Georgia messenger. (Ft. Hawkins, Ga.) 1823-1847, April 08, 1847, Image 3

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ifj. fhcl tWj >v l^c ‘ n ' y y 14ioio Hjc peopi*. and xlua be irUtunnwßaJ *n carrying ou the good work. WjK not or friende i <fbe count** tfcrwifk nvkkll tht *• )j*tinier ‘ttpoa -this matter. WH c i ill tM&jtaYcltes Tko fetters of Geo. Taylor, <pub)i4ied iu tin* TPa&Krgiaa I;nirv,■confirm the i ri? iff H£ cues we %toT3><4ijre received ts *bo 4 B (xtna VisUa. The low on imth aktea ws* r(vt •* large as feral feparted, ftMutugfe rt tevery ‘hesvy, and particularly on the American side,r<ui>prirtea aome-ofdlie ws< dfj^ngoiabed end bravest officeYA'df the tmery. These 4ertei* u re written m Ger. TayWs usual dtyJe, which fur •tereeneae uni ttpewMonA* nnsurpir**d. t: n concede* hy (AR'Anit .ibefcrnrß obi fnrtc.ati write a* a*e!l ot keens ’feifltt—m Wdi of winch quaMficatioiw *he is’hard m heir!. The Jkwwricnn **®rce ee£agetJ*f the ecrira, according ‘to The often ufl •nnriiH of <he CotttHtaadmg General, was Touching ftoir aC5,400 into; while thitt of ifei *eMry,-er the eiir'emetf* rtf Santa Anna, wa tifeotrt 2fi;&of. Our loss w* vnjy ‘sgyftre—-amounting in killed Mid wctnided.-fo 700 ; wlrße thirt of ‘iWwemy ia estimated at I.SUfI, arid may reach UMtiden frwm 2,000 io 3,000 desert er*. •fry-WR at: nr?fei ert in nhe Awiilii Santo Anna, tin exchange of prisoners baa bent) f!T.<*toi„ fey which we shall rsceive all those fnWimfaly'cnjtttfreij Mam us. The reswlta-bf ! OlilhWWtint victory are all important ; and will no doubt aeceieWe a peace so much to be desired by hot It eovntriefl Anna, with his accustomed gasconade, rUittieh'VidttWy. aTthowgh lie acknowledges that it was an in leciwlvfe tWe, end <dNt>a'ined at a loss of 1,000 Mexicans. The Americans 4e say*, lost 2,000. There is r.o mistake, however, * *f his replete discomfiture, and the dissolution of his entire forces. When las; hoard from, they were in full retreat, and in fearful Mate of destitution. The pm ic wu* so extended, and the drerad of old “ Hough ami Ready” so prevailing, that there , < so apprehension felt, or rather, hope entertained, of the lying ■.ml boasting Mexican making another stand. Gen. Taylor has sent a corps to harrass him on hia retreat, and cut otT his supplies. It was also Gen. Taylor** design to fall back on Monterey, and reopen communications with the Rio Grande. When last heard from, the General was at Agna Nueva. Urrea was this side of him, with about 1,500 cnvulry At Cerrulvo he made a stand with his entire force, against a detachment of United Stoles troops amounting to 250 under Major Geddings. The Mexicans were defeated with a loss of about 30 men; our loss was about half that number. The brave Urrea then re treated, and no doubt ia still on his winding way. The following are the only ones ol the official despatches we have room for. The first is the summons to surrender, considerately sent by Santa Anna to Taylor, previous to the fight, with Taylor's reply. The last letter, which is the fullest and longest, gives an official statement of Gen. Taylor's posi lion. fTranslntion ] [Summons of Santa Anna to Gen. Taylor.] You are surrounded by twenty-thousand men, and cannot, in any human probability,avoid suffering m rout, and being cut to nieces with your troops; but n you deserve consideration hhg particular esteem, 1 wish m save you from a catastrophe, and for that purpose give you this notice, in order that you may surrender at discretion, under the assurance that vu “ill be treated with the consideration belonging to the Mexican eharacter, to which end you will he granted an hour's time to make up your mind, lo commence fioin the moment w hen tny flag of truce arrives in your camp. With this view, I assure you of tny particular consideration. God and Liberty. Cmtnp at Kucnntnda, February 22d, 1847. A NT. LOPEZ DE SANTA ANNA. To Gen. Z. Taylor, Commanding the forces ol the U. 8. Headquarters Artur or Occupation, Near Buena Vista, E* b. 22, 1847. Sir—Tn reply to your note of this dal**, summoning in* to surrender my lone* at discretion, 1 beg leave to *uy that I de cline acceding to your request. With high respect, I am, sir, your obedient servant, Z TAYLOR, Major General, United States Army. Commanding, Senor Gen. I)- Antonix) Lopez de 84MA Anna, Comtuaudcr-in-Chief La Eucentada. Headquarters Army er OrrufATloy, Agua Nueva, March 1,1847. Sir—l have the honor to report that the troops of my com mund occupied their original camp at this place on the 27th of February, the last of the Mexican army leaving the morning of that day in the direction of San Lui*. It is ascertained that the enemy is in full retreat, and in h very disorganized condi tion ; the men deserting and dying of starvation iu great num bers. I despatch a command this day as fur as En< arnucion to harrae* his rear, auJ secure whatever military supplies may be found there. From the statements of Mexican officers, parlieulnrly of the medical staff lelt 10 succor the wounded, there seems no doubt that their loss in the recent action ia moderutelv estimated at 1,5u0, and may rich 2.UUO men, killed and wounded; besides 2,000 or 3,000 deserters. Many officers of rank were lost I art lose a list of the names of our ow n killed mid wounded, mnde as complete us practicable at this time. One regiment (Kentucky cavalry) is not included, its return not being ren dered. ’ ’ 1 ‘The enemy had fully reckoned upon our total rotit.and had made arrangements to intercept our retreat, and cut rift lie ar my, stationing for that purpose, corps of cavalry,Dot only im mediately in our rear, but even below Aloniory. I regret to report that they succeeded near the village of Marin in destroy ing a train of supplies, and killing a con-iderahle number of ilie escort and teainsiers. Col. Morgan, 2d Ohio regiment, on his march from Cerrulvo to Monterey, was infested Lv (he Mexican cavalry, with which he had several n-nconfres, but finally dispersed the n with small loss on bis own part Cnpt. Graham, A. Q. M volunteer service, was mortally wernnded in one of these affairs. 1 have no doubt thnl the defeat of the main army at Buena Vista will secure our line of communica tion from further interruption, but i still propoae ill a few days toclmnge my Headquarters to .Monterey, with a view to make such further arrangement-, us may he net essHry in that quarter. The dispositions made to harrass our rear, vindicate the |>ol icy and necessity of defending a position in front of Saltillo, where a defe at has thrown (he enemy fur back into the interi or. No result so derisive could Imre been obtained by holding Monterey, and our communications would have been constant Iv in jeopardy. 