The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, June 03, 1812, Image 1

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ournaX VOL. MILLEDGEVILLE, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, 1812. No. 32. PUBLISHED nr SZAfOX 'J FlBMIHG GmAHTLAVD, PRINTERS TO THE STATE. On JeffcHon-Street, opposite the Sutc.Koaie TERMS THR34i DOLLARS PER AN NUM, ONE HALF TO BE PAID IN AD VANCE. ADVERTISEMENTS WILL BE THANK FULLY RECEIVED, AND PUBLISHED AT THE CUSTOMARY PRICES. John Mathews, Esq. %ve are; authorised to state, will be a randidate to represent this county in the ensuing Legislature. Apvil 23. 26—tf. frj° XVE are requested to an nounce Cipt. J• H. Howard at a Candidate for the Representative Branch of the Legis lature, at the enfuing cleftion. April 29- 27-—tf. Her* 'Ve are authoiised to announce General John Clark as a Candidate for th- Representative branch of the Legislature the next eletflion. May 27 » . F E R 51 Y At the CEDAR SHOALS; Boat and Landings in good order, and prompt attendance. May 25. 31——tf LAW-OFFICE. The Subfcriber having made a permanent {land in Dublin, (Laurenscounty) begs leave to inform his fellow citizens, that he antici pates practising the law in the feveral coun ties throughout the Ocmulgee circuit, Eli S. Shorter. March 4 19—tL_ LAW OFFICE. The subfcriber has now fixed his prr. manent refidenceat Milledgcville, where he may generally be found ready to attend to bufiaefs in his profeflional line. He will cbnftantly attend the Superior Courts m Hancock county, and after the enfuing Cir cuit, will principally devote his attention to the Superior courts in the counties of the Ocmulgee Diftrift. Seaborn Jones, jr N. B. His Office is kept on the east «ide of Jcfferfon ftreet, oppofite Maj. Ro bert’s h ite oufe, where either he or his brother may at all times be feen WILL BE SOLD, j At Trwinton, th publit seat for the county | of Wilkinson, on Saturday the 4th of July next, A number of Public Lots, On the terms specified in the law making permanent the site of the Public Buildings for faid county. Also, on the lame day WILL BE LET, the Building of a Court-House and Jail. John Proctor, John Ball, Rob't Barnett, Daniel Hicks, May 13.tds- Executve Department, Georgia, 1 Milledgcville, 21st April, 1812. J N OTICE is hereby given for the information and direction ot al' ■'ersons concerned, that Wednes- c’ .he 24th day of June next is, by cutive Order ol this date, ap- .ted for the trial of the following eal Caveats, for land in the coun ty of Camden, to wit : -a serfs land bn Samuel lioyd, Appel’t. I St Mary’s rivtr, ve. ^-adjoining fTilli. James Seagrove,Resp’t- [ am Hines’, and J vacant land, q 400 acres land on | same river, ad- Samuel William Hines, Appel’t. vs. The Same. • joining }>Boyd's, vacant, | & land fuppofed to be James Sea J grove’s- "■) 200 acres land on (f'tn- Anderfon, Appel’t fame rivtr, ad. vt . p»joining Samuel The Same- { Boyd's, and va. J cant land. "j soo acres land, I adjoining Willi— ! am Andrews, ]>furveyed, the j heirs of General I Ja.-kson. and va- J caul land, q SCO icres landon S fame rivtr, ad joining Andrews { and GrubbB’ | land, and land • run for Robert J Montfort. Anthony Porter, Scc'ry, April 22. 26 10'. Bcrj. Grubbs, Appcl’t. vt. The Same. Isaac Lang, Appel r t. vt. The Same. May 5. 30—tf. Will be Sold, T O the higheft bidder in Greencborougb, on the firstTues day In Auguft, 530 Acres of Laiul, lying on the waters of the Appalacnec ri ver, adjoining Lewis Fielder and others, be ing the real eftate of jofeph Trimble, dec’d —fold for the benefit of the heits and ere. ditors. Terras made known on that day. Robert Trimble, Adm. Patsy Trimble, Adm’x. May 14 31 3t. For Sale, THAT well known place, fottr.erly belonging to Mr Gabriel Moffett, being a central and handsome situation for a public house, and remarkably healthy ; there is on the plantation a good dwelling and convenient houses, about 2500'bear- ing Peach Trees and a young Apple Or. chard, now bearing ; the whole confists of three hundred acres of land, and there is about one hundred and fifty improved, and willke fold low, and on reafonable terms ; apply to the fubscriber on the premifrs. Selby Franklin. Washington county, March 16. 