The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, November 13, 1809, Image 2

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indignation to subside nation <.l one ruinous tin ir hopes and anxiety for the suc cess of another equally futile and de structive project. A few months back, Britons were called upon to re joice at the skill and bravery mani fested in the battle; and victory of Vimii ra—i victory, which in the bombastic language of the hirelings of the dav, lullv compensated for every loss before sustained, and (by the con quest of Junot, and his whole force, w hich Englishmen were deluded in to a belief must follow) was to prove a prelude to the salvation ol Spain. But did this take place?—No! the ■convention ol Cintre, like an earth quake, destroyed the ari-built castles *)[ ministers, and Junot and his armv, instead of becoming prisoners to our •.forces, were safely conveyed, at the texpence ol Eng. w ith the whole oftheir property, to the ports of France ! The indignation of the people at this o- at the ttrfni-ldrawn form us inflict, b\ her smiles ? Ilflvtf so extensive wisdom, virtue and honor bid us an verlasting adieu ? And will inde icndince, hand in hand with her sister, integrity, never more mingle with our great ones, guide our councils, and rear the ancient stan dard of prosperity in our forsaken land ? Fearful, solemn, and impor tant, are these enquiries—and me lancholy, sad, and poignant, are the reflections their consideration aggra-:f r om Europe it appears very evidentjtroops. H ....ii win cii v/j*v- iv I I —J vales. Plunged in an abyss of folly, that our affairs with France are verthrow of their hopes and expcc rations, was but transient.—The En glish nation, ever alive to fresh ol p els, speedily forgot the Cintra con vention in their anticipation of the glorv which w as about to adorn th brows of our warriors in Spain. No sooner bad the tidings reached this niiitrv of the fate of the ever-to- i't‘so extensive ucomnmd. rhevcforeJna, has been -m .. •** an Mai. Pike, with his corps of infan- supreme junta—and delivered an ex- e- try, will relieve Maj. M’Uea, who cellent address fo his army on part- .... *11 . . «i i flw* inn* iritll if". this country. will turn over to Maj. Pike the public property of every species in his charge, for which he is to take triplicate receipts. GEORGE-TOWN, (Col.) Oct. 5. Our a/fairs ivit/i France.—From all we can gather by the late arrivals ing with it. | At a late Insolvent Court f»r the 1 Badajoz, September 2.—New and county and city of Philadelphia there extraordinary efforts are making to were one hundred and twenttfthrec have the armies well supplied with petitioners for the benefit of tit in provisions. solvent laws. September 4.—Yesterday arrived in this city, sir Arthur Wellesley; Mr. Jefferson being lately on avi- commander -ixi mm ,, . 1 j O « VI- m chief of the British sit in Richmond, Virginia, the R c - was received with those publicans of that city invited him to a grief, and imbecility,’Britons, whojjn a liad situation, n is again iu--ma ssi»h.m « “•»•** ;d that general Armstrong has where, and hopes of future - 1. . 1 U ! U 1M*on<l1»n + A1*l 'll 1Y1 I1I1C j , , whojn a had situation >nce adopted a conduct that wonJ rnourt . v ^ Q .... he admiration of a wondering world, Idemanded his passports preparatory umphs tare now the slaves of imbecility—to his leaving that country. But this die laughing-stock, the scorn, and! ril mour has been so often propagated, This nation,‘hut little reliance can lie placed on it leilljiroops. lie WiU ICICIVCU » 1UI lliuai ui iimiiunuuuJU „ .... Still tokens which indicate gratitude for public dinner....he gave for his toast It is again ru- his services at Talavera and elsg “ The lreedom of the seas” 1 ’ ’ ’ r c . ^ this sentiment, every true-hearted 'American will respond, ament ridicule,of mandkind ! . ...o , )lu . mue run once great in integrity and inflamed I However, whether he comes home by patriotism, boasted an indepen- or s tavs in France, we have no hope clence that fired even the abject vas-! t hat he will accomplish any