The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, November 03, 1809, Image 1

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THE GEORGIA JOURNAL. VOL. I. MiLLEDGEYlLlifi, 1RUUY, NOVEMBER 3, 1809. No.,r. published by sf.aton grantland, but at Talavera, and the combined it might be carried out of the rcuchland fort Lictkcnshock, two forts, the on Jefferson street, oeposite army would have been caught in that of capture, would still remain within one on the east and the other on the the north end of the state-trap, from which it has escaped by a the reach of destruction, we should 'west bank of the Scheldt* opposite to house. |i aj)id retreat and movement across,not hesitate to conclude, that thev'each other, apparently determined Terms three dolt.ars PER an- the Tagus. The force that occupied mean to persevere. In the army, there to abide our attack. There nUM, one half to be paid in ad- Romana, Beresford, and Sir R. Wil- however, that sentiment which pro- were, besides, in the Scheldt, three vance. |son, being withdrawn to the Tagus,'‘cecds from hope long deferred began 'French sail of the line fitting out; advertisements will be thank- they will probably advance to threat- to be felt, and many appear to apnre-three on the stocks, and one unfit for fully received, and published cn its rear. As to the corps of Ve-hend that nothing farther will be at-service. Bombs, chains, and vnri- at the customary prices. Inegas, on its march to Madrid, if it tempted. Jous impediments, were likewise i ■ ■■■iii — really has reached Aranjuc/, it inustl The Monarch, Resolution, Ajax, stretched across, or placed in differ- FOlijEjILK* ibe sacrificed if it advances, and it is Hero, and Revenge, ol 74 guns each,'ent parts of the stream, to oppose I—— —— scarcely possible it should be able to'arrived yesterday at Portsmouth, withtour progress. It was also under- Prpm the London Globe of August 25. effect its escape, and regain the about 3000 prisoners on board, being'stood to be in the French admiral’s part ofthe garrison of Flushing. They (contemplation to connect a great por- mountains of the Sierra Morena. The more the intelligence from Spain, which we communicated yes terday is considered, the more gloo- mv it appears. Sir Arthur Wellesley admitted in his dispatches, that after the battle of Talavera, Victor retreat- til fin very regular order, and some davs elapsed before he withdrew his rear-guard. To this evidence, shew ing that his defeat was not decisive, we may now add the rapidity with which he returned to Talavera, the moment he found the British army had commenced its retreat. The sudden and rapid advance of Soult to Placentia, shews how erroneous ail our ideas have been respecting his situation. His army was represent ed as a mere handlul ol fugitives, to tally incapable of any military opera tion, and vet we find that he has been able to join Ney, with whom he was stated to have quarrelled, and Mor- ticr, who is now noticed for the first time, and by a masterlev movement of almost unexampled rapidity, to reach Placentia, at a moment when sir A. Wellesley supposed him wan dering in the north of Spain ; for it is evident, that he did not think him capable of making such a movement. It thus appears, that the movements of Victor and Soult were the result of a deep and well concerted plan, to envelope and overwhelm the British armv ; a plan, for the execution ol which they possessed every possible facility, as Soult, who was represent ed in such a deplorable state, is said to have accelerated his march by the extraordinary means of a number ol light flat bottomed boats, which h conveyed in waggons, for the purpose of passing rivers without waiting to seek for fords, or to make ratts, while sir A. Wellessley was obliged to leave all his wounded behind him in Talavera, from the want of the ordi nary means of conveyance. All im pediment to the junction of Victor and Soult being thus removed by the NEW-YORK, October 11. LATEST FROM ENGLAND. The ship Pacific, Stanton, from Liverpool, arrived here last evening. She sailed tire 3rd of September, and brings Liverpool papers of the 2nd, uid London of the 31st August which captain Stanton and the pas sengers have favored us with. Great uncertainty prevailed in En gland, respecting the practicability of executing any further operations on die Scheldt. Indeed, it was said, drat Lord Chatham had called a coun cil of war, and the result was, that the expedition was to be abandoned against Antwerp and the French fleet. There were many reports respect ing the renewal of the war between Austria and France. But the opi nion appeared to predominate, that