The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, November 28, 1810, Image 2

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pointed by the House of Representa tives to take the same into conside ration. Saturday, November 1 7th. The biil to incorporate the Agri cultural Society of Georgia was read the 3d time and passed. Mr. Barnett agreeably to notice in troduced a bill to incorporate the Pe tersburg Mercantile Company—re ceivid and read the 1st time. The following bills were read the 3d time, to wit; A bill to amend an act to extend the law of this state over the persons residing in Watford’s settlement &c. Ordered for committee of the tvhnle. A bill for vesting the appointment of Iiatbor Mastir anti Health Offi cer of the Port of Savannah in the M .vor and Aldermt n of said city— orde red for committee of the whole. A bill more effectually securing the probate of WiIls---ordercd lor committee of the w hole. Monday, November 19. The bill to regulate the rate of inte rest m this state—& the biTi to repeal lh< 9th see. of an act, to lav out&esta blish a county, in the territon lately acquired from the General Govern ment, &c. were read the 1st time. Mr. Davis lroin the committee, repoVted a bill supplementary to the Judiciary act now in force, and to establish an uniform system of prac tice in ihr proceedings of the Supe- tier courts of this state—received and read the 1st time. Messrs. Henderson, Barnett and Little were appointed a committee to prepare and report a hill to amend the fiflih sec. of an act, to revise and amend the Judiciary of this state. John A. Cuthbert and John Dun- woody were appointed Justicesof the Inferior court of Liberty county, in the room of Thomas Bacon, sen. and Elijah Baker, Esqs. resigned. Tuesday, November 20. On motion of Mr. Barnett, Resolved,that a committee he ap pointed on the part of Senate to join such as may be appointed bv the II. of R. to call on the- Commissioners of the Town of Aiillcdgcville, and such other persons as may have had charge of public monies appropriated lor building' the State-House, and to Ascertain how the same has been ap plied ; and further to enquire why the contract for building the same, has not been completed, ike. Messrs. Barnett, Hudspeth, Park, Bacon and Lane (ol Putnam) were appointed the committee on part ol Senate. Messrs. Scruggs, Davis, Barnett, foster, Burnett, M'Corntick and l’.rk were appointed a committee to prepare and report a bill to alter the time of the in eting of the Gene ral Assembly ol this state, and tire time of electing members. Wednesday, Novt mher 21. The bill to prescribe the oath of the Special Jury in cases of Divorce, was read the 3d time and passed. The bill for regulating and go verning free persons of color coming into this state or residing therein was read the third time uud passed. Ayes 24—Nays 11. Thursday, November 22. A bill was intioduced by Mr. Lane (of Putnam,) to repeal certain parts of an act to establish an Academy iti fatonton in Putnam county—re ceived and read the 1st time. Mr. I).iyis introduced a bill to in corporate "the Planter# Bank of the. state of Georgia—received and read the 1st time. The Senate repaired to the Repre tentative Chamber at 12 o'clock for the purpose of bnllrtiug lor a Har bor Master of the Port of Savan liuh—and a Lieut. Col : to command 'the 4th Regiment of Cavalry—On counting the ballots, it appeared, that Jfobeit Greer, was elected Harbor Master, and Johnson Wellborn Esq. Lieut. Colonel of Cavalry. Friday, November 23. The following bills were rend the * 3d time and passed ; The 1^11 to he‘entitled an act, to amend the 3d section of an act, en titled an act pointing out the duty of sheriffs in selling lends under exe cution—passed 22d December 1808. 1 he bill more effectually securing the probate ol Wills &c. The bill amendatory to an act lav ing nurthe county of Twiggs, Stc. "Hie bill to njakt permanent the sea ,1 the Puhhi buddings in Pu laski county i aad ‘ The hill to Incorporate the Peters- BUir, Troup, Newfem, and Daniel were a*, pointed a comm'ttre on the part of the lloufe of Reprr<eitati»cs to call on the C imniillioiic'rs of Milled geville, and surer tain how the public monies appropriated for building the State.Houfe 'nave been ap plied j and to enquire why the coutraft for budding the fame ha3 not been completed, See. A bill to apportion the Representatives among the severs! conntits in this Hate, received and read the 