The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, June 20, 1810, Image 3

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, arable dispositionsto American coir.- rnerce. The undersigned prays Mr. Arm- s'rnng t.a accept the assurance of his high consideration. (Signed) Ckampagny Due Dr. Cadore. Paris, I4>th February, 1810. His Excellency the Minister Plenipotentiary of the U- nit^d States' of America. Extract of a letter from Mr. Forbes, The preceding official pap;.-, in specting' the state of. on.* iv■i.itiont' with France, go far to shew that bu. little chance exists of an early ac commodation of our differences wit' her on any principles compatible e't ther with justice, or that respect " hich every independent nation owes to itself. These communications remove all doubt of the genuineness of the Due de Cadore’s note to Ge neral Armstrong, which in point of [language as well as substance, is e Consul of the United States at //«>«-jqually reprehensible. The principles burg, to General Armstrong, dated Copenhagen, March 3d, 1810. “ Agreeably to a royal order, pri vateering is immediately to recom mence.” r __ (translation.) Trieste, 7th March, 1810. 3Tr. Inspector General. The. confiscation of the American *^liooner Elizabeth, captain Jeffery overwncim corruption an< Jegradau.on in a country, whose inha hitayts deserve a better fate. * “ He must be liberated at the close of tin nresent session” when he will tri itmph oyer persecution^ “ and come forth as the beloved and oppressed advocate of the rights and liberties of the people’” We recommend'to the serious at tention of our readers, the very ex cellent remarks of the Editor of the Democratic Press, (published in the :o;n:n»r.Jant of Li Qu ri, and e'glu'G. Oth, as Pesidcut. Mr. On. lavs alter shipped them off a. . had 1) votes and Mr. Dan i 18. -Ytr- it assumes are such as we never could ^ rst y a g e Q f t } ; j s p a p er a on the situ adopt without disgrace, & the terms,' at - lon c f United States with re- t«r- OU * ra ^L i-° n C , an< ^ decorum., S p ect to the European powers. They Witn such features, it is not surpris 'involve political topics higlily inte- mgthajits genuineness was questit , res ^ rl g.. wHich probably have not oned, for it was scarcely credible,'been favored by many of us with due iliat a government that, we were told, consideration. So completely do they ‘ rom , various, quarters, professed em ij race the ideas we entertain on friendship towards us and a respectsubjects to which they relate, that for neutral rights, should use lau* it would be superfluous to add a sin for’neutral guage only fixed to excite indigna- Farrhll, has .taken place in conse- tion. We are authorised to say, that quence of the orders of his Impe£i- our government had no official know- al and Royal Majesty, agreenblv tojledgi of *.h ■ existence of this note, the’d m me • >n the 4th instant, by the Governor Gene- gle observation of our own. The Spaniards of Carraccaa and 1 Guira, with the coautry round it, nl so Barcelona and some oilier town 1 t was said, had declared themselv- independent of all the world, will the proviso, that if Ferdinand reco vered his country and throne, tlia diey would then acknowledge bin and return to their allegiance. Tin people have appointed a Junta, nm haveorgarnized the government. ’1 *h< whole of this revolution was put ir motion so suddenly, that they took the governor up in the street whih walking for his pleasure, not having the least suspicion v( such an event, and was accomplished without the loss of a life or the spilling of blood > or any further disturbance than sei zing and shipping off about 8 or 10 of the principal civil and military of ficers. After this they layed an em bargo on all vessels in port, which in 8 days was taken off and vessels suf fered to depart. The populace at first seized the sch’r that brought the thaniel Coffin, Esc)* clerk.—•Nat. fa. General Demotier, a new French through Eng-| l, . 1in l S T t T ' s . to on his way to j(]i S p a t c hes, but the captain of her, tel- „ '! t*he timed States. Itit. not knowi,| rm | a pla ’ usibIo >t0 ^. aml 4a J hc I have since been notified cf the intentions of hie Majesty in a more formal manner, by the letter which the Duke of-Gaete, Minister of the Finances, wrote .'to me on the 24th of February last. According to the terms of the let ter, and conformably to the orders ol his Majestv, it u'as enjoined immedi ately to lav an embargo on all the A- merican vessels which should b found, or which should "arrive in th ports of the Illyrian provinces, and their cai-goes were directed to be con fiscated. These particulars furnish an an swer to the inquiries contain'd in your letter oi this day, and I think it would be expedient to communi cate them to capt. Fai roll. I have the honor, &c. (Signed) EfAUCHY, / . Count of the Empire, Counsellor of State, and Intendant Gen. unto it iv a, ice. ;vcu . £ . i , -1 line eiiucQ states, it aud, a rcw davs since, by the Cannl- , , , ,,, , v n , ;• J . whether he will succeed General iur la. the publicity given to it must 1 . . , i , ° „ reau. or rave been by the r rench government.