1 urn, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant, Z TAYLOR, Major General, United States Army Commanding. The Adjutant General of the Army, Washington, L> C. Correspoii€li‘iicic* between den. Taylor and the Wiiv Department. The reports that sometime since obtain’ and currency, that Gen. Taylor had been shabbily treated by the War Depart ment, are confirmed by the old hero's letters, recently pub lished by order of Congresa. Not only has he been embar rassed 10 all hr* movements, Ivy the criminal neglect end tar diness of the various officials at Washington; but that emnn nent functionary Mr. Secretary Msrey. rr an otter disregard of all military etiquette or geniletoenly courtesy, by unwar rsnia'ile interference, and correspondence wiih Gen. Taylor's subalterns, has encouraged insubordination ami irresponsibil ity on the part of bn officers. The brave old man. w-ho is achieving imperishable renown tor the country ami himself, feels moat keenly the interference of this medlesoine official, and makes a moat emphatic protest against it. From the correspondence which is altogether ehtraefevia tic, and most creditable lo the irbdity ol Gen. Taylor it* vig. nrout wrU r r wo make the following extract whreh refers to the interference of others with his views and operations : In my communication of the Bih mat . I alluJet) so the or cupitinn of Tairvjuco, and 1 the force which I cnnanlerril t*Hic rent to hold llial place. IfulN eppcovcd of Ihe Iret me*.area token by M.j Gen. IVtteraon to narriaon Tampico, ami after ; Riamg him inatructione to iliapairb thither a regiment of *ol- I UWtrr* in addition to the battalion of artillery, waa not a lit- | tic airjirloeJ to lieac from him lliaa he ImiJ, lie.hia, ordered the lllinoia brigade by water, and prnpoaed going there himself to seen me the command. Thia proceeding I con*idered not only wholly utmrceeaary, bus ae a direet and unwarrantable interference with tbe pfan which I lied already commenieaterf to Gen. Patterson for a combined 1 movement upon Victoria ; | for while the fllmora regimeole were to proceed by water so a place where their eervicr* were not needed, the Trnneaaee regiment of boree wae to be compromised by marching, un aupportad by hifantiy, bom Malamoia- to Victoria. By tpe cial expraaa f aaccceded in arreotHig lino fatal miailiPection, grid I have mi* hojiea of concontratmg a reapeciablo forca at Victoria, aa fnaf intended. I wish my report of interference* enuhl flap her*; but an other ‘f ‘he graveat ebaracter ha* been brought to my notice, >0 which 1 l,r * ***** *° ,l ‘* •sen" l *” ‘h ~ , ... ( and the Department of War. hi an official Oeneral-tnUb. * 26 to th. cWmdtng Jattae, am. “** , Cont Perry of the Navy, wrttealliua: officer at Pom ►. ’, j \ n deiaon, I have vianeJ New “hiuccj W'Wt* . • ~ J„hn."'a end General* Jeaup O leant, coufarred with •*. ,lh me irt piecing great im end ferooke, pis Off jphotp ve*t* . (,y g 1,- rftiary gatri (lortypra tfce lUJCOedlfta **H. aiw.of Tawpire. •• with a!! “f hare on board rtw* *ii|P '*s* *•**’> ■ *Ue regui-V* tppo.-KVUV'C't *ud •WsmiU'W#. *"*“*•'**,?': h# Kt*to dr-eaf of 1-otiietena, tfroidw, AGO Crllaadan, with forty-*** udant/y *.'•* aaaaroa me that flier hundred *4emc. bou'lf 11 N"** 1 ** Now O'loan*, will be immedtatt-W dif**s*ed * U| .Maacachoaetta,’ aoonoai an djwy *•'■ but I fear tltara “ he diliooßy M g tle bmsn n i £<**ud. <d <**! * net* of Uio mg Hi the tir of It u hanjlj la ternggetih •’ It wiU *#r it ones that, I* Ug , <® ew •t a 4i**we,G*a4ly i*aacst of my **•*• and ******* *• rerp#oaUlW? t* Igltt|twf fereiota. a laiga aeid <* * ?nt cor|'* us rivalry uj*on which I had reckoned for mpot net service ;n the intfiior, t een mlerrcp’eJ Witb.'ul au (booty, and #eU where k<s not needeJ and where u tNty lose nuny of iu bocsee. fj*d the xcountod tAa aea beow teat track to Jufferstm Svrracks they could cat have beca wore roiiQiletety Host Ye Übe present opera tome. 5 have atow #>• sasuravoe that any rtwfarcemanls er sp (ilies wiih reach e*e thnaagh New ttrleuns. The advice o f (••w. ftroake vr •<7aernor Jsksv>M M tiny chverl recruits and the -mom import raft ehjecu of supply Cos Tampico, under the iu-w pmmfden <d war, that the <>nrfjiy, ahtcr tierowing his heavy gwna, will attack a plaoe he dared out defend. VVoth #ich f roeoediof 0 on ike Hu Grand* and hi New HActos. I cannot be held fO|taniibie for the elficieat proee (mtaon ol the objects at the Government liere. The depsrtue of Gen. Fitter sun Irom tlve full and precise tastiuctinna f had itiveu him, is, in ujy -pu:imi a legitimate result of the post ‘uwi of quasi tddc(ieiMfciicc given to that officer by the Depart ment ot Wkr, against which I have protested and tcfftn pro test. As fed (he interference c i Gen. Brooke, (tie War De partment, I cEßnot douht, will give that Ifi cer the moil strin g*nt orders in no case to stop or divert (he Uoojts or supplies that may be destined for ihe army under my command. While I am considered competent to exercisk the chief com mand in the field, it is no more than rcaaorrohle that suboidin ates. and, above rail, officers not serving w ith the army against Mexico, should he compelled to keep in their proper places, and not to eipoae to haz od, by mischievous meddlings, the success of military opciations involving the reputation of the army and the countiy. EDITORIAL CHANGE. We announce with a regret which is shared even by his political opponents in this community, that I. (i. Seymour, Esq., long the courteous and efficient Editor of the Georgia Messenger, baa withdrawn from that paper, which h:is been united with the Georgia Journal and passed into oilier hands. , We take great pleasuie in seizing this occasion lo accord to G ipl. Seymour, a just meed of praise fir his courtesy and liberality throughout h* editorial career. W hile wuh an adroit and skilful hand, and a Zeal for the triumph ol his pxr <y and p inciple-, not surpassed hy any of his brethren, we huva never seen him on anv occasion violate the decoruin of the press, or wound the leehnga of those of his fellow citi zens who happened to be opposed to hitn. With such a man we part wuh the sincerest ngret. In his retirement, the press of Georgia has lost an tMe and j pohatud wii er the j üblic improvements of the Slate as well as the local ones of this city, one ol their eudiest and ablest . (lenders. The respect and good w ishes of many of his opponents, as wdl *a of his political friends, in the com- i mutiny in which be has so long resided, will attend him 10 his retirement, and all will rejoice in his success in whatever situation his lot in iy hereafter be cast. The Georgia Journal and Messenger will hereafter be <dit ed hy 8. T. Cmatman end 8. Kobe. Enps., whom, barring their politics, we wish every success. While we psil with our old coufiere, unwillingly, the columns of the Bavannuh Republican, since his connexion with it, hare, we are fiee to confess, greatly prepossessed us iu favor of Capl Seymour’s successor. Mr. Chspmsn is a ready snd vigorous writer, und we doubt dolt will make the Journal Slid Messenger worthy the support ol Ins political friends. We bid hitn welcomo— and trust be will be both pleased and profiled in his new sit- ! ualiou. — Georgia Telegru/>h. The New York Oouiier says that the Dinner given by the ‘ merchants and other citizens of New York to the Hon Thus. Uvtlkii Kino, of Georgts, as a ma;k of their regard for his services in Congress in behalf of the foreign comm ice of the U. States, sm u most enthusiastic and delightful entertain ment. It chuio oil at the Asior House—James G. Kmg, E*q. 1 President of the Chamber of Commerce* presiding. The u *ual scries of regular toast* was given, snd in reply to one complimentary to himselfi Mi. Kino made some most pertin ent lemarks concerning the progress of commerce, and esps cully the advancement of steam navigation, effected within a few years between England snd the United States. Gtw. Gain is responded, in spirited and well teceived woids, to the toast in honor of the Army of the United Stales* rrgretiiug only, as he said in the beginning, that he was here, rather than on the spot where the flag of the the American Union was to be defended from foreign foes. Com. M K ever responded to a toast complimentary to the Navy. Col, Webb resigned the honor of replying to the toast complimentary to the Press, for which he was unani mously called upon, in favor of Mr. Chas. King, who peiform ed bis duly in a few pertinent and forcible remark*, and con cluded wuh a toast in honor of Hon. Geo. P. Marsh, of Vt., who acknowledged the honor done him. in some humorous and most sensible remark* upon the mutual relations of the city mil country. Speeches were also made ia the course of the evening hy J. Depeyster Ogden, 8. Draper, James 8. Thayer, C. A. Da vis, Judge Oakly and others, ‘i he Hon. Kkyehuy Johnson was one of the cue.