The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, March 30, 1814, Image 1

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VOL. MILLEDGEVILLE. MARCH 30, 1814. PUBLISHED BY SeifoN $ Fleming Grantland, STATE PRINTERS, AT g •? A YEAR HALF IN ADVANCE. DESERTED. FROM my recruiting rendezvous it Irwin, ton, Wilkinfon cout *y» Georgia, on fur. Ail letters to th« Editor* mud be port paid. hough, the 1 J*h of December ft/Benjamin j Stt/i/xw, a private foldier in the 8th U. 8. in. | ^ ens co “ ,u >; a , . ' *>' ! fantry of the following description ; horn in “Been hands high North*Carolina, Moor county, twenty two years of age, about $ feet 9 1.4 inches high, | fair complected, grey eye*, light hair, and by ceived to "this pnpor for less than a fe'ar. All persons who have onee enter NOTICE O subscription will in fiitnre be re- ; profession a farmer, and bis left ear is partly " ' bit or cut off i stout, well made, and inclined to be quarrelsome, and aaid at the time he en. jilted that his place of residence was in Wash* ington county, Georgia, about 16 miles from nay rendezvous. A liberal reward willl be giv en to any person who will apprehend and con- fine him in any Jail in this state or deliver him to me, or any officer in the U. 8. service besides all resonable eapenees or apprehend ing him. LEMUEL GRESHAM, 2d Lt nth V. 8. Inf y. •„i their names will be considered sub. ccribers till they signify to the contrary. The advance money must iu every case he forwarded, ami no pnper will be dis continued till all arrears are paid. February 23. Oconee Navigation- Encouragrd by the liberality with which •'ir Shares of the Oconee Navigation company /,ave been fuhscribed for, and the flattering irospect of its continuance, thediredtors have determined to commence working on the ri- »cr, the enfuing fummer; in confequencc of which, (h reh ildrn are hereby required to pay into my office (which is kept in this place) previous to the fiift day of May n»xt, tweniy fiye per centum on the amount they may have jjhfcribed. To tccommodate this payment :o the difficu'ties of the times. Shareholders who cannot make it convenient to pay the twenty five per centum, in money, may dis charge the fame by fumiihing healthy tasks. Me labourers; for whom liberal wa-get will be allowed, and particular attention paid to their health, See. Shareholders, who may prefer fu 'ithing labourers to the payment ot money, mutt notify me to that effect, previous to the flrt day of May ner, rpecifying the number of labourer* to be furnifhed j which labourers mnft be held fuhjedl to the demand of the trea. hirer. It is expected the work will be com. menced in the month of June, and continued is long as the depth of water, and clemency of weather will permit, at leafl. From this ibsieholders will know how to mske their cal eu'ations, as to the number of labourers it will require, to pay the twenty five per centum. Liberal prices, in fhare»of the company, wil be given for labourers, or to perfons that wilt furnifh hands See & render navigable, under the direction and infpedton of the diredtors, an* particular fhoal, or obftrufled part of the fiver, between Piffling creek and the junction of the Appalatchee with the Oco ee Per. fons dispofed to furnifh hands fcc. and render navigable any particular fhoal or obftrufted part of the river,and reejive fhares of the com. pany therefor, will deposit in my office pre. v.ous to the firft day of May oext, feaied pro. pofals, fpecitying the fcoal or ohRrudted pan of the river they wiil render navigable, the price for which they will perform the labour, and by what time the work fhall be completed The diredlors will mee in this place on the tat Thursday in May next, for the pnrpofeof taking laid propi fair See. into confider ition. B\ order of tbe DireBon, GEORGE IRVING, Treajkeer (Ej-The fubferiber will attend in Gree»«bo frnigh, from the 25ih to the 90th April, iudu five, for th e above purpofe. Greensborough, 15th Jan. 1814. 