Georgia messenger. (Ft. Hawkins, Ga.) 1823-1847, April 08, 1847, Image 1

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BY S. ltOSli & CO. TERMS. THe ki Th ret OtftUrt'if paid within the year, and Four Dollar* f nor paid i#U the expiration of th* >ear. r 4 IverdtemtiUi uwC exceeding (wt-Wr Uik, will he iMrrinl hir ou* Dollar the rirt imertten, nod Fifty Cents tnreaeh ewininoaner. \ U<-ruseiacuca not limited when handed ia, will he macrud all forbid. Salts <f Land and Vrgrm-a by Executors, Administrators and Guardians, are required tij law ta be advertised iu a public gazette, • ixt) day* previous t<. the day of aale. 1 he ide of Personal Property must be advertiaed in like manner forty Asy%. i M'lttce to Debtor* and Crcditorsof an estate must be published rrtydaya. ... Notice that application will be inudr to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell Land and Negroes, moat be published weekly for lour months. Monthly Advertisements,One Dollar per square for each insertion. Advertising as Candidates, Three Dollars. C T LETiEKS ou business must be ftcst paid. Hardware, Ac. To Southern merchant*. fgIHF, subscribers, Manufacturers’ A gents, and Commission ft Merchant, offers for aale the following, among other articles, at rcry reduced pricet: Cut Nails ami Spikes, j Horae Shoe Nails, Wrought Nails and Spikes, Patent Vices, Tucks, Brads At Sparables, Coffee Mills, Ames’ Shovels and Spades, Platform At Counter Scales Grain Scoops, Patent Balance*, Hollow-ware, Salter's Balances, Cart & Wagon Boxes, Liquor Faucets, Sugar Ac Cauldron Kettles, Molasses Gates, Sugar and Corn Mills, Hoy Ac Manure Forks, Axes and Hatchets, Carolina Hoes, Hammers ofall kinds, Grain, grass Ac hush sevthes Trace, Log Ac. Halter Ch'na Scythe stones and Rides, Cotton and Horse Cards, Well Whirls, Grindstone Cranks Ac rolers Hand Bella, Cost Iron Pumps, Metal-head Gimhlets, Waffle Irons, Door Handles, with Bolls, Had Irons, Blind Ac Shutter fastenings, Carve and Butcher Knive*, Ac c. dec. Horse Shoes, THOMAS Ac. FRANKLIN, 69, I Vater-Strect, New York. Feb. 3,1847. 2m5l JBJfC OA\ BalCOjy. CANVASSED HAMS, At Atlanta. rfIHE subscriber is receiving with hi* splendid lot of Bacon, 1. a few superior Nashville Canvassed llams. Hotel keep ers and otheir, wishing to test this article can have small lots forwarded to any Railroad Agent designated, who will be re quested to receive ths pay. Also lots of excellent Sides and Shoulders, will he forward ded as stated above. J- NOKCROSH, Dec 3 42 Commission Merchant. HL I A BOTTOM HAVE removed to W. B. Parker’s store, on Colton A ven ue, nearly opposite J. Cow lea’ Fire Proof Ware House, they have in store and offer for aale on accommodating terms : 200 Pieces heavy Kentucky Bagging, 175 *‘ “ ‘ Dundee 85 “ slightly damaged “ “ 50 Coils Kentucky and Munilla Rope, 60 Bags Rio Coffee, 20 Tons Iron, 50 Keg Nails. 1000 lbs Tank and Boiler Iron, fIOO lbs Spri g .Steel, 800 Hurks Salt, 20 Boxes Tobacco, 10 *’ Henderson Candles, 10 Baskets Champaigns Wine, 5 Hoxes Burgundy “ 8 Casks Bacon. Macon, Sept. 2, 1846. 29 Z a 4 a HHDb. Cuba Molasses. f 35 bbb. do. la torr and arriving, for aale by March t J\ C. DAY L TO NOTICE. Bargains! Bargains! A place for €iBEAT Bargains! THE undersigned having taken the ptore on the corner of Cotton Avenue and Cherry street, formeilvcalled Ross’s store, but recentlv having been changed to that of the HIO GRANDE HOUSE. begs leave to inform the citizens of Macon, and planters, that he will constantly keep on hand an EXCELLENTSTOCK of Pry Cdooils, fiiroccrie* A Provihioiih. of all kinds, which he will sell at the LOWEST POSSIBLE RVTES, being perfectly contented with quick SALE and SMALL PROFITS. The public generally are respectfully requested, if they want GREAT BARGAINS, to drop into the RIO GRANDE HOUSE. Goods of any kind given in exchange for all kinds of pro duce at cash prices. If. N. PULSIFER, PROPRIETOR of the IUO GRANDE HOUSE. AT the RIO GRANDE HOUSE can he found at all time* TEA, COFFEE. SUGAR. SYRUP. MOLASSES, RICE, BA CON, I.ARD. BUTTER, CORN MEAL. GRITS. FLOUR, MACK vlt EL, Al SHAD of the .he *.l quality in quantities to suit purchasers, AT the LOW ESI', RA 1 ES, and sent to any . part of the city FREE of CHARGE. Macon, Sept 16, 1846. 31 ni;w (s r Koui.kvaad rKovisfid.v stoicr., Klulbcrry Street. W. TREEMAtJ IS new receiving a large assortment of FAMILY GRO CERIES AND PROVISIONS, (which he will sell as low for CASli7u|can ha furnished bv any othny establishment in tin* city. He will he cquatantly receiving from New York, supplies of the best and freshest that can he had in the mar ket. His supplies consist in part of the following articles : •Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Syrup,Tca Fish, Sperm Oil, Soap, Tobacco, Spices, Nuts. Raisip?. Crackers, of all kinds, Pic-, kies by the Jar or Gallon, Butter,Cheese, Apples. Ac. i ANo, s fine assortment of Stuart a celebrated Steam Rcfi- | usd Candies, anti Stuart’s Vanilla £yearn Candy. Persons wishing any of the above articles, are respect- . fully invited to call and see him. j Macon, Oct. 28, 1816. 37 j If us O. H. MILLER'S CHEWING TOBACCO-100 doS.*c I lyft ceived and fer sale by CHAS. H. FREEMAN. NGrchiT 1547, • I NEW SPRING GOODS. PKIHE subscriber ba* just reetirtd his sprifig slock of itsplr and I thney Dry Goods, to which he would iorltetw attention ol I purchasers befo e bu)mg. AMOS HEN’ I ON. j March IT, *t>47. * I yi a Norton Cotton Seed. \FEW Hacks, for aale by March 17. 5 CII AS, CA M PPF.I.L A CO Lumber for Hale. THE ,uh,rib*r. .re prrpmrd (o w Lnndinr ol srv ,iz or dimtn.ionn, t lltcir Slnam Bow-Mill, one anil * linlf mile, from the city of Vs .eon : likewi.e .ill. or framing limber they will ,ell at (hsir Mill or will deliver in M.con or lieini- j tv, on *,.favorable term. a. it can be procured fiuiu ny oth- j er mill. JOHN D. GRAY At CO. Macon, Sept 9. 1846. 30if NEW SPRING GOODS. TIIK uW riber hasjum op* ni and anew and compl* tr as.ortment of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods for the spring tradr, ahuh b. off.