-ts on the occasion, and was brought io his feet hy the Prsstdem. In doing *O, he made some eulo gistic allusions to the Bruate of the Uuited Butes, which he called the ••dtcus el tut a men ” of the nation, Mr. Johnson acknowledged the compliment piid him end the body of which he was a member, and the Btate which he represented, in an eloquent speech. He alluded to tiie pri vate friendship existing between himself and the guest of the evening ; to the consent of all political parties in this enier lainment ; and iben went on to say that tbe object for which he hod corns there ibis evening h*d been abundantly accam piishsd-*to see how the merchants of the city of New York would receive suih a guest. Hs di®w an eloquent parallel between the triumphs of commerce and those ol war, and dwell Ujnm the memorable fact, that* while Upon every other power, ihe Constitution had been taken snd deemed question able in its construction, ft had wver been doubted that ihe power* to esiabhsh anil regolate commerce was peifecl and complete. (Great applause.) No Virginia atrict consliuct loiusf, no Botvth Carolina abstractionitt had eter gone so lar a* to question that. After some allusion to his own Btste, especially with reference to its late pledge of state honor to re deem its public debt, the honorable gentlemen closed by gtv -11114 tbe following toast, which was received wuh great ap plause > “The Commerce of the United States—lts rfgtflattoh, for [ eign, snd domestic, was vested by the Constitution in the Government of the Union—that it might be, in all places and during all time, effectually encouraged and protected—may this object never, from arry cause, fad to be accomplished. Wf.iTeßjv Sl Atlanta RaK.koait.—The Atlanta Lumina ry savs: “ The Iron u*c**ury for the completion ot the West ern At Atlantic Kuilroud to Cross Plains having arrived, ope rations have Iraert commenced with v igor; und it is confidently *\peeH< that Hie road will he open ler travel to that point by the first of May next. ‘The binurresa upon this Road 1* ruprd ly increasing ‘/and it w considered a most important link rn the great chain that binds lire teeming mill ioittol lire West to their brethren of the Esatt. Already are Karge quantities ot grain, pork, die. r tmport*<i ov*-r it< und us the inquisitiveness of an enterprising people shall reveul the vait mineral resource* of upper Georgia and East ‘Tennessee, we may expect u Urge in crease of bmm*es Irani thu t source.” Wrhsfer Mil Ctlhown me said to- be nmr mg*** 1 upon great works. winch ere tu> lw tbe crowning eff,rts of their hves: Mr. Caßioim wptm a Treatise n the Principle# of Gdtaernmenl. aiul Mr. Wtbcier ut>on a- Hwlory anU ki*po*i- Mon of live Couatnotion. APilie life adjnurneil ferm of she StTpofior Courf rir the rwo liiMtiM were wnteiiced by Judge Meriwether, (lie eider to be h;iii£, and tbe younger to (be Peuiteuliary lor hie. The Wilmington, N. U. Übronicfo aaye that t\ 30 9*oo hve b en *ubcnbrd in ihot town to the atoclt of the Wil nitiiCotv wtd Mancheoier Mmlroeif Company, which ie to 011110 lha rottroade of North Carolina with thoe of South Carolina. A* Cabs PAa^ar.—-A latter from Weahinglon a*ya: The new public prinlri i* endeavoring in buy out ffitchte k. Heiaa. Tbe ddleieuc* in price ia about ten thuuaand dol lara. A new baaa paper n to be eat.ibfi.hed, whether the Union aell* out or not. The race Wilt be betwen the two paper*, the end of which caw be eeetly f.ireeeen. The Union can atand the competntoo a* long aa the money they have earned here leal# ; out the purge us the Albany Urgency will i be more than a-match ftrr it in- the long run. Thu queermn with ihe Albany people le reduced to Ihie: whether it i* cheeper to buy the Union uut or breelt it down by oppocilion. ” — 1 ArraisTirtnT ar to* PneatnaaT.—Col. Jtmea Roee Snowden, of Venango coimiy, Kennaylvante, to lie Treasurer jof the U. 9. Mint at Philadelphia,- in place of Isaac Roach, , remoeed. | PaecociTT—A few year* ago, a little fallow waa taken by hie father to’ a carpenter, lo Iw biiund appenlice to Him, after I tha farhitin Os iboae Wnea. I'u aetililig ibe buaineaa, rtia mua- I ter, who Wo* one of ill* niff kind,obam-vH: , 1 VVell liny, faappnae eu can eat inoat anylhing, caa lyoui 1 1 J.-.lrahe in* liov* live nn What they ilnn’l like.” 1 e 7K.’. ere,; ‘Uf'V W. mw p. ami y” ** My'elfed** l •♦P'r- - lioafgcvireTa*. aa .... p-iT..i the year baa anlviil lit hich we dhrei Wield, and ** I hive seen e hi dr*! I e fJiW'nm'. * w “** 7” • . . . r. ii..e utn. siieody the p*[*'*. < * ref-ar tftate, lha earn* of Wit -1 rrH it,v. . * candidate far thet .41. • “*■*’ SotTU-Vr**f.hlGoelA. :! Ayr!!, 61b, ttdj. i f rjin lite M.jilv Racier 4- JuurnaL UI.OUIOUN HEWS. Capinre af > lie Cattle Junri City ol t l'K t CIUZJ Tbe G.EPMe of ib, 3 i i-nat. mvs tba! tW V. S. st*arner Pn nrefort, brartug llw* iiresd penatJt of Com. GiSim, iti4vl ut f lira jwit ‘tilt’s u<ievii/tg, .nu! to um lon oA'our p*a4 9 o'clock, <*xciniigi*g eofiftee -wiih the .Na vy Yard ns nke passed. The i'riuceion HultdfW Vers Cruz on lira 29tk ufi., uud brief a the gloritrfi* <nce.Jltgence of (he re , ductiou of thul city with h* Castle %4 San Juan d'Llloe., and their enure Kecondiiwnef surrender to okr arms. Vie are iirdebt.oJ to oo of the officers of the Princeton, for tho following etinnmry of ike proceeding* iu this umstbril liam achievement which will redduml more to (he glory ot our army and marine, among the tuitions abioad, than anv that ha* yet had place iu our military annuls. Mnrcti 9. —Disembarkation of troops commenced. I4(h—4vestment of tlie city Complete. 18th—City summoned to surrendei ; on refusal, seven mor tar* opened a lire ol bombs. 24lh—Navy Battery, three 10ng32-prfuinfers, (Paixhan gun*) opened u tire iu the morning,distance 700 yards. 25th—Another battery of four 24 pounders sod 3 mortars ; opened. This day tire Navy buttery opened a breach in the wull of the city - the fire was’ very destructive to the town. ‘-’tilll —Early in tire morning the euemy proposed a surrender. , Commissioners un the side of the Americana —Gens. Worth, Pillow and Col. ‘Totten. 29th—Negotiations completed—City ami Castle surrendered Mexican troops marched out and laid down tneir arms. The American troops occupied the town and castle —at noon the American ensign was lioitted o/cr both, un J was Saluted by our vessels. The garrison of nbodt 4000 men, laying down their arms as prisoners of war, and being sent to their homes fin parole.— Five Generals, fit) superior oflicers, and 270 company officers being amongst the prisoners. The total loss of the American army,from tfie day of land ing.! March 9.) is 05 persons, killed and wounded. Officers killed—-Capt. John R. Vinton, 2d Artillery ; Capt. Alburns, 2d Infantry; Midshipman I . B. BRubrick, navy. Olhcer* \Vbunded—Lieut. Col. Dickinson, 8. C. \ ulunteert, severely; Lieut. A. 8. Baldwin, navy, slightly; Lieut. fJelozin Davidson, 2d Infantry, very sligotlv; Lieut Lewis Niels, 2d Dragoons, setefHy. All the wounded are doing well. Os the Mexicans, the slaughter is said to be immense. The commanding Geneiul wag stationed in the city, while his sec ond in command held the castle. ‘Their regular force was about 3,000, anil they hud about the name number of irregulars. Outside the city was Gen. La Vega, w iih a force from li.OOO to j 10,000 cavalry. Col. Harney, wiih Ictween 2(0 und 2001. 