The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, April 04, 1820, Image 2

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domes Wot by liis own agency, bul, like nv other states of anrient Greece ; ihe chest of goods, is brought by the we learn from various passages in E ower of another. The same slave, poets, their historians, ami tneir o rought by the same Coutroul, over the that the citizens of these states Florida line, woultl equally be imported, slaves. Rome, from the period Then this authority toforbnl importation, wives to Congress the right to prevent the bringing of slaves into our country, citherby land or water. " Migration” is the going from one country to another. The thrin •‘emigration,” expresses the saint act, while it brings to mind, the country which has been left by the emi grant. By observing a number of exam ples, we shall perceive that these words are applied toluin only, w ho is a free a- gent in changing his country. After the revocation of the Edict of Nantz, great numbers of Huguenots left France, Heart expulsion of the Tarqnins to that. i i ; . usurpation of tlie C'maars, is call “ republic,” both in the writings «*f r own authors (IV m whom we derive word) and in modern productions of nations. And who diat has read the t.i - tory of Rome, douh's the existence of slaves in that republic? Tlien the ex clusion of domesti slavery is not es sential to a I'epubii'. an form of govern ment. lly the consent of all who have used the term, a governinein may per mit domestic slavery and std! be repub- iTi’ixidufilit, bit against an organized, K" ")> nieiit, Airimcan state, rests'‘ng she i> lievc.s to be oppression, con- • n Jing for what she believes to be In r •pendence. Dot s not histm y afford ftwirut evidence., that in enh a caii.-e American people ti.lit v ith despot a- ■ iep. ; that tliry fannot Ik* subdued; that • > must triumph or ire exterminated r Do voti hi what part the southern stintw ini in sto !i a contest r— Are you u .at they v.ill not re gard i m; c.itj of Missouri as their own muse? (hat. they will not feel them- w*lv >_•» constrained to protect Missouri in defence til tin ir own vital interests?— _ .dss'fis-vimi/.ir.’i of Ihe puke Jc 11 in — t pistol to h’s heart, I at length succeeded ''he inhabitants of Palis have been hor- \ in destroying hint, nfter recoivit g twen- or ?’ruck by eu atrocious aifiasit.attou, j ty-live wounds.”—Lieut.f„lle',i \>as >o pet pelrateil about 10 n\lock on the niglit , much hurt, as to be obliged to retire from < f the stqd- Feb. on tin* perron of His j the service of the field. This action did Royal I Ii. lines* the Duke de Ben i. The i not escape the notice of the Marquis of Prince attended the Duchess to her car- Hastings, (k the Lieut. has been appoint- riage in quitting the Opera House, she ed to a post less liable tu exertion. Our affairs mil. Spain.—The ki ln fit and becoming teiu.-,us ' atu whol ly averse to l.iviiiicf before him J.osc "hi li cannot, fail to prove offensive to mr su-uc k by eu at mm ions ar.ausit.atiou, I ty-five wounds.”—Lieut. Coilen'was so his exalted chatacter and sovereign dig nity.” On (lie noth Nov. Mr. Forsyth replied to the duke San Fernando, & said : “ tlie official note whs prepare d and sent by the insfi ur'ions of the government of (lie Lulle d States, lfrepie e ntations, w hich ! am directed to make, not receiveil, circled him with hi - left arm, and thrust lowing extract of a private; letter "(V n v further resilience near his majesty’s a poniard ff indies and a half long, in his highly respectable source, which we dr. aily sea'cil, wlicn a person pass- j quickly b v 11 is Royal Highness, en- court, would be worse tliun uspIcss to my country. As the business of the remon strance is likely to produce* very unplea sant consequences, I propose out cd a inn a have e sub- Are you willing, in the prosecution of! prudent, but ptuisibiy useless caution, to t.,is incisure, to array against your an-1 desire the note of the lbtli ultimo, (the Whatever country they adopted, wheth er their removal hail been e fee ted by land or water, they were called “ em igrants.” The royalists, whoduring the French revolution, removeel hy land to Germany, or by water to Knglatul or A- merica, were called “emigrants.” The Irishtnsn, who crosses the ocean, to live in the laml of freedom, is called an “ em igrant.” Then the term “emigrant," (he who migrates,) is applied to him w to, by his own agency, changes Ids