21—tf. thiTsubscriber, Having purchafed that large, Commodi ous and airy building of Capt- Jett i bo nus on the Ealt corner of the State- liaufe fquare, HAS orENED IT AS A House of Entertainment where may be found at all times good Wines, Spirits, Beds, Fires, Siables, Etc- It will be his object to render h»s accom. modotions at lealt equal to any in the up country, by affording at a.l times propt attention to those who may favor him with a call. Under thefe arrange merits, the fuhfcriber flatters himfelf with deferring a lliaie of Public encou ragement. John Downer. Odtober 30 tf - Late office of Discount ana Deposit, Savannah, April ts,l«12. NOTICE.— -.1 N. tes of the late Bank of thr United States, made payable al this Office, mult be prefented for payment within six months fro.n this date. After that period they will be paid at the Bank of the United States, in Philadelphia, on- ly. Btordtr of the Trufees tf the tale Bank • ’ of the United Statet. T. Meiulcunail, Cashier. N. B—The Augufta Chronicle, Ameri can Standard, Louisville, (Geo.) and Geor. gia journal, are rtqiuftcd to insert the a. bove once a week for fix months Savannah, April 24 28—6m WffA: BE SOLD. OV the firft Tuesday in June next, at ihe court houfe in the town of Monticello, between the ufuai hours, 202 1.2 acres of land, known by No 75, in the 15th diftrilt of Baldwin now Ran dolph county, levied on as the property of James Crawley, to fatisfy an execution on the foreclosure of a mortgage in favor of William Cook. April 1. jfrssc Evans, Phf. r. c. W r ILL BE SOLD, A t the market-houfe in the towrfof Spar ta, on the firft Tuefday in July next, between the ufuai hours, 250 acres land on the waters of Beaver, dam, adj lining the lands of Waller and o. thers, levied on as the property of William Broadnax, to fatisfy Jofeph Turner, jr. on the foreclosure of a mortgage, property pointed out in the mortgage. One negro man named Brifter, levied on as the property of Beniamin M Williams, to fatisfy Pe'er Early on the foreelolurc of a mortgage, property poiated out in the mortgage. Terms CaSh April29 li GREENE, Shff. WILL BE SOLD, ON the firft Tuesday in July next, at the courthoufe in the town of Monucello, between the usual hours, One negro fellow iu.iii.-d Jeff, taken as he prop-ity ot Samuel Walker, to fatis fy an ex-cution on the foreclolure ot a mortgage in faver of Aqmller Fellps. li. Young, n. s. April 29. WILL HE SOLD, AT the Market-houfe in the town of Spiita, on the firil Tuefday in July next, between the hours, 2 ii'-groes, to wit—Silvey and Bob, le vied on as the propet ty ol Benjamin M Williams, to satisfy J imes Williamson the foreclofure of a mortgage, pioperty painted out in the mortgage. One negro girl named Betty. levied on as the prnnerrv of Benjamin Williams and Wyatt Williams, to fatisfy Jofrph Bry an on ih.- foreclofure of a mortgage ; pro. perty pouted out in the mortgage. R. Mitchell, d. s. April 29. Notice. ALL persons are hereby fortvarned a. giiillt trading for four notes for twenty five dollars each, given to Mr- Asbe of Cnlum.. bia county, as we are determined not to pay them unlcfs compelled by law, the faid notes having tieen obtained from us by fraud; the notes are dated on the l£th of Auguft I8i l, and payable the £51 h of December 1812. Given under our hands this 7th day of May 1812. D miel Hooks. Asa Hooks. May 20 9; t Ten Dollars Reward. RANAWAY from the Subfcriber living in this place,a negro fellow, a Biackfmith by trade, who calls himfelf JOHN THOMAS, about 32 or 33 years old, near S feet eleven inches high, has a large fear on one of his v/rifls, occasioned by a burn. It is possible lie may try to pafsfora free man, ami en deavorto make for (ome sea-port town, as he has been fome time at fc-a, and talks much of his being on board of a man of war. He took with him a brown coloured cloth coa. tee, a pair of casimere pantaloons, & alfu a quantity of homefpun cloathing, a pair of