111 time. The bill to pardon Edward Downing was read the sd time and palfed- ■ burg Mercantile Company Tire bill to sell and dispose of the square* and fractional parts of sur veys of land in 7th district formerly Baldwin now Twiggs county ; and The bill for improving the navi gation of the Oconee, Altamaha and Savannah Rivers, were read the 1st time. A resolution Was passed appoint ing Wm. Rowe a Notary Public, fk mother appointing Allen Greene Vendue Master for the town of Mil- ledgcville. Saturday, November 94. The bill to regulate the rate of Intereft in thi* State 1 wss poftponed ’fill /unc next. The bill to amend an aft for the better regulating and governing the town of Mil- ledgrvillr. wae read the 3d lime and pafsrd. The aft to continue in force an aft, giv. ing fur her time to the fortunate drawer* in the late Land Lotteries to take out their grants, was signed hy the Speaker ; The committee were directed to take find aft to 11 * F.scelleney the' Governor for hi* sfTent. The following e«utlemen were appointed CommiflionerH or 'he Academy of Randolph county, v( Peter W. Goutier, David Adaini,Janratt Braslry, Zcpheniah Har vey, auu Ciiai'lck Cr .wlord. Monday, November 2«. The hill lo incorporate the Roman Ca tholic Society in Augufta was read the 3d time and passed. The Senate resolved itself into com mittee ol the whole on the MM to alter the timr of the meeting of the Assem bly of this state. A motion to poll pone it* further consideration tili June, was negati ved Id. Navn I it. The bill was thru read t*-c third time, & on the (piestiort for itspaP.age, was negatived Yeas 17, Nay. is. A communication was received from his Excellency th Governor—read and it< ftri cd to the committee on the state ol'ihe Jlcpuo lie. [H'« Excellency's comfriunicaTion fugpefts the propiiely of having<the Records of the Executive Department, kept ,during the revolution and for fonie years altcr- warde, (which are now in a perishable si tuation and frequently referred to forex tracts) put into order, and transcribed into good and durable bo Its ] Mr. M'Cornuck fiom the committee »p _ pointed, r* ported a bill *n regulate the town of Monticclto in Randolph county—rec’d. and read the 1st tune. House of Representatives. Thursday, November 15. The hill to ■ ppropriate monies for the po- liticat year 1811, was received and read the lit time. Mi firs. Clayton, J. Robmfon and Battel were appointed a committee to prepare am) report a bill, to compel Sheriffs to pay over alijnoTiies, f<> foon as col vir tue of execution® placed in their hands The Houfe resolved itlelf.into a commit, tec of the whoh, on the lull giving com pen 'fation to ci'izeiihof this ftite having ne groes execu'ed for crimes, See. the Chair man reported progitls and had leave to sit again. Friday, November 16. A bill to alter the name of Wifkinfon county was received and tead the (It time. The hill to reguiatr the ratcoflntereft in this (late, was read the sd time and paffed. A bi'l for giving compensation to Jnltices of the Inferior court was reported and read the Id time. A rrlolutioQ was agreed to. appointing John Smith (round head) a Jufttce of the Interior court, for the county of Clarke, in place of Wm. Strong, efqutrc, deceafcd. Saturday, November 17. The Houfe agreed to a refolution appoint- ing Jofcph Chandler a Justice of the infrri. or court for F anklin county, in place ol J. R. Biown, cfquire, refined. I he Houle concurred in the refolution from Senate for appointing a joint commit tee to take into '-onlideration a communi cation from his Excellency the Governor, re'ative to the Planter’s Back, and added as a committee on their part, MrHig. Tcflur, Ware, W. Terrell, Troup, Nesbitt, Now. Ian, and Hopkins. Monday, November 10. A refolution was paffed,appointing Wm. Forlan a Jutlicc of the Inferior court of the county ot Elbert in the room of John John, fon, refigned. A committee was appointed, (confiding of Meftis. Telfair Dun woody, Montgome* ry, W. Terrel, Ballet, Ware and Nesbitt,) to prepare and report a bill for the pur chafe of filch books as may be deemed nccef- fary for the life of the members, during the leftion of thi LCjiiflature, Xc. Turjday, November 20. Mr. Jacob us Watta from - the committee appointed, reported a bill to keep open the Ocmulgee River from the confluence of the Line with the Oconee River, to the Indian Boundary line { received aud read the iff time. It'ednrfday, November ft. A committee was appointed (confiding ofMrJTrs. Walton, Ilill and Whatley,) to prepare and report a bill, to repeal an aft, to cttablilh the fees of the Public Officers in all grants that may he iffued in die coun ties of Baldwin tod Wi'ktnfon, under the aft pafli.,' Csih Jont, 4806. The hill for improving the navigation of the Oconee, Altamaha and S ivant.ah livers was palled with tcveral amendments. Yeas 40, Nays 26. Thurfday, November 22 Me flit. Ware, Battel, J. Terrell, H. Friday, November 23. Mr. Cuthbert from the committee ap pointed reported a bill to repeal the 2nd feet ion of the 2nd article of the Contdi'H- tion, and to provide for the election of Go vernor of the State of Georgia by the citi zens thereof—received and read the first time. The bill to alter and amend the 4 h and 5th sections of the 3 1 art. of the Coidlituti on of this state, was di agreed to. Mefsrs. Welloorn, E. Brown and J. Ro bins on were appointed a committer to pre- pare and report a hill to amend an act for the establiiiiment snJ support of Military Schools, and to point out the mode of dis tributing the public arms, &c. A comm tue was appointed, consn'ing of Messrs. Battel, Jostah Wat's and Ic-r- f at to prepare a..d report a bill to authorize the Comriiis8iiiiirr.i of MdleJgeville to fcil and dispute of a certain number of Lots in laid town, McLr*. Daniel, lludfon and Wellborn weic appointed a committee to piepare and rtpmt a bill to ir-enrporate a company for impioving the navigation of Broad Ri ver. Saturday, November 24. Mr Wimberly from the committee ap pointed, icportc d a hill to anirn-l the frve- ra) Judiciary Laws now in force in thio Hate, fo far as re'a'e 'o Ja-tices’ Courts—rec’d. and read the firs' tin e. The bill to incorporate the R >nk of Au gusta w is agreed lo (in committee of the whole) with amendments—ordered to lie on the table. Mefsrs. Colson. Olenr and Hi !r» were appointed a committee to pr<.p;ne ai d re- port a bill to lay out a road from M.Hedge- vilV to the town of Hartford in Pulaski county. Mr. B if tel from the commit'ee appointed repu ted a hill to authorise the Coinmilfi- oners of MiiJtdgeville to fell and dispose of certain lots in did town—received and read the 1-t time. Messrsi lvi rsun, Bittcl, Harvey, Glenn and Whatley ivert appointed a commit''-e to prepare and report a bill to authorize tiie Commissioner# of the ervtrai counties of this »t ite who have not received a donation of £ tooo iter fo purebafe of the comni's 'io ers of Conlisia'ed Property £1000 worth of said property. Mr. Daniel from thi rn nmitter appointed reported a hill to incorporate a company for the improvement of 'he navigation of Broad Rtver—reeetveu and read the first time. Monday, November 2f>, The Gill 10 alter the name of Wil kinson rouiity was read the 3d tune and passed. The biH to incorporate the Agri cultural Society was read the 2nd time and ordered to pass to a 3rd reading. The bill to layoff a fifth Judicial Circuit was read the second iiirt<-— A motion was rtiade to postpone it ’.ill June next, negatived—Yeas 27. Nays 34. The bill to authorise the Judge of the Middle District to bold an ex tra session in the county of Wash ington, wits read the 3d time and pas sed. reinforcements from the army which was before Tortosa, when it was be lieved they would attack Valencia, where the Spaniards had, however, 1.6,000 soldiers! A battle took place before Torto- sa, 10 or 12 days before captain C. sailed. There were 12,000 of the French, who were defeated, losing 3 or 4000. Capt. C. sailed from Valencia with 200 sheep,but experiencing, bad wea ther on the coast, lost 93 of them. Flour at Valencia 12 and fish 7 dol lars. IRELAND. Extract cf a letter from Clonmel, da ted August 1 8. “ Mr. Mike" a gentleman of confiilera- lile fit tiled pn,petty had let f.uric land con trary to the vifhcK of the peafantrv, on his return home one evening lately he w.n way- lav d and murdered with the moft horrid tiarnirUy. Another gentleman returning home, wav that in the back, feveral flugs were K dged,-aud he died on the spot. A p >or nun, with his family, were murder- ed in hi; Cabin, and then burned, merely fr.-i n !hep : que of their neighbours. The Al)iz<.8 are held here quarterly. In the ih t t'tne I have been here, 14 criminal* have been hang'd tor murder. I he f fit ons began yederday and the calender an r.otinced 16:) prifouers to -be tried. Thrre ■ire two fits of diftutber*who me-d in the in .unta'o '.ippnfiie the barraikt who have pir-’.H bartas: they are called Carranats and Sihananjeftt ” . A c’ter troiir Dublin, dated Augutl 23, Mys— ‘Yeltcrd .y purfaant to adjournment, a numerous rr. i-> 11 got’ the Farifh of St. Andrew was afiembied in their veftryroom. The church wardens having taken the hair Mr. Rorke nldr'.'