The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, August 01, 1810, Image 3

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* essels as may hi becomes a Viper from Medusas head, Tu lge Car.tcs, if he chooses it.) Or.exccpted such tea and Hypocrite. I d .rc say th«. Mr. •• «*».-• list of “best republicans”,char ged with di«’ atches, or commi Rvan will hardly allow you by sup-' :ude D. B. Mitchell on: p-i'-,cnr'sior»s from thc gr-vcrn-u-nt uf the l” posed cases, and forced analog cs to suppose him into silence. To Mr. “ Enquiry,” the epithets simpleton,” “ and impertinent In- Gnvcrnor. These are men, all < them standing high in republican t gimati- on—and their republican actions cor esponding with their republican oiled States, and have o lading merchandize on 1 oanl.” 'Latest From Carrqcras. We are indebted to a friend Carrcicct/s Gazettes down to the June. We yesterday pa* them into quiries” have been applied by you professions have placed them in the wUhthat “dignified investigation,’’[highest offices of honor, and profit which marks tile whole of your E%- within she gift of the State of Gcor- *»ay, or if \ ou please, your lyric po-|giai 1 ublish your list Mr. A mphi-, t | lt; hands of Our translator, who re ^'n, song or anthem, or any thing )0 n, and I will not contend for tAej port >- that th „ v do not conta ;„ m „ch you please. These are both ad-'whole of these gentlemen, because I interesting news. The official papers understand that tlit;re are personali*! are conclusive as to the ground taken ties existing between Major Clarke; fy. thc l5 r itish government. The and some ot them, give me but haltj conse q Ucnce 0 f t j K . protection of theii mirable proofs & arguments indeed of Major C’s republicanism, and are perfectly consistent with the logic by which you would reason the people out .of their reasons, and thereby rea ron Major Clarke into a seat in Congress. Relying upon the “ igno rance, and error” of these days, and which you apply so patriotically to the citizens of Georgia, your an swers to “ Mr. Enquiry” do not con List of reasons and arguments, but quibbles and hard names Perhaps, Mr. Amphion, I am much in your debt for the legal light which you have thrown upon the case *of a candidate for public- patronage for I will candidly confess, that until your great learning hurst forth iike a volume of wisdom to enlighten « thesfe days of ignorance and error, I had to learn that a man who be come a candidate for public favor necessarily become a culprit—to be arraigned at the bar of justice as one should be, who had burnt a house or stoh "i n horse. Simpleton like, mj ideas did not elongate themselves lar thcr than to compare the case of candidate for Congress, who thereby set up his claim to public confidence . to one i\ ho sct.up a claim against a tiother for debt. I had always thought that if A setup a claim a- gainst B for debt, and iTnui in his his plea that it is not a fact, and thereby denies the claim, it becomes - the dutv of A to prove the claim before a jurv will order it to be paid meetmz, that We are unable to di; v\ r the cmise of ■ --c i.scontiu. ices—that we view with coolne - he abuse o thc privileges thus tak rotn a numerous nnd extensive pa if the cit'tzqfts of Georgia, deprive •f the exercise of information, ei tiler private or political*—that tin conduct of our representation ir Congress deserves our enquiries a hether they, or either of them, did to the utmost of their poiver, sup port thc fornfrr mail arrangements ; Sftctiff’S ,f>aled. WILL Cl'. SOLD o.i the 1 stToes lay in September next, at the conn inu«e in Wilkinson county, between the usual hours, One Lot of Land, .Vo. 3.71, in the 3d district of Wil- kittson Coufftvv levied on as the pre aerty of Scott sad- •'yan execution in favor ol ilenry H Strickland and others. Also, Lot, No. 358, of them, and I will not onlv give up my opposition to thc Major, but ad vocate his election with a warm heart. For you roust know sir, that my opposition to Major Clarke does not grow out of any personal pique which I have against him, but be cause I am skeptical as to l)is preten sions as a republican The Junto, and mushroons which iv iill some of vour* forced analogies shall be applied to in the next num ber of this paper. i Before I dismiss Amphion, it will ie but justiec to myself to assign tin coast will leave them complete ly at liberty to organize their go vernment, make arrangements for defence, 8e close federative alliances with the whole of Spanish America. Demo. Press. we will admit that the nature of the in the third district. River Swamp mail establishments may be most fa-jLand, levied on as the property ot miliar to the Post-Master General fiscott Montgomery, for tire use of A. and that therefore, he might be