Ihort boots and (hoes, partly new. It is Notice. O RDERED, That William Melton and Thomas So cdley, admimllrators of the Eftate cf Robert Melton, dec’d, have leave to fell one Lot of Land, containing 202 1-2 i IU p po fed he went off in company with a ne- acres, be the fame more or lefs, lying and ! j, ro f e || 0 w named Jack, belonging to Mr. being in the county of Morgan formeily j c 0 | eman of this place. The above reward Baldwin county, and in the 4th diftridt, i W ||| be paid to any person, lodging faid tel. known by the No 281, on the waters ot Su | 0 w in any jail in this ft ite, and all reafon. gar creek, drawn by the orphans of faid de- t9b | e expences included, if delivered to the ceafed—to be fold for the benefit of faid or phans; January term, 1811- A true copy, H. Carle ton, jr! c. c o fuhfcriber. Ceo. De La Huff. N. B Tie Editors of the Augufla Chroni. cle and Savannah Evening Ledger are re rj- The above sa^c will take place on the ! quelled to give the above three infertiont, and firft Tuesday in July next, at Morgan court- forward their accounts to the Argus Of/tce houfe—conditions of the faie will be made for payment. Administrator’s Sale. WILL be SOLD (agreeable to an order of the Honorable the Inferior court of Bald win county,) on the firft Tuesday in Ju ly next, at the Market-houfe in the town of Milledgeville, Lot No 234, in the 15th diftrictof Baldwin, now Morgan county, and Lot No 4, in fquare 41 in the town of Milledgeville, being the real eftate of James S Howard, dec’d-fold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms made known ou the day of sale Ezekiel Ralston, Adm. 28—Ct known on that day. William Melton, 7 Thomas Smeciley, j May 15 31 6t 1 Hereby torwani all per- fons again!! trading for, or taking an align ment of four notes of hand given by me to John Morrison for the purchale of a trad! of land in Washington county, which land has since been levied on to pay the debts of the faid Morrison, as l am determited not to pay them unless compelled by law—the notes are for 112 dollirs each, and dated in Fcbruaiy l«Il,two of them payable next Chriflinas, one on Chriftmas following, and the lall six months t«om that date. James A- Bogg*. May 20 80 _JI1_ Take Notice. The Subscriber liU3 a Valuable Tradftol Swamp Land, for sale, Ij ing in t\ i kin- son county, juli above the mouth of Black creek, nearly oppofite the White Bluff, drawn by Thomas Stark; any pe'rfon wifh- ing to purchale a great bargain may ap. ply to the Subscriber in Milledgeville. Property wtli be taken in part. Samuel Buffington April 1 • * —- 3m MillidgL-ville, May 27. 31 3t New A (I v artisan ant s. Collector's Suics. ON the frit Fuefday in Auguff next, Will be fold, at the caurt-h Jule in Seri.. ven county, between the ufuai hours, the fallowing tracts of land (and other pro perty) or as much thereof as will be luf. ticientto laiisty the tax due thereon and cofts. 293 3 4 acres of pine land, returned by Stcpi.en Marlow, tax dus for 1807, 8,9 and 10, t* dols. 450 acres of pine land, retu^n-d by WiJe Mims LI am tax due for 1809 and 10. 1 dul 46 cts 2 mins. 70 acres pine land eturned by James Ca lady, tax due fot 1809 and 10, 82 cts. 1 mil 55.1 acres pine land, returned hr Jo feph Currie, lax due for 18 >9 and 1 ), 1 63 cents 1 mill. 400 acrer of pine land, returned by Jo feph Gifon, lax due for 1300 and 10,2 dois 56 cents. 250 acres pine land, returned by Den nis Cafon, tax due for 1307 and 8 ; 3 dolt 16 cents f mills. 900 ecres pine Lind m Bulloch county, returned by Hugh DonalJfon, tax due for 1810, 1 dot II c<s 1 lull. 200 acres oak and hickory land, 3d quality, the property of Mary Deveaux, returned by John I] Deveaux, tax due for 18.)9 and 10, 4 dols 16 cts 2 mills. 150 acres pine land, returned by Dani el Daley, tax due for 1803 and 10, 7 dols 75 cts 5 1.2 mills. 150 acres pine land, belonging to the estate of John Reives, alf<>, 130 acres pine land property of the fame, in Effing ham coii'Hy tux due for 1807, 8, 9 and 10, 13 dols 2 cts 9 1.2 mills. 270 acres pine land returned by Antho ny Bonnell, tax due for 1809 and lO, 6 dols 38 cents 7 mills. 