ili rhronio rhoumnliMn, .lynpapnin ilimm'of tlm .kin, l.niir- oM nlrrr.,-|r 1101 r.Y’S FF.VRK AND AGUE R+.MRDY—Th rnwi r*ln*Mr rMf<-*Mil.lK ..grimilP pr.pur.l.oli ■‘"b.OLßvS’ AMERICAN VER'MIVIWE-A mire .<lnnimlor of worm, from llm nyaiem. in pmcrol w ilimMfhonl ih* Uniind Hut**. ... HAILEY'S UNRIVALLED MILITARY HIIAV* IN(i niKAM-Tl.i. nriicla linn Moml l("’ “'*• • >l * h ’ vnarn, •ml raina.l for il*nlf A high r*|iut*lin lliMUtlloiil Ih. U. Slain* Canada. .ml nmi l’* r < ’ lb* IVAII.EY’S SUPERIOR INDELIBLE INK— Willi and wiilinnl ilw pr|ir.lion ; ill. I*** l •rl'el.” (•I* llya kind in use. , , Lor sale bv the Drn2fils ceaernllv throughout tb* couutrv.ond st wholesale ami retail by , , f W.M. HAILF.V, Proprietor, Apotbecnries 11 nil, corner of Fiillnn ami Sands streets. Al,o for ..If, t,y GRAVES, WOOD .V CO., D.c 3,184 G 14 iSfunrjifif jittMijigiiK. **■ ‘•mu/.il.i. L.IMiEiC X CO. I'wiiimiMMion Merchant*, No. 15, Si. Cltiirlcs Sired, NEW ORLEANS. H. KKVDAI.I. CAHTKK, ) UANIKL CHATT. J Jol) 23,1844 40 SH Lit WOOD k I* ATT KK SOS', corner of Secon amt Oak B*reels, would inform the public that tlc> are or pared to execute r v House, Sign and Ornamental I’uintmij, OMAININO. Imitation of Wood and Marble, Gla/iug uod Paper Hanging) Picture Frames uimte ami Gilded. OLD CHAIRS Hv-bot touted, Painted and Gililed ; Furmtuir Y*rnisht and and Polished. Ylell-lliniKing ilooo in the best manner, materials fnrui*hed and warranted. In elegance and despatch, it is their determination not to lr surpassed by auy establishment in the South. Persons in want of any ot the above work, will please give us a sail, ami examine specimens before engaging elsewhere April 1, 1*46. y 7 l.uaiWr foi* Sale. fI U 11! Huliscribprs nrc propulrd in k iv I,umber of nrv a m/.i> nr iliinenrinns, at (heir Steam Saw-Mill, mie , ami a bitlf'milea from the citv of Maron : likewise sill, or framing limber they w ill sell at their Mill or will ,le- ! liver ill Manan nr vicinity, on as lavoruhle terms as it can be procured from anv other mill. „ JOHN I). (.RAY &, CO. i Macon, Sept 3, liMfl. 30, j- KENDRICK &. CLARK, KEEP rnnßiantlv on hand, ROPE, BAGGING A. 1 TWINE, SUGAR. COHERE, SALT, IKON NAILS, 11 Ol,L<>\V -\\ ARI*.. &.c. &c all of vvltich tliev oiler at the lowest market prices. Sept 23,1846 v 3O KIM * COTTON I I* A\ E removed to W. B. Parker’* More, on Cotton I ■- Avenue, nearly opposite J. Cowles’ Eire IVOOU Ware llouae, they have in Htore and offer for Hale on I accommndating term*: 2<MI Pieces heavy Kentucky Bucciug, 175 “ “ Dundee “ 85 u slightly damaged “ “ stl Coils Kentucky und .Manilla Rope, 60 Bags Rio Coffee, 20 Tons Iron, 50 Kegs Nails. 1000 llm Tank and Boiler Iron, 800 ll>s Spriog Steel, HIM! Sin k* Half, 20 Boxes 1 onneco, 10 “ Henderson Candles, 10 Baskets ('hampaigne Wine, 5 Boxes Burgundy ** 8 Casks Bacon, Macon, Sept. 2, 1846. 29 STATE OF GEORGIA. DECATUR, 3d District. 7 Thursday, 20 tit Avgust, 1846. \ fIAIIE Honorable the Supreme Court of the State of 1 Georgia, met pursuant to adjournment, present, their Honors, Joseph 11. Lumpkin, Hiram Warner and Kugenius A. Nitthei, Judge*. Monroe Hail Hoad and Banking Lompaui/, ct at. Plaintiffs iu Error. VS. The Rostcell Manufacturing Company , et al. Defendants. The same Parties, VH * c ‘The snine Parties ) By consent of the parties, in each of the above stated causes, by their respective Counsel, It ii ordered, that ilia said two causes lie tried togeth er, and that the J udgment, ami Order, and Decree of (hi* Court, shall applv to and he binding in each case , and he so certified to the Court below. This cause came on to be beard on the trnnsetipt of the Record from the Superior Court, of the county of Bibb, and was agreed by Counsel, Whereupon,it is t on side red, and adjudged by the Court, that the Judgment of the Court below la* reversed on the following grounds: First.— Because it is the opinion of this Court, that (he Bill holders Imd a paramount lien only on the Ettnd raised bv the i*alecff the Railroad from Macon to Griffin, anu so thfuch only of the Road from Griffin to the termi nus, iu Dekalb, as was built by the Monroe. Kail Road und Banking Company, prior to the 2d day of Augosf, 184*2. and that the Contractors of the second part under 1 lie agreement of the 2d August, 1842, tn the Record mentioned, had a pfior and superior Equity to the Bill holders to he paid out of said iiind, in proportion to the relative value of the work done hv them on said Road, and materials furnished between Griffin and the termi nus of the Road, in the countv 01 DeKalh, and that the Court below committed error in excluding said Con tractors from a participation in said fund to the extent <>f the rtJalUe tattle ot their claim for work and labor done, ntnl oinlerialsaiidequipmeniHfurnished said Road, between ibe city of Griffin and the terminus of the Road 111 DeKalh, as aforesaid. It is further the Judgment of this Court, flint the ret- ! ntite tattle ol the work and labor done, and materials and equipments ‘urnnhod on said Road, by said Con tractors, between the places last aforesaid, he apportion ed bv three Commissioners to lie appointed by the Coui t below, with power to hear evidence in relation thereto, and make report thereon within such time u* to the said Court shall dyem expedient. Second.