The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, March 23, 1814, Image 1

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Vol. V. MUXEDGEVIL! E, MARCH 23, 1814. No. 22. WBLISHED »V Seaton #c Fleming Qrantland, STATE PRINTERS, AT$ T A YEAIl—HALF IN ADVANCE. |5- All letters to the Editors mull he pod paid. NOTICE. O subscription will in future lie re ceived to this paper for less than a year. AH persons who have once enter, ed their names will he considered sub strikers till they signify to the contrary. The advance money mnst in every case be forwarded, and no paper will be dis continued till all brrcaVs are paid. February 23. i sule. WilsL BE SOLD, At the Court H >uje in Jreprr county, on the tirtt Tuesday in April next, One StuJ Horle known by the mme of Dire-Dtvii, Itvicd on as the property of Rus fei Jones, to satisfy an exec ution in favor of John Sccwart, affigoee, tor the ufe of the re. prefmtatives ot Aq.ulla Hurrougbs,agaiii(t the laid Russel Jones and Janies Kidd. Alien . d* Ctendnn, d. s. February 25 19 Ms. WlMr iiL At the market house iu the Town of Sparta, on the tirst i'uesdr^ iu April next., between the usual hours, the following properly, to wit: Negroes Jesse, Luke, Dinah, Milly, Amy, Maria)), A an .y, William & young Lnae, taken as the property of ueorge JSarsworthy dec’d; to satisfy an exec ution in favor of William Shivers against An drew Stewart and Sally his wife, Adinr’s of said estate. W. L. Gary, Shff. March 2. 19—tus. WUjL IiL SOi,D, On,M .inday me 4ih day ot April nrx., at the ia’te rtfioenct of Blliot Coleman, deccaicd, a pan ot lire Personal Property brlonging to the eftatc of faid deceafrd, con. i.fting ofhoufehold an ! kit hen furniture, hoi- fes, cattle and hog., a riding chair, a parcel of corn and a new noit rerun will be made known on that day, and the fale will he con. tinued, if require from dar today, until the who'e is fo'd. The hoofe and lot UHy oc eupied by the deceased, wi ! l be rented on the day of fale, or fjoner if appbed for. John Scott, Kx’or. February 2* 13 tds. Notice. All persons having demands Against <he estate of Elliult Coleman, Inte of Baldwin 'aunty, deceased, are required to render them, within the time prescribed by law, duly authenticated, and llmsr in debted to said estate, are requested to make immediate payment to John Scott, Ex’or. February 22 18—to. Now in Baldwin Jail, A likely negro fellow by name ILl lias both ears cropetl, and savs he be longs to John Kunzf of Augusta ; says he ran away from Robert John Bton, living on the Ocmulgee in Twiggs County. MARLOW L. PRYOR, Jalor. February 27. 1814 i9~tf ~ WILL BE SOLII, tn the town of Clinton and county of fones on the firft Tuesday in May next, agreeable to an order of the Court of Ordinary of H incock coujty, acenaintraft or parcel of land, con taining 209 1 2 a. res, in the county of Jones, No. 20, in tne 8‘h diltntf of formerly Bald win county ; ado one to' in the town of C ir.- ton, the real eltate of B njamin J J. B rdon, dtceafed for the benefit of the heirs and ere. ditora of faid dec af d. William Sanders, F.x’o», February 8 17 tds. Marske Will stand the en suing season in Greens borough, and be let to mares at the loilowing prices, to wit ; ten dollars cash the leap ; twenty dol lars the season, which may be paid wit It fifteen dollars in the season ; thirtt dollars insurance. 1 he season wil Commence the first ot March and ex. pire the frst of Julv- Marske was go byDiomed 8c his dam by Hart’s Med- ly. I presume that most ol the sports men have a knowledge ot Mark’s performances on the turf, therefore I deem it unnecessary to repeat them here. THOMAS BIBB. February 8 18 6i. Wanted at Fort Hawkins, CORN & FODDER; For which the following prices will be given : Corn, Sixty t<vo ard a half cents per bushel ; Osts, Fifty cents per bushel. Fodder, One Dollar and fifty cents per hundred pounds ; to he delivered at the Ferry over Ocmulgee river. The subscriber will enter into con tract for Corn and Fodder, delivered it Fort Lawrence on the Flint river, ir Fort Mitchell on