peace between those powers would soon lie concluded. The Emperor Francis having determined to con clude a peace at any sacrifice. There are some particulars in the papers relating to Spain, but not of o late a date as before received. Mr. Armstrong, we are assured, was at Amsterdam, having left Pa ris, where his situation had become unpleasant. He had effected are to be confined on board shipspiou of the flotilla together by chains, now preparing lor their reception atjafter strongly mooring them, it is Portsmouth. [likewise stated, that it was intended Just as this paper was going to to station a second flotilla between press, wc received Hamburg and Al-jforts St. Philip and St. Mary, near tona papers to the 19th instant, from four miles below Antwerp, where nothing with the French government, .■either did he expect to effect any thing, lie was anxious to be recal led—Indeed, it was said in London that lie would sail on liis return home, u all September. When the Pacific sailed, our affairs with England remained without any change. London, August 28. Letters have been received from Bordeaux to the 18th inst. which state that Bonaparte was expected at which we have made the following extracts— Banks of the El'c, August 18. We have no news from Austria that gives anv certainty of war or peace, and the general opinion is, that the affairs of Turkey will also be decided in the Austrian Congress of peace, if it should really take place. The Archduke Charles does not share in the sentiments ol his brothel' the Emperor Francis, who is said to iie preparing to conclude a peace at any sacrifice. 'Die Archduke Charles has on this account, resigned the chief command of the army, and not from indisposition. A Russian Pie nipotemiary was hourly expected at Schocnbrutm, from St. Petersburg. Alton a, August 18. General Bellegarde lias taken tin command of the Austrian army ; Gc- neral Hiller and othc r generals v. ii act under him. The Archduke Fer linand lias arived in Bohemia will his corps. The king of Bavaria has granted in indemnity to the insurgents of the Tyrol on condition that they lay down their arms within the space oi eight days ; the chiefs only ol the in surrection are excepted. f'lbcillc da Nord, Aug. 18. Bcrthier is to be appointed kinj of Switzerland. Paris on the 15th, the anniversary ol retreat of the combined English antljhis birth day, but that his stop in Spanish armies across the Tagus, at Almarez and Ponte de Arcebispo, to the south side of the river, the plan of the campaign is completely deranged, if not indeed entirely' de serted. Intelligence of the armistice in Germany it is said, had reached the British head quarters before Sir Arthur commenced his retreat, hut \ the advance of Soult was sufficient Icause for the movement. The joint " < brce of Soult and Ney being proba cy not short of 60,000 men, a retreat qross the Tagus was indeed the on- 1] means of safety left open to him Recording to the extracts from the 1 (reign papers which we gave vester- Ay, the English head quarters were ci the 7th at Deilitosa, considerably t the south oi the Tagus, and about io-ty miles from Talavera. Private ittAiunts add, that he was continuing I ®retreat in the direction of Meri- •a and Seville, and that part of his limy had already reached Truxillo. he hope that these accounts may p’ove correct, as he m ill be in the btst sources of supply, and sure of ef fecting his retreat to the coast. Stores cl every kind, it is added, had been s.nt off to him from Seville, Cadiz, *nd various other towns, together with horses, mules and other means oi conveyance, of which he was so much in want. Our readers tv ill do us the justice to admit that we never amused them with all the benefits that Ministers expected to derive frdpn a inarch to Madrid. We can, therefore, with the mo. c satisfaction congratulate sir A. WelV s lcy upon his fortunate escape. Had ij. been unfortunately provided with nv ;ins of transports to follow up the baltv Second Edition. Globe Office, four o'clod. The dispatches received from Si i Arthur Wellesley, now Viscount Wellington, arc not dated 21st, but the 8th instant, seven days aftei the date of the former dispatches. His head quarters were still at Deleitosa. It was his intention that the river is considerably narrower than between Lillo Ik Lietkenshock, and that a strong redoubt had been thrown up at fort Pieinentel, a mile- on this side of Antwerp. The tract of land from fort St. Anne to fort de Boerie, on the western bank of the Scheldt, is' said to be capable of being entirely overflowed. On the eastern bank then* does not exist the same facility of inundating the