8. dragoons, charged on and repulsed this immense force wiih terrible carnage scattering them in all directions. Thev had barricaded a bridge to proierf themselves, but ouf artillery soon knocked away tin* obstacle, and gave Ilariit-y’i command u chance nt them. In the attack oft the tow n and castle only our smaller ves sels, draw ing not over nine feet, w*re available. But few shot and shell* were thrown into thn castle—the attack being main ly upon tlm town. None of the enemy's missiles struck our vessels; and Midshipman Shubrick, who was killed, whs sorv ing a battery on shore. With the itv, the hopes of the ene my fell, us they had no pro*isions iH the Castle to sustain a protracted siege. The Princeton is commanded hv C apt. Engle. As she sail ed from Vera Cruz. Com. Conner’s flag was saluted from the Castle of Ban J uan de Ullon. The Commodore is a passenger on boarJ, having been re lieved by Com. Perry before the commencement of thM ope. rations. VICTOICV! VICTOUVtS It is suggested, ntid is now so understood, tluil some hearty expression of rejoicing be manifested by our citizens to-night, for the brilliant victories just achieved in Mexico. Macor must not be behind our sister cities, in exhibitions of joy and gratitude for these glorious successes of tbe American Army. There is every reason, aside from considerations of patriotism, that the citizens of Macon should rejoice over these triumphs, for we have fiohs. brothers, and friends, who have been engag ed ill the Contest, and who will now, id all probability, us a peace didst speedilv follow, be soon restored to us. Let its ull then, shdw our feelings of joy and gratitude on this glUrloua dcCri*ldd; American vfilor tins triumphed. The enemy has been defeated in every bailie.—ihe strong hold of Mexifco, the suppdNea Hnprcgnulde fortress of San Juan de Ulioa has he -n taken) tile effusion of blood will be slaved, a peace will he conquered, and ouf brothers, sons, friends, and fellow-citizen*; will soon return to us flushed with victory. Never was there a fitter time for rejoicing—let every Inhn, wo man and child, unite in the jubilation, and wiih lineing of hells, firing of cannon, illumiusiioiis, nidi noisy and joyous throats eive testimony sis their feelings Ibr the Splehdid victo ries that have been achieved by American valor. tO*ISIC*IICA+EII, Mr. Editor—The time has arrived when the Voters of Gemgiaare inquiring whoisto he our next Governor—l would suggest the name of Judge Floyd, whose talents, moral worth, and firmness of character, render him conspicuous, In* residence is in the middle ration of the State, in his circuit both purtie* would support him,or at any rate, ho would get many votes from tbe Dcimeialic ranks—lie is the man un whom we should centre. MONROE. communicated. Mr. Editor—When our friend, Dr. Putnam, i* informed that the Patent right of I)r. Mmlon funder ‘ l, ~ ••••tmriiy ot which he Dr. P. is cpCratinr’ : f *. ‘* ~MP l ,* e * no restraints o> nr U9e of Bulphurifi Ether bv any one that chooses,and ihai he has been duped by paying for u privilege that we can all use at discretion, perhnp* he will cease to re gard himself asnruch an object of “envy” us his Cmnuiuuica tion in the last Mfisserrger would indicate. Macon. April 7, 18-17. MORNING STAR LODGE, No. 27, ) Thommton , (fa., Aitirih 19, 1847. J This Lodge was stintiirond and convened nport tire fad an nouncement of ilia death of One of its regular members, w hen the following action was taken: Our friend and brother, John Hatton, is no more! Full of years, we trust he huS gone “lo the bosom of his God.” Bio. Hatton died away from the home of his youth, in tliut of his early adoption ami residence. He was a native ol Maine—for a time a sojourner ru Boufh Carolina, but for an amber of years a worthy citizen rtf Georgia. ‘This morning, tlrouglf surround ed by friends an I the rrartirer of his bosom, he has been called by the Great Grand Master above from his lubors in the Lodge below. We. as Master Masons, knew him to be “ a true and worthy brother among us, ‘ possessing many noble and value.l traits ot character, hid from view the faults which ‘ flesh is heir to.” Rrgo/ved , That we doeplv deplore and lament his d<*.ath,and that we will bury him with the customary rites of Masonic Bepultre: that we sympathize and condole with his wife and friends in therr loss and bereavement: tliut Masons relieve the distressed when til their power, nfTJ will support, protect and defend the Widows ami Orphans of their necessitous deceased Brethren. Retolvcd, Asa feeble testimony and tribute to Iris memory, we will wear the usual badge ot mourning for thiity days; and thnl a copy of these proceedings be furnished the widow j of our deceased Brotner, and a copy transmitted to the press for publicntin. JOHN I*. CARY, W. M-pro tem. Alex. B. Greene, Secretary pro tern. Waslrtf.gton Lodge, wt Pond town, met nt its regular Com munication. when tbe death ol tire Rev. James 8. LUNSFORD, a member ot ihm Lodge, was announced. Wheieupon, ihe Secretary :mrred lor the appointment of a Committer* to draft preamble and resolutions expffsiive of our feelings at thiudis penitrtiorrot Divine Providence. The W. M. appointed Bios. Bert}. F. Hubert, Robert Burton, Samuel Elkins, that Commit tee, who submitted the following prnumbfe and rcsoulutioii : PREAMBLE. ff(Tw tmceriHin and eventful in life, and an appurtenance* thereunto. Hut yesterday we were caFKtd upon 10 pay the lumi tribute of reaped to departed worth—to day tha blight sun shut* of joy and gin does# break rrt opim oh as in dais otvnre, with its enlivening influence, und we were well nigh forgetting the gloomy and mournful pa*t, and with hilarious worth and sorrow forgetting feelings 10 natu ipnte the blight futuie, and h enjoy tire present. Wli*n lo r . Ibe acem** of yaaterday are being presented, and it is our 101 to pass througliont a similar- ! ny circirmstancea, and wuness the traospimrion of kiedred events of yesterday. Ami we who were want to live in joy anti love, and the hrightrtes* o 1 eaffh, behold with mm li sud ihnness our menial uml physical sky in becfo\id>d, ami in lieu ‘ of bright hopes, joy ami mode*, Imre ninth m and sorrow, shut hi upon ua and wrap our fondest and moat to be envied enjoy ineiitM in the darkness of mourning. But wiry Complain fitoiir 1 portion of Earth's sorrows? Who does not know that the calm betokens its storm, the heaulioos rose has its thorn, and tl sable curtains of night points unerringly to the coming da> . Let ns thfenno longer murmur at oiif chequered and altvrnnt ing pathway of life. For “Who would live always nway from hia God, Away from you UvaVeir,that blhtsful abode, Where the river* of pleasure flow over the bright plains And llie noontide of glory, eternally reigns.” Let us then be diligenrio* have ohr lamps burning, ami our vecaels well filled with oil ; so (bat when we are called upon that “bourne from whence no Iruteller returns” that we may be “also ready,”—as was the < ase with our tieloved Hvother James 8. Luusrbrd, Ida Masonic course is worthy of iimlntion, 1 hi* intercourse with us, and lit# fcHoW-mtn was “plumb,” Ins actiona were “square,” end never within our knoledge ditl lie descend below t “level,” in any transaction, ever keeping himself within due bounds of the “compass.” ‘I hereby ac- I know lodging the presem e of die “All seeing Eye,” and studi* 1 ously endeavormg to follow the prefcepta of rile Great Light in Masonry. Tlierefare, in view ol lua many virtues und endear ing qualifications, Knoltrd, That wo, as hmhren of the rayalic tie, deeply be mourn and lauient his death, and t join our heartfelt sorrow | with hi* family and the cJuirchea l|e served; at this loss of hi -1 invaluable services,and that wa tender to his bereaved Wife and children a Mason's hand, and.a Mason’o, lieyrt, at the some tune call the attention I'rsiyriirty tlirougheut 1 ihe tflp?e , to (he (fcpemf*nt condition ol bin family. Also, Ketofred, Thut as our Brother Chaplain i-* taken from us, ] and we loft jn a uestituie eomiidon in lliia ulHce, 1 lint we pro- , cure the services of some Rev. Brother, to pronounce s funer al eulogy on his deuth, at as esily a day aa poasitdo—that *ur { Jewid'a Lodge Room, JrC., be decorated in mottnuug, and that we wear the usual badge ol the saute for thirty deyr. Rfo4vedfurther , That theta proceedings Iw copied upon the Minute* of the Lodge, * copy of the same furnished tha bereaved family, and that all tlflj papers hi-ftto sßate he roqurat* rd to publish the saim. . . Ihiua 6y order of tha Lodge. March 27th, 1817. BUM. V. IIUBtRT, Set y. BIS*. ‘■Gfc’ tVrlr ( Vr* .ark* .u* t ’ Uhl grv* here i* thy *it- D-panml ihla Ufa,en Monrfnv, 2'4 ult., at M* rende rea-iri Huu*i*n county, Mr. JiHkl ArllkV*l,lu 111* 16lh )ear of Via je. la tfie PnuiJdue* of G.