The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, August 01, 1810, Image 4

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GEORGIA, Putnam County, WHEREAS James Singleton o said county has filed information i my office, that John J. Jones < Clarke county, did fraudulently an> contrary to law, enter his name h said county for a draw or draws it the first land lottery, whereby hi drew lot No. 96 in the third distric of Baldwin county, (formerly) now [The following lints have a singular lying and being in the county of Put- peculiarity. By reading together the 1st and 3d, & 2d and 4thlines nam, and whereas it appears from the sheriff’s return, that the said . , , John J. Jones is not to be found in m each verse, they convev a dit- J J . .. . .• / • iCIavae county ; all persons therefore ferent meaning, from a perusal in'- .... rcgular*uc cession.—Editor.J FOR THE GEORGIA JOURNAL. THE BATCHELLORS SOLILOQUY ; OR, A NEW PUZZLE IN FAVOR OF WOMEN Happy a mail may pass /lis life, V/hiisr fn-e’d from matrimonial chains, lChen he is govern'd by a "wife, He’s sure to sutler for his paihs. HTiat tongue is able to declare, The failings which in women dwell ? W worth that fall to women's share, Can scarce be call’d pcrCeiptible* In all the female race appear, Hypocrisy, deceit and pride ; Truth darling of a heart sincere, In women never can reside. They're always studying to employ, Tlvir time in vanity and prate ; Their leasure hours in social joy, To spend, is what all women hate. Destruction take the men, I say, Who make of women their delight; Those who contempt to women pay, Keen prudence always intheir sight. FLINT. having any interest in the land in question, are hereby required to be and appear at a Superior court to be held in and for the county of Putnam, on the second Monday in Sep tember next, and make themselves parties in said suit, to answer the al legations, and shew cause if any they have, why the proceedings had un der such fraudulent return, or the grant itself if it be issued, should not be set aside and made void. Given under mv hand this 17th day of March, 1810. Win. Williams, Clk. March 27. 22 6m. VILL HE SOLD on the full Tuesday i \upnft ueit, at the Court houfc in Lauren ounty, One Negro Man, named Stephen, levied on as the property of Ephraim Green, to satisfy fundry execu tions in favor of Dmiel Rag-tn—and the hire of one Negro Man namtd Bilty, to the ift January next, to satisfy the same execu tions. ALSO, One Lot of Land, in ift Diftria of Wilkinfon, now Laurens county, No. 142, levied on as the property of Shadrack Taylor, to fatisfy two executi ons, one in favor of Jonathan Davis, and the other of Arthur Herin. Conditions CASH. ISAAC KIRKSEY, Shf June 57. 35—tils. Notice. \TNF. months after date, applicati- 1 will be made to the honorable, tin t afVrior court of Washington county. \r leave to sell a tract oi land it. Baldwin county on little black creek, •ontaining 202 1-2 acres being of the real estate of Hugh Summerville deceased, and to be sold tor the be nefit of the heirs and creditors. David Martin, Adm’r. December 19. 8~m9m A D aughter of Mr. Daniel Strohec ker y near Orwigsburg, Berks county, Pennsylvania, about three years of age, had been observed, for a num ber of days to go a considerable dis tance from the house with a piece of bread which sHe obtained from her mother ; the circumstance attracted the attention of the mother, who de sired Mr. S. to follow the child and observe what she did with it. On coming to the child he found her en gaged in feeding several SNAKEft, called yellow heads or bastard rattle snakes. He immediately took it a- way and proceeded to tbe house for 1 is gun and killed 2 of them at one shot and another a few days after. The child called these reptiles, in the manner of calling chickens, and when its father observed, if it con tinued the practice they would bite her—the child replied—“ no, father, “ they wont't bite ; they only eat the “■bread I give them."—Demo. Press. ■9iS_IW A Small Select School. Th< SUBSCRIBER proposes to teach in the town of Milledgeville, A Small Select School, which will commence as soon as six scholars are subscribed. He will be limited to twenty scholars, who will be taught the Latin and Greek langua ges, Rhetoric, Logic, Moral Philo sophy, and the Mathematics. Eng lish and common Arith metic will not be taught except to those who are studying the langua ges. The Subscriber does not pro pose to teach the first rudiments ot our language. The terms are a a quarter. C. Rankin. July 25. 