—Because the Court !k*|6w committed error ill deciding ‘‘That the Bank Bills should take each iu proportion to the value received bv die Bank for it at the Mine of it* emission by the Bauk/’ It being the opin ion of thin Court, that each Batik Bill should take in proportion to theqViapl t>W of consideration paid there for ny the hop lei* or claimant on the Fund, and that such holder or claimant should slate 1 lie quantum of consid eration ac foully paid therefor, on oath, in wiiting, wiiji (lib right ofther conioatiug claimant* lor said fund to traverse the spine. Clerk’s Office of the Supreme Court of the State of Georgia. Mll.LF.PGr.vif.t r, 11 tli September, 1846. I, Robert E. Martin, Clerk of the Supreme Court of the State of Gem gilt, do certify the annexed Judgment of die Supreme Codrt. iu the cases therein dated, to he a true extract from the Minutes of said Court. GlVen under nv hand and seal ufoffice. Rolrr. e. m \ ivrf.N, ci’k. ft., s.y IX RIUK SIJPFMIOa I’OI KT. j , November Term, IB4<>. > f lit obedience to the forepolnr Jiidsment,decision,and a older oft Vic Supreme (hunt of the State >l (ieorgia, It is ordered by (bis Court, that Jolin N. \\ illiamson, u F.sij.of the county of New ton, Win. D. Alexander, Lsq., of ilie county of Meriwether, and Charles F. M. Garnett, Ksn., the Chief Fiigineer of the Western and Atlantic n | Kit’droad, he, and they are linebv ih virtue of the Jtidg- I nieot nforesaid. appointed Cmiirtiissibners to uppoilion I in conformity to the amid Judgment, the re (ml ire value of the work hrid labor done, and materials and equip ments furnished on the IMomoa Kailmad between the city of Griffin and the terminus of said Kund, in tke ‘ county of DeKalb. It is fmtlier ordered by tins Court, that if the claims of tho contractors for aucli work and luhor done, mid materials and equipments fitrnisbed,have been transfer red, the present liofttßrs thereof aba 11 state the qitantnm of consideration actually paid tlierelor on on'h, in writ ing, with the right of oilier contesting claimants for the fund set apart by the Judgment aforesaid, lor the pav meiit of debts or claims of this character, to traverse tho i same, which said outli in w riting shall he delivered to ; ’ tte t'oiiiinissioiif rsnloresiiid. It is fur'tber onlrred, that • the Commissioners nloresald, do fortliwilb pr crd to tba city ol Grillin, and then nod there to adopt such measures as shall enable them fully to carry into effect the Judgment aforesaid, and In report flteir proceedings to the presiding Judge of this Court, on or before the first Monday in January next. Il is further ordered by ibis Court, in obedience to the aforesaid Judgment of the llonoralde the Supreme Court, that the holders or claimants on the lurid set apart for the payment of Hank llilla, shajl, on or befote the first’ Monday in February next, file with the Clerk of thin Court*, their outli in writing, stating therein the quantum of consideration actually paid by each of them for ih* Hank Hills so held or ela lined, and that Robert V Har deman. K.‘lmrd K. Hines, and llanrv G. Ross, F.sqrs., make odt and report to the Judge of this Court, a full and complete statement of what shall be the ascertained proportion of each claimant. It is loriher ordered, that the Clerk of this Court forth with furnish m> each of the said Commissioner s first a foresaid. anil* copy of the aforesaid Judgment of the llonbrable. the said Supreme Court, and ulso of this order. ~ It is further ordered, that this order be published once n wt>ek for eight week*, ih the Ga/ettes of Milledgevllle and Mucon. , . And further, that in the event of the refusal of either id the Commissioner* aforesaid, to accept, that they ure requested forthwith to cmmmrnieate the same to the pre sidinu J idge of this Court, that the vacancy may he hil ,.i| by an appointment at Chambers. I A trnecopv from the Minutes of llibb Superior Court, Nwm.Wril.lM6. ||KNnv noss> fTk . Not. I. 10 D*>. *:* FIRE PROOF WARE-HOUSE. q ~ undersigned, grateful for T A ■ I past favors, tnke this meth yl Sod of informing bit patrons, and who may give him llieir business, that he has (for the bet ter aecuting their interests) obtained the beautiful and <vell arranged Mire Proof II *are-House, or) Cotton Avenue, formerly occupied bv J. Cowi.fta, for the purpose of Storing ( otton and all kinds of ( oun- I try Produce, lie will, ns heretolose, give Ids personal attention to the Ware-House, aid! pledges himself to use every exertion to promote the in Iciest of those who may confide business to his charge. Macon,June24, 1846 N. OUHLRV. jo.ym:s *v MMoe/r. WAKE-IIOUSE COMMISSION ME If CHANTS, nAYE token the Ware-House on Cotton Avenue, formerly occupied by Moui.thik Sl Camciim l. . I her best efforts will he employed to promote the in terest of their patrons. JOHN