The Georgia journal. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1809-1847, April 11, 1820, Image 1

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r ■M GEORGIA JOURNAL,. VOL. XI. MILLEDOEV1LLE, TUESDAY, APRIL 11. 1820. NO. 20. mtim CONDUCTED by CAMAK & HINES. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES of Lawrence that falls within the boundaries herein defoliated, one representative. rs tithe State btpublitheriof the U.S.Lrvs) HE RE AS, by an act of Congress passed | And the election for flu: representatives afore i 1V is»Mnot t»H».i» «»v*Jif e,OK rotm * * on the lid of March, 1»17, entitled •• An 'aid shall I aEKDoLLiKS.ns^ov^^er.ut 1 mu. u«»mm , . vu wu .i« ui uiaien, soi i, enneien " /wi .w« »i*all be holden on the tint Monday and two 14 AT TK t fc-mnerina os the rs-aii. act to authorize the appointment of a surveyor , succeeding days of May ru xt, throiudiout the Ailvertls'-HienUunder Itxl v-oril* will be insert- for the lands in the northern part of the Missis- several counties aforesaid in tile said territory, first time for seventy-five cants, anil sixty- Hippi territory, and the sale of certain lands there- and shell he m every respect held and conducted ed the property three dnlll i uis three dollars r.'iu every lnitaiwe u mnm urcu iu» |»u«»- . — f —...... .. . „„. v «.». u... »ima *>* [•an »n All advcrUiemtrnU which do not appear fractional township five, in range four, west, and sa id, shall be made to the county of - ^ joilart with xn addition of one fourth 1 known, that public sales shall bo held at Hunts- returns of the election in that porti ,y. .,\„paper discontinuea iiu larcenous io imu west, except fractional section No. Ill, m said fjkrt nre riven and all arrearage* are paid. fractional township. Also the lots (designated REPORT ced by statement C, which has been ern- the space of two years, in the proportion Oy the Secretary of the Treasury, ployed to determine their specie, the of 99 to 62, even if it h .d been wholly in relation to the condition of the whole amount of bank notes in circuln- metallic, could not have failed to have Battle of the United States, and its ofjl- lation, may be estimated at $46,000,000. produced a very great depreciation; ces, tifc.Qc. —It is probable, how ever, that this e*ti- but, when it is considered, that, r.ot only • Treisury-Depaitment, 19th Feb. 1820. mate is too high ; ns, according to the the increase, but the w hole circulation, —Iu obedience to a resolution of general practice of banks, all notes is- consisted of paper, not convertible the House of Representatives, passed on sued n re considered in circulation, which specie, some idea of its depreciation qmy r _ the ist of March, 1810, directing “the are not in the possession of the bank by be formed. The depreciation, jo of Law j :Vn tcry of the Treasury to transmit to which (hey were issued. A reasonable was not uniform, in every pint <4'*thC'T' in'§ afore- Cong ress, at i;n early period in the next j deduction tx.inj made from the uotes nion. The variation in the '-r.ffet of riuctcMion, will be charged ns new true., in fractional township three, i„ range eleven, is provided in other cue. under the law sofUd sc‘ ; ssion, a eeneral stidement. of the con-1 supposed to be in circulation, but which depreciation, depended ftp only J'.upon 0 paper discontinueduudirections to that west, except fractional section No. 3i, in said territory. j dition ot the Lank ol the united .States, j are, in lact, in the possession of other the greater issues Of banks m'erce., bee. 4. And be it further enacted, That the and its offices, similar to the return made banks, it is probable, that the actual cir- tion ol the nation, than in othersbut, less also, upon the local advantages which they enjoyed as to commerce.' It is im. possible to determine with precision, where the must excessive issue of bang, notes occurred, statement K, which The destruction or loss of the returns exhibits the rate of exchange triween made to the treasury before the year the principal cities to the cast of this 1816, by the banks In which the public place and London, and the price of bills money was deposited, prevents any sa- at New-York, upon linsl«>n, Philadelphia tisfnetory comparison being drawn be- and Baltimore, during the years 1815, tween tneir condition before amieince 1814,1815 ami 1816, may becon-iidoe 1 that.period. Comparative statements, presumptive evidence of that fact. S i however, have been received from six- «t r as it can he relied upon for that pm • teen banks, in different parts of the U- pose, Ihiltimnre was ihe point of great- nion, shewing their situations