arrange- salagc of distant and unfavoredj im . n t for the benefit of his country, climes, has now forgot her sneient [ t i s now pretty well understood that birthright, and become a slave to the imperial Corsican is determined the basest, most destructive passi-| t hat we shall fight for him or against him. Which side our government will take, remains to he determined. We think, however, the Emperor has but little chance of levying contribu tions and conscriptions on this side oils ! Does yet a spark of that bright flame which once illumined our isle remain unsmothered ? And is there in the people of this country • a feeling nourished which bids them lament their fallen state, which leadsldie water, them to wish to shake off their de-' gencracy, and urges them to seek 1 Olll.l * \J K 111V I IHV Wl (IIV. UIVI IW UI IIIVHI u/ ov-v-n Ik-lamented brave, hut butchered, and to acquire their pristine vigor? general sir J. Moore, and the eni- Oh ! ii there is yet, may the patriot barkation ol the remains of our ar- voice avail, and still mat' some pro- liiv from the shores of the Peninsu- pitious spirit guide them on to hap- la, mangled, dispirited, and sickly,'pincss and glory ! All things have than the f ’ 1 *' again delusive!) tria. The nrowess of the arcliduk t Charles became the theme for thcjlong followed, terminates in perditi .... . : ii.. • i t From the Connecticut Con rant. qtrr.sTiONS os magnf.tism. 1. Whether any gentleman who is in the practice of using the magnetic needle, has made any discovery that Georgia Legislature. SENATE. i, uispmicu, and sicKiy, pnu-hs diiu . -fvu tilings nave needle, has made any discovery that in particular has occurred in our ar- pcs ol Englishmen were/a climax, and this is.ever the crisis;tb e needle is now Returning or reced-|niv (that ol Vanegas.) The head sively directed to Aus- ol their destiny ! A pursuance in J nt r from the meridian ? And if so, quarters continued in Carolina ; and prowess of the archduke the mistaken career they have so then we labour with the greatest activity Manrcxa, August 25—The troops' of general Blake and of the marquis 1 The commanders of our vessels of of Lazan, marched hence on the 22d war are said to have received orders and 23d. General B. intends with from the Secretary of the Navy to '000 men to attack the besiegers of fit their vessels for sea immediately Gerona. The division of Arragon & It is supposed that they are goim; Valencia, have the same direction, on a foreign station. These corps, when united, will a- mount to 20,000 men. Vieh y August 28.—General Blake, has just issued a proclamation to the Catalonians, calling upon them to assemble to relieve the brave garrison and inhabitants of Gerona. ingust 30 General Augercau has published in Perpignan, an ac count of the reduction of Gerona ; hut still the French fears for St. Cyr’s troops appear as great as ever ind incessant efforts are made to succour him. La Mancha, August ff....Nothing •in particular has occurred in our ar then 2. At what time past did the nee dle begin to alter its motion from ap- panegx rii of ministerial hit clings, on ; a \\ isc and detcimiiud abrogati- me oegin to auer its motion irom ap- smd the massac re of our troops, and on of their errors will point them to proaching the meridian, to its depart- mir disasters in Spain were forgot- happiness ! Awake, then English- i ng further therefrom’? And then, men ! Awake ! shake off your fa tal, your inglorious slumber! Rally round the standard ot freedom, of \ irtue, and royalty ! Preserve your- teii in our rejoicings at the victory gained hv that general over Bona parte himself in person, on the hor de rsot the Danube. But the rejoic ings on this, as on former occasi ons, proved but transitory ; for the visionary schemes of England were in a moment destroyed by the elc- off your most dangerous, your do structiem ol the Austrian forces, and mcstic lbes ; avail yourselves of th the subsequent armistice. The peo ' we labour with the greatest activity increasing our force. The enemy has in Tembleque 800 cavalry, others in Mora, anel Wednesday, November 