The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, May 15, 1810, Image 3

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DOMESTIC. Charleston,-A/h?/ 3. Respect of French Privateersme for American laws.—Yestcrda^ e veiling five dray loads of goods, con sisting of silks, cambricks, britannias, be. to the amount of 8 or 10,000 ^dollars, were seized by the custom house officers and lodged in the pub lic stores.—They were part of the f plunder brought into this port on board! New-York from Cadiz, and being in .aid place, in a gale ofwind that com menced on March 4th, and continu- d until March 9th, 1810, in which gale a number of American vessel and others were driven on shore at the east side of said bay, and were destroyed by fire, do hereby give it as my opinion, and the opinion of the people at Cadi/., as near as I could ascertain the same, that the vessels that had a '1 ME ,lUU K IN' A it LUES DA1\ May 1,. We have for some time past, mark edwith astonishment, the rapid stride; of Bonaparte, towards universal do minion. While reviewing his pre sent power, we are naturally indu ced to direct our attention, to the means bv which he ascended this nations, we may expect that succes V ill attend us ; but if through favo o foreign powers we suffer ourselve to be divided, we may yet be invoi ved in their calamities. (£3* We had anticipated the re ceipt of important intelligence fro; Europe ; but from some unknown cause, no papers were received by th< Athens’Mail. With respect to our foreign relations, therefore, we ar , i T a car S°| pinnacle of greatness : and at the 0 , _ the schooner Ravanchc du Cerf |° n , 0 . a ! ( ’. w lu : \ ^ English lmew| same time are lost in conjectures, unable to offer a single comment, and were seized in consequence of e >ent * l . aa U) l * v -' French,' con cerning the termination of his ca-jThe accounts from Congress by the being illicitly conveyed on shore.'if' 1 ene ™- v ’ they destroyed ; and; reer> If we examine his origin, his last mail are no later than the 28th ult. The public know but half of the foul! 1 ,, , l R ‘ <rtnc 1 destroyed all they! r j se w ill appear astonishing. Bonvconsequentlv, we are uninformed re play of this privateer.—She came rn ,C ° U ? access to, and kept in pos-|j n the p 00r island of Corsica, and re-Jspccting their adjournment. As to the here under pretence of being in dis-! S f SS, ° n . , cer L s ant * cre '. vs ^caving no assistance from the pow-fate of the non-intercourse; if we , and has taken advantage of the 1 V j ern; * in , CH1 . k°:»rd at said time :y r and nobility ot his family—aided may be indulged in our predictions, idlv shelter given her, to make 01 !” * Jelieve it is not ascertained in only by his daring genius, he now we should suppose it would certainly tress Ifiendlv sales of merchandize to more than"!, * raann< | r they were treated, asj swav s the sceptre of Europe. The the amount of 15,000 dollars ,o dis> 11 . “»■»<»•<»•<!• part ol said bay was entirely cut off. I further think much honor is due to admiral sir John Purvis, commau- , cu . i . der of the British fleet then in Cadiz quip her lor sea. She pretends tojy or hj s ' charge the bills of repairs, when eve ry one knons, that less than that sum would build her out and out, and e- have been off the coast, while all her men were on shore, in a heavy gale ofwind, which no body knows, or has heard any thing about. And now, after having lain in our waters for more than a month, her officers have had the audacity to bring their goods into the city in opposition to the ]a ws of the country. A conversation held by one of these privateersmen with a friend, that was overheard in the public baths of the city, would throw mon- light upon the principles and views of these violators of our laws. Some night work also, which has been go ing on between the privateer and the shore, would dirow additional evi dence in the hands of the defendants, in. a prosecution made on behalf of the Ravanchc du Cerf. We have nothing to do with mak exertions for the pre servation of the American shipping in said gale ; and I lurther sav not. PEL EG S. FOLGER. New-York, April 21st, 18K). (tT’Those printers that have in serted the other publication, are re quested to publish the abtfve. P. S. F. Account of the origin and definition of WHIG and FORT in the Uni ted Stines—by Timot/ny Pickering Vid. letter to Gov. Sullivan, p. 22. “ The disputes between Great Britain and the American colonic s (which now form the United States) commencing with the stamp act, in 1707, bv act of Parliament for raising a revenue in the colonies, gave rise to two parties, which at length were distinguished by the names of Whig wretched state of France, after years of in -ffectual struggles to obtain her ndepenclence, offered