on the esf depreciation among t!m above nun- 80tii day of September, in the years tinned places. Tiiis is probably tint*; 1813, 1815, and 1819. By statement ’ns it is known tliat die dAnks in ti at n, it appears, that those banks, at the 1 place niade'preater advanws to the gov fn>t period, with a capital of $6j}il5,262 eminent in the loan*which it obtained and with $3,039,149 of specie in their dttringthe late war, in uroporfion tothejr vaults, circulated $6,843,314 of their capital, tlm: those of rniladclphia, New- notes,amt discounted to the uuinmit of Yoik, and Boston. Buitlie greaieelde- $12,990,973 : at thesecornl period, tiieil* jueciation of the. currency exi ted in the capital was $1,852,371 5 specie, $1,693,- interior states, where the is .i ,s .. I hv law during! (18; circidsiinv 1,737 ; and dis- not ouly exco‘Hiie, but where their icla- rp ,ti ly ag • KV - 31 v.“:.: -.'r"'l...i “mthrVnll.avi^H' (; 'vcn under my hand, at the City of Wash ington, tlie tilh of March, 11120. JAMES MONROE. By the Vreirdcnt: JOS!All MEFtJS, Commissioner Gen*! Lr»^; ! Office. Man’ll 18 *5 —— Our APPLICATION H’W ue mudu to tlie honorable the court of ord : ’ j for Elbert county, ut July term next, for leave to n*U three negroes, a woman culled Sally,and her child Kllick, and a hoy nam ed Henry, all belonging to ihe estate of Richard Easter, ilec’d—for tlie benefit of the heirs fc* cred itors of said deceased. John C\ Toiler, ci’r. A I >nl 1 85 llla tives shall lie chosen in sutli Tuesday the fourth of July next, at Elhvrt court house, forty or fifty acres of lend, it being the r :al estate of RenNaper, deceased—aolJ for the beno. fit of tlie widow 01 said deceased. James Morrison, exe’nr. April t 55 th A (1 1 1 (J:X — Wa.ite l to purchase' three or four Milledgeville, April 0(1 TOR A. VVklttH r, having csiaumnen 1 .i,, ,1 -| , ,, , - r , , himself in Hartford, (,s. in lend, pra- Doing I t: " 8,1 1,50 1 V.’ ‘* le ^"“.M pu rchase 1 ■ Hi I ‘h.u no tax shall he imposed on lands t Medicine, Surgery, Midwifi:ry, tec. and may be found at Mr.’s boardinc March 2fi house. 2w ' - those ieccutly received, are the following L & w jUt:ite.d Slates, S vols. (new edition) Liii'.fy’ Law, V voill. Uo. on Pleading, .1 do. .htchb’sIj#w DiUinnary, duo. Lxf lie’. H*S l -'"'“l liids x, 3 do. i. .. .oldujdRoJt’s Ltvjw.i'tw,S (io. (hifcji’a do. V) do. 1; ,„.;.';aet ami Uuller’n, do. 5 do. '. j iij.jeli I do. 2 do. i,' a do. S do. Maddock’i CUancetT, do. i <lo. ylemt’l Index, 2 slo. ti;.ijUs(niic’« Comruvntaries, 4 do. \ ..itel’s I .aw Nations. Constitution United Slates Se> brrt’s Statistie.I ann: I a of the U. States Winte’j L< tterson England, K vols. Memoirs ol'Gcu’l Lee, by Uald'.vtll—Platej Peter’s Letter, to his Kinsfolk (irimshav/’s United State. 'lvanhoc. 2 vols. BOOH BINDING—Ginn Ji Virile, respect. r ;i v jui'.iim ill. > fii. iul. and the rnldio in gonoral, t i ie j. | w> .s in connection with the Bnokselli f, Bu- s'aiiH, rstahlislied a llindety, xi.d pledge lie-a- 1 selves to execute binding in Us various branches with neatness xnd dispatch. _ I N. B. Blank Hooks, made to O'Tfor at th<*slior- . t"st notice—order, from th< country, will be | promptly executed. Lihrari-i sol Academics supplied nil the met Id.inrl terms j Catalogues furnished gratis. Bcrynns ipih'h'til to Aruitu* (jinri, arc rc- quested tocall and pay ib- same ; those bavir.g ac- raunts against bn , will picaicpiresetit them. Milled go* i9 , MkicIi — 1 23™—-It — notice; rrVHE’mcV r * ! gn(d respectfully inform the pub- I. lie that Ihry have purchased from Messrs. Crenshaw and Harrow, their entire Stock of Good’, and will continue (he business in the House lately occupied by them under Ihe firm of BRADFORD, HEFBURN fc DANKLI.Y. . They ilow offer and will constantly keep for sals I gy Wf. are authorized to state (hat Colonel on the best termr, a great variety of ENGLISH, j Edward F. Tatt.vai.1,, is a candidate for Con- FRENCH, GERMAN, EAST -INDIA it DO- gross. MK.8i’lC GOODS. The former customer, of . . .mi ■ . ■■ m this llcusc, our friend, and the puhlic general- LAW'S OF THE UNITED STATES. *y, nre dpsircd to give us tlicir custom. | THOMAS M. IIRADFORD, BURTON HEFBURN, V,\M. J. DANELLY. Milledgeville, January 27. If *» \ * ilLEilEM, — Ihe s^mi-aunuul exmn* Sj } imtion of tho ) or,up; L:ulics at this phvcc. will coiiu.itMiC* allctk o'clock ou Frhlv the l ’'. r l \- j t il. The hoard of visitors ami iu a ighb-:>rii»£ fi irnd* f iinprovi ’limit, are requested tl, attend. The j.