The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, May 15, 1810, Image 4

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TOTl THE GEORGIA JOURNAL. Mr. Grant land, 1 he followingdcscriptive lines are copied irom an old Hibernian Ma gazine. By giving them a place in the Journal, you will oblige A Subscriber. ON TIME. Say is there aught that can convey An image of its transient stay ? ’Tis an hand's-breadth ; ’tis a tale ’Tis a vessel under sail ; ’ I is a courier’s straining steed ; ’ Tis a shuttle in its speed ; ’ Tis an eagle in its way, Darting down upon its prey ; ’ Tis an arrow in its flight. Mocking the pursuing sight ; ’Tis a vapour in the air ; Tis a whir'klwind rushing there; ’Tis ashort-liv’d fading flow’r ; ’ Tis a rainbow in a show’r ? ’Tis a momentary ray, Smiling in a winter’s day ; Tis a torrent’s rapid stream : ’ l is a shadow ; ’tis a dream ; Tis the closing watch of night, Dying at the rising light; ’ Tis a landscape vainly gay, Painted upon crumbling clay ; ’Tis a lamp that wastes its fires ; ’lisa smoke that quick expires ; ’ lvs a bubble ; ’tis a sigh i Be prepar’d, O Man to die. fered to huv the boy’s time, but the sensible little fellow said he wished learn his trade. Finally Mr. Hone, the father, invested, for the boy, 500 dollars, and the students made him up about two hundred dollars more. It was said that the boy’s lather was a man of property in New-York ; but became insolvent, died, and left his children so desti tute, that this son was bound to Hor ner to learn the Tanner’s business.” fire from her cannon and small arms: consists principally upon broths, and her boats cannot defend her lor ah< other nourishing things. She has had twelve children, the ,<iest ot whom, now living, is in his >-d year, and is a strong hale looking old mam. Lon. pap, Boston, April 10, SPANISA SHEEP. Yesterday were landed, and pas- cannot put out a sufficient number u contend with 30 or 40 torpedo boats That the fire from her cannon and small arms cannot protect her has been proved by hundreds of instan ces of boarding vessels from boats, where the danger was much greater than it can be in harpooning, and by examples of valor in taking re- doubts or fortifications by storm. If sed through town, 44 genuine tull- TOHPEDOES. New York, April 15, 1810. To the Members of Congress who vo ted in favor of the Torpedo Bill. Gentlemen, Being informed that you have wished to see the experiments pre vious to the. rising of Congress on the 23d inst. I beg leave to state to you my reasons why they could not be made in a satisfactory manner in sc short a time as from the passing o' the bill to the adjournment of your body this spring. There are not many gentlemen who doubt that a Torpedo will blow up a ship of any size or strength, provided it can he got under Her bottom. But many are of opinion that by means of booms, spars, ropes, chains or nets, a vessel may be so guarded, that a Torpedo or Torpedoes cannot be got under her. It is therefore interesting that those &t other modes of defence, which may he discovered, should be put to the test of experiment: For this purpose time must be given to all other difficulties be surmounted the experiments of positive attack must be left to a time of actual war. You will perceive that to do justice to the experiments some months mat be required, that conseqently they could not be performed during the present session of Congress. It is justice due to your liberality and a dutv w’hich I owe to the nation and to the arts that nothing be left undone w hich may lead to a fair investigation of the power of torpedoes. I have never wished the government to »- dopt them as a means of defence un til their utility shall be proved by sa tisfactory experiment. My whole time and attention are now directed to ways and means to secure success. And I have the pleasure to inform you that every plan of booms, chains, nets, Ike. which I have yet seen, in stead of being obstructions, will by a new combination on my part, really facilitate my operations, and enable me to destroy a vessel with much less risk to my men than if she had no such tackle. I have thought proper to mention iny having made such im- The Elegant Ilorsc blooded Merino sheep, imported from Lisbon, in the Edward by Messrs. Cornelius, Coolidge, and Francis J. Oliver, merchants of this town. They were in excellent or der, and will make a valuable additi on to a stock so important to the ma nufacturing interests of Massachu setts. LOOK HERE! ALL persons indebted to the Subscriber on account of the Store