15 3m 10,000 DOLLARS CONSTANTLY »n bund, for lb. |mr. pose of purchasing Pork, Fat Beef, Ba con, Flour Whisky, Brandy. Soap, good Vinegar and Candles for the United Slates troops. The highest price wiil be given for lltose articles delivered at Fort-lluw- kins, and a proportionable price for them delivered at.Milledgevilie—A large sup ply of thorn is immediately wanted. Al so will he given 8 dollars per day for strong Waggons and goud teams, or 8 dol Ur# per day and found—should owner prefer the latter price, they may rely on being well furnished. FA It IS H CARTER. Febmary 21st. 18—tf. STRAYED from the subscriber, liv ing on Turkey Creek three miles a- bove Mr. Joseph Chairs’s mill, Lau- IIay Horse about or upward#, slim made, black mane and tail, short docked and swab tail, both his hind feet white, aged about seven or eight years old, round bodied and makes a noise in his nostrils when rode brisk; no brands that I recollect, or it any unknown. Whoever has or wi.l rake up said horse and will either send orbring him to mi living as a bove, or will advertise him in the Georgia Journal, letting me know where I may apply fvrhim, shall be well rewarded for thtir trouble and ex pence. Lewis Hicks. Laurens, Counter. Turkey 1 Creek, March 8th, 1814 J March 16 21—3;* Notice. ALL persons having any .busines In the Clerk’s Office of the House ol Representatives of the State of Georgia nre requested to make application to George R. Clayton, erq of Millcdge* ville, who is authorised and empower cd to transact the same, and who wil always be ready to attend to any appli cation. Augustin S. Clayton, Clerk March 1. 20 4t. Wanted at Fort Hawkins, CORN & FODDER; For which the following prices will be given : Corn, Sixty two and a half cents per bushel ; Oats, Fifty cents per bushel. Fodder, One Dollar and fiity cents per hundred pounds ; to he delivered at the Ferry over Ocmulgee river. The subscriber will enter into con tract for Corn and Fodder, delivered at Fort Lawrence on the Flint river, or Fort Mitchell on the Chatahouchee river. T. BOURICE, Hep. qr. AL Gen'l U. S. Army. Fort H »'vkin«, Feb 25 20—ti. CASH will be given lor good well smoked BACON, at 9 cts. per pound ; elso 5 cents per pound for Pork on the foot, delivered at the Ferry on thr Oakmulgee near Fort Hawkins, by the 1st of April, 1814 JENKENS D. WEATHERS, Agent for the U. S. Contractor. March 5 21 31*. the Subscriber TTAVING purchased the house and lot JlT tormerly occupied by Mr. Scurry, in tiic town of Milledgeville, will be happy at all time* to attend to any busines* in the hne of hit profession. He intends practicing in the Ocmulgee Circuit, and will be tbaukful tor a portion of the public patronage. James V. Frierson, Attorney at Law Milledgeville, JaMkry • t* WILL BE SOLD, On Monday the 4th day of April next, at the late refidence qf Elliot Coleman, deceafed: a part of the Personal Property belonging to the eftste of faid deceafed, con sifting ofhoufehold and kit- bn furniture, hot fee, cattle and hog*, a riding chair, a parcel nf ::ornand a new boat Term* will be made known on that day, and the fate will he con tinued, if requifite from day today, until the whole is fold. The houfe and lot lately oc cupied by the deceased, will be rented on the Jay of fate, or fooner if applied for. John Scott, Rx’or Februa- y 22 ' Js '« Notice. All persons having demands against the estate of Elliott Coleman, t late of Btldwin county, deceased, are required In render them, within the time prescribed by law, duly authenticated, and those in debted to said estate, are requested to make immediate payment to John Scott, Ex’or. Fehruarv 22 18—fit ,-iH) utrp WILL BE SOLD, At the market house in the Town of Sparta, on the first Tuesday in April next, between the nsual hours, the foil, wing property, to wit Negroe egroes Jesse, Luke, Dinah, Milly. Vmy, Mariah, Nancy, William & young Lulce, taken as the property of Georgi Xarswnrthy Herd; to satisfy an execution in favor of William Shivers against An drew Stewart and b&Uy his wife, Adtnr’s of said estate. WL Gary. Stiff Ids Mr rch 2 1 ft- WILL BE SOLD, At the Court House in Jasper county, on the firft Tuesday in April next, One Stud Horfc known by the name of Dare-Devil, levied on as the property of Rus feljonr*, to satisfy an.execution in fivorof John Stewart, affignee, for the nfe of the re. prefentatives of Aquilla Uurrocghi.againft the (laid Ruasel Jones and James Kidd. Allen AVClendon, n. s. FebruaryfiS 19 tds. Notice. Strayed from the subscriber on tbe 28th of January last, a likely bay mare with a blaze face, five years old, has a number of small white spots on each side of her neck, three white feet, had a small sore on the right side of he: ack and was shod before---likewise a black mare, five years old, shod al yund ; whoever brings them to the subscriber in Marion, shall receive a liberal compensation from me. ROBERT CUMMINS. March 23 22 tf. Wanted Immediately, Seventy Waggons, for the United States sen ice, lbr which liberal hire will be given. T. BOURKE, I). q. M. Gen. U. S. Army. Fort-Haw kin#, Feh. 16. 