-resenlativei of ihe United .states of .hi yiminer susimn will commence on the iirst Won- Vt •lay in May ; &l’ier which hoard will be reduced to *4»e liumlred dollars a 3 car, and tuition ot the high er Haves to thirty. Ear i>ai licuUm see a ion at r Journal. Ughthoi’pe count}', March 2w xji'/w vv A iOVi nl Te\v i:\.11y sTube ~ Jr a. ■•tl yVr/.ncf, fnf !h° hil<*. firm of Wil cox I'. L.ins, Sparta) having taken a store on ihe comer of Wayne and Hancock streets, otters for laic a j;ood assov tiiient of Good* in h»*» lire, among vhich are Hold and Si', tr Palmt J tvt'\ mv\]jht..i H. tehee j Clocks, fine Gold Chn»»s, Sealvrid Keys. do. Jcwtlers* tiold, Agrcat vano?y; Bear I Pins : ml Pings of ail kinds, Hr celcfJ.Ncck- ; i" p ., common Kinga Si Pin s, h great asam tnwmt; tjioons of all f ’mda, Gilt (yLaius. Seals and Kc\s, do. ol, Candlesticks Casters Sr.nftcrs, N: Trays, 'bis of j i 1 Wore, one at: t Si I Lietlo. plated, Silver Butt01 Krr nthority to adjourn to any I other place in the said territory, which to them amount of notes issued by those hanks slmll seem best for the convenient transaction of and in circulation, the public, and private L1 r B hai!r,Vdr!m lmh K? nvenli0 "\ Wh 7r i ,le P° sit ‘ ,s in them, the amount of loans met, snail nrst d^lerininc, by a majority of tho j* t , whole number elected, whether it be, or be not, . ,n scnu 1 l * J n,il de hj- them and rctnntn- exprdi. nt nt that time to form a Constitution .V i lr, K unpiud.aiul the total quantity of apo state Government for the people within the said j t’ic they possess: and, also, to report ^ l uuih tpinmuy ui < mint ; or, il it be deemed more expedient, the • I lilted Staixis, or to supply the cir said Convention shall provide by ordinance for 1 culiitinp; medium, in place of specie, U- electing representatives to form .Constitution or dapted to f lic exigencies of the country, frame of Government; which snid ■ &, within the power of the Government tives .hull lie chosen m such manner, and in . i t...,i. n l,., , , . , . ■ .• P URSUANT to a.i order ofihe h«mn;'..hie court 1 such proportion, as they shall dcsignae ; and, j . ubinit the Subjoined ot ordinary of Elbert county, will be sold on > shall meet nt such time and place as shall be re P°r‘ ami st.itmTteiits. prescribed by the .aid ordinance ; and .bait llien | htntrmeilt A exhibits the condition of form tor the people of said territory, wittiia (lie the Hank ot the United States, and its boundaries aforesaid, a Constitution and .-tnte ollices, on the 30th of September, 1819. evoiMbrinadl slmlTb^^lipn^lihcam and'not repug” ' SUrement 1U>X,,i,,ks tl,C am0, ' nt of nant to to Constitution ol the (.nited Mali ipvlnl. (/hundred bxfo.Trim'e Ciirro.v"; f, r M ^ te rtsaM never 1 «e y.’urn .o, ; . t i.o. dtuna I. . AS tins j cpih will be eiven—ap’ih to Thomas Why. uiterlere with tlie primary disposal of the Boil .»y stitement ts IOUlKled upon tlie applua- I |)cruKi Ml A *1* 7 * I lll« I'nitwl nnr untK anv m.roltli.lm ' 4 1 tv.n.I,. 4 . . X 1 -. . x\ . ! the United Stales, nor with any regulations tion V6i'T6aad I ^' 0ns ? rts9 may find necessary tor securing the their and at the third tio;i to the coni mud 6 o was, oh,711,96o ; gravated ti.e efleets ol tl This statemet Uh/ 3 We are authorized to announce Col. jAiir.s Bom, a candidate fora member in the Representat ive chamber at the ensuing con gressional election in this state. jy We tire requested to state that Dr. Muses,ot Savannah, isao.ndidn'.c (or Congress. oy regulations t.uis made to the treasury under the l specie, $1,726,063 ; circulation, $4,- fins stntenieut umv ft!.- o ussi-t in c::.- n tiring the 6- . lr t s imposing stamp duties, it is believed 259,234 ; u'ttl discounts $12,939,360. plaining the cause of tlie r.cces.-it s whit i t U litn'ls*t'he'|!ro- 1 stihstaiifially correct. Tlie aver- By stateniint B, already referred (o, existed in 1814 for the susnensi"ii o', m no case shall a k e dividends, upon which the stamp it has been, shewn, tlmr, in tl*e year specie payments by the banks. I re it. Oy vv* are authorized to state that Gen’! \Vii,ky Ti! ompso v,is a candidate for Congress. petoy of the United States ; and in no case shall **K C UlVlUentls, upon Winch the Stamp non-resident proprietors be taxed higher than | duly was paid, during those years, a- residents. | mounted to about 7J per cent, upon the ti ?n C vf7"‘l’’? lt f" rthe ''fnactfil, That, until j nominal amount of capital ; it is, how- i me next general census shall be taken, the said , „r, i * • , . I State shall he ..milled to one Representative in f. ve, * tt of K ellenl1 notoriety, that I the House oi Representatives of the United : tiic ‘iividentls upon bank capital, actual- I States. i ly paid,exceeded that rate. If it is as- I Sec. 6. find !