The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, August 04, 1813, Image 4

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TILL IRE SOLD, at Ac Market! the waters of ShouMeibofie adjoining ft; y y house in the town of Sparta, on the tint Tuesday in September next, the following tract* of land,orso much there of us will he suflicient^to discharge the tax and eost due thereon. 50 acres land, Hancock county, on the w aters of Fort creek, adjoining Brown, the property of Joseph Turner, sen. to sa tisfy the tax for the year 1810—tax due ft 900. too aeres land, Hancock county, on the waters of Fort creek, adjoining Foster, the property of Tilniau Turner, to satisfy the tax for the year 1810—tax due ftl: 93 3-4. 291 acres land, Hancock county, on the waters of Beaver-dnm, adjoining Harris, the property of Gabriel Moss to satisfy the lax for the year 1810—tax due ft 5:87 1-2. lit acres land, Hancock county, on 9jie waters of Buffaloe, adjoining John, the properly of William Montgomery, to satisfy the tax for the year 1810—tax due gt: U 1-3. 2ft7 aeres land, Hancock oouuty, on the •waters of Beaver-dam,' adjoining Bryan, the property of William U. Tyns, to sa tisfy tiie tdx for the year 1810 tax due 2 7 : 81 1-1. 203 l-2 acres, land formerly Baldwin fiow Morgan county ; in the 18th district, No. 119, ftse property of William Hutch insou, to satisfy the tax for the year 1810 —tax due 75 cents. .202 13 a< res land, 35th district of Wil kinson county, No. 250, the property of James Finch, to satisfy the tux for the year t8to—tax due & 1: 20 802 1-2 aeres land, Oglethorpe county, adjoining Cloud, the property oflliehard Gregory, to satisfy the tax for the year 1810—tax due ft 2 : 98 8-4. 303 i-2 aeres land, 33d district of Wil kinson couuty, No. 8 ; also 302 t-3 aeres land i2th district Wilkinson county, No 891, the property of William H Waller, to satisfy the tax for the year 1810—.tux due ft 7 :*87 i-2. Terms Cash. * 27. Grew, 8hff. June 30 so—tds. WILL HE SOLD, At the market house in the town ol Spares,' on the first Tuesday in Sept, next, the following tracts ot land, or so much thereof as will be sufficient t< discharge the Tax and cost due thereon. 109 acres land, Hancock county, on the waters of Bcavrtr-iflam, adjoining Huiiey ; the property of Timothy W K 'iscter, to satisiy the Tax fot the yeai 1811 , Tax due 82 : 25. . 270 acres land Hancock county, O- gtchvt, adjoining Morgan, the pro- pi i ly ot Benjamin Jenkins to satisfy the Tax fur the year 1811 i Tax dm $5: 43 3-4. 95 actes land Hancock county, on the Wa era of Fort creek, adjoining West, the property of Thomas Ingram, to satisfy the Tax lor the year 1811 ; Tax due $ 4 : 3 1-2. 125 acres land, Hancock county* on the wateisol Log-dam, adjoining Har ton, the property of Greene Mitchell, to saiis!> the Tax for the year 1811; Tax due 6 1:8 1-4. 251 acres land, Hancock county, on the waters of Ogccbee, adjoining Col- lee, die property of Nathan Harris, to satisfy the l ax lor the year I8l! ; Tax due b7 l 2 cents* 607 1*2 acres land, Hancock county, ou the waters of Uuftaloe, the property ot johu B. Minor, to satisfy the Tux lor the > ear 18lt i Tax dtle $ i2: 50. . 200 acres laud, Hancock county, on the waters ot Buffaloe, adjoining Mann, the property ot Francis Weeks, to sa tisfr the l ax lor the year 1811 ; Tax (Uii. 81 1 4 cents. 450 acres land, Hancock county, or tlu waters ot Spring cresk, adjoining Taiver, the property of Francis Webb to satisfy the Tax for the year 1811 ; Tax due $5:18 3 4. 113 acres land, Hancock coynty, on the waters of Beaver-dam, adjoining Sims, tire property of Owen Alford, to satisfy the l ax for the year 1811; Tax due ft : 3 1-4. 