JONES, 1 ms , WM.S. HOLT. Macon, June 24, 4C46. jj co r^r HVirc House tmd Commission Business. WINN & SKY MOCK will continue the shove bu siness at the same stand, and solicit from the planters a shore ol their patronage. .Macon, June 10,1846. ° 17 factorage ANU 4 o>ni|HS|o> BUSINESS. I q q K iiiulersienctl relurii ibcir gratefvt I 7 / I tliauku totneir fronds ami putruii* L V jS for past favors, nml beg have o inlurni them that they will continue 10 transact 1 lie above business in the tit) of Savannah, • 11 inter the tirin of HAMILTON, HARDEMAN A CO. anil they hope, by their zealous attention iul be-t rflbrt* in all eases to proiuute the interest ofthose who favortlum with business, to eontiiiu** to receive a liberal stum- ot luuronar-i’ Our senior part Her, Col. K. Haiuiltau. w ill,as h< relour.-, . bis personal at tent ion to the sale of Upland and < uttun, and the purchase of Goods on orders. KV Kit Alt I) HAMILTON*. THOMAS HAItIIKMAN, _ , CtIARI.ES F. HAMII.IOV. Savannah, August ao, 184f>. i„ U 2g is a ion Bn si ness. GRAVES, HOOD A CO. TAKE this method of informing planters and oth< rs, that in addition to their wholesale and retail Dry Goods ;iud Grocery liitsiucs. they will continue to transact a gem ral WAKK-HOl SR ft COMMISSION BUSIN ESS, at the oldMtand, (long known as Graves* Corner,) on the corner of second street and C om merce Itow, and would respectfully renew tne tender of their services to their planting friends, and others, with tin assu rance,that those who may patronize us in this line ~f luisi ness. shall have our be*t endeavors to do them justice and pro mote their interest. Our Ware House is conveniently situat ed ; and Cotton stored with us,shall be well taken care of, and protected from the weather. We will also assist with pleasure, our friends in selling their cotton and without eharge ; and wc are at all times pr.-pa red to make advance, on the same in Cash or Merchandize. We respectfully solicit a portion of the patronage of the public. Oil AYES, WOOD fit CO. Edwin Graves, ‘f Thomas YVood, > J. M. Kirbee, J Macon, July 29, 1846. 34 WARE-HOUSE AND Kf S|\l>S. f . jF I ly inform hi- friends and the public generally,that he has taken that large aml ’ 3f commodious Wure-houo furmely kept by fieri. Klias Beall &. Cos., but inure rtcdily by Ousley Jewett, ami offer* his service* as a Ware House and Commission Merchant. Anv business entrusted to Ins care will meet with prompt attention, and he would most respectfully solicit a share of public p itronage. Liberal advance* made on Cotton in store with him. WILLIAM M. KOBKKTS. Macon, July 29,1846. . ft i; osca #; j§: i / / Wit.l. COVTINUK ‘Mr... AVai - t‘-ilu*>> :m| ( unirtiissiou ICIIMHI'SSi I N 1), | l ;:',’rtr,,. , lf-(-,,ri, l t',iil, MrVy 1 /W • l, d the public generally. He will is ...-'tMKWMfiMfIHI occupy the Ware-house on Cotton Avenue, J ■djoining Jones fit Holt, and nearly oppo sife Ro-s fit Brothers’ Store. In eonnec tion with the above, he lias also rented an other near to tin one above mentioned. From long experu nee m the above business, he hopes to give satisfaction to those who may favor him with tht ir I business. He ,will be assisted in the above business by Mr. M. l>. C. JOHNSON, of Culloden,Geo. Macon, August 11, l*4ft. 9* ‘ WARE-IIOUS2 conni§Ai.v iti:si\rss. n IAH K -iitarrih* r Itaving rum it tin Ware 7 I Huuai recnitl) ahm ujm- dby Wnii fc X V Moulton, situated on thr eoriM-r t.f'l lord ami ( vhiillmi ill wotiltl respect fully ‘ ,i tirn his friends ami the public, that tin* Warc-hoDst remote fnmi other tmild ing*, i, more secure ami safe from fire than any other Ware- Hotiiii'ia Mmcoii. Hs personal attention will Ire given, and all orders promptly att nded to, eilh< r inst iling or ‘hipping Cotton s nt to hi* t-are. In additiuh, he has eon nee ted, a large anti com motl ions WAGON YAKI), where can Ik.* accuimuotlNtetl one him-red Wagons at a time. ISAAC Mt-CUAHY. Aug li, 1846 I I’t It HVapti Cop) .J 2 r 'tl /. T. COIVUEK | | \S rented the W V in T’ i I the rear of A.J. Whit *s tur* f i, L Cotton Avenue. Confhleiit that ah rnti "sl n\a'e arqnaiivtant'e with the botiins* of ‘ and t lie Ikt t dial l*e i< neetly, >v v I constitute an ap peal to w hich he can add nothing, he submit* *i*s claims to Iti* acquaintance* and/Wem/s, and a it berm public. A l)V AM'FA made no Cotton in store, or shtpim nt* to any of the Atlantic eihvi.on cdslotuary rates* Macon, Aug 111, IVWA. 27 ITT h* subscriber having nssorinted himself in tlie above business, respectfully invites hi* friends to pivc THOM \S I WVt Hi GRAVfiS, WOOD dL CO. HAVK just received from the New Vtvrk nnrtbm sales, IfO eases Kerseys, I.Hiaeya mid IMaitis, which will he sold at very low prices. a 10 Idols. St. Cmix Sugu-*, HI “ I'urto Ribo him! f luWovado Sugars, tv! bales Gnunv Hagging, ‘JIMI nieces Kentucky do. Rope, Twine, See. See., Macon, Niw. Hi Iti. -I‘J OXX.S. PAINTS, kC. ,)( W| HALLS. Mperm Oil v /wwU |(M)’ “ Lard “ KM) M Train ** &iO •• Linsaetl “ 100 * Kegs White Lead, Chrome Yellow, ('lirWM Green, Venetian lUd, Ace. For sale bv GRAVES, WOOD CO. Nov. 05, 1A46. 