-red at prices that cannot fail of insuring itn-m quick ■sir. Persons in want of Day Goods would do wtll andexmn ine the stock and prices. To my Triad* iu the country, Ia oil Id just ssjr, call and see ine-*-you shall have good Good* si the lowest prices. Among the stock are rich F.mbroidrrtd Heragu* j rich emhrotrirr rd Silk Muslins and (#inghama ; fine print* and Jaconet; floe printed Muslins and Lawns ; Scotch, F.nglith and French Ginghams ; Linen Ginghams. A he anti In I assortment of embroidered goods, consist ing of Robes, Ciil I tics, (lirmi setts. Capes, Fdgingsand Iwsertmgs, Kmbroidrnd Lace KsndUerebieß. Ac. kc JtMWt Muslins ; Swiss Mulms, plaid and striped , Irish l inens ; Table do., 40 inch pillow rase Limn ; Scotch and Russia Diaper ; Hiickahock Towelling t Cotton Diaper ; Damask Table Cloths; Damask Nankins; colored Linen Table Covers; Curded Skirt*. Gras* do.; Cheek Linens | Monterey Stripr C sat inter; Keiiintkv J an*; (*i4tun Cas*imer: nieached and Drown lionuspuna. Bonnet*, Ribbons, Artificial Flowers ; Cmhrrllas, Parj*ola, Bull-Shades, and a thousand and one o’her articles, which every one wants. All of which shall be sold low for rath. JOS. MU It DOCK April l 7_ Jinn rfercieed dyntgwsig A Wooii, ar-w 4 SPLF.NDID assortment of Spring and Summer Bd rg /\ HA ib.oftbe latest styles, ala t Jf .10 d<*. Gentlrpien'i Pajiama Hats, assoitrd, ** *l"’ hw I'odal do. 10 tlo. do. Double Brim Leghorn lints, 1 dos. Gentlemen't Swiss Leghorn Hats, so do. Men's Palm Leaf do. • do. Hn)t’ Pedal do. 00 do. do. Palm Leaf do. ALSO, t Case* Gents* Fine Drab Ri-aver flats, 4 do. do. “ lilack do. do. 4 do do. * Mah skin do. w, th a genrral s**nrttoent of other style of Hats, such as Men's hrnad hrim Hlsck, White and Drab and Kabionahle Fur and Silk nf vantiu* qualities and prices. A l*, *i flne lot o fit nth men's and Roy’a CAI'H, of allst)h s, and qualities, and price*. All of which sr. off red at cere low prie-'t. March it Notice. TIIE firm of If. A J. Cowl** ia dissolved bv mutual eon sunt—the onlMtonding business of the Arm will ho settled by either of the underarm and, uud the Ptttte of the fiirn w ill lie only used in settlement. HENRY C’ONVLEH. Macon, March 20. 7 JERKY COWLLS* .*lac<M A H’pfilfin RaHniud, ? SKTMsrn 16th, 1846. y Freight N Cotton rrtlifffrf. COTTON will b taken over (his road from this date, at the following low rates per 100 lbs. Miconto Crawfotxl’s 6 cts.—Forsyth 10c.— Barnes rills l‘2J c.—Griflln 15 c.—Jonesboro ‘JO c.—AtUatn 25 c. I rum Atlanta to Jonesboro l?) cents—Griffin 15 c.— Borneaville 20 c.—Foravth 20 c.—Crawford's 25 c.—Macon 25 r. All Cotton passing from the Macon and Western Railroad to dm Central Road, will be charged 30 cents per 100 lbs. from 51 aco a to Ha van nuh. EMERSON FOOTE, Superintendent. Sept 16 31 Naan—if wpaM JlTj IVai e House and Commission ttu siness. WINN Ac. SEYMOUR will continue the above businesa at the name stand, and solicit from the planters a share of their patronage. Macon, June 10,1846. 17 FIRE PROOF WARE-HOUSE. t, m 9 | H F undersigned, grateful for past / a * favor*, takes this method of infor / 7 i ming his patrons, and those who may give him their businesa, that he has (for the better secuiiog their intercuts) ob tained the beautiful and well arranged I'ire Proof Ware-House, on Cotton Avenue, formerly occupied by J. Cowles, for the purpose of Storing Cotton anda/l kind* of Country Produce. He will, as heretofose, give his personal attention to the Ware- House, and pledges himself to use every exertion to promote the interest of those who may confide business to hischarge. Macon, June 24, 1846. N. OUNLEV. a E Oita E JE W*E TT WILL CONTINUE THE IVarc-lloiisr and Commission Business, A ND solicits the patronage of hia friend* and T “■* the public generally. He will occupy the ( ♦ jfl Warc-bouae on Cotton Avenue, adjoining Joi.ea sic Holland nearl) opposite Rosa Ik Broth*r*Store. In connection with the above, he ha* also rented another near n. th one above mentioned. Prom long experience in the above business, he hopes to give satis faction to those who may favor him with their business. He will bc assiited in the above busiuess by Mr. M. D C. JOHNSON, of Cut loden. Geo. Macon, August 11, 1840. 24 WARE-IIOUSE and Commission Business, OIUVKH, WOOD & CO. TAKK. this method of informing planters and others, that in ad dition to their wholesale and retail Dry Goods mi.l (Grocery Business. they will continue to transact a general WAHfc-HOI’SK & COM MISSION II USi s&SS, at the old stand, (long known as Graves’ Corner,) on the corner of second street and Commerce How, and would respectfully renew t*e tender of their service* t their plant* ing friends, and others, with the assurance, that those who may patronize us ill this line of business, shall have our bet endeavors to do them institc and promote their mtt rest. Onr XVare House is conveniently situated ; and Cotton stored with us,shall be well ta ken care of,and protected ftom the weather. We will also a*sit With pleasure, our friends in selling theitCotton, and withoutcharge; and we are at all limes prepared to make advances ou the sauir in Cash or Merchandize. We respectfully solicit a portion of the patronage of the public. GRAVES, WOOD Ik CO. Edwin Graves, ‘f Thomas Wood, > J. M. Kibbke, ) Macnn, July 20, 184*. 34 ri EEEMVS .YE H* DAGUERRIAN GALLERY. ROOMS IN APOLLO HALL. lITIIKnR he will bchappv to exhibit specimens of his skill in If hc above Art, to thoai who may favur hi/n with a call Per S *ns wishing Dsgui rr* ot) pe Portraits or Miniatures, can be accom modated to their sail*fut non, or bo pay will be received. Mr. F. ue* one of Voightbinder's celebrated German Cameras, which i* probably superior to any instrument of the kind in this country. Portraits cojiinl in the b itmanm r, and likeness* sos de ceased pertons or invalids taken at short notice. Th- sub-eriber would assurt the public that no pains will be want ngon hi* part to merit a share of their patronage, which is aespect fully solicited. CCr* To Parents.