the Chatahouchce river. T, BOURKE. Dcp. ({)\ M. Gen'l U. S. Army. F >rt H ck is, Feb 25 20—it. will be given for good well smoked BACON, a ( 9 c!s. per pound ; dso 5 cents per pound foi Pork on die loot delivered at the Ferry on the O kmuigee near Fort Hawkins, hy the 1st of Anril, 1814. JENKF.NS I) WE AT HERS, Agent for the U. S. Contractor. M:i-rh 5 21 3'*. (D* Once More! Wiliam Turner, E quire, depmy collector of the revenue for this district, will attend on ihe first days of the next i H rms ot each of th ^ouoeri ir Courts, io the counties of Wilkinson, Laurens. Telfair, Pulaski, and Twiggs, for convenience of those who have hereto fore omred to take licences to retail—i eoces for stills or boilers—-or certi- fica'esfor carriages for the conveyance of persons :—After which the lairs of be United States laving internal du ties will lie indiscriminately put. in lorce against all persons in default— 'he undersigned will attend at the Ea gle Tavern in iYIilledgcville* Wednes day evening the first week of the next >erm of the Superior Court for Bald win county—and at his office on Mon days and Saturdays in each week hereafter until the last of next month, for the convenience of those who may apply. HINES HOLT, Collector Revenue 6th Collection Tiisi Gen Bellmore-Farm, March 12. 18 IT. JV. B. Inn keepers who retail liquors for consumption exclusively in their • >wp houses ; as well as other Inn keep er e are required to take licences. Keepers of hoarding-houses, who charge for liquors used in their houses are required tn take licences. Physi dans who only dispose of the merli- ci|ies used by them in their practice, ar< also required to take licences, units® in cases where such medicines are g ; ven in charity. March 10 — 2’. S i’R A Yhi) from the subscribei, l;v ■ng on Turkey Creek ihrec miles a oove Mf Joseph Chairs’s mill, Lui- •en3 countv, a likely Bay Horse abou fifteen h inds high or upwards, sin. mule, black mane and tail, shot! ■ locked and swab tail, bath his hind feet white, aged abut seven or e'ght ytars old, r< und bodied and m ikes a noise in his nostrils when rode biisk; no brands 'ha' I recollect, or if *nv unknown. Whoever has or wil! uike up said horse and will either smd orbring him to me living as a hove, or will advertise him in th' Georgia Journal, letting me know where 1 may apply for him, shall b< well rewarded for their trouble and c.x- pence. Lewis Hicks. Laurens, County, Turk Creek. Match 8th U> New AdVertisments. Notice. On Thursd rv 5-h May next, will lie sold to the highest bidder, at the late residence of William Cuuyus, deceas ed iu Washington county, one horse, some cattle, goats, one gin, Qne ridiov chair, one waggon, various kinds of carpeut-rs’ & shop joined* tools, a par cel of good Walnut nlank, one framing saw, two broad axes, two club axes, peach stands and brandy barrels, &c. All those who have claims against the es'ate are desired to bring diem forward If gaily authenticated. 8t those indebted, are requested to make pay ment Notes pavab’e the i.-t January next, with approved freehold security will be requited, by Rachael Crtm/us, E\’x. March 2f> 22 • WILL HE MOLD, At the Cour' house w Dublin, L »u rens county, on the • first Tuesday in June next, agreeame to »n rrder of court. L »t No 15 t ’n th 1st district of Wilkinson row L ‘.urens countv, Sr Lot N >. u6 >n the 8>h district of" Wikinsou now Telfair counts, the real estate o' R'bert Hart, dec’d. Terms made known on the dav of sale. JVm. 0 Weal, Adm’r. ' t •• b 23 oo r,. Turk, i 1 ), 1814 J Wanted Immediately. Seventy Waggons, for the United States service, for which liberal hire will be given. T. BOUflKE. I) Q. Jt Gen. (J. S. Army. Fort Hiwltitis, Feb. 16. I8t+. tf. Notice. NINE months after dste application wifi be Wide to the honnrahle the Inf-rior -ourt of Mergvn emiTitv, f r l-ave to fell one hun'ln-d ■nil |.,4 acre' of ’and, lying in the rnuo*v of Ja c per on the waters nf Mivder Creek, and part of lot No. nine, in the diftrirt N-'. 15. he. ing the real eftate of Andrew Miller derM. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors df faid deceafed. Thomas Heed, \dm*r. January 12 team* Nine months after date application w’H he made ‘o the honorable the Inferior court of Putnam county, for leave to fell two lot« of j land. No 95 and No. 96. adjoining each other I in the 3d diffrict ot originally Baldwin, now 1 p .tnarn coiinry, about S miles below Ea*on I ion, wlierenn James S nuleton, dec'd formerly ! re ided a!fu 25 acres hein(r part of L<v No. ■ 103, and joins the above mentioned 'ot num_ b-r 96, .aifo one halt acre lot in the town of * Eat niton, No 2 in fq iare II. beinu the pro perty of James Singleton, dec’d—fold for the benfit of the heirs and creditors. Eden laijlor, J f JJathw Jones■ f September s praia. Cif£U tll.1 Baldwin county : j WHEREAS Henry Barrow ami Drury LpPsr have applied to me fur letters of ^jclmiuistration on Ihe estate nntl oflect- ■«f Charity Barrow, Inlp of this countv ilei-’il: These are therefore to eite & nd.nonisli all and singular the kiadretl and er'ditnrs of said dec’d, to lie And appear at a court of Ordinary tn he held in end for suit] enuuty, on the first Monday in May next, then and there to shew e use j if any thev cun] v.Itv said letters should tint h« gran te<I Given under my liand this 14th March 1844: Abner T.ocl.'c. r c o. GEORG1 V, Jasper < cnmty; WHEREAS John and James M’dee h ive a|ipiied to me for letters of admin istration on the estate of Edward M’Gee, late of the iMHiuly and state aforesaid, deceased ; WHEREAS also Benjamin Waits has applied to me for letters af administra tion on the estate of Johi| Singleton late of this county aforesaid, dec’d These are therefore to cite and adrnon isliall and singular the kindred and cre ditors of said deceased, to file their ob jections! if any they have] within the time pointed nut hy law, otherwise said letto. s wil! he granted. Given under my hand this 9th day of March, 181*. Robert Robey, rt. c. o. WTJL BE SOLD, ON Ihe seventh day of May next, al the lat * resident e of fames Hendrrx, d: r ceased in Jackson county, all the P'rrso ial Lhs’,?t of «Od dccease.1, consisting nf Morses, <’■title, Fhct'p and Hogs ; houselto’d and kitchen fur itnre, plantation utensils and varioti* other articles too tcilions to e- mimerstc i Terms of sale will be made kiioun on the day of sale. Hannah ffnulve.v, Adm’rx. Phenuel Wilson, Ad.u’r. '7«P-h 2.{ 22—if NilML ipondis atu:r dace, app ica :- on will lie made, to the honorable thi court of Ordinary of Putnam couiy, lor leave to sell the real es ate ol Thomas Etving, late of said county dec’d. James n>ldr 1 .1<'*tan, > , , , Joseph Hud Heston. \ ' * m rs ' Alarr.h 2'! 22—-p-9tn. iiEe)R' »l M -ntg ,nrie<v county. WHEREAS Wright M ; DnmaId,ex- friu.or on the estate of Angus M'Do- nald, deceased, applies lor letters of dismission on said estate ; These are therefore to cite and ad. monish all and singular the kindred & creditors nf said deceased, to be and appear at mv office, w.thin the time prescribed by law, tiien and there to shew cause (jf any they have) whv said Utters should not be granted ; Gi ven under my hand tins 8th day of Marti), 18*4 D• Thompson, c. c. o. March t6 in6nr*. j.L persons havingdi-muuils ag..mst f \ theestate nf Ziehens Towell late of Jasper comity deceased, are requested to bring them forward duly attested with in the time prescribed by law, and those indebted to said estate will please tn make immediate payment to H’m. M Dowell, ? John kite, J March 9 fW—if. Adm’rs. GEORGIA, Montgomery county. WHEREAS Sarah Miller applies for letters of administration on the estate of Nathaniel Miller deceased: These are therefore to cite and admo nish all and singular the kindred nnd cre ditor* of said deceased, to lie and appear at tl’8 next Court of Ordinary tn lie hold in und for said county, on the first Mnn day iu May licit, then and there to shew causa fif any they have] why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand this 6th day nf March, 1814. t) Thnatgeon. e e GKORGI A, Jackson enuuty ; At HERE AH Hally Parker applies for Utters nf administration on the estate of Mathew (J. Parker late of said county de ceased : And whereas William Hancock applies for letters of administration on the estate of Jobu Hancock, late of said county deceased ; These are therefore to cite and adrnon isb all aud singular the kindred and cre ditors of said deceased.