which Mr. Owen H. Kennon, had charge of in Milledgeville in the year 1808, are notified that their notes and accounts arc lodged with Mr. James Fleming, who is duly au thorised to recipt such accounts : it would be well for persons concerned to attend to this, as they will not be long in Mr. Fleming’s hands. J. Sawyer. May 8.28 2t. collect from the officers of the navy provements, that gentlemen oppos- their several plans of defence, and ifed to the system may exert them- REFLECTIONS ON THE GRAVE ! AN EXTRACT. “ Here is the last stage of Life’s journey : Here is the collecting ren dezvous of suffering mortals : Here is a safe retreat from the barded shafts of malice, from pointed perils and from misery’s rod : Here, af ter noble and ignoble views; after every ardent wish ; after pur suing every flattering object, we find the object of them all. Here, from servile bondage, and oppression’s iron hand, rests the wretched Ne gro, whom chance had made a slave; here he forgets his galling state, and with his lordly tyrant sleeps equally accommodated. Here the oppres sor and the oppressed moulder toge ther. Here sleep the manly saving, and riotous profuse. Here, prostrate any embarrassing obstructions should be contrived, I must have time to see if I can devise means to destroy them or avoid them, in sending the Torpe does under the bottom of the ship. As I cannot foresee all the obstacles which may be presented, or judge of the time necessary to overcome them, the experiments should be commenc ed in a satisfactory and systematic manner, so as to secure a fair inves tigation, and of necessary experiment on ever}' plan of defence and attack. As such details may require a whole summer, and should have the advan tage of good weather, I have propos ed to the Secretary of the Navy the following mode of proceeding. First, that the investigations and experi ments on obstructions, defence and attack, be made in the harbor of New- York, in which city I can have the aid of my own workmen to construct machinery. Second, that a committee jie appointed of the following gentle men : Messrs. Oliver Wolcot and may selves to devise means of defence and I shall feel much obliged to those who will have the goodness to send the above. For Sale, House and half acre Lot, me their objections or plans of de fence by drawing or letter directed for me at New-York. To this, I hope there can be no objection, as all plans of attack or defence which ma}- be discovered must become public. I hope, gentlemen, to lay before you in autumn such a report on the ex periment as will give you pleasure, & induce many good men who voted against the bill, to become friends and advocates of the system. ROBt. FULTON. and Ponce of Augufta, or to A. M. Devereux. Milledgeville, March 20. 21—tf. situated on Wayne street, near the mar- ket; at prefent occu pied by Doctor Wil son. Alfo, a House and half acre I.ot, joining For terms apply to Messrs.Hill BRYAK O'LYNN, (Imported by Governor Turner in the fill of1803,) WILL STAND the ensuing season at my stable in Grcensborough, at} Twenty Dollars the season, (to com mence the 1st of March and end the^ 1st of August)—notes for the season ' payable the 1st of December, to be sent with the mares; Thirty-five dollars to ensure a mare will be with foal ; should the property of any mare be changed, the insurance will be demanded. If a mare insured should not prove with foal, the mo'<, ney will be returned. Ten Dollars the single leap, to be paid down with liberty to continue the season by the payment of Ten Dollars more. Good and extensive pastu- , rage gratis, and the greatest care ' shall be taken to prevent escapes or accidents, but I will not be liable for either. Wheat lots well enclosed for mares with young colts—servants sent with mares boarded gratis. If requested mares will be fed with grain at the market price. Where any one becomes responsible for five mares, the season will be Sixteen dollars each. Fifty cents to the groom in every case, to be paid down. (For performances and pe digree, see bills.) Benjamin Weaver. Grcensborough, J Jan. 23 1 809. J 13- 2t from 1st March 12t <MjtrifT0 &alc$. WILL BE SOLD on the first Tuesday in June next, at the Court house in the town of Monticello, be tween the usual hours, One Lot of Land, No. 110 in the fifteenth District of Baldwin, now Randolph county, le vied on as the property of James Wood, to satify an execution in fa vor of Alexander Steele, deed, pro- One Thousand Bushels ofgood CLEAN WHEAT Is wanted by the Subscriber. lie will allow to persons indebted to him on account of Medicines, one dollar a bushel, delivered to him in Mil ledgeville. Those who have accounts of long standing, are requested to take notice of this in time it muy save them trouble and cost. Thompson Bird. May 1. 