>d, til* J';* X , J w.i not pe.oa } u<4 long w#ButT*r oudm ile ctrirtrn*iug force ol the LmtteU mi rows-of disease .but the unwilling (risosarof the bouse of c lay, inn rat the l(•alllems that <. unfitted it in ux tenement ol i dvtsL and upon aei-*pbs wings wa* homo to God who gave it. i To tie dying (aaguage of the deceased, “niau is bora to die’*— I • trader bud upoa a fragile stalk, bearing upon its petals l|e pencil isg* of ij at ore’s great uaster beoa tifaliy dee oral ed and 1 I sweetly eeeoted by tlie fin-nth of iis miker—yet wiiiiend by ! the sun llul cxpuinls the hloSMHii and billed hy the dew a that . refresh the flower, bis stay is o( hui short duration —cousioutlj 1 reuiiading us— “ Our time's t monlenY. a point our spare.” It wnuh! be fdlly to eulogise his as me, (hose who knew him hest loved him moat, be was plain and uirdisguiavd iu Ins us j tore, free *ud manly iu his deport men ', kind and getierott* to i all. Itv this nielattclmly bereavement a discnnsolate wife and ! nine children, are called open to mourn the lons el a most kind, i indulgent, And generous companion and tail per. During bis : short rllncss bis communion was with bis tiod, constantly praying (hut Hit will be done and not Iris. He Imre bis sui- Idring* with cbnstian fortitude, and without a murmur calmly resigned himself into the hands of Him whom to know is life eternal. The deceakod *as fora number of year* previous to mid at hi*deatli a lull and perfect believer in tbe final restora tion and holiness of alt men. lie believed that Christ was emphatically the Savior of the whole world. Ths Bible as he often said, whs his Church, imd his guide. “How precious is the hook divine By iuspirtifion given; Bright hs a lamp its doctrines sfiiito ‘To point our souls to heaven ” The promises to Abraham Hint in him and bis seed (Christ) j should ull nations, families, and kindreds of the earth be blest, contained a cheering truth, that seemed to be a cynosure and a light, to guide his feet till lie was wont to exclaim— “ The deal sliali hear, the dumb sh ill all sing, ‘The blind shall discover that Jesus is King. The lame shall walk, and the mourner* rejoice ‘The poor and the simple believe iu his voice.” The deceased who was a member of the Masonic Fraternity, and who seemed to dote much in its privileges and mysteries, was interred in Masonic style. May those who yet live, profit by this sudden and melancholy visitation ot the King of terrors and ever remember— Earth’s highest station ends in “here be lies ” And “dust to dust” concludes her noblest song. B. C. R. In this city, on the 25th ult., in the 22d year of her after r brief but severe illness, Mr*. Eliza, consort of .Mr. Green J. Blake, of tins i it v. rr INTI.I KNZ A AN in <>\ M \l7’ H/V It is indeed a melancholy truth that thousands fall victims to Consumption every year, from no other cause than neglect ed colds ; yet we find humbeds, iihv thousand*, who treat such complaints with the grtaiesi Indifference and let them run on for weeks und even months, without thinking of the danger. At fiist you have. what you consider a slight rough or cold ; you allow husineas, pleasure, or carelessness, to prevent you from giving it any attention; it then settles upon your bfeast— you become, hoarse, have pains in the side or chest,expectorate large quantities of matter, perhaps mixed with blood; a diffi culty ot bieailiintr ensues, anil then you fun! your own so dish neglect has brought on this complaint, li then, yon value life or health, lie warned in time, and don’t trifle with yous Cold, or tru*t to any quack nostrum to cure von ; hut immediately procure a bottle or two of that famous remedy, Dr. Wistaria Balsam of Wild Cherry, which is well known to lie the moat speedy core known, a* thousands will testify whose lives have been sAved by it. For influenza it i** the tery best medicine In the world. None genuine unless signed 1. BUTTS, on the wrapper, for sale 1y BRUNO Ik VIRGINS,) , nnd GKOHGK PA YN K, < A * ,u *’ (TT Price One Dollar p-r bottle, or six bottles for $5. < OUNCIIi €H % HHi:K, ) April 2, 1817. j FFUCLAR MFFTIIAO. Present— John J. Gresham, Mayot. Aldermen— Ayret, Coitlct, Mis, Atuhb*, Watts, and Bond. Absent—Aid. Clark, and Washing!m. ThA minute-* of the last meeting were read and confirmed The Rritlgff-Kaeper reported tolls for the week ending this day, SB9 32. The Treasurer’s first quarter’s account for 1847, was refer red to the Finance Committee. Poe Si Nisbei’s bill referred. Dibble Sl Bray’* account for repair* to the rodfof the Maga zine, amount $8 50. Passed. On motion Aid Stubbs, Resolved . ‘That the lime for giving In Tax returns in the City he extended lo the first of May next, nt which rime the Books will be poKuiv.ely closed and all defaulters double Taxed ac cording to law. On motion. Resolved, That the Mayor ho authorized to rone tv the Note of the City now running and due to the Central Rail Road und Bunking CHuipan v. for six monllis and pay the interest. Connell (hen adjourned, Attest. A. R. FREEMAN. C. C. SCOJS or TEZVIFSRAItfCE, GRAND DIVISION OP GEORGIA, \ Macon, April Slh, 1847. ) regular quarter!*- session id the Grand Division will he held I at Tempers nee Hall in this city, ou Wednesday Ihe 14tb inst. atnslf past 4 o'clock, P. M. Office s snd Reprtsentstires are requested if) be punctual in attend ance, much iitipottam busiue** Witt tn* brought up for considera tion. Reorder. GF.ORGF, S. OR EAR, G. Scribe. A pri IS pwl t'osilivclv the Last. CITY OF MACON ) Cot'XciL Chamber, A mil 9. ioj". j RF.noi.rrr>, rnsi me time tor giving in Tux Returns in the City he extended to the Ist May next, at which time the Book* will he positively closed, uud ull delimiters double taxed according to law. April 7. Si At W FREEMAN, Tree*. iAolice. interested in the distruliiti >n of the Funds of K t!ie Monr<>e Railroad and Banking Company, are notified tiiat the Director* w ill meet on Thursday the 2id instant, at Meshis. Win. B. JobnAinfl Sc. Bro’s Counting Room, in the City of Macon, to hear and determine such objections or ex ceptions to the claims which hnve been filed, ns maybe urged hv the parties. AII objections nr exceptions iiiuhi he exhibit ed in writing; * ROBERT V. HARDEMAN, HENRY G. ROBB, & R. K. HINES, Macon, April 7. $1 Auditor*. B 74Q IT II MONTHS afterdate appticarion will be made to the hiiiiOrstilc th Court of OrdiuArjr, ot Upson count)', fur feav'e to veil ihe real (-state belonging to Khzabrtli Ann Duke, s rarnsf. JOSEPH DUKE, Guardian . Affil 1, tut. and Advraitrmrlfis (rom tlx- .lotirnsil. COM li 111 i \ II A l 1., LUMPKIN, Ga. r |Min undersigned have taken cbais* ol this larce and I commodious esinblhhmeut, (recently occupied by Doc ter BmiliNGFiklii,) and lakes pleasure in announcing to their friends and tbe public generally, ltint they are now prep.tied to accommodate, in the most rouifoituhle mai.nci, regular BOARDERS and TRAVELERS. Their table Will he plentifully supple and with llie best ibe market cun affnrd, and no pains will lie spared to 11 do id com foil him) ease m*. all who may fvoi them with n visit. Thev have comieeied with tlierr estsblishirrcnt, good STA BLER, which will lie provided with a plenty ol prurcnder. and attentive Oeth ia T U w f|| be under llie immediate charge of Mr rororßitK BkXt t., who will use eery exertion to ren der it acieanirle and pleasant to those who may favor them with then patrotiHce. (1 JTLbuigea shall be moderate in suit llie times. FREDERICK BEALL, WILLIAM CARTER. i . July 1 nin. 47 a VA h I AK t B L A IMS rm mu:. MTIIE Subscrrtfe. having delefrhined I* mf*ve to the West, now offers the follow log lands fi*r sale,to ffitf goo* nrres in flie county of Jnes, whereon the Subsi ri her lives. The improveilkenls are a good dwelliiig-hoUke.mi J out-honbeS, all framed ; Cotton screw.gin-house, m gin hous es and rj’itrs, all good. 1.511 m< res hi I w iggC enurtty, near Ta versville. Tl.i> plantation iff not inferbu to any in ll e (.ountv. In my ahsauce, Mr. JOHN KELLY will show the planta on iff Jones ; Mr THOMAS HOGAN the one in I wiggs I nave priced the places low, in order to make quirk sub s AiW person wlii may wisli lo pun base lauds in ihi section ol Oeorgri, w rll do well so Call and examine the lands imme diately. 