‘to be aud appear at .my odie.e within the time prescribed by law to shew twutse j'if uu> | why said let ters should not be granted them. Given under my hand this ltth day of March, 1fii4. Ed vard ddams, c. c. o. "Contfotic. a.LL p“rsnni are hereby cautioned n W gainst trading for n note of hand lot eighty dollars, given hy the subscriber to the late Archibald Martin, Esq. ns the consideration for which it was given hus failed. EDWARD BASH. March 23 20—21*. GEORGIA, Morgan county ; WI! E R R A S Willi** W i. I in ms hath ap plied to me for letters of administration on the estate and effects of Robert Wil liams audEdintiod Williams, both late of said t ouiil> deceased ; These are therefore to eite and ad- monish all and singular the irimlrcd and creditors of said deceased, tn be and up. pear at mv ollioe, within the time pre scribed by law to shew cause [if gay they have] why laid letters should not be granted. Given from under my hand at office this 7th of March. 1814. Jejjlhuh Fannin, Clk. Stop tlie Deserter! DrRcrted from this post on the i6ih ins . Hardy LusHLle, a private sol dier in th.- United States army, 24 years of age, six feet one inch high, of \ght complexion, blue eyes, dark hair, & by profession a Tinner / any person who will apprehend said Deserter, am? dtliver him to me, or secure him in J-til and notify me bv letter or other wise, shall receive a reward of ten do. Ijrs, and all reasonable rha* gi s paid. MOSES A. ROBERTS Lieut. 8ih U. S. Infi. cutnMg At F or t Haw kins March 23 22—10. GKORGI f ncs coup tv. WIIEREAS Lucy Adkersnn hath np plied la mi! for letters of administration on the esKte of John Adkefson late of this enmity, deceased ; These are therefore to cite and admo nish all and singular the kindred and ere iliiors of said decease 1 !, to lie and appear before I lie honorable Uourt of Ordinary within the time prescribed liy law, to shew cause [if any they can] why said Idlers of administration should not be granted. Given under my hand nnd seal at office, tiiis 7th day of March, 1814. II. M. Comer, c. c. o WILL BE SOLD. Or> Saturday the SOtli Apiii next, at the house of Edmund Hodges, in the countv of Twiggs, the property of Noali Radford deceased, of said county, consisting of one horse, sad die and bridle, two hundred hushe.s of corn, more or less, and other arti cles too tedious to met -ion. Terms of sale made known on 11i f*. day- Rohert Radford, Adm’r. March 10 22—tds. Return me Home !! I STRAYED or Stolen from the subscriber’s plantation on the 28;h ol February last, a SORREL HORSE, about eight years old, tour ieet eleven and a half inches high, a star in hi- forehead, swab tail, had on a small tinkling bell when he went off; any per son delivering or giving information, so that the undersigned may get him again shall be liberally rewarded. Peter Heed. Baldwin county. Lit 1 tie Black creek j March 16 22 It. BNCIOtMl AGEMENT FOR SOLDIF.IIS. Never did greater encouragement ex* i*t far people to enlist in the service ot* their country, than at tl c present day* To those with whom pecuniary cnnipen- s ition is an olj. rt. Ibis compensation is abundantly offered. To • vet') able citi zen. who shall enlist as a soldier for live years, or dwiiHf the war. will he given ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY- Foril dollars bounty, and One hundird mid sixty acres of Land. The Bounty will be received by every such soldier, though peace should be made one \ve< k, or at any time subsequent to the time of en listing. In addition to this he will receive Ninety six d< Pars per year, as wages, besides his and rations. 