1814. tf. WILL BE SOLD, On Tuesday the 26th of April next, at the late refidence of the deceased, in the town of Hartford, All the Personal Property, of Thomas A. Hill deceafed, confiding of hoofehold and kitchen furniture, some Hock, &c. Terms of sale will be made known on the day Robert Hill, A dm’-. Behnury w otv IMPORTANT LAW CASE. Lorenzo Astolfi,*} Aetinu for a Libel 011 vs tthe character of the Joseph ChiappL J Plant iff'. Phis action was tried at the present Febmary sessisn of the Major's court of theeity of New-York, before the honors ble Josiah Oirden Hoffman, recorder. The Plaiutiff is a respectable confec tioner of the rity of Philadelphia, &the defendant is owner or proprietor of a museum in the city of New-York, for ex hibition of wax figures, entiled“ the Ita lian Museum .” The declaration charged the defendant in substance with wickedly and maticiou*- ly forging, m dicing, and fabricating a cur tain ridiculous, libelous, and ludicrous group and collection of figures of wax, if aid concerning liie piai.nilf, contain ing among the same a certain fi ;me unit effigy of wax intended to represent the plainliir, and two other figures of wax, in tended to represent two countrymen, am! by the said group the plaintiff in u false ludicrous, and odious attitude, posture, and occupation, purporting among oilier things to lie in I lie act of holding in one hand a cup, as if off'eriug the contents for sale, and with the other hand playing an organ to aud before the said two ffguris. who are represented us convulsed with horrible and odious laughter, and grin ning at the said figure intending to repre sent the plaintitt*. That this group was openly and publi ly exposed to view, fo the purpose of injuring the plai:,iiff. & * ' is g- nupofffgnrt'twas announced to the tuplin by printed hand billscunt.-iumg < • mong other things the following wo ds: “ original portrait of Lorenzo Astolfi. # onfeelioner in Philadelphia; lit-is rep resented w ith two countrymen b. lore him. & playing on the organ, ns lie used to do when lie first commenced business.” The cause was ably conducted by Cow drey, Addis, & Wilkins, of counsel for the jilantiff, and Anllion, ofcouncil for the de fendant. After the argument# of the counsel, nod a very able anil luminous charge by In* honor the recorder, the jury reti red for » bout tweniy minutes, aud returned will, a verdict for the plant iff for nineteen hun dred and seventeen dollars damages. The cause being moved, excited much interest, and the court-room was crowded with spectators. families; they are doubtless well known to your Excellency. AH they ask tor is, liberty to proceed with their empty vessels and necessary fishing appara tus,under such restrictions as your Ex cellency shall judge expedient, to the fishing ground in Boston Bay, for the purpose of fishing for the Boston mar* kct. If theyhad not, heretofore, (except in the instances alluded ti>)demeuned them selves as good citizens,quietly & peacea Lily pursuing their innocent St ncceccs- iary avocation / if they had not rigidly obeyed the laws ; unilormly respmc the authorities of their country, and been constantly attached to the union of the states ; they would not now ap [ tar before the lather of the merican people. But they confidently appe; to the officers of the customs, and all those citizens who have witnessed thei conduct, for its uniformity in the above recited particulars. NAYS—Messrs. Baylies of .'ass. Bay* ly of Va. Bigelow, Boyd, Bradbury, adle - - - CONOR ESS. house 0ruurt1F.SE vtj Ti11- ■ From the Boston Patriot. ‘ A HOOK. IN THE NOSE.” The follow ing petition, signed by thirty* seven Fishermen of Boston and ii* vi cinity, ha* been forwarded to the Presi dent of the United Suites. By some, it may be styled “ a liook in the, jiosk.” To his Excellency James .Madison, Pre sident of the United States. 