>r it further enacted, That the | stimod, that the dividends declared, atul following propositions he, and the same me here- upon which tlie duty was paid, atnoun- i ! !r J ' tr r? <*. ** ««• I ance orrejedion, which, if accepted by the con-1 V| en tl ! e Ci: P' al actually paid, in the year volition, shall be obligatory upon the United j 1317, instead of being more than $125,- istates: , 000,000, as it is exhibited in statement rust. That section numbered sixteen in eve- B, will be found to be about $91,000,000 ry township, and when such section has beeu ! sold or otherwise disposed of, other lands equi- I [JIY JtUVHOltliY.] AN ACT to authorize the people of Missouri Territory, to form a Constitution and Slate Government, and for the admission of such State into the Union vn an equal looting with the original states, and to prohinit slavery in i T'-irit-vics. /<’ it enacted bti the Senate v ul House of He. vicn in Congress assembled, That (he inhabitants of that portion of the Missouri Territory included within the boundaries hereinafter d 6 mated, he, and they are hereby, authorized toform for (hero- selves a Constitution aud State Government, shall i and to assume such name as they shall deem properj and the said state, when formed, shall be admitted into the Union, upon ah equal foot ing with the original states in all respects what soever. ScC 2. Jhul be it further enacted, That (he said Slate shall consist of all the territory inclu ded within the following boundaries, io wit : Beginning in the middle of the Mississippi river, on the parallel of thirty-six degrees ol north la titude : thence west, along that parallel of l»ti- iiic s, r lies, i'll,g„l, ts, 8cij5iv. s. Knives, Thim- bl ■ Needles ur.sarted iti b 'Uj, .S'mvingCases, ’Viu-lfiiig Boxes, Fortoiii shell Combs and Snuff Box , ..ui ,! An l Bell, for si Udt'en, Safe Book. *uti I’m its, Cloilnt a! i Inir Finishes, kc. ho. Ro. M in ifg.uille, March 27 24—fw N li. Clocks mnl Watches repaired and w:,r- rsatcil; if »nortl me oho j eH.', Old Gold and Sil ver r e. iv'L'.l for any ot the ahovt article s. > JAM) VV IN At J AI >K M V .—The «< fmid quaf- H . t ol i;i » luatilulion will ecnini.vuvL* f i nlon- fiu) ii»e lOlh ot April. Our may rest «o- i s«i*v evtn’) possible Aticuiioir will tto paid to t'u /Pt/i’aml tilerar} impi over.u ntulittteacr.olRra vomriiiUc.l loour clmi gD. Mr.HeorgeG fi’ f Aliose q iflil: iitiousiis an Instructor, art* too *av1I know n 11 iH.’tMl a comment, continues Ms i irviues in the Institution. C miiociiitg tint u • occupy a vciy Rspotksible st.*t ion, we fed it our duty to state thai It lias been, ami will be our obp ct to give our pu- \! : Is :i Ihwrough knowledge oi tliosi: l>ranchesto vlucli tli* v respectively Mtlevu); and in nom .iauce f t .i'; sake ot h visiutKiry populuritj to hurry Uicm over o iml'iludc ot b*>oks, without preparing them Hr a strict aud c iticat exnnurirttion in »ll ihuirstu- fi ' *?. It would he gruiitying to ua, il'lhuse who t‘u l i*it*:reit«:i| in the InstituMou v.o< I iVeQuent- visit ns. 9otue probably have h* it tolore been iirii\L*iied. Mom the tear ih:»t it would inteii^ipi the S'-hir !. f{*it wo can .assure them th-f we art? Dt no n hi* n.prepared to welcome a visitor who cornea 11 In t Mo recitations c f our pupilor ohatn’e tlie J’egtilRtiont ( f tho lui'itutit.n. To tlie particular irirndsrtfth^ Institution, vc return our liiar.k3 lor • mu patronagr* they hovo alreiidv given ms f and c »n aisure them that wo expect it? outinnawce only tt urn an unrcmiUed Httmiion to the urduouft duties riciimhuit on us. It’the huitiIkt ot scholurs will it, im additiou:*! teacher will be procured. At tliu chou of the ensnlnj-n j ..rter, two days will he exclusively devoted to tne public exunduattou of ttteschool, ft, iuUlnshsvc, rector. Milledgevfllc, April xYA, Ttti'or:. St Habit .Wu- .w-j.wv.u../- intorm the u iti/ens cdMil- ectgov.lle nn»l its vicinity, that they havii cotamen- '’ tlii--above bti3inc»3 i i the house formerly ockii- pit* t*y Mr. EvioAn, next tloor to the post-office, >hftroaU oid- i a in their lii.e will be prompt!; ut- to, nud work executed in the nealusi* and ^'*1 hwhtoiiftble loaoner. From their know ledge uaiuexs and strict attention to ti.e same, they ‘‘ A* 1 l ) intlh a sliaixa ol p: r I’iatcs, vcr v ! to the St. Francois river ; thence, up and very low— | following the course ot that river, in the middle of Ihe luaine channel thereof, to (he parallel of latitude oftliirtj-pjx degrees and tiiirt}' minutes; thence west, along the same, to a point where the said parallel 13 intersected by a meridian line passing thrnnyh the middle of the moutfi of the Kansas river, where (he same empties