The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, July 18, 1810, Image 4

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toe how to cozen and cheat your 'neigh-{stinting every possible position, and hors, deceive your friends, and spea ill manner of evil without respect t persons, or characters. ** Variety's the soul of bhfs A considerable portion of our pa Iri sh Deb atk—In a debate on tin leather tax, in 1795, the Chancellor of the Irish Exchequer, Sir John Purnell, observed, “ That in the pro secution of the present war every man ought to give his last guinea to preserve the remainder!” Mr. Vati- trhich is said to be extremely usefu. in saving persons in danger of being drowned. The police of Vienna have purchased a considerable number ol these machines, with the view of bringing up drowned persons from the bottom ot the Danube ket ; at prrfent onn pied Ly Doctor Wil son. per is occupied with short pieces ofdelem said, “ However that might be, Prose and Poetry. We concur in ^ ‘ ax ° n l ‘ ath " wol .‘ ld 1jc sevcrd -': 1 felt by tiie bare footed peasantry of opinion with a high authority, that it is extremely proper to unbend the mind with puns, bon-taots and the like ; and not always that species, which turns upon subjects 'of great length. Short pieces of pleasantry, of the gay and epigrammatical kind, case and unload the mind, clear and improve the understanding, and serve as proper reliefs for employ ments of every sort. It is surpri zing how much the mind is unbur- Ireland.” To which Sir Boyle Roach, in support of the tax, suggested that “ It may be easily remedied by mak ing the under leather of wood. The “ Choice of a wife,” if we un derstand the reasoning of “ A pru dent Bachelor,” is regulated princi pally by what iny worthy friend Coder of Cheap.ude and mathemati cal memory, calls the main chance. Our bachelor is quite indifferent to the virtue or 'the beauty of a bride. II the shore. For terms apply I ROW. and p jace of Augufta or to When a stranger enters a publici iyj D e vereUX room, whisper to your friends in or! Milled ,,, Mim;h20 . 2l _«f' der to know who he is, and where he —r came from, with your eyes fixed full L lie Subscribers, in his face. Such behaviour well ap-j Return their thanks to their b inds plied, will raise a blush even on the: an d customers for the liberal support cheeks of a brazier. they have had in the FACTORAGE Rush into your friend’s room,| an d COMMISSION LINE, and without giving lhe smallest previous would beg leave to recommend to notice, exclaiming, D n it, Jack,l t heir friendship, Mr. Henry H. how goes it. Here am I as Iresh as)monger, w ho has lived with them r*^,, u M 1 ( * j AGREEABLE to an order of rOI ndlb, ihe Court of Ordinary of Hancock House and hair acre Lot jeounty, WILL BE SOLD, en thfi situated on Waynf!fir3t Tuesday in September, at the ^teet, near Ihe may Market House in Millcdgcville* 40G Acres of Land, —— „ .lying in Clarke county, on the tva- ■J&lSrSwSt"/ EUj™?’* Cr«k aJjoimng ihe terms apply to Messrs.IIili;!ands of Wilson, IMcCibic, ana thers, sold as part of the real estate of Andrew Borland, dec’d. for the . benefit of the heirs and creditors of \\ said deceased. Alexander Borland, Abraham Borland. t u ]v 4. Administrators. Wanted, A underftandu his bufinefa maylntceivp the hightft wages in cafti, and his board ; for several years, and they take plea- for particulars, enquire at this Office. thened and enlivened, by those little If , he C alh. (he i. tender enough, compositions which turn upon sub ject:, of gallantry, satire, tenderness, politeness, and every thing, in short, that concerns life and the affairs of the world.—Ed. Geo. Journal. a four year old, &c. Good breeding and ceremony mayjsure in announcing to their friends, April to be carried on with the happiest effect that t h C y h ;iVe the fullest confidence in every class ol society ; for in- - n him, and doubt not but he will do stance, in a gentleman s family, the^justice to those who may entrust their business to his care. Sturges, Burroughs &?’ Butler. Savannah, June 5. 