country. All the guns have been taken out of the French ships, and mounted on lie batteries newly* erected, in addi tion to those which before covered the hanks of the Scheldt, between fort Lillo and Antwerp; and the ships thus lightened, have been float ed up to a considerable distance above Antwerp. It is also said, that seve ral hulks have been sunk in die li es. r, and that bombs and chains have been extended across it. The suggestion of erecting a mo- ailment to the departed heroes of i’alavera has been taken up by the chief of Leeds, and other ^habitants of that town. A gentleman at Eastbourne writes, that fifteen vessels have been takei 'ov French privateers, near Beach)’, in about 10 days ; and that the cne- rav came within reach of the battery, which might have fired with effect had it been supplied with powder. t Gottknburoii, Aug. 13. A merchant vessel named the Pro vidence, came in this morning, and brings the account of having seen hi majesty’s ship Alert taken near tin Selvaw in a calm, by six gun boats after a desperate defence. A letter received from Carlscron: this morning states, that they had that capital would be very short, as it was understood that he would pro ceed immediately to assume the com mand of the French armv in Spain. The prefect of Bordeaux iiad in con sequence issued orders to prepare for his reception. It is obvious, how ever, that this was a speculation for med upon the presumed certainty of a speedy peace with Austria. An expedition against Guadaloupc is said to be in contemplation. In the Austrian districts, where the late battles took place, 27 large villages remain deserted. Seventeen of them ire wholly ravaged, and the remain der partially so. Many of the inha bitants have taken up their abode in the woods, forests, ike. The King of Prussia has latch paid six millions of francs more of the arrears of the contribution claimed by France. The contributions levied on the Austrian provinces by Buonaparte, amount to the enormous sum of 196,240,000 francs. August 29. Letters from Marseilles and Ge noa state, that the French Consul in Algiers, Dubois Tainville, had been arrested by order of the Dev, and that war had been declared against France. August 30. A messenger set off last night for the Scheldt, with dispatches for the Earl ol Chatham. They are suppo sed to contain the instructions re quired bv his lordship, respecting the ulterior objects of the expedition. If we were to be governed in our opi nion by the characters of Ministers, and the confidence with which it has .just learnt oi the island of Erthol... Cuesta should have remained at ll “hiavi n <g btrtn taken possession of lx lavera to kecp\ ictor in check but as jy, s m aj ea ty’s ship Dictator ; should we stated in a former paper, the Sp i- nish gen’l followed the Britsh army, leaving the sick and wounded be hind. Victor and Soult had tints been enabled to join, and Lord Wellington was unable to attack them. The French, it was thought me ditated an attack upon Deleitosa, but the position was considered perfect ly safe. They had collected their for ces from every part of Spain, in the hope of overwhelming the British ar my. Their numbers were estima ted as follows:—Victor and Jourdan 38.000 men ; Sachet, who had ad- \ :aiced from Arragon to Madrid, 6000 men ; Ney, Mortier and Soult 30.000 men, making together 74,000 The British army with its rein forcements, amounts to about 24,000 men ; Cuesta’s to 38,000 men ; Be resford’s to 12,000 ; Venegas’s to 25.000 ; and Sir R. Wilson’s to 3000 —making together 97,000. It is currently reported this even ing, that the ulterior objects of the expedition to the Scheldt are aban doned, and that the greater part of the troops will immediately* return. The expences of the expedition to Spain and the Scheldt, it is supposed will not fall short of Eleven Million ; and that it will be necessary* to call this report be correct, it will provt of great importance to the British navy, as the fort and harbour will fully* protect the Baltic trade ; and should occasion require it, twenty sail of the fine may lie conveniently and winter there, as there is .bovt forty feet water and a good ancho rage. Stockholm, Aug. is. His royal majesty has sent to the Diet a message relative to the pen sion which the States are to allow to the late king, Gustavus Adolphus, iiis queen and children. Some detachments of the army* of Gen. Stuart have been embarked, probably to return to Sicily,, as the expedition failed of success id its projects against Naples. Vienna, July 31. All the redoubts which the Austri ans had thrown up on the right bank of the Danube, between EugeneaU and