39 tf. GEORGIA, Morgan County. WHEREAS Zachariah Sims hath filed information in Mv office, that John N. Allen of Oglethrope coun ty, did fraudulently and contrary to law, have his name entered in said county for one draw in the first land lottery, whereby the said John drew lot No. £62, in the fourth district of the then Baldwin county, now lying tnd being in the county of Morgan ; and whereas it appears from the she riff’s return, that the said John N. Allen is not to be found in the coun ty of Oglethrope. And whereas the said Zachariah Sims has filed information in mv of fice, that Thomas Harvey of th county of Washington, did fraudu lently and contrary to law, enter hi: name in said county for a draw o draws in the first land lottery, where by the said Thomas drew lot No. 270, in the fifth district of the ther Baldwin county (now Morgan coun ty.) And whereas it appears from the sheriff’s return, that the said Thomas Harvey is not to be found in the county of Washington. And whereas Rene Fitzpatrick has filed information in my office that Henry B. Cabiness of the coun ty ol Greene, did fraudulently and contrary to law, enter his name in said county, lor two draws in the first land lottery, whereby the said Henry drew lot No. 308 in the fifteenth dis trict of the then Baldwin county now Morgan county. And where as it appears from the sheriff’s re turn that the said Henry does not reside in the county of Greene. All persons therefore having in terest in tile lands in question are hereby required to be and appear at a Superior court, to be held in and lor the county of Morgan, on the fourth Monday in February next, and make themselvos parties to the suits therein commenced, to answer the allegations, and shew cause it' a- ny they have why the proceedings had under such fraudulent returns, or the grant itself, if the same has issued, should not be set aside and made void. Given under my hand this 28th of February, 1810. John Nisbet, Clk. March 6. 19—in St. .^ijertff’ii 5>ale. On the 1st Tuesday in August next, WILL BE SOLD, at the house of John Peterson, in the county ol Tel fair, a Tract of 202 1-2 Acres of Land, situate on the Ocmulgee river, in the 7th district of Wilkihson, (now Tel fair county,) numbered four hundred and twenty two, now in the possessi-. on of John arcy, and levied on as the property of John Douglass, to sa tisfy the cost of a suit entered by him against James Rouse. Cullin Edwards, s. t. c. June 20. 34—td Notice. NINE months after date, applicati on will be made to the hanorabie the Inferior court of Randolph county for leave to sell one tract of land ly ing in the county of Greene, on the waters of Bever dam Creek, adjoin ing Ligon, Pinkard and Dillard, con taining ninety seven and one half acres, it being the real estate ot John Cochran, dec. to he sold tor the be nefit of the heirs and creditors ot said deceased. SUSAN HAH COCHRAN,, Adm. DUDLEY COCHRAN,, Adm'rx January' 30. 14—9m Ten Dollars lie ward. DESERTED os the 8th inst. lioni idetachment of mv company mar he confluence of the Ocmulgee and Weofanhatche. rivers, JOHN S1LVEY; he is a native of Virginia, 5 feet 6 1-2 Inches high, fair complexion, bludV eves, light hafr, and by occupation a Black-smith. The above reward wilMj be paid to any person, who will ap prehend and deliver said deserter to me, or any commissioned officer of the United States’ Army ; or con fine him in jail and give information, so that I get him again, and all rea sonable expences from the place of apprehension to that of delivery, or' confinement. T. A. Smith, Capt. Commandant. Fort Hawkins, July 25. 39 -It. Ml .§>f)trtff’^ &alt. WILL BE SOLD on the first Tuesday in August next, atthe house of John Peterson, in Telfair county between the usual hours, One Tract oi Land, ontaining two hundred two and a half acres, lying in the eigth district jf Wilkinson, now Telfair county, known in the plan of said district by Lot No. two hundred and eighty eight, levied on as the property of Solomon Strickland, to satisfy an ex culion in favor of Richard Benson, which said land is now in possession of William Harris. Cullin Edwards, s.t. c. June 20. 