32—tf. I? ~ ‘ cook, with the greatest politeness ac quaints the neighbouring butcher, EMPIRE OF LOVE. The universal dominion and influence of Love are thus beautifully des cribfd in Scott’s Lay of the Last Minstrel. In puce. Love tune* Ihe fliepherd'B reed ; In war, lie mounth the warnor'a ftecd; In halm, in guy attire in seen ; In h mlets, dances on the preen, Love rules the court, the camp, the grove, An'l men below, and faints above ; Far Love is Heaven, and Hi aven is Lore. THE MAN OF FASHION. WIIAT is a modern man of f ilhion ? A man of taUe anil diflipa'ion : A bufy m m without employment, A hapdy "an without enjoyment ; Who fquanders all his time and treafures On empty joys and taftclrfs pleafures; Vifi's, attendants and attention, Ami courtly arts too low to mention. In sleep, and dress, and (port, and play, He throws his worthless life away ; Han no opinion of his own, Rut takes from leading beaux the ton : With a disdainful (mile or frown He on the rif-raf crowd looks down i The world polite, his friends and he And all the reft are-—Nobody l Taught by the great his fmilea to fell, And how to write and how to spell s The rest his oracles he makes, Copies their vices and mistakes, Custom purfues, his only rule, Ami lives an ape and dies a fool ” cares not if'tender, he cares not if,that himself and a friend or two in tend doing themselves the honour, in a few days of calling to track a mar- CONTENTMENT. Many, I fee, have riches plenty, Fme coaches, livery, servants twenty ; But Envy never pains me My appetite is good as theirs, I (jeep as found, as free from cares, I’ve only nvhat maintains me' An ' .vhile the preciousj y I prove Ol Bth's true friendlhip <n l the love, Of roguijh black-eyed Jinny, Y« gods! my withe* are confined T« health of body, peace of mind, Clean linen and aguitiea. An Hibernian telling his friend that passing along the street he saw a person on the other side with whom he thought he was acquainted, said, I crossed to see him, I thought knew him, and he thought he knew, me ; but by—itw«5 neither one not t'other of us. A Gascon was vaunting one day that in his travels he had been caress ed every where he went, and had seen all the great men throughout Eu rope. Have you seen the Dardancl- ■s ? says one ol the company ; Par- bleu, says he, I must surely have seen them, when I dined with their, several times. An ignorant fellow seeing several persons reading with spectacles, went to buy a pair to enable him to read. He tried several, and told the maker, they would not answer—as he could not read with them. Can you read at all ? asked the other. No : sa\ s he—.if I could, do you think I would he such a fool as to buy spectacles t A Gascon received a very severe flogging with a cudgel, without dar ing to resist* A few days afterwards he met with a poet who had lam pooned him severely. Pardieu,says he, if you ever dare make free with me again, I shall give you a severe cudg elling. You can readily afford to give it now, replies the other, as you received so large a stock the other day. A gentleman called to see his friend, and was informed by the ser vant that his master was busy : hut I must speak with him, said the vi sitant. Indeed, Sir, you cannot at this moment, replied the footman, for my master is beating his lady, and will see no company. 24 tf JnllisL THE SURGEON OUTWITTED. A« Bibo one night lay dead drunk in the ttreet. He wan put in a fuck bv * comical cheat ; \Vho carried the fot to the turgeon ftraight way, . Saying “ here u a corpfe. Let roe quick have my pay ” Hick Porcepa, delighted, prefented a gui nea ; Away went the rogue, glad, he’d quiz/ <1 Ihe poor ninny. A* he darted, the toper ’gan open hi* eyes, Crying, “ Damme! more grog !” to the furgeon’* furprise. *' Ypu rafeal,” fays Forceps, “ come inftant- ly h ick, Return me my money. Take your fot and your fick. Sec the telU'w’s alive.”—“ *Ti» the better, parblen : You may kill wheo you want him. So, 1-creeps, adieu.” A Dublin paper contains the fol lowing paragraph. Yesterday Mr. Kenny, returning to town, fell dow n and broke his neck, but, happily re ceived no other damage. A practical husbandman, of the highest authority, assures his coun trymen, that the golden rule of agri culture to use such manures as will make heavy land lighter, and light land heavier, cold land hotter, and hot land colder must never be lost sight of. He who knows and fol lows this rule, and he only is a far mer. M. Degen, a watch-maker of Vien na, has invented a machine for rais ing a person into the air. It is tor- ENGRAM.