— Pictures of Children taken by anew proers,in fmm one to three seconds. Macon, March 10. ACARD, T HAVE this day witnessed the Administration of MOR -1 TON’S LETHEON, to a friend of mine, and tinder its in fluence a large eye tooth was extracted by Dr. PUTNAM, w ith out the lenst pain. 1 then took the chair and requested to have the gass administered to myself. It was accordingly done, nnd the sensations were, eery pleasant and highly grati fying As far ns lam able to determine from wliat 1 have wit neaped and experienced, I uni induced to believe that the Le theon is perfectly harmless in Its effects on the constitution, and is an efficient ageut, in judiciousThands, in relieving hu man suffering. W. W. Marshall, M. D. (LT We have had “ MORTON’S LETHEON” administer ed in our families hv l)r. I'UTXAM, and in no instance have we discovered any thing objectionable to use it. Peter J. Williams, Charles Cotton, 1.. J. Groce, Richard Benson, W. T. Wilson, B H. Moultrie, R. Cahvrh, Joseph Adams, and. Rose aud 1. G. Seymour, Editors Messenger. I have administered the übove antidote for pain in over 200 esses within a few weeks past, sad from the most flattering testimony of patients and its sure lemedy, I uni now prepared in confidence to lecoiumcnd its use for the public et large. C. S..PUTNAM. Oflire directly opposite (I. M. Logan's Store. Macnn, March 12, 1847. 5 PRIME CIO AUS, for ..I. by * MfK.hIT I WAKRF.N FHE-MAV. R BI NF APPLE CHESE—A few boxes Just received by MT March 17 3 CHAS. H. FREEMAN. and ACJK K 14S' —-buds, Ilutter, and Lemon Crackers, Arsh v > from the bakery. CHAS. H. FREEMAN. March 17 5 \ ftN.—2o llhda. Muscovado Sugar, Iks 2f) Boxc- Loaf do i • 4‘l Bids Crushed and Towdered do Just received, and fur aale bv Feh 24 2 rfCOTT. CARIIAKT Ac CO. PH . JtTST RECEIVED, I large aisur/mtnt of Gentlemen't figfc. . , fine Hoots. ■. , . , AUo • l.ryr Mjortmrnt ofMKUIUM KIN E. STITCH fD AND PRGGF.D HOOTS, lugeth* r with a fine aMoitssem of LADIES', MlSShSsitd CHIt DkKN’h SHOES, to which we invite the atten tion of tho.e wishing to purchase. WHITING tk MIX. Macnn, 10, 1547. 4 GROCERIES. rpflE subscribers continue to keep a general assortment nf I GKOCF.KILS AND STABLE DRY (itNJDS, at their old atntid, corner of Second and Mulberry afreets, oppo"ite the Washington Halt: lliey have just received with other articles tho following: 21 Itlids. St. Croix and P. K. Sugars, 129 b igs Green Rio Coffee, 25 do. old Gov. Java do. 2000 yards Negro Kerseys, 1000 Duffle Blanket* 8 and 9 quarter, 10<0 yard* Cotton Onnohurga, 15 loins Sweodea Iron, 700 sneksLiverpool Salt, 1500 pair Ru-set Brogans, with a general assortment in their line, all which i offered at the lowest Cash prices. They respectfully invite all wishing to purchase, 10 examine their stock—believing they cannot fail to be suited in price and Quality. CIIAS.CAMPBF.LL Al CO. Nov 4. 1846. 38 P'.VS “chiv iT^MAN*” Vlitrch 10 . 4 ■ S(II. ION .>IAI(kKT iIKKK, SmAn) ft'i.f, .ml i> hcn Duller, alwast nrt hand, and warranud g**d % „nh 10 4 M r HAH H yTtKKMAN aw *s Iv FTS-r.v It ft u!a beautiful sty le 4 CHAI M km k 1 MAN, 4 Vr;W (MrrrTi frisk I'uUiurs lor family usv tor smT low to rlnac /l * consignment by b. S. KENDRICK. Msri'h 10, 1547, v \ 1 * / I.H in\ 5 VIIN” OSN AHl'niiS ol sup* rim qualil), 1 i J from the I humastutt Maitufacturing tompany, fur sale by ihr ite, K. 8. KF.NDHKK. Marrh 1. I*4T 4 ON DtlVSlCs ENT" ,# • ,, P’ rs ' w Arlk CIDF.R, for salV by CHAS, CAMPBELL 81 CO. Marrh IT, >47. ('limit 4 NTS *d CITRON, S fresh lot J4*t received by J March 17 8 CHAH H FH►K MA N. fa | a tilt |.qt|i S 11. K.— A second Hand Piano of sweet ton and in good order, fhr sale. Apply at tbe M‘-*senger Offler. Marsh It 1147 4 m * oh **zsa?ir7£tssgir March to _ _ Ti\S |)tKSri'OYS. KitUITS, •• “* “ i* “ ‘ CIIAI. ,H. rntEM. AN. MACON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY; APRIL 8, 1847. STRONG 6l WOOD, SIGN OF THE BIG BOOT, Brick Building opposite O. J/. Logan Sc Co’s., fft 4 RE now receiving and opening a large /V and splendid assortment of BOOT and, SHOES, HATS Ac CAPS, which they ofl’er for sale at reduced prices, or 3 low aa they cun be purchased in this or any other South ern market—comprising in pnrt the following kinds, viz : Gent’s fine Frencii light Calf sewed Boots; do. do. double sole do. do.; do. do. stout do. do.; do. do. pegged do; do. double Holed do. do.• do. light do. do.: do. Calf and Kip Napoleon tapped do. ; do. fine fine Calf half Boots and Brogans; do. do. [Cloth; Lasting and Goat Brogans of various styles; Men’s Kip and thick Boots; Boy’s Calf, Kip andthick Bouts; Youth’s do. do. do. For Ijidien —Fine black Gaiter Boots, thick and thin sole; fine colored do. do., variety of colors; fine Morocco, Kid, Pel ka and Lace Boottees; fine do. do. and Goat Walking Shoes, fine do. do. Slippers, Ties and Ruskins, black and colored. For Misses —Gaiter, Polkn, Kid and Goat welt Bootteea and Buskins ; Kid Slippers, Tice and Cloth fixed Buakius, black and colored. For Children —A large assortment of Polka, Gaiter, Seal, . Kid, Cloth and Morocco Bootteea. Men’s, Women’s, Boys’, Misses’, Youths’ and Children’s leather pegged Bootteea and Shoes, of all description** aud 1 qualities. Anew and beautiful article of Metallic Rubber Over-ahoea, ’ for Grntlemen, Ladies and Misses. To Planters —B,7so pairs of Plantation or coarse Brogans; a prime article of Men’s double sole Iron and Wood tacked Russett and Black; do. do. aiugle sole do. do- do ; Boys’ and Youths’ of the same qualities. Also —ls dozen prime Calf Skins; 10 dozen Linings of dis- j ferent colors; 1000 lbs. Hemlock Sole Leather; 700 lba Oak 1 Sole Leather. Binding!, Lasts, Pegs,Thread, Awls, and all other articles uaed in manufacturing Boots and Shoee. aT'iWh HITS AND CAPS. Anew and beautiful Stock, of all description ; I-.. mJca Men’shml Bovs’ Phlo Alto HATS and CAPS. | 1 JPpN. Gentlemen’s fashionable Beaver and Moleskin of diffeient qualities ; Men’s White and Black Wool Men's, Boys’ uud Youths’ CAPS, of all descriptions and qualities. Macon, Oct 14. 