The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, September 12, 1810, Image 4

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l. ™'l'.-.I* 1 ■ J■■■! -— W AiiJ^a 11, llilUi Gentlemen, 1 will thank you to give pub lie ity to tiic enclose j address to tin people, .uni I stiuli iccl tnysell obligee! tv >»•!, whose* liberality and candoi m. iy incline them to republish it. With respect, 1 am, gentlemen, Your-obedient sevant, JA: WILKINSON. Messrs. Smith !k Galls, Editors of lae National Intelligencer. To the People oj the United States. Although I had resolved not to obtrude myself upon your attention until I could have invited it to the • • lesistible force of my vindication, 1 am driven irorn my purpose by the pioceedings of the late committee ol Congress, the sole object of the ma jority of which appears to have been, to seat cli for matter to criminate my character and conduct ; the report made to the i louse consisting of in culpatory evidence alone, instead of being confined to their journals, is now under publication, and will na- 1 .lady tend to excite your prejudge ments, before 1 have been heard in «iy defence ; what man among you, who has been engaged in the public service more than a quarter of a cen tury whose acts and offices have been as varied as mine, could withstand an occult, inculpatory enquiry, il backed i>y the power and purse of the nation ? My Cause is the cause of all, L it the measure of injustice aimed at me, he suffered to prevail, who among you will be safe, from the most ex alted to the most obscure ? I con jure vOu then, defend yourselves a- guiust the dangers, and vour country against the odium, of having sacrifi ced a fellow citizen to the malice of those whfiiiave been combined for the destruction of your government i for, k»-“7 ill mind, should the precedent obtain, that the House of Represen tatives have power to institute en quiries into the conduct ol intiiviud ais, and to publish the testimony they may collect,before the accused has l»een heard, no man will be safe a gainst the jealousies of artful, un- You have beheld a distinguished character step forth the avenger ol Burr’s discomfiture, and associating umself with vile informers, dc-nountt no m the dawn of the conspiracy, be- tore a single fact had been developed , and to justify his denunciations, you have witnessed the ruthless veil gcance, wuli which this political tea ser has since pursued me, at the ex- pence of every thing sacred to deli cacy, to truth and candor.—You have seen his faithful coadjutor, the legatee of Burr’s resentments, a man who has scaled his own infamy in the at tempt to effect my rum, come for ward with a volume of manufactured reports, falsehoods and prejuries, fit ted io the occasion ; and you have beheld an hundred pens and presses, operating against me, when distant, absent, and offering my health and liie to the public service-; but it would swell this appeal to a volume, did I attempt to dcvelopc the systematic schemes of vengeance, by which 1 have been huutcd to the present hour. 1 hus pressed and pe«ecuted, I have no resort but in your virtue and ;ood sense ; I make it in confidence that you will suspend your opinions, until I present you with the only de fence in my power to offer ; and if in the course of the exposition, which has been forced upon me, I shall be Sdgeccmb di: triet; but there is no 1 of the election of Gen. l nos. :>iount. It is said Air. Kenned} ;ave un the contest before the election Raleigh Register. | Notice. i NINE months alter date, applicati- » , , , r .u , on will he made to the honorable, the Agreeable to an ortlei o 1 Inferior court of Washington county, Interior court of Claike county, 01 f or j eave to sell a tract of land in NOTICE. Will be Sold, At a meeting of the Board of Commissioners lor the town of Mil- icdgevillc, September 1st, 1810. It appearing to the Board thatthe ordinunce for removing Swine from the town and certain parts ol the common of Milledgeviile, has been ineffectual : Resolved, therefore, that from and immediately after the 15th day ol October next, it shall be, and is here by made the duty of the Town Mar shal, to take up, proceed, and act with all hogs that he shall find Tun ing at large, repugnant to the said ordinance, in such manner as is pre scribed therein ; and that this be sup plemental to said ordinance. Ordered, That the foregoing Re solution be published twice in the Argus and Georgia Journal. Extract from the Minutes, A. M' MILL AN, Secretary. Sept.. 1 st, 1810.45 the first Tuesday in November next at the courthouse in said county, ai. that TRACT OF LAND, containing 170 acres, lying on Wild cat Creek, adjoining Thomas Wood and Elijah Brown, it being the saim more or less ; it being the real estate of Jeremiah Brown, dec’d, and sold for the bcuefit of the heirs and crcdi tors of said deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale, by yarret licaslcy, Adm'r. August 30th, 1810. 