The Daily tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1879-1???, July 13, 1880, Image 4

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Five Cent Column. I WANTED. 11 J ANTED to rent a conveniently located V* dwelling house with not less than five rooms. Apply to this office. A VANTED.—To rent a fcur loom house in ' VV an eligible locality. Apply to Claude B. Hargrove. j"Otf. WANTED.— Everybody to advertise in the THIBUNX next week. \ ANTED, —A first-class male cook. Ap- VV ply at this office. j2U-tf. FOR SALE. 170 R SALE. The Mark Moore house, at tl>e upper end of llr-iad street, is ottered for sale at a bargain. Apply to Yan ey A Dean or !'. F. Howell. j29-lm. AN Office Safe for sale by Veal A Son. lawfswd-wst: * IpOR SALE. =Two good pumps for sale by I’ Ayer A McDonald. IT'OIt SALE. A new Standard Cotton ’ Press. Apply to Tkißunk. I .■'OR SALE.—Second hand Long Primer, 1 Nonpareil an i display type. Apply to 'I'UIBUNE. I .■'OR SALE THREE NEW SEWING MA cbines, also one bran-new Bickford Knit ting machine. Will be sold cheap. Apply at this office. 110-ts. 17'OR SALE, fiacres of land inside the Y of ? the S. R. AD. R. R., in East Rome. En sure of J. J. Seay A Co., at the office of Rente Stove Works. HOME. (1A.,.H LY 13, 1880. Personal Intelligence When the courting nt midnight is ended, Anti he stands with his hat in his fist. While she lovingly lingers beside him To bid him “Ta-ta” and be kissed. How busy the thoughts of the future — You bet that his thoughts he don’t speak, He is wondering how they can manage To live on six dollars a week. Mr. Arthur Bantam, a former Ro man, but now of Chattanooga, is in city. Mrs. T. B. Ford, and Miss Mollie Elliott, of Marietta, are guests of the Rome Hotel. Mr. W. E. Wimberly, of Cedartown, has been in attendance on the encamp ment for a couple of days. Miss Dorsey, an entertaining young lady of Athens, is visiting in the city, the guest of Mrs. Robert Hoyt. Mr. S. Jones Farris left yesterday afternoon for Chattanooga, where he will spend a week visiting relatives. Misses lone and Katie Newman,two of Rome’s most fascinating young ladies left yesterday morning for a month’s visit to Porter Springs. Mr. John Bantuni, one(>f the popu lar clerks at T. Fahy’s, will leave in a few daps for Chattanooga, which city he wilt make his future home. Peter McMifchael, the faithful and popular colored porter at the State Senate, is on duty at Col. Anderson’s headquarters, and doing rood service. Miss Eula Smith, of Selma, who lias been the guest of Miss Rosa Raw lins for a week past, left yesterday for a short visit to friends in Summer ville. • Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Burlingame, who have been located in our city for sometime past, left yesterday after noon for Knoxville, Tenn., and thence Io Baltimore, Md. We wish them a pleasant journey. Mr. S. Sheiblcy, telegraph operator at the depot, left yesterday for Chatta nooga, where he has been tendered and accepted a position in the Western Union Company’s otllce. The Tribune wishes him success in his new home. The correspondent of Savannah ycics, speaking of the Rome young ladies, says of the Chatham Artillery : ••Nearly all the boys have already fallen in love, and have no doubt but in the end some of them will be cap tured.” Miss Pauline Schoenthal, of Mari etta, who has been visiting Miss Ada tine Karlshrucr, for some time past, returned to her home yesterday, so much pleased with her visit that we may expect to see her in Rome again ere long. Messrs. R. A. Holiday, J. E. Wood ward, B C Fuller, J S Wallace, H C Sneed, R O Campbell, and G E Sciple, of the Gate City {Guard, who remain ed in the city after the departure of of their company, will return home this morning. Mr. W. F. Omberg, an old Boman, but for several years a resident of Louisville, Ky., is in the city, visiting his friends and relations. Mr. Om berg is an old member of the Rome Light Guards, but when he wore their uniform it was under different cir stances than having a pleasant en campment. Capt. Geo. C. Stewart, of the Grif fin Light Guards, whose boys won the prize yesterday, is not only an accom plished soldier, but a perfect getleman. He was a Cadet at the Virginia Mili tary Institute, and held the high rank of Sergeant-Major of the Cadet Bat talion at the time of leaving the insti tution. Fracas. A figljt between a railroad conduc tor and a livery stable man at the de pot Sunday afternoon, attracted a large crowd of spectators. The com batants were separated before any great damage was done. Disinfectants .Needed. The back yards of many stores on Broad street arenot as clean as they might be. Inspections should be fre quent. In some places the atmos . phere is foul with bad odors. Itemoval. J. 11. & W. J. Satterfield have moved into their commodious new I.