81 cuihl he cuntintu' in the service five years thi«v compensation will amount, at, to r Lout FIF1KEN HUNDRED DOLLA1IS. C\- ciusive of his rations But money is not the only inducement which offers ini people, to engage in this service. A confident belief iu the justice of our cause, and a full comictioji of.tha ne»essily of prosecuting it, will irresist ibly lead . itizeM, who love their eotm* try and value their*liberty nnd indepen dence. to the performance of a duty so im perious, so essential to the rights of Free men — When every expedient, tried by our Government, to prevent the present rupture, has failed ; when war h:.s been declared only because it was the least of the evils from which our gavernnu nt must choose, and because it w as iniuc| enstublo to the preservation of nur national sove reignty and independence; when th« monstrous policy and extravagant claims of "our enemy are still persevered in; when the prosecution of the war on the part of thetnemy is marked with mole than savage violence and cruelly, onrdc* fenceless women r.nd children fleeing l hrough frost & suow from their savnge, re- Icutless butchers, lightened by the flames of their dwelling*; age and infancy indis criminately murdered; female virtue and honor tarnished nnd violated, the slumber- iiig vengeance of our country must be n- roused ; our injuries must und w■!! b * a- venged, our rights asserted, support, d and secured. When a question of liberty and shivery is tn be decided, those who regard the welfare of their country will Hoi k to its standard with Roman devo tion und Spa. tun bravery. Our country docs not call on them tn light its bat tics for nothing; but «li n it call* on mlLi- duals to sacrifice som*' priv .lt ease .nl domestic enjoyments to public neves.- y, it rewinds them bountilLiiy. Hweet will lie the reci/lhctinii of lim ing saved your country froii. ihe »!-*i , g. s which threaten it. Obey tiien ils calls, and pot down enemies of evtrv desenp- tioia uml glory and liberty will be yo,.t rich reward.— Vermoant Itipubliuin. — LETTER FROM MU. LEX ‘ ! It T) 1HK F.LKCTOHB OF MASS A CII LSI I TS. The delicate piopricly < (I by usage, in our country, forbids H at n m u stumliog «s a candidate fm otlice. sl ■ uni address Ihe electors If the Mibsn iber had consented to heing itl»< ed in t|. | si- tuatiun, this rule would bind him to si lence. Though he ’while at home, that he whs not a for of fice, republican newspapers In thevi inity of the seat of governm nt, where he now is, has published an opposite statement. Tiiis singula' slate of tilings seems to require an explanat on. In performing ibis duly, he may dissent from some fa vorite doctrine* and measures of men high in influence and respectability in both the political parties that now divide the reun- try. Candid men will not attribute this tn any indirect or unworthy motive ; the others, when their intellectual optics are stimulated hy passion,or darkened by pre judice, will see some mischievous purpose in a more attempt to he understood in Lis own conduct, and to explain his objections to thut of others. Hopeless indeed would be an effort to acquire intiueure hy pursuing a course offensive 1o the leaders of both the par lies that convulse the nation. Such ac tive spirit* have both power and incli nation to diminish any mail in public c- timation who opposes the projects of their umbitinn, while the native vis inerticp of real patriotism prevents support from those quiet citizens who agree with him in opinion. The principal subjects on which poli ticians at present divide, are the system nf restriction on our Commerce, and ilio war with Great Britain. On the former, the writer differs radically from Ihe par ty called republican, and he dieses they should know it. At the same time In* is utterly unable tc reconcile some of the leading measures of federalists, as to tho latter, with the fundamental principles of civil society, and the indispensable duty of every citizen iu all countries, but espe cially iu the American Republic, to hold stt-red the union of his country. It is this opinion, probably, that has produced th<* singular fad of his being nominated for the iirsit oitico in the Couiuicuweullh bv «■