her an easy prey to aspiring ambition. Through heir ifforts to rescue themselves rom the thraldom of tyranny, a se the weak flies, whilst the stronger les of calamities unparalleled in for-ones breakthrough at pleasure. The met tunes has fallen upon unhappy expenditures of the present session uro< cans. When the foundation of Congress is computed at two /nm-jdifferent codes of maritime laws of the most powerful monarchy on and and sixty six thousand dollars ;jThe consolidation of all Europe un rite continent was assailed, monarchs we hope they have not expended thislder the dominion of France, renders might well tremble for their thrones, sum, without rendering some essen- Ail were anxious toextinguishthefire tial service to our country. What ol liberty, which animated the bosoms this essential service is, time must of Frenchmen. But, as well might develope. We also hope, this sum they have attempted, to hold the(enormous as it may appear) has not lightning of Heaven in its rapid hastenecl their adjournment,provided, course. Since that period, Europejthc exigency of affairs required their ?.v neither more nor less than the code ing apologies for those who act in de-'and Tory; the latter acquiescing m fiance ol the laws of the country—British claims of taxation ; the former Fiat justitia. Courier. resisting them.” M. r 4 REMARK. , r , , ~ ... S ' .* This definition applies exactly . ihe schooner Dolphin, Cupt. Ac-c. J - . ... „ 0 / f ,1° tne two parties which at present worth, from Key Sale, was brought tt„;. „i o, . ,*• , • i > • i • divide the United States, and is most too about eight o clock yesterday „ , , , -2 t i 3 i i appropriate to the man who declares morning, off the north bar, bv the ... u r w, i i , =>’ . T „ ’ , , that Great bntain has done us no i rench privateer La Ravanchc «« i • • „ Cerf and while she was in act of lv- 1 J , , ii\g to, the Frenchman ran under her ( ( em M^iser.) stern and poured a volley of mus- t — - quetry into her; while all the offi- No less than 3 new Banks hav cers, passengers and crew of the been recently established at Balti- Dolphin were upon deck, and the more, in opposition to each other, vessel within half pistol shot of each viz. 1 he “ Franklin Bank y” the other. j“ Commercial and. farmers' Bank of Fortunately one shot only took ef- Baltimore y” and the'-'- Farmers' and feet, which* pierced and broke the*Merchants' Bank of Baltimorey”— arm of Mr. Foley, a passenger on making eight in that city board. After committing this un-j provoked and wanton attack upon aj Manufactures.—It is one of the defenceless vessel, they told captain greatest consolations to the real Acworth to go about Ins business.— Friends of our country, to behold in The Dolphin belongs to this port, Sc'every quarter the progress of Manu- terminate with the present session Convinced as they must be of its partial effect, it would be impolite in the extreme to continue a measure, w’hich unhappily may be compared to a Cub-web, whose chords entangle tended to attain, and the latter may erve to shift responsibility from .hose who ought to bear it, to the President, but in fact amounts to no thing. Whether or not it will be* come a law is a matter of uncertain ty, and of very little consequence. The proposition for additional duties will certainly fail. I presume the Non-intercourse will terminate with our session on Thursday next.” (Augusta Herald.) POLICY. The world for fifteen years has been accustomed to such a rapid suc cession of important events, that the fall of a kingdom and the annihilati on of a family who have reigned for hundreds of years, have not half the effect and attention as the blowing up of a counterscarp, or the priming of a mine, would have had in the days oi the duke of Marlborough ! The moment is arrived equally im portant to the U. States as any mo ment since the landing of our first settlers. Britain and France have adopted any dispute with France, a dispute or warfare with Europe. Ifthe U. S. are desirous to con tinue a connexion and trade with Europe, they must adopt the mari time code of Europe. And that code ins been i field of confusion, and services longer ; as it is comparatively blood. The helm of government was nothing, when contrasted with our not directed by a Washington, ambi- national safety. tious, only for his country’s prosperi- iv ; but by him whose ambition! From the Louisiana Gazette we knows no limits. Monarchs and learn, that Gen. Hampton, in conse- Emperors, in the plenitude ot their quence. of indisposition, has given power and grandeur, have been hurl-die command of the troops to Col. ed from their thrones, & prostrated at Cushing, and was about to travel the feet of the conquerer—kingdoms nor tlnvard for his health, have been rent in