41 HATS AND SHOES. lly l.niv***, VVoH A C'. CASES Annul., It'ui.i*, Mulckin, anil Nulri 1 llm,, S ckm, Mrn'< nnd Itiir.’ tI.C. W 00l 13 •• Sli-ii'. .nU Boy'* Cloth, Gl.*i‘.l and ('.pa, |0 “ “ lUat Mark, |0 U “ Itkiaarl 11r01.11., JO •• “ DiroJ it ml 11-i'iu.l, Woman’, liifli Hnura, Woman'. I*** qiirtrlar Shoa., Woman'. Kill Slippar- nn.t Bu.kina, L'ltitfiran'a oml YouOi’a Sl-f>ai, \*■ .. ‘. Coiopri.niT o anrrul uaatlmam of Ira.ii (r'*.**!- *n llii” lina, whi.-li will ba aulil at * ainull iiilviiu* a, by ibt toon or al ralatl. WK g 5 **_ TOR SALE, I * * nIII.S Corn Whl.kejr, pnra— maila bv ilia aub -10 neribnr. ■’ >’ '*H Want*** M 0 bmlwli Meal, 1 ilia biKbaol moil tl priec will be pniU. Nov 18,128* 40,f MACON, TBIIKSUAY, Di?€EHBI?K 21, IS4. ffiWR subscriber has just received and is daily receiving a I largeuud well selected stock of Vrorerica, finrdirare, Crockery, Iron, lints. Hoots and Shoes. togrthrr with t-.-nrr.l uMnrtim lit of nml htupk- Which hr ||>. irli clrd tho |mi.i .innmc r in Sew York ami llo toi market., .ml ruitnot fail to tin- wmu ot In. ciitun t-rsMiul tfie public generally. ’ ho intt r. .t, v 'iiln-r ilir. ctlv or imlir-rtlv, i„ , n v of ration.,of tlm.tUy, tin frit-nd. w ill •li.c.r.nltiiit In- tan .Word to will M good.. Lit vtr, anitiil atlvnncr front <-o- ; m, hr will tl. vrr havr to makr upon hi- k ooiN lor t 0,., , I on l-otton onrrution.. Hi. frirmt. from the roootr, ran a 1.0 | hr i.oirrd, that any Cotton orotltn Crmlocr >, ot to hi. holl.r tilr aalr, will diapoatd of at 111. hii<hr,t mark it : pner,., no iinliridiial in ant way ronin i t-d, ~ ill br allow, and t. br coin-rrir.-it in ail) wa, in lit,- |ii(rcinivr of Cotlnl). Any Colton i-nt to lii. lioUHJ for .at, , front hi. cu.tonirr. . illalwaya Itr .old, wlirn dirrrtrd,at tlir vrr, hit-heat market frier, a iilmu t any vliarj-r orcomini..i,m for wltiutr. „ „ AMOS 111., NTON. Maron, Brpt 16,18J6 a j FUESH TRUITS, diC. (iVT IIOXF.S HAIAINH.iu druies, new crop, 20 drums Sultana Ruttins, m-u crop, ft bo%4*s < it run, fri di and tin , 5 hbls. A Imunds, ( Maing-w ) fri sli, 4 do. soft flii II Alinui-ds, trvsli, ft do. Nuts, fr< h, 5 do. Filbert*, frt sh, 39 drums Figsj ft Wjxes Lemons, b do. Dates, • S,b/. llolllr. Orantfr How, r, a eho ee articlr,.ii,U prr brig Macon Iron, lira fork. Per iu 43 J. Silt 1.1/. silk anil Fancy Goods. ISA I’KCitaS black and coloivd dress Si Ik *, f/ l !•. changeable du. do. 3 iu. Satin ntriprst d>. do. 5 4>. French Meruioes, S . stiper Alpacca l.tistrt s, 2S n. blwek and colored Alpnccas, 25 u. Cashmere aatl <’aslimer-d'Kcosse, 20 Uk sit mere Holies, gradiiand and p)ramtd, 25 finirUatu do. do. 5) pieces Scotch anJ F.arlston Gingham, 25 to. K.mhroidcred Twilitd do. 200 U ( o. Pnnis,comprising a great variety, 30 ile/.. Neek *t‘ies, assorted |ualiiies, 20 ih. Henistilched L. Ildkf*. 10 ID. Men’s L. C. Ildkfs. .1 ac'*net Hiislin, Swiss do., Victoria La wits, Cambrics Cashmert, Hrt ha, and Silk Sliawls, • ’heap Slcrwls, great variety. Ladies* Kid Gloves, do. li.ilf-hantl Silk, Gimps, Fringes, Huttons, Cofds, tapes. I.aci a. Kdeinirs Velvet Mtbbint, 6 h * 2 eases Cotton Flag lldkfr. I do. Pongee Silk do. 10 pieces Kllglish Silk du. 2J do. Irih Linens, • do. do. do. very fim, 20 do. Linen Lawn, Table Liten, Table Cloths, Linen Sheetings, Diapers, Jte now in store, all of which are offered at w huiesalc ur retail on e,; • riu>, by n ,it,tut .19 sum, wood ti co. Plt I N T S O N I. Y. N K \V p A I. L S T Y I. ES, At the extensive establishment of I. i: I? Y IS It I? U T Si T F IS , 44 CEDAR STREET, NKW-YOHK, I'HINTKO CALIUIV.A nearly all the KKW S I YI.FS of eountry,or imported for tin* fall trade,fciM!t>wudiic and in iln tor CASH OH APPHOVKD CK Kill I at Prices (ireatly Reduced, Within the lasi few days. CT Purchasers are guaranteed the prices and allowanct s made for a given period. OJ* Catalogues (renew ed and eerreeted daily) regulating the prices—are placed in the hands of Buyers and sent with g*od* ordercxJ. AUGUST, 1846. y 4 SEEDS, FLOWERS, SHRUBS & TREES. f'Fhe anderrigned. Agent for ‘■'■Ftinrr't Linn.-oart Botanic llantrn Xt Surseries % '* at Flushing, near New York—will re ceive and forward orders tor an; kind ur quantity of Shade. Fruit orOniHmen tal 1 IIKKS, SHRUBS, Pt ANTS and ( FI.OWKRS. Al*, Hunter Seeds, Field Seed , Kitehrn-darden and Herb Seeds of every species and vari/ty. Caialogus of which, with their common and clas sical names, may be seen at his store on Mulberry street. DAILY EXPECTED. Ah extensive assortment us Garden and Flower SF.KDS, which will be sold, wholt ale or retail, at fair prict s. Also, 100 upleitdid HOSKS, consisting of ov* r ,<0 vaiieties, with names appended, put up singly, fur the convenience of purchasers. 