27—6t. The Turks never walk for amuse ment or refreshment, 'lliey hear perty pointed out by the defendant with wonder a proposal to walk out only that they may walk back ; and enquire why a man should labour for nothing. of 1 leaven’s great lender.” in the dust, ly the degraded relics Cadwalder Golden of this city, gen of soaring mortals ! Remember,| tlemen 0 f federal politicks Chan- then, the transient visions ot terres-| ce jj or J^vingston & Governor Lew- tial greatness ; and act so as to be • 0 p t hj s statc ^ republicans ; Colonel prepared to pay the momentary loan "Williams of the Engineers, Mr. Gar net and Dr. Kemp, mathematicians ; gentlemen of such high respectabili- tv and acknowledged talents, will pe netrate to truth, and make a report which should satisfy all parties. That Commodore Rodgers and such offi cers of the navy as the secretary of the navy will please to name, & can with convenience, will attend the True Felicity.—A person once observing to an ancient Greek Phi losopher, that it was a great happi ness to have what we desire- |the sage replied, “ but is it not a much greater happines to desire no thing but what we have ?” From the Genius of Liberty. Great and noble actions ought to be known and recorded. The following is an extract of a letter from a gentleman near Prince ton, N. J. to his friend at Long- Hill, dated Feb. 28th, 1810. “ An interesting incident occurred wear Princeton it few weeks ago. defence. Holt’s Ferry. All persons travelling on horse-back, may cross at my Ferry for half price. Thaddeus Holt. March 13 20—tf An experienced chymist at Paris has lately made several curious ex periments on Tobacco, which if found to be correct, tvill occasion a great innovation on the trade and manufacture of that vegetable. His results were, that the acrid principles committee to state their modes of|°* Tobacco differ from that ot alio Also, Two Negroes, to wit, Gundy and Matty, as the pro perty of William Foster, to satisfy an execution in favor of Anderson Mize, property pointed out by the plaintiff. ALSO, One Waggon & Two Horsey levied on as the property of Robert Lumpkin, to fatisfy an execution irf favor of Giles Tompkins, property pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney. Also, One Lot of Land, No. 12, in the 17th district Baldwin, now Randolph count}-, three feather beds, bedsteads and furniture, two shot guns, one bay horse, and one bay mare, one saddle, bridle, and sir- single, levied on as the property of James M‘Kleroy, to satisfy FOR SALE, at this office, Fifty Reams Medium printing paper, of good quality Price 84 50 cts. per Ream. February 20. * 17 tf Notice. N INE months after date, application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Baldwin county, for leave to fell — „„„ an exe- a tra( ^°f land belonging to the eftate of onion in favor of William Hamner, clZVli That a circular letter be! thervc S^ a l>les w hose properties are The cold Saturday a number of stu-jaddressed to the principal officers 0 f, known that it can by an easy pro- dents were skating on Scudder’s the navy requesting from them me- c ^ ss , c °™P‘ ctc v 3C P ara . from mill poud; one of them named Hone, moris and plans of the measures t ’ lc P‘ ant » other green or dried, and about 10 years old, fell into the wa-jthey would adopt, to defeat attacks ter, where it was from 10 to 12 feet with Torpedoes while vessels are at deep. In struggling to get out, hejanchor or under sail. The objecti- broke the ice for some distance round,|ons being received, shall be examin- but did not succeed, and became at^-d before the committee, and such as last so exhausted and overcome that’require it shall he proved by expe- he could not see. The students injriment; if after the combinations of the mean time, ran backwards and'rope*, chains booms, spars, nets, &c. forwards clamoring, but no one ven-jhave been investigated and experi- tured to the aid of the perishing'mented, it shall appear that I can de friend. An apprentice boy, howe-jfeat all such precautions, and send in a liquid state—and that the juice thus extracted may be combined with the dried leaves of any tree, and thus form Tobacco. The remains of the plant, after the acrid principle is thus separated, have neither smell nor taste. LARGE OX. An Ox was lately exhibited at Boston