The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, November 14, 1810, Image 2

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pointment of Col. John Davis, as a ; Ju iice ot the lafciv r court /or the county of But ko, he, and the same is hereby confirmed. On motion of Mr. Davis (of Cha tham ) Resolved, That Thos. E. Lloyd, Simuel M. Mordecai, J. L. Hrails- ford, Joseph H. Clarke, George Schley, George Glenn and Charles Pope, Esquires, he, and they are hereby appointed Notaries Public for the county of Chatham. On motion of Mr. Davis (of Cha tham) Resolved, that so much of his Ex cellency the Governor's communica tion as relates to the Judiciary of this state, be referred to a select commit tee to report by bill or otherwise. Ordered, That Messrs. Davis (of Chatham) Walker and Spalding be that committee. Mr. Park from the committee re ported a bill to pardon Edw. Down ing ; received and read the first time. Mr. Talbot presented a Memorial from the Wilkes Manufacturing Company—-read and referred to a special Committee, consisting of Messrs. Talbot, Spalding St Kaburn. Messrs. Hudspeth, Barnett and Foster were appointed a committee to report a bill to amend an act for the better regulation of Tavern and Shop-Keepers. Messrs, liyne, Wood, and Wal ker were appointed a committee to report a bill to amend an act for keeping imepair the public roads in the counties of Burke, Jefferson and Richmond. On motion of Mr. Walker, Resolved, That James Frazer and Thomas Barret be, and they are hereby appointed Vendue Rasters lor the city of Augusta. Oa motion of Mr. Griffin, Resolved, that John Pearce and William Hendlcy be, and they ar hereby appointed Justices of the Inti rior Court of Telfair county. On motion of Mr. Henderson, Resolved, that the Executive ap pointment of Piter Boyle as a Jus tice of the Inferior Court of Jackson county be, and the same is hereby confii ined. Mr. Walker presented a Memori al from a number of the inhabitants of the state ol Georgia, Stockholders of the Bank to be established at the city of Augusta ; read and referred to a special committee, consisting of M essrs. Walker, Bvmctt and M‘- Cormick. Mr. Lane from the committee on Privileges and Elections reported as follows : Your committee on Privileges and Elections respectfully report, tliai having attentively considered tile mass of testimony, exhibited in tin Documents referred to them, are unanimously of opinion, that in the contested election for Senator to re present the county of Walton, that the sitting member, the Hon. John Davis, was not legally elected ; that his credentials are inform..! ; and that no species of testimony has been produced to your committee, upon which his right to a seat in this honorable body can be predicated. Your committee are of opinion thst Charles Lane, Esq. is legally and regularly elected to represent the county of Walton in the Senate ot this present Legislature, and is enti tied to a seat. The report was taken up, read and agreed to. Mr. Hudspeth from the commit tee reported a bill to amend an act for the better regulation of Tavern and Shop-keepers; received and read the 1st time. On motion of Mr. Scruggs, Resolved, that William Bird ami James King Esqs. be, and they arc hereby appointed Notaries Public for the county of Effingham. Adjourned till 10 o’clock to-mor- tow morning. Thursday, Novembers. Mr. Walker, from the Commit tee reported a Bill to incoporate the Bank of Augusta ; received and read the first time. On motion of Mr. Lanier, Resolved that John Pollock, Wil liam Black, and Daniel Blackburn be, and the) are hereby appointed Justi ces of the Interior Court of the coun ty of Scriven, in the room of Caleb Howell and Robert Williamson, re signed, and Jacob Dunn, removed. On motion of Mr. Lane (ot Put nam,) Resolved, that the Executive ap pointment of Willis Roberts, as a J* of the Inferior Court of Put nam county, in the place of Robert Iverson, Esq. be, and the same is . hereby confirmed ; and that Jus. B. ' Clopton be, and he is hereby appoint ed a Justice of the Inferior court for the county of Putnam, in the place of Kdm. Lane, esq. resigned. Mr. Barnett introduced the fol lowing resolution ; Resolved, that a committee be appointed on the part of Senate to join such as tnav be appointed by the House of Representatives to prepare and re port a bill for the improvement of the several navigable water-courses in this state ; whic h was read and ordered to lie on the table. Mr. Davis agreeably to notice, moved for the appointment of a com mittee: to prepare and report a hill to regular and govern free persons of color coming into this state and resi ding therein ; Messrs. Davis, Ful- ghein and Pray were appointed that committee. The following hills were severally taken up, and read the 2nd time, to I wit : A Gill to pardon F.dwnrd Down ing ; Ordered lor committee of the whole on Monday next. A bill to repeal and amend some parts of an act for the better regula tion and government of tavern