100 magnificent DA>l LI AS, fifty vari< tics ! done up in the same inanrn r, with names. Rcc. can be safely transport'd to any pun of the country .and will br void low. idacoii, Dec k, lsi6. <3 M. BART LETT. Mii/ariitit * it nibs JVST rrreivetl and for sale, a lew dozen froli rulSg. Aim# Bulb Glasses, bv DIBBLE JL BR t . Dee. 3 _____ 3w,CJ _ I /W W 4 LHS. new superfine FLOUR from tht mills I F* Fx f f K. A. Pearce, lur sale by 7 Dec 10 41 W. FKF.KMAW For Gentlemen's Wear. SILK Under Shirts aid Trawer*/ Lamb’s Wool do. uo, Marimi do. do. Lamb’s Wool and Cotton bucks, Linen and Cotton Shirts, Collars, Cravats, ScarD, Stocks, Tm*, Gloves, Smprn ders, fitc. fire. b. W. BANCHOFI. Macon, Ot t TANARUS, ■* Yeiv tiiooth! Yew <outh ! f BYIIK subscriber lies b*t receiv* d.mid is now open p ing. bis extensive Full and Winter so( kol Fancy , and Staple DKY GOODS. Atiiont! which may be ! found Kieb Fig. Silks, Black and Blue Black Satin, J Striped do., Plain lllack nod W ale red tros soon Stripe do., Shaded nnd Figured Cashmeres and De | I .tunes, in lurge qumitilieH. and vmi iety of patterns ; < )re- j gon I'lnids, it new stvle for Indies dresses; Giiighniua i anti Calicoes; Rich Silk and Cashmere SfVxwl*; Black, 1 mi't Ffg-ited Alpneraa, from Joe. to sl,J.'> ’I ‘Purlion, Swiss and Jaconet Muslins; Striped and Fluid do. ; Irish Linen; Linen Sh eiiug ; ICuasia, Scotch and Diaper; llortlered, llcm’d and Revere Stitch | lltlkU, Jacouct, Swiss, Thread and Lisle Ltlyitigs; j Net k Ties; (iloves; Mills; llosierv; Cnmbiie mid Furniture Dii.iiv ; White, Rel, nml Yellow Finn tie I; Kentucky Jeans; Linsey * ; Tickinga; lirowo mql lllenebed Shirting and Sliectitig ; Negro und Bmi BTaukets^ iarpeting amt Stags; Rutland, Leghorn ami Florence Bounds; llonnet and Cup Ribbon, French Flowers; Mm sail lee, Corded, Ala odla, mid Grass Cloth Skins; Corded nut) Worated Patterns, Ar., Arc. All of whit h are now offered to pur cbn-ters of Dry Gihmls ns low ns can be ptirebued in the Slate. The public gem rally are haired to call aud sec for tlieniseivae,aa tin; Goial.-t must be sold. 1.. WoODRLIT. O. If, 1 : I lliirsaint! ! IN STAPLE DRY GOODS, AT DAMKOI'T'S. NF.X I l>OOk TO A. J. WMIIK k COY. ITIN'K KogMsb Calieoe* al li l-J vents. ‘ *•+ Shirting, 4 rt*. While and H( and Klanut U in .t-4 eta, Kentucky Jean# torts, j Satinets sod Plaids 17 !•! ets. Shawl* 14 1-7 ns to §IOO. IV raws heavy Negro geracM It I*2 to It 1-4 ets. .< lories Blankets no loOtitf. 10 balea Sheetings, i 10 hab Okiiabuig*. <io bnl* * follow \ arn 71 rts. per bunch. Marat, Oet 7, l4d. 84 . I OUOCKRIK3. mill .üb.rrilMir. r.Miln alu k.-.(* *. iirral aai*H I hk>iil *1 GIIOCERIES AMI STAPLE DKY GOOD.*,', at iVir old .land, .-orn-i of 8-rmid ami Mill ’ bariv airofla.opia**!* ‘!•*> wliiltno H.ll; ill.)* hv jll.t fcai*od with otlivr ‘irlidoa tl*. liillowing i *JI hhda. Ml. Cniia and P- K. f(tisra, I-..y 1,1 K *i i.r.-.-n Kio C.itl'.-.’, di>. old Uov. Java <lo. 20*10 vanla N*r Kara*!/., 100(1 i)offa lllankota II an.ll* O'ladaf* 11X10 yard. L'ulton (hinaburga, 13 lon* Swnedna Iron, TOO aa.-kal.ivar|m.*l f'alt, 1300 iaif 110-at ro|n*. . . . . W |||, *| n.m.ronmit (0 bnn, all whirh ta of fan’ll al Ilia b.wa.t Caah frV a.. Tliay raafa.H,,||y in vita all wiahli.K |*un li.aa, lo aaaimna ll*. ir ai...-k bali.vinK il.ay c.noot fail lo I,a auilad in (t rw ’ w nn d ooal Miraving y OAMPUELL A. Cos. ‘No, 4, 1846. • Itnoadlaa for I mU V c r tl kid AKMi’. i OIIMKIOV'I Faoroul Arm Hla* I 1 l|.ill’> Kav. A,ua ’ ‘n*i,.mr. I lima M.vlara, w.i riiil. and • vial t *J |>vapa | ol .v a 1a,.. ao w l '"’ , rL uq, ’ 0f( j ~ f noon Avemia, Maann, Milliner ft at id Stress . ‘ Mr*. Powell A. Mrs. Biirdine, ITTHd. caijry on the abnvo business, and exeeiiD* all ” V orders in the beat maiinm, and moat fosnioitaldt* style when required. IM.EACHINtf AND BETA I RING BO.WK TS, will also lie dmm at short notice. Their it*idance is on the corner of College stieef, near the Female College. Macon, Oct, 28,1846, |i ; CONFECTIONARY AND GROCERY. I! j. ir. n i uoi'R •> receiving his new supply of Gihuls in his line, n i . ,non ff which lie particulurlv calls the alteiiliun ol ! nts nistotners to 1 r*i ‘ ** HOicle of old Brandv, .Madeira, i*firt and i < Inrei YY jnes ; I ickles. Spices, Preserve n ('akes, f’nmlit's ; Alsou line assortment of Segars of variotia hrnnds— warranted inipor led llnvann Sugars : lie will kfep a eoiistaiit supply of Oranges, Apples, ‘Jntnris, potatoes,(’hecse, Butter, Ruisins, Figs, Pi uue, | Alui/intls, und ollihr lints ; All oilier articles usually kept in that line. PIUKLED OYSTERS‘by the keg. Al neon, Oct 15, 18IG * yBS PUBLIC INVITATION. n JOSEPH JfiSUMSSMCAe * ttken the store fofrtierlv oreupied bv fl I hltcpttrtl. ti6xt tloor h, Whtltiie ‘V Mix’.’ Hlioc .