of the following dimensions : ver, about 14 years old, approached:the Torpedoes under the bottom of ; Height 18 hands, 11 feet from the so near Hone that he put one end of the vessel, the report of the commit-j*°P j 1 ** head to his rump, 18 leet a stick, with which he had been play-tee containing the plans, details and * rom his nose to the tip ol his tail, experiments, should be satisfactoryi ant ^ f ect ^ hiches around the bo- to Congress as far as relates to such ^ » weighed about nine months ago means of defence ; and it will be un- 2926lbs. andI irom its growth since, necessary to repeat them on the ing of Congress in autumn. At time I propose that a vessel Potomac be put under the directionl**’ the largest ever exhibited in that of the opponents to the system for P art die country. ing hall on the ice, into his hands. With the aid of this stick he drew llone upon the ice, and though sensi ble of his own danger, and shedding ♦ears, he persisted till he drew Hone so far forward that the end of the stick caught on the edge of the ice. Hone then asked the boy to let him draw hack and extricate his stick : lie did so, and both at last reached the place of safety. Hone when suf ficiently recovered, put his hand into liis pocket, and offered the boy tw« dollars which he had with him. The generous hoy would not take it, say ing he would have clone the same for any person in the same situation He offered him afterwards 20dollars the hoc said he did not want his n>o- T. he Subscribers will give Goods for One Thousand yards Striped Homespun, 7-8 yards wide, at 37 1-2 cts per yard. Thomas £sf Scurry. May 8. 28—tf. property pointed out by the plaintiff. ALSO, 2 Feathtr Beds & Furniture levied on as the property of Elijah Banckston to satisfy sundry execu tions against him. ALSO, About 20,000lbs. Deer Skins, levied on as the property of William Hammett, to satisfy an execution in favor of James Dickson. ALSO, One Lot of Land, No. 71, in the 13th District of Bald win, now Randolph county, levied on as the property of Thomas War r ner, to satisfy sundry executions a- gainst him, and pointed out by the plaintiff. ALSO, The 1-2 of a Brick Kiln, containingabout 00,000 bricks, levied on as the property of Josiah Gools- bee, to satisfy an execution in favor ... — —J'ty, and adjoining tiie lands of Thomas Mnughon and others, containing 300 acres, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the deceafed. JOHN CROWDER. Ag’t for the Kxo’rs. May 8. 28——mom. W anted, A sober, induftrious Weaver. One who underftands his bufinefs maybreceive the higheft wages in cafli, and his board— for particulars, enquire at this Office. April 10. 24—//: them to load and strengthen in such manner as they may deem a most ef fectual resistance ; that they anchor her and put out their nets or booms, or put her under weigh, back her, or fill her, at pleasure, and I believe I shall shew in all cases the Torpe- lo will go under her and that I shall not fail to blow her up. If I succeed to lefcat all precautions before menti uicd, it follows that a ship will havi Lynchburg Press. Longevity.—Sarah Williams, in her 108th year is now living in small, but neat and comfortable lit tle cottage, at the foot of that cele brated eminence called Brent Toor situated about halfway between Ta vistock and Lidlord. Within thest :ew years she lias cut five teeth, threi jf which still remain, together witl rrv. Hum's lather came on, and of- ho other mode ol defence than thi ,.en or twelve old ouea. Her diet May l. 27—tds. Valuable Land For Sale. Subscriber offers for sale bis frac* 1 tion, No. 222, on the Garrison road about 12 miles from Milledjreville. The 'ract contains 110 t-2 acres, the quality of the land is good—about 60 acres enclosed. It is an excellent (land for a Tavern and Store. Charles Gildon. May >. 28 — Mt. 2planli ai'ciOd ELEGANTLY PRINTED, FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. Ten Dollars Reward, r KAN A WAY from the subscri- f ber’s plantation, ten days since, a Mulatto Boy,cal led ABELAND, slim built, about 5 feet 6 inches high,\ 17 years of age, an artful fellow— has been in Savannah, and from in formation, I expect he has gone up the country—had on when he left home, a blue great coat and yellow nankeen trousers. Whoever will lodge him in Savannah Goal, or re turn him to the subscriber’s plantati on, Bryan county, Great Ogechee Neck, shall have the above reward, and charges paid. Joseph Sill. Mav 8. 28—3t. FEIN T 1 N L, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Neatly executed at this Cffiec.