—ON A I.ADY’s NOSE. ottwo ktoJ. of parachutes of taffeta, which may be iolded up or extended at pleasure. JNL Degen made several public experiments, and rose to the he ight of fifty-font feet,fuing in all directions with the A Receipt to make a Patter. Take of the vine called run-about, and the root mcddletongue, ot each ix hand-lulls ; fifteen ounces of am bition Ihe same quantity of vain pride, celerity cj a bird. and at least one pound ol stupidity, and double the quantity of nonsense. row-bone with him. The kitchen maid informs the baker’s journey man, that she shall lie at home from six till nine in the evening, but be fore that time it will be impossible for her to see company. The coach man may give a most gracious invi tation to the stable-keeper, telling him that he shall expect to see him at a pity soopayhe intends to give his friends ; but that he will give him a few day’s notice, so that business may not prevent him from having the pleasure of his company. We notice with delight the en :reasing importance and resources of >ur country. Every day seems to hting forth some new discovery cal culated to promote the happiness of our people—among them the coal mine on the Susquehanna, apparently inexhaustible, is of the highest inte rest ; situate close on the margin of that noble liver, an easy mode of transporting it to all parts of the U- nion presents itself. Gentlemen con versant in the properties of thi mineral, pronounce the Susquehanna Coal far superior to any hitherto known. It has little or no smoke or smell, creates less dust than a ny other fuel, makes the hot test fire of any known substance while it seems almost incombustibh from its duration. A native of Eng land at whose house we saw a fire of this coal, states, that, one peck of the Susquehanna coal will cast out more heat, and endure longer, than three pecks of the best English coal he e ver saw used. The only possible objection to the Susquehanna coal is that it requires rather more trouble to kindle a fire with it than with the common coal—this disadvantage is, amply compensated, however, by th fact that one good fire will burn 24 hours, and need never be suffered to go out in a room where a fire is eve ry day wanted.—Balt. Ev. Post. A Mr. James Briant has disco veredon the fork of the Cumberland river a very extensive all uni and cop peras cave ; sufficient, it is said, lor the supply of the whole country. MAPLE SUGAR. Ten families in the town of Vien na, (Me.) have made during the pre sent season, about ONE TON of maple sugar. Patent Bark Machine.—-A. Mr. Pillslmry, of Newburyport, lias in vented a machine for grinding bark, which may be moved either by horse, by wind or by water. By a horse, this machine has ground six teen bushels in one hour—by wind, a cord in 45 minutes—and water is much better than either. Factorage <Sc Commis sion Business. The Subscriber will enter into the above line of business, in the Store at present occupied by Messrs. Sturges, Burroughs and Butler, on the first of July next, and solicits a share of the business of his friends and the pub lic. Henry H* Mounger. Savannah, June 5. 32—tf. Notice. There WILL BE SOLD at the Plantation of Doctor Henry Winder- weedle, dec’d. in Wilkinson county, at Public Auction, on the 13th day of August next, the following property, viz. One Bay Mare, bridle and sad dle, Two Heiffer Yearlings, one ri ling Carriage, and Harness, one Silver Tobacco Box, one Silver Watch, one Gold Diamond Neck lace and Ring, Two Smooth Bor’d Guns, and sundry things too tedious to mention.——1 erms will be made kown on the day of sale. Meritt Etheredge, Ex’r. ^ ul - v 1K 3 7 US 1 —Gt. On the first Tuesday in August next, in the town of Clinton, between the usual hours, WILL BE SOLD, Two Tracts of Land, No. 199 and 185, lying in the 12th district of Baldwin, now Jones coun ty, taken as the property of William Fitzpatrick, dec. to satisfy Thomas Pinkards execution. ALSO, One Lot of Land, in the eleventh district Baldwin, now Jones county, No. 105, taken as the property of John M‘Leod, to satisfy an execution in favor of Benjamin Maning, property pointed out by the plaintiff. ALSO, One Lot of I,and, No. 91, in the 11th district Baldwin, now Jones counqv, taken as the pro perty' of William Spencer, to satisfy' an execution in favor of Millv Rose and Ephraim Rose, surviving admi nistrators of John Caswell, dec’d. Also, One Lot of Land, lying in the 12th district, Baldwin county, now Jones, taken as the pro perty of Samuel Goldsby, to satisfy in execution in favor of Georg© Cross, and returned to me by a Con stable. Conditions, Cash. James Riley, d. s. June 27. 35—tds. PURSUANT to an Order o( tlie Honorable the Superior court of Baldwin county', of the 26t Vlarch, appointing Commissioners to examine into the funds of said coun ty, and report the result of theii enquiries on the subject, to the r.ex Grand Jury for the aforesaid county; the undersigned commissioners will meet for that purpose, on Thursday, the 12th of July next, at the office of Thomas H. Kenan, esq.