The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, April 06, 1814, Image 1

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T-T—r; - — Vol. V. MiLLEDGEVULLE, APRIL 6, 1814. No. 24. PUBLISHED BY Season Sf Fleming GRAsriAtm, STATE PRINTERS. AT 8 3 A YEAR HAI.K IN AUVANCE. Iy All letter! to the Editor! mud be pod paid. NOTICE. N ^O subscription will in fnture lie re ceived to this psper for less than a vear. All persons who have mce liter cd their names will he eonsid re I sub seribers till they signify to the contrary. The advance money must in every ease be forwarded, ami no paper will be dis continued till all arrears are paid. February 23. fi^HK suits'filter wishes to hire A B (j(IOi) WAGGONER. either white or black, to whom he will give liberal wages. John Greenlee. March 30 23—2t. AGREEABLY to an order’ofjhe Court of Ordinary, of Burke county will be sold on Saturday the seventh of May next, at the house of George Cor nelius. Three N egroes, to wit: frank, Let, and her child Eliza, toge ther with a lew other articles, the pro perty of Anna Cornelius, deceased. Credit will be given until the first ot March next by purchasers giving smal notes with approved security. y. B. White, Ad mV. Marrh 30 tds. SiM . i .... . . Si lv.\ If ED or siut- n lrom L. Ala gnire’i s. i lie in M Ue*ig;vilL\ on the l ight of the 5th instant, a brown bay Gelding, about four feet eleven inches high, hind footlocks white, shod before, paces, trots and canters, anv person who will deliver said horse to mein Milkclgeville shall receive TEN DOLLARS Reward, or FIFTY DOLLARS for the Theifand Hors-, John House. March 30 23 2 Notice. 1 hereby forwarn all persons from trading for two certa n notes of ham 1 given by mvs^lf to John R mton for 25 dollars each, both dated the 1st of Jan tiarv, 1810 ; one payable the 25th of December following and the other the 25th of D"ccmber 1311, both attested by John Andrews; which notes are in the hands of Wm. Lee of Greene coun ty, and placed there to nay srne debts for the estate of Pleasant R niton as John Routon informs me, and said Let claims the potes as his property, I have demanded the notes of him as administrator of Pleasant Routon, de ceased, to apply to the use of the es tate and he refuses to give them up and I do not m an paying the said notes only to the estate of Pleasant Routon. as they belong to said evate. Janies Gttffird. March 20 2 '—3r LOST on the t5*h of M ir h, 1814, 'ictwrcn f '»natha r - C Iter’** and G county, a jCKET-Book -antaining a 100 dollar and a dollar bill, 2 du<* b'll» on Pnymaft r Fannin d 1 note of’lan-t on Motes G-eer for s.’Oi'ol- •g—any prrfon delivering laid book and pa rs to the fubferiber, living 12 milt's ~el *w r-ensborough on the A>*gufta road, lhaii re ive a reward of ten dollars. Frederick G. Colbert. Marc 1 ! so 23 tf. WILL BE SOLD. On Tuesday Sd day of May next, at the residence ofC W.Callie*. in Greene county, The Personal Pnpeity wfVan Leonard, late of faid county, dec’d; confiding of a Horfe,Chair and Hsrnef 1 , feve rs) Cows and Calves, 5c . &c. C. IV. Calller, Atlm’r. March 30 * tds. THE suSgcr’her has appointed Joel Craw, ford, Esq. hi« agent to transact all business relating to the e-tate^f John B. Minor,dec’d. All perfons having demand*, against said es* tate wilt present them t•> aid agent, proven as the law req'iires. At »'i perfons indebted to faid estate will make payment to my faid a- gent as ear y as p 'ss b e, or leg il steps will be taken to compel them. Richardson 0 Scurry, Adm'r. March 80 23—tf. GuArdiAii’s bale. ON th first Tuesday in May next, will be sold, to the highest bidder at the Court-house in the county ol Greene, agreeable to an order ol the Court of Ordinary for said county, one hundred acres of Land, more or less, lying in said couiv.y, mi the waters of Town Creek, part ot the real estate of Jame3 Harvdle deceased, for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased.— Terms will be made known on the day of sals. ITardjf Phillips, GitarMn. March 17 23. tf. WILL BE SOLD To the highest bidder on Tuesday ’he 19th day of April next, at the late dwelling house of James Stevens, dec’d. in Jasper county, a part of the Personoal .Estate of said deceased, consisting of a stock of Horses, Catde, Sheep, Goats and Hogs, one likely negro bov, one Thresh ing Machine and running gear, ore Dutch Fan, a quantity of good Peach Brandy & a numherof othernrri- clestno tedious to mention. Credit will be given to purchasers until the first day ol March next, on all sums above three dollars, the purchaser giving his note or notes under thirty dollars with approved security. All persons having demands against the estate c.l said deceased are hereby notified t< bring them forward duly attested with in the time prescribed by law, and those indebted to make immediate pay ment to John Rivers, Th os. Stevens, March 30 23 td F.x'ors. Sheriff’s Sale. WILL BE SOLI), On the firfl Tuesday in Msv next, at the C urt-house in the town o f Hartford in Pu county, between the usual hours, the following property, to wit ; One lor of land No 339, in the 21ft diftritfl Wilkinson, now Puhflc:, half of two half acre lots in the town of Hartford, known and dis- tinguifhed in plan of faid town by No 6 and 7 insquarc letter E, one bay gelding ten years old or upwards, one fradtional survey -ontain inti 86 acres, No 400, in the Sift riiftrift, ad. joining the lands of Wn. Drverrux, fold un der the incumbrance of the ftate, two n- grots namely. Venter and Charlotte, one forrei' mare Ox years old or upwards, two feather beds and furniture, lot of land No 274 in the 24th diftrift, lot No 231 iu the l/5t n diftridt and No Ain the 20 h diftnCt, ail of wnieh was in Wilkinfon at the time ot Furvey, now Pulalk—taken as the properly of Benjamin S. Lanier, Colledlor of Taxes of Soriven ooun. ty and Clement Lanier his security for the years 1803 and 1810 to satisfy executions is. suing from the Treasury ; all of the above property pointed out by Clement Lanier. Alfo, one lot of land No 284 ir. thr 2tft din trict formerly Wilkinson, now Pul .fki, and the following notes, to wit ; ope on james Clark for twenty dollarp. one on Thomas Johnson for 64 dol.ars, one on William Wray for 32 dollar^ 81 1.4 cent-, by John B. Paiker, and one on Wright Howell for 18 dollars, endorfed by John B. P *k-t; taken as the property of Robert Deih *2 , C lledtor of Taxes ot Pulatkicoun'y for the year tail, to fatisfy an Execution issuing from the Trea- fury; all f t he above property levied pn by A ten Tooke and returned to me byA.*h* bald Lassiter ; property pointed out by faid Dcohazo. E j -h Wallace, Shff. r. c. March 4 tda i uc Lclebratta running iiurse sTUMP THE DEALER, ,By the celebrated imported horse Bryan 0’Lynn,} WILL STAND inc ensuing season 1 Mnicdgeviiie at twenty dollars the .eason, winch may be discharged bv ftl etn dollars, il paid within the sea n, which will expire the first ol Ju y. Stump the Dealef won the great- st post sweepstakes that ever was run lor in this state, over the Bt wling Greene turf, 13 subscribers, distancing til that stat ed but one ; he won the first day’s Jocky club purse at Sparta, .lktuncingthe celebrated running horst IIco, that had won m my races against n. first rate runners—he was then ta ken to Nashville by Gen’I. Andrew Jackson, and wen the first day's jockey club-purse, threr,* mile heats, agains. ihe finest horses in that country—he never was beaten or paid forfeit,*& is pronounced by the best judges, the most perfect horse of his kind that has been bred in America, and equal in blood to any horse in the world, which may be seeu by reference *n the gene ral stud book, compared with the cros ses of his ancestors in America, th it is kept at his stand. He stands nearly 5 feet 3 inches high, a deep bay, black mane, tail and legs. Pedigree. Stump the Dealer’s dam was got bv Grey