108 acres land, Hancock county, on the waters of Beaver-dam, adjoining Randle, the property of Edmund Gil bert, to satisfy the Tax for the year 1811 ; Tax due S3 : 75. 200 acres land, Hancock county, on the waters of Buffaloe, adjoining Lew is, the property ol Edw’d B. Broadnax, to satisiy the Tax for the year 1811 ; Tax due $9r 31 1-4. , 186 acres land, Hancock county, On thewaterS of Buffaloe, adjoining Vic kers, the property of Edward Broad nax, to satisfy the Tax for the year 18U ; Tax due 85: 31 1-4; 250 acres land, Hancock county, on the waters of Buffaloe, adjoining Broadnax, the property of Ann Kenan, to satisfy the Tax for the year 18ft ; Tax due ft'2: 62 1-2. 250 acres land, Hancock county, on the waters of Buffaloe, aajoinng Brown, the property of Mary Miller, , to satisfy the Tax for the year 1811 ; Tax due S 3 : 00. .313 acres land, Hancock county, on ’e waters of Shoulderbone, adjoining amilton, as the property of Benjamin Chappell, to satisfy the Tax for the 'jfrar 1811 ; Tax due g 11 ; 03 3 1-4. >00 acres land, Hancock county, on Hudson, the property of Joseph Chap pell, dec’d, returned by Benjamin Chap pell, to satisfy the tax for the year 1811; Tax due 62 1-2 cents. 285 acres land, Hancock county, on the waters of Powel’s creek, adjoining Harvey, the property of Randolph Rut land, dec’d, returned by Walter Ha milton, Adm’r. to satisfy the Tax for the year 1811 ; Tax due $5 : 25- 294 acres land, Hancock county, on the waters of Beaver-dam, adjoining Harris, the property of Gabriel Moss. t » satisfy the Tax for the year 1811 ; Tax due $4 : 62 1-2. 111 acres land, Hancock county, on the waters of Oconee, adjoining Santoid. the property of Silas Hopkins, to Misty the tax for the year 1811, tax due 1 dols. 37 1.2 100 acres land, Hancock county, on ihe wateis of Oconre, adjoining Cadenheacl, the pioperty of William Darby, to Misty ihe tax for the year 1811, tax due 56 1-4 cents. 500 acres land, Hancock county, on the wale's ot Buff-doe, adjoining Gilliland the property of William Grantham, to ta’.isfy the lax for the year 1811 ; tax due 2 dols 37 12 340 aeres land, Hancock county, on the water* of Shouldesrhoroe, adjoining Lacie, the property of Brtsey Thomas, to fatisfy the tax for the year is 11 j 'ax due 1 dol. 56 1 4. SS7 aeres land, Hancock county, on the waters of Beaverdam adjoining Biyan, the property of William G. Tyue, to fatisfy the lax for (he year tall ; tax due 8dols 87 l 9 303 1.8acre* land lS'h disdrict Wilkin Ton county, No S25, the property of Wm P. Downman to fatisfy the tax for the year 1611 ; tax due 9 dols. 69 1-9. 203 1 2 acres land, 14th dftrict \Filk : nfon county. No 205, the property of John Miller, to fatisfy the tax for the year 1811 ; tax due 62 1-3 cents. 903 1 3 acres Of land 11th diftrict Wilkin.. Ton county, No. 294 the property of James Patterfon to fatisfy the tax for the year 1SU, tax duel dols. 81 1.4. Terms Calh. H- Greene, Stiff. ff.C. June SO tds. W ILL BE SOLD, on the firtt Tuesday in Sept’r. nexr, in the town of Madifon Lot number 24S, third quality, l&lli Bald, i {SHERIFFS 3*tiLE~-Vt ill be sold or. ssin eranted to Kinman, returned by James the first Tuesday in September next, _ .— —*« | in f t own 0 f Clinton, joues county, be tween the usual hours of sale, White : Tax due 4 dollars 91 cents lOi j-4 acres, 2nd quality, 20th Baldwin,Io* dian Creek, joint Browning, returned by Wil liam Branan ; Tax due 1 dollar 55 cents 20° 1-2 acres, 5tlj Baldwin, Sandy creek, •ranted to White, joins Perkins, returned hy Jos. White; Tax due 4 dollars 14 cents 8 8-4 m Lot number 276, second quality, lltb Wil- kinton, returned by Elijah Lambeth, Tax due 66 rents 5 1-2 mills. 