into the Missouri river; thence, from Ihe point afore said north, uion£ the said meridihn line to the intersection of the parallel oflatitudo which pas ses through the rapids of the river Dts Moines, t ki.ig the said line to correspond widi ihe In dian boundary line ; thence east, from the point of intersection hist aforesaid, along the snid par allel of latitude, to the middle of tlie channel of the main fork of the said river Des Moines; thence down, and along tin* midfile of the nmine channel of the said river Des Moines, to the mouth of Ihe same, where it empties into the Mississippi river ; thence, due east, to the mid- file of the main channel of tin: Mississippi river : thence down, and following the course of (he M. ussippi l iver, in the middle of£he mainchan- » d thereof, Io the place of bednr.iiig : P> ovulsJ 9 the said Slate shall rarifv tic-* boundaries afore said ; . bid provided also, that the said State shall ha\e ccnc’iiTcnt jurisdiction on the river Mis sissippi, and every other river bordering on the said State, so far as the said rher*. '■•Lall form a common boundary to tlie said State; and any other State or States, now or hereafter to be valent thereto aud as contiguous as mny he, shall bo granted to the slate for the me of the inhabi tants of such township for the use of schools. Second. That all salt springs, not exceeding twelve in number, with six sections of land ad joining to each, shall be granted I * the said able for the use of said state, the same to he selected by th* I ' 7i Matii**o of the said state, ‘..nor before the Iirst day cf January, in the year cue thousand Itut, when it is recollected that, after Hit; first payment required by the char ters of the different banks, they have generally u;nne into operation, it is pro bable, that a considerable portion of the remaining payments have added nothing to their active capital. This fact being assumed, aud a deduction being made of .Be .iinounc of pernialKtu jccoinmoidn- ijiit hundred and (wenty-iiie, and (he same, tion enjoyed by the stockholders, in lheir when,so selected, to be tt-ed under -«nch terms, respective hanks, the active bank cattilai sprihg,the right whereof now is, or hercuittr i n,, iiGdasin i l.ot t'Xceedinjg 5,0U0,* confirmed or adjudged to coy individual 4 600. I hat these deductions ooghltobc iOC 1814, the tMminal bank cat i* al in the the commencement of tie v,ar nt.tll thak Unitea Elates, exceeded $80,000,000.— event, a large amount of specie was ta- It is understood, that a large addition ken out ot me f’niietl States by the -in ; was made to it in that year, i.i several of of Rtigl’sh government bill t," at a tii. the states. If it be admitted that such count, frequently of fiom 13 to 20 pet addition amounted to $13,000,000, the cent. Immediately after the suspe, sior, bank capital in operation in the year they commanded a premium in those 1813, may beg»l*tfid nt 563,000,000.— places where the hanks had su«j>f ndt-d Allowing to tiiis capital the same arnuunt payment, which gradually rose to <: p, ■ of specie, circulation, and discounts, as cent.; whilst at Boston they remained was comparatively possessed hv the at a discount of about 14 per cent, until banks, comprehended in statement D, February, lyI5. the estimate will be, specie £28,000,000} Whatever may have beeu the degr-’c circulation,$C3,000,001;: ami discounts, of the depreciation of (he currency, it. $117,000,000. In 1815, the bank capi-11815, it continued to augment tluoj ;h- tal had increased to $88,000,000; whilst. out the first six months ol the vein ifc iti, upon the same piinciple of calculation,, if tlie rate cf t xrhange w ith Li,n n is the specie, would have heeri estimated at cousidciod conclusive evidence of that $16,500,000, circulation nt $99,060,000, fact. The excessive importations <„' hi d- and discounts at 150,000,000 do Is. Ap- isli merchandize during that p, rioA, itiij plying this principle to the 125,000,000 j in the pre. eding y« e.r, r i*d ; f ,,’( u ..'. dnls. of ban 1 .capital >u operation durinr count tor ti;e ii.c< :i-e of premmm paid the year 18 IS*, the specie possessed by upon stetlmg bills and »:U pro!. hivono all tlie bunks would amount to 21,500,- I if the principal < auaes of it. 'I m , doli- 000 dels.; circulation 56,0(>0,000 and discounts, 157,000.000 dols. These last results, with the exception oflhe discounts, very materially dilKt from th(>se which have b- as . y'.via-d l>y llUqtuutiouB which occtirrctl in t part of period, fund-" mnn however, for ascribing diem, it grec, to changes in (lie value o, ren.y, in which tin ir price u;. c l.ct.