8. Mr. Hammond notified the Se nate that he would on to-morrow move for the appointment of a com mittee to join such as may be appoint ed by the House of Representatives, to prepare and report a bill to alter anel amend the I5eh section of the 4th article of the Constitution. Mr. Walker notified the Senate that he would on to-morrow move for leave to bring in a bill to autho rize the Superior Court of the mid-*- dle circuit to hold an extra session in. the county of Richmond. Mr. Jackson notified the Senate that he would on to-morrow move vision of Ney separated from that of Soult, and marched to Salamancha, where the duke of Parque had bc- p’c, however, must not, at this criti cal period, he allowed to reflect on the downfall of all the projects formed by the wisdom of ministers. Their attention must be again turned to Spain, and an enormous expedition fitted out against the island of Wal- cheren and the Dutch ports. The minds of Englishmen are now agi tated by these events, the victory ol Talavera fills each mouth, and the loss of nearly six thousand of our brave troops was eclipsed in the ho- nor of remaining in possesion of the fit Id, yet this field we have since In en compelled to quit, leaving be hind all our sick and wounded to be come prisoners of war to a beaten and routed army ! Oh, English men ! will you never demand jus tice on the authors of your country’s misery and disgrace ? The Island of Walcheren is in our possession and what has the possession of it cost this country ? and what more must it cost us to retain it ? I’nin th: and mad as the conduct of minis ters has been, we hardly think they v ill dare to authorize lord Chatham 4o attempt any further projects. Fort I.illo, from all accounts, is in undated so as to defy our shipping from doing her any essential injury. Despairing of being able to cap ture the vessels in the Dutch ports, they are, it is said to he destroyed by the arrows of the ingenious Mr. Congreve! How dreadful is this sanguinary mode of warfare ! Where is there a country that possesses a superior maritime power, that can not, at all times, sail and put foreign shores in a state of partial conflagra tion, destroying the innocent and the hdpkss inhabitants? If inven tion is thus to be racked to so di abolical a species of human carnage and warfare, can it be pretended In the most sottish and conupt of the satellites of the sanguinary faction in power, that we are not vulnerable in many points to retaliation ? What would have been the situation of Ire land, (as a case in point) let us ask, ii when the French landed at Buntry- Bav, they had been sanguinary e- nough to enter into such a cowardK and inhuman species of butchery, for so the moralist and the Christian must consider it ? Has the benignant genius, which was wont to inspire her sons, and wateh, a guardian angel, over Al bion's clime, forever left the object ot her solicitude—-lor ever w ith 3. At what rate is the receding motion of the needle ? As to myself I would state that ac- - -—j . - ^ -cording to the observations which Invucrc me uuse oi rarque nau oe- sehes and save your king ; protect,have made in practical surveying, I ifore arrived, marching for Estrema- lum irom \ our joint enemies ; kccpjhnve for sevcritl years past suspected dura ; w ho, finding the garrison an eve over your foreign, but shake that the needle did not continue to strong, pursued Nev, who retreated, 1 '’-[approach’the m'eridian as heretofore, some say towards Valladolid, others icjbut was departing further therefrom sav towards Burgos. The division ■and I have of late become confirm- of Soult is on the higher part ol 400 more in various points. . . —•- Malaga, September 19....The di- or a committee to be appointed to example which lias been given you DOMESTIC A< w-Orleans, September 8. We cannot forbear laying before our readevs the following extraordi nary general order, w hich was issu ed at Head Quarters on the 27th ult GENERAL ORDERS. Head Quarters, Terre aux Bcnf, August 27, 1809. The main body of the troops be ing under orders of march for the up per country ; the promotion of the public service, and the security of the capital of the territory of Orleans, induce the general to adopt the fol lowing arrangements which are to take immediate effect. Ma jor M’Rca being especially in structed by the Secretary of War to superintend the erection of the for tifications of tlie river and bavou. St. John’s, will be relieved from the ■oniniund of the garrison of Ncw- Orleans, and is to confine his autho- giisli Turi and Plaquem lies, which he is immediately to reinforce b\ prostrate yourselves before yourabu-| c d in that opinion. Now, therefore, Estrcmadura, its head quarters at sed,j our deluded sovereign, ik with if any gentleman has been so fortu- Placentia and Golesten. one united voice, issue your com- nate in hi*; observations as to be The enemy has presented most of p .unts, and warn him of the danger able to make an accurate discovery his forces on the frontiers of Estre- with which himself, his throne, his of the positioti of the magnetic needle madura and La Mancha, uniting people are enveloped ! • at this day, and will publish correct those in Oropesa and Talevera de answers to the foregoing'questions, la Reyna, principally in Toledo, un will he very useful to the public der the orders of Sebastiani, Mor- and much oblige the subscriber. tier and Victor. A ./ 77/V SPENCER, In La Mancha, nothing particular Surveyor for Litchfield county, had occurred up to the lath of the New Hartford, Sept. 24, 1809. present month, and our troops occupy the positions heretofore mentioned. J<'0 IlEHIN, VERY LATE FROM SPAIN. THE JOURNA M0NDA1\ Ni 1} „ , i ..wVEMBER t Boston, October 24. —— - Yesterday arrived at this port, the A * lc election by the Legislature of last sailing brig Joseph, captain Fos- 11 Governor lor this state took place ter, in 38 days from Malaga. Cap- on 1 hursday lust. Ihc votes were tain F. does not mention the resig- ;ls follow nation of Cuesta, nor that anv change was contemplated in the govern ment. We find the supreme junta till exercising the executive power and that the marquis ol Komana has become a member. The Governor has appointed for I here appears to have been no FEivate Secretaries, Air. James military movements on the part of the Bozeman, secretary to the late Go- Anglo-Spanish army, or the French vernoi ‘, uiul Air. Anthony Porter, a opposed to it, for some time. At y° un 8’ gentleman wry generally es the previous dates, the former had teemed fallen hack a short distance, and the French have not advanced, nor the Governor's Inauguration Others retraced their steps. Sir A 6 at 12 o’clock His Ex- prepare and report a bill to amend an act pointing out the duty of she riffs in selling lands under execution, passed 22d December, 1808. On motion of Mr. Owen, Resolv ed, that the Senate do convene in the Re, nesentative Chamber on Thurs day next at 12 o’clock for the pur pose of electing a Governor. On motion of Air. Walker, resolv ed, that so much of the communica tion of His Excellency the Governor 1 as relates to the establishment of a* Penitentiary, and that so? much of said communication as relates to the improvement of our navigable w ; ater courses be referred to the committee on the state of the Republic- \ Thursday, November 9. Air. Hammond agreeably to no tice moved tor the appoiiiment of a committee to prepare and report a bill to alter and amend the lotlfscc- tion of the 4th article of the Consti-’ ration. Messrs Hammond, Spalding, Fray, Scruggs, Walker, Owens and Carter were appointed a committee for’that purpose. Mr. F oster notified the Senate that he would on to-morrow move foi the appointment of a committee to pre pare and report a bill to alter theUtk For Gen. David B. Mitchell fii For his Excellency Jared Irwin 41 TVToIkvJm. r r' 1 „T- , ,7 |F‘ U ' C ‘ um report a mu to alter t!ie4t Majont) for General Mitchell 20 and 5th sections of the 3d articlfc c the Constitution of this state. ... vyvtiv-ld l OUilkkll UK II Slt pS* oil* )a ! U p. r l J0sts °* foe Fn-Wellesley was on a visit at Badajoz, On Friday nlisli I un and Plannem 1, , .. i • . . V / ’ 11 1 r,ua > where were