(Hiding opposite the Nevin Opera House where they arc prepared to serve all with fancy and straight j drinks. Whisky by the barrel and beer by the keg at rock bottom prices. d3twl. A Cooil Word from the Central City. Rome is all astir this week over the military encampment, which is now in full blast. They are proud of this enterprise, and they should be. We are always glad to note the prosperity of other localities as well as our own. This week will be worth thousands of dollars to the “city upon the hills.’’— Macon Telegraph. Fancy Groceries. One of the best and most select stock of groceries to be found in the city is that of Mr. L. M. Johnson. lie has recently purchased the interest in the stock owned by Mr. L. B. flnffa ker, and will push the business for ward with increased vigor. He is de termined to rush his business, and if you want bargains in plain and fancy groceries, give him a trial. Attention! Cherokee Lodfe, 'Die irregular meeting of Cherokee Lodge, No. 66, called for Tuesday night the 13th inst., is postponed until Thursday night, the 15th, on account of conflict with the regular meeting of Oostauaula Lodge. The brethren will take due notice of the change, and be certain to attend the deferred meeting. John W. Janes, W. M. Gentlemen save money by looking up your last year's spring garments and get them cleaned or colored at the Rome Steam Dye House. ts. Another County Heard From. The sweltering clerks in stores and in the shade have a hard time of it and should have an early closing hour, but the sweltering newspaper reporter who has to run around in the sun all day long, and remain in a heated office untill three o’clock in the morning, also demands an early clos ing hour, and he gets it within a few hours of day light, when the early cittC'lock thrice salutes the morn. Hurrah for the Millitary Encamp ment ! Ila lu.iovk and Rngtlsh! They all wear the Celluloid collars and cuffs, sold by Camp, Glover & Co.,<J>l aiut?s3, Broad street. The Abbeville Hifles. This staunch and gentlemanly South Carolina military organization which has honored Rome with its presence for several days past, we regret to state, were compelled to return home yesterday morning. Our boys broach ed a keg of foaming lager in their honor, and sent them on their way with three cheers and a resounding volley from their rifles. We trust their stay among us was a pleasant one, and wish them an agreeable journey and a safe return to the old “Palmetto State.” R. J. West & Co., have in stock the finest assortment of Ladies', Misses and Children's Slippers ever brought so this market. The Miller Rifles. A movement is on foot to re-organ ize the old Miller Rifles that gained so much notoriety in the late civil war, by their bravery. Some of Rome’s best young men have signified their intention of becoming members, and we have no doubt but what the com pany will be re-organized at an early day. The boys have determined to make Col. John R. Towers Captain, and with such a man at the head, suc cess will be inevitable. Let all who wish to become members consult at once with Col. Towers. We hope soon to see them parading the streets of Rome. Parasols, Fans, &c., at a sacrifice, at Thos. Fahy’s. Groceries. Pence & Co. Cheap Cash Store, The only strictly Cash store in the city. Keep fresh and pure goods, Sell fast at small profits, And for less money than any other house. We mean what we say. How can we do it? By buying for cash lii the best markets in the U. S. Regardless of every consideration except quality and price; By having no expense of books; By having no expense of bookkeep er, Nor of Fire-proof safe, Nor of Irsurance. We loose no accounts and therefore don’t have to add a per ceiit to cover such losses; By being satisfied with very small profits, We arc determined to turn our stock over fast and will be glad if our friends will give us a trial. We mean business. The New Baptist Church. A called meeting of the conference was held by the congregation of the Baptist Church Sunday morning last, and decided on definite plans as re gards building the new church. Ten thousand dollars have been subscribed and the committee have began to make collections. The plan has been drawn by an architect from Bos ton, and the contract for building vir tually let to him. The building will cost FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS, for which he ig to take the material in the old building at $3,000 leav ing a balance of twelve thousand to be paid on completion of the new church. The committee on collections lias set vigorously to work, and as soon as half the amount subscribed has been collected, the work will be gin. The basement of the new church will bo completed first, and the main audience room not until next spring. It will then be plastered, frescoed and