3t.*—43 Baldwin county on little black cryek, containing 202 1-2 acres being of the real estate of Hugh Summerville., deceased, and to be sold for the be nefit of the heirs and creditors. ^ David Martin, Adm’r. December 19i 8—rnOm ENTERTAINMENT. NOTICE. Will be Sold, ON the lOili day of October next by the Executors of John Boyd, dec One Negro Man, Named SAM, at the plantation of said deceased in Wilkinson county, for the use of his heirs. Terms wilhe f sale. 7 John Bailey, >jg, Robert Baryett, j * rS * Aug. 29. 2t.*' A Blacksmith Wanted. NOTICE. All persons indebted to the estate of William Keener, dec’d, of made Gicnvn on day cf sale Wilkinson county, are requested to make immediate payment; and those who have claims against said estate are desired to render them in proper ly authenticated within 12 months Wanted immediately a good irom tins date. _ who can come well recommended, and is Hardy Ilarrel, *) Ex’or3 with the master of hi» business; to fuch a perfou John Keener, J will annexed, bo dollars per mouth will be given for two Sept. 4th 1810. 3t.# or more months. Enquire at this office. THE SUBSCRIBER, Has opened a House of En tertainment in that well known stand obliged to inil.^t wounds, where I formerly occupied by Messrs. Flu- have been desirous to spare feelings. <rr & 6l mst ead, (East of the Statc- ihc duty which I owe to the charac- House,) and respectfully solicits the ter of a soldier, to my name and fanti custom of his friends and the public ly, and the sense of iny wrongs must Hi s table w iU always be supplied excuse me. with the best that the country af- No calumny shall force me from the silence, I now impose on myself. I shall make a brief record of ull the slanders which may reach my know ledge, and will attend to them in theii proper place ; hut before I close til' present address, I consider it my dut} solemnly to pledge my honor, that I shall bring proofs from authentic sources to put to shame, tlic profusi offerings which have been made U effect my dishonor, as a citizen a sol dier and a chief, by a long list ol willing witnesses, whose passions prejudices and resentments have in terested them in my destruction. The war of an individual against a host, is enough to stagger the stoutest pi incipled, popular declaimers, who heart, hut habit has placed me above professing the public good, seek o**ly|<_|i|ficulties, and under the protection the gratification ol their ambition that Almighty power, iu whom I revenge. The ruin of ah individual, trust? i wi n SUCC eed. luk«. in the abstract, is of little ^■\ Fe , hw . Citiiem , portance, but the example may mtuse a deadly poison into your councils,) I crave not forgiveness forel and reanimate the dormant hopes offences, because I have committed lords, and every exertion will be made to render the situation of his guests agreeable. His stables are commodious and airy, and well sup plied with provender of every kind. 1 Io will be prepared to accommodatc Twenty or Thirty Members of the Legislature, and his house is within 1 JO yards of the State-House. Henry Darnel. Milledgeviile, Sef)t. 5. tf—-4-5 .$>ljertff’d 3>alc. WILL BE SOLD, on the first Tuesday in October, in Wilkinson county, One Lot of Land, No. 252, in the 3d district of Wilkinson, levi ed on as the property of George Johnson, to satisfy Win. B. Allison’s executions ; returned to me by a con stable ; conditions cash. Reddick Bell, Sheriff. Sept* 3, 1310. tds.—43 Holt’s Ferry. All persons travelling on horse-back, may cross at my Ferry for half price. Thadideus Holt. March 13 20—tf The Subscriber, Will take TWO ACTIVE BOYS, All persons are heredy for warned against crediting my wife E- da on my account, she having left my bed and board without any provoca tion. yonathan Domini. Sept. 5th, 1810. 3t*—4-J A tif! lift 23. 