7 JOHN \Y. GORDON. Sept, t, 1818. *>* H HKAO ipHM I ItS i M lI.I.KDOBvitd.K, Ftt lima iv 18. 1847. $ To the Colottil* or VommnndoMt of Ittßitnerrts n,mfo. irr the forest Brigade ts lh* Eighth MuitiOn, Uei rgia Miltfia. \\’ II KKRAS a vacancy has occurred in he Fust Brigade, vs Eighth Division. Georgia Militia, hy the death of the lata JUiCAOirH UIviRAL U ILLUR U. SmiYh : Now, in order that tlie said Vacancy may be filled, and in piirnarnnre of law, I have ihouthi proper in issue thia,my Proclamation, i hereby ordering you, the said Colonels or Commandants of Regiment*, to csMk. til elec lion lo In? helrl, on I I ESI) A Y. j Ibe 4tb day of May next, at ihe oeVrral places ul Imldina ♦ Uc -1 linns in your Regiments a are now rtflaftltshed by law Air bob'mg electron* for MtMt*ersf tbs General Asscinblv.gie mg dm nniice thereof, lor ihe election of a BRIGADIER GENERAL to fill the vattiicv • fores* id. And I do further ffggxt |4aeciofua o# aa:de|eeiion he made to IHaP * (foAHTSNff in the lime oivScnbed by law . Itv older of Ibe Cnuirtlsndcr-in-r oief. 121 lit ‘ JOHN 11, HKOW N Aid ’■ Ihp. Ilitklodoii 4 011011 SeeiL ontfbralgned h*a tenor three hundred bushels of I MASTODON COT TON SEED, which lus will selllnw I foresail* The seed i rsised upon Wv planlatioa hi Craw* 1 lord countv,and in the produce ot seed that I purch iscd of Mr. Abbey's ngenf, la-t w inter,in New i hlssns. This Cotton pro* duces finely,and yields a* much as other Cotton, and com mand* a far be ter p ice thstV other Upland Ctiftoa Persons • hisitolis of |int.'basing lha seed can obisin it by application so A. J- W lit r.L. *V Ctk, MacuiivGs, where Hess he maud in sacks, r , . *. fi. I'. OOdfilfi. Cfgw'fordcfyjgff y, la ul 35. 1817. ?7 if IJIOI s MONI UN aR ar* date, appln stilus will by Honnrsble ibe Inferior C* un rs coanty ,w hi|r sitting for ordinary purpnves, sot Icm tose’l the Lend and Negroep beloiiguig l liu esialo of puucsu Urshaai.latn of said count v,dv ,*as* ds D b GRAHAM, Aduiiiuair 4or. January 11 f 1817, # Ga AuminiWuiliH'i SaU. \GRE£ A 111. >lo mu order of tU •Mu await le Imyiior Cattrt offal oKcuunlv, wbileaiuiug #i -of OrJiawy, I *ilJUa “ld an ike irsi 4 aesday is MAY e*t, wiiUuk ihr uniiMl Uaiirs f sale.before li* Court house da nr at Makely, : KUi U county, Lot oJ Land No. 214, i a the £th 4Ji*4t*cl xsf I Euriv county. —ALSO IVtil in* ffitlii mm the firsf Tuesday i iI<NK *il,l*f(rrrt tke Court-I*ondoor ( CiftUliert, RANDOLPH cutmty, the we*i lull of Lot Nu. 110, sad 100 acres Cakes trout lit* ea*t part of Lot Ala. 4Uif, in ih iKh lliirk'tol originally Ls r, aaw Ksad.dpU cun sty—the w bale m * body coutainutg 251 } aero*, will* nooki 66 acres tdearsd land —known s-ihe place niww vVui. ii. June* formerly lived. —ALSO— Will ho <ld on tin* first Tuesday in JULY nnxt, be for# tle (lourl knii-e door at Marietta, COtiilcounty* No. JJ4, in the I'hii IL-t. Jii drtci, now Cobb county. A 1.440 Will He told imtb* firm Tuesday in JULY neit .before the Court house door ni Vun Writ, PA ULIHNU unilnty, Lot .No. *4lB, in the ‘4oth District, Ad Section, now Paulding county. All of ilia above lamia Mold as the property ol’ Archibald Gray, late of I'albot county,deceased, mid for the benefit ol (he iittii*. Teirn* uiadn known on lire duv of sale. WAJ. M. lliunt N, Ad mV. March 2. 1847. 21 Adtuiui.tra lor'. Mule. \GRKRAIII.Y to hn order of the Inferior Court ofSutnter comity. while Mining for ordinary purposes, will Ire oold before the Court-house duni in the town of Ameriru*.in Maid couulv, within the urunl lioura of safe, *it the first I'oetduv in JUNE next Lot of L,nd, No. ts, in tb** 28th District of originally Lee. now Sumter comity. adjoining McX'ree and other*; ulo, lot No !V), in the said District mid county, be longing to the eeiate of Jamea K . Mattn, late of said county, deceased. Sold for the purpose of a division among the Le gale.--. WASHINGTON L. MANN, Adm’r March 4, 1847. 23 de bonis non. ns fee \G REE ABLY to an order of the Interior Court of Clarke enmity .while sitting lor ordinary purposes, will he sold at the Couit house in the town of Marion, Twiggs comity, on the firm J'ueadav io May nexM.ot of Liilid At>. I -V4 inllie 28ih District of originally Wilkinson, now Twiggs county,containing 30*41 acre-, more or lea*. Sold as the property wf Stephen Crow, lain of Clarke county, deceased, for the benefit of the hen*. Term*cash. WM. STROUD* F.gaeiftor. Fell. 28, 1817. 42 ids Uiiiirdiim'i Into* 1 TNDER an order of the Honorable toe Inferior Court of J me county of Putnam, when sitting tor ordinary purpo ses, w ill bn sold at the Court-house’ in the foWn of Eatoiiton, between t e moil hour- of sale, oi the first Tuesday in M A V next, T%VU> .Y|f IO ‘S, a woman named Peggy* and a boy named Henry, being the joint propcitv of my imnoi children, and lobe sold lor tbe purpose ol division. Terms Cash. A. C. .MADDOX. Guardian. February l'J, 181 7. 29 ids GiSOBOI L TcllalP t ’ on hit . i a lILIiEAS F.lijah Wells, Administrator on the estate v ▼ of Jane* Nooles, deceased, applies to me for letters of Dismission from sml Administration; These era, therefore, to oil# * ml admonish u Hand Hire aim ihekiudredandrreditofs . f iaid deceased •be suu appeal at inv office , w illiiu tbe time prescrftied by law. toahon cause, it uny they huv e , why said letters should nut bo g ranted. Given under my hand, at uflicc, this 1 f tlt day of Jan., 1847. IT 6 n JNO F. Me■RAF. C.C.U. GEOKUIA. Wilkiiiftou Count?, UJ lIEKEA S Caiy Co*. Ul oinisiratur on the estate at Gilbert D. t ’ombe late of this comrty,deceased, up pi n to me for letters tl Dtsuti-siuii from said Adiniuististinii: These ure ,therefore, to cite and admonish all and lingului the kindled and creditors ol said deceased to tie and appeal at my o lice withi ii Ihe time prescribed by I a *t o olio* a use, if any t hey Imre, why -aid letters should not be granted. Given nndei inv hand at office,this 14th da* >f Jau.,1817. 17 bin ALG. IL K.A IFOHD.C. (\ O. fiLORfilA, \% illiinsoii Potfnty. U( Sarah Wheeler, Ainiiiiiistraiiit on the e of Samuel Wheeler, deceased, applies to Uie for let ters of Dismiasiun from-aid Adiiiini-tratioii! These are, there lore, to cite and -d nonnli all cotirerned to tils their ohjections, if any they have, said why Di-unsuioii .should Hot an granted. Given Under Uiv hand at oft? ••*, this Isf <fav of Jin., 1847. 16 On AUt*. R. K.IfFOKD. C. C. O. Ui;Ol(t>l.r, Wilkinson lonnlj. . i II EliK VS Surah Dixoii, AtliiiiiiieirHiiix ott she estate v y of Sampson Ifiniu ilscea-ed, applies to me lor letteis of d-mission Imm -aid Administration. These are* therefore, tu cite allfliid singular, those Con cernedt o he and appeal at my oftit ewithin t lie i inu prescrib ed by I aw, to-liow cause,! I any exist ,w hy said dismission shoo Id not he g ranted Given under my hiltd af office this litib vof Nov.. IB4G. b bin AIG It ItAIFoHD, c g.o. GIRtUUIA, M iliiluoii t'oiinty* a % ‘ HEKKAS Allen <llllOOO, Administrator on the estate v v of Theophilu•< >1 non, late of said county, deceased, applies to ine for letters of dts Mission from smd adiituu-trn -1 tion. T lies# are therefore t o cite and admonfsh all and lingular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to h un.i 1 appeal at my oilier within the t ime prescribed liv law,to show cause,if any they have, why -aid letters should not be grunted. , Given ii nder m v hand u loff!re .t bis I *1 da v of IVc.. ?846. ll mb ol ALUi. 11. RAIFOKI), t c. 0. GEOHGIAt lt;iUl%Ain ( otiisl). 