furnished in the most approved style. The contract for such a church as the phtir portrays, is very low at $15,000. The committee has been correspond ing with several contractors in the State, and one who has done consider able building in Romo, says he cannot touch it for less than TWE N T V -FIV E THOUSAND. The new church which the Baptists have so long felt the need, is now on a successful fooling and will certainly, be built at an early day. When the committee started their collections the ■ work begun, and it will now reflect discredit on the whole congregation if the building is not soon commenced. The Baptist congregation is one of the largest, and probably the richest in the city, and if the church is not built every one knows where the fault will be. Wholesale Tobacco and Cigars. Full line, all grades Tobacco and Cigars, at the lowest prices. Be sure and see mv goods before you buv. J. E. DANIEL. 17 Shorter Block. A Supposed Miracle. A colored woman, Lou Gammon by name, who lives ona and a half miles from the city, caught the diptheria about a year ago, which turned into an attack of paralysis before she re covered ; she thereby losing the use of her limbs, and has been unable to walk since then. Some few nights ago, says our informant, she had a. dream, in wlwch she thought a man came and advised her to go to a cer tain spring in the woods near her home, and bathe in the waters, and she would recover the use of her limbs. This Mreain ap[>earcd to her on three succCTsive nights, and with a full faith in the advice, she visited the spring, and now, as our informant solemnly avers, is able to walk as well as she ever could. We cannot vouch for the facts, but simply give them as they were given to us. Shorter Cigars. The “Alfred Shorter Cigar” is a new and excellent brand just introduced in the market by the manufacturers, Messrs. Laramorc & Co. It is one of the finest cigars manufactured. The box is stamped with the name, the cover is ornamented by a picture of Shorter College, and the end with an excellent portrait of Col. Shorter. An elegant and costly diamond pin, or ring, which is on exhibition, will be given as a prize to the buyer of the box containing the lucky number, which has been placed in bank with only one person who knows the num ber. This new brand of cigars can be purchased at either wholesale or re tail of Messrs. Laramorc & Co., on Broad street. We arc selling shoes at extremely low prices in order to make room for the large stock of fall goods that are now being made to order. J. M. Lovelace. Married. Sunday night last, after the services were concluded at the Episcopal church, and before the congregation had departed. Mr. J. M. Savage and Miss Florence Connor took their places before the alter and were united in the holy bonds of wedlock by Rev. G. W. Wilson. The ceremony was a surprise to all except the immediate friends of the high contracting par ties. The Tribune hopes their voy age through life may be a happy one. Totted Ham, Turkey, Chicken, &o. just received by J. R. Black & Co. Aii Excellent Sermon. On Sunday afternoon, Gen. Clement A. Evens, of Atlanta, Chaplain of the encampment, preached one of the finest sermons ever heard in Rome, to the military and a large number of visitors at Camp Lee. Gen. Evans is one of most eloquent ministers in the State. Excursion. About forty members of the Chat ham Artillery, accompanied by lady friends, visited Cave Spring on last Sabbath, and spent a most enjoyable day at that beautiful pleasure resort. I Paragraphic Mention, ’Tis now the pert thermometer Goes on its annual tares And sweetly the average citizea Gets on his ear and swears. Ladies Cloth shoes at Govan’s. The magnolia leaves at 8 o’clock this morning. Gents calf boots, new lot, at Govan’s Several members of the Abbeville Rifles arc still in the city. Standard Prints at 5 and 61' cts. at Thomas Fahy’s. The side-walks on upper Broad Street need repairing in several places. Call and examine the bargains of fered at the Lovelace shoestore. It’s het I Os course it is. Did you ever see a summer in Georgia that was not ? Zeigler's fine shoes, just received at Govan’s. A case of larceny will come up be fore Justice Towers, at 9 o'clock, this morning. Hammocks for the weary soldier or citizen, at Yciser’s. The Cherokee Gun Cluband anuni of visitors wore out glass-ball shoot ing yesterday afternoon. New lot sandal boots, latest styles, just received at Govan’s, Tlic Magnolia came in Sunday af ternoon with a full passenger register and a fair load of freight. Great Bargains in Gloves, Hosiery, Ribbons, &c., at Thomas Fahy's. We understand that the Chatham Artillery were handsomely entertain ed at a private residence last evening The best and cheapest shirts in the city are to be found at 11. Ilarpold’s. A large stock of bed spreads, at 11. Ilarpold’s; selling at wholesale prices. 