and Shop-keepers ; ordered for commit tee of the whole on Monday next. On motion of Mr. Barnett, Resolved, that Leighton Wilson, and John Gignilliat, Esqrs. be, and they are here by appointed Justices of the Inferior court for the county ol Glynn. A message from Ills Excellency, the Governor, by Mr. Porter his Se cretary, informed the Senate, that His Excellency had approved of and signed the resolution appointing this day at twelve o’clock far the election of a Senator in the congress of the United States. A message was received from the H. of U. by Mr. llolt, their cb rk, informing the Senate that the H. ol Representatives were ready to reeeivi them in the Representative Cham ber for the purpose of proceeding to the election of a Senator lroin thi state in the Congress of the United States in conformity to a joint and approved resolution. The Senate then repaired to the Representative Chamber, and being seated, proceeded by joint ballot to said election ; on counting out the tickets, it appeared that the Hon. William 11. Crawford was duly e- h ctec!. The Senate having returned to their chamber, adjourned till to-morrow 10 o’clock, A. M. 2, which Was read and ordered to lie on the table. House oj Representatives, Mr. F,. Beall lroin the committee on Privileges and Elections reported as lollows : The commute on Privileges and Elections having had under their con sideration the return of the General Election lrom the county of Ran dolph, and it appearing that Howell W.Rannells anil Zcphaniah Harve) had an equal and the highest number >1 votes fur Representative in the General Assembly for said count) — your committee beg leave to recom mend the following resolution ; • Resolved that his Excellency the Governor he requested to issue a writ ot election for a Representative of the General Assembly for th county of Randolph, as soon as iua\ be. The report was agreed to. Petition No. I. from certain per sons claiming to he inhabitants of Walton county was read and order ed to lie on the table. A committee on the state of the Republic (on the part of the House of Representatives) was appointed, consisting of Messrs. Williams, Montgomery, Telfair, Daniel, J. Watkins Hopkins, E. Brown, Battel and Walton. Messrs. Ware, Iverson, Mill, E. Beall, Cuthbert, W. Terrell, Hugh Blair, J. Jackson, Nesbitt and Wim berly were appointed a committee on Finance,on the part of the H. ol R. A written communication was re ceived from the Governor (as pub lished in the last Journal) by Mr. Porter, his Secretary ; On motion of Mr. II. Blair, Resolved, that so much of the com munication of His Excellency the Go vernor, toge ther with the Documents therein referred to, as relates to the state of the Republic, be referred to the committee on the state of the Republic—Je such other Documents accompanying the communication, as relates to Finance, he referred to the committee ou Finance. -Mr. Bryan presented Petition No. Wednesday, November 7- Mr. Nowlan laid on the table a Resolution relative to the election of Judges of the Superior Courts for the several judicial circuits in this state. Mr. E. Beall from the committee on Privileges and Elections report ed on the contested election of Wal ton county—the report was read and ordered to lie on the table. M essrs. Marshall Newsom and Lttckie were appointed a committee on Petitions. Mr. Marshall present ed Petition No. 3, which was re ferred to the committee on Petitions. Mr. Wellborn moved for the ap pointment of a committee to prepare and report a bill to alter and amend the 5th section of an act to appropri ate monies for the political year 1806, and to levy and collect a tax on all Banks or Offices of Discount or De posit within this state—A committee was appointed, consisting of Messrs. ; Wellborn, Ware and Hopkins, j Mr. Jones presented petition No. | 4, which was read and referred to a j select committee, consisting ot Messrs. Jones, Knight and M‘Do- nald. M. Hopkins agreeably to notice moved for the appomtim nt of a com mittee to prepare and reporta bill to amend an act to establish the* Ices of the Health Officer and Harboi Master lor the Port ol Savannah and St. Man’s, so far as respects the Port of Savannah—ordered that Messrs. Hopkins, Telfair, N'>wiand, Harden, Rains and Cuthbert be tnat committee. Mr. Jacob Robinson presented Petition ixo. 5, referred to the tom mittee on Petitions. Mr. Cla\lon presented Petition No. 6, and the same being read was referred to a select committee, con sisting ol Messrs. Clayton, liill and Redd. Mr. Wimberly presented Petition No. 7, and tue same being read was leferred to the committee on Petiti ons. Petition No. 1, was referred to the committee on the state ot the Republic. Mr. 3* R. Brown presented Peti tion No. 8, and the same being read was referred to the committee on Fi nance. Mr. 1 lean presented Petition No. 9, referred to committee on Petiti ons. Mr. Dunwoody presented Petiti on No. IO—received and referred to a select committee, consisting ot