pieces, and parcel- has only been absent twenty days on her present voyage ; she was perfect ly well known to the officers of the privateer, they having been frequently on board her, while the vessels lav near to each other at Gadsden’s wharf, before the Dolphin suiled on her present voyage Shower of Stones in .V. Carolina. RALEIGH, March t. On Tuesday the 30tll of January last, at 2 o’clock, P. 31. there was a fall of meteoric stones in Caswell county. Their descent was seen for a considerable distance round, and two reports distinctly heard at Hills borough—a distance of thirty miles. A fragment, weighing a pound and , three quarters, struck a tree in the new ground of Mr. Taylor, near where sbme wood-cutters were at work, who apprehending the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah, ran home without once looking behind them. Encouraged, however, by a woman, whose curi osity was superior to her Jears, they returned with her to the place, and brought away the stone, which was still hot. We understand that Go vernor Williams, of the Mississippi Territory', (now in Rockingham) in tends sending it to the Chemical So ciety in New-York to be analysed. It is, he informs us, ol a dark brown colour, porous and probably contains - iron. factures. Out of 90 Papers which we exchange with other Printers, we scarcely see one but there is some ac count of the growth of Manufactures. It is Home manufactures that will make us completely independent ; and the American geniuses appear to be of the same opinion. But a few years ago, there were scarce 10,000 dollars employed in Vermont manufactories. Now there is a :npital of more than 10 millions and daily increasing. Forges, furnaces, smiths’ shops, paper mills &c. are buildipg every day. The Legisla turc of the Union, as well as of the several States, appear to be engaged in encouraging national industry; and we doubt not that, in 10 years, our cloathing, complete, may be of American Manufacture. We congra tulate our Country on the present state of prosperity ; and hope oui Citizens may yet obtain what there fathers fought for ; “ real indepen dence.” (Bennington Paper.) As several erroneous publications have appeared in the news-papers respecting the vessel destroyed in Cadiz, and desirous that a true state ment should appear, I think propel to publish the following. I, Peleg S. Foiger, master of thi brig Young Soldier, lately arrived in! E.'4i-act of a letter from Rio Janeiro, dated in December, 1809. “ Very little is known respecting the insurrection, in public, either here or in Buenos Avres. But Spaniards here, are regularly informed. It is however, unsafe to speak much. Tin whole Potosi district is in rebellion, and in most of the mining country the king’s books and registers are burnt. The place chiefly noted in the letters I have seen, are, Churga- saca, La Paz Auzeguissa, Alog ras, Camana, Jurisdiction of Cusico. und its iudependenes, Sarata, Yujur, Chinea, Tagna, Arica, Copa, Caba- 10, Sara, Reno Full, Guencavelica ed out to the friends and followers, of this modern Alexander. Ghastly desolation has stalked across the con tinent, holding iir her right hand the torch of war, St in her left the cup of humility—and covered them with mourning. Long shall the widow and helpless orphan mourn for hus bands and parents, forever ravished from their sight. Often, has the staff been torn from the hand of de clining age, and the morsel snatched from the infants mouth, during these bloody conflicts for power. Does not the philanthropist, in tracing scenes of horror and devastation ex claim, When gracious Heaven ! when shall the period arrive, that the wasting sword shall be forever sheathed ? When shall the Dove bearing the olive branch inher mouth, return to the ark, which has so long been the sport of winds and tem pests ? When shall the ruthless heart of the soldier be dissolved into that of the peaceful citizen ? Some unforeseen event may arrest th • mighty Napoleon in the “ strength ol his course.” But if he is really the scourge of the Almighty, as some suppose ; he may proceed until the guilty nations bow before him. That he can soon materially injure Ameri ca is impossible, unless the Heavens and earth unite in assisting him. He and his ministers, may as they have already attempted, point out the conduct we should pursue, and boldly summon the virtuous fortitude of ancestors to plead their cause:* hut America in not his element. When lie finds England yielding submission to his sway, he may then extend the arm of his power still farther; but we hope that period is yet far distant. File English possessions in Asia may yet furnish a rich repast to his ambition. It is possible, that his power on the ocean may be superior to England at some future day Should ever that period arrive we may then be justly alarmed. Does the fierce Tvger shelter the innocent lamb in his bosom, or the Eagle co ver the chicken with his wings Shall he who tramples upon the li The following Toasts are extracted from those drank by the Chatham Artillery on the celebration of St Tammany’s Day. 3. Our Country—The asylum of the unfortunate and oppressed ; the only resting place for freedom on the habitable globe. 