Diomcd, Grey Diomed bv Meal- lev—her dam by Wildair—-her grand dam by Janus. Robert TV. .Alston, John Thomas. y. B. During mv absence from Millecigevilie, Mr. Downer will attend to the above hc^se, and receive marcs h feed them wen for twenty-five cents a day. John Thomas. Mart* 20 23—tf. WILL BE SOLD, At Irwinton, Wilkinson county, on Thursday the 5th May next, a number of ilalf acre Lots in said town. Terms ot sale as usual. The sale to be postponed from time to time by The Commissioners. March 23, 1814 23 tds. Notice. I hereby forworn all and everv per son from harboring or trading wi*h mv apprentice Joseph R. Tucker as he has left try house and employment without mv leave or consent, and the obligati, on still standing against me John M Arthur W c’.inpt r n cm’:.'.’ 1 «rr.< 25 2' 2- IS OllCC On Thursday 5 f h May next, will be sold to the lughevt bolder, at the late esidence of William Cunyus, dt ceas ed in Washington county, one hors «<>roe cattle, goats, one gin, one riding chair, on<- waggon, various kinds < I c 'rpenters’ & slv p j jice s’ tools, a par cl of good Walnut plank, one Irani n;> • aw, two broad-axes, two club-axes, oeach stands and brandy barrels, &c. All those who have claims agains* 'he estate are desired to bring the" forward legally authenticated, h those indebted, are requested to make pay meot. Notes payable the 1st January next, with approved freehold security will be required, bv Rachael Cunyus. Ex*x. March 26 ‘ 22 tds Monthly Notices. W HEREAS John 81 Ann Armftrong, Ex. ecutor and Executrix, of the eftste of Jo’m Armflropj* fen. dec’d, haveappiitd to me for Ictiers of dismiMion on the eftate ot aid deceased $ Thtfe are therefore to cite and admonish aland fin#ti'ar the k ndr-d and creditors of fa d deceased, to he and -pp-. ar at a court of Ordinary for faid county on the irtt Monday ui July next,, then and there to (hew taufi (if any they have) why laid letters Ihould not he granted Givt n tinder my hand this 4th day of No* venihtr, 1818. Robert Robey, c. c. o. December t w6m. NINE months alter elide apptica*ion will be made to the honorable Court' Ordinary of Greene county, for k-.n. to sell a tract of land formerly the pr- - perty of John Adams, deceased, tlv land lying in Greene county, on the writers of Richland Creek containing 277 acres, the above to be sold for the benefit ol the heirs of said deceased. William Johnson, William E. Jldams. Ft '^nnrv 9 0-901 Ailni'rs. Nine rtiomns after date, application .v ill be made to the honorable the In ferior court of Morgan county for leave to sell all the real '-‘ate ol Jere miah Miles, late of said county decea sed. Edward Williams, Adin’r. March 17 m9 * Nine, months after date, application will be made to the honorable th*- In ferior court of Morgan county for leave to sell the real estate of Alexan. der Awtry, sen. late of said county de ceased. Edward Williams, ^ Atlm - r ,. Alexander Auctry, jun. 17 m')m. NINE noii'lis alter (late applies tion will be made to the honorable the inferior court of Hancock county, for leave to sell one hundred acres of land, lying in said county, joining Thomas Cooper and others, whereon is a good dwelling house, and other convenient out houses, being all the real estate of S irah Harvey, dec’d; to be sold for the beuefit of the heirs and credi tors. Richn r (l />. Fletcher, 1 nd, S Strp'ien Thurmo> March 11 Adm'rs. m9m. Notice. At the same time, application will be made for leave to sell an undivided tract of three hundred acres of land, joining the above tract, belonging to Jeremiah, R chard and Levy Harvey, orphans of James Harvey, dec’d. Richard Jl. Fletcher,') Rennitt Jlillsman, kGuardians. Stephen Thurmond. J March U 22 mOx,. 