- reas(.i •lit. <l>: the mode ot calculation, previously a-j ted, rather tliau to lit'uy i n, probable or individuals, olirvll, by tUs section, be granted ; made, in an attempt to ascertain the re- t0 sai '> sklltl!: Jindprovided aUo, tliat the I.c-1 u | amount of bank capital, cannot, it is gi si at tire shall never sell or lease the same, at any | presumed,' be contested. 1 f a ouUteVon/eVoTcoru’ress. >,m eiJe U3W1 *" ^ el ’> to fke amount of $10,000, lias a I dopted. They,'nevertheless, furnish ina- j p!et of eschang -. >4 is Third. That five percent." of the net proceed* permanent accommodation, in the bank, i tenuis, which maybe useful in the pro-! tint the currency in th" .t pi; .ts \ ,i of the sale of lands Jying within the said territory of $8,000 he lias, in fact, but $2,000 oil gress ot this enquiry, cun ui them the it was note U!lVC(\l jIu ifJlfi :v, I J or state, Si which shall be sold by Congress, frnoi t capital in the bank. This is equally following deductions mny ue draw it: luted in value according to 9, and alter the first day ol January next, a * ler , true when a portion of his suosenption I lxt. 'Inat in the year 1815, the circu- 1 which w. ;o made, in imrticulai »,!•.« he I haS b i® n P a l i ' 1 wi . th hl ® own note.lmwiv- j [ation of hank notes, was neatly equal to prepare lor the n-sun.piio t.t q c of Which three-fifths shall be applied to those j er ? vcl1 endorsed, so long us the note re- to the bank capital : j payments, than thai the m i. j.. e <•! p objects within the state, under the direction of mains unpaid, itadds nothing to the real » -il. 1'hat in the year 1813, it exceed- incuts between riie two cam.niri > -I the Legislature thereof; and theotlier two-fifths j cajiital ot the bank. ed the c«| ital by one eighth : j have varied to such ari extent as i- ,i, in zltiraying, under the direction of Congress, Such, it is believed, has been the pro- 3d. That in the year 1819, it was less ' cated by tlie sudden, the expenses to tie incurred in making of a roan 1 ■ .... . . .. ! • 1 ■' ■ • ■ • • - • or roads, canal or canals. Fourth. That four and the same are hereby, granted to the said state For the purpose of fixing their scat of go vernment thereon, which said sections shall, un der tiie direction of the Legislature of said state, he located, as near as may he, in one body, at any time, in such townsnips aud ranges as the Ecgislnturc aforesaid may sc'ca i, on any of the ( public lands of the United t-'tuW s : Frovnh /, I that such locations shall he made prior to the ' public sale of the lands of the United fct&tee sur- i rotmding such in ;ilion. Fifth. That l!iirty-six sections, or one entire , , , , township, Widt h shall he designated !c. the l’re- »<>“•“ not command from banks, or tn- sidcnt of the United htates, togeUie.r*with the I dividuaU having real capital and estab- other lands hcrel-iforc reserved for thalp'jqxtra', I lislied credit. Hence, the multiplicity “hail bo reservud for the use- ol a S'-iuinury oi) 0 f local banks, scattered over the face of ; Learning, anil vested in the Legislsture of said j “lute, to be appropriated fnr the use of caqal«7e^^^ ! cess » the ca P itaI of most ol the j than tbft ca l )it al» nearly iff proportion of curred doling that period m ihe ratv of four entire sections of land hem |> an ks nas been formed, which have been 1 to 2-5: _ j exchange, teo far as these Pnctn .tuni.-; incorporated since the commencenient I 4th. That whilst the amount of bank ' areascribable to the curre of the late war. Since that period, banks I capital has increased since 1813, front rate of exchange was determine have been incorporated, not because 65 to 133 millions ; the metallic basis, siderubte appreciation of tliat curre: there was capital seeking investment: upon which the circulation of notes is 1 took place in the last months of t he not because the places where they were esfidhlished had commerce and manufac tures, which required their fostering aid : but, because men, without active capi tal, wanted the means of obtaining loans, which their standing in the community h Seminary by the said Legijlature : l‘ro- vitieil, that the five foregoing pi'iSpucttous here in offered are on (he condition that the i-onven- tion of the saitl state shall provide, by an ordi nance irrevocable without the content of (lie I !- nited .States, that every and each tract of land sold by the United States, from and after the K EISFEUJ, ecklha . t respectfully i»l< formed and bouuded by the same, slit'll rivers to | first day of January uexl, shall remain exempt from any tax laid by order or uud- r the autbori- tvof the state, whether for stale, county, or town- rhip, or any oilier purpose whatever, for the term of live years from and alter the day of sale— ami further, that the bounty lands granted, or hereafter to he granted, for military tcrvici sdtt- ring the late war, shall, wnile they continue M the bu ha to i April a IKDRCU, E.