217 acres pine land, returned by M iry Ann Bonnell, tax due for 1809 and 10, 3 dols 21 cents 2 1-2 mills 350 acres pine land, returned by Levi Howard, tax due for 1809 and ’.0, 2 dols 12 rents. 840 acres pine land, returned by Roily taxd'.ie fur 1807, 8, 9 and 10, 23 do s 45 cents* 874 i-cits pine Ian 1, returned by John M Rae, tax une for 1809 and 10, 7 dels 80 c nts 3 mill.*. 350 acres pine land, returned bv Gen Smith, tax due for 1807, 8, 9 and 10, S dnls 58 cents 7 mill-,. 700 acres pine land returned by Rax ter Smith, jr tax due for 1807. 8, 9 and 10 3 dols (17 cents 3 3 4 mills. 4 50 acres of pine land, returned by Williford Smith, tax due tor 1809 *nd 10, 1 dol 46 cents 2 mills. 200 acre- pine land, Litiugliam county, r-turned by Enoch Dante), tax due for 1807 and 6, 1 dol 4 cents 240 acres pine land, returned by Wm Daniel, tax due for 18U7 and 8, 1 dol 61 cents V mills. 143 acres pine land, returned by Sa muel {Lutfon, tax due fur 1807 and 8, 2 dols (S cents 2 mills. 2000 acres pine land, returned by Dr. John Connelly, tax due for 1809 and 10, 17 dols 12 cents 3 1 2 mills. 300 ai res pine land, returned by Jo- i-epli Dill, tax due for 1809 and 10, 2 dots 8 cents 3 nulls. 700 a< res pine Lnd returned by Win. Freeman >ax due for 1809 and 10 2 dols 22 cent* 6 nulls. 600 acre, pine land returned by John VV Gray, tax due for 1810, 85 cts 7 1_2 mills. 1135 acres pine land returned by Ar chibald Mills, for eftate of Anthony Bonnell, tax due for 1809, 12 dols 77 cents 11.4 mills. 1467 acres pine land returned by Ro- g: r M Kinney, tax due for 1807, 8, 9 and 10. 13 dols 37 cent% 4 mills. 200 aerts pine land returned by Wm M’Kinney, tax due for 1308, 9 and 10, 1 dol 39 cents 2 mills. 600 arc rs pine land, returned bv Ro bert D M’Kinney. tax due for 1807 and 8 1 dol 54 cents 7 mills 380 acres pine land returned by John Reddick, tax due for 1809 and 10, Idol 34 cent 1 4 mills- 800 acres pine land, returned by Wm Faylor, tax due for 1809 and 10, 2 doL 39 c-nts 4 mills. 190 acres of pine land, returned by Hugh Brannon a minor tax due for ICO'J and 10, 52 cts. 308 acres of pine land, returned by Jo feph Humphries, tax due for 1803 aud 10. 96 cents 9 mills. 200 acres pine land, rrturned by Sa muel Kemp tax due for 1807, 9 and 10, 1 ilrl 39 cents 2 mills. 800 acres pine land, returned by Dani el Martin, tax due for 1809 and 10, 4 dols 7 mill'- 110 acres pine land, returned by Prif- cilia Roberts, tax due for 1803 and 10, 3 dols 70 cents „ 1080 acres pine land, returned by Geo Wdlamlon, tax due for 1809 and 10, 52 dols 23 cents 5 mills. 100 acres pine land, returned by James Rryant, tax due for 10u7, 8 9 and 10, 3 dols 32 cents 3 3 4 miffs 202 1.2 acres pine land, Wilkinfan county, Dillriff and No unknown gi ven in by John Freeman jr. tax due for 1809 and 10, 1 dol 73 cep'S 4. 1.2 mills. 80 acres pme land, Burke cou/uv, gi. ven in by John JacklLn, tax due for 1809 and 10 83 cents 8 mills. 537 acres pine land in Sc riven and Wayne counties, given in by Thomas Mobley, tex due for 1809 and 10, 2 dols 31 cents 1 mill. 400 acres pine land, returned by The- ophilus Thomas, tax due for 1809 and 10 43 dols 4 1 cents 1 2 mill. 2 50 acres pine land, returned by David Williams, tax due for 1809 and 10, Idol 12 cents 5 mills. 300 acres pine land, returned by Han nah Wiley, tax due for 1809 and 10, 50 cents G nulls. 50 acres 3J quality oak rnd hickory land returned hy J jfeph Butler, tax due for 1899 and 10 2 dols 25 cents. 80 ants 1ft quality fwair.p lard, 100 of 2d quality, and 16 of 3d quality on St varnab river, rc.urnciby Stephen But. ler, tax due for 1809 anti 10, 10 U.ilj 65 cents 2 I 2 mills. 416 acres pine land, (eturned by Charles Neefmith, tar due for 1809 fit 10, 7 dols 17 cents 11-2 mills. 800 acres pine land, returned by jamca Neefmith, tax due ter iho9 and 10, 9 dols 33 cents 9 mills, 250 acres 0.1k md hickory land, 2d quali ty, in Burke county, given in by James Neefmith for Mary Hardin, tax due for 1807, 8, 9 and to, 10 dols 65 cents 6 mills. 