1 NINE months after date, applicati- I on will be made, to the honorable the i court of Ordinary of Putnam county, j for leave to sell the real es nte of 1 Thomas Ew*ng, late ol said county, dec’d. James Huddleston,} . . , Joseph Huddleston $ AHm * ' March 23 22—m9m- NINE montha after datt, application will be made to the honorable the Inferior court of Laurens county for leave to fell all the real estate of Travis r enn, dec’d, for th* herein of the heirs and creditor!of f*i*l dec-afed 11 iliiam Hawthorn. Adm’r. Mary C'eirs, A'lm’x. December 92, 1813 73——mom Nine months after date application will he made to the Inferior court of Jones county for leivp to f t i| fifty ac*e» of a tradl of land Mimher S7. in theSih -blbicr of Jones, the property 01 Thoma Gardner, deceased—to be told for the t-e’ielit of the heirs and credi tors. t Jason Gardner, A dm. Pebruary 10 m9m*. NINE m after date, appheati n will he made *o ne honorable the Inferior court of Morgan county, for leave to sell one hundred ail 14 acres of land, lyingin the county of Ja«p-T, on the waters of Murder Creek, and part >f tot No. r.tne, in district iJo fifteen, be ing the real estate of Andrew Miller, dee*d. Sold for the benefit of the heir! and creditors of .aid deceased. Thomas TJend, Adm'r Jan. 10 12 msm. NINE months alter date, uppiica- ti n will be made to the honorable the Interior court of Laurens county, sit ting as a court of Ordinary, for leave to sell the real estate of Richard Deene. dec’d ; for the benefit ot the heirs and creditors. E. W. W. Wynne. Adm September 6 m9m. NINE months after date application will be made to the honorable the C->n-t of O din-ry of Puhfki county, for leavp to fell lot of land number 271, in the 21st Wi'kinfon now £u- laski county, helongu g to the eftate of Jacob Dunn, de -eafrd t for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of faid dereafed. Diana Dunn, Adm'x. Angnft 11 mom. GEORGIA, Baldwin county. Upon th» applic ttion of Enoch Eftanda, ad- m*ni drator to the eftate <>f Laiab Eiland", de- ceafe praying to be dismi’ed from the faid admnii"tration ; It h ordered That nfre- fix months public hereof, has be* n given in one of the mi He Gsxette! of thia ftat ft once a month fo- fix-months, th- fj.,t Enoch Eiiands i-e dii*m ; (red accordinely (r*'m hi*- administra. tion, unlefs caufe he (hewn to the contrary, at the next court of Ordinary af'-r the expira tion of faid term. Taken from the m'nutea 5tb Jsnu.ary, 181.4. Abner Locke, e. c. o. January 12 mem. Nine month! after .date aoplica'ion will be made to the honorable cmirt of Ordinary of Clark county tor leave ro fell a tract of land, containing one hundred and forty eight and one half acres, be the fame more or i-as, ly. ing in Clark county, on Aopalatchee river, the real eftate of Philamon Thompfon, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Samuel Hester, Adm. February ft ms>m. GEORGIA, Montgomery county. WHEREAS Wright M’Donald, ex ecutor on the estate of Angus M’Do nald, deceased, applies for letters of dismission on said estate ; These are therefore to tire and ad. monish all and singular the kindred & creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the tirm prescribed by law, then and there t*> shew cause (if any they have) why said letters should not be granted ; Gi ven under my hand this Sth day of March, 1814 D■ Thompson, c. c.o. March 16 mfirn Fine months after date, application *1 * b- made to the honorable court of Ordinar 1 * of Oglethorpe county for leave to fell 300 acres of land in said county, adjoining the lands of Glass and Swanson, being th real estate of Alexander Cummings ne~ ceased—to be sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. ThonmsAf’Grhre, Ex’or, M.rch 9 20 m9m. Nire months after date, application will be made to the honorable the Inferior court of Putnam county, for leave to fell two lota of land, No. 95, and No. 96. adjoining each other in the 3d diftrict of originally Baldwin, now Putnam county, about 3 milea below Eaton* ton, whereon James Singleton, dec’d formerly refided ; alfo 25 acres being part of Lot No. 103. and joins the above mentioned lot No. 96, alfo one half acre lot in the