■MotP, rc*i,fi tfully mviip, tho nnl.lic to rttnnine lii f -tot k ot STAI’I.K AND I’aNicY ||D (iOI)l>S |„ . “"’ hi lit,, rit lie.i n,i,l inrisl ( it..rliii<'iitH „t Dry li,er “ffero.l in ,1,1- citv, t„„l >vl", |, nlialt l, h.,1,1 for oo,orrr,|p l ||r ( i low lirtros. A lr,v of llic mnov tirtii le. It. linn inn ~ 1 Fire— ’ Ki. Ii Dress Silks, Black Mantilla nml Apron do. Km h Cashmere*. Ombre sniped do., Oregon Plaids, Gain Plaid for Children, Plaid Alpncetts, Block .Silk Warp Alpaecas, very fine. Super Bombazines, Boutitilul Cashmere Shawls, Soololi I’lniil, Wool Noil, sji'lr luiitlXilk Sliowlr, .1 lennet. Mull and Swiss Muslins, Splendid Kiuhroi lered Muslin Rohes, French worked Capes, Collars mid Shetnifeltes, J bread, Lisle, .Swiss, and Cambric Edgiugs uud In seriings, t ‘liiiiililla Veils, Green Beroge, Kid Gloves,'Twisted .Ylitls, *GIk no.I (’otton Hosiery, Gimps, Fringes, Silk Buttons, Z. plivr Worsteds, Also, a hefiitiiful lot of Straw, Tumhu, l.eghuin, Ade laide. Y ietoria and Uliina Pearl Braid Bonnets, Ribbons, Flowers, Ne< k Ties, At. ‘Together with a gooil stock of Broadcloths. Cassi nn rs. Satinets, Kentucky Jeans, Kerseys, Plaid Linsei s, Red and While Flannels, Printed Salisbury do.,Calicoes, hleaidieil and brown Sheetings and Slurtifigs, #iui every article usuwlty kept in the Dry Goods line. As be is determined to give okkat b iroain?, it will be lor the interest ol buyers to examine bis stock before purr basing. Oct 14,1816 TO HOUSE KEEFGRS. Ufll I. tin* I.tulip, mil at UIBIiI.E k BRAY’S, tnul takp a l,Htk tit lliPtr little “ fixitta” in tlie wnv of huii.e-keeptn,. Tlie.e uiltcle. are too (etliou. io iiiiinlw r to enumerttM. H* “ 3tn42 -I\. YVVf,*SJ’ojatoep, .Mercer’s an,l I’ink evea, jti.t ‘N"V W. FREEMAN. CO-PARTNERSHIP. ffltlK sntwwriber having tukew hi* hroth*i. Reuben If. | ll'hite, into parim rsliip, the hutitoi will hircaftrr br euiitiniK'd umlrr (hr firm us A. J. WHITE fit t’O. Macon, July 1, 1846. A. J. WHITE. ‘flic subscribrn have in tore, ami will be receiving during the summer and tall, A Kcnuml assoilnifiK of Goods, Adapted to the season, consisting in part of St. Croix and I.uaf Sugar, Staple Dry Good*, H iu, Lagiura and Java Coffee, Saddlery, Shoes, Iron of all kinds, l.iquum of all kind*, Hollow-ware and Nail*, Tea*—*orne very fine, German,Ca*t fit Blistered Steel, Segart, Tobaeeu, Salt, Midatne*, I'aiuta, Oil*, (i la**, site. Slanging, Ticine and Slope. With llieir stock of Bagging, they olf. r aome Keidueky 52 inches wide, well adapted to square bale*,and which wa* highly approved of the pat ea*on by plainer*. ~ (’ompriaiaig most article* in the Grocery Line, high they off rat the loweat market uriee*, and reapectfully nolivila cll from their friend* and tm-pnblift. . A. J. WHITE h. CO CT After the first of Ofttoßer, they will remove to the bciek corner store tao door* above their present location, formerly occupied by Chapman, Ross fit Ca. Mat-on, July I, 1846. y 23 IVIILI.-STOiNES. rilin’. *nbcriber bring Agent for an extensive Mill-Stone I F.stablodiment in N* w-York, wll furnish to setter * French buubs, k.sopas, ami (udh.nk mili- S TON KH, of ait) size, and warrauteil of tin vrj b* t quality. HOB KB 1 FINDLAY* M i* iy, N'.ivMl, 1441. 40 . NOITCEi Bargains! ISar^ains! A place for GREAT Batgaiiik! rpilE undersigned having taken ilie store on llieror- I tier of Coilun Avuuue ami Clierry street, formeii v railed Boas'* Htore, but recently huviug been cbtmged to that of lb* mo GRAKJDE HOUSE. beg* le.ive to inform lb# cif&f;// of Mnron, nrwl plaufi'rs. lliat he will coiibliiiiilv keep on lirml un liXCKI.I.K.NT STOCK of Iliy liioods Ororerlcfi A rioviMou^. of all k'lnls, which lie will m#II nt the LOWEST l'(W ----SI lil.K K \TEH, being peifertly <‘<l with QUICK j SALK Sl SMALL riIUI‘ITS. The public *#n#rallv 1 nre .rei|iieHiru, if ihfv want CJREAT IIAR* i CjA f.NS, to drop into the RIO LILANDR HOUSE, liiMnln of unv kin.l given in exchange for all kinds* of prod m e ut cash price*. ii. n. pitlsifek, PROPRIETOR of the RIO UUA.NDE HOUSE. AT I lle. RIO OItA.NDK HOUSE #an he found el all tiinen TEA, I’OFFER, HUIiAK, H \ HUP r j MOLASSES, RICK. 15 ICON, LARD, RUTTER, I CORN MEAL, 18RITS, FI.OI R, MAUKkKKL, * SHAD of ihe h#*l qualify in qitniililii** to *nif purchas er*, AT llm LOWEST RATES, uud aut toanvpnrtol : she city FREE of CM A ROE. mnfson, Sept 10, 1154 G. 31 BX BUCKuIW A. WEXX.LS’ Origuutl AmrrirtoH aud only yrnuine licxible At Pliulile tilnlviiulu RiinU% RntcelrD mid t 6 vermes. | To Mrnr*. Riicklin h. Mills: I Having been called upon by your Agent, Mr. V!orgnrr,fbr . •tmement of (k-is in relation to theeffiwta of your atvani* Minds ina tae , vl < Mliriiiitauiiii, 1 will ilt n for*-r lair ibr ’ f dlowing : In April taai I had a i*vm attack of Rheumatism, Cramp >nid limt-ral D* bihiaiimi. M> I* l‘l arm and sUunldrr Intern* nnmb and uselcsa from the Mhtnuuitie aiisirk. 1 applied on* ! of your hands on my arm. and other parts of the arm, which { rein ved me in one we bof all paiu, uud lias realond the aim t < us former uael'uliss, P. A. H H'KI.KY, 115 Marki (•(. Albany. July *.