The Daily tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1879-1???, July 10, 1880, Image 4

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Five Cent Column. WANTED. WANTED to rent a conveniently located dwelling house with n ot less than live rooms. Apply to this office. WANTED.— To rent a tcur loom house in an eligible locality. Apply to Claude B. Hargrove. j’Otf. WANTED. —Everybody to advertise in the Tribune next week. \ ITANTED, —A first-class male cook. Ay VV ply at inis office. j29-tf. FOR SALE. I?OR SALE.—The Mark Moore house, at the JL upper end of Br >ad street., is offered for sale at a bargain. Apply to Van cy & Dean or I'. F. Howell. j29-lm. AN Otliae Safe for sale by Veal A Poti. lawfswd-w»t: IVOR SALE. —Two good pumps for sale by ' Ayer A McDonald. 1?0R SALE.—A new Standard Cotton ’ Press. Apply to Tribune. IVOR SALE. —Second hand Long Primer, Nonpareil and display type. Apply to Tribune. 17'011 SALE THREE NEW SEWING MA chines, also one bran-new Bickford Knit ting machine. Will be sold cheap. Apply at Ibis office. 110-ts. IVOR SALE, 3 acres of land inside the V of ’ the S. 11. A 1). R. 11.,in East Rome. Eu qureof J. J. Seay A Co., at the office of Remo Stove Works. HOME. GA., JULY 10, ISSO. I'ernoiinl Intelligence Maud Miller worked at raking hay, Ami cleared her forty cents a day ; Her clothes were course, her health was line, And she worked in the sweet sunshine 1 Shit'often glanced at the far off’ town. Aaxl wondered if eggs were up or down 1 And |he sweet song died of str irge disease. Leaving a phantom taste of cheese, And an appetite and a nameless ache Eor so'dawatcr and ginger.cake. This judge rode slowly into view, Slopped his im the shade and Carew His line cut out; while blushing Maud Marvelled much at the kind ho “chawed.” “I am as dry as a fish,” he said with a wink ; “And kind o’ think that a good drink Will brace me up.” So the cup was filled With the crystal wine the o'd spri g spilled, And She gave it to him with a sun-browned hand, “Thanks,”said the Judge in accents b and— “A thou 'and thank- 'I For a sweeter draught From a fairer hand” —But there, tie laughed ; An I.the sweet girl stood in the sun that day, Ant! raked the .Judge instead of hay. Will Thigpcius meandering around the city. Hon. Samuel Hawkins, of Chat tooga, is in tlifl city. Mr. Robert Gamble, of Atlanta, is in the city visiting friends. Mr. Chas, King, we are glad to state, is able to be up again. Major Sidney Herbert is doing Rome up in the Savannah JVetcs. Mr. Paleman J. King, of Cave Spring, was in the city yesterday. Hon. JI. I). C. Edmundson, of Sum merville, is sightseeing in the city. Mr. Will Wikle, a prominent mer chant of Cartersville, is in the city. The fair and accomplished Miss Katie Carter, of Dalton, is in the city. Mr. Schuab, of Atlanta, took a steroscopic view Os the troops yester day. Dr. August us W. Wright, a popu lar druggist of Cave Springs, is in the city. , Mr. Albert G. Pitner, of the S. R. & D. 1,1. R.. is .spending the week in the city, i Mr. Joe Neal* returned yesterday af ternoon from Rl> extended Northern tour. Mr. De Forest Allgood, of Trion taking iu the encatpp mc*t, IHifp ■’ll *A. SptSar, of hi canmuate for State Treasurer is in the city. Little Belle Lockhart is rapidly ro coverijig from the effects of her severe fall j&sterday. Ills Excellency, Governor Colquitt, left yesterday at 6:30 p. ni. for his hoifte in Atlanta. Cw. J. W. Renfroe, Treasurer of Georgia, was iu the city yesterday, with the Governor. Dr. Miller, an old Roman, now a Savannah, .is spending en campment week in the city. Misw J&ssle lliqpdon, of Atlanta, is in the city,Mie* guest of Miss Bessie Howell, on Lumpkin street. Mr. R. F. Thomason, of Oxford. Ala., accompanied by his family, arc stopping at the Rome Hotel. Mr. Will IL Shropshire, of the Coosa llicer Jfcu'S is registered al the Chatham Artillery restaurant. Me Alfred Hamilton .returned yes terday from his lour