-ar-kliu eoun S 3 -T . I lin e, personal!t , o , Rie| being it ily swo .t, vi v'--«c'tl in |,b patron tor t! I.llli few , me before rne ibis it'hat ha a as per il name, m i ote ot b ind on M - ■ oand Walton, iu th-' a, !.i e-li. e'-untv, j ‘ "it of forty-two dollat ., dated about the ! -*t - >h <1 L> - rmherla, , anil «1tiuoneoi*a t ‘ ■ rilatv i id to, a via eipl fur ttvo oaskt 'hat 0 tobacco, .in -Dooley, of j ;’e '"'" I..';' 1 .... .. vhich jai (qeipc-.s are either ] -i i<i to Uul lie cannot come nt «hein. | Jo ft Huai. . ' ntc, this 1 HI March, lS.o. he common to both : and that the river Missis sippi, arid the navigable river* and waters lead ing into (lie same, shall be common highways, and forever free, a* well to the inhabitants of the said state as to other citizens of the United Stales, without any tax, duty, impost or toll, therefor, imposed by tha said slate. Sec. 3. ■ bid be it further eiuieied, That all tree white male citizen* of the United Steles, dial! have arrived at the age of twe nty-one veiirs, and have tq»ided in said territory three months previous to the day ot election, and all ether pi rsons qualified to vote for representatives to (he General As*cuibly of the said Territoiy, shall be qunliflt d to be' e'ected, and they are lure by qualified and authorized to vote, and choose representatives to form a convention, who shall be apportoined amongst the several counties as follows : Ei orn the county of Howard, five representa tive s. Front the county of Cooper, tlitec repre sentatives. From tlie county of Montgomery, two representatives. From the county ol Pike, ■ tic representative. From the cotiuly of Lincoln, i r.e representative. From the county of St (tharlcs, three repr. sentattves. From tiiccounty of Franklin, one representative. Fi-otu the coun ty of St. L ad.- tight representatives. From the county of Jefferson, one representative. From th- eounty of V. ashington, liir. e representatives. the enuutry, in particular parts of the U- nlon ; which, by the depreciation of their paper, have levied a tax upon the com munities, within tlie paie of their inliu- ence, exceeding tiie public contributions paid by them. Statement C presents the condition of the state banks, from which returns have Lieen received, or have been transmitted by the Secretaries of State cf different states, in conformity with the request of the treasury department. Ry compar- founded, has decreased in the proportion j 1816. From that period until the . ol l.j-5 to 28; being equal to 44-6 per) ent time, the circulation has rapidli cent i 5th. Tiiat the circulation of notes in Ihe year 1819, in proportion to the spe- < ie in the possession of the banks, excee ded that of 1813,25-9 : 6th. That in the year 1813, Ihe dis counts, in proportion to the bank capital cideu: in bet'ii ! It .'ieepl iu tuinished ; anil ail iht evils i a decreasing currency liavu in every part of tlie Union, some of tiie eastern states. If, as previously stated, lite (in ulatinn of 1H13 be admitted to lie the amount , r ■ - required to effect the exrhnnges of'the employed, exceeded those of 1815. in j coiunvuuity with facility and a.lvniSa-e tlie ratio of 18 to 17, and those of 1819,| a , lt i that, in the year 1815, that circuTa- m the ratio of 18 to 12: tion was extended to $!'9,D(J0.<)66, vvltici. th. I hat the increase Oi bank notes was, insome degree, augmented Fn I8|t.' the ci.i - ..... ....... ...v iiiviniKui uamv nuns was, in some degree, augmet in in on, between the years l'>io the extent of the iliminntion and 1815, exceeded the increase ol dis- 1 r ency, in the space of three Tear® i... counts during the same penotl, by 4,060,- 1 (, e perceiVed. Hut it is probable that 660 dols. ; whilst the specie in the the currency i.s 1815, ex’ r-.I.