—at which time and place, the Justices of the Inferior court, and all other officers and persons are requested to attend, and give what information they mav possess, touching the point in questi on. Augustin Harris, "1 £ Sami Cunningham, !»k Francis Smith. J £ 34—*4t» 5>ljcrhT’d ^alc. WILL BE SOLD on the first Tuesday in ugust next, at the house, of John Peterson, in Telfair county between the usual hours, One Tract of Land, containing two hundred two and a half acres, lying in the eigth district of Wilkinson, now Telfair county, known in the plan of said district by Lot No. two hundred and eighty eight, levied on as the property of Solomon Strickland, to satisfy an ex ecution in favor ot Richard Benson* which said land is now in possession of William Harris. Cullin Edwards, s. t. a. June 20. 34—tds. The appearance . of an enormou 1 l»ruise them together in the nvortar of| sca serpent, eighty feet long and ol misapprehension, with the pestle of|P r 0p^ r ^® na ‘ l ^ ,u ^* among the wes ywiiiation, then i*oil them over thej tern of Scotland, s quick fire of Judaism, until \ r ou per ceive tilt scum of l alshood rising on th top, strain it through the cloth of misconstruction, into the bottle of envy, and stop i» with the cork of malice, ol which take one spoonful fully proved by' respectable teslimc ny. — Baron Lutgendorf, long known a‘ a traveller and voyager, bus contriv ed a machine !>y r which a person mm , __ — exist underwater, without fear oi when going to lied, and when sieep-joeing drowned. It is a kind ofeui. i: .< you’ll be thinking or dreamiugu ass, which admits of the body as June 20. Notice. AH perfonA having demands on the eftate of Robert Tait, late of Hancock county, deceased, are requested to render them to me ducly attefted, and thofe indebted to said eftate, are requested to make tmmedi. ate payment. \ Appleton W. RoseterkEx’r. _Ju>y »»• s7-U-tf. Ihe Subscribers will give Goods tor One Thousand y r ards 1 Striped Homespun, 7-8 yards wide, at 37 1-2 cts per yard. Thomas & Scutry Valuable Land For Sale. l^HE Subscriber offers for sale his frac* l tion, No. 222, on the Garrison road about 19 miles from Milledgeville. Thr ■net contains 110 l 2 acres, the quality ol the land is good—about CO at res enclosed. ... . i_,i It '* an excellent ftand for a Tavern and An itinerant Jew, who had pur-Store. chased a house with a niece of piece ground in the suburbs of Warsaw hile busying himself last month in removing some rubbish, discovered tt the depth of three feet, a trunk co vered with plates of iron, and which on bursting open, was found to con tain gold and silver coin to the a- nount of 14,0001. sterling. From particular circumstances, it is suppos ed that the treasure was luring the siege 6f Warsaw l>v th Russians in 1793. On the 1st Tuesday in August next. WILL BE SOLD, at the house of John Peterson,, in the coumy of Tel fair, a Tract of 20$ 1-2 Acres of Land, situate on the Ocmulgee river, in the 7th district of Wilkinson, (now Tel fair county,) numbered lour hundred and twenty two, now in the possessi- 011 ot John arey, and levied on as the property of John Douglass, to sa tisfy the cost of a suit entered by him against James Rouse. Cullin Edwards, s. t. c, June 20. 34—tds. SgsiooI Books For at this Charles Gildon May 28—14t. Holt’s Ferry. •f All persons travelling on horse-back, may cross at my Ferry for half price. Thaddeus Holt. March 13 20—ti (If * The person who has concealedjin his possession the 2d Volume oi DALLAS’* REPORTS with my London paper.innme in it, will return it immediate ly, or suffer his name to be made QfliCi Iliram Storrs. i>l)?riff’d .^alcd. WILL BE SOLD on the firft Tuesday in Auguft next, at the Courthoufe in Lauren# count v, One Negro Man, named Stephen, levied on as the property of Ephraim Green, to satisfy fundryexecu- tiona in favor of Daniel Ragan—and the hire of one Negro Man named Billy, to th© ift January next, to satisfy the same cxeca- ions. ALSO, One Lot of Land, in ill Diftridt of Wilkinfon, now Laurens county. No. 142, levied on as the property of Shadracb Taylor, to fatisfy {wo executi ons, one in favor of Jonathan Davit), and lie other of Arthur Herin. Conditions CASH. ISAAC KIRKSEY, Slif June 27. 35—till. FOR SALE, .t this office, Fifty Reams Medium printing* paper, it good quality——Price £4 50 cts. per Ream. February 20. IT—tf