to Niagara and oilier places of interest in the North. Mr. John Terhune, of Chattanooga, the genial operator of W. U. T. Co., ■is visiting friends and relatives in the city. Messrs. Shell Murray and Thos. Berry, two prominent merchants, of D Alton, are in the city “doing” the encampment. Messrs. J. R. Draper and J. F. Gra han*«ty* of Oxford’s most prominent citizens were registered yesterday at the Rome Hotel. Capt. M. IL Amarine,of the Green ville Light Guards, is a son of the 1 .tv Col. J. W. P. Anierine, who com manded an Alabama regiment in the late war. Misses Georgia Hoke and Annie 1 Wyly, two of Jacksonville’s lovely flowers, arc in the city visiting Miss Willie Underwood, on East Broad street. • Capt. George C. Stewart, of the < Griffin Light Guards, is a son of the . Hon. John I). Stewart, one of the ; most distinguished public men in that countv. * I Col. A. B. Montgomery, by a typo graphical error, was put in the Tenth United States Artillery. He .was in the Fourth Artillery, and an officer of fine figure and soldierly qualities. Lieut. Alexis McNulty, of the Sa vannah Guards, oneof the handsomest officers in the State, has been tendered a position on Gen. Anderson’s staff, but other duties will prevent his ac ceptance. Mr. Smyth Clayton, one of the able quill drivers of the Constitution is in the city “doing up’’ the encampment business. The readers of his paper may confidently expect an able article every day the encampment lasts. Miss Lillie I’ruden, a most interest ing and amiable young lady, daughter of the Mayor of the city of Dalton, and Miss Lucy Jackson, a most charming and accomplished belle from the same place, is in the city, as the guests of Mrs. R. A. Hanbury. We are pleased to note the presence in the city of Adjutant-General J. H. Baird, of Atlanta, whose genial man ner, commanding figure, and hand some uniform attracted universal at tention. Upon his arrival in the city he had many honors shown him by (he officers and companies. Acquired of Forgery. Two colored men were before Jus tice Wright yesterday on a charge of forgery. The evidence _was not suf ficient to hold them and they were discharged. Removal. J. 11. £ VV. J. Satterfield have moved into their commodious new building opposite the Nevin Opera House where they arc prepared to serve all with fancy and straight drinks. Whisky by the barrel and beer by the keg at rock bottom prices. d3twl. Harwell Bros., on Bridge street, have just received a fresh stock of canned goods, besides a general as sortment of staple and fancy groceries. Give them a call. Hurrah for the Millitary Encamp ment! Hancock and English! They all wear the Celluloid collars and cuffs, sold by Camp, Glover & Co., 51 and 53, Broad street. Dropped Dead. Yesterday at about 11 o’clock one of the bay ’bus horses, belonging to Mr. R. 11. Lockhart, of the Central Hotel, had a sudden attack of cramp colic while standing in front of the hotel and dropped dead before he could be taken from the harness. The animal was valued al $l5O. R. J. West & Co., have iu stock the finest assortment of Ladies’, Misses and Children’s Slippers ever brought to tliis market. Heal Fktnto Sales. On Thursday Mr. Free Stephens and brother, of Cartersville, purchas ed Dr. A. IL Wright’s farm ten miles from Rome on the Coosa, paying therefor the sum of $5,000 cash. On tlie same day Dr. Wright pur chased a farm, tliicc miles frpm Rome, from Messrs. Wright & Feath erston, paying for the property $5,000. Beautiful silver comb, silver card cases and silver fruit knives, just re ceived and for sale, low, by Veal & Son. june 18, dlt-wlt. Gov. Colquitt Speaks, Gov. A. 11. Colquitt made a most admirable and eloquent speech yester day to one of the largest crowds that ever assembled iu the city hall. It was mainly devoted to a review and defense of his administration, and was frequently received with rounds of applause, plainly evincing that the audience was largely his