202 1-2 acres, pine land, 2ift Wilxinton, granted to Jones, returned by George Varner, Tax duv. I dollar to cents. . „ Lot nu ’ ber 208 fecond quality Jth Bald win, Appalatchee, granted to M‘Dote, joins Barton, returned by Benjamin Head { Tax due lo dollars 18 rente 6 mills. 67 acres, Hardlabour creek, 5th Baldwin, granted to Cooper, joins Ray, returned by Jerry Wooten ; Tax due M cent* 7 1-2 mills John, B- Wnatlt'N T. c. June 28. 28—9t. WILL BE SOLD, O N the lira iuesday in September next, at the court-house in Walhington coun ty, between the ufual hour*, the following tradls of land, oras much thereof as will be fufficient to slttsfy the tax and colt for the year 1811. J00 acre* pine land, Walhingtoo county Sandhill creek, returned by Charles Ingram— tax due 85 cents. 102 1.2 acres Usd in 24ih Wilkinfon, now Twiggs, No217, returned t>y John L;nfey—» tax due 1 dol. lo 1 9 - ta. 130 acres pine land, W ilhington" - county, retarned by Angotfh Morrison—tax dot 63 1 9 cents. > 400 acres pine land, Tatnall county, Pen dalton creek, returned by Timothy Evell— tax due 6s 13 cents. 200 acres pine land, Walhingtou county, Big creek, returned by Henry Smith—tax due 5 dolls. 68 cte. 300 acres pine land, Montgomery county, Ri*. kcreek, returned by Joel Smith—tax due 1 dol 30 1 2 cents. 266 acres pine land, Wafhington county, Wilitamlon’i fwamp, returned by John Mer. cer—tax due 57 1-2 cents. Charles Raley, T. c July 9. 39—tds. Morgan county, between the ufual hours, tb following tracts of land, or fo mocb thereof as will be fufficient to fatisfy the tax and colt for the year le09. Lot number 119, pine land, 23nd *diftri61 Wilkinfon county, returned by 1'homas H. Sharp i Tax due I doll98 ft 7 1.2. 50 acres 9p quality land, part of Igfc num her 307, in the 4tn diftrict Baldwin, returned by Jamei Hooks; Tax due 55 cents 2 1.4 mills. 60 acres Srd quality land, Clark county, Cun Creek, granted to Fludd joins Jackson returned by Samuel F. Thompfon ; Tax due 54 cents. Lot number 54, pine land, 27th Wilkinfon, returned by Zachsriah Garner; Tax die 60 cents; . Lot number 69, fecond quality, isth diftridt Baldwin, returned by James Lock ; Tax due 1 do Ur 25. 200 acres pine land, Columbia county, gran ted to Harrik, joins Reaves, returned by Nan cy Davis 1 Tax due 29 cents 8 1.9 mills 900 acres fecond quality, Glynn county, Greene Creek, granted to Graves, joins Welt, returned by'John Stewart ; Tax dut 65 cents • trills. Lot nunmber 319, fecond quality, 12th die. trict Wilkinfon, returned by Miles Edwards; Tax due 1 dollar 39: 9 1-3. . 75 acres, 9nd quality, part of lot number 103, in the 5tls Baldwin, granted to Roads, joins Roads, returned by Thomas Heftcr; Tax due 66 cents. Lot numoer 65. pine land, llth diftrict Wilkinson, returned by Andrew Walker; Tax due 58 cents. 106 acres fecond quality, Rocky Creek, lyiikes county, granted to L'pham, joins Da. vis, returned by Bcnoni Hansford ; Tax due 4 dollars 40 cents : 4 1 2 mills. • L»t number ■■■■■■ 2nd qualiry, 4th diftrift Baldwin, granted to Anthony,& joins Brown, returned by Stifannah Harris, as Adm’x for Sampfnn Harris deceased f Tax due 3 dollars 36 cents T 1-2 mills Lot number 333 fecond quality, 4th diftrift Baldwin, re'orned hy Hatnnah Fitzpatrick ; Tax due 9 dollar- ft cents 5 mill*. Lot number 136, tuird quality, 30th Bald, win, grasted to Haynes joines Patdllo, return, ed by Daniel Haynes; Tax due 78 cents 5 and la. Lot number ll, in the 19th Baldwin, gran ted to Brooks, joins Barnes, returned by Dempfey Wilkinfon; Tax due 1 dollar', 59 cents 4 1-4 mills. 