Preshurg have been raised. A considerable quantity of baggage has been sent to Raab. It is said the Emperor Napoleon will transfer his head quarters thither, and from thence it is inferred that the Empe ror of Austria, who is at Comom, will have an interview with him at Raab, to treat of the conditions of peace. August 2. Nothing certain respecting war or peace is yet known, the price of colo nial merchandize which is brought from Trieste increases daily, as all the warehouses in that city have been sequestrated. The Emperor continues to con struct strong tetes-depont on the left bank of the Danube ; and every thing is prepared in such a manner that the troops may be put in motion at the first signal. The Saxon Maj. Gen. Hardsell died on the 24lh ult. ill consequence of his wound. August S. Raab was it is said, in the first in stance fixed upon as the place for the negotiations for peace ; but now they* say it is to be at Altcnburg in Hun gary. - ’ , Between the bridges facing the? Spitz, a French camp is forming for 20,000 men. The Empress of Au stria is arrived at Comom, on a visit to the Empefor Francis. Napoleon has visited the tainous districts in the environs^ Be this capital, and did not return to Schoenbrunn before ten at night, hen he attended at the play of Phuxlra. The bridge near Nussadorf is quite! restored. Near Liesig and Shrcsig, behind Schoenbrunn a division of French trooj 6 has occupied U campi Naples, July 26. The English have unexpectedly received orders to immediately eva cuate the islands of Ischia and Pro- rid.a. Yesterdy evening they blew up the small forts, and threw the bat-* tcrics into the sea. The troops and die sick have all re-embarked. The Sicilian prince Leopold, who was oni board their fleet, must have arrived at Mulazzo, with the dukes of Asco- i and Canosa, Neapolitan emigrants. Two English regiments have gone for Malta. July 27.—The English finished yesterday* evacuating the islands of Ischia *k Prdcidy. Deputations front the inhabitants of those islands have arrived here to bring advice of their departure, and that the national flag has been again hoisted on tile forts, file different authorities have re ceived orders to re-enter oil their functions. Vienna, Aug. 2. Price of Stock this day at one o'clock. 3 per Cent. Cons. 68 1-8*—3 per Cent Red. 68 3-4—-Omnium 3-4 The prince of Lichtenstein ha4 been recalled frOin his estates, with die late ambassador at Paris and se cretary* of state Hoppe, to conclude peace at Raab, with the duke of I’riu- 1 ‘ ‘ uar No of Talavera and pursue victor, SoultW* stated in the ministerial circles, c llllc , Itauv „„ oul not have been at PlactBtia.jthut French squadron, ahhoughjand five frigates, between fort Lili •Jiament together in the month of ovEmber. THE EXPEDITION. In addition to the particulars which we have already* communica ted respecting this subject, we learn from other sources, that the French admiral Missesi had drawn up his fleet, composed of either nine or ele ven ships of the line, ready for sea, DUTCH PAPERS. Leyden, Aug. 9. The French fleet, which had taken a position under Fort Lillo, has part- v ascended the Scheldt as high as Antwerp, and taken an advantage ous station free from any attack of the enemy. French troops arrive daily at Ghent and Antwerp. The right bank of the Scheldt, from Antwerp io Ber-gen-op-Zoom, is covered with Dutch troops. Ci-devant Dutch Flanders is likewise covered with troops— r Fhe whole of this force was expected shortly to be able to act on the offensive. Lyons, July 26. We learn from the shores of the Mediterranean, that a considerable number of British transports with troops, which were formerly in Sici ly, have sailed for Gibraltar, from whence they are to proceed to Lis bon, to reinforce the armv under the command of Sir Arthur WtliesleV. i, the marshal of the palace Du- roc and the minister of state count Ghumpagny. Several silversmiths have received orders to prepare some rich services of plate, to be used at the Congress of Raab. This Congress is not ex pected to last long. We read in several of the public journals that a report is circulated in Vienna, of a projected marriage be tween the Prince Royal of Bavaria and the Archduchess Maria Louisa, the daughter of the Emperor of Aus tria. Lotiisbourg, Aug. 7. A courier from the head-quarters of the Hereditary Prince of Lindau has brought intelligence, that on the 6th his Koval Highnes'f occupied Bregenk, the insurgents on hearing of his approach, having abandon ed that town at three in the? morn ing, and retired precipitately on Feldkirch. 'Flic Wirtemburghers ex perienced no resistance, and disarm ed the inhabitants.