1844 •&_ Nails, Iron uud Hollow Ware. Zt\(\ kegs Cut Nails, CJTr” 15 tons Iron, assorted 1 to 10 inches, 2.000 lha. Sheet Iron, 10,000 lha. Hollow Ware, 2.000 lha. Cast Steel, 1,000 German and Blister Steel, 2,000 Hoop and Baud Iron, 50 doz. lines, # 400 pairs Trace Chains, Received and for sale by E. B. WEED. Deo 17 _ 44 Cogimt: Brandy (warranted pure.) 2 HALF pines Otard, Dupuis fc Co's Braudy, l do. do. Signette Brandy, t quarte casks do. do. for sale by Sept *3 r 3 RF.A * COTTON. Fashionable .Millinery. ittns. A.nAnorß HAS just received anew and splendid assoilmcnt cf Goods ni the Millinery line, Buch as] Pattern, Velvet. Satin and Plush Hat* of the latest styles ; 1 Straw. Leghorn, Pamela Pearl Ac Dunstable Bonnets ; A full assortment of Ribbon* ; Flowers, Feathers,and all kinds of Bonnet materials; Silk,Cashmere.and white ant? colored .Muslin Rohrs; A fine assortment of Silk, Cashmere nnd B roc ha Shaw le ; New styles of Caps and Head Dresses; Capes, Collars, Chemisettes, Hosiery ; Laces of all descriptions . Bombazines, Alpaccas, Mousliu de Lane. Silks, Merinos and Cashmere, for dress goods. Macon, Oct 15,1846. y 35 AIBfcY’S SYRUP OF WILD l HKKKY-For coughs,colds, asthma, influenza, whooping cough, spit ting of blood, und all pulinonarv diseases. BAILEY’S .SARSAPARILLA—For all diseases arising from an impure state of the blood: salt rheum, scrofula, king’s evil, chronic rheumatism, dyspepsia diseases of the skin, bones, old ulcers, etc. BAILEY'S FEVER AND AGUE REMEDY—The most -valuable remedy—cutiiely vegetable preparation —and suie cure. ! BAILEY’S AMERICAN VERMIFUGE—A sure i*twr -1 minutor of worms from the system, in general use throughout I the United Stale**. BAILEY’S UNRIVALLED MILITARY SHAVING j CREA.M—This article has stooj the test of eight years, and | gained for itself a high reputation throughout ths U* States Canada, and most parts of the world. BAILEY'S SUPERIOR INDELIBLE INK—With and without the preparation , warranted the best articles of the kind ia u*e. * For sale by the Druggists generally throughout the country, and al wholesale and retail hv WM. BAILEY, Proprietor, Apotheenries’ Hall, corner cf Fulton and Sands streets. Also for sale by GRAVES, WOOD Ac CO., Mucon. Dec 3, 1846 42^ .Yature's Great ,Mnlidote A GAINST that iiytl frinily of diseases which arise from /V the impurity of the AN COMPOUND EX TRACT OF SARSAPARILLA, prepared with the utmost ; care from the materials. No other inediciue art* with fqtfftl power and kindliness in cages of Scrofula or King's Evil; Blotches, Biles, Tetters, Pains in the Rones and Joints, Eruptions, Pimples, Stubborn Ulcers. Rheumatism,Chronic Sore Eves, and oil diseases ari sing from Indigestion or Dyspepsia. Liver Disease and Affe ction of the Kidneys yield readily, and the whole system ia renovated and made to bloom anew. Ladies of delicate and de bilitated habits, children afflicted with had humors are won- , dcrftilly relieved. This article i* warranted to he made from the best and purest materials. For s .leat M. BARTLETT’S Drng Store. Price $1 50, in quart bottles. Nov 18, 1346 _ 60)40 Landi'cthN Garden Needs. JUST receiving a FRESH supply of th above superior Garden Seed*. Orders will be received for Trees At Plants from Landreth’s Philadelphia,Garden*. * By J. 11 Ac W. S. ELLIS, , Jan 6 Masonic Hall, Macon. (L/* Merchants and others supplied with bills of Drugs and Medicines, low for rash. MIAKIiK G.4UPEK ~ (irass mid Plotter Seeds, All of (lie Krotvtli of 1846. rfIHK undersigned bus been appointed sole agent in the city 1 cf Macon, for the esle of the Shaker’s well known Seeds. I have received Fifty Thousand Paper* with prints.l di e lion* on each paper for planting, which will be sold veiy low at wholesale or retail. < >moi Buttons, do. Set'o, Potato or Multiplying t)ui ns, all kinds of Garden, Flowe.r, ami Grass Seeds, known to the a*ri culturaLworld, early Sweet Corn, dec. s Dec 30 46 v . C. A ELLS Next door to Washington Hull. 1 FRESH GARDEN SEEDS and • .WISTA It'S llnlsant of WtTdf Cherry, J UST received aud for sale hv GEORGE PAYNE. Druggist, Jan 13 10*r4R tirnler Floyd House. NEW SPRING GOODS. fIIHG subscriber is now preriving from New York, his usu ft al supply of Spring and Summer Goods, enthroning al most every desirable stvle for both ladies’ and gentlemen's wear. Also a great variety of goods suitable tor Imjlß’ cloth tefi GKO W. PRICI Macon, March 24. 1847. 6 ~miSSH GROCERIES “ Jut! rcfflvt'd m H, rreeiuuir*, ■J/i BOXES K.tlslns, 25 drums extra fine Figs, J 2 boxes do. do. Prunes, 25 do. Orang’t, 2,000 West India Oranges, very rwewf, Citron, Currants, Dates, Tsutsriuds, Sugars, Teas and Coffee, Spices of sill kirn!*, Crackers of all kinds. Fins Smoking and Cnewing Tobacco, Patent Yeast Powders. Also a very large and fion aorment of Stuart's steam rs fined CANDILS. Marrh 24 0 k/W k LBS. extra fine Flour at OIIUU March 94 6 W. FREEMAN. I ■ V*■l” * . - m 1 ■ ■"■” 1 ‘ ■ Clollis* C'lUkliiH'iß, Vt'Kiiilll Af. CJUfRM West of England Hlack, Itiur-blaek, Hlur, liutiblc 3 Orevn, Hruwn,etid fsuej ( loth*, av* • xrvlt* m assertim lit. t-undmi, T w redes, Ft tusk and Am* nun Cssstnirrs. Velvet, hotii*, Marseilles, and fsii. > Vest hide. Just received by N. McKUtNON Is CO. Sept JO, issfl. | looms. I?