34—tds. Notice. Nine months after date, application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Randolph County, for leave to (ell B02 1-2 acres of Land, lying in the county aforefaid, the real estate ot Samuel Boze man, dec. fold tor the benefit of the heir* and creditors- James Bozeman, Adm'r. July ll. 37—mam. On the first Tuesday in August next, in the town of Clinton, between die usual hours, WILL BE SOLD Two Tracts of Land, No. 199 and 185, lying in the 12th district of Baldwin, now Jones coun tv, taken as the property of William Fitzpatrick, dec. to satisfy Thomas Pinkards execution. ALSO, One Lot of Land, in the eleventh district Baldwin, now Jones county, No. 105, taken as the property of John iVl‘Leod, to satisfy an execution in favor of Benjamin Maning, property pointed out by the plaintiff. ALSO, One Lot of Land, No. 91, in the 11th district Baldwin now Jones county, taken as the pro perty of William Spencer, to satisfy an execution in favor of Milly Ros and Ephraim Rose, surviving admi nistrators of John Caswell, dec’d Also, One Lot of Land, lying in the 12th district, Baldwin county', now Jones, taken as the pro perty of Samuel Goldsby', to satisfy an execution in favor of Georgi Cross, and returned to me by a Con stable. Conditions, Cash. James Riley, d. s June 27. 35.—tds. Notice. Nine months after the date hereof, ap plication will he made to the honorab e the Inferior Court of Hancock County, for leave to cell the following tracts of land, being the teal eftate of Robert Tait, late of (aid County deceased ; (to wit) one tract lying in Hancock county, on Ogechce ri ver, containing 250 acre*, and one tract ly ing in I'wiggH county containing 202 1 2 acres; to be sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors Appleton W. Rosetcr, Ex’r July 11. 37-——mam. Notice. Application will be made to the honora ble the Inferior Court of Baldwin County- after the expiration of nine months for leave to sell the undivided half of Lot, No. 196, 5th diftrict of Wilkinson, now Bald win, sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of Jonathan M'Crary, deceased. BARTLEY M'CRARY January 2, 1809. 2m The Subscribers, Return their thanks to their friends and customers lor the liberal support they have had in the FACTORAGE and COMMISSION LINE, and would beg leave to reconimend to their friendship, Mr. Henry H. AIounger, who has lived with them for several years, and they take plea sure in announcing to their friends, that they' have the fullest confidence in him, and doubt not but he will do justice to those who may entrust their business to his care. St urges, Burroughs fc? Butler. Savannah, June 5. 32—tf. Factorage & Commis sion Business. The Subscriber will enter into the above line of business, in the Store at present occupied by Messrs. Sturgcs, Burroughs and Butler, on the first of J uly next, and solicits a share of the business of his friends and the pub lic. Henry H. Mounger. Savannah, June 5. 32—tf. Notice. N INE months after date, application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Baldwin county, for leave to frll wo Lots of Land, one on Tuikey Creek in Laurens county, and the other on the Oi- mulgeein Twiggs county; to be fold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of Al. len Beikcom, deceafed. Labon Beckcom, June 27 Administrator Notice. NINE months after date I Ihall apply to the honorable the Inferior Court of Wilkin, fon county, for leave to sell the following tracts of Land, (lying near the mouth of Little Black Creek, in the 5th diftrict said Wilkinson county) viz Lot, No. 80S, No 254, No. 233, and one half of Lot, No. 234, Alio, about 100 acres on Reedy creek, Warren County, all belonging to the eftate of Jeffe Matthews, deceased, for the bene fit of the heirs and creditors. JACOB MERCHANT, Adm. Warren county, Jan. 16,1810. 12—9m Take Notice ! I forwarn all perfons from harboring of trading with my wife Eliza, (be having left my bed and board without any provocatL on. All thofe acting in contravention of this notice, will be profccuted to tbe ut- moft rigor of the law. James Cupp. July 25. 39-—.. .. 26*.♦ Notice. There WILL BE SOLD at the Plantation of Doctor Henry Wincler- weodle, clec’d. in Wilkinson county, at Public Auction, on the 24th clay of August next, the following property, viz. One Bav Mare, briclle and sad dle,’Two II eiffer Yearlings, one ri ding Carriage, and Harness, one Silver Tobacco Box, one Silver Watch, one Gold Diamond Neck lace and Ring, Two Smooth Bor’d Guns, and sundry things too tedious to mention. Terms will be made kown on the day of sale, Meritt Elheredge, Ex’r. N. B. On the day and place a- bove-mentioned, will likewise be ot fered tor sale, some medicine. July* 11. 