country for another, whether he; removes hy hind or by water. On the contrary, the Sici lian, who is aiezed b v a corsair, carrieel to Algiers, weighcel down with chains,& imtniircd in a dungeon, is nut sniel to " emigrate,” to be a Sicilian “ em igrant” in Algiers,——He is a pri- mner, carri xl to the land of his > ptivity, by the power of the pirate. The citizen on a frontier settlement, or his African slave, seized by Indians, and Carried to one of their remote; towns, there to serve a capricious anil e vuel veil man, although he passes over l.’ff, : s not a-iid to “ migrate,” In he an emigrant: be :ause he is carrieel into captivity by the T’""cr of a foe. The term i*< lmver applied to tiie A>ican, who is broil -iit as slave to our s’liovv Thus, from an examination cf the fun damental principles of the cons'ifiiiiun, and of the several clauses, which were supposed lo have an affinity to thi- sub ject, it appears that the power to art on I it appertains not to the federal govern ment ; ami that therefore it must of rte- . cessity belong to tin* states. Hut why ■ neeel I prove what the restriction itself conlooses? A state constitution is a sy ; i tern of fundamental rules on those sub jects on which a state has a light to le gislate lor itself. Hy requiring Mi-“iui- ri to insert in her constitution, a prohiin- 1 tinn of slavery, you will acknowledge that this is one ol timsc subjects on which she has u right to act for herself. I will here observe, that as we have I never granted to tin- federal government, the to niak laws touching t!ie re* : lut; m uf master and slave in the states,' wc need not the sanction of Unngie, -,! wc .mk not your consent, we will hold our slaves in defiance of your |rj.ver.— *Ve warn sou not to interfere. i As it appears that the constitution has I not given you the light to prohibit »la-e- 1 ry in a state, we will examine whether you can acquire it bv a special compact with Missouri, milking the relinqiiisli- thoiutv me power ol one half o! lliis Ln- j remonstrance which had been returned,) ion ? And no von recollect, that if you | tohe carefully translated by a person at- briug on yourselves this dire context., i teclied to this legation : It will then be your op'Kinenls will have the advantage 1 sent to your excellency for re-examina* of lighting for their property, for their j lion, unless I should previously receive right breast up to the hilt. On feeling the had an opportunity ot perusin'*, pi wound he uttered a cry and fell sense- more satisfactory information out’., less into the arms of his servants. The jset of our relations with Spain, thaa'is Duel.ess herself sprang out of the car- «iif,closed by the official di'cnn'e:-> or- i iage & drew the dagger from the Duke’s the subject: sA at. /■ f breast, whose only exclamation was, je Extract of a letter, tinted. Cadiz,'r ii e v.e'ire. Tin* Duke was conveyed in- j IT, ft: 10. to one of the saloons of the Opera, anil | “ We have nothing new here. Mr the nearest surgeon sent. for. TheDuth- For-ytli has bcci pre-sing tin, cxs never quitted the coucii of her hus band. nmc formal assurances on the subject iff tiie grants, which occasion'd it, that will justify me in withdrawing it altogether ; an occurrence that would air rd me the liveliest sensations of pleasure. If, on the re-examination of this document, your excellency’s determination should remain the same, you will do your duty, ami 1 shall do mine without doing violence to language, be apnii 'd to the slave, who is curt-ini by Ills master from one state to another. the powers here granted, by im plication, to Congress, are topreventthe '•ringing of slaves, and the removal of ol he • persons, from foreign places to the 1 .uted States. The funner power has neither can it, J ment of it on her part, the pr ice of her 1 u ' admission into the Union. It will be recollected, that the new ; 'ate, on Iming admitted, i.