-/ \ BA<iS RiuCoin-r, Jvl (0 Jo J*v do ‘JO do Muthado For ls b F.h 2 SCOTT. CAKHART St f’O. I ,Al’i:tt -Ju.l rwt-iv.d a lur, .'ip I |.W of Fa,mm H.nflni ~ Hoi.l.r. and I—id- Fap.r for Wind.i— Slin,i—, ,i b-auiitul arlicla. Alto, Fp-m Alvtn “f acrrral ditlrrcnt kinJt. I March J 1 7 GEO. W. TRICE. J ..F* trimsn it snag concern. It. W . W. MARSHALL, formerly of Richmond, Vo* respectfully informs alt uereona afflicted with Cancer, Fistula, VI rns. and all eiumur diaeases, originating from whatever canoe, that he is now at Mucon, Gu.. where ue will remain until July. 1817, during which lime lie will he pleased to make lit* PioleHaional service* available to the afflicted- Dr. M’s. treatment ofthese diseases is peculiar to himself. The process of cure is without the use ul knife or caustic. The treatment is both local and conetitutional. ■ Dr. M. deems it only necessary to add that his former and continued success iu the management of these diseases ia con -1 elusive evidence of the superiority of his practice over all | others known in this or any other country. For further parti- I culars, he refers to his Pamphleton Cancer. Fistula, dec., which j may be obtained, gratis, on application to him at the Floyd House, by letter or otherwie. Letters, post paid, on business, or requesting copiesol the Pamphlet, wifi he punctually attend ed to and immediately forwarded to address by Mail. References— Rev. Mr. Bragg, Rev. Mr. Cromly, Her. Mr. Ellison; Rev. J. W. Glenn, Jefferson, Go.; Major James Smith, Col.'Samuel R. Blake, Sterling Lanier, Thomas A. Brown and J. H. K. Washington, Esqrs. Oct 14,1846 on 35 Paints , Oils , J'r. JUST received front the “ New York nnd Brooklyn White Lead Company,” No. 1, No. 2, Extra ami Purs While Lead. ALSO IN STORK, Linseed nnd Tanner’s Oil, Bpirits Turpentine, Varnish, Lampblack, Putty, Paint, Brushes, Arc. Ar. Aug 19 27 PATTEN Ac TAYLOR. PUBLIC INVITATION. JOSEPH .Wf7fl)( A HAVING tk-n tho -lure formerly by G. I. Shop. rd. am door toWhitin* St Mil’. HW Siore, rtrprrt futly invil- thepulilic to examine hi.fnll aiork of STAPLE AND PANCY OKI GOODS, heine one of ihe ri('hret and moil dneirjble nortrnrnt. of f'athiomible Dry O’odt offered in lliiacitr, and hih shall be .old for CASH, at un precedented low price*. A few of the many article, he haa just opened are Rich Dress Si'ks, Black Mantilla and Apron do. Rich Caslmtores, Ombre striped do., Oregon J'laids. (ialn Plaid for Children, Plaid Alpaccas, Black Silk Warp Alpaccas, very fiue. Super Hombnziufß, Beautiful Cashmere Shawls, Scotch Plaid, Wool Net, and splendid Silk Shawls, Jaconet. Mull und fcjwi** Muslins, Splendid Embroidered Muslin Rohes, French worked Capes, Collars nnd StheioixsHea, Thread, Lisle, Swiss,and Cambric Edgings and Inserting*, Chantilla \’eils, (ireen Bcrage, Kid Gloves, Twisted Mitts, Silk and Cotton Hosiery, Gimps, Fringes, Silk Buttons, Zephyr Worsteds, Also, a beautiful lot of Straw, Tuscan, Leg hoi n, Adelaide, Victoria and China i’eari Braid Bonnets, Ribbons, Flowers, Neck Ties, A:c. 1 Together with a good stock of Broadt'lnth*, Cassimera, Satinets. Kentucky Jeans, Kerseys, Plitid l.inse**, Red and White Elannela. Printed Salisbury do., Calicoes, blenched nnd j brown Sheetings and Shirtings, with every article usually kept I ic the Dry Goods line. Ashe is determined to give gr vat a \RotiNs,it will he for the interest ofbuyers to examine his stock brfoie purchasing. Oct 14, 1846 35 MOKE IMEW GOODS. GEORG F. M. LOGAN Ac CO have just received the finest aud best assorted stock of Fancy Dry Gooda, that they have ever offered for sale iu this maiker. They are determined to sell every article on as reasonable terms hs any house in the city/ ami will not he undersold bv any. I neir motto in future shall be, “Quick Hales und £mall Prof its,"—**Cheap Goods,” the watch-word. Grcal Indumnenljd ottered forCnfcli. The following are a few of the many articles on hand. Paris embroidered Cashmere Kobct—very fine, French etnhroidered Cashmeres. Huper plaid, and shaded Cashmeres, Plain Mous de Lames—ail colors, New style Polks Robes— for Evening Dresses, Extra fine embroidered Muslin Robes, Fancy Drens Silks, rich and splendid, . French Worked Capes, Collars and Chemisettes, Kid Glove*, Twisted Mitts,Silk Hosiery, Air., Flannels, Al faccns, Figured Dimity, Blackßamhaxmes, Alpacca Lustres, rih Linens, Table Damask, I'Uad Ginghams, etc. etc. Cloihb, Cassiincrcv, aud Veiiluvi. 1 Fine Csahmere Shawls, Rich Brocade; “ | Black einbroideied Thibet Sh iwlsnnd Hsndk’s. i Fineenil.roidercd Linen Cambric Htndk's, Purse, Twist and Steel Beads, Silk. Buttons, and Trimmings—of every quality. ALSO. A splendid assortment of CARPETING and RUGS low for CASH. Also, a very large and handsome selection of Chiiia..f*las9, anti ( rocht ry-Warc, which will be sold much lowei than usual—as we are anxious to *ell out and discontinue the business. Come and examine the** Oiod* before purchasing, and you can obtain GREAT BARGAINS Oct. 7 ‘1846. 34 GKOCERIES. I £1 IIIIDS. St. Croix, Porto Rica and N. O. Sugar, ft 12 boxes aud barrels crushed, pulv. aud loaf .Sue Ar, 25 hhds. Molasses, I do. Stewart’s refined Sugar House Mulaeaes, 100 bags Rio Coffee, 20 •• Pepper, Spies and Ginger, 25 toxes .Sperm Candies, I •20 “ Tallow “ 50 “ Soup, 20 “ Starch, 4 chests choice Imperial nnd Hyson Tea, 10 quarter cheats Imperial and Hyson Tea, Saleratu*, Indigo. Madder, Spanish Brown, Blue Vitriol, Copperas, Aluui, Borax, Sul .Niira, Powder, Shut Lead, 25 bbls. N. E Kum, 25 bbls Northern Gin, 50 l>oJ*. “Whiskey, Cognac and American Brandy, ILdlurid Gin. ('mdinls. Madeira, Port and Malaga Wine, *’ -Leumn Bvrtip, Raisins. 100 b xe* iNibacco, a great variety, 30,000 Segara: Mscnlmy and Scotch Snuff’, With a great variety of other Groceries, which will be sold at *• Baigaioa.” A MOS BENTU.N. April I 7 PEOPEE'S ~STORE, . ~ ‘On Mulberry Sheet, opposite the Washington Halt. r I MIL underiigned takes pleasure in announcing to hi* in st- numerable friend* and customers throughout the State, that he has commenced his bittiness operations for 1047, and that he is nuw filling hi* fme -with a most extensive and mag ftitteent slock of nrw FPRIXO DRY GOODS. It is my (iHterntinHiinn the coming vesr, by the beauty of < my good*, and the uuifoim cheapness of the prices, to mnks this esiabli*bment ‘• • } * •• The hi<Mf Fopulnr More In tlic Stale. I therefore cheerfullv and cordially invite purchaser* of Dry Goods young and old, iron a!l parts of the Slate, to visit in v store, hoping that I shall- b able to make lhair visits both a profitable to them, by selling low tor Cash. Respectfully, JOHN W. CLARK. P* ft#—'The undersigned, one of the late firm nf Kendritk At Clark, would also respect fully solicit a call from his friends and