!)i<i the meeting at fome let'gth, and !tnte.! in very fmilile ferms, 1 he present melancholy fituation of the ct- ■y. He cone.uded by noving the two fol- lowing re-.olntioiis : “ That we have witnessed with the moft irtcredilile sttrprife, ind'gnaiioii and concern, I the precipitancy witit which the late enor | nuitis and heavy burthen 1 * have been impo rt'd on the people of Ireland, and confider it as j monttr :u’ nd nfu ring ihel, to be to ; J of our ngi owing prosperityat a mo inent ot 1 ucn ■* general an.i calamitous dis trefi.” " That a commif ee lie appointed to co- operate w 'l: deputie; (rout 'he othrr pa. rithes, to traine 1 prtition to parliament, praying for .1 repeal 4 h;i mod fatal mea sure, the Ait of Union.” Trie chu •-■•.wardens n tvtng then put the queltton upon the re • dmions, tiiey were carried unanimously, and the meeting ad. jourjttd, FOREIGN. __ Boston, Oct. 26. FROM SPAIN & PORTUGAL. Wc were yesterday favored with Lisbon papers to September S, recei ved by the Promo. A letter from that place says what military opera tions are to take place the present season, must he long delayed; as the rainy siiison will otherwise ren der an armistice ’till February al most indispensable. The papers sfty, that in Catalonia the marshal I^arrola has routed a corps of 3000 French, which sallied lroin Barcelona, causing the loss of 213 killed and wounded, and many were made prisoners. A battle took place n-at Soria, in which the French 4od men.. The Spaniards have intercepted some French dispatches, the contents of which induced a belief that Spain was to abate the fate of Holland. They mention the appointment of French Governors to Spanish de partments. A letter from Lisbon, of Sept. 9, savs——“ Mr. Jarvis, Consul at this port, has been recalled by the President—and it is expected he is to be promoted to a more impor tant office.” Captain Crowell, from Valencia, which he left 21st August, informs that the French had about 10,000 men about 8 miles from that place ; Jut they were waiting for further DO a! iaSTi C. Astonishing' Prosperity.— Tire town of Utica is pleasantly .situated on tilt South ban!: ol the Mohawk river, a bout 70 miles to the Westward of the c:ty of Albany. It stands on the site of old fort Schuyler. Srn. the American war it was a com L wilderness, The land on w hich U tic.i now stands could have been pm- citased twenty five years ago, as wc are informed, for a dollar an acre. A small trtanguLu lot at the cornet ol two streets in the village, part ot the same land, sold a lew weeks ago at the rate ot 300,000 D:liars per Acre. In the year 1794 there were only two houses in this town ; in 1800, it consisted of several streets, and contained two thousand inhabi tants. We are inclined to think that f ont its rapid improvement and fa vorable situation lor trade, its popu lation since the last census hits tre- bled itself. The communication be tween Utica and Atbant is interrupt ed by a land carriage only of l(j miles, owing to the falls near the mouth of the Mohawk river. CBaltimore American.J GOV. GALUSHA’S SPEECH. EX TRACTS From the Speech ol Jonas Galusha, Esq. Governor of Vermont, deli vered in October, !) , fore both bran ches of the Legislature. “ We have the means of Wealth and improvement within our own territory ; and were we to turn our attention to our internal resources, and foster our infant manufactures, the belligerent nations ot Europe would soon seek our friendship, court our trade, and render juit re- tribution tor the injuries they nav< done us. But notwithstanding all the privations by foreign powers and the unhappy divisions among our selves, we have yet these pleasing reflection*. Our civil and religious liberties, bestowed on us bv the God of nature, and guaranteed by the re publican institutions of our country, remain unitnpared. The hand of industry- is not slackened, and the poor have not wanted for that cm- plot ment which has yielded them a comfortable support. Tne farmers and mechanics, arc by their improv ed economy, now discharging those debts they contracted, wnen com merce was in the most flourishing state ; and we are daily becomiug more truly