-: made a party to the federal •compact; and consequently, that in tiie act ot admission there uniat not be m;v condition inconsistent wit.i the princi ples of (hut compact. That great com pact makes a complete distribution of all tv. *ti exercised; the latter sleeps, like a j political powers, en, iling a portion of sw .rd Ln its scabbard. _ j them to tiie federal government, and se- Some of Uie advocates of this restric* ton eudravor to justify it,by that clause j cun a new of the -.oil ..i'utun which authorizes Con ietu .ke all n-edl .! rules and reg curing the re-ndue to the states. How to pact lit; formed on the same subject, (political pov. ers) tiie whole gro nid of which lias he.en covered by al dims for die government of their ter- the federal compact? The same ohjee- ft lories. From the rig-g. to govern tertitary,i. it not prepos’erous to infer the right to govern a state 1 Infant colo nies, from a number of :rn, are deem- <y 1 Ititaptdi,? of sili’-girvertr.rumt; dur- frig this pjli.i ul inim ' i'v. they are un der the giun.lianship of Congress, who arc bund to provide for their interest, no I vx chpn their ex enud welfare. It *r ii-knowl^difed by all, tii .t the authori ty of Uongreax.derivcJ from this source, reases to exist when a territory is erect ed it;n> a slate..' If authority cea se-., where will b*. t/•? force of a regula tion emanating from that authority ? s!tf"iy, for their independence ? Even though tiie advocates of this measure may think it constitut'imr.l and proper, ttiey should .tliatnloti a policy so perilous to our country. I will suggest one other topic for the consideration cf r.v ftieniis from tiie north. They are the guaidiatts of the reputa'iun ol their constituents. Are ! they willing to forfeit for those cort.-li t- j uents the esteem and affection of tiie'-iM fellow-cit‘ from me to suspect, that on this occasion the sacred j to this—that the I re;: names of liberty, of !tgii);i, r-* used to v designs iif avarice and ambition. Rut will not this suspicion be t : e necessary olfspiing of your policy? Will not the peoj.l.tcff the south il ‘S|ii e what tiny will believe to tie the hypocrisy iff tin; noit.ii ? V» ill they not driest unat they will bcli.'Ti* to be the f. .indolent avarice and ambitioti . I (lie nortli ? This mea sure wilt ir; the parent of suspiciov, dis cord and I; it red. Then the proposed restriction is not recommended by policy; it is not a i-c- tioned i>y justice; i' is not pern.bled by the ennsti. iii’on. I tints ahead} excit ed, through the Union,a tremor, an agi tation, which, 1 fear, is ominous of its t liance of Spain would It ment very hard a'out General V 0 ., s atnl it is at last, fin brdertoquiet Mr. F.| The London Chronicle of January been determined llmt he shall go; but 1 , contains copious extracts from ; know positively from a per-nn, whuhaa van [ upers. From these, it appears ! ■* from \evrs hinmelf, tlu.t he goes to tha’ Austria is making important regula- 1 l’aris, from thence to London, ami (la t tiotix, for the promotion of tiie commerce | lL ‘ | ,a-1 f ,() idea <>t leaving Eutop., until 18th German it is known what our government Aas done, and means tu do. Tims you see, people wait for explanations from oftha’ country.—A very liber*tl tariffuf | transit duties is to be carried into effect. A canal is cutting from Vienna to l'ri- . , i psti\ which will unite the Danube and this court, they may wait, and the busi- m4m — , i the Adriatic Sea ; the canal is finished t ness w ill be protracted by^^pretended tie- 1 he letters rrotn Mr, Aimms, tn nn-^ () Hungat ian frontiers. ’1 he canal j Kocmtions for ten years longer. If oiir :it zens of the south? Far be it I swer to certain questions proposed by the I f~oin Milan to Fa via, wiiich was deter-; government will act with energy, all will * |«» in inuate, tar be it Irommcto j conimitteeon foreign rela’iun.*, amimnt | on gnf) yean, ago, has been coin- 1 riglit. It is ridiculous to talk of Eng- itieted ; by i*. Milan is united with the ! Itxncl a9>istingthis country; they uie on Adriatic sea. | as bad, or, it possible, on worse terms It appears, by recent accounts from ! ^ith Spain than ourselves. Resides, Cape Coast Castle, that part iff the j England cannot, and feels no disposition coastof Africa was infested by swarms of - 1° quarrel with us. hike wishes, it i« ’rates, of the very worst description, i true,to get us into a war with.Spain, but ho frequently, not content merely v ith 1 that *** merely to get a cover cr pica for plundering (he vessel, murdered the acknowledging the independence of S, crews also. This happened to the Dutch' America, or forcing Spain to admit her ship called the Drie Vriendev, in Dis- j mediation, securing to herself the cora- cove Roads, which was boarded during | merce exclusively for SO years, the night, when the captain, mate, and all the crew, were inhumanly butchered, ami th.* ship was afterwards blown up by the marauders. Marshal .Ninth was introduced to Lou is A VIII, who restored to him his baton as a Marshal of France.