'Hie petition of the subscribers, fish ermen of Boston and its vicinity, hum. lly sheweth, that many of them have nadvertently and without due reflecti- m, signed a petition to the legislature f Massachusetts, praying for relief from the restriction imposed upon them by the M Act laving an embargo on all ships and vesnels in the pom and har bors of the United States;’* They have vince learnt, that therein they were most grossly imposed upon, ahd deceiv ed by< designing individuals. For, had the legislature granted their prayer, and any one man availed himself of the circumstances, it would have involved this state, and perhaps the nation, in civil war; it would have raised the state standard against that of the union, and brought upon us all the horrors of siivil commotion: ConsequenceB which they now comtemplate with horror, and deprecate aa the greatest of evils. They ask no indulgence incompatible with the great national objects contem plated by the embargo law. They trust it would be wholly superfluous to des- pribe tV.eir necessities, or those of thrir Wednesday, March ». No petitions or reports w«-re presented this Hay. Anil nearly the whole Hay wn# o«t 'ipi. d in desultory proceedings iu re lalion to YAZOO CLAIMS. The house resumed the consideration ftf I he unfinished business, being a motion to reject the bill for indemnifying certain eluiiauiits to land in the Mississippi terri ton. Mr UcJcly of JV* T. who was entitled to the flo6r w hen the house yesterday adjourned rose mul declared, that such was his confidence that the house would not, in the wav proposed, re ject this hill, but permit i: to take the ordinary course of other business, he should decline troubling the house with the argument he h«d intruded to offer— He merely took the occasion to correct wliul he *h omed an erroneous impression which prevailed yesterday,that the mes sage of President W ashington in relation to ilii., subject, wo# such a 01 • as ronvey- ed au lotimutiuu ol fraud connected w ith the sale of the land. Mr. Wright <f Aid made a few ohsvr v at ions on the great importance of tin. subject, aud the imposing authorities bj which the recommendation of a eooipro- •niseis surrounded Undersuahcircum stances, A the pledge which lieeoni'.nded (tail been given by the government to coin promisee this claim as now.proposed, lie 1 aped the bill would not be rejected, &c» Mr. Troup of Geo. replied fo the hitter irgiiiueiit, and d-nied ihat any pledge in 'Ins rcgpcct had beengivel) by the govern ment. .Mr Pitkin of Con. rose fo rem irk •ml) upon one uiguim nt whivh had been used in the discussion upon this question —That the present claimants hud notice before ptirchusc, of the fraud. He said the subject had come before tbe judicial tribiinnls iu (.’oiinc«*ti<iit, where many of I he purchasers resided- am! it had fieei iueontrovertihly proved that the first pur- ••fiiisei s under the act were, totally igno rant of the fraud. The purchase, he »,iid, was divided into shores,called scrip, like bank stock, and passed by delivery, entit ling the holder to sm-h quantities of land as were therein named. He well knew someoftbe original grantees who were there selling the scrip or stock ; and it was represented that no fraud had taken place. Mr. Alurfree of ;Y. C. observed that this subject was acknowledged to be of great importance, affecting the claims of a large body of settlers outlie public lands, aud he therefore trusted it would not be hastily decided, lie was not cer tain, he suit!, that he should vote for the compromise at all, because iu the first place, he did not kuow that the ugents of the company wore authorised to acept it ; and secondly, beoaiise he believed tho United States could make & better bargain with them. But for the pur pose of examining these points, and of further investigation, Ik* trusted the bill would not be rejected, but sulferred to take the usual course. As the bill at present stood, he said lie should vote a- gainst its passage hut he was not willing 10 preclude discussion and amendment by premature rejection. The question on the motion tore/Vcfthe bill, was decided iu the negative by the followiug vote : YEAS.—Messrs. Alexander, Alston, Bard, Barnett, Beall, Bowen, Brown, Burwell, Caldwell, Calhoun, Conard, Crawford, Cuthbert, Davis of Penn, lfe- noyelles, Desha, Earle, Kppes, Evans, Farrow, Forsythe, Fraukl n, Ciholson, tioodwyn, Gourdin, Griffin, Grundy, Hall, Hawes, Hungerford, Ingersoll. Ing ham. Johnson of Fir. Kenedy, Kerr, Leffiirts, Lyle, Macon, M’Coy, M’Kim, M’Lcau. Moore, Nelson, Newton, Orms- hy, Fiper, Pleasants, ftea of Pen. Roan, Smith of Pen. Stanford, Tuunebiil, Tel fair, Troup, l dree, Wlutehill.