Messrs. Dunwoody, Wimoerly and Daniel. Messrs. Allen, J. Blair, and J. R. Brown, were appointed a commit tee to prepare and report a bill to keep open the main channel of 1 u- galo river, from the confluence ol Lightwood-log creek to the Indian Boundary line in Franklin count) . Mr. J. Jackson presented Petition No. 11—read and referred to the commituc on Finance. On motion ol Mr. Jacobus Watts, Resolved, That so tnucii of 11 Excellency the Governor's Conintu utcatioii and the accompanying uo- cunu ius us relates to the ease ot Ed ward Donning be referred to a se lect committee, with power to repon by bill or otherwise. Ordered, 1 hat Messrs. Jacobus Watts, Nesbitt and Browning be that committee. on of the Legislature, such sys tem as shall be adopted by them - The committee on the part of the House consists of Messrs. Telfair, Ware, Hill, Iverson, & J. Jac kson. Messrs. J. R. Brown, Daniel, and Wellborn were appointed a com mittee to prepare and report a bill to amend an act to revise, amend and consolidate the several Mili tia Laws passed 23d Mav, 1808, so far as respects the election of Co- iUrct years past. May we not com sider this a favourable omen ot ths future increase ol Manufactures in the Southern states l The profits of the Paper-Manufacturer, when the business is judiciously conduct ed, are said to be considerable ; but the expense of machinery, &c. is much greater than would be suppo sed bv those unacquainted with the business. The Editor has been* in formed by several respectable Manu facturers inPhiladclphia, that alarttt '“pethira NlS!7s'w..««l.ndr«- of .hi, kind cannot fared to con,mittee on Petitions. pot m operate, at a k» Messrs. Wellborn, Williams, aid than ■ srenPr rhousantl Dollars. It Gross were appointed a committee to is not prob I Je that any ol the Pa- prenare and report « bill to alter and j per M,11s ... the sm,them state, have amend the 6tl, section of the 3d I cost more than hall that sum—some article of the Constitution ot this j of them perhaps much less. State. A committee was appointed con sisting of Messrs. \\ ellborn, Clay ton anti J. Blair to prepare and re port a bill to compel.sate cizens of this State having slaves executed lor crimes committed within the limits thereof. Messrs. Williams, Nowlan, Dun- woody, Wimberley and Wf.iton were appointed a committee to prepare and report .1 hill to revise and con solidate the several Patrol La ws of this state. Messrs. Newsom, II. Blair, Clarke, V.L Terrell and W. Jackson, were appointed a con .write to pre pare and r. port a bill to alter and a- lmnd the 4th ai d 5:h sections of the FOR THS GEORGIA JOURNAt.. NUMBER II. CURSORY REMARKS ON THE BANKING SYSTEM, IN REFERENCE TO A BANK ABOUT TO BE ESTABLISHED ijN THE CITY OF AUGUSTA. In the first number of these .re marks, a brief sketch was given of (be origin and progress of the Bank ing Systern, considered merely as n monopolizing institution. T he pro : liable effect of that system upon the inland trade and navigation of tins Slate is now to be considered. Un-> able to explore the secrets and mys teries of this famous institution—this monstrous engine oi" government— mankind are obliged to stand aloof. 3d aiticle cl’the Constitution oi this j to took at it from afar off as ^tht Jews did the mysterious operations of their Priesthood, and can only’ judge of it as one would judge of a 6;ate. essrs. Newsom, Jarrntt ar Lockhart vvt re appointed a comiu.t- Uc to prepare and report a bill to continue In force an act passed 22ii D-cember, 1808, giving further dme to die fortunate drawers in the late Land Lottery to take out their grants. Tht House agreed to the Resolu tion appointing David Neall a Jus ticc ot the Inferior Court for the county of Warren, in the room o! Jeodav Newsom, resigned. Messrs. J. Robinson, Ware, and Pope were appointed a committee to prepare and report a bill to establish a certain and definite mode of calcu lating interest in this state. Tite H ntse adjourned. &c. •runs JOl/l&NAIi. WE DYES DAT, November 14. Thursday, November 8. Messrs. Bryan, Ware, and W. Terrell were appointed a committee "to prepare and report a bill to reduce the rate of legal interest in this state. A committee was appointed con sisting of Messrs. Daniel, Troup and Newsom to prepare and reporta bill to apportion the representation of the several countus in this suite. Mr. Telfair called up the resolu tion which he laid on the table yes terday, and the same being read, was agreed to as follows : Resdved That a committee be ap pointed on the part of this House, to join such committee as may be ap pointed by the Senate, to systematise, digest, and so far as expedient, to a- mdiorate the criminal code of this state, and that they report what pro gress they have made previous to the adjournment of this House—and he it further resolved, that the a- foresaid committee lie directed to hold one meeting after the rising of • aa ^ unc * n 1 vnnessee. It is worthy DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES. We learn with pleasure that Mr. Zaclvuriah Sims has progressed con siderably in the erection of Machi nery for his Paper-Mill in Greene county, and that it may be expected liortiy to into operation. Mr. Sons is represented by those who best know him, as an artificer ol great skill in mechanism, and pos sessing remarkable industry anu perseverance in his pursuits wish him all the succors in his busi ness that his laudable exertions so deservedly merit. It must be evident to men of in- lurmaticti, that a good Paper-Mill will be a valuable acquisition to our state. In every enlightened ctftn- munitv, Paper is not only a usctul irticie, but an indispensable one.