friends. He went at his subject in a plain, straight forward manner, and if we mistake not, made many votes. We arc selling shoes at extremely jow prices in order to make room for the large stock of fall goods that are now being made to order. J. M. Lovelace. Camp Lee, The beautiful grounds of Camp Lee will be a busy scene tliis morning, but this should not prevent the gener al public from knowing that Messrs. Janes & McDonald have turnip seed for the million, this year’s crop too. Buist'ssced, warranted pure and fresh, at either wholesale or retail. No man can do justice to himself, his family or live stock, if he fails to buy a full supply of this seed of Messrs. Janes & McDonald. Turnips! Everybody likes them ; the children cry for them and the planter who does not raise them will be in a continual worry and distracted by the plaintive lowing of his cattle who cannot get along without them. Buy your seed Janes & McDonald, who also keep a full line of drugs, toilet articles, etc., etc. Parasols, Fans, &c., at a sacrifice, at Thos. Fahy’s. DO WN THEY GO AND MUST BE Sold regardless of cost. 11. HARPOLD, 55 broad Street, rome„j;a. For the purpose of making room for a new firm and new goods lie wi’i offer for the next sixty days his large and well assorted Stock of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Notions, Hosiery, Gloves. Handkerchiefs, and Gents furnishing goods at prices low er than ever offered before. It is impossible to enumerate goods and prices.—Call early find secure some of the great bargains. Thcbargain counter will ’ be kept well tilled with goods at half their real value. 11. HARPOLD. Special Train. Dr. E. Ilillyer, President of the Rome railroad, with his accustomed foresight ami energy, will run a spe cial train over that road for the ac commodation of the many persons wishing to visit the city, who cannot come on (he regular (rains. Fancy Groceries. Oneof the best and most select stock of groceries to be found in the city is that of Mr. L.M. Johnson. He has recently purchased the interest in the stock owned by Mr. L. ». Hufl’a kcr, and will push the business for ward with ificreased vigor. He is de termined to rush his business, and if you want bargains in plain and fancy groceries, give him a trial. Wheel Oil. Yesterday noon as the Chatham Ar tillery dashed down Broad street on! their return to headquarters after the review, when opposite Oostanaula street, one of the wheels of the next to the last gun carriage came off. The rear gun come to a halt, but tlie broken carriage dragged a half block before stopping. The damage was finally remedied and rear batteries moved on. Wholesale Tobacco and Cigars. Kull lino, all grades Tobacco and Cigars, at the lowest prices. Be sure and sec inv goods before you buy. J. E. DANIEL. 17 Shorter Block. J. It. Butt Ac Co. We take pleasure in calling the at tention of the public to the advertise ment of Messrs. J. R. Butt & Co., job bers of stoves, tin, etc., etc.. This is one of tlie leading business houses of Rome, and they command a large trade all over the country. Employed in their establishment arc' sonic of the finest cornice workmen in the South and their work ornaments tiic principle buildings of Aimie. See their advertisement on thcftlrst page. Gentlemen save money by looking up your last year’s spring (garments and got them cleaned or colored at the Rome Steam Dye House. ts. Groceries* Pence & Co. Cheap Cash Store, The only strictly Cash store in the city. Keep fresh and pure goods, . Sell fast nt small profits, And for less money than any -other house. We mean what we say. How can we do it ? By buying for cash In the best markets in the U. S. Regardless of every consideration except quality and price; By having no expense of books ; By having no expense of bookkeep er, Nor of Fire-proof safe, Nor of Irsurancc. We loose no accounts and therefore don’t have to add a per cent to cover such losses; By being satisfied