101 1.4 acres, 3nd quality, part of lot num ber 74, in the l^tb district Baldsvin, on Hag ler’s creek, granted to Butt, joins Burgefs, re turned by Jofepb Williams ; Tax due 1 dol lar 59 cents 7 mills. Lot number 33, fecond quality, llth Bald, wiu granted to Robcrfon, returned by Har wood Goodwin; Tax due 3 dollars $6 cents. 63 acres, 3rd quality, part of lot number 83 in the 19th Baldwin, granted to Zimmerman returned by Nathaniel Hamby; Tax due 55 cents 9 1.4 mills. 65 acres Srd quality, part of lot number 150, in the 90th Baldwin, granted to Harper, joins Ncllon, returned by Lmdfey Davis, Tax due 53 cents 7 3.4 mills. 35 acres 3rd quality, Sandy creek, 20th Baldwin, granted to Gilbert, returned by John Baccus , Tax due 48 cents. 50 acres, 3rd quality, Clark county, Green brier creek, granted to Melton, joins Taylor! leturned by Jonathan Noble ; Tax due 46 cts. mills. Lot number 336, pine land, 12th diftrict Wilkinfon, granted toCbok, returned by Wil liam B. Cook; Tax due 60 cents. Lot number 226, aloe land, 16th Wilkinfon granted to Kilgore, teturned by Abfalom Kil gore ; Tax due 59 cent* g 1.4 mill*. 100 acres, 20th Baldwin, granted to Bra*' well, joins Crow, returned by john Iloilody; Tax due 3 dollars 35 cents 9 1-4 mills* 50 acres, 2d quality, part of lot No. 179, in the 20th Baldwin, returned by Joel Lambeth ; Tax due 55 cent*. 101 1-4 acres, Srd quality, part of lot No. 217, in the 20th Baldwin, returned by Ifaac Hand ; Tax due 54 cent* 8 3 4 mills. One lot in the town of Millcdgeville, num ber ——. returned by Thomas Dickson; Tax due 1 dollar 65 cent?. P URSUANT to orders granted «y tnc In terior Court of Morgan counly sitting as « Court of Ordinary, will be sold to the high est bidder on Tuesday the seventh day of Sep. tenner ntx , at the Court-house of Morgan county,a, lot or tract of land, containing two hundred two and a half acres, known by Lot No 260, in the fosrth diftrict of origiually Baldwin now Morgan county, being the real eftate ofSampson Harris, dec'd—also at the same time and place five negroes, Sally and her child, and Aggey and her two children, belonging to said eltate*—sold for the benefit ot the heirs and creditors of said eftate. Stephen IV. Harris, Achn’r. July 6 37 tds 202 1-2 acres, Lot No. 308, in tie 22d district of formerly Wilkiuson, now Lau rens county, taken as the property ol Jacob Smiley, dec’d, to satisfy au execu tion in favor of Robert Smiley—-the a- bove property pointed out by jame9 M’- Neal administrator. july 28 Robert Hensley, Slif. I NTENDING to decline the Drug bu siness l offer my stock for sale at re- Ineed prices, consisting of a pretty gene ral assmtinent of articles and including an excellent supply of Glass Furniture. Among a variety of othet articles are Jalop; Calomel; Rhubarb; Magnesia : Salts ; Henna ; Manila; Barks; Coppe ras; Blue Vitriol; Logwood; Annaito; Oil Vitriol ; Aqua Fortis ; Verdcgrease : Bateman’s Drops ; Turlington’s Balsam ; Rheumatic Pills ; British Oil ; Female Pills ; Anderson’s Pills ; Worm Lozen- s; Medic amentum, &c. &c. &c. Also, a house and lot calculated to ac commodate a getiteel family, and plea santly situated, for sale or rent. DAN’L. WILSON. Millcdgeville, June 29.36—6t. GEORGIA, Greene county. W HEREAS we the underwritten as signers did some time in December last, become security for the personal ap pearance of a certain John Lofting at the nett Superior Court ensuing, to answer to 411 indictenienl for a breach of the peace and whereas the said Lofting did not make his appearance agreeable to the tenor ol thQ boud, wc take this method to try to hare him produced at the next Superior Court to be holden in and for the couuty a