ad- B. Strickland add others, mi tied to frame the skeleton (as it Philadelphia, July 12 Yesterday arrived brig Saunders, Quail, from Cadiz, which he left the 29th May, and’ informs us, that on thc 20th ot May the Spanish moUn taineers armed only with knives, dag gers and cutlasses poured down on the town of Chirus, (about 16 miles cause of the fearful odds with' which f rOTn t i le i s l e of I.eon,) garrisoned I have to contend. Thereader should > )V a body*, of the French whom )e informed of the honor which we ail receive from the attention of so great a personage-—By the merest icciclcnt I have seen a short sketch o! his biography. Be it known then, that Amphion is the son of Jupiter —tb it he received a Lute and Harp from Mercury, and piayed such ex quisite music ou them, that the very sound alone moved the stones so re gularly that tliev comnosed the walls of the- ancient city of Th verai thousand years sii body they routed and cut to pieces, hardly leaving a man to tell their misfor tunes. were) of the law ; but we believe ii to be the bounden duty of every re presentation in Congress, at the final passage of the bill, to stand by, and defend the rights of their constitu ents. These being the impressions on the minds of this committee, do advise that the following Circular Letter, sighed by the Chairman of this meeting, together with these proceedings, be transmitted to each of our members who were at that time in Congress. (Signed) primers Tennille, Jcsiah H alts, Simeon Whitaker, Jared Inoin, jr. j g Pit o's B. Rutherford. J Also, Lot, No. 143, , inlhe 23d district in said county, le vied on as the property of Joseph B. Jones, to satisfy Josiah Durdens ex ecution. Returned by aconsta- ble. Conditions, CAS If. Reddick Bell, Shf. August 1. 40——tils. 11 CIRCULAR. Copy of a letter received in this city from Messrs. Pleetivoof Arquilmt and Co. dated, Cadiz, May 25, SIR, ) From the alteration made by the “ \Ve feel it our duty to make you|p rescn t; mail establishment, we find acquaited with the present state and><he privileges derived through the prospect of our market lor produce mail from Savannah to Sandersvillc, cols, soinejiVom your quarter : In consequence^ well as the mail from Augusta, ncc--;) ( ow wc suppose of an unfounded fear ofj ure taken from us j and of you who il Amphrbn w.thout ■other.a.«sistanccU| le insecurity of this place ,the late ar* have received our heartv suffrage than his mu, c could charm the stones L va i, of W have been very trifling,r ? ’ 5 to such n g trir motion and order usUvhich together with the increased po- to erect the walis of a city, what imputation of our city, has produced a not to be apprehended when he ar--- -.... _r.i.: . —i .i rays himself.against such a “ simple- So.I thought ot Mai or Cfirkc—j am. friend held him fonh for Congress asl Hc b Knd lo thc a man o meril, an \ai ie i n , to j t u p 0:1 himself lo vi- penmence to qm «,o„ the pretens,-, J,., lcd J, the M oc . ona, & challenge hisfriendjo an rni-^ ft ith Lyre in hand, I sup pose, the “ populorum Jig” is struck scarcity of this article, and the price has advanced to 20 dollars per barrel on boaid—the arrivals must he very considerable to ’lower the price mate rially, and we can confidently re- mcration of his merits. The questi on is now before the public- •whe ther your dignified selt are the quib bier, or myself the simpleton—to their candor I appeal. ..With your wonted dignity and learning you say Mr. Enquirer wrote Terminus in answer to his own im pertinent inquiries. And you have proved it too—but when I tell you that after ail vour great learning and discernment-after tracing <*ur “ves tiges” through our sinuous latebrse, you have traced out and insinuated an error ; where will you trace out your next proof. While on this head, permit me to dispose of the case ol Mr. Analizer also--I wrote neither of them, hut you say I did, an i ac cording to vour logic it is proof that I did so, “ he that doubts, let him doubt and be damnen.” But Amphiori the son of Jupiter, burns with indignation, and, icy get- ful that he is d pended i- un the! Gods, he raves and to-.r.s ac the month like the maniac of a faction, because Analizer infers that Major Clarke is disowned by the republican advocates ot Jefferson’s & .Madison s administrations. He disproves a reasonable inferrence by a forced a •rialogy. We (for he deals in the plu ral, we when speaking of himself; are Informed by men of unquer.tion able integrity—he says—that Major Clarke is owned by the best of re publicans. But then he is cautious hot lo name them. V ou have taken open ground yourself Mr. Amphion and you must either produce your proofs or withdraw your position and acknowledge that you are eitnei mistaken as to .Major Clarke’s poli tics, or designedly misrepresented