with very small profits, We are determined to turn our stock over fast and will be glad if our friends will give us a trial. We mean business. Fine Photographs. Yesterday afternoon a reporter of the Tribune, on his daily rounds, chanced to drop in at Y’ouug’s Photo graph Gallery and there beheld some of the finest work of art it has ever been our good fortune to gaze upon. Mr. Young is an artist in the highest sense of the word, and in our opinion he is second to none iu the State. The greatest encomium we can bestow upon him. Is to say. that in all his work lie is TRUE TO NATURE. Ho neither flatters or falls below par in his work, a trait that is seldom found in photographic artists. His gallery is arranged with every con venience for gelling a good picture; the light thrown upon the person sit ting. is soft and even, making Iho pic ture look like it was made in the day instead of the night. Mr. Youngi has had a life-long experience in the busi ness and nobody does better work than he. Connected with his photographic establishment is MR. CHARLES B iUCKNER who does some excellent photo-paint ing and enameling, which makes the picture look even more like the origi nal. lie brings out every shade of color that the subject for a picture may have on, and when enameled it gives’ the picture tlie finest tinisli w’c have overseen. For true pictures, tinted and burnished, give the Y’oug Gallery a call. I'aragrapitic-Mcution. Bet you two dollars and a half I ani thy fither’s ghost, Doomed fora while to walk the night, Until I can get put on the day force, . And the foul crimes done in my days of po’i tics Are burnt and purged away, But that I am torbid I could a tale unflold Whose lightest word would weigh as heavy as a freight car ; breeze the young blood ; Make the two eyes stick out like ink bottles ; Thy knotted and combinned locks to part, And each particul r hair to stand on end Like quills upon a bran new paint brush. But this eternal blazon must not be To ears of flesh and blood ; List, lis O, list I I intend to sell it to a newspaper for Look out for a jam to-day. Read the notice of lost parrott. Ladies Cloth shoes at Govan’s. To-day is the big street parade. Gents calf boots, new lot, at Govan’s The city is crowded with visitors. J. H. & W. J. Satterfield have re moved their stock to their new,build ing. New roasting cars are in the market. Standard Prints at 5 and cfs. at Thomas Fahy’s. 1 The soldier boys seem to be enjoy ing themselves. Call and examine the bargains of fered at the Lovelace shoestore. The dust is only tour inches deep ou the road to the camp grounds. Zeigler’s tine shoes, just received at Govan’s. i Hammocks for the weary soldier or ■ citizen, at Yeiser’s. New lot. sandal boots, latest styles, just received at Govan’s, Great Bargains in Gloves, Hosiery, | Ribbons, &c., at Thomas Fahy’s. Thi?l>est and cheapest shirts in the city are to be found at 11. Harpold’s. A large stock of bed spreads, at IL Harpold’s ; selling at wholesale pTiccs. 11. Harpold is closing out a line of standard prints at live and six cents per yard. The Rome colored band gave the Chatliams a tine serenade last even ing. Potted Ham, Turkey, Chicken, &c. just received by J. R. Black & Co. The largest stock of genuine French Extracts for handkerchief, at half the usual price, at Yeiser’s. Y'ou can find all the delicacies of the season at J. R. Black & Co’s, new store, No. 10, Broad street. For the next thirty days we will sell ladies’, misses’ and children’s , spring shoes at cost. . J. M. Lovelace. Just received, for the encampment, 40 per Lawns, at 7 and 8 cents, at Thomas Fahy’s, 58 Broad street. Lemon, Cocoanut, Butterscotch : and Vanila Jumbles, just received by . J. R. Black & Co. The finest table mustard in the world, “BuTrough’s,’’ Lexington, Ky., tor sale at Yeiser’s J. R. Black & Co., have the largest, i finest and chapcst lot of toilet soap ver brought to Rome. Carpets cleaned at