^ as it made its appearance in the P; ■ papers a few days subsequent to .wished to stay among them, they is appointed to some special' k offthe '.j the ni gh, He was to sail for Phila-L .. .V - te d date—a memorable fact, indi- ea'v.g the resolution of that govern ment, in thus committing itself to the world, to maintain the ground taken in it.—National Intelligencer. mission uelphia, in company with the Russian minister, from Rochelle, about the 10th of April. James Munroe of Virginia, Mor gan Lewis o' New-York, and John Faylor Gilman of New-Hampshire, are elected members of their respec tive State Legislatures for the pre sent v ar. They have all served in the capacity of Governor and at the same time.—Poston Patriot. was re-elected &alc. WILL BE SOLD on the first Tuesday in August next. fUtht house of John Peterson, in Telfair county, jetween the usual hours, Ohe Tract of Land, containing two hundred two and % half acres, lying in the eigth district oil Wilkinson, now Telfair county, known in the plan of said district by Lot No. two hundred and eighty eight, levied ton as the property of Solomon Strickland, to satisfy’ an ex* edition in favor of Richard Benson, which said land Is now in possession of William Harris. Cullin Edwards, s. t. c. June 20. 84—-tds. the sch’r slipped off. It was said a- nong the papers of the government which the populace seized, there Were found several that gave them reason to believe that the govern ment of Carraccas was in the French interest, and had held a treasonable correspondence with the French.—- The Spaniards seemed very wrath The intelligence from England re ceived by the last mails, is not mate rially interesting. Nothing new has transpired on the subject of Amcri can affairs.'If a repetition of reports is] a g a j ns { th c French, and seized eve- confirmation, we may suppose a trea ty has been concluded by our minis ter with the British government. ry one they found in their country. June 4 Captain Nickerson, from Laguira, -§>ale. On the 1st Tuesday in August next, WILL BE SOLD, at the house of John Peterson, in the county of Tel* fair, a Tract of 202 1-2 Acres of Land, situate oq the Ocmulgee river, in the 7th district of Wilkinson, (now Tel fair county,) numbered lour hundred and twenty two, now in the possessi on of John Carey, and levied on as the property of John Douglass, to sa tisfy the cost of a suit entered by him against James Rouse. Cullin Edwards, s. *r. c. June 20. 34—~tdu. THE JOURNAL. There is something in the delay of informs that when lie left that place, the arrival of the John Adams, thatjthe 12th ult. - - does not augur altogether so well. It appears she sailed ft ow Cowes for WEDNESDAY, June 20. Paris, 26th March, 1810. Sir, I have but a moment to enclose a copy of M. de Gallo’s letter to Mr. Hammet. . I am, sir, With high respect, Your most obedient serv’t (Signed) JOHN ARMSTRONG lion. R. Smith, Secretary of State, patches from Mr. Pinkney. Since that time, near three months has We this day publish the letter ofM^d, and no information respecting Sir Francis Burdett to his Constitu- her has bee » ' Reived by our govern- every thihg remained For Sale, One Square of Land, COntaing 202 1-2 acres, No. 185, in the 6th district Baldwin, now Jones, on the waters of Commissioner’s quite under the new government—j Cre , 1[> fining fhomt»>. mills, « France on the 26th March, with des- ( the new government United States sailed on the 11th ult in the schooner Fame, Davis, for Baltimore, on their way to the city of r»o commissioners or agent.fromFoVttmC"apply y to that ot til© thp fmhcpriKpp nr PaW* (translation.) Naples, 9th March, 1810. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of his Majesty the King cf the Two Sicilies, to Mr. T. Ihvnmet Con sul of the United State, ca. Sir, I have laid before his Majesty the repeated demands which you have addressed to me in hclialt of the r. - merican citizens and vessels lying i- the ports of his kingdom, jesty cannot contemplate pain the little consonance which ap pears to him to exist between your solicitations and the principles adopt ed by.the government of the United States which are contained in the provisions of the act ol the first ot March of the past year, operating against the commerce of France and that of those states leagued with her in the political system of the French empire After that act, you ought not to be surprized, sir, at the vigorous mea sures which his Majesty the King has been compelled, to adopt against the vessels of your nation laden with pro hibited merchandize. With respect to the Americans who compose the crews of the con fiscated vessels, lus Majesty has di rected his minister of the marine to procure passages for them, in or ,dtr that they may return to Ameri .ca. I flatter myself, sir, that the alte rations which may take place in th ents, denying the power of the House o.f Commons to imprison the people of England. Presuming our read ers are anxious to learn the cause which gave rise to the letter of the Baronet ; we have collected the fol-j lowing information from the accounts received at New-York. A Mr. John Gale Jones, it appears, wrote and published certain strictures on the pr oceedings of the House, & a few of its members. Being cited to appear before that tribunal, he acknowledg ed himself the author of the re marks in question ; ami stated, that he was not actuated by any sense of disrespect to the privileges of the House, or the persons of any of its members individually—that he had ,110 moMv". in mentioning the names :f Ameri- c f tne members alluded to, save that they happened to be connected with a subject of public discussion—Sc that lie alivavs considered it the privilege of every Englishman, to animadvert on public measures, and the conduct A oublic men. Mr. Jones was im- lis Ma-i;nediatelv committed to New-Gate without j ai i. Sir Francis Burdett on the 12tli March, after denying the right ol the House of Commons to commit Mr. Jones, moved that he be dis charged—but his motion was nega tived by a majority of 139. It was on this occasion, that he addressed his constituents through the medium f Cobbets Register of the 24th March, which lesulted in his confine ment. The affair of the unhappy Baronet must excite the strongest in terest in every generous mind. Hi has long been marked for his conspi cuous opposition in the councils oi England—for his noble stand against their encroachments and trespass on individual liberty. His spirited address to his constituents—his con finement in the Tower, must call to mind the spirit and immortal suf ferings of the Russels and Sidneys inj) former times. Sir Francis has for 'several years past been characterized for his probity—for his elevation a- bove the sordid and avaricious views of the British Ministry. The peru- ment. Washington. The Official Documents from France received by the arrival of the Camilla, at New-York, need no introductory remarks. The hostile injustice they breathe towards us will be perceived immediately by the moat superficial observer. The Editor of the Democratic Prefs, states that, ]\Ir. Jones, at pre sent confined in New-Gate Jail, by the British House of Commons, the author of the letter to the Duke of York, ar.d several other very celebrated letters lately published un der the signature o {Junius. to the subscriber, or Daniel Cobb, living near the premises. Ezekiel Cobb, June 20. 34—at. FOURTH OF JULY. We observe the citizens of other towns are making preparations for celebrating the anniversary of Ame rican Independence. Is it not time that the inhabitants of this place were adopting similar measures i Last Night's Mail wc re ceived no very interesting news.— The papers are principally filled with details of the arrest of Sir Francis Burdett, and the riot which ensued from it. The situation of our af fairs with Great Britain, is said to be almost totally unnoticed amidst the popular ferment in London. Nexvburyport, May 24. FROM CADIZ The schooner Fame, Captain Hoyt, fifty-four days from Cadiz, arrived at this port on Monday last. Captain Iloyt politely furnished us with the following intelligence. That it was the opinion of the Bri tish officers that Cadiz will be evac- tuatcd,as soon as the English pro perty is removed. Fresh provisons of all kinds are exceedingly scarce and high ; fresh beef, one dollar per pound ; candles forty-five cents per pound ; eggs one dollar per dozen ; and other articles proportionally dear. By order of the junta, vessels ar riving with provisions are not suffer ed to depart until the provisions an landed. The priests are daily employed in exercising the guns on the walls from ten o’clock in the morning till noon. Charleston, May 31. The John Adams is said to have sailed from Morlaix, having Gencr al Armstrong aboard! PURSUANT to an Order of the Honorable the Superior court of Baldwin county, of the 26th March, appointing Commissioners to examine into the funds of said coun ty, and report the result of their nquiries on the subject, to the next Grand Jury for the aforesaid county; the undersigned commissioners will meet for that purpose, on Thursday’, the 12th of July next, at the office of Thomas H. Kenan, esq.