independent. The ma nufactures, in various parts of the country, are increasing with a rapidi ty unparalleled ; and the pride of A- mertcans begins to be gratified with a dress of our own manufacturing. And I trust, the time is not tar dis tant, when the citizens of the U. S. instead of relying on foreign coun tries for their cloathing, will be able not only to supply their own wants, but to export every kind, ol cotton, if not woollen goods ; and restore to the union that portion of specie,, which has been drawn from us by the excessive use of foreign manu factured goods. “ If any further legislative aid should he deemed necessary for the encouragement of domestic manu factures, I doubt not but that they will receive from you all that sup port, which the circuntstancesiof the state will admit. “ Wr have recent inte'iig'-nce that the etnperot of France ha te.olced his B ilia snd Milan decrees andalthough tins is not officially.announced, yet we have hide realow to doubt but the infor mation in correct. If so we may In'ulge the pleaiing hope that the Britilh orders, at d all paper blockade, wit ltkewtle be revoked, and the corn tierce ol the U. S. becoftie fie & unlhackled—our If g un- furled in every clime- But Ihouid this happy event enl'ue, may we not learn wif- doni lroin palt txprricnce No people can pr >fi by commerce when the balance of tiadets agatntt them Vnd have we n 1 been too prnfufe in the ufe of foreign a> cici. s of inert hand, z - ; which has cau- leci the (pecie that wa» flowing, to Ame nta, tooepartour Ihores for England and tile Indies ; and left 11s with a paper medium, limited in its ctrcu-ation. and extremely einbarrafli-.g to iB'ernal coin 'll Tee ? :litt this is not the extent of the evil. Were nur farmeis and mrchanuft to examine part fcttlements with tluir nieich.rnts would they not in too many inlhncrL find, no;withllanding the Ingti price of labor and prouu-e, that their ac counts w re doled bv note* or intereff, winch are gnawing like a worm at the roo* of their capital, or laying as a mort gage 011 their future labours '* FEMALE INDUSTRY. In f. m- towns ot Massachufetts the- manuf u Une of Ifraw nto hat** i: honn-ts h is brco-ne an objec. for the emdoym -nt il females—Polling through the interior t nvns of'lta State you will fee aimoft rvnv family enaa ed in braiding draw. And the 1 rdies find their account in it ; 1 1 not only can they procure ready uajr fjr their labour a., it is fiuiflted. but their i mugs amount to more than 1 wice he 1 n th-y would 111 anv other way.— B ni ne's ;o i'ie value of fifty thousand dal- lar* aie annually manufactured'tn f nne t >w.ii : ippirttotifd to rich fatfiilv, :hi* null amount to fevetai hundred •' d -.iiars, I'ltc liraw, to b: genuine, fliuuid be cut iDoutonr w--ek before the ufual time of reaping, and is afterwatds wliiiantd by a proerfs of burning brimfl-me. It is ie- parated into uniform (lands bv a fimule piece, of inachi tery and fhould l»e kept lamp while working. Bonnets, more elegant and nm li-fa durable, than the fancy bonnet* from Leghorn ar* made in this country ; and the demind for them is fuch, that in ail piobability tiicir price will never be reduced by the ihcreafe erf workers in lfraw- CAm. D. Adv.J “ Get money, honestly if you can but get money." K few day fince there died in a neigh boring state a v iluabh M: ino—an art ful fellow obtained poflellion of the (kin, and af;er preparing one of out common fheep for the purpole neatly fewed it on —•and then fold it for fifty dollars. ’ he cheat however, was foon difcoveiea and the ingenious maker of Merinos con ducted to his winter lodgings free ufex» penlc. C Balt, paper.) ) St. Louis, Sept. 13. A few weeks ago we published an account of the attack and defeat of captain Cole’s party on the. frontiers of the district of St. Charles, by a gang of unknown Indians. Yesterday we received such cir cumstantial information'as leaves no room to doubt of the Putawatamie* being the perpetrators. A Sac has given up a bridle, which be says he got in an exchange of horses with the Putawatamies.—The Sac chiefs have sent word to Gen. Clark, that the Putaws who live near lake Michi gan, have in their possession five American horses, a silver mounted rifle, a half worn saddle, plated kpurs,. and some articles which appear iikef the apparel of white people. The general expects certain information in a few weeks which will authorise a demand to be made of those Indian murderers.