*th, 141. , I Hereby certify, that I used one of I>r. Ilsshlls k Mills’ Pliable (•alvann Mauds for pain in ilie pu ofilie Hiuniavli and | f e Head, and m IS or lO minuiea I In came easy and went to •tiru : wHell I awoke I wa finally .refected. bAR All A. SKAVIY, u Hattlc'Strelt, Moston, Albany, Sept, loili, 141. Messrs. Murklin Ik Mills: I Have used your l.altHyiv 111 mis for Headache and Mint'- mansm, and found iniuH'ur relief fVom tHe ap|dicetii>n in I .... .. M.I Iwli*,. II lu • Ik. Ml “’ **' •” •* i mid I cordially leeommend it to-iHa iffie|*tLM the abov* IIOHKKT H fUHW.KSS, ( ..rti. r ol l.jrtli.a il Or.i>-.1. Alwi.jr. iV.I. kiln fc Will.: . , t .. .. . | I have hren many yearn with a disease af the heart, mm, imnuUit • "■•<’i.M.f • 1 mire system: I and been under Ilie rap* pf many skilful Physicians, and my ease pronounced Hopeless. I saw your a ire ill in Weal Troy a few Weeks a go, am! purchased of Him •Ilie of your I arc* r H rods, the application Rave me immediate , telief I have eontiWn* and its use t I am com para ri rely re .lore and ! —1 am free from pain, erst .red in spirits, and feel a strencth of body and freedom from infirmity never eap.-uied hy me,and it is with great pleasure | recommend your (salvanic Hands I to thus* like meafflictid. (Itiirned) SAMUEL COSfftKH. I West Troy, N. Y. bept. If, I*4l. I 11. \ W. H. KM IS. yew (iootl. at Ylt It DOCK’S. f ■ All K, subscriber baa Jnat rfeetvrd at hh .tore on second 1 sireet, betwern the Most Office ana Whiting “ ’ Shin More, anew assortment of Caahmetrs; new steles and vrry rich Muslin de LaHtea | Malcolm Plaids Ibr children} Mich Ditts Silks ; liunnet Ribbons , (limpsJ i tons Vords and Tassels ; Hlark and White Kid (*loves, Msi* reeo for Skirts } 7.*-|hyr Wool and Cashmera SHsaU. Also, anew assort meni of Kancy Cassuui rts. Allot which will be J i XVKDOCK. vi um: xxlv.-W0.43. WKIV CiltoeUßT ANI> PROVISION STORE, JUullteri-y Stifcr, W. i’RBEMAMT I S ,. l L nw .IT' - *'*’"* “ ■"T 1 ’ ■’’•'Xlmont of FAMIf.V 1 GKOLF.KIF.S AND PROVISIONS, which be will Mil w ill* tor OASII, „ |,„ f„ minted hv anv orti crcauhh.hnienl ill the city. ||r will lie cunalantl* re ern |"K |r " ln New Tiirk.i|pplien of the heal and irewli sl llu| cnn ho bud in the. marker, , M “Applies conaial in pri of ihe following articles : Molasses, Hvrup, Tea. Fish, Sperm (hi, *<>lN Tobacco, Hnires, Nut", Maiaina, Crackers, of Ml Kinds, Pickles I.y (lie Juror Gallon, Bolter, Cheese, Apples, Are. 1 Al-o. a fiiionaaortmenf nfStunrlV rrlehrntcd Slenm •*fined lHriiiM, anil Smart's Vanilla (’ream Cniidy. 1 i rwjn* wishing any of (lie above articles, ure re speclfiilly invited to cull umi aee him* Mufiin, Ori, 28, 1840. 87 WATCHES, JEWELRY, 4cc. Ac. a, S. 11. DAV would inform bin friends 1 and the public that he has bought the I Stork formerly belonging to C. G. Si. Xaflo—J ‘jp Jobn, ijiteai-d,roiuiiitiiix ut’ golo and ml yJLm ver Writhes, Gobi Kob ahd Guard Chains, Silver anil Steel Spectacles, ('.old ~ 1 “ Bracelet*,Clasps, Gold Snaps, Gold ami Silver 1 tumbles, ladies* Hronrhes, Gent's Pins, Kiiivc, Siison, Rasors, Kn*or Strops, Tooth and Hair Brushes, pis tois ami many more thing*, too numerous to mention He i will Hnve new stock constantly coming, ami will order goods j at the requestor those who may wish any thing in his line. R2i>AniiNa, W itche* and Cloeks Cleaned and Repaired at the shortest ! •wBPe, and done in the best posaihle manner, and warranod I keen, and done at the cheap**! price. R mg*, i 1 in*, lir.ieelef* repaired in tht-bikt ims*ible manner. Knera\- ug aWn neatly executed. Person* would do well to call*nd nee hut fie will do, and there M no doubt blit,they will be pleased. Macon, Jan. SB, 1846. WATCHES, JEWELRY, AC. .1. A. A S, hi. VIRGIN, At their ultl xt/iNit on 1 ‘it/ton Attune, opposite W ashington Hull, WUUUIiWn. their hi# ml* nnd TjjT* jAV on hand aunml assortment of Gold ami 3§\w Silver Watched tis the various maker*, an ‘l f rfitVereiil kinds; also n good us siirtiiirfu of (sold Chains, Seals anti Ivevs, and a variety of other articles, consisting in part o! the following : Simon* of [Hire Silver , Gold nnd Sil ver Penriln; Gold Pen*; (sold Foil nnd Wire for Den tiMs; fashionable Jewelry, Breast Pina, Finger King-, Far King* o( latest ohlterm*; superior Fen and rocket Knives ; Hnsor* and Shop*; Scissors; Bend lings and Burses with steel ornnmeiiit-<* Head Ornaments do. * Sled Fens of (iilloti’s make ; Pistols nnd (inns Ther mometers; Tooth, Nail nnd Shaving Brushes; Twe- Rer* ; mii assortment of Toys for (Children, with a varie ty ot other articles, which will he sold very cheap for cash. 1 S. S. \ would take this opportunity to snv, that he htn a good assortment nf watch material* carefully ae lecied by himself: these, with the superior set of tools he has to work with, as well us other advantages, lm thinks he is pfepnrr.d to execute work as well as work gets to In* done, it will he his aim to give entire satisfac tion to nil. Dec 17,1345. Clofli*, i'tibsiiiicrs VcMiiigs, Ac. SUPER West or England Black, Blue-black, Blue, ible Green, Itrowu, and fancy i‘loth*, an excellent a-*ort “•-iii, 4 Vl Fl "’” h -’VL* “” TANARUS"”. C " i i"*r. S. pi 10, 1840. - Vestings. STRONG 6c WOOD, SIGN OF THE BIG BOOT, Trick Toildiug oppotite (i. M. I.otrun Sr ('o',., t jj “1 A Hr. flow receiving iitnf opening a E I T\. large bihJ splendid assortment of , . VJ gJGQ BOOTS, SHOES, HATS Sc LAI'S, wliit’ll limy ofr.’i for sale t - priees, or ns Imv ns ihev cun he jiur iTmseil in this nr nny other Southern nmrkei—etmi|iris *n* in l*nrt ihe Itillowinf : tieni’s line French littln On 11 sevve.l Bools ; ilo. ilo. ihinhle sole