them. It is an easy matter for you to make out vour list ot “best re publicans” who own Major Clarke. Do not longer rely upon the “ ig norance and error” of the people ol Georgia....depend upon it, they will not admit vour naked assertion u here it is so easy to introduce testimony of the best kind. Let us sec your up to move Major Clarke into the walls of the Capitol as he moved the stongs to the walls of Eh'-bes. A Friend to Truth and Inquiry. commend the present moment as particularly favorable for speculati on in this commodity. Wheat is also much required and high prices paid—Rice in request, thc first ar from this section of the state, we deem it a right we enjoj', to ask indi vidually, the cause of the suppressi on of these two mails. FRANCIS TENNILLE. Resolved, That the foregoing re port he adopted as thc sense of this meeting, and that thc Chairman be The L atest .Yews. From a cursory view of tin papers received by Last Night’s Mail, w£ discover nothing very interesting. Such articles as are wort’nv of notice, will be found below. London dates to the 27th Mav have been received by an arrival at No.) folk, Va. They ate principally filled with remarks on the repeal of the Non-Intercourse law. A warm spirit of freedom ap requested to assign the letter as re commended. Resolved, That the Secretary he directed to transmit a copy of these paid, fiicf in request, tne nrst ar- procce( y, n g S together with the letter, East side of said county in th* 2d rivals of this arud. will obtain S6l,„ cach of our , vho wcre „ dhnfet WUkinsOT i, LtireM that time in Congress, and that he al- co.unty, taken as the property of Leo so cause the same to be published in ^ljcnff’3 ^atevi. WILL- BE SOLD on the 1st Tues day in September next, at thc court house in Laurens county, Between the usual hours, One Lot of Land, No. 40, 22 1-2 acres, lying in the 1st district Wilkinson, now Laurens county, levied on as thc property of James Branswill, to satisfy two exe cutions in favor of the State. ALSO, One Fractional Survey of Land, in tl\c 18th district Wilkinson, now* Laurens county, N*o. 242, containing 61 acres, taken as the property of Peter Rowlett, to satisfy the States execution. ALSO, One Fractional Survey of Lartd, No. 322, 189 acres, 17tfi district Wilkinson, now Laurens county, le vied on as the property rtf Horatio Marbury, to satisfy James Meriwe ther’s execution. ALSO, One Lot of Land, lying in the 1st district Wilkinson, now Laurens county, No. 182, 22 i-2 acres, levied on as^the property of John Barnbancc, to satisfy Collin Alford’s execution. ALSO, One 1-2 JLot of Land,* No. 863, 101 acres, lying on the per lOOlb. on board—Indian Corn Peas and Beans are wanted, also Pitch and timber. In case of adventure to this place we would ernestly recommend the least possible delay, as being most likely tQ conduce to thc ultimate ad. vantage of the concerned....Balt, pup Those placed in similar situations are capable of participating in thc the Louisville Gazette and Georgia Journal, at the expense of this meet ing. Adjourned, Tho’s B. Rutherford, Secretary. August 1. 40—-It (JJ* Maj. Benj. Taliaferro, will be a candidate at the em feelings of thc people, who appoir.tedjing election, lo represent thc citi- a committee to draft the following zenr. of Baldwin, in the Senate of report. A recollection of former this State, convenience from the Mail, cannpt fail to heap misery upon a condition, of itself sufficiently miserable. Tof : a a id Greene, to satisfy the State’s execution. ALSO, One Lot of Land, No. 362, 1st district Wilkinson, now Laurens county, levied on-as the pro- p**rtvof Jeremiah Welch,to satisfy an xecution in favor of Bedford Brown. Conditions, CASH. ISAAC KIRKS BY, Shf. August 1. 40 ■ —tds. Dissolution. he Co-partnership of Tuomas 8t pears to be. diffused in the hearts of jbe deprived of these advantages at njScmttfv is this day dissolved Ly tnu t u e E-fflish n-onh- • Patriotic ad- time, when peace overspreads the tual consent'; all those indebted to “ * P ? ’ 5 ir pJworld, and the cup of Americans o-jsaid firm, whose notes or accounts lresscs arc daily presented to Burelett. It is stated that N .ipoieomi je a serious loss ; but to have tliesC intends to marry Ferdinand VII to privileges wrested from them at a the daughter of Lucien Bonaparte ; time, when the gloom of uncertainty and that the King of Prussia is to be enV * lo P cs our land ’ an<1 Kl,ro B? » verflows with blessings, would indeed are now due, will make immediate deposed and retire on a pension filled with portentous events, is al most intolerable. Their present de- The late king of Spain, .Charles IVjprivAtiort is r.ot occasioned by an still resides with his spouse at Mar- alter discontinuance of the mail, but a neglect to provide for its carriage. We sincerely hope ,I.eir exertions to discover thc causes, will be crowned with success, and they speedily re stored to an enjoyment of their for tner advantages.