town of Ea- •onton, No. 2 in fquare H. being the pro perty of James Singleton, dec’d—fold'far the benefit of the heirp and creditors. September 8 Eden Taylor, 1 5? Mathew Jones. ) S m9m. Hancock Superior Court, Ang. Term, 181*0 John Bolton, surviving ro-" partner of Robert ami John Holton. vs, David Fltiker, Executor of James llarvy. Rule Nisi for foreclosure. Upon the petition of John BoTtofi who is the surviving co-partner of Rob ert Bolton praying that the equity of redemption to a certain tract or parcel ol land ct • taining by estimate two hun dred and ten acres, more or less, lying in the county of Hancock and state of Georgia, on Sandy Run, bounded west ward ly bv land of Peter Hutchinson, northwardly by Tullv Choice, east- wardly by land of Micajah Cooper & Southwardly by land of Federick Rose at the time of the mortgage, bfinp part ol a larger tract granted to Bur well Rogers, which tract of land on the tenth day ol .March, Igio.thc more effectual ly to secure the payment of two th >u. sand two hundred & ninety eight dol lars & ninety cents, was mortgaged by the said James Harvev to said Robert 8c John Bolton by a deed of Mortgage hearing due elate therewith. On motion of Thomas Fitch, attorney lor the Petitioner, it is ordered, that the principle, iterestSc cost on the .id mortgage be paid into this court within twelve months, or that the equity of re demption to the mortgaged premises be thence forth and for ever foreclosed according tothf nrayer of the petition er ; and that th*s rule be puhlishsed in one of the public gazettes of this state at least once a month till the time appointed for the payment of the money into court, or served on the said David Fluker, the Executor a- foresaid, at lea9t six months previous to that period. A true extract from the minutes thi* 4th August, 1813 . Thillip L. Simms, Cik. August 1 r ml 2m After the expiration o' nine months application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Warren county for an order to sell the real eitare of William Butt, deceased^ lor the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Timothy yMathezvs, Adm’r; August is _ mo-n NINE months after date applir.a'ion will be made to the honorahl- the Inferior court of Putnam r.riJmty for letve to sell the teal estate of Martin Kendrick late of said county, dre’d. Jane Kendrick, Adm’x. Alford Clopton, Adin’r. Jans* 9 . . n9m. GF.OROfA. WifiiipRion coun'y Whsrras Jefie Armstrong Ex’nr on the eftate ot Junct* Jonea decrafe«Lapp!ifs for let ters of diamlfiioo, on said eftste , i'he c .e err therefore to cite and atlmonifii ;l! and finguUr th kindred and creditO'S ol laid deceased to be and appear at my of fice within the time preferihed by law to Ihcw Caufe I if any they have] whv faid lettc'S fluuld not be granted him. Gv en under my hand, this J4th Oftobrr, 1813. /. Inun c. c. o. Deccmbsr 4 mSur Niiif months after date appliot ion will be made to the honorable the Inferior court of Tatnal county, for leave to sell TOO a- cres of pine land in said eoumy, adjoining John Langford, the real estate of Thomas Griffin, deceased ; for the ben fit of the heirs and creditors. Lucy Griffin, Adm’x. September 8 , , ,n9m. GEORGIA, Twiggs county. Whereas Asa Cotton, administra tor of Abraham Davis, late of said county det eased, has obtained an or der ol the court of ordinary for said ci.urty, for a citation for letters of dis mission as administrator on the estate of said deceased ; These are therefore to cite and ad monish all and every person or per sons, whom it mav concern, to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary for Twiggs county, on the first Monday in September next, then and there to shut cause (if any they have) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal this 7th February', 1814, Arch'd M'Intyre, c. c. o* February 23 18—mom. t lASll WILL BK GIVEN, foragodB j Riding Horse that work* well—-yVp* ply at this ullice, April 6.