3 7 *] S1 —6t. CO* l'ilose who write to toe lute.liter, will do well to pay postage on theiriecti is ; otherwise they will not be attended to. Augustin Harris. July 18. 38—3t. GEORGIA, 1 .aureus County. Whereas Robert Sulvivant has fi led information in my office, that So- phiah Lomax of Wilks countv, did fraudulently and contrary to law en ter her name in said countv for a draw or draws in the first Land Lot tery, whereby she, the said Sophia, drew lot No. 23, in the 2nd district of Wilkinson county, now Laurens county ; and whereas it appears from the sheriff’s return that the said So phia is not to be found in the county of Wilkes, ail persons therefore ha ving interest in the land in question, are hereby requested to be and ap peal' at the next Superior court, to b held in and for the county of Lau rens on the 2d Monday in Octobei next, and make themselves partie to the suit therein commenced, to an swer the allegation, and shew caus; if any they have, why the procee mgs had under such fraudulent n turncs, or the grant itsell if the s:u has issued, should not be set asi and made avoid. Given uudu my hand this 2Sth .A ;>rii, 1810. LOGS, C. S. L. c Mav 1 27—9.n Head this! I forwarn all persons from trading with my wife Susan, as I am deter mined to pay none of her contracts. Batts Newsom. July 18. 38—3t«T Sheriff’s Sale. WILL BE SOLD on the 1st Tues flay in September next, at the court house in Willcinson county, between the usual hours, One Lot of Land, No. 351, in the 3d district of Wil kinson county, levied on as the pro perty of Scott Montgomery, to satis fy an execution in favor ot Henry H. Strickland and others. Conditions. CASH. Reddick Bell, Shf. July 25. 39——tds Notice. NINE months after the date hereof, ap plication will be made to the honorable the Inferior court of Warren county for leave to fell 202 1*2 acres of land lying in the 3rd district of Wilkinson county, No. 261 for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of Aaron Benton late of this county dec. IVhinefred Benton Adm. Auguet 5, 1809. 9in For Sale, A House and half acre Lot, situated on Wayne street, near the may ket; at prefent ocur- pied by Doctor Wil son. Alfo, a House and half acre Lot, joining the above. For terms apply to Messrs.Hitt and Ponce of Augufta or to A. M. Devereux. Milledgeville, Marcf. 20. 21—tl Valuable Land For Sale. 'T*HE Subscriber offers for sale his frac- 1 tion, No. 222, on the Garrison road about 12 miles from Milledgeville The 'ract contains no 1 2 acres, the quality ot the land is good—about 60 acr^s enclosed. It is an excellent ftand for a Tavern and Store. Charles Gildon. 28—i4t. Notice. N ’ INI! months after date, application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Baldwin county, for leave to fell a traft of land belonging to the eftate of John Peterfon, dec'd. lying on the Water lork of Buffaloe in Hancock county, and adjoining the lands of Thomas Moughon and others, containing 300 acres, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the deceafed. JOHN CROWDER. Ag’t for the Exo’rs. Mays. 28——m9m. My 8. Holt’s Ferry. All persons travelling on horse-back, may cross at my Ferry t'ov hall price. Thaddeus Holt. March .13 20 tf Sheriff’s Sale. On the first Tuesday in September text, at the court-house in the county >t Randolph, between the usual hours, vVILL BE SOLD, 20,000lbs. Deer Skins, vied on as the property of Wiliian ianimet, to satisfy an execution ii •avor ol James Dick, & Co. a. ointed out by the defendant. Con htions, CASH. P. Fitzpatrick, Sin i July 25. 59—tds. Notice. AH perfons having demands on the eftate of Robert Tait, late of Hancock county, deceased, arc requested to render them to me dtiely attelled, and thofe indebted to said eftate, are requested to make immedi ate payment/ Appleton W. Roseter, Ex’r July n. 37—tf. Wanted, \ sober, induftrious Weaver. One wh nnderftands his bulinefs maybreceir he h gheft wages in calh, and hi* board or particular*, coquire at this Office. April 10. 24 •••// AGREEABL E to an order of the Court of Ordinary of Hancock county, WILL BF. SOLD, on the iirst Tuesday in September, at the Market House in Milledgeville, 406 Acres of Land, lying in Clarke county, on the wa- ers ol Ellison’s Creek, adjoining the ands of Wilson, McCisic, and o- chers, sold as part of the real estate >f Andrew Borland, dec’d. for the •endfit ot the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Alexander Borland, Abraham Borland. July 4. Administrators. FOR SALE, • this office, Fifty Reams dediuifc printing paper, u good quality—-Price b4 50 cts. per Ream.