— Our information respecting the ma nufacture of paper induces us to be lieve, that after Mr. Sims’ Manu- laciory is completely in operation, common writing paper (of which the greatest quantity is consumed) may be purchased ot Mr. S. for fifty pet emu less than the usual puce in this neighborhood. Until a few years past, Printin and Writing Papers were imported in large quantities from Great-Bri tain and Holland. Uf late, the nia- nuiaciure ot this article lias so ru piah progressed in the United Suites, ttiat although the consumption ha also greatly increased, very little is now imported, some of the finest qualities of writing-paper excepted. Pai ier lVlills are common in the New England states, but we have no data lrom which we m gilt calcu late the exact number. In t>ew- York and Nevv-Jcrsey there are se veral. In Pennsylvania, Delaware and Maryland, perhaps from twenty to thirty—-One in the District of Co lumbia— Tnrec in Virginia, at Staun ton, l^yiuhhurg and Petersburg— In North-Carolina there Are also three, at Salem, Raleigh & Fayette ville—One in South Carolina, at Co lumbia. In Kentucky, two or three, tree by the fruit which it produces. From the origin and progress of this institution in various parts of Eu rope, more particularly in Great Bri tain, the free sons of Columbia Have seen with astonishment, the fruit which inhere produces ; and would to God, they had no propensity to taste of it. In those countries Where Banks have been long established, their presses (if presses they have that dare to utter a murmur) fre quently teem with the accounts of the vassalage, the wretchedness and distress of the lower orders in soci ety. Their subjects have been goad ed with enormous taxes, contributi ons, &c. to glut the avarice of those connected with these institutions ; and with chains,if they dare to com plain of the burthens with which' they were loaded, or expicss a wish for a reform. Banks have been the cause of that great inequality, visible in the condition of the several ranks of peo ple in Europe. They have intro duced luxury, and have been chiefly, if not solely, instrumental in the es tablishment and perpetuity of the s: m reigning dynasties in that ili the present session of this Legisla tin e and before the sitting of the next; and that they report through the Governor to the next sessi- tr . v ) of remark, that of the eight Paper- Mills south of Maryland, (not in eluding those ol the Western coun- have been erected within la ted quarter of the globe. Their footsteps have been followed with blond, rapine end the extinction of , civil and religious liberty. Who will say, that these are not truths, written in blood still smokiog from the Altar and the Throne. M ho will say, that institutions which pro duce such lamentable and deplora ble effects in society, are desirable in this country l He who will say it, is a foe to the human race, and a moji- ster, “ without seeming to know it;^ But to return from this digression, into which I have been insensibly led from an impression of abhorrence and feelings too poignant to be de scribed or easily imagined. Georgia, as a commercial state, h is very little trade, except in the arti cles of Cotton and Tobacco. Indi go, which heretofore has been one ot the principal staple commodities in this state, is raised but in small (Quanti ties, and is almost entirely supplanted bv the culture of cotton, which is '.tyv? one of the principal, articles of trade both at home and abroad. The short staple, which is raised in im mense quantities in the interiour parts of the state, is principally pur chased up by merchants in the cities ot Petersburg and Augusta, and finds vent at the mouth of the Savannah river. This necessarily draws to a tocus, in each of those places,-all the trade of tile adjacent counties, on each side of that river ; and, from the facility with which this staple is transported to Savannah, must accu mulate wealth in those towns, -tided by the establishment of banks, in the same proportion as it must impove rish and retard the growth oi those counties which lie adjacent to and bordering upon, the Oconee, Ocinul- gee and Altamaha Rivers. To il* lus.raie the position here taken, it will be necessary only to apply the principles of the banking system in its couoequences. It has been con-