—Editor Journal. soiUcs. By the Charleston papers it appears, some seamen deserted from an English shooner, near Ame lia Island ; that the captain pursu ed and fired on them when they had gotten into American waters ; at the same time, a boat belonging to one of the U. S. Gun-IJo'ats, fired into that of the English, and thc fire was returned; the deserters howevet reached Cumberland Island, and made off. payment to Jett Thomas, and those whose notes and accounts become due next fall, produce will be taken at thc market prices. Jett Thomas Richardson O. Scurry. The Business in f uture will be car ried on by the Subscriber, under thc superintendance ot Richardson O Scurry, who will receive payment & give receipts in my name. JETT THOMAS August 1. 40—3t. SAXDr.R3VH.LE, 14/A July, 1810. At a meeting of the Citizens of Washington county, pursuant to former notice, a number thereof August ,1. were organized by the appoint ment of Col. Francis Tcnnille, Chairman, and Thomas B. Ru therford, Secretary, when a com mittee previously appointed, re ported, to wit: A number of our citizens having convened, on Monday last, for tin purpose of an enquiry into the came why the mail from Savannah am! Augusta, to Sandcrsville should b The following is the substance of the French decree mentioned in the English prints. “ All vessels bailing under the Ame- ricun flag, Sc owned in Avholc or part. tatalogua of “best republicans”;! )V any citizen or subject of that pow- who own the Major—-Will it incl'idn. r, that; reckoning from 2:>th of May, discontinued ; did in and by that col Smelt, Bibb, Troup, or Cobb, our jfa09*mav have already entered, or lection of citizens, appoint a com representatives in'Congress. Will that shall subsequently enter the!mitteethe more strictly to examine it include Tait St Crawford our Sc ,;v.rt,s of'France, her eolonies, or the causes and consequence-- nutone in Congress. V^ill it include^ rfuqrVs occupied by‘the Frenchjthat might result from the said dis- F.r.’lv, Walker or Charlton.f!v J'idg [armies,- shall be seized and sold, and continuances, and that said commit- e . of Qitr Superior Courts ; (lest ttithe pro’duru of the, sale shall he de- tee report to a meeting of thc citi- mav l>e urged that I was afraid to'posited th the C iit-s : D’AmOrtiso-J/.ens oni this day. I arrx directed b\ mention him, I give you his honor-tiou. Fronvtills provision ar? alcncjthat committee, *.o report to th> C. Rankin Will open his Select School, on Monday next, in thc room adjoining the Georgia Journal Printing Office 40 It. £>alci3. WILL BE SOLD on the 1st Tues day in September next, at thc court house in Wilkinson county, between the usual hours,the following Tract of Land; Lot, No. 311, in the third district of said county, levied on as the propertv of John Lewis,to satisfy the states’execution, and others. Also, Lot, No. 9, : n thc said district, levied on as thc property of Joel and Ford Butler, to satisfy the states’ execution. Con ditions, CASH. Arthur Burney, n. s. August 1. 40——tds. The Subscriber Will either tell or lease for a term of vears, his Property in this place. Possession will be given the 1st of January next. A. M‘Mi!lar>. August 1. 40 «—■ 2t. Ten Dollars Reward. RANAWAY from the Subscri ber on Friday the 20th July, a negro woman, named HANNAH, ibou$ 30 years old ; she is of a yel low chmplexion, and when spoken to has a down look ; it is supposed she is nt this time lurkig in or about Mil- ledgeville. Whoever will deliver her to me, or secure her in jail so that I get her again, shall receive thc above reward. John White, C.ipt. Putnam county, Aug. 1. 40—2t. STATE OP GEORGIA. Lnurern county. WHEREAS Willium Pitman h^i appli ed to me for letters of ndroimflration on *l:e Eftateofjohn Pi'man, late of t'lisccuatv tlee’d. Thefe are therefore to cite and ad- monifh [all and singular the kindred and creditors ofthe faid dec?afed,to he and ap. near at my office within the time prefer*- hed by law, ami Ihew caufe if any they can, wLy Hid letter* fhould not be granted, (li ven under my hand, this 2fl;h day of July, mo- . A. Love, c. c. o. Atipuft 1. 40—.V t STATEOF GEbRGIA, Laurens Comity. WHEREAS the widow of John Roach ate of this county dec'd, has applied to me i'or letters of sriminiltratinn, on the «(Vate •>f the faid deceafed. Thefe are therefore o cite and admnnifh all and fingular the kindred anti creditors of the faid dec< afe<' ( • obeand appear at my office, within the •ime preferihed by law, to Ihrw coife if my they can, why faid letters fhould not be granted. Given undgr my hand this 26th day of July, UlO- A. Love, n. c. o. A'.’guft 1. 40—S'.J