your own house’ Leave orders at Rome Steam Dye House ts. Cassimeres, Linens, Shirts, ladies’ and gents’ furnisliing goods, at bot- - tom figures, at Thos. Fahy’s. Just received a large stock of Gent’s hand and machine sewedß Gaiters ot the lattost styles,at R.J. WEST& CO. If you need any medicinal waters don’t go to “White Sulpher,” but try a bottle of “Kronthal,’’ at Y'eiscr’s. J. R - Black & Co. keep the celebra ted “Home Comfort - ’ cigar, and the i very best nickle cigar in Rome. Gents’ underwear, half hose, hand kerchiefs, collars, suspenders, and • tics, cheap at 11. Harpold’s. J. R. Black &Co. have just received a choice lot of Jellies, Ginger, Pre serves, Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, ! Apple Blitter, &c. Fifty dozen choicest Toilet Soap, and twenty dozen colognes at very 1 low prices, at Yeiser’s. , Gold bracelets, lockets and ncck , laces, just received and for sale, low ! by Veal & Son. june 18, dw-4t. Blankets scoured withoutshrinking. White curtains bleached and recal lendered at Rome Steam Dye House. The “Dispatch" Soda Fount will be kept well supplied with choicest syr ' ups, and plenty of ice during the en ’ campmeut—it is at Y'eiscr’s. Call and examine our stock of choice ’ groceries, and get our prices. Polite , attention awaits al). Goods are deliv ered in the city free. J. R. Black &Co If you want to see the nobbiest lot of , ladies’, Misse/ and Children’s Slip pers and shoes in town drop in at R. J. WEST & CO’S. At the Lovelace shoe store can be found the largest stock of gents’ low cut shoes of all styles, which will be sold at low prices. We have a new shipment of coflee Laguayra, Peabery. Golden Rio, ordi nary Rio, and some thing line in green and roasted Java. Fresh lot of chick ens, eggs, butter, crackers, lemons and new wheat flour at McDonald Bros. We will publish the official pro gramme every day. The programme for to-morrow has been received front Gen. Ejans as regards services in tiic camp and will be published in our next issue. We w«ttld suggest that tlie Gate City Guards give an exhibition drill at some specified time, as they will not be with us on Wednesday next to contest for the prize. Tlie Gate City Guards are undoubtedly a crack con - ' pany and an exhibition drill will be witnessed by thousands witii tlie ut most pleasure. Name your time, Captain Burke. 1 Miscellancons Advertisements. T C BBS, HOME, . . OEOROIJL, DEALER IN STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES! Having Received a New and Complete Stock of CONFECTIONERIES, TOBACCO, CIGARS and SNUFF; Teas,Coffee,Sugar & Provisions of all kinds. Fresh Tennessee Butter on Ice Always on Hand. All Goods sold at Bottom Prices. Give me a call and be convinced, at the Given & Bruce old itffnd, Howard street. ATTENTION SOLDIERS I HURRAH FOR HANCOCK AND ENGLISH! Kevin Opera House. ELLIOTT & OTIS, KEEP THE VERY BEST Wines, Liquors and Cigars, Imported Goods a Speciality. Ice Cold Beer Always on l— HARWELL BROS. STREET?, - • - ROME, Gt A. DEALERS IN PLAIN AND FANCY GROCERIES, TOBACCO, Confectioneries, Fruits, Potted Meats, Etc. All goods sold at bottom prices, and delivered free of charo-c to any part of the city. ALLER 4 McOSKER, Jewelers, And Dealers in Golds Silver Watches, TABLE WARE, CLOCKS, BRIDAL PRESENTS, And every thing kept in a First- Class Jewelry Establishment. The Repairing Department Is seeond to none in the State. EVERY ARTICLE REPAIRED IS GUARANTEED. ! ^“ Webb’s Restaurant. Next. Door to the Opera House. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. The Best the Market A\ffords. Bakery etc., and Fruits of the season. The Bon Ton Ice Cream Hall of the city. Chas. M. Harper, (Successor to Harper & Fort) Dealer in STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES Produce, Foreign A Domestic Fruit* I No. 18 Broad St., ... Rome. DeJournett & b’on GROCERS, AT THEIR OLD STAND headquarters for CHICKENS, EGGS and BUTTER During the Encampment