—at, which time and place, the Justices of the Inferior court, and all other officers and persons are requested to attend, and give what information they may possess, touching the point in questi on. Augustin Harris, Sam’l Cunningham, Francis Smith. June 20. • The British government has is sued an order in council in March, declaring the whole coast of Spain in a state of blockade, and that any vessel whatever found on the coast or attempting to enter any portol Spain or Portugal would be made a prize of.—-Aurora. The Legislature of Massachusetts convened on the 30th ult. The whole number of members elected to the Philadelphia, May 31 Yesterday arrived sch’r Adventure, Armstrong, 24 clays from Laguira, and informs, that on or about thejHouse of Representatives is C44f of 20th A m il, a schooner arrived at that, whom 632 attended. Every member port from Spain, bearing dispatches of the Senate was present but one. to the governor of Carraccas, with information that all Spain was in the hands of the French except Cadiz. This news flew before the messenger, the people of Carraccas, the metropolis of that part of South America, (no doubt prepared for the contingency) rose, & a body of them, met the messenger, seized his dis patches and carried him to goal. They immediately after seized the governor and commander in chief at Carraccas, brought him down unci desirous should exist, and whicn,IVe trust in apprOv K , which V aar( j G f too men and put him on resolutions of vour government, will;sal ot his address cannot lad to excin 1 — of which the human dispose l;i.s Majesty to measures every emotion I j . or *1*1* more conformable to his views and tojhcart is susceptible, & hre witli inaig- those sentiments of friendship undulation each plnluntarophic breast a- good understanding which the Kingjgainst the authors ol his sufferings. is h ted States of America. Accept, sir, the assurance of my verv distinguished consideration. (Signed) The Marquis o/’Gali.u. to cultivate wi* Ac Uni-ltl.ynd^entl'int^p.ntjit^ ^ .j „ Spa „ ish brig , yi „ 5 i„ port . Of the English people; and 8tive|on board ol which they put a few o to gm mint ot liberty ar. ide their steps in the attaiu-Wr officers and sent her off; at the present is ne of the glorious privileges of Name time they took up the Inute- On the .< oyerror of Carraccas The House chose Perez Motton, Esq. Speaker. The following was the statement of votes : Mr. Motton Republican, 326 Mr. Iiigclovv, Federal, 303 Scattering 2 In the Senate, several successive ballottings took place without effect for a Speaker; and the Senate ad journed without making a choice.—- 1'he following was the uniform result of each ballot : For Mr. Otis, Federal, 19 For Mr. Dana Republican, 18 Scattering 1 A majority of th wholee numbei necessary to % choice. 31st the Senate made and the'choice of the honorable Harrison 1 GEORGIA—Randolph County, Inferior Court, in Chambers, fum 13, 1810. Present their Honors, John Martin, John Cargile, and 1 Justices. Isaac McClendon, j Upon the petition of James Dow ney, stating that he 13 confined in the common Jail of this county, on a ca. sa. in favour of Henry IValker, praying the benefit of the several acta for the relief of insolvent debtors. On motion of William Cook at torney for the petitioner, it is Or dered, That on the 21st day of July next, the said James Downey will be brought up before this court, and all the creditors being notified agreeable to law, and no suggestion of fraud being made, the said James Downey will be allowed the privilege of the acts for the relief ot insolvent debt ors. A true copv from the Minutes. I Ienry 'Walker, for Patton Wise, Clk. June 20. 34—tf. ) Will be Sold, On Saturday the 21st day of July next, in the town of Monticcllo, se veral Newly laid off Lots, in said town, and all those already laid off, the terms ol the Sale of which shall not then be complied with. John Cargile, 1 £ Isaac M’Clendon, > £ Johp J.Iartin. j £ J-ur: 20. 34—tt.