11/ HEKEAM A If. Kensu applies to me for !etters ol V Administration on that portion tf the real esfaie of Abram liorland, late of Alnhama, deceased, Which is situate in (lie f'onnly nnd Vitale fits! afoiesaid : These are,t herdoi e .incite and admonish all and sing nl si the kindrednndcredifors ol sard defeased .to !>*• aml app a 1 a 1 my office, within (lie lime preecrihef) by ta w , f o show caise,il j anv they have, why said letters should not he gianted. Given under iny hand. t office, thisMmm h. 1P47. 26 5t JOHN W. W. SNEAD. t\ O. O. GLORGI A. 18 still win 4omily. ('nhrto/ Ordinary. March Term* HRESKNT their Honors— WM. N. It CMf HIT'S, JAMES, I DICKSON, and GEO D OASE. It appestie. Id ihet'oort that Willnirt Woofoey gnd John ; 11 lift bird, tho Ar miitislratdrs on the estate f Jenny I'oindex ter, late of this roimtv, deceased, are about to have a final settlement of said estate,and that they use desirous of being | discharged from Said Administration; It M therefore Ordered, Tint the Cferk of this Court pro ceed to publish the uni il citation in s n li CKirt* ; requiring all persons concerned,to -lew cause, it silt they have, on or 1 helore the ffrit Mwtnlsv in Novefirhcf next, why isid Ifisnna sioii should not he granted. A true extract front the miiifl'es of -lid Oooft. this I3ili of March, 1847. JOHN VY. W. fc.MKAD, C. c. o. Mil Ii Ij, IMT. 21 GEGKGIA, llanrork C omity. Clerk's (ftTut. Court Os Ordinary. \ \ ’ HERE AS Alfred T. Hatton, Wilkins J. Hitlfoli.Tubi \ A ma Hirion.aod Freatley Harper upplv to uia for let- ‘ ters of Admmisir tlfoii i*ti the estate oi Lott llaiton, late of saul county, deceased I J’hese arc,therefore, to cite ai*d wdmonish sllandsinguiai the kindred awd creditors of said deceased, to bn and appear at my olhce, within the time picsciibed by show cause , 1 f any they call, why sit id I ctlCi a should not he , granted. liiven under my hand at office, tuis of March., 1847. 25 ox ’ IIENKV KOiiEKt**, c. c. o. GEOIIGH, Acwlon 4 ounly. VS ( LES KH’ll V *li*M>N, of 1 tie . f >4<>iii Dial ,G• “• tolls beldrs me, Thus. J . Gray, a Justice t the Peace ?n and for suufCounty, one eslray f*av liorss, -opposed (o he H 01 14 years old, b md in Hie ugh! eye, both ot bn hind feel • white. Appraised by Gemgn W. Tolly nnd James k (lasa lo fifteen dollars. TMUd. J. GKA A , J. P. Mur.-Ii 23, 1817. A true extract from he eifrsy Itnoft. \V. D. Lt’CKfE, and. 1 c. March 23,1817. *'o dt i MH U MMkVI’ilS after date applrfalion will be * mudw to the llonorshlv Inferior t'bofi **• IwiggscOnn tv.when sitting ft it nfifinafy purposes, frtr leavd to sail sll lb- lands and m gioe-. heUniging to the estate ol 1 human Fulton, late ul said couulv, deceas'd. KOHE-NI FELTON, AdmV. tfn bon is non, with file will annexed. Mr.n !, 1f..1817 26 till I*ol It Ilf ON I slWi duta, application will b# made to the Hoiioiahl e tha I liferß<r Courl ot Montgomery , couulv, while sitting fin Ordinary purposes, fdr leave loann nil ilia laud belonging u) Ah Hindi' l McAithur, irtitlof. Iynl| 111 I siluiH count > , tor )t)lf\ Air AHI II UR, Natural Ottltdiaffi Mount Varnon, Mrtntgoftiery county, On. March 3,1647, , I.M)| It MOM IIA after !aie appiicaimu Will lr 1 made to the Honorable the |ii(cinr Court ol Wilkiuaou * oiintv. #*ien sitting tin Ordinary purpose*, lor le*e to sell ihe real estate ol William J. feeai*. Ul# of sawl county, de- M .rcli l.i Ml/. <wl 101 It )lO* ■ ll* n.i ilm*-, .pi'lk.iM.n ill l ’ mdi> 111 It.r lluniin.n. lU* t"nll i l I’ I'oUnty. *llil* .nil", fur mllili.i. || ,**l*. 9t fcf IthO lo ..ll i th. rd iH /uhit Wj'im, jSctuffil. JUII.N SMITH, Aiim r. Mu.li9 i: 17 i Jii'hAMl j |i<il l( HOI I ll* nl rpl” i' ll i,r . rosile to ihc Ifonoratile the fofeiinr toull ol Malnwm 1 r mint V . will'll .Him, In. ntillli.iy f UII f*W., lilt 1f... I tfll i in* iml •■Ul* ul Jnmr. I. JiVmi, Ut.ul .wid cutlul,d- Id. ISAAC HOIiINU , Adwiiiwitttur. rs.MM 19 1* r.'t)lMM6.Sl US I.’ “> *M w C mud” lo ih. Ilnnof.tili. Inferior * rtufl nl I'.ldwtii hSiMi**lnr wfdißOy pulpow.,ff lf.felo.tll ili.f poniiid ol file f..l E.'.ie “I J.iiie., let. of lleorj ■<iur*v, Al..,dfe*i and, whilii it nt‘ule iii I lie ertniily ol ll.ldwiii. • HAKKH.i N. iikAV. Adnit’i” J.on.iv ‘J, 1847. H tl'l 0- *■ l iToVK !ntSSTIIM fOf il.le, epplmellon will be !I 1 nixdo tb lit- Honmsbb’ th Interior Goun of A|*flin 1 aunt v, while ntting for wrdmsry j'urpfscs, fi*r lesvr* to sell |1 he following lots nr lard, sh w it. No. 148 in the lyth Dis<ncl l of Lee eonntv.Nn stfitltllMii< l'is<i*cl4 IrooJy enunt.v, ud jN. |4B in ibe lot Hisfrlct id t iirrnlkoont. 10 bs sold lor Ims briivil of tUg Iw r god rcditotn ol said and teased. JK*£L bUMJftEIUCL, AUmmlatrstor. ’ Decerabtr S! ,lkki. Ml# >1 I'iuii Ji t iii i iay. rillOUfiO: Jty HEO H<wE JE. C£4 IVFO ft4>, (mwi nmrmf <tri4 U, JIELIEA*S, luAyroiaitwa lias Steen w.n. as oss csmnaKtil ro thecitv <4 .Saassoita-h 5550 I- i**t.,hy IREDELL A. ALhX A NDER as rhobiyiywf A uv Gill: J hive pixiptw t vawwe *■** fWel> * thm, Lerefry odemg rewxntl of OAK WJKDUI D IHf♦ LAfttitouu* per Hen or peiwau* w!k may apmrleeeid Vs ALEXANDER, and deliver h.m (a (lie sr J!i Ciiufhitu county. And 1 d<s moreover, charge and rct|uir# nil officers, cV. v and military, in (hie .State, to be vigilant in enrbvMvorm* ton* prebend the said fugitive, in order that he maybe brought t ■ inai fortlie crime with which he stood* charged. Given under my hand and the Great S*-f of the Stale, r the Eapilnl, in this 24<h dsv of Mr< < , A. D. I<H7. GEO. W.CRAWFORD. Hy the Governor: N.C. fL; tt.vkrr,Secretary nfState. Dticriutio}). IREOF.I.I. A. ALF.XANDER is about 08 or 38 years < r nge, 5 feet 1* inches high, thin visage, red complexion, and lo light blue eyes, sandy hair, and his occupation that ofs sine ■ meat hmclier. 2fi3t G 11011G1.4, Hancock Loiiitfy. INFERIOR COURT, sitting for Ordinary Furposes, S . urdav,3oih January, 1817. Tim Court met pursaiut to adjournment. I’resent their Honors THOMAS M. TURNER,) THOMAS J. 1.1 II LE, ‘TELLY, > I r appearing ta the Conn, tli t 111 11. RnH<r and Ahn* A. t ?ook, A (luiint-tratora of Nuthun (hiok . late of this c.num • deceased, have fully administered said estate, ami paid ontt! ■ assets according to law, and u<>vv praying this llonoribh Court to he discharged Iroiir said AdniimsiiuiKm: Oil unit in < Ordered,tint the f'ieik do publish a citation in the premise according olav, for those interested to *how cause, mi <>r before the next .September term of thin Court,i* they have any . w hy the said Hit x ler and Cook should uni he discharged fiun . said Afliniiiistiaiion. A ud it appearing to the Court, that Jasper M. (• on tier. Ad •niiiistrstui oil the estate of Mark Harefield, deceased, Iras Ini - ly administered mnd estate according to law. and praying t fie di-clisrged then from : It is Ordered, that the t’lci kof 1 1• t - Court do issue u citation in the premises, and hove it puhlisl ed ne.eoidiug In law, to those in interest, lo eliotv cause, r* any they bate, tin or before the ikxi .September Term ol tin Court, why the mid Jasper M. Guilder should no! he di charged ut said Term from his said Administration. Ami It being repit sealed to this Couit by Reuben T. Rm tie, Exeeiitoi of the last will and testament of Eh/. ilu llt Gartl tier, late oi said comity, deceased, that be has folly atlminn*- terad said estate, and praying to lie discharged therefrom • It is on motion,>rdered. that tha Clerk do i-sue a cia ton in the premises, and have tbo same published according to law, tor all persons interested to sliew cause, on or before tin* upxt September Term of this Court, if anv they lrtve, why lr.