49—4/ SELECT SCHOOL. C. Rankin Has opened his Select School in a room adjoining the Georgia Journal Printing office : where will be taught the Latin and Greek Languages, Rhetoric, Logic, Moral Philosophy, and the Mathematics. Aug. 1 41—tf For Sale, A House and half Lot, situated on Wayne street, near the mar kef, at prrfent occu pied ly Doctor Wil son. Alfo, a House and half acre I-ot, joining about 14 years of age, as Apprenti-ithe above. For terms apply to Mestri.Hill ces to the Paper-Making Business. | an( l Ponce of Augufta or to Zachariah Sims. Administrator’s Sale. On the first Tuesday in October next, WILL BE SOLI) at t.:e Court-house in Jones county, the fol lowing . Tract of Land being part of the real estate cf Phi lip Hunter, deceased. One Lot in the tenth district on the waters of big Cedar Creek, known by No. 1 74, containing 202 1-2 acres, more or less. Terms of sale made known on that day. Elisha Hunter, Adm’r. August 8. 41 6t. Green county, Aug. 25. 44—tf. those who conspired against your in terest, your happiness and your uni on—for treason, like the leprosy, is ihcurable, and the heart once cor rupted by its poisons, is lost to patrio tisni and public virtue forever. Little discernment is requisite to trace the source of the vilificutious 1 have incurred. You witnessed the rise and progress of my persecutions, cirval with Burr’s conspiracy and co extensive with its affiliations. I did not involve the nation in a war on the Sabine, to give effect to this con spiracy, though mv orders warranted it in the repulsion of the Spaniards ; and on my own discretion, I defeat ed the wicked plot, disgraced the pro xninent actors and blasted the sinis ter aspirations of numerous and pow erful associates ; for these signal ser vices I am more signally persecuted, than any man public or private, in times ancient or modern. The con duct which, without blood shed sa ved the country, from the dangerou encroachments of a foreign power, and from lawless usurpation and civil war, was palpable and specific •it cannot be expunged from the nati onal recuuls, and you yourselves are witnesses of it. The Crimea imputed to me ate speculative and legendan —originating with loose and corrup men, some of them acknowledged traitors, and supported in the fist in £tance„ by public malcontents and personal enemies—vet tltese men will indefatigable industry and shameless malignity, have employed every cn ginc aiul every art, to awaken saspi cion and cache \ our jealousies ; and a Vile devoted to m/ country from the dawn ol the rc\v>h.:iuu, has be came a theme of declamatory invee- tivt : \ am denounced in solemn de iincraitve Louies, by men of your e- Jcclion whhout pi uni’on their part or hope of red;e*s on mine. It is '•notorious that just^a has been de cud vie, and that I have b*cn exclu ded in a Lund of liberty—my country, the ordinal liio .t huuitdt cili.v: none I seek not to excite sympathy, be cause, 1 am conscious 1 have deserv ed it. But I invoke that justice, which is guaranteed to all by the sacred char ter of the land, and constitutes our pride, our boast and common securi Let me be heard before condem nation. JA: WILKINSON. Washington, 1 August, 1810. J » (TT Maj. Benj. Taliaferro will be a candidate at the ensu ing election, to represent the citi zens of Baldwin, in the Senate of this State. August 1. 40 tf. FOR SALE, at this office, Fifty Reams Medium printing paper, of good quality——Price S4 50 cts. per Ream. March 5 25 CAUTION! Eight Notes of hand were given by me to Marvel ftPClendon of Jones county, bearing date Septem ber 30th 1808. All persons are cau tioned not to purchase said notes, as I am determined not to pay them. Ephraim Dunn. tf N. Carolina Election. FOR CONGRESS. R. Stanford, for this district—N Macon, for the Warren district—M Franklin, for the Surry district, and J. Pearson, for the Salisbury dis trict, we believe, are re-elected with out opposition. Complete returns have not been received from any of the other districts. We have receiv ed returns from the following coun ties : Newbury District. Dlacklcdge Gaston. Johnston county 508 334 Wayne . . . 587 523 Lenoir . . .371 96 Jones, Majority for Gaston 55 Leaven do. Blacklcdgc 245. Greene, uncertain, though it is said Bluckledge has gained about 80 votes over last year’s poll—-Carteret not heard from. Bluckledge is certainly elceti J. Halifax District. Martin County, Joseph 11. Bryan had 378 votes and Willis Alston 224. No other counties heard lioai. Wilmington District. Siunpsou, Wui. R. King republican 798, Christopher Dudley, Fed. 141 Dunlin, All. King,841, Air. Dud Take Notice ! I forward all per fens from harboring or rading with my wife Eliza, (he having left my bed and board without any provocati on. All thofe aftin^ in contravention of this notice, will be profecuted to the ut- molt rigor of the law. James Cupp. Ju’y 23. 