11. Harpold is closing out a line of standard prints at live and six cents per yard. The largest stock of genuine French Extracts for handkerchief, at half the usual price, at Yciser’s. You can find all the delicacies of the season at J. R. Black & Co’s, new store, No. 10, Broad street. For (he next thirty days we will sell ladies’, misses’ and children’s spring shoes at cost. J. M. Lovelace. Just received, for the encampment, 40 per Lawns, at 7 and 8 cents, at Thomas Fahy’s, 58 Broad street. Lemon, Cocoanut, Butterscotch and Vanila Jumbles, just received by J. It. Black & Co. The finest table mustard in the world, “BuTrough’s,” Lexington, Ky., for sale at Y’ciser’s J. R. Black & Co., have the largest, finest and chapest lot of toilet soap ver brought to Rome. Carpets cleaned at your own house’ Leave orders at Rome Steam Dye House if. Cassiniercs, Linens, Shirts, ladies’ and gents’ furnishing goods, at bot tom figures, at Thos. Fahy’s. Just received a large stock of Gent’s hand and machine sewed Gaiters ot the lattest styles,at R.J. WEST 4 CO. If you need any medicinal waters doift go to “White Sulphur,” but try a bottle of “Kronthal,” at Yciser’s. J. R - Black & Co. keep the celebra ted “Home Comfort” cigar, and the very best nickle cigar in Rome. Gents’ underwear, half hose, hand kerchiefs, collars, suspenders, and ties, cheap at 11. Ilarpold’s# J. R. Black & Co. have just received a choice lot of Jellies, Ginger, Pre serves, Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Apple Blitter, &c. Fifty dozen choicest Toilet Soap, and twenty dozen colognes at very low prices, at Yciser’s. Gold bracelets, lockets and neck laces, just received and for sale, low by Veal & Son. junc 18, dw-lt. Blankets scoured without shrinking. White curtains bleached and recal lendered at Rome Steam Dye House. The “Dispatch’’ Soda Fount will be kept well supplied with choicest syr ups, and plenty of ice during the en campment —it is at Yciser’s. Call and examine our stock of choice groceries, and get our prices. Polite attention awaits all. Goods are deliv ered in the city free. J. R. Black &Co If you want to see the nobbiest lot of ladies’, Misses’ and Children's Slip pers and shoes in town drop in at R. J. WEST & CO’S. At the Lovelace shoe store can be found the largest stock of gents’ low cut shoes of all styles, which will be sold at low prices. We have a new shipment of coffee Laguayra, Peabery, Golden Rio, ordi nary Rio, and some thing line in green and roasted Java. Fresh lot of chick ens, eggs,butter, crackers, lemons and new wheat flour at McDonald Bros. Parrott Lost. Lost—a grey parrott. A reward, will be paid for its delivery to B. Lang at Camp & Glover’s. July 10-2 t Prize Drill.. There was an immense crowd at the parade ground yesterday to witness the prize drill, but notwithstanding this, a number flocked into the fine drug establishment of Messrs. Janes & McDonald for cooling soda water, and to purchase some of those prize turnip seed, which everybody wants and will have. A Stagnant Pool. A pool of standing water on South street, near, Church, should recicve the attention of the proprer authori ties. Miscellaneous Advertisements. IV.A. TII)118. ROME, . . GEORGIA, DEALER IN STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES! Having Received a New and Complete Stock of CONFECTIONERIES, TOBACCO, CIGARS and SNUFF, Teas,Coffee, Sugar & Provisions of all kinds. Fresh Tennessee Butter on Ice Always on Hand. All Goods sold at Bottom Prices. Give me a call and be convinced, at the Given & Bruce old •‘(and, Howard street. ATTENTION SOLDIERS ! HDERAB FOR HANCOCK ID ENGLISH Nevin Opera House. ELLIOTT &; OTIS, KEEP THE VERY BEST Wines, Liquors and Cigars, Imported Goods a Speciality. Ice Cold Beer Ms y Draught! HARWELL feoS. BRIDGE STREET, - - - ROME, GIA. DEALERS IN PLAIN AND FANCY GROCERIE, CIGAHS, TOBACCO, Confectioneries, Fruits, Potted Meats, Etc. All goods sold at bottom prices, and delivered free of charge to any part of the city. ALLEN 4 McOSKER, Jewelers, And Dealers in Golds Silver latches, TABLE WARE, C/ Xj C3C2IKZS> y BRIDAL PRESENTS, And every thing kept in a First- Class Jewelry Establishment. The Repairing Department Is second to none in the State. EVERY ARTICLE REPAIRED IS GUARANTEED. Webb’s Restaurant. Next Door to the Opera House. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. The Best the Market A\ffords. Bakery etc., and Fruita of the season. The Bon Ton Ice Cream Hall of the city. Chas. M. Harper, (Successor to Harper &. Fort) Dealer in STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES Produce, Foreign A. Domestic Fruita Mo. 18 Broad St., - - - Koine. DeJournett & Son GROCERS, AT THEIR OLD STAND HEADQUARTERS FOR CHICKENS, ECOS aud BETTER During the Encampment