200 acres oak and hickory Imd, cd quali. ty, returned by John I'nissell, tax due for 1809 and 10, 2 dols 57 cents 3 nulls. 1100 acres pine land, returned by George Spell, tax due for 1807, S, 9 and 10, C doll 2 rente SI mills. One negro woman named Betty, the pro* perty of Thooias Moore,taken to f'tiafy hil tax for 1809 and 10, amounting to CS dolt 89 cents £ mills- One negro man Iftimael, the jronerty of Mathew Rodgers, taken to fatist/ his rax for 1807 Snd 3, amounting to IS dollars 78 cts. Benj. S. Lanier T. C. of Scrivcn county. June 3. JVILLL BE SOLD, On the firft Tuesday m JtfV neftt, be» tween the ufuai hours, at the court- houle in the town of Clinton. Jones county, 'he following prepety, viz : 202 1-2 acres of land, Lot No. 46 in the 10th diftrift ;t)iies county, with a good im- provement, and a good cotton machine on it, being the place whereon Johh Cook Esq. now lives, taken ns the property of faid Cook, to fatisly an execution in favor of John Parker, pointed out by the defendant. On- grey liorot-, t.ikm as the property of William Morgan, to titisfy au execution in favor of Littleberry Wilfon. One Waggon and four hotfes, 6ne sorrel, one grey, one hay, and one brown, taken as the property of James Tlipmpfon, to latisfy an execution in favor of James K. T. Wal ton, pointed out by the plaintiff. Robert Beasley Shff, May 25. Will be Sold, On the firft Tuesday in July next, at the courthouse in Greensboro’, between the ufuai hours, One negro hoy by the name of Jacob, in P'.ir ffi snof James Lumpkip, levied on as the property cf James Pitman, .0 satisfy an execulion in tavor of Thoinaa Bradford, property pointed out hy the plaintiff. One negro man by the name of Daniel, levied on as the property of Zachariah Sims, to satisfy Knox and Pope’s execution aud other’s, property pointed out by the deten. dint. A Le«e of 100 acres of land on the Fiftj- ing creek Academy, until the 25th ot De. cember 1817, with good improvement* thereon, being the lot whereon Samuel M’Elioy now lives, also one grey hotfe and one bay horfe, levied on as the property of Sam’l M’Elroy to satisfy William Boyd sen. and William Boyd jr. and the trustees of the University ; property pointed out by Joel Pennington. Three negroes viz- a negro woman by the name of Tiller, and her child about two months old, also one negro hoy about nine years old by the name of Ephraim, levied on as the property of Nathaniel G. M.eon, deceased,tof.itiafy an execution in favoi of Gideon H- Macon, properly pointed out by Robert H r . Alston. loo acres of land adjoining John Buffi and others, levied on as fie property of Pretty, man Knowls, to faristy an execu 1 ion in fa vor of William Newberry, property pointed out by John Alford. 2 acres of land with a good dwelling houfe and other out houses thereon, alfo, 287 1 r acres more or lefs on Sindy creek, adjoining 7. rch <riah Sims and others, levi ed on as the property of Robert Roys, to fatisfy an execution in favor of James Paw„ ers, property pointed out by the defendaut —Conditions, Calh. Thos. Dawson, Shff. g. c. May 29 be” Soldi O N the firft Tuefday in August next, at the court.houfe in the town of Grecnf- borough, between the ufuai hours, One negro woman hy the name of Aggy and her child by the name of Charlotte, le„ vinl on asthe property of Hamntr Fitzpa. trick, to fatisfy au execution in favor of Abraham Heard, on the foreclofure of a mortgage, property pointed out by the plaintiff.—-Conditions, cafli. Tho’s Dawson, s. g. c. May 29 Will be Sold At the Market-Houfc in the town of Spar ta, on the firft Tuesday in July next, be. tween the ufuai hours, 143 3-4 Acres land, adjoining Simmon* and others, levied on as the property of Wil liam Barber to fatisfy two executions,one in favour of Trippe and Alfrierid, the other in favor of William Parham, returned to me by a conftable. 229 acre* of land, adjoining Traywick.’on the wafers of Boffalor, levied on as the pro perty of He nry Nunnery, to fatisfy fun dry executions in tavor ot Benjamin Maddox, returned to me by a Conftable. Terms cafh. H. Greene, Shff’. May 22 Jointing, Nealhj Execute J ut this Office. May 6