39 2W.* Notice. All perfona having demands on the eftate of Robert Tait, late of Hancock county, deceased, are requested to render them to me duely sttefled, and thole indebted to said eftate, are requested to make immedi ate payment. Appleton W. Roseter, Ex’r July It. 37—tf. “b* [ley 12 J. Fayetteville District. Richmond, Aiclub.dd M’vi.-t 45*6 John Culpepper, 404. Aomen, .Arclubald M’Bryde, 146 native'Joh-.i Culpepper, 7U0i On.. c..p'..»iu’i jf iheLumpauy omitted. v*r'. uu .urect retard .'.~cu A. M. Devereux. Milledgeviile, March 20. 21—tf The Subscribers, Return their thanks to their friends Entertainment. THE SUBSCRIBER respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he has taken the building lately erected by Capt. Thomas, fronting the Public Square, Mit.LKDGEVii.Lr., and opened a house for PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT, and will make every exertion to suit the wish es of gentlemen who will favor him with a call—He is supplied with such articles as the country will pro duce, and has some choice liquors He expects from New-York in a few days, articles to completely furnish his house in a handsome style, and will also receive additional supplies and customers for the liberal support c they have had in the FACTOR AG£\ oi artlcles f as wlU enable to and COMMISSION LINE, and would beg leave to recommend to their, friendship, Mr. Henry H. Moungek, who has lived with them for several years, and they take plea sure in announcing to their friends, that they have the fullest confidence in him, and doubt not but he will do justice to those who entrust their business to his care. Sturges, Burroughs U* Butler Savannah, June 5. 32— tf. suit the taste of every person who will oblige him with their commands. ?• Thomas G. Collier. 1 August 8. 41 tf. Dancing Academy. Mr. Griffiths has the honor to inform the inhabitants of this place, and its vicinity, that he has opened his Dan cing Academy at.Mr. Thomas Col lier’s new assembly room ; and he will attend the said Academy on d (W1 . Q ;— Friday and Saturday next, the 24th 1 dCtOl age oc Gommis- inst. at ten o’clock in the morning ’till one, and from three until six in the evening of each day. The pa; in a of subscribers l ake Notice. On Thurday the 18th day of October next, WILL BE SOLD, on the premises, A number of Lots, County property, attached to the site of the Public Buildings for tha county of Twiggs. Twelve months credit will be gi ven ; Notes- with approved securit} will be required, in terms of the act of the General Assembly. Arthur Tort, y. /. C. Samuel Dick y T C. yah it Lmvson, y. I. C. 29th August, 1810. tds—45 BLANK BEEiT‘5 NEATLY PRINTED,- I\r sale at this Office sion Business. , Tit® Subscriber will enter into thefents and* gua*rdL„ a u U3t ..uc, above line ol business, in the Store at'may rest assured, that Mr. G. will present occupied by Messrs. Sturges,'use his utmost endeavors to merit Burroughs and Butler, on the first ol their approbation. The subscription July next, and solicits a share of the is left at Mr. T. Cnir.PrV O.* JLc business ol his friends and the pub- that will honor lie. Henry H. Mounger. Savannah, June J. 32—tf. Notice. NINE months after date, applicati on will be made to the honorable the Inferior court of Randolph county for leave to sell one tract of land ly ing in the county of Greene, on tht waters of Bever-dam Creek, adjoin ing Ligon, Pinkard and Dillard, con taining ninety seven and one half a- -res, it being the real estate cf Johr Cochran, dec. to be 9old for the be Refit of the htirs and creditors of saic deceased. SUSANNAH COCHRAN, Adm DU DIET COCHRAN, Adm'rx ' J un u ary N" 14—9aa names. August 22 Collier’s, for those Mr. G. with their 43—tf For sale—for Cash, Five Bounty Warrants. AoguH 22 Enquire of the Printer. 44—If. For Sale, \ A TRACT OF LAND, In the 14th district of Baldwin cour.« ty, No. 113, containing 2C2 1-2 aerts, on the waters of Murder creek.— Terms of Sale, six hundred dollars, payable 1st Jaa. 1311, when titles will lie given. Apply to Alexander Johnson, in Savannah. The above land was granted tu Mrs. Grace Farley, of Savannah, August 22