—38^ Bradley, Breekenridge. hriglmm, Ua- perlou, Champion, Cilley. Clark, Com stock,Cooper, Cox, Creighton, Culpepper, Davenport, Davis, of Muss Dewey, Ely, Findley, Fisk of Vt. Fisk of JS. t. For ney, Gaston, Geddes, Grosvcnor. Hele, Harris, Huffy, Irving, Jaekson of It. I. Jackson, of Virg. Kent of JV*. F. Kent of Aid. Kilbourn, King of Mass. Kingq/A 4 . C. Law, Lewis, Lovett, Lowndrs, M Kee, Miller, Muffit, Montgomery. Most ly, Mtu free, Marked, Oakley, Parker. Pickering, Picking, Pitkin, Potter, Johu RcedAVin.Reed, Rich,Richardson,llirigc- ly, Robertson Buggies, Seybert, Sher wood, Shipherd, Skinner, Smith, of JV*. H. Smith of iY. T. Smith of Va. Stock- ton. Stuart, Sturgps, Taggart,Tnllmage, Taylor, Thompson. VosepWard. of Alois. Wagd of N. J. Webster, Wheaton, White, Wilcoek, Williams, Wilson (f Mass. Wilson of Pen. Winter, Woodj Wright, Yancey—92. The bill was then read a second timo by its title. Mr. Oakley of AT. F. moved to refer the bill to a select committee. This motion gave rise to a desultory conversation between Messrs Ingersoll of Ph. Maeon of N. C. Lattimnre efMisa. Stanford of N C. M Kee of Ky. Troup of Geo. and Yancy of N. C. as to the pro priety of referring it to a committee of the whole, the of Claims, and the committee of Public Lauds, and mo tions for these several objects were suc cessively rejected. Tile motion fora reference to a select committee prevailed Ly « large majority. Mr. Grundy of Ten. then rose to move the adoption of the following instruction to the select committee. Resolveil, That the rommiUee appoint- d Io ro od on the above bill he instructed port the evidence of the authori* vested iu the agent now attending to eompiumiso the claims set up by the respective clai mants. Mr. G. said, that as a majority of this house appeared to he of opinion with the Seuutc, that a compromise could and ought to ho effected, it whs a great object that uny law passed on this subjt-i t should Te so passed ns to be effectual. That it might be effectual, tco great caution could tint be excmm'i] in examining Lie autho rity tinder which these agents acted.—- Mr. G. said lie had voted to reject the Li, and should vote against any bill which might lie passed on the subject; hill if such an aet w ere to pass, he wu anxious that it should be in such manner as should attain the views of its advo cates. Mr. Stanford* of .A* C. trusted, os tho subject was ref md to a eommiiee. that hey would lie instructed to in k<* a detail 'd report on the mi riisof this,perhaps the mu*t base ami abominable claim thw world ever knew. ' hose origin wits so ‘orrnpl and revolting to the mind of every honest man. He thcrefoie moved to a- int nd the resolution so as to require the committee to make a “ detailed report.” 1'his motion was opposed by Mr Oak ley. as iiuneeessury on a subject so fully understood ami *0 frequenly reported on in both brati' he# of the Legislature Some incidental renouks were merle by M r. Nelson of Va. in favor of printing ell the document# relatiug to this claim, of which, although heretofore.priuted, ho hod been unable to find a copy in the mnnton Library of the House, and lie be- iieved it would lie difficult to find a com plete copy, nor perhaps the whole ofthe originals, in the possession ofthe Clerk of the House. Mr. Jackson of Va. remarked that these documents had been twice nr tlirieo printed for the use of the Home, and lie ind no doubt there w ere a sufficient num ber of copies within reaeh of the mem bers. To reprint them now wotild re quire a longer time than was allowed for the duration ofthe present session. Mr. Stanford confirmed the statement of the difficulty in obtaining a complete copy of these documents, and adverted to a copy once belonging to the House, out of which some interested Yazoo clai mants he supposed [for no other person would think of doing it] had with a knilb cut all those leaves ofthe kook whicli contained the important evidence ofthiv fraud of the transaction. The motion of Mr. Stanford to amend the motion of Mr. Grundy, was negutir ved. For the motion B3 Against it yo Mr. Ingersoll of Pa. rose to more to add to the proposed resolution the follow ing amendment : “ And that the eommitttee he further instrut ted to n*<-ertain and report to the House the amount of money actually paid by iona fide third purchasers for grants; or litlos they may hold under the original grant.” Mr. I. said his object was to ascertain the amount of losses for which these third, purchasers claimed indemnity. He took it for granted that Congress would not re* turn more than the principal of money ae-s tuully paid by them for these claims, airff the interest it was ejptiiabB'dub. t