several members of the cellencv the Governor and the Go- capt. Cook’s company. He will bribett-r 1^7 arra J^ ments for tl \ e vernor elect, attended by the joint held responsible for the progress of provision^ * * ^ Wlth committee of the Legislature, and the works ol those places, and the \ letter from ib - • , • K S l atC f n . d judicial officers, were conduct and safety of theVarrisons. it S’ n • , ? m T° duc ^ ‘he Chamber of the conduct and safety of the garrisons I-,t Sevi c supreme junta introduced into the Cl which are to he reinforced under h&Mr Si^t H( ‘ us «of Representatit orders from the garrison of New-Or- re f e,Ved V 5 rn 2 r before ^ leans, should lie* find it necessary. But as the frequent shifting of com mand from hand to hand, tends to destroy responsibility, the vital spring ol military efficiency, and to produce collisions destructive of the public interests, Maj. J. AI’Rc.i is not to in terfere with the command of New Orleans but m extreme cases, ground ed on external attacks or interior commotions. The interest and th importance of the duties imposed on Aiaj. AI Rea, and Ins iespoiisihilit\ for the ports below, make it impossi ble lor nini to give that minute at tention and incessant vigilance to the command of New-Orleans, which arc deemed necessary under the cir- .uinstances oi the moment, nor does bis rank give him a title, under the existing distribution of the troops, to ttives. The Go on the 16th September, (the day on of office, addressed himself tcT both uhich captam F . sailed) saj s, that branches of the Legislature. He fhual advices of the breaking of the spoke at some length on the discre ai nustice by Bonaparte, had been re-tionary duties of the Executive—re- ceiwcl at that city—that an action gretted that so great a responsibility tad taken place between the Frenchjshould he imposed on him, & expres- and Austrians in consequence, w hich sed a diffidence of his talents for an U1 tht ddCUt 01 lht for ‘ office 50 important but solemnly \\r r declared his intention ol dischartrintr ners V of T rT d Tl' ? Ia aga pa ' t0 lhc best of ^ ability, the trust re- pers of September 14 15, 18, 19.lposed in him. The oath of office A few translations, hastily made, iol- was then administered by the Presi Lisbon September 2—Napoleon in dent of the Senate. I he impressive address of the Go- tt?nds to establish a new power be-vernor ele •T Z\Th i r ■?' ate! Alessrs Jackson, Hogan & Br<\yT were appointed a committee to pie- pare and report a bill pointing on 1 the duty of sheriffs in selling la£d: under execution. Mr. Walker agreeabty to noticrin- troduced a bill to audiorise the jufgc of the Superior Court of the midllc circuit to hold an extra session imhc county of Richmond, which was rc ceived and read the first time~ Mr. Barnett notified the Scroti that he would on to-morrow mef* < for the appointment of acomniitteeto prepare and report a bill to repeal an act allowing compenstition to the judges ot Inferior Courts in this state. Mr. Jackson notified the Set¥*e, that he would on to-<norrow nfove for the appointment o{ a committee to prepare and report a bill, to im prove the navigation of the Oconee and Ocmulgee rivers. fhe Senate were infomied by mes- sage, 1 hat the House it Represen tatives have concurred ii the resolu tion appointing this da; at 12 o’clock to proceed to the electicn of a Gover nor, I he Senate were hformed by a message from the Hmse of Repre sentatives, that they are now in rei*'- . dine: tween establishing the throne of Poland. mm of GaliciV^s'^onWe^rto^ia^-jaUcndetl ou^dtis^c^asion. 1111011 * “ ^ vernor P urs “ a Don Gabriel de AlandizabelJ Alarshid count de Norona is second i ii ss t° receive dp Senate in d vernor, highly gratified the name-Representative Chanher for the pu rous assembbirrf. nlrin../-, c. !. )f .*■ pose ot electing a (jbverno to a concurred res^ution. 1 he Senate thth repaired to tl- Representative C/tamber, and bein in command. Marquis de Roum-tcn^Hpannihlet’ extV a,< I’ ,1JVS ^ itJ Representative (Iiamber « bm den a Fan,pf,let explanatory of lusscated. both brashes of the Gener