acquaintances, at Ilia People's Stor**, where he will ever be found ready to aid them to their Interest in the purchase ol food* James m. clakk. March 31,1817. _ 7 Ncv spring <aooln. npHR undersigned have commenced receiving their Spriug ft supplies of FAMILY AND STAPLE DRV GOODS— ! among winch will be found—Prints, 51 uslins, Linens Ac Goods generally adapted to the season. Feb 24 2 n. McKinnon ac c?q. CO-rARTNERSHir. fpHE mWribrr having iskr his brothei, peuhrn H It’hitr into I par?n< p, th* buriM’ SI Will hi rrafr* rb* roMiimr*! uniter liar . ftitil of A. J. wHI I I f# to. A. J. UNII R. Macou. July 1,114 V The uibicrihrri birr in itsrr, aud will be rrctiving dunug the summer and Ibll, A k*tn*rnl iisftortmrnl of ilontli, Adapted t the season, consisting In part of 8t Croix and l.oaf flu gar, j Bii|l* l)q Ousdt, H, l.agmra and Java Coffee, I Haddlrrjr, Bhurs, Iron of all kinds, I Liquor* of all kinds, Hollow.*avr and Malta, | Teaw-sonn vei> flue, Orrmsn.Cset (k Illisu red Iterl, I B* gsr, I obarr.., Balt, Mulss*es, | Paints, Otis, (lla, L. lias gin S’ Ttrlnt aml Hope. With thtir atoek of Hagglnf, they offer some Kentucky If inches wide, sell adapted to square bales, aud whtth *•> highly appro** and of ihe p*M ieaaoii plant* ra. mutt art tries in the Grot* ry Line, whir h thi)ffrat the luwrst market pliers, and respwtifuliy sollciiarall from tinir fm ads and the pohne. A. J. WHII K k CO 6J* Aflrr the Aral f Ortobrr ,ihey will remove io thi brick torn* r store too door# shoveihrir presesit locsrlon, formerly otrupi and hy Chapman, Pass fc Ce Maeon, Inly t, ‘d J YLHY CIIKAK* DlfV GOOlißt IV MtKIVKOV te CO. would invite all persons in want of o eat laud examine iketr Sew and Searchable Sr orA. consisting of frrnwn and Bleached Shirtings and Sht-etmgs, lickings, t heil s, rtmehams, Print*, Lim n*, linen Diillings,flne and rommon fk'hi, Muslin*, Law ua, Bilk* and l>r** Gouda rent rally, tog* th* with al most every uihn ariieU- u*cs'l> a**p? in the Dry (>v*mJs lute. Ail of which wilt hr sold at the lentil f’-iert lor Cosh, or to panstuol aus tonser* on the ausl time. I Macon, Haruß I<>, 114% 4 Valuable Lauds tor Kale. 7SIHE f.liuwjng valuable nacla of 1 -autl.<'l.ptt>lv vitu^fr*!, in I Ihfl luturt luvorahle ootlon refioa, ,n6*Hn<* of (hem em hraeinn lie ricbeM cotton landfill the Suie, ua offered for aalo on accouuuotJati(i|t terms. County. I.ot. Dim. Acrm. | K-rlv uow 1 ‘JOO (0 v’. r iU Baker, J 151 1(1 SISO “ 274 8 250 * 82 9 250 - 126 11 250 “ 44 7 250 “ 31 7 250 “ 221 7 250 ” 2*9 7 250 ” 313 7 250 ” 210 7 250 “ 320 7 250 “ 127 11 250 ’ . 365 9 250 “ 90 II 250 “ 116 11 250 | “ 63 12 250 “ 112 7 250 | “ 305 8 250 ” 393 8 250 - 234 7 250 “ 283 7 250 ” 206 7 250 “ ta u 250 ” 2>B 11 250 “ 31 II 250 “ 30 11 250 “ 36 II 250 “ 219 II 250 “ 196 7 250 ! Eaily. 275 13 250 ! “ 253 13 250 “ 234 13 250 1 “ 255 13 250 ! - 231 I I 200 ; “ 220 13 250 1 “ 2.’3 13 250 “ 218 13 250 \ - 161 13 250 “ 129 13 250 , “ *4B 13 250 ! “ 267 13 250 ] “ 235 28 250 “ 18 4 28 250 i “ 59 28 2.50 “ 22 28 250 j ” 20 £8 250 ! “ 360 13 250 •* 124 13 250 | * 287 6 250 | “ 121 II 25# - 131 13 250 “ 13-1 13 250 “ 61 *6 250 “ 181 26 250 - 63 2 250 - 202 26 250 - 59 26 250 “ 58 26 250 ! “ 228 13 250 “ 237 28 250 •’ 223 28 250 * 215 28 250 “ 108 13 250 *• 180 13 250 i “ 48 13 250 “ 40 13 250 “ IHB 13 250 “ 15.1 13 250 1 “ 50 13 250 I “ 284 13 250 301 13 2.81 I “ 2(W 20 250 ( “ 58 26 250 j Early now ? 316 17 250 I Thomas ) 317 17 250 •• 311 17 250 “ 2HO 17 250 “ 269 17 250 “ 268 17 230 “ 65 18 250 “ 141 18 250 •* 253 13 250 “ 26 18 250 •• 109 17 250 “ 154 17 250 “ 175 17 250 •• 179 17 250 237 17 250 | Irwin now ) 157 13 490 ritoiuu* < 319 8 490 •• 293 13 490 *• 39-“ 13 490 “ 159 13 4! •• 258 13 490 •• 18 13 490 Any pfrnon wialiing to negotiate for nnv o r all f the above Lancia, will applv to THOMAS F • STE\KNS, Agent. M icon. FVh. 10, 1F47. v> MIX*!.-STONES. THE aubscriber being Agent tor an ritini* Mill Smm Fih bailment in Nrw-York, vill/uinbA so rdrr, FHKNCH lll'HH, and COLOftNK MlLi.-SIOM-.S, ul ai<\ *i*, and war rantrduf the very best quality. HbBPHT FINDLAY. vtafov. Nov 13. lv-its. <> 1 BAILDV and. BUMJMfiX'i'i l amlly Grocery A l*ro vision lilore. f|IHE undersigned under theH< vemmr, are daily receiving, tnti K new • ser fur *lc i!ie following articles, n ; Loaf, Crushed, and Brown Sugar*, ftLvii, Aliuiu,nd I able Salt, Rio and Java ColTer, Mula-w *, Honey, Cognac and l*ach Brandy, Jamaica and Northern Hutu, Holland and Northern (tin, Whiskey, Air and Cider, White W ine and Cidf Vinegar, Port, Clare and Malaga Win**, Cordial*, Brandy, Fruit* and Lemon S.rop, Fulton Market I‘ickltd Beef, Pickled and sinoke-J Beef Tot gue, Family Pirkled Poik, Pickled and Sinolo and Salmon, Pickled Shad and Halibut b in*. Smoked iiiJ Hind Hctf, Codft*li, I'niigUv and Sound*, Scutch Hmug, Sardine*, Kunnt-hi’ Sugar cimil ilß|tta>oe Hama, B* 11 more Middling*, Mack in I ‘ o 1 ik 4|W 4. ! and kita. Hoi and Caak Chem, Hice, Sweet and !ri*h Potato*, Cntons, Betts, 1 urnius, and Pea*, Ooshenand Country linttir, Northern and f*eorria l..<rd, Canal and Country Furor, Hurkwheat Flour J, 4 and box**, Flint Corn tints, M< ui and Hoinmuny, White Northern H*ana, Sperm, Adaniantim and Tallow Caudle*, Hay*’ Bar and Shaving Soap, Ronton, Hotter, Sugar and Lemon Cracker*, fiyson. My*<m Skin and Souchong lea*. Chocolate and prepar'd Coco. Plug, D Jt, Che * mg and Smoking Tobaaou, Cigar* and Macohoy Snuff, Raisin* in 4- Jam! whole bote*. Preserved t uri* nt* Citron, Preserved and ground (ilugrr, Prune* in iar and ben *, Prepared Peon* i and Allspice, Marraroni, Olive*, Aarbovita, Clove*, Ciiiiiaoutn, Nutm*gs, Mice, Pepper Sauce, Cain ra, t'onmto t an hup, Cayenne peppei, Mustard, Swett Oil, Fig*,SultaNa Mainn*. Oatea, Dnd Fruit*, Current and othi r Jellii, a* sorted. Pickl< •. a*o*ted utuiuil mm U, Pickled Lobster* and Oyster*. Candle*, PatelH Tea*t, Starch, Indigo, Copper*#, Sal Gratia, Isinglass, Potash, liratilisu, Amincanand English Walnut*, Almond*, f ilbei ts, A pple*, Oranr- s. I t mona, Coro