• should not be discharged, or (h it lie will nt raid Court budi* charged from the Executorship of said will. True extiucis from the innnilis. I 1 *u HEN *RS, *• r. o. GEORGIAt Hancock 4 ouaily. INFERIOR EOl KT, sitting for Ordinary Furposes, Mon ■< day, Illh January, 1547. Tre-enl their Honors THOM AS J. LI T I LE, ) WILLIAM M. ROYER, \ Tl 1.1. Y VINSON, >Justices. THOMAS M.TURNERJ It appearing to the Court, llial William Rachel, A<’- miitfslrnloi ul, dec. of Mvles Rachel, late of said county, ih” ceased, lias voiuph ted said Administration, und pray ing t • he dismissed lheielroiu: Ordered. That a citatiou he issued in the prciuMHs to ul! pe sons interested to show cause on a* before the .September I enn ol tliis Court, (if any they have,/ why tlie ahi I William Rachel should Hot lie discharged froi said Administration , and tnal said citation ha published • cording lu law And it being represented to the Court, tbit Henry Roger*. Eiecutoi ol of Sarah Cook, lute dt this county, deceae*.’., bus folly administered the ratals of siiil decensed. and pni-i out in* assets, und praying to he discharged therefrom : ft 1 ordered, lint the Clerk nf this Court do is.-ue and publish ♦ citation in the premises, to all persons interested, to short cause, it anv they have, why the said Rogers should not, a* the September I enn of thrsCuurt, receive letters ol diainb siou from said estate. Audit lining leprcsentedto this Court, that Henrietta Hill. Executrix ot. Jia ofjiliu Hill, lute ot Hancot k county, di ceased,bus fully lulimuistered Said estate, nnd psid out Ih*- assets there.ot to those eiiß'led to the same : 1 1 is ordered that the Clerk ol this ( durt do issue und hate pdbliftlied u eituti* • to all persons interested, to file their objection*, il any they have, on or before the next September I ertn of this Court, •. 111 default thereof said Henrietta will be discharged from her Executorship in said Estate. Ami if being represented to this Court, that Joseph Bryan. Execoloi ot,&c. nt Ann Muibura Robertson, lute ol ilii-coui. fy,d’ Cesspd. has fully ndniinistered said estate, and paid not llie usßc s accoidme i|mw —and in* now applying to be di charged frooi his saul I.xecutori hip : It is ordered, that tin Clerk of ibis < ‘ourt do publish said application for the term <■ six uionilis, and it no objection is ofieird, the said Bryan wil* receive letters of distill—iou ut life September term next, of this Court. Ami it bein': repri vented to this Court, hy Alva Conn. !, Administrator of SLt. of Christopher C. Mnrihet, deceased, that he h fully sdmiuitlteTed th estate of said deceased, aiuf 1 paid out all toe assets; It is ordered, that the Clerk ol tln-i Court do issue nod Ituve puhli-hed a citation in the pmuißi according to law, for ail persons concerned to show cause, if any they can, win hesh-Mifd not h dismissed from said Ad lofiiistruimii at the urii September Term of this Court. • ’True attracts from the minutes. | 16 mtini HENRY ROGERS, Clerk C. O. iisiik u<-k Hay Ulteriit *• salt*. \\f lI.L l>* sold before the Court-house door in she villa - 7 ▼ of Spnrlii, Han ork fottnty, on the first Tuesday hi .MAY iiPXt, wiil.inhit lgl houri ol dale, t bo folic wingpio’ 1 party, v \r. : On* ni'cro wnimn liv tin* name of Hannah.about 10” [ old, levit-d on tn ilit* property of >iug!eton Franklin to m iii i ly a !i hi from Hancock ltrertor Court in favor of James Th<- iiinn vh Maui di.igietoii F.unkliir. Property pointed out l*v plaintiff. L. S. STEWART, Sheriff. Mnffh'o3,lß47. Sfitda INKuaiu Slitritl’s Salr. \ \ II L le •••Id b*ioi* tin* Court house door in Eatonlm*. v * I' ll inn in count t w i tli in the Ural liourn of sale, no tt fir-t Tuerdtty in MAY next, llic lolloping properly, in wit: Three negroes, Prince, Fanny and A Hen. sometimes railed Peter, eold nndei it tleniee, ol the fSupeiior Couit ol Piilnm county, it* tt part of the entitle of William Hugera, deceum ti, for (lie pmpone o! dtv i.sioii airioec’ the legatees. \V. |. MtFAUDiN, l>. Sheriff Marc! Vt> Ufa Telfair ‘ r la> fi lie fill bale, Oe tHid iM*fm tlie Court house doer in Jerk** * - villf, Tell ur county, on tlie firai Tuesday in MU ne*f, vvi.lim the legal hours ofsule.the following piopetty to wif; One negro man rimed Cork, about 25 years, of age vr\ likelv , levied tin tt* tli’- ptopnlv of Joseph Williaus, to sail ly afi ft froui u Jo-tu'e - Loiilt ol the JWfitli District, H. M in tnvoi ofittiiiotn It. Crttltoiii vt Joseph VYiliianu. Levy made Mild returned t< inv by a constable. JOHN TICKREN. Sh’tf. M I Z I7. t 1 a Mout'oitit*ry .Way Sheiill’a Salt*. \\> ILL l#e sold befoit* the Court house door in Mnnn* vs Varnon. Montgomery'conntv, on the fitst Tuesday u MAY next, within the legal hour* ol sale, the follow ii.g properly ,io wit: Twelve hundred acres of pine Land, more of leas,inelndii .•* the nrrproveuteiii whereon Hanot l Peterson formerly li't ti; also, two \onng horses, three or four yeaia old itud lourteei, head ot single sheep; twvied ori to attrg/y tt Jnßfce‘* Court b fa. in favor ol C. *.V K. VLKievs. Iftniel Peterson tnul or- Iron* the Superior f-urt of M tuff gone ry county vm. Panirt Prlviauii. Levy iii id and returned to me lv cooeiahle. ALEX \ iVHKIt Moilftt&iOK, Sheriff. March M. 1 21 ids Moiilgamcry May Sit Prill’B Salt*. vl It. Lite Mold before tha Court-house door ill Mounf \\ Vernon, Vlmit'ooier v cotfirty ,on the first Tuesday i r May next. Wuhm rtre legal lioura of sale, tftfe following prop ertv, to wii; Two lulu of land. No*. C?t and in the sixth lH*t of oriftiuailv VVilkuiPoii now Montgomery coouiv y leviedon a a the property ol damp* VV. Chaney to satisfy otto rt li issu** 1 - trniii tin* Superior Court of Montgomery county, llenrv Till limn vs Jittnr* \V. Clianev. Piopertv pointed nut b> th> defendant. ALEX\NHKU >IciKK<JOR, Sh’tT Meirh 10,1847. 25—td* %tliu!nltrit#r , i salt*. \(i KI.KA Ml. Yto an order ot tlia lulerh.r Court ol Wilkin aon county, wlieu pitting fm ordinary purpoaea, will he •old, before ttie Court I loir *ft door in “aid county, oil the tii*i Tuesday in May uprt,all laud* belonging to the estate ol J* el Hoover, Inle’ufaaid county,deceased, lying in aaid county Also, tin tire lira! Tuesday in J uue lie**, will he add hef.n til*Court ILub* door in l.owndSa county, one filth part el Lot, No I7 in tit* 15th tliat.nloriginally It win, now’ cuuutv, baluitgiug to the octate of Joel ILmver, deceaaed,| JtMIM HOOVER, l A , |mri irr\KT IfthJVLM, \ 17. 1H IJM K->x*civlorh* Stilt*. ’ ILL ha sold u the lirat I oesthiv m May neat, befoi*- v Y the ('ourt iionyn door in Cutliheit, ltand<dph couoty,l • t ofLVN IktioWuhy u umber one liundredand twenty nine, •. tiie ti in district of aaid COUUtV, aultl agreeably to tile la*’ t will aud tesloureut of James Uunter. ar., deceased, of W s t ,jh county, tor lit* treueftl of tlm herre mid creditora of coot dreetetr!. T erm* on the day. JIMKH CHINTER,> v .... LAII \M Ul/N I KK, j 1 j Mar l. H 1817. It Atlmiitlsiiskioi*B Suit*. itMU, he sold at Ap.trUt, ou I tiesday, the HH day of Sr v\ neat, the pcreoual property of Jatnee M.Hoi-ey.l f of Hancock County, deceased, consieting of *• Led 1 i SulUey, (>n Oun, uu C.. 0 .nU 4vt > r (. ...I. \ .ml .uil.lrv orliala,. T.riutn* ilic da, el *hl. .... JAM).a 11. lIOI.SEY, Admimlr*Hif M.w h 1.1,1847. None*- in 6iitr nd r. dMt>re. ALL peiW4.cs lUtleUMi K the ctUHesd June* K itUnn. of Sumter ctHtntr, cWocasad. make nuclei pat (O'-ul to ih* tindetetPiiad, and elt tboec having MKair.Ki tin* said iVceaiPU prwet.Cl their aceotmta and n> te§t-4 withiti li e •...* preernbed hv law. vv \ SHI vu TON L. MAN.N, Adtu r dClonirin Match l, 1 tt4;. *.