4. The State of Georgia—May she reciprocate the readiness ol her volunteer corps to serve her, by the promptitude and liberality of her pa tronage. 9. The Congress of the U. States Less talk and more work. 12. The Militia of the U. States—- Parole, Patriotism : Countersign, Unanimity. 10. Ai ts, Agriculture, Commerce, and Manufactures, the grand pillars of every independent nation. 17. The American Fair—Their smiles animate us in war and solace ns in peace. of our Jorrfathers ! If the U. S. believe it their inter est to sacrifice every principle for the sake of British agents, they must a- dopt the maritime code of England. The moment is important indeed— and portentous. Lex. Reporter» That our readers may form some idea of the wealth of South America, we shall state (from official authori ty) the quantity of gold and silver coined in Mexico along for one year, ending the 1st of January 181().— This coinage all bears the new stamp of Ferdinand the 7th. In gold 1,464,818 silver 24,708,164 A letter from Paris March l,says, Louis Bonaparte being recalled from Holland, is now ordered to Rome, some say as an exile which is probably true ; as, in behalf of the Dutch, he used language towards Napoleon that the latter has not been much accustomed to of late. Ano- the^report is, tiiathe is to be Kingof Portugal. We understand from good autho rity (says the Georgetown Indepen dent American) that the President places no reliance on the late reports irom England that our disagree ments with that power are adjusted, or u treaty agreed upon. The Freeman's Journal of the 19th ult. says, “ We are enabled to state, that Gen. Armstrong’s intention was to leave France in April.” Extract of a letter from a Member of Congress, to a gentleman in this place, dated Washington, April 28, 1810. “ I write to vou for the last time ouauue *** during thfc present session, and have berty of Europeans, guarantee their verv b littlc F worth rftmm \ in ; Pllt ; n<r . rights to Americans r Never, did a more eventful period arrive, since men were formed into security’, than the present. Caesar, and Alexander could easily defeat hordes of impo tent and uncivilized people, but to crush nations cemented by the ties of government, and versed in the art of war, is certainly an arduous undertaking. Americans should be on their guard. If we, without par- iality hold the balance of justice to * See Champigny’* insolent letter to Total 5526,172, 982 (Phil. Reg.) Caution. All warned persons arc hereby for. from trading for FOUR NOTES OF HAND, of twenty- five dollars each, given by’ me to Jo nathan Miller, bearing date 14th Sept. 1803, and payable 25th Dec. same year, for one Lot of Land, 4th district, No. 253, Wilkiftson county’ ; as there appears to be other claims to the land. I am therefore resolved not to pay said notes unless I am quieted in my possession. Martin Hayes. May 15. 29—3tfT The Subscriber Will allow a liberal price in Goods, for good mixed, deep coloured and wide Striped Homespun. Peter Menard* May 15. 29—tf. Caution. ALL persons are hereby forwarn. ed from trading for a note giveq bv Bird Pruett to Charles Nix, on the 10th November, 1808, for a lot of Land, No. 356, 4th district Wilkin son county, as the said Nix hath fail ed to make titles. Bird Pruett. May 15. 29—tf. C3* The person who has in his possession the 2d Volume of DALLAS’S REPORTS with my name in it; will return it immediate ly’, or suffer his name to be made public. Hiram Storrs. May 15. 29——tf. &l)crtff d ^alc. W ILL BE SOLD on the firft Tuesday in June nest, at the Court house in We arc still in suspense as to th state of our foreign relations, and it is feared the John Adams (so long expected with important despatches) Laurens county, will not arrive belore our departure I Lot, No. l/G, irom tins place. I he Senate have! in the Q f Wiikinfon, now Lau- stneken out the provision which pas- rt ns county, ax ihe property ot Levi Bufh, sed the House of Representatives to satisfy John Chapman’s execution- laying an additional duty of fifty per cent on French and British goods, and have substituted a bill which you will find in the enclosed Intelligen cer. The first I considered calcuiat- General Armstrong published ia oar last jed to destroy the objects it was in- Conditions Cash. May 1 ISAAC KIRKSEY, Shf. •JO tds School Books For Sale at this Office.