tin. tlo. • tlo. {III. stout ilo. do.; tlo. do. pegged do; do. double soled do. do.; do. li<>lii tlo. do.: do. ('nil'and Kip Napoleon tapped do.; do. fine fine Gulf hall Bonis anil Brogans; dp. do. Clolh; l.asting and Goat Itrognns nf various slyles; Men's Kip and thick Boots; Boy’s Gulf, Kip Mini thick Hoofs; Youth's tin. do. do. Fur l.ntlit’K —Fine hint k <lniti;r Boots, flock and thin sole j line colored ilo. do., variety ofcolors; fine Moroc co, Kid, I’elktt and t.nce Boottees; line tlo. do. nod Goat Walking Siloes, line do. do. Slippers, Ties and Bua kins, him k and colored. For Minuet —Goiter, Polka, Kid nndGont welt Boor tees nnd Buskins; Kid Slippers, Ties and Cloth fixed Buskins. anil,colored. For Chihlreiir—A Inrge assorttnenl of Polka, Gaiter, Soul, Kid, Chilli and Morocco Boothes. Men's, Women’s, Bins’, Misses’, Youths’ anti Chil dren’s leu liter pegged 800 l lees and Shoes, of all deeciiti tions and qilaliliea. Anew end heauiifitl article of Metallic Kuhlier Over: shoes, for Gentlemen, Ladies nnd Misses. To Thu,(cm— B,7so pairs of Plantation or coarse Bro. guns; „ prime article of Men’s double sole iron nnil I lacked Kdeaett add Black.; do. fin. single sole do. do. tin ; Bovs’ atid Youths’ pr flic san e .pialilirs. A/vo— lo Jo/.fii prime Calf Skins, IU doren Linings of dillerent colors; IQIIO |ha. IlMolock Sole l.eulher’ 7IHI ll.s Oak Sole L-asher Bindirt’t, Lasts, Pegs, Thread, An Is, nnd all ollierar tit les used in nmiyiliictnring Bools nnd Shoes. a HAT* AX It. CAPS. Anew nnd beautiful Slock, of nil de scriptions; Men’s and Bovs’ Pnln Alio IIA I’S nnd CAPS. Gentlemen’s fashion aide llcnvcrand Moleskin id ditleienl niml iiics; Men’s While anil Black Wool Mats; Men’s, Bins’ and Vuulbs,'GAPS.uf all dcscripiions and qualities. Macon, Oct 14, 1844 115 I>. . llllAMHlK'ril’S Vi‘B<‘tubl Uliivrriaul I’iils. TIUS.IML-tiit inr U arkuu* l dgrl to b uu<- uftkv moat val- Mxbl**v r didt-fVi r 4 :• % purifu r ot th- bloMt atiU Hu ll ■ Nupi riorto aiaiAapaviila, wlwiht r a* m •uiluntu ur • t**rativr v autl *tiiiilt iiihuitcl) bt liirr nil tbv |>rjuiration* Mintv l *Mibihhi uiii*of Mercury. It* purged*e properiit*art ahtiir ol iiiealvulablr. value, lr llu-H pill* may be taken tlatl* r*t any |t rioJ, aud iiin|< hI if by :|e eaihartie t f lert, t hev utlil *(r-figtk by iak iug awa y thr ran*< of weak Me** Th* have n<Mir..f ih.- mio’caWe rfrr li nf tkit rf* a illy tpe*iHr Mercury. The teeth an uuriiiiu i —flu huiu 4ml iimba are no* partly *eH—no: hut iwetead us these li*tr,e**ing ty mpioma new lik’rtiHl rttiMi queui ammatioii itevuleiii tit ever) Move ment ol the Imml ) , The*** t'Hl*, lbr*ohl, cough*, tight tie** of the eheat.rhru "'•’rh hi the head or limb*, will be found superior lo any iliiiiK nuagmetl of the pow< r* f mrdicmr ; ami ih biliu* af fection*, <fi*pepia. airi in alldi*ea*e* p cottar to women, they *houll be n aorted to at mire. * For sale, m .1. llhi'iu**’ Itmik *ior-. (fu I'of ton A Pin nr I lnjmM 11* Wmakinpri+H //*s//. J4H* ti. lM4f. vIM Great .tututote A GAIN Sl* that va*t family of [lienee* which twie I\ from ih* impurity <>f fu hhmd—INDIAN (*OM* FOI’NII EXTKAt'T OF SAKSAFAKII.LA, pareil with the utiooxt car* from ihe beet mntermlft. No other mediv iiic aria with rqual power and kmdli -o*w 111 e:iae* of Srrolula or Kim'* F%l; I’.lylrlte*, Miles, Teller*, Faina JVf.fha Mom * and Joint*, KMipiiona, Fiinplea, Sluldioi ri I leer*. RlieuinaliiliiL, ( Iconic Sore Kvea, nod till ill****** arixiog fintn Indigestion or D\m |e|Mm. I.iver DiwHp td Afi*elion ol* ,lm Kidnev* yield readily, and ih* ay Mem i* ryt nova led ami liuole lo bloom anew. LaoieH oi tlelie iie nnd debilitated liiihitr, ehildren alllieted w ith h<id hiniioi e, nr* 1 wonder • fnllv relieved. Tliii. iiIMIh l< warranted 10 he made from the he*i and f> ifM malarbtla. For atl* nt M. MAKTI.K’I’T'sS Drug Store. Trire 50, in quMi i holllre. Nov 18, IBM* (un4o PfllfK. sirWriln-r takes ‘hi* opportunity s"i .•turning thanks K for the patronage he hu, pi eii and, *nd beg* i*> inli.mi the public thin he i now ready lo make double and single Trusses of any sue. and will warrant ik m to l>e aav and •f -feetoal lie also makes Abdominal Htpp6fier, which has proven verv flectiml. Ihe above arltefcs can be madr from •Mis.ore: the sgbsertber will give inMriiftlon* lu that effect to those who will do him the favor to call on him. • *1 hr great* •'. objei t m * as* sos Hernia. Use, is ta have >p||>|i tss Mil the case, and fit compactly. Old Trusses repaired and re covered. Also a few gum-elasiia Kmich Tfhssea for sale. I he suhscrlher has imw n working at she above husis*u for a immlicrol years: also in making XurgiraJ aad Denial In striimrnts, which makes him rompeti lit if* the ahnu business. 11 i- wHh pleasure I can r-D*r lo he most eminent pram* turners of burger) and Mclicine of thr city af Navsti. The subscriber also carries on the Ot'TffMlTH Rt’bl b’KAS in all the repairing branches ; also Calls ry ground and set. Cotton Oimblrts crnstanlly on baud. Oppioiii- Post Office, Macon, (<•. i *pl3J *311133 D. C MODfiKIKR.