—Tiie King of y !.- (-• ppOoed oil'll ■iinanity, ami re-j ing on the V’ing of Npain, like a covenant il the unhallowed t to convey lands by an individual. He also intimates that probably a reason why the treaty lias not been ratified was in a lie-ire that the L. S. should stand pled,g-1 ^rutes, of the very worst (lexer ed not to recegni/c t!ie*iiulependeiice (ff ' the South American provinces, though si: h a pledge been decisively infus ed ! mgsiuce. lie gives us to understand that some prospective views of the poli ty cf the French and Russian govern- ments have been obi.iined—they are fa- virrablc to a little further exercise of our patience. The Secretary does not t .*- pe •; that i t the event ot a war with .Spain any of thj European powers will inter* fet-e—but concludes tiir.t the.'”.w-.-s! rc- .V in t: dissolution. I solemnly warn its sup- ment of privateers fitted ou' & porters to bew are « f the dangers v. Rich J the people cf ihevivve preparing for our beloved coun try'! If’ndiin^toii, JWureli 0.—Our Spanish affairs, alter lying dormant fur some months, arc suddenly revived ; the com mittee of foreign affairs i.i the home of J’iJ'.i' Lcrdn.— in day, Mr. Walk w, cf tioc that, on V. cdtirs r.nk leave to biing in of th? purchasers cf of which ivv a unitei turn world not arise against compacts in roladon to laml or money ; because these are not the subject of tKe federal coui- pflet. The riirlit to prescribe this part of - the state constitution, cr to make any regulation toucliing slavery within a state,has not been granted by the fede ral compact to the general government; it is consequently secured to the state j s bv that compact. This new compact Would tuke Irom the stute tlm right thus Secured, and transfer it to the gen. ral j bion..; and tint i ttoveriupe'it. It is (ii uiat varianc- i;h i little lur tlic welfar i the federal compact. Which must vii ; Winch is ol tin* highest authority ? It representatives, have to-day rccotumen- j the late purchasers A 'nu’ij it not be a palpable contradic-1 different political engagement should ex- tion, t<# say that .Missouri shall become i*, between at y people and the federal (led, cr reported, a bill, authorizing the President, if lie deemed it expedient, to occupy the Floridae—-At the -umc Mine, a message is sent by the President 11 the two houses cf congress containg the la test dispatches from Mr. Forsyth, tnfeiti er with a further concspm.iii m e be- Cveetj him -;i.. die Spanis!; secreb’iy, i f ate. Mr. Forsyth coiixidars hi, ,m If out of favor at Madrid ; itisinuxie.. that the issue iff lii.i negoriatiun is very i!u- JI*.icaalx, vviio c-.irc of Npain. in c: ; x- isoii W:n th ir inteustv, a.;i t-dv-, i:g measure* tn h.e ;»• • " d vv h • e«n|.lny- anr.ed by mnti ie;;.— Ft lies. too Senateyester- Alr.bauni, gave no- ’ay next, tic should a bi!i lor -tne relief lands : the object stand, to authorise Public Lunds, on ili-. 1 n die U. *e p;m- .liccutig uie ilu for Tin an independent st.ue, vested with the p'nvers of golf-goverument; but that two (ountiK government, and that people should af ter wards, bv admission into the Union, y mr previous regulations, made while become a party to the federal c she is a ten itory, sluvil totuinue to go Yern her forever. | Tl.e friends of the restriction have ( sought aid hum that chtuse of the con stitution winch autho iaes Congress to regnlate commerce between the states; but tins too will ni their hopes, j should enter into '•up this latter would dissolve tiie previous engagement: because, with the consent of the parties, it would cover the whole subject of the former-—that is, *i;•» poli tical relations oh the par: it.. If a m..u ufrr i>s ailmisssioit into the Union,] has deihim! dim il a ruptur. net ween lir.pi-en. f);i th? 15th Oct. Mr. Forsyth . ‘ ‘ ,. , , lain (]ny ol Apt il, till'!, lie, a M'lii a note to too Duke Nan i ernamm, t e«v«U-l wnd uu. le arplicahl. rci i ups' ing copies of the grim Is of land in l-bnula, t-» ’he Dnl.i ol Alcgim, the Count Pei.non It.i.-itrn, at d Mr. A’.irgas. f )n the a lute date, the I bike Fun Fernan do, replied tlict Mr. lYi iyik's request being sub 'iit'ed to dm- king, Ida majesty The restriction wit forbid acts wmeh | tent with the fed- CUBugcmentS niton: ■lv. — — - - — . ,.,v ^ (impact, these cn- hd VC no commercial dune ter. Suppose | gageircnts wmdij be rendered vmd bv that you sell a square of your land in I (.Heir repugnance to the contv tution. Il Missouri, toaci/tzen of Kentucky, who , (he constitution lias pow. r to st t uside bas never engigetl in one commercial these priar engagements : if its auihori- speculation, wio has never purchased, ty invalid and who intends never to sell a slave, in v: til:' but who has iiherited slaves from Ins I contradictory ii’is Dies-., subsequent engage ments, has it not rrjuiil virtue t.