Nut*, Match'-*, Blacking, Corn Broom*, Brush**, Tub*, Tinware,Jags, Jara, Corn, Fodder, ‘'aiiltry, kt The undtr-igii'd will, w hen th’ waler permit*, keep ft< *h B*f, P.rk, and Sausage*, and sueli other tnrais a|td frail* a* the market will warrant, and that can lie proeured. And lo all those who may pleaae fhvorus with avail, (twill hr oar endeavor to give satiafat • tern in both the article and price. MF.N'HY HAILP.Y, i J A. H. BENNETT. j All kind* of country produte wanted, Air which Ike maket price will lie paid. D. It B. f t>4< it, im-S, ** eV#;i # .w///.vg noons. /flllE *uh*eetherha* Ju*t received aft w nicer* of ( ahem* and I Shad'd >luslin* of •pleitdol pattern*. Alcoa *u p* nor am.ln y nftl ue Stripe*, j very de*tralte article for aervams dr*se*. Brown Shirtings at A| eent per yard. Pt r*ot•* In wain of Dry Oood* will do well to call soon, a* good bargain* tan hr had for ca*h. Neit door to the Post Oflice. K WOODRUFF Feb it, n*y. I H. KE.’rn.lll. C.IMTKH It CO. Comnil'Nion Hero linn Is, • .to. 13, M. Cliiarles Slraet, NSW ORLEANS. H KKNI>ALI. CARTKH,) OANICL fKATT, S „ 1 tatr Vl' ** MACKEREL. TVTOS. ],2 anil 3, in llaoi-la and Hull llarrala for tala br .1 Krh 24 2 -11111 CAKIIAIIT U< >. lUiINIU.IOIt 4 111 (014 S. 11l f 4 lA ItVSHKi S, vamnM-4 ganula*, tor lit* by | | M I i)k 17 n A I, w HITr h rn DRUGS AND MEDICINES. g> f IYH F. aubsenher cal'* hr attention of Phyalcian*, I Plant* r* atul other*, to hi* tyl l *tmk of D Hit IS, n/V-DICINLS, PKKFUMKMIF.k, DYIC ITVIYt, %• a'l of whwhare pure, f>ah and unadulterated— fDvi ** b. ing able ta know when such i* the case,” liavtng had an rgpnen< of Aften yrariin the drug Uuiimaa, and rioetved Lieenar Uy tho Medica* Baiool Phy*t •inaneufthi* lute,a* an A'lti*n. March >. IMV. OF.ffwqF. PA under Flord Hottae. tAMHV Vf’| V< vwrti fiiuouJ f t Mlt br B “ 7 U k. w 1 KLLtI Martha Irwin now) 292 13 499 Thomas V 317 8 490 •* 35* 13 409 , “ 511 8 490 I Irwin now ) 1 11 490 \ Lowndes. $ 409 10 490 “ 373 10 490 - 371 10 490 - 359 10 490 ; * 231 10 490 “ 230 10 490 •• 203 12 490 “ 277 IS 490 •• 325 12 490 •• 320 12 490 “ X! 12 490 “ 420 12 490 “ 127 9 490 “ 138 II 490 5ll 11 490 •• 303 ID 490 “ 440 10 490 Irwin 373 7 490 *• 127 7 490 Appling. 267 4 490 Applins ) gg g 49fl nnw \\ are \ Early now) 270 1 5 250 Decatur. \ *SB 15 259 256 15 250 - IHB 15 250 “ 135 15 250 “ 184 15 250 “ 172 15 250 “ 149 15 250 •• 54 15 250 - 41 15 250 - 39 15 250 I 173 14 050 “ 175 14 250 ! - 3110 14 250 “ 314 14 250 “ 315 14 250 •• 316 14 250 I * 10b 14 250 I “ 81 If. 250 “ 95 1C 250 ! “ 203 21 250 1 “ 233 21 250 “ 190 21 250 , •• 1 21 250 ! 147 21 250 •• 10! 16 250 i “ 110 21 250 i “ 115 21 250 | “ 173 *7 250 “ 153 i 250 “ 104 16 250 llaVsham 153 13 V 59 •* 65 13 250 “ IS 13 250 Rabun. 55 1 490 •• 47 1 490 “ 54 I 490 : * 46 j 490 “ 113 5 InO | “ 75 3 381 ! “ 196 3 394 | Fl*9) rtnvv ) 1 16 490 ; l.owmler. \ 529 11 490 * •• 176 10 4!1 ! “ 2*l 10 490 J •• 267 10 4$U ) Farlv nnw 1 515 8 490 i Thomas 1 378 8 490 ! 37.. 8 490 j •• I SIT 17 490 | F.nrlv nnw ) 71 21 250 , Decatur J 13* 21 2.50 15* 21 250 • 281 14 250 Early. 57 26 250 , •• 65 26 266 i Appling. 81 3 499 ) 136 3 490 | <* 137 349 ft - 138 3 490 ! l7B 3 490 1 202 3 490 230 3 490 •• 245 3 49(1 “44 3 490 •• 423 3 490 “ 424 3 490 - 481 3 490 ’ 367 4 490 lla'rshatn 15 13 250 VOL. XXV.—No. 1. JOHN J. JONIiM, ATTORNEY A.T X.A W. lIACON, GUI. WILL pronine in the cotimsea of Bibb, Jonea, Raldri", Twigg*, Houston, Crawford wnd Monro*, md * li countv of Iturk*. Any bunuiern iutruntod to la* care ft. 4 rcef-ive |tmtn{i( attention. Oliee over J. Ac K. Saul-dntry'a Clothing Store. Manh l 7 V)U 2m 5 CHa.KX.Z3S H. FREEMAN. Cotton Avcktte, next door above the 44 Rio Grande Ilotite, ‘ Ha* juat opened a good stock ot Sugars, Coffee,,Teas, Flour, Bacon, Nlanlo mill Fancy Dry 4Jo<mlh. M.ron, March 10, 1817 4 MUCH ST OIK OJF % MEW SPRING GOODS AT KEtttTED PRICES. THF. suH'cribrr, oit D) sou's Brick Corner, I# now receiving frun New York • large ami splendid assortment of Spring and Sir m* r Goods of tnc latent styles aud patterns, consisting tit part ut ti - following articles : English and Auk rican Prints, Fancy Silk Law n Shawls, Km* raid do. R ieh Berajre Scnrft, Furniture do. Black l* White Lace Net Shawl* Hlack and White do. Ladies rich Kmb void. f'dkla. Pink, Check Rt Sinp*d Gingham* i.actsand Killing#, Piahl Karl*ton do. Gloves and Hosiery, Plaid Law * Muslins, Bonnets and Kibbont, Black do. do White Cambrics and MusUds Mourning happen Muslins, Gimps and Fringes, Fancy Printed and Plaid Lawns, Black and Colored Alpnccaa, Haris Punted Jaconets, Bitadied and Unbleschcd hhet> Rmbmidi red & (Graduated Swiss ing* an.i Shirtings, Hohn, 10-4 Linen sheetings, Marque*;!* and ('alifornia Robes, Super blk French Broadcloth# Printed Haiaaiine do. Rh-gant blk & funcy Cassuoti*’ Rich PiniSilL do. Cotton and l inen Drills, Black Satin Ties and Shawls, Domestic Goods of all kinds Black Silk Lawn do. At no receiving a large ttoek of tCXtOTHINa. HATS. SHOES. Crockery Wnro, uinss Wore, Ac, AII ut h (net. will i.c ...Id a, low a, ran hr pur, hi,. .1 liou'e in the city. The public are respectfully invited total! • I examine my stock, which has been schcied with much care with | t ;- errnce to the wants 4f both city and country. Macon, March 17, 1*47 5 * S S KENDRICK - AT IV A. A ft‘\% iiiorr IrM Kame *ort! EXTRA REGALIAS. nvJvW li* hlils. extra Champugno Cider *’B boxes exlrtt Chewing Tobacco. IMI “ •* fine tSoiokiug do. 15 “ Ortn^s. 10 “ Lemon*. VB Mils, fine Irish Pot aloes. tlruuiM Fire. 50 huxnb, hsltes and quarter*, Raiina. 10 bbls. untl half hhN’. Pi.-kind Shad. 1 J keen prime Goshen Pitiiter. L*s bbla.. hall lil#l*., nnd Inixea of Boston, Butter. Piußic, l.niifin. Wnter nnd Soda Cravkers. 2 lilide. of extra fmo Lamp Oil. Superior Olive Oil. March IP, 1847 4 Xcw block of IVnic.lit's Jewclr)’ Hint I'iiney (ivo*l4. undersigned, having purchased the stock in trsde nfMr. | K. W'eiitvsitrih, watchmaker and Jeweller, and fak n th- * ‘ forineriy occupied he hint, intends cu..tinning the sr.nie tusii ts< ■a II its branchea Having a full and new stock of GQOirk, lie sw’i* * 1 tin* attention of th-citiy.