-d $9')- vaults of the banks, was diminished II,- *i(,o,0»JO. The banks, updn wl.ose sdua • (100,000 dols.: | tion that estimate is founded, were c-ln- 8th. That whilst between the years ; blished nt a period when (he practice ot 1315 arid 1819, an addition of 37,060,- dispensing with the pnvmcnt of these (/(ill dots, has been made to the nominal' portions id'their capital falling due al .: bu held by the patentees, or their heirr, remain j mpt as aforesaid from taxation lor the term j j,^ b( . cn created silice tlie year 181.. tents respectively. it v'll bediscovered, that bank capital to Sec. 7. And he it fnrth-r enacted, That, in; the amount of $ 18,000,000, contprehen- case a constitution ami state gim rumtni shad | d,..l in statement B, is not embraced in he (uroie-d lor the people oi tlie said territoij ul it. As the amount of bank capital ex- Mis'.ouri.tbe said convenU ni or repres, ntattves, h;bh . ;iliiifttatement ( . ^ , 0 as soon thereafter as mav he, snail cause a true , ,. , , and attested oopy of such constitution, or fr„ne I «;«» >«-• £9,838,000, the whole spe- of State government, as shall be formed urpro- cte possessed by the state banks may be vided. to be transmitted to Congress. estimated at St 12,250,000 ; if to this Sue-8. And />■ it further enacted, Tliat in ail suir* be the specie in the posses- that territory ceded by France to the lm" d | siou of th ,, |{ al|k 0 f the United States, rlnch lies | iiorln of thirty-six degree s and thirty north latitude, not included within the limits of the state contemplated by this act, slavery and ' cstimeted at $15,500,000. ing this statement with statement Jt, it { bank capital, but 6,000,000 dols. have , they went into operation, hod no: been will be perceived that it is very impel*- been added to the aggregate amount of i generally introduced, slotne of thim Independently of the banks which discounts: J did not suspend specie payments, during: It is probable, that, between the year the general suspension. The rest were 1811 and the year 1813, a considerable among the first to resume tiieir, and addition was made to the paper circula- have continued to the present time. 1c tion of the country. From a return of cannot be expected lint banks vv hick the former bank of the United states,; went into operation duri.ig ti c vva', and made to the treasury in 1808, it appears, alter the general suspension eccui.-;: that, with 13, >00,000 dols. of specie, it t were conducted with an equal tl<q -....of circulated only 4,787,000 dols. ot notes, prudence .and circumspmtio:. A rrt-.. Another return, made iu 1310, shews its i sonabl a Yfwance being made for L mi; condition was not materially changed.— notes supposed to be in circulation at W I-. ,. .. I I .. 1 I .. .. J I . . ....... «... ^ . L* : * .. 1 . t * t I I .1 ■ * II It . nU ... f . . * state*, under tlie name of Loui-iana, which lie*! | T n,t , u,e un, “ u portly alter the expiration ot its char- that pencil, out wiucn were, m fact, it north ". thirty-iix degrees am! thirty minute* ] ana lts °1nces, the specie capital tn all : ter, bank capital, to u great amount, was I the possession of other banks, and lor U.n the banks in the United States, may be | incorporated in some of the states. The j excess of issues beyond the estimate, the ,ik)0. lliere are | expenditures produced by the war, which j circulation may, it is believed, be sakdv J..I-I M’iluv irr, or i 1 b’U «n ?nd WttUt'H k ind iti f r s.ti ' [>» • *h f or ms ttwiiU Jc I <!. • >.-0 Cuv. i: .• Madrid v i r\v, imty ni'st. tienevunv, fourreprc- ITwui tlie county of Ma lison, one »*. rr«»:n this county of Cupc Girar i,n : • utiviives. From tl)i* ci untyoi' , t',io r< i re r cT.tiiMv* a. L*n-m tiie ,»vi , ttt-iit portion of 11;: county involuntary seivitudc.otli.-rwii- tlian in the pen- no means of ascertaining, with any de- was declared in 1812, without doubt, calculated at not less than $110,006,000. ^’'"Tr'c""^ fo^ ? |-e ® °* P r « c .‘ !,io ?» 6ie amount of specie i contributed,in some degree, to produce j The paper circulation iu 1813 has been ever prohibited 1 !" Provide,laU-aifs, aa'y'per- *o circulation ; it is probable, however, | the uilference iK’tvvepn tlie condition of estimated at 62,000,000'dols. At that sou escaping into the same, from whom !.. : >i,r or that U does not exceed $4,500,000. An- [ the sixteen banks already referred to,! period, however, gold and silvt r ‘nrmitt service iv lawfully claimed, iu any state or t,-r- Hunting tiiis amount to be nearly correct, : and that of the former batik of the Unit- j a substantial part of the currencv*. The rit"ry of tuu United state*, such (ugiiivi: rosy the whole metallic currency of the U-. e d States, lt'it be admitted, however, sixteen banks, in 18i5, proves thac illy reclaimed and conveyed t son claiming bis or her labor or seruci foresaiil. Ayproved—Washington, March C, 1 ! r j nion, may be estimated at $20,000,000. 1 Applying tlie same rule for ascertaining th*> rirculuUoD of the banka* not <;iiibru- prov tiiat the circulation in 1813 was not re- thedemand lor specie from tue vai Its, it must have become excessive j the banks was inconsiderable, ft . in 1815. An increase of the currency in ! therefore, prebajvle, fh-it the vhc’" ei