< de-ti or fa.her. A fanner from h s infancy, he resolves to remove into the new state, jcments, neither prior nor siibnt'iiucnt; in one sense, simultaneous will th -re to devote himself to agricultural i have the effrontery to thrust tl IaLj.h.i \\ l.^ri lia iti»i.itriia at tl... it . . - ! ^ i .1. i*lt I* t l IncM are - ini h nre, .i: which labors. \A ii«a he arrives at the bunk Of the Missimippi, can you arrest hi» slaves, underitlie pretext that he is en gaged in counierce ? If the federal go vernruejit uity give to the cunstitution an internrsutior* so contrary to the plain an! inaispi'F’-ble meaning uf its Inn go age, it nnsr lo.-v the toi.fiJ.enci* ot tin* jc*..... Agaii't its i*surj>atii-ris • n; states wid elect b*i riots more farmiJablo than wri'ten imuuu.ents. Cun wvfind auUn-vity for the restric tion in that Eitide of the consii'udion v hi- ii guarantees to (*aeh >ff' the;s a republican turmof gover.iin^nt? Lotus supp-. for into the bill which makes the new .-late a party to the constitution? Is an incon sistency lesi daring because you may see tin* two inconsistent objects xt one glance? Is a violation of tiie constitu tion less off-nsivebecause it iuipudentlv seats itself at the side of the constitu tion which it violates? By no special compiler, by no language which you can use in n i-iero bill, is it possible for you to alter die constitution, or to limit its operation. Even though the consent of rciuctan- Missouri should be extorted, this restriction would have no force;— the constitution would “purge off the moment that i!.i* article is , baser nuttier,” and would reign uncon trolled within its proper sphere over Mis*o iri, ns over Massachusetts, Penn not already invalid, sue this course. design d to s cure io cne s;at. • repub government,in which there shall b: no domestic slavery. This guarantee i svlvatna or Georgia, e xtern!, loull of the states in the Union, j consent to the restriction and would impure on us the obligation, not only to prevent dotreatic davery in the new, but also to eradicate it from the original states. If this be the nature of tiie guarantee,tt is u-ur duty to require (be southern states to emancipate their *lavex. If. they refuse to comply, it will then be our duty, armed with the su preme power of the Union, to subdue the refractory vlfwe-holders.aud to raise live slaves to an equnlitv with their mas ters; and thus to esiabFsh, according to this interpretation of the constitution, a republican form ol government among tlie n. But this is nut the meaning of the coiis.'tuuun, as the advocates of the restriction well know ; and (hat sacred k xtruneut in i uses on u, no such peri ls** s oniiyatdo!,. In ititerprefiug n piece of writing, wlien tiie construction of the sentence is plain, arid the disputed Wn d is not defin' d in any oilier (>art of th.-1.i..ament, vvi at must he our rule? Tl.aa.ti e that we idopted on a former Occ. don: we inut< ascertain the mean ing of rue word In Re couiiO'-u u>-.*. Xne lyoa! “ republic” is in question, It is i- not pos-thle lur it iri i*r lean tit:"- at is e r {■• :. i’. n .nuy, as he con - i his vv■.;*•.? ainrie in the matter of granls, i , in addition to their pub- iicitj, the most.ftuii-.en-it;certificate that can i— cr^!-t tub'.; eiveii. On the 10th Oct. Mr. i ; , rsvji, in :i no.c to tiie Duke Nan Feniaiidn ; “ I i.m not av.are that the royal word has hern given in this biisiu.-xs, (die grants,) iv would now request to he informed where it would he found,ifl v.ire confident it could be done, without offending the royal digni ty so refined and cthenal as tube above t-'ic comprelieuxion of an American min- i,ter.” On tho 16th Oct. Mr. Forsyth sent a remonstrance to the Duke Sun Fernan do, i dative to the unratified treaty, in which he begins l*v obxc. ving: “ It is not with the vain hope of; roducing any effect upon the opinions of t!\ix govein- me:it, that l refer again to tiiis suLject, (the treaty,) r determination being deli- berate!:/ made, and comporting, its jour excellency says, with the honor ol tiie king, it w ;ll no doubt be adhered to.— Time and experience are tbe c-ivieetois of the erroisiff states and Air.'Inn “ ; fA die hour w iil c< me, w i-.en me Should Mi.-'xouri ] imp-utience of this dcteitninatiou will be ion, and be rcceiv-1 sumciently spi.jren?," ike. \c. fi Vm* flu' Li» credit, in surrender tl;cm L Sta'e.,, in cotixt'q'ini.ceol sage ol a bill in t:-e Senate. P flic Lands i.i future io he cash uily. I'l.e hnd speculators have already i; ken he larm. i . Ciaz, l-ItIt •March. IN SENATE, /’i idty,.March 10. 'i:>e Senate commenced to-dav, in amid etu-ROh*’, to consider of tnc l5:tnk- Inil, mid made some prop css :n ii. f.illuwing ii-jioriuiii lesiiutious v. -> ,a:d mi Uie table by Mr. Kui -, oi a 1 nrk. /»'. *. V- if, That from .inil after the t n ';ui;ilion» anil prouston*ot l!>.’ Hi t, on!i i. • ** A.i mt conct-t'iung navigation,” p» •e<‘. -n t, .- and In ,ehy ,rc,. x ie ai'plicalilc to tl\c i ci ny - r ialiimt (f 11- rmnrla , t Uie iV.i ;dc”'u e or fiahn- n;.i Ulunff*. and tn all nil,- r colonii a, ivi.unls, phi e-*, tiie (lonuni.iu of (.real iiruaip, i;. tiie U i d Indic«, w liii 1, are n.-i i.-wi ini.ii. jeil w11hin F.ic v. yulvitions provisions of the act aforesaid. Jieia'veil, That, from n ff after )lie do fooilr, wares, or rn- I'l liardizc, »b' II be imp >r' d into tile I'uiti d, from il-e province o V.iv Bftiriivviek, the province ot .Via Semi:-, t!u- island of \i vvf-midland, or its d..-piciidencii s : the cof'-ny or island of Bermuda ; the Provi- detir** ol liabsnm Islands, or ary of them; or fron ' ny nttier proiiner. island,orpidce,un der tiie d' minion o| (ircat Britidu, in (lie West i Indies, except such goods, wares, and merchan dize only, as are truly ol the growth, manufac ture, or pi-Kluce of die province, colony, i-hod, er plan, ii-.-in wldeh the sain, has been direct ly inipor'ed into the United Slates ; ami tin.* all UT-.ids, wares, ar.d nn ri handw-, proliiSiC. il to oe imported intolhe tlmled Stan s as aforesaid, except as, which, af'.or the said sluvil be imported, or .Uterunted to l.a imported, into the United Sla'is, ronttirv to the proii- simis of this act, shall he liable to seizure, an 1 forfeited to the United States eil into Ihe Union, and x.iiiilil she then! On ihe J'dih Nov. the duke Nan Per exercise her constitutional power of Ie- 1 nandureplied to Mr. Forsyth : gisla'ing for herxelt on tlti., unliject, she Would violate no engagement which is extreme ct-nceni from vour not? of the :ly to dr D-.'.h nl Petersburg, (Va.) Feb, 23.—At pre sent, the attention of the people here is entirely engrossed by an insurrection of the blacks. Several attempts have been made to lire our town ; and many per sons, Imtli white and black, have been arrested. An armed guard patrole our streets, and I trust its authority will lie sufficient to suppress ary tiling of an improper nature. February it).—The inhabitants of this town are in a state of considerable ■oi or * aiann.i's 1 mentioned in my lest. The night bet ore last, the second best tavern io this place, a very large and spacious buiilling, was consumed by this most destructive elemei t, fire ; applied, as is Our country has but one line of conduct to pursue—to do justice to themselves, and not meddle, directly or indirect I v, eiiher with England of France. • * * » “ We have nothing to do with Euro- pean politics, and ought never to allow France lias granted n pardon to General! them to meddle in our affairs. All Li.valette. (things here continue to remain in the Sir Joseph Banks, in consequence of j same state off’ confusion; and though he very depressed ,iate of the ngricultu-1 Lozano Ton-ess is not in the Ministiy, i . ■ ■' lie has as much or moki: influence tiian ever.” — Liverpool, Feb. i.—'1’he supplies (/ cotton continue to be abundant, having amounted tais week to upwards of 1 (ioou bags; the effect of which has operated sensibly upon the sales of the w eek, the general impression being that the mar* ket currency viill be furtnerdepreciuied. an opinion, however, which some of the intelligent part of the trade think i« not warranted, either by present circum stances or our future prospects. The accession to the general stoi k has been principally in American descriptions, which have in consequence declined n- gain this week tjd. per lb. Insurrection in fit. Jagn-de-Cubn.— f’apt. Doane, of the sloop Roxana, from Havana, states that an insurrection a- mong Ute black population, had taken place n( St. Jago-de-Uuba, (he account of which reached Havana about ten dava before ho sailed. 'I'he Governor of Ha vana had fitted out an expedition con sisting of two transport ships, under convoy of a sloop-of-war, which tailed for S'. Jugoon the 3d, and Uapt. D. fell in with thua on theoth off Cape Flori da. Uapt. 1). did not understand tl-e strength of the force which had euihail - ed iu Uie expedition, nor did lie under stand whether the insurrection was con sidered very alarming; hut thinks i* waa not, from the tardiness with vtliiih the expedition was fitted out. We learn with great pleasure, (-h-s the National Intelligencer, of the luih tilt.) that Captain Macdonouciii lias been appointed to command the line of battle ship now building at Nfw-Vorl , when she shall be in a state lo receive, her commander. Captain Macilonnug!i having become sensible that the course pursued by the court martini, of which lie was a member, and which led to tin- officers composing said court being or dered home, was incorrect, with that magnanimity, which bespeaks a great mind, acknowledged his error to th. chief of the Navy department, v ho has taken the earliest opportuniiy of res toring the gallant officer to tl.e servic . This appointment will of course afford additional pleasure, when it is rcc -liet- ted (hat it is made without impairing that subordination, which is so essential to our naval service. the ral interest, has given directions to his agent, to make sm h reductions of rent as may enable his numerous tenantry to meet the emergencies of the times ; re marking, “that opulence would afford him no enjoyments, could he believe that the comforts of his tenants and dependantsunderwent any diminution.” A most furious insurrection is stated to have broken out in Smyrna. Much blood l as been shed on tiieoicasion.The palace of the Pacha w as stormed, and he himself escaped with groat difficulty. The Preside it’s Message lias been published in most of the London papers, and was rornrilod as an able stale pap er. In remarking upon it the Editor of the Courier saj, ;—« It i*> satisfactory to learn from thi<- document, that Ihe Uni- ‘etl States’ government is actively and -iorordvco-operating in putting down live -lave-trade.” An attempt l as boon made by Cob- b „> up a dinner in London,at the Crown iii.'i Ant hor Tavern, to celebrate th*- m. in .y of Thomas Paine, but was frustrated. The proprietor of the ta vern refused to suffer his house to be in ed on such an occasion. The papers speak of the revival of tfnlc in al! in? inaJiulacturing districts throughout the kingdom. We ; from Captain Hathaway, from Rotterdam, that he had seen a Lon don paper, of the 8tii of February, an nouncing the restoration of the health of George tiie IVtli—that 72 villages were under water, in consequence ol the giv ing way of the dikes on the breaking up of the ice—that it was reported Ferdi nand had eiiher gone oft, or had been massacred. Extraordinary conflict.—-Extract of a letter from Lieut. Collett, in the Com pany’s service, in the Presidency of Bom- hay, to his sister in England ; it exhibits evidence of unshaken courage and intel lectual readiness, scarcely to be equal led :—“ ln the beginning of May, 1819, our army, from hot winds and bad wea ther, became so sickly, that we were or dered into quarters. * On the 6th May, we passed through a forest, and encamp ed on its skirts, near a small v illage; the head of which entreated us to destroy a large tiger, which hail killed seven of j his men, was in the daily habit of steal ing his cattle, and had that morning! wounded his son. Another officer and ] myself agreedtt) attempt the destruction The Council Bluffs, to which place ol this monster. \\ e immediately or- ] it appeal's the Missouri Expedition is to dereil seven elephants,and went in quest be limited, are so called bom a Council gives •cia or id?., s of the animal, which we found sleepin under a hush. The noise of the ele phants awoke him, when he made a furi- totifi<ienlly supposed, by the hand of an ! ous charge on us, and my elephant re- I’Vcondiaty.—And last night, another at- j ceived him on her shoulder; the other Nimuid she pur-! which” seem wholly incompatible with j temj t, in spite ol the most vigilant ex- ■ six turned about and ran off, notwith- _ 1 -wild she, in-1 the principles pi u!V»sed by ynia iRjvcin-! ertiuns, vva& made ; but I am happy to I s'anding the exertions of their riders, J nearly two hundred miles beyond tt being held there with the Ind'an* by Lewis and Clarke, some years ago. They arc about four hundred and seventy miles above the mouth of the Missouri River, winch last is about fifteen uni*, above tiie town of St. Louis, and are (since 1 am '.y unpivee add, without success, to sei on fin* the j aou I-ft mp in tin* above situation- 1 had i ruinciest present American settlement lower pact of the town. If the tiling had : seen many tigers, and keen at the killin; 1 suited by your design to ket p her in per- j ment, and expi es. cd m term petual pupillage,exasperated by yout ft- 1 compelled to say so,) cqua tempt to destroy her proper- y in slaves, dented and repugnant to the delicacy & ^ been discovered only live minutes inter, ot them, but never so large n rne as this. | Mail Tlclbery.— On the night of the C'tff and alarmed at th? future cotisequen-1 attention which are peculiar to, ami ccs of this policy, resolve to tinow oft' invariably nbsemd in all iliph n vour yoke, to expel your offi. ers, and to communication!'. 1 should have form a republican government iur her- i If, what will then be your remedy :— 1 in tin* veiy high consideration wiiich I owe to the American governmei.;, in the are ■ (a- the wil d v as high,) no one can tell | 1 he elephant shook him off. [ then (iced | ult. the mail was robbed anout 2 mtlcjy iatie where it would have stopped. A black : two ball,, and the tiger fell—but again ! from Nevv-Haveu, on the N. Ion. r^ad. woman bus been take.n into custody, and recovering himself, lie made a spring j The thief has since been apprehended <>i Do you promise yout selves the pleasure ( due respect I entertain for you, and ts- and honor of a, kmivvledgmg vour er- j pecially in try duty as the j riucipal se- , and retracing your »t“p8 r t’lie gen-, cretury of hi, majesty the king, ley lord, lor tleman Irotu tngyour Fennsv iv; (Mr. oj«?»*y hy cr lumunicntuig to him the geant) has said, tnat a Union is nut worth j ol a note, which attacks the liot.i r of his preserving w huh cannot enforce its lav s. j majesty, without tending in the len-t to lie has suggested a course utterly incon sistent wiili cm character of u.cekoess. the strongest circumstantial evidence is j at me. I escaped him, and he seized at hand against her. The inhabitants of our town as cm may suspect, are in ro (tn iabh: rondi tinn ; for no (j.t* sleeps at tiiglii but fire arms,and w ithout exptuing to (iie elephant by her hind '<*g ; then re ceivinga kick from ln'i.aiul anoihct ball i- j from me, he let go his holt, and fell a tc- n I cond time. Thinking lnfwas by this time I disabled, 1 veiy unfortunately dismoun- rou.sed, citlier to stop the pn»grejs of the i ted, intending to put an end to his exis- devouringelement,or to quel! ii^uirec-1 lence with my pistols—when the mon- elm itlate the subject in question. It is lion. Indeed, the moment tire is called,' ster, who was only crouching to make thcrelore with the greatest etneeni, that an armed force commences pa!lo| icg j another spring, made it at this mopient, gentleness, and love i f |.race, winch lie it becomes my indispcnsible duty to re- up and down the streets, and nevei Iri!:- md caught me in his mouth, but it plea tiu'.og to 1 turn to you such a note, with Uie assur- until all danger is at an er.d— and wo be | ed God to give me strength and a coutse iasii, violent, auce tha. 1 will, with as greet pleasure, to the negro who is caught out, or in any ] scnce of mind. 1 immediately fired tn- .vve to nromptilude, and eagerness, submit to inisiienu aiior. It is supposed that th.* j m I is Ixsly, and finding that had little iit idu- Ids tiiiiiesi v t uicommuricatiun, as vi u w oman now in jail, will meet Ui< fate sbi* [ ell’ert, using all m forte, happily iliscn- . *.a,ged my arm. and then directing my tell so i*.jcli Pern .*ylvaiiia atnl full of ff; ngi.r. Vou will ha' enforce youi law, not agatn-i ’iniiv qnifjrtn'.y ipplicfltv Alliens, ami tuma-1 als, not against ordinary collac'.iowi of ui.“) iiudivsB tome, wliicj^Rit* t ouccned so justly deserves'. lodged iu New-Havcn jail. The Committee, in the Frnalc oC New-York, on Governor Tompkins* ac count, have awarded a balance due to him, ol eleven thousand ei^ht Imnffravi dollars ami fifty cents—and condemned tiie conduct of Mclntire the comptroller. Movement if troops.—The ship Or leans and brig Feliciana, sailed fre n Iteedy-Island on Natui J. y, 11 *h ul imo. Tliey have on board between -1 a .d bit*) Untied States’ tro.qis, with military stores, Ac. which are to ue lauded at Appdacliicola.