*'iis ufMaeou and its vicinity to the sar* - uiauiig which inay br- so ind Kmc Gold aitdSilv -r l.- v r. Horizontal, Patent and VcrUuii L capi ment WA’I CHF.S. Gold Guard, Fob ami Vest CHAINS, BreaM Pins, j Ping* r Kings, Ear Kings, Gold Chain ht Hnir Bracelets, Gold, S lv. r and Steet Spectacles and Ly Pioiacivrs, | Gold and Si Ivi r Vncils, f<old Pt ns. | t*old ami Si tver Watch keys. ( Gold and Silver Thimbles, Silver Combs. 1 fciWrranri I'earl Be't Sli< tv Gold Slew* amt Culiar Billions. | Gold Studs nnd Chaili Siid* s. IGold l.nikSti, Hearis and Crosaes ; r**rd C _ rrs Steal, Silclrr and Gilt lit ads ; Ut ail Grnanients, Jet Comb* ; Lmiu s 4110 (iuukuirM i l uno. J Superior I’m and Pocket KNIVES. Scissors, Hazornand Haz<>r Strops. Tooth. Lather and Kail BRUSH£.3, Shaving Cresm. Peal Gvrasan COI.OGNF.. Fine Silver Flared CASTORS ; Cakr Baskets, t audit sticks. Wait* rs, Cups, Snufitr* and Traya. Dixon's line Ware, insets. Alo, ( off* *• aud ‘l ea Pots. I Silver sets of Knife, K**rk and Spoon. Spoons, Watch Stands, Fan*, Perfumery, Fancy Goods. A c. GY All of which will be sole at the v* ry lowest CASH pr ccs. W A I I’HKS of every description REPAIR KD in th brt ii.artnr. ! All Watchc sold or repaired will b- arrant*d to keep god tin ~ or thr rash retutitled. W atclics sent from an) part of th* ii ut'ip w 1 r re vc the tame attention, and be repaired on at retrtrnuble ir. m# a j though the owner u ere ft ret t nt. A ll kind* of Gold and Silver Work mad** to order. CY JK.WF.LRY of every kind mmily repaired. kPRCTACLE GLASSES aJapted to all ag . H. L. BURNETT, Watchmaker and Jew* Her, F.*” side Mulberry Street, in the New Brick Block Jsn. Id, t*47 \4'J WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. &c. O, S. 11. DAY would inform his friewds ai I JCI the public that be has bought the Sto k t- LfJr<*7r\_ meriy belonging to C. G. ft. John, gs J \i| consisting of g)*ln* and silver W sti lus. Cole 1 • Tim and Guard Chains, Gold, silver and Siei I (S|. JfclfJv . ‘ taelcs Gold, Clasps. Gold Sni ps’ G< . and Silver I hi in hies, Ladies’ Broaches, Gu< Fins,Knitc* t 4c.i<ir, Rasors, Itasor Strops, Tooth and Hair Brut* to Pistols, and many more things, too name mu* to mention I ■ will have new stock constantly coming, and will order goods at Ik* requestoi thus*, who may wish an) thing in his line. REFKXKXriO. Watches and Clocks Cleaned and Repaired at thr short*a i* Ue. and done in the best possible manner, and wtrra>tnt to k> • < rood nme, and done at the cheapest price. Rings, Pins, Bras Vet# repaired in the best possible manner. Rug rating also ntati) . * seated. p r*ons would do well to call and see w hat lie will do, and tLcir IS nodoubi but they will be pleased. M c ns, lan. i *, ISS^. TRUSSES. ffIHK. subscriber take* this opportuuitv of returning thanl s t . § the patrona*’ lie has received, and Wgs to mform the pub 1 that be is now rady to make double and single Trusses of any %n and will warrant them to bo easy ami effectual. Heaho makes A domnial Supporters, which have proven very etT< dual. The abo* articles can be made from measure ; the subscriber will givi inttru duns t<> that 1 ff< ct to tlmse who will do him the Invor tu call on hm The greatest oltivcts in cai* of Hernia, Ike. it to have springs to m t the case, and Rt compactly. Old Trusses r*pairdand nacrtm Also a few gnin-elastic Frt m h I'ruaaea (or sale. Ihe subseribet h . ben a.irking at the above business fora number of years : also 1 as* iking Surgical and Dental lnatruiuenis, which makes him com p. tent in the above busims*. it ti with pleasure i cm rfi r to the most eminent practitioners .f Surgery and Medicine of the city of Macon. The subscriber also carries 011 the GUNSMITH I USIXFSS in all th* repairing branches ; also lut let v Ground aid set. Cctu it otmblris coustusstly 00 haml. Opposite Post Office, Macon, Ga. J March I, 1X47. aUiHuurtt and IMrtss *ltakiug. roui ll A* Mr. Uiinlin^, \%r ILL carry on the above execute all orfle* s v T m the beat manner, and uioM Kahionablr alvlr %srt*t required. lILKACMIMG AND RRPAIRING SONNETS, will* no be done at abort notice. Their reeidanco is UR the corner ul College at reel, near the Female College. M*. on, Orl. 128, 1U46. ty 37 CONFECTIONARY AND GROCERY. J. 11. DAitlOt'R IS recriving his newanpply of Oooda in hie lino, entor* whivli hd particularly calla the attention of hie custom ers to. A < lione article of old Brandy, JMailuira, Tort anj CU.* ct WUn , Pickle* Spices, Preaervaa, < akre, Candida ; Alsna fine aaaorlmciit of Segaa of tariuua Inanda—wartat * ted iiti|inriei Huvanu Segura; lie will keen a ronstanl aiipnly of Orangea, Apples, Oi .- ons, rniiiie*,cltarae, liuiter, Kaiaiua, Fig*, Pi uiiee, Almond , aud ullier nnt*: All other articles ntuallv kept in that line. I’ICKI/W OYSTERS by tho keg. Maron, i Iff 1 *>, |BII y 36 CU.YTIt.tL IC.ltritoZliM. HOOKS of auhacriptioft for Btnt k in the Central Railro und Ratsknif Conipaa> of Georgia, will ho opened 1 • Monday, the Khh day if April next, at the hanking house 1 Bavannali, to the extent of Five Hundred Thousand Dollar* on term* o t the following certificoie ; Tilt* i* to certify, that ■■■■ ■ ■■■'■ proprietor ‘ ——ahnrea in the Cantrui Kail road and Bniiking Comp • ny i-f CJeorg.a, on which One Huntbed Dollv.ra per share h • been paid. Dividend* at the rate of eight per centum per n r nnn, payable in aemLannual pevmenta, on ibt 13th June, ami 15th Aecemher, are guaranteed on thie Stock from thle date r . tb* l Jth j ine, 1H57. At the expire lion of said perioe, tha Comprne *hal! W* * 1 libartv to take this Mosik at he hound to roue* It tho ahnve tonne for ten veara. The proprietor of lha St** . may at any time nnor to June, 1857, aerge tin* Stock in g. * geueml Stock of tne Company. Witnaaa the hand* of tiie Pr#*ideut end Cubepr, this ■ • iurf. Ca*h and lie Bond* oftUe Compony art!! be rooer ad !n p* * 3 r nt for auhacrirtmn -6> vrd# ‘J iK'Uitid Q£o I.BUVtO^U.C^