foresail]. We the nnderwritlen assitigrrs do agree to pay fifty dollars each, ([each bound for himself only] to any person or persons that may brine the said Lofting, or so routine him that he may be had before theSupe rior Court aforesaid. The said Lolling is a light hair’d man, quite ohunky built weighing about 175 lbs. between 25 & 30 years of age, and has a stammer in his speech between a stutter and a lisp; he is uUo'leit handed. The abovm reward will be paid whenever the said Lotting is deliver ed to cither of the subscribers, or so con fiued that he may lie had. William Baldwin, senr. June 30 William Glass. O N the first Tuesday in September next, w ill he sold to the highest bid der, at the court-house in Lauren* county, agreeable to an order of the Court of Or dinary of Washington county, two huu- dred aeres of laud lying in the said coun ty of Laurens, on Big creek, adjoiniue David Ulackshear; the real estate of Austin Parrott, dec’d ; farther terms w ill be made known on the day of sale. Elijah Black shear, Ex’or. June 18 35—Ot* t'elluw-citixens of Putnam county! Understanding that impressions have been made and opinions entertained by thecommunity, growing out of a short pub lication stating u settlement of differen ecs between Major Napier and myself which arc erroneous, I^have thought it a duty which 1 owe tnysclf and the public to give a succinct account of all (he cir cumstances accompauyng the transacti ons to which that publication alluded.—- Discovering there was a hog belonging to me in major Napier’s mark aud some time after being informed by Mr. James Ro berts who was then acting as au overseer for the Major that the mark was impro perly ntade on the hog by the Major, I thought it my duty as a good citizen to have the matter judicially investigated; and in conformity with this opinion 1 made application to the Solicitor General to prefer a bill of indictment to the Grand Jury, which was accordingly done. When l went as a witness before the jury, & up on oath. I stated that some time in the lat ter part of the summer of 1813 there were three young unmarked hogs strayed from my stock, & that spate tim&after two of the three came home one of them being altered from a boar lo a barrow and had a smooth crop in the left and two splits in the right ear. 1 was asked by the jury if that was Vlajor Napier’s mark ? I answered that 1 thought it was the same mark that was on the Major’s hogs. 1 was asked if 1 was suiethehog was mine? 1 answered 1 was sure. 1 was again asked, if I knew that Major Napier hod put that mark ou that hog ? 1 replied that 1 did not know, the hog being well of tbe catting and marking when he came homo to me.— This part I exported would have been proved by Mr. James Robert's evidence, who was sworn on the bill.3 But the grand Jury not thinking there was sufficient evidence of a feloneous in tent on the part of the Major, found no bill. Since that time it has been report ed that Major Nicholson, one of the mem bers of the Grund Jury, had said that when 1 was before the jury 1 declared on nath that Major Napier had marked my hog, and that he did it with a feloneous design. I have recently seen Major Ni cholson and in the presence of Doctor Hoxey he declared he had never propa gated any such report, and that he had divulged no part of the evidence deliver ed before the Grand Jury to a living soul. And here I beg leave to refer my readers to Vlajor Nicholson himself [as it is said th • report came from him] to Mr. Wil Main Thomas, Mr. David Howe, Mr Barnes Holloway, all members of the same Grand Jury, anil to Aft. Wellborn who was the foreman of the Jury, all of whom 1 am persuaded will do* me the justice to declare that 1 uever delivered any such testimony before the Jury as 1 have been accused of; although 1 must confess that from the information receiv ed from Roberts before, and at the time of the court, 1 entertained an unfavorable opinion of the Major’s conduct; but since that time through the interference of friends the Major and myself have had an interview, and upon investigating the matter in a cool and dispassionate manner the reasons assigned by the major were sufficiently cogent to convince me that ~ had formed an improper opinion of his conduct, and that he could have had corrupt intention fh what was done. Be iug satisfied of tMs I felt it my duty to make a statement to the public and de elared that 1 believed the act had hap pened through mistake and not design and that 1 freely and willingly acquited him of any feloneous design in the above affair. 1 am fully persuaded that it is not only the duty of every virtuous citizen after being convinced of having formed an incorrect opinion of any person or per sons, but that it is more honorable to change that opinion, aud do justice to the injured party, than to persevere in error. Robt. Iverson. July 28 40—2t. t'O THE PUBLIC- SINCE I first opened a house of entertainment in this place, I have ex* erted myself, uniformly, to accbmt (nodate gentlemen who have been pleased to call—I have enjoyed Aft public confidence, and been favored with the attenti n of gentlemen of the first respectability-*my house is too well known to require a pompous ad<» vertisement to prop its reputation this, it seems has excited the envy^ot some, and the malice of others—0*4 to injure me, charity forbids me to at tribute it to anv^other motive, their have industriousfp’eportcd that I havd relinquished the business and remo ved from this place. Let them be- wate ! the laws of my country will af ford me protection—If their own love of truth, and their own sense of shame will not prevent them from descending falsely and maliciously to circulate re ports at once injurious to ray reputa tion St my interest a corrective shall be applied—the public are respectfully in formed, Aat I still continue to keep a house of entertainment at my former stand, and that no exertion shall be wanting on my part to render the si tuation of travellers pleasant and satis, factory. JOHN DOWNER. July H t tf* Sheriff’s Sale. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in Sep tember next at the court*houfe in Greensbo. rough, between the usual hours, 575 acres of lxn<t, more or lets, on Richland creek, adjoining Hugh Hall and others, levied on as the proderty of John Mathews to fatis. fy an execution (obtained by attachment) in favor of Harwood Roberts. One dark bay ir.are and colt, one riding chair and harnefs sold by order of court a* perifliable property, levied on by attachment in favor of Joel Newfom vs. Joel Pennington 130 acres of land, also 50 acre* of land the Watera of Town Creek, adjoining Brown ing and others, levied on as the property of Mathew Williams to fatisfy twenty exeenti on* from a justices court iti favour of Douglafg Watftm—no perfonal property to be found returned by John H- Watts, conftablc. T‘js. Daxvscn, Shf. o. c July 2S 120 Dollars Reward. RUNAWAY from the Subscriber, living on Duck River, 15 miles from the mouth, Humphreys county, re- nesses state, a Negro Man named E* PHRAM, about 26 or 27 years old, dark complexion, heavy made, 5 feet or 6 inches high, his upper fore-teeth out, the middle finger on the right hand crooked at the first joint, flat nose, his wool comes down square across his forehead, bold spoken and a good blacksmith. I will give Twenty Dol lars for apprehending and confining aid Negro in any jail so I get him a- gain, or if brought to me I will pay alt reasonable charges. I am apprehensive said Negro was persuaded away by some white person to sell in the state of Georgia or Big- bee country ; I will give 100 Dollars for apprehending and convicting any' person^-who has said ^fgro, if he claims him or offers him for sale, sot the person can be convicted for Ae theft. April 15th, t813. 36—6m. N. B. If said Negro, should be ap prehended he may deny his master’s name and his own, but Ae above de scription will tell who he belongs to.—. If appreheded I wish him to be secure ly ironed, for he will get away if pos sible. Any communication can be made to me by mail, directed to Roy- naldsborough, Humphreys connty, stats of Tennessee. QJ* Th- Printers of the Georgia pa« pers will please to insert the above ad* vertisement in their papers for six months, and transmit their accounts to Thomas G. Bradford, printer of the Clarion, Nashville, Tennesse, for set- etnent. Administratrix bale. WILL BE SOLD, On the lOch day of August next, at the late residence of Samuel Stewart deceased, in Jones county. All the Personal Property of the said deceased, consisting of hor ses, hogs, cattle of every description two waggons, household and kitchen furniture, farming utensils, &c. &c. Six months credit will be given for all sums above five dollars with appro ved personal security, and all sums un der five dollars must be paid in cash. Jane Stewart, Adm’x. June 16 35—tds. c ASH s ivtn for clean It mien cotton rags at this olii<-e. Juue28 W ILl £e H6lD, ou Ae 25th of August next, in the town ofClin- ton Jones county, a negro n omon named Charlotte,the property of William Whita of Jones county, deceased, with Sundry other articles too tedious to mention.— Sold for the benefit of the heirs and cred itors of said deceased. Terms of sain made known on the day. Sarah'Whtte, Adm’x. John English, Adm’r. June 32 35 9t is to forwarn all and every per- son whatsoever from trading with my' wife Elizabeth Baldwin, or entertain ing her, as she has left my bed and board, and I will not be accountable for any contract that she may make. Wm. Baldwin, Senr. Greene county, April i7 3i 3m TO PRIATHERS. — T HE SUBCRIBER has for sale, a second hand Printing Press, with the apparatus for a printing office: consist ing of one tout of English, one of Pica, and one of Long-Primer, with a convenient proportion of two line letter; these are rather more than half worn ; to which will be added a small font of Brevier, and* also, a small font English Black, almost now. Terms of sale, one fourth, in 13 months; one fourth in 24 months ; one fourth in 36 months, and one other fourth E art of the purchase money in 48 month* iond and personal security will be requi red, bearing interest from the date, and a mortgage on the property sold, to secure the payments. SOL’o. BETTON. A ALLpcrtOns indebted to the eltste of A Jamrs Singleton, dec’d. are requefted to come forward and settle immediately, and stl perfons to whom feid eftate it idebted, are re quefted to render in their claims according to law, and they (hall be settled by the fame. Eden Taylor, 1 A Mathew Jones, J J Julr»L 39—7t. - r ~l ’O BR SOLD, at the houfe of John Miller, in X Montgomery county, on the 26th of AuguA rext. all the perfonal eftate of Gsorgs Co